Portrayal of Psychopathy in The Movies

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Portrayal of psychopathy in the movies

Article in International Review of Psychiatry July 2009

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Morten Hesse
Aarhus University


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Portrayal of psychopathy in the movies

Morten Hesse a
Centre for Alcohol and Drug Research, University of Aarhus, Copenhagen, Denmark

Online Publication Date: 01 June 2009

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International Review of Psychiatry, June 2009; 21(3): 207212

Portrayal of psychopathy in the movies


Centre for Alcohol and Drug Research, University of Aarhus, Copenhagen, Denmark

According to diagnostic criteria, psychopathy describes chronic immoral and anti-social behaviour, a lack of consciousness
and an ability to lie and deceive without feeling guilt or discomfort. It is one of the most studied conditions and its
relationship with criminal behaviour is well known. Using psychopathy as a model, the narrative of the human monster fits
well in the context of watching films. The most common portrayal of a psychopath in films is that of a callous, calculating and
aggressive individual, but such a character tends to only scratch the surface of the problems associated with psychopathy.
Using illustrations both old and new, this paper focuses on interpersonal relationships and placing films in the context of
further discussion.
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Introduction superficial charm, a grandiose sense of self-worth,

pathological lying, being cunning and manipulative,
This paper describes the portrayal of psychopathy in
lack of remorse, shallowness, callousness and lack of
the movies, and gives suggestions for selecting
empathy, and irresponsibility. The antisocial lifestyle
movies that can be useful in teaching students of
comprises promiscuous sexuality, need for stimula-
medicine, psychology, nursing and social work about
tion and proneness to boredom, a parasitic lifestyle,
psychopathy. What are the issues that can be taught,
poor behavioural control, lack of realistic long-term
and why?
goals, impulsivity, irresponsibility, a history of juve-
nile delinquency, early behaviour problems, many
short-term marital relationships, revocation of con-
What is psychopathy?
ditional release, and criminal versatility.
Psychopathy is a psychological construct that The PCL-R has been used in numerous scientific
describes chronic immoral and antisocial behaviour, studies, especially studies of criminal behaviour, but
a lack of consciousness, and the ability to lie and genetic, developmental, personality, experimental
deceive without feeling guilt or discomfort (Cleckley, and neurobiological research has also supported the
1982). The term is often used interchangeably with construct of psychopathy, and supported that the
sociopathy, dyssocial and antisocial personality dis- core feature of psychopathy is an emotional deficit
order, and shares many features with histrionic and related to empathy (Hare & Neumann, 2008).
narcissistic personality disorder (Blackburn, 2007). The main research in psychopathy has been in
While the different terms are defined and measured criminal behaviour, at times at the expense of the
in slightly different ways, the concepts are highly more interpersonal aspects of psychopathy
correlated, and what is said in this article about (Blackburn, 2007).
psychopathy can generally be said about DSM-IV There is now substantial evidence that psycho-
antisocial personality disorder and ICD-10 dyssocial pathic personality traits, regardless of whether they
personality disorder (Hare & Neumann, 2008). are assessed by the PCL-R or the DSM-IV criteria,
Psychopathy has been the most studied of any fall on a continuum from absent to severe (Hare &
personality disorder, and many biological and psy- Neumann, 2008). Therefore, not only people work-
chological correlates of psychopathic behaviour are ing in forensic and correctional settings, but anyone
known. Robert Hare has developed the most com- involved in social work, substance abuse treatment
monly used measure of psychopathic behaviour, the and psychiatric treatment is likely to encounter
Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) (Hare, clients and patient with varying degrees of psycho-
1991). The items of the PCL-R relate to two pathic traits.
dimensions, antisocial behaviour and affective dis- The assessment of dangerousness in a forensic
turbance. Affective disturbances include glibness and psychiatric evaluation frequently includes a focus on

