Za-Dc-Reg-01 Health Safety and Environment Regulations Issued October 2008

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Government of Dubai Technology and Media Free Zone Authority

Dubai Zoning Authority Development Control

(HSE) Regulations

Document no. ZA-DC-REG-01

Health, Safety and Environment Regulations Revision 1 Issue Date 29.10.08
Page 1 of 104
Government of Dubai Technology and Media Free Zone Authority
Dubai Zoning Authority Development Control


1.0 Introduction 6

2.0 Applicability of Health, Safety and Environmental Regulations 7

Health, Safety and Environment Protection Policy 8

3.0 Zoning Authority Development Control Enforcement Policy 9

4.0 Consultants responsibilities for Health and Safety 13

5.0 Main Contractors responsibilities for Health and Safety 15

6.0 Material Handling, Mechanical Plant and Equipment 18

6(a) Mechanical Handling Equipment, Plant 18

6(b) Access Roadways and Grades 18
6(c) Roll Over Protective Structures 18
6(d) Forklift trucks 18
6(e) Excavators 19
6(f) Operating Procedures of material handling equipment 19
6(g) Rigging equipment for material handling 19

6(g) (1) Alloy steel chains 20

6(g) (2) Wire ropes 20
6(g) (3) Natural and synthetic fiber 21
6(g) (4) Synthetic webbing 21
6(g) (5) Environmental condition 21

6(h) Hooks 22
6(i) Cranes, Hoists 22
6(j) Platforms for crane operators and signalers 22
6(k) Cabins for drivers 22
6(l) Drums and Pulleys 22
6(m) Brakes, Controls, Safety Devices etc 24
6(n) Safe Means of Access 24
6(o) Stability of lifting appliances 24
6(p) Tower crane 24
6(q) Restriction on the use of cranes 24
6(r) Poles or beams supporting pulley blocks or gin wheels 25
6(s) Rail mounted cranes 25
6(t) Competent persons for equipment operations 26
6(u) Examination of cranes 27
6(v) Precautions on raising and lowering loads 27
6(w) Scotch and Guy derrick cranes 27
6(x) Hoist 28

6(x) (1) Safety of hoist way, platforms and cages 28

6(x) (2) Safe Working Load and Marking of Hoist 28

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Dubai Zoning Authority Development Control

6(x) (3) Test and Examination of Hoist 28

6(x) (3) Carriage of persons and secureness of loads 29
6(x) (5) Hoist carrying persons 30
6(x) (6) Third party test certificate 30

6(y) Mobile Elevating Work Platforms, Suspended Cradles and

Platforms, Mast Climbing Work Platforms 31

6(y) (1) Third party examination and test 31

6(y) (2) Regular periodical inspections 31
6(y) (3) Marking and Identification 31

6(z) Temporary Lifting Equipments, Excavators used for object handling,

Chain blocks suspended from roof joist, Tele handlers or cranes 32

6(z) (1) Third party examination and test 32

6(z) (2) Regular periodical inspections 32
6(z) (3) Marking and Identification 32

7.0 Excavation, Trenching, Shoring 33

7(a) Excavations 33
7(b) Stability of excavations 34
7(c) Fencing of excavations 34
7(d) Safeguarding edges of excavations 34
7(e) Trenching and shoring 35
7(f) Vehicles near edges of excavations 35
7(g) Tunnels and shafts 35
7(h) Tunnel area 36
7(i) Shafts 37
7(j) Cofferdams and caissons 37
7(k) Dangerous atmospheres 38
7(l) Ventilation 38
7(m) Internal combustion engines 38
7(n) Warning lights 39
7(o) Warning signs 39

8.0 Scaffolds, Work platforms 40

8(a) General requirements 40

8(b) Provision of scaffoldings 40
8(c) Supervision of work and inspection of materials 40
8(d) Construction and material 40
8(e) Defective material 41
8(f) Maintenance of scaffolds 41
8(g) Partly erected or dismantled scaffolds 41
8(h) Standards, Uprights, Ledgers and Putlogs 41
8(i) Ladders used as uprights in scaffolds 42
8(j) Stability of scaffolds 42
8(k) Slung scaffolds 43

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Government of Dubai Technology and Media Free Zone Authority
Dubai Zoning Authority Development Control

8(l) Cantilever, jib, figure and bracket scaffolds 44

8(m) Supports for scaffolds 44
8(n) Suspended scaffolds 45
8(o) Boatswain chairs, cages, skips etc 47
8(p) Trestle scaffold 47
8(q) Inspection of scaffolds 48
8(r) Scaffolds used by different contractors 48
8(s) Construction of working platform, gangways and runs 48

8(s) (1) Boards and planks in working platforms, gangways and runs 49
8(s) (2) Requirements of boards and planks 49
8(s) (3) Requirements of width of working platform 49
8(s) (4) Requirements of width of gangways and runs 50

8(t) Requirements of Guard rails and toe boards 50

8(u) Guard rails & toe boards not required on 51
8(v) Guard rails for Gangways, Runs, and Stairs 51
8(w) Requirements of foot holds on platforms, runs and stairs 51
8(x) Loads on scaffolds 52
8(y) Provision of fall and provision of safety nets 52

9.0 Construction and Maintenance of ladders 53

10.0 Openings, Corners, Edges and open joisting 54

11.0 Sloping and Fragile roof 54

12.0 Reversing vehicles 55

13.0 Protection from falling material 55

14.0 Construction of temporary structures 56

15.0 Provision of welfare facilities at construction sites 56

16.0 Personal Protective Equipments ( PPE) at Work 57

17.0 Fire Safety 57

18.0 First Aid 58

19.0 Regulations for the reduction of construction/ demolition noise 60

20.0 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 61

21.0 Regulations for temporary labour camps at project sites 62

22.0 Regulations for usage of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) at site 68

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Government of Dubai Technology and Media Free Zone Authority
Dubai Zoning Authority Development Control

23.0 Regulations for welding and cutting operations 68

24.0 Reporting of Injuries, Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDOR) 72

25.0 Information, Training, Instruction and Supervision of employees 76

26.0 Permit To Work System (PTW) 78

27.0 Confined Spaces 78

28.0 Temporary canteen/ kitchen on site 81

29.0 Dangerous Goods at Site 85

30.0 Heat Stress 85

31.0 Electrical Safety 86

32.0 Diesel Engine Exhaust Emissions at Site 91

33.0 Dust Control 92

34.0 Hazardous Waste Management at Site 92

35.0 Site Fencing and Access Control 94

36.0 Pre-Cast Concrete Construction 95

37.0 Cast-In-Place concrete construction 97

38.0 Form work, Shoring, Reinforcing steel, Masonry construction 98

39.0 Non-Ionizing Radiation 100

40.0 Accident Prevention Signs, Signals, Barricades and Tags 101

41.0 Cantilever Material Loading Platforms 103

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Government of Dubai Technology and Media Free Zone Authority
Dubai Zoning Authority Development Control

1.0 Introduction

Construction activities are an important part of Dubais future. However all too
regular reports of deaths and injuries at construction sites highlight that these
activities are very hazardous.

Zoning Authority is concerned about such accidents and determined to improve

safety standards across all projects under the jurisdiction of Zoning Authority.

This Health, Safety and Environmental regulations contained within it are

intended to establish the future standard of operation for construction sites.
These regulations have been developed from international practice.

The Health, Safety and Environment Regulations Manual have been framed to
regulate the working conditions of any workmen working under a contractor or
sub-contractor involved in construction activities. Each employer shall provide a
safe access, egress and safe place of work to all his employees engaged in
construction work to protect them from accidents, occupational health hazards.

All the consultants, contractors working in Zoning Authority projects must adopt
its provisions and work to achieve an improved safety record for this important

Document no. ZA-DC-REG-01

Health, Safety and Environment Regulations Revision 1 Issue Date 29.10.08
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Government of Dubai Technology and Media Free Zone Authority
Dubai Zoning Authority Development Control

2.0 Application of Health, Safety and Environment

These regulations shall apply to:

a) Building operations
b) Works of engineering construction

Undertaken by way of trade or business or for the purpose of any residential or

industrial or commercial undertaking or by or on behalf of the private, public
including government or any other public authority under the jurisdiction of Zoning
Authority- Development Control

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Health, Safety and Environment Regulations Revision 1 Issue Date 29.10.08
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Government of Dubai Technology and Media Free Zone Authority
Dubai Zoning Authority Development Control

Health, Safety and Environment Protection Policy

Our Vision:

Zoning Authority Development Control will control its projects to world-

class standards of safety and will be recognized for completing projects
without causing harm to people or the environment.

Our Belief:

It is a good business practice to guard against accidents and occupational

All accidents, which injure people, damage machinery and destroy
materials, can be prevented by taking specific safety precautions.
Consultants and contractors play a vital role for Health & Safety of their
employees, visitors, general public.
Consultants and Contractors are responsible for implementation of Health,
Safety and Environment Regulations to provide a safest possible working
environment to their employees, visitors and general public, who may
affect during execution of projects.
Instituting a Zero tolerance culture among employees, consultants and
contractors will facilitate us to march towards our goal Zero Accident.

Our Goal:

Provide safest possible working environment to employees of consultants,

contractors, client, visitors and general public who may affect during
construction stage.
Achieve a Zero Accident in all operations of the organization.
Set an example in enforcing Health, Safety and Environment standards in
construction industry in UAE.

Our Path:

Organization shall set periodic objectives to ensure continual improvement.

Strong, fair and effective enforcement of all approved Health, Safety and
Environment regulations.
Health & Safety performance of all the contractors shall be periodically

For and on behalf of:

Dubai Technology & Media Free Zone Authority

Ali BuRuhaima
Deputy Director General

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Dubai Zoning Authority Development Control

3.0 The Zoning Authority - Development Controls Policy

Statement on Enforcement of Regulations

The purpose and method of enforcement

The ultimate purpose of the Zoning Authority is to ensure that duty holders manage
and control risks effectively, thus preventing harm.

1. The purpose of enforcement is to:

i. Ensure that duty holders (contractors) take action to deal

immediately with serious risks.
ii. Promote and achieve sustained compliance with the regulations.
iii. Ensure that duty holders who breach health and safety requirements,
and directors or managers, who fail in their responsibilities, may be
held to account, which may include bringing alleged offenders before
the courts.

2. The Zoning Authority has a range of tools at their disposal in seeking to

secure compliance with the regulations. Inspectors may offer duty holders
information, and advice, both face to face and in writing. This may include
warning a duty holder that in the opinion of the inspector, they are failing to
comply with the regulations. Where appropriate, inspectors may also serve
improvement and prohibition notices, withdraw approvals, issue formal

3. Giving information and advice, issuing improvement or prohibition notices

are the main means which inspectors use to achieve the broad aim of
dealing with serious risks, securing compliance with health and safety
regulations and preventing accidents. A prohibition notice stops work in
order to prevent serious personal injury. Information on improvement and
prohibition notices shall be made publicly available.

4. Every improvement notice contains a statement that in the opinion of an

inspector an offence has been committed.

5. Investigating the circumstances encountered during inspections or

following incidents or complaints is essential before taking any
enforcement action.

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The principles of enforcement of regulations

Zoning Authority believes in strong, fair and effective enforcement of Health, Safety
and Environment regulations. It will follow the following principles.

3(b) (1)


Proportionality means relating enforcement action to the risks.

i. In practice, applying the principle of proportionality means that Zoning

Authority shall take particular account of how far the duty holder has fallen
short of what the regulations requires and the extent of the risks to people
arising from the breach.

ii. Where duty holders must control risks so far as is reasonably practicable,
Zoning Authority consider protective measures taken by duty holders, shall
take account of the degree of risk on the one hand, and on the other the
sacrifice, whether in money, time or trouble, involved in the measures
necessary to avert the risk. Unless it can be shown that there is gross
disproportion between these factors and that the risk is insignificant in
relation to the cost, the duty holder must take measures and incur costs to
reduce the risk.

iii. The Zoning Authority will expect relevant good practice to be followed.
Where relevant good practice in particular cases is not clearly established,
health and safety regulations effectively requires duty holders to establish
explicitly the significance of the risks to determine what action needs to be

iv. Some irreducible risks may be so serious that they cannot be permitted
irrespective of the consequences.

3(b) (2)


i. Consistency of approach does not mean uniformity. It means taking a

similar approach in similar circumstances to achieve similar ends.

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Dubai Zoning Authority Development Control

ii. Duty holders managing similar risks expect a consistent approach from
Zoning Authority in the advice tendered the use of enforcement notices,
approvals and in the response to incidents.

iii. Zoning Authority recognizes that in practice consistency is not a simple

matter. Zoning Authority Development Control inspectors face with many
variables including the degree of risk, the attitude and competence of
management , any history of incidents or breaches involving the duty
holders, previous enforcement action, and the seriousness of any breach,
which includes any potential or actual harm arising from a breach of
regulations. Decisions on enforcement action are discretionary by the

iv. Zoning Authority shall have arrangements in place to promote consistency

in the exercise of discretion, including effective arrangements for liaison
with other enforcing authorities.

3(b) (3)


i. Transparency means helping duty holders to understand what is expected

of them and what they should expect from the Zoning Authority. It also
means making clear to duty holders not only what they have to do but,
where this is relevant, what they dont. That means distinguishing between
statutory requirements and advice or guidance about what is desirable but
not compulsory.

ii. When inspectors offer duty holders information, or advice, face to face or in
writing, including any warning, inspectors will tell the duty holder what to do
to comply with the regulations, and explain why. Inspectors will, if asked,
write to confirm any advice.

iii. In the case of improvement notices the inspector will discuss the notice
and, if possible, resolve points of difference before serving it. The notice
will say what needs to be done, why, and by when, and that in the
inspectors opinion a breach of the regulations has been committed.

iv. In the case of a prohibition notice the notice will explain why the prohibition
is necessary.

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Dubai Zoning Authority Development Control

3(b) (4)

Accident Investigation:

i. Zoning Authority Development Control shall carry out a site investigation

in order to determine:

 Causes behind the accident/ incident

 Whether action has been taken or needs to be taken to prevent a

recurrence and to secure compliance with the regulations

 Lessons to be learnt and to influence the regulations

 What response is appropriate to a breach of regulations?

 The severity and scale of potential or actual harm

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Dubai Zoning Authority Development Control

4.0 The Designers (Consultants) responsibilities for Health and Safety


All the designers have specific duties and responsibilities under this regulation. This
regulation define the term designer widely so that it includes anyone who prepares
designs, design details, specifications or bills of quantities relating to a structure or part
of a structure. This regulation gives a brief explanation of what designers are required
to do. This regulation is primarily for Architectural & Engineering Consultants. All
the designers of the project have a duty to avoid foreseeable hazards associated with
the construction work and subsequent maintenance and cleaning work, as far as is
reasonably practicable. Where there are risks which cannot be eliminated designers
have a duty to combat those remaining risks with measures that will protect workers
and people affected by the works.


Designers have a responsibility to see that their work did not expose workers on site to
risks. Hazards should be avoided, and if this cannot be done, reduce the risks those
hazards give rise to as so far as is reasonably practicable.


Designers should include in the design adequate information on factors affecting health
and safety on site and co-operate with the owners representative and other designers
to enable them to comply with the regulations.


Designers must first identify the health and safety hazards associated with construction
of their design. Then, for the hazards which give rise to significant risk, they need to
follow the hierarchy of risk control.


Project Health & Safety Plan

The site will operate under the main contractors approved health and safety plan even
though designers (consultants) have responsibility to ensure compliance with the
procedures mentioned in approved Health & Safety plan.


Handing Over of completed work

The handover of the completed work means a transfer of responsibility for health and
safety in the building from the main contractor to the client. Whatever information is

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Dubai Zoning Authority Development Control

needed to operate the building safely should be collected together by the client
representative and passed to the client as health and safety file.


The Health & Safety file

The health and safety file should contain:

1) Up-to-date details of the work actually carried out.

2) Safety information on materials and components used in the work.
3) Information on safety aspects of cleaning, maintenance and repair.


Commissioning stage

The consultant shall make sure that all the hazards involved in commissioning stage
should be taken care as services become live. Snagging and remedial works may be
needed when the normal construction phase site supervision has left the site. The
arrangements for the main contractor to ensure these works are properly managed
should be clear.


Information for Extension, Alteration or Demolition work

Consultant should consider whether specific information needs to be provided for

inclusion in the health and safety file to warn of health and safety issues that could
arise in extension, alteration or demolition of the building.

