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1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY............................................................................................................... 2

2.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 3
2.1 Research Methodology ................................................................................................................. 4
2.1.1 Questionnaire ......................................................................................................................... 4
2.1.2 Research ................................................................................................................................. 4
3.0 NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT ............................................................................................... 5
3.1 DEFINITIONS .............................................................................................................................. 5
3.2 CLASSIFICATION OF NEW DEVELOPMENT PROCESS ..................................................... 5
3.3 NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT PROCESS ......................................................................... 6
3.3.1 Research and Development .................................................................................................... 6
3.3.2 Product Design and Features.................................................................................................. 7
3.3.3 Concept Testing ..................................................................................................................... 8
3.3.4 Build Prototype ...................................................................................................................... 9
3.3.5 Test Marketing ..................................................................................................................... 11
4.0 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................... 13
5.0 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................... 14

This report is about new product development of Portable Eco Generator. Based on
the survey that has been conducted, out of 30 people regardless of the gender 83.3% out of
the 100 like to involve in extreme sports that involve in jungle activities. Thus, it shown that
jungle activities are one of the most famous activities to do during their leisure times. For this
modern era, electronic gadget is a must for a lot of people. This is because it makes daily
activity to be easier to do. Hence, we can conclude that the people will carry electronic
gadget while doing the jungle activities because it can help them in many ways such as the
walkie talkie; to communicate with each other, torchlight; to give extra vision during night
and mobile phone; to contact people during emergency. But, the electronic gadgets have a
limited battery life span due to its different battery capacity size. Furthermore, the jungle does
not have an electrical supply to recharge the electronic gadget. For this reason, the idea of
Portable Eco Generator fits the case. The function of the Portable Eco Generator is to
generate electricity to recharge the electronic device using the nature such as the sun and the
river. The solar energy from the sun can be used to recharge the electronic on daylight while
the flow of the river can recharge the electronic on both daylight and night time. A lot of
generator is big in size so we aim to develop a small size and easy to carry or portable
generator. Besides, we also consider the materials use to ensure sturdy and long-life span of
the product. The shape and functions of the product also will be design as simple for the
customer usage and understanding yet the aesthetic value will be prioritized. The design of
the product is sketch by hand drawing and CATIA software.

Based on the survey we have done, there are a lot of people that enjoy the activities on
the jungle. With the increasing electronic gadgets produce to help people in many ways, it is
not a surprised that a lot of people will carry at least one electronic gadget or device into the
jungle with them. According to typical knowledge on electronic device, electronic device
need an electrical source to power them, hence there is battery to supply the electrical energy.
The battery has its own electrical capacity and differ according to each device. When the
electrical runs out, the device cannot be use. Thus, the ideas of Portable Eco Generator fit the
case. The generator can produce electrical power to recharge the electronic device.

Furthermore, this Portable Eco Generator uses the nature to produce the electrical
energy needed. The examples of the nature are the sun and the river. Both can easily find in
the jungle, so the product can easily be use in any situation. This product is very useful and
suitable for people who love to do jungle activities, yet it can still be use outside of the jungle
due to the solar panel attach to it. Jungle trekker often cannot use their electronic device
because of their battery has run out. Hence, we develop this product to counter the problem.

This product also portable due to its small size and ergonomic structure. From our
research, a regular generator has a big size and require a power source to operate it so with
our product, the power source that they need to find is the solar energy from the sun and the
flow of water at the river. They also dont have to think about the type of device that can be
used for the product because our product can connect to various of devices. Our product uses
the concept of solar energy system and the hydroelectric generator system.

Figure 1: Concept of solar energy system and hydroelectric generator

2.1 Research Methodology
The products concept and ideas was generated by the concept of generator and
power bank. For this new product development, we need to gain more data about the
customer needs and how far can the product go in the market. There are several
methods to receive the information needed. The methods are as follow:

2.1.1 Questionnaire
For the questionnaire section, there are several aspects that we ask to the
respondent. Some of the question are about whether they know about the
product, whether the product can be sell and the range of price for the product.
We used google doc as our method to run the questionnaire. Our target
respondent are people who enjoys doing jungle activities.

2.1.2 Research
For the research section, we used a typical way which is the internet to get the
information needed for our product. The function of generator and power bank
are one of the main data that we search.

This new product which is Portable Eco Generator is created to all persons who
loves extreme sports which involving jungle or nature activities since we decide to
design this product that can be used in emergency situation such as malfunction of
various types of electronic devices due to no electrical sources to charge all the
devices. We take design inspiration from the current product like power bank
which had been develop since 2011. In design terms, the conceptual design is
defined as a phase in the evolution of product design where alternative design
concepts are generated, evaluated and selected for further development. Similar
like any other product, initially the design process is the triggered by act of creative
thinking, either by the normal process of recognizing the needs or naturally
incoming ideas.


Our new product development classification is under improvements and revisions
to the existing products. In this product, we put feature that more advantages by
made some modifications to the current product in their functions quality so the
optimum effectiveness is achieved. We also offer the term portability in this new
product by making this product smaller as we can without affect the quality and
the effectiveness. This will increase the portability of the product which we can
reduced the used space for the consumer. The price of our product is quite low
but it has the good quality that makes it affordable to buy for customers.

3.3.1 Research and Development

Research and Development (R&D) process refers to organized efforts that

a directed towards discovering new knowledge, product and process. The
innovation process also involved in the R&D of a new product. The
improvisation is due to the historical or preliminary data. Therefore,
research and development are crucial step in the new development process.
There are many importance of the research and development process such
as its help the companies forecasted the market changes and able to
respond quickly and effectively.

