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Quadrilaterals (HOTS)
1. In a quadrilateral ABCD, AO and BO are the bisectors of respectively.
Prove that AOB=2 ( + )

2. In the figure below, bisectors of B and D of quadrilateral ABCD meet CD and AB

produced at P and Q respectively. Prove that P+Q=2 ( + )

3. a)ABCD is a parallelogram and line segments AX, CY bisect angles A and C

respectively. Show that AXCY

b) Given ABC, lines are drawn through A, B and C parallel respectively to the sides BC,
CA and AB forming PQR. Show that BC=2

4. a) In fig below, AN and CP are perpendiculars to the diagonal BD of a parallelogram

ABCD. Prove that i) ADN=CBP ii) AN=CP
b) In figure below PQRS is a parallelogram PO and QO are , respectively, the angle
bisectors of . Line LOM is drawn parallel to PQ. Prove that
i) PL=QM ii) LO=OM

5. In a parallelogram ABCD, the bisector of also bisects BC at X. Prove that AD=2AB

6. If ABCD is a quadrilateral in which AB||CD and AD= BC, prove that =
7. a) In fig below , ABCD is a parallelogram and X, Y are the midpoints of sides AB and
DC respectively . Show that AXCY is a parallelogram.

b) In figure below, X, Y are the midpoints of opposite sides AB and DC of a parallelogram

ABCD. AY and DX are joined intersecting in P; CX and BY are joined intersecting in Q.
Show that AXCY is a parallelogram ii) DXBY is a parallelogram iii) PXQY is a
8. In figure below, ABCD is a trapezium in which AB|| CD and AD=BC. Show that i) =
ii) = iii) ABC=BAD iv) diagonal AC= diagonal BD

9. a) P, Q and R are , respectively the midpoints of sides BC, CA and AB of a triangle ABC.
PR and BQ meet at X. CR and PQ meet at Y. Prove that = 4
b) In figure below AD and BE are medians of ABC and BE|| DF. Prove that CF= 4

10. In a ABC, BM and CN are perpendiculars from B and C respectively on any line
passing through A. IF L is the midpoint of BC, prove that ML=NL.
11. In fig below triangle ABC is right angled at B. Given that AB=9 cm, AC=15 cm and DE
are the midpoints of the sides AB and AC respectively, calculate
i)the length of BC ii)the area of ADE

12. a) In figure below AB=AC and CP|| BA and AP is the bisector of exterior of
ABC. Prove that i) PAC= ii) ABCP is a parallelogram
b) ABCD is a kite having AB=AD and BC =CD .Prove that the figure formed by joining the
midpoints of the sides, in order, is a rectangle.
c) Let ABC be an isosceles triangle in which AB=AC. If D, E, F be the midpoints of the
sides BC, CA and AB respectively, show that the segment AD and EF bisect each other at
right angles.
d) ABC is a triangle. D is a point on AB such that AD=4 and E is a point on AC such
1 1
that AE=4 . Prove that DE=4

e) In figure below ABCD is a parallelogram in which P is the midpoint of DC and Q is a

point on AC such that CQ = 4 . If PQ produced meets BC at R, prove that R is a
midpoint of BC

13.a)In figure below , ABCD and PQRC are rectangles and Q is the midpoint of AC. Prove
that i) DP=PC ii)PR=2 .

b) ABCD is a parallelogram, E and F are the midpoints of AB and CD respectively. GH is

any line intersecting AD, EF and BC at G, P and H respectively. Prove that GP=PH
14. BM and CN are perpendiculars to a line passing through the vertex A of a triangle
ABC. If L is the midpoint of BC, prove that LM=LN.
15. Show that the line segments joining the midpoints of the opposite sides of a
quadrilateral bisect each other.
Answer Key
7. ) 12 )13.5 2

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