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Drainage is an arch or drains on the surface or underground, either naturally

occurring or manmade. In Indonesian, can refer to the drainage ditch in the ground or
the sewer in the basement. Drainage was essential to adjust the supply of water for
flood prevention. There are two types of drainage systems (Efriyandi, Dodie. 2013) is
a conventional drainage system and drainage system environmentally friendly (eco-
Indonesia is a country with a type of tropical regions crossed by the equator so
that the rainfall in Indonesia is quite high, namely 2000-4000 millimeters per year, with
an average annual precipitation of 2,779 mm, including the country's fifth-rich water
in the world. But the availability of water is not so great a blessing. When the rainy
season, the water turned into a flood. This is because over 50 per cent of 2,779 mm of
rain turned into water runoff (run off), which is not utilized. Efforts to harvest rain (rain
water harvesting) in the international community today has become a vital part of the
global agenda of environmental water resources management in the context of lack of
water or the reduction of inequality of water during the rainy season and dry, lack of
clean water supplies the world's population, as well as flood prevention and drought.
The observation of the authors point out though rainwater harvesting is a technique that
is simple, inexpensive and does not require special skills or knowledge but has not been
widely practiced in Indonesia. Though the practice of rainwater harvesting is important
as an alternative source of water. It is estimated that most people do not realize the
importance of rainwater harvesting as an effort to conserve water due to lack of
knowledge and information. other than that
, The possibility of the public also feel confident will not experience water shortages
because water is generally abundant in Indonesia. To find out more details about it
would need to do further research. From these facts it can be concluded that the role of
government is required in order to practice rainwater harvesting can be done widely.
The government needs to communication, information and education so that people
can be attracted public attention, understand, recognize and are willing to do it in their
homes. If the rainwater harvesting is practiced widely, then the problem of water
shortages on the principles of households can be avoided. Here is an example design
of rainwater harvesting system that is simple to apply the public on the principles of
households. As Gunung Kidul in Yogyakarta who do not have sufficient water
resources. Each year they trouble to get clean water and at its peak when the dry season
comes, they only have a small lake in the dry season dries up. The tree is there also
fertile ground of a hollow structure and properties of lime resulted in water being stored

in the lake quickly exhausted. This resulted in people living in the mountains is difficult
to get clean water. When the dry season arrives, most of them take the water by walking
towards the water source is, in fact very far with their home. Those who daily walk a
long way just to meet daily needs. whereas water is a basic requirement that must be
met for the survival of living beings. So the drought makes a serious problem that must
be addressed. Not only drought and flood alone, the area of the city of Yogyakarta there
are slums on the edge of riverbanks belik precisely in the area Karanggayam, economic
problems and needs of life we must also help that the people need to think more
creatively and advanced to their area with available land now.


Drainage is one of the basic amenities that are designed as a system to meet the
needs of the community and is an important component in urban planning
(infrastructure planning in particular).
There are two types of drainage systems are conventional drainage system and
drainage system environmentally friendly (eco-drainage). The second difference is the
drainage system are as follows:
1. Conventional System
The concept of the conventional system is to remove standing water as quickly as
possible into the river without previously absorbed into the soil. As a result of this
conventional system are:
River will receive a load that exceeded its capacity which could lead to flooding in
the rainy season.
Lowering the opportunity for the water to seep into the ground which can cause
drought in the dry season.
Fluctuations in soil moisture content of wet and dry seasons are very high which can
cause landslides.
So that rain water that fell not directly discharged into the river, the rain water absorbed
into the soil to increase the ground water level. The means used to use a Rain Water
Harvesting By Biopori or could use a Rain Water Harvesting By Building Embung or
Small Reservoir

2. Sustainable Drainage Systems (eco-drainage)

Managing the excess water by way of maximum absorbed naturally into the ground or
drain into the river without exceeding the capacity of the river before.
As a result of this system are:
Water was not immediately poured into the river
Absorb water into the soil to improve soil water content to back up in the dry season

Biopori is one way that the water that falls on the roof of the house, not directly flow
into the channel and ended at the sea. With the biopori, then some of the water that falls
to the ground will soak into the soil and can increase the underground water layer.
The usefulness of the drainage namely:
Draining the area muddy and puddle
Stabilizing the water table
Controlling erosion, damage to roads and buildings
Controlling excessive rain water

Provision of drainage systems, namely:

Main drainage system
Local drainage system
Separate drainage system
The combined system

The types of drainage are:

A. According to the history of the formation
- natural drainage
- artificial drainage

B. According to the channel layout

- Drainage of the soil surface
- Underground drainage

C. According to construction
- Outdoor channel
- Closed channel

D. According function
- single purpose
- multi-purpose

As a result of poor drainage systems is the emergence of a puddle of water which can
cause some problems. There are several causes of inundation include:
1. The dimensions of the channel that is not appropriate.
2. Changes in land use result in increased flood discharge in a drainage basin system.
3. Elevation inadequate channels.
4. Location of the basin.
5. The location is a modified water retention functions, such as into a settlement. When
functioning as a retention (parking flow) and not yet inhabited the inundation is not a
problem. Problem arises when the area was settled.
6. dikes high enough.
7. the storage capacity is not big enough.
8. The dimensions of the culvert is too small so that backflow.
9. The presence of airway narrowing.
10. Clogged ducts by sediment, sedimentation or midden.


