Uniform Commercial Code - Discharge and Payment

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12/19/2017 Uniform Commercial Code - Discharge and Payment



Home Searches Can debt collectors and creditors refuse my payment?

Can debt collectors and creditors refuse my payment?

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See Payment refusal options below.

Some people believe that collectors and creditors cannot legally refuse your payment or payment
offer. Others believe that as soon as collectors and creditors refuse your tender of payment
they forfeit the right to collect on the account and the debt is discharged.
The law that is often misquoted is called the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) and, when it is
misquoted, people are led to believe that if a payment offer is refused, the debt is wiped out.
Using this logic, I could offer a $5 payment on a $10,000 debt and if the creditor or collector First Name
refused my offer, the debt is discharged. If this were the case, everyone would be making $5 Last Name
offers and clearing their debt. Heck, if we all did that this country would be debt free in no time.
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Below is the section of the UCC that is always misinterpreted, but first, understand payment contract with the law firm to whom your inquiry/submission
is referred.
arrangements are about leverage, and you need to know your bargaining power before going into
any negotiation. Get FREE answers and a FREE financial analysis from experienced Debt Help

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(a) If tender of payment of an obligation to pay an instrument is made to a
person entitled to enforce the instrument, the effect of tender is governed by
principles of law applicable to tender of payment under a simple contract.
(b) If tender of payment of an obligation to pay an instrument is made to a
person entitled to enforce the instrument and the tender is refused, there is
discharge, to the extent of the amount of the tender, of the obligation of an
indorser or accommodation party having a right of recourse with respect to the
obligation to which the tender relates.
(c) If tender of payment of an amount due on an instrument is made to a
person entitled to enforce the instrument, the obligation of the obligor to pay
interest after the due date on the amount tendered is discharged. If
presentment is required with respect to an instrument and the obligor is able
and ready to pay on the due date at every place of payment stated in the
instrument, the obligor is deemed to have made tender of payment on the due
date to the person entitled to enforce the instrument.

From my research, this law does NOT

apply to the cancellation of credit
contracts. Article 3-603(b) refers to the
tender of payments using negotiable
instruments (checks, bank drafts, and
so forth) and, if the payment is refused,
the amount of the tender is discharged.
So, even if this rule did apply, the only
amount that is discharged is the face
value of the negotiable instrument.

So, in my opinion anyone quoting this

law as a means to discharge credit
contracts are misinterpreting the law. Learn more here

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Uniform Commercial Code

So what are my options when debt collectors refuse my

payment offer?
First, you need to know that there is no law that compels collectors to accept your payments or
payment offer or agreement letter.
Second, recognize that negotiate with collectors on the phone is difficult at best because they are
trained to control the conversation. Unless you are a very skilled negotiator, youll only end up
angry, scared or frustrated. Use this script for when bill collectors call, and you may want to enlist
a Debt Help Lawyer to handle your negotiations .
Third, always check the Statute of limitations on debt collection BEFORE making any payment
If you want to make a payment offer, PUT IT IN WRITING! That way you and the
collector have a record of your good faith effort to resolve the issue.
Use these sample letters:
Debt Payment Agreement Letter
Use this letter when you want to make a payment offer.
Payment Termination Letter
Use this letter when you have been making regular payments and the collector
suddenly demands more money.

Using letters becomes extremely important if you have to defend your actions in court. Judges
want to see what you have done to take care of the debt and written payment offers are strong
evidence of your good faith.
When collectors first attempt to collect they can be very aggressive and may refuse to cooperate!
They are trained to only accept certain types of payments such as full payments, post-dated
checks, electronic payments and so forth. Send your payment offer in writing and let them accept
or decline your offer. If they accept, youll probably never receive anything in writing that says
they accept your plan however, the sample letter covers this with a statement that says, Please
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note that accepting (cashing) this payment constitutes a payment agreement between us
according to the terms outlined above.
KEEP ACCURATE RECORDS! Keep copies of every letter you send and everything they send
including the envelopes.

What about creditors who refuse payments?

Most creditors will work with you if you call them BEFORE the account goes delinquent! Letting
them know ahead of time shows that you care and helps maintain your credibility. Mind you that
not all creditors will work with you regardless of your previous payment history. Ive seen people
miss a payment for the first time in 10 years and their creditor had no mercy.
Early intervention may get your creditor to: See these guidelines for
negotiating with creditors
eliminate late charges on your account.
not report your delinquency to credit reporting agencies.
permit you to make interest-only payments for awhile
Prevent your utilities from being cut off.
Not turn your account over to a collection agency
Defer payments to the end of your contract.

Failing to contact your creditor is a big mistake but it happens and eventually they call demanding
the full balance or payments much higher than you can afford. Keep in mind that, just like
collectors, creditors are not compelled to accept your payment offer. The idea that they have to
accept your payment or discharge the debt is a myth (see first paragraph).
When creditors refuse payments, its usually because company policy prohibits it. It cant hurt to
ask and if your first offer is declined, ask what they feel is an acceptable payment. You may have
to negotiate for awhile and what ever you do, DO NOT agree to terms that you cannot afford.
Agreeing to terms you cannot afford is dangerous and only leads to another broken promise
down the road and ruins your creditability.

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As a last resort if they refuse to work with you, send a written payment offer anyway. They may
just accept it even after refusing your plan on the phone.


June 24, 2014 at 3:40 pm

What can you do if a plaintiff wins a civil case against you and refuses payment in full? I have tried to pay the court directly and they only do that for small
claims. Can I take the plaintiffs to court or have the debt be dismissed if they refuse payment in full? I need this off my credit because it is hurting my job

June 25, 2014 at 10:26 am

If you are trying to pay a judgment in full and the creditor refuses, that may be an unfair or deceptive trade practice and an unconscionable act
under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. But someone refusing payment in full I an odd situation and it would seem doing so is only aimed
increasing interest.

It sounds like you may need the backing of a Debt Help Lawyer to square this debt away. Call 888 595 9111 for a free no obligation consultation.

January 26, 2015 at 10:34 am

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I am in this same situation. I made 2 offers, one was a lump sum of roughly 40% of the judgment amount. It was refused. The second was
a series of monthly payments totaling the full judgment amount. Also refused. They said its not enough. We will only accept payment in
full. Since they already have a judgment my guess is they are just wanting to add interest. I submitted a final offer of payment in full with
the amount THEY sent me in a letter dated a week before I made the offer. This most recent offer has not been acknowledged. If this is
refused, would I have grounds to have the judgment overturned? I also disputed their statutory interest since the statute in my state
requires a signature from the person being charged (me), and there are NO documents to be found with my signature on them and the
judgment does not state an interest rate. The judgment says by agreement however I was not served as the address on the summons
was incorrect and I did not appear in court. Alas it was 6.5 years ago.

February 4, 2015 at 10:43 am

You likely have experienced some sort of Fair Debt violation(s), and even if not, it sounds like you would benefit from re-
prioritizing your debts through debt settlement, and the Debt Help Lawyers at this site can provide you a free, no obligation Fair
Debt consultation. The worst thing to do is nothing, so call us now at 888-595-9111 and we will get started figuring our how to
help you!

September 13, 2015 at 11:59 pm

From experience I have secured my credit filing a ucc1 with the state that is reporting the debt to the collection agency then there is the A4V method
as well. Read Ucc 3-603(b) and google A4V

September 23, 2016 at 11:21 pm

How am I able to do this?


January 4, 2017 at 1:01 am

A creditor accepted my two late payments, sent me a receipt and took the money out of my account. Two weeks later they say they cant accept and
deposits it back into my bank account say its in collections. Can they do this?
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July 26, 2014 at 11:17 am

Via certified mail, I sent a letter offering payment in full for a debt and my only terms were that they remove the in collections status from my credit report
and that they accept this to send this to me in writing. Their reply was to send me a stock this is an attempt to collect a debt letter and didnt say if they
accepted or declined my offer and they ask that I call them. I am willing to pay in full, but they are refusing to put anything in writing. What should I do?

August 6, 2014 at 3:07 pm

Sounds fishy. Dont pay anything without adequate assurances. You can try to get those assurances yourself (for example, write the conditions in the
memo part of the check, or send a letter with the check stating acceptance of the check constitutes an agreement), or you can just get a Debt Help
Lawyer to assist you, whether it be in negotiating down the balance or suing under the FDCPA. These guys will consult you for free and represent
you at little to no cost to you.

December 26, 2016 at 8:22 pm

I have a question. I had two small ($120.00, $40.00) overdue hospital bills. I went through a divorce this year and I rarely got my mail.
Last month I paid off both debts to the hospital and they took the money our of my checking account. Now weeks later I get a letter saying
they couldnt accept my payments because it had recently been turned over to a collection agency. I looked at my bank account and they
had actually deposited both amounts back into my checking account. Is this legal?

