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Dynamics 8-1

Dynamicsthe study of moving objects.

Kinematics the study of a bodys motion independent of the forces on

the body.

Kineticsthe study of motion and the forces that cause motion.

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Dynamics 8-2
KinematicsRectangular Coordinates

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Dynamics 8-3a1
KinematicsPolar Coordinates

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Dynamics 8-3a2
KinematicsPolar Coordinates

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Dynamics 8-4a
KinematicsCircular Motion

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Dynamics 8-4b1
KinematicsCircular Motion

Angular velocity =

Angular acceleration =

Tangential acceleration =

Normal acceleration =

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Dynamics 8-4b2
KinematicsCircular Motion
Example (FEIM):
A turntable starts from rest and accelerates uniformly at 1.5 rad/s2. How
many revolutions does it take for the rotational frequency to reach 33.33
$ rad '$ rev '$1 min ' rad
" = 2#f = & 2# )&33.33 )& ) = 3.49
% rev (% min (% 60 s ( s
tf tf %tf2
"= # 0
$dt = # 0
%tdt =
! "
! 2

(3.49 rads
= 4.06 rad
2$ 2 1.5 s ( )(
2 )

4.06 rad
n= = 0.65 revolution
! 2"
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Dynamics 8-5a1
KinematicsProjectile Motion

Constant acceleration formulas:

s = s0 + v0t + 21 at 2
v = v0 + a0t
v2 = v20 + 2a0 s " s0 )

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Dynamics 8-5a2
KinematicsProjectile Motion

Example 1 (FEIM):
A projectile is launched at 180 m/s at a 30 incline. The launch point
is 150 m above the impact plane. Find the maximum height, flight
time, and range.

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Dynamics 8-5a3
KinematicsProjectile Motion

h" = v sin# + at = 0
max 0

% m(
'180 * 0.5
& s)
( )
t = $v =$ = 9.18 s
max 0
% m (
'$9.8 *
& s)
h = h + v t sin# + at
0 0

% m( % m(
h = 150 m + '180 *(9.18 s)(0.5) $ '9.8 *(9.18 s) = 563 m
& s ) & s )
2 ()
2 2

h = 0 = 150 m + 90t $ 4.9t


By the quadratic equation, t impact

= 19.9 s
cos 30 = 0.866
R = R + v t cos #
impact 0 0 impact

% m(
= 0 + '180 *(19.9 s)(0.866) = 3100 m
& s)

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Dynamics 8-5b1
KinematicsProjectile Motion
Example 2 (FEIM):
A bomber flies horizontally at 275 km/h and an altitude of 3000 m. At
what viewing angle from the bomber to the target should the bomb be

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Dynamics 8-5b2
KinematicsProjectile Motion

# m& 2
himpact = at =
2 %"9.8 2 (t = "3000 m
$ s '
t= = 24.7 s
# km &# m &# 1 hr &
%275 (%1000 (% ( = 76.39 m/s
$ hr '$ km '$ 3600 s '
# m&
( )
Rimpact = R0 + v0t = 0 + % 76.39 ( 24.7 s = 1887 m
$ s'
R 1887 m
) = arctan impact = arctan = 32.2
himpact 3000 m

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Dynamics 8-6a
KineticsNewtons 2nd Law of Motion

For a constant mass,

One-dimension motion

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Dynamics 8-6b1
KineticsNewtons 2nd Law of Motion

Example (FERM prob. 6, p. 15-5):

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Dynamics 8-6b2
KineticsNewtons 2nd Law of Motion

Example (FERM prob. 6, p. 15-5):

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Dynamics 8-7a
KineticsImpulse and Momentum
Impulse (constant mass in one dimension)


Impulse-Momentum Principle

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Dynamics 8-7b1
KineticsImpulse and Momentum
Example 1 (FEIM):

A 0.046 kg marble attains a velocity of 76 m/s in a slingshot. Contact

with the slingshot is 1/25 of a second. What is the average force on
the marble during the launch?
# m&
(0.046 kg)% 76 (
m"v $ s'
Fave = = = 87.4 N
"t 0.04 s

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Dynamics 8-7b2
KineticsImpulse and Momentum
Example 2 (FEIM):

A 2000 kg cannon fires a 10 kg projectile horizontally at 600 m/s. It

takes 0.007 s for the projectile to pass through the barrel. What is the
recoil velocity if the cannon is not restrained? What average force
must be exerted on the cannon to keep it from moving?
mprojectile"vprojectile = mcannon"vcannon
(10 kg)(600 ) = (2000 kg)(vcannon )
vcannon = 3 = initial recoil velocity

(10 kg)(600 )
m"v s = 8.57 #105 N
! F= =
"t 0.007 s

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Dynamics 8-8a
Work & Energy
Potential Energy

W = PE2 " PE1 = mg(h2 " h1)

Kinetic Energy of a Mass

Spring (linear)
! Fs = kx where the spring is
W = KE2 " KE1 = 21 m(v22 " v12 )
compressed a distance x

Kinetic Energy of a Rotating Body

W = PE2 " PE1 = 21 k(x22 " x12 )

W = KE2 " KE1 = 21 I(#22 " #12 )


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Dynamics 8-8b
Work & Energy
Conservation of Energy
For a closed system (no external work), the change in potential
energy equals the change in kinetic energy.
PE1 " PE2 = KE2 " KE1
PE1 + KE1 = PE2 + KE2

For a system with external work, W equals PE + KE.

