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CHEMISTRY Ch # 5 (2nd Half)

XI (F.Sc.)

17-12-2013 10 10 MINUTES
Q.No.1 Choose the best option. 10
(i). Which of the following will emmit x-rays with shortest wavelength.
(a) Al (b) Cu (c) Av (d) Na
(ii). Bohr model of atom is contradicted by
(a) Plancks quantum theory (b) dual nature of matter
(c) Heisenbergs uncertaintry principle (d) all of these
(iii). If an electron revolving in first orbit of hydrogen atom is having 0.33nm wavelength
then what should be the wavelength of proton traveling with same velocity.
(a) 0.33 nm (b) 1.79x10-4nm (c) 1.79x10-2nm (d) data not enough
(iv). Splitting of spectral lines when atoms are subjected to strong electric field is called.
(a)zeeman effect (b) stark effect (c) photoelectric effect (d) compton effect
(v). Self rotation is responsible for ______________ of electron
(a) electric field (b) magnetic field
(c) position avound the nudeus (d) magnetic quantum no

(vi). Quantum number values for 2p orbitals are

(a) n = 2, l =1 (b) n =1 , l = 2 (c) n =1, l =0 (d) n = 2, l = 0
(vii). Which of the following phenomenon supports heisengevgs uncertenity principle.
(a) zeeman effect (b) comptons effect (c) photo elective effect(d) stark effect
(viii). Orbitals having same energy are called
(a) hybrid orbitals (b) valence orbitals (c) degenerate orbitals (d) d-orbitals
(ix). S-orbital cannot be further subdivided this is explaind on the basis of
(a) spin quantum no (b) azimuthal quantum no
(c) principle quautum no (d) magnetic quantum no.
(x). When 6d orbital is complete, the entering electron goes into
(a) 7f (b) 7s (c) 7p (d) 7d


Q.No.2. Write short answers of the following questions. (10 x 2 = 20)

(i). What should be the wavelength of electron traveling at half speed of light?
(ii). Give shape of graph between i & Z for k series of x-rays also equalin this relation.
(iii). Prove that
(iv). Visible light cannot determine the position of electron give reason.
(v). Explain term electron cloude.
(vi). How probability distribution of electron pressented by schrodinger is related to Bohrs first
(vii). Define quantum number.
(viii). Draw electronic configuration of Cu-29 & Au-79.
(ix). When quantum number has 7 valus. Why?
(x). Define Hunds rule with examples.
Q.3 (a) Explain azimothal quan turm number and its purpose. 06
(b) What are x-rays? How are they produced. Give a steup to determine their properties. 04

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