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The Illustrated History of Projection Mapping 18/06/13 23:44

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The Illustrated History of Projection Mapping ... Go

While projection mapping has recently exploded into the conciousness of artists and advertisers everywhere,
the history of projection mapping dates back longer than you may imagine.

If you try Googling for "Projection Mapping" you won't find anything older than 3 years. That is because Projection Mapping
projection mapping's older, academic name is "Spatial Augmented Reality" [1]. The field is also known as
"Video Mapping"...

Projection Mapping Central is your one-stop shop

for all things related to projection mapping. If you
are an artist, programmer, advertiser or event
organizer, welcome.

This site is curated by Brett Jones and Rajinder

Sodhi, two PhD students researching projection
mapping. This site is intended to be a free,
community resource to learn more, connect and
The first known instance of projection onto a non-flat surface dates back to the 1969 opening of the Haunted share.
Mansion ride in Disneyland. The dark ride featured a number of interesting optical illusions, including a
Think your software, art installation, building
disembodied head, Madame Leota, and 5 singing busts, the 'Grim Grinning Ghosts', singing the theme song of
projection, advertising piece, projection company,
the ride. These were accomplished by filming head-shots of the singers (with 16 mm film) and then projecting
new projector, or research project should be here?
this film onto busts of their faces.
Email us: .


The next projection mapping instance comes in 1980, with the immersive film installation Displacements. In this
art installation a living room with two performers were filmed with a rotating camera, then the camera was Contribute
replaced with a projector. The result is rotating projection mapping.

Like what you see? Webhosting isn't free.

Projection Mapping Central is not a "for profit
company", just a couple of people interested in
creating projection mapping as a new medium.
Help make Projection Mapping Central cooler.
(Note: contributions are not tax deductable).

Australia (Region) India (Region) White Kanga

V Squared Labs USA (Region) Europe
(Region) South America (Region) calibration Page 1 of 6
The Illustrated History of Projection Mapping 18/06/13 23:44

Projection mapping really started to get traction when it was pursued in academia. "Spatial Augmented Reality" North America (Region)USA (Region) Russia
was born out of the work by at UNC Chapel Hill by Ramesh Raskar, Greg Welch, Henry Fuchs and Deepak (Region) Europe (Region)Middle East (Region)
Bandyopadhyay et al. It all got started with a paperThe Office of the Future [2]. Africa (Region) Asia (Region) Middle East
(Region) projection mapping software
commercial software tutorial Millumin
Modul8 MXWendler vvvv Dataton Watchout
MadMapper commcercial software OSX
media server coolux Pandor's Box Vista
Spyder Green Hippo visual programming
freewarePC TouchDesigner video mixing
software VPT toolkit Max GrandVJ open-
source Linux

The Office of the Future envisioned a world where projectors could cover any surface. Instead of staring at a
small computer monitor, we would be able to experience augmented reality right from our desk. This means we
could Skype with life-size versions of our office mates, view life-size virtual 3D models. This work even featured
an early real-time, imperceptible 3D scanner (like the Kinect).

A year later, UNC defined spatial augmented reality, demonstrating the basics of projecting textures onto 3D
objects [3]. Then in 2001 the first projects with videos [4,5]. Page 2 of 6
The Illustrated History of Projection Mapping 18/06/13 23:44

ShaderLamps: Original Movie 1998

Dynamic Shader Lamps: Painting on Movable Objec...

From there Raskar et al. went on to explore moveable projectors (predicting the pico projectors of the future)
[6]. These hand-held smart-projectors are aware of their position and orientation through a variety of sensors.
They demonstrated using smart projectors to aid in warehouse inventory and maintenance.

RFIG: High-precision RFID Location Sensing usin...

[7] [8] Page 3 of 6
The Illustrated History of Projection Mapping 18/06/13 23:44

Oliver Bimber then explored projecting onto paintings [7] and converting drapes into projection screens [8].

Superimposing Pictorial Artwork with Projected ...

Embedded Entertainment with Smart Projectors

From there Microsoft Research picked up the thread, with Andy Wilson, Hrvoje Benko et al. exploring
interaction with projection mapping. Page 4 of 6
The Illustrated History of Projection Mapping 18/06/13 23:44

... more to come

Note: This history is brief and abbreviated, so many important names and works may be omitted. Contact us if
something is missing.

[1] Bimber, Oliver, Ramesh Raskar, and Masahiko Inami. Spatial augmented reality. AK Peters, 2005.

[2] Raskar, Ramesh, et al. "The office of the future: A unified approach to image-based modeling and spatially
immersive displays." Proceedings of the 25th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive
techniques. ACM, 1998.

[3] Raskar, Ramesh, Greg Welch, and Wei-Chao Chen. "Table-top spatially-augmented realty: bringing
physical models to life with projected imagery."Augmented Reality, 1999. (IWAR'99)

[4] Raskar, Ramesh, et al. "Shader lamps: Animating real objects with image-based illumination." Proceedings
of the 12th Eurographics Workshop on Rendering Techniques. 2001.

[5] Bandyopadhyay, Deepak, Ramesh Raskar, and Henry Fuchs. "Dynamic shader lamps: Painting on movable
objects." Augmented Reality, 2001. Proceedings. IEEE and ACM International Symposium on. IEEE, 2001.

[6] Raskar, Ramesh, et al. "RFIG: interacting with a self-describing world via photosensing wireless tags and
projectors." ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG). Vol. 23. No. 3. ACM, 2004.

[7] Bimber, Oliver, et al. "Superimposing pictorial artwork with projected imagery."ACM SIGGRAPH 2006
Courses. ACM, 2006.

[8] Bimber, Oliver, Andreas Emmerling, and Thomas Klemmer. "Embedded entertainment with smart
projectors." Computer 38.1 (2005): 48-55.

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