Correspondence: Morten Hesse, Assistant Professor, University of Aarhus, Centre for Alcohol and Drug Research, Artillerivej 90, 2300 Copenhagen S,
Denmark. Tel: 0045-89429570. E-mail: mh@crf.au.dk
ISSN 09540261 print/ISSN 13691627 online 2009 Institute of Psychiatry
DOI: 10.1080/09540260902747441
208 M. Hesse
psychopathic traits. This makes good sense, since highly deceitful, manipulative, and seem to almost
psychopathy, and especially the antisocial lifestyle completely lack true empathy. It is not unreasonable
component, is clearly a risk factor for violent recid- to think that serial killers who show no sign of
ivism (Walters, 2003). remorse cannot live safely in society, and to conclude
that others have a right to protect themselves from
such persons.
Psychopathy and the narrative of the human
In the following, I shall argue that the human
monster narrative is characteristic of many movies
Tales of evil, aggressive, selfish humans give power- about psychopaths, but that these may not be very
ful structure to narratives of events. Telling the story informative to students of human behaviour.
of a crime, the emergence of a dictatorship, a failed
marriage, or a failed business in terms of a single evil
Psychopathy in the movies
individual gives the storytelling a great line. This is
regardless of whether the story is fictional or a story Perhaps no type is portrayed more frequently in the
of factual events. I shall call this the narrative of the movies than a callous, calculated and aggressive
human monster. person. Thrillers, detective movies, science fiction,
The narrative structure of the human monster historical drama, and even adventure films contain
contains a social order wherein people live safely. characters who can be said to possess psychopathic
However, a single individual with deviant beliefs and characteristics. Searching the Internet gives several
a deviant system of morality plots to change the social hit lists over the most fascinating psychopathic
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order either for some specific gain, or simply to characters in movies. The psychopathic character
upset the current order. This single individual may usually acts as the villain in the movie, introducing
gain followers, or be able to act alone. Recounting the conflict or disturbance in the story that drives the
World War II as the result of Adolf Hitlers evil is to action of the movie. Although no studies have been
most people a much more fascinating story than carried out on this issue, it is possible that a
recounting the war as the result of numerous proportion of the general population has an impres-
complex processes, including financial crises, the sion of how psychopathic persons are from the
emergence of communism, the ideology of the nation movies.
state, and a whole range of random and meaningless Portraying psychopaths in movies is not a new
events; recounting the drug problems in a city as the trend. To name a few films from the last 70 years that
result of a single, evil gangster, whose charisma can be said to portray psychopathy or antisocial
attracts a following of young rootless and confused behaviour, M by Fritz Lang (von Harbou & Lang,
people is more interesting than considering the many 1931), Charlie Chaplins Monsieur Verdoux (Chaplin,
factors that can be involved in a citys drug problems. 1947), Carol Reeds The Third Man (Greene, 1949),
The narrative of the human monster invariably Alfred Hitchcocks Psycho (Stefano, 1960), Stanley
does not end up with harmony between the mon- Kubricks A Clockwork Orange (Kubrick, 1971),
strous person and society. The human monster may Jonathan Demmes Silence of the Lambs (Tally,
be exiled or killed, but he is unable to change and live 1991) and David Fenchers Se7en (Walker, 1995).
within society. These and many other films portray murderers
The human monster narrative contributes to the without any empathy or remorse. Many of these
fascination of psychopathy. Some very disturbed movies also share an interest in the relationship
individuals commit spectacular crimes. They have between the psychopath and society and its rules and
the ability to appear completely normal, yet are conventions. In Fritz Langs M, the main character,
capable of the most shockingly deviant behaviours. Hans Beckert, kills young girls (von Harbou & Lang,
An example is Ted Bundy (Rule, 2000), a notorious 1931). But a central message of the film is that
serial killer, who killed and raped numerous young members of the criminal underworld are motivated
women between 1974 and 1978. Bundy was intelli- to hunt Beckert to stop the police interest that he has
gent and resourceful enough to attain a university stirred up. Thus, it is not just the sole killer that is a
degree in psychology, and managed the Seattle office menace to society, but even those who want to clean
of Nelson Rockefllers Presidential campaign. Bundy up society an analogy of the then dawning fascism.
was able to keep up a charming, well functioning This can be seen as a comment on the human
facade, while committing hideous crimes that fit the monster narrative: the monster is not one person, but
narrative of the human monster perfectly. Bundy dangerous ideas or politics. Similar points are made
became something of a celebrity in his day, and still in Monsieur Verdoux, A Clockwork Orange, and
attracts great interest. Many criminals of the Bundy numerous other films. These films all comment not
type are seen as psychopaths, and indeed they appear only on the psychopathic person, but also on the
to satisfy many criteria of psychopathy. They are human monster narrative.
Portrayal of psychopathy in the movies 209
However, the callous, manipulative characters movie villains makes them unsuitable to illustrate
portrayed in movies often lack some important real-life psychopathy.
characteristics in the psychopath that are important A third limitation is that it is common for movies
to teach to students and others. Rather than acting to show a complete absence of true change in villains
like patients with psychopathic traits, many of them with psychopathic traits. This may be seen as a
are highly deliberate characters who possess narcis- realistic reflection of the persistence of psychopathic
sistic and sadistic traits. And while narcissistic traits, especially emotional and interpersonal aspects