Reference and Further information:

The Construction (Design & Management) Regulations UK

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Dubai Zoning Authority Development Control

5.0 The Contractors Responsibilities for Health and


Contractors responsibilities

It should be the duty of every main contractor/ sub- contractor to comply with the
health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) regulations of Zoning Authority
Development Control along with other regulations/ guidelines in force in the Emirate
of Dubai. It should be the duty of every main contractor / sub contractor to supervise
their works for safe completion.


Requirement of Safety Officer

1) Every contractor, and every employer or workmen who undertakes operations

or works and who normally employs more than 150 persons thereon at anyone
time shall specifically appoint in writing one full time Safety Officer qualified
and experienced in construction safety, where the construction site with less
than 150 persons thereon at anyone time, Site Engineer with experience shall
be appointed as part-time Safety Officer.
2) The Safety Officer shall advise the contractor or employer on the requirements
for safety and health of persons employed by the contractor.
3) The Safety Officer shall supervise on-site safety and promote the safe conduct
of the work generally.
4) The Full time Safety Officer shall be for one site only.


Competency of Safety Officer

The contractor/ employer should consider the following minimum qualification/

experience for appointing Full time Safety Officer.

1. Degree/ Diploma in Civil/ Mechanical Engineering or branch of

engineering works undertaken.
2. Diploma in Safety Management
3. Membership of Occupational Safety and Health Institution.
4. Relevant experience in construction projects.

Full time or part-time safety officer should have adequate training in the field of
construction safety / Industrial safety before being assigned safety responsibilities.

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Dubai Zoning Authority Development Control


Notification of appointment of Safety Officer

1) The Contractor should submit the curriculum vitae of the full time Safety Officer
along with Project Safety Officer Approval Request Form to Zoning
2) The contractor should submit the following mandatory attachments along with
the Project Safety Officer Approval Request Form.

 Copies of attested educational certificates,

 Copies of experience certificates,
 Passport copies with valid visa page

3) Obtaining the approval of project full time safety officer is mandatory.


Project Health, Safety and Environment Plan

1) Project specific Health, Safety and Environment Plan should be submitted.

2) Obtaining approval of project specific Health, Safety and Environment plan is

mandatory requirement in order to obtain Building Permit.


Accident Prevention Program

Accident Prevention program shall include Safety Policy, Organization and

responsibilities, systems, development of check list for various activities, site
inspection and implementation. Such programs shall provide for frequent and regular
inspection of the job sites, materials and equipments, to be made by competent
persons designated by the employers/ contractors.



The use of any machinery, tool, material or equipment which is not in compliance
with any applicable requirement of these regulations is prohibited. Such machinery,
tool, materials or equipment shall either be identified as unsafe by tagging or locking
the controls to render them inoperable.

Instruction to employees

The contractor/ employer shall instruct each employee in the recognition and
avoidance of unsafe conditions and the regulations applicable to his work
environment to control or eliminate any hazards or other exposure to illness or injury.

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Employees required to handle or use harmful substances shall be instructed,

informed and trained regarding the safe handling.

Personal Protective Equipments

1) Employees required handling or using flammable liquids; gases or toxic

materials shall be instructed in the safe handling and use of these
materials and made aware of the specific requirements contained in other
parts of these regulations.
2) Every contractor or and every employer shall provide Personal Protective
Equipments (PPE) to the employees, appropriate to their operations as
detailed in these regulations at the expense of the employer/ contractor.
3) Contractor shall ensure usage of personal protective equipments by
adequate supervision.

Site Storage

1) Contractors are responsible for allocating, developing and implementing

safe storage procedures of all the materials on site to ensure safe
handling, storage of materials on site.
2) The following details should be submitted to Zoning Authority
Development Control for obtaining approval for site allocation.

i. The details of storage rooms/ stores.

ii. Type of material to be stored
iii. Quantity of materials to be stored on site.
iv. The location and details of flammable & combustible liquid storage
v. The location and details of diesel generators on site.
vi. The fire emergency evacuation plan of site with fire exits and
assembly points.
vii. Fire fighting layout

Monthly Health, Safety and Environment Performance Report

Contractor should submit the filled in Monthly Health, Safety and Environment
Performance Report Form by 10 of every month to Zoning Authority
Development Control.

Reference and Further information:

The Construction (Design & Management) Regulations UK

Dubai Municipality - Code of Construction Safety Practice

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6.0 Mechanical Plant and Equipment:


Mechanical Handling Plant and Equipment

Heavy machinery, equipment, or parts thereof, which are suspended or held aloft
by substantially blocked to prevent falling or shifting before employees are
permitted to work under or between them. Bulldozer and scraper bladed, end
loader buckets, dump bodies, and similar equipment, shall be either fully lowered
or blocked when being repaired or when not in use. All controls shall be in a
neutral position with the motors or engines stopped and brakes set. Whenever the
equipment is parked, the parking brake shall be set. Equipment parked on inclines
shall have the wheels chocked and the parking brake set.


Access Roadways and Grades

Contractor shall move or cause to be moved construction equipment or vehicles

upon any access roadway or grade unless the access roadway or grade is
constructed and maintained to accommodate safely the movement of the
equipment and vehicles involved.


Roll Over Protective Structures

1) Material handling equipment such as rubbertired, self propelled scrapers,

rubber tired front end loader, dozers, wheel type tractors, loaders, crawler
tractors, loaders, and motor graders in construction sites shall be equipped
with rollover protective structures to minimize the possibility of the operator
being crushed as a result of a rollover or upset.
2) No person other than trained operator shall operate the heavy equipment.
3) All bi-directional machines such as rollers, compactors, front-end loaders,
excavators, bulldozers and similar equipment shall be equipped with a
horn, distinguishable from the surrounding noise level.


Forklift trucks

1) The forklift trucks shall

i. Be of sound construction, adequate strength and free from patent

ii. Be properly maintained
iii. Be provided with overhead protection for the driver.

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iv. Be provided with an automatic reverse activated horn or buzzer

and light.

2) No person other than the trained certified/ licensed person shall operate
forklift trucks.

3) No attachment shall be incorporated on the forklift unless necessary

precautions are taken against the possible changes in the designed
specifications such as load centre, maximum safe load, capacity etc.

4) All persons, drivers and banks-men shall be thoroughly conversant with the
factors which affect the stability of the forklift in operation.



1) No excavator shall be used unless it has been thoroughly examined by a

responsible maintenance personnel during the preceding 12 months to
ensure that equipment is safe.
2) The thorough examination shall be done after any substantial alteration or
repair which could affect the safe working of the machine.
3) No person shall be allowed to work or stands near the operating boom or
the tail swing of an excavator.
4) When the excavator is being adopted for use as crane, slings shall be
secured to a correctly designed and manufactured lifting point.
5) No person shall stand under the load when using an excavator as a crane.


Operating Procedures of material handling equipment

All the earthmoving and mechanical handling equipment shall be operated as per
the manufacturers instruction taking adequate precautions at all stages of its


Rigging Equipment for material handling

No chain, rope or lifting gear shall be used in raising or lowering or as a means of

suspension unless it is safe.

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6(g) (1)

Alloy Steel Chains

i. All the welded alloy steel chain slings shall have permanently
affixed identification stating size, grade, rated capacity and sling
manufacturer name.
ii. Hooks, rings, welded or mechanical coupling links and other
attachments when used with alloy steel chains shall have rated
capacity at least equal to that of chain.
iii. Job or shop hooks and links or make shift fasteners, formed from
bolts, rods etc. or other such attachments, shall not be used. (It is
strictly prohibited).
iv. Rated capacity (working load limit) for alloy steel chain slings
(Single/multi-leg) shall not exceed the values given by the
v. Whenever wear at any point of any chain link exceeds 10 percent
reduction in diameter the chain shall not be used.


Wire rope

i. The safe working load recommended by the manufacturer for

various sizes and classifications for wire ropes shall be followed.
ii. Wire ropes shall not be secured by knots.
iii. Each wire rope used in hoisting or, lowering or in pulling loads
shall consist of one continuous piece without knot or splice.
iv. Wire rope shall not be used if in any length of eight diameters, the
total number of visible broken wires exceeds 10 percent of total
number of wires, or if the rope shows other signs of excessive
wear, corrosion, or defect.
v. Wire ropes shall not be used in lifting operations with upper end
and lower end (eyes) made with temporary clips or clamps.
vi. All the wire rope slings shall be examined and tested by competent
person of third party and certificate shall be obtained.
vii. All splices in rope slings shall be made in accordance with
manufacturers recommendation.
viii. Spliced fiber rope slings shall not be used unless they have been
spliced as per the manufacturers recommendation.
ix. Knots shall not be used in lieu of splices.
x. Natural and synthetic fiber rope slings shall be immediately
removed from service if any of the following conditions are present.

 Abnormal wear.
 Powdered fiber between strands
 Broken or cut fibers.
 Variations in the size or roundness of strands.
 Distortion of hardware in the sling.

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6(g) (3)

Natural rope and synthetic fiber

i. Synthetic webbing shall be of uniform thickness and width and

selvage edges shall not be split from the webbing width.

ii. Fittings shall be

 Of a minimum breaking strength equal to that of the sling,

 Free of all sharp edges that could in any way damage the

iii. Stitching shall be the only method used to attach end fittings to
webbing and to form eyes. The thread shall be in an eyes pattern
and contain a sufficient number of stitches to develop the full
breaking strength of the sling.

iv. Manufacturers test certificate of all synthetic webbing slings shall

be maintained at workplace for inspection by ZADC.

6(g) (4)

Synthetic webbing

i. When synthetic webbing slings are used the following precautions

shall be taken

 Nylon web slings shall not be used where fumes, vapors, sprays,
mists or liquid of acids or phenolics are present.
 Polyester and polypropylene web slings shall not be used where
fumes, vapors, sprays, mists or liquids of caustics are present.

6(g) (5)

Environmental Condition

i. Synthetic web slings shall be immediately removed from service if

any of the following conditions are present.

 Acid or caustic burns

 Melting or charging of any part of the sling surface.
 Snags, punctures, tears or cuts
 Broken or worn stitches
 Distortion of fittings

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1) Every hook used for raising or lowering or as means of suspension

shall either

i. Be provided with an efficient device to prevent the

displacement of the sling or load from the hook, or
ii. Be of such shape as to reduce as far as possible the risk of
such displacement.


Cranes, Hoists

1) Every lifting appliance or machine and every part thereof including

all working gear and all other plant or equipment used for
anchoring or fixing such appliances or machines shall

i. Be of good mechanical construction, sound material, and

adequate strength and free from patent defect.
ii. Be properly maintained.

2) Every lifting appliance or machine shall be adequately and

securely supported.

3) Every part of stage, scaffold, framework or other structure and

every mast, beam, pole or other article of plant or equipment
supporting a lifting appliance or machine shall be of good
construction and adequate strength and shall be of sound material
and free from patent defects.

4) Every part of the framework or every crab or winch shall be of


5) Any anchoring or fixing arrangement provided in connection with

the lifting appliances or machines shall be adequate and secured.

6) The following safety precautions shall be taken where lifting

appliance has traveling or slewing motion.

i. On every stage, gantry or other place where a lifting appliance

having a traveling or slewing motion is in use, an unobstructed
passageway not less those 600 millimeters wide shall be

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maintained between any part of the appliance liable so to

move and any guard-rails, fencing or other nearby fixture.
ii. Provided that if at any time it is impracticable to maintain such
a passageway at any place or point all reasonable steps shall
be taken to prevent the access of any person to such place or
point at such time.


Platforms for crane operators and signalers

1) Where a platform is provided for the person or persons driving or

operating a crane or for any signaler, it shall be

i. Of sufficient area for the persons employed there on

ii. Close planked or plated and
iii. Provided with safe means of access and every side of every
such platform being a side thereof from which a person is
liable to fall a distance of more than 2 meters shall be provided
with a suitable guard rail of adequate strength to a height of at
least 90 centimeters above the platform and toe-boards upto a
height not less than 20 centimeters and so placed as to
prevent as far as possible the fall of persons, materials and
tools from such platform.
iv. The space between top of toe-board and the guard-rail shall
not exceed 70 centimeters.
v. Guard-rails and toe-boards required by this regulation may be
removed or remain unerected only for the time and to the
extent necessary for the access of persons or the movement
of material.


Cabins for drivers

1) The driver of every power drivers lifting appliance shall be provided

with a suitable cabin and the cabin shall

i. Provide an unobstructed view for proper operation

ii. Give weather protection
iii. Allow access to the machinery for maintenance work.


Drums and Pulleys

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1) Every drum or pulley round which the chain or wire rope of any
lifting appliance is carried shall be of suitable diameter and
construction for the chain or rope used.

2) Every chain or rope shall be properly anchored to the drum of a

lifting appliance, shall be properly secured and at least two turns
shall remain on the drum in every operation position of the


Brakes, Controls, Safety Devices etc

1) All cranes, crabs, and winches shall be fitted with brakes capable
of holding and controlling their maximum loads.

2) Control handles, levers, switches shall be designed so that they

cannot be operated accidentally and shall be marked to show what
they are for and how they should be operated.

3) All cranes over one tone capacity shall be provided with automatic
safe load indicator with a visual warning to the crane
driver/operator and an audible warning to those in the vicinity.


Safe Means of Access

Where any person engaged on the examination, repair or lubrication of any lifting
appliance/ machine is liable to fall a distance of more than 2 meters, there shall be
provided and maintained safe means of access to and egress from the place at
which the person has to work with adequate hand holds and foot holds.


Stability of lifting appliances

Appropriate precautions shall be taken to ensure the stability of lifting appliances

used on soft or uneven surfaces or on a slope.


Tower Crane

1) Cranes shall be:

i. Anchored to the ground or other foundations. Rail tracks shall

not be used as anchorages.

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ii. Securely counter weighted or ballasted to prevent overturning

when working.

iii. With a diagram of the counter weight or ballast indicating the

position and weights shall be affixed on the crane.

2) Anchorage and ballast materials shall be examined by a

competent person on each occasion before the crane is erected.

3) Whenever a crane is erected or re-sited or any alterations to the

anchorages or ballast are made, the anchoring and ballasting shall
be examined, before the crane is put to work, by applying a load
25% higher than the maximum rated load. A report of these tests
shall be maintained at the construction site by the contractor.

4) No crane shall be used or erected under weather conditions likely

to endanger its stability. After such weather conditions, the
anchorage and ballast materials shall be examined before the
crane is used.

5) Any tower crane selected for use on the construction site shall be
positioned with adequate precautions against:

i. Other cranes nearby (overlapping of jibs can create a problem)

ii. The presence of overhead power lines.

iii. Other structures, buildings, houses, public access areas like

highways, streets etc.

iv. Adverse weather condition.

v. Aerial obstruction for low flying aircraft/ helicopters be provided

warning lights.

6) Tower crane shall not be used as part of any scaffold or support for
any access, storage or transfer feature or as a means of access by

Restriction on the use of cranes

1) The hoisting mechanism of a crane shall not be used for any

purpose other than raising or lowering a load vertically unless the
operation is under the supervision of a person competent to ensure
that it can be done safely and without damage to the crane.

2) Crane jibs shall not be worked at a radius greater than specified on

the test certificate.

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3) Tower cranes boom should not cross the plot limit of the project
without obtaining prior approval from ZADC.


Poles or beams supporting pulley blocks or gin wheels

1) No pulley block or gin wheel suspended from or supported by a

pole or beam should be used for raising or lowering materials
unless it is effectively secured to the pole or beam and it is

i. Of adequate strength for the purpose of which it is being

ii. Adequately and properly secured against movement.


Rail mounted cranes

1) All rails on which a crane should

i. Be supported on a surface sufficiently firm to prevent undue

movement of rails.

ii. Have an even running surface, be sufficiently and

adequately supported and be of adequate section

iii. Be properly joined and securely fastened to sleepers or


iv. Be laid in straight lines or in radial curves suitable for the

free movement of the crane and

v. Be provided with adequate stops or buffers at each end of

the track.

2) The cranes should be provided with effective brakes on traveling


3) Every traveling crane on rails should be provided with guards to

remove from the rails any loose material likely to cause danger.

Competent persons for equipment operations

1) A lifting appliance shall not be operated otherwise than by a

person trained and competent to operate that appliance except for
the purpose of training.

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2) If a driver/ operator cannot see the load during the whole of the
lifting operation, there shall be a trained banks-man to give
necessary signals to the operator.

