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A review on the use of microalgal consortia for wastewater treatment

Ana L. Gonalves, Jos C.M. Pires, Manuel Simes
LEPABE, Departamento de Engenharia Qumica, Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do Porto, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The development of anthropogenic activities has led to an excessive disposal of wastes into water bodies, thus
Received 31 March 2016 reducing water quality and damaging aquatic ecosystems. To avoid the negative impacts associated to the dis-
Received in revised form 16 October 2016 charge of wastes into water courses, effective remediation processes are required to reduce nitrogen and phos-
Accepted 8 November 2016
phorus concentrations in discharged efuents. Current methodologies applied for nutrients removal tend to be
Available online xxxx
complex, expensive and energy demanding. Therefore, cultivation of microalgae has appeared as an emerging al-
ternative for nutrients removal from wastewaters. These photosynthetic microorganisms require large amounts
Microalgal-bacterial consortia of nitrogen and phosphorus for their growth. However, since it is very difcult to maintain pure cultures of these
Microalgal consortia microorganisms in wastewater treatment processes, several studies have reported the use of natural and articial
Microbial interactions microalgal consortia composed exclusively by microalgae or by microalgae and bacteria. The use of these consor-
Nutrients removal tia in the remediation of wastewaters can be very advantageous because: (i) cooperative interactions between
Wastewater treatment the co-cultivated microorganisms can occur, enhancing the overall uptake of nutrients; and (ii) these systems
tend to be more resistant to environmental conditions oscillations. This study provides an updated review of
the literature regarding the application of microalgal consortia in the remediation of wastewaters from different
sources, focusing on the mechanisms involved in nutrients removal by microalgae and the main interactions
established between the microorganisms integrating the consortia and how they can inuence nutrients removal
2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction followed by nitrication and denitrication [3,7]. However, several an-

aerobic and nitrication and denitrication cycles are required to
In the last decades, large amounts of wastewaters have been pro- achieve the nutrient levels accepted by EU legislation. Additionally,
duced, mainly due to anthropogenic activities, such as agricultural prac- these methods require several tanks and internal recycles of activated
tices, urbanization and industrialization [14]. The continuous disposal sludge, resulting in an overall increase of process costs, complexity
of wastewaters without adequate treatment can pose serious pollution and energy input [811]. Alternatively, nitrogen and phosphorus re-
problems. One of the major problems associated to the continuous dis- moval may be achieved by chemical methods, such as precipitation
charge of efuents into water bodies is the so called eutrophication phe- using aluminium and iron salts. However, these methods are costly
nomenon the enrichment of water resources in nutrients, mainly and produce large amounts of sludge contaminated with chemical com-
nitrogen and phosphorus. This phenomenon is responsible for the de- pounds [1214], requiring further treatment.
velopment of algal blooms, spread of aquatic plants, oxygen depletion To overcome the drawbacks associated to the commonly used tertia-
and loss of key species, resulting in the complete degradation of fresh- ry treatment methods, biological treatment using microalgae (a general
water ecosystems [3,5]. Besides the degradation of freshwater ecosys- term commonly applied to refer to photosynthetic microorganisms,
tems, development of these blooms can be considered a public health such as eukaryotic microalgae and prokaryotic cyanobacteria) has
risk for the surrounding populations [6]. This clearly evidences the been extensively studied in the last decades. Microalgae require large
need for effective treatment methods, able to reduce nitrogen and phos- amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus for their growth [3,15], meaning
phorus concentrations in wastewaters before discharging into natural that these microorganisms can effectively uptake nitrogen and phos-
bodies. phorus from wastewaters. In fact, high nitrogen and phosphorus remov-
Nitrogen and phosphorus removal in wastewaters are mainly re- al efciencies (80100%) from wastewaters of different sources (e.g.
moved in the tertiary treatment phase (Fig. 1). The most commonly agricultural, industrial and municipal) have already been reported for
used methods include biological processes, such as anaerobic digestion microalgae [1620]. Additionally, the use of microalgae for nutrients re-
moval presents several advantages [13]: (i) nitrogen and phosphorus
Corresponding author. assimilated by microalgae can be recycled by the production of fertil-
E-mail address: (M. Simes). izers from microalgal biomass; (ii) the resulting biomass can be used
2211-9264/ 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: A.L. Gonalves, et al., A review on the use of microalgal consortia for wastewater treatment, Algal Res. (2016), http://
2 A.L. Gonalves et al. / Algal Research xxx (2016) xxxxxx

Fig. 1. Main steps involved in wastewater treatment processes and currently applied methods [2,4].

for the production of bioenergy, food, animal feed and pharmaceuticals; limitations in terms of overheating, difculties in scale-up and higher
and (iii) an oxygenated efuent is discharged into the water bodies. construction costs [37]. The most commonly used PBRs include at
More recently, several studies have reported the potential of plate reactors, bubble-column reactors and tubular reactors [36,38,39].
microalgal consortia (microalgal and microalgal-bacterial) in different Microalgal production in open systems is less expensive in terms of con-
applications, including biomass production and nutrients removal [2, struction and operation and has a larger production capacity [37,40,41].
15,2124]. The use of polycultures for nutrients removal purposes can However, due to insufcient mixing, oscillations in the culture condi-
be very advantageous since combining microorganisms with different tions and higher susceptibility to contaminations, biomass productiv-
metabolic activities and adapted to different environmental conditions ities and nutrients removal efciencies are lower than those achieved
was found to allow the development of a robust biological system that in closed PBRs. Additionally, these systems are more prone to CO2 diffu-
can operate under different environmental conditions and nutrient sion to the atmosphere, evaporative losses of water and poor light utili-
loads [2527]. Additionally, cooperative interactions can be established zation by cells [37,38,41,42]. Open systems can be divided into two
between the microorganisms integrating the consortia, which can result categories: natural ponds, which include lakes, lagoons and ponds,
in higher nutrient uptake rates [3]. Accordingly, this manuscript high- and articial ponds or containers [36,38,42]. The most commonly used
lights the advantages of using microalgal consortia in the bioremedia- systems include shallow big ponds, tanks, circular ponds and raceway
tion of wastewaters, providing an updated overview of successful ponds [38,42,43]. The growth of microalgal consortia in suspended cul-
consortia already applied in this eld. tivation systems has already been reported in the literature. Cultivation

2. Microalgal culturing Table 1

Advantages and limitations of suspended- and immobilized-cells cultivation systems in
Microalgal cultivation for wastewater treatment purposes can be wastewater treatment processes.
performed in suspended- or immobilized-cell systems [20,2830].
Table 1 presents the main advantages and limitations of these systems systems Advantages Limitations
in wastewater treatment. For an effective cultivation and remediation
Suspended-cells Widely studied and opti- Microalgal harvesting prior
process, some parameters, such as light, temperature, pH, nutrients sup- cultivation mized to the disposal of the treat-
ply and mixing should be carefully controlled [3134]. systems Larger amounts of waste- ed wastewater is required
water can be processed
2.1. Suspended-cells cultivation systems Applicable in large scale
Immobilized-cells Microalgal harvesting prior High costs associated to the
Cultivation in suspension is the most commonly used form cultivation to the disposal of the treated polymeric matrix (in the
for microalgal growth [35]. Systems typically used for microalgal systems wastewater is simpler case of cell entrapment)
growth in suspension include closed or open bioreactors. Closed Aging cultures are more High surface area required
protected against (in the case of microalgal
photobioreactors (PBRs) for microalgal growth can be more advanta-
photoinhibition adhesion and biolm for-
geous because (i) culture conditions and growth parameters, such as Immobilization matrix con- mation)
pH, temperature, mixing, carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2) con- fers cells higher resistance Light limitation may occur
centrations, can be strictly controlled; (ii) evaporation and contamina- to harsh environments, such Applicable only for small
tions can be easily avoided; and (iii) higher cell concentrations can be as salinity, metal toxicity and pilot scale operations
and pH
achieved [3638]. Despite these advantages, PBRs have some

