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4 (2006)

Archaeological REPORTS
The Ministry of Culture of the Republilic of Serbia
Serbian Archaeological Society

For Publishers
Miomir Kora
Rastko Vasi

Rastko Vasi

Editorial Board
, . , , ()
Miomir Kora, Adam N. Crnobrnja, Olivera Ignjatovi, Vojislav Filipovi and Nika Strugar (secretary)

Miroslav Mari

Milena Bogdanovi

vojislav filipovi

Printed by
Scanner Studio

Printed in

: ,
On cover: site Viminacium, thermae

ISSN 0350-2503

4 (2006)

Archaeological REPORTS

Duan Bori and Milo Jevti
11 (1)

Duan Mihailovi
16 (2)

Bojana Mihailovi
20 (3)

Duan Bori and Milo Jevti

24 - (4)

Velibor Kati
28 (5)
Rescue archaeological excavations at the site Bataevo in Mladenovac (5)

- Duko ljivar and Julka Kuzmanovi-Cvetkovi

31 , , XIX/2006 (6)
Plonik, Vina culture settlement Trench XIX/2006 (6)

Duan Bori and Andrej Starovi

35 (7)
Neolithic site Aria Babi in the hinterland of erdap (7)

Mirjana Blagojevi and Radivoje Arsi

39 , (8)
Rescue archaeological excavations on the sites of Crkvine and Bele, Mali Borak (8)

. Zoran Simi and Adam N. Crnobrnja

44 (9)

Katarina Dmitrovi
47 (10)
Results of archaeological excavations at the site Ilijak, Trnava near aak (10)

Vojislav Filipovi and Milorad Miljkovi

50 (11)

Igor Jovanovi
53 (12)

Mirko Pekovi and Milo Jevti

56 (13)
archaeological excavations of the Mihajlov ponor site on Miro (13)

Dimitrije Madas
, (14)
Rescue excavations of urica and surveying of the sites of KRUKA and KLOSTER,
Bela CRKVA Municipality (14)

Milo Jevti and Mirko Pekovi

64 (15)
Report on the archeological excavations of idovar (15)

Petar Popovi
69 , , IV/III .. (16)
Kale Krevica (IV/III century BC) (16)

Slobodan Fidanovski and Emina Zeevi

73 (17)
Archaeological excavations of the sites Gornje Plavince and Livadice in Ritopek near Grocka (17)

Marija Jovanovi
77 (18)
Archaeological excavations on a late La Tene settlement of arnok near Bako Dobro Polje (18)

Stanko Trifunovi
80 (19)
Archaeological excavations of Stari Vinogradi site, urug (19)

. Zoran Simi and Adam N. Crnobrnja

84 (20)
Rescue archaeological excavations IN CINCAR JANKO STREET, BELGRADE (20)
Gordana Jeremi and Aleksandra Babi
88 (21)
Courtyard of the National Museum in aak (21)

Sneana Golubovi
91 Aa , (22)

Sneana Golubovi
95 , (23)
ARCHAEOLOGICAL EXCAVATIONS at the site Pirivoj, Viminacium (23)

Predrag Peji
99 , (24)
Rescue archaeological excavations of Staro vaarite in Pirot (Suburbium Turres) (24)

Toni erkov and Aleksandar Aleksi

102 55, (25)

Toni erkov and Aleksandar Aleksi

105 , (26)

, Miroslav Jeremi, Miroslav Jesreti and Jasmina Davidovi

108 . 2
, (27)
Archaeological excavations of a trench no 2 in the imperial palace complex
of Sirmium, Srems ka Mitrovica (27)

Miodrag Aralica
112 (28)
Park of the Dr Slavoljub Bakalovi hospital (28)

Dejan Radievi and Katarina Dmitrovi

115 (29)
Courtyard of the Church of the Ascension of the Holy Virgin in aak (29)

Gordana Toi
119 (30)
Archaeological excavations of the site of Nebeske stolice (30)

Stanko Trifunovi
123 (31)
Archaeological excavations of the site Ciglana near Padej (31)

Vesna Biki and Stefan Pop-Lazi

126 , 2005. 2006. (32)
BELGRADE FORTRESS WESTERN LOWER CITY Archaeological campaign 2005-2006 (32)

Toni erkov and Aleksandar Aleksi

129 (33)

Mihailo Milinkovi
132 (34)

Bernard Bavant Bernard Bavant and Vujadin Ivanievi

138 , (35)
CARIIN GRAD, Archaeological EXCAVATIONS (35)

ore Jankovi and Pero Pratalo

143 .
Archaeological excavations of Laevac Skit Sv. ora and Gradina near Bajina Bata (36)

Dejan Radievi
146 , (37)
Lika ava, archaeological site of Grad (37)

Stanko Trifunovi
151 76 (38)
Archaeological excavations on site Stub 76 near Horgo (38)

ore Jankovi and Dejan Radievi

155 , (39)
Dupljaja, site of Grad (39)

Zvonimir Nedeljkovi and Neboja Stanojev

160 (40)
Manastirite Majdan (40)
Svetlana Hadi
164 , , , (41)

Gordana Toi
168 (42)

Gordana Toi
172 (43)

. , . , . . G. Toi, D. Buli, D. Rakovi and A. Matovi

176 (44)
ARCHAEOLOGICAL EXCAVATIONS of the site Trg in aak (44)

Marin Brmboli
179 (45)

Neboja Stanojev
182 (46)
Ba Fortress (46)

Goran Iliji
187 (47)

Dejan Buli
191 (48)

Dejan Buli and Aleksandar Matovi

194 28. (49)
RESCUE ARCHEOLOGICAL EXCAVATIONS in 28th of November Street in Novi Pazar (49)

Toni erkov and Aleksandar Aleksi

196 , (50)

Toni erkov and Aleksandar Aleksi

199 a , , (51)

. Bisenija Petrovi and Adam N. Crnobrnja

201 (52)

Vojislav Filipovi and Slavia Milivojevi

204 - 2006. (53)

Stanko Trifunovi
207 , 2006. (54)
Archaeological topography of Banat - oka, campaign 2006 (54)

. Adam N. Crnobrnja and ore Lazi

211 O (55)
Revisional surveying of Obrenovac municipality (55)

Zoran Simi and Marko Jankovi


- Jagoda Cani Teanovi and Rada Gligori

218 2004. (57)
campaign 2004 (57)
, / Paleolithic, Mesolithic /
(1) Migration of the people and Early Byzantine period
, (2) , (17)
(3) , (28)
(4) , (31)
76, (38)
/ Neolithic (32)
(4) , (34)
, a (5) , (35)
(6) . , (36)
, (7)
, (8) / Middle Age
, (9) , a (5)
, (10) , (8)
, (10)
, / , (12)
Eneolithic, Bronze and Iron Ages , , (14)
(1) , (19)
, (8) , (24)
, (11) , (28)
, (12) (32)
(13) , (33)
, , (14) , (39)
(15) , (40)
, (16) , (41)
, (17) , (42)
, (18) , (43)
, (19) , (44)
, (20) (45)
, (24) (46)
, (28) (47)
, (48) , (48)
, (50)
, (57) / Turkish period
, (9)
/ Roman Period , (19)
, , (14) , (20)
, (17) , (21)
, (18) , (24)
, (19) (32)
, (20) , (44)
, (21) (47)
, (22) 28. , (49)
, (23) , (50)
, (24) , (51)
, (27)
, (29) / Surveys
, (30) , (53)
(32) (54)
(47) , (55)
, (48) , (56)
, (52)

/ Early Christianity
, (25)
, (26)
, (33)
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 11


, ,
, ,

: , , , , , , , ,

(4439N -
2218E, 25 m, 20 m,
9091 m) (Ljubojevi 2003). ,
, -
, , .

, 2004.
2005. .1 30 m
Map Site location
(. 3). -
, . -


. -
(. 2). 2004.
( 1/2004 -
400500 m , 2 x 2 m (. 1) ( : 633-00-
600700 m - 755/2004-03).
). ,
, , -
300 m. .
- , ,
. - ,
I, - , -



Figure 1 Plan of the

site of Tabula Traiana
Cave with the position
of excavated areas
12 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

e, -

(. 4).
, .
, , (

Figure 2 Tabula ,
Traiana Cave seen 12,
from the Danube
, . -
, ,
, -

, . -
, -
Figure 3 .
Entrance to 2005. -
Tabula Traiana
Cave before 1,5 x
excavations 4 m ( 1/2005),
(. 1).

, . -

, -

(1-2), (. 4/6). -

(36), (-
; . 4/12),
Figure 4 Pottery
of the Eneolithic ( -
Kostolac Culture
(1-2), Early Iron ; ;
Age Kalakaa and . 4/36)
Basarabi Cultures
(3-6) and early (. 4/7) (,
medieval period , 2007).
pottery (7)



/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 13

1/2005, ( 73) 5
, -
(. 5). - 1/2005

, (Capra ibex) Figure 5 North

. (. 6). section of Trench
1/2005 in the
, , , Tabula Traiana
( 41), , Cave
, - (Acipenseridae).2
(. 7), - -
-, -
. .
Homo sapiens.
( 100) 35.530 360
( 100) - uncal BP (OxA-16419). -


73), in situ

Figure 6 Upper
Palaeolithic layer
(context 73) in Tabu-
la Traiana Cave with
an anvil and in half
broken radius of ibex
Capra ibex in situ
14 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

(Panthera spelaea) 1/2004 -

: 31.200 1200
uncal BP (AA-63887).
, (Crocuta spelea)
(Ursus speleus), -



1/2005, -
, . -

, -
. -
7 (?)
, 1/2005
Figure 7 Upper Palaeolithic (Aurignacian?)
end-scraper found in Trench 1/2005 (context 41)
. in Tabula Traiana Cave

 24. 2004. , , , -
- () .
(University of Cambridge) (-
). 2004. ,
, : , , , -
. 2005. : , (Mary Kate
Boughton), . , , , ,
, , . 2004.
(U.S. National Science Foundation High Risk Research in Archaeology
Award BCS-0442096), 2005. , (British Academy Small Grants 40967)
(McDonald Institute for Archaeological
Research, University of Cambridge).
 . ( ,
), a.
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 15


Duan Bori, Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge

Milo Jevti, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade

Tabula Traiana Cave (4439N 2218E) and are stylistically related to the Coofeni pot-
was discovered in the vicinity of the Roman tery style (Fig. 4/1). A sterile layer separates
stone inscription Tabula Traiana in the course the late Holocene occupation from Pleistocene
of the collaborative project 'Prehistory of north- levels. Based on the associated material cul-
east Serbia' between the Departments of Ar- ture and one AMS date, this level can be related
chaeology of the University of Cambridge and to the Oxygen Isotope Stage (OIS) 3 and the
Belgrade University. The cave is situated in the early Aurignacian culture. The obtained AMS
karstic massive of the Miro mountain plateau, date comes from an occupation floor with the
downstream from the Lower Gorge of the Dan- remains of a circular fireplace, associated stone
ube (Fig. 2). It is found some 25 m above the anvil and numerous animal bones dominated by
present level of the Danube at the altitude of Capra ibex.
90-91 m above see level (Fig. 3). The cave en- There were also fish remains, including
trance has western exposure. several species of sturgeon. OxA-16419 was
In 2004, a small test pit (2x2 m) was dug taken from an ibex horncore associated with
at the caves entrance. Another trench (4x1.5 the fireplace and is dated at 35,530 360 BP.
m) was opened in the central part of this 25 Another dated sample (AA-63887) comes from
m long cave in 2005 (Fig. 1). The latest occu- a test trench dug at the cave entrance and was
pation (10-30 cm thick) is dated to the Early taken from a cave lion Panthera spelaea meta-
Iron Age (Basarabi and Kalakaa-Gorne style of podial giving the result of 31,200 1,200 BP.
pottery, Fig. 4/3-6). There were also sporadic On the basis of faunal remains from this part of
finds of the Late Roman-early Medieval pottery the cave that indicate the presence of big cats
(Fig. 4/7), possibly associated with a pit dug at and cave bear, it seems that this site might have
the entrance of the cave. Only a few pottery been used intermittently as an animal den and a
fragments can be dated to the Eneolithic period short-term human shelter.

, ., , . , . 2007.
. 23: 103124.

Ljubojevi, V. 2003. Pregled speleolokih istrazivanja na Mirou, Nacionalni park Djerdap, Zbornik radova 4. Simpozijuma
o zatiti karsta: ??-??.
16 / Archaeological REPORTS 4


, ,

: , , , , , ,

2004. -
- .
e , (
2002. . L21L22), , -

2005. .
, -
Map Site location

. -

. -
: - .
, -
( 1976). 2006.
, -
338 m, 2006.
. : .
, - -
, 10 x 8 m, 1 m2 (. 1), -
, 36 x 25 m.
29 m 5 m,

Jo 2002. -
. -

V, 5 m,
2 m ( ), a
1,5 m.

3 m 4 m.
, -

1 - ( -

), ,
Figure 1 Velika
Balanica, situation (M 2004).
plan -
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 17

Figure 2 Mala Bal-

anica, situation plan

50 x I, J/23, 24
50 cm. .
5 cm, (2) ,
. 3 -
in situ - . -
5 cm . (I, J, K/1921).
, 5,
3 mm.
- .
(. 3)
. 2004. ( . F,
G/2122), -
, , (E, F,
L, M/2022, 2005. G/19, 20).
I, J, K/2022, - (G26G28).
I, J/2326, -
. 22d (
- ), -
(. 2). , - .
, -


Figure 3 Velika Bal-

anica western profile
of the trench at the
cave entrance

2c), . , D18,
(33c). 3b,
- (-
2b 3b. ),
2006. . -

. - .
18 / Archaeological REPORTS 4


, , -
Figure 4 Velika ,
Balanica: chipped stone
, -

. -

(. 4: 17).
, -
( ),
4: 812). -
, -
(. 5).

, -

(, , )
(Ivanova 1979; sole 1991; Simek, Smith
1997; Gbori-Csnk 1968),
(M 2006).

: -

Figure 5 Mala Bal- . -
anica: chipped stone
artifacts -

/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 19


Duan Mihailovi, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade

Paleolithic site of Velika Balanica in Sievo in the extension of the cave hallway, deep in
gorge was discovered in 2002 during archaeo- the cave.
logical surveying of the Ni-Dimitrovgrad road. Upper horizons (2a-2c) of Velika Balanica
The complex comprises two caves: Velika and contained chipped stone artifacts, numerous
Mala Balanica. Six geological horizons were ex- side-scrappers and other Levalloisian chipped
plored in the first campaign season (in 2004) stone artifacts. Lower horizons (3a-3c) are char-
in Velika Balanica, with over a thousand arti- acterized by quartzite finds, transversal side-
facts recovered and dated to middle Paleolithic scrappers, retouched flakes and etched tools. The
and accompanied by numerous and highly frag- finds from the upper layers can roughly be dated
mented animal bones. First systematic excava- as typical Mousterian, whilst the lower layers
tions were undertaken in 2005 and 2006 result- could be dated to Charentian. Charentian charac-
ing in the definition of the boundaries of inhab- teristics are also evident on the finds from Mala
ited space and the stratigraphy of the deposits Balanica. Among the artifacts discovered there,
at the entrance to the cave. Layers containing the most numerous ones are flakes and quartzite
movable finds were also confirmed in the inner tools, and typical Quina side-scrappers.
part of the cave. Abundant archaeological material which fits
Trench excavations in Mala Balanica were in the end of the Vina culture has been discov-
also undertaken in 2005 campaign and were ered. Typical pottery types occur with carinated
followed by systematic excavations in the next bowls with inverted rims which stem out from
season. A middle Paleolithic layer was identi- the mass of the material. Such is the case with
fied almost at the surface level. Bones discov- other types of portable material such as bone
ered in this cave were better preserved than and stone implements. A special attention has
those found in Velika Balanica, and the deposit been drawn to the question of the procurement
was up until 4.5 meters in thickness. Artifacts of the raw material for the production of stone
were discovered both at the cave entrance and tools and the results will be published shortly.

Gbori-Csnk, V. 1968. La station du Palolithique moyn dErd-Hongrie. Budapest.

Ivanova, S. 1979. Cultural Differentiation in the Middle Palaeolithic of Balkan Peninsula, in: Middle and Early Upper
Palaeolithic in Balkans (ed. J. K. Kozowski). Warszawa-Krakow: 1333.

M, . 2004. .
8: 135144.

M, . 2006. . -
1 (2003): 912.

Osole, F. 1991. Betalov spodmol, rezultati paleolitskih iskopavanj S. Brodarja II del. Poroilo o raziskovanju paleolita,
neolita in eneolita v Sloveniji XIX: 7129.

, . 1976. . .

Simek, J. F., Smith and F. H. 1997. Chronological Changes in Stone Tool Assemblages from Krapina (Croatia). Journal of
Human Evolution 32: 561575.
20 / Archaeological REPORTS 4


, ,

: , , , ,
, , , , ,

D (3 x 5 m),
(3 x 4 m),
, - .
, 2004. -
, ,
6 km . - .


2006. -

( -
Map Site location 631-00-302/2006-2,
26.07.2006. ) -
2004. ,
, ,

, 277 m - -
600 m2, 135 m (-
1998). , 20 m,
20 m .
, -


. -

1983, 1985. 1995. -

. ,
(2 x 3 m) (4 x 3 m) -
18 m2 (Je i Kaluerovi 1985;
1 Kaluerovi 1991).
, , -

Figure 1 alitrena 2000. ,
peina, situation plan,
campaign 2006
C (3 x 5 m). -
, 2001.
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 21

2 -


Figure 2 Strati-
graphic situation
western profile of
trenches E & G

, E G.
B 1995. . 5 cm. -
2 mm, , -
F. 5 cm, -
40 m2 (. 1). - in situ, .
, -
1 m2, (. 2).
50 x 50 cm. :

3 4
3 4 3 4

Figure 3 Chipped stone artifacts from g.s. 3 & g.s. 4 Figure 4 Chipped stone artifacts from g.s. 3 & g.s. 4
22 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

1 . - , -
, - 2006.
. -
. Beta Analytic Inc. -

8 9
G, 5

Figure 5 Hearth in
blocks 8 & 9, trench
G, g.s. 5

2 . (), -
- S
, .
( . i Kaluerovi Z.
1985; 2002). . 3 4
3 . - 24.000 25.000
, - 5 31.000
, - ().
4 .
, -
6 Dentalium . -
(. 3
Figure 6 Dentalium , , , -
shells, trench 6, g.s. 5
, .
5 .

: 5 5b. - -
(. 5), ,
(, - , a
, ) -

. - (Mihailovi et Mihailovi, ; Mihailovi,
dentalium, ).

(. 6). . -
, .
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 23


Bojana Mihailovi, National Museum, Belgrade

alitrena peina, also known as Velika that can be dated to Gravetien, one of the lead-
Ribnika peina is located in western Serbia, ing upper Paleolithic cultures of Europe.
in River Ribnica gorge, in the village of Bree, The discovery of a Gravetien layer in 2004,
some 6 kilometers from the town of Mionica. followed by an Orignacien layer discovered in
It was discovered by a group of young explor- this years campaign, depicts a long and continu-
ers from Valjevo during a survey of the Ribnica ous period of habitation in the cave throughout
River valley in the late 1970s. Over the next the upper Paleolithic.
two decades several archaeological campaigns, Culture layer in alitrena peina were dat-
albeit small in size, took place on the site. First ed in Beta Analytic Inc. (Miami, USA) using a
protective excavations on the site were initiated standard AMS dating method of the bone ma-
by Valjevo based Institute for the Protection of terial. Layers 3 & 4 were dated to 24-25 000
Cultural Monuments in 2000 and 2001. years BP, whilst layer 5 can be dated to 31 000
Excavations were continued in 2004, car- years BP.
ried by the National Museum in Belgrade. On the basis of our present discovery it can
Systematic archaeological excavations un- be stated that alitrena peina represents the
dertaken by the National Museum in 2006 rep- most significant and richest Paleolithic site dis-
resent a continuation of extremely successful covered so far in Serbia, being a single Grave-
2004 campaign, in which trenches E & G yielded tien site in the West Balkans and certainly one of
over 7000 chipped stone artifacts accompanied the richest and most important upper Paleolithic
by several thousand fragments of animal bones sites in Southeast Europe.

, . (.) 1998. . .

, . i Kaluerovi, Z. 1985. alitrena peina paleolitsko i neolitsko nalazite. Arheoloki pregled 25: 3334.

Kaluerovi, Z. 1991. Palaeolithic in Serbia in the Light of the Recent Research. XLII: 18.

Mihailovi, B. et Mihailovi, D. ( ) Considration sur le Gravettien et lEpigravettien ancien aux Balkans de lOuest,
Paleo XXXVI.

Mihailovic, B. ( ) The Gravettian site Salitrena Pecina near Mionica (Western Serbia), in: XV International
Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, September 2006. Lisbon: 39.

, J. 2002. . 18: 923.

24 / Archaeological REPORTS 4


, ,
, ,

: , , , , , , ,

- ( -
( 300330 m).
). 15 m
(), - , -

() ,

Map Site location
, -
. -
. -
2006. , -

, -
, ,
e -
19. .1
- -
. -

, - -
( 1941). ,2
. -
- (N 44 32, E 22 3)
I 1971. , 1970. 1971. ,
- I, -
. 640 m2,

1 -


Figure 1 Topogra-
phy of the site of Vla-
sac with the position
of excavated areas,
present riverbank sec-
tion and the Danube
water level in the
spring of 2006
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 25

. -
, -
. - -
, 1.
, ( )
Figure 2 The
Danube water level at
, - the site of Vlasac on
. April 1, 2006 (facing

. -

350 2006.
(Cyprinidae), -
Figure 3 The riv-
- erbank section found
. at Vlasac at the
beginning of the field
Cyclope season in the spring
neritea, (Bori of 2006
2006). -
1/2006, 3 4 m (. 1).
, - 4
, , ,

2/2006, 1,2 1,2 m. 3/2006)
3/2006, 7 5 m) (. 1). Figure 4 Section of
group burial at Vlasac
(. 4) with several conse-
, quitive interments
and visible Meso-
lithic dwelling floor at
( 70006300. . ...) - the bottom (Trench

1978). 1971.

2006. -

(. 1, 2). -

Figure 5 Burial U53
, , and disarticulated
, bones of earlier buri-
als placed within this
(. 3). last interment

100 m, -
, , -
20 m,
26 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

( 62005900. . ...) , ,
(Bori 2006a).
, , , -
- (Bori 2006a),
(Spondylus) (Bori
2006b). (. 5)
, (. 6),

Figure 6 Child
and red deer skulls
placed over the (. 7),
group burial -
. ,
- .
. 2006.
. - 44 m2.
in situ. 3/2006 -
. .
, . ,
, 50 m,
- .

