The World Series of Innovation: Submission Form Worksheet / Prewrite

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WSI Progress Guide Juan Pablo

Section # Attempted Completed

1. Describe your Innovation in 250 words x -2 length

or less.

2. Meet The Challenge x -4 length

-2 incomplete

3. Market Opportunity x -2 length

4. Customer Profile x -2 length

5. Tell Your Story x x

Advice: I would focus on the BRANDING of this product. What does the bottle
look like. WHat does it say on the label. What are some things you can do
around the sale or consumption of this product that will help to encourage a
healthy lifestyle.

Final Advice: These need to be longer I took off 4 points for being under 100
and 2 points if you had between 100 and the limit. I think you could get more
definition in your ideas and do a better job of answering the questions if you
write more.

Progress Grade: 5/5 A

Final Grade: 3.6 / 5 C-

Re do 4 / 5

Submission Form Worksheet / Prewrite

You may use this form to create a draft of your submission! You will need to register and complete the online submission
form at before December 15, 2017. You may have 2- 3 team members, and youll need to
provide information for all other team members too.

Team Leader First Name Juan pablo

Team Leader Last Name Castro

Team Leader Gmail Address

Team Leader Phone Number (415) 756-7274

School/ Organization Name Abraham Lincoln HS


Mailing Address 631 South Van Ness apt A

City & State/Province/Region San Francisco, CA

Country San Francisco

Team Member 1 First Name Alexander

Team Member 1 Last Name Baldi

Team Member 1 Gmail Address

Team Member 1 Date of Birth 06/03/2000

Team Member 2 First Name Jawara

Team Member 2 Last Name Li

Team Member 2 Gmail Address

Team Member 2 Date of Birth 12/09/1999

Team Member 3 First Name

Team Member 3 Last Name

Team Member 3 Gmail Address

Team Member 3 Date of Birth

Category you chose

Our Team Name Challenge #6

Our Product/Service Name: VitaMax

1. Describe your Innovation in 250 words or less. What is your business called? How would it work?
How would a consumer use it and benefit from it? Be clear, crisp and creative! (250 word limit)

Our business is called VitaMaxx which is a Nutritional Beverage that has micro nutrients that people are
usually deficient in. The consumer would simply drink Vitamax to get 100% of their micro nutrient daily
values. Taking your daily value of micronutrients is beneficial for you since you will feel fully energized
throughout the day while also improving your overall health. Our product will be made from 100% natural
fruit juices with no added sugar or artificial coloring. VitaMaxx aims to help reduce your chances of getting
anemia and other medical conditions that derive from Micronutrient deficiencies. Our product works
because we provide a clear description of the micronutrients that are in our beverages so you will never
take more than the recommended amount which can also be unhealthy. Our product is especially beneficial
since it has a pleasant taste so youll actually want to take your daily micronutrient values.

2. Meet The Challenge: How does your business idea address the Strategic Development Goal
defined in the challenge? What makes your idea especially innovative? (300 word limit).

Our product promotes healthy living because it provides people with a convenient alternative to obtain
100% of your daily of micronutrients in one bottle of vitamaxx. Our product is better than the competition
because it uses all natural flavors and no artificial coloring while also providing essential micronutrients to
keep you energized throughout the day.

Now describe that with 3 adjectives:

Healthy, Beneficial, Tasty

3. Market Opportunity: How will your business idea solve an existing problem or fulfill a need that
is not being met by other products or services? In other words, in what ways is your business
different from and better than the competition? (250 word limit)

Most Nutritional beverages in the market right now have very high amounts of sugar which make you crash
after a while or use artificial colors and flavors which could be unhealthy. Our product provides an
alternative to all the sugary and unhealthy beverages by using natural flavors and no artificial colors we aim
to stand out and differ ourselves from the competition. Our products are infused with micro nutrients that
people tend to be deficient in but unlike other nutritional beverages we will clearly state on our bottles which
micronutrients we include in our drinks so you will never have more than you need.

Competitor 1 Logo/Name

10 words that show how your product/ service is different / better than this competitor

Low in sugar and no fructose corn syrup.

Competitor 2 Logo/Name

10 words that show how your product/ service is different / better than this competitor

Doesn't taste extremely sweet when drinking it.

Competitor 3 Logo/Name

10 words that show how your product/ service is different / better than this competitor

Low amounts of sugar and sodium.

4. Customer Profile: Who is the target audience for your business? Select their age, gender, and
Our product aims to target fitness enthusiast of all ages and genders. We will try to expand our business all
across the world.

Identify Your Customer: Our target customer age is (define a low and high end of the range,
between 0 and 100):
0 - - - 5 - - -10 - - - 15 - - -20 - - -25- - - - 30- - - -35 - - - 40- - --45 - - 50 -- - -55 - - - - 60- - - -65- - -70- - - -75- - - -80- - -85- - - -90- - -95- - - -100


Our target customer gender is 51% Male and 49%Female

Why this percentage breakdown?

We decided to go with a 51/49 breakdown because theres more male than females in san
francisco according to the 2017 census.

Our target customer demographic is (select 1) Urban / Suburban / Rural / Global


Why this target geographic focus?

We decided to target the urban cities because there's more people living in urban cities and more
gyms and sports played which means there are more fitness enthusiast there.

Describe the behaviors, interests, beliefs, lifestyle and personality of your customer. Why
would the person you described above be interested in purchasing your product or
service? (250 words)

Our consumer will most likely be athletic or will like to stay healthy and active. They might go to the
gym a couple times a week or even just for night runs. The people that buy our product are likely
going to read the nutrition labels on the products they consume. We think that this is what our
consumer might be like because our product is a sports drink that encourages a healthy lifestyle
and is low in sugar and has no artificial ingredients.
-Parents: parents can use our product to provide their children with the daily micronutrients that
they are deficient in which is especially important since children need micronutrients for growth and
-Athlete: Athletes will want to use it because it will help you feel fully energized through their
-people who often feel fatigued will want to drink VitaMaxx because it has vitamin B12 which can
help you feel less fatigued.

5. Tell Your Story: Heres your chance to tell and sell your story! Please upload up to 5
images of a storyboard for a 60-second commercial for your innovation. We also ask you to
craft a script for your 60 second commercial. Be creative! Convince us that your innovation
is worth buying!Good luck (200 word limit / 40 words per photo)

Our commercial will start with two runners one that has more energy than the other when they're
on their last lap the tired runner will stop for some air and that's when the first runner goes back to
him and asks him if he's okay. He'll then proceed to offer him VitaMax which he will drink and that
will give him the energy he needs to finish his last lap.

Heres your chance to tell and sell your story. Please upload
up to 5 images of a storyboard for a 60-second commercial for
your innovation. (images should be at least 400px (6 inches)

If youre ready to film and submit your completed commercial

video, you can upload a link to YouTube or Vimeo. Other links
will not be accepted.

5 images uploaded Make sure they are clear, use a high size font, make sure
every image has a logo for your idea on it, use the photos to really paint a
picture of your pitch. We recommend a slide show then converting each screen
to a .jpg

Image 1

Image 2 Image 3

Image 4 Image 5

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