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2010 – 2011

Sumner Cooperative Nursery School

245 Valley Ave.
Sumner, WA 98390

The Name of this organization shall be Sumner Cooperative Nursery School.

The purpose of this group shall be to provide a part-time nursery school program for the
children enrolled and to further the education of its members in the principles of child

Any parent or guardian of a child who meets the current age and birth date requirements
as outlined in the registration packet and is willing to accept the duties and
responsibilities of active participation in this group is eligible for membership, regardless
of race or religion.

Officers of this organization shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary and

The Constitution and By-laws may be amended by a simple majority vote of the
membership acting upon the recommendation of the Executive Committee or the motion
of any member of the group. (One vote per registered parent.) The Handbook may be
amended by a majority vote of the board as needed.

The Sumner Cooperative Nursery School may be dissolved upon a two-thirds vote of the
active membership.

Established 1967

The name of this organization shall be Sumner Cooperative Nursery School, to be ran as
a non-profit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, with all
funds remaining in the treasury at the end of the school year. In the event of dissolution
of the group, the remaining funds shall be donated to any non-profit charitable education
or religious organization qualified as exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1954.

Section A – Mission Statement
The purpose of this group shall be to provide a part-time nursery school program for the
children enrolled and to further the education of its members in the principles of child

Section B – Children

1. Helping children birth through five explore their world.

2. Encourage creativity and self-understanding, to provide for developing
interpersonal and problem solving skills as children learn to live with the other people
in their environment.
3. Provide children with opportunities to develop a positive self-concept through
various developmentally appropriate tasks and situations.
4. Expose children to pre-academic experience in science, math, music, and reading.

Section C – Adults

1. Provide parent education through participation in Parent Education classes/meetings

where knowledge and problems are shared.
2. Develop new parenting skills that can be used with children at home.
3. Create an atmosphere where parents are comfortable working in the classroom.

ARTICLE 3: MEMBERSHIP AND OBLIGATIONS – (See Constitution – Article 3)

Section A: Membership
1. Any parent or guardian of a child who meets the current age and birth date
requirements as outlined in Standing Rules and is willing to accept the
duties and responsibilities of active participation in this group, is eligible
for membership, regardless of race or religion.
2. SCNS is organized and shall be operated exclusively for educational
purposes within the 1954 Internal Revenue Code. Consistent with the
requirements of that section, SCNS shall not carry on any activities
precluded by the Internal Revenue Code for an organization exempt from
taxation under said section, nor shall it discriminate against members,
prospective members or their children on the basis of race.
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3. The non-discriminatory policy includes, but is not limited to, all facets of
SCNS’s programs if any, including athletic programs, extracurricular
activities and any other similar activity. SCNS will not maintain separate
facilities and will not partition existing facilities into separate sections on
the basis of race.
4. Any member registering for nursery school must be able to perform as a
member in good standing as defined in Article 3, Section B.
5. Each family unit present shall be entitled to one vote per issue pertaining
to the by-laws, budget, election of officers and affiliation.

Section B: Obligations
1. Each member is to actively participate in this group as a working parent
when scheduled each month.
2. Each member is required to actively participate in Parent Education as
described in the standing rules.
3. Each member is to serve as a member of a committee or elected board.
4. Each member is to pay one time registration fee and a monthly co-op
tuition as described in the standing rules.
5. Work on and participate in fundraisers as required as described in the
standing rules.
6. Stay current with all financial obligations as described in the standing
7. In order to be a member in good standing the obligation of Article 3,
Section B, “1” through “7” of the By-laws must be met.

Section C: Fees and Finance - As defined in the Handbook

Section 1: The Board
a. The Board, as described in the Handbook of the nursery school, shall
of elected members in good standing from the co-op.

Section 2: The Executive Board

a. The Executive Board shall consist of President, Vice President or Co-Vice
Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer.

Section 3: Duties and Responsibilities of the Board

a. Hold monthly board meetings and transact necessary business.
b. Recommend additions and amendments to the By-Laws and Standing
c. Hire a teacher and enter into a contract with the teacher.
d. Approve and maintain a substitute teacher list.
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e. Conduct an evaluation of the whole school program making sure that the
membership understands the procedure and receives a report of the results.
f. Fill vacancies on the board as needed by consensus of the board.