3) Every signal given for the movement or stopping of a lifting

appliance shall be distinctive in character and such that the person
to whom it is given is able to hear or see it easily.

Test and Examination of cranes

All cranes and lifting appliances shall be examined thoroughly once in 12 months
by approved third party examiner and test certificate obtained.

Thorough examination and test should be carried out by approved third party, after
a major repair, alteration, extension or modification of crane.

Raising and lowering loads

1) The safe working loads shall be marked on each crane and other
lifting appliances.
2) If the lifting radius can be varied the crane shall be marked with the
safe working load at various radii and an indicator shall be fitted
which shows the safe load at each operating radius.
3) Derricking cranes shall be marked with the maximum operating
radius of the jib.
4) All cranes shall have clear identity marks.
5) Jib cranes shall be fitted with an automatic safe load indicator and
it shall be tested by an approved third party examiner/ company.

Scotch and Guy derrick cranes

1) When two cranes have to be used for one load, then

i. Each crane shall work within its safe load and shall remain
stable, thoroughly the lift and

ii. The lift shall be supervised thoroughly by a competent


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2) The jib or a scotch derrick crane shall not be erected between the
back stays of the crane.

3) No load which lies in the angle between the back stays of a scotch
derrick crane shall be moved by that crane.

4) Appropriate measures shall be taken to prevent the foot of the king

post of any scotch derrick crane from being lifted out of its socket
or support whilst in use.

5) Where the guys of a guy derrick crane cannot be fixed at

approximately equal inclinations to the mast and so that the angles
between adjacent pairs of guys are approximately equal other
measures shall be taken to ensure the stability of the crane.



6(x) (1)

Safety of hoist way, platforms and cages

i. Hoist ways shall be enclosed however access is provided

or whenever persons could be struck by the platform or
other moving parts.

ii. Gates shall be fitted in the enclosure at all landing places

and shall normally be at least 2 meter high, but gates not
be less than 91 centimeters is sufficient where there is no
risk of falling down hoist way or coming into contact with
moving parts. Gates shall be kept closed except for the
movement of persons and materials.

iii. In every hoist, devices shall be provided to support the

hoist platform or cage in case of failure of rope or hoisting

iv. Every hoist shall be provided and maintained efficient

automatic devices which will ensure that the platform or
cage does not over-run the highest point to which it is for
the time being constructed to travel.

v. Where a hoist is operated by means of a winch, winch

shall be so constructed that the brake is applied when the
control lever, handle or switch is not held in the operating

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6(x) (2)

Safe Working Load and Marking of Hoist

i. The Safe Working Load (SWL) should be plainly marked on every hoist

ii. No load greater than safe working load should be carried except for the
purposes of testing.

iii. No person should ride on the platform.

iv. Hoist used for carrying persons, notices stating the number of persons
permitted shall be exhibited. No greater number of persons shall be
allowed or carried.

6(x) (3)

Test and Examination of Hoist

i. No hoist shall be used unless

 Thoroughly examined before use on a construction site and also

after alteration or repair.
 Thorough examination shall be done every 6 months.
 The thorough examination and test shall be done by an approved
third party competent company /examiner.


Carriage of persons and secureness of loads

i. Where persons have to be raised or lowered or carried to their work place

by a power driven lifting appliance, a hoist or an approved suspended
scaffold shall be used wherever possible.

ii. Where this is not possible, aerial cable ways or cranes with buckets or
skips shall be used, provided cages/skip/buckets.

 Are properly constructed and maintained

 Have 910 mm deep.
 Not loaded with materials such as tools and material liable to
interface with his handhold or foothold.
 Are prevented from spinning or tipping.

iii. Every part of a load shall be securely suspended or supported and

adequately secured to prevent danger from slipping or displacement.

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iv. Every container or receptacle used for raising or lowering stone, bricks,
tiles or other objects shall be so enclosed, constructed or designed as to
prevent accidental fall of such objects.

v. Goods or loose material shall not be placed directly on a platform of a hoist

unless it is enclosed or other precautions are taken to prevent fall of such
goods or materials.

vi. No load shall be left suspended from a lifting appliance.


Hoist carrying persons

i. No person shall be carried by the hoist unless it is provided with a cage.

ii. Hoist carrying persons shall be constructed with cage gate with interlocking
arrangements to prevent the occupants falling out or from being trapped
between any part of the cage and fixed structure or moving part or from
being struck by articles or materials falling down the hoist way.

iii. Every hoist enclosures shall be fitted with interlocking gates at landing

iv. Every hoist used for carrying persons shall be provided with an over-run
device at the top of the hoist way.


Third party test certificate

i. All the hoists carrying passengers shall be thoroughly examined, tested by

competent third-party once in 6 months

ii. Certificate of through examination, test by third-party shall be available at

site for Zoning Authority Development Control inspection.

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Mobile Elevating Work Platforms, Suspended Cradles and Platforms, Mast

Climbing Work Platforms


Third Party Examination and Testing

Mobile Elevating Work Platform (MEWPs), Mast Climbing Work Platforms

(MCWPs), Suspended cradles and platforms should be thoroughly examined and
tested at least once in six (6) months by approved third party and certificate of
test should be obtained for inspection by ZADC Inspectors.

Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (MEWPs), Mast Climbing Work Platforms

(MCWPs), Suspended cradles and platforms should be thoroughly examined and
where necessary tested in accordance with the manufacturers written instructions,
after every major repair or modification.


Regular Periodical Inspections

Daily pre-use inspections should be carried out competent person before using
Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (MEWPs), Mast Climbing Work Platforms
(MCWPs), Suspended cradles and platforms.

6(y) (3)

Markings and Identifications

Mobile Elevating Work Platforms, Mast Climbing Work Platforms, Suspended

cradles and platforms should be marked with distinguishable mark, its safe working
load (SWL) and number of maximum persons.


Temporary Lifting Equipments, Excavators used for object handling,

Chain blocks suspended from roof joist, Tele handlers or cranes

6(z) (1)

Third Party Examination and Testing

Temporary Lifting Equipments, Excavators used for object handling, Chain blocks
suspended from roof joist, Tele handlers or cranes should be thoroughly examined
and tested at least once in a year by approved third party and certificate of test
should be obtained for inspection by ZADC Inspectors.

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Temporary Lifting Equipments, Excavators used for object handling, Chain blocks
suspended from roof joist, Tele handlers or cranes should be thoroughly examined
and where necessary tested in accordance with the manufacturers written
instructions, after every major repair or modification.

6(z) (2)

Regular Periodical Inspections

Daily pre-use inspections should be carried out by competent person before using
Temporary Lifting Equipments, Excavators used for object handling, and Chain
blocks suspended from roof joist, Tele handlers or cranes.

6(z) (3)

Markings and Identifications

Temporary Lifting Equipments, Excavators used for object handling, Chain blocks
suspended from roof joist, Tele handlers or cranes should be marked with
distinguishable mark, its safe working load (SWL).

Reference and Further information:

The lifting Operations & Lifting Equipments Regulations (LOLER) UK

The Construction (Lifting operations) Regulations UK
Code of Construction Safety Practice, Dubai Municipality

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7.0 Excavation, Trenching, Shoring


1) No person shall be permitted under loads being handled by power

shovels, derricks, or hoists. To avoid accident due to any spillage,
employees shall be required to stand away from any vehicle being

2) Prior to opening an excavation, effort shall be made to identify the

presence of underground services/installations i.e. sewer,
telephone, water, fuel, electric lines etc and necessary precautions
shall be taken.

3) A No Objection Certificate shall be obtained from concerned

service authorities.

4) The walls and faces of all excavations in which employees are

exposed to danger from a fall or dislodgement of earth, rock or
other material shall be guarded by shoring system, battering of the
ground or some other equivalent means.

5) The determination of the angle of repose and design of the

supporting system shall be based on evaluation of factors such as
depth of cut, soil, loading, system of de-watering, vibrations, traffic
and other sources.

6) Timber sheeting or other support for any part of an excavation,

shaft, earthwork, or tunnel shall be

 Of good quality material

 Inspected before use
 Constructed and properly maintained.

7) All struts and braces shall be properly and adequately secured.

8) Diversion ditches, or other suitable means shall be used to prevent

surface water from entering an excavation and to provide adequate
drainage of the area adjacent to the excavation. Water shall not
be allowed to accumulate in an excavation.

9) In any excavation or trench, a ladder shall be provided for access

or escape in case of collapse or flooding.

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Stability of excavations

No excavation, shaft, earthwork or tunneling which is likely to reduce the stability of

any part of any structure, shall be commenced or continued unless adequate steps
such as shoring, bracing are taken to prevent danger to any person employed from
collapse of the structure.

Fencing of excavations

Every accessible part of an excavation, shaft, pit or opening in the ground near to
which employed persons are working, shall be provided with a suitable barrier
placed close to the edge or covered.

Safeguarding edges of excavations

Material shall not be placed or stacked near the edge of any excavation, shaft, pit
or opening in the ground.

No load or plant or equipment shall be placed or moved near the edge of any
excavation, shaft, pit or opening in the ground where it is likely to cause a collapse
of the side of the excavation, shaft, pit or opening thereby endangering any person.

Where employees or equipment are required or permitted to cross over

excavations, walkways or bridges with standard guard-rails shall be provided.

Trenching and shoring

1) Banks more than 1.5 meters high or trenches more than 1.5
meters in depth needing protection due to condition of ground,
shall be shored, laid back to a stable slope or stabilized by some
other equivalent means of protection.

2) When employees are required to be in trenches 1.2 meters deep

or more, an adequate means of exit, such as a ladder or steps
shall be provided and located so as to require no more than 8
meters of lateral travel.

3) Bracing or shoring of trenches shall be carried along with the

excavation. No bracing should be used for access to any part of
the trench and access should only be permitted by rope ladders.

4) Portable trench boxes of sliding trench shield may be used for the
protection of personnel in lieu of a shoring system or sloping.

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Vehicles near edges of excavations

Where any vehicle is used for tipping material into any excavation or pit or over the
edge of any embankment or earthwork, adequate measures such as stop logs,
barricades shall be provided to prevent such vehicle from getting within an unstable
distance of the edge.

A rigid PVC water filled barriers or concrete barriers of standard height should be
provided on the edges of the excavations to prevent vehicles and people falling into

Sufficient number of flagmen should be deployed to guide/ warn the vehicular

traffic, if excavation has an impact on traffic movement.

Tunnels and shafts

1) Safe means of access shall be provided and maintained to all

working places.

2) When ladders and stairways are provided in shafts and steep

inclines, they shall meet the following requirements

3) No ladder standing on a base shall be used unless

 It has a level and firm footing and is not standing on loose

 It is secured to prevent undue swaying or sagging and
 It is equally and properly supported on each side.

4) If a ladder, standing on the ground cannot be fixed to prevent

slipping, then someone shall hold it at the base when it is being

5) No ladder shall be used unless

 It extends to a height of at least 1.0 meter above the place of

landing or the highest rung to be reached or
 There is other hand hold and
 There is sufficient space at each rung to provide adequate foot

6) Portable ladders shall be used at such a pitch that the horizontal

distance from the top support to the foot of the ladder is about one
quarter of the working length of ladder.

7) No ladder shall be used in a horizontal position as platforms,

runways or scaffolds. Portable metal ladders shall not be used for
electrical work or where they may contact electrical conductors.

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8) No folding step-ladder shall be used unless; it has a level and firm


9) When using extension ladder, the overlap of any two adjacent

sections shall be closed length of ladder less than 5m 1.5 rungs,
5m-6m - 2.5 rungs, over 6m- 3.5 rungs.

10) No ladder or rung of ladder rising a vertical distance of over 6

meters shall be used unless it is provided with intermediate landing
place at every 6 meters distance.

11) The landing place shall be of adequate dimension and be provided

with guards rails to a height of 1.15 meters with toe-boards of 150
mm high.

12) The intermediate railing is to be provided between toe-boards and


13) Where a ladder passes through an opening in the floor of a landing

place, the opening shall be as small as is reasonably practicable.

14) Access to unattended underground openings shall be guarded by

gates or doors. Conduits, trenches and manholes shall meet the
following requirements.

15) Each operation shall have a check-in and check-out system that
will provide positive identification of every employee underground.

16) Evacuation plans and procedures shall be developed and made

known to employees. Emergency hoisting facilities shall be readily
available at shafts more than 5 meters in depth.

17) Sufficient lighting to permit safe operations along the tunnel and
within the shaft areas, and at any workplace occupied by the
employees, shall be provided and maintained.

18) Adequate precautions shall be taken against fire hazards.

19) Personal protective clothing and equipment shall be provided to

the employees and be worn.

Tunnel area

1) The contractor shall examine and test the roof, face and walls of
the work area at the start of each shift and frequently thereafter.

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2) Loose ground shall be taken down or supported. Ground

conditions along haulage ways and travel ways shall be examined

3) Damaged or dislodged tunnel supports, whether steel sets or

timber, shall be repaired or replaced.


1) Small diameter shafts, which employees are required to enter shall

be provided with steel casing, concrete pipe, timber or other
material of the required strength to support the surrounding earth.

2) Casings or bracing shall be provided the full depth of the shaft and
extended at least 0.3 meter above the ground level.

3) All well or shafts over 1.5 meters in depth shall be retained with
lagging, spillage or casing.

Cofferdams and caissons

1) Every cofferdams or caissons and every part thereof shall be

i. Of good construction
ii. Of sound material and free from patent defects
iii. Properly maintained

2) In any cofferdam or caissons, there shall be adequate means, for

persons to reach places of safety in the event of an in-rush of

3) No cofferdam or caisson shall be constructed or placed in position

or altered or dismantled except under the immediate supervision of
a competent person.

4) All material for the construction or fixing of a cofferdam or caisson

shall be inspected by competent person. Unsuitable or defective
material shall not be used.

5) No person shall be employed in a cofferdam or caisson unless it

has been inspected by a competent person at least once on the
same or preceding day.

6) Thorough examination shall be done whenever

i. Explosive charges have been fired.

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ii. Any damage has occurred.

Dangerous atmospheres

1) Instruments shall be provided by the contractor/ sub contractor to

test the atmosphere in any excavation, pit, hole, tunnel, shaft,
caissons or other enclosed or confined space or every approach
and the atmosphere shall be tested for oxygen deficiency, carbon
monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, flammable or toxic gases, dusts, mists
and fumes to assure that the quality and quantity of air is
maintained. The periodicity of test shall depend upon the
individual situations to ensure safe working condition.

2) A record shall be maintained.


1) Effective steps shall be taken to secure and maintain the adequate

ventilation of every working place in any excavation, pit, hole,
tunnel, shaft, caisson or other enclosed or confined space and of
every approach.

2) If the air in any of the working places or approaches is suspended

to be poisonous or asphyxiating, no person shall be employed in or
allowed to enter until the place is free from danger.

Internal combustion engines

1) No stationary internal combustion engine shall be used in any

enclosed or confined space unless specific provision is made for
conduiting the exhaust gases from the engine into the open air or
the places are adequately ventilated.

2) Whenever any dangerous gas, fumes, dusts are given off during
an operation or process, in addition to control measures,
employees shall be provided with respiratory protective equipment
and shall be worn by employees.

3) Oxygen/Acetylene gas cylinders shall not be taken into confined

spaces but must be hosed from open surface.

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Warning lights

Suitable flashing lights should be provided around the excavation or trench at every
10 linear meters interval.

Warning Signs

Suitable and sufficient number of warning signs should be provided near the
excavations to warn the people.

Reference and Further information:

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) USA Standard # 1926.650,

1926.651, 1926.652
Code of Construction Safety Practice, Dubai Municipality

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8.0 Regulations of Scaffolds, Work platforms

General requirements

1) There shall be suitable and sufficient safe access to and egress from every
place at which any person at any time works.

2) No building, wall, chimney, bridge, tunnel, road, gallery, stairway, ramps,

floor, platform, staging or other structure, whether of a permanent or
temporary character, shall be constructed, situated or maintained in any
construction site in such a manner as to cause risk of bodily injury.

Provision of scaffoldings

Where work cannot safely be done on or from the ground or from part of a building
or other permanent structure, there shall be provided, placed and kept in position
for use properly maintained either scaffolds or where appropriate ladders or other
means of support, all of which shall be sufficient and suitable for the purpose.

Supervision of Work and Inspection of Material

No scaffold shall be erected or be substantially added to or altered or be

dismantled except under the immediate supervision of a competent workmen
possessing adequate experience of such work. All material for any scaffold shall
be inspected by a competent person on each occasion before being taken into use.
Contractors shall appoint such competent person and shall arrange for their
training as necessary.

