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EARS NOTES Name: Jakob, Rohana and Daphne


(Straight from the text) (This means...) Explain in your (What is the topic?) Which (Where did I get this?) Be
own words category would it go under? specific.

"Roman Achievements &

Inventions - Ancient Rome For
Kids." N. p.,
2017. Web. 7 Dec. 2017.

The Romans enjoyed many The Romans were very ahead of Roman Aqueducts Andrews, Evan. 10
amenities for their day, including their time. They had working Innovations That
public toilets, underground sewage toilets,underground sewage Built Ancient Rome.
systems, fountains and ornate public, A&E
systems,fountains and public baths.
baths. Television Networks,
But none of this would be possible 20 Nov. 2012,
without Roman aqueducts.

Many ancient Roman structures like Concrete was a main part of Rome. Concrete Andrews, Evan. 10
the Pantheon, the Colosseum and They used it to create the Innovations That
the Roman Forum are still standing Pantheon and the Colosseum. It is Built Ancient Rome.
today thanks to the development of, A&E
something that we still use today.
Roman cement and concrete. Television Networks,
20 Nov. 2012,

The Romans were known to contribute One that you may not know about Newspapers Andrews, Evan. 10
to public discourse through the use of the Romans is that they created Innovations That
official texts detailing military, legal and newspapers. They were called Acta Built Ancient Rome.
civil issues. Known as Acta Diurna, or Diurna which means daily acts., A&E
daily acts, these early newspapers Television Networks,
were written on metal or stone and then 20 Nov. 2012,
posted in heavily trafficked areas like
the Roman Forum. ws/history-lists/10-in

they came up with the idea of arches Romans were very advanced in Architecture "Ancient Roman Contributions:
as a way to support more weight, architecture, and they made new Lesson For Kids | Study.Com."
which allowed them to construct larger innovations in areas such as the
buildings. N. p., 2017. Web. 8
Dec. 2017.

Unlike later parliamentary bodies, The Romans had a senate, and Senate and government Wasson, Donald, and Donald
the Roman Senate had little if any their senate Wasson. "Roman Government."
legislative authority, for that power
Ancient History Encyclopedia. N.
wrested in the hands of the popular
assemblies. Originally open only to p., 2017. Web. 8 Dec. 2017.
the patricians, the Senate had what
one might call indirect executive
power called auctoritas.
He instituted the 12 months in a year: The Romans, more specifically Calendar Fell, 8, and The Rome. "8
January, by the god Janus; February, Julius Caesar, created the twelve Reasons Why Rome Fell."
for the Februa festival; March by Mars;
month calendar N. p., 2014. Web.
May, by the goddess Maia; June, by the 11 Dec. 2017.
goddess Juno, April, which means
aprire or open in allusion to the
flowering of spring; July, by Julio Csar;
August, by the Emperor Augustus;
September, for being the seventh
month; October for being the eighth;
And so on until December.

For most of human history, For a long time,people were using Books Andrews, Evan. 10
clay tablets and long scrolls to write Innovations That
literature took the form of Built Ancient Rome.
unwieldy clay tablets and down things. But after the Romans, A&E
invented books, the whole world
scrolls. changed.
Television Networks,
20 Nov. 2012,

Public fountains supplied clean Public Fountains and Baths were Public Fountains chrome-extension://bpmcpldpd
water to citizens. important for the Romans because majfigpchkicefoigmkfalc/views/
it supplied clean water to the app.html
citizens - Rohana

Arches have existed for Arches,they are one thing that you Arches Andrews, Evan. 10
might think were created not so Innovations That
roughly 4,000 years, but the Built Ancient Rome.
ancient Romans were the first long ago. Well guess what, they, A&E
were actually made 4,000 years
to effectively harness their ago! The people who created them
Television Networks,
power in the construction of 20 Nov. 2012,
were the Romans.
bridges, monuments and ws/history-lists/10-in
buildings. novations-that-built-a

The United States and many The Roman Law was important Roman Laws chrome-extension://bpmc
because it told the citizens what pldpdmajfigpchkicefoigmk
European and Latin nations falc/views/app.html
have been influenced by was right and what was wrong and
- Rohana
it kept everything in order with the
Roman law. 12 tables as well
Rome had tangled with Germanic Rome even though having a strong The Fall Fell, 8, and The Rome. "8
tribes for centuries, but by the 300s army, eventually was overtaken by Reasons Why Rome Fell."
barbarian groups like the Goths German Barbarians
had encroached beyond the N. p., 2014. Web.
Empires borders. The Romans 11 Dec. 2017.
weathered a Germanic uprising in
the late fourth century, but in 410 the
Visigoth King Alaric successfully
sacked the city of Rome.