Haryono (1999), drainage is a science of drying the soil. Drainage (drainage)

comes from the word that means the drain to drain or drain the water and is a term used
to denote systems that are related to the handling of the problem of excess water, both
above and below ground settlement. Understanding the drainage is not limited to
disposal of excess water, but more broadly regarding its association with aspects of life
that are within the urban area.
Dr. Ir. Suripin, M.Eng. (2004: 7) drainage has meaning drain, drain, remove, or
divert water. In general, the drainage water that is defined as a series of building works
to reduce and / or remove excess water from an area or land, so the land can function
optimally. Drainage is also interpreted as an attempt to control the quality of
groundwater in relation to salinity.
Drainage is a way of disposal of excess water which is not desirable in a region, as well
as ways alleviation consequences caused by excess water. (Suhardjono 1948: 1)
In the concept of conventional drainage, all rainwater that falls into in a region must
sprint discharged into rivers and flowing into the sea beyond. If this is done in all the
regions, will bring a variety of problems, both in the upstream, midstream, and
downstream. And it turns out, that the concept of conventional drainage in Indonesia
is not only used to download the drain area of the settlement, but used extensively
including to-drain rural areas, agricultural land and plantations, area sports, travel, and
so forth.

Maryono (2000), in urban areas the concept of conventional drainage or

environmentally friendly darainase often do, where the concept of conventional
drainage selurh rainwater that falls in an area as possible should secapat discharged
into rivers and flowing into the sea beyond. The concept of the conventional drainage
or urban settlements created by creating channels shortest straight toward the river.
Similarly, in the area of tourism and sports, all designed drainage channels in such a
way that the water flowing as soon as the river nearby and did not pay attention to what
happens downstream. If all the rain water flowed into the river secapatnya as possible
without necessary that the water has enough time to soak into the ground eventually
these effects can we see today is drought everywhere, flooding, soil.


Green development is crucial and must be oriented to the basic necessities of

human life, social equity, improving the quality of life and sustainable development.
So that the development of environmentally sound can be run well, then the
construction of the need to have the foresight which is formulated as a vision of
development. And can be implemented in the long-term development is ideal and
oriented to the interests of all the people. Vision development in question is the
achievement of improvements in quality of life for the entire community through: the
development of intelligence, the development of technology, skills and moral
development of human resources that are responsive to the development of science,
and the arts to manage natural resources wisely and berkesinambungan.Oleh therefore,
development must contain the meaning of development and improvement of the quality
of life through justice.
Strategy development is very influential in the development process carried out
whether to run well what .Strategi no development is an attempt to improve the human
resource potential in the utilization of natural resources with all the opportunities and
barriers. This can be done by:
1. The use of environmentally clean technologies with all the planning that is good and
2. Carry out engineering science and appropriate technology in producing goods and
services that are superior, robust and high quality, positive impact on the viability of
the development itself.
3. The existence of supervising and monitoring the course of development, so that in
accordance with the plans and objectives.

In addition to the strategy, development of environmentally sound also has the

following characteristics:
1. Give the possibility for every citizen to determine the choice of a wide variety of life
to improve the quality of life.
2. Development of environmentally friendly not only with regard to control changes in
the natural resources are physically alone.
3. Closely related to the economic and social setting for citizens and for the institution.

4. Perform the steps that could lead to the behavior of society at large sert role in the
development of environmental ethics, so as to create a state that is aligned and in
harmony with environmental insight.
5. Prevent the side effects that would harm society.
6. The construction is expected to obtain optimum and sustainable results in improving
the welfare of the community.

Environmental Development Goals

The achievement of harmony, harmony, and balance between humans and the
The realization of human Indonesia as a human environment that has the attitude and
actions that protect the environment.
Ensuring the interests of present and future generations to come.
The achievement of the preservation of the environment.
The controlled use of natural resources wisely.
The protection of the Indonesian territory of the negative influences of development,
such as pollution of soil, water, and air.
For that, seeing as in Indonesia being intensively doing the good development
of national goals and objectives of the local government to develop the region and
considering the importance of development-minded Environmental Performers
construction services business in this case as a contractor and architecture are
encouraged to further promote the concept of sustainable development in the
implementation construction / construction more friendly lingkungan.Seperti we know
where construction is one sector which plays an important role in climate change and
the environment.


To overcome the problem of drainage to do some of the following:

1. The dimensions of the drainage channel is enlarged.
2. Elevating the road surface or degrading waterways.
3. Public awareness for not littering, let alone into the sewers.
4. All public policies should involve the community, whether it be physical or non-
physical development. Since the beginning of the emergence of the idea of building
up infrastructure to its operation. So that people participate in maintaining the
5. Coordination and synchronization between different infrastructure components
should be implemented as well as involve the agency controlling the layout. For
example, coordination and synchronization between executing highway with PLN
and PDAM. So as to create harmony in the construction of the entire infrastructure.

Recommendation :
Held extension awareness of the importance of taking out the trash.
Created tub and filter controls so that waste that goes into the drainage can be
disposed of quickly so as not to precipitate.
Provision of sanctions against anyone who violates the rules, especially littering, so
people know the importance of abuse drainage.
Improved water efficiency, minimize losses and improve environmental
Managing runoff by developing facilities to hold rainwater, storing rainwater
catchment facilities and manufacture.
If only more and more development is not considering the environmental
aspects, the more negative impacts will occur. For example, Building construction,
malls or factory to allow the forest to be cut down to the end, in the end the forest which
functioned as a flood prevention over time will be completely exhausted, the water can
no longer be absorbed by the soil and plants.



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