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Strangers Law society,

step up to province to
give money
help man INNOCENCE from GT1

go home They said they would be focusing

their efforts on their 85-case backlog.
The freeze on opening new files will
GILBERT NGABO be lifted in January as a result of the
new funds and new cases will be add-
People are stepping forward with of- ed to the queue.
fers to help send Mike Mallard home The province will provide the orga-
for the holidays after he was profiled nization with $275,000 annually and
Tuesday. the Law Society of Upper Canada
It would be a terrible shame if they will provide an additional $25,000
couldnt be together for Christmas, annually, resulting in a total of
said Tim Reynolds, who offered to $900,000 over three years.
buy a plane ticket so Mallard could The organization, which was
spend Christmas with his 91-year-old founded in 1993, has played a role in
mother Marjorie, who lives in North EDUARDO LIMA/METRO NEWS exonerating 21 wrongly convicted
Bay. I was touched by him remind- People are helping Mike Mallard, who lives in a rooming house, go see his 91-year-old mother in North Bay. Canadians, including David Mil-
ing us all that Christmas and human- gaard, Guy Paul Morin, Steven Trus-
ity starts and ends with the little As a mother, Im sure his mother the streets. thing to see her again. In her memo- cott and seven victims of disgraced
things that brighten a day and can would be thrilled to see him, June That would be so much better, he ry I feel moved to help Mike see his pathologist Dr. Charles Smith.
mean so much. Dunn wrote in her offer to help re- said. But Id also love to see my mom again. Catharine Ontario Attorney General Yasir
For the past three years, Mallard unite the two. I havent got a lot of mum, even though she might force I am a senior citizen myself and I Naqvi acknowledged the importance
has dedicated himself to collecting money, but I feel this is something I me to shave my beard which has tak- have a son. If he was in that situation of funding Innocence Canada, stat-
cans and using the deposit money to have to do. en me three years to grow. Id hope someone would reach out to ing that the criminal justice system is
buy ornaments for an evergreen tree Mallard called the messages heart- help him. As a mother, Im sure his not infallible.
in a community garden near Dundas warming. It shows me there are still Offers of help mother would be thrilled to see him. We strive to make our courts more
and George Sts. a tradition born some good people in the city, he said At the age of 91, she probably doesnt I havent got a lot of money but I feel accessible, more timely, more re-
out of his passion for the season and during a Tuesday ceremony at have a lot of Christmases left and Im this is something I have to do. sponsive. But we dont always get it
a ban on individual trees at the near- Church of the Holy Trinity to re- sure Mike would love to go and see June Dunn right, Naqvi said.
by rooming house where he lives. member homeless people who have her. I would like to buy him a bus Id be very happy to meet this gen- The simple reality is that despite
It was Mallards comments about died on the streets. ticket to go see her this Christmas tleman and offer him whatever help I our collective best efforts we some-
how the tree reminds him of his As much as he appreciates the gen- along with a little spending money to can give. What he is doing with that times do get it wrong.
mother and his familys love of erosity, Mallard said hed rather have get him there and back. My mothers Christmas tree is amazing. He de- Thats why its so important to
Christmas when he was growing up the would-be donors help some of name is Marjorie, too, and I lost her serves the support from all of us. have an organization like Innocence
that most touched readers. the many people who are living on two years ago and would give any- Drupati Maharaj Canada as part of our justice system.
It is an organization that advocates
for those who are all but forgotten by
society, for people who are in the