September 8, 2014 at 9:55 am

I have been treated in a very rude manor by NES (Debt Collection Agency). I wanted to clear my credit as I lost my job and was unemployed for a period of 6
months. I paid off all old debt after being re-employed and contacted each debtor on my own I contacted each debtor and most worked well with me,
though paying off all credit card was a mistake. It had no effect at all on my credit but still showed as Negative due to payments (even if paid off) was late.
CareCredit with GE Captial turned me over to NES collection agency. I called them and I told them I could make arrangements, pay them monthy, etc..or a
lump sum, but I was told by the rep with NES that they would not mail me a statement, a receipt or anything and that they HAD to AUTO DEDUCT from my
bank acct every month. I allowed them to do this, until my 6 mnth contract job paying fairly good money ended. I called NES and asked if they could delay

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the ACH payments from my acct as I was once again unemployed and they began to get too personal with me, making statements, asking questions: such as,
Okay, we can charge you double the amount from your bk acct next mnth! I assured them the money would not be there. The rude lady on the phone then
stated, Hmmm, so I bet youre on unemployment, right??? You are arent You She was very rude. Thats none of her business, but, the answer was
absolutely No no unemployment. Only a lot of bills, rent, and Im a single mom with a son in college with Aspergers syndrome of whom I help financially.
They did not care. I called finally the original debtor (CareCredit a small loan for emergency dental work that had to be done) I explained the situation
to them, though I also, as they told me, let them know that I was also recording the call. (I have it on my phone now) In short, Ive paid well over the amount
of the loan ($1000.00) and am now only paying interest. 2 more payments left of 137.00 per mnth auto deducted from my account. I am about to call NES
again to NOT deduct from my account until I have some kind of receipt, statement or proof of payment. I was told by CareCredit (original debtor) that NES
wouldnt give me a statement or mail / email any proof of payment. How do I know that CareCredit will receive notice that I paid them off??? I honestly dont
know the credit protection laws in Texas and would like to know if they can demand Auto Drafts from your bank account. I am again unemployed and my son
needs helpi havent paid my health insurance premium in 2 mnths and have health problems. Would love to know TX law in regard to NES demanding to
deduct from my bank account!

September 10, 2014 at 3:00 pm

No one can demand bank account info, least of all a debt collection company like National Enterprise Systems (NES). So dont give it to them, and
dont fall for their bullying.

Whats more, the things they said to you sound like they are on the cusp of, if not past the point of, violating the FDCPA. Violations of the FDCPA
entitle you to up to $1,000 statutory damages, plus actual damages, plus attorney fees, so it costs nothing out of pocket, win or lose, to retain a
Debt Help Lawyer from this website.

Please contact us today, your story is troubling and wed like to help. You may even qualify for our debt settlement services. Call 888-595-9111 or
just enter your info into our easy online case review form.

October 28, 2014 at 4:31 am

Recently I had a conversation with a collector who was trying to collect on behalf of a creditor.
I made a settlement offer, and the collector outright refused to present that offer to the creditor, stating that it was just too low and they didnt want to waste
the creditors time with it.
Are they legally allowed to refuse to present my offer? Can I side-step them and make an offer directly to the creditor?

November 4, 2014 at 1:10 pm

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You sure are. The problem is creditors often give debts to outside collections, so they may likely choose not to communicate with you. Its often a
different game when you have a debt help lawyer on your side, whether it be to enforce the FDCPA and other consumer protection laws, to help you
settle your debts or to just dispute stuff that makes no sense to you. Call 888-595-9111 and well set you up with a free, no obligation case review to
see how we can solve your debt troubles.

November 3, 2014 at 4:28 am

I was approximately 90 days behind on my auto loan with Wells Fargo Dealer Services. 4 days ago, I had managed to get together enough money to pay the
total 3 month delinquent balance, so I called the number the had left on my voicemail instructing me to call them back because I was behind. When I called, I
immediately gave the representative all my identifying info and she pulled up the account. I then told her verbaim Hi, Im calling to pay off all my late
payment in full and bring my account current.. She then said Oh, so-and-so is handling your account and you have to speak with her I cant accept payment
from you, only she can work with you because shes assigned to your account.. She then said that that person was not in, and did I want her direct line and
did I want to be transferred. I said to her Well, my cars about to be repod and I have the full payment and I dont want that to happen. She again stated I
cant even fully open your account so theres nothing I can do. I then asked for a different manager, and she said no one else in management was there. She
then asked if if like the reps number and if Id like to be transferred to that rep im charge of my account, and I said ok. She transferred me and I left a
message explaining once again that I had full payment and I needed to pay iit. I tried calling back to see if a different agent would pick up, but now for some
reason it was going directly to the rep in charge of my accounts voicemail almost like they were avoiding me. I left her 2 more messages that I was trying to
reach them to pay. The next day, they repod my car. What rights do I have here? I greatly appreciate any help you can give!!

November 4, 2014 at 12:11 pm

There is not a one size fits all set of rights as to repos and your best options depend on a fast analysis of your states law and the loan contracts
terms, so we better get the Debt Help Lawyers here on your FREE case review right away. They will need info specific to your situation, you can get
them this info by calling 888 FDCPA LAW now. Meanwhile, You can learn some basics of repossession laws here.

December 29, 2014 at 6:53 pm

I went to pay my loan. I tried to pay half of what was owed. Two different people told me I had to pay it in full. Now they are trying to garnis my wages. Can
they do that in Alabama.

January 22, 2015 at 4:04 pm

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They can not garish your wages without first suing and being awarded a judgment by the courts. If you have been illegally garnished, you may be
entitled to get that money back as well as have a valid claim for up to $1000 in statutory damages against the debt collector under the Fair Debt
Collection Practices Act. Wouldnt it be nice if the collector had to pay you? Call 888 595 9111 for a free, fast no obligation case review.

January 20, 2015 at 1:15 pm

My doctors office wanted me to make a higher than i can afford and i offered a lower payment and it was refused. Im on disability and can only afford so
much. What are my rights as far as them refusing my offer?

January 21, 2015 at 12:02 pm

Blood cannot be gotten from a stone, and though the doctor isnt legally required to accept a smaller payment, you cannot be forced to pay what you
dont have. Further, your disability income are exempt funds meaning they cannot be garnished or seized as long as you do not commingle the
exempt funds with non-exempt funds (for example, a spouses paycheck). You can read more about exempt funds here or call us for a free, no
obligation debt settlement consultation at 888-595-9111. And depending on where you live, you may have state law rights against creditors like your
doctors office and may be able to make the doctor pay you.

January 21, 2015 at 6:50 am

i recieved a call from collector wanting full payment i said i could pay 10 a month they refused saying they could only except 25 and i havent recieved anything
from them in writing on this bill, i cant pay 25 she gave me 2 days or it will be rufusal to pay, cant i go back to the debtor and ask them if i can pay them?and
shouldnt they have sent me a bill instead of a call first

January 21, 2015 at 11:51 am

The FDCPA requires the collector to send a G notice within 5 days of the first communication. The G notice tells you:
(1) the amount of the debt;

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(2) the name of the creditor to whom the debt is owed;

(3) a statement that unless the consumer, within thirty days after receipt of the notice, disputes the validity of the debt, or any portion thereof, the
debt will be assumed to be valid by the debt collector;
(4) a statement that if the consumer notifies the debt collector in writing within the thirty-day period that the debt, or any portion thereof, is
disputed, the debt collector will obtain verification of the debt or a copy of a judgment against the consumer and a copy of such verification or
judgment will be mailed to the consumer by the debt collector; and
(5) a statement that, upon the consumers written request within the thirty-day period, the debt collector will provide the consumer with the name
and address of the original creditor, if different from the current creditor.
Additionally, if they are charging you interest, that may be illegal if this is a junk debt buyer as opposed to a collector on behalf of the original
creditor. Call us at 888-595-9111 and discuss your situation with a legal assistant, you may be entitled to up to $1,000 statutory damages.

December 1, 2015 at 3:30 pm

peggy paradis:
Dont ever admit to collectors that you owed money. They are only third party debt collectors without any authority trying to collect money from you.
They must comply properly and legally with the F.D.C.P.A. and they must sign their name with the following statement: I DECLARE UNDER
Remember you have not signed any contract with them.

February 2, 2015 at 9:18 pm

Can a landlord refuse payment of rent from a person other than the listed tenant. In other words can I pay my Mothers space rent @ her mobile home park?
Does the landlord have any legal status to refuse my check? Or is it simply stupid on the parks behalf ?? Or does Mom simply get a month rent free?

February 11, 2015 at 10:55 am

Thank you for your question. Is your mothers account in collections? It seems there are more facts that would help us answer your question more
specifically, call us for a free, no obligation consultation at 888-595-9111.

February 2, 2015 at 10:07 pm

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what if I sued 2 attorneys and they hired one of the attorneys brother, he got the lawsuit dismissed, won a judgment because of it and then the brother hired
back the collection agency where the other attorney works to collect? The collection agency where one of the attorneys that I originally sued filed a writ of
execution to have the sheriff come and take my property and sell it to collect. It seems like a conflict of interest. Is there any th ING illegal about what they
are doing?

February 4, 2015 at 11:25 am

Whats the law firms name and what was the original debt for? Call us and we will get you the help you need, 888-595-9111, free no obligation

February 4, 2015 at 11:44 am

My car dealer finance company refuses to accept payments from me because the car is in my husbands name. Is this legal?

February 11, 2015 at 8:30 am

Thank you for question. Consumers do have rights under a variety of laws designed to protect you. The tactics of the finance company sound
questionable. Take advantage of this sites FREE, no obligation case review and lets figure out how to get you some real help, call us at 888-595-
9111 and well get you taken care of.

