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Linear Algebra Summary Notes

October 5, 2017

Definition 1: A field is a set F of numbers (elements of F are called scalars) with the property
that if a, b F, then a + b, a b, ab and a/b are also in F (assuming, of course, that b 6= 0 in the
expression a/b).

N = {0, 1, 2, 3, . . .}, Set of Natural Numbers

Z = {. . . , 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, . . .}, Set of Integers
Q = {a/b} , a, b Z, b 6= 0, Set of Rational Numbers
R = {all real numbers} , Set of Real Numbers

C = {a + bi} , a, b R, Set of Complex

Definition 2: A vector-space consists of a set V (elements of V are called vectors) and it satisfy
two properties

If two vectors (v, w) V then (v + w) V .

The multiplication of a scalar c F and a vector v V produces a new vector cv V . Also,
satisfy the following conditions (called axioms).
1 Associativity of vector addition: (u + v) + w = u + (v + w) for all u, v, w V .
2 Existence of a zero vector: There is a vector in V, written 0 and called the zero vector,
which has the property that u + 0 = u for all u V .
3 Existence of negatives: For every u V , there is a vector in V, written u and called
the negative of u, which has the property that u + (u) = 0.
4 Associativity of multiplication: (ab)u = a(bu) for any a, b F and u V .
5 Distributivity: (a + b)u = au + bu and a(u + v) = au + av for all a, b F and u, v V .
6 Unitarity: 1u = u for all u V .

R2 vector-space contains all real 2D vectors (xy-plan).
R3 vector-space contains all real 3D vectors.

Definition 3: A space within a vector-space satisfying all the properties of a vector-space is

called a sub-space.

A line passing through the origin on a 2D or 3D vector-space..

A zero vector.

Definition 4: The set of all linear combination of a set of vectors V = {v1 , v2 , . . . , vn } is called a
span, i.e.
c1 v1 + c1 v1 + . . . + cn vn ,
where ci R is a scalar.
Examples: Suppose we have a set two vectors {v1 v2 }
1 2
v1 = , v2 =
3 5

The span of these two vectors can be written as

1 2
Span of {v1 + v2 } = c1 + c2
3 5

If c1 = 1 and c2 = 4
1 2
Span of {v1 + v2 } = 1 +4
3 5
= (3)

Useful Results
Any two vectors in R2 that are not multiple of each other can span entire R2 vector-space.
Definition 5: A set of vectors V = {v1 , v2 , . . . , vn } is said to be form a basis of a vector-space

It span a vector-space

Vectors are linearly independent.

Definition 6: A set of vectors V = {v1 , v2 , . . . , vn } is said to be form a basis of a vector-space


It span a vector-space

Vectors are linearly independent.

Different norms for a vector v = [v1 v2 vn } can be defined as

l1 norm = kvk1 = |v1 | + |v2 | + + |vn |
l2 norm = kvk2 = |v1 |2 + |v2 |2 + + |vn |2
um X n
Frobenius norm = kAkF = t |apq |2 (4)
p=1 q=1

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