Please cite this article as: A.L. Gonalves, et al., A review on the use of microalgal consortia for wastewater treatment, Algal Res. (2016), http://
A.L. Gonalves et al. / Algal Research xxx (2016) xxxxxx 3

of a microalgal-bacterial consortium consisting of the cyanobacterium 2.3. Factors inuencing microalgal growth
Nostoc palusodum Kutz and the bacterium Rhizobium galegae in a
suspended cultivation system has demonstrated to be stable for Microalgal growth can be inuenced by several factors, both biotic
18 months and to maintain its structure and activity in seed treatment and abiotic. Biotic factors include the presence of pathogens, such as
of Galega orientalis [44]. bacteria, fungi and viruses, and the competition by other microalgae,
whereas abiotic factors include light (quality and quantity), tempera-
2.2. Immobilized-cells cultivation systems ture, pH, salinity, nutrient qualitative and quantitative proles, dis-
solved oxygen concentration and the presence of toxic compounds.
Although suspended-cells cultivation systems have been effectively Additionally, microalgal growth can be inuenced by operational condi-
applied in wastewater treatment, further separation of microalgal bio- tions, such as hydraulic residence time, harvesting rates, gas transfer
mass is required, as it may contribute to 6090% of the efuent biolog- and mixing, since these parameters control CO2 availability, shear
ical oxygen demand (BOD) [45]. To overcome the problems associated rates and light exposure [3134].
to the time-consuming and energy-demanding harvesting methods Photoautotrophic growth of microalgae is driven by light supply, as
currently applied for microalgal separation, cultivation systems based this is the energy source that is used to convert inorganic carbon, usually
on microalgal immobilization have appeared as an alternative to the CO2, into organic carbon. For light irradiances below the light saturation
suspended-cells cultivation systems [35,4547]. According to Tampion point, photosynthetic activity is proportional to light irradiance. Howev-
and Tampion [48], an immobilized cell consists in a cell that by natural er, for high light irradiance values, which may differ according to the
or articial techniques is prevented from moving independently of its microalgal species used and to other culturing parameters, particularly
neighbours to all parts of the aqueous system in study. Natural or pas- temperature, photosynthetic receptor system can be damaged,
sive immobilization occurs through the innate ability of microalgal resulting in the inhibition of photosynthesis and therefore, microalgal
cells to attach to a specic surface, resulting in biolm formation. On growth [41,56,57].
the other hand, articial or active immobilization techniques include Another parameter that strongly inuences microalgal growth is
adsorption, connement in liquid-liquid emulsions, capturing with temperature [58]. Optimal temperature for microalgal growth is species
semi-permeable membranes, covalent coupling and entrapment within specic [59]: (i) some species, commonly found in polar environments,
polymers [46,4951]. The most commonly used methods for microalgal tolerate temperatures below 10 C [60,61]; (ii) others grow in moderate
immobilization include cell entrapment within a polymeric matrix, nor- temperatures (1020 C); and (iii) others, from tropical regions, tolerate
mally alginate and carrageenan, and cell adhesion and biolm forma- temperatures above 30 C [62]. However, an increase in temperature
tion in a solid surface [46,5052]. In cell entrapment, microalgal cells normally results in an increased metabolic activity, whereas lower tem-
are conned in the polymeric matrix and substrates and products dif- peratures contribute to the inhibition of microalgal growth [59,63]. Ide-
fuse to and from the cells through the pores present in the matrix. The ally, microalgal cultures should be maintained at temperatures similar
use of these systems already demonstrated enhancement in biomass to those observed in the environments where they were collected [10,
and pigment productivities and lipid contents [46,51,52]. However, 32].
the high costs associated to the immobilization matrix can be a limiting Regarding the effect of pH, the majority of microalgal species are
factor when the aim is to process large amounts of wastewater. Regard- grown in a pH range between 7.0 and 9.0 [3234]. However, some
ing algal biolms, it is thought that if enough surface area is provided, microalgae are alkalophilic, whereas others are acidophilic. For exam-
microalgal growth can be higher than in suspended-cells cultivation ple, the microalga Spirulina platensis is able to grow in environments
systems. These systems result in biomass productivities similar to with a pH ranging between 9.0 and 10.0 [64], while the microalga
those reported for cell entrapment at reduced costs: algal biolm forma- Chlorococcum littorale prefers acidic environments, with pH values
tion presents lower water requirements and does not require an expen- ranging between 5.0 and 6.0 [65,66]. The pH of the culture medium is
sive immobilization matrix [52]. Currently, microalgal immobilized responsible for physiological changes in microalgae and, therefore, it is
systems are used for different applications, such as metabolites produc- crucial to maintain microalgal cultures in the optimal range to avoid cul-
tion, hydrogen and electricity production, toxicity measurements and ture loss by extreme pH values. Additionally, culture medium pH can be
remediation processes [30]. Paniagua-Michel and Garcia [53] have associated to the supplied CO2 concentration, due to the chemical equi-
immobilized natural microbial mats obtained from marine sediments libria established between the following species: CO2, H2CO3, HCO3 and
on glass wool to promote nitrogen removal from shrimp culture efu- CO23 [3234]. The increase of CO2 concentration in gaseous input
ents. The immobilized mat consisted of lamentous forms of stream results in a decrease in pH values in the culture. Therefore, the
cyanobacteria (Microcoleus chthonoplastes, Spirulina sp., Oscillatoria sp., CO2 fed to microalgal cultures should be strictly controlled, so that
Schizothrix sp., Calothrix sp. and Phormidium sp.), green algae (Chlorella microalgal cells are not affected by a decrease in the pH of the culture
sp. and Dunaliella sp.), diatoms (Nitzchia sp. and Navicula sp.) and nitri- medium. On the other hand, during the cultivation time, it is common
fying bacteria (Nitrosomonas sp. and Nitrobacter sp.) which was able to to observe an increase in pH, due to CO2 uptake [33,34]. Thus, daily
effectively remove nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) and ammonium-nitrogen monitoring of the pH in the culture medium is very important to assess
(NH4-N). After 20 days of culture, NO3-N and NH4-N removal efcien- microalgal growth and to dene procedures to maintain the cultures in
cies were 95 and 97%, respectively. The immobilization of a the optimal pH range.
microalgal-bacterial consortium constituted by species of Chlorella, In the case of salinity, optimal levels differ according to microalgal
Scenedesmus, Stichococcus and Phormidium and by the bacteria species [32,34]. Modications in the salinity of the culture medium
Rhodococcus sp. and Kibdelosporangium aridum onto ceramics, capron can have adverse effects on microalgal growth and composition, due
and wool has resulted in the formation of a stable consortium, to (i) osmotic stress; (ii) ion (salt) stress; and (iii) alterations in the
preventing the involved microorganisms from being washed off [54]. membrane permeability to ions [67]. Evaporative losses and rainfalls
Additionally, this system promoted an effective removal of phenols, (in open systems) are the main contributors to modications in culture
heavy metals (copper, nickel, zinc, manganese and iron) and chemical medium salinity. The negative effect of these alterations on microalgal
oxygen demand (COD). In the study performed by Chavan and Mukherji growth has been extensively discussed by Tredici and Materassi [68]
[55], a stable consortium was obtained when growing species of and Garca-Gonzlez et al. [69]. The control of salinity levels can be per-
Phormidium, Oscillatoria and Chroococcus and the oil-degrading bacteri- formed by adding either freshwater or salts to the culture medium [70].
um, Burkholderia cepacia on a rotating biological contactor. This consor- Regarding nutrients supply, the main nutrient required for autotro-
tium has also demonstrated to be effective in petroleum hydrocarbon phic microalgal growth is inorganic carbon, since it is the precursor of
removal. photosynthetic reactions. However, microalgal growth is dependent