7 -


Figure 7 Early
Neolithic Starevo
pot found in situ in
the youngest levels
at Vlasac (Trench

 , 2006. .
, , , , , -
, , , , , ,
. (SG-42170), Me
(McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research in Cambridge)
(Leverhulme Programme) Changing Beliefs of the Human Body
(University of Cambridge).
 2004. ( 2004). -
, , .
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 27


Duan Bori, Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge

Milo Jevti, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade

During site surveying of the Upper gorge area in front of the present day river profile, un-
of Danube, a part of the international project derneath a thin layer of gravel and soil, we have
Prehistory of Northeast Serbia. Archaeological discovered a partially preserved late Mesolithic
surveying and excavations under the supervi- skeleton with several hundred perforated carp
sion of Duan Bori (Department of Archaeol- (Cyprinidae) teeth and beads made out of a sea
ogy, University of Cambridge) and Milo Jevti snail (Cyclope neritea) shell. About 20 meters
(Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Philoso- east of the first trench (1/2006), in the profile of
phy, University of Belgrade), in spring 2006 the the present day river bank, a pit with two burnt
existence of preserved Mesolithic-Neolithic lay- areas and a complete stratigraphic sequence
ers has been confirmed on the site of Vlasac. has been detected. In this trench (3/2006), a
This site of the Lepenski Vir culture has previ- complex group burial with at least 7 sequential
ously been excavated in the course of rescue skeletal burials was detected underneath humus
excavations conducted between 1970 and 1971, and a sterile layer of gravel (about 1 meter in
just before hydro-electric power plant erdap I thickness) which covered the site after its aban-
came online. Although it has been regarded that donment during Neolithic period. One above
the site is covered by the water of the accumula- the other, both children and adults were bur-
tion lake, the survey has shown that the archae- ied here. In situ cremations were also detected
ological layers in the hinterland of the former between skeletal inhumations. An ornament of
site are accessible for systematic excavations. spondylus sea shells and beads of red and white
This discovery was made possible by record low limestone were discovered in the younger phase
water levels of Danube. We have established of the group tomb. The tomb was ritually aban-
that during the forming of the new river bank doned with the placing of a child and deer skull,
on Vlasac, Danube gradually eroded archaeo- and then the whole area was covered in large
logical layers of the site endangering preserved stone blocks. Directly on these block of stone,
parts, which is a direct result of the operation fragments of early Neolithic pottery (belonging
of hydro-electric power plant erdap I. In the to Starevo culture) were found.

Bori, D. 2006a. New discoveries at the Mesolithic-Early Neolithic site of Vlasac: Preliminary notes. Mesolithic Miscellany
18 (1): 714.

Bori, D. 2006b. Vlasac u mezolitiku i neolitiku razmjena i kontakti s egzotinim svjetovima, u: Trgovina i razmjena u
pretpovijesti (ur. Sanjin Miheli). Zagreb: 24.

, . 2004. , (): 217218.

, . 1941. . .

, . , . 1978. . I (). .
28 / Archaeological REPORTS 4


, , e

: , , , ,
, , ,

- -
o a. . O
, je ,
, . -
. , -
, -

Map Site location


V .
, -

, -
2/06, 3 x 3 m, -
30 m 1/06,
2006. e 2/05, .
- ,

- . 1,70 m
( 2008). .
- 2/06,
- 0,50 m .
, - ,

1/06, 4 x 4 m,

1 m. -
, -
Figure 1 Make- ,
donska street. Detail 1998.
of the situation plan
of the site
, -

/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 29

, - , -

. -
, . .
, -
, - 1/06, -

. 1/06

Figure 2 Trench
1/06, view from the
, east at the bottom of
the trench, with the
. basis of object 1/06
( 3/06), 25
m . -

- ,
, ,
. , , .
- -
. .
, : , , -
, , , . -
. -
, ,
, - . -
, .
- ,
, , .
1/98 (- -
). -
(IIIVI) , ,
- .
. - -
, , , -

, -


, 2/06, -

. -
Figure 3 Trench
2/06, view from the
. west at the bottom
of the trench con-
taining a pit


30 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

, , - , -
. -
, . .
 , , 1.
10. 2006. , , -.
, ,

Rescue archaeological excavations at the site Bataevo in Mladenovac

Velibor Kati, Museum of Mladenovac, Department of Belgrade City Museum

Rescue archaeological excavations were settlement at the site, dated to X-XI century
carried at the site Bataevo, in Makedonska on the basis of pottery fragments. Eight early
street, by placing trenches 1/06 (4x4 meters) Neolithic layers were defined in trench 2/06.
and 2/06 (3x3 meters). Trench 1/06 yielded First, second and fifth layer yielded remains
two layers dated to the early Neolithic, with a of architecture, whilst all of the layers con-
part of an object being excavated in the older tained a large amount of movable archaeo-
of the two layers. The youngest, third cultural logical material: pottery and objects of bone
layer can indicate the existence of a Slavic and stone.

, . 2008. 2004. 2005. ,

23: 910
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 31



, ,
-, ,

: , , , , ,
, ,

- , -
22 km , ,
, , -
. - .
, ,
100 ha,
6070 km

, -
Map Site location

. -

1926. .

, -

, . -
- -
. , -
, -
. - .
- 1960. 1978. . -
. - ,

Plan Situation
32 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

- , . -
- ,
1996. . ,
- -
, , . ,


Figure 1 Trench
XVIII, copper

, ,
- - -
, , -
. XIX -
2006. . -
. , - , , 5
x 5 m.
. . XVIII, -
, 2004. .
, -
. - .
, - , -
1 m.
XIX, - -
Figure 2 Trench
XIX, amphorae
goblet . ,
, -
, -

/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 33


Figure 3 Trench
XIX, layer foundation

XIX , -
, , , -
. - .
, - - -
- , -
. ,
XIX - , -
. .
- , o
. -

. ,
, -
, , 4
. , -

Figure 4 Trench
XIX, area with daub
, and malachite
. -

. -


. -
, -
34 / Archaeological REPORTS 4


Figure 5 Trench
XIX, CD profile

, -
. .

Plonik, Vina culture settlement Trench XIX/2006

Duko ljivar, National Museum, Belgrade

Julka Kuzmanovi-Cvetkovi, National Museum of Toplica, Prokuplje

The prehistoric settlement of Plonik is lo- Vina culture. As typological repertoire does
cated 22 kilometers Southeast of Prokuplje on not change in the process these changes in fab-
the left bank of Toplica River in the vicinity of ric are the only visible effects of the developed
Bace and Plonik villages. Excavations on the copper metallurgy.
site so far were undertaken three times. First, Archaeometallurgical implements did not
in 1926/27 were the rescue excavations by Mi- lack even in this trench. Malachite samples vary
odrag Grbi, followed by the second phase un- in quantity from layer to layer, but are present
der the supervision of Blaenka Stalio almost in the entire vertical stratigraphy of the trench.
forty years later, between 1960 and 1978. The All of the samples have undergone a transfor-
third and final phase was initiated by the Na- mation of structure, a result of exposure to high
tional Museum in Belgrade and the National temperatures, with several larger peaces hav-
Museum of Toplica in Prokuplje in 1996. More ing considerable weight, possibly due to the ex-
or less, the excavations on the site are continu- istence of a metallic amorphous core.
ous ever since, resulting in the trench number An interesting and rare find is the zoomor-
XIX being excavated during September and phic figurine discovered this season. The figurine
October 2006. is a representation of a bull with clearly distin-
Vertical stratigraphy of trench XIX is clear, guishable anatomic details, perforated nostrils
continuous, without caesuras and discrete con- and a carryall on its back. In concordance with
struction horizons. According to the excavated the similar finds from the site Belovode, this
situations, stylistic and typological charac- find compellingly supports the notion of these
teristics of the pottery, three phases of Vina animals being used for work. Almost without a
culture are clearly being distinguished on the doubt they were used to carry and pull certain
site. A continuous evolution and development of loads. A significant quantity of secondary arti-
this culture is without any doubts, with the only facts that complete a compelling picture with
visible boundary being the beginning of Gra- ever more clear contours for the interpretation
dac phase with the appearance of gray, porous of the earliest metallurgy and mining associated
pottery, more numerous in the later phases of with Vina culture.
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 35


, ,

: , , , , , ,

( -
) ,
a, a, -
310 318 m. . -


, -
. , Map Site location

, -
), .
T 2004. -

( 2 x 3 m,
2 2 m 1 x 1
2004. 2006. (. m).
: 633-00-755/2004-03).1 . ,
, -
, - .
a, ,
( 18 %), - 0,20,3 m, 1
0,8 (. 1). . -

( 1983), . 0,5 m
(. 2). ,

1 A

Figure 1
36 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

( , a
0,5 0,8 m). (0,20,25 m)
- ;
, , (3)  a -
. a , ,
- ;
, (4) 
. (Baremian) .2


- ,


(. 3).

Figure 2
. -


, 2005. - 8 m2.
10 x 4 m. - , -
(1 x 1 m). 1-2/2005 1 m, -
, - .
(. a
1). -
: (?) ,
(1)  8 9 2/2005.
3 - ( 0,3 m), -
- ( 100) -

1-2/2005, , , , a3 (.
4). :

; -
Figure 3 (2)  , , ,
a , .
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 37

, -
, - .
, a
, -
, -

. -

. - Figure 4


, -
, -
(Jovanovi 1987). -

(Peri and Nikoli 2004). -
, -
. ,
, , - , . II,
, (Aranelovi-
Garaanin 1954), -
( ). 5900. 5500. ...

(University of Cambridge) ( ).
2004. , , : , ,
, . 2005.
: , (Mary Kate Boughton), , ,
, , , , . -
89. 2006. .
2004. U.S. National Science Foundation (High Risk Research in Archaeology
Award BCS-0442096), 2005. (British Academy Small Grants 40967)
(McDonald Institute for Archaeological
Research, University of Cambridge).
 . .
- , 8. 2005. -
. a , , a
(Voytek 1987).
38 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

Neolithic site Aria Babi in the hinterland of erdap

Duan Bori, Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge

Andrej Starovi, National Museum, Belgrade

The site of Aria Babi is situated on the top timate its potential for future work. On the basis
of the Koobrdo Hill (Fig. 1) at the altitude of of the surface collection, it was estimated that
310-318 m in the immediate hinterland zone the site spreads across 0.8 ha. In 2005, a trench
of the sites of Lepenski Vir and Lepenski Abri was dug (1-2/2005, 4x10 m) exposing a larger
(Fig. 2). The site is found on a north-facing area, and a significant concentration of cultural
slope (18% degree) and consists of 0.6-0.8 m material was discovered in the subhumus layer
thick, largely homogenous, sediment with re- (Fig. 3). Due to the acidity of soil at this site, no
mains of an Early/Middle Neolithic occupation. bone finds are preserved and only three small
The characteristic Starevo Culture pottery is burned fragments were found at a lower level of
found along with a variety of flint tools (Fig. 4), Trench 1-2/2005. Such acid smonitsa soil also
largely made of yellow white-spotted flint from significantly damages pottery surfaces making
the Balkan platform (Voytek 1987), as well as them look rounded and washed out.
various abrasive ground stones and polished The pottery found here has analogies in the
shoe-last stone axes. published pottery assemblage from the site of
The collaborative project Prehistory of Lepenski Vir (Peri & Nikoli 2004), and could
north-east Serbia between the Departments be related to a developed phase of the Starevo
of Archaeology of the University of Cambridge Culture, i.e. 5900-5500 cal BC. In the course of
and Belgrade University investigated the site the 2005 field season, three small pieces of ob-
between 2004 and 2006. In 2004, several test sidian (from the Carpathian sources) were found
trenches were dug across the site in order to es- along with a small stone bead.

Aranelovi-Garaanin, D. 1954. Starevaka kultura. Ljubljana.

Voytek, B. 1987. Analysis of lithic raw material from sites in eastern Yugoslavia, in: Papers for the First International
Conference on Prehistoric Flint Mining and Lithic Raw Material Identification in the Carpathian Basin, Budapest-Smeg
(ed. K. T. Bro). Budapest: 287295.

, . 1983. , . XXXIIIXXXIV: 201207.

Jovanovi, B. 1987. Die Architektur und Keramik der Siedlung Padina B am Eisernen Tor, Jugoslawien. Germania 65 (1):

Peri, S. and Nikoli D. 2004. Stratigraphic, Cultural and Chronological Characteristics of the Pottery from Lepenski Vir
1965 Excavations, in: The Central Pomoravlje in Neolithisation of South-East Europe. The Neolithic in the Middle Morava
Valley 1 (ed. S. Peri). Belgrade: 157217.
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 39


, ( )

, ,
, ,

: , , , , , ,
, , ,

- ( 2440, 51, 52; -

(. 633-00-388/2006- 50 m 0,40 m). -
03), : 31 -
(, , , ), 222

2005. .
25 40, 5 4 m 8 4
. - Map Site location
24, 25 27

2005. . -
2005. . -

, 6. 30. 2006. .
- 0,20 m 0,80 m

. . -
, ,
2006. - 0,30 m.
, - , ,
2005. (. . -
7). 1200 m2 -

1 ,
12, 6

Figure 1 Crkvine,
sector 12, trench 6,
blocks PR15-16, A.C.
1.1 (house)
40 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

2 : 3 :

Figure 2 Crkvine, torso of a ceramic figurine, Figure 3 Crkvine, miniature ceramic bowl, ceramic altar
head of a figurine

, 0,40 m. . -
. , -
, -
2,20 m,
. -

0,70 m.

4 - -
, -
Figure 4 Crk-
vine, bronze ear- , (. 1). -
ring, bronze ring ,


, -
, ,
. ,
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 41

, , , 0,40 m 0,90 m, -
, , ); ,
, , - .
- ,
; ,
(. 2 3). .
, -
, ,
, -
5 -
: ,
, - -

( - Figure 5 Crkvine,
) , bronze cross, silver
diadem, silver ear-
, -
. -

, -
() , )

, )
, ) , )
; -
, -
; -
; ;
(. 4 5).

- .
, 800 m2. - , -
2005. (70 ). -
222 a , -
. (17) 200 m
, ,
. ,
. 2
- ha.
. ,
42 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

, -
, .
6 , -
102, 6 -

Figure 6 Bele, .
sector 102, trench 6,
layer 4, A.C.1.7 , -

, -

. -
, -
. -
( . 7). , .
(4150), .
, -
. .
700 m2 ( 114).

, , -
. 12
, 0,500,80 m.

25 cm ,
, 3040 cm, -
, 6070 cm,
7 -
, , -
- .

Figure 4 Crkvine 14 15.
& Bele, map of
10 5 m
excavated area
0,80 m, -
1,5 0,6 m, -
. -
, -
. .
, -
(. 6).
4 6
, -
in situ -
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 43

Rescue archeological excavations on the sites of Crkvine

and Bele, Mali Borak (KO Lajkovac)

Mirjana Blagojevi, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of Serbia, Belgrade
Radivoje Arsi, Heritage protection Institute Valjevo

Mining basin Kolubara encompasses the be traced from as far as the earliest prehistoric
territory of Podrinje, Kolubara and Belgrade re- cultures up to present day. During 2006 cam-
gions, spreading over the territory of four mu- paign, archaeological excavations on the site of
nicipalities: Lazarevac, Lajkovac, Ub and Obren- Crkvine located in the village of Mali Borak,
ovac with rivers Kolubara, Kladnica, Tamnava, were continued, right in front of the giants soil
Turija and Petan. Its favorable geographic posi- excavators of the Kolubara open coal mine. An
tion and climate were of importance in the cre- area containing remains of a Vina culture set-
ation of primordial settlements, almost by a rule tlement and a medieval necropolis was explored
located in river valleys, areas rich in forest suit- in full. South of the named site but within the
able arable land and plentiful in fish and game. same village, excavations on the site of Bele
These characteristics of the terrain are closely were also conducted, yielding the remains of a
linked with the genesis of the coal in large lignite settlement dated to the early Eneolithic. Post
coal basins. Such is the case with the Kolubara excavations, both sites were turned over to the
coal basin, where the continuity of living can investor for further exploitation.
44 / Archaeological REPORTS 4


. ,

: , , XVIIXVIII , , , , ,

- ,
- -
, --
- ,
(Todo- - .
02.10.2006. ,1 -
50 m.
1, 4 4 m,
Map Site location
, 30

0,35 0,80 m,
(. 1). 1
rovi 1967: 1718), - 0,92 m, -
24 1,10 m.
12 km 1,35 m.
, 2, 4 4 m,
500 m 130 m 2424. -
380 m (443345.10 N; 0,20 0,90 cm,
200744.09 ; elev. 112).
- .
. 0,80 m,


Figure 1 Late
medieval graves
on the site of
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 45

- , ,
, - .
1,4 m :
( 1);
, -
; ,
, ,
. -

( ) 3
(-5), , , ( 1)

Figure 2 Col-
. lapsed wall daub
in trench 3 (ob-
1,30 1,70 m, ject 1)
, -
( 2; . 3) ,
45, .
, .

, -
(-30). -
, -
1 1,5 m.

, -

, 2006.

1 m, - ,2

- (500 m)
. ,
, - 300 m.
1,4 m. 1, 3 4 -
3 4, 7 1 m, - .
3, 0,40
m, -
. -
0,40 0,60 m,

( 1; . 2). -
. -
1 .
4, -
0,20 0,60 m, -
4 ( 2)
, -
, Figure 3 An area
. - of compact house
daub in trench 4
0,60 1,05 m, (object 2)
, . -
, 1,15 m,
46 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

- ,

. -
( -
5 km) - .
3 o 2007. , -
, - ,
 : , , , , -
, , . , , , ,
. . 633-00-762/2006-02 11.09.2006 .
 , -
 , ( 2005: 77); , (Todorovi 1970); (Todorovi
1969); , (Todorovi 1967a).


Zoran Simi, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments, Belgrade

Adam N. Crnobrnja, Museum of Belgrade

Trench excavations the site of Crkvine in Fig. 2). Upon this discovery, further work has
Stubline were undertaken in order to verify the been stopped in order to enable the full excava-
existence of a medieval church and the closer tion of the object in future.
defining of the character of the previously regis- Pottery fragments and house daub, along-
tered settlement of the Vina culture (Todorovi side a smaller amount of polished stone tools
1967: 17-18). These actions were performed in were detected between 20 and 60 centimeters
order to determine the necessary elements for deep in trench 4. Bellow 60 cm of depth and
the creation of a study for the enlistment of the all the way to approximately 105 centimeters
site onto the list of culture heritage monuments. deep, a large amount of pottery fragments,
The site is located approximately 12 kilo- small pieces of house daub and animal bones
meters Southwest of Obrenovac, on a plateau and a small amount of polished stone tools was
some 500 meters in length, approximately 380 detected. Between 130 and 170 centimeters,
meters wide in the western section and some in central and north part of the trench an area
130 meters in the eastern part (4403345.10 covered with house daub was detected (object
N; 2000744.09E; elevation 112 MSL). The 2, Fig. 3), descending from East to West at an
plateau is surrounded with streams meeting in angle of almost 45.
the Southeast on both South and North end. Ex- Following these trench excavations, a de-
cavations were performed using four trenches, tailed surface survey of the site was performed
covering an area of 50 sq. meters in size. in November 2006, leading to the discovery of
A large amount of Eneolithic pottery frag- surface finds all along the plateau (approximate-
ments and house daub was detected in trench 1, ly an area of 500x300 meters in size). The loca-
alongside 4 skeletal burials, oriented East-West tion of trenches 1, 3 and 4 represents the West-
(Fig. 1), and most likely dated to a period be- ern periphery of this large settlement.
tween 16th and 17th century. A large amount of The state of preservations and the size of
scattered pottery fragments and house daub has this Neolithic settlement allow exquisite possi-
been detected in trench 2, on a relative depth bilities for the creation of not only vertical but
between 40 cm and 1 meter. In trench 3, 40 also horizontal stratigraphy of the site. It is
centimeters deep, smaller amounts of pottery worth mentioning that in the vicinity of the site
fragments and house daub were the only finds, (in a diameter of some 8 kilometers) further four
but between 40 and 60 centimeters the remains sites belonging to the same period are located,
of a collapsed wall daub were detected covering with some of them containing layers belonging
the bottom of the entire trench area (object 1; to older periods.

, . 2005. (1). LII: 5994.

Todorovi, J. 1967. Crkvine, Stubline, Obrenovac naselje vinanske grupe. Arheoloki pregled 9: 1718.

Todorovi, J. 1967a. Jasenje, Brdo (groblje), Vukievica, Obrenovac naselje vinanske grupe. Arheoloki pregled 9:

Todorovi, J. 1969. Grabovac, uria vinogradi, Obrenovac naselje starevake i vinanske grupe. Arheoloki pregled
11: 1213.

Todorovi, J. 1970. Novo selo, Stubline, Obrenovac naselje starevake i vinanske kulture. Arheoloki pregled 12:
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 47


, ,

: , , , , , ,

, . - .
, ,
- .
, -
, 2006.
(. 1).1
1, 5 5 m, - Map Site location

. ,
30 cm, -
, : -
0,9 m,

(. 2).
. ( )
, - ( -
, , - ),
, 0,350,4 m.
. 1
1 ,
2005. , 0,5 m,

1 -

Figure 1 Situ-
ation plan, site of
Ilijak, Trnava near
48 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

0,65 m. -

2 1 ,
1 -
Figure 2 ,
Trench 1, basis

. -
1 m
(. 3 4). 2006. -


, -

2, 6 1 m, -

, 30 m -
1 ( ),
0,5 m,

3 ( 1). ,
1, .

Figure 3 1
Trench 1 object
1 after excava- 2 m.
tions 1,5 1,6
m, 3.
, .
. -
, - -
, - .
. 1,
; ( 0,3 m)

4 1,

Figure 4 . -
Cross-section of
object 1

9196, . I, III IV).
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 49

2 (. 5). -
. 2 3:
. 2 - Figure 5
, Trenches 2 & 3
graves 1 & 2
1996: 92, . 1).
. - -
- ,
, ,
XVI (- .

 , , ,
, , , .
, .. 698/3 .. , -
. 631-02-243/2006-03.

Results of archaeological excavations at the site Ilijak, Trnava near aak

Katarina Dmitrovi, National museum, aak

The site of Ilijak is located in the village of in the surrounding of the named objects are also
Trnava, in the near vicinity of aak and lies worth mentioning, as they probably represent
on an elongated slope that extends from the finds that can be dated to Roman period.
Northern hangs of Jelica Mountain towards the Trenches 2 and 3 were opened some 30
West Morava valley. The site has been located meters northeast of trench 1, in an area called
through surveying and in order to obtain a fuller Crkvite by the local inhabitants with reported
image of the stratigraphy and the type of the sporadic finds of human bones.
site, a small archaeological excavation was un- Within the trenches two inhumation graves
dertaken in 2006. were detected. The deceased were buried lying
Excavations in trench 1 have yielded re- flat on their backs, and were oriented West-East.
mains dated to Neolithic period. In essence, two A partially damaged grave construction made of
pits and a part of an object have been partially stone slabs has been detected around grave 1.
excavated. On the basis of recovered movable Both graves can, on the basis of known analo-
finds these objects can be dated to late Vina gies, be dated to the second half of the 16th
culture. Two decorated stone pieces, discovered century or later.

-, . . 1996.
( ), 12: 8998.
50 / Archaeological REPORTS 4



K : , , , ,
, , ,

2006. , - , .
, - 4
.1 - 4 -


. , -


. , -
Map Site location -
, ,
. 1
0,4 m
3 m -
, -
(Filipovi and Starovi 2005; (. 2): -
Lazi, Baki i Sofrani 2005; 2006;
2007; -
2007). .
, 12 km - . ,
15 km , ,
- ,
4 5 (. 1). - . , ,
- 2


: -
1 - -
, (0,20,25 m)

, ,
Figure 1 Ilirsko . -
groblje archaeological
site, new and old situ- 4,
ation plan , 18 m,
1,1 m.
5, 12 0,55
m, -
, -
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 51

4, 1
, in situ

Figure 2 Mound
4, urn 1, bronze
jewelry and in situ

m. ,
. . -
, -
- -
. / . , . 3
3, ,
. .
- -
, -
0,8 0,6 m; ,
. , 2,5 2
60- . m,
(. 3). -
5 ,
- 0,1 0,3 m,
. , 0,6 m,
, (. 4).
. , ,
, - ,
, .
. 1 0,25 .
m, , -
- -
. , -

, -

, 3
5, -
. in situ
2 -
Figure 3 Mound
5, remains of the
0,3 m, - central incineration
- with urn 5 in situ

. -

52 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

5, -

Figure 4 Mound
5, pits dug into
the sterile soil
beneath a part of
the stake

. -
40- - , -
. .

, , . -
, , ,
, .
, ,
, .