December 16, 2016 at 1:51 am

Help. To much to put but my car is financed in my husbands name. Because he works I dont. I sent the loan payment but the company
wouldnt give me an account. Number before sending it . My husband works really long hours or he is gone for weeks at a time. Either way
I sent the payment the company is still calling I told them payment was sent they said if theres no account number they will send it back .
Also in the contract there is a part of it where my husband signed that says spousal consent giving his spouse the right to discuss the
account n payments. They wont comply with their own contract. Also all of my paper work is right except the loan contract . It has the
wrong city n zip on it which we didnt know until the other day. I tried to call and tell them and they dont want to here anything I have to

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say. So my payment was sent idk who has it or where its at . Also there is a gps tracking devise so they can shut it off and repo it and I
have done everything I know and this is so wrong. Please help .

February 5, 2015 at 4:23 am

My boyfriend went to renew his licence in Florida, they told him he had to resolve a ticket in Maryland, he called to find out what it was and found a
judgement has been entered against his license for an accident where he banged up a car. (He was uninsured) This was three years ago or longer, he never
even knew about the court case or judgement. They have suspended his license. We offered to make monthly payments, offered to pay yearly out of taxes.
The lawyer (for the other people) said they have to have our bank account info, statements and all, work info, and pay stubs to even attempt to figure out
what the lowest down payment might be. I dont know what to do, is there a minimum monthly payment in Maryland? Do we have to make a down
payment? If we do, do we have to do that AND monthly payments or can we pay out of taxes? We have to do something because they wont lift the
suspension without a payment arrangement of some sort, but the lawyer was very short with us on the phone and kept rushing us off as we tried to get
answers. Were a family of six, barely making it on 10 dollars an hour.

Thanks for any help you can offer.


February 11, 2015 at 9:06 am

Blood cannot be gotten from a stone, and though the judgment plaintiff isnt legally required to accept a smaller payment, you cannot be forced to
pay what you dont have. You can read more about exempt funds here or call us for a free, no obligation debt settlement consultation at 888-595-
9111. And depending on where you live, you may have state law rights.

September 6, 2015 at 3:38 pm

Hi im in the simular situation . I was uninsured revoked licence and got hit. But it was my fault because of no license. Now they got a
judgement against me. And im on disability. I called to see if they would lift my licence if I paid 50.00 a month. They refused and said the
lowest they would except is 495. 00 I only get 753 to live on . I cant afford that. Also it was my moms car and they held her licence to and
said one of us has to pay. My moms also on disability so am I responsible for the whole thing or can it ve split between my mom and me?
My mom is exspecting me to pay it all and the lawyer is not budging. Please help me.

February 13, 2015 at 11:32 am
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Atlantic credit is telling me I have to set up an automatic withdrawal with them. They will not accept individual payments month to month. I want to pay the
debt but if they wont even let me make a payment what am I supposed to do. So far today they have called me twice and my wife twice and I doubt it will
stop there. What should I do?

February 13, 2015 at 11:47 am

If you owe the debt, and plan to pay it, consider setting up automatic withdrawals. Most automatic withdrawal forms violate the Electronic Fund
Transfer Act (violations of which entitle you to up to $1,000 statutory damages plus actual damages, and post dated payments (which they are
asking for) have strict notice requirements under the FDCPA which if violated also entitles you to up to $1,000 statutory damages plus actual
damages! TURN THE TABLES on these guys, and the Debt Help Lawyers at this site will represent you under both these statutes at NO COST YOU! If
you dont plan to pay the debt, just tell them to stop, and if they dont, call us at 888-595-9111 for free help to recover damages for you.

February 25, 2015 at 9:46 am

Boro tax collector doesnt want my money?

Cathe and I forgot to pay local taxes this last go round and got a notice I think last week of Dec or first week of Jan with the tax rate and
penalty, so we sent off checks for the full amount. including the amount of the penalty, each in a separate envelope.

We got the checks back today with a note saying I cant pay my taxes now because it had been turned over to a collection agency. Really?
You cant accept payment IN FULL now as the tax collector for the boro? Also, he didnt return mine separately and just stuffed mine in with
Cathes and sent both back to her.

Ive paid taxes in half a dozen states over the years and never had this occur. Of course, I never made out a tax check to a person rather
than a municipality either.

Were talking $30 here


March 4, 2015 at 9:30 am

I was sued by Personal Finance Company in April of 2014. I entered into a consent judgment with their attorneys, Miller & Steeno, P.C. (technically a debt
collector) for $115.00 per month. When I was required to take medical leave, I was unable to make any further payments and a garnishment was issued.
However, at the end of January, I made a settlement offer of $2,500.00 and it was accepted. I was not made aware of a 15 day deadline and was told that

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there was not going to be any paperwork provided to me for this agreement. Due to issues with my bank and financial manager, my payment was delayed
until February 24, 2015. They have had the check for a week and have refused to cash it because it was late and have actually issued a second garnishment.
What can I do about this? They have consistently refused to provide any paperwork and have bounced me from person to person. The person who set up the
agreement did not advise me of the 15 day deadline and told me that I would have to get all documents from the court. However, being a paralegal in the
field of litigation, I have never seen one of my clients agree to a settlement without signing at least one document. Does this make the agreement null and
void? Also, would I have standing to sue them for their refusal to cash the check after their client agreed to the settlement?

March 10, 2015 at 9:43 am

You may have experienced some sort of Fair Debt violation(s), the Debt Help Lawyers at this site can provide you a free, no obligation Fair Debt
consultation. The worst thing to do is nothing, so call us now at 888-595-9111 and we will get started figuring our how to help you!

March 9, 2015 at 7:57 pm

I recently received court papers via sheriff from a debt collector who had in the past relentlessly harrassed me over a debt but didnt bother to tell me i had
another debt with them. When i called to start making payments, they used double language. They said they couldnt accept any payment less than 50 dollars
a month, Id offered 25, said that they were still going to sue me and that i actually owed almost twice what the court papers said.

March 10, 2015 at 10:14 am

You may have experienced some sort of Fair Debt violation(s), and even if not, it sounds like you would benefit from re-prioritizing your debts
through debt settlement, and the Debt Help Lawyers at this site can provide you a free, no obligation Fair Debt consultation. The worst thing to do is
nothing, so call us now at 888-595-9111 and we will get started figuring our how to help you!

March 14, 2015 at 11:59 am

I live in TN I am almost 30 days late on a title loan. I just lost my job and told the loan company. my payment is 103.00 over the past few weeks I have
managed to gather 90.00. at first I offerd 45.00 they said no then a few days later I offerd another 20.00 again they told me no I also tired yesterday to give
them a total of 90.00 to put on my payment so they wouldnt repo my car but once again I was told that they are not allowed to except any form of payment

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other than the whole payment amount. is there a law against this refusing a payment. im at least trying to show them I do want to pay on my bill. can
anyone give me any answers I really cant let my car get repoed thank you.

March 16, 2015 at 9:33 am

Is this debt still held by the original creditor? Or Has the account in collections? It sounds like you would benefit from re-prioritizing your debts
through debt settlement, and the Debt Help Lawyers at this site can provide you a free, no obligation Fair Debt consultation. The worst thing to do is
nothing, so call us now at 888-595-9111 and we will get started figuring our how to help you!

March 19, 2015 at 8:31 pm

I fell behind on a student loan. It was passed off to a debt collector. They are trying to say I have to pay $430 a month when I cant afford that. Do I not
retain the right to determine what I CAN afford over them?

March 20, 2015 at 11:07 am

Is this a federal or private loan? The tactic you have described is one we have heard many times. It is possible that you have experienced some sort
of Fair Debt violation(s), and even if not, it sounds like you would benefit from re-prioritizing your debts through debt settlement, and the Debt Help
Lawyers at this site can provide you a free, no obligation Fair Debt consultation. The worst thing to do is nothing, so call us now at 888-595-9111
and we will get started figuring our how to help you!

April 1, 2015 at 11:45 am

A debt collector contacted me about an accident I had about a year ago and I thought everything was taken care of. Next thing I know my grandmother is
getting a letter a few weeks ago that we owe 5441.88. We never even got a chance to even try to pay the person we cause we didnt know we owed them
cause no one ever contacted till now which is a debt collector. Now they want 20% of the amount owed as a down payment and then pay monthly payments
until its paid on full. Can they do that and are other companies be allowed to not contact you at all about a bill you owe and just hand it over to a debt
collector? I told them can pay 200 a month and they refused it and told me since I live in nc that things can get really bad here with debt collectors get
involved with the law
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April 28, 2015 at 12:29 pm

You did the right thing by reaching out to us, we can help. Some of the situation you described may be a potential violation of your rights, please
give us a call to fully evaluate. There is no cost and no obligation for our attorney review. If we determine they have indeed violated your rights, the
attorney will represent you at no cost in that claim.

April 14, 2015 at 6:25 am

I have an account that has not yet been sent to collections and I have sent a years worth of post dated cheques and the clinic sent them back to me saying
they are refusing my offer of these payments. Now they are threatening to send to collections again. I cannot afford to pay the lump sum but will pay with
installments. How can i deal with them?

April 28, 2015 at 11:36 am

Call us so we can look into this more. 888-595-9111


April 25, 2015 at 11:23 am

I am behind on my mortgage 2 months. If I pay it in May, I am told that I have to pay for June as well. I have no job, but side jobs of approximately 100.00 a
month. I am trying to get work. Can they refuse any payments? Can they foreclose on my home? I received a registered letter from them, they want to meet
with me in person. What do I do?