Please cite this article as: A.L. Gonalves, et al., A review on the use of microalgal consortia for wastewater treatment, Algal Res. (2016), http://
4 A.L. Gonalves et al. / Algal Research xxx (2016) xxxxxx

on other nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus: these nutrients about 30% of published works refer the use of wastewaters as culture
are required for the synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins. Their pres- medium for microalgae, whereas the remaining 70% refer the use of
ence at limiting concentrations can result in reduced growth rates and chemical fertilizers as nutrients source.
biomass productivities. The most commonly forms of inorganic nitrogen
supplied are NO3-N, NH4-N and urea [7174]. Concerning phosphorus 3.1. Characterization of different wastewaters
uptake, this nutrient is required in the form of soluble phosphates and
should be supplied in large quantities, since not all the phosphorus com- Wastewaters can be dened as disposable liquids or water-carried
pounds are bioavailable for microalgae [31,33]. Apart from these nutri- waste resulting from domestic, agricultural, urbanization and industrial
ents, commonly referred as macronutrients, microalgal growth still practices. Usually, wastewaters may contain large quantities of oxygen
requires the presence of trace elements, particularly metals, such as demanding wastes, pathogenic organisms, organic pollutants, nutrients,
Mg, Ca, Mn, Zn, Cu and Mo [33,71]. Additionally, some studies have re- such as nitrogen and phosphorus, inorganic compounds and sediments
ported the use of vitamins to improve microalgal growth [33]. [4]. Table 2 presents typical compositions of wastewaters from different
Finally, mixing is a key growth parameter in microalgal culture be- sources in terms of nitrogen, phosphorus and organic carbon, demon-
cause it allows an equal distribution of light and nutrients among strating that wastewater composition strongly depends on its source.
microalgal cells, thus avoiding the existence of stagnant zones, and im- In general, wastewaters from the swine industry present higher nitro-
proves gas transfer between the culture medium and the air [31,33,75, gen and phosphorus levels than municipal wastewaters. On the other
76]. Gas transfer should not be compromised, since the air bubbled hand, wastewaters resulting from brewery, starch and dairy industries
into the cultures contains the CO2 required for photosynthesis and and potato-processing wastewaters present high concentrations of sol-
removes the produced oxygen. Mixing of microalgal cultures is also im- uble COD. To consider the use of microalgae in wastewater treatment,
portant in preventing microalgal settling [31,33,75] and in avoiding the composition of the efuent to be treated should be previously
thermal stratication [31]. Selection of an appropriate method depends assessed, as nitrogen to phosphorus molar ratios (N:P) strongly inu-
on the scale and used cultivation system. ence microalgal biomass production and hence, nutrients uptake. Ac-
cording to the average elemental composition of microalgal biomass,
3. Wastewaters as nutrients source N:P molar ratios lower than 5:1 result in nitrogen limitation, whereas
N:P molar ratios higher than 30:1 result in phosphorus limitation [10].
As referred in Section 2.3, the main nutrients required for microalgal N:P molar ratios determined for the wastewaters described in Table 2
growth are carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus. Since wastewaters pres- range between 1:1 (for brewery and starch industry wastewaters) and
ent considerable concentrations of these nutrients, several studies 42:1 (for landll leachate). With N:P molar ratios of 9:1, 11:1, 14:1
have reported the potential of microalgal growth in wastewaters from and 15:1, piggery industry and domestic wastewaters, as well as dairy
different sources: (i) domestic [77,78]; (ii) leachate [79,80]; (iii) agricul- manure and municipal sewage anaerobically-digested wastewaters
tural [16,81,82]; (iv) renery [83]; and (v) industrial [54,84]. These are considered the most appropriate for microalgal growth. In fact,
studies have revealed that using wastewaters for microalgal cultivation microalgal nutrients removal from domestic and piggery industry
promotes an effective treatment of these waters (nitrogen and phos- wastewaters has been extensively reported in the literature [6,77,81,
phorus removal efciencies reported correspond to 6099 and 54 8890].
95%, respectively); while contributing to the production of microalgal
biomass at reduced costs and with lower environmental impacts, 3.2. Mechanisms involved in nutrients removal by microalgae
since nutrients supply and freshwater are not required [8587]. Addi-
tionally, microalgal cultivation in wastewaters attracts a worldwide at- To improve wastewater remediation processes using microalgae, it
tention, because in a long term the use of chemical fertilizers as is very important to understand the mechanisms involved in nutrients
nutrients source will become unsustainable, particularly in the produc- removal. Table 3 summarizes the mechanisms involved in carbon, nitro-
tion of low-cost products, such as biofuels. However, up to now, only gen and phosphorus removal by microalgae.

Table 2
Typical compositions of different wastewaters already used for microalgal growth in terms of nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon.

Wastewater type Source Nitrogen (mg L1) Phosphorus (mg L1) Carbon (mg L1) Ref.

Agricultural wastewater Potato-processing efuent 54 NO3-N 48 PO4-P 745 COD [81]

12 NH4-N
Rice efuent 2595 TN 1294 PO4-P 25786480 COD [7]
Anaerobically-digested wastewater Dairy manure b1 NO3-N 240 TP 48554945 COD [104]
12791961 NH4-N
Municipal sewage 646 NH4-N 101 PO4-P 76 TOC [77]
Piggery manure 303495 NH4-N n.s. n.s. [90]
Industrial wastewater Brewery 211 NO3-N 57326 TP 5657837 COD [134]
3106 NH4-N
Carpet mill 028 NO3-N 2035 PO4-P 1412 COD [113]
1826 NH4-N
Dairy b1 NO3-N 35350 TP 200020213 COD [104,107,135,136]
120350 NH4-N
Oil, metal and chemical 1.9 NO3-N n.s. 1200 COD [54]
1.1 NH4-N
Piggery 324656 NH4-N 117 PO4-P 1247 TOC [89,90]
Starch 49115 NH4-N 50385 TP 247015440 COD [137]
Wood-based pulp and paper n.s. n.s. 1248 COD [84]
Municipal wastewater Domestic sewage 2566 NH4-N 712 PO4-P 400500 COD [11,77,126]
Landll leachate 112192 NH4-N 79 PO4-P 37254861 COD [80]
Sewage 1 NO3-N 112 PO4-P 183380 COD [81,87,102,103,130,131,136,138140]
23219 NH4-N

NO3-N - nitrate-nitrogen (mg N L1); NH4-N - ammonium-nitrogen (mg N L1); TN - total nitrogen (mg N L-1); PO4-P - phosphate-phosphorus (mg P L1); TP - total phosphorus
(mg P L1); TOC - total organic carbon (mg C L1); COD - chemical oxygen demand (mg O2 L1); n.s. - not specied.

