Music Therapy Receptive Experience

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MUTY 215: Music Therapy Repertoire

Name: ____Heather Han_______ Date: ____11/29______

Musical Experience (Check One)

Improvisatory ________ Re-creative________

Composition ________ Receptive__V__

Treatment Area (Check One)

Psychomotor________ Cognitive________ Psycho-social_________

Musical________ Affective________ Communication_______
Creativity________ Other (Please Define)______Relaxation_____________________

Primary Therapeutic Purpose

To help a client living with schizophrenia fall asleep
Title_________Music Listening to cover up the voices
Materials Needed (if audio, include composer, etc; if written music include song sheet) __
Kiss the Rain by Iruma
Poem by Vermillion Scythe
is a green festival
where floral scents emanate, calming the atmosphere
dancing under cherry blossom trees
catching every pedal that drops
picking out peaches and oranges
and enjoying the freedom being outside
Client Population ______young adult with schizophrenia-auditory____________________
Brief Description of Experience __Client will listen to the recording with the SMT reciting the
poem slowly. This will try to cover up the negative voices (auditory hallucinations) and help the
client to fall asleep.
Step-by-step Procedure:
1. The SMT will play the music after asking the client to close his/her eyes in bed.
2. After about 10 seconds into the song, the SMT will start reading the poem slowly (it
would be clients choice of poem in the real sessions, and if no poem is chosen, it would
be up to the SMT).
3. Give it 10 seconds after the poem is over, and let the music fill the silence.
4. Recite the poem again a little bit faster than the previous time, not in a rushed manner.
5. Give it another 10 seconds for the music only.
6. Repeat this until the client falls asleep.
7. ________________________________________________________________________
8. ________________________________________________________________________
9. ________________________________________________________________________
10. ________________________________________________________________________
11. ________________________________________________________________________
12. ________________________________________________________________________

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