personality traits are indeed related to psychopathy, of psychopathy. However, in reality, many people
they are not the same thing (Blackburn, 2007). who have antisocial behaviours and psychopathic
The typical movie psychopath appears to behave traits are able to make changes in their behaviours, or
as if they are entitled to do what they do, to wish to struggle to do so.
control and dominate others, and to see themselves
as superior in intelligence to others. Like some very
seriously narcissistic people, the typical characters of Teaching psychopathy through movies
these movies appear to perform in front of an
What is the point?
audience, and have an exquisite sensitivity to the
impression they make on others. Like real-life If a teacher of psychiatry decides to use a movie to
narcissists, they are often vain and envious. Many illustrate psychopathy, he or she needs to have a clear
of these psychopathic characters also appear to be idea about the purpose of the teaching activity, and to
very intelligent, very calculated, and to have a very consider problematic issues.
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clear plan of what they are doing. In the following, First of all, the simple point that people with
I shall review the shortcomings of such characters as psychopathic personality traits feel entitled to behave
portrayers of psychopathy their limitations as in ways that violate the rights of others and societys
portrayers of narcissism go beyond the scope of this rule in general is not likely to be new to students. So
paper. simply showing a movie of an exploitative and
abusive person is not likely to be sufficient or even
very interesting to students.
Limitations in common portrayals of psychopathy The question is, what are the messages that you as
a teacher wish to convey to your students about
When using films to illustrate psychopathic person-
ality, one needs to consider how the character in the
In clinical practice, medical students, nurses,
film has relevance to the points of psychopathy that
psychologists and social workers are likely to meet
clinicians and social workers need to learn.
patients with any range of psychopathic traits.
There are at least three aspects of psychopaths that
In prison settings, a substantial number of antisocial
are not captured by these calculated villains.
inmates are found. Outside of prisons, substance
The first is that in psychopathy, as described by
abuse treatment settings are among the settings
both Cleckley (1982) and in later accounts of
where a very high degree of antisocial or psycho-
psychopathy (Hare & Neumann, 2008), there is a
pathic co-morbidity can be expected, as the
marked lack of purpose and a high degree of
co-occurrence of antisocial personality disorder and
impulsivity. Cleckley strongly emphasized the
substance use disorders is strongly elevated (Grant
absence of any clear motivation for psychopaths
et al., 2004). Even among patients with mood and
deviant and delinquent behaviours, their tendencies
anxiety disorders, rates of antisocial personality
to drift around in life, and even quite literally drift
disorder are elevated, with the highest co-occurrence
around from place to place without a plan. This
in mania and agoraphobia (Grant et al., 2005).
aspect of psychopathy is also reflected in Hares
Given that psychopathic traits are likely to lead to
model of psychopathy, in particular with regard to
homelessness and unemployment, those working
the lifestyle dimension of the PCL-R (e.g. parasitic
with labour market programmes and homeless
lifestyle, irresponsibility, lacking realistic goals). In
people are also likely to encounter a substantial
contrast, many movie villains clearly have deliberate
number of patients with psychopathic traits.
and very precise plans and motivations, although
Below are some examples of points that may carry
highly deviant ones.
importance for clinical practice in relation to learning
The second aspect that is usually missing in movie
about antisocial personality disorder:
villains is that, in spite of the fact that many of
Cleckleys cases were described as intelligent (1982), . Understanding the interpersonal dynamics that
later studies have failed to find a correlation between emerge around antisocial patients. How profes-
psychopathy and intelligence (Hare & Neumann, sional or private relationships with antisocial
2008). Therefore, the unusually high intelligence of patients tend to alternate between fascination and
210 M. Hesse
distance. Some antisocial patients can at times be Showing the process and difficulties
charming and be very successful at manipulating of change
professionals working with them. At other times
Antisocial patients sometimes struggle to change
the patients may act in ways that offend or
their behaviour, yet fail to do so. One movie that
intimidate those trying to help them.
illustrates an antisocial patient struggling to change,
. Understanding the inner complexity of antisocial
and all the challenges associated with helping a
patients. The contradictions between fearlessness
patient with strong antisocial traits, is Good Will
that is sometimes expressed as recklessness on the
Hunting (Sant, 1997). The movie portrays a young
one hand, and serious anxiety and insecurity on the
man, Hunting, from a working-class background. He
other, and the contradictions between perfection-
was abused as a child, and has a long track record
ism and over-controlled traits on the one hand,
of antisocial behaviours. He is a janitor at
and impulsivity and disinhibition on the other.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, but has an
. The vacillating goals and strategies of antisocial
unusual gift for mathematics. After a professor
and psychopathic patients. While some psycho-
discovers Huntings gifts, the professor attempts to
pathic patients may have a very consistent life of
teach him, but Huntings antisocial behaviours make
antisocial behaviour, many do struggle to change
him a very difficult student. The professor therefore
continuously or periodically. Such attempts to
refers Hunting to therapy with a colleague, a
change may for instance occur after a crisis or be
psychotherapist. The colleague establishes a good
triggered by a romantic relationship. However,
rapport with Hunting, but experiences several set-
often the antisocial strategies are not abandoned,
Downloaded By: [Hesse, Morten] At: 19:02 21 May 2009

