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Grammar Test
Please choose the correct answer.

1. Did she buy cakes?

a. Some b. any c. the
2. He has coins in his wallet.
a. A b. any c. some
3. Riza wants to have . Cookies.
a. Some b. any c. the
4. She has . Problems.
a. Any b. some c. the
5. My grandpa buy .. mangoes at the market.
a. Some b. the c. any
6. Are there apples in the box?
a. Some b. the c. any
7. There isnt .. tea left in the pot.
a. Some b. any c. the
8. He had . Friends in Singapore.
a. Any b. the c. some
9. I have money in my purse.
a. any b. some c. the
10. she doesnt want to say .. thing.
a. Any b. some c. every
11. There are . Roses in the vase.
a. Any b. the c. some
12. Would you care for . Coffee?
a. Any b. some c. the
13. Dody did not eat .. biscuits.
a. Any b. some c. the
14. She doesnt have energy left.
a. Some b. the c. any
15. They have .. more work to do.
a. Some b. the c. any
16. There isnt . Sugar in the container.
a. Some b. the c. any
17. I do not have .. envelopes.
a. Some b. the c. any
18. There are . Pens in the box.
a. Some b. the c. any
19. He did not take . Papers there.
a. Any b. some c. the
20. My grandma cooked foods for us.
a. Any b. some c. the
21. I . a boy.
a. Is b. am c. are
22. She .. my aunt.
a. Is b. am c. are
23. They . my classmates.
a. Is b. am c. are
24. She .. not my neighbor.
a. Is b. am c. are
25. We .. the students.
a. Is b. am c. are
26. She .. to the news every day.
a. Listens b. listen c. listening
27. Akbar neither French nor German.
a. Speaks b. speak c. speaking
28. Mila . In the park every evening.
a. Cycle b. cycles c. cycling
29. He the goldfish in a tank.
a. Keep b. keeps c. keeping
30. The men .. a lot of time in the field.
a. Spend b. spends c. spending
31. Molly a cup of tea every afternoon.
a. Drink b. drinks c. drinking
32. The teacher .. our books each morning.
a. Collect b. collects c. collecting
33. The bus .. in an hours time.
a. Come b. comes c. coming
34. I . Television every day.
a. Watch b. watches c. watching
35. She does not . What to say.
a. Know b. knows c. knowing
36. The boys do not .. football in the field every day.
a. Play b. plays c. playing
37. Susan does not . a pair of black rimmed spectacles.
a. Wear b. wears c. wearing
38. Thomas her grandmother every weekend.
a. Visit b. visits c. visiting
39. The show at eight o clock.
a. Start b. starts c. starting
40. She always her mother sweep the floor.
a. Help b. helps c. helping
41. She is .. at the concert.
a. Sing b. sings c. singing
42. Ryan is . right now.
a. Think b. thinks c. thinking
43. The children are in the playground.
a. Play b. plays c. playing
44. Somebody is at the door right now.
a. Knock b. knocks c. knocking
45. She is . Mother clean the dishes.
a. Help b. helps c. helping
46. The women are .. together.
a. Talk b. talks c. talking
47. Mr. Rudy is . us English now.
a. Teach b. teaches c. teaching
48. The sun is not very brightly.
a. Shine b. shines c. shinning
49. He is not .. in the room next door.
a. Read b. reads c. reading
50. The birds are in the sky.
a. Fly b. flies c. flying

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