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Neal 1 Formatted: Right

Jamison Neal Commented [1]: Last name & page number

Ms. Cook


October 1st, 2017

I Have a Dream... That I Cant Remember

Picture this: a man standing before thousands of men. His voice booming, reaching every

corner of the globe. Sweat clinging to his brow as he delivers one of the single greatest and

momentous speeches of all time. This man is Martin Luther King Jr. the civil rights activist that

laid down the foundation on how we view and treat each other as people. His speech hits many

different aspects of literature such as similes and metaphors to create strong images in the

audience's minds. He also effectively uses ethos pathos and logos to give himself credibility by

demonstrating moral, passionate, and logical thinking.

Let's start with ethos. Using ethics to establish credibility is a popular tool amongst

writers and public speakers. MLK Jr. uses this tool to argue against the discrimination between

the black man and the white man. Its ethically and morally wrong to segregate certain peoples

based on their race. Throughout his speech MLK Jr. talks about oppression, segregation, police

brutality, and many other morally wrong things in this world:;

There are those who are asking the devotees of civil rights, "When will you be satisfied?"

We can never be satisfied as long as the Negro is the victim of the unspeakable horrors of

police brutality. We can never be satisfied as long as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of

travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities. *We

cannot be satisfied as long as the negro's basic mobility is from a smaller ghetto to a

larger one. We can never be satisfied as long as our children are stripped of their self-
Neal 2 Formatted: Right

hood and robbed of their dignity by signs stating: "For Whites Only." We cannot be

satisfied as long as a Negro in Mississippi cannot vote and a Negro in New York believes

he has nothing for which to vote. No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied

until "justice rolls down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream. (MLK Jr. I

Have a Dream)

MLK Jr. list all of these moral injustices and tells his audience that they will never be satisfied

until something is done about this. MLK Jr. also directly references the constitution, which at the

time did not protect all of its citizens, to further emphasize the discrimination between the blacks

and the whites:; I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true

meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,

(MLK Jr.). So to briefly summarize, MLK Jr. effectively establishes credibility in his work using

ethics and morals to argue his cause. He will also use logic and emotions as powerful weapons of


Up next is pathos, using emotion to connect with an audience and try to win them over.

MLK Jr. pretty much nailed this one. His way of speaking was already full of emotion and truth.

Couple that with his thought out metaphors and symbolisms and King is able to rally a crowd in

any place. No matter if it's 20 degrees in the late winter night or a very hot Aaugust day, King

finds a way to connect.

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its

creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."I have a

dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of

former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.I have a

dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of
Neal 3 Formatted: Right

injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of

freedom and justice. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a

nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their

character. I have a dream today!I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its

vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of

"interposition" and "nullification" -- one day right there in Alabama little black boys and

black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and

brothers. I have a dream today! I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted,

and every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and

the crooked places will be made straight; "and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and

all flesh shall see it together, (MLK Jr.).

Kings famous line I have a dream is famous for a reason. That single repetition, that single

phrase make Kings crowd roar that day. And every repetition of it the crowds collective roar

only grew. King was a very emotional speaker, and that greatly influenced his speeches into

becoming more powerful and persuasive. Also with every repetition his voice got louder,

stronger. His voice resonated throughout the audience calling to them. Calling for action, for a

change. And the change he seeks is the only logical solution.

The last literary tool King uses throughout his speech is logos. Using logic to support an

argument or claim. Logical is a critical tool that we make use of in our everyday lives. And most Commented [2]: fragment

people use logic as reason for what they believe or but their faith in. And King knew this. He

knew that when he delivered his speech if it was logical, if it made sense to the public, people

would put their faith in him.;

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But there is something that I must say to my people, who stand on the warm threshold

which leads into the palace of justice: In the process of gaining our rightful place, we

must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by

drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred. We must forever conduct our struggle on

the high plane of dignity and discipline. We must not allow our creative protest to

degenerate into physical violence. Again and again, we must rise to the majestic heights

of meeting physical force with soul force (MLK Jr.).

King argues that it is only logical to fight this injustice with non-violent protest. If you fight a

fire with another fire you are liable to get burned. Instead, King argues, find the solution that

allows the flames to die out. King is able to effectively tie logic into his argument thus making it

a stronger and more effective speech.

So in conclusion King is able to clearly demonstrate a basic understanding of ethos,

pathos, and logos as shown in his speech I Have a Dream. His speech is able to persuade an

audience that change is inevitable, and that it is the only logical solution for the injustices they

have faced are persevered.