Please cite this article as: A.L. Gonalves, et al., A review on the use of microalgal consortia for wastewater treatment, Algal Res. (2016), http://
A.L. Gonalves et al. / Algal Research xxx (2016) xxxxxx 5

Table 3 NH4-N, in a two-step process catalysed by the enzymes nitrate reduc-

Mechanisms involved in nutrients (carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus) removal by tase and nitrite reductase [31,98,99]. In the rst step (Eq. 2), nitrate
reductase catalyses the reduction of NO3-N into NO2-N using nicotin-
Nutrients Mechanisms Cell incorporation amide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) as reducing agent.
Carbon Further reduction into NH4-N is catalysed by nitrite reductase, which
CO2 Integration in the Calvin cycle Diffusion (5.0 b pH b 7.0) or uses ferredoxin to catalyse the six-electron transfer reaction (Eq. 3)
active transport (pH N 7.0) [31,99]:
Organic carbon Integration in the respiration Diffusion or active transport
metabolism (depending on molecules
Nitrate reductase
size) NO
3 2H 2e

2 H2 O 2
Nitrite reductase
N2-N Fixation by prokaryotic NO
2 8H 6e

4 2H2 O 3
microalgae (cyanobacteria) into
ammonia, followed by
conversion into amino acids NH4-N resulting from NO3-N and NO2-N reduction and actively in-
NO3-N and Reduction into ammonium, Active transport corporated into microalgal cells is directly converted into amino acids
NO2-N followed by conversion into
via the glutamine synthetase-glutamate synthase pathway, where glu-
amino acids
NH4-N Direct conversion into amino Active transport tamine synthase catalyses glutamine formation from glutamate and
acids adenosine triphosphate (ATP), according to Eq. 4 [31,98,99]:
Stripping due to volatilisation n.a.
(high pH values and Glutamine synthase
temperatures) Glutamate NH
4 ATP Glutamine ADP Pi 4

PO4-P Phosphorylation Active transport Since NH4-N assimilation does not require previous reduction steps,
Chemical precipitation (high pH n.a. it is thought that this is the preferred nitrogen form for microalgae.
values and dissolved oxygen However, according to Grobbelaar [71], the effect of both NO3-N and
NH4-N on microalgal growth is not well dened, since no signicant dif-
n.a. - not applicable. ferences were observed in terms of microalgal productivity. In addition
to microalgal uptake, NH4-N removal may occur in response to an in-
crease of pH and temperature, where large amounts of NH4-N can be
3.2.1. Carbon
volatilized [1,6,100].
Through photosynthesis, microalgae can x CO2 from both the at-
mosphere or ue gas emissions. Additionally, microalgae are able to up-
3.2.3. Phosphorus
take soluble carbonates as a source of CO2. For low pH values (ranging
Energy transfer and nucleic acid synthesis are mediated by phospho-
between 5.0 and 7.0), CO2 uptake occurs through diffusion. On the
rus. This nutrient enters microalgal cells through active transport at the
other hand, for pH values higher than 7.0, bicarbonate (HCO 3 ) is the
plasma membrane in the forms of H2PO 2
4 and HPO4 . Incorporation of
most common form of inorganic carbon present in solution, which en-
PO4-P into organic compounds is performed through the following pro-
ables the external carbonic anhydrase and promotes active transport
cesses: (i) phosphorylation at the substrate level; (ii) oxidative phos-
of this carbon source into microalgal cells [9193]. Once inside the
phorylation; and (iii) photophosphorylation. In these processes ATP is
cells, HCO3 is converted into CO2 that can be xed by rubisco (ribulose
produced from adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and an energy input,
biphosphate carboxylase oxygenase), producing two molecules of 3-
which can be obtained from the oxidation of the respiratory substrates
phosphoglycerate [92,93]. Although microalgae are mainly autotrophic,
or from the electron transport system of the mitochondria (in the case
some microalgae are heterotrophic, using only organic carbon (e.g. ace-
of the rst two processes) and from light energy transformation (in
tate, glucose, glycerol and ethanol) as carbon source, whereas others are
the case of the third step). The general reaction is represented by Eq. 5
mixotrophic, using facultatively an organic carbon source in addition to
CO2 [9496]. In this growth regime, both respiratory and photosynthetic
mechanisms can occur [97]. Energy
3.2.2. Nitrogen
The most common inorganic nitrogen forms include nitrate, nitrite, PO4-P removal can also be ruled by environmental conditions, such
nitric acid, ammonium, ammonia, molecular nitrogen, nitrous oxide, ni- as pH and dissolved oxygen concentration. For pH values above 8.0
tric oxide and nitrogen dioxide [31]. Microalgae play an important role and high oxygen concentrations, phosphorus precipitation may occur
in both nitrogen xation and assimilation. Prokaryotic microalgae [1,6,100,102].
(cyanobacteria) are able to x atmospheric molecular nitrogen (N2-
N), converting it into ammonia-nitrogen (NH3-N), which can either be 3.3. Factors inuencing nutrients removal by microalgae
incorporated into amino acids and proteins or excreted to the environ-
ment [6,31]: The pH of microalgal cultures constitutes one of the most important
factors inuencing nutrients removal. For example, the carbon concen-
Nitrogenase trating mechanisms adopted by microalgal cells strongly depend on the
N2 8H 8e 16 ATP 2NH3 H2 16 ADP 16Pi 1
pH, as this parameter determines CO2 solubility in the culture medium.
Additionally, high pH values are responsible for NH4-N stripping and
Eukaryotic microalgae, in turn, are able to assimilate xed nitrogen, PO4-P precipitation. However, other factors, such as light and tempera-
such as NH4-N, NO3-N and nitrite-nitrogen (NO2-N). These nitrogen ture, also play an important role in nutrients uptake by microalgae. In
sources enter microalgal cells through active transport at the plasma general, an increase in light supply results in increased nutrients remov-
membrane. NO3-N, which is the most oxidized form, is thermodynami- al. Regarding the temperature effect, higher metabolic activities and
cally more stable than NH4-N and, hence, it is more common to nd this hence nutrients uptake rates can be observed for increased tempera-
inorganic nitrogen form in aquatic environments [31,71]. However, as- tures, reaching its maximum when cultivation temperature is close to
similation of this nitrogen source requires previous reduction into the optimal values reported for the microorganisms in study.

Please cite this article as: A.L. Gonalves, et al., A review on the use of microalgal consortia for wastewater treatment, Algal Res. (2016), http://
6 A.L. Gonalves et al. / Algal Research xxx (2016) xxxxxx

Additionally, an increase in temperature lowers the solubility of some Table 5

nutrients, such as CO2 and NH4-N. Main characteristics of microalgal and microalgal-bacterial consortia.