Construction and Material

1) Every scaffold and every part thereof shall be of good construction, of

suitable and sound material and of adequate strength for the purpose for
which it is used, satisfying international standards. The contractor/ sub-
contractor shall be responsible for the design and safety of scaffold

2) Sufficient material shall be provided for and shall be used in the

construction of scaffolds.

3) Scaffold construction should take into consideration the type of work, load-
height and also weather conditions.

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4) Scaffolds, trestles, ladders, folding step ladders shall not be so painted or

treated that defects cannot easily be seen.

5) Metal parts used for scaffolds shall be of suitable quality and be in good
condition and free from corrosion or other patent defect likely to affect their
strength materially.

Defective Material:

1) No defective material or defective part shall be used for a scaffold.

2) No rope or bond which is defective whether through contact with acid or

other corrosion substance or otherwise shall be used.

3) All material and parts of scaffolds shall when not in use is kept under good
condition and apart from any materials or parts unsuitable for scaffolds.

Maintenance of Scaffolds:

Every scaffold shall be properly maintained and every part shall be kept so fixed,
secured or placed in position as to prevent so far as is practicable accidental

Partly Erected or Dismantled Scaffolds:

1) No scaffold or part of a scaffold shall be partly erected or dismantled and

remain in such a condition that it is capable of being used unless

The scaffold as so erected or dismantled complies with these regulations

A prominent warning notice indicating that the scaffold part is not

to be used near any point at which the scaffold is liable to be
approached for the purpose of use or
Access to the scaffold or part, as the case may be, is as far as
reasonably practicable, effectively blocked.

Standards, Uprights, Ledgers and Putlogs

1) Standards or uprights of scaffolds shall

i. Where practicable be either vertical or slightly inclined towards

the building or other structure.

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ii. Be fixed sufficiently close together to secure the stability of the

scaffold having regard to all the circumstances.

2) The foot or base of any standard or upright shall be placed on an

adequate base plate in a manner to prevent slipping or sinking or its
displacement shall be prevented in some other sufficient way.
Timber sole plates of at least 219 mm wide and 25 mm thick should be
laid to support the base plate for standards. The sole plate area
2 2
should not be less than 1000 cm or for soft material 1700 cm

4) Ledgers shall be as nearly as possible horizontal and shall be secured

fastened to the standards or uprights by efficient means e.g.: right
angle couplers.

5) Put logs or transoms or other supports on which platform rests shall be

securely fastened to the ledgers or to the standards or uprights, or their
movement shall be prevented by other efficient means. Where one
end of a putlog is supported by a wall, that end shall extend into or on
to the wall sufficiently to provide a supporting surface of sufficient area.

6) The distance between two consecutive putlogs and transoms or other

supports on which a platform rests shall be fixed with due regard to the
anticipated load and the nature of the platform flooring. The distance
with single planking shall not as a general rule exceed 1 meters with
planks of 32 mm in thickness, 1.5 meters with planks of 38 mm in
thickness, 2.6 meters with planks of 50mm in thickness.

Ladders used as Uprights in Scaffolds

Ladders serving as uprights in scaffolds

 Be of adequate strength
 Be placed so that the two stiles or sides of each ladder are evenly
supported or suspended and
 Be secured to prevent slipping

Ladder scaffolds shall be used only if the work is of such a light nature and the
material required for the work is such that type of scaffold can be used safely.

Stability of Scaffolds

1) Every scaffold shall

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i. Be securely supported or suspended

ii. Where necessary be sufficiently and properly strutted or
braced to prevent collapse.
iii. Be rigidly connected with the building or other structure unless
the scaffold is so designed and constructed as to ensure
stability without such connection.

2) Every structure and appliance used as a support for a scaffold shall

i. Be of sound construction
ii. Have a firm footing or be firmly supported
iii. Where necessary be sufficiently and properly strutted or
braced to prevent collapse and to ensure stability.

3) Every scaffold which can be moved on wheels or skids (not being a

suspended scaffold or slung scaffold) shall be

i. Constructed with due regard to the stability and if necessary,

for stability, be adequately weighted at the base.
ii. Used only on a firm and even surface not so slopping as to
involve risk of stability of the scaffold or any load thereon.
iii. Adequately secured to prevent movement when any person is
working upon it or upon any ladder or other plant of equipment,
being a ladder, plant or equipment which is supported by the
scaffold and
iv. Moved only by application of force at or near the base

4) Loose bricks, drain pipes, other unstable material shall not be used for
the construction or support of scaffolds. Bricks or small blocks may, if
they provided a firm support, be used to support a platform not more
than 0.6 meters above the ground or floor.

Slung Scaffolds

1) No chain, wire rope, lifting gear, metal tube or other means of

suspension for slung scaffolds shall be used unless the following
requirements are observed.

i. It is suitable and of adequate strength for the purpose for

which it is used.
ii. It is properly and securely fastened to safe anchorage points
and to the scaffold ledgers or other main supporting
iii. It is so placed as to ensure stability of the scaffold.
iv. It is as nearly vertical as, is reasonably practicable
v. It is kept taut.

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2) No rope other than wire rope shall be used for the suspension of slung

3) Where chains or wire ropes are used for the suspension of slung
scaffold, steps shall be taken to prevent such chains or wire ropes
coming into contact at points of suspension with edges where this
would cause danger.

4) Every slung scaffold shall be secured to prevent undue horizontal

movement while it is used as a working platform.

5) The platform shall be close-boarded and evenly set with each board
adequately supported.

6) The frame work for the platform shall be constructed from ledgers and
transoms fixed by right angle couplers.

7) Toe boards of 150 mm (6 inches) above platform level and guard rails
1.05 meter above platform level shall be provided on all sides of the

Cantilever, Jib, Figure and Bracket Scaffolds

1) No cantilever scaffold or jib scaffold shall be used unless it is

adequately supported, fixed and anchored, has outriggers of
adequately length and strength and it where necessary sufficiently and
properly strutted or braced to ensure rigidity and stability.

2) No figure scaffold or bracket scaffold supported or held by dogs, spikes

or similar fixings liable to pull out of the stone-work, brick work or other
surface in which they are gripped or fixed shall be used.

Support for Scaffolds etc

1) No part of a building or other structure shall be used as support for a

scaffold, ladder, folding step-ladder or crawling ladder or for part of
such equipment, unless the part of the building or other structure is of
sound material and sufficiently stable and of sufficient strength to
afford safe support.

2) Gutters shall not be used as such supports unless they and their
fixings are suitable and are of adequate strength and in the case of
overhanging eaves gutters shall not be so used unless in addition they
have been specially designed as walkways.

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Suspended Scaffolds

The requirements of this regulation, in addition to regulations relating to lifting

appliances, chains, ropes and lifting gear used in connection therewith, shall be
observed in respect of every suspended scaffold and plant or equipment which is
permanent, or not, of a building, would be a suspended scaffold not raised or
lowered by a power driven lifting appliance. No such suspended scaffold, plant or
equipment shall be used unless it complies with the requirements of this regulation.

1) Every suspended scaffold shall be provided with adequate and suitable

chains or ropes and winches or other lifting appliances or similar
devices and shall be suspended from suitable outriggers, joists,
runways, rail tracks or other equally safe anchorage.

2) The winches or other lifting appliances or similar devices of a

suspended scaffold shall be

i. Provided with a brake or similar devices which comes into

operation when the operating handle or lever is released.
ii. Adequately protected against the effects of weather, dust or
material likely to cause damage.

3) The outriggers for a suspended scaffold shall be

i. Of adequate length and strength and properly installed and

ii. Installed horizontally and provided with adequate stops at
their outer ends.
iii. Properly spaced having regard to the construction of the
scaffold and of the runway, joist or rail track on which the
scaffold is carried.

4) Where counterweights are used with outriggers, this counterweights

shall be securely attached to the outriggers and shall be not less than
three times weight which would counter balance the weight suspended
from the outrigger including the weight of the runway, joist, or rail track,
the suspended scaffold and persons and other load thereon.

5) The points of suspension every suspended scaffold shall be an

adequate horizontal distance from the face of the building or other

6) Every runway, joist and rail track supporting a suspended scaffold shall

i. Of suitable and sound material

ii. Of adequate strength for the purpose for which it is used
iii. Free from patent defect

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iv. Provided with adequate stops at each end and

v. Properly secured to the building or other structured or where
outriggers are used, to the outriggers.

7) The suspension ropes or chains of a suspended scaffold shall be

i. Securely attached to the outriggers or other supports and to

the platform framework or to any lifting appliance or other
device attached thereto, as the case may be and kept in
ii. Where winches are used with suspended scaffolds the
suspension ropes shall be of such a length that the lowest
position at which the scaffold is intended to be used there
are not less than two turns of rope remaining on each winch
drum and the length of each rope shall be clearly marked on
its winch.

8) Every part of a suspended scaffold and all plant and equipment used
for the purpose shall be

i. Of good construction
ii. Suitable and sound material
iii. Where constructed of metal, free from corrosion.

9) Adequate arrangements shall be made to prevent undue tipping, tilting

and swinging of a suspended scaffold, and to ensure it to prevent
undue horizontal movement while it is being used as a working

10) No rope other than a wire rope shall be used for raising, lowering and
suspension of a suspended scaffold.

11) If a suspended scaffold is carried on fiber ropes and pulley blocks,

rope shall be spaced not more than 3.20 meters apart.

12) The platform of every suspended scaffold shall be:

i. Closely boarded, planked or plated and

ii. Of adequately width to afford adequate working space at every
Working point and shall, in any event
iii. At least 600 millimeters wide, if used as a footing only and not
for the deposit of any material.
iv. At least 800 millimeters wide if used for the men and deposit of
v. Acceptable to 430 mm wide if it is cradle of light weight.
vi. Not be used for the support of any higher scaffold.
vii. So arranged or secured that at each working position the
space between the face of the building or structure and the
platform is as small as reasonably practicable. Where

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workmen sit at the edge of the platform to work there may be a

space not exceeding 300 millimeter.


Boatswains Chairs, Cages, Skips etc. (Not Power operated)

1) No boatswains chair, cage, skip or similar plant or equipment, not

power driven appliance, shall be used unless

i. It is of good construction, suitable and sound material, and

adequate strength, free from patent defect and properly
ii. The outriggers or other supports are of adequate strength and
properly installed and supported.
iii. Chairs, ropes and lifting gears are firmly secured to the outriggers
and to the chair, skip etc.
iv. Suitable means are provided to prevent any occupant falling out.
v. It is free of materials or articles liable to interface with the
occupants handhold or foothold or otherwise endanger him.
vi. Suitable measures are taken to prevent spinning or tipping in a
manner dangerous to any occupant.
vii. In the case of any skip or other receptacle it is at least 0.91 meters
viii. Its installation and use should be supervised by competent
ix. Boatswains chair, cage, skip or similar plant or equipment not
power operated, shall be used as a working place only when the
work would not take long enough to make use of a suspended
scaffold reasonably practicable.

Trestle scaffold

1) All trestles and support used for the construction of any trestles
scaffold shall be

i. Of good construction, suitable and sound material.

ii. Of adequate strength for the purpose for which they are used
and free from patent defects.
iii. Properly maintained.

2) A trestle scaffold shall not be used:

i. If the scaffold is so situated that a person would be

liable to fall from its working platform a distance of
more than 4.5 meters or
ii. If constructed with more than one tier where folding
supports are used.

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3) No trestle scaffold shall be erected on a scaffold platform unless:

i. The width of the said platform is such as to leave

sufficient clear space for the transport of material
along the platform and
ii. The trestles or supports are firmly attached to the
platform and adequately braced to prevent


Inspection of Scaffolds, Boatswains Chair etc

1) No scaffold, or boatswains chair etc shall be used unless:

i. It has been inspected during the previous 7 days by a

competent person.
ii. It has been inspected after a rough weather conditions
likely to have affected its strength or stability or to
have displaced any part
iii. The details of each inspection are recorded. Records
are not required for scaffolds under 2 meters in height
or for ladder or trestle scaffolds.


Scaffolds used by workmen of different contractors

Where a scaffold or part of a scaffold is to be used by employees of the contractor

or sub-contractor or any employer, the main contractor as well as other sub-
contractors/ employers shall ensure that any scaffolding used by their employees
are sound and safe in position.


Construction of Working Platform, Gangways and Runs

1) Every working platform, gangway and run from any part of which a person
is liable to fall a distance of more than 2 meters and being struck by
materials falling through the platform shall be

i. Closely boarded, planked or plated and

ii. Secured so that the gap between adjacent boards, planks or plates
does not exceed 25 millimeters.

2) No gangway or run with the slope, exceeding vertical to 1.5 horizontal shall
be used.

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3) Gangways or runs must be fitted with stepping laths if the surface is

slippery or if the slope is steeper.

8(s) (1)

Boards and Planks in Working Platforms, Gangways and Runs

1) Every board or plank forming part of a working platform, gangway or run


 Afford adequate security having regard to the distance between

putlog and other supports.
 Be not less than 200 millimeters wide and 50 millimeters thick.
 Not project beyond its end support by more than 4 times the
thickness of the board unless it is effectively secured to prevent
 Be provided with adequate beveled pieces to minimize tipping

8(s) (2)

Board or planks

i. Every board or plank should

 Rest securely and evenly on its supports

 Have at least 3 supports unless it is strong and thick enough not to
have excessive sagging.

ii. Working platforms shall extend, wherever practicable, at least 600

millimeters beyond the end wall or working face where work is to
be carried out.

8(s) (3)

Width of Working Platform

1) Every working platform from which a person is liable to fall a distance of

more than 2 meter shall

i. Be 600 millimeters wide (3 boards) when used for persons only

and not for materials.
ii. Be 800 millimeters wide (4 boards) when used for persons and for
the deposit of materials. There must be 430 mm passage left for
persons. If barrows are to be used, the passage must be increased
to 600mm.
iii. Be 1.05 meters wide (5 boards) if used to carry a trestle or any
other higher platform.
iv. Be 1.30 meters wide (6 boards) if used to dress or roughly shape

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v. Be 1.50 meters wide (7 boards) if used for the support for any
higher platform and used to dress or roughly shaped stone.

2) 430 millimeters wide platform are however permitted

i. On ladder scaffolds, folding trestle scaffolds, slung scaffolds in the

vicinity of a roof and suspended scaffolds when the work is light
and of short duration.
ii. For work on spherical or cylindrical metal structure

3) The space between the edge of the working platform and face of the
building shall be as small as practicable. Where workmen sit on the edge
of the platform to do their work, a space not exceeding 300mm shall be


Width of Gangways and Runs:

Every gangway or run shall

i. Be 430mm wide if used for the passage of persons only.

ii. Be 600mm wide if used for passage of materials.


Guard-rails and Toe-boards at working platforms and places:

1) Every side of a working platform or working place from where a person is

liable to fall a distance of more than 2 meters shall be provided with

i. Guard rail (top rail) to a height of 1.15 meters above the platform
or place.
ii. An intermediate guard rail at not more than 765 mm height.
iii. Toe board of at least 150mm high

2) Guard rails and toe boards may be removed for access purposes, but must
be replaced as soon as possible afterwards.

3) On the side of a suspended scaffold next to the wall or working face

i. The guard rails need not extent to a height of more than 700 mm
above the platform, if the work is impractical with a guard rail at a
greater height.
ii. Where workers sit on the edge of the platform, guard rail and toe
boards need not be fitted, if ropes or chains provide a safe

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Guard-rails and toe-boards are not required on

1) Ladder scaffoldings if a secure handhold is provided along the full length of

the platform.

2) Platform used for only a short period for riveting, bolting or jointing steel or
pre-cast concrete framing if

i. There is a adequate handhold

ii. Width is at least 800mm
iii. There are no loose materials.
iv. The platforms at a concave face or a cylindrical or
spherical structure if other steps are taken to prevent
falls of more than 2 meters.


Guard-Rails for Gangways, Runs and Stairs

1) Stairs shall be provided throughout their length with hand-rails and

continued beyond the end of the stairs.

2) Every side of the gangway, run or stairs shall be provided with

i. A guard rail to a height of 1.15 meters.

ii. A toe-board of at least 150 mm high except in case of stairs.
iii. Intermediate railing at a height not more than 765 mm above the

3) Guard-rails and toe-boards are not required on temporary gangways used

in erecting any framework forming part of a building or other permanent
structure for work of short duration.

