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International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 2002; 12: 109 115

A three-dimensional method of visualizing the

Blackwell Science Ltd

temporomandibular joint based on magnetic resonance

imaging in a case of juvenile chronic arthritis


1Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Graduate School of
Dentistry, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, 2Department of Paediatric Dentistry and
3D-Laboratory, School of Dentistry, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of
Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, 3The Juliane Marie Centre, Copenhagen
University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark, 4Department of Oral and Maxillofacial
Radiology, Graduate School of Dentistry, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan and
5Department of Oral Function and Physiology, School of Dentistry, Faculty of Health

Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

Summary. Aim. The purpose of this study was to present a new visualizing method for
temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pathology in 3D at several condylar positions and to
apply the method to a case of juvenile chronic arthritis (JCA) with previously diagnosed
bilateral TMJ disorder and to a subject without signs and symptoms from the TMJ.
Subject. The 20-year-old female patient had suffered from polyarticular JCA from the
age of 6 years 8 months. The present study is based on a follow-up examination after
the completion of orthodontic treatment with the Herbst appliance. Both TMJs were
examined using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at closed and open mouth positions.
The mandibular condyle, the glenoid fossa and the articular disc were segmented and
3D reconstruction of these structures was carried out.
Results. The condyle was characterized by an increased sagittal diameter with
osteophyte-like formation at the anterior aspect of the condylar head and flattening
of the superior surface. The depth of the glenoid fossa was reduced and the articular
eminence was remarkably flat. The articular disc was markedly diminished and posteriorly
placed on the condylar head. The distance of the condylar path during mouth opening was
reduced and the curvature of the condylar path was quite flat. The disc moved slightly post-
eriorly on the condylar head and remained in the glenoid fossa during mouth opening.
Conclusion. The imaging modality described improves visualization of TMJ morphology
and gains insight into the TMJ pathology of the JCA patient, adding to understanding
of the clinical problems.

high frequencies of temporomandibular joint (TMJ)

involvement [14] and TMJ involvement has re-
Several radiographic studies of children with peatedly been shown to lead to dysplastic mandi-
juvenile chronic arthritis (JCA) have documented bular growth, micrognathia, malocclusion and disturbed
oral function [110].
Correspondence: Noriyuki Kitai, Department of Orthodontics and
Dentofacial Orthopedics, Graduate School of Dentistry, Osaka University, The reported radiographic signs of change in the
18 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka, Japan. E-mail: TMJs seen in orthopantomograms have varied from

2002 BSPD and IAPD 109 Page 110 Tuesday, March 12, 2002 6:25 PM

110 N. Kitai et al.

minor erosions of the condylar head to total destruc- involvement. The present study is based on a follow-
tion of the condyle [3]. Studies using tomography, up examination after completion of orthodontic treat-
computerized tomography (CT scanning) or mag- ment with the Herbst appliance. The control subject
netic resonance imaging (MRI) of the TMJ have was a 25-year-old female volunteer who had normal
reported similar findings [1114]. Flattening of the occlusion and no signs and symptoms from her TMJs.
articular eminence and shallow articular fossa were The subjects gave consent to the study after receiving
shown in patients with JCA who had TMJ involve- a full explanation of the aim and design of the study.
ment using plain radiographs, tomography or MRI
[11,12]. Using MRI, the shape of the articular disc
Examination methods
was considered to be normal in almost all newly
diagnosed JCA patients by Kseler et al. [14]; how- Both subjects were examined using a Magnetom
ever, abnormal disc shape was observed in two- Vision 15T MR-scanner with bilateral surface coils
thirds of JCA patients with known TMJ involvement (Siemens, Erlangen, Germany). Twelve images of
by Larheim et al. [11] and Taylor et al. [12]. Almost each TMJ were obtained in the oblique sagittal plane
all previous studies of the morphology of the TMJ perpendicular to the transverse axis of the condyle
components in JCA patients have employed conven- (as seen in the axial plane), with the teeth in occlu-
tional radiographic techniques, a few have used CT sion. The slice thickness was 20 mm and the slice
imaging, and only a very few have been based on gap 02 mm. This procedure was repeated with a
MRI. All previous studies have been strictly two- distance between the incisors of 1, 2 and 3 cm.
dimensional (2D). There have been no reports that Scanning parameters included a TR of 456 ms, TE
showed the three-dimensional (3D) characteristics of of 20 ms and T1-weighted spin echo sequence.
the TMJ in JCA patients. Scanning time for each mandibular position was
Using radiographs and MRI, several studies have 3 min for each joint and total scanning time was
shown impairment of oral function in children with thus about 30 min.
JCA and TMJ involvement, including clinically
reduced mouth opening capacity [1,4,9,10] or
Data analysis
reduced movement of the condylar head concur-
rently with normal mouth opening [12,15]. Thus, All data sets were transferred to a graphic com-
although the condylar movement as well as the puter (Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountainview, Cali-
mouth opening capacity should be examined, there fornia, USA). Four data sets (occlusion, 1, 2 and
have been very few reports that examined the move- 3 cm between the incisors) for each joint were re-
ment of the condyle and the disc in relation to the gistered according to the temporal region structures,
glenoid fossa in JCA patients. including the brain, by volumetric registration using
The purpose of this study was to present a new the mutual information algorithm in the software
visualizing method for TMJ pathology in 3D at sev- package AnalyseTM (, Inc., Lenexa,
eral condylar positions and to apply the method to Kansas, USA). Subsequently, the mandibular condyle,
a case of JCA with previously diagnosed bilateral the glenoid fossa and the articular disc were
TMJ involvement and to a subject without signs and segmented and 3D reconstruction of these structures
symptoms from the TMJ. was carried out using the software package MvoxTM
(Anamedic, On the left
side 3D objects of the control subject, the mirror
Subjects and methods
images of the right side objects, were used.
The patient was a 20-year-old female who had
suffered from polyarticular JCA from the age of The 3D reconstructed images shown in Figs 1, 2 and
6 years and 8 months. Radiographic and clinical find- 3 were used for the qualitative assessment of
ings had shown that both TMJs had been affected morphological differences in the anatomical struc-
by the disease. The patient was followed at the School tures of the patient and the control subject.
of Dentistry at the University of Copenhagen from It was found that in the patient the condyle was
10 to 20 years of age because of her bilateral TMJ characterized by an increased sagittal diameter.