Microalgal consortia Microalgal-bacterial consortia

4. The role of microalgal consortia in nutrients removal Established interactions deciently Well studied interactions
documented Cooperative and competitive interac-
Although microalgae have been successfully applied in nutrients re- Cooperative and competitive inter- tions can occur
moval from different wastewaters, it is difcult to maintain a microalgal actions can occur Nutrients exchange is the basis for
Can be applied in the tertiary treat- cooperative interactions
monoculture in these processes. Accordingly, several studies have re-
ment step of wastewater treatment Can be applied in both secondary and
ported the advantages of using microalgal consortia over single-species Promote an effective removal of tertiary treatment steps of wastewa-
cultures (Table 4) [15,23,90,103,104]. Complex degradation processes, nitrogen, phosphorus and other ter treatment
which would be difcult to accomplish using monocultures, can benet elements, such as heavy metals Promote an effective removal of
from the use of microalgal consortia. Additionally, application of these nitrogen, phosphorus and organic
carbon, reducing the oxygenation
consortia may result in the development of a robust system, able to re- costs associated to the secondary
sist to environmental uctuations and invasion by other species [23, treatment step
105]. These consortia can naturally occur in the environment or be arti-
cially engineered, by combination of microorganisms that do not nec-
essarily co-occur, for a specic purpose [106]. Among the different concentrations, high light intensities and temperatures and low pH
possibilities of consortia that can be established, the most commonly values can inhibit allelochemicals production. Biotic factors inuencing
used for wastewater treatment include microalgal consortia, which allelochemicals production are the concentrations of the involved mi-
are constituted exclusively by photosynthetic microorganisms (eukary- croorganisms (the ones producing toxic compounds and target cells)
otic and/or prokaryotic), and microalgal-bacterial consortia, which are [108]. In wastewater treatment processes, interactions between photo-
constituted by photosynthetic microorganisms and heterotrophic bac- synthetic microorganisms can have the following advantages: (i) en-
teria. The next sections describe the type of interactions that can be hancement of the overall nutrients uptake, providing that sufcient
established between the microorganisms integrating these consortia nutrients are supplied; (ii) resistance to contaminants and predators
and how these interactions can improve nutrients removal. Table 5 through the induction of allelochemicals production; and (iii) the devel-
summarizes the main characteristics of both consortia. opment of a settleable system (by combining single cell microorganisms
with occulating ones), thus avoiding the requirements for a harvesting
4.1. Microalgal consortia method. Additionally, the use of microalgal consortia in wastewater
treatment ensures the viability of the remediation process because the
Interactions between photosynthetic microorganisms are not well loss of one microorganism can be compensated by the other microor-
documented in the literature [107]. It is thought that growing these mi- ganisms integrating the consortia [3].
croorganisms in a consortium may result in both cooperative and com- Several studies have reported the use of both native and articial
petitive interactions. On the one hand, these microorganisms may consortia in wastewater polishing (Table 6). For example, a non-native
establish cooperative interactions through the exchange of metabolites, consortium composed by Chlorella sp. and Scenedesmus sp. was effec-
resulting in an overall increase in biomass productivities and hence, nu- tively applied in nitrogen and phosphorus removal from a primary-
trients removal efciencies [108]. On the other hand, co-cultivation of treated municipal wastewater by Koreivien et al. [112]. These authors
photosynthetic microorganisms may result in the excretion of second- reported total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) removal ef-
ary metabolites, also known as allelochemicals, that exhibit a negative ciencies ranging between 88.696.4 and 99.799.9%, respectively. Addi-
effect on the co-cultivated microorganisms [108110]. For example, tionally, the authors evaluated the potential of this consortium in CO2
when growing a microalgal consortium composed by C. vulgaris and mitigation and lipid production, concluding that the consortium was
Pseudokirchneriella. subcapitata, Fergola et al. [111] have demonstrated able to accumulate about 0.651.37 g CO2 L 1 d1 in their biomass.
that P. subcapitata growth was strongly inhibited by chlorellin, a fatty However, no lipid accumulation was observed in the studied conditions.
acids mixture excreted by the co-cultivated C. vulgaris. Allelochemicals Using a native microalgal consortium from a carpet mill industry efu-
production may be enhanced or suppressed by both abiotic and biotic ent for biofuel application, Chinnasamy et al. [113] have reported a
factors. The most important abiotic factors that enhance allelochemicals high biomass and lipid production potential (9.217.8 ton ha1 yr1
production include nutrients starvation, low light intensities and tem- and 6.82%, respectively), as well as an almost complete removal of
peratures and high pH values. On the other hand, excessive nutrients NO3-N and PO4-P (removal efciencies ranged between 96.6 and
99.8%). In order to obtain a self-occulating culture, Renuka et al. [3]
Table 4 have evaluated the potential of a non-native consortium (composed
Advantages and limitations of using microalgal consortia in wastewater treatment by unicellular and lamentous microalgae) and two native consortia
(one composed by lamentous microalgae and the other composed by
Advantages Limitations unicellular microalgae) in the treatment of a primary-treated sewage,
Robust systems (able to resist to envi- Wide variety of possible microalgal reaching high nitrogen and phosphorus removal efciencies in all stud-
ronmental uctuations and invasion combinations ied consortia: NO3-N removal efciencies ranged between 81.5 and
by other species) Difculties in the consortia design 83.3%, NH4-N removal efciencies were about 100% and PO4-P removal
Broad specicity to different nutri- (microbial selection, ratio between efciencies ranged between 94.9 and 97.8%.
ents (the combination of microor- microorganisms, etc.)
ganisms with different nutrients Difculties in maintaining the con-
requirements results in the removal sortia in longer processes and in 4.2. Microalgal-bacterial consortia
of multiple nutrients at the same open systems
time) Competitive and cooperative interactions between microalgae and
Cooperative interactions result in in-
bacteria have already been reported in the literature [15,24,114,115].
creased removal efciencies
Can be used in replacement of sec- Fig. 2 evidences the possible interactions established between these mi-
ondary treatment phase (the croorganisms. Regarding competitive interactions, both microalgae and
microalgal-bacterial consortia), re- bacteria can have adverse effects on each other. Several studies have al-
ducing the oxygenation costs and ready reported the excretion of microalgal metabolites presenting a
CO2 emissions
bactericidal effect [115117]. For example, chlorellin presents

Please cite this article as: A.L. Gonalves, et al., A review on the use of microalgal consortia for wastewater treatment, Algal Res. (2016), http://
A.L. Gonalves et al. / Algal Research xxx (2016) xxxxxx 7

Table 6
Application of microalgal consortia in nitrogen and phosphorus removal from different wastewaters and respective removal efciencies.

Nitrogen Phosphorus

System and operation Removal Ci Ci

Microorganisms Waste stream mode time (d) (mg L1) %R (mg L1) %R Ref.