Neal 5 Formatted: Right

Works CitedCitations

King, Martin Luther. I Have a Dream. Martin Luther King I Have a Dream Speech - American


Martin Luther King Jr., A&E Networks Television, 29 June 2017,

McGill, Sarah Ann. Martin Luther King Jr. 2017. Commented [3]: When were these incorporated in the

Rubric rating submitted on: 10/14/2017, 6:33:16 PM by

5 4 3 2 1 0

Introduction 5 = Fully 4= 3= 2= 1= 0 = No
W.2.a & and Demonstrat Attempted to Attempted to Attempted to attempt
Conclusion creatively ed demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate made
W.2.e demonstrate Introduction ; a couple ; a few ; several Introduction
Your score: d W.2.a errors exist errors exist errors exist W.2.a
5 Introduction -Intro Introduction Introduction Introduction -Intro
W.2.a paragraph W.2.a W.2.a W.2.a paragraph
-Intro captures the -Intro -Intro -Intro captures the
paragraph readers paragraph paragraph paragraph readers
captures the attention. captures the captures the captures the attention.
readers -A brief readers readers readers -A brief
attention. summary of attention. attention. attention. summary of
-A brief the text(s) -A brief -A brief -A brief the text(s)
summary of analyzed is summary of summary of summary of analyzed is
the text(s) given to the text(s) the text(s) the text(s) given to
analyzed is anticipate analyzed is analyzed is analyzed is anticipate
given to the readers given to given to given to the readers
anticipate knowledge anticipate anticipate anticipate knowledge
the readers level--no the readers the readers the readers level--no
knowledge more than a knowledge knowledge knowledge more than a
level--no couple level--no level--no level--no couple
more than a sentences. more than a more than a more than a sentences.
couple -Intro couple couple couple -Intro
Neal 6 Formatted: Right

sentences. paragraph sentences. sentences. sentences. paragraph

-Intro clearly -Intro -Intro -Intro clearly
paragraph introduces paragraph paragraph paragraph introduces
clearly the thesis clearly clearly clearly the thesis
introduces and topic of introduces introduces introduces and topic of
the thesis the body the thesis the thesis the thesis the body
and topic of paragraphs and topic of and topic of and topic of paragraphs
the body that are the body the body the body that are
paragraphs clear, paragraphs paragraphs paragraphs clear,
that are sophisticate that are that are that are sophisticate
clear, d, and clear, clear, clear, d, and
sophisticate insightful. sophisticate sophisticate sophisticate insightful.
d, and Conclusion d, and d, and d, and Conclusion
insightful. W.2.e insightful. insightful. insightful. W.2.e
Conclusion -Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion -Conclusion
W.2.e restates W.2.e W.2.e W.2.e restates
-Conclusion thesis, -Conclusion -Conclusion -Conclusion thesis,
restates reviews the restates restates restates reviews the
thesis, topics/claim thesis, thesis, thesis, topics/claim
reviews the s in the body reviews the reviews the reviews the s in the body
topics/claim of the essay, topics/claim topics/claim topics/claim of the essay,
s in the body offers s in the body s in the body s in the body offers
of the essay, closure and of the essay, of the essay, of the essay, closure and
offers answers the offers offers offers answers the
closure and So What? closure and closure and closure and So What?
answers the question. answers the answers the answers the question.
So What? So What? So What? So What?
question. question. question. question.

Body W.2.b 5 = Fully 4= 3= 2= 1= 0 = No

Your score: and Demonstrat Attempted to Attempted to Attempted to attempt
5 creatively ed demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate made
demonstrate Body W.2.b ; a couple ; a few ; several Body W.2.b
d -Each body errors exist errors exist errors exist -Each body
Body W.2.b paragraph Body W.2.b Body W.2.b Body W.2.b paragraph
-Each body begins with -Each body -Each body -Each body begins with
paragraph a clear, paragraph paragraph paragraph a clear,
begins with sophisticate begins with begins with begins with sophisticate
a clear, d, insightful a clear, a clear, a clear, d, insightful
sophisticate topic sophisticate sophisticate sophisticate topic
d, insightful sentence. d, insightful d, insightful d, insightful sentence.
topic -Claims, topic topic topic -Claims,
sentence. reasons, sentence. sentence. sentence. reasons,
-Claims, and -Claims, -Claims, -Claims, and
reasons, evidence reasons, reasons, reasons, evidence
and are and and and are
evidence effectively evidence evidence evidence effectively
Neal 7 Formatted: Right