2002 BSPD and IAPD, International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 12: 109 115 Page 111 Tuesday, March 12, 2002 6:25 PM

3D method of TMJ based on MRI in JCA 111

Fig. 3. 3D reconstructed images of the articular disc in the

patient and the control subject.
Fig. 1. 3D reconstructed images of the mandibular condyle in the
patient and the control subject.

Fig. 4. 3D reconstructed images of the TMJ components at

Fig. 2. 3D reconstructed images of the glenoid fossa in the closed, 1, 2 and 3 cm open mouth positions in the patient and
patient and the control subject. the control subject.

There was osteophyte-like formation at the anterior left side, and the thickness of the disc was thin on
aspect of the condylar head bilaterally, and the pos- the right side, whereas the transverse diameters of
terior surface of the condylar head was more bulbous the disc on both sides were fairly similar to those
than normal, especially on the right side (Fig. 1). in the control subject (Fig. 3).
The superior surfaces of the condylar heads in the In Fig. 4 the lateral views of the 3D reconstructed
patient were flat compared with the more pointed images of the TMJs at closed, 1, 2 and 3 cm open
shape in the control subject. mouth positions are illustrated in the patient and the
It was recognized that the depth of the glenoid fossa control subject.
was reduced and that both articular eminences in the At closed mouth position, it was found that the
patient were remarkably flat compared with the more diminished disc in the patient was positioned pos-
curved shape in the control subject (Fig. 2). The teriorly on the condylar head, whereas the disc was
deviation was most pronounced on the right side. situated anterior and superior to the condylar head
It was found that in the patient the sagittal dia- in the control subject.
meter of the articular disc was markedly diminished At mouth opening from closed to 3 cm open
on the right side and moderately diminished on the mouth position, the condylar head in the patient

2002 BSPD and IAPD, International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 12: 109115 Page 112 Tuesday, March 12, 2002 6:25 PM

