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Dear Parents,

Please pay attention to the following points :-

1. Please check your ward's note books everyday. 2017-18
2. Check the Almanac daily.
3. Please send a water bottle and nutritious food in
the tiffin.
4. Please send your child in proper uniform.
5. Please see to it that your child is punctual and
regular to school.
6. Please clear your dues on time.
7. Encourage your child to take part in the co-
curricular activities.
8. Encourage your child to speak in English at home
and check her/him from using bad language.
9. Maintain a good rapport with all the subject
10. Co-operate with teachers for the overall
development of your child
Thanks !

Name ........................................................
Class Teacher
Class .........................................................
Subject - Hindi-I
Syllabus for Half Yearly Exam
Lit. ikB & 1 ge (dfork) ] ikB&2 tc eSa i<+rk Fkk] ikB&3 pknuh thrh] ikB&4
ukd dh efgek] ikB&5 mBks ikFkZ] xkaMho lHkkyks] ikB&6 nksgk&iapd]
ikB&7 vtark dh xqQk,] ikB&8 gekjs 'kjhj esa jDr] ikB&10 ikS/kk vkSj isM+]
ikB&11 dnac dk isM+] ikB&12 pO;wg
Lang. ikB&1 Hkk"kk vkSj O;kdj.k] ikB&2 o.kZ&foU;kl] ikB&3 'kCn] ikB&5 laKk]
ikB&6 fyax] ikB&12 fojke fpg~u
i;kZ;okph 'kCn] foykse 'kCn] vusdkFkhZ 'kCn] eqgkojs] vusd 'kCnksa ds fy,
,d 'kCn] i=] fuca/k] vifBr xn~;ka'k
Syllabus for Final Exam
Lit. ikB&13 fpfM+;k ?kj dh lSj] ikB & 14 lar uke nso&lekt lq/kkjd] ikB&15 xq.koarh]
ikB&17 eqfDr dh vkdka{kk] ikB&18 Hkze dk Hkwr] ikB&19 jksaxku] ikB&20 fxfj/kj dh
dqaMfy;k] ikB&21 egku oSKkfud pU'ks[kj osadV jkeu] ikB&2 tc eSa i<+rk FkkA

Lang. ikB& 7 opu] ikB&8 loZuke] ikB&9 fo'ks"k.k] ikB&10 f;k] ikB&11 okD;] ikB&1
Hkk"kk vkSj O;kdj.k
i;kZ;okph 'kCn] foykse 'kCn] vusdkFkhZ 'kCn] eqgkojs] vusd 'kCnksa ds fy, ,d 'kCn] i=
ys[ku] fuca/k ys[ku] vifBr xn~;ka'k

f;k dyki (Activity)

Jqrys[k] lqys[k] dfork&ikB] iBu&ikBu

Subject - Computer
Half Yearly Examination
Ch-1 Characteristics of a computer
Ch-2 Input and output Devices
(1) (10)
Subject : E.V.E Ch-3 Memory
Syllabus for Half Yearly Exam Ch-4 More about windows
L-1 Things around us Ch-5 More about point
L-2 Our Body Ch-6 More about Logo
L-4 Plant Life Lab Activities 1 & 2
L-5 Food Final
L-6 Shelter Ch-7 The Turtle Repeats
L-7 Clothing Ch-8 Formatting in MS Word 2010
L-8 Celebration and Festivals Ch-9 Introduction to MS Power Point 2010
L-9 Fun and Recreation Ch-10 Multimedia +
L-10 Wastes : Effect and Disposal Ch-2 Input and output Devices (Half Yearly)
L-11 Means of Communication Lab Activities 1 & 2
Syllabus for Annual Exam Subject - English
L-12 Means of Transport Syllabus for Half Yearly Examination
L-13 Safety Rules Literature - Fiction
L-15 Prevention of Pollution L-1 Visitors at duliatal
L-16 Care of people in Need L-2 Vesuvius comes alive
L-17 Care of Public Property L-3 I am born
L-18 Agencies Involves in Community services + L-4 Jeanie's Amber Beads
L-9 Fun and Recreation (Half Yearly) L-5 Before the Match
L-6 Saving the sparrow
L-7 A story Day
On the Bridge
(9) (2)
The Wind Annual
The Snake
L- The sentence
L-2 Subject & Predicate Capacity

