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ASSIGNMENT 1 Yr|Sec: Score:


The flowchart in the previous page is just a simple representation of the activities, plans,
and decisions that an accountancy student will encounter throughout his/her life for the
aim of becoming a successful CPA. A vital part of success lies in the never ending effort to
study and reach for your dreams. And prayers? Prayers will help you through it all.

As a prelude to Logic Design and Formulation with Unified Modeling Language, here are a
few sets of questions to guide you through Flowcharting:

1. What symbols are used to denote the beginning and ending of a flow of
processes/events? __________________________________________________________
2. There are several events wherein you have to choose between two alternatives.
What symbol represents the decision making process?
3. Processes are enclosed in rectangles. How many types of rectangular processes do
you see? What do you think is the difference between each type of process?
4. There are circles in the flowchart that contain single alphabet letters. What are they
for? ___________________________________________________________
5. What do you think is the relevance of arrows/pointer lines in the flowchart?

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