4) Guard-rails and toe-boards may be removed for access purposes but must
be replaced as soon as possible afterwards.

5) Where persons are required to work or pass under the scaffold, scaffolds
shall be provided with a screen between the toe-board and the guard-rail
extending along the entire opening.


Platform, gangways, runs and stairs, etc to afford Safe Foothold

a) All platform, gangway, run or stair shall be

 Free from slippery conditions by cleaning, sanding.

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 Kept free from all rubbish and projecting nails.

Loads on scaffolds

a) A scaffold shall not be overloaded and the load shall be evenly distributed.

b) Material or loads shall be moved or deposited without imposing any violent


c) Material shall not be kept upon a scaffold unless needed for work within a
reasonable time.

Prevention of falls and provision of Safety Nets

a) In addition to the requirements stated in the previous regulation, protection

against falls shall be provided by the use of safety nets.

Keeping of records:

The reports on inspection of scaffolds shall be kept on the site of

the operations or works and shall be available to the Zoning
Authority for inspection.

The inspection of scaffolds shall be done by competent persons

appointed by the contractor.

Scaffold inspection reports should contain:

 Name and title of contractor

 Address of the site
 Date of work commencement
 Location and description of scaffold, plant or equipment inspected.
 Date of inspection
 Result of inspection
 Name and signature of the person who made the inspection.

Reference and Further information:

Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) USA Standard # 1926.450,

1926.451, 1926.452
Code of Construction Safety Practice, Dubai Municipality

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9.0 Construction and Maintenance of Ladders and

Folding Step Ladders
1) Every ladder and folding step ladder (other than the roof ladder and
crawling boards) shall be

i. Of good construction, of suitable and sound material

ii. Maintained properly

2) No ladder shall be used in which a rung is missing or is defective.

3) Every rung of a ladder shall be properly fixed to the stiles or sides.

4) No ladder shall be used in which any rung depends for its support solely on
nails, spikes or other similar fixing.

Use of Ladders and Folding Step Ladders

1) No ladder standing on a base shall be used unless

i. It is securely fixed near to its upper resting place or in the case

of a vertical ladder, near to its upper end.
ii. It has a level and firm footing and is not standing on loose
blocks/ bricks.
iii. It is secured to prevent undue swaying or sagging and
iv. It is equally and properly supported on each stile or side.

2) If a ladder, standing on the ground cannot be fixed to prevent slipping, then

someone shall hold it at the base when it is being used
3) No ladder shall be used unless

i. It extends to a height of at least 1.0 meter above the place of

landing or the highest rung to be reached or
ii. There is other hand hold and
iii. There is sufficient space at each rung to provide adequate foot

4) Portable ladders shall be used at such a pitch that the horizontal distance
from the top support to the foot of the ladder is about one quarter of the
working length of the ladder.
5) No ladder shall be used in a horizontal position as platforms, runways or
scaffolds, portable metal ladders shall not be used for electrical work or
where they may contact electrical conductors.
6) No folding step-ladder shall be used unless; it has been a level and firm

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7) When using extension ladder, the overlap of any two adjacent sections
shall be closed length of ladder less than 5 m-1.5 rungs, (5m-6m)- 2.5
rungs, over 6m-3.5 rungs.
8) No ladder or run of ladder rising a vertical distance of over 6 meters shall
be used it is provided with intermediate landing place at every 6 meters
9) The landing place shall be of adequate dimension and be provided with
guard rails to a height of 1.15 meters with toe-boards of 150mm high.
10) The intermediate railing is to be provided between toe-boards and guard-
11) Where a ladder passes through an opening in the floor of a landing place,
the opening shall be as small as is reasonably practicable.

Reference and Further information:

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) USA Standard # 1926.1050,

1926.1051, 1926.1052, 1926.1053
Code of Construction Safety Practice, Dubai Municipality

10.0 Openings, Corners, Breaks, Edges & Open Joisting:

a) Every opening, corner, break or edge being an opening in or of a roof,
floor, wall, platform, gangway or run or other part, through which any
person is liable to fall a distance of more than 2 meters or fall into liquid or
other material shall be provided with

 A standard guard-rail of 1.15 meters high

 Toe-board of 150 millimeters high
 Intermediate railing at 765 millimeters
 Or suitable strong covers or barriers securely fixed.

b) Guard-rails and covers may be removed to provide access for men and
material but it must be replaced as soon as practicable.
c) Holes, edges etc created in structures by demolition work, do not required
guard-rails, toe-boards or covers provided they are not left unattended.

11.0 Sloping and Fragile Roof:

a) Risk Assessment should be carried out before staring the work on sloping
and fragile roof.
b) A safe system of work should be established and implemented by main
c) A full time competent supervision should be maintained at all times during
work on sloping and fragile roof.
d) Suitable and sufficient edge protections should be provided to prevent
falling of workers while working on sloping and fragile roof.

Reference and Further Information:

HSE-Working on Roof Information sheet INDG 284

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12.0 Reversing Vehicles at site

a) This regulation requires contractors to provide and maintain systems of
work which are, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe. This also
requires employers to take all reasonably practicable precautions to
ensure the safety of their workers and members of the public. This
regulation requires the organization of traffic routes to ensure safety and
their maintenance in an adequate condition. This regulation also requires
contractors to assess all risks to the health and safety of their employees
and anyone else who may be affected by their work activity. This risk
assessment will identify what measures they need to take to comply with
the regulations. This Regulation also requires contractors to provide
their employees with adequate health and safety training. This means
that contractor should look critically at how people can be put at risk and
consider how reversing can be done safely and then take any reasonably
practicable measures to reduce the risk of injury.
towards the body.
Reference and Further Information:

Management of Health and Safety at Work Approved Code of Practice (UK)

HSE-Workplace Transport Safety Information Sheet (UK)

13.0 Protection from Falling Material:

a) At any place on the site of the operations or works or adjoining streets,
pedestrian way or place where any person including public, is employed or
otherwise moving, preventive steps shall be taken to protect persons from
being struck by any falling material or article.

b) Scaffold materials, tools or other objects and materials including waste

material shall not be thrown, tipped or shot down from a height where they
are liable to cause injury. The material shall be lowered down with
adequate safety precautions.

c) Where any part of building or other structure is being demolished or broken

off adequate steps shall be taken to protect employees as well as public
from falling or flying debris.

d) Adequate preventive/ protective measures shall be taken to prevent

spillage/ falling of cement, cement mortar, concrete, paint, water or any
other loose materials on/in neighboring buildings/ structures/ plots.

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14.0 Construction of Temporary Structures:


1) Any temporary structure erected for the purpose of operation or works at

site (not being scaffold or other structure) shall be

i. Of good construction and adequate strength and stability

ii. Of sound material, free from patent defects.
iii. Properly maintained

2) The design and erection of false work should take into consideration

i. Estimation of load
ii. Erection process- material, foundation load, construction details
iii. Inspection- checking at each stage
iv. Procedure for dismantling

Avoidance of Danger from Collapse of Structure:

1) All practicable precautions shall be taken by the use of temporary guys,

stays, supports and fixings where necessary to prevent danger to any
person employed or public through the collapse of any part of a building or
other structure during any state of weakness or instability.
2) Where any work is done which may affect the foundations or the stability of
an adjacent structure, shoring or other safeguards shall be provided.

15.0 Provision of welfare facilities at construction

a) Whoever has overall (Main contractor) control of the construction site is
responsible for ensuring that the suitable and sufficient welfare facilities
(sanitation, rest areas, washing facility, drinking water) should be provided
and maintained in good hygienic condition at all times.
b) The detailed layout of welfare facilities such as sanitation, rest areas,
washing facility, drinking water facility on site should be submitted to
Zoning Authority Development Control along with other required
information (Refer: 5(k)) in order to obtain approval for site allocation.

Reference and Further information:

Construction (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1996 UK

Provision of Welfare facilities at fixed construction sites (Rev 1) HSE Books 1998

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16.0 Personal Protective Equipments (PPE) at Work

a) Employers/ main contractors have basic duties concerning the provision
and use of personal protective equipment (PPE) at work and this regulation
explains what contractor need to do to meet the requirements of the
Personal Protective Equipment at work.

b) Personal Protective Equipment is to be supplied and used at work

wherever there are risks to health and safety that cannot be adequately
controlled in other ways.

c) Contractors should properly assess the Personal Protective Equipments

before use to ensure its suitability for the different hazards.

d) All the Personal Protective Equipments (PPE) should conform to

international standards.

e) Personal Protective Equipments should be supplied to employees free of


f) Contractor should provide information and instructions to workers on how

to use Personal Protective Equipments safely.

Reference and Further information:

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) USA Standard # 1926.95

17.0 Fire Safety Regulations

a) Main contractor should carry out fire risk assessment and take adequate
safety precautions to prevent fire at project site.

b) Main contractor should ensure suitable and sufficient fire fighting system is
available and maintained in good working condition at all times to suppress
the fire.

c) Main contractor should ensure that all those on site reach safe assembly
point as soon as possible.

d) Main contractor should provide suitable and sufficient number of

emergency escape arrangements so that all those on site reach safe
assembly point as soon as possible.

e) Contractor should have emergency plans to ensure that everyone on site

reaches safe assembly points if there is a fire. Small and low-risk sites only
require very simple plans, but higher risk sites will need more careful and
detailed consideration.

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g) An emergency plan should:

i. be available before work starts

ii. be up to date and appropriate for the circumstances concerned;
iii. make clear who does what during a fire

h) On larger high-risk sites fire drills may be appropriate. On smaller sites

i. You should know what you need to do if there is a fire;

ii. Managers need to make sure that everyone on their sites knows
what to do;
iii. Regular checks should be made to ensure that fire precautions are
in place.

i) Fire action notices should be clearly displayed where everyone on site will
see them, for example at fire points, site entrances or canteen areas.

Reference and Further information:

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) USA Standard # 1926.150,


18.0 First-aid Regulations


1) In every site, there shall be a first-aid box or cupboard provided,

maintained and readily accessible during all working hours with the
minimum prescribed contents as given in Table (1) in HSE Guidelines.
2) Where the number of workers is more than 150, but less than 250, one
more additional unit (complete set) shall be kept in the premises.
3) Each first-aid box or cupboard should be placed in a clearly identified and
readily accessible location.
4) Boxes and kits should be checked frequently to ensure they are fully
stocked and all items are in a usable condition.
5) The first-aid box or cupboard should protect the contents from dampness
and dust.
6) Where there are 250 or more workers at work, a first-aid room of size 100
sq. feet contains the prescribed equipment and material under the charge
of a qualified first-aider possessing a certificate approved by ministry of
health, U.A.E.
7) Suitable and sufficient information signs should be placed at appropriate
places on site to identify the nearest access to first aid facility incase of an

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The first-aid room should:

1) be readily available and used only for rendering of first-aid contain the
items listed in 18(d) in addition to the first-aid materials
2) The name of the first-aider should be exhibited in the premises.
3) The employer should ensure that adequate facilities are available to call
physician or ambulance or contact any other agency or to transport the
injured person from the workplace.
4) The copy of the certificate of first- aider shall be displayed in first aid room.


The contractor should keep a record of:

1) Name of the injured

2) Date and time
3) Type or nature of injury or illness
4) First-aid or treatment given
5) References to Hospital made if any.




1) A Stretcher
2) Wheel Chair
3) A sink with hot and cold running water
4) Drinking water
5) Paper Towels, soap and nail brushes
6) Smooth topped impermeable work surfaces
7) Clean garments for use by first-aider
8) Clinical thermometer
9) One wash bottle
10) A couch with pillow and blankets frequently cleaned
11) Dressing Trolley (2 shelves with castor wheels)
12) Kidney Tray Medium size - 2 Nos.
13) Splints of different size.

Reference and Further information:

Dubai Municipality Guidelines on First Aid Requirements

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19.0 Regulations for the Reduction of Construction/

Demolition Noise
a) Noise from any construction or demolition site must comply with
the requirements of Article 42, of Administrative Order No. 211/91.
Continuous noise levels should not exceed 55 dBA during the
period 7:00 A.M - 8:00 P.M and 45 dBA during the period 8:00 P.M
- 7:00 A.M.
b) Contractor must consider noise reduction in the site layout,
planning and execution phases.
c) Access roads to the site should be positioned such that vehicular
movements cause minimum disturbances to residential buildings.
d) Heavy vehicle movements to and from the site must only be made
during the scheduled normal working hours unless approval has
been granted by the Zoning Authority.
e) Where possible, any heavy equipment with an internal combustion
engine should not be left standing with its engine operating in a
street adjacent to a residential area.
f) Work must not extend beyond the hours listed in regulation 19(a)
without the prior approval of ZADC. In cases where work is
approved to be extended beyond the normal working hours
specified in regulation 19(a) and the noise of this activity will
impact in a residential area, then the affected premises should be
notified of the intended work, its duration and times of occurrence.
g) Work that creates the most noise should be scheduled to minimize
the impact on residential premises.
h) Construction materials shall be properly handled so that the
minimum noise is generated. Materials should be handled gently
and if possible cushions should be provided to reduce impact
i) In noise sensitive areas acoustic treatment shall be provided to
equipment and other noise sources where practicable.


6:00 A.M to 7:00 P.M - Saturday to Thursday

7:00 A.M to 8:00 P.M - Friday and Public Holiday

Reference and Further information:

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) USA Standard # 1926.51

Dubai Municipality Guidelines

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20.0 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health

(COSHH) Regulations e to the Regulations

a) This regulation requires employers to control exposure to hazardous
substances to prevent ill health. Contractors have to protect both
employees and others who may be exposed by complying with the
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH).
Contractors should assess risks, implement measures needed to
control exposure and establish good working practices.

b) Risk to health from hazardous substances used should be assessed

properly and adequate measures should be implemented to prevent or
control employees being exposed to hazardous substances.

c) Where preventing exposure is not reasonably practicable, then

substances hazardous to health should be adequately controlled.

d) Emergency plans and procedures should be in place to deal with

accidents, incidents and emergencies involving hazardous substances.

e) All the employees should be properly informed, trained before using

the substances hazardous to health.

f) Adequate competent supervision should be maintained at all times by

main contractor to ensure safe usage of substances hazardous to

Reference and Further information:

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002 UK

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21.0 Regulations for temporary labour Camps at

project sites


Establishment of labour camp on project site is strictly prohibited without obtaining

prior approval from Zoning Authority Development Control.

21.0 (a)(1)


All sites used for camps shall be adequately drained. They shall not be located
within 200 feet of swamps, pools, sink holes, or other surface collections of water
unless such quiescent water surfaces can be subjected to mosquito control
measures. The camp shall be located so the drainage from and through the camp
will not endanger any domestic or public water supply. All sites shall be graded,
ditched, and rendered free from depressions in which water may become a
nuisance. All sites shall be adequate in size to prevent overcrowding of necessary

21.0 (a)(2)

The grounds and open areas surrounding the shelters shall be maintained in a
clean and sanitary condition free from rubbish, debris, waste paper, garbage, or
other refuse.




Every shelter in the camp shall be constructed in a manner which will provide
protection against the elements.


Each room used for sleeping purposes shall contain at least 50 square feet of floor
space for each occupant. At least a 7-foot ceiling shall be provided.


Beds, cots, or bunks, and suitable storage facilities such as wall lockers for clothing
and personal articles shall be provided in every room used for sleeping purposes.
Such beds or similar facilities shall be spaced not closer than 36 inches both
laterally and end to end, and shall be elevated at least 12 inches from the floor. If
double-deck bunks are used, they shall be spaced not less than 48 inches both

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laterally and end to end. The minimum clear space between the lower and upper
bunk shall be not less than 27 inches. Triple-deck bunks are prohibited.


The floors of each shelter shall be constructed of wood, asphalt, or concrete.

Wooden floors shall be of smooth and tight construction. The floors shall be kept in
good repair.


All wooden floors shall be elevated not less than 1 foot above the ground level at
all points to prevent dampness and to permit free circulation of air beneath.


All living quarters shall be provided with windows the total of which shall be not less
than one-tenth of the floor area. At least one-half of each window shall be so
constructed that it can be opened for purposes of ventilation.


All exterior openings shall be effectively screened with mesh material. All screen
doors shall be equipped with self-closing devices.


In a room where workers live and sleep a minimum of 50 square feet per person
shall be provided. Sanitary facilities shall be provided for storing and preparing


All heating, cooking, and water heating equipment shall be installed in accordance
with DM regulations governing such installations. If a camp is used during hot
weather, adequate air conditioning equipment shall be provided.


