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Contact announcement confirmation letter

Dear ./ ASME Conformity Assessment staff

To Whom It May Concern:

I hope my mail find you well,

Please be informed that, we appointment Eng. /Ahmed Iraqi Abdelnaby as ASME contact.

New Contact Name : (Ahmed, I., Abdelnaby)

Job Title : QC Section Head

Telephone Number : 002032023166

Fax Number : 00203 2021183

Mobile Number : 00201211177761

E-mail Address :

Best Regards

Home > Submitting an Application: New Contact, Existing Company

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Submit a Renewal Application: New Contact Applying for an Existing Company

o The Scenario
o New Contact Registration Form
o Linking a New Contact to an Existing Company
o Submitting a Renewal Application
o Submit a Renewal Application
o Step 1: Company & Plant Information
o Step 2: Certification & Stamps
o Step 3: Billing Information and Review
o Step 4: Print & Mail

Submit a Renewal Application: New Contact Applying

for an Existing Company
The following step-by-step instructions can be used to learn about the
application submission process that is performed by the Applicant when
applying for renewal of accreditation/certification.

Note: If you already registered as the new contact, submitted your letter
of announcement, and received confirmation from the ASME Conformity
Assessment staff to proceed with submitting the renewal application,
click here to go directly to the Submitting the Renewal
Application section of this document.

The Scenario

The following scenario describes the case where a first-time Applicant

visits CA Connect to register as the Primary Contact for a company that
is already in CA Connect and is linked to another contact.

The first-time Applicant registers as the new Primary Contact

representing the Company, but will first need to submit a new contact
announcement confirmation letter in order to be linked to the
Company and allowed access to CA Connect and the company account.

The following is a step-by-step process for registering the Primary

Contact and submitting a renewal application for the Company once
assigned as the Primary Contact.


1. Open your web browser and type

Figure 1 - CA Connect Access


2. Enter your Email Address (see Figure 2).

3. Click the Continue button.

Figure 2 - Login Page


4. Enter a Password for the Primary Contact (see Figure 3).

5. Click the Create Account button.

Figure 3 - Create Customer Account


6. An Account Created Successfully confirmation message is

displayed (see Figure 4).

7. Click the Continue button.

Figure 4 - Account Created Confirmation

New Contact Registration Form

Note: Fields marked with a red (*) asterisk denotes required data


1. Enter the new Primary Contact information in the designated

fields (see Figure 5).

2. Prior to entering the telephone numbers, click on the drop-down

field and select the Country. (Note: When the Applicant selects a
Country, extra telephone fields will appear.)

3. Enter the telephone numbers. (Note: Do not include dashes in

the telephones numbers.)

4. Enter the Company Name in the Company * search field.

5. Click the Search button to locate the Company account.

a. If the Company account is not found in CA Connect, the

message, There are no results for your search is

b. Confirm the Company Name was correctly entered.

c. Re-enter the Company Name and perform another search.

d. If Company is not found after you perform the second

search, and the application is for a renewal of certificate(s),
do not continue. Send an e-mail to and
request assistance from the CA Connect Program
Administrator. You can also call ____ for immediate

e. If the Company is found, continue with the step-by-step

instructions listed below.

Figure 5 - New Contact Registration

Linking a New Contact to an Existing Company

1. If the Company is found, the Company Name and Location are

displayed (see Figure 6).

2. Click the Company Name link you want to be connected to.

Figure 6 - Company Search Results

3. The Company Information, Plant Address, and Mailing Address (if

available), are imported onto the registration form (see Figure 7)

4. Click the Create New Account button.

Note: The Reset button will clear the information entered in the
fields and allow you to start over.

Figure 7 - Company Information Import

5. You will receive a message requesting you to submit a letter

announcing your appointment on company letterhead (see Figure

6. Following the receipt of the appointment letter, you will be

assigned to the Company account as their Primary Contact.

7. You will also receive an e-mail notification from the ASME

Conformity Assessment staff informing you that you can proceed
to login to CA Connect and submit the renewal application.

Figure 8 - Letter Announcing Appointment Request

PROCESS. Please wait to receive confirmation from the ASME
Staff to submit the renewal application.

Submitting a Renewal Application

Once the new contact is linked to the Company, the new contact can log
into CA Connect and proceed to submit the renewal application.


1. Open your web browser and type (see

Figure 9).

Figure 9 - CA Connect Access


2. Enter your Email Address (see Figure 10).

3. Click the Continue button.

Figure 10 - Login Page


4. Enter your Password (see Figure 11).


5. Click the Login button.

Figure 11 - Password Page

6. You will be directed to the Company List page. Find the
company for which you want to apply for a renewal of the
certificate(s) (see Figure 12).

7. Click the Select link assigned to the company account for which
you want to apply for a renewal of the certificate(s) (see Figure

Figure 12 - Company List


8. You will be directed to your My Accounts Page (see Figure

13). (Note: Do not select the Submit New Application menu link
on the top menu bar if you are renewing certificate/stamp(s).

