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Its... Its like a carton of old eggs went bad down there. said Sarah, as she flipped the

slightly burnt Bisquick in the skillet.

And what exactly gave that away? Possibly all the mold that is one-hundred percent

down in that basement? James remarked sarcastically before taking another sip of his gritty

protein shake.

I just really want us to get that checked out hon. Statistically fifty percent of marriages

end in divorce but I would prefer if ours didnt end up with us found dead from asbestos

poisoning. Sarah said to her husband, with intimation of concern on her face.

We would just be throwing cash at a guy who will tell you exactly what Im telling you.

Its nothing, at most its just a bad case of mold Ill have to scrape next weekend. Believe it or

not, basements can get humid.

James took another sip from his cup before running a hand through his brown, unkempt

hair. He didnt get much sleep last night, and the paranoia from Sarah was not helping his

headache. He rested on the outdated granite countertop as he watched his wife trying to not make

the pancakes crunchy again. The counters were stained from the years of use it got from them.

James picked at a dry piece of food next to the medieval stove the kitchen housed.

Sarah grabbed a plate next to the stove and plopped the four pancakes on them. They ate

their breakfast in silence like most Thursday mornings, looking out the window and reminiscing

about past events. Sarah smiled, and ate her slightly burnt pancakes.
As the eight-hour workday passed, James and Sarah sat snuggled on the worn floral

couch in the living room, watching the local news; Sarah put down her cup of green tea, and

reached up to Jamess cheek and lightly tapped it.

Slowly yawning, Sarah said, Alright I think thats enough of Channel 4 news for

tonight. Im heading up.

Dont wait up for me, James sighed. I still have some work to do.

More blanket for me then. Sarah said, with a almost sly tone to her voice.

Sarah headed up the stairs, each one groaning beneath her rather petite frame.

James heard the door of his bedroom close before his wife turned on the tap to brush her

teeth, while he continued to sit awhile in the comfort of the of other voices coming from the TV.

James was tired from his day and wanted to have a cold beer and a long nap. Even a warm beer

would suffice, just something to clear his head and to put his thoughts to ease. His headache had

escalated to a migraine and his temples were pounding. With a heavy grunt, James lifted himself

from the couch and made his way to the medicine drawer in the now unlit kitchen.

Sarah felt her eyelids lift the heavy veil of sleep from her face. Snuggled under the

weight of the heavy blanket, she found herself to be awake. The light blue pillow caressing her

neck was begging her to close her eyes again. Instead, her eyes, hazed from the sleep she was in

opened wider when she heard what sounded like a drill. Groggily, Sarah rose from her sheets and

rubbed the sleep from her eyes. The curtains were open, revealing the dark sky of an early



Sarah heard the portentous sound again.


Sarah strained her ears trying to dissect the muffled buzz. Sarah climbed out of bed and

threw on an old T-shirt that was lying on the floor. Confusion draped across her face as she

opened the door.


The sound was louder now, still muffled, but louder.

James? Sarah called out.

She descended the stairs with rising alertness. The stairs moaned as her feet moved down

the brittle oak steps wearily. The living room devoid of light at the bottom of the stairs grew

more foreboding with the each step Sarah took. The carpet on her feet was not any more

comforting to her. Sarah moved to the kitchen, which was equally devoid. The sound

reverberated off of the walls and made Sarahs heart beat with more intensity. The basement She

thought. The sound was coming from the basement.

James now sat in silence, his headache finally had faded from his sore temples. The

single light bulb above him illuminated the space around him. The beer he had in his hand was

starting to go warm. James took a sip, another successful night, another full belly. Jamess

celebration was cut short when he heard a squeak at the top of the stairs. James whipped around

and spit out his once celebrated swig. At the top of the stairs stood his wife, a look of horror

spread on her face.

Y-you , you... James what have you done, oh my god Sarah gasped out, her eyes

glossed with tears.

James looked towards the body, half hanging out of the walls of the basement, or at least

what was left of it. Sarah only saw half of it and James knew where the rest was. James grabbed
his gut and chortled. James dropped the Dewalt drill in his other hand, and he was so close to

finishing covering the wall back up too. He didnt even care she had caught him in his routine.

All good things must come to an end, or maybe that the sleeping pills in Sarahs tea weren't

strong enough this time. She mustve built up a tolerance after the years.

Well honey, I know where the smell is coming from.

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