38f-Ply Web Box Beam Type 03.Png

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g Proj: Admin
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Tel:d Date: 24/08/17
Plyweb box beam

Calculations for timber plyweb box beam in accordance with BS5268:Pt 2:2002

Beam general details

Beam type = Plyweb box

Length of beam L = 2m
Length of bearing l = 150 mm
Beam location b = load sharing
Load duration l = Short

Timber flange details

Depth of timber section d = 75 mm

Width of timber section b = 200 mm
No. timber laminations per chord l = Solid timber
Strength class S = C14
Service class s = Internal

Plywood web details

Depth of the plywood web d = 300 mm

Nominal width of plywood web bp' = 9.0 mm
Plywood type = Finnish birch
Face grain orientation = perpendicular to span

Loading & Analysis

Load Description Type A B C Gk Qk

2 Poin 1.0 0.5 10.0 10.0

Maximum span bending moment M = 15 kNm

Maximum design shear force F = 25 kN

Timber stresses from BS 5268-2:2002 table 8 to 15

Bending parallel to grain b = 4.1 N/mm2

Tension parallel to grain t = 2.5 N/mm2
Compression parallel to grain c = 5.2 N/mm2
Shear parallel to grain s = 0.6 N/mm2
Compression perpendicular to grain c = 2.1 N/mm2
Mean modulus of elasticity E = 6800 N/mm2
Minimum modulus of elasticity E = 4600 N/mm2

Grade stresses & moduli for Finnish birch plywood 1.44mm vaneer:sanded

Extreme fibre in bending pbperd = 12.46 N/mm2

Tension perpendicular to face grain
p = 15.86 N/mm2
Compressive stress:
Parallel to face grain p = 10 N/mm2
Perpendicular to face grain p = 8.42 N/mm2
Rolling shear p = 1.23 N/mm2
Panel shear p = 4.83 N/mm2
Modulus of elasticity in bending E = 3 650 N/mm2
Shear modulus (for panel shear) G = 320 N/mm2

Modification factor K2 for timber

Bending parallel to grain K2 = 1

Tension parallel to grain K2 = 1
Compression parallel to grain K2 = 1
compression perpendicular to grain K2 = 1
Shear parallel to grain K2 = 1
Mean & min modulus of elasticity & shear modulus
K2 = 1

Modification factor K for plywood


Bending parallel to grain K36 = 1

Tension parallel to grain K36 = 1
Compression parallel to grain K36 = 1
compression perpendicular to grain K36 = 1
Shear parallel to grain K36 = 1
Mean & min modulus of elasticity & shear modulus
K36 = 1

Section properties

Modulus of elasticity of timber (modified)

E = E *K2 *K28
min mod E
= 4600*1*1.14
= 5244 N/mm2
Modulus of elasticity of plywood E = E *K36
p per mod
= 3650*1
= 3650 N/mm2
Area of timber flanges A = b*d
f c
= 200*75
= 15000 mm2
a1 = (2*b*d 3/12)
= (2*200*(75)3/12)
= 14062500
a2 = (2*A *((d-d )/2)2)
f c
= (2*15000*((300-75)/2)2)
= 379687500
Timber flange inertia about x-axis I = (a1+a2)
= ((1.406*107)+(3.797*108))
= 393750000 mm4
Plyweb inertia about x-axis I = 2*BP*d3/12
= 2*8.8*(300)3/12
= 39600000 mm4
Combined inertia about x-axis I = I +I
x xf xw
= (3.938*108)+(3.96*107)
= 433350000 mm4
Average modulus of flange & web E = (E+E )/2
ave p
= (5244+3650)/2
= 4447 N/mm2
Lateral restraint requirements

Timber chord inertia about Y-axis I = 2*d *b3/12

yf c
= 2*75*(200)3/12
= 100000000 mm4
c1 = (2*d*BP3/12)
= (2*300*(8.8)3/12)
= 34073.6
c2 = (2*BP*d*((b+BP)/2)2)
= (2*8.8*300*((200+8.8)/2)2)
= 57548620.8
Ply Web inertia about Y-axis I = (c1+c2)
= (34073.6+(5.755*107))
= 57582693.6 mm4
Combined inertia about Y-axis I = I +I
y yf yw
= (1*108)+(5.758*107)
= 157582690 mm4
Ratio of I to I I = I /I
x y r x y
= (4.334*108)/(1.576*108)
= 2.75
No lateral support is required providing that web stiffeners are used.