Figure 13 - Company List

Submit a Renewal Application


1. Click the My Application Tab (see Figure 14).

2. Click the Up for Renewal link for the Company for which you will
be submitting the application.

3. You will be directed to the Submit New Application forrm which

is divided into 4 steps.

Figure 14 - My Applications Tab

Step 1: Company & Plant Information

The Company and Plant information are auto-populated onto this page
(see Figure 15). All the fields are View Only. The information can only
be changed by the ASME Conformity Assessment staff.

To change any of the information on this page, send a Change Request

via CA Connect or by e-mail to


1. Verify the information for accuracy then click the Next button to
proceed to Step 2 (Certification & Stamps).

Figure 15 - Submit New Application Form - Step 1 (Company &


Step 2: Certification & Stamps

This page features the Application Types and Certificate/Stamps related

options (see Figure 16).


1. For a renewal application, the Application Type default is set

to Renewal.

2. Select the Certificate(s)/Stamps(s) you are applying for by

placing a checkmark in the appropriate checkbox for those
certificate(s) you are renewing. (Note: For illustration purposes,
this sample shows the selection of the PP certificate/stamp.)

Figure 16 - Submit New Application Form - Step 2 (Certificates &



3. Once you check the certificate(s)/stamp(s) for renewal, the

Certificate Type, Certificate Number, and Scope are displayed
(see Figure 17).
a. If you need to change the scope, click on the Change
Scope link and continue with Steps a - b. If you are not
changing the scope, skip to Step # 4.

Figure 17 - Submit New Application Form - Step 2 (Change Scope)


b. Click the Select button to choose the applicable

scope. (Note: Follow this step only if you are changing the
scope. Otherwise, skip to the next step.)

Figure 18 - Submit New Application Form - Step 2 (Change Scope



4. If applicable, select an Authorized Inspection Agency from the

drop-down list of options (see Figure 19).

5. Enter the Number of Stamps Requested (1/2 or 3/4) in the

fields next to those entries.

6. Click the Next button to proceed to Form D.

Figure 19 - Submit New Application Form - Step 2 (Authorized

Inspection Agency)


7. Enter the Form D information (see Figure 20).

8. Click the Next button to proceed to Step 3 (Billing Information and


Figure 20 - Submit New Application Form - Form D


9. A message asking if you want to go to the next page is displayed

(see Figure 21).

10. Click the OK button to continue.

Figure 21 - Submit New Application Form - Step 2 (Confirmation


Step 3: Billing Information and Review

Step 3 of the application form is divided into two parts. The first part is
used to input and process Billing and Banking information, and Electronic
Funds Transfer information (see Figure 22). The second part is used to
verify all the information entered on the application form prior to the
submission of the application (see Figure 25).


1. Billing Information: The Billing Address is pre-filled with the

Plant Address. To enter a new Billing Address that is not the Plant
or Mailing Address, overwrite the Plant Address with the actual
Billing Address.

2. To change the Billing Address to the Mailing Address, click

the Import Address button.

Figure 22 - Submit New Application Form - Step 3 (Billing



3. The Import Address button, when clicked, will open the window
depicted on Figure 23.
4. To replace the Billing Address with the Mailing Address, click the
Mailing Address option. Otherwise click the Close link and skip to
Step #6.

5. Click on the Click to Import link.

Please Note: Once you have imported the address, the Applicant
will be allowed to edit the Billing Address any time prior to the
issuance of the certificate(s)/stamp(s). Editing the Billing Address in
the Billing Address section (after you have imported it) will not
impact your official Plant or Mailing addresses).

Figure 23 - Submit New Application Form - Step 3 (Import Address)


6. Enter the Electronic Funds Transfer Information if available in

the designated fields (see Figure 24).

7. Click the Next button to continue.

Figure 24 - Submit New Application Form - Step 3 (Electronic



8. Review: You will be directed to the continuation of Step 3

(Review) (see Figure 25).

9. Verify the information for accuracy.

10. Click the Next button to proceed to Step 4 (Print & Mail).

Figure 25 - Submit New Application Form - Step 3 (Review)

Note: If you are applying for a non-boiler Certificate/Stamp, you will need
to fill out additional Conditional Forms. A list of Certificate Types and
their respective Conditional Forms appear below:

AIA - Conditional Form G

Boiler- No Conditional Form

Nuclear - Conditional Form A

PRD - Conditional Form H

QEI - No Conditional Form

QSC - Conditional Form C

RTP - Conditional Form R

Step 4: Print & Mail


1. A confirmation message appears in yellow indicating your

application has been successfully submitted (see Figure 26).

2. Click the Print Agreement button to print the

Accreditation/Certification Agreement form.

Figure 26 - Submit New Application Form - Step 4 (Print & Mail)


3. Sign and e-mail the Accreditation/Certification Agreement form


Figure 27 - Accreditation/Certification Agreement Form


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