The Roman's dependency on One of the main reasons why Why Rome Fell Causes for the Fall of the
slave labor led not only to the Rome fell was because they had a Slaves Roman Empire,
decline in morals, values and lot of slaves. www.tribunesandtriu
ethics but also to the stagnation
of any new technology to all-of-the-roman-emp
produce goods more efficiently. ire.htm.

There were great Barbarian Another reason why Rome fell is Why Rome fell Causes for the Fall of the
because they had a lot of Barbarian Barbarian Invasions Roman Empire,
armies consisting of warriors www.tribunesandtriu
such as the Visigoths, Huns enemies.
and the Vandals. pire/causes-for-the-f

Even as Rome was under Romes economy relied on slaves The Fall from Slaves Andrews, Evan. 8 Reasons Why
attack from outside forces, but as time went on there was not Rome Fell., A&E
Television Networks, 14 Jan.
it was also crumbling from as much as slaves as there used to 2014,
be so they didnt get work done and
within thanks to a severe soon lost grip on Europe
financial crisis.

Even as Rome was under Rome had gone into a financial Downfall by money Causes for the Fall of the
Roman Empire,
attack from outside forces, crisis, and almost everyone was out www.tribunesandtriu
it was also crumbling from of money
within thanks to a severe pire/causes-for-the-f
financial crisis. Constant all-of-the-roman-emp
wars and overspending had
significantly lightened
imperial coffers, and
oppressive taxation and
inflation had widened the
gap between rich and poor.

At the same time, the Rome heavily depended on slaves, Financial downfall Causes for the Fall of the
but with all of the war and death Roman Empire,
empire was rocked by a www.tribunesandtriu
labor deficit. Romes going on they were running out of
slaves which shattered the
economy depended on economy and workforce.
slaves to till its fields and all-of-the-roman-emp
work as craftsmen, and its
military might had
traditionally provided a
fresh influx of conquered
peoples to put to work. But
when expansion ground to
a halt in the second century,
Romes supply of slaves and
other war treasures began
to dry up

Unable to recruit enough Romes army was getting weaker Why Rome Fell Andrews, Evan. 8
and easier to defeat, they were not Roman Armies Reasons Why Rome
soldiers from the Roman Fell., A&E
citizenry, emperors like able to get new soldiers through
Television Networks, 14
Roman citizenry. So they began
Diocletian and Constantine hiring foreign mercenaries to make
Jan. 2014,
began hiring foreign
their armies better. story-lists/8-reasons-why-
mercenaries to prop up rome-fell.
their armies.
Lead poisoning was a main reason Why Rome fell Mclaughlin, William. 4
why Rome fell. They used lead in Lead Poisoning Reasons Why Rome Fell
Lead poisoning is often (Or Did It Ever Fall?).
dismissed as a major cause many things such as food.
for the decline of Rome, but 23 May 2017,
the theory does have some
merit. ns-rome-fell-ever-fall.html

As more and more funds Rome was overspending on its Financial downfall by Andrews, Evan. 8
military and economy, which led to overspending Reasons Why Rome
were funneled into the Fell., A&E
military upkeep of the a downfall in money
Television Networks, 14
empire, technological Jan. 2014,
advancement slowed and
Romes civil infrastructure rome-fell.
fell into disrepair.

The division made the The splitting of the Andrews, Evan. 8

Roman empire caused the east t Reasons Why Rome
empire more easily Fell., A&E
governable in the short get greedy, and take many
Television Networks, 14
resources from the west, which
term, but over time the two caused the downfall of traditional
Jan. 2014,
halves drifted apart. East
Rome. story-lists/8-reasons-why-
and West failed to rome-fell.
adequately work together to
combat outside threats, and
the two often squabbled
over resources and military

If Romes sheer size made it As Rome conquered more land, Government Corruption Andrews, Evan. 8
they got more people. Eventually Reasons Why Rome
difficult to govern, Fell., A&E
ineffective and inconsistent they had so many people that they
Television Networks, 14
couldnt control all the people.
leadership only served to Jan. 2014,
magnify the problem.

Christianity made many Roman When Christianity became one of Christianity Fall of the Roman
citizens into pacifists, making it the main religions in Rome. It Empire. > Fall
more difficult to defend against turned the citizens into pacifists. of the Roman Empire,
Decline of Ancient Rome,
the barbarian attackers. This made it more difficult to defend
themselves against barbarians. pire/fall/.

1. Roman Aqueducts
2. Concrete
3. Newspapers
4. Architecture
5. Government
6. Books
7. Public Fountains
8. Roman Laws
9. Arches
10. Calendar

Reasons why Rome Fell

1. Lack of slaves
2. Barbarian Invasions
3. Money/Financial problems
4. Weak Roman Armies
5. Lead Poisoning
6. Overspending
7. Conflict between West and East Empire
8. Overpopulation (Not enough money to go around)
9. Government Corruption
10. Christianity

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