Microalgal consortium composed by Ulothrix zonata, Digested dairy Immobilized system 7 78 TN 62 7 TP 70 [104]
Ulothrix aequalis, Rhizoclonium hieroglyphicum and manure wastewater (biolm reactor),
Oedogonium sp. semi-continuous mode,
V = 220 L
Microalgal consortium composed by Ulothrix zonata, Undigested dairy Immobilized system 7 64 TN 60 14 TP 93 [104]
Ulothrix aequalis, Rhizoclonium hieroglyphicum and manure wastewater (biolm reactor),
Oedogonium sp. semi-continuous mode,
V = 220 L
Calothrix sp., Lyngbya sp., Ulothrix sp. and Chlorella sp. Primary-treated Closed suspended 14 83.7 83.3 3.1 PO4-P 97.7 [3]
sewage water system, batch mode, NO3-N 100
V = 0.8 L 21.1
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Scenedesmus rubescens and Primary-treated Closed suspended 514 52.898.7 41.2100 3.911.5 12.2100 [141]
Chlorella vulgaris municipal system, batch mode, TN TN PO4-P
wastewater V = 5L
Chlorella sp. and Scenedesmus sp. Primary-treated Closed suspended 21 14.156.5 88.696.4 1.56.1 99.799.9 [112]
municipal system, batch mode, TN TP
wastewater at V = 0.23 L
Chlorella sp., Scenedesmus sp., Chlorococcum sp. and Primary-treated Closed suspended 14 83.7 81.5 3.1 PO4-P 94.9 [3]
Chroococcus sp. sewage water system, batch mode, NO3-N 100
V = 0.8 L 21.1
Chlorella sp., Scenedesmus spp. and Chlorella zongiensis Dairy wastewater Closed suspended 34 176.0 TN 87.091.0 39.6 TP 91.296.0 [107]
system, batch mode,
V = 0.4 L
Chlorella vulgaris and Planktothrix isothrix Municipal Closed suspended 9 79.3 43.981.5 7.5 PO4-P 98.4100 [87]
wastewater system, batch mode, NH4-N
V = 0.25 L
Chlorococcum sp., Scenedesmus sp., Chlorella sp. and Synthetic municipal Closed suspended 14 n.a. n.a. 10 PO4-P 80 [25]
Phaeodactylum tricornutum wastewater system, batch mode;
V = 0.4 L
Microalgal consortium composed by the families Primary-treated Closed suspended 7 23.3 100 1.7 TP 100 [138]
Chlorophyta, Cyanobacteria, Euglenozoa and municipal system, batch mode NH4-N
Ochrophyta wastewater V = 1L
Microalgal consortium mainly composed by the genera Dairy wastewater Closed suspended 15 16.330.5 96 1.82.6 99 [136]
Actinastrum, Scenedesmus, Chlorella, Spirogyra, Nitzschia, system, batch mode, NH4-N PO4-P
Micractinium, Golenkinia, Chlorococcum, Closterium and V = 1L
Microalgal consortium mainly composed by the genera Municipal Closed suspended 24 39.0 8499 2.1 PO4-P 9399 [136]
Actinastrum, Scenedesmus, Chlorella, Spirogyra, Nitzschia, wastewater system, NH4-N
Micractinium, Golenkinia, Chlorococcum, Closterium and semi-continuous mode,
Euglena V = 1L
Microcystis aeruginosa, Scenedesmus quadricauda, Chlorella Primary-treated Open suspended 5 0.64 45.3 4.6 PO4-P 32.6 [139]
vulgaris and Euglena viridis municipal system, batch mode, NO3-N 58.1
wastewater V = 60 L 39.4
Carpet mill industry wastewater native microalgal Carpet mill industry Closed suspended 3 1.43.9 99.799.8 17.622.0 96.699.1 [113]
consortium wastewater system, batch mode, NO3-N PO4-P
V = 0.5 L
Phormidium sp., Limnothrix sp., Anabaena sp., Westiellopsis Primary-treated Closed suspended 14 83.7 83.3 3.1 PO4-P 97.8 [3]
sp., Fischerella sp. and Spirogyra sp. sewage water system, batch mode, NO3-N 100
V = 0.8 L 21.1
Rhodobacter sphaeroides and Chlorella sorokiniana Synthetic high Closed suspended 1 b0.1 100 b0.1 100 [142]
strength organic system, batch mode, NO3-N 100 PO4-P
wastewater V = 0.2 L 0.1
Synechocystis salina and Chlorella vulgaris Synthetic medium Closed suspended 7 45 NO3-N 84.5 10 PO4-P 85.9 [143]
system, batch mode,
V = 0.45 L
Synechocystis salina and Microcystis aeruginosa Synthetic medium Closed suspended 7 45 NO3-N 77.7 10 PO4-P 97.2 [143]
system, batch mode,
V = 0.45 L
Synechocystis salina and Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Synthetic medium Closed suspended 7 45 NO3-N 72.0 10 PO4-P 91.8 [143]
system, batch mode,
V = 0.45 L

Ci - initial concentration (in mg L1); %R - removal efciency; V - working volume; NO3-N - nitrate-nitrogen (mg N L1); NH4-N - ammonium-nitrogen (mg N L1); TN - total nitrogen
(mg N L1); PO4-P - phosphate-phosphorus (mg P L1); TP - total phosphorus (mg P L1); n.a. - not applicable.

Please cite this article as: A.L. Gonalves, et al., A review on the use of microalgal consortia for wastewater treatment, Algal Res. (2016), http://
8 A.L. Gonalves et al. / Algal Research xxx (2016) xxxxxx

Fig. 2. Cooperative () and competitive () interactions established between microalgae and bacteria (adapted from Muoz and Guieysse [15]).