Vojislav Filipovi, Belgrade

Milorad Miljkovi, Institute for Protection of Cultural Monuments of Serbia, Belgrade

Systematic rescue archaeological excava- there is a brown layer of the mound filling, with
tions of the prehistoric necropolis Ilirsko groblje the sterile soil represented by clayish earth grey
continued in 2006, under the supervision of the and yellow in color. The diameter of the exca-
Institute for Protection of Cultural Monuments vated mound 4, the biggest of all mounds de-
of Serbia, Petnica Science Center and National tected on the site, is 18 meters, with the height
Museum of Valjevo. The site Ilirsko groblje is a of 1.1 meters.
necropolis comprising earthen mounds dated to Mound 5, 12 meters in diameter and 55 cm
developed Bronze Age, located in the village of in height has been severely damaged through
Bukovac, 12 km southwest of Mionica and 15 km both agricultural work at the site, construction
East of Valjevo. of a dirt road and the roots of the trees. Both
During July 2006, archaeological investiga- mounds were excavated using the method of op-
tions were undertaken on mounds 4 and 5 (Fig. posite segments without control profiles.
1). Up until now, all excavated mounds at the According to the bronze artifacts and pot-
site have identical stratigraphies: underneath a tery, the necropolis can be dated to developed
thin layer of surface humus (20 25 cm deep), Bronze Age.

Lazi, ., Baki, D. i Sofrani, A. 2005. Preliminarni rezultati arheolokih iskopavanja bronzanodopske humke na lokalitetu
Ilirsko groblje kampanja 2004. Petnike sveske 57: 273280.

, . 2006. , 2004. .
30: 4749.

, . , . 2007. , 2006. .
31: 4951.

Filipovi, V. and Starovi, A. 2005. Excavations at a Bronze Age Mound Necropolis Site Illyrian Graveyard, Western Serbia.
Antiquity Vol. 79, No. 304, June 2005. (

, . , . 2007. . .. 1: 7177.
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 53


, ,

: , , , ,
, , ,

j , .
- 2004. . -
, (
, .


, -

Map Site location
), , , -
- , ,
, -
, .
7. ,



1 -
. , -

Figure 1 The site
- of Kmpije, situation

54 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

2004. 2006. ,
, , -
. - ).
2006. - -
, ,
, -
, ,
2030 cm, -
, . -
2 3 5 ,

, 0,4 0,9 m.
Figure 2
Trench 7, second
layer, beginning ,
of work near the . -
Northern profile
, . -
( 2, 5, 6, 7).
, -
, , , , -
, -
, , ).
, -
. 631-02-267/2006-03 14.7.2006. , -
, - , , , -
. - -
. . ,
, , -
4 x 4 m, . -
. - ,
, 80 ,
m, 2006. -
2 , . , -
x 2 m. - (
( 2, 3, 4), ( ,
5, 6, 7) (- , -
1, 8, 9, 10). , ,
, . ,

3 4

Figure 3 Vessel with a nozzle Figure 4 Ceramic bowl

/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 55

, ). -
, -
, ,


, -
, , -
, -
5 -

Figure 5 Ceramic
, (- beaker
, , ).


Igor Jovanovi, Museum of Mining and Metallurgy, Bor

Preliminary archaeological excavations at tions have led to the discovery of prehistoric

the site of Kmpije were first undertaken in 2004 settlements dated to the Eneolithic period with
and 2005. Before the excavations, a smaller rich material finds and significantly poorer re-
survey was conducted in order to establish mains dated to Medieval period, Turkish time
the chronology of the site. It was concluded and later. Excavations of the 2006 campaign
that the site is a multilayered settlement with have confirmed earlier statements, but have
finds from the early Eneolithic, late Eneolithic also given new elements for the further stud-
and Medieval period. Archaeological excava- ies of the site.
56 / Archaeological REPORTS 4


, ,
, ,

: , , , ,

, 13 km . -
, .
8,20 m,
8,50 m. -
. -

, -
Map Site location
(. 3/1), -
7 (Vulpe 1967: 66, Fig. 21;
2006: 34; Stoji 2006: 110).
0,15 0,20 m,
(. 4). -
(- , ,
2006: 33) (). 21. 1. .
2006. ,
2005. . -
0,25 m. -
, -
, ,
. -


12 13,
Figure 1 Dis- -
position of stone
constructions at -
the site of Mihajlov (. 1).

, -

/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 57

2 9 3 9

Figure 2 Pottery from construction 9 Figure 3 Metal finds from construction 9

, . ,
, , -
, . , - (. 2/11),
(. 2/1). - .
(. 3/45), , -
(. 3/8). , -
. ,
. ,
- , (.
, 2/26). -

. (. 3/2).
- ,
(. 3/6) (Guma 1993, 237239), -
- , . -
. ,
, , -
. .
, - ,
. ,
, - 2 m,
0,1 m. 7,
(. 2/7). - ,
- -
, , -
, , (. 4).
(. ,
2/810). - . -
. , -
, ,
, - (.
, 3/7). -
58 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

4 -


Figure 4 Basis
of construction 9
with finds after
the excavation

- (. 3/10). -
, , -
. , 2 m
0,8 m , - , 0,25 m (. 4).
(. 3/9), , -
(. 3/11) -
(. 3/3), - (. 3/1213).



Figure 5 Con-
struction 9, post
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 59

, .
(Vulpe 1967: 196, Pl.

, - , VI V ..,
- ,
(. 2).
. - ( 1997: 91100).
- -
(Vulpe 1967; evti 1983: 1112), 2007. .

Report on the archaeological excavations of the Mihajlov ponor site on Miro

Mirko Pekovi, Military Museum, Belgrade

Milo Jevti, Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade

The site of Mihajlov Ponor is located in the As early as 2006 the research of one of the
Konjska foothill, approximately 13 km north- constructions was carried out.
west from the Miro village in a thick forest on The pottery from this site belongs to the
a small elevation surrounded by hollows, en- post-Basarabi period, with characteristics of the
compassing an area of 1 hectare. In this area, Ferigile group from the western parts of Roma-
more than 30 circular stone constructions were nia. It represents material of great significance
located, with a massive outside ring, for their with elements of the so-called Scythian hori-
building various pieces of lined up stones, natu- zon in Romania or the early Ferigile group (late
ral rocks, were used, reaching a height of up 6th century BC 5th century BC). The pottery
to 1.3 m. In the central part of a larger ring, shapes also show strong influence from Greek
a smaller one was formed of broken stone and Pontic colonies. Besides ceramics, small metal
the space between them was covered by small objects were discovered as well. Five arrowheads
pieces of stone and soil. The diameters of the with two perforations each and a single-looped
stone constructions vary from 4 m to 12 m and fibula of the Marvinci Gogou type from the
their heights from 0.5 m to 1.3 m. late phase of the Basarabi group were found.
The site was discovered during surveying For the time being, it is difficult to deter-
of the broader hinterland of Djerdap in 2004 mine what, in fact, those stone constructions
and due to the alarming condition on the site, filled with archaeological material, represent.
i.e. the fact that almost all the stone construc- Further research is necessary in order to confirm
tions were seriously damaged, it was decided the assumption that we are on the threshold of a
for a number of them to be examined to a new form of tribal culture, a cult site, i.e. a form
greater detail. of a forest shrine.

Bader, T. 1983. Die Fibeln in Rumnien. Prhistoriche Bronzefunde XIV/6. Mnchen.

, . 1997. . : . : 91100.

Vulpe, A. 1967. Necropola hallstattiana Ferigile. Bucureti.

Guma, M. 1993. Civilizaia primei epoci a fierului n sud-vestul Romniei. Bucureti.

Jevti, M. 1983. Keramika starijeg gvozdenog doba na centralnobalkanskom podruju. Beograd.

, . 2006. . .

Stoji, M. 2006. Prmonetre zahlungsmittel aus dem Morava- gebiet und Ostserbien. Archaeologia Bulgarica X: 110.
60 / Archaeological REPORTS 4


: , , , , ,
, , ,

2006. , -
- .
( -
352/3, ,
07.08.2006), -
. ( 1981:
- 1319). () -
. (,

Map Site location

- ( , XVII
), (IIIV
. XV .

1 -


Figure 1 Steep ,
bank of urica

, -

/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 61

, - .
, 200 m (
, 3 x 3 m 1 m
, - 25 m) -
. ,

. , . -

, ,
. . -
, - ,
, , -
. ,
, ,
- 2
. ,

a - Figure 2 Grave
within 2005 cam-
, paign trench

. ,
. -
2005. - ,

( . 3237 3241 - .
), . 2006, -
, ,
. 200 m. .
2 x 2 m -
- , -
- .
, ,
0,6 m. 0,5 m ,
, 1,3
m. -

, 3 ,
Figure 3 Kruka,
, fragments of ceramic
in situ vessels
, , 2006. -
. -

. -
. , -
- , -
300 m, 6 m, 1,2 m ,
0,5 m 4 m. , -
- -
. .
62 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

. , 0,6 m -
, , -
XI . . , 55 x 55 x 5
- cm,
, ,
. - .
, -
, - ,
1,1 m. ,

, - .
, - ,
, ,
. - . -
, , -
, .
, , .
. - .
- ,
- ( )
, -
3 x 2 m,
. ,
. , -
, -
( !?) .

Figure 4 . -
Kloster, dam- ( ),
aged building
floor ,

0,6 m -
. -
- ,
( 0,6 m ), - . -
, ,
. .
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 63

URICA, rescue excavations, KRUKA & KLOSTER,

surveying, Bela Palanka Municipality

Dimitrije Madas, Kovin

Started in 2005 and intensified in 2006, The site of Kloster has been identified on
rescue excavations are taking place at the site the basis of scattered limestone plaster, brick
of urica in the area of Banatska Palanka in Bela and roof tile fragments over several fields.
Crkva Municipality. Further more, in 2006, a sur- Trench excavations have established the re-
veying was performed on two archaeologically mains of walls and a floor belonging to a larger
previously unknown sites, Kruka and Kloster, building at approximately 40 cm bellow the sur-
both in the same region as the site of urica. face. There is no doubt that the building can be
The results of archaeological excavations on dated summarily around the 4th century A.D.,
urica were disappointing, given the fact that considering the fact that the site is located
the extremely high water levels of Danube have nearby a Roman fortification of Sapaja. Within
completely destroyed the remaining part of this the single trench laid on the site, remains of
multi-period archaeological site, located on the a brick floor (55x55 cm bricks) plastered with
very bank of the river. This site, established in copious amount of white limestone mortar and
the Bronze Age was probably the biggest river a round brick that might imply an existence of
harbor in Banat and was only abandoned in mid a floor heating system, were discovered. The
XV century. In 2005 archaeological excavations floor was destroyed in part, and in those long,
yielded the stratigraphy of the site and an inter- irregularly shaped pits two human skeletons
esting pit with Iron Age finds. were discovered. The lack of grave inventory
On the site of Kruka, a single trench was does not allow us to date of these burials.
excavated with remains of an Iron Age settle-
ment sporting a culture layer 1.2 meters thick. *
The layer was very compact, without trace of im- All three sites listed here are not only en-
pact by other layers, signifying a steady evolu- dangered through intensive cultivation, but
tion and a peaceful development over a longer also through permanent visits of numerous lo-
period of time. cal looters.

, . 2001. . .

, . 1981. , . 6: 1319.
64 / Archaeological REPORTS 4


, ,
, ,

: , , , ,

, 15. 3. -
18. 3. 1, 45,60 15,20 m,
2006. , (.
(- 1). 700 m -
). , -

. -
, 8
7 8, 14,5 1 m,

2002. . -
Map Site location

1 -

( 1997: 6979).
, , -
2002. , - 1 -
. , 56

. -



1 -
- .

Figure 1 idovar,
situation plan

5 6 (.
2). ,
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 65

5 6

Figure 2 Post
holes in blocks 5

, -
- , (Ferigile) -
. (Vulpe 1967; Medovi 1978; 1983;
- 1997: 3751). ,
5 6 , 5, ,
, - .
. -

, ,

1 -



- , in situ
Figure 3 Pendant in
the shape of a decapi-
tated human head,
in situ
, -
. ,
. -
, , -
- .
, -
. 2, .
- 1, 2001.
, ,
66 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

- -
, , , -
, , -
, ,
, -
(. 5).
, in situ
Figure 4 Part 7 8. 7
of a silver jewelry -
hoard, in situ
. .

8. -
. , , -
: .

(. 3; . I/3; Jevti 2007: 43; (MarvinciGogou;
2006: 3062, . 29); Vulpe 1967; 1997: 91100). -
I/4; Jevti 2007: 43); ,
 (. Satelrings) , , -
(. 4; T. I/12), 8 -
(ibid.: 4344; idem 2006: 82166, . 49); )
 , (. 6). 7
(T. I/5; idem 2007: 8, ,
43); ,
(T. I/6), .
(T. I/7). 1,
, 3, 8,20
, - 15,30 m (. 1).
, (T. I/9- 2002. ,
13), -
(T. I/8), .
, (ibid.: 44). ,
6, 2001.

( 1997:
5368), -
5 - -

Figure 5 Re- -
mains of a late
Hallstatt house 2, -
30 6 m,

1 m.

/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 67

, , 8
, -
Figure 6 Pit in
. block 8

, -

, - , -
1, (Jevti
1 m, - 1983).
o - ,
. .

T. I


Pl. I Parts of the

hoard discovered
in campaign 2006.
68 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

Report on the archeological excavations of idovar

Milo Jevti, Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade

Mirko Pekovi, Military Museum, Belgrade

After four years of pause, in July and Au- covered object of the La Tene culture were par-
gust, and again in September and October tially buried into the late Hallstatt culture layer.
2006, in two short campaigns, systematic ar- Inside block 1 in this sector in a part of the site
chaeological excavations were continued on the not excavated since 2001 and already consider-
site of idovar, near the village of Oreac. The ably devastated by illegal diggers, a few pieces
aim of this new cycle of excavations was to ex- of jewelry that can be attributed to the idovar
cavate the remains of the settlement dated to jewelry hoard were recovered.
late Iron Age as well as a settlement belonging Aside from this, two larger late Hallstatt
to early Iron Age that lies beneath (idovar IV) culture dwelling objects were discovered, ac-
in Sector 1. In Sector 2 work on the clearing and companied by a refuse pit. All of the objects
the preparation for further excavations were discovered were left in situ, due to the lack of
planned, whilst Sector 3 was supposed to be funding and time, and will be excavated in the
cleaned and protected. Aside from these field campaigns to come.
operations, further work on the completion of Aside from the excavation on the site of
field documentation and processing of movable idovar itself, a smaller archaeological survey
archaeological finds from the late Iron Age lay- of the surrounding was undertaken. By the
ers was planned. end of the campaign a detailed processing of
Aside Sector 1, planned for further excava- the movable archaeological finds from previous
tions, Sector 2 was fully cleared and prepared campaigns was completed.
for further excavations. Due to the collapse of a A significant result of this campaign is the
profile and the removal of a protective layer on discovery of a longer hiatus between the settle-
certain parts of Sector 3, an earthen embank- ment established in the 6th-5th century BC and
ment was erected to prevent further collapse the late La Tene settlement of the 1st century
and a new protective foil and a layer of soil was BC. Our excavations left us unable to distin-
placed over the trenches. guish elements that could indicate a connection
After the removal of the remaining profiles at the end of the Hallstatt and the beginning of
in Sector 1, work on the excavation of the earli- La Tene period.
est La Tene horizon was brought to a finish. Dis- Further research is planned for 2007.

, . 1997. . : . : 91

Vulpe, A. 1967. Necropola hallstattiana Ferigile. Bucureti.

Jevti, M. 1983. Keramika starijeg gvozdenog doba na centralnobalkanskom podruju. Beograd.

, . 1997. . : .
: 3751.

, . 2006. . : -
. : 82166.

Jevti, M. 2007. Art of the Scordisci and idovar treasure. BeogradVrac.

, . 1997. . : .
: 6979.

Medovi, P. 1978. Naselja starijeg gvozdenog doba u jugoslovenskom Podunavlju. Beograd.

, . 1997. . : .
: 5368.

, . 2006. . : .
: 3062.

, . 1983. . .
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 69


, , IVIII ..

, ,

: IVIII .., , , ,
, ,

2006. - -
, - -
(. 1). - .

. -
, , , -

2006: 525-526).
2003, -
Map Site location
(. 2,
5). -
, -
2002. , 2006.
, , -
. - ,
, (
( 2005: 3839; 400 m2).
Popovi 2005b: 154155). , ,

, -

Figure 1
Kale Krevica,
situation plan
70 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

, -

. ,

( -
Figure 2 , -
Construction -
with ramparts
and platforms
hydro-technical -
5 m -


, -

Figure 3 North .
part of the
trench, horizon 1

, -


. ,


2,5 m.
, -

Figure 4 North
part of the
trench, horizon 2 , -

5 m,
6 m. -

2 m.
m, 8 m
- (. 2).
, - -
. ,
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 71

5 -

Figure 5 Central
part of the trench,
horizon 3

, .
, -
- .
(. 3).
, ,
. -
. - -
1 m. -
, .

, - ,
(. 4). . -
, , ,
0,5 m 1 m (. 5). -
. -
, , -
. . -
, , ,
, -
, . -
(. -
5; 2005: 233335; Popovi 2006: ,
525, fig. 67). , -
. ,
, (. 6).
. - III .. (Popovi 2006).
4 ha -
. ,
72 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

Figure 6
Pottery finds

. , -
, -
- .

Kale Krevica (IV/III century BC)

Petar Popovi, Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade

Systematic archaeological excavations on small proportion represents imported pottery

Krevica site, near Bujanovac, were in 2006 fo- from Athenian and North Aegean workshops.
cused at the foot of the site, where a larger com- The settlement of Krevica was estab-
plex with ramparts, stone platforms, a building lished in the beginning of the 4th and lasted
and other objects was excavated in the previ- until the first decades of the 3rd century BC.
ous years. This part of the site was named hy- Covering an area of approximately four hect-
drotechnical complex, because springs of water ares below the acropolis a spacious lower city
emerge in the lower layers, making work pos- extended all the way to the Krevica River val-
sible only with extensive use of water pumps. ley. The discovery of the hydrotechnical com-
In such specific conditions, excavation area was plex with objects built for specific purposes
extended to cover approximately 400 sq. meters can be treated as an extraordinary find. First
in order to explore layers all the way to sterile hypotheses suggest this complex as a water
soil. Three construction horizons were detected supply of the settlement and a safety measure
up until the depth of 5 meters, each a result of for protection of the settlement on the slope
the difference in water levels, a byproduct of from intensive rainfall. According to the results
successive backfilling of the area. The largest obtained so far, the complex was an integral
number of vessel fragments so far have been part of the lower city of this, obviously well or-
discovered in this area, most of them being lo- ganized settlement, erected in accordance with
cal production copies of Greek originals, but a ancient Greek patterns.

, . 2005. - ,
() XVIII1: 229262.

, . 2005. - , 20012004. . .
33: 2558.

Popovi P. 2005b. ale - Krevica: Investigations 20012004. Interim Report, ()

XVIII-1: 141174.

Popovi P. 2006. Central Balkans between the Greek and Celtic World: Case Study Kale- Krevica. in: Homage to Milutin
Garaanin (eds. N. Tasi and C. Grozdanov). Belgrade: 523536.
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 73


, ,
, ,

: ( ), , ,
, , , ,

- , , -
2006. - ( 1906: 37). -
2005. ,
, -
, ,
( 1957: 35).
XX ,

Map Site location
1984: 151).
1958. ,

.1 - , -
, - , -
, , - ,
(). ,

- 1 -

. ,

, - Figure 1 Ritopek,
Gornje Plavince and
Livadice sites, dispo-
sition of trenches in
excavated area

XX .


74 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

- m2 15
, (. 2),
, - ,
XX - 50 m2, -
. 2005. ,
. , ,
- , ,
0,60 m.
, -
- , -
, , ,
. - .
. , ,
, - ,


Figure 2
Trench IV, dispo-
sition of graves

. , (
, , .
- -
, (. 3).
- -
. - ,
2006. - ,
, . 3141/1, ,
, - -
(. 1). -
XI). - .
, 66 -
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 75

3 4

Figure 3 Site of Gornje Plavince Figure 4 Site of Livadice

, (
, I),
. .
, , 8 m2, 2,5 m,
. 3142/1, , -
, -
. (.
, - 4). .
. , - -
- -
. .
 2003. . , 2005. ,
; 631-02-366/2006-03, 29.09.2006. . , ,
, , -
, .
 , 10. 25. 2005. .
 , .
76 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

Archaeological excavations of sites Gornje Plavince

and Livadice in Ritopek near Grocka

Slobodan Fidanovski, National Museum, Belgrade

Emina Zeevi, National Museum Belgrade

Archaeological excavations of Gornje Plav- the body being West-East. Relative depth of the
ince and Livadice sites in 2006 represent a pro- graves was, on average, around 60 centimeters.
longation of earlier work on both sites, started No finds were detected in the graves discovered
in 2005 as a part of the project entitled Early this season. Aside from graves, in the south-
Medieval settlements and necropolises in Dan- ern part of the excavated are, in trenches VII
ube region. These excavations were preceded and XI a settlement layer with complex vertical
by archaeological surveys of the right bank of stratigraphy was detected, with horizons rang-
Danube River from the conflux of River Boleica ing from late Iron Age (La Tene culture) to the
towards the conflux of Seona stream. The sites period when the necropolis was formed in Me-
of Gornje Plavince and Livadice lie one next to dieval times (XI-XIII century). A large amount
the other and are positioned on a wide terrace of movable finds were collected, predominately
shaped steep slope of a larger hill rising above pottery shards.
Danube and following its course. On the site of Livadice, approximately 100
Trench excavations on the site of G. Plav- meters south of the Medieval necropolis one
ince in campaign 2006 were performed using trench was placed (8 sq. meters in area), and
5 trenches (total area covered was 50 sq. me- excavated to 2.5 meters in depts. Only two cul-
ters), yielding 9 graves with inhumation buri- ture layers were detected, first belonging to late
als. All of the deceased (as with previously de- Iron Age and the second being dated to the pe-
tected graves) were laid in regular, most likely riod of Roman occupation. Traces of later peri-
rectangular grave pits, with the orientation of ods were not detected.

- . 1984. VII XVIII . .

.. 1906. . I, : 3638.

. 1957. . IV: 3548.

/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 77


, ,

: , , , , , ,
, , ,

- - .
, -
, 2006. , 30 cm.
XX, , -
XX, XXV,1 XXV. .

. -


. -
, ,
, -
Map Site location
( 1994: 120).
XXV/2005, -


. -
XX/1997 -
, , -
7/1997. - . ,
, , ,
, 7/1997, -
7/1997. , , .
- ,
. -
, .
. XXV/2005, 2006.
, . ,
, . ,
- -
7/1997. , ,
- .
, ,

. 1 ,

. , Figure 1 arnok
. -
, 2,15 x
1,30 m, , -
7/1997 (
) .
, -
78 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

2 7 3 23:

Figure 2 House 7 and silo Figure 3 Trench 23 miniature furnaces

, . -
. .
- XX/2003 XXV/2005,
, ( ( XXV/2005),
1994: 128, ./4).
, ,
XXV/2005, -
, . , ,
. - ( 2006: 41, 42).
, , ,
, - , S
. , -
XXV/2005, -
, ( 1988)
. V
. b .


Figure 4
Trench 25
square furnaces
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 79

( - .
1988: 94). -
, -
, , ,
2006. , . -
- ,
. - , , -
, -
, -
 XX, XX, XXV .

Results of archaeological excavations on a late La Tene

settlement of arnok near Bako Dobro Polje

Marija Jovanovi, Museum of Vojvodina, Novi Sad

The remains of a fortified late La Tene set- meters can be attributed to the tribe of Scordis-
tlement of arnok are located in the central part ci, based on the analysis of pottery discovered.
of the fertile plains of Baka, in the area of Bako Chronologically it can be placed towards the end
Dobro Polje. Earthen ramparts, ellipsoid in shape of the 2nd or the beginning of the 1st centu-
190x130 meters long are located on the South- ry B.C. This is the time frame when Celts, i.e.
ern slopes of Teleka heights. Geographic posi- Scordisci (situated in Srem during the last three
tion of arnok is very beneficial due to its loca- centuries B.C.) instigated by the Roman incur-
tion between two Panonian Rivers Crna Bara sion towards the Danube, cross over onto the
in the North and Jegrika in the South. The site left bank of the Danube and permanently settle
itself lies above the 45 of Northern geographic this region. Numerous Celtic settlements, both
latitude, in Vrbas Municipality. fortified and open registered in the South part of
The fortified settlement with earthen ram- the fertile Baka plains; between Rivers Tisa and
parts preserved to a height of approximately 3 Danube confirm this presumption.

ovanovi, . 1986. arnok, Titov Vrbas, keltsko utvrenje. Arheoloki pregled 25: 33.