backs. The film gives a very realistic portrayal of the

but put to new use, making the pro-social goals of
difficulties of maintaining a therapeutic relationship
antisocial patients difficult to pursue.
with an antisocial patient. Several scenes show both
. Learning about self-protection in dealing with
the ways in which Huntings fear of change and his
antisocial patients. This includes protection against
relationships with friends and family pose serious
assault and threats, but is not limited to physical
challenges for his change of behaviour, and how his
security. Equally important is dealing with being
antisocial behaviour is triggered by his anxieties.
manipulated in various ways, being lied to, and
Another film that portrays an unsuccessful struggle
experiencing over-involvement as well as distan-
to change, is the movie Monster by Patty Jenkins
cing oneself from patients.
(2003). The movie is based on the true story of
. Understanding how alcohol and drugs may exac-
Aileen Wuornos, a female serial killer. Wuornos had
erbate and trigger antisocial behaviour, but at the
a difficult childhood with abuse and substance abuse,
same time acknowledging that substance use is not
growing up with alcoholic grandparents. She became
a full explanation of antisocial behaviours. This is
a prostitute by the age of thirteen, and pregnant in
especially important in relation to patients who
the same year. The movie focuses on the nine-month
have ceased or reduced substance use, and who
period, during which Wuornos began robbing and
have a history of antisocial behaviours. Such
murdering her clientele. When we first encounter
patients are likely to continue antisocial behaviours
her, Wuornos is spending her time alternating
at a lower level, putting them at high risk of relapse
between drinking in bars and working as a street
to substance abuse.
prostitute. In a bar, she meets and falls in love with a
young woman, Tyria Moore. Wuornos is vulnerable,
but also aggressive and boasting.
Examples of movies
The movie also portrays how Wuornos has a desire
Space does not allow examples of all of these issues. to build up a normal relationship with her female
However, some examples will be given relating to spouse, Tyria Moore. In order to normalize her life,
two important issues: the difficulties of change, and Wuornos applies for jobs, but fails to get them
interpersonal relations with people with psychopathic because of her entirely unrealistic employment plans
traits. and tells several lies during the job interviews.
In the following I shall review three examples of Another factor that causes her to fail is her low
movies, and describe how some points may be taken tolerance for frustration. Also, while Wuornos
from these movies. The two movies are Good Will appears to have strong feelings for Moore,
Hunting by Gus Van Sant (1997), Monster by Patty Wuornos quickly becomes more and more exploit-
Jenkins (2003) and The Talented Mister Ripley by ative of Moore, and Wuornos appears more or less
Anthony Minghella (1999). All three films go beyond unaware of the ways in which she is putting pressure
the narrative of the human monster, and take a on her partner. Her murders appear to be at
genuine interest in persons with psychopathic per- least partly motivated by her desire to avoid having
sonality features. sex with men for money, in order to stay faithful
Portrayal of psychopathy in the movies 211
to her partner. Thus, even when trying to change out to be less interesting to those around him in the
her life around, Wuornos relies on antisocial long run.
strategies, ultimately causing her attempts at chan- In the movie Monster discussed above, we see how
ging to lead to a very serious escalation of antisocial Moore is fascinated by antisocial and not very
behaviours. attractive, Wuornos, because Wuornos fulfils needs
Thus, Monster portrays a woman who displays the that she has: she wants to explore her own homo-
full range of antisocial behaviours and empathy sexual desires, she wants to get away from her family,
deficits. While the Wuornos of the film may be and she needs someone to support her emotionally,
slightly less psychopathic than the real Wuornos as her living as a homosexual cuts her off from
(Myers, Gooch, & Meloy, 2005), it does illustrate her literally all of her sources of social support (Jenkins,
antisocial and borderline personality well (Hesse, 2003). But Moores expectations of reciprocity and
Schliewe, & Thomsen, 2005). mutual respect are not being satisfied. Wuornos falls
short of satisfying Moores needs, because her
antisocial strategies are incompatible with a fully
Showing the interpersonal relationships with satisfying relationship.
a psychopathic person
People with psychopathic and similar traits tend to Putting movies about antisocial personality
produce adverse emotional reactions in people deal- disorder into context
ing with them (Thylstrup & Hesse, 2008). They do
The follow-up of such movies is crucial to the
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so because they display aggression, but also because