bactericidal activity against Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria, heterotrophic bacteria, promoting an effective removal of BOD, COD
such as Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli and Pseu- and nutrients [2,125]. When treating a domestic wastewater using a
domonas aeruginosa [118]. Additionally, the increase in pH and temper- HRAP, Park and Craggs [126] have reported NH4-N and PO4-P removal
ature resulting from the photosynthetic activity can have a detrimental efciencies of about 90 and 70%, respectively. In this study, average
effect on the co-cultivated bacteria [15,24]. Similarly, it has already been lipid content determined in microalgal biomass ranged between 20
reported that bacteria can excrete metabolites presenting an algicidal and 25%, being 40% the maximum lipid content achieved (under nitro-
effect [115]. On the other hand, a symbiotic relationship may be found gen limiting conditions). Besides the advantages already reported for
in microalgal-bacterial interactions. During photosynthesis, microalgae HRAPs, these systems present some limitations regarding (i) light pen-
release organic compounds that can be used by bacteria as carbon and etration and mixing, which are responsible for an imbalance between
energy source and O2 that is used for the oxidation of organic matter. bacterial respiration and oxygen production by microalgae; (ii) the
On the other hand, bacteria release the CO2 required for photosynthetic presence of protozoa and predatory zooplankton; and (iii) the necessity
reactions [27,89,105,119,120]. However, cooperative interactions be- of a further harvesting step to separate small microalgae from the treat-
tween microalgae and bacteria are more complex than simple nutrients ed efuent. To overcome problems related to light penetration, mixing
exchange. Microalgae can serve as a habitat for bacteria, protecting and presence of predators, several studies have proposed wastewater
them from adverse environmental conditions [24] and can enhance bac- treatment using microalgal-bacterial consortia in closed PBRs. When
terial growth through the release of extracellular metabolites. Mandal et growing a microalgal-bacterial consortium composed by C. vulgaris
al. [121] have demonstrated that extracellular polymeric substances and primary-treated municipal wastewater native bacteria in tubular
produced by the microalga Amphidinium carterae have stimulated the PBRs processing a primary-treated municipal wastewater (NH4-N and
growth of the bacterium Bacillus pumilus. Likewise, bacteria are respon- TP concentrations of 17207 and 1.419.5 mg L1, respectively), He et
sible for the excretion of growth-promoting factors, such as vitamins al. [103] have demonstrated removal efciencies ranging between
(e.g. biotin, thiamine and cobalamine) and siderophores (important 30.9 and 100% for nitrogen and between 65 and 98% for phosphorus.
chelating agents for microalgal growth under iron-decient conditions) Alcntara et al. [129] have used a closed tank to evaluate the perfor-
[23]. By increasing microalgal growth, an increase in nutrients uptake mance of a microalgal consortium isolated from a HRAP treating diluted
rates is also expected. For example, in the study performed by De-Ba- vinasse and activated sludge native bacteria in nitrogen and organic
shan et al. [122], co-cultivation of Azospirillum brasilense with C. vulgaris matter removal from a synthetic wastewater containing 120 mg L 1
and Chlorella sorokiniana in alginate beads enhanced microalgal growth of NH4-N and 200 mg L1 of total organic carbon (TOC). These authors
and improved nitrogen and phosphorus removal from a municipal have reported NH4-N removal efciencies ranging between 75 and 96%
wastewater used as culture medium. Apart from being effective in nu- and TOC removal efciencies ranging between 86 and 90%. To avoid the
trients removal, these systems can further improve current wastewater requirements for further harvesting of microalgal biomass, some studies
treatment processes because [89]: (i) the costs associated to the oxy- have reported the use of these consortia in immobilized growth sys-
genation of activated sludge tanks can be signicantly reduced; and tems. Posadas et al. [77] have used a biolm reactor to promote prima-
(ii) the greenhouse effects associated to wastewater treatment plants ry-treated domestic wastewater treatment (TN, PO4-P and TOC
can be considered negligible, since the CO2 released by bacteria is con- concentrations of 91, 7 and 181 mg L 1, respectively) by a centrate
verted into organic matter by microalgae. wastewater native microalgal-bacterial consortium. This study has re-
Table 7 presents an overview of different microalgal-bacterial con- vealed TN, PO4-P and TOC removal efciencies of 70, 85 and 90%, respec-
sortia that have been effectively applied in nitrogen, phosphorus and or- tively. When growing C. sorokiniana and activated sludge native bacteria
ganic matter removal from different wastewater sources. Taking into in a tubular biolm PBR treating primary-treated piggery wastewater
account the CO2/O2 exchanges observed in these consortia and the asso- containing 656 mg L 1 of NH4-N, 117 mg L 1 of PO4-P and
ciated benecial effects, the activated algae concept has emerged as an 1247 mg L1 of TOC, De Godos et al. [89] have reported the following re-
attractive strategy for nutrients removal from wastewaters, combining moval efciencies: 94100% for NH4-N, 7090% for PO4-P and 45% for
the secondary and tertiary treatment steps in a single process [123]. TOC. Immobilization in solid carriers has also been reported in the liter-
These systems have been rstly proposed by Oswald et al. [124] using ature. De-Bashan et al. [122] have used an immobilized culture of Chlo-
high rate algal ponds (HRAPs), paddlewheel mixed, shallow, raceway- rella sp. and A. brasilense in alginate beads to treat a municipal
type ponds that are completely oxygenated [2,6,86,125,126]. Since this wastewater with the following composition (in mg L1): 0.14.3 NH4-
rst report, HRAPs have been successfully applied around the world, N, 45.2 NO3-N and 4.1 PO4-P. This study has resulted in an effective re-
being able to treat different wastewater streams, such as agricultural, moval of nitrogen (both NH4-N and NO3-N) and phosphorus, with re-
domestic and industrial [2,125127]. Additionally, several authors moval efciencies ranging between 92 and 100%. To reduce time and
have reported the potential of these systems in biofuels production costs associated to microalgal harvesting, some authors have also de-
[86,125,126,128]. In these reactors, microalgae live together with scribed the use of articial consortia consisting of occulating

Please cite this article as: A.L. Gonalves, et al., A review on the use of microalgal consortia for wastewater treatment, Algal Res. (2016), http://
A.L. Gonalves et al. / Algal Research xxx (2016) xxxxxx 9

Table 7
Application of microalgal-bacterial consortia in nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon removal from different wastewaters and respective removal efciencies.

Nitrogen Phosphorus Carbon

System and Removal Ci

Microorganisms Waste stream operation mode time (d) Ci (mg L1) %R (mg L1) %R Ci (mg L1) %R Ref.

Centrate wastewater native Centrate wastewater Immobilized 10 666 TN 60 101 54 76 TOC 0 [77]
algal-bacterial consortium system (biolm PO4-P
mode, V = 31 L
Centrate wastewater native Primary-treated Immobilized 10 91 TN 70 7 PO4-P 85 181 TOC 90 [77]
algal-bacterial consortium domestic wastewater system (biolm
mode, V = 31 L
Centrate wastewater native Synthetic domestic Closed 7 50 NH4-N 99.8 7 PO4-P 99.8 300 TOC 100 [88]
algal-bacterial consortium wastewater suspended
system, batch
mode, V = 1.9 L
Chlorella sorokiniana and Potato-processing Open suspended 10 12.1 NH4-N 95 47.5 80.7 745 COD 86.1 [81]
activated sludge native bacteria wastewater system, PO4-P
mode, V = 5 L
Chlorella sorokiniana and Primary-treated Immobilized 7 656 NH4-N 94100 117 7090 1247 TOC 45 [89]
activated sludge native bacteria piggery wastewater system (biolm PO4-P
mode, V = 7.5 L
Chlorella sorokiniana and Primary-treated Open suspended 10 12.3 NH4-N 82.7 3.4 PO4-P 58.0 465 COD 58.1 [81]
activated sludge native bacteria piggery wastewater system,
mode, V = 5 L
Chlorella sp. ES-13 and ES-30, Oil, metal and Immobilized 7 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 1200 COD 51 [54]
Scenedesmus obliquus ES-55, chemical industry system (solid
several Stichococcus strains, wastewater carriers),
Phormidium sp. ES-90, V = 100 L,
Rhodococcus sp. Ac-1267,
Kibdelosporangium aridum 754
and two unidentied bacterial
strains isolated from a collector
Chlorella sp., Pediastrum sp., Primary-treated Closed 0.67 44.3 TN 61.2 1.4 PO4-P 30.256.8 n.a. n.a. [130]
Phormidium sp., Scenedesmus municipal wastewater suspended
sp. and activated sludge native system,
bacteria semi-continuous
mode, V = 4 L
Chlorella spp. and Azospirillum Municipal wastewater Immobilized 6 45.2 15 4.1 PO4-P 36 n.a. n.a. [122]
brasilense system (alginate NO3-N 100
beads), batch 0.14.3
mode, V = 0.6 L NH4-N
Chlorella vulgaris and Azospirillum Synthetic wastewater Immobilized 2 0.8 NH4-N 93 4.9 75 n.a. n.a. [144]
brasilense system (alginate PO4-P
beads), batch
mode, V = 0.5 L
Chlorella vulgaris and Azospirillum Synthetic wastewater Immobilized 2 0.8 NH4-N 91 4.9 PO4-P 0 n.a. n.a. [144]
brasilense system (alginate
mode, V = 0.5 L
Chlorella vulgaris and Azospirillum Synthetic wastewater Immobilized 2 0.8 NH4-N 100 4.9 PO4-P 83 n.a. n.a. [144]
brasilense system (alginate
mode, V = 0.5 L
Chlorella vulgaris and Bacillus Synthetic medium Closed 6 20 NH4-N 78 4 TP 92 n.a. n.a. [132]
licheniformis suspended
system, batch
mode, V = 0.1 L
Chlorella vulgaris and activated Synthetic wastewater Closed 2.74 75 TN 33.4365.96 n.a. n.a. 195 TOC 78.686.5 [133]
sludge native bacteria suspended
mode, V = 30 L
Chlorella vulgaris and brewery Brewery industry Closed 20 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 21723846 1315 [134]
wastewater native wastewater suspended COD
microalgal-bacterial consortia system, batch
mode, V = 15 L

(continued on next page)

Please cite this article as: A.L. Gonalves, et al., A review on the use of microalgal consortia for wastewater treatment, Algal Res. (2016), http://
10 A.L. Gonalves et al. / Algal Research xxx (2016) xxxxxx

Table 7 (continued)

Nitrogen Phosphorus Carbon

System and Removal Ci

Microorganisms Waste stream operation mode time (d) Ci (mg L1) %R (mg L1) %R Ci (mg L1) %R Ref.