, . 1994. . : .
: 119 130.

Jovanovi M. i Jovanovi B. 1988.

, M. . 1987. . : , .

dovi, . 2006. Arheobotanike analize etiri korpe jema i jedne korpe prosa sa arnoka.
47/48: 4152.
80 / Archaeological REPORTS 4


, ,

: , , , XVIIXVIII , , ,
, , ,

- 80 ,
, - .
, . 1997.
, - ,
, 2006.
( 2003: 263290). -

1,5 ha,
1,2 ha.

, -
Map Site location
700 ,

, 2006.
5. 10. . -
1500 m2,
, (). -
. 6 km
, .
. ,
A - .
, -
, 250 -
300 m. 100 .
ha, . -
, , -
, .
, . -

2006. , , , - .
Plan Situation
, - , I
plan, 2006 cam- 2 m.
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 81



Figure 1 Kitchen
stove reinforced
with broken ce-
ramic vessels, 1st

. , - ,
(. 1), .
, .
VI , -
(. 2), , ,
, - (. 4), ,
. - .
, , -
. , .
- X
, - , (. 5).
, - 20 m,
(. 3). -

2 , I 3 , IIIIV

Figure 2 Two-handled goblet made on a potters wheel Figure 3 Silver fibula, 3rd-4th century A.D.
82 / Archaeological REPORTS 4


Figure 4 Bone comb, 6th century A.D. Figure 6 Glazed tobacco pipe, 17th-18th century

. , -
20 m XIIXIII ,
, - .
, 20 m. - XIIXIII , , , -

, .
, 20 m, , ,


, X

Figure 5 Sec-
tion of a founda-
tion trench of the
fortification, 10th

2006. - , ,

. - , -
, .
100 m. , , -
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 83

(. 6).


(. 7). -
2 m, -

. - Figure 7 A
group of skel-
- etons
. ,
, -

, -

Archaeological excavations of Stari Vinogradi site, urug

Stanko Trifunovi, Museum of Vojvodina, Novi Sad

urug is located on the southern part of a Late Roman period is distinguished by a find
once active armband of Tisa River, nowadays of a single large object destroyed in a fire and
known as dead Tisa. Its location is approxi- filled with pottery accompanied by a single silver
mately 6 kilometers west of the main Tisa river- fibula. Two houses dated to the 6th century AD
bed on a loess stretch that runs for kilometers with the standard inventory of weights confirm
parallel to the river-bed. present day knowledge of the period.
Over 700 objects were discovered in the Excavations of the ditch dated to the 10th
course of several years of archeological ex- century, initiated last year, were continued in
cavations led by the Museum of Vojvodina. In this campaign. In total, the ditch has been ex-
2006 campaign an area of approximately 1500 cavated to approximately 20 meters in length,
sq. meters was excavated, yielding around 100 but its full length is still unknown as the ditch
archaeological units. continues towards the Southeast. About 20 me-
A period between 2nd and 1st century BC ters from the corner excavated in the previous
was summarily known until now, before exca- campaign the ditch splits in two and forms a
vations led to the discovery of four houses in a room, almost rectangular in shape, with sides
row and several pits dated to the same period. of close to 20 meters each.
This fact supports our preposition that the ex- Pens used for cattle and several furnaces
cavations are taking place on the periphery of dated to the 12th 13th century are a part of
the settlement dated to the named period, and a commerce section with large enclosed areas
that if we are to follow the set direction in fu- used to herd cattle.
ture campaigns it might lead us to the center of Several newly excavated houses from the
the settlement. 17th and 18th century yielded an abundance of
As before, period of the 1st century AD is finds, among other, pottery and metallic finds.
documented with the largest amount of objects An unusual and interesting find is a group of
and finds. All of the objects can be divided in four human skeletons that do not represent a
three categories: habitation dugouts, storage burial, but were rather dumped in a pit some 2
pits and furnaces, with a long ditch encompass- meters deep, one on top of the other, without
ing the entire area being excavated. any archaeological finds.

, . , . 2003. .
19: 263290.
84 / Archaeological REPORTS 4


. ,

: , , ,

, .2

- -
2006. -

250 m2 (. 1).
Map Site location
698 18,
702 911.

, -
4 8,
- 1 5.
698 702, -
, - , 1,5 5 m.

Figure 1 Situa-
tion plan of the site
in Cincar Jankova
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 85



Figure 2 Foun-
dation area of a 4th
century AD object

- -
, , I IV ,
- IV
. , -

3 -

3 7

Figure 3 Ro-
man period sew-
age ducts (3rd
4th cent. AD) in
trenches 3 & 7
86 / Archaeological REPORTS 4


Figure 4 Grave
finds from grave

, 1 (. 2),
2, 6 ,
7, -
, 3, 5 7 (. 3), - 1 (. 4).
9. , I II
( 2006: 21).
337. .
2, 3, 5 7.

(. 5).
0,80 1,40 m, -
, -
IV .
, -


Figure 5 A row
, -
of urns belonging
to a Late Bronze .
Age necropolis in
trench 2

. 5,

I -
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 87

II - ,
. -
- .

 : , , , , , -
, ; . , ,
, , , .
 . 176/8, 30.06.1964. .


Zoran Simi, Belgrade Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments

Adam N. Crnobrnja, Museum of Belgrade
Nela Miovi, Belgrade Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments

Protective archaeological excavation with- relative depth varying from 80 cm to 1.4 meters,
in a city block delimited by Tadeua Kouka, at the same level as the foundation levels of Ro-
Cincar Janko, Car Uro and Uzun Mirko streets man walls, whilst one urn was cut in half by a
were conducted during February, March and sewage duct dated to the 4th century AD. Based
April 2006. Eleven archaeological trenches of on the results of earlier research, these exca-
various sizes, covering approximately 250 sq. vations were expected to uncover the remains
meters were opened (Fig. 1) in the process. Ma- of the Southeast rampart of the Roman military
terial remains, dated to the XVIII-XIX century camp in Singidunum, but no traces were found
(present in all segments of the excavated area), during the campaign. It is also worth noticing
Roman period (from the second half of the 1st that aside two stone sewage ducts no other sig-
to mid 4th century AD) and the Bronze Age were nificant architectural remains were discovered.
detected on site. The discovery of a part of the Roman necropolis
Three burials with cremation dated between with cremation burials raises a question whether
mid 1st and mid 2nd century AD (belonging to this area was even within the walls of the mili-
Mala Kopanica Sase 1 type) (Fig. 4) and the tary camp between mid 1st and mid 2nd century
discovery of a part of a late Bronze Age necropo- AD? The remains of the late Bronze Age necrop-
lis (necropolis with rows) with 8 urns containing olis is as significant find as others, suggesting
remains of cremations and accompanying finds the existence of a settlement of the same period
stand out (Fig. 5). Urns were discovered on a somewhere close by.

. 2007. ,
, . 31: 6062.

. . 2006. . LIII: 1130.

88 / Archaeological REPORTS 4


, ,
, ,

: , , , , , ,
, , ,

, -
o - ,
. -
, -
, -

Map Site location
2006. ,

, 20 50 m,
4 m. -
, 1 3 m.

- , - , -
, - .
23.08. 07.09.2006. -
600 m . , -
, , 631-02-269/2006/03,
, -
, -
241,30 m.



- -

Figure 1 aak,
courtyard of the -
National Museum, -
situation plan with
trenches (
IV ),

XIV , -
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 89

21.07.2006. . 2
. - - ,
(. 1), 4 2,5 m,
22 m2. . -
. (. 4):

2 1, 4 2,

Figure 2 Trench 1, eastern profile (drawing by M. Puzi) Figure 4 Trench 2, south profile (drawing by M. Puzi)

1 2,60 m -

- , ( ), 0,90 m,
. 2 3,
4 x 3 m. , -
(. 2):
 . -
; 3,60 m;
 ( ), -
 , ,
0,60 m. 0,50 m.
1, -
0,100,30 m. ,
1,85 m, (. 5), 0,75 m,
1,50 m.
1,40 m, 0,50 m; , -

, ,

. - 3 -

, ,

; Figure 3 Trench
 1, circular con-
struction in the
( ), 0,15 m, eastern part of the
, trench

 ( 0,07 m)
, -
, -
, . -
( ). - 1,101,20 m,
. -
(. 3); 1,90 m
239,78 m. , 0,20 m;
90 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

, ( );
, .

5 1300 -
3, 5,5%, 17,7%

, -
Figure 5 Trench ,
2, remains of stone
masonry and pit 3, .
view from the west 31 , ,

III (238244),
, ,

Courtyard of the National Museum in aak

Gordana Jeremi, Institute for Archeology, Belgrade

Aleksandra Babi, National Museum aak

The courtyard of the National Museum in in potential zones with the remains of stone
aak is located on an elevated terrace, some architecture, some 1 to 3 meters deep.
600 meters south of the West Morava river, in the Archaeological excavations have resulted
center of the modern day aak and represents in the basic stratigraphy of the Northern part
a significant multilayered archaeological site, of the Museum courtyard, suggesting intensive
with material remains dated to Roman, Medieval settlement in this part of the Museum compound
and Turkish period. in various periods. Three pits and the remains
Archaeological excavations sponsored of a cobble pavement dated to Turkish period
by the Municipality of aak were conducted were detected, alongside the parts of the stone
between 23rd of August and 7th of September architecture (wall and plaster floor remains)
2006. that was destroyed violently and was probably
Two trenches were opened in the later used as a material for the construction of
Northern part of the courtyard, totaling 22 Gospodar Jovan Inn (1835). A smaller, circular
sq. meters in surface. Before the excavations, construction, probably the remains of a furnace
geophysical measurements were undertaken can be dated to Roman period, as well as several
using geoelectric scanning of the soil, resulting well preserved small finds.

. 1993. 800
, 1992 (. . ). .

, . , . 2006. - 2006. .
() XXXVI: 6376.
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 91


, ,

: , , , , , ,

, -  -
(. 2);
2005. (. 1). -  (.
- 3);
, -  , .
2006. -
(. 4).
. - -
04.10.2006. .1 (. 5). -
- , 89.
, , 30 x 30 x 30 cm,
- ,
. 25 - . -
5 x 5 m 5 x 3 m. , -
, .
, - ,
600 m2. - ,
, .
- -
. :
1 2 m. - (. 6);
-  (. 7
19 16 7).
: ,

Map Site location

92 / Archaeological REPORTS 4


( -

Figure 1 Dis-
position of the
excavated areas
(trenches with
and without finds)

2 3 :

Figure 2 Simple burial pits with the remains Figure 3 Cremation multi level tombs
of the cremation

4 : 5 :

Figure 5 Cremation multi level burial

Figure 4 Cremation burial in an urn with a led container
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 93


Figure 6

tion burial without
grave construction

. , -
, - -
- ,
. ,
() . (G1-104).
- ,
- .
- , -
I III , ,

7a-b :

Figure 7a-b Inhumation tomb with brick construction

( ), . -
- .
, -
, ,
. .
, ,
, - , I
. , -
. III ,

, IV .

 , ,
, , ,
, .
94 / Archaeological REPORTS 4


Sneana Golubovi, Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade

In the course of rescue archaeological able finds within the trenches were identified
work at the site Kod Koraba, in the area of as remains of cremations and inhumations, as
Roman city of Viminacium, investigation has well as grave construction of various types. The
been continued on the so far unknown antic depth reached in the process varied between 1
necropolis (Chart). Archaeological excavations, and 2 meters.
material gathering and field documentation The site Kod Koraba yielded 19 graves
were preformed in concordance with the clas- with cremations and 16 with inhumations.
sical terrain methods. Final processing of finds, On the basis of excavations of the site
conservation, presentation and publication are Pirivoj it has been concluded that these two
to follow. locations connect, i.e. that the entire area has
In total, 25 trenches 5x5 and 5x3 meters been used for funerary practices throughout
were dug. Due to the fact that graves often ex- the Roman period, but at the site Kod Koraba
tended into the profiles, some of the trenches the burials ceased in the middle of 3rd century
were in need of extension, resulting in the total AD, whilst Pirivoj was used well into the 4th
area of excavations being 600 sq. meters. Mov- century AD.
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 95


, ,

: , , , ,
, ,

2006. , , ;
(. 1, -  ,
(. 3);
05.04.2006, 28.11.2006. .1 -  ,
2005. , - (.
- 4).
, - 22,
5 x 5 m. 0,60 4,00
. 11 3 m 95 , 79 -
x 8 m 5 x 5 m. 16 .
, - II III .
, -
300 m2. (. 5).
- , -
, ,
. 1,80 , . -
4,80 .
25 - -
130 - -
. .
- -
-  - .
(. 1); ,
- ;
-  .
(. 2). -
- . -
- ; , -
-  , -
; .

1 2 :

Figure 1 Simple burial pits with the remains Figure 2 Cremation multi level grave with
of the cremations brick construction on the second level
96 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

II IV , -
(73 ) - . -
. , ,
- -
(G-290) . , -
. - .

3a-b :

Figure 3a-b Inhumation tomb with construction containing three burial places

170 . -
. - -






. -

4 ,

Figure 4 Inhuma-
tion tomb with brick ,
construction, encased ,
in plaster, with semi-
circular ceiling

/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 97

, - (?),
, , .
. - -
, - ,

5a-b 22, 2 3,2 m

Figure 5a-b Situation in trench 22, depth between 2 and 3.2 meters
98 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

, -
I ,
III , ,
IV ,
. .
 , ,
, , ,
, .

Report on the preformed archaeological research

at the site Pirivoj (Viminacium)

Sneana Golubovi, Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade

As a part of the rescue archaeological exca- constructions of various types. Depth reached
vations at the site Pirivoj, in the area of Roman in trenches varied from 1.8 to 4.8 meters.
town of Viminacium, excavations were contin- On the site Pirivoj, 25 graves with crema-
ued at the previously unknown necropolis. Ar- tion and 130 with inhumation were detected.
chaeological excavations, material gathering The site Kod Koraba and Pirivoj can be ad-
and field documentation were performed in ac- joined, i.e. it can be said that both locations
cordance with the classical methods of the field. were used in funerary rites from the end of the
Final processing of finds, conservation, presen- 1st century AD, Kod Koraba being abandoned
tation and publications are to follow. around the middle of the 3rd century AD, whilst
In total, 11 trenches, ranging from 3x8 to the site of Pirivoj was used even in the 4th cen-
5x5 meters were excavated. Due to the pro- tury AD.
trusion of graves into the profiles, some of the Due to the advancement of the open coal
trenches were extended, making the total ex- mine in the following spring months the exca-
cavated area around 300 sq. meters. Evidence vations on this location have definitely ceased,
for inhumation and cremations has been con- and this part of the Viminacium necropolis will
firmed in all of the trenches, alongside grave soon be destroyed.
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 99


, ,

: , , , , ,
, ,

- .
, , -
. -
- , ,
. ,
, -


, . -
Map Site location
, ,

, -
1,5 ha. .
, - -
, .


Plan Situation
plan of the site
100 / Archaeological REPORTS 4


- .

, -
Figure 1 Staro
Vaarite, Pirot, . -
during earthwork ,
soil switch

, 75
60 m.

, - 250 m2.


. -
Figure 2 Staro ,
Vaarite, Pirot, end
of archaeological 0,2 m,
excavations XIXXX , 0,2-0,4 m,

. -
20052006. , - . ,
0,30,4 m,
, - III IV
. . , -
, -
- . -
, -

Figure 3 Staro
Vaarite, Pirot, villa
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 101

4 , 5 III

Figure 4 Staro Vaarite, Pirot, villa suburbana, Figure 5 Roman oil lamp, 3rd century AD
view from the South

. . ,
- , 0,5
, - m,
. II III .

. ,
. .
. -
, ,
, 0,2 m. ,
 . 631-02-522/2005-03,
23.12.2005. .

Rescue archaeological excavations of Staro vaarite in Pirot (Suburbium TurRes)

Predrag Peji, Museum of Poniavlje, Pirot

Staro vaarite in Pirot is a narrower top- using archeological trenches. Afer the discovery
onym for a part of the wider swampy area called of building remains, a wider excavation trench
Barje, once a western periphery of the city of was opened to discover it in full.
Pirot. A former large meadow was lately re- A younger horizon discovered first on the
duced through modern construction to a much site, 30-40 cm thick, can be dated to the second
smaller area of about 1.5 ha. The site itself lies half of the 3rd or the beginning of the 4th cen-
in the western edge of the Pirot field at the foot tury. In the east corner of the site, the remains
of larger mountain foothill of Sarlah that pro- of a larger rectangular building with a portico on
trudes into the field. its eastern side were detected in this horizon.
In the winter 2005/2006 earthworks started An older horizon discovered underneath the first
on a construction site of a new Maxi discount one can be dated between the second half of the
store, located in the Eastern quarter of Staro 2nd century and the beginning of the 3rd. Traces
Vaarite. An already devastated site was exca- of hearths and smaller objects of perishable ma-
vated during winter months (December-January) terials were discovered in this horizon.
102 / Archaeological REPORTS 4


55, ,

, ,
, ,

: , , , ,
, , -

- 02.10.2006. .
. 55, - 2,5 m
, -

. -

. -
Map Site location

, -
, -
2,30 2,30 m ( -
0,45 m), 2,05 m. -
. , 0,75 m,
, - 0,60 0,35 m,
- , 0,90 m. -
-. - ,
, , -
: .
, , , -
-, - . .

Figure 1 Eastern
wall, view from the
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 103

2 3

Figure 2 Southern wall, view from the North Figure 3 Western wall, view from the East

, - .
-. 0,80 m. ,
1,00 m,
, - . -
0,14 m, . -
- , , -
, (. 1 ,
, .
, - -
, , - 0,15 m,
. , -

Figure 4 Christ
monogram on the
ceiling of the tomb
104 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

. (. 1
(. 3). 4). ,

1,15 m, -
0,66 m.
. ,
, -
0,24 m,

. -
(. 4).
5 -


(. 5)
Figure 5 Lac-
rimarium and coins
found in the tomb , ,
IV (393) -
- ,
-. ( ).
, , -
, -
. - .



Toni erkov, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments, Ni

Aleksandar Aleksi, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments, Ni

In the course of unauthorized construction depth. The walls of the entrance were reinforced
work on the foundations for a residential and with stone slabs, whilst the foundation was con-
commercial object in Ratko Pavlovi Street #55 structed using brick. The entrance was sealed
in Jagodin Mahala, a discovery of an early Chris- with a stone slab, which has not been moved
tian arched fresco painted tomb was made. Due since the last funeral.
to the damage done and the extreme case of The walls of the tomb were painted with
endangerment of the find, Heritage protection geometric and floral motifs, whilst the vault
Institute from Ni has led emergency rescue ex- was decorated with an exquisite painting of the
cavation on the site in the period between 26th Chi-Ro monogram. Entire monogram motif is
of September and 2nd October 2006. painted in a circular central field, 66 cm in di-
The tomb was oriented West-East, and had ameter using light golden-brown color on a light
a square shape, inner dimension 2.3x2.3 meters blue background. The central field is framed
(thickness of the walls being 0.45 meters) and with dark blue and black line and is surrounded
measured height of 2.05 meters. It was con- by an area 24 cm wide. An exquisitely painted
structed using stone and brick with limestone laurel wreath with leafs painted in various to-
mortar as adhesive. The entrance to the tomb is nalities of green lies in this field. Between the
located on the East wall, 90 centimeters above central field and the wreath, the background is
ground level. The dimensions of the entrance white in color, with the outer side being light
are 75 cm in height, 60 cm width and 35 cm golden-brown in color.
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 105


, ,

, ,
, ,

: , , , ,

, - . -
, 13 km -
, , -
, .
2005, -
. , , -

(. 1), -
5 4 m, -
. -


Map Site location
(3,90 2,90 m),

(. 2).
, -
3,90 2,90 m, 3,00 2,00
m ( 1,70 m).
, .
, . 0,60 m,
0,45 m,
. 633-00-559/2006-03, .
2006. (.
. 3). -
- 0,58 m, 0,31 m
, 0,41 m (. 4).

1 2

Figure 1 Early Christian tomb, view from Figure 2 Early Christian tomb, view from
the West upon discovery the South upon discovery
106 / Archaeological REPORTS 4



Figure 3 Early
Christian tom, in-
side the tomb, view
from the West

- 0,35 m (. 3 5). -
, - ,
. 0,39 0,28 m .
. , 0,39 0,28 0,05 m.
, -
, - .
. 1 1,95
1,10 m, 2 1,95 0,67 m. , -
0,40 m .
0,15 m, - -



Figure 4 Early
Christian tomb, in-
side the tomb, view
from the East
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 107

Figure 5 Basis of
the tomb

. ,
). , -



Toni erkov, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments, Ni

Aleksandar Aleksi, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments, Ni

In the region of village of Gornja Toponica The tomb is oriented West to East, its dimen-
during groundwork on the widening of the col- sions being 3.9 x 2.9 x 1.7 meters. It was con-
lector for atmospheric rainfall on the road be- structed using stone and bricks with limestone
tween Ni and Aleksinac an early Christian tomb mortar. The tomb had an arched vault and con-
was discovered in 2005. In late 2006 protective sisted of two funerary cells (wall sarcophagi) 1.95
archaeological excavations finally took place on x 1.1 x 0.4 and 1.95 x 0.67 x 0.4 meters in size.
the site, under the guidance of the Institute for The tomb was robbed and considerably damaged,
the Protection of Cultural Monuments in Ni. resulting in no movable finds being discovered.
108 / Archaeological REPORTS 4


. 2

, ,
, ,
, ,

: , IV , , ,

(I-VI ) 798/2006-03, 11.09.2006.),

- -
. - ,
20022005. (. 1 2). -
, (
, -

(. 1). -
Map Site location
XX ,
(80,12 m ..),
IV .
- ,
, (. 3 4).

. 85:
; ,
31 -

Figure 1 Situation
plan of the site 85. In -
the annex of the big . 85
building the disposi-
tion of trench has
been marked with a
dot. On the schematic
plan, black and white -
colors differentiate a
antic Roman and
medieval buildings. In
ICCROM-a.1 -
1962/63 (and again
between 1973 and
1976), on site 31, lo-

cated South of site 85,
a complex of imperial
granaries was discov-
ered. On site 1/a and .2
37 architectural re-
mains of the imperial
palace were detected -
between 1957 and
1971 (drawing by M.

Jeremi, according to
O. Brukner, N. Duvall
and V. Popovi)
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 109

2 -
. 85, -


Figure 2 Situa-
tion plan on site 85
with the big build-
ing and annex. The
disposition of the
trench is marked
with a rectangular
surface. (plan by M.

. -
3,75 2,5 m ( ) - . -
( : , -
7), - (. 5).
(. 2).
11 - IV .
, ,
, . 78.51
, - m
. ,
85 ( ) (. 6).
, , 77,93 m, -
. 2, - ,
- , ,
, b. B (. , -
1) - -
. () .
, , -
. . ,
110 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

3 -



Figure 3 View
of the trench from
the West, through
the central Eastern
entrance of the big
building looking
onto the annex area
with pavement.
In the annex wall
(to the left) a well
preserved entrance
is clearly visible

, , (.
- ), , ,
, ,
. - , ,
. -
, - ,
. I II e.
, , , - 438 -


) -

Figure 4 View
from the North
onto the central
entrance into the
big building (4th
century) and the
area in front of the
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 111

5 6 ,
, (IIIII )

Figure 5 View from the South onto the Figure 6 View from the South onto the walls of an
multilayered plaster floors, beginning of excavation older building (2nd and 3rd century A.D.) constructed
in stone and limestone mortar. The bottom of the
trench, with La Tene material remains is already
soaked with underground water

. , 236 .
- ,
18 . ,
 2006. : ( -
), ( ),
( ), ( ),
( ) .

