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Climate has been changing since past many years owing to innumerable reasons(intro

line). Some people are thinking that the governments should make changes at the
upper level to protect atmosphere, while others argue that individuals are
responsible to take initiative towards environment change and their impact. I am
inclined to believe that both government and individual are equally have to take
part in order to stop polluting environment (opinion in intro). The following
paragraphs will analyse the impact and reason, and thus will lead to a logical

First of all, people are making huge amount of carbon dioxide emission every days
(main point 1). Thus, individual have to understand the ramifications are arising
in many forms( explaining point 1). For example, because of tremendous amount
carbon dioxide emission, temperature is increasing day by day, melting polar ice
and rising sea level, which will draw to drastic consequences in the globe (example
for point 1). As a result, individuals should establish strategies, and have to
work in direction to control environmental pollution.

Second of all, the governments are in high command, and they can build phenomenon
to diminish pollution issue, which is rising since past era. Environment pollution
has sparked the controversy over the potential effect of this trend on marketing,
advertising and fossil fuel in the recent time just because of governments are
lagging behind to sustain environment. As an example, studies shown that Indian
population rising, and pollution also ameliorating, though, government has taken
only 45 corrective decisions in last three decades.

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