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Romanticism & Realism

Shaylin Cota & Brandon Plawecki

Romanticism- an intellectual movement that emerged at the end of the 18th
century in reaction to the ideas of the Enlightenment; it stressed feelings,
emotions, and imaginations.

The romantics emphasized feelings, emotion, and imagination as sources of


They values individualism or uniqueness. Most rebelled against the middle class
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To express their uniqueness males grew long hair and beards, men and women
wore outrageous clothes.

Romantic architects revived medieval styles and built castles, cathedrals, city
halls, parliamentary buildings, and railway stations in a style called neo-Gothic,
Romanticism Art & Music
All art was a reflection of the artist's inner One of the most famous artist from
feelings this time era was Beethoven

Romantic artist abandoned classical

reason for warmth and emotion
Many writers based their stories off of the medieval times and expressed their
strong nationalism.

Poetry showed a love for nature. They believed that nature served as a mirror into
which humans could look to learn about themselves.
New Age of Science
The Scientific Revolution had created a modern,
rational approach to the study of the natural world.
In biology, the Frenchman Louis Pasteur
proposed the germ theory of disease, which was
crucial to the development of modern scientific medical
Darwin believed that some organisms are born
with variations, or difference, that make them more
adaptable to their environment than other organisms, a
process that Darwin called natural selection
The belief that the world should be reviewed
realistically, a view often expressed after 1850,
was closely related to the scientific outlook of the
Realism- a mid-nineteenth century movement that
rejected romanticism and sought to portray lower
and middle-class life as it actually was.
French author Gustave Flaubert leading novelist
of the 1850s and 1860s perfected the realist novel
Madame Bovary presents a critical description of
small-town life in France.
Video on Romanticism and Realism

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