. 85 ( 600 m) -
XIV , in situ .

Report on the archaeological excavations of trench number 2 in

the imperial palace complex of Sirmium, Sremska Mitrovica

Miroslav Jeremi, Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade

Miroslav Jesreti, Museum of Srem, Sremska Mitrovica
Jasmina Davidovi, Museum of Srem, Sremska Mitrovica

Archaeological excavations in 2006 at the were detected alongside some animal bones.
site of Roman Sirmium (site 85) were small in At the depth of 78.51 meters remains of walls
size and mostly in function of an International belonging to older buildings leveled in the con-
seminary led by ICCROM that took place in Srem- struction of the big building were detected (Fig.
ska Mirovica. One smaller trench was opened in 6).
the area of the eastern annex of the so called Further down at 77.93 meters, underneath
large building discovered between 2002 and the foundations of the walls mentioned previ-
2005 (Fig. 1 & 2) in the western part of the pa- ously, a layer of soot, ash concentrations and
latial complex. The starting level of the excava- crushed stone and brick with movable finds be-
tions was the annex floor (80.12 m) dated to the longing to a native (Celtic) population was dis-
second half of the 4th century AD. Our goal was covered. Sadly, groundwater begun to appear at
to explore the cultural layers beneath the 4th the same time in the trench, preventing us from
century Sirmium, predating the construction of further exploration of this layer.
the palace. In the northeast part of the site (Sector A)
Underneath the cobbled road three older a detailed cleaning of all rooms of a Gepid house
floors were detected almost immediately. An number 2 (not excavated to the fullest in the pre-
impression of low consistency for these floors vious season) and pit b was performed. In sector
is more than evident as they resemble a neat- B (Fig. 1) an area north of the apse belonging to
ly performed leveling of the terrain more than the Gothic cathedral was also cleared.
floors. Limestone mortar, crushed stone and In the course of this short archaeological
bricks were used in this process (Fig. 5). campaign 438 skeletal remains of animals were
Coins of the 3rd and the first half of the 4th collected. Aside from three types of mollusks,
century AD were detected at this depth. Under- remains of 8 domesticated and 7 wild types of
neath these floors, traces of burning and ash animals were detected.
112 / Archaeological REPORTS 4


: , , , IV,
, , , , ,

- . -
1953. 1968. . , 25 cm. -

( 1972: 23; 1975: 25; . -
1977: 16; 2002: 183), .
50 cm.
, -
. -
( )

Map Site location
, 30 cm,
, -
. ,

IV (Aralica 2006: 29; 2006: 56). 4, 5 x 3 m. , -
2002. -
, (
, - 2006: 58). , -
, 2005. , -
- . -
. ,
- .
, , -
, . -
M ().
6. 03. 2006. , 631-02-

Plan Situation 1,5 m 2 m, .
plan of the site
70 m
5 10 cm , -

/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 113

. -
(. 1).
, ,

. 10, 11,
11, 11B, 12, 13, 5, 6
2 . 26
x 2 m, 7 x 2 m, 8,5 x 1,5 m, 7 x 1,5 m, 5 x 2
m, 3 x 1,5 m 3 x 2 m.
Figure 2

. -
, ,
, , , -
. ,
, .

4050 cm .
, -
. 26
. -
, . 26 27,
Figure 4

. 27 12. 3 . 26

, , Figure 3
. -

(. 2); -

; , -
, ,
(. 3);
, -

; , -
1 ;

, -
Figure 1 (. 4);
, , -
, - , (-
, , , - 221 ),
. .
- .
, 244 x 86 cm, 26
265 cm . . , -

. . -
. 26, 10,
10 11, - B 11. -
. -
, -
. 215 x 82 cm,
238 cm . (ralica
. 2006:29; 2006:57).
114 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

Park of the Dr Slavoljub Bakalovi hospital, 2006 campaign

Miodrag Aralica, The City Museum of Vrac

Between 27th of March and 24th of pits, a smaller pithos of red baked clay with
May 2006, under the supervision of the City the decoration of parallel horizontal and wavy
Museum of Vrac, archaeological excavations lines incised by combing was discovered. In
were conducted on the site of the park located the Southeast part of the site, several ditches
within the grounds of the neuro-psychiatric and smaller trenches were opened in order to
hospital Dr Slavoljub Bakalovi. Excavations explore remains of the Sarmatian necropolis.
were conducted using a system of ditches and Just above the Sarmatian layer, a stratum of late
smaller trenches. The site is located on a mild medieval material finds was detected, containing
north slope of the Vrac hill, underneath the plentiful remains of burning with fragments of
Vrac fort and Mali rit. pottery, bricks, animal bones, stone and charred
The stratigraphy of this multilayered beams. Two Sarmatian graves, oriented NW-
archaeological site is as follows; a thin layer of SE were also discovered, one being devastated
humus followed by a sandy flat layer is located by robbery and containing only 5 amber beads
on top. Underneath these is a layer of dark and one glass paste bead. The other grave was
brown soil containing finds of late medieval intact and had contained the remains of a female
times, followed by a layer of brown colored soil individual, with following movable finds: two
with finds dated to early medieval time. Further bronze arched fibulae, flywheel made of gray
down, in a yellow and brown layer, traces of the clay, two iron latchets, a thin bronze bracelet,
Sarmatian graves dated between 3rd and 4th several limestone and glass paste beads, two
century A.D. are clearly visible, cut deep into kauri snails (one with a bronze hoop) and a
the loess, beside the Eneolithic objects of the little goblet of grey and blue clay. It was evident
Saklua IV culture. that the grave has devastated an Eneolithic
Excavations started with the opening of pit with a significant amount of animal bones,
trench 4 which yielded mostly movable finds stone and pottery shards (several fragments had
dated to early medieval period. In one of the Scheibenhenkel handles) of Salkua IV culture.

A, . 2002. . 18: 183199.

Aralica, M. 2006. Nalazi eneolitske kulture Salkuca IV u Vrcu. 47/48: 2939.

A, . 2006. . XXVIII
. : 56-58.

, . 1972. . .

, . 1975. . .

, . 1977. . .
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 115


, ,
, ,

: , , ,
, ,

- ,
, , -
- .
, , . - -
, 2001, -

, ,

Map Site location


, -

. - .
, , ,
, , -

(. 1). - . .
2006, -
480 m2, 67
(. 2). , 19 -
, 1992. - .
- ,
, IV .

1 , 2 , -

Figure 1 aak, Jezdinsko polje, view from the South Figure 2 aak, Church of the Ascension of the Holy
Mother, view from the East
116 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

2006. - ,
, 1 m.
4/05, :
1/06 (. 3).1 - -


Figure 3 aak,
Church of the As-
cension of the Holy
Mother, churchyard,
situation plan

, , -
, .
- ,
. 4/05 - ,
. 1/06


4/05, 3/05,


Figure 4 Trench
4/05, pit 3/05, post -
excavation , -


4/05, 10
4 m,
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 117

( . 66).
, - .
0,84 0,5 m. - 1/06, -
, 7 3 m, -
. , (. 6).

5 4/05, 3/05, 1-1 6 1/06,

Figure 5 Trench 4/05, pit 3/05, basis and Figure 6 Trench 1/06, basis and southern profile
cross-section 1-1

. ,
, -
, ,
. . 66 . -
. - , -
- ,
. .
4/05, 3/05, -
, 4,8 3,4 m, . -
(. 4 5). - ,
0,35 -
0,40 m . .
. - 1,40 m, -
. .
, -
. -
(. 7).2 ,
- 4/06, -
. - .
, 2,8
, - 0,8 m, 0,30
, 0,50 m. -
118 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

, -
, ,

5/06, , 1,20 m,
0,35 m.

. -
, -
7 -
1/06, 4/06 ,
, .
Figure 7 Trench
1/06, pits 4/06 & 1/06
5/06, post excava-
, 3/05 4/05.
4/05 -
, 1/06 -

 16.05. 27.05. 2006,
. 633-00-410/2006-03. , -
. . , .
: . , , . ,
, . , .
 , -
. , (. 6).

Courtyard of the Church of the Ascension of the Holy Virgin

in aak, 2006 excavation campaign

Dejan Radievi, Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade University

Katarina Dmitrovi, National Museum, aak

The site is located on the western edge of on the site surrounds this building on all sides.
the city of aak, in the central part of Jezdin- During five years 67 burials were detected in
sko polje. In 1992 work begun on the construc- an area of approximately 480 sq. meters. Most
tion of a church dedicated to the Ascension of of the burials are cremations, with only 19 be-
the Holy Virgin, and in the process first archae- ing inhumations. According to the coins found in
ological finds were discovered. Archaeological graves, burials took place on the site up until a
excavations were initiated proper in 2001 and latter part of the 4th century AD.
by 2006 existence of archaeological remains One of the aims of the 2006 campaign was
dated to various time frames has been con- to determine the boundaries of the necropolis
firmed. The oldest traces of living can be dated towards both North and South. Trench 4/05 cov-
to prehistoric times, i.e. to the transition period ered the area between the Northern edge of the
between Bronze and Iron Age. A later horizon previous excavations and the modern day street
can be dated to Roman period and is character- that delimits the church yard on this side. Trench
ized by the existence of two cultural layers, the 1/06 was placed on the opposite side of the old
older of two representing the remains of a set- archaeological trench, on its Southeast end.
tlement dated summarily to a period between Except for a single child grave discovered
2nd and 3rd century AD. In the latter half of the by the south profile of the 4/05 trench no other
3rd century AD (or at least in the last decades traces of burials were detected in these two
of this century) this area underwent a change trenches, enabling us to delimit the necropo-
and was subsequently used as a cemetery. The lis on both sides. Objects which were detected
creation of the necropolis was foregone by the in both trenches were excavated to a different
erection of a monumental building, possibly a degree (pits 3/05, 4/06 and 5/06) and can be
memorial. The peculiarity of the building is the attributed to an older settlement horizon pre-
discovery of extremely diverse and rich stone ceding the erection of the memorial and the for-
decorations. The necropolis that was detected mation of the necropolis.
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 119


, ,

: , , , ,

, - .
, 1998.
1800 m .
, ,
(. 1).

1998. ,

Map Site location
, -

. .
, -
21. , . - , -
, . ,
. -
- , ,



Figure 1 Nebeske
stolice site view
and location
120 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

, -
(. 3).
, -

VI -

( 1978: 5455). -

, -

IV (-
1978: 59).
- (. 3),
Figure 2 Exca-
vated area situa- -
tion plan (drawing
by A. Matovi) , -

(. 2), -

1998. ( 5 5 m).2
A7, B7,
(. 2).1 G8, G10, H9, I2, I11 K9,
, A8, F9 F11.

. , -
, ,
, , .
, 0,300,50 m
, , ,
. -
- 1 m (. 4).
, - -
, opus .
tesselatum, -
, -


2007: 3637).
Figure 3
Movable archeo- , ,
logical finds ,
, .

III IV , -
(. 3).
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 121

2006. , ,
03.08 22.08.2006. , - ,
, ...). .
VI . - ,
, - VI .

. -
, ,
( 1995: 63), -
. .
- -
. V VI



Figure 4 2006
campaign, exca-
vated area

378. , - ,
, .
441. , - -
, ,
VI , , ,
. , -
- , 56 km
, - ,
, .


(Chevalier 1995:6570, 97100).
, , : , , -
122 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

Archaeological excavations of the site of Nebeske stolice, campaign 2006

Gordana Toi, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments, Kraljevo

Archaeological site Nebeske stolice is locat- as adhesive. An older settlement phase was
ed on Mount Kopaonik, just below Pani peak, also detected on the site, evidenced by late Ro-
at an altitude of 1800 meters. The site is actually man buildings containing coins dated to 3rd and
a platform, from which, during clear days, Ko- 4th century AD and fragments of pottery and
sovo and Metohija are clearly visible towards the glassware.
South, and entire area all the way to Ni towards Movable archaeological finds discovered in
the East. First archaeological excavations took 2006 campaign match the material discovered
place on the previously unknown site in 1998. in previous seasons (bracelets, coins and glass).
An early Christian basilica with a double Coins discovered on the site indicate that the
apse was discovered on the site, built using site was occupied between the 3rd and the 6th
broken and hewn stone with limestone mortar century AD.

, . 1978. . .

, . 1995. . 19: 3168

, . , . 2007. .
44/1: 2744.

Chevalier, P. 1995. Larchitecture paleochretienne de la province romaine de Dalmatiae (IVe-VII e s.). : Ecclesiae
Dalmatiae IIIllustrationes et conclusions. RomeSplit.
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 123


, ,

: , , , , , ,

m ,
, . 80 81 m.
. -
. -
, 3,5 ha, Map Site location

( 2000).
90 -
, 1 2 m 0,5
2,5 m.

, -
. . - 2006.

6 km, - , Plan Situation

3 4 . , plan, campaign

1 2

Figure 1 Destruction of the site through the operation Figure 2 Dugout

of the brick factory
124 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

. -

. ,
Figure 3 ,
Dugout, kitchen .
(. 4) -
(. 5).

, -
, - .
. , -
2006. ,

. - (. 6).
300 m2, -

4 - 5 6

Figure 4 Amphora made on a fast potters wheel Figure 5 Hand made pot Figure 6 Pot made on a slow
potters wheel

(). , .
2006. - ,
, - ,
, -
50 - .
(. 1). ,
- .
, , -
. ,
(. 2), - IV V
4 2 m, - . -
(. 3), ,
. - , ,
. ,
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 125

Archaeological excavations of the site Ciglana near Padej

Stanko Trifunovi, Museum of Vojvodina, Novi Sad

The site Ciglana is located East of the Archaeological excavations on the site
village, on the road to Kikinda. Its exact location continued in campaign 2006 during July and
is the Northern side of an ellipsoid plateau named covered an area of approximately 300 sq.
"Smea lea". This area is about 6 kilometers meters of the most endangered part of the
long and in regard to the surrounding marsh site. The investor has, in May 2006 made
area it used to be an island rising 3 to 4 meters considerable damage to the site, destroying
above the water level. After the Second World at least 50 archeological objects. In the newly
War brick factory was established on the site. created profile, objects were still visible, whilst
The site itself is multilayered, with a settlement the newly opened area contained about a dozen
of Baden culture and an Eneolithic mound and a of objects.
late Roman site and necropolis. The central part Two dugouts, both 4x2 meters in size
of the late Roman site and the accompanying (one with an earthen kiln) and several silos of
necropolis, some 3.5 ha in size were destroyed various shapes were detected. The kiln had
by the brick factory operations. The staff of the reinforcement made of pottery fragments. As
Museum of Vojvodina first undertook overseeing before, all of the objects contained four types
of the works and rescue archeological excavations of pottery. Two of the most common types of
in 1994. Over several campaigns, remains of pottery were gray polished ware made on the
more thatn 90 objects were discovered, the most fast potters wheel and hand made pottery
numerous being silos. Beside these, dugouts have Seldom, Roman ware was detected. The fourth
also been detected and seldom earthen kilns. type of pottery is represented by pots made on
Aside from settlement and economic objects, slow potters wheel.
seven skeletal inhumations were detected. Two Metal finds are rather rare, confirming their
of these were detected in an abandoned semi special value. Considering this and the rest of
dugout and a silo. These burials differ from the archaeological data gathered on the site, this
other five, which are probably older than the settlement can be dated to late 4th and early
settlement itself. 5th century AD.

, . 2000. . 1516: 43106.

126 / Archaeological REPORTS 4


A 2005. 2006.

, ,
-, ,

: , , , - ,

2002. . -
, ,
, , -
12,6 m,
(). -

Map Site location
) .

: , -
, , -
V ), -
- . -
(Marjanovi- .
Vujovi 1970; 1971; 1972; -
1973; 1974; 1974a; 1976; -
1978). , VI ,
124 m,

, .
(. 1).1
, -
- .
1 - .

, -

, -
Figure 1 Bel-
grade fortress,

situation plan with
trenches from
, II
campaigns 2005-
2006 III , -
, -
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 127

, -

. -
. -

2 -


, -
, Figure 2 Re-
. mains of a Roman
building with a
XII XIII hypocaust
, -
, -

, -

. - , -
( 9 m) .
2,10 2,35 m.
, .
. -

1/06 2/06, -

Figure 3 Trench-
es 1&2/06, view
from the Southwest
128 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

- ,
 633-00-508/2005-03, 02.08.2005, 63300517/200603,
15.06.2006. , :
-, , -

BELGRADE FORTRESS WESTERN LOWER CITY Archaeological campaign 2005-2006

Vesna Biki, Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade

Stefan Pop-Lazi, Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade

The importance of the western Lower City rampart dated to 6th century and a rich war-
of the Belgrade fortress in ancient Roman and riors grave dated to the period of the great
Medieval times has once again been reinstated resettlement (5th century). New data has also
through the latest archaeological research in been gathered on the antic Roman building with
2005 and 2006. The discovery of settlement lay- a floor heating system, the discovery of which
ers, with furnaces and refuse pits dated to XII has greatly increased our present knowledge of
and XIII century is especially precious find. No this part of the Roman settlement, formed in the
less significant is the discovery of a part of a close vicinity of a Mithreum.

Marjanovi-Vujovi, G. 1970. Beogradski grad naselja u utvrenim podgraima. Arheoloki pregled 12: 160163.

Marjanovi-Vujovi, G. 1971. Zapadno podgrae Beogradskog grada Beograd. Arheoloki pregled 13: 99104.

Marjanovi-Vujovi, G. 1972. Utvrenja Beogradskog grada III Utvrenje Zapadnog podgraa. Arheoloki pregled 14:

Marjanovi-Vujovi, G. 1973. Beogradska tvrava Zapadno podgrae i Donji grad. Arheoloki pregled 15: 9196.

Marjanovi-Vujovi, G. 1974. Beogradska tvrava Utvrena podgraa Beogradskog grada. Arheoloki pregled 16: 117

-, . 1974. .
1 (. . ). : 292295.

Marjanovi-Vujovi, G 1976. The latest researches of the Slavic Beograd. Balcanoslavica 5: 147153.

-, . 1978. . 25: 716.

/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 129


, ,
, ,

: , , ,
, ,

2006. , . 633-00-244/2006-03,
- 06.03.2006. .
. , -
N 42 27,048' E 21 51,124'.

, -

(. 1). Map Site location

, .
. 11 4,6 m,
5 4,6 m (. 1). -
1 m,
, . -
- 2 m,

Figure 1 Church
at the village
cemetery, Krevica,
130 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

2 ,

Figure 2 Church
at the village
cemetery, Krevica,
View from the West

. , ,
. (
, ,
, ),
. ,
- , -
. ,
, -
).1 - .
6,5 m,
(. 3, 4 5), - 3,8 m, 1 m.
. 18,5 m (. 1 2).
in situ

, -
, -
. -

Figure 3 .
Church at the -
village cem-
etery, Krevica, , -
architectonic .

/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 131

4 5

Figure 4

Church at the village cemetery, Krevica, ar- Figure 5

Church at the village cemetery, Krevica, ar-
chitectonic plastic with a relief depiction of floral motifs chitectonic plastic/capital with a relief depiction of a cross

. ,
- -
. .
 , .



Toni erkov, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments, Ni

Aleksandar Aleksi, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments, Ni

During August 2006, Institute for the Pro- early Christian basilica which came as a bit of a
tection of Cultural Monuments in Ni was in- surprise to the team.
volved in protective excavations on a cemetery As a matter of fact, the medieval church
church in the village of Krevica. The village is was constructed within the central nave of the
located in the northern part of Bujanovac Mu- basilica, with the village cemetery being formed
nicipality, on the road between Vranje and St. on its ruins.
Prohor Pinjski monastery. The medieval church is 11 x 4.6 meters in
Protective excavations on and around the size, whilst the basilica (if we presume the ex-
church have led to the defining of the extents istence of only 3 naves) is at least 17.5 meters
of the church, but also to the discovery of an wide.
132 / Archaeological REPORTS 4


, ,

: o , , , , ,

D, V, VI
( - (. 1).1
) (.
. 2), , D
22,86 m -
15,40 m.
(. 2). ,
, -
( 2,50 m), -

Map Site location
, -
, ,
, -
(, , -
- -
(). ,
2006. - .
- .



Figure 1 Sit-
uation plan of
the hillfort with
area excavated
in 2006
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 133

, - 0,650,70 m; 2
VI , 0,900,92 m; 0,65
( ), 0,70 m, - Figure 2 Basis
of Basilica D
, 0,470,49 m.
. -
- , -
( 1985.
,, ), ( 1986: 50). -
VI. 2,45 x 1,60 m,
2,25 m.
. ,
, .
, ,
- . -
, (-
2008). .
, -
( - , -
), , .
. - ( -
). ,
, (
. , ) .
. - , ,
- . -
. . -
134 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

, :

( - .
), Hckerdornschnallle,
(. Schulze-Drrlamm 2002: 7072, 242, Typ ,
B15). : - .
, -
(. 3). , , -
, - (?) .
. . 13,
, V
, - V -
VI . - (. 1)
1995. ,
, , 2000. 2002. .
. ,
) . -

, -
. 5,88
3,10 m. -

Figure 3 A , ,
buckle with
ments .

( ),

, .

. 829,21 -

. ,

, , 1,00 m.
. - , , 0,26 m. -
. . -
, -
: 0,68
. 0,71 m, 0,680,70 m
0,660,74 m.

, -
, - ,
. .
, , -
, .
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 135

VI 0,70 m 0,74 m
, 0,90 m 1,04 m.
VI 2001. - 1,90 m 2,00
, 30- - m, -
V. 0,80 m 0,85 m.
- ,
, . - 0,60 m,
, 0,55 m. -
- .
, -
( I, II, IV, VII). , .
. ,


Figure 4 Basis
of Object VI

VI 4,05 4,80 m (. 4). - .
, , - (?)
- 1,76 m
, . (. 5).
, , -
. -
, .
, . , -
, .
, - -
- ,
. 1011 m,
2,15 m, 1,90 m, 14 m.
- -
( ) 0,70 m 0,80 :
m 0,65 m 0,70 m. ,
, - .
. - -
2,70 m 1,55 m,
136 / Archaeological REPORTS 4



Figure 5
Passageway in
the Southern
wall of a room
in Object VI

: , - , 5060

, .
(. 6). , .
, -
, - .
, -


Figure 6 A
needle found in
Object VI

, - , .
: , -
D .
, 1/06 ( -
!), -
( , .
) - 2006.
. , - .
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 137

. - ( .), -
, . , -
, , . -
, , - -
(), VI .

, . . 2008, . 1.
: . . , , , ,
, , -
, , , .
. , ,



Mihailo Milinkovi, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade

Archaeological excavations of the site of corroded iron arched fibula that was found in the
Gradina, located on Mount Jelica were continued thorax area of a child in grave 13.
in 2006 and focused on Basilica D, Objects V Excavations in room b of Object V have final-
& VI, and a certain number of smaller trenches ly led to the conclusion of work on this building.
(Fig. 1). Within the basilica, work was continued The room constructed with less craftsmanship
on the uncovering of the temple moving away than the other is small in size and was adjoined
from the altar towards the West. Again, an arched to a larger, main room after its construction.
tomb was discovered, the same one detected Among scarce Romanic finds a smaller fragment
first in 1985 (Fig. 2). In this campaign the tomb of Germanic pottery stands out.
was fully explored, and it contained two plat- Interesting results were obtained in Object
forms for the deceased and had an arched vault VI, where a smaller, but very well preserved
constructed with bricks over the entrance from room, denoted room a was discovered (Fig. 5).
the narthex. Certain, still unexplained, construc- Two passageways and a narrowing belonging to
tions were detected in the middle of the central a later construction phase were also detected.
nave, but it can be said that theyre not a part of Amongst movable finds a well preserved bronze
the same construction phase as the basilica. As clothespin with inlays of glass paste stands out
yet, both southern and northern naves remain (Fig. 6).
unexplored, as well as the narthex. In total, 23 On the southern slope of the site, trench
skeletal burials were detected within the church. excavations and surface tracking of the rampart
Two yielded following grave finds: a buckle with were continued this year, leading to the discov-
a saddle shaped thorn and a rim resembling two ery of a separately fortified part of the settle-
pigeon heads (alloy of silver and lead) was dis- ment in this region. Two irregularly shaped tow-
covered in a heap of bones (Fig. 3), and a gravely ers were also detected here.