"Water supply"


An adequate and convenient water supply, approved by the appropriate DM health

authority, shall be provided in each camp for drinking, cooking, bathing, and
laundry purposes.


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A water supply shall be deemed adequate if it is capable of delivering 35 gallons

per person per day to the campsite at a peak rate of 2 1/2 times the average hourly


The distribution lines shall be capable of supplying water at normal operating

pressures to all fixtures for simultaneous operation. Water outlets shall be
distributed throughout the camp in such a manner that no shelter is more than 100
feet from a yard hydrant if water is not piped to the shelters.


"Toilet facilities"


Toilet facilities adequate for the capacity of the camp shall be provided.


Each toilet room shall be located so as to be accessible without any individual

passing through any sleeping room. Toilet rooms shall have a window not less than
6 square feet in area opening directly to the outside area or otherwise be
satisfactorily ventilated. All outside openings shall be screened with mesh material.
No fixture, water closet, chemical toilet, or urinal shall be located in a room used for
other than toilet purposes.


A toilet room shall be located within 200 feet of the door of each sleeping room. No
toilet room shall be closer than 100 feet to any sleeping room, dining room, lunch
area, or kitchen.


Urinals shall be provided on the basis of one unit or 2 linear feet of urinal trough for
each 25 men. The floor from the wall and for a distance not less than 15 inches
measured from the outward edge of the urinals shall be constructed of materials
impervious to moisture. Where water under pressure is available, urinals shall be
provided with adequate water flush. Urinal troughs shall drain freely into the pit or
vault and the construction of this drain shall be such as to exclude flies and rodents
from the pit.


Every water closet installed shall be located in a toilet room.


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Each toilet room shall be lighted naturally or artificially by a safe type of lighting at
all hours of the day and night.


Toilet rooms shall be kept in a sanitary condition. They shall be cleaned at least


"Sewage disposal facilities"

In camps where public sewers are available, all sewer lines and floor drains from
buildings shall be connected thereto.


"Laundry, hand washing, and bathing facilities"


Laundry, hand washing, and bathing facilities shall be provided in the following


Hand wash basin per six persons in shared facilities should be provided.


Shower head for every 10 persons should be provided.


Laundry tray or tub for every 30 persons should be provided.


Floors shall be of smooth finish but not slippery materials, they shall be impervious
to moisture. Floor drains shall be provided in all shower baths, shower rooms, or
laundry rooms to remove waste water and facilitate cleaning. All junctions of the
curbing and the floor shall be covered. The walls and partitions of shower rooms
shall be smooth and impervious to the height of splash.


An adequate supply of hot and cold running water shall be provided for bathing and
laundry purposes. Facilities for heating water shall be provided.

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21.0 (f)(4)

Facilities for drying clothes shall be provided.

21.0 (g)


Where electric service is available, each habitable room in a camp shall be

provided with at least one ceiling-type light fixture and at least one separate floor-
or wall-type convenience outlet. Laundry and toilet rooms and rooms where people
congregate shall contain at least one ceiling- or wall-type fixture. Light levels in
toilet and storage rooms shall be at least 20 foot-candles 30 inches from the floor.
Other rooms, including kitchens and living quarters, shall be at least 30 foot-
candles 30 inches from the floor.


"Refuse disposal"

21.0 (h)(1)

Fly-tight, rodent-tight, impervious, cleanable or single service containers, approved

by Dubai Municipality health authority shall be provided for the storage of garbage.
At least one such container shall be provided for each shelter and shall be located
within 100 feet of each shelter on a wooden, metal, or concrete stand.

21.0 (h)(2)

Garbage containers shall be kept clean.

21.0 (h)(3)

Garbage containers shall be emptied when full, but not less than twice a week.

21.0 (i)

"Construction and operation of dining hall"

21.0 (i)(1)

In all camps where central dining operations are permitted or provided, the food
handling facilities shall comply with the requirements of the Dubai Municipality.

21.0 (i)(2)
A properly constructed dining hall shall be adequate in size, separate from the
sleeping quarters of any of the workers, shall be provided in connection with all
food handling facilities. There shall be no direct opening from living or sleeping
quarters into a dining hall.

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No person with any communicable disease shall be employed or permitted to work

in the preparation, cooking, serving, or other handling of food, foodstuffs, or
materials used therein, in any dining room operated in connection with a camp or
regularly used by persons living in a camp.


"Insect and rodent control"

Effective measures shall be taken to prevent infestation by and harborage of insect

vectors or pests.

21.0 (k)

"First aid"

21.0 (k)(1)

Adequate first aid facilities approved by a health authority shall be maintained and
made available in every labor camp for the emergency treatment of injured


Such facilities shall be in charge of a person trained to administer first aid and shall
be readily accessible for use at all times.


Fire Prevention

All the necessary fire preventive and protection measures shall be in place as per
Dubai Civil Defense requirements. Fire fighting layout should be approved by
Dubai Civil Defense.

Reference and Further information:

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) USA Standard # 1910.142

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22.0 Regulations for Usage of Liquefied Petroleum

Gas (LPG) at Site

Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) cylinders should be handled, stored and used
safely to prevent accident at project sites.


All the hose pipes, regulators and flash back arrestors shall be in good working

Reference and Further information:

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) USA Standard # 1926.153

23.0 Regulations for Welding and Cutting Operations


Welding and Cutting Operations

All welding and cutting equipment should be of the approved type and maintained
in good condition. All personnel working with welding equipment shall be trained,
competent and be provided with personal protective equipment. The following
precautions shall be taken during welding and cutting operations.


Basic Precautions

1) Before starting to weld or cut, the work area shall be inspected to

ensure that sparks or molten metal will not fall on combustible
2) Cylinders should be stored in a safe and designated location.
3) All storage area should have no smoking signs posted.
4) A dedicated storage facility for the storage of industrial gas
cylinders should be available. A means of segregating the oxygen
cylinders from any other gas cylinders should be an integral part of
the design.
5) Cylinders should be in an up right position with safety caps on
main valve while storing, transporting and using.
6) Special measures should be taken to ensure equipment is
inspected at regular intervals.

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7) Precautions shall be taken to ensure employees are trained and

required Personal Protective Equipments (PPE) must be worn
(Welding Mask, face shield, goggles, leather gloves, leather apron,
8) No welding or burning should be done in a hazardous area without
obtaining written authorization from the responsible competent
person. (Hot Work Permit system).
9) It should be made sure that suitable fire extinguishing equipment is
in the work area.
10) No welding or burning shall be carried out on barrels, tanks, piping
or other system which have contained either combustible or
unknown products without first obtaining approval from the
responsible authority and testing for explosive, combustible or
poisonous gases or liquids.
11) Whenever it is necessary to work after normal day light hours,
lighting equipment should be provided which should provide an
intensity of illumination that will permit work to be carried out in a
safe and professional manner without risk of personal injury or
damage to the material.

Welding and Cutting Operations

1) Welding or cutting operations should not be undertaken either by torch or

electrodes, under the following conditions.

i. In closed vessels or pipes.

ii. In open vessels containing or having contained substances which
may evaporate or gasify when subjected to heat or other, thus
forming highly explosive mixtures.

2) The oxygen acetylene bit, gauges and other accessories should not be
lubricated or smudged with oil, grease and other flammable substances
which can easily catch fire upon contact with compressed oxygen.

3) Welding equipment should not be tampered.

4) The oxygen and acetylene hose lines should be properly connected to the
safety valves by means of a regulator and to the cutting torch by a hose

5) All the Oxygen and acetylene gas cylinder regulators must be fitted with
Flash Back Arrestors to prevent back fire incase of fire in hose pipe line

6) High and low pressure gauges should be in good working condition.

7) Regulators should be fitted to the cylinder valves by means of non

inflammable packing able to guarantee perfect sealing.

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Oxygen and Acetylene Gas Equipments

Cylinders shall be transported, stored and used securely fixed in the upright
position. They must never be rolled on their sides, dropped or man-handled with
the gauges fitted. When not in use, they shall be stored in a specially designated
area with the safety caps on main valve.

Flash Back Arrestors

All the oxy acetylene gas cylinder regulators must be fitted with respective Flash
Back Arrestors to prevent flash back of fire in case of fire in hose pipe line
system. Flash back arrestor is a mandatory requirement.

Storage of Cylinders

1) Cylinders shall be stored in a safe, dry, well ventilated place and

reserved for that purpose. All cylinders must be chained or
otherwise secured in upright position to prevent rusting. Cylinders
stored in the open shall be protected from ground contact, extreme
of weather and direct sun rays.
2) Cylinder storage must be planned so that cylinders shall be used
in the order in which they are received from the supplier. Empty
and full cylinders must be stored separately and empty cylinders
plainly marked to avoid confusion.
3) Empty cylinders must be kept separately according to the type of
gas content.
4) Cylinder storage rooms must be ventilated sufficiently so that
explosive concentration of gas cannot accumulate. Smoking or any
other source of ignition must be prohibited.
5) When the job is finished the cylinders valves must be closed.
6) The operators must make sure that, the safety pin of the acetylene
cylinders is inserted at all times to close the flow of gas in case of
7) Valves caps shall be in place when cylinders are not in use.
8) Cylinders shall be transported securely and upright in trolleys.
They shall never be rolled
9) Oxygen cylinders shall be stored separately from acetylene

Electric Welding

1. As the machine is fed by three phase alternating current ( 50 Hzs )

the following precautions against the various potential risks of an
electric nature should be taken

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 Machine should be protected from damp and water and from

infiltration of foreign bodies.
 Machines with dented protective covers shall not be used until they
have been inspected for safe operation or repaired.
 Ensure proper connection between cables and terminals.
 Provide an efficient earthing system and connect the welding set to
 The cables feeding the current to electric welding set must be of a
size suitable for the strength of current they carry.

Reference and Further information:

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) USA Standard # 1926.350

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24.0 Reporting of Injuries, and Dangerous

Occurrences Regulations (RIDOR)
Reporting accidents and ill health at work is a legal requirement. The information
enables the Zoning Authority Development Control to identify where and how
risks arise and to investigate serious accidents. ZADC can then help contractor and
give advice on how to reduce injury, ill health and accidental loss.

Contractor should submit a detailed accident report in following cases


Death or major injury

If there is an accident connected with work and:

i. Main Contractors or sub contractors employee working in project

site premises is killed or suffers a major injury or a member of the
public is killed or taken to hospital

ii. Contractor must notify the Zoning Authority - Development

Control without delay by (e.g. telephone, mobile). ZADC will ask
for brief details about project site, the injured person and the
accident to reach the site for investigation.

iii. Within 48 hours from the time of accident, main contractor should
submit a completed Site Accident Report Form to Zoning
Authority Development Control

Over-three-day injury

i. If there is an accident connected with work and main contractors

or sub contractors employee, working on project site premises,
suffers an over-three day injury, main contractor must submit a
completed Site Accident Report Form to the Zoning Authority
within 4 days from the date of accident.

ii. An over-three-day injury is one which is not major but results in the
injured person being away from work or unable to do the full range
of their normal duties for more than three days (including any days

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they wouldnt normally be expected to work such as weekends,

rest days or holidays) not counting the day of the injury itself.

Dangerous occurrence

i. If something happens which does not result in a reportable injury,

but which clearly could have done, it may be a dangerous
occurrence which should be reported immediately (e.g. by
telephone) to the Zoning Authority Development Control.

ii. Within 48 hours from the time of dangerous occurrence, main

contractor should submit a completed Site Accident Report
Form to Zoning Authority Development Control


Contractor should report to the Zoning Authority Development

Control via any of the following method

1) by telephone:

a. 04 3900 500

b. 04 3900 501

c. 04 3900 704

d. 04 3694 282

2) by fax:

a. 04 3664 666

b. 04 3664 668

3) by mobile:

Concerned Project Safety Inspector/Engineer

4) by e-mail:

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Record keeping of accident

Main Contractor should keep a record of any reportable injury or dangerous
occurrence for three years after the date on which it happened. This must include:

1) The date and method of reporting

2) The date, time and place of the event
3) Personal details of those involved; and
4) A brief description of the nature of the event.


Definition of major injuries

Reportable major injuries are:

1) Fracture other than to fingers, thumbs or toes
2) Amputation
3) Dislocation of the shoulder, hip, knee or spine
4) loss of sight (temporary or permanent)
5) Chemical or hot metal burn to the eye or any penetrating injury to the
6) Injury resulting from an electric shock or electrical burn leading to
unconsciousness or requiring resuscitation or admittance to hospital
for more than 24 hours
7) Any other injury: leading to hypothermia, heat-induced illness or
unconsciousness; or requiring resuscitation; or requiring admittance to
hospital for more than 24 hours
8) Unconsciousness caused by asphyxia or exposure to a harmful
substance or biological agent acute illness requiring medical treatment,
or loss of consciousness arising from absorption of any substance by
inhalation, ingestion or through the skin
9) Acute illness requiring medical treatment where there is reason to
believe that this resulted from exposure to a biological agent or its
toxins or infected material.

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Definition of Dangerous Occurrences

Reportable dangerous occurrences are:

(This list summarizes each of the dangerous occurrences)

1) collapse, overturning or failure of load-bearing parts of lifts and lifting

2) explosion, collapse or bursting of any closed vessel or associated pipe
3) plant or equipment coming into contact with overhead power lines
4) electrical short circuit or overload causing fire or explosion
5) any unintentional explosion, misfire, failure of demolition to cause the
intended collapse, projection of material beyond a site boundary, injury
caused by an explosion
6) failure of industrial radiography or irradiation equipment to de-energize
or return to its safe position after the intended exposure period
7) collapse or partial collapse of a scaffold over five meters high, or
erected near water where there could be a risk of drowning after a fall
8) dangerous occurrence at a pipeline
9) failure of any load-bearing fairground equipment
10) a road tanker carrying a dangerous substance overturns, suffers
serious damage, catches fire or the substance is released
11) a dangerous substance being conveyed by road is involved in a fire or
12) unintended collapse of: any building or structure under construction,
alteration or demolition where over five tones of material falls; a wall or
floor in a place of work; any false-work
13) explosion or fire causing suspension of normal work for over 24 hours
14) sudden, uncontrolled release in a building of:

i. 100 kg or more of a flammable liquid;

ii. kg or more of a flammable liquid above its boiling point; or
iii. kg or more of a flammable gas; or
iv. 500 kg of these substances if the release is in the open air

15) Accidental release of any substance which may damage health.

References and Further information:

Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 1992


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25.0 Information, Training and Instruction and

Supervision of employees Regulations


All the employees of contractor must be informed about risks and hazards
associated with their nature of activities prior to placing them on job.


Health & Safety Training

1) The contractor should set out a training program for its personnel to
provide them with the skills and knowledge required to perform their job
efficiently and safely.
2) Training should be conducted by using either internal resources or by
local external organizations.


Safety Induction Training for new employees

25(c) (1)

Every employee, upon his joining and prior to commencement of any work, should
attend the Safety Induction Training. General safety rules & regulations which are
required to be followed at project sites and at least following subjects should be
covered in Safety Induction Training for all new employees.

i. Usage of Personal Protective Equipments ( PPE )

ii. Safe usage of Scaffolding
iii. Basic fire fighting
iv. Safe manual lifting.
v. LPG handling, storage and usage procedures
vi. Oxy Acetylene gas storage, handling and usage procedures
vii. Working at height safely.
viii. Safe handling and lifting of materials with cranes.
ix. House keeping at work place
x. Safe use of ladders
xi. Safety in welding & cutting works
xii. Working safely near the edges of roof/floor/shaft openings/Lift
xiii. General site safety rules & regulations
xiv. Disciplinary action procedures
xv. Accident Reporting Procedures
xvi. Emergency Evacuation Procedures and assembly points
xvii. Electrical Safety

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25(c) (2)

Frequency of Training

Safety Induction Training should be provided to employee at the time of joining the
project site.

25(c) (3)

Record Keeping

Records of all the Induction Training attendance sheets shall be maintained at site
for inspection by Zoning Authority- Development Control.


Tool Box Talk Meetings

Main contractor should make sure that Tool Box Talk (TBT) meetings are
conducted at workplace by respective Supervisor / Foreman/ Engineer to deliver
the safety procedures or instructions about the particular activity before
commencing to make them aware of hazards associated with particular activity and
safety measures to be taken.