Section 4: Duties of the Executive Board

a. President
1. Preside over all meetings.
2. Be official representative of school.
3. Keep records of binding documents.
4. Co-sign checks.
5. Oversee teacher and site contract.
6. Break a tie vote.
7. Other duties described in the Handbook.
8. Be a liaison between church (the landlord) and preschool board.
b. Vice President
1. Attend all board meetings.
2. Assume President’s responsibilities as necessary.
3. Maintain notebook.
4. Other duties described in the Handbook.
c. Secretary
1. Attend all board meetings.
2. Take minutes at all meetings and make available to general
membership within 1 week.
3. Take care of necessary correspondence.
4. Maintain notebook.
e. Other duties described in the Handbook.

d. Treasurer
1. Attend all board meetings.
2. Maintain complete set of books.
3. Submit complete Financial Statement at regular meetings and post..
4. Pay all authorized outstanding bills, salaries, insurance and taxes.
5. All checks must be co-signed by the President.
6. Collect and deposit monthly co-op tuition and all other money.
7. Present a proposed budget for approval to the board before the spring
board meeting.
8. Keep a separate emergency reserve account maintaining a balance at
all times which is approximately one month’s expenses.
9. Have books ready to be audited by June 30th.
10. Maintain Treasurer’s notebook to be passed on.
11. Other duties described in the Handbook.
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Section 5: Nominations

a. Nominations for officers shall be made by a nominating committee, which

is chosen by the Executive Board.
b. The nominating committee shall consistent of at least one member from
each class.
c. Further nominations may be made from the floor.
d. Elections shall be held in the spring.
e. If more than one person is nominated for an office, a secret ballot will be
f. All nominees must be members in good standing.

Section 6: Elections
a. Fifty-one percent of the active membership shall constitute a quorum.
b. A vote by a simple majority of the quorum shall be considered binding.
c. The term of the office shall be for one year beginning at the June board

Section 7: Teacher(s)
a. The teacher is a paid employee of the organization and shall enter into an
annual contract.
b. The teacher is a member of the board without voting privileges.
c. The board shall determine the salary of the teacher.
d. Attend board meetings, teacher meetings and membership meetings.
e. Has the authority to recommend to the board that a child change sessions
or be withdrawn if said child is not benefiting from the school or class
and/or is excessively disruptive and/or physically or emotionally abusive
in the classroom.
f. Recommend any necessary changes, additions, or improvements or
purchasing of equipment.
g. Provide a developmentally appropriate curriculum.
h. Update the board monthly concerning classroom operations and present
curriculum plans.
i. Must have a current First Aid/CPR card.
j. Must have TB test update every 2 years.
k. Other duties described in the Handbook

A list of standing committees of this organization and their duties shall be
outlined in the Handbook as needed.
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a. Leave of Absence- As described in the Handbook and/or Registration packet.
b. Termination - As described in the Handbook and/or Registration packet.

See the Constitution.
The Sumner Cooperative Nursery School shall be a non-profit corporation with all funds
remaining in the treasury at the end of the school year. In the event the school should
cease to operate and dissolve, the remaining funds will be held in a back account for not
more than 5 years. The equipment shall be held and stored for not more than 5 years, at
which time it, as well as the remaining funds will be donated to a charitable organization
to be decided by the membership. No final distribution of the assets of this organization
shall inure to the benefit of any of its members.


Based on “Washington State Minimum Licensing Requirements for child daycare
1. The nursery school staff shall guide the child’s behavior based on an
understanding of the individual child’s needs and stage of development. Staff
shall promote the child’s developmentally appropriate social behavior, self-
control, and respect for the rights of others
2. The nursery school staff shall ensure behavior management and discipline
practices are fair, reasonable, consistent, and related to the child’s behavior. Staff
shall not administer cruel, unusual, hazardous, frightening, or humiliating
3. The nursery school staff shall be responsible for implementing the behavior
management and discipline practices of the center.
4. The nursery school staff shall prohibit and prevent:
a. Corporal punishment by any person the premises, including biting, jerking,
shaking, spanking, slapping, hitting, striking, or kicking the child, or other
means of inflicting physical pain or causing bodily harm;
b. The use of a physical restraint method injurious to the child;
c. The use of a mechanical restraint for disciplinary purpose, locked time-out
room or closet;
d. The withholding of food as punishment
5. In emergency situations, the staff person competent to use restraint method may
use limited physical restraint when:
a. Protecting a person on the premises from physical injury.
b. Obtaining possession of a weapon or other dangerous object; or
c. Protecting property from serious damage.
6. The nursery school staff shall document any incident involving the use of physical

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