Chlorella vulgaris and Primary-treated Closed 820 17207 30.9100 1.419.6 6598 n.a. n.a. [103]
primary-treated municipal municipal wastewater suspended NH4-N TP
wastewater native bacteria system, batch
mode, V = 1.5 L
Microalgal consortium from a Synthetic wastewater Closed 220 120 NH4-N 7596 n.a. n.a. 200 TOC 8690 [129]
high rate algal pond treating suspended
diluted vinasse and activated system,
sludge native bacteria continuous
mode, V = 2.7 L
Microalgal consortium from a Domestic wastewater Open suspended 4 56 NH4-N 91.896.9 7.0 PO4-P 70.072.9 n.a. n.a. [126]
high rate algal pond treating system,
domestic wastewater and continuous
activated sludge native bacteria mode,
V = 8000 L
Municipal wastewater native Primary-treated Open suspended 814 50.1 TN 93.795.8 8.8 PO4-P 64.093.5 380 COD 91.296.2 [102]
microalgae and activated municipal wastewater system, batch
sludge native bacteria mode, V = 14 L
Piggery wastewater native Anaerobically-digested Open suspended 10 303.3494.9 64.493.9 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. [90]
algal-bacterial consortium piggery wastewater system, NH4-N
mode, V = 3 L
Piggery wastewater native Fresh piggery Open suspended 10 323.9568.9 58.294.8 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. [90]
algal-bacterial consortium wastewater system, NH4-N
mode, V = 3 L
Primary-treated wastewater Primary-treated Closed 8 14.618.9 100 3.84.9 54.572.6 36.963.6 75.2 [131]
native algal-bacterial municipal wastewater suspended NH4-N PO4-P TOC 98
consortium system, batch 103.0190.9
mode, V = 14 L COD
Scenedesmus sp. and anaerobic Starch wastewater Closed 5 3050 88.7 54 80.1 180010000 80.5 [145]
sludge native bacteria suspended NH4-N PO4-P COD
system, batch
V = 0.06 L

Ci - initial concentration (in mg L1); %R - removal efciency; V - working volume; NO3-N - nitrate-nitrogen (mg N L1); NH4-N - ammonium-nitrogen (mg N L1); TN - total nitrogen
(mg N L1); PO4-P - phosphate-phosphorus (mg P L1); TP - total phosphorus (mg P L1); TOC - total organic carbon (mg C L1); COD - chemical oxygen demand (mg O2 L1); n.a. - not

microorganisms. Van Den Hende et al. [130] have reported the use of continuous treatment of different pollutants require an adequate selec-
microalgal-bacterial ocs, mainly composed by Chlorella sp., Pediastrum tion of the microorganisms integrating the consortia, as the pollutants
sp., Phormidium sp., Scenedesmus sp. and activated sludge native bacte- can decrease the photosynthetic activity, decreasing the effectiveness
ria, to treat a primary-treated municipal wastewater. The results obtain- of the treatment. Additionally, to obtain more effective consortia, able
ed in this study have shown that these ocs were able to remove 61.2% to degrade specic pollutants, further studies regarding the engineering
of TN and 30.256.8% of PO4-P. Similarly, Su et al. [131] have grown a of new consortia and the design of synthetic microbial communities, ar-
settleable microalgal-bacterial consortium in a primary-treated munic- ticial consortia where at least one of the species involved has been ge-
ipal wastewater, reporting a complete removal of NH4-N, PO4-P removal netically engineered, should be performed to meet some challenges,
efciencies ranging between 54.5 and 72.6% and TOC and COD removal such as [23,106]: (i) maintenance of long-term homeostasis; (ii) main-
efciencies of 75.2 and 98%, respectively. To further improve the ef- tenance of long-term effectiveness of the consortia, even when horizon-
ciency of these systems in nutrients removal, some authors have studied tal gene transfer occurs; (iii) incorporation of stable changes into the
the effect of culturing conditions, such as light, nutrients concentration, genomes of the microorganisms involved in the consortia; and (iv)
pH and microalgal:bacterial ratio [88,102,132,133]. Liang et al. [132] ne-tuning of the consortia performance. The stability of microbial con-
have studied the effect of pH in the performance of a microalgal-bacte- sortia relies on the following features: (i) communication within the
rial consortium composed by C. vulgaris and Bacillus licheniformis in ni- microbial consortia or between individuals (the exchange of metabo-
trogen and phosphorus removal from a synthetic medium, reaching lites and molecular signals, such as quorum sensing signals); and (ii)
NH4-N removal efciencies of 78% and TP removal efciencies of 92%. the division of labour. Accordingly, engineering of microalgal consortia
When evaluating the effect of algae:sludge ratios on nutrients removal should allow re-introduction or elimination of microorganisms as
from a primary-treated municipal wastewater, Su et al. [102] have re- needed and the complete monitoring of the tasks developed within
ported TN removal efciencies ranging between 93.7 and 95.8%, PO4-P the consortia. For example, metabolite proling contributes to the
removal efciencies ranging between 64.0 and 93.5% and COD removal understanding of the complex interactions established among the
efciencies ranging between 91.2 and 96.2%. microbial members and to the identication of economically important
metabolites. Metabolic proling, functional genomics and combinatori-
5. Current challenges of microalgal consortia and research needs al biochemical approaches including metabolic engineering can be
applied for the development of microalgal consortia presenting high
Although several studies have successfully applied microalgal and ability for pollutants removal.
microalgal-bacterial consortia in nutrients removal from different Moreover, most of the studies regarding microalgal consortia in nu-
wastewater streams, further research on this eld is required for the op- trients removal have been performed in laboratory scale units, which
timization of culturing parameters in large scale units. First of all, the may not be representative of real conditions. Accordingly, important

Please cite this article as: A.L. Gonalves, et al., A review on the use of microalgal consortia for wastewater treatment, Algal Res. (2016), http://
A.L. Gonalves et al. / Algal Research xxx (2016) xxxxxx 11

advances include [27,119]: (i) the study of the effect of different envi- [5] J. Ruiz, Z. Arbib, P. lvarez-Daz, C. Garrido-Prez, J. Barragn, J. Perales,
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Please cite this article as: A.L. Gonalves, et al., A review on the use of microalgal consortia for wastewater treatment, Algal Res. (2016), http://

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