25(d) (1)

Frequency of Tool Box Talk Meetings

Tool Box Talk Meetings should be conducted at project site at least once in a
week. Tool Box Talk Meeting should be conducted before commencing the work.
Acknowledgement (Signature) should be obtained from all the attendees on Tool
Box Talk Attendance sheet after conducting the Tool Box Talk Meeting.

25(d) (2)

Record Keeping

Records of all the Tool Box Talks attendance sheets shall be maintained at site for
inspection by Zoning Authority- Development Control.



All the work activities should be supervised by competent persons at all times.

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26.0 Permit to Work System (PTW)

a) Contractor should implement the Permit to Work System (PTW) for
following activities to ensure that control measures prescribed in the risk
assessment sheets are taken up without any exception before starting
those activities.

1) Entry into and working in confined spaces

2) All forms of Hot Works, such as welding, gas cutting, burning etc
3) Working near live electro mechanical equipment
4) Digging the earth to carry out any form of excavation
5) Working inside shafts ( Working platform approval)

27.0 Confined Spaces Regulations

Risk Assessment

1) Contractor must carry out a suitable and sufficient assessment of

the risks for all work activities for the purpose of deciding what
measures are necessary for safety. Contractor should appoint
competent people to help manage the risks and ensure that
employees are adequately trained and instructed.
2) Avoid entry to confined spaces, e.g. by doing the work from
outside if possible.
3) If entry to a confined space is unavoidable, follow a safe system
of work, and
4) Adequate emergency arrangements should be in place before
the work starts.

Safe systems of work

1) If entry into a confined space cannot be avoided a safe system of

work for working inside the space should be in place.
2) Safe system of work, including the precautions identified, should
be developed and put into practice.
3) Everyone involved should be properly trained and instructed to
make sure they know what to do and how to do it safely.


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1) Mechanical and electrical isolation of equipment is essential if it

could otherwise operate, or be operated, inadvertently. If gas,
fume or vapor could enter the confined space, physical isolation
of pipe work etc needs to be made. In all cases a check should
be made to ensure isolation is effective.

2) Cleaning should be carried out to ensure fumes do not develop

from residues etc while the work is being done.

Provision of ventilation

1) Mechanical ventilation shall be necessary to ensure an adequate

supply of fresh air. This is essential where portable gas cylinders and
diesel-fuelled equipment are used inside the space because of the
dangers from build-up of engine exhaust.

2) Warning: carbon monoxide in the exhaust from petrol-fuelled

engines is so dangerous that use of such equipment in confined
spaces should never be allowed.

Testing the air

1) This should be necessary to check that it is free from both toxic and
flammable vapors and that it is fit to breathe. Testing should be carried
out by a competent person using a suitable gas detector which is
correctly calibrated. Where the risk assessment indicates that
conditions may change, or as a further precaution, continuous
monitoring of the air may be necessary.

Provision of special tools and lighting

1) Non-sparking tools and specially protected lighting are essential where

flammable or potentially explosive atmospheres are likely. In certain
confined spaces (e.g. inside metal tanks) suitable precautions to
prevent electric shock include use of extra low voltage equipment
(typically less than 25 V) and, where necessary, residual current

Provision of breathing apparatus

1) If the air inside the space cannot be made fit to breathe because of
gas, fume or vapors present, or lack of oxygen. Never try to sweeten
the air in a confined space with oxygen as this can greatly increase the
risk of a fire or explosion.

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Preparation of emergency arrangements

1) Emergency arrangements should be in place to cope up with


Provision of rescue harnesses

1) Lifelines attached to harnesses should run back to a point outside the

confined space.


1) An adequate communications system should be in place to enable

communication between people inside and outside the confined space
and to summon help in an emergency.

2) It is necessary to station someone outside to keep watch and to

communicate with anyone inside, raise the alarm quickly in an
emergency, and take charge of the rescue procedures


1) A permit-to-work ensures a formal check should be undertaken to

ensure all the elements of a safe system of work are in place before
people are allowed to enter or work in the confined space.

Emergency procedures

1) Effective arrangements for raising the alarm and carrying out rescue
operations in an emergency should be provided.

First-aid procedures

1) Trained first aiders should be available to make proper use of any

necessary first-aid equipment provided.

Reference and Further information:

The Confined Spaces Regulations (UK)

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28.0 Regulations for Temporary Canteen on project



Operating Canteen is strictly prohibited on construction sites without obtaining

approval from Zoning Authority.

Canteen Permit

Canteen owner/ catering company should submit a filled in Temporary Site

Canteen Application Form to Zoning Authority Development Control in order
to obtain canteen permit for construction of temporary canteen on site.

Completion certificate

i. Once the canteen is fully erected prior to operation, owner of the catering
company should submit filled in Temporary Site Canteen Application
Form to Zoning Authority Development Control in order to issue
completion certificate

ii. Operation of canteen without obtaining completion certificate from ZADC is

a serious violation of regulations.

Installation and repair work on gas appliances

Installation and repair of equipment using natural gas or LPG in canteens or catering
units should be done by competent persons approved by Dubai Civil Defense only.

Maintenance and inspection by users

Gas appliances, flues, pipe work and safety devices should be maintained in a safe
condition. They should be inspected by a competent responsible person after any
maintenance in accordance with regulations of Dubai Civil Defense and Zoning
Authority Development Control.

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Frequency of Inspections

All the LPG appliances and distribution pipeline system, emergency shut off valves,
solenoid valves, regulators, and LPG leak detection system should be inspected by a
competent responsible person on daily basis. Records of daily inspections must be
maintained for inspection by Zoning Authority Development Control


Use of gas and routine tasks on equipment

All canteen staff that uses gas equipment should be trained in its proper use and on
daily visual inspection for obvious faults. This will include such things as damaged
pipe work and connections, inoperative flame supervision devices (these shut off the
gas supply automatically if the flame disappears), missing restraints on equipment
needing them for stability and smells of escaping gas. All staff should be familiar with
necessary procedures in such situations. Routine tasks such as connecting and
disconnecting plug-in gas connections to appliances when moving for cleaning or
changing LPG cylinders or hoses should be carried out by company who are
competent and approved by Dubai Civil Defense. It should be noted that the
installation of an appliance with a plug-in gas connection should only be carried out
by a competent person.


The rate of ventilation should be at least 3 ACH (Air Changes per Hour) inside the

Isolation of gas supplies to LPG appliance

Each fixed appliance should have a single manual means of isolation valves for
servicing or cleaning purposes and for emergency situations. Pipes shall be located
to leave a space of at least 25 mm between the pipe and the wall in order to assist


Attention should be given on following factors that will increase the risk

1) evidence that ventilation system is not used or is unreliable;

2) small room volume;
3) obvious poor design/maintenance of ventilation system
4) lack of user awareness of the effect of using gas appliances without
adequate ventilation

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5) poor general ventilation to dilute any spillage of products

6) extensive use of gas-fired appliances for long periods
7) ageing system/installation;

Importance should be given to following factors that will reduce risk

1) good natural ventilation

2) satisfactory fume removal through ventilation ductwork by natural
draught alone
3) well maintained ventilation system
4) good user awareness of risks and proper, documented procedures for
using additional ventilation
5) minimal use of gas-fired appliances
6) modern ventilation system
7) large room size
8) clear, permanent notices warning that appliances must not be used
without the ventilation system in operation

Storage of LPG cylinders

1) LPG cylinders should be stored in upright position in specially designed,

manufactured steel enclosure outside the canteen in well ventilated area.
2) The enclosure should have lockable arrangement.
3) Storage of LPG cylinders inside the canteen is strictly prohibited.

LPG Leak Detection and Emergency Cut Off System

LPG leak detectors should be installed to detect the leak and give an audible alarm
and should be linked with an automatic gas shut-off system. This should be fail-safe
and require manual intervention to restore the gas supply. They should only be
regarded as a secondary back up. The primary safeguard remains provision of
adequate ventilation to ensure canteen is free from gas accumulation.

Hazard Communication / Warning Signs

Suitable and sufficient number of warning signs should be posted in appropriate

places inside and outside the canteen facility to communicate/ warn the hazards.

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Fire prevention and fire fighting

Suitable and sufficient number of fire extinguishers to be installed and maintained in

good working condition as per the approval of Zoning Authority Development

Electrical safety

All the electrical distribution boards (DBs) and wiring should conform to DEWA
standards to prevent over loading, short circuits and electrical shock hazards.

Hygienic conditions

Good hygienic condition should be maintained at all times inside and outside the

Waste Management

Canteen waste should be disposed off at regular intervals in designated skips/ bins.

Reference and Further information:

Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998 UK

BS-6173:2001 Specifications for installation of gas fired catering appliances
Precautions at manually ignited gas fired catering equipment HSE Books 1995

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29.0 Dangerous Goods at site

a) The storage of flammable and combustible liquids should not be in
proximity to heating or an ignition source, e.g.: light switch, welders, stove,
heating appliance, or similar ignition sources.
b) Packages shall be kept closed when not in use. Any action to open a
package of flammable liquid or decant from it should be carried out in a
well-ventilated area and away from potential ignition sources.
c) The transfer of a flammable liquid from storage to the point of use shall be
carried out in a manner that minimizes the possibility of spillage or fire.
d) Liquids shall not be stored or used where they may jeopardize escape from
building in the event of fire.
e) Persons who handle Flammable and Combustible liquids shall be aware of
the hazards involved.
f) Any spillage shall be cleaned up immediately and the materials used in the
clean up shall be disposed of safely and in accordance with Dubai
Municipality guidelines.
g) Any materials that might interact dangerously if mixed shall be kept apart
so that the possibility of interaction is minimized, e.g.: fuel.
h) Packages used shall not be pressurized as a means to transfer the
contents unless specifically designed for this duty.

Reference and Further information:

Dubai Municipality Environmental Guidelines

30.0 Heat Stress at Work

a) Main contractor should assess the risk of heat stress and implement the
measures to prevent heat stress at work.

b) Contractors employees must be made aware of how to work safely in heat,

the factors that can lead to heat stress, and how to reduce the risk of it

Reference and Further information:

DM Guidelines on Heat Stress

British Occupational Hygiene Society Technical guide line No 12 The thermal
Environment (Second edition)

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31.0 Electrical Safety Regulations

This regulation addresses electrical safety requirements that are necessary for the
practical safeguarding of employees involved in construction work.

Mounting: Electric equipment shall be firmly secured to the surface on which it is

mounted. Wooden plugs driven into holes in masonry, concrete, plaster, or similar
materials shall not be used.

Cooling: Electrical equipment which depends upon the natural circulation of air
and convection principles for cooling of exposed surfaces shall be installed so that
room air flow over such surfaces is not prevented by walls or by adjacent installed
equipment. For equipment designed for floor mounting, clearance between top
surfaces and adjacent surfaces shall be provided to dissipate rising warm air.
Electrical equipment provided with ventilating openings shall be installed so that
walls or other obstructions do not prevent the free circulation of air through the

Use and identification of grounded and grounding conductors

31a) (1)

Identification of conductors: A conductor used as a grounded conductor shall be

identifiable and distinguishable from all other conductors.

31(a) (2)

Use of grounding terminals and devices: A grounding terminal or grounding-type

device on a receptacle, cord connector, or attachment plug shall not be used for
purposes other than grounding.

Assured equipment grounding

Conductor program: The employer shall establish and implement an assured

equipment grounding conductor program on construction sites covering all cord
sets, receptacles which are not a part of the building or structure, and equipment
connected by cord and plug which are available for use or used by employees.

31(b) (1)

The employer shall designate one or more competent persons to implement the

31(b) (2)
Each cord set, attachment cap, plug and receptacle of cord sets, and any
equipment connected by cord and plug, except cord sets and receptacles which
are fixed and not exposed to damage, shall be visually inspected before each day's

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use for external defects, such as deformed or missing pins or insulation damage,
and for indications of possible internal damage. Equipment found damaged or
defective shall not be used until repaired.

31(b) (3)

The following tests shall be performed on all cord sets, receptacles which are not a
part of the permanent wiring of the building or structure, and cord- and plug-
connected equipment required to be grounded:
(1) All equipment grounding conductors shall be tested for continuity and shall be
Electrically continuous.

Warning signs

31(c) (1)

Signs warning of high voltage shall be posted where unauthorized employees

might come in contact with live parts.


Arcing or suddenly moving parts.

Fuses and circuit breakers shall be so located or shielded that employees will not
be burned or otherwise injured by their operation.

Circuit breakers

31(e) (1) Circuit breakers shall clearly indicate whether they are in the open (off) or
closed (on) position.
31(e) (2) where circuit breaker handles on switchboards are operated vertically
rather than horizontally or rotationally, the up position of the handle shall be the
closed (on) position.


Grounding connections

31(f) (1)

Grounded system

For a grounded system, a grounding electrode conductor shall be used to connect

both the equipment grounding conductor and the grounded circuit conductor to the
grounding electrode. Both the equipment grounding conductor and the grounding
electrode conductor shall be connected to the grounded circuit conductor on the
supply side of the service disconnecting means, or on the supply side of the

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system disconnecting means or over-current devices if the system is separately


31(f) (2)

Grounding path

The path to ground from circuits, equipment, and enclosures shall be permanent
and continuous.

31(f) (3)

Fixed equipment

Exposed non-current-carrying metal parts of fixed equipment which may become

energized shall be grounded


Grounding conductor

A conductor used for grounding fixed or movable equipment shall have capacity to
conduct safely any fault current which may be imposed on it.



If bonding conductors are used to assure electrical continuity, they shall have the
capacity to conduct any fault current which may be imposed.


Temporary lights shall not be suspended by their electric cords unless cords and
lights are designed for this means of suspension.

31(i) (1)

Portable electric lighting used in wet and/or other conductive locations, as for
example, drums, tanks, and vessels, shall be operated at 12 volts or less.
However, 120-volt lights may be used if protected by a ground-fault circuit


Flexible cords and cables shall be protected from damage. Sharp corners and
projections shall be avoided.

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Switchboards and panel boards

Flexible cords and cables may pass through Switchboards that have any exposed
live parts doorways or other pinch points, if protection shall be located in
permanently dry locations is provided to avoid damage and accessible only to
qualified persons.

31(j) (1)

Extension cord sets used with portable electric tools and appliances shall be of
three-wire type and shall be designed for hard or extra-hard usage. Flexible cords
used with temporary and portable lights shall be designed for hard or extra-hard



For temporary locations over 400 volts the equipment shall be enclosed with fence
or barriers or other effective means to prevent access of other than authorized and
qualified personnel.


Switches and circuit breakers

Switches, circuit breakers, and switchboards installed in wet locations shall be

enclosed in conductors used for general wiring shall be insulated. The conductor
insulation shall be of a type that is suitable for the voltage, operating temperature,
and location of use. Insulated conductors shall be distinguishable by appropriate
color or other means as being grounded conductors, ungrounded conductors, or
equipment grounding conductors.


Flexible cords and cables

Flexible cords and cables shall be suitable for conditions of use and location.
Flexible cords and cables shall be used only for:

1) Wiring of fixtures;
2) Connection of portable lamps or appliances;
3) Elevator cables;
4) Wiring of cranes and hoists;
5) Connection of stationary equipment to facilitate their frequent
6) Prevention of the transmission of noise or vibration; or
7) Appliances where the fastening means and mechanical connections
are designed to permit removal for maintenance and repair.

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Lighting fixtures, lamp holders, lamps, and receptacles

31(n) (1) Live parts. Fixtures, lamp holders, lamps, rosettes, and receptacles shall
have no live parts normally exposed to employee contact.

Protection of employees

31(o) (1) No employer shall permit an employee could contact the electric power
circuit in the course of work, unless the employee is protected against electric
shock by de-energizing the circuit and grounding it or by guarding it effectively by
insulation or other means.
31(o)(2) In work areas where the exact location of underground electric power lines
is unknown, employees using jack-hammers, bars, or other hand tools which may
contact a line shall be provided with insulated protective gloves.
(o)(3) Before work is begun the employer shall ascertain by inquiry or direct
observation, or by instruments, whether any part of an energized electric power
circuit, exposed or concealed, is so located that the performance of the work may
bring any person, tool, or machine into physical or electrical contact with the
electric power circuit. The employer shall post and maintain proper warning signs
where such a circuit exists. The employer shall advise employees of the location of
such lines, the hazards involved, and the protective measures to be taken.

Passageways and open spaces

31(p) (1) Barriers or other means of guarding shall be provided to ensure that
workspace for electrical equipment will not be used as a passageway during
periods when energized parts of electrical equipment are exposed.
31(p) (2) Working spaces, walkways, and similar locations shall be kept clear of
cords so as not to create a hazard to employees.