Next, it is also helps the companies to predict the thoughts and reaction
of the customers towards the new technology that will be launch. In terms
of idea generation, which is creating or construct idea for developing a new
product can be primarily achieve by recognizing the concept. The next step
of process will secure that the ideas are tested for their ability to work
successfully, in the meantime all the starting idea is a good idea. Ideas can
or will come from many different ways. This includes both the creation of
an entirely new idea or else by modifications of an existing product. These
transition or new introductions may be focusing a newly consumer needs in
the market.

At this first stage, a group of development team will visualize the

concept idea and work on brainstorming into more detailed idea for
products. It is crucial to engage concrete analysis to find out current market
trends and possible solutions, tolerating towards consumer needs and
identify range of opportunity.
3.3.2 Product Design and Features

During the conceptual design process, we take design inspiration from the
existing power bank, conventional solar panel and the water turbine at the
dam. Then we start to aim to design portable, simple, sturdy and easy to
carry the device. Beside that, we are also always considering the technical
and economic criteria such as functionality, working principle, aesthetic
value, ergonomics and the most important is the safety of the product. In
our new product development of Portable Eco Generator, the reason we
design this product with smaller as we can with sturdy body because we
want to make this product more portable that can easily carry by the
customer which loves the extreme sports that involving the jungle and
nature activities likes the hikers. Many hikers will refuse to carry the diesel
electric generator due to difficult to carry large and heavy item. This will
make their activities more difficult and less enjoyable feeling.

Here is brief information about the Portable Eco Generator. They come
in with cubic shape of housing with 15 cm length, 15 cm width and also 15
cm height. With the specific dimensions stated, the product has compact all
the components as much smaller as we can compare to the existed product
out there. This product has several components such as two adjustable solar
panel which we can adjust the angle of the solar panel according to the
direction of the sun rays for better performance. The function of the solar
panel is basically to convert the energy from the sun rays into electrical
energy. Besides that, this product also has a small water turbine that
attached to the housing by the flexible wire. Inside the housing, there have a
compartment to store about 10 meters of flexible wire. In order to use it, we
need to pull out the wire according to the suitable condition and put the
water turbine inside the water that has strong hydro power. The function of
water turbine is basically to convert the energy from the strong hydro
energy into electrical energy.

Next components are inside the housing also has a rechargeable battery
with huge capacity which is about 50000 mAh. With this huge capacity,
basically we can charge any various types of devices with no problem at all.
There are three inputs to charge the battery which is the energy from sun
rays, energy from hydroelectricity and also, we can charge it directly by
using standard micro USB charger. As comparison, standard power bank
cannot be recharged when there is no electrical energy inside the jungle.
With this Portable Eco Generator, basically we can recharge the product by
using another two input which is energy from sun rays and hydroelectricity.
For the output, this product has two standard plug socket which can supply
the stored electrical energy to any various types of devices. Lastly, there are
battery indicator that place below from the standard plug socket. This
battery indicator will show the amount of energy store inside the
rechargeable battery. All these components are made by very high-quality
materials in order to function well.

3.3.3 Concept Testing

After having some brainstorming sessions, we managed to get some

conceptual designs. However, after having discussion and analyse each one
of them, we finalize our new product design as below.

Figure 2: Conceptual Design

3.3.4 Build Prototype

2 Solar Panel

Flexible Wire

Water Turbine 2 Plug Socket

Battery Indicator

Figure 3: Isometric View of The Product

Figure 4: Orthographic Projections of The Product
3.3.5 Test Marketing

For this new product development which is we developed the Portable Eco
Generator, we made some market survey to ask opinion about our new
product. This survey had been made by using Google Form with 30 total
responses. The summary of this survey is shown below.

To conclude our findings, we can refer to the initial objective plan of this project,
which is to create a base design for a portable eco generator; basically, the objective has been
achieved. In terms of design contents, the designer has managed to produce a base design
which is practical, applicable and appropriate to use. Other design basic such as the
ergonomic fixing method, selection of reliable and affordable material and also other factors
has also been considered throughout the design project for the benefit of the end users.

Based on our market survey that we have conducted by using google form, there are a
lot of feedbacks we get. The positive feedbacks are more than the negative feedback we get
from the respondent. From the feedback we can assume that majority of the respondent are in
needs of the product to be available on the market. The product is also feasible to fabricate as
it material cost are within range of affordable prices. From the market survey, we also
generate about 70% of respondent reply that they use electrical devices when they doing the
jungle activities. About 46.7% of the respondents say yes and maybe to buy our product to
help them with the problem of recharging their electrical devices during their activities in the
jungle. This shown that our product are in high demand and will be purchased by the
respondent if the product is being able on the market place.

1. Joseph E. Shingley, L.D.M., Mechanical Engineering Design. 1983:McGraw-Hill
International Book Company.
2. Atila Ertas, J.C.J., The Engineering design Process. 1993.

Faculty : Faculty Of Mechanical Engineering

Program : Mechanical Engineering
Program Code : EM220
Course : Entrepreneurship
Course Code : ENT600
Semester : 7
Group Name : Group 6
Group Members : Nazreen Bin Abdul Rahman
Muhammad Nur Haziq Bin Mohd Aris
Muhammad Ilmanuddin Bin Ibrahim

Submitted to
Prof. Madya Hajah Rahimah

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