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Dungeons and Dragons Notes:

The character Punchy works for Strahd and has been given a magical periapt that reflects and
doubles the damage she would receive back at the person who caused the damage,
She has been gifted the Vampire template, her current goal is to retrieve the sun-sword from the
group. As she finishes strahds goals she gains a level. She is currently in disguise via a mask
she has on and she looks like the girl Arabelle that the party didnt protect and she was killed.

Erics character has been poisoned, he is currently part human on most of his upper torso, his
character development wont be affected at this time. If they try to ask people questions about
the poison no one knows how to get rid of it. If they manage to get back to Barovia there is a
person at the Inn that can tell them that the antidote can be made out of the flower the potion
came from, this potion is in a location I have not yet determined.

One of the characters Aleric* was kidnapped by punchys character and was captured by her,
his character can be rescued. Place the character in a room bound, or in a coffin or the like
somewhere in the temple. He wont know who captured him and put him in there, other then
hearing the sound of a child laughing. (He couldnt make it last week and this was what we
agreed too.)

Current State:

The party is currently in the Amber Temple in Area X5 on page 182.

They have all hidden inside the statue that is X5a, Erics character didnt leave well enough
alone and climbed the front of the statue to inspect the darkness that envelops the face, he was
fingered of deathd. And is currently at 0 hit points laying on the ground in front of the statue,
there are three of the Flameskulls in the room next to them in X-17, they attack through the
arrow slits and are currently out of fireball and one skull cast blur and the third cast sphere of

The NPCs in X15 are friendly to the party, there was a direwolf that was part of their group but
the direwolf worked for strahd, when the party hid in the statue he ran out of the temple and
didnt come back. The barbarians dont know that the direwolf worked for strahd, and it had
helped them hunt in the past and didnt bother them otherwise.

Harsh conditions line the temple, DC saving throw 10 need to be taken every hour unless they
have cold resistance or are wearing warm clothes. If they fail they become stressed?*
The Arcaloth in the tower does not want to interact with the party and will not attack them unless
they try to get inside where he is inside the head of the statue, he will teleport out before he lets
anyone harm him.

If the party insists on staying and furthering into the temple you can just follow the book as to
what is there and what is going on, giving punchy her moments to sneak into the scenes as she
likes too. Combats should be in her favor, since she is a direct general of strahd and his
influence over the world and his minions have been granted to her.

You can text me anytime for more information

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