Lockout and tagging of circuits

31(q) (1) Controls. Controls that are to be deactivated during the course of work on
Energized or de-energized equipment or circuits shall be tagged.
31(q) (2) Equipment and circuits: Equipment or circuits that are de-energized shall
be rendered inoperative and shall have tags attached at all points where such
equipment or circuits can be energized.
31(q) (3) Tags. Tags shall be placed to identify plainly the equipment or circuits
being worked on.

Reference and Further information:

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (USA) standards # 1926.400, 1926.402,

1926.403, 1926.404
Electrical Safety on Construction sites HSG 141 HSE Books 1995

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32.0 Diesel Engine Exhaust Emissions


Contractor should make a suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks to

employees health if they are exposed to diesel fumes. They should then take the
necessary steps to prevent or adequately control exposure in the workplace.


Where exposure cannot be prevented, contractor should consider the use of a

combination of specific control measures including:

1) Work place air extraction fans.

2) Tailpipe exhaust extraction systems
3) The use of filters attached to tailpipes;
4) Catalytic converters; and more general control measures
5) Turning off engines when not required;
6) Job rotation;
7) Providing suitable personal protective equipment (suitable gloves
should be worn when handling hot and cold diesel fuel).


Contractor should provide respiratory protective equipment only as a last resort

when other means of controls are not suitable.


In addition to the control measures described in the preceding clause, Contractor

should also ensure that:

1) Any engineering controls used are properly maintained and checked

2) Where necessary, employees exposure to diesel fumes is monitored
3) Employees must be provided with the necessary information on the
risks of exposure to diesel fumes;
4) Employees should be provided with instruction and training on the
safe use of the control measures and any personal protective


The highest point of diesel emission chimney/pipe of diesel generator should be at

least 2 meters above the ground level.

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33.0 Dust Control at Site


Exposure of employees to inhalation, ingestion, skin absorption, or contact with any

material or substance at a concentration above those specified in the "Threshold
Limit Values of Airborne Contaminants, should be avoided.


To achieve compliance with 33(a), administrative or engineering controls must first

be implemented whenever feasible. When such controls are not feasible to achieve
full compliance, protective equipment or other protective measures shall be used to
keep the exposure of employees to air contaminants within the limits prescribed in
this section. Any equipment and technical measures used for this purpose must
first be approved for each particular use by a competent technically qualified

Dust emission beyond fencing

Dust coming out of fencing is strictly prohibited. If dust cannot be prevented from
coming out of fencing, suitable measures should be implemented like covering the
external face of building with dust arresting nets.

Reference and Further information:

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) USA Standard # 1926.55

34.0 Hazardous Waste Management at site


All the construction sites should be provided with enough number of skips and
skips should be removed at regular intervals. All sites shall earmark or allocate a
separate area for the storage of scrap materials, wastes before they are disposed
off suitably.


When disposing of scrap containers the following should be observed:

i. Residue should be minimized.

ii. Emptied before puncturing, cutting or applying pressure to crush
such container to avoid risk of explosion or fire.
iii. Puncture or crush and render the container unreusable when
selling it as scrap.

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iv. Bring only clean containers to licensed scrap dealer or -to recycling
plants such as a steel smelting plant.
v. Contractor must have DM- EPSS approval to dispose of
contaminated steel drums for metal recycling.
vi. Apply in writing to DM- EPSS whenever contaminated containers
are going to be disposed of and obtain the required approval in
accordance with the EPS Technical Guideline No. 26 the
guideline for the disposal of hazardous wastes.


Off-site disposal of contaminated containers by any means shall have prior

written consent from DM-EPSS. No person shall be allowed to dispose of
contaminated containers into Dubai Municipality landfill site or elsewhere
without obtaining prior written permit.


Only persons or establishment that holds a written approval from Dubai

Municipality shall be allowed to deal with, buy and sell, or dispose of used
contaminated containers.


Waste water

Waste water from toilet and washrooms shall be connected either to drainage
or to septic tank and soak pits as per the design approved by the Zoning
Authority Development Control

Reference and Further information:

Dubai Municipality Environment Guidelines

TEL: 2064244/ 2064245 FAX: 2270160

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35.0 Site Fencing and Access Control on site


Under the requirements of these regulations poor security arrangements that fail to
prevent unauthorized persons from gaining access to a site, premises or a
workplace where construction work is taking place, are probably a violation of


It shall be the duty of every employer (contractor) to conduct his undertaking in

such a way as to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that persons not in his
employment who may be affected thereby are not exposed to risks to their health
and safety.


Perimeter Fencing or Hoarding

1. Two meters high close boarded wooden perimeter fence, or

hoarding should be provided.
2. Gaps in the fencing or hoardings should not be allowed.
3. There should not be any gaps between ground level and bottom of
the fencing to prevent risk to health and safety of small children
when they gain access to site through gaps.


Gates or Access points

1. The number of gates or access points through the fence should be

kept to a minimum in order that effective control can be maintained
over those persons wanting to get onto site. This must, however,
be balanced by the need for emergency exits in the case of fire or
other circumstances.


Requirements of security guard on site

1. All the entrance gates should be permanently manned, with site

staff or employees from a security company.

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36.0 Regulations for pre cast - Concrete Construction

Scope, application, and definitions applicable to these regulations

Scope and application

These regulations sets forth requirements to protect all construction employees

from the hazards associated with concrete and masonry construction operations
performed in workplaces.

Definitions applicable to these regulations

(b)(1) Bull float means a tool used to spread out and smooth concrete.
(b)(2) Formwork means the total system of support for freshly placed or partially
cured concrete, including the mold or sheeting (form) that is in contact with the
concrete as well as all supporting members including shores, reshores, hardware,
braces, and related hardware.
(b)(3) Limited access zone means an area alongside a masonry wall, which is
under construction, and which is clearly demarcated to limit access by employees.
(b)(4) Pre-cast concrete means concrete members (such as walls, panels, slabs,
columns, and beams) which have been formed, cast, and cured prior to final
placement in a structure.
(b)(5) Reshoring means the construction operation in which shoring equipment
(also called reshores or reshoring equipment) is placed, as the original forms and
shores are removed, in order to support partially cured concrete and construction
(b)(6) Shore means a supporting member that resists a compressive force
imposed by a load.

General requirements

36(c) (1)
Construction loads.

No construction loads should be placed on a concrete structure or portion of a

concrete structure unless the employer determines, based on information received
from a person who is qualified in structural design, that the structure or portion of
the structure is capable of supporting the loads.

36(c) (2)
Reinforcing steel

All protruding reinforcing steel, onto and into which employees could fall, should be
guarded to eliminate the hazard of impalement.

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Dubai Zoning Authority Development Control

36(c) (3)
Post-tensioning operations

i. No employee (except those essential to the post-tensioning operations)

shall be permitted to be behind the jack during tensioning operations.
ii. Signs and barriers shall be erected to limit employee access to the post-
tensioning area during tensioning operations.

Working under loads

36(d) (1)

No employee shall be permitted to work under concrete buckets while buckets are
being elevated or lowered into position.

36(d) (2)

To the extent practical elevated concrete buckets shall be routed so that no

employees, or the fewest number of employees, are exposed to the hazards
associated with falling concrete buckets.


Personal protective equipment

No employee shall be permitted to apply a cement, sand, and water mixture

through a pneumatic hose unless the employee is wearing protective head and
face equipment.

Reference and Further information:

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) USA Standard # 1926.700, 1926.701,

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37.0 Regulations for cast-in-place concrete

Requirements for equipment and tools

Concrete mixers

Concrete mixers with one cubic meter or larger loading skips shall be equipped
with the following:

37(a) (1)
A mechanical device to clear the skip of materials; and

37(a) (2)
Guardrails installed on each side of the skip.

Power concrete trowels

Powered and rotating type concrete troweling machines that are manually guided
shall be equipped with a control switch that will automatically shut off the power
whenever the hands of the operator are removed from the equipment handles.

Concrete buggies

Concrete buggy handles shall not extend beyond the wheels on either side of the

Concrete pumping systems.

Concrete pumping systems using discharge pipes shall be provided with pipe
supports designed for 100 percent overload.

Compressed air hoses used on concrete pumping system shall be provided with
positive fail-safe joint connectors to prevent separation of sections when

Concrete buckets.

37(e) (1)
Concrete buckets equipped with hydraulic or pneumatic gates should have positive
safety latches or similar safety devices installed to prevent premature or accidental

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37(e) (2)
Concrete buckets should be designed to prevent concrete from hanging up on top
and the sides.

37(e) (3)
Concrete buckets, which will be used to lift concrete with mechanical equipments
(cranes) should be thoroughly examined and tested by approved third party at least
once in 6 months.

37(e) (4)
Certificate of test should be kept at site for inspection by Zoning Authority
Development Control inspectors

37(e) (5)
Riding concrete buckets.

No employee should be permitted to ride concrete buckets.

37(f) Masonry saws

37(f) (1)
Masonry saw shall be guarded with that the equipment meets the requirements a
semicircular enclosure over the blade.

Reference and Further information:

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) USA Standard # 1926.703

38.0 Regulations of Form work, Shoring, Reinforcing

steel, Masonry Construction
38(a) General requirements for formwork

(a)(1) Formwork shall be designed, fabricated, erected, supported, braced and

maintained so that it will be capable of supporting without failure all vertical and
lateral loads that may reasonably be anticipated to be applied to the formwork.
Formwork should be designed, fabricated, erected, supported, braced and
maintained properly.

38(b) Shoring and re-shoring

(b)(1) All Shoring equipment (including equipment used in reshoring operations)
shall be inspected prior to erection.
(b)(2) Erected shoring equipment shall be inspected immediately prior to, during,
and immediately after concrete placement.
(b)(3) The sills for shoring shall be sound.

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(b)(4) All base plates, shore heads, extension devices, and adjustment screws
shall be in firm contact, and secured when necessary, with the foundation and the
(b)(5) Eccentric loads on shore heads and similar members shall be prohibited
unless these members have been designed for such loading.

38(c) Reinforcing steel

(c)(1) Reinforcing steel for walls, piers, columns, and similar vertical structures
shall be adequately supported to prevent overturning and to prevent collapse.
(c)(2) Employers shall take measures to prevent unrolled wire mesh from recoiling.
Such measures may include, but are not limited to, securing each end of the roll or
turning over the roll

38(d) Removal of formwork

(d)(1) Forms and shores (except those used for slabs on grade and slip forms)
shall not be removed until the employer determines that the concrete has gained
sufficient strength to support its weight and superimposed loads. Such
determination shall be based on compliance with one of the following:
(d)(1)(i) The plans and specifications stipulate conditions for removal of forms and
shores, and such conditions have been followed, or
(d)(1)(ii) The concrete has been properly tested with an appropriate international
standard test method designed to indicate the concrete compressive strength, and
the test results indicate that the concrete has gained sufficient strength to support
its weight and superimposed loads.
(d)(1)(iii) Adequate safety measures shall be taken to prevent falling of form work
on during removal. The area shall be made limited access zone.
(d)(2) Reshoring shall not be removed until the concrete being supported has
attained adequate strength to support its weight and all loads in place upon it.

Requirements for masonry construction

38(e) (1) a limited access zone shall be established whenever a masonry wall is
being constructed. The limited access zone shall conform to the following.
38(e) (2) the limited access zone shall be established prior to the start of
construction of the wall.
38(e)(3)The limited access zone shall be equal to the height of the wall to
reconstructed plus four feet, and shall run the entire length of the wall.
38(e) (4) the limited access zone shall be established on the side of the wall which
will be unscaffolded.
38(e) (5) the limited access zone shall be restricted to entry by employees actively
engaged in constructing the wall. No other employees shall be permitted to enter.

Reference and Further information:

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) USA Standard # 1926.700, 1926.701,

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39.0 Non-Ionizing radiation.

Only qualified and trained employees shall be assigned to install, adjust, and
operate laser equipment.

Proof of qualification of the laser equipment operator shall be available and in
possession of the operator at all times.

Employees, when working in areas in which a potential exposure to direct or
reflected laser light greater than 0.005 watts (5 mill watts) exists, shall be provided
with anti laser eye protection devices.

Areas in which lasers are used shall be posted with standard laser warning

Beam shutters or caps shall be utilized, or the laser turned off, when laser
transmission is not actually required. When the laser is left unattended for a
substantial period of time, such as during lunch hour, overnight, or at change of
shifts, the laser shall be turned off

Only mechanical or electronic means shall be used as a detector for guiding the
internal alignment of the laser.

The laser beam shall not be directed at employees.

When there is dust or fog in the air, the operation of laser systems shall be
prohibited where practicable, in any event, employees shall be kept out of range of
the area of source and target during such weather conditions.

Laser equipment shall bear a label to indicate maximum output.

Employees shall not be exposed to anthophyllite, or actinolite dust

Reference and Further information:

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) USA Standard # 1926.54

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40.0 Accident Prevention Signs, Signals, Barricades

and Tags

Signs and symbols required by this subpart shall be visible at all times when
work is being performed, and shall be removed or covered promptly when the
hazards no longer exist.

Danger signs.
Danger signs shall be used only where an immediate hazard exists.

Danger signs shall have red as the predominating color for the upper panel,
black outline on the borders, and a white lower panel for additional sign

Caution signs.
Caution signs shall be used only to warn against potential hazards or to caution
against unsafe practices.

Caution signs shall have yellow as the predominating color; black upper panel
and borders: yellow lettering of "caution" on the black panel; and the lower
yellow panel for additional sign wording. Black lettering shall be used for
additional wording.

Standard color of the background shall be yellow; and the panel, black with
yellow letters. Any letters used against the yellow background shall be black.

Exit signs. Exit signs, when required, shall be lettered in legible red letters, not
less than 6 inches high, on a white field and the principal stroke of the letters
shall be at least three-fourths inch in width.

Safety instruction signs.

Safety instruction signs, when used, shall be white with green upper panel with
white letters to convey the principal message. Any additional wording on the
sign shall be black letters on the white background.

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Directional signs.

Directional signs, other than automotive traffic signs specified in paragraph

(g) of this regulation, shall be white with a black panel and a white directional
symbol. Any additional wording on the sign shall be black letters on the white

Traffic signs.

Construction areas shall be posted with legible traffic signs at points of
All traffic control signs or devices used for protection of construction workers
shall conform to Dubai Municipality & Dubai Traffic Department

Accident prevention tags.

Accident prevention tags shall be used as a temporary means of warning
employees of an existing hazard, such as defective tools, equipment, etc.
They shall not be used in place of, or as a substitute for, accident prevention

Definitions applicable to above regulations:

Barricade means an obstruction to deter the passage of persons or vehicles.

Signs are the warnings of hazard, temporarily or permanently affixed or

placed, at locations where hazards exist.

Signals are moving signs, provided by workers, such as flag men, or by

devices, such as flashing lights, to warn of possible or existing hazards.

Tags are temporary signs, usually attached to a piece of equipment or part of

a structure, to warn of existing or immediate hazards.

Reference and Further information:

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) USA Standard # 1926.200, 1926.203

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41.0 Cantilever Material Loading Platforms



41(a) (1)

Any temporary cantilever material loading platform used for the purpose of material
loading, unloading operations at site should be designed properly by taking
structural calculations in to consideration.

41(a) (2)

Cantilever material loading platforms for the purpose of material loading or

unloading should be designed by a competent Structural Engineer only.



41(b) (1)

Cantilever material loading platforms should be constructed with adequate strength

steel. Material should be free from patent defects.

41(b) (2)

Usage of timber/ wood as construction material of cantilever material loading

platform is strictly prohibited.

Third party examination and testing

41(c) (1)
Cantilever material loading platforms should be examined and tested by approved
third party and certificates of test certificates should be obtained.

41(c) (2)
The examination and testing should be carried out after erection before use. Re-
examination and testing should be carried out whenever cantilever platforms are
repaired or altered or change in location of use takes place.

Periodical Inspection

41(d) (1)

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Cantilever material loading platforms should be inspected at regular intervals and

maintained to ensure a safe operation of intended purpose.

41(d) (2)
Records of periodical inspections should be maintained at site for inspection by
Zoning Authority Development Control Inspector.

Falling of material

41(e) (1)
Suitable and sufficient measures should be in place to prevent falling of material
from platforms

Falling of persons

41(f) (1)
Adequate measures should be taken to prevent falling of persons from the

Further information:

HSE Guidelines of Zoning Authority Development Control

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