L-3 The Noun - Kinds of Nouns Time

L-4 The verb - Kinds of verbs Data Handling

L-5 The Adjective - kinds of Adjectives Geometry (Half Yearly)
L-6 The Adverb - Kinds of Adverbs
Lab Activities
L-7 Kinds of Pronouns
Subject G.K.
L-8 The Relative Pronouns
Half Yearly Syllabus
L-9 The Preposition
Unit-1 Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
L-10 The conjunction
Unit-2 Chapters 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, + Chain of pacts
L-11 Number
Unit-3 Chapters 14 + Chain of facts
L-12 Gender
Writing Part Unit-4 Chapters 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23

1. Story writing (with Hints) Unit-5 Chapters 25, 26, 27, 28

2. Letter writing (Information) Final Syllabus

3. Notice writing (Fill up form) Unit-6 Chapters 30, 31, 32, 33

Activity 1 & 2 Unit-7 Chapters 34, 36, 37

Syllabus for Final Examination Unit-8 Chapters 38, 39, 40, 41 + Rapid fire Quiz -2

Literature - Fiction Unit-9 Chapters 42, 43

L-8 Anna Paulove Unit-10 Chapters 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51

(3) (8)
Ch-10 Agriculture and Industries in India L-9 Waiting for the Rain

Ch-13 Rights and Duties L-10 The unsinkable ship

L-11 The Pied Piper
Ch-14 Government services +
L-5 Before The Match (Half Yearly)
Ch-15 Producing and + consuming goods Poetry
Ch-11 India and (Half Yearly) L-1 The Land of Nod
L-2 How the little kite learn to fly
Activity 1 and Activity 2
L-3 Great, wide, Beautiful wonderful world The winds (Half
Subject - Mathematics Yearly)
Half Yearly Examination
L-13 Nouns - Possessive case
L-14 Adjectives - Degrees of Comparison
Roman Numerals L-15 The Articles

Addition + Subtraction L-16 Tenses

L-17 Forms of Verbs
L-18 Agreement of verb with subject
Division L-19 Comparison of Adverbs

Geometry L-20 Punctuation Marks and the use of capital Letters

L-4 The verb - Kinds of verbs (Half Yearly)
Factors and Multiples
Writing Part
1. Paragraph writing (with hints)
Decimals 2. Describing an object (thing)

Patterns 3. Formal letter writing

4. Composition
Lab Activities
Activity 1 & 2
(7) (4)
Subject - Science 4. Experiment to show that leaves of the croton plants have
Half Yearly Syllabus
Activities for Final Exams
Ch- 1 to 7
1. Label the diagram (Digestive system)
Ch-1 Plant - The Proceeders
2. Chart of water cycle
Ch-2 Eating for the life- Food
3. Chart of food pyramid
Ch-3 Safety First
4. Experiment to show the process of evaporation
Ch-4 Clothes
Ch-5 Matter solid, liquid and gas
Subject- Social Science
Ch-6 Plants living and surviving
Half Yearly Syllabus
Ch-7 Animals - Living and Surviving
Ch.-1 Civilisations to kingdoms and empires
Final Syllabus
Ch-2 Empires in India
Ch- 8 to 13
Ch-3 Learning about Maps
Ch-8 Animals Reproduction
Ch-4 Mountains and Plateaus in India
Ch-9 Teeth and the Digestive system
Ch-5 Plains Desert and Islands in India
Ch-10 Force, Energy and Machines
Ch-6 Climate in India
Ch-11 Air, water and weather
Ch-7 Natural Resources
Ch-12 The universe
Ch-11 India
Ch-13 The Environment
Ch-12 Our Government
Ch-6 Plants - Living and surviving
Activity 1 and Activity 2
Activities For Half Yearly Exams
Final Examination
1. Preparation of first aid box
Ch-2, Empires in India (From half Yearly)
2. Different types of clothes samples
Ch-8 Soil and Mineral Resources of India
3. Experiment to show that liquid take the shape of different
container Ch-9 Forests and Wildlife in India
(5) (6)

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