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Force ..........

Effect ..........

come into, go into or enter into

come into force ..........

enter into force ..........
come into effect ..........
enter into effect ..........

into 1.
enter 2.
force, enter 3.
bring,, go, come, take 4.

1.enter into force ..........

2.entry into operation ..........

3.put into practice ..........
4.coming into play ..........

5.entry into force ..........
6.enter into effect ..........

7.incorporate into legislation ..........

8. enter into a contract ..........
9.enter into agreement ..........

10. bring it into force ..........

11.come into force ..........

12.take effect ..........
13.bring into effect ..........
14.go into Effect ..........
15.come into effect ..........

". " force1.

". " effect2.
". " enter3.
agreement or contract "" enter4.
) (
" " come into, go into5.

quality procedures :
outdated systems andprocedures :

teaching tool :
performancemanagement :
property management :
qualitymanagement :
policy management :
Department ofEconomic and Social :

( Affairs (DESA
contract management :
operation management :
******* management :
human resources management
andtraining :
resource management :
portfolio management :
performance- oriented management :

on- street parking management :

management tools :
lendinginstruments :
electronic signature tools :
stakeholders :
assets and liabilities :
policy framework :
management and financialframeworks :

reuse :
restructuring publicadministration :

restructuring :
Barcelona declaration :
pilot work :
control purposes :
international best practices :

on- line mediation :
managing information systems :

internalcontrol systems :
accounting systems :
computerized information systems :

decision support systems :
accruedexpenditure :
country goals :
shared goals :
balance sheet :
job description :
key priority :
monopoly :
liabilitycontainment :
flexible responses :
costrecovery :
(International Federation of Accountants
office automation :
consensus :
formal rules :
financial performance :
performance :
modern management :
fiscalmanagement :
social inclusion :
electronic tools :
accounting reform :
reform :
total assets :
electronic kiosks :
security :
publicfunds :
capital expenditure :
currentexpenditure :
public expenditure :
aggregatespending :
expenditure :
depreciation :
European Union :
cross boundary communication :

professionalism : /
productive investment :
investment :
full cost recovery :
autonomy :
judicial independence :
incoherence :
underdeveloped economies :
transitional economies :
proceduralism :
hidden liabilities :
fiscalcompliance :
concessions :
government/ vendordivide :

municipalities :
World Bank :
regional environment :
internationalenvironment :
data :
free trade :
divestiture :
structural transformation :
overall resource planning :
focus onresults :
obligations :
pricing :
networking :
legislations :
legislative :
cross- ministry co- operation :

cooperation :
global changes :
synergy :
citizen interactions :
mediate differences :
delegation :
overlap :
social assessment :
evaluation :
running cost :
globaleconomic integration :

integration :
technologists :
structural adjustment :
empowerment :
competitiveness :
coordination :
implementation :
economic development :
socio- economic balance : -

documentation :
result oriented :
staffing :
electronic signature :
official gazette :
marginalized groups :
trophies :
changing needs :
programme governance :
good governance :
democratic governance :
nationalaccounts :
judgmental :
public- privatedialogue :
government services :
support services :
citizen- centered service :

lending support :
cashdisbursements :
disbursements and receipts :
enabling role :
credit :
chiefexecutives :
cash balance :
self- management authorities :

goods and services :
economic policy :
government control :
euro- mediterranean partnership :
vendorpartnership :
Mediterranean partners :
transparency :
public interest :
knowledge- based industries :

fiscalcontrol :
central control :
financialrestrictions :
financial deficit :
fiscaldeficit :
contracts :
e- Relationships :
analytic work :
earned revenues :
fraud :
legislative branch :
executivebranch :
judicial branch :
corruption :
service delivery capacity :
key issues :
private sector :
regulations :
rules :
leadership :
measurement andrecognition :
net worth :
efficiency :
restraints :
strategic institutions :
owner :
strategic initiatives :
management accounting :
commercialaccounting :
analytical accounting :
cash accounting :
accounting :
threats :
output :
outputs produced :
appropriation :
inputs purchased :
cash inputs :
inputs :
administrative decrees :
utilities :
African Training and :

( Research Centre in Administration for
Development (CAFRAD
accountability :
accounting innovations :
political participation :
participation andpartnership :
partnership :
operationalprojects :
purchaser :
private operators :
transactions :
equipment :
budgetedaccounts :
current receipts :
cashreceipts :
competition :
regional organization :
Arab Administrative Development
Organization :
line item budget :
inside look :
legacy architecture :
public transport :
economic growth :
/ urban growth :
gender :
internal bodies :
audit bodies :
legislature :
regional agencies :
executive agencies :
deadening hand on change :

low ranking :
UnitedNations Development
Programme :
at home program
slow responsiveness :
building skills andcapacity :

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