April 28, 2015 at 11:02 am

Its always a good idea to talk with your lender. They can refuse a partial payment and they can begin foreclosure proceedings. We would be happy
to review the facts and determine if there have been any violations of your consumer rights. Give us a call, there is ZERO Cost.
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May 14, 2015 at 6:11 am

My dad got a loan for $600. The payment a month was set at 140. He got his work hours cut and was struggling so they split the payment up to two
payments of $74 every two weeks I think. Some times he can only give about $50 he pays his bills alone and doesnt have a very big income. When i go to pay
it because he doesnt have a car to get there to pay it himself. And the laon place is in the same town i work in they always ask me to pay what he cant. They
say we have to have at least this amount and when i say this $50 is all he gave me they just keep pushing. Can they refuse his payment like that and if they
do can they get into trouble for always bagering me and refusing payment? I want to know his rights before i go back in there next month and spend an hour
trying to tell them that is all he can afford and i dont want to give them money of my own for it every month when its not my bill.

May 14, 2015 at 10:34 am

Loans like that often result in many violations, whether it be FDCPA, TILA or EFTA. Save all voice mails and keep a call log. Then, send us the log and
the loan contract, well see what you are entitled to. Dont get mad, get even.

June 8, 2015 at 8:00 am

I am looking for a straight and simple answer on this one. If a borrower and lender agree on an amount to pay off a debt and the lender will not accept the
payment does this discharge the debt in its entirety? Thanks.

June 16, 2015 at 2:55 pm


June 13, 2015 at 7:36 pm

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We received a collection letter a week ago regarding a breach of employment contract about 20 months ago for the amount of $28,000.00. But 4 months prior
to the receipt of the collection letter we have been in communication with the original creditor (employer) and have come to terms to accept our monthly
installment of $50.00 with their assurance that they will notify the collection agency that we are paying them. Payment was address to the original creditor
because we did not know that the account was already forwarded to a collecting agency, we never received any collecting letter and we dont know the name
of the agency. I didnt bother to ask the agencys name thinking they are accepting our payment. Until last week we received for the 1st time a collection
letter, this time from a different collecting agency. I called back the original creditor and they told me its not clear to them if the 1st collecting agency have
sold or assigned the account to this new agency.

We have contacted this new agency and told them that we have been paying directly to the original creditor. This new agency express their willingness to
accept our monthly payment of $50 also. No documents was sent to us that the $50 is an agreed amount but instead he just send us a small index card
stating the principal owe amount, interest zero, court cost zero , monthly payment $50.

My question are:
1. Was it legally right for the original creditor receive our payment when in fact the account was already forwarded to collecting agency?
2. Can we consider this small index card bearing only the name of the collecting agency. No contact person is stated nor signature on it. Is this a valid
document that collection agency agrees the $50 monthly payment up to the time this is fully settled with no interest?
3. Can I verify this from the 1st collecting agency the validity of this 2nd collecting agency? If it is not a junk debt collector. Because I am really surprise why
he easily accepted the $50 monthly payment considering the amount owe is big.

Thank you.


June 16, 2015 at 2:45 pm

Sorry, but I dont follow the question(s). Please call us so we can discuss interactively.

June 24, 2015 at 7:22 am

This is not a question pertaining to owing late on a loan, but a leased semi truck my husband has. We have paid 20k into it and we owe another 22k. My
husband has since gotten outside financing and we would like to sever toes with the original lease company and buyout the lease. The company is refusing to
take payment from a third party, they are requiring my husband to pay the loan in full with his own money. They said they will not put a lien holder on the
truck. We live in fl. Is this legal? How can they refuse?

July 8, 2015 at 1:03 pm

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Sounds like nonsense.


June 24, 2015 at 2:44 pm

I live in Washington State. We have an unpaid medical bill that a collection company got a judgement for. We had been making $100 a month payments and
then due to medical reasons I had to quit my job. My husband had been working at the time but then he became unemployed. We got our payments lowered
to $50 and we had been paying that for the last year. They had us redo papers for income, re certification and when I told them our situation had not
changed and we could only continue with the $50 a month they said no. Because we did not have proof of income all they would accept was $500 a month
until the balance was paid. What can I do? Is this even fair?

July 8, 2015 at 1:02 pm

Sounds like you need some debt settlement help, call 888-595-9111 for a free, no obligation consult.

June 25, 2015 at 11:27 am

On 6/11/2015 I applied with the VA, North Central Consolidated Patient Account Center, Madison, WI for repayment plan. My total bill was over $800.00, when
I talked to the representative about sending me the forms, they stated that when I completed the form I must send in the first payment. The debt can be paid
off in 36 months. Because interest is always added to the bill even after payment plan is in placed I added interest to the total bill. $800.00 divided by 36
months = is near $25.00 a month. So I filled out the paperwork and the VA form 5655 Financial status report and sent in my first payment of $50.00, as
instructed. On 6/17/2015 my check was cashed and cleared my bank. On 6/18/2015 (received by mail 6/25/2015 a letter stated: Decision on Repayment Plan.
The Section that was (x) said A good faith payment has not been received. The representative I talked to earlier stated nothing about a good faith payment
only the first payment for the repayment plan. There is another box that was not checked off which states The monthly payment requested does not pay off
your debt within 36 months, the minimum monthly payment required is $ (because I am paying within 36 months). I am unsure what to do.
They cashed my check even before the decision, does this not mean that they accepted my repayment plan. Should they not of cashed my check and returned
it and informed me what a good faith payment was. I am a retired VA employee, Navy Vet. My husband works only part time and I have faithfully paid bills
every month. The VA bill was only $280.00 on 4/1/2015 (VA was just charging me for my medicines) then at the end of May the bill jumped up to over
$800.00 because they added in all doctor visits for one whole year. This is why I went with a repayment plan right away.
Could you please advised me on this situation.
Thank you very much

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July 8, 2015 at 1:01 pm

Sure, call 888-595-9111.


June 29, 2015 at 3:45 pm

I supposedly owe Directv $262.00. I sent them a letter stating I was on SS and it would be a hardship for me to pay it all at once. They raised my monthly fee
from $83 to $93 the next month and $103 the next month. I called and told them I couldnt afford $100 a month TV and that they needed to change things.
They would not respond, so I switched to Dish. They sent me a bill stating I had broke my contract. I had been with them since 2009, so I didnt know they
had any contract. They said that my switch to High Definition was a knew contract and that I owed them $200 for breaking the contract plus the balance of
the month. It came to $282.00. The letter I sent them also included a $20 check which they accepted. But they told me I had to pay the rest in full. Do I have
to pay it all at once. Ive made phone calls to their home office but they wont budge. They want payment in full.

July 8, 2015 at 12:59 pm

No. And SSDI cannot be garnished.


July 1, 2015 at 9:15 am

I owed a company $2500 in 2012. It was turned over to a debt collector and not yet reported to my credit. I negotiated a $50 payment each month and it has
been drafted each month since 2012. I now owe $1200. I was out of work in April 2015 on Medical Leave and since Ive lost my job now June 2015. I called
the collection agency in April 2015 (bad decision on my part) and asked them could I put a hold on the drafts until about June or July when I could go back to
work? Sure they said just call us when you get back to work and well re-initiate the payment agreement. The next week I got a letter from them stating that I
have refused to pay and my account would be turned into credit bureau. I called them and they put a supervisor on the phone she said that the agreement
that I had has been going on too long and that it should have been paid off a long time ago and they tried to get me to set up payments then for $239 a
month? I told them I could not do that I was out of work. I told her if it was going to be such a hassle just initiate the original payment agreement and Ill
figure it out somehow. They did for a 3 month agreement. Fast forward today I get a call that they said 3 months are up and now they wanted $439 a
month. Again, Im out of work I told her. Continue with what we have on the same date and when I get a job well look at it then but Im out of work still and
all I can scrape to pay is the $50. She tried to get her supervisor on the phone and then she called me back to say we can do a one time payemnt of $50. She
said that the system wouldnt allow it to continue in the $50 payment schedule however it has been doing it for over 2 years.

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What can I do when next month comes up and they are telling me the same stuff? Im tired of being harrassed about it when we had the arrangement prior
same agency.


July 8, 2015 at 12:54 pm

Sounds like several issues here. Can you call 888-595-9111 and provide additional facts, please; no charge or obligation for the review.

August 3, 2015 at 6:38 pm

i live in washington state i hade a medical bill that went into collecton still is thay are suing me and my husband ive offored to make
payments i lost my bill thay never sent me a new on now thay saying thay need my husbands work info what do i do

July 16, 2015 at 8:09 pm

my husband owes a $2000 dollar hospital bill that conviently went into collections and the debt collecter is trying to get us to fill out a hardship form or they
wont except a payment till the forms are filled out and sent back is this violateing our right?

July 20, 2015 at 4:35 pm

My sister has mental problems and it causes her to make horrible decisions which she cant fully grasp. Sle is on SS and somehow got herself into a mess of
writing checks she did not have funds for, amounting to 1300.00 in overdraft fees. If she tried to make small payments. Which is all she can afford, but her
bank refuses, can they push to get her put in jail since this amt. Is a felony?

July 27, 2015 at 12:49 pm

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I attempted to pay a debt by check which would have paid the account in full. The lady told me she could not take my check because they did not accept that
form of payment. The account is 50 days past due but I was trying to pay this account in full! By not accepting my payment can this be dis charged? Isnt a
check a valid form of payment? All she had to do was call to verify the funds! Should I attempt to mail it to them & if they return it I will have a valid paper
trail of refusal?

