Delegation Coordinating Efforts and Team Assessment 1

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Delegation/Coordinating Efforts/Team Assessment

Name: Project: Period:

Define the Following Terms in relation to your Project:

Delegate:is the assignment of any responsibility or authority to another person, normally

from a manager to a subordinate, to carry out specific activities
Cross-functional team: is a group of people with different functional expertise working
toward a common goal.
Performance: is a set of performance management and analytic processes that enables the
management of an organization's performance to achieve one or more pre-selected
Empathy:is the ability to identify and understand another's situation, feelings and motives
Recognition:Acknowledgment, cognizance, or confirmation of the particulars of an event,
object, person, phenomenon, or right, before it takes place.
Morale: the confidence, enthusiasm, and discipline of a person or group at a particular time
Need for timely feedback
Ability to capture team members communication
Participant understanding of teamwork
Diversity of team members: We want to make sure that we have volunteers that are from
many different clubs and any different grades to ensure that we reach out to as many
people as possible.

Answer questions in anticipation or reflection of your project


1. Why do people have problems delegating tasks?

a. Because they dont know a person's certain abilities or dont have an
organizational structure that allows them to see what jobs need to be
2. Why is it important to delegate tasks?
a. It is important to delegate tasks so that everything can be accomplished
in a timely and organized matter, and so that people stick to what they
are assigned and arent confused.
3. Discuss when delegation is appropriate.
a. Delegation is an extremely important part of planning an event because
there are so many things that need to be handled. It is especially needed
during the event because we will not be able to oversee everything at
4. What factors did/will you consider when selecting the person to whom to delegate
a. We will consider what their strengths and weaknesses are, and what
they will be best at accomplishing in a given time frame.
5. Why is it important to follow-up in delegating job tasks?
a. You have to make sure that the people you assigned tasks to are
following through with what they have to do.
Delegation/Coordinating Efforts/Team Assessment
Name: Project: Period:
6. Give an example of how you demonstrated how to delegate work to others.
a. We could assign someone that is good with technology to handle the
speakers and such at the talent show.

Coordinating Efforts of Cross Functional Teams to achieve project/company goals:

7. Compare the characteristics of cross-functional teams with those of traditional teams?

a. People in a cross-functional team all posses different strengths and
fields of expertise who work for individual goals that make up the
overall goal, while a traditional team may be composed of people who
have the same strengths and work towards one overall goal.
8. What factors should you consider when setting up cross-functional teams?
a. Some factors to be considered are what jobs are most vital to be
completed, and how many people in a certain expertise would be
needed to complete those jobs.
9. Identify occasions when the use of cross-functional teams is beneficial to a business?
a. This is almost always beneficial to a business because it is better to
have people who are experts in their area because then you can make
sure they go well.
10. How would you manage cross-functional teams?
a. Every team member would be in charge of their area and then Ofri ad I
would be overseeing them and walking around and checking in with
them. We could also have walkie talkies to make it easier to
11. Give an example of how to coordinate the efforts of cross-functional teams.
a. Give them specific tasks and stay in costant communication.

Complete the table below based on your project.

In coordinating team efforts, I . . .

Criteria Yes No

Acted as a coach rather than a traditional manager

Relied on team members to make decisions

Ensured that the teams efforts supported the projects goals

Acted as the liaison between stakeholders and team members

Encouraged participation from all team members

Resolved team conflict

Delegation/Coordinating Efforts/Team Assessment
Name: Project: Period:
Obtained needed resources for the team

Ensured that all team members clearly understood the projects purpose
and goals

Maintained orderly meetings

Exhibited good interpersonal skills

Kept team members motivated and involved in project activities

Considered a variety of points of view

Encouraged the use of teamwork

Praised and thanked team members for a job well done

Assessing Team Performance:

- The event has not happened yet

1. Why do we need to assess team performance?
a. We need to assess team performance to make sure that everyone is
working well and efficiently so that the overall goal can be reached and can
be the best possible.
2. What is the importance of measuring both outcomes and processes associated with
team performance?
3. How do you plan or did you measure team performance?
4. What techniques did you use or plan to use to get teams back on track?
5. Give an example of how you plan or did assess team performance?

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