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w.e.f. 2017-18

Sr. Max
Key Result Area (KRA)
No Points

1 Regularity 0

2 Class Engagement 10

3 Course Completion 15

4 Academic Activity 5

5 Research Paper Publication 10

6 Behavior and Departmental Contribution 10

7 Teaching Quality 10

8 Results (Previous Semester) 10

9 Student Feedback 10

10 Research Contribution & Awards

10 Research Contribution & Awards

11 Self Development

Max Points 100

Note: In addition to above score the Principal/ Director can award 05 marks per semester, based on the ins
Note: Faculty should submit this report by 10 Jan for odd Sem and 10 July for even sem by self initiative to P

Department: ............................................................................. Date of Submission.................................................Faculty Sig

Acropolis Group of Institutions
Six Monthly - Self Apprisal Report


No. of LWP in a Academic Year, May be verified from Establishment

Classes Engaged Vs Planned, May be verified from monthly course completion report (% Engaged)

% of Course completed at the end of the semester along with satisfactory report in monthly course
completion format. Continuous evaluation inline with course outcome through Quizzes, Assignment, Tests
and of practical work
Apart from regular academic classes at least 1 activity like seminar/ workshop/ expert lecture/training/ FDP
etc is organized or delivered

Research paper published in a journal with ISSN/ ISBN or published and presented in conference organized
by National Institute or else approved by the Principal/ Director
i) Demonstrated the belongingness, commitment, dedication, integrity towards the institute/dept and behavior
to match the institutional values and ethics with punctuality; compliance of duties assigned by the HoD
ii) Satisfactorily performed all departmental tasks including ERP implementation, NBA entrusted by the
iii) Contribution in Lab work development, Study material, ensure lab setups are in working condition;
iv) Contribution in maintaining discipline and curbing of untoward incidence at department as well as
institute level*

Quality of teaching, conduction of practical, continuous evaluation,etc

Quality Index based on results of end sem THEORY exams (if two or more subjects taught take the average
QI). Every teacher should have at least 1 theory else 50% of points will be considered.
Only for Theory A+ & A grade Extra @1 marks each (max of 3)

Rating obtained as per Feedback System Average to be taken in case of two or more subjects taught.

i) Research paper reviewed in a Journal / Conference organized by National institute or else approved by the
Principal/ Director (#Papers)
ii) Editorial board member, Key note speaker, Session chaired (Pre-approved-
by the Principal/ Director) (#Nos)

iii) Award / Certification /Medal acquired from Professional Body/ National Institute - ( #Nos)

iv) Technical Book published / patent / consultancy** (4 Extra)

i) External FDP/STTP /Workshop/Refresher course/Seminar organized by reputed institute -Attended


ii) Online/Offline Course with Certification (#)

iii) Internal FDP Delivered with report, attendance, feedback (# Nos)

iv) Expert Lecture/ FDP Delivered outside the institute with prior permission of Principal/ Director (# Nos)
(4 Extra)

Director can award 05 marks per semester, based on the institutional work assigned. *Most important irrespe
an for odd Sem and 10 July for even sem by self initiative to Principal/ Director. Proof to be submitted with criteri

........... Date of Submission.................................................Faculty Signature & Name: ....................................................................

July to Dec / Jan to June

Self Appraisal Rating

Minimum Acceptable
Target Rating /
Criteria Value Points Remark
Achieved Scored

0 LWP Not more than 15 Days in a Year # LWP

% Class
100% Not less than 95%

% Course
100% Not less than 95%
One Activity per Sem # of Activity

# Paper
One Research Paper per Sem One Research Paper in a Year
No complaints / No Memos
Marks by
Accurate and on time 6

Marks by
10 6

10 5 QI

100% 50% %

# Papers

---- ----
# Event
---- ----
# Award

# Days

# Certificate
---- ----
# Days

# Days

Points Scored / Earned

st important irrespective of marks. **Consultancy report should be endorsed by Director/Principal

bmitted with criteria highlighted

....................................................................... Signature of HoD: .........................................................



% Scored will be convertd into marks on the

scale of 10.
May be verified from monthly report &
should be synchronized with ERP, teachers
diary & course file.

Certificate from HOD, Expert should be from

reputed institute/ organization

1 Research paper fetch 10 Marks. Author

should be first with name of the institute
HOD to provide unbiased ratings at the end of
Semester on the scale of 10.
Consistent poor performance will be treated

The evalution is done by HoD only. Seprate

report will be given by HoD.
QI > =8.0 (10)
QI > =7.0 (9)
QI > = 6.0 (8)
QI >=5.0 (7)
QI < 5.0 (0)
Attach copy of result analysis for verification
(previous sem.)
Rating >= 90% (10)
Rating >= 80% (8)
Rating >= 70 % (6)
Rating >= 60% (4)
Rating >= 50% (2)
Attach the copy of feedback reports
1 Mark for each paper reviewed
1 Mark for each activity

2 Marks for one Award


1 Marks for each day, Maximum two activities

can be clubbed

One certification will fetch two marks

1 Marks for each day

01 Marks for each day


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