August 7, 2015 at 11:49 am

I am being sued for a $2500 medical debt. I called them Oct 2014 and offered a $30 payment and they denied my payment. I explained to them that this was
all I could afford monthly and that in Jan 2015 I could afford $100 a month payments. They refused to take my $30 payment and any payment plan. I told
them there was nothing I could do, I could only afford $30. I said I can pay you $100 in January and the man I spoke with said, Just because we are not
accepting your payment doesnt stop the process of pursuing the debt. I thought he meant that he would continue to send me letters in the mail stating that
I owed a debt to them.but he meant pursuing in small claims. January I was getting ready to try an online payment of $100 dollars and I hear a knock on
the door.a man was there to deliver small claims papers regarding the debt that I had tried to work with them. Since January I have been sending $100 a
month payments as money orders with a letter stating that I was attempting to set up a payment plan. I spoke with another debt collector (with a different
agency) and he said after three accepted payments thats consent of the payment plan. If this is true, why am I still having to go to mediation next week?
After I got the small claims paperwork I tried calling the debt collection agency and I told them that I offered a payment and a payment plan and that I am
still good to offer that payment plan, the woman said, I cant accept a payment plan, but I will take a payment. WHAT THE HECK?! I am so confused at their
actions! I have documented everything, even the employees name of who I spoke with in Oct 2014. I guess I just want to know what my options are once we
get into mediation and if the judge is likely to give a judgment to garnish my wages would that be necessary since I have been paying monthly like I said I

August 13, 2015 at 7:48 am

I have a small personal loan and have 235$ left owed. We financially were in a place were I could not make payments. I just recently became employed again
and went in to try and make a partial payment and work out an arangment and was told very rudly that I have to make the full monthly payment amount
which I can not do right now so they said they are filing paper work on me. I dont know what to do I am trying to pay what I can on this loan to get it taken
care of but they wont except what I can pay. I need help!

August 17, 2015 at 2:17 pm

My dog had surgery. The bill was about $1500. They made a payment plan for me which I chose to have taken out of my debit card once a week on a
saturday for $50.

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The payments started in November 2014.

I was never mailed a statement each month. I just figured if I ever wanted to check the balance I owed, I could call or stop by to get the balance. I take my
dogs to go for shots, checkups, etc

Just recently, this month I finally got a statement on paper. It showed that my balance was still a high amount!!! So I looked through my mailto see if I had
received any other statements and just overlooked them. Nothing, then I decided to check email, not in my inbox because I knew I didnt get the thereso I
checked my spam. There were the statements (not balance but notification of charge). They called me for a payment in the first couple months stating that
they tried charging me $200 but it wouldnt go through. I told them that they need to look on the contract and see that it is not the total amount of $200 in
one payment each month, but $50 every week. Then to find out recently that they only took a $50 payment every month instead of what was written in the
contract that I signed of $50 EVERY WEEK!!! I would have had $1650 already paid had they charged me as agreed. Now 8 months later I still have almost the
original amount due.

What does the law state in this regard? Did they void the contract by not fulfilling the written agreement? The reason I ask is that if I had faltered, the
contract would be void and I would be held accountable to pay in one lump sum and would be sent to collections.

PLEASE.help with some words of advice.


August 19, 2015 at 10:26 am

Please call 888-595-9111, sounds like a violation of your EFTA rights, at least. Free, no obligation consult.

September 18, 2015 at 12:06 pm

So far the law in theory seems great and all but I cant find anything that would allow a legal fight in order to make them clear a debt which would basically
make this law seem worthless. For example : The county jail runs debts for medical expenses, envelopes etc. In return you cant get any commissary until the
debt is paid. When you use UCC3-605 the offer of the debt is refused. The debt obviously is still over the account and I cant find anything in this that would
make them in a court of law.

October 8, 2015 at 8:04 pm

So back in 2008 I had a surgery. they over medicated me and gave me Vicodin which I am allergic to. The surgery was late in the day even though I had to
be there at 7 AM. I was very ill and my Dr. had me stay the night instead of going home. I got a 1200 dollar bill because my insurance said it was not
pre=arranged and they would not pay. I spent months fighting with the insurance. The hospital sent it to collections. I went to the hospital and attempted to

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pay in FULL. They refused. Several months later I again tried to pay the hospital in full and again they refused. I have now had a judgement by the collection
agency 6 years later. My understanding of the UCC is that if the creditor( the hospital) refused payment in full the debt if void. Is that true.

October 14, 2015 at 9:24 am

I have a loan with my parents. I have been paying them regularly for 3 years. I would like to pay the balance in full (approx $14K). They are refusing my
payment in full. If I stop attempting to pay, can they sue me? I have tried multiple times to pay them.

October 15, 2015 at 4:25 pm

My daughter was dismissed from a private school in Maryland. I still owe them money approximately
$1,500. I am in very bad financial situation and not able to pay the full amount. If I send them $50.00
a month can they still sue me. Also there are charges for future activities that my daughter wont be there to participate. Do I still have to pay.



October 18, 2015 at 5:10 pm

I bought a 1998 used car from a local dealer of which I was mostly regularly paying my monthly installments for approx about two years suddenly the engine
broke down and the car is in garrage and I had to look for alternative transportation to keep my job.I kept the dealer lnformed about my inabality to pay
unless I fix the car.Being low income person I am unable to pay for both for alternate transportation to and from work and also pay dealer. I also wanted to
return the car.The dealer sued me and got a judgement against me.I had to came to a payment plan understanding under which I have been
paying.Unfortunately due to health issue(I am 58 yrs) and change in job circumstances I could only pay $-150 in place of $-200, and they refused to accept
payment and send paperwork to my employer for garnishing my paycheck.I went to court and filed a complain for refusing my payment and I enclosed all
previous payment receipt.
If i am garnished I will be homeless and also wont have money to buy food.My wife died and I am single.
If you please be kind to advice me what are my options.I have no money to even go to or hire an attorney.
Thank you very much for your kind assistance in this matter and looking forward to hear from you soon. Thank you. Can they garnish me?

Abu Zaman,

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November 4, 2015 at 9:47 am

I have a debt collector trying to collect on a debt from 2 years ago. We paid the debt in full to the creditor, our old apartment complex, but they didnt cash
the last two checks and the amount was eventually refunded to us. Is there anything I can do?

November 18, 2015 at 12:56 am

My husband and I moved in to a house (renting), well a month later it was either move or be evicted due to my medical issues which was forcing us to make
the decision. The people we were renting from first said they wanted 1350, okay no problem but it will have to be made in payments. No court or anything.
Well now they are saying pay 300 a month for 9 months equalling 2700, and we dont have the money to pay that much a month. We have offered smaller
payments, and they have refused. Now they are saying they want us to sign a contract, and pay this 300 a month, and they wont consider any offers, and if
we dont pay they are saying they will have my husbands checks garnished by 25%. Since they refuse our offer, what is our options? They are not a realty
company, just owner rented is what it was.

November 20, 2015 at 3:07 pm

I had a collection that I agreed to have drafted out of my account 103.00..they drafted for 3 months and on month 4 it wasnt drafted. I called the collections
agency and they said it had gone from an active account to a hold account. No one could explain what happened and Why it went to a hold status. I said I
wanted to make the payments and they said since it was in hold status they couldnt accept any money. This,was a supervisor I was talking with. So I said are
you refusing my payment. He said yes.. I dont know why it wasnt deafted. He didnt know either..but he wont accept any payment as long as it is in hold
status. And he doesnt know who or how it got like that and doesnt know how to fix it

November 27, 2015 at 5:14 pm

I was left with only $50 left to pay on a garnishment. When they stopped my garnishment.. I went in to pay the final $50 to square up the debt but was
Denied now Im being garnished for the same amount it was from the beginning.. Isnt there a way to stop this..

December 22, 2015 at 8:24 am
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Question: I opened a bank account with first convenience bank (first national bank Texas) they have branches in Arizona, Texas etc. but now we are in
Colorado where they do not have a branch so I can go pay off the negative balance. The job in working does not have direct deposit at this time so fees are
just adding up. I called them to ask if I could make a payment and close the account was told they cant do it over the phone. I said well heres the issue Im
in Colorado and you dont have a branch here so I would have to go to Texas or Arizona to take care of this? Yes. Or mail in a check with the amount in it.

What I figure is by the time the check arrives the balance will be more than whats written, and my husband and I now have a joint account but o lay his
name is on the check.

Would it be better to mail in a check or wait til I go see family for the holidays and take care of this in person? Really starting to hate banks but unfortunately
you need one these days as most other companies are doing away with paper checks and offer direct deposit only..

January 14, 2016 at 11:31 am

My issue is a bit different, as I am not behind on my loan, as a matter of fact, I have been paying more that the monthly payment for many years and was
scheduled to have my mortgage paid off 10 years early.. Upon the death of my father, I came into enough spare cash that i decided to pay off my loan in full.
A payment was sent in through online electronic bill pay, and was electronically transferred to my mortgage company, and was rejected. I was a bit upset as I
had submitted my payment on my Fathers Birthday.. When contacted they stated they did not know what to do with the payment so they rejected it.. Was
more than unhappy based on the reason for the date of this payment. It was an extra payment 3 days after my normal payment so the rejection did not cause
my loan any late payments, all payments have on time.. Next payment comes due, I contacted my lender, said I was sending a payment equal to 1/2 the total
I owed this time ( used some of the money to pay off another loan once it was refused) that I wanted it applied to the principle, and not be refused. They
added a note to my account, and I submitted the payment as before, electronic transfer through my online bill pay. After 2 days with the payment not
showing up on there website I called, they said they had not received the payment yet, to give it one more day.. I then hung up and called my bank, which
tells me, in fact it had been received, and it was rejected once more.. After many phone calls I have notified them they have 24 hours to roll back all interest
to the date they rejected my first attempt to pay off the lone, and I will submit a payment in full.. if not I would contact a lawyer. Not 100% sure if uniform
commercial code article 6 part 6 3-603 covers home mortgages or not but we are bout to find out??