. 1986. . 16: 4758.

. 2008. 2005. .
.. 2/3: 7477.

Schulze-Drrlamm M. 2002. Die Schnallen ohne Beschlg, mit Laschenbeschlg und mit festem Beschlg des 5. bis 7.
Jahrhundert. : Byzantinische Grtelschnallen und Grtelbeschlge im Rmisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseum, Teil I.
138 / Archaeological REPORTS 4


Bernard Bavant, Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Paris

, ,

: , , , ,
, , , ,

(. 2). -
1978. -
78 cm,
( 1977; - ,
(. 3).

, -
. , ,

10,80 m, 0,70 m. -
, a .
Map Site location
, -
. ,

2006) (). 2006. - ,
(3,20 x 3,50
, - m). ,
, 0,55 m. -
(. 1).1 -
2,20 () x 3,20 (-
) m.
2002. , .
2004. , -
2005. ( 2004; -
Bavant et Ivanievi 2005). - ,
- , .
. -
, , .
, - ,
20 m -
11 m . - , -
, ,
. 4,40 x 3,30 m.
, , -
, ,
, - , -
, .
- ,
, , ,
. , -
, .
, , , -
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 139

Figure 1 Situ-
ation plan of the
Southeast corner
tower complex

II, - ,
567. . . ,
. 40, 1,50
, () x 0,90 () m (. 4).
, -
. ,
. ,
, ,
- ,
. , (. 1 5). -
, , , ,
, , , - (vallum)
, - , -
, , ,
, ,
140 / Archaeological REPORTS 4



Figure 2
Trench located
in the Southeast
corner of the
Lower city dev-
astation layers

, - ,
(. 6). -
, - .
. .
, - , -
, -
( .
, - ,



Figure 3
Trench located
in the Southeast
corner of the
Lower city ob-
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 141

4 5

Figure 4 Hoard Figure 5 Eastern ditch and collapsed walls

of the southeast corner tower

, .

Figure 6 South

 . 633-00-419/2005-03 633-00-531/2006-03. -
( , ) Bernard Bavant (Centre national
de la recherche scientifique), : ( ), -
, ( , ), ( , ),
, (), , ,
( ).
142 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

CARIIN GRAD, Archaeological campaign 2006

Bernard Bavant, Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Paris

Vujadin Ivanievi, Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade

Systematic archaeological explorations of the best preserved parts of the city with the
the site of Cariin Grad are being conducted remains of the ramparts reaching up to 3.5 me-
in cooperation between Serbian and French ters in height. Aside the tower, objects located
experts since 1978. During 2006 campaign, next to the tower were also discovered, as well
archaeological excavations were aimed at the as the layers with one hoard containing mostly
exploration of the fortification system of the tools and other iron and bronze implements. An
Lower City, the complex of the Southeast cor- additional contribution of this campaign is the
ner tower and a defensive ditch in front of the discovery of a new defensive ditch on the East-
eastern rampart. ern side of the Lower city. What is particularly
Archaeological exploration of the complex important is that this ditch has lost its defen-
of the Southeast corner tower of the Lower City sive function whilst the city was still in use, that
yielded an abundance of new data about the ar- is, the ditch was backfilled in order to level the
chitecture of this important fortification object soil in front of the Southeast corner tower to
of the Cariin Grad. Data obtained about the consolidate the angle of the tower walls, which
architectural complex of the tower will enable started to collapse during the reign of Emperor
its full graphical reconstruction, as it is one of Maurice (582-602).

, . , . 2004. (1998-2003), LIIILIV: 301309.

, . , . 2006. Ivstiniana Prima - , .

Bavant, B. et Ivanievi, V. 2005. Cariin Grad (Serbie): les campagnes de fouille de 2004 et 2005, Mlange de lcole
franaise de Rome - Moyen Age 117.2 (2005): 791796.

, . , . 1977. , , .
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 143


, ,

: , , , .

- , -
. ,
, ()
15 8,2 m,

(. 1 2). -
, Map Site location
, -

, 0,20
0,23 m.
, .

- , -
, , 15. 06. .
2006. 8. 07. 2006. 5. 10. 2006. -
27. 10. 2006. .1 ; ,
, , 1,70 m
. , - .
(12 1,5 m), ,
(5 1,5 m). , - ,

Figure 1
144 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

. 1 ,
2 ,
Figure 2
(. 3 4).
, -
, .

(, , -
, , , - ,
.). - ( -
(), -
. ). -
- -
. , -
, . 0,70 m, -
3,5 m. -
0,30 m.
, ,
. -
Figure 3 .

. -

. -
, -
. ,
- (,
. ,
, - ).
, -

. ,
4 -

Figure 4
, 2,00 1,00
m, 2,20 1,00 m.
, -
, -
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 145

, (
, ). -
, , - ,
, .
: . -
, 15
m . - .
- , -
. , .
 , , ,
, , , , .

Archaeological excavations of Laevac Skit Sv. ora

and Gradina near Bajina Bata

ore Jankovi, Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade University

Pero Pratalo

In two smaller campaigns that took place sheeting and other were detected in the object.
between 15th June and 8th July and between Certain finds, more susceptible to dating, most
5th and 27th of October 2006 archaeologi- likely can be placed in a period between the
cal excavations were undertaken on the sites 17th and 18th century, whilst spolias, detected
of Laevac Skit Sv. ora and Gradina near in the walls of the object suggest the existence
Bajina Bata. On the site of Laevac Skit Sv. of an older building on the site. The necropolis
ora, located nearby Raa monastery, re- with two excavated graves, consisting of a tomb
mains of an object 15x8.2 meters in size were construction of hewn stone detected on the site,
discovered. The object consisted of four rooms predates the building.
(one of them being a cellar) and a hallway. It Excavations on the site Gradina located on
was constructed using hewn and broken stone, the very peak of a hill dominating the gorge of
with limestone mortar as adhesive. In one of Raa River have yielded the remains of a sin-
the rooms a brick floor was detected, whilst the gle nave church, dated to early Byzantine pe-
others had a floor of compacted earth. Certain riod. The altar space with the remains of a floor
finds indicate the existence of a window frame with an accompanying apse was excavated. The
and a sinter arc, adobe walls and a porch on the apse, semicircular in shape is constructed using
northern side of the object. broken and hewn stone with limestone mortar as
The architecture of the object indicates adhesive. The remains of a floor made of plaster
that the primary function of the object was not and river pebbles were also detected.
sacral, but utilitarian, as it was probably used At the end of the campaign preventive mea-
for habitation. Movable archaeological finds surements were undertaken in order to preserve
like pottery, animal bones, pegs, clamps, bone the remains of both discovered objects.
146 / Archaeological REPORTS 4


, ,

: , , , ,

, . .
, , -

, 2,10 m
Map Site location , 0,80
m. ,
, -


. -

, -
(. 1 2).
( 1986:
, -
6165; 2002: 3751; 2006:
3138). 2006.
2002. -

Figure 1 Lika II,
ava, view from
the Northeast III (. 3).1
II -
, -
(. 4
5). 11 m,
5,70 m,
, 6,25 m.
Figure 2 Lika .
ava, view from
the Northwest
, .
0,75 m,
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 147


Figure 3 Lika
ava Grad, sketch
of the basis of the

, ,
, . ,
. , ,
1,75 1,80 m -
, , .
0,150,18 m 0,10 m, , -
. 2002. ,
, -
- .
- -
, . ,
, ,
- . -
, -
, .


Figure 4 Lika
ava Grad,
church II
148 / Archaeological REPORTS 4


Figure 5 Lika
ava Grad,
church II, founda-

- 4,80
4,25 m. 0,700,75 m,
, -
. . ,
, , 0,80
, 0,85 m,

. . -
, , - 1,20 m,
, - -
. .
, ,
. ,
, - -
. ,
. - , -
. -
, 5 cm. -
, - , -
, : ,
III , -
II, II, - .
2002. (. 3). - ,
, 0,50 m,
. -
- ,
II. 2006. - .
, , . -
, - , -
(. 6 7). . -
, . ,
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 149


Figure 6 Lika
ava Grad,
object III

, -
, , -
. (, ,
.). , ,
() , -
, .
, -
- 7
. III,

Figure 7 Lika
ava Grad, object
( ), - III, foundation



, ,
- - -
- II, VI ,
. VII .

 12. 24. 2006. , -
. 631-02-197/2006-03. .
, , , -
. ,
150 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

Lika ava, archaeological site of Grad

Dejan Radievi, Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade University

The main aim of the 2006 campaign was to whilst the remaining part of the object is still
complete the excavations on objects detected in underneath the soil (Fig. 5 & 6). The building
campaign 2002, resulting in the complete discov- was erected with broken stone and mud. In the
ery of the foundations of church II and the con- Northern half of the Western wall, an entrance
tinuation of the research within object III (Fig. 1.2 meters in width was detected. This years
2). Church II was located on the Southeast edge excavations did not yield a reliable answer to the
of the upper plateau of the fortification. It was a question of the original purpose of this building.
simple, single nave building with a semicircular Based on finds of larger pieces of shaped house
apse on the East (Fig. 3 & 4), constructed using daub, with traces of wooden wattle (made out
broken stone placed in irregular rows, with mud of planks and trunks) it can be said with a high
being used as an adhesive. Main entrance into degree of certainty that the upper floors of the
the building was most probably in the middle of building were erected using wood and mud. Roof
the Western wall, with the second entrance be- tiling must have also been made out of wood, or
ing located on the South wall. During excava- some other light material.
tions on the remains of the floor detected next Chronological determination of the excavat-
to the South wall of the church, the existence of ed objects has been made on the basis of mov-
two construction phases was established in the able finds, first of all pottery fragments, which
building, each with a set of specific walls and ac- can be attributed to early Byzantine period of
companying floors. Unlike the younger wall that the Western Serbia. Analogies can be found
was made with mud as adhesive, older founda- on the contemporary sites found in the vicinity
tions were built using limestone mortar. (Jelica, Via, Vukovica, etc.) and in accordance
Object III was located to the North of to these, all of the discovered objects, including
Church II, not far from object II that was exca- both construction phases of Church II, could be
vated in campaign 2002 (Fig. 2). Excavations in dated earliest to the 6th century AD and the lat-
2006 have led to the clearing of a single room, est to the first decades of the 7th century.

, . 1986. . (-
) 16: 6165.

, . 2002. 2000. 2001. .

() 32: 3751.

, . 2006. 2002. 2006. .

() 36: 3138.
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 151



, ,

: , , , ,
, , ,

76 , ,
, -
, , . , ,

85 m.
- Map Site location
1988. , -

1994. 1996. (
2000: 43106). -

. -
1 km . ,



Plan Campaign
2006, situation plan
152 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

, -
2. 23. .
. . ,

1 -

Figure 1 A
dug out

1500 m2 (). ,
, 0,5 .
, ,
, ,
(. 2).
. ,
, .
, , ,
0,70 m 1,5 m (. 1).
1996. .

(. 3),
2 35 27 m,

, 1996. .
Figure 2 A
sheep skeleton
discovered in
one of the pits , 25 30 cm,
1 m.
, 50 60 cm

, .

. , .
, ,
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 153




Figure 3
General view
of the 2006.
with foundation
trenches for the
construction of
a fence around
a yard

, .
, -
. 1996. .

, 30- cm,

, 4
, (. 4), Figure 4 A well

, ,
( .
) 2 m,
, ,
. 7080 cm ,
, .

5 6

Figure 5 Part of a pot made without a potters wheel Figure 6 Part of a pot made on a slow potters wheel
154 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

(. 5),

(. 6) (. 7). ,

, , ,

Figure 7 Part of a pot made on a fast potters wheel
. .

Archaeological excavations on site Stub 76, near Horgo

Stanko Trifunovi, Museum of Vojvodina, Novi Sad

Archaeological site Stub 76 near Horgo was used for communication with a large cen-
in Northern Baka region is located on a sandy tral object, circular in shape, excavated in 1996.
island 1 ha in size. Discovered in 1988, it was Four dugouts almost rectangular in shape, a
excavated systematically for the first time in common find on this site, were also excavated.
1994. Having in mind that the archaeological Aside from these dugouts, three pits containing
layers begin on the immediate surface, he site skeletal remains of sheep and calves and one pit
itself is still endangered by modern agriculture. containing a significant concentration of pottery
Excavations so far have covered 5000 sq. me- shards were discovered. Additionally, two wells
ters of the site and have resulted in the full cov- were also discovered (each around 2 meters
erage of the central complex. deep), both with remains of wooden construc-
In campaign 2006 approximately 1500 sq tions around them. Among the finds recovered
meters were excavated with several different from these wells, pottery fragments made on a
objects being discovered. The central object of fast potters wheel stand out.
this years campaign is an enclosed yard 35x27 Hand made pottery dominates movable
meters in size. This yard is located on the east- archaeological finds, with only a handful of
ern side of the large construction complex of vessels made on potters wheel, but objects of
buildings excavated in 1996 and once had three stone, bone and iron are also common. More
entrances/exits. One of the exits led to a dock precise dating of the site is still under question,
on the edge of the marsh used for boats, sec- although the site can generally be dated to early
ond one led towards a dirt road, and the third medieval period.

, . 2000. . 1516: 43106.

/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 155


, ,
, ,

: , , , ,

, -
a -
. .
, 50 100 m
, , -
, -

, - Map Site location
(. 1).
5 ha.
, -
, -
. , -
7 ha, ,

. -
, ,
. , ,
- 1 km.
, - -
, ( 1977: 18), -
. 2002. (Jankovi and
- Radievi 2005: 275278).
, , -

1 -

Figure 1 Du-
pljaja-Grad, situa-
tion plan
156 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

.1 - , -
X/ , .
. . -
, , , -



Figure 2
view from the
towards the
explored part
of the site

(. 1/2), -
- 400 m ,
, , -
- , -
, ,
. - .
. ,

XIVXV . (. 1/3), -
- .
, - ,
. - ,
. 1972.
, , -
, -
, 2006. .2
. -

, (. 2).

. 1912,
, 150
Figure 3
Dupljaja-Grad, a m
hoard containing -
silver coins and
jewelry .

4 m 4 2 m. ,

( - -
; . 1/1) (. 1), -
3 m, , -
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 157

Figure 4 Dupljaja-
Grad, foundation
ditch of the South-
west corner of the

30 15 m. , , -
, - .

. - . 1000
, , , ,
. - .
- -
1241. .
XII . , (
1925) -
. - -
(. 4).
. -
9 , -
, 8, .
, 1,3 m.
1,5 m. - 1,5 m .
, -
, - , ,
, - , ,
XI , .
X . - 64 .3
, ,
, , , -
. (. 5).

, -
, .
(. 3). - , -
: , - -
158 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

, -
. S -

, ,

Figure 5
, ,
part of the ,
necropolis in
blocks g 22-23
. ,

50 m .
, .
, - , -
. .
, .
. , ,
. , .
 (. 631-02-
. . 03. 07. 03. 08,
. , . , , . , -
, . , , . , ,
. 10. 10. 03. 11, .
, ,
, , .
. , ().
, . .
, ,
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 159

Dupljaja, site of Grad

ore Jankovi, Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade University

Dejan Radievi, Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade University

Based on the test excavations from 1972 gives evidence of the Mongol invasion of 1241.
we were able to assume that somewhere at the The central part of the lot yielded a foun-
site Grad there was a church with accompanying dation trench of the Southwest corner of the
graveyard, so the aim of finding this church was church and a part of the surrounding necropo-
set as the main goal of this years campaign. lis. The trench has been filled in with construc-
An increase in the concentration of construction tion rubble, whilst the foundation itself, once
rubble in the two fields of the western part of constructed in stone and limestone mortar has
the site was a pretty good indicator for a more been removed in full with only a thin layer of the
precise position of the object. original plastering being preserved in certain
Trenches that were laid on the west end of parts of the foundation trench, accompanied by
the lot yielded the remains of a larger building, an occasional larger block of stone.
approximately rectangular in shape, dimension In the area around the Southwest corner
30x15 meters. The building was preserved in of the church 64 graves were detected and
foundations that were comprised of a network excavated. Most of the graves have the same
of cancellated layers of wooden beams, buried orientation as the church, but there are some
in loess. According to the fragments of pot- exceptions, the orientation of which is closer
tery found on the edges of the building it can to the basic East-West direction. All of the ex-
be stated that the building was erected in the plored graves are characterized by poor grave
XII century. Underneath it, an older settlement inventory. Two of the graves contained a sin-
horizon was detected, that could chronologically gle Hungarian coin, used as an obol, whilst the
be placed in the X-XI century. The end of the other grave inventory can be identified as sev-
early medieval period life at the site can be dat- eral hoops with S shaped endings and a couple
ed primarily due to the find of a silvery jewelry of rings. Coins discovered in the graves can be
and money hoard, discovered not far from the dated to approximately second half of the XII or
big building. The analysis of the hoard content the first decades of the XIII century AD.

, . 1977. . .

Jankovi, , and Radievi, D. 2005. The stronghold from Dupljaja. A medieval archaeological discovery. Banatica 17:
160 / Archaeological REPORTS 4


, ,
, ,

: , , , , ,

ea aja eej.
oj o aa aaa . eo je a e
a aa aj a ee a o oa oa,
aa Pogny r ( aa
oo). aj a oo ea,
oje aje oo ee, je o-
eaja aeo a o
30 m, o a oaa.
ao ee, ea o 70 m, o-

eo je aea , -
Map Site location
oaj oe oe a
aao eo oa o je, ea
eoj eeooj ee, oo 1030. o-
e ooao aa a oaa.
o e oj e ao
aa aje ee ee-
(Hervay 2001: 533). a -
eoeoo ae , ao - oa 1247. aa
, oao a ooj oa ee ao Wruzlamus munustura, 1340. oe
aaee eeje (. 1). ao Orozlanus munustura. ao aee
aa a ao aaaaoj e aj oa, 1000. oe,
e, a aoe e ao Orozlanus, Orozlanos (Gyrffy 1966: 865-
oje e a o ee ao a a 866). oeo ea a



Figure 1
Majdan site,
view from the
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 161

2 3 ,

Figure 2 Necropolis and foundations of a Romanic church Figure 3 Romanic church, belfries, view from the West

4 , 5

Figure 4 Gothic church, view from the Southeast Figure 5 Brick with cross markings

aoa aj aaa, oj - ,
e a e e aa ee
eae aa eae ae. (. 2)
- -
- .
. .
. .
1996. -
1996. , .
2003, -
- /, -
. .
, .
.1 ,
- (. 3).
, -
. - .
, , -
, . , , ,
- (. 4).
. , ,
2006. - -
162 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

6 S 7

Figure 6 Necropolis, S ring Figure 7 Necropolis, ring

. : S ,
- (. 6 7). -
(. 5). - ,
, - .
. ,
. .
- -
. 282 (. 8).
, - -
XI . .

Figure 8 Ne-
cropolis, tomb

 633-00-769/2006-03, 12. 09. 2006,
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 163

Manastirite Majdan

Zvonimir Nedeljkovi, Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments, Subotica
Neboja Stanojev, Museum of Vojvodina

In the area of the village of Majdan, in gar- nustura. As a settlement the site is mentioned
dens and fields around the village, numerous somewhat earlier; in 1000 AD it is known as
surface finds imply the existence of a larger me- Orozlanus or Orozlanos. The origin of the name
dieval settlement. Alike the present day settle- is associated with the claims of earlier explor-
ment it was also located on the eastern bank of ers stating that depictions of lions chiseled out
a larger waterlogged depression (Fig. 1). of stone were visible in the derelict walls of the
The monastery is located on a mildly un- settlements buildings.
dulating highland, i.e. on one of the rounded In 2006, archaeological excavations have
knolls that gently descend towards the depres- documented the existence of foundations be-
sion on the Eastern and Northern side. Sandy longing to a small Romanic church, probably
loess and sand can be found underneath a thin the first building erected here. The dedication
layer of surface humus. It is certain that these of this sacred place to St. George is associated
represent the remains of one of the banks of with this building.
Mori River. This part of the water stream is First excavations, led in 1996 have resulted
known as Pogny r (Pagan creek). Systematic in the discovery of the foundations belonging
archaeological excavations first began in 1996, to a steeple of a larger, and more significant
and were continued in 2003. church dated to a later period. This object,
This location can be associated with the also a Romanic church had rectangular towers/
monastery of St. George, which was, according steeples with a foundation substructure laid in
to the Great Gelert legend founded by Tchanad yellow mud and consisting of four to five rows
around 1030 AD and populated by Greek monks. of brick. On the remains of this church, next to
Available historic sources do not confirm prepo- the southern wall (partially even on it) a smaller
sitions that the monastery was later taken over church was later erected (Fig. 4).
by the Benedictian monks. The monastery ap- Aside work on the church buildings of the
pears in written sources in 1247 as Wruzlamus complex the associated necropolis is also under
munustura and again in 1340 as Orozlanus mu- excavations.

Gyrffy, G. 1966. Az rpd-kori Magyarorszg trtneti fldrajza I. Budapest.

Hervay, F. 2001. Levente, A bencsek s aptsgaik trtnete a kzpkori Magyarorszgon. In: Paradisum Plantavit,
Bencs monostorok a kzpkori Magyarorszgon. Pannonhalma.
164 / Archaeological REPORTS 4


, ,

, ,

: , ,
, ,

5 km -
, - ,
, , , ,
. - , 1853. (
. 1928: 98). 1871.

1876. ,
1888. (
1987: 448).

Map Site location :
. (. 2), -

2 (. 3),
VI .
, ,
, - (. 4),
, ,
, -
, . 1999.
, , ,
, -
. je 2006.
, --

, 1 m o -

1 , 1 -
- ,

. , 2 .

Figure 1 -
Layout of the , ,
Zoite mon-
astery with the
Church of Sv. .

. (. 1).
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 165

2 -

Figure 2 Re-
mains of the Sv.
Vrai church

, -
VI ( 1998: 35, :
4, 2; 1952: 176178). .
, ,
VI ( 1998: 40, ( 2003:
5),3 (. 5) 2526).
, , - ,
, - . , -
IIII ( 1995: 1327. ,
12, 1, 111112, . 55, 56 58, . ,
55 58; 1934: 52, . 49). -
(12431276), ( 1987: 448).
, .
1198/99. - XVII ,
. 8. 1327.

3 4

Figure 3 Altar apse Figure 4 A fragment of an early Christian capital

166 / Archaeological REPORTS 4




, III -
IV -
Figure 5 Roman tombstone
1. 1781. ( -
1928: 54). I . - .
: (
, , , -
. ,

6 -

Figure 6 Votive

. , IIII,
, - 70-
, ( .5 -
2002: 394; 2008). . ,
- ,
, (
) , ...
. . ,
( 1928: 98). , -
.6 -
, .
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 167

. , . . ,
. . , .
 . .
, ,
, ,
. , -
. ,
, .
 . 1975.
 , , , .
 , -
, (-1 -2), ,
, (-3) ,
, (-4). 2
(-5). -3, -4 -5 , -
. , I (
1928: 5358).
, .