! W1"2 = (PE1 # PE2 ) + (KE2 # KE1)
PE1 + KE1 +W1"2 = PE2 + KE2

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Dynamics 8-8c
Work & Energy
Impacts: Momentum is always m1v1 + m2 v2 = m1v"1 + m2 v"2
conserved. m1 = m2sov1 + v2 = v"1 + v"2 = 0.85 # 0.53 = 0.32
Elastic Impacts: Kinetic energy is 2 2
m v12 + 21 m v22 = 21 m v"1 + 21 m v"2
conserved. 2
2 2
v12 + v22 = v"1 + v"2
Solving two equations and two unkowns:
Example 1 (FEIM): v"1 = #0.53 m/s
Two identical balls collide along
their centerlines in an elastic v"2 = 0.85 m/s
collision. The initial velocity of
Therefore, (A) is correct.
ball 1 is 0.85 m/s. The initial
velocity of ball 2 is 0.53 m/s.
What is the relative velocity of
each ball after the collision?
(A) 0.53 m/s and 0.85 m/s
(B) 0.72 m/s and 1.2 m/s
(C) 5.1 m/s and 1.2 m/s
(D) 0.98 m/s and 1.8 m/s
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Dynamics 8-8d
Work & Energy
Example 2 (FEIM):
Ball A of 200 kg is traveling at 16.7 m/s. It strikes stationary ball B of
200 kg along the centerline. What is the velocity of ball A after the
collision? Assume the collision is elastic.
(A) 16.7 m/s
(B) 8.35 m/s
(C) 0
(D) 8.35 m/s
mA = mBsov A + vB = v"A + v"B = 16.7 m/s
2 2
v2A + v2B = v"A + v"B
There are two possible solutions for these equations.
v"A = 0, v"B = 16.7 m/s
! or
v"A = 16.7 m/s, v"B = 0
Since there must be a change in the collision, ball As velocity must be 0.
Therefore, (C) is correct.
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Dynamics 8-8e
Work & Energy

Inelastic Impacts: Example 1 (FEIM):

Kinetic energy does not have to be A ball is dropped from an initial height
conserved if some energy is converted ho. If the coefficient of restitution is
to another form. 0.90, how high will the ball rebound?
(A) 0.45ho
v" # v" = #e(v # v )
1 2 1 2 (B) 0.81ho
where e = coefficient of restitution (C) 0.85ho
m v (1+ e) + (m # em )v (D) 0.9ho
v" = 2 2 1 2 1
m +m 1 2
mgh = 21 mv2
m v (1+ e) + (em # m )v v = 2gho
v" = 1 1 1 2 2

m +m

1 2 v" = #ev = #e 2gho = 2gh"

h" = e2ho = (0.9)2 ho = 0.81ho

! Since there must be a change in the

! collision, ball As velocity must be 0.
Therefore, (B) is correct.

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Dynamics 8-8f
Work & Energy
Example 2 (FEIM):
Two masses collide in a perfectly inelastic collision. What is the
velocity of the combined mass after collision?
m1 = 4m2 v1 = 10 m/s v2 = "20 m/s
(A) 0
(B) 4 m/s
(C) 5m/s
(D) 10 m/s
Perfectly inelastic means the masses collide and stick together.
m1v1 + m2 v2 = m3 v3
m3 = m1 + m2 = 5m2
" m% " m%
4m2 $10 ' + m2 $(20 ' = 5m2 v3
# s& # s&
" m% " m%
5m2 v3 = $40 'm2 ( $ 20 'm2
# s& # s&
v3 = 4 m/s
Therefore, (B) is correct.
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Dynamics 8-9a


Example (FEIM):
A snowmobile tows a sled with a weight of 3000 N. It accelerates up a
15 slope at 0.9 m/s2. The coefficient of friction between the sled and the
snow is 0.1. What is the tension in the tow rope?
Fslope = Frope " (Ffriction + Fgravity ) = maslope
Frope = Ffriction + Fgravity + maslope
= mg sin15 + mg cos15 + maslope
= (3000)(0.2588) + (3000 N)(0.1)(0.9659)
! " %
$ 3000 N '" m%
+$ '$0.9 2 '
$ 9.8 m '# s &
# s2 &
= 1342 N

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Dynamics 8-9b1

Plane Motion of a Rigid Body

Similar equations can be written for the y-direction or any other
coordinate direction.

Example (FEIM):
A 2500 kg truck skids with a deceleration of 5 m/s2. What is the
coefficient of sliding friction? What are the frictional forces and normal
reactions (per axle) at the tires?

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Dynamics 8-9b2

The force of deceleration is equal to the friction force.

