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Michigan Statewide

Republican Primary Poll Results

Conducted: December 16-17, 2017

Number of Respondents: 600
MoE: 4.0%

Q. Many people who vote in General Elections do not vote in Primaries, and they have many
very valid reasons. Thinking ahead to 2018, would you be Likely to vote in the Democratic
Primary, the Republican Primary, or not vote in any Primary?

Republican Primary 100%

Q. If the Republican Primary election for Governor of Michigan were held today, and the only
candidates running were Patrick Colbeck, Brian Calley, Bill Schuette, and Jim Hines, for whom
would you vote?

Schuette 30%
Calley 19%
Colbeck 5%
Hines 2%
Undecided 44%
Total 100%
Q. If the Republican Primary election for US Senate were held today, and the only candidates
running were Bob Young, Sandy Pensler, and John James, for whom would you vote?

Young 11%
James 9%
Pensler 5%
Undecided 75%
Total 100%

Q. Some citizens worked in 2016 to get a Part Time Legislature Initiative on the Ballot. Because
of Michigans significant signature requirement, they fell short. If they succeeded this time, and
a Constitutional Amendment was presented to voters, one that changed the full time
legislature to part time, cut the pay of legislators to pay them the same as teachers, and
eliminated the pension and benefits of legislators, would you likely be for or against such a

Support 71%
Oppose 11%
Unsure 12%
Completely Undecided 5%
Total 100%

Q. Do you support or oppose the legalization of marijuana for recreational purposes in

Michigan for those 18 years of age or older?

Strongly Support 13%

Somewhat Support 12%
Somewhat Oppose 16%
Strongly Oppose 43%
No Opinion 16%
Total 100%

Q. Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of President Donald Trump?

Favorable 81%
Unfavorable 10%
Neutral 9%
Never heard of him 1%
Total 100%
Q. Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Attorney General Bill Schuette?

Favorable 47%
Unfavorable 15%
Neutral 34%
Never heard of him 3%
Total 100%

Q. Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Lt. Governor Brian Calley?

Favorable 44%
Unfavorable 7%
Neutral 43%
Never heard of him 5%
Total 100%

Q. Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Patrick Colbeck?

Favorable 9%
Unfavorable 8%
Neutral 60%
Never heard of him 24%
Total 100%

Q. Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Bob Young?

Favorable 11%
Unfavorable 6%
Neutral 57%
Never heard of him 26%
Total 100%

Q. Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Sandy Pensler?

Favorable 5%
Unfavorable 6%
Neutral 55%
Never heard of him 34%
Total 100%
Q. Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of John James?

Favorable 10%
Unfavorable 5%
Neutral 50%
Never heard of him 36%
Total 100%

Q. Do you look forward to the future with optimism, confidence, uncertainty, fear, or dread?

Optimism 56%
Confidence 16%
Uncertainty 23%
Fear 2%
Dread 2%
Total 100%

Male 49%
Female 51%
Total 100%

18 to 39 8%
40 to 54 22%
55 to 65 30%
66 or older 40%
Total 100%

Republican 80%
Democratic 4%
Independent/3rd Party 16%
Total 100%
Type of Republican
Traditional 37%
TEA Party 16%
Social or Evangelical
Conservative 24%
Populist/America First 12%
Libertarian 4%
Other 8%
Total 100%

Very Conservative 46%
Somewhat Conservative 39%
Moderate 15%
Liberal 1%
Total 100%

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