Svetlana Hadi, Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage,

Pritina, temporary relocated to Leposavi

Approximately 5 kilometers Southeast of The remains of the Church (Fig. 1) erect-

Orahovac, between Prizren, Pe and Pritina, on ed in the late XIII and early XIV century par-
a knoll in the village Zoite, lay the remains of tially cover (in the apsidal part) the remains of
Zoite monastery with the church of Sv. Vrai, a previous Christian sacral object (4) (Fig. 2),
Kuzman and Damjan. Upon the arrival of KFOR roughly dated to the middle of the VI century.
to Kosovo and Metohija in 1999, the church of Disturbed cultural layers with movable archaeo-
Sv. Vrai was burnt to the ground, and later that logical finds pottery fragments, glass, metal,
year completely leveled using explosives, with coins and fragments of Roman tombstones and
monastic buildings being torched at the same early Christian carved stone all dated to peri-
time. In 2006 plans were made to reconstruct ods between I-VI, XIII-XIV and XVII-XX cen-
the church, thus making archaeological excava- tury, alongside devastated skeletal burials are
tions a first task at hand. a product of the construction of the foundations
The monastic complex was comprised of a for the Medieval church and the paving of the
new dormitory with cells located left of the en- churchyard in the 1970s (14). This condition
trance into the churchyard, a grand hall right of does not allow us to make a clear image of the
the entrance and in the extension a west wing of occurrences on the site, additionally impaired
the old monastic dormitory with a winter chapel by a small area under excavation.
and a steeple. Monastic grounds were entered However, the creation and development
through a gate in the North, whilst a church of of the village Zoite and the monastery of
the Sv. Vrai Kuzman and Damjan represented a the same name can be closely associated with
central object of the churchyard (Drawing 1). the construction, artistic and spiritual center of
Archaeological excavations have led us to nearby Velika Hoa with which it also shared the
the following data. same destiny over the centuries.

, . 1934. . LXXVII: 52.

, . 1995. . .

, . 1987. III . : . , 387-547.

, . 2003. . : , . .

, . 1928. 19. ( -
). .

, . 2002. . .

, .. 1952. . 7: 176178.

, . 1998. . .

, . 2008. . , , , , 2002. -
. .. 2/3: 8588.
168 / Archaeological REPORTS 4


, ,

: , , , , ,

, 1377/1378.
(. 1), -
. . -
, .
23 km,
. -
(. 2).
, , -
. -

Map Site location

. -
, , , -

, , -
. 1389. -
, ,
. ,

. , . -
. - .
, , 1973 .
, , , ,
1 .



Figure 1 Velue .
monastery with ,
Vavedenje church

( 1988/89: 67).
, -
( 14851503),
. , - -
, - , -
. .
: - ,
, , . , 1973.
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 169

. )

Figure 2 Velue
monastery situa-
tion plan (drawing
by A. Matovi)

, 0,60 0,20
( ). m. -
, , , .
e - , -
, -
. .
, in situ. - .
. , - , 16 -

( 1973: 122123). (. 2). -
- ,
, 2000. e ,



, -
- ,
2, -

Figure 3 Velue
monastery, trench
, . , - 2, necropolis


(. 3).

, , -
, . -
170 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

. -
4 , -1 (.
4) -2, -
(-11, -
Figure 4 Velue
monastery, grave 1
). -1, -
, ,
(. 4). -
, -2, 4 5
5 .

- 14 , 16 (
Figure 5 Velue ,
monastery, frag-
ment of a stone .
decorative orna- 40 60 ,
ment, 14th/15th
century 2, 4 12 -

, -
XIX (. 6) (
1984: 186).

, - , .
Figure 6 -
Velue monas-
tery, cresset, , . -
19th century ,
, ,
. ,


 20.06 06.07.2006. :
, ( , ),
( , ),
( , ).
 . , .
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 171

Protective archaeological excavations in Velue monastery

Gordana Toi, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments, Kraljevo

Velue monastery with Vavedenje Church tially covered, obscuring the first frieze from
is located some ten kilometers Southeast of full view.
Trstenik. A medieval necropolis located around the
In the second half of the 14th century the church building was also excavated, resulting
monastery was erected here by local nobility, in the discovery of 16 skeletal burials oriented
represented on a patron image in the nave and in a Christian manner West-East. Certain tombs
the narthex of the Church. were marked with massive, horizontal, unworked
Archeological excavations were conducted tombstones, but the majority of tombs had no
as a phase of the drainage construction proj- grave markings at all.
ect and included work on the area around the Most of the movable archeological finds
church, with the aim of defining original level were discovered in a layer of construction de-
of the churchyard and the investigation of the bris next to the altar apse, with fragments of the
state of preservation of the church foundations. original archivolt decorated with two-part bands
Work on the excavations has revealed that the and a bronze cresset with a depiction of the cru-
church building was, over several centuries par- cifix being the most interesting of all.

. 1973. . 15: 122123.

, . 1988/89. . XXXXI: 6777.

, . 1984. . .
172 / Archaeological REPORTS 4


, ,

: XIVXV , , , , ,

, - -
(. 1), . ,
, , ,
: 22, 22, 22, 21, 19,
19, 19, 17 17,
, -
(. 2).


18,5 10,5 m), -
Map Site location
25 m (. 3).
, ,
XV .

( 0,90 m). -

, ,
1,20 m.
, ,

0,15 m,
0,63 m.

2002. 2005. . -
2006. -

0,80 m, -

, , -



Figure 1
Location of
Drena mon-
astery, with
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 173

- -

, Figure 2 Founda-
tion of the monastic
. -





. , -
, ,
. , -
. XV (-
, - 1980: 50; 1980: 45).
, 21, -
- (. 4),
- -
. - .
, -
- , ,
, , - , -
. -
, ,

Figure 3 Dormi-
tory foundation
174 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

: , , ,
4 - (--
1980, 7980).
Figure 4 Frag-
ment of a ce- (. 5),
ramic handle with . -
Moravic interlace-
, -
, -
( 1964: 138;
1979: 430; - 1980: 51;

- 1981: 6667).

. -

, -
. 625 g,

, ,
. -
, -

, .
, ,

, ,
, ,

, ,

Figure 5
type nozzle

, . XIV ,
- . -
, - , -
- XIV -
, . .
. - -
, ,
, - XIV XV , -
, -
, ,
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 175


, - , -
, -
. , -
, ,
 2006. (21.09 28.10.2006) : , -
( , ), ( ),
( , ), -
( , ).
 , .

Drena monastery, protective archeological excavations

Gordana Toi, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments, Kraljevo

Monastic complex of Drena, with the church first half of the 15th century. The dormitory is
of Vavedenje Presvete Bogorodice is located preserved only in its lower parts.
some five kilometers north of Aleksandrovac. In one of the rooms, next to the North wall,
The team of the Institute for the Protection in block K21, fragments of fresco paintings
of Cultural Monuments in Kraljevo this year con- were detected that may imply the significance
tinued the excavations previously led in 2002 of this area and its possible function within the
and 2005. Protective archeological excavations complex. Pottery fragments discovered dur-
of this campaign were aimed at further discov- ing the excavation of the dormitory are mostly
ery of the monastic dormitory and accompany- highly fragmented, but even in such condition
ing objects. they exemplify variations in shape and decora-
The dormitory is located approximately 25 tions. On the basis of the characteristics of the
meters west of the church (its dimensions be- style the material fits almost perfectly with the
ing 18.5x10.5 meters). On the basis of movable material discovered during the excavations of
finds, above all pottery fragments, it can be dat- nearby archaeological sites of Milentija, Koznik,
ed between the second half of the 14th and the Kruevac or Stala.

-, . 1980. . :
. : 4955.

-, . 1981. . .

, . 1980. . :
. : 4955.

, . 1964. . 6: 136138.

, . 1979. . IXX: 425439.

176 / Archaeological REPORTS 4


, ,
, , ,
, ,
, ,

: XIVXV , , ,
, , ,

15.05 27.05.2006. - .1
, -

( -


. -
Map Site location

25,40 m
, -
, .

1 , 2 ,
Eastern profile
Figure 1 Eastern profile, in detail Figure 2 Eastern profile, in detail
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 177

3 4

Figure 3 South part of the control trench Figure 4 North part of the control trench

11,70 m 2 m,
13,70 m 1 m. , -
2,10 m. , -
- ( ),
, - -
. , . -
, .
( ). -
- ,
. .
, -
, - ,
. -
, -
. -
. ,

5 6

Figure 5 Movable archaeological finds Figure 6 Movable archaeological finds

178 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

- .
 , .
. , : . , , .
, , . , .

Drena monastery, protective archeological excavations

Gordana Toi, Institute for the Protection of the Culture Heritage Monuments, Kraljevo
Dejan Buli, Institute of History, Belgrade
Duan Rakovi, National Museum, Kruevac
Aleksandar Matovi, Institute for the Protection of the Culture Heritage Monuments, Kraljevo

Rescue archaeological excavations in aak brought in from other locations across the town
were conducted in the town pedestrian zone, as were detected. Therefore, a variety of pottery
a part of the heating conduits construction. finds ranging from Turkish period to present day
Within the trench, layers of backfilling (with rare Medieval fragments) examples should
and leveling of the terrain formed with the soil be of no surprise.
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 179


, ,

: , ,

1956. .
1964. . - -
2005. , 2007. , -
, , -
, ,

(. 2).
, -
. - Map Site location
, -
, -
in situ

50 . -

(. 1). - . -
, 2006.
, -
. - .

1 -


Figure 1 Archae-
ologically excavated
parts of the monas-
tic courtyard
180 / Archaeological REPORTS 4



Figure 2 Tomb
in the Southeast
corner of the nave
with earthly remains
of despot Stefan
Lazarevi, church

, , -
- -
, -
, .
, 2006. -
19. 1427. . -
- . -
, -
, .
- .
.1 , XVIII ,

3 -

Figure 3 Tombs in
the Southeast cor-
ner of the narthex
dated to XVIII and
XV century
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 181

- -
. ,
, -
XV (. 3). , .
- , 16.
, - 1437.
60 . .
 , 2007. : . ,
, . -,
, ., . , . , - -
, XXXIX, , 2007, 969.


Marin Brmboli, Institute for Protection of Cultural Monuments of Serbia, Belgrade

Between 1956 and 1964, under the supervi- but also to state certain conclusions about the
sion of prof. Slobodan Nenadovi, first system- manner of its devastation.
atic excavations were conducted within the ram- The results of the archeological excavations
parts of Resava monastery. Systematic archaeo- are in full accordance with the data regarding
logical excavations started in 2005, and by 2007 the place and manner of funeral, described in
North, West and part of the Southern sector of the work of Constantine Philosopher, the official
the churchyard were explored (Fig. 1). In ac- biographer of Despot Stefan Lazarevi, patron of
cordance with the excavation plan for campaign Resava monastery who abruptly died on the 19th
2006 systematic excavations were conducted in July 1427. Following anthropological and DNA
the church nave with one of main aims being the analysis, we can conclude, without any doubt,
definition of possible graves along the southern that the west travee of the Resava monastery
wall of the west travee. Based on our knowledge church contains the grave with earthly remains
of funerary practices in medieval Serbia, the dis- of the church patron Despot Stefan Lazarevi.1
covery of the tomb of the church patron could This discovery has, without a doubt, solved a
have been expected. dilemma spanning several centuries about the
Underneath present day stone plated floor, burial place of the patron of the probably most
followed by an older floor made of bricks, a representative grave church of the Moravic Ser-
grave was detected next to the south wall of the bia period.
western travee. Following the removal of a layer Archaeological excavations of the 2006
of brown soil, mixed in with the fragments of campaign were also conducted in the narthex of
wall plastering, oculus and amorphous blocks of the monastery church. A tomb responsible for
sinter, a skeleton in its correct anatomical dispo- the decades of perplexity surrounding the loca-
sition was discovered within the tomb (Fig. 2). tion of the Despots resting place has been ex-
The deceased has been laid flat on its back, with cavated in the Southeast corner of the narthex.
hands crossed over the stomach. The head was In the process, two tombs were discovered, with
discovered under the left elbow and the man- the younger one (dated to the 18th century)
dible in the region of the left shin, a result of containing parts of skeletons belonging to two
the devastation of the tomb, possibly soon after secondary burials. Underneath this tomb, an
the burial took place. Anthropological observa- older tomb has been detected (dated to the 15th
tions in situ have enabled us to state that the century) (Fig. 3), containing a well preserved
well preserved skeleton belonged to a male in- wooden casket with the remains of a skeleton
dividual, around 50 years of age. Judging by the of a male individual, around the age of 60. It is
trace finds of rotted tree and iron spikes found quite possible that these skeletal remains belong
in the grave, we can say that the deceased was to Kalojan Rusota, a person of significant impor-
laid in a wooden coffin. Defined stratigraphy and tance on the courts of Despot Stefan Lazarevi
gathered data about the tomb allow us to recon- and ura Brankovi, who, according to histori-
struct the appearance of the tomb and the fu- cal sources, died on the 16th of April 1437 and
nerary process with a great degree of certainty, was buried in Resava monastery (Image 3).
Results of the archaeological excavations, anthropological and DNA analysis were published in 2007 in: M. Brmboli,
Tombs in the church of Resava monastery, N. Miladinovi-Radmilovi, Anthropological analysis of the graves in the
church of Resava monastery, O. Stojkovi, T. Varljen, . Miki, Molecular-genetic analysis of the skeletal remains of
historic persons from Resava and Ravanica monasteries, Saoptenja XXXIX, Beograd, 2007, p. 9-69.
182 / Archaeological REPORTS 4


, ,

: , , , ,

, -
, , -
. .

, , , -
, -

oaaa aeooa oaaa
Map Site location eea aeoo oaja
j a eee. ajaje aee -
ae eoa, oeoao je -
o eea oa eo a-
a. Oo je eo oao , -
ae. ojea aa aj
a a a, ooo III IV e.
oaoa oje eoeo-
o aea (e, oa o, oa
2006. 1 a). oea aeoo aeja, -
ao eaa, a oa, oeej
(. 1 9) - oe aeoe ojee eo o X o
20032005. . XIII ea. Oa aje ea o
19801981, - ooje oa eo
19581959. (ao aa oe. Oa oaja je
1961). , aaa, ooo aja eeoaaa a-
XIX a oaoo ooa oj oj -
(Henszelman 1873). 1870. Moo .
1872. , - aaa oea
, , eeoo ee. e eo-
o o eeeaa aa
. ae eea, oa aa



Figure 1
Ba, fortified
castle, view
from the
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 183

2 ,

Figure 2 Palace,
Northeast rampart

o ojea aeo a a ao oa oaa oa. o

(. 2) oe o e oe ea oa oee
, a eo, eea. Jo aje XIX oaa. ea oaaa,
ea aoeo ooaae oe aaje a a aeaa, ee
ee eo aa. oja oaaa, aae aaj oaaa o a-
1980. 1981. oe, a a 2003. 2004. e , oe, o oea ao a-
, ojaa e aaa oe a oa ee e o aje-
ea aae. aaaj eeoaa- a. Koao aa ae
ee, ee oaa aa j- e eea aa a oa
oo joaa ao o- oa oj aaaj ooj. aa-
a eeoaa a oaa ae a oe eee ooje, ae-
e. a oe oe a a (ae o , aae je oea aeoo-
oeaa) oaa e a oo- aeja oj oe o eaa
. a a ooa oao je aee. ao o oa aaea
o oe ea. aa - je aa eao. Oa oea
oe, ea ae e aeja e ae aae, eaa,
eeooo eea. Koaoa je o oa, ojea aa aa, oo

3 , 4 , , XV

Figure 3 Brick duct, part of the rampart Figure 4 Book clasp, bronze, 15th century
184 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

5 . Mo a a aoo-
, eea oeeja.
, -
Figure 5 Brace-
let, glass paste,
. ao-
16th century e eoe o ae
oo eea. Ka eeeeoo-
ea o a a-
oeaa. aoe je a e
oe. oa oe oe ojaae
oae a eoo ea oea, e
je oa oa aaea oo
oeeea o aaaa.
6 , oa oa o
oa a a e ooao
Figure 6 oaee oee. a oo , a oa
Silo, 16th
-17th century Mooe, oeeo oe,
aaaa oae, je e
ae o. oa Mooe -
o ooa o oe-
o oae . ee je o-
aoaa ao aea oa, o
eaao , aoe
ooe ooa oo oea.
, -
, -
(. 3).
, -
aaje aea. Je aaa , -
oa e a aeae .
ooja. eoa ea- ( , , -
ea, oj oaaaj ooee- ), (. 4 5).

Figure 7
Cistern, East,
next to Donjon
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 185

8 -

Figure 8 Cistern,
renaissance spolias

- , -
. - . -


: ;
; D
; E
; F
; G
H ;
( -
2007. )

Figure 9 Ba,
fortified castle: A
palace, B duct, C
cistern, D don-
jon tower, E tower
with balconies,
F chapel tower,
G square tower,
H circular tower,
I entrance (exca-
vations in this area
started in 2007)
186 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

XVXVI . - .

, .

(. 6). , ,
. (. 7 8).
, ,
 . 633-00-611/2006-03,
25. 07. 2006. . , , .
, , , ,
, .

Ba Fortress

Neboja Stanojev, Museum of Vojvodina, Novi Sad

Medieval fortified castle in Ba was built in a of the fortified castle. Settlements belonging to
wide meander of the Mostonga River, on the edg- the Bronze Age, Early Iron Age and La Tene pe-
es of the eastern inundation plain of Danube. riods were also detected on site. Certain finds
The excavations in 2006 on the site of the indicate the existence of a late Roman (3rd and
Medieval castle (Fig. 1 & 8) are a continuation 4th century AD) layer on the site. This location is
of the research done between 2003 and 2005. the Western most, i.e. Northwestern most point
These on the other hand continue those in 1980 of the triangular area formed by the Mostonga
and 1981 and 1958-1959. Objectively, all of the meander and a smaller stream located on the
work done on the castle are still lagging in com- East. Objects belonging to a medieval settle-
parison of the work done in the 19th century. ment were discovered (kilns, buried silos, house
These excavations that took place between 1870 remains) in this location as well, underneath the
and 1872 have yielded a general picture of the foundations of the still standing visible walls of
detected objects, but were unable to establish the castle. Movable archaeological finds, mostly
suitable chronological relations. represented by pottery fragments, but also coins
Archaeological research performed so far date this settlement objects to a period between
and the evidence of the archaeological locations 10th and 13th century. The remains of an older
indicate the following. The oldest settlement, fortification (dated to the 15th century), under-
dated to the late Neolithic was documented un- neath the existing walls of the fortified castle
der the foundations of the visible, standing walls were not confirmed in this part of the site.

Henszelman, . 1873. Die Bcher Burg, in: Grabungen. Leipzig: 169209.

ao . 1961. . 10: 89113.

/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 187


, ,

: , , - ,

- .
60- -
( 1970: 25 .
38), 1,60 m, 2,10 m. ,
.1 - -
- ,
, Map Site location
, . -
. -

, -
1968. .
, 6 6 -
, 2006. XVIII
- ,
.2 II, -
, .
(. 1).
1 -
, -
XV .
, -
, -

. -
, Figure 1 Belgrade
fortress Zindan
gate, situation plan,
, campaign 2006

, -
188 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

1, .
Figure 2 Trench .
1, foundation of a -
Roman object
, -



. , -
. -
, , 1 m,
. - ,
, -
, 1 m, -
. 2,60 -
m, 2,25 .
m. , - , 1,60 m,
, 0,90 m,
1,20 1,40 m. . ,
, . . 2,50 m,
1,30 m,

3 -

Figure 3 Trench
1, foundation of
a Roman object,
view from South-
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 189

4 6 6, , 5 7,

Figure 4 Trenches 6 & 6a, passage through the Figure 5 Trench 7, entrance into the hidden
corridor, view from the Northwest corridor of the bastion, view from the Southwest

. - - .
, -
, ,
. , ,


Figure 6 Trench
8, arched rampart
of the complex,
detail of the founda-
tion, view from the
190 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

. ,
, , , -
1,25 m, , -
1,15 m. - .
, -
2006. -
. -
8 - . -
, -
. , - .
- ,
 20032004. ( 2, 3, 4 5).
( - ).
 . 63300538/200603, 15.06.2006. -
; .


Goran Iliji, Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade

Excavations on the complex of the Zindan sequential layering that can be traced all the
gate in 2006 campaign have mostly confirmed way to bedrock, with sporadic archaeological
the results of earlier exploration in this area. material being represented by fragments of
The construction of the gate complex (XV cen- Turkish and Austro-Hungarian pottery, seldom
tury) followed by even more extensive work on even older fragments.
the construction of the bastion fortification in This campaign has also shown the exis-
the late XVII and the first half of the XVIII cen- tence of smaller areas with relatively intact lay-
tury had a serious after effect; partial of com- ers, above all within the ramparts of the com-
plete destruction of older layers in a wide area plex, yielding additional data about the area in
around the gate. Stratigraphic image detected the close vicinity of the ancient Roman legion-
in the trenches located alongside medieval or ary fortification, but also of a long lasting pre-
baroque construction shows the existence of historic settlement.

, . 1970. . IX.
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 191


, ,

: , , , , ,
, ,

16.06. 30.06.2006. - -
.1 ,
a, - , -
. -
. -
. -

. Map Site location
, -

45 m. -
, , ,
, , -
, .
. .
500 m -
, . - ,
, .
, 653
m. . a -
. , - ,
, ,
. .


Figure 1 View
on the hillfort
from the East
192 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

- .
, ,
. . ,
. ,
, 1100 m.

2 3

Figure 2 Remains of the Eastern rampart Figure 3 View on the church from the South

. - -
- .
. , -
- -
, .
. - , , -
, -
, .
, - -
. , ,
- .
, -
, .

Figure 4 Medi-
eval pottery
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 193

- .
, , - , ,
, ,
. -
, -
- -
. ,
, .
 , , -
, , .


Dejan Buli, Institute of History, Belgrade

In 2006 the archaeological site of Gradina est point of the fortification lays a small church
Trenjevica near Ivanjica has been explored of St. Ilija, constructed on the foundations of an
with 7 stratigraphic trenches. older building.
Gradina (so far without a known name) Archaeological finds on the site itself are
has an exquisite strategic position, controlling rare; the remains of ramparts at certain point
the entire valley of Moravica river, an important several meters high and a large amount of con-
communication between Uice and Sjenica to- struction debris being among the most common.
wards the Valley of Ibar River. The manner in which the rampart was construct-
The fortification is protected on three sides ed and the discovered fragments of pottery all
by a meander of Moravica River, surrounding point to a late medieval period. Finds of prehis-
the rock mass on which the site is located. The toric and Roman pottery fragments in the vicin-
only possible approach was from the Southeast ity of the fortification expand the time frame of
side of the site. Several meters under the high- the site onto several periods more.
194 / Archaeological REPORTS 4



, ,
, ,

: XVII , , , ,
, , 28.

28.05. 03.06. 2006. - , -

- -
28. , - .
.1 , -
. ,
: , , -
, , , ,

Map Site location .
, ,
, ,

. -
8,30 m 3,05 m , , .
- .
. - , -
, , - 1,85 m, -
, 4,50 m (. 1). .
, ,
, , - XV XVI . -
, .
, .

1 3.
, 3,
- .

Figure 1 3.
Northeast half
of the object
- .
, -
1 2,
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 195

, .
XIX XX , -
. , - ,
, .
. -
, ,
. -
- ,
 , .
, , : . ,
, . , .