they violate norms surrounding normal interaction. learning process. Discussion points must relate to the
But they are also at times able to form relationships type of learning points that are the intended curric-
with people. ulum for the teaching activity.
The Talented Mister Ripley brilliantly illustrates the Discussion points could be:
use of charm and deceit to form relationships, and . How does the behaviour of the psychopathic
the range of reactions to the psychopathic person character in the film influence the others in the
(Minghella, 1999). In the movie, a young New York film? And what motivations, character traits, and
lavatory attendant, Tom Ripley, borrows a Princeton situations leave the others vulnerable to the influ-
jacket to play the piano at a garden party in a wealthy ence of the person?
estate. When the father of a recent Princeton grad . What motivates the psychopathic character to try
chats Tom up, Tom pretends to know the son. The to change? And what impedes the change?
father offers $1,000 to go to Italy to convince the son, . What does substance use do in the film? How does
Dickie, to return home. In Italy, Tom makes contact change in substance use change the behaviour of
with the son, Dickie, and Marge, Dickies fiancee. the psychopathic character? And how does it not?
He pretends to share their interests and soon finds . What is consistent and what is inconsistent about
himself soaked in luxury. Toms talents include the motivations and goals of the psychopathic
lying, impressions and forgery, so when the hand- character?
some and confident Dickie tires of Tom, Tom . How is this character similar and different
goes to extreme lengths to make Dickies privileges to patients or clients that you meet in actual
his own. practice?
He is not only extremely charming, but he is able
to connect with Dickies father, because he meets
him at a vulnerable point: the father is worried about Conclusion
his son, and misses him, and as Tom is there at the Psychopaths in the movies are often portrayed as
right time, the father, who is usually not a naive man, predatory monsters. If movies are to be used to teach
allows himself to be betrayed. Tom shows himself students about psychopathy, the movie should go
able to seize the moment again and again, but does beyond the monster, and portray issues relating to
not have clear long-term plans or ambitions, beyond psychopathy such as relationship issues and the
getting comfort and recognition. And at the same factors that hinder change of antisocial behaviours
time his lack of empathy stands between him and and the emotional and relationship problems that are
actually forming relationships with the others, and related to psychopathy.
Marge clearly senses that something is not right
about Tom. Marge, who is not vulnerable, is not
fooled by Toms stories and limited charm. And, like Declaration of interest: The authors report no
many real-world people with psychopathic traits, conflicts of interest. The authors alone are respon-
Tom may make a good first impression, but turns sible for the content and writing of the paper.
212 M. Hesse
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