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The video commences with the narrator introducing his identity that he is an Indian.

The background
is set in a very bright and shiny colour which in turn reciprocates a very optimistic and intriguing
experience for the audience. The Following frame starts with the narrator saying that He is an
Indian and just Indian, He even adds on to this that He is not any other South Asian or Russian.
As, we know that Indians are often proclaimed as Asians by some foreign nationals, so the author
tries to mock this stereotypic mindset of these foreign national for Indians which in turn brings out
the cultural context as the author makes an attempt to describe the type of identity crisis that he
and other Indians are facing. Further he claims that he is not an East Indian or West Indian but he is
just an Indian. So, this even patriotic attitude is brought out by the Satyal, which in turn imbues a
feeling of nationalism in the hearts of the viewer. One peculiar fact about this is that after every
scene the background keeps in changing as and when needed which in turn adds on to the vividness
and ensures an enthralling experience for the audience. So, the author has made use of graphic .
This implies that the narrator wants to make it sure that the audience do not get bored while
listening to his speech. After this the narrator states that There are 1.3 billion of us and we dont
need a cardinal direction. Here, the narrator after stating the population of India says that Indians
do not require cardinal directions for their recognition in the world. So, here the narrator has
implicitly tried to convey the fact that Indians are unique and omnipresent and they dont require
cardinal directions for presenting themselves in the world. In the next scene a picture of Christopher
Columbus is flashed at the background during which Satyal says that It is not our fault that
Christopher Columbus got lost. Here, the narrator jumps on to some historical fact and even mocks
it. Here, the narrator uses the pronoun-We which in turn mends the sentiments of the audience as
if they were also having the same feelings for Christopher Columbus as he was having. However,
Satyal uses this only to maintain a bonding with the audience. After this he continues with But we
sure love our states, and the strength in numbers. By saying this he again creates an atmosphere of
sarcasm, as he takes the fact of Indians not being patriotic enough to their country. A point to be
noted here is that Satyal uses the word- states instead of country. By this one can decipher the fact
that Satyal belongs to United States, as only there country is referred to as States and also Global
context is effectively brought out here. Here one can notice that he repeats the same fact twice-
But we sure love our states, and the strength in numbers. Actually if we see both the lines; both
of them mean the same thing, but narrator has brought out the jewel of India very effectively. This
jewel is none other than our population; our people. He even proves this fact by saying that One
out of every six human being is an Indian. After this he says stop dividing us, British had already
done that once. Here we can say that Satyal makes a bit of controversial remark by saying that
British had already divided us once, one can say that all his Indian patriotic feelings came out.
However, with respect to a global context this is not appropriate as he directly accused British of
dividing India during the colonial period, which is not true as many more were involved in this. So,
here historical and cultural context is showcased to the audience by the narrator. Later he
comments about the typical mindset that Indians settled in foreign nations have for India. Finally,
the narrator regards Indian to be feelers and the founders of Romance/ Romantic films.

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