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Case 9.

Case # 9.2


No. 88-P-996

Appeals Court of Massachusetts, Worcester

28 Mass. App. Ct. 195; 548 N.E.2d 1268; 1990 Mass. App.

January 11, 1990

PRIOR HISTORY: [***1] OPINION: [*195] [**1269] The plaintiff is engaged

in the business of towing and storing vehicles. [***2]
CIVIL ACTION commenced in the Gardner Division of Hebrought an action in District Court seeking to recover
the District Court Department on April 1, 1987. for storage of a vehicle owned by the defendant, Liberty
Mutual Insurance Company. The case was tried on a
The case was heard by Austin T. Philbin, J., on a statement of agreed facts, which we summarize as
statement of agreed facts. follows.

DISPOSITION: Judgment affirmed. On October 15, 1985, the State police recovered a stolen
trailer. Its owner was unknown. The police ordered it
CORE TERMS: storage, trailer, storage facility, stored, towed to the plaintiff's storage facility. On January 7,
quasi-contract, notice, implied in law, motor vehicle, 1986, the defendant, [*196] owner of the trailer,
recovered, towing, dollars, notify, preserving, incur, learned that it was in the plaintiff's possession but did
unjust enrichment, motor vehicles, replevin, stolen nothing to regain it.

HEADNOTES: Lien. Contract, Storage of vehicle, On March 11, 1986, the plaintiff discovered that the
Implied, What constitutes. Unjust Enrichment. defendant was the owner of the property. On March 14,
1986, the plaintiff gave written notice to the defendant
SYLLABUS: In an action by the owner of a towing and that its trailer was at his storage facility. He enclosed an
storage business to recover for storage of a trailer owned itemized invoice for $2,980 in storage charges, based on
by the defendant that had been stolen, recovered by the twenty dollars a day from October 15, 1985, the date that
State police, and towed to the plaintiff's storage facility he received the trailer from the police. The defendant
without the defendant's knowledge, the judge did not err refused to pay the charges, claiming that it owed only
in finding an implied contract existed between the parties from January 7, 1986, the date that it learned the location
requiring the defendant to pay the plaintiff a sum of the trailer. The defendant retained possession of the
representing the storage charges incurred from the date trailer.
the plaintiff received the trailer from the State police
(rather than from the date the defendant was notified of On March 11, 1987, the defendant brought an action in
the trailer's location) to the date that the trailer was the nature of replevin against the [***3] plaintiff,
returned to the defendant, but not exceeding the fair seeking recovery of the trailer. On March 18, 1987, the
market value of the trailer. [198-199] parties entered into an agreement. The plaintiff released
the trailer to the defendant, and the defendant agreed to
COUNSEL: Edward R. Lembo for the plaintiff. drop its replevin action. The defendant also agreed that
the plaintiff could bring an action in an attempt to recover
Thomas E. Fleischer for the defendant. storage charges. The defendant later sent the plaintiff a
check for $1,260 as payment of storage charges from
JUDGES: Warner, C.J., Kass, & Smith, JJ. January 7, 1986, to March 10, 1986, at the rate of twenty
dollars per day. The plaintiff accepted the check as partial
OPINIONBY: SMITH payment and without prejudice to an action against the
defendant for the balance of the storage charges. The other things, bestow upon a storage facility the right to
plaintiff then brought the present action in which he asked have a lien on the stored property, as security for the
for $10,400. That sum represented storage charges from storage charges. n2 Their enactment was necessary
the date he received the trailer from the State police to the because there is no common law right to a lien for storage
date that he returned it to the defendant. charges in this area. North End Auto Park, Inc. v.
Petringa Trucking Co., 337 Mass. 618, 620 (1958). Here,
The trial judge found that the plaintiff's storage rates the statutes are not relevant because [*198] they do not
were reasonable and that he had complied in all respects purport todeal with the question when the charges begin
with the notice requirements of G. L. c. 266, § 29. n1 The and when they end. n3
judge ruled [*197] that the plaintiff was entitled to
twenty dollars per day for the period which he claimed, n2 General Laws c. 159B, § 6C, as amended by St.
October 15, 1985, the date that the plaintiff [***4] 1985, c. 452, states, in pertinent part:
received the trailer until March 18, 1987. He held that a
"quasi-contract or a contract implied in fact" existed "The motor vehicle storage facility shall have a lien
between the parties. The judge then limited the plaintiff's for its proper transportation and storage charges due
recovery to the fair and reasonable value of the trailer, them for the towing and storage of motor vehicles,
which he set at $5,000. Judgment was issued in favor of pursuant to this section . . . ."
the plaintiff for $3,740 [**1270] ($5,000 minus $1,260
already paid to the plaintiff). [***6]

