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Human beings are vulnerable to diseases and many of these are incurable. Acknowledging the
inevitable fact that no one practically lives forever and the same flower that smiles today,
tomorrow will be dying, but it is hard to understand the feelings of dying people when they know
that the disease they are carrying will tear them apart. They know about their pain before and
nothing but to accept these horrible consequences. If I could I would relief these people from
their suffering and I want to try. I saw many relatives of my family died in cancer. It is
unimaginable and unaccountable that how much they suffered from this disease. I was further
motivated by an HIV patient with whom I met in the hospital when I was collecting samples of
my undergraduate project work. He said he wanted to lead a happy life but now everyday he is
waiting for his own death. He was scared and I had nothing to sooth his pain. Later on, I decided
that I have to do research on human immunology, so that; I can get the broader understanding on
human immune system and why and how the microorganisms cause dysfunction of bodily
immune system and lead to such consequences on human? I want to apply this knowledge to find
out cures for incurable diseases like Cancer and HIV.

At the teenage, I was excessively fond of playing cricket and there was no balance between study
and cricket. When I learned how to balance between different activities, I didnt look back and
effectively raised my CGPA from my junior high school to my higher secondary exam from 4.31
to 5.00 in a scale of 5.00. Hence, for this I worked really hard both mentally and physically. This
strength of balancing grows in combination with confidence and ability to stick to the task. From
that time I fall in love with Biology. As a result, after university admission test I got a chance to
be a student of Computer Science or Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology Department. But, I
choose consciously to be a student of Biological Science although in our country the job
opportunity for this study is very scarce than the Computer Science.

Afterwards, in my undergraduate study I embrace the beauty of life science. I was intrigued by
the mysterious content of Molecular Biology, Immunology, Microbiology, and Biotechnology as
well as DNA and RNA which was reflected in my academic result and project work. After
completion of my graduation in Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology, I realized that By using
biotechnological methodology we can replace the word impossible with the word possible and
this can create new hope for human being. It is my long-held dream to be a researcher. After ten
years I want to see me in a position where I will be able to conduct my own research. Hence, to
achieve this goal my undergraduate level knowledge isnt adequate enough. So, I need to pursue
research based graduate study.

A wise proverb saying: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Because of my strong
inclination, determination and patience towards research, I will be best fitted in graduate research
program. Since most of the universities in Bangladesh dont have enough research opportunities,
it was very competitive to get chance to work in a funded project. I worked as research
assistant in United Sates Department of Agriculture (USDA) funded project titled Molecular
detection of Bacterial and fungal disease of carp and cat fish and herbal treatment for the
remedy of the diseases during my undergraduate project work. In this lab I isolated and
identified different fish pathogens, screened some medicinal plants to inhibit the fish pathogens
and used chemotherapeutic agents and herb extracts for comparative antibiotic sensitivity study.
I conducted my undergraduate project to identify the virulence gene, GyrB2 from pathogenic
Klebsiella sp. collected from the patients suffering in Urinary tract infection and Pneumonia with
the help of PCR method by using gene specific primer. The objective of my research was to
develop a PCR based method to detect Klebsiella sp. from clinical samples faster than the current
diagnostic method. For my research, I used different molecular techniques like DNA extraction
and quantification, Polymerase Chain Reaction, and Electrophoresis.

In addition to this, my university changed my life all the way. I came from a family where I am
the first member who completed graduation. I wasnt supported by my family financially. I got
stipend from University and from a bank because of my progress and I used to provide three or
four tuitions in a day to junior high school students to pay my educational expenses and to
support my family. These experiences of hard life helped me to cop up with the difficult situation
and also made me realize the effective way of teaching.

In the university, I not only have great connection with my academic study but also with
extracurricular activities. I acted both as a cultural secretary and publication secretary for two
years in a language club. I developed leadership quality by working as a class Captain for three
years. Besides of these, my department selected me as a Chief of the Co-ordination
Committee for arranging YBB (Young Biotechnologists of Bangladesh) 3rd National Congress
held in our University. Although it was very hard for me to run these activity along with my
study, but I maintained a good balance between them and I was placed 4th in order of merit
among 48 students with a CGPA of 3.80 out of 4.00 and was awarded Distinction.

After carefully reviewing the Auburn University website, I found that it plays pioneering roles in
life science research. I firmly believe that I will be able to enhance my competency with the
cutting-edge lab facilities and prestigious faculty of Auburn. I am impressed by Auburn
University research programs, specifically in the area of immunology and I would love to take
higher challenges and want to make profitable contribution. I am highly interested in regular
GTA support. Besides, I have spoken with Sang-Jin Suh, Assistant Professor of biological
Science. He agreed to support my application and had encouraged me to apply in AU- Cellular
and Molecular Biology Program.

As I have strong motivation, self-confidence, perseverance, I am confident that I will overcome

the arduous path of graduate program with significant contribution so that I can live forever on
my deed. I promise I will make my country and Auburn proud, if I am given the chance.

I am looking forward to be a part of your esteemed graduate program.

Mohammad Julhasur Rahman

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