" m%
Fdeceleration = (2500 kg)$5 2 ' = Ffriction = mg
# s &
" m%
= (2500 kg)$9.8 2 '
# s &
! " m %" m%
= $5 2 '$9.8 2 ' = 0.51
# s &# s &
The moment about the center of gravity, MA, must be equal to zero.

! "M A = (4.5 m)NB # (2 m)mg # (1 m)(Fdeceleration ) = 0

# m& # m&
= (4.5 m)NB " (2 m)(2500 kg)%9.8 2 ( " (2500 kg)%5 2 ( = 0
$ s ' $ s '
! NB = 13,667 N
# m&
N A = mg " NB = (2500 kg)%9.8 2 ( " 13 667 N = 10833 N
! $ s '
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Dynamics 8-10a1

Rotation about Fixed Axis

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Dynamics 8-10a2
Example (FEIM):
A mass m is attached to a rope wound around a cylinder of mass mC
and radius r. What is the acceleration of the falling mass? What is the
rope tension?

There are three simultaneous equations for the movement of the mass,
the cylinder, and the relationship between the two:
mg " F = ma
Fr = I#
#r = a
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Dynamics 8-10a3

Fr = I
mC r 2a mC
F= = a
2r 2 2
! mC
mg " a = ma
m+ C
! 2
Solving for F,
mC mC m mmC
! F= a=g = g
2 " m % 2m + mC
2$m + C '
# 2 &

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Dynamics 8-10b

Centripetal Force
The force required to keep a body rotating about an axis.

(r is the distance from the center of mass to the center of rotation.)

Centrifugal Force
The reaction to centripetal force.
The centrifugal force, like any inertia force, should not be used in
free-body diagrams.

Example (FEIM):
A 2000 kg car travels 65 km/hr around a curve of radius 60 m.
What is the centripetal force?
65 km/hr = 18.06 m/s
" m%
(2000 kg)$18.06 '
m v2 # s&
Fc = = = 10900 N
r 60 m
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Dynamics 8-10c

Banking Curves

Example (FEIM):
A 2000 kg car travels at 64 km/hr around a banked curve with a radius
of 150 m. What should the angle between the roadway and the
horizontal be so tire friction is not needed to prevent sliding?

" km %" m %" 1hr % m

$ 64 '$1000 '$ ' = 17.8
# hr &# km &# 3600 s & s
" " m% %
$ $17.8 ' '
" v2 % # s& '
( = arctan$ ' = arctan$ = 12.1
# & $ " m % '
$ $9.8 '(150 m) '
## s& &

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Dynamics 8-10d
Free Vibration
Spring and Mass:

Natural Frequency:


For initial conditions x(0) = x0 and x'(0) = v0,

For initial conditions x(0) = x0 and x'(0) = 0,

Torsional Free Vibration:

Natural frequency: "n =


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Dynamics 8-10e1
Example (FEIM):
A 54 kg mass is supported by three springs, as shown. The starting
position is 5.0 cm down from the equilibrium position. No external
forces act on the mass after it is released. What are the maximum
velocity and acceleration?

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Dynamics 8-10e2

From the solution to the differential equation,

#v &
x(t) = x0 cos "nt + % 0 ( sin"nt
$ "n '
v(t) = x)(t) = *x0"n sin"nt + v0 cos "nt

But, v0 = 0; so v(t) = "x0#n sin#nt

! x0 = 0.05 m
k = k1 + k2 + k3 = 1750 +1750 + 4375 = 7875
! m m m m
k m = 12.08 rad/s
"n = =
! m 54 kg
% rad (
v = x# = ($0.05 m)'12.08 * sin12.08t
& s )
= "0.604 m/s sin12.08t

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Dynamics 8-10e3

The maximum velocity is when sin 12.08t = 1. Because the motion is

oscillatory, the maximum velocity occurs in both directions.

vmax = 0.604 m/s

$ rad '
a = v" = (#0.05 m)&12.08 ) cos12.08t
% s (
amax = 7.30 m/s2

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Dynamics 8-11a1

A yoyo (mass m, inertia I about center of gravity) is placed on a

horizontal surface with a coefficient of friction . The string, wrapped
underneath, is pulled with a force F. Determine if the yoyo will slip on the
floor and which direction it will rotate as a function of F.
The two equations for the movement of the center of gravity and the
rotation are
F + R = ma
Fri + Rro = I"
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Dynamics 8-11a2
There are two possibilities for the
third equation: slip or no slip.
No slip: R < mg " a = #ro $

Solving these 3 equations with 3

unknowns (, a, and R) leads to
! r #r
" = #F o i 2 $ " < 0
I + mro

Fro ro " ri ) #a > 0
I + mro2 The yoyo is moving to the right while
! wrapping itself on the string. The
I + mri 2 solution for R gives the condition for
R = "F
I + mro2 no slip.
I + mr 2

F < mg o

I + mr 2

! i

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Dynamics 8-11a3

Slip: R = mg
Solving these 3 equations lead to
F " mg
Fri " mgro
The yoyo always moves to the right, but can rotate forward or backard
depending on the value for F.
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