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Filipiniana Resources and