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Brand Name: Cosaar

Generic Name: Losartan Potassium

Classification: Angiotensin II receptor blocker
(ARB), Antihypertensive
Mechanism of Action: Inhibits vasoconstrictive and aldosterone-
secreting action of angiotensin II by blocking angiotensin II receptor
on the surface of vascular smooth muscle and other tissue cells.
Indications: Hypetension, Nephepatically in type 2 daibetic patients,
to reduce risk of CVA in patients with hypertension and left ventricular
- Patients hypersensitive to drug
Initial dose: 50 mg orally once a day
Maximum dose: 100 mg orally once a day
Side Effects: Headache, dizziness, dry skin, dry mouth, nausea,
Adverse Effects: Syncope, insomnia, Hypotension, Rash, urticaria, pruritus, alopecia,
Diarrhea, abdominal pain, constipation, URI symptoms, cough, sinus disorders, Cancer in
preclinical studies, back pain, fever, gout, muscle weakness
Nursing Implications:
- Administer without regard to meals.
- Monitor patient closely in any situation that may lead to a decrease in blood
pressure secondary to reduction in fluid volume--excessive perspiration,
dehydration, vomiting, diarrhea--excessive hypotension can occur.
- Monitor patients BP
- Assess renal function. Monitor I & O.
- Provide safety measures and assist patient in ambulation. Headache and
dizziness may occur.
- Provide mouth and skin care to prevent dryness
- Watch out for signs of hypersensitivity and refer accordingly any adverse
effects as well.

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