FINAL Written

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Management Communication

1. Which two are benefits of understanding your writing process?

a. Improves the reliability of your writing process
b. Increases your writing efficiency
2. Editing and correcting is 1 of 4 parts of writing process. True.
3. Revising is 1 of 4 parts of writing process. True.
4. 2 ways for generating ideas for a written passage
a. Asking questions
b. Making an outline
5. The goal of drafting is to write a first draft that expresses your thinking But isnt
necessarily ready for the audience
6. The goal of editing is to make the sentences look easy to read. True.
7. Not a quality of good business writing assertive.
8. Direct writing means telling the audience what the writer thinks. True.
9. Practice most important to clear writing using logical sentence structure.
10. Because reading is linear, writing needs a linear structure true.
11. The first step for writing for action style is find the action.
12. Using passive voice in business writing is never justified false.
13. Best definition of tone in writing writers attitude towards the audience and the
subject as conveyed through a message.
14. Best word to describe: we have enjoyed many successes over the past few quarters but
success is never guaranteed and can evaporate quickly cautious.
15. The following topic implies an informative purpose: the terms of a companys tuition
support for employees doing academic work related to job true.
16. The following topic implies an informative purpose: the advantages of doing job
related academic work false.
17. Narrative can be an effective organizer of informative communication true.
18. Order of importance can be an effective organizer of informative communication
19. The opening of an informative communication has 3 functions. What is the 3rd one
connecting the information to audiences existing knowledge
20. The purpose of persuasive writing is to motivate an audience to think, feel or act in
the way the communicator intends.
21. In business persuasion usually involves one or two communications false.
22. You can use same audience analysis questions for informative and persuasive writing
23. Reason is a resource for creating persuasion true.
24. Character is a resource for creating persuasion true.
25. Emotions are too unpredictable to use for persuading a business audience false.
26. Which is seldom used for persuading business audience all are frequently used.
27. Writers in business have to be ready to receive unanticipated information and adapt
their persuasion messages as necessary true.
28. Action plans are critical to organizations because they translate thoughts into action.
29. Not an essential element of action plan argument.
30. The goal of an action plan summarizes the major outcomes of the plan true.
31. It is usually not necessary to divide an action plan into short term and long term steps
32. Digital disinhibition means the tendency of people using digital media to say things
they would never say if the recipient were physically present true.
33. Not one of the 6 steps stated in Guidelines for Writing Successful Emails dont be
concerned about the spellings or punctuations.
34. Recipients of ultra-short messages dont care about sentence constructions etc. false
35. Ultra-short messages cannot be used for persuasion false.
36. The author of a long business document has to put a limit on the amount of detail
37. Which correctly states the trade-off of long business documents comprehensive
coverage of a topic vs audience reluctance to read.
38. Not a means of engaging the readers of a long document interesting facts even if
not closely related to the topic.
39. Persuasion is becoming more important as command-and-control management
recedes true.
40. Persuasion is always a competitive activity in which there are winners and losers
41. Which undermines the effectiveness of slides in a presentation putting too much
information in a slide.
42. Average time an adult can fully concentrate less than a minute.
43. 1 important implication of adults attention span for presenters they must
constantly reengage the audience.
44. Persuasion is a win or lose activity false.
45. Argument is usually the core of persuasive business presentations true.
46. Audience emotions have a strong influence on audience members receptiveness to
persuasion true.
47. Which statement about the first impression of a speaker is accurate based on very
limited information.
48. Which behaviour does not help manage hostile or impolite audience members
confronting someone who disagrees with you
49. Hall Effect is audience members attitude towards a speaker based on what they know
and feel about him from the past true.
50. Which is not an accurate statement about spoken arguments they should contain as
much evidence as possible.
51. Developing an entire presentation in PowerPoint is likely to put too much focus
52. Which statement about slides and other visuals in presentations is true learning
research supports using slides and other visual elements in a presentation
53. Which statement about opening of a presentation is accurate it should give a
roadmap of the presentation
54. In their presentation closings, the speakers should summarize the key points of the
55. When developing a presentation from a report, the speaker should include as much
document as possible false
56. Which accurately states the first step of preparing a presentation generating ideas
and taking notes.
57. When practising a presentation you should always try to speak out loud true.
58. Which is not a good way to energize a presentation using confrontational or
critical language.
59. Which is an effective analogy we can draw lessons from the situation our main
competitor faced 10 years ago.
60. Animation with no other purpose than to entertain detracts from a presentation true.
61. Charts and graphs are usually better suited for presentations than spreadsheets true.
62. The goal of presentation should determine the slides, not the other way around true.
63. Function of a roadmap slide show the audience the major parts of a presentation.
64. At the end of the presentation a slide that helps summarizes the key points can help
the audience remember them true.
65. Not an essential quality of effective slides media use.
66. Which of the following is true Good presenters break down complexity into
smaller pieces and show how they fit together.
67. Lead lines of any length help the audience remember the main point of a slide false.
68. The trade-off between using bullet points on slides and avoiding them is that they
communicate information but often too much of it.
69. Most presenters do not feel nervous false.
70. Not a major cause of communication apprehension length of the presentation
71. Which does not help manage communication apprehension ignoring anxiety
72. Which is a basic characteristic of presenting voice speed
73. Presenters should speak so that the farther person can clearly hear them true.
74. Which is not a form of immediacy behaviour loud voice
75. Which is an important form of non-verbal communication facial expressions
76. Audiences usually do not have negative reactions to a speaker who appears
uncomfortable false.
77. Which describes a potentially serious side effect of presenters using slides break
eye contact with audience
78. Researchers think moving arms and hands helps people make their thoughts more
concrete true.

1.The outline below is the most logical order of elements of a decision argument: False

2. Select the item that is not a bias affecting communication: Quantitative bias

3. which of the following questions is not used for organizing thinking about the communication :

4. is this statement an accurate assumption for the argument below: Players who could:True

5. Why is persuasion important in business: it is a catalyst for getting work done

6. which of the following is the function of an assumption : it provides the logical connection
between evidence and conclusion

7. select a scenario in which a diagnostic argument could be most helpful : AN CCOUNTING


8. SELECT THE STATEMENT that best states what a writer or a speaker should know about using
emotion in a message : all of the above

9. select the organiser most appropriate for the following informative message : an intern is
preparing : frequency

10.Select a statement below that best explains how communicator can use character in a message:
understanding how to move the audience to the desired perception of the speaker or writer

11. Character is the audiences perception of the speaker : true

12. Select the statement that most accurately describes the role of emotion in communication :
emotions can strongly influence how an audience reacts to a message

13. when a situation or outcome needs a casual explanation a diagnostic argument is needed: True

14. Select the question that best helps a communicator understand the audience : what does the
audience know about the topic and how do they perceive the speaker/writer

15. You need to understand the purpose and audience before you start the work on the message:

16. Select the scenario in which a decision argument could be most helpful : the us postal services
faces an uncertain future

17. WHAT Does informative communication do ? : describe or explain some aspects of reality

18. Understanding your audience will help you achieve the purpose of your communication : true

19. what is the most important element of an evaluation argument? :


20. An assumption must be acceptable to the audience : true

21. In business what is the most important tool for creating a persuasive message : reasoning
22. what is persuasive communication : using language to motivate an audience to think, feel or act
in the way the communicator intends

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