are structured are are are structured

effectively and effectively effectively effectively and
structured organized in structured structured structured organized in
and a logical and and and a logical
organized in sequence organized in organized in organized in sequence
a logical with a logical a logical a logical with
sequence effective sequence sequence sequence effective
with transitions. with with with transitions.
effective -The effective effective effective -The
transitions. significance transitions. transitions. transitions. significance
-The of the claims -The -The -The of the claims
significance is clearly significance significance significance is clearly
of the claims established of the claims of the claims of the claims established
is clearly for the is clearly is clearly is clearly for the
established audience established established established audience
for the throughout for the for the for the throughout
audience the body. audience audience audience the body.
throughout -Maintains a throughout throughout throughout -Maintains a
the body. consistent the body. the body. the body. consistent
-Maintains a focus -Maintains a -Maintains a -Maintains a focus
consistent throughout. consistent consistent consistent throughout.
focus Ideas focus focus focus Ideas
throughout. always throughout. throughout. throughout. always
Ideas related back Ideas Ideas Ideas related back
always to thesis in always always always to thesis in
related back order to related back related back related back order to
to thesis in prove the to thesis in to thesis in to thesis in prove the
order to central order to order to order to central
prove the claim. prove the prove the prove the claim.
central -A clear, central central central -A clear,
claim. accurate claim. claim. claim. accurate
-A clear, analysis of -A clear, -A clear, -A clear, analysis of
accurate the use of accurate accurate accurate the use of
analysis of rhetoric analysis of analysis of analysis of rhetoric
the use of within the the use of the use of the use of within the
rhetoric text is rhetoric rhetoric rhetoric text is
within the apparent. within the within the within the apparent.
text is text is text is text is
apparent. apparent. apparent. apparent.

Evidence & 5 = Fully 4= 3= 2= 1= 0 = No

Elaboration and Demonstrat Attempted to Attempted to Attempted to attempt
RL. 1 creatively ed demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate made
Your score: demonstrate Evidence & ; a couple ; a few ; several Evidence &
3.5 d Elaboration errors exist errors exist errors exist Elaboration
Evidence & RL. 1 Evidence & Evidence & Evidence & RL. 1
Elaboration -Contains Elaboration Elaboration Elaboration -Contains
RL. 1 effective, RL. 1 RL. 1 RL. 1 effective,
Neal 8 Formatted: Right

-Contains specific, -Contains -Contains -Contains specific,

effective, relevant effective, effective, effective, relevant
specific, examples specific, specific, specific, examples
relevant and details relevant relevant relevant and details
examples to back up examples examples examples to back up
and details major claims and details and details and details major claims
to back up in each body to back up to back up to back up in each body
major claims paragraph major claims major claims major claims paragraph
in each body and the in each body in each body in each body and the
paragraph thesis. paragraph paragraph paragraph thesis.
and the -Clear and the and the and the -Clear
thesis. reflection on thesis. thesis. thesis. reflection on
-Clear the evidence -Clear -Clear -Clear the evidence
reflection on is reflection on reflection on reflection on is
the evidence referenced the evidence the evidence the evidence referenced
is from the text is is is from the text
referenced and referenced referenced referenced and
from the text thoroughly from the text from the text from the text thoroughly
and and clearly and and and and clearly
thoroughly explained to thoroughly thoroughly thoroughly explained to
and clearly the and clearly and clearly and clearly the
explained to audience. explained to explained to explained to audience.
the - the the the -
audience. Demonstrat audience. audience. audience. Demonstrat
- es - - - es
Demonstrat thoughtful Demonstrat Demonstrat Demonstrat thoughtful
es consideratio es es es consideratio
thoughtful n of the task thoughtful thoughtful thoughtful n of the task
consideratio and consideratio consideratio consideratio and
n of the task thoroughly n of the task n of the task n of the task thoroughly
and answers the and and and answers the
thoroughly prompt. thoroughly thoroughly thoroughly prompt.
answers the answers the answers the answers the
prompt. prompt. prompt. prompt.