Permissible timber stresses

Bending stress = K2 *K *K7*K8*K27*b

d ben 3 parg
= 1*1.5*1*1.1*1*4.1
= 6.765 N/mm2
Tensile stress = K2 *K *K8*K14*K27*t
t ten 3 parg
= 1*1.5*1.1*1*1*2.5
= 4.125 N/mm2
Compression parallel to grain = K2 *K *K8*K28 *c
c com 3 C parg
= 1*1.5*1.1*1*5.2
= 8.58 N/mm2
Compression perpendicular to grain = K2 *K *K8*K29*c
ad per 3 perg
= 1*1.5*1.1*1.33*2.1
= 4.608 N/mm2

Permissible plywood stresses

Tension stress = p *K36 *K

pts tperd ten 3
= 15.86*1*1.5
= 23.79 N/mm2
Compressive stress = p *K36 *K
pcs cperd per 3
= 8.42*1*1.5
= 12.63 N/mm2
Compression controls the design
Check for bending stresses

Bending stresses are calculated based on flange modulus method (not allowing moments on web)
So bending design of the beam is based on the modulus of the flanges and ignores the
contribution of web plate(s)
Flange modulus Z = 2*I /d
f xf
= 2*(3.938*108)/300
= 2625000 mm3
Momemt capacity of flanges are calculated by tensile stresses.
M = *Z /106
c t f
= 4.125*2625000/106
= 10.828 kNm
Bending moment capacity less than applied moment and section is unsatisfactory.

Check for deflection(including shear deflection as required by clause 2.10.7)

Dead load deflection without shear dld = Dmaxgk

= 1.456 mm
Imposed load deflection without shear
ild = Dmaxqk
= 1.456 mm
Total DL & imposed load deflection tdf = dld+ild
= 1.456+1.456
= 2.912 mm
Ratio of flange to overall depth alp = d /d
= 75/300
= 0.25
Kform factor k = 7.392
e1 = (d2*k *M*106)
= ((300)2*7.392*15*106)
= 9979260750000
e2 = (10*G *K36 *I )
w mod x
= (10*320*1*(4.334*108))
= 1386720000000
shear deflection dels = e1/e2
= (9.979*1012)/(1.387*1012)
= 7.196 mm
Deflection inclusive of shear DEL = tdf+dels
= 2.912+7.196
= 10.109 mm
Limiting deflection DEL = 0.003*SPAN*103
= 0.003*2*103
= 6 mm
Deflection exceeds limiting value.Section is unsafe.

Check for panel shear stress (No notches permitted) (Horizantal shear stress)

1st moment of area of webs f = (2*BP*d2)/8

= (2*8.8*(300)2)/8
= 198000 mm3
1st moment of area of flanges f = (b*d *((d/2)-(d /2)))
marea c c
= (200*75*((300/2)-(75/2)))
= 1687500 mm3
1st moment of area of web+flange f = f +f
mcomb marea mweb
= 1687500+198000
= 1885500 mm3
Panel shear stress = (F *103*f )/(I *2*BP)
ps ve mcomb x
= (25*103*1885500)/((4.334*108)*2*8.8)
= 6.18 N/mm2
Permissible panel shear = (p *K *K36 )
pps panel 3 shr
= (4.83*1.5*1)
= 7.245 N/mm2
Applied panel shear is less than the permissible shear and the section is safe.

Check for bearing force

Bearing capacity of timber flange b = ( *K4*b*l )/1000

earf ad b
= (4.608*1*200*150)/1000
= 138.254 kN
Bearing capacity of ply webs b = (p *K36 *2*BP*l )/1000
earw cparg per b
= (10*1*2*8.8*150)/1000
= 26.4 kN
Combined bearing capacity b = b +b
earc earf earw
= 138.254+26.4
= 164.654 kN
Applied reaction is less than or equal to bearing capacity. Section safe.

Section is inadequate - fails in following checks

Bending moment capacity less than applied moment.

Deflection exceeds limiting value.

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