112 N. Kitai et al.

[11,16]. It is well known that in long-standing

inflammatory disease, bone sclerosis and bony out-
growth, such as osteophyte-like formation, may
occur as characteristics of osteoarthritis [11,16]. The
osseous bulge on the posterior surface of the con-
dylar head could be explained by the effect of treat-
ment with the Herbst appliance. Apposition of bone
at both mandibular condyles was shown superiorly
and posteriorly in a report that examined the change
of 3D mandibular morphology and position before
and after treatment with the Herbst appliance in the
same patient as reported here [17]. Normal subjects
with extreme overjet and mandibular retrognathia
treated in adolescence or adulthood with the Herbst
appliance have been reported to show signs of bone
apposition on the distocranial surface of the man-
Fig. 5. The length and the curvature of the condylar path from dibular condyle [18,19].
closed to 3 cm open mouth position in the patient and the control
subject (0 = closed mouth position; 1 = 1 cm open; 2 = 2 cm
Flatness of the superior surface of the condyle and
open; 3 = 3 cm open mouth position). of the articular eminence has previously been
observed in JCA subjects with TMJ affection using
2D radiography or CT imaging [12,16]. It has been
moved a much lesser distance forwards than in the suggested that this is caused by destruction of
control subject; the disc in the patient moved slightly cartilage and bone secondary to joint inflammation
posteriorly on the condylar head and remained in the [11,20].
glenoid fossa, whereas it moved forwards under the The reduced depth of the glenoid fossa in the
articular eminence in the control subject. patient could be explained by the flattening of the
Figure 5 illustrates the length and the curvature of articular eminence. However, signs of bone apposi-
the condylar path from closed to 1, 2 and 3 cm open tion at the roof of the glenoid fossa have been
mouth position in the patient and the control. It can observed in normal patients [18,21,22] and in a JCA
be seen that the distance of the condylar path patient [17] after the treatment with the Herbst
between 2 cm and 3 cm open mouth positions in the appliance. A similar effect could be one of the
patient was much reduced. The curvature of the con- causes for the reduced depth of the glenoid fossa in
dylar path resembled that of the articular eminence the present case. Although it has proved difficult to
in both subjects, i.e. it was quite flat in the patient demonstrate the depth of the glenoid fossa using
whereas it was curved in the control subject. conventional radiograph, 3D reconstructed MRI
seems to be a better way to show the characteristics
of the glenoid fossa.
The markedly reduced sagittal diameter of the
The present report documents, for the first time, 3D articular disc in the JCA patient described here was
morphological characteristics of the TMJ and the probably caused by previous inflammatory processes
positional relationship between TMJ components at in the joints. The observations are in agreement with
sequential open mouth positions in a JCA patient. several 2D MR-studies of JCA children with previ-
The increased sagittal diameter of the condylar head ous affection of the TMJ showing various degrees
in the JCA patient could be explained by osteophyte- of disc destruction [11,12]. Kseler et al. [14] found
like formation on the anterior aspect of the condyle that the disc was fairly normal in 15 children sub-
and formation of a bulge on the posterior surface. jects with newly diagnosed JCA. The degree of
The osteophyte-like formation on the anterior destruction of the discs observed in this patient,
aspect of the condyle in JCA patients with TMJ thus, corresponds well with the prolonged course of
involvement has previously been documented in 2D the disease.
studies but the axial view of the formation was The posterior displacement of the articular disc on
observed in the present report for the first time the condylar head in the patient could probably be

2002 BSPD and IAPD, International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 12: 109 115 Page 113 Tuesday, March 12, 2002 6:25 PM