Mechanics, 5 = Fully 4= 3= 2= 1= 0 = No
Usage & and Demonstrat Attempted to Attempted to Attempted to attempt
Style creatively ed demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate made
W.2.c,d & L. demonstrate Mechanics, ; a couple ; a few ; several Mechanics,
1&2 d Usage & errors exist errors exist errors exist Usage &
Your score: Mechanics, Style Mechanics, Mechanics, Mechanics, Style
5 Usage & W.2.c,d & L. Usage & Usage & Usage & W.2.c,d & L.
Style 1&2 Style Style Style 1&2
W.2.c,d & L. -Sentence W.2.c,d & L. W.2.c,d & L. W.2.c,d & L. -Sentence
1&2 variety and 1&2 1&2 1&2 variety and
-Sentence word choice -Sentence -Sentence -Sentence word choice
variety and is effective variety and variety and variety and is effective
Neal 9 Formatted: Right

word choice and word choice word choice word choice and
is effective sophisticate is effective is effective is effective sophisticate
and d. and and and d.
sophisticate -A formal sophisticate sophisticate sophisticate -A formal
d. style and d. d. d. style and
-A formal objective -A formal -A formal -A formal objective
style and tone is style and style and style and tone is
objective established objective objective objective established
tone is and tone is tone is tone is and
established maintained established established established maintained
and & and and and &
maintained -Writing is maintained maintained maintained -Writing is
& clear, & & & clear,
-Writing is concise, and -Writing is -Writing is -Writing is concise, and
clear, strong. clear, clear, clear, strong.
concise, and -Sentences concise, and concise, and concise, and -Sentences
strong. demonstrate strong. strong. strong. demonstrate
-Sentences correct -Sentences -Sentences -Sentences correct
demonstrate usage, demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate usage,
correct punctuation, correct correct correct punctuation,
usage, capitalizatio usage, usage, usage, capitalizatio
punctuation, n, and punctuation, punctuation, punctuation, n, and
capitalizatio spelling. capitalizatio capitalizatio capitalizatio spelling.
n, and n, and n, and n, and
spelling. spelling. spelling. spelling.

MLA Format 5 = Fully 4= 3= 2= 1= 0 = No

W.8 and Demonstrat Attempted to Attempted to Attempted to attempt
Your score: creatively ed demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate made
4 demonstrate MLA Format ; a couple ; a few ; several MLA Format
d W.8 errors exist errors exist errors exist W.8
MLA Format -Information MLA Format MLA Format MLA Format -Information
W.8 from the text W.8 W.8 W.8 from the text
-Information is integrated -Information -Information -Information is integrated
from the text into the from the text from the text from the text into the
is integrated essay is integrated is integrated is integrated essay
into the selectively into the into the into the selectively
essay to maintain essay essay essay to maintain
selectively the flow of selectively selectively selectively the flow of
to maintain ideas, and to maintain to maintain to maintain ideas, and
the flow of overreliance the flow of the flow of the flow of overreliance
ideas, and on the text ideas, and ideas, and ideas, and on the text
overreliance using overreliance overreliance overreliance using
on the text transition on the text on the text on the text transition
using words/phras using using using words/phras
transition es. transition transition transition es.
Neal 10 Formatted: Right

words/phras Plagiarism is words/phras words/phras words/phras Plagiarism is

es. avoided by es. es. es. avoided by
Plagiarism is each quote Plagiarism is Plagiarism is Plagiarism is each quote
avoided by being avoided by avoided by avoided by being
each quote appropriatel each quote each quote each quote appropriatel
being y cited using being being being y cited using
appropriatel in-text appropriatel appropriatel appropriatel in-text
y cited using citations and y cited using y cited using y cited using citations and
in-text a works in-text in-text in-text a works
citations and cited page. citations and citations and citations and cited page.
a works -Paper is a works a works a works -Paper is
cited page. formatted cited page. cited page. cited page. formatted
-Paper is according to -Paper is -Paper is -Paper is according to
formatted MLA formatted formatted formatted MLA
according to guidelines according to according to according to guidelines
MLA (header, MLA MLA MLA (header,
guidelines font, guidelines guidelines guidelines font,
(header, spacing, (header, (header, (header, spacing,
font, margins, font, font, font, margins,
spacing, page spacing, spacing, spacing, page
margins, number, margins, margins, margins, number,
page etc). page page page etc).
number, number, number, number,
etc). etc). etc). etc).

Total: 22.5/25 x 4 = 90/100

Your essays are always so easy to read because they're unique and have their own voice. You
always do a great job with style. This essay offers a very good analysis of MLKJ's speech.
You've organized your points very well and supported each one sufficiently. You do an excellent
job explaining each piece of evidence and how it supports your point. There were some minor
errors with punctuation. Also, you should lead into your quotes instead of consistently tacking
them onto the end of a thought. This is okay to do on occasion, but almost every quote was
done this way. The works cited page should also be titled appropriately. The biggest error is that
you don't incorporate any additional sources into your analysis. They're on your works cited
page, but I don't see any mention to them in your essay. Make sure you fully respond to the
prompt and that you only cite sources actually used in your essay on your works cited page.

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