January 20, 2016 at 9:57 am

I have made 2 payments of $25.00=$50.00 and a note as to why, I cant pay $620.00 in full, I dont have a CC. I am the only one in my home working, my
husband is handicapped with several health issues. I am attempting to pay I am not ignoring the bill. I have sent a note along with payments. I have also
made copies of letters, check and billing statement. what are my rights and what can I do.

January 30, 2016 at 11:07 am
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I have a 9 yr old judgement against me in California. I have contacted the creditor to offer settlement over the last two years. We always agree on the amount
of settlement however they say they dont know where to apply my payment because Im not in theyre records anymore. Ive offered to pay the court directly
but request a settlement agreement to provide to the court when paying. They dont know what to do. Im
More than willing to pay but I have to get the judgement satisfied at the court level regardless. Ive never heard of someone saying dont send payment weve
agreed on because we dont know where to apply that payment as your account doesnt show a balance. Why would I offer money if I had no balance. Ive
even sent them the case report from court. This is very frustrating because I want to buy a house and cant with this judgement. Any ideas?

February 15, 2016 at 10:50 am

Tried to pay student loan collector with money order and was told they couldnt take money orders just debit or credit cards so i stopped dealing with them
since my daughter was making the payments for me and wasnt comfortable giving credit card information because of a bad incident when trying to pay with
card previously. Now collector calls from private and unknown numbers. What can I do. Thanks

March 2, 2016 at 1:15 pm

We have a contract buying property from someone weve know for a long time. Previously we paid by the month and several time by the year. When his first
wife was in the hospital dying we offered and gave him two years in advance. When my husband was injured and disabled in a car wreck we fell behind by
several months and was slow to catch up. He went to an attorney, who very well may be a debt collection attorney, and we got a loan to cover the amount
due and then restarted regular payments. After two months he started returning payments and not cashing checks. He has now contacted the previous
attorney again and are discussing suing for the full amount or eviction. I have been sending payments. How can he refuse them and then say we didnt pay?
What advise to you have to give?

March 3, 2016 at 12:09 pm

I submitted a promissary note with a payment amount and check. They declined, howver, they cashed my check and went forward with the judgment. Is this

March 8, 2016 at 9:13 am

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The creditor sent a monthly payment schedule and amount to be paid. I sent the creditor 2Xs the requested amount. 2 weeks later I sent an additional
payment 2Xs the amount and ahead of their schedule and they stamped the back of my check for deposit and then returned the check to me. Now a
collection agency sent me a letter stating that I agreed to the $ amount and payment scheduled but I have not sent the payments as agreed upon. So now
whatI have copies of all the letters and the checks.

March 9, 2016 at 12:19 pm

I have a bill that was sold to a collection agency. I called them to set up payment arrangements but they said they will only accept payment in full either the
full amount or a settlement amount. I cant afford either one. They did say I could pay them $900 a month but I only bring home $1900 and have other bills
to pay so I can keep a roof over my head. What are my options? Can I start sending monthly payments anyway? What if they refuse my payments?

March 24, 2016 at 11:24 am

My daughter has paid her utility payment twice (over a period of time not two times in a role) and twice they have sent her payment back to her, telling her
she needs to pay in cash. This time they told her she must pay in cash every time and that they will not receive debit or checks again from her (she has never
bounced a check with them). Not even when her bill was over $1,000. Does she have any type of recourse in this case where she is having her payment sent
back to her and now being black listed by the utility company?

April 27, 2016 at 3:01 pm

I have heard nothing since I traded a lease in 13 months ago. I had to purchase an affordable vehicle to fit my power wheelchair. We tried to stay with the
auto lease company but couldnt afford what was needed. The new auto dealership made a deal that we could afford and took the old vehicle. They owned
the old leased car auto dealership a mile away too. We paid the amount to terminate old lease that day online.
The next morning I called the old lease company to report the car was turned in. They said I owed another 1300 dollars. I told them I couldnt afford it and it
was paid. I still had 5 months on the lease so I asked for the car back if I have to make payments. Inless than 24 hrs they grounded the car and was told its
going to auction. If it got less than value I owed the difference, to stop it I had to pay the $1300 in 7 days.
Now 13+ months later a collection agency is calling. We had a conference call 4 months ago with the 2 auto companies involved. This after many calls and the
new leaser agreed they owed the money and we were let go from the call.
Now Im in collection threatening to report me to credit bureau if I dont pay. I tried to explain and they lower it @ $300 dollars. They have been pushing for
payment. I live on Social Security, Partial Injury Pension and a small State Injury funds. I have lost my home and my side electrical business and Im
wheelchair bound. I have some debt from putting my 2 sons through college and paying for things for my new living condition.
I dont have extra money right now and cant afford a lawyer, to go after the company for grounding the car with time still on lease. I dont want to ruin my
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credit and have rates raised on Credit Cards etc. We are living by a thread and any emergency could sink us for good. We havent had a vacation in 14 years
or really any extra money to enjoy life. What to do?
Thank You, John

May 12, 2016 at 8:15 pm

What laws protect Consumers, who pay their monthly bill, in full by online credit card payment, to the
utility company; then, the utility company refunds the credit card payments, and sends a shutoff notice, because consumers would not provide SSN? The
utility company is privately held, and does not perform credit checks?

March 18, 2017 at 6:27 am

You need to call the Utility Commission in your state. They are the ones in charge of how the power company handles things. Go to Google and type
in the name of your state along with Utility Commission and it should bring up their contact info. They are great people to work with. They hold all
utility companies accountable for their actions including costs that they charge.

July 14, 2016 at 1:44 pm

My insuranc. Paid over $50,000 the collector said I still owed $20,000 I had reach the max on my insuranc3 and everything was supposed to be be paid in full,
but we.I arent contracted with them they didnt now Im stuck the collector said they would take $7,500 as settlement but wont take payments and if didnt
pay would put lien on our home for full amount is there any help for me?

July 20, 2016 at 2:10 pm

How can I fix my current issue. I was having payment taken via direct deposit to pay my car loan. The original company then sold my loan to another
company. I was told then to mail my payments to the new company which I did. Then my payments where returned months later stated they sold my loan to
another company. Now when the new company contacted me stating I needed to pay them twice the amount I was to pay them and changed my payment
amount without my knowledge or concent. Every time I have called the company to get this fixed they refuse to do so or even allow me to speak to
management. Now they are harrasing my children and other family members calling all hours threading them. How do I fix this?

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July 29, 2016 at 10:20 am

I have been trying to clean up my credit report, in doing so I came across some unpaid medical bills (mostly from 2009). I reached out to the company to
work out a payment plan, during the discussion we went over contact information and I informed the lady that I was completely unfamiliar with the address
they had on file; that it wasnt even the address that the hospital had or that the other medical bills that did get paid were sent to. As I reached out to them to
get this fixed I also gave them my current address (which Ive lived in for 5 years and has been on my drivers license for the last 4 years) my legal last name
and current employment; then I went on to try to set up a payment plan. They refused to accept my monthly payments as their minimum acceptable monthly
payment is $250, then she ended the conversation. I called back a couple days later and spoke to manager who said she would send me a copy of the
amounts they had on file then she ended the conversation. Over the next few weeks I called several times and if anyone answered the phone they refused to
speak to me and sent me to various voicemails. Every time I was sent to a voicemail I left a message with my name and phone number stating that I was
calling to set up a payment plan; my phone calls were not returned. Now they are garnishing my wages, do I have any rights in this situation?

September 12, 2016 at 10:10 am

I had financial aid in 2011 and 2012. During the school year I had a really bad health problem arise and was unable to drop my classes. I was put on financial
aid suspension and I won my appeal. The school said that I have to pay them $1055.00 before I can go back to school they will not release my transcript to
any school. Until I pay it. It is now in collection. I have financial aid waiting for me, they just wont release my transcript. What can I do?

October 8, 2016 at 5:51 am

What if you pay the full price of a debt, only to get a letter from a lawyer two days later? I had two surgeries in six months. The first hospital was great and
let me put everything I owed after the fact into one loan. The second hospital only had a deal with the bank for hospital bill alone. So an additional $900 plus
beside the $10,000 combined bills. I work three jobs now to help pay these debts. I finally got a month with three pay checks and paid four smaller bills. The
one in question was for $76.82. After I sent it, that is when I got the letter from the lawyer. Can the doctors office refuse to cash my check. Im afraid if I pay
the lawyer, THEN the office will cash my check.

October 28, 2016 at 3:37 pm

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I bought a snow plow and had it installed on my truck from a auto dealership. I tried to pay in full at the time of completion of work. The agent said he would
bill me later. a month went by and I again made contact with sales agent to pay in full, he said not to worry about right now, we will square up soon. This
happened again a month or so later with same results. A few month later I was in the dealership for other service needs when the salesman who sold me the
plow walked by. I told him that I wanted to pay my bill in full and laid my credit card on the counter top, his reply was that he didnt have time to do it at that
moment. I told him to bill me and he said he would. It has been 11 months and no word. Am I still responsible for this debt?