n1 General Laws c. 266, § 29, as amended through n3 The statutes refer to a "motor vehicle." The
St. 1980, c. 463, § 4, states, in pertinent part: question whether the recovered trailer is a "motor
vehicle" for the purposes of the statutes has not been
"Whenever a stolen or misappropriated motor argued. In any event, we need not reach the question.
vehicle is recovered by a police officer or other law
enforcement officer, the police department shall notify The judge's finding that a contract implied in law or a
the registry of motor vehicles, the owner of record and quasi-contract existed between the parties was not
the storage facility if any, as soon as possible after the erroneous. "A quasi-contract or a contract implied in law
identity of the owner is determined . . . . In the event is an obligation created by law 'for reasons of justice,
the vehicle is placed in a garage or other storage without any expression of assent and sometimes even
facility, the owner of said facility shall lose his lien for against a clear expression of dissent . . . .'" Salamon v.
the reasonable charges for storage and towing unless Terra, 394 Mass. 857, 859 (1985), quoting from 1 Corbin,
he notifies the owner of record of the vehicle by Contracts § 19 (1963). It has long been recognized that
certified mail and return receipt requested within five one who has involuntarily received another's property has
days of the date of said recovery or his actual the right to recover "compensation for the care and
knowledge of the identity of the owner of record. expense of keeping and preserving it." Preston v. Neale,
Said notice shall contain the information on the 12 Gray 222, 223 (1858). See also Chase v. Corcoran,
location of the vehicle and the amount of charge due 106 Mass. 286, 288 (1871), in which the court found a
on said vehicle." promise implied in law from the owner to the person who
stored the property to pay reasonable expenses for
preserving [***7] it. Other jurisdictions have applied
[***5] this concept to award storage charges to a facility in the
same set of circumstances confronted here. See, e.g.,
On appeal, the Appellate Division found no error and Allstate Ins. Co. v. Reeves, 440 So. 2d 1086, 1089 (Ala.
dismissed the report. Both parties have appealed to this Civ. App. 1983); State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co. v.
court. The plaintiff contends that his claim is governed by Hartman, 450 So. 2d 152, 153 (Ala. Civ. App. 1984);
G. L. c. 159B, § 6C, and G. L. c. 266, § 29, and that those Hartford Fire Ins. Co. v. Albertson, 59 Misc.2d 207, 209
statutes do not place a limit on the amount of storage (N.Y. 1969).
charges that he may recover. The defendant, on the other
hand, does not challenge the judge's finding that the "The underlying basis for awarding quantum meruit
charges were reasonable. Rather, it claims that under the damages in a quasi-contract case is unjust enrichment of
statutes it did not incur any storage charges until it was one party and unjust detriment to the other party."
notified of the location of the trailer. Salamon v. Terra, supra. 1 Corbin, Contracts § 19A
(Supp. 1989). Here, once the property was recovered by
The parties' reliance on the statutes as support for their the police, it was stored in a safe facility, preventing
respective positions is misplaced. Those statutes, among
vandalism. The defendant benefited from the storage of Clearly, the Legislature intended that the facility
its property. could charge storage costs before notification to the
owner of the vehicle's location.
The defendant's argument that an owner of a vehicle,
stored in the circumstances of the present case, does not [**1271] In these circumstances, the amount of
incur storage costs until receipt of notice of the vehicle's theplaintiff's recovery, however, is limited to the fair
location is not sound. The benefit to the owner starts market value of the stored item. "[I]n this class of
from the [*199] first day of storage. There is nothing in cases . . . quasi-contract recovery is limited to the amount
case or statutory law that supports the [***8] of benefit bestowed on the defendant. 1 Corbin, Contracts
defendant's position. n4 § 19A (Supp. 1989 at 53). See Hill v. Waxberg, 237 F.2d
n4 The defendant claims that G. L. c. 266, § 29, 936, 939-940 (9th Cir. 1956)(recovery upon finding of
implies that storage costs commence when the owner contract implied in law is "limited to the value [***9] of
receives notice. We disagree. The statute states that the benefit which was acquired"). If the plaintiff were
the storage facility shall lose its lien "for the allowed to recover more than the fair value of the trailer,
reasonable charges for storage and towing" unless it then he would then have more than the benefit conferred
notifies the owner of the location of the stored vehicle. on the defendant.
The statute also states that the notice must reveal "the
amount of charge due on said vehicle." Judgment affirmed.

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