3D method of TMJ based on MRI in JCA 113

related to the destructive process of the articular more useful method for the diagnostic purpose of the
disc. It is suggested that the initial destruction of the TMJ involvement than the previous methods. The
articular disc leads to segmentation of the disc into analysis method is likely to be applicable to
two parts, i.e. an anterior and a posterior part, as evaluation in children. Several of the present
previously observed in a JCA subject by Larheim findings are in accordance with previous 2D studies
et al. [11]. Further destruction of the anterior part in children.
of the disc then occurs as a result of continuous for-
ward movement of the condyle. Finally, only the
posterior remnant of the articular disc remained.
The reduced condylar movement during mouth The authors are grateful to the Department of Radi-
opening seen in the present patient was in accord- ology at the Copenhagen University Hospital for
ance with the observations of Taylor et al. [12], who providing the MR data. This study was supported
examined 15 JCA children with TMJ involvement in part by The John and Birthe Meyer Foundation,
by means of 2D MRI. These authors found a Schioldanns Fund and Hamiltons Fund.
reduced range of movement of the condyle during
mouth opening in about 75% of the TMJs examined. Rsum. Objectif. Cette tude a eu pour objectif de
The authors suggest this reduced condylar move- prsenter une nouvelle mthode de visualisation en
ment could probably be explained by the osseous 3D de pathologie de lATM en plusieurs positions
changes and fibrous tissue in the joints. de condyle, et dappliquer la mthode un cas
The extremely reduced condylar path between the darthrite chronique juvnile (JCA) avec diagnostic
2 cm and 3 cm open mouth positions in the present antrieur de dsordre bilatral des ATM et un
JCA patient would seem to indicate that only rota- sujet prsentant signes et symptmes au niveau de
tion of the condyle took place during the last phase lATM
of mouth opening. The direction of the condylar Sujet. la patiente ge de 20 ans avait souffert de
movement from closed to 3 cm open mouth position JCA polyarticulaire depuis lge de 6 ans et 8 mois.
was close to horizontally forward in the patient, Cette tude est base sur un suivi aprs traitement
whereas it had a distinct downward component in orthodontique par systme de Herbst. Les deux ATM
the control subject. The curvature of the condylar ont t observes par image en rsonance magntique
path seems to follow the shape of the articular emin- (MRI) en positions ouverte et ferme. Le condyle
ence in both subjects. The flat condylar path in the mandibulaire, la cavit glnode et le disque articu-
patient was associated with flattening of the articular laire ont t segments et une reconstitution 3D de
eminence, whereas the curved condylar path in the ces structures a t ralise.
control subject followed the curvature of the arti- Rsultats. Le condyle tait caractris par une
cular eminence. This finding is in agreement with a augmentation du diamtre sagittal avec formation
previous report on the TMJ using MRI that docu- de type ostophyte dans la partie antrieure de la
mented that the inclination of the condylar path cor- tte condylienne et un aplatissement de la face
related with the steepness of the articular eminence suprieure. La profondeur de la cavit glnode tait
in normal TMJs [23]. rduite et lminence articulaire tait remarquable-
ment plate. Le disque articulaire tait notoirement
diminu et en plac postrieurement la tte con-
dylienne. La longueur du trajet condylien lors de
Three-dimensional characteristics of the TMJ louverture buccale tait rduite et son incurvation
morphology and simulation of the movement of the presque plate. Le disque se dplaait lgrement
condylar head and the disc were documented in postrieurement sur la tte condylienne et restait
the present JCA patient and control subject. Using dans la cavit glnode durant louverture de la
the evaluation method described, it was possible bouche.
to improve the visualization of TMJ morphology and Conclusion. La modalit dimagerie dcrite aml-
gain insight into the TMJ pathology of the JCA iore la visualisation de la morphologie de lATM
patient at several condylar positions, adding to our ainsi que la vision de la pathologie de lATM du
understanding of the clinical problems. Accord- patient atteint de JCA, permettant une meilleure
ingly, it is suggested that the present analysis is a comprhension des problmes cliniques.

2002 BSPD and IAPD, International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 12: 109115 Page 114 Tuesday, March 12, 2002 6:25 PM

114 N. Kitai et al.

Zusammenfassung. Ziel. Diese Studie wurde Resultados. El cndilo se caracteriz por un aumento
durchgefhrt, um ein neues bildgebendes Verfahren en el dimetro sagital con formacin osteoftica en
zur dreidimensionalen Darstellung von Kieferge- la parte anterior de la cabeza condilar y aplanamiento
lenksvernderungen zu prsentieren und anhand de la superficie superior. La profundidad de la fosa
eines Falles von juveniler chronischer Arthritis glenoidea se redujo y la eminencia articular estaba
und vordiagnostizierter Kiefergelenksprobleme und marcadamente plana. El disco articular disminuy
eines Vergleichsfalles ohne Symptome anzuwenden. de forma notable y posteriormente se coloc encima
Proband. Die 20-jhrige Patientin litt seit dem Alter de la cabeza condilar. Se redujo la distancia de la
von 6 Jahren und 8 Monaten an juveniler chronischer gua condilar durante la apertura de la boca y la cur-
Arthritis verschiedener Gelenke. Diese Studie basiert vatura de la gua condilar era casi plana. El disco
auf einer Nachuntersuchung nach einer zuvor abge- se situ ligeramente en zona posterior encima de la
schlossenen kieferorthopdischen Behandlung mit cabeza condilar y permaneci en la fosa glenoidea
einer Herbst-Schiene. Beide Kiefergelenke wurden durante la apertura de la boca.
mit Kernspintomographie untersucht bei geschloss- Conclusin. La modalidad de la imagen descrita
enem und geffnetem Mund. Der Kondylus, die mejora la visualizacin de la morfologa de la ATM,
Fossa glenoidea und der Discus wurden segmentiert, aumenta la percepcin de la patologa de la ATM
daraus wurde eine 3D Rekonstruktion ausgefhrt. del paciente con ACJ favoreciendo el conocimiento
Ergebnisse. Der Kondylus war charakterisiert durch de los problemas clnicos.
einen vergrerten sagittalen Durchmesser mit oste-
ophytenartigen Formationen anterior des Gelenkkopfes
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