November 13, 2016 at 10:55 am

My daughter has a fha morgage her husband lost his job and they fell behind on morgage. They have come up with 2500 of tbe 3500 due. Sent the check and
they have sent it back now they are saying she has to pay lawyer fees and full balance at ince or they will lose the house dhe has 4 children one terminally ill.
What can thry do they have tried talking on phone lady said sorry about problem but nothing they can do.

November 13, 2016 at 2:08 pm

I have a debt collector in Colorado That has refused both times Ive tried to set up payments. The first time they called me at work and I told them I could
guarantee $75 a month. They told me that wasnt enough and it would take to long to pay it off. The second time I was flat out refused. I had sat down and
figured up my bills and it was tax season so i knew I could do a whole lot more than I had originally figured but when I called and I got transferred to the
supervisor who told me the only payment that he would accept is payment in full, thats over $4000, and wouldnt even listen to what my offer was saying I
dont believe you will make your payments so I will not set up any payment plan for you. I got angry and told him if they cant accept payments my only other
choice is bankruptcy then nobody would get payed. then he hung up on me. I really dont want to file for bankruptcy. Im trying to improve my credit so I can
buy a home and stop paying rent, Do I have any options ???

February 11, 2017 at 6:30 am

I have a payment agreement in writing with an ambulance company for emergency transportation. I have kept my end of the deal, and they have taken the
first agreed upon payment from my account. Now they are saying that their agent should never have agreed to it and that they will be taking out more than
double the agreed upon amount go forward. Arent they bound by the written agreement like I am? Can they legally do this?

March 8, 2017 at 4:13 pm

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Im about to share something actually worthy of mention, unlike opinions and legal advice. The most powerful and under utilized tactic is not a tactic at all. Its
common sense and you should never talk about anything else until you receive it, which you wont, because they cant provide it.

Its called a verifiable paper trail, and without it, nothing can be proven.

March 18, 2017 at 6:05 am

My best friend obtained a loan for me. A personal loan. The loan lady talked him into getting more than I needed in order to turn right around the next day
and pay half of it back. She stated that it would be applied as individual monthly payments that would pay me up for over a year and a half. This was done.
Because I could not afford the monthly payments ($273), this is why she offered this option. She said I could then make monthly payments of $100 and that
would keep me ahead on payments since over a years worth of payments would be paid. My $100 would keep adding up and I would be ahead on payments.
So, he did this. We have never gotten a loan before. He told them point blank that I would make all payments. She agreed to this. I also took a cash payment
to their office of $125. She said she could not give me a receipt because there was printer issues and they would mail me one. They never did. So, I have
made these payments every month. .I missed a couple of months, but since I was so far ahead, didnt worry. All of these payments came out of my bank
account, never his. I called to make a payment 3 months ago and the lady refused my payment. I have it recorded. She said she wasnt going to take it. I
tried paying, she said no. Since then, they are calling him, his job and me. Sometimes 7-8 times a day. Wanting the payment, even though they refused it.
They were asked by his employer to stop calling there but they still continue to do so. We are in NC and know for a fact if they are asked to stop calling your
job, they must comply. This company was One Main when the loan was obtained. They have since been bought out by Springleaf and have changed alot of
stuff like terms, interest rates, etc. Anyway, they are calling late at night from personal cell phones, calling multiple times during the day and refusing to stop
the harassment. They are leaving messages that they are a debt collector trying to collect. They are not a debt collector. They are a loan company. I have
called the Federal Reserve and am waiting on complaint forms to arrive in the mail. But what options do we have? The harassment has gotten out of hand. I
am sick with a rare bone disease. I dont work because of it and am very short on income. My disability is very low. Thats why I agreed to the $100 monthly. I
really cant afford that but try hard to. As for the $125 in cash, they are saying I never gave it to them. That it wasnt paid. We were there in person, gave it to
the lady who processed the loan. Now, she no longer works at that location. They refuse to say where she is or to contact her to verify the $125. Please help!
We are at a complete loss dealing with this. They are saying I am behind several months which Im not. They are saying the $3000 was applied as a lump
sum, not monthly payments like she promised. I dont want my friend to have to go to court and lose time from work over this. I also do not want this put
against his credit. What they are doing is wrong!

March 21, 2017 at 10:20 am

Wow, a lot to unpack there. Sounds like both your rights have been violated, and probably under several laws. You are both likely entitled to
damages. Wed like to hear more, please respond to our email or call the office.

April 7, 2017 at 10:11 pm
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Some states do negate the debt if an attempt to pay is refused. I was living in Florida, had a $120 debt and offered $20 to them, the payment was refunded
to me and I got a court summons for the debt. The judge saw my attempt to pay, and told them that unless they accept even a partial payment, the debt will
be null and void.

My lawyer said that the total debt divided by 24 months or $20 which ever is higher is the minimum courts will accept as legally attempting to pay the debt.

April 24, 2017 at 8:37 am

I know Im being petty, but Im just really annoyed about the whole situation that sent me to a debt collector. I also think debt collectors are the scum of the
earth. So I paid my debt in full on their website, and cursed at them in the memo field. I got a receipt for my payment and subsequently got an email from the
debt collector saying that they would not run my payment because I made inappropriate comments on the payment screen. But I dont know of any law that
supports that claim, nor did I find anything on their website that suggests that the acceptance of a debt paid in full is just arbitrarily left up to their discretion.
Do I have any way of getting out of paying the debt now?

April 24, 2017 at 10:55 am

We sent you an email, did you respond or call? Short answers are: this refusal doesnt, in and of itself, get you out of the debt, but that collector
cannot refuse your payment and it may be an FDCPA violation that they did, and you might be entitled to damages. Call or respond to our email

May 4, 2017 at 2:54 pm

We have been paying off a debt settlement with a third party debt collector for a few years (after a legal judgement). Its about 30% paid off. There is an
agreed-upon monthly payment. For the past four months, they havent been cashing our bank checks. (I only realized when the bank credited the amount
back to us in April) I called the law offices and left a message explaining the situation and asking them to call me back, and they didnt.

Im worried that they are trying to create a reason to sue us, but I have documentation of all the checks.
Should I continue to send checks?
Is there a chance that the amounts of the bank checks they are not cashing could be legally taken off our debt?

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May 5, 2017 at 7:08 am

First you should be sending the checks registered mail so you have proof of mailing. There is probably a reason they arent cashing the checks,
including maybe they lost the account (but didnt tell you). We sent you an email asking for additional info, please reply or call. No cost or obligation.

May 9, 2017 at 8:20 am

I took out an online loan for $1000, the interest rates are super high and I couldnt handle the payments every other week, but I hadnt missed a payment yet,
so I sent a proposal letter certified to the company stating new payment terms that I could handle with the dates of payment and the total of the loan to date
which was about $1500. I stated in the letter that accepting my payments would constitute that they accepted my new terms. Ive sent two payments so far,
they cashed both, sent me email confirmations even, but last month I noticed that they reported me as delinquent to the credit bureaus and it caused a 57
point drop in my score mind you they never even reported the loan originally to the credit bureaus. Am I able to fight this and have the delinquent account
removed now or do I have to wait until I pay off the account? Also I should note, this company is not licensed to do business in my state.

May 9, 2017 at 10:59 am

Theres a lot to unpack in there. We sent you an email, we need more info. Wed like to see the paperwork attendant to the loan as there are often
EFTA and TILA violations in such loans (up to $1k+ damages plus fees under each law). Can you respond to our email or call please? Wed love to
see how we can help.

May 16, 2017 at 11:16 am

I found out 2 weeks ago that I owed a balance to Franklin University from two years ago. I moved out of state shortly after the class ended and never got the
bill even though I did submit a change of address with the USPS. I have never received a collection notice from the collection agency nor have I received a
phone call. The debt does not appear on my credit report either. I called them today and offered to pay in full and they refused to take my payment and
referred me to the OCA. I explained that its not fair that I should have to deal with the OCA as I didnt know about the balance and Im offering to pay them
today in full. They still refused to take my money. What recourse do I have and to I still owe the money?

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May 16, 2017 at 12:45 pm

Called who? How did you find out about the debt? Who is the OCA? You likely still owe the money, if you ever did. We sent you an email seeking
additional info, please call or reply.

May 23, 2017 at 6:41 pm

I was behind in my condo association payments and it went to collections. I wanted arbitration so I could pay them in full which was rejected. I made three
payments that was rejected by the groups involved. So despite making an attempt to pay them they put a lien on my place that was scheduled to go to a
sheriff sale. I had to borrow money to pay a debt that went from 1400 to 3700 in a matter of 2 months. They would have had their money in full in February,
Do I have any recourse against them? If I understand above, the amounts I tried to pay them should be taken off against the amount I owed. Help me out if
you can

May 24, 2017 at 1:49 pm

Sounds like it, but wed like to see the documentation. Depending on what state the condo is in there may be fair debt claims, an d depending on
how you pay your dues (e.g., by electronic debit) there may be EFTA claims. Theres damages available to recover under either statute, and other
laws may apply too. We sent you an email for additional info, please reply or call.

May 26, 2017 at 10:18 pm

What type of documentation would you need to see?


