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Then he said to them, Watch out!

Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life

does not consist in an abundance of possessions [technology, paperwork,
accountability, programs, materials, personnel, meetings, etc.]. (Luke 12:15)

The More God in Education_________________

We live in a culture dominated by the word more. Success is not measured by obedience to
God or by the fruit of the Spirit (peace, joy, love, patience, kindness, etc.) one bears. Success is
measured by getting more money, more information, more square feet in your home, more friends,
more cable channels, more members in your church, more pixels on your digital camera, more minutes on your cell
phone, more power on your computer, and more miles per gallon. Success is often measured by whether we meet our own
or others standards and expectations instead of Gods. We get ahead of God and do not allow Him to lead.
Education reflects this. More children need to pass state exams. We need more technology, more information,
more programs, more team meetings, more faculty meetings, more district meetings, more money, more paperwork,
more accountability, more workshops.... MORE! MORE! MORE! Do you hear Satan screaming like a spoiled child, I
demand more! Give me more! Everywhere everyone is rushing through life seeking the illusive More which they can never
catch. More has become a deity and the heart of More is greed.
Do you see Jesus standing on the side of this busy freeway? He is holding up various signs as we pass. Slow
down! Pull over! Turn off the radio and TV! Put your cell phone down! Turn off your computer! The cars are
rushing by at such high speeds few can read the signs. Few acknowledge, except on Sunday mornings, that His directions
are even worth heeding. Can you read His lips? He is saying, Less is more. Less is more. Come follow me and I will give
you rest. I will give you peace. He is also asking us some questions, Does more and more make-up make you more
beautiful? Does more and more food make you healthier? Does more and more luggage make your vacation better? Does
more and more furniture make your house more comfortable?
What are our answers? What is our response?
Prayer: Lord, we turn and repent from serving the god of More in our personal, professional and church lives. We
confess our own greed, the greed of those in our culture and the greed of those in education.
Reflection: Are you, in your personal, professional and community life, driven primarily by communication with and
obedience to God or by the constant striving for more? What about those around you?
Getting Real: Slow down! Take time each day to be still and alone with God. Take a real Sabbath day of rest each week.
Make a list of the things that the Lord wants you to DECREASE in your life in order to live in greater obedience to Him. Post
the list and start decreasing.

CLASSROOM LIGHTHOUSE SERIES: Fields of Faith in Education (For info or prayer contact WEEK 20

(South Africa Outreach)
Mary-Ann is our resident choreographer. Although she is usually full of giggles and
silliness, when it comes to dancing, she is all business. She lives in this house with
her father and sister. She is fourteen years old and also attends Breede Valley
High School close to the Avian Park shanty town. She is small for her age as most
of the girls are generally because of malnutrition or fetal alcohol syndrome. My
major concern for Mary-Ann and the older girls is that they remain pure and
graduate from high school. Without doing so, they cannot break the poverty cycle.
You can pray for her to have a gentle, willing, and teachable spirit.

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