Privacy breach affects 200 Hamilton health records most vulnerable of situations.
Russell Silverstein, co-president of
Innocence Canada, said on Tuesday
that this infusion of financial sup-
Organization found hack fy the doctors office in question, Ter- the practice manager of a physicians Ryerson University, said the situa- port allows us to go back to where we
ry McCarthy, executive director and office that had recently taken over a tion is enormously concerning. were and run our operation fully.
involved remote viewing privacy officer, confirmed the breach roster of patients. Personal health information is the It marks an important change in
of electronic patients files involved an unauthorized, remote In this case, McCarthy says the doc- most sensitive type of personal in- the culture of access to justice and
viewing of some electronic patient tor immediately contacted the elec- formation out there, and it deserves the fight against wrongful convic-
MOLLY HAYES files. tronic medical record vendor and the strongest protections, she said. tions to have the government recog-
Thats hacking, says former pro- blocked further access, then contact- Obviously if you are dealing with nize the reality of this phenomenon
The Hamilton Family Health Team, vincial privacy commissioner Ann ed the privacy commissioner. electronic medical records, you must and the importance of the work we
a non-profit corporation that pro- Cavoukian. You dont have some- The HFHT, which also provides have the strongest security possible. do, Silverstein said.
vides clinical and administrative as- one snooping (in the office). You privacy training and will act as priva- People need to be assured their data Despite these funds, Silverstein
sistance to 166 doctors, confirmed have potentially widespread access cy officers, assisted with a detailed is going only to the intended parties. said they will work to rouse public
Tuesday that personal letters were online. audit of the files that had been ac- On Tuesday, the privacy commis- support to encourage donations
sent out to 204 patients last week to The breach was detected in Sep- cessed and confirmed Tuesday that sioners office said that without the from the private sector and individu-
inform them of a privacy breach of its tember, McCarthy said, during a rou- none had been altered. name of the doctors office, it could al donors, so that they will not be-
files at a local doctors office. tine privacy audit, during which the Cavoukian, executive director of not confirm reports of a breach or come dependent on the government
While the HFHT refused to identi- HFHT offers technical support, by the Privacy and Big Data Institute at offer additional information. forever.

Victims waited far too long for justice

ROTHBART from GT1 pain and falling in and out of con- ring when administering epidurals.
sciousness. He donned his face mask before he
These patients were infected with She had developed an epidural ab- had performed hand hygiene.
the same strain of the bacteria with scess at the site of the injection. He wore gloves too big for his
which the doctor was colonized. Levac, now 70, spent weeks in hos- hands.
Between 20 and 40 per cent of the pital and was left with disabilities The nose piece on his face mask
population carries staph A. bacteria from permanent nerve damage. She was not pinched.
in their nasal passages and on their cannot control her bladder and bow- His procedure room was not ade-
skin. It can cause life-threatening ill- el, is unable to walk without a cane quately cleaned.
ness if it enters the body through a and suffers from pain and weakness. Perells ruling noted that James was
wound or injection. She just underwent her fourth sur- unaware of infection control stan-
The six patients are entitled to gery for a blocked bowel. dards issued by the College of Physi-
compensation, the amount of which I dont know how many more I can cians and Surgeons of Ontario.
will be determined at upcoming go through, said Levac, who yearns Medical negligence lawyer Paul
hearings. for her once vibrant life, which in- Harte, who represents Levac and
Three other patients referred to in cluded snowmobiling, camping and other patients harmed at the clinic,
the lawsuit had different strains of lots of socializing. She also had big welcomed Perells decision.
the bug. They are eligible for com- plans for travel in her retirement This is good news for the victims of
pensation if they can tie their in- years. the Rothbart clinic outbreak. They
fection to the pain clinic, according I cant do any of that anymore. I have been waiting for justice for far
the ruling. have no life. I just sit and watch life go too long, he told the Star.
Lawyers have since said they have by, she said. Lawyer Darryl Cruz, who repre-
heard from a total of 19 patients who Most of her outings these days con- sents James, said he did not have
allege they were harmed at the clinic. sist of doctors appointments, she permission from his client to com-
The additional patients may also be said. ment on the case.
eligible for compensation, again if Levac noted that she lives on a fixed James had wanted Levacs motion
they can show they were infected at income and said that financial com- for a summary judgment dismissed,
the clinic. None of the allegations pensation could help in covering the arguing that a full trial was needed.
from the additional patients have cost of extra expenses she has from Harte said he was pleased for his
been tested in court. her disabilities, including inconti- clients that Perell saw fit not to go
Lead plaintiff Anne Levac said she nence supplies. that route, noting that it would have
is pleased that James is being held The College of Physicians and Sur- prolonged their quest for justice.
accountable. geons of Ontario last year found This is an important example of
Perhaps other outpatient clinics James guilty of professional miscon- the court taking the opportunity to
will take heed and be more aware of duct and incompetence and stripped provide timely, efficient justice in the
sterile conditions, she told the Star. him of his licence for 10 months. face of clear medical malpractice.
Levac received an epidural steroid The 2012 Toronto Public Health in- Harte and other medical negli-
injection from James at the clinic in vestigation found many shortcom- gence lawyers have complained that
August 2012 to ease chronic back ings in James infection control prac- it takes too long for victims of medi- TS08
pain. Two weeks later, she was tices. Among them: cal malpractice to receive compensa-
rushed to hospital in excruciating He did not remove his wedding tion.

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