May 27, 2017 at 9:46 am

First, we dont want to have a private conversation publicly, so you should call for a no cost, no obligation private case review. But
speaking generally to a situation like the one you describe: the Association ledger to start, as that is a form of proof to your
indebtedness. Second, evidence (even if just a detailed statement) describing/supporting the statements: it went to collections,
as collections includes a G letter and perhaps other collection documentation, as well as proof you made three payments that

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was rejected. Then, the lien. But if you borrowed money from e.g. a payday lender or title company (not from a friend), your
rights under TILA and EFTA might have been violated, and each of those laws provides cash damages. In short, we need more a
lot more info to answer the ultimate question you asked: do you have any recourse?

May 27, 2017 at 7:22 pm

The reason I asked the questions was that you said you sent me an email but I did not get it. What is a G letter? What
number do I call?

May 30, 2017 at 9:38 am

Sorry to hear that. A G letter is the letter a debt collector must send within 5 days of the initial communication with you.
Our number is 888-595-9111.

May 23, 2017 at 8:06 pm

In December, 2015, I had the electricity turned on in my name for my sisters boyfriend (in NC). He had just been approved for partial disability from the VA
and had to move out of where he was currently staying. He lived there five months and amassed $1,058 in electrical bills that I paid and was to be paid back
when he received his 100% disabled designation (for PTSD, but really leftover issues from LSD) as he would get a settlement at that time. In May, 2016, he
moved to FL to live with his son and had still not received the settlement. In November, 2016 he moved back to NC and my sister talked me into letting him
rent a room in my house until he could get into government housing. That move was in December 2016. He asked to borrow $200 to help him through to
January 1, 2017 when he would receive his check as Decembers check was pretty much gone. He told me at the time that he had received word that his
settlement would be paid to him by May 1, 2017. He was declared 100% disabled and received a settlement of $58,000 in the last week of April. By May 18
when he made no move to pay me, I sent a letter outlining the money and told him I would be willing to accept $1200 even on the debt and wanted the
money no later than May 25. He is not communicating with me however he called my sister and told her he would send me some money on it. I have waited a
year for the bulk of this money. I do not want to wait any longer and this man has no ties to this area and the only family who gets along with him is in FL and
if he leaves I will never get repaid. Do I have to accept this partial payment or am I able to go ahead and file in small claims court if he does not pay me in

May 24, 2017 at 7:47 am

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I have a car financed through regional finance and its in my brothers name. I was late with a ayment and went to pay my past due and they wouldnt accept
it in office. Told me they couldnt accept one paymnent i had to make 2. So i finally did. Long story short, i was late again and same thing againso i called
regional headquarters and spoke to supervisor..he asked if i could make payment of $750 for 2 payments and he could defer other. I called him back and told
him i couldnt come up with it but said i could pay it all in couple weeks on the 3rd. He said no and for me to take car n park it in regional parking lot. I will not
do no such thing. What are my rights now and repossession laws.

May 24, 2017 at 1:44 pm

It depends on some additional facts. How did you make those payments? If you made them electronically your EFTA rights may be implicated and
thats a possible recovery of $1k or more (leverage against repo too)! We sent you an email for some addition info, please reply or call and we will
try to help.

June 10, 2017 at 8:25 pm

I had an attorney work on a child support modification case for me, which she took two years to complete ( from 2002 to 2004). When I hired her, I told her I
did not have money and had used my credit cards etc to pay. I supplied her with documentation showing my ex-husband had an income of $35,000 per
month and owned $5 million dollars in real estate. She told me it was a landmark case and she had someone that would finance the case. Once she found out
that my ex was going to hire attorneys that knew how to fight (one is listed as a cockroach in a suit in a news article), she passed my case on several times
to different attorneys in her firm, each time tacking on fees for reviews etc. Some of the billings had nothing to do with my case and was incorrectly billed.
She at one point when she realized the case wasnt going in her favor, asked that I sign a paper giving her a lien on my home. when I refused, she asked the
court for a lien but the judge refused to give her one. After that any documents supplied to her regarding the case, including account information showing my
ex was hiding a bank account with $2 million dollars in it and she refused to use it in court. As I had no money, I could not change attorneys and the court
had already told me I had to have an attorney because of the complexity of the case. Long story short, the child support was raised to all of $1400 for two
kids (up from $900), one daughter was born with a major heart problem and my ex never did pay for the health insurance he was supposed to pay. the
attorney quit as soon as the case was done. When my ex appealed the case I handled the appeal myself and won.
I have made payments monthly on the bill since 2004 and for years wrote that I did not agree with the billing on the back of the checks, which they accepted
and never responded to.
I am 0ver 30% disabled and currently unemployed as I am primary care giver to my 85 year old mother-in-law, right now there is no income yet I have
continued to send her a payment of $15 per month and she has accepted it without any response for 13 years. Now she is suing me for approximately
$75,000. Interesting enough, her amount is based on a date of her billing before the case was finished and also before the date that the court ordered my ex
to pay $25,000 of the bill, which I believe he paid at least part of but she isnt crediting.
I understand that I dont have recourse as far as statue of limitation because I have made the payments continually for 13 years, but do I have any hope
having made a monthly payment and her having accepted it all these years? The case took place in California and I now live in Montana. I am going to have to
go to court in California. Thank you

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July 13, 2017 at 1:20 pm

A little over a year ago I called a hospital my husband owed a bill to and we had been making payments to and told them i wanted to pay the bill in full. I paid
the amount I was told and went on with my life not thinking much of it. A few months later we started getting those recorded calls wanting to speak with my
husband. It was a few months before we ever got one when he was home. It turned out it was a collection call about that hospital bill. We told them there
had been a mistake and to call the hospital about it. My husband gave them consent to talk to me about the bill whenever they had it straightened put. They
never straightened it out but kept calling. So I called the hospital. They hadnt given me a correct payoff amount and we still owed 80-some-odd dollars. So I
called the collection agency, told them about thaw mistake, and promised to pay when we got paid at thaw end/first of the month. Our landline phone has
been out of order for the past 2 weeks and I forgot about paying them until today. I called today to pay in full and they refused because I am not my husband
and didnt know the specific amount owed. They had a policy change and his permission is only good for that day. What do I do to pay this? We havent
gotten any letters and they dont call when he is home.

July 17, 2017 at 3:23 pm

Do you still have those voice mails? They may violate the TCPA (explained in our Guide To Understanding Basic Consumer Rights) and wed love to
listen to them.

Our firm offers free case reviews at no cost to you to help protect your consumer rights anytime you:
Receive contact from a creditor or debt collector to collect a debt;
Receive unwanted computerized robocalls or texts to your cell phone (even after youve told them to stop);
Notice inaccurate information on your credit report (even after you disputed with the credit bureaus);
Obtain a loan, lease, or purchase an item on credit;
Enter into an autopay arrangement with a creditor (i.e., gym membership, car loan, etc.);
Purchase a lemon vehicle or other consumer product;
Need help settling debts for less than the full balance; or,
Have any other consumer issue you would like us to look into at no cost to you.

We constantly review documents related to all these situations to determine if consumer rights have been violated under applicable consumer laws.
Evidence such as collection letters, loan/lease agreements, documents which authorize automatic payments, credit reports, dispute letters, voicemail
messages, and/or any other files related to consumer situations are all very ripe for violations of consumer laws that provide these statutory
damages to consumers. Simply email us a short description of your issue and any related documents such as collection letters, loan/lease
agreements, documents which authorize automatic payments, credit reports, dispute letters, voicemail messages, and/or any other relevant

September 1, 2017 at 12:31 pm

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What if I have a hospital bill that is 1000 dollars and I can not afford to pay it in one lump sum or pay what their computers calculate the minimum payment
needs to be? I can afford roughly 25 a month because Im on a fixed income but my income doesnt qualify me for Welfare or Medicade. After Bills and food I
am left with not alot of money for the rest of the month. What are my options

October 17, 2017 at 4:01 pm

I just got off the phone with Pacific Union financial they have been the worst people to deal with as far as my loan that was sold to them. Im behind because I
fell on hard times, I tried to make a payment prior to this which apparently was not taken even though I called to make it. I asked then to tell me if the notes
from the previous call where I actually made a payment stated that I called to make a payment, This agent told me first that they were the only ones that
have ever accessed my account that have left any notes, then later in the call told me they couldnt see any notes till they were off the call. They also told me I
could not make a payment lower than, 2 times what the loan monthly payment was because I was behind. When I asked if they were refusing to take a
1300.00 payment the agent again said that they could not accept it that I had to send in a payment. This is after already closing down 1 way of making
payments online. So now I cant make a payment online, I cant make a payment over the phone, I have to send in a payment, and I cant make a payment
lower than double the monthly payment. Then when I asked for a supervisor they said one would contact me, and proceeded to tell me they could not be held
on the phone because I wouldnt accept their answer even though they were dodging my questions and then told me they were disconnecting and hung up on
me.I have tried to make payments and have tried to catch up but they keep making it harder and harder and even told me word for word they could not
work with me to help make payments. Do I have any rights or am I just going to keep going farther and farther behind because they wont let me pay

October 18, 2017 at 5:46 pm

Trying to clean up my credit and called ancollection company I saw some medical bills so I called and asked for verification of them. They company refused to
mail me copies because I had requested them 3 years 4 years ago, which I apparently never got. Now they refuse to send new copies and stated if I wanted
them I had to Go into their office to get them. When I told them that wasnt possible, I moved cross country, they again refused to send them and refused to
let me pay any balances. Im trying to buy a home and this is the only thing holding me back.


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