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D E C L A R E H I S G L O RY A M O N G T H E N AT I O N S. . .
1 C H RO N. 1 6 : 2 4

Answers when I had to leave for an appointment, we

could have still said more.

Thank you for praying! Remember A. and J. at

the Humboldt Universitt, who felt alone on their Once we started on the topic of faith, there was
campus as believers who want to reach out? A. so much to say. Her genuine curiosity, patient
started a prayer group last year, faithfully trusting listening (even to our not-great-German), and
God to work even though she was often the only exchange of experiences made for a really
student who came. At the start of this semester, enjoyable talk, but also one that I felt God was
A. and J. were still alone But, by the time of really working in. And I love the fact that He
our annual fall retreat (where students have the totally arranged the meeting and changed our
chance to get away and connect with God and plans to make it happen.

with each other), things had changed.

Would you pray for her, that shell understand

At the end of the retreat, we stood in a circle and who God really is, and that shell recognize the
prayed for everyone. We started with the truth of the gospel?

Humboldt Universitt, and 4 students from the

HU stood in the middle of the circle. Maybe that Kayla and I were also together for the other
still seems small, but each one of these are conversation, which was also at Humboldt.
students who are actively growing in their Though the student we were talking with had
relationship with God and reaching out to their seemed amiable, through the course of our
classmates to share their faith. And there are conversation he told us his belief that religion is
even a couple other believers from the HU that irrational and dangerous, and concluded by
weve met this semester, who may also get more hoping that we would stop believing in God.

involved. Its definitely an answer to prayer.

What made me the most sad about all of that, is
that he claimed to have talked with many people
about these things and seemed to feel that he
At a student Bible study this week, as we were knew all there is to know And yet when he
asked to share our experiences from the week, explained the Christian faith in his own words, it
two dierent conversations came to my mind. was a false gospel. The things he was angry
Last week at the HU, my teammate Kayla and I about, were actually things that I would find error
couldnt find any free tables to sit and talk in, too They were not things that the Bible
through her training. (One of the roles Im really teaches. Though we tried to explain that (and
glad to have this year is to coach and train three tried to do it graciously!), we didnt have much of
of the women on our team I hope to share a chance before he left.

more about that later!) Its not weird to share

tables with strangers here, so we asked a girl In the end, as Kayla and I started to discuss
sitting alone if we could use the two other seats together what had happened, she broke in with,
at her table.
I think we should pray. And really, now thats
all and everything that we can do for him.
Our plan was that we could do our thing, and So, maybe you can pray for him, too that God
not disturb her But somehow in the end, we will show him what it truly means to follow
began a conversation. That conversation lasted Jesus, and how good that is!

through our entire designated training time, and

E-mail: laura.maddock@cru.org | Mail: Rheinstr. 49, 12161 Berlin, Germany

D E C L A R E H I S G L O RY A M O N G T H E N AT I O N S. . .
1 C H RO N. 1 6 : 2 4

Celebration would stand firm in their faith. Join me in

praying this for them:

An unexpected message I got recently gives me

encouragement for both of those converstaions, I pray that out of his glorious riches he may
and all the others that weve had with students strengthen you with power through his Spirit in
over the course of this semester.
your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your
hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being
Brittany* was an international student in New rooted and established in love, may have power,
York City while I served there. I cant remember together with all the Lords holy people, to grasp
how we first met one another, but we would get how wide and long and high and deep is the
together from time to time for lunch, etc. We love of Christ, and to know this love that
talked often about God, but when it was time for surpasses knowledgethat you may be filled to
me to leave the city, she was not yet a believer.
the measure of all the fullness of God.
Ive continued to pray for her, having no idea Ephesians 3:16-19

what God would do. And just recently, after at Pray for our team. In addition to a much
least a year, she wrote to tell me that she had smaller team as we started the year, weve also
been baptized, has found a great church, and had a few more transitions as new sta arrived
has begun to serve in the church too!
during the semester and a short-term intern left
At the end of her message, she thanked me for after finishing her 3 months. Additionally, our
introducing God to her. And I want to share that team leaders had a baby two weeks into the
with you, because God used you to support my semester, creating more transition as leadership
ministry in NYC so that she and I could meet responsibilities changed for a time to
each other and talk about Him! And more than accomodate their needs. These are all good
that, thanks to God, for doing such an awesome things and also things that make us realize
work in her life!!
how much we need the solid rock that the Lord
is! Please pray for unity in the Spirit and
Im always grateful for the fact that God was at dependence on Him in the midst of all these
work in each of these students lives long before changes!

I meet them, and Hes able to pursue them long

after Im gone. He can keep working in the
hearts of students here in Germany just like he
did in Brittanys heart.

Prayer Requests

A few more things!

Pray for believing students. As they plan

outreaches, meet to pray together, learn more
about how to share Jesus with their friends, and
study the Word together, please pray that they

*Not her real name

E-mail: laura.maddock@cru.org | Mail: Rheinstr. 49, 12161 Berlin, Germany

D E C L A R E H I S G L O RY A M O N G T H E N AT I O N S. . .
1 C H RO N. 1 6 : 2 4

Left: The group at the fall retreat! Over

the course of the weekend, one of our
national campus directors led students in
focusing on Mark 1, both in personal
reflection and as a group.

Below: One of our students speaking at

our Thanksgiving party about why shes
thankful to God. Two other people shared,
too, talking about Gods character, and also
how we can be thankful in hard times.
Both students who are very involved in the
movement, as well as students whod just
received a flyer on campus for the event,
ate all the traditional Thanksgiving foods
and had a chance to hear truth about God!

Above: Our kickoff ice cream party. God used

it to connect many Christian students who
were new to our group. And even though it
was just a party, with food and foosball and
chatting, I also looked around at different times
that night to see students praying in groups
together and even studying the Bible together.

Thank you for your important role in what God is doing here!!
In Him,

E-mail: laura.maddock@cru.org | Mail: Rheinstr. 49, 12161 Berlin, Germany

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