Rescue excavations in 28th November street, Novi Pazar

Dejan Buli, Institute of History, Belgrade

Aleksandar Matovi, Institute for the Protection of the Culture Heritage Monuments, Kraljevo

In the upper layers of the excavated part tery that can be dated into the second half of the
of the site located in the center of Novi Pazar, 15th or the beginning of the 16th century.
several different recent metal objects were re- The construction of the discovered object
covered. The finding of horns with cut marks in- was preceded by several fires and a leveling
dicates a possible existence of a workshop, or a of the terrain. Later construction phase on the
similar activity being performed as a part of the site partially negated the older object. The third
household activity. In the last layer of light brown construction phase can be dated to the late 19th
soil the oldest find is a fragment of majolica pot- or early 20th century.
196 / Archaeological REPORTS 4


, ,
, ,

: , , , , , ,

- , -
, , 50 km 92,5 m2.
, - - ( )
, -


Map Site location (. 3). -
, , -
(. 3).2
, -
- -
, 995 m. , ,
. , -

. - , ,
, in situ.
. ,
, -
XIXXX (. 1).1
, (. 2).
7,50 m, . -
0,22 0,22 0,04 m, -
, 0,30
Figure 1 Plan of 0,27 0,05 m.
the complex 1893. ,


633-00-532/2006-03, 25.05.2006, -
. ,
2006. .
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 197

Figure 2 Palja,
View of the church

, ,
. -
(. ) , - ,
. ,
2005. - , -
, , .
.4 .
S .
, 4, 11, 12 13,
, .
, . -
, -
. -
. .
- 14, 12 .5
. -

3 -

Figure 3 Church
foundation, after
excavations, Palja
198 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

, - 1, 11, 6, 8, 9 14
( 4, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13 , 4
14). 1, 5 6 13 .
.6 - ,7
, 8,
, .8
. ( 4, 5 8).
 , , .
 . .
 , XVIII .
XVIII . . .
 . , 2005,
, .
 2 ,
. 3 2, .
 7 10 , . 7 -
 12 13 ,
 8 XIX .



Toni erkov, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments, Ni

Aleksandar Aleksi, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments, Ni

The church of the Vavedenje Presvete Bo- of the church, and on the outer South and East
gorodice is located on the territory of Surdulica side. The excavations were linked with the work
municipality in the vicinity of the village of Palja, on the preparation for the conservatory work
some 50 km East of the city, close to the state on the reconstruction of the narthex and the
border between Bulgaria and Serbia, 995 me- construction of a drainage system around the
ters above sea level. The complex of the church object.
is comprised of the church building itself, stee- Although the excavations have not led us
ple and the remains of a porch and dormitory. to the determination of the construction date for
A stone wall encompasses the premises, with a the church, the existence of an older phase of
necropolis dated to XIX/XX century located next the church has been confirmed (an older floor,
to the Southwest corner of the complex. Writ- older architecture, a layer of burning, older fres-
ten data about the construction of the church is coes), as well as the existence of an archaeologi-
not known. Rescue archaeological excavations cal site with finds dated to the transition from
included an area of 92.5 sq. meters in the inside late Bronze to Early Iron Age.
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 199



, ,
, ,

: , , , ,

23.10. 20.11.2006. -
- , -
- , (cca 1100 m),
5 km .
, ,
- 50 x 30 m.

1966. ( 19??).

, cca. 9,00 x
5,50 m, -
. -
0,30 m. , - Map Site location
1,90 m. -
, 2,50 m.
(. 1).

, -
. -
. 633-00-555/2006-03,
05.10.2006. . (. 2 3).1 7 m
. .

Figure 1
Crkvite, church
200 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

2 3

Figure 2 Crkvite, before and after excavations, Figure 3 Crkvite, before and after excavations,
view from the Southeast view from the West

, ( -
, , , -
. - ,



Toni erkov, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments, Ni

Aleksandar Aleksi, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments, Ni

The site of Crkvite is located on a knoll meters, built using drywall, with foundations
on the West slopes of Mount Vardenik, some 5 dug in approximately 30 cm into the soil. The
kilometers Southeast of Surdulica in the region church is a single nave building with a semicir-
known as Kalifer, underneath Trenja peak (cca. cular apse on the East, the diameter of which is
1100 meters). The site itself is an irregularly 1.9 meters. Remains of a porch, approximately
shaped plateau, some 50x30 meters in size. 2.5 meters in length, were detected in the West
The excavations of the 2006 campaign part of the church. Inside the nave, remains of
have yielded the remains of a church, but only a stone iconostasis, a diaconicon and holy table
in its foundations, dimensions being cca. 9x5.50 were discovered.

, . 19??. 1966. 1967. , III: 332.

/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 201


. ,

: , , , ,

, 25.5.2006. -
, , -

, , , -
, , ,


24.6. 11.7.2006. .2 Map Site location

5 15 m.
0,5 m
, -

- .
- ,
( ) -
, , .






1 -
, 7 km
Figure 1 Situa-
tion plan
20019.980; -
1, -

99/42, 99/44, 99/48
202 / Archaeological REPORTS 4


Figure 2 Trench
system on the site
of Mlekara

250 m2 (. 1). ,
(. 2 3)

, .
0,80 m.
Figure 3 Trench -
system on the site . ,
of Mlekara
, ,
, . -

, -

 . 060439/2, 15.05.2006. .
. 631-02-252/2006-03, 19.06.2006. .
 , , ,
, , (
), . , ,
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 203


Bisenija Petrovi, Museum of Belgrade

Adam N. Crnobrnja, Museum of Belgrade

The site Mlekara is located on the left side tensive plowing were detected, whilst under-
of the old Zemun Batajnica road, some 7 kilo- neath this layer a light yellow soil loess was
meters from the centre of Zemun. In the course detected. During excavations traces of ditches
of plan preparation for the archaeological ex- were detected in both trenches, which had to
cavations, the Museum of Belgrade was aware be extended in order to follow the direction of
of the fact that this part of Zemun Municipality these ditches. Total area excavated in this man-
is full of significant archaeological sites rang- ner amounts to approximately 250 sq. meters
ing from prehistoric to medieval times, as most (Fig. 1). Aside from this widespread system of
of these sites were previously excavated by the ditches (Fig. 2 & 3), sporadic finds of pottery
Museum staff (Asphalt base, Gravel pit, Ra- fragments (most of them belong to modern pot-
dio Station, Dahlia, Veterinarian Institute, Gas tery) and animal bones no other movable finds
pipeline) leaving behind a significant amount of were detected. The ditches that were detected
documentation and movable finds. were all dug in to the depth of 80 cm. The dispo-
Archaeological excavations were con- sition and the ditch system allow a preposition
ducted between 24th June and 11th July 2006. that the site might contain remains of a native
Based on the configuration of the terrain a posi- Vicus type settlement from the beginning of the
tion with the highest probability of archaeologi- 1st century AD, the time of the earliest Roman
cal finds was selected and two trenches, both occupation of this region. However, the scarcity
5x15 meters, were placed. In the first trench of other finds indicate that this presumption
50 cm of soil corn remains left over from in- should be taken cum grano salis.
204 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

902.2 (497.11)2004

- 2006. -

, ,

: , , ,

, - ,
- -
, - .
- 2006.
. -
, 60 ,
- 29 . -
, -
GPS Garmin Geko 201, -
, 1974, , . -
1982. 1984. , , -
- .
(, ).

. , -
- , GPS , -
, . ,
- .
, , -

1. , 6. , 1
, . 1 (), . 6
X - 43 28.438 Y - 22 05.670 Z - 512 m X - 43 29.154 Y - 22 06.364 Z - 329 m
, , , , ,

2. , , . 2 7. ,
X - 43 29.454 Y - 22 05.859 Z - 508 m , . 7
, , X - 43 28.006 Y - 22 06.096 Z - 378 m
(?), ()

3. , 8. ,
, . 3 . , . 8
X - 43 28.292 Y - 22 05.693 Z - 333 m X - 43 29.037 Y - 22 06.128 Z - 332 m
(?), , (?),

9. , , . 9
4. , - X - 43 26.521 Y - 22 06.093 Z - 363 m
, . 4 , ,
X - 43 28.748 / 43 28.873 Y - 22 04.992 /
22 03.021 Z - 483 m / 488 m
(?), 10. ,
, . 10
5. , 2, . 5 X - 43 28.017 Y - 21 55.802 Z - 306 m
X - 43 29.037 Y - 22 06.128 Z - 332 m , (?),
, ,
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 205

11. , 20. , , . 19
, . 11 (?),
X - 43 28.338 Y - 21 5.028 Z - 422 m
(?), 21. ,
, . 20
12. , X - 43 26.189 Y - 22 02.892 Z - 407 m
( ), . 12 , ,
X - 43 23.079 Y - 22 11.724 Z - 473 m
(?), () 22. ,
13. ,
, . 13 23. ,
X - 43 22.415 Y - 22 06.618 Z - 549 m , . 21
(?), X - 43 25.765 Y - 22 14.996 Z - 620 m
, (?),
14. ,
, . 14 24. ,
X - 43 22.820 Y - 22 06.129 Z - 695 m , . 22
(?), , X - 43 24.495 Y - 22 18.564 Z - 550 m
(?), , ,

15. , , . 15 25. ,
X - 43 23.842 Y - 22 01.701 Z - 561 m , . 23
, (?), X - 43 30.934 Y - 22 01.269 Z - 645 m
16. , , . 16
X - 43 23.799 Y - 22 01.803 Z - 567 m
, , 26. ,

17. , , . 17 , (?),
X - 43 24.891 Y - 22 00.704 Z - 613 m
, , 27. ,

18. ,
I (?), 28. ,
19. , , . 18
(?), - 29. ,
(?), -

206 / Archaeological REPORTS 4


2006 campaign survey

Vojislav Filipovi, Belgrade

Slavia Milivojevi, Zaviajna muzejska zbirka, Kulturni centar Svrljig

The territory of Eastern Serbia, with the During 2006, most of the locations with re-
exception of the erdap gorge and certain mu- corded archaeological finds has been revisited,
nicipalities is even today one of the least ar- resulting in more than 60 archeological sites
chaeologically explored areas of our country. being detected, 29 of which dating to prehis-
The territory of Svrljig municipality is at the toric periods.
bottom of this list. In order to ensure greater precision of site
Zaviajna muzejska zbirka (Domiciliary mu- locations, a GPS device Garmin Geko 201 was
seum collection), a part of Kulturni centar Svrljig used, with all gathered and available dates be-
(Centre for Culture, Svrljig) has been formed in ing input into the Archaeological site card, by
2001 with the help of National Museum in Ni Aca orevi of the National Museum in Bel-
and the Heritage protection Institute of Ni. grade.

, . 1992. . : , . , II (.
. ). : 7382.

, . , . 1991. . 67 ( ): 918.

, . 2006. .
15 ( ): 919.

, . . 16 ( ), .
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 207



, ,

: , , , , ,
, , , ,

2004. . , , -
. - (), -
, - . -
. -
- .



Map Chart (1:25

000) with locations
of archaeological
sites in oka mu-
208 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

1 , 11, 2 , 25,

Figure 1 Crna Bara, site 11, mound Figure 2 Crna Bara, site 25, mound

, . -
- .
. 2006. , (-
) -
. - ,
: ,
- , - .
- , -
; , -
- .
, ,
- -
. , -
- .
, 321 km2.
- ( ..).
- ..
- , .. , , ,
( , .
), -
- . -
1:25000 1:5000, , -
- 250
. ().
, , -
- ,

3 , 44, 4 , 27,

Figure 3 Crna Bara, site 44, mound Figure 4 Jazovo, site 27, mound
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 209

5 , 1 2, 6 , 8,

Figure 5 Sanad, sites 1 & 2, settlement located on Figure 6 Sanad, site 8, settlement on
the bank of a dried up river stream an elevated plateau

7 , 57, 8 , 6,

Figure 7 Ostojievo, site 57, settlement on Figure 8

Jazovo, site 6, a grave devastated by inten-
an elevated plateau sive plowing

. . ,
, - -
, . ,
.. 11, .. (. 8
50, .. 17, .. 9).
16, .. 73, .. 34 , ,
.. 56 . -
, 130 - .
, 130 ,
120 -
. . ,
, ,
, -
, 69 (. 1, 2, 3 4). . -
- , .

(. 5, 6 7). -

, -
, , -
9 , 71,
. ,
, - Figure 9 Ostojievo, site 71, a grave
- devastated by intensive plowing
210 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

Archaeological topography of Banat, campaign 2006 (oka)

Stanko Trifunovi, Museum of Vojvodina, Novi Sad

In 2004, a project entitled Systematic ar- ent day one with intensive melioration and flood
chaeological surveying of Northern Banat was gates. Municipality of oka covers 321 sq. ki-
initiated, involving the Museum of Vojvodina lometers (with settlements Crna Bara, Banatski
and the Regional Institute for the Protection of Monotor, Vrbica, Sanad, oka, Ostojievo, Ja-
Cultural Monuments in Novi Sad. Over time the zovo and Padej).
project was enlarged to include Southern Banat Following a detailed archaeological survey,
region, resulting in formal cooperation between over 250 archaeological sites were placed on the
the Museum of Vojvodina and the Museul Ba- map of oka Municipality. Considering the fact
natului in Timisoara, Romania. Due to these de- that the processing of data is still in progress,
velopments it was considered more appropriate the final number of sites may still change in the
to rename the project to Archaeological topog- time to come. Around 130 sites were determined
raphy of Banat region. as prehistoric, about the same amount as Ro-
Surveying was organized in accordance with man and around 120 sites had finds associated
the administrative boundaries of the municipali- with the medieval period. Mounds (or tumuli)
ties in question. Data gathering was performed were listed as separate entities, totaling at 69.
two fold, using information obtained in the exist- A lot of the sites discovered are actually multi-
ing literature and unpublished finds on one side layered sites, and almost by a rule occupy loess
and detailed surveying in the field on the other. terraces stretching on the edges of marshland
Data documentation was comprised of a site or on the islands in the middle of marshes. Data
chart, maps (1:25000 and 1:5000), illustrations regarding necropolises are very scarce having
and photographs of each individual site. in mind that these objects are hard to detect on
In 2006, archaeological surveying was the terrain surface. Only through the cultivation
conducted in the municipality of oka, a North of the soil and the damaging of such archaeo-
Banat municipality located in the Potisje region, logical sites we get the insight into their exis-
once intensively flooded by Tisa River, resulting tence, most of the time without any adequate
in a significantly different image from the pres- chronological indication.
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 211

902.2 (497.11)2004

. ,

: , , , , , ,

( , -
) .
, 2006. , -
2006. , -
.1 (. 64
). , -
, -
, - -
, ,
- .
( 2005; - 2008), -
, .
30 -
, 2004. . -
(. . 5260). Garmin E-trex Vista.
- .
- 52,
. - 2004. -
, ( 2005; 2008).

52. , 57. , 62. ,

(7434,638 4945,504) (7431,233 4949,913) (7440,075 4943,380)

53. , 2 58. , 63. ,

, 2 ()
(7431,265 4946,173) (?)
(7428,012 4946,459) (7440,277 4943,311)
59. ,
54. , , , 64. ,
, ,
(7429,000 4947,000) (7432,186 4946,994) , ,
(7437,867 4942,084)
55. , 60. ,
65. ,
(7428,215 4945,285) (7440,100 4945,000) ,
(7437,240 4943,220)
56. , 61. ,
( . ) 66. ,
(7432,227 4949,427) 1969) XVIIXVIII
(7440,230 4944,345)
212 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

1 -

Figure 1
Baevica site, view
from the Northeast

67. , 76. , 86. ,

E , ,
(7437,723 4936,653) (7440,050 4935,100)
(7440,210 4946,447)
68. , 77. ,
( ) 87. ,
(7437,476 4937,047) (7441,442 4940,499) (7441,575 4945,500)

69. , 78. , 88. ,

(7437,409 4937,080) (7441,500 4940,745)
89. ,
70. , 79. ,
(7441,477 4940,991) (7447,047 4943,814)
(7441,958 4939,187)
80. , 90. ,
71. ,
(7441,784 4940,931) (7446,339 4944,391)
(7441,375 4935,850)
81. ,
72. ,

(7441,446 4934,347) (7442,276 4941,142)

73. , 82. ,

(7441,743 4933,440) (7442,395 4940,700)

74. , 83. ,
(?), ,
(7443,810 4941,861)
(7440,361 4934,735)
84. ,
75. , ,
(?), XVIIXIX (7444,641 4943,223) 2
(7441,133 4934,582) ,

85. ,

Figure 2 Aerial photography of the
site of Baevica, arrow points to the
(7440,210 4946,447)
site with visible object remains
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 213

 : 2008.
I bid., . I.
214 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

Revisional surveying of Obrenovac municipality, campaign 2006

Adam N. Crnobrnja, Museum of Belgrade

ore Lazi, Obrenovac

As a part of the second phase of a multi- the final phase of this surveying, resulting in
season project of the Museum of Belgrade named an estimation of the current state of preserva-
Archaeological sites in Obrenovac municipality, tion of known sites, their exact positions and
during the fall of 2006 a revisional surveying of the degree of endangerment and the discovery
the territory of Obrenovac municipality was un- of several new, previously unknown sites. Look-
dertaken, focused on the right bank of River Kol- ing back at the area around the right bank of
ubara.1 Instantaneously, certain sites on the left Kolubara River we would like to point out to the
bank of the named river were also visited, with site of Baevica (num. 64 in this article). The
several new sites being registered. dominant position of the site (Fig. 1), results of
On the right bank of Kolubara River, in the trench excavations and aerial photographs (Fig.
municipality of Obrenovac, 30 archaeological 2) suggest that this site should be among the
sites were evidenced, with additional 9 found first candidates for systematic archaeological
on the left bank (previously not discovered in excavations, with geophysical measurements
the 2004 survey campaign, or no data were as a mandatory step.
available about their location at the time) Numeration of the sites in this article be-
sites 52-60. gins at number 52, as this article continues on
The second phase of the Archaeological the results of the surveying performed in 2004
sites in Obrenovac municipality project is also (Crnobrnja 2005; Crnobrnja 2008).
A more detailed account in: Crnobrnja & Lazi, 2008.

, . 1969. . . XIX: 273277.

Todorovi, . 1967. Baevica, Misloin, Obrenovac naselja starijeg i mlaeg gvozdenog doba. Arheoloki pregled 9:

Todorovi, J. 1967a. upakovac, Misloin, Obrenovac keltski grob. Arheoloki pregled 9: 186187.

.. 2005. (1). LII: 5995.

, .. 2008. 2004. . .. 2/3: 121


, .. , 2008. (2).
LIV: 7195.
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 215

902.2 (497.11)2004


: , , , XIX , ,
, ,

- , -
- .
. - , -
- . -

, (Garmin c-trex Vista). 15

- , , -
. , ,
XIX . - XIX .
, , ,
, :
. - 
-  -
, -  ( , -

1. 2.
, ,
: N 44 30 825, E 20 11 618 : N 44 27 348, E 20 13 648
216 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

3. 7.
, XIX ,
: N 44 26 880, E 20 13 996 : N 44 26 692, E 20 17 654

4. 8.
, XIX ,
: N 44 25 156, E 20 13 443 : N 44 25 310, E 20 17 887

5. 9.
, ,
: N 44 23 531, E 20 12 656 : N 44 25 200, E 20 18 184

6. 10.
: N 44 28 203, E 20 17 822 : N 44 24 986, E 20 19 489

1 , 2 ,

Figure 1 Roman tombstone Donje Jabuje Figure 2 Tombstone Medoevac

: N 44 22 980, E 20 21 637

: N 44 22 008, E 20 21 936

3 ,
- : N 44 22 302, E 20 23 860

Figure 3 XIX ,
Veliki Crljeni
: N 44 22 550, E 20 24 169

: N 44 22 546, E 20 25 079
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 217



Zoran Simi, Institute for Protection of Cultural Monuments of Serbia

Marko Jankovi, Ni

Archaeological surveying undertaken this XIX century. Several sites, not directly endan-
year on the territory of Lazarevac municipality gered at the moment were also recorded and
included areas around the present border of the are listed here.
Kolubara open coal mine that are most endan- All sites were mapped using a handheld GPS
gered by the planned expansion of the mine. device (Garmin c-trex Vista). In total 15 sites
This territory includes areas south of fields D were registered, two being prehistoric, five Ro-
& E, and between Tamnava-East field and the man, two medieval and 6 dated to XIX century.
regional road Belgrade-Lazarevac. Systematic The list includes only previously unknown sites
surveying preformed in this area has included with each site being defined using several cat-
all sites ranging from Neolithic period to XIX egories like:
century. Our intention was to confirm the state - Identification number (matched with a number
of preservation of previously known sites and on the chart)
the detection of new ones. The plan for the - The name of the closest settlement
dislocation of contemporary cemeteries within - Chronological determination and type of site
the named territory has forced us to record old - Coordinates (geographical latitude and longi-
grave monuments dated between XVIII and tude)

, . 2005. (1991-2000). -
4, 2128.

, . , . 2007. .
31, 6368.

, . 1995.
. 2, 1927.
218 / Archaeological REPORTS 4



-, ,
, ,

: , , , ,
, , , ,

- 23.08 05.10. 2004.

, 1989. .1
, , 12 15 , -
km . .

, 22 m 2 m,

, .
Map Site location

. 0,60 m, -
, - 1015
, . cm,
50- -
, 1
2 m, 10
30 m, -



Figure 1
, -

/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 219


. , -
(. 3).
(. 1). - :
. , 80 cm, -

, - ,
( . 2), ( ,
. 3). -
- , , -

Figure 2

. - , -
- ;
, -
, 1,5 m , ,
10 cm, .
, , -
(. 2). , , ,
. -
, ,
. -
, , , , 1,1 m,
- . 2, -
( . 3). , , -
1,9 m, - ,
. 2, ,
220 / Archaeological REPORTS 4

. ,
- 0,5 m, -
, . . 1
. 1,5 m, -
- , -
, . - ,
, . :
- , -
, ( -
. - , ,
, , , ,
. , -

Figure 3

, ) , -
, - 109 ,
. .
, . 2 , -
, 80
, - .
, , ,
, , ,
, . -
1 m, - , ,
, -
. .
, . 2, - -
4 m, , -
. , -
3. . -
- ,
, 0,6 m.
- .
. -
/ Archaeological REPORTS 4 221

, ,
( 2 3),
. ,
( D),
( 1).
 1989. ,
. , 1995. -



Jagoda Cani Teanovi, Museum of Jadar, Loznica

Rada Gligori, Museum of Jadar, Loznica

Prehistoric necropolis at the site of Paulje is The mound was semicircular in shape, had
located in the wide Jadar plain some 12 kilome- 22 meters in diameter and was preserved up
ters Southeast of Loznica, on the left side of the to 2 meters in height. It had no visible damage
Loznica Valjevo regional road in the vicinity and was formed using light brown soil, without
of the village of Brezjak. Around 50 semicircu- a stone circle.
lar mounds were detected in this region, with a On the basis of its appearance and the
height of 1 to 2 meters, diameter between 10 movable inventory found in graves we can con-
and 30 meters, and often grouped in smaller clude that the mound was primarily formed in
groups of 3 to 7 tumuli. late Bronze Age in order to accommodate the
The latest excavations of the 2004 cam- burial of two people (primary graves 2 and 3,
paign were concentrated on a tumulus marked fig. 2 and 3) and that an additional burial was
as tumulus O (Fig. 1), located in the central part performed after a significant amount of time at
of the forest and formed in the eastern part of the end of the Early Iron Age (Hallstatt D) sec-
a 7 mounds group. ondary grave 1.
222 / Archaeological REPORTS 4


, 4 -
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, .
. 1. ffice Word 97
) , Times New Roman,
-, .
, - 2. 3 cm; -
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- 1,5.
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1800 ).
(10) + . .
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- 17 306-
! 307).
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, 5 , .
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. 9.
. 1200 dpi,
: 600 dpi ,
1. - .tiff . -
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2. Illustrator-a, (export)
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3. 11. CD-,
4. (, :
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, 18-20,
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. crnobrnja@beotel.yu 064/15-93-426 ( .
2.2 064/12-92-022 (



= Archaeological
reports / ;
. . 1, . 1 (1959)- .
29, . 29 (1988) ; ..,2003, [.] 1-
- :
: ,
1959-1988;2007- ( [..] : ).
30 cm

ISSN 0350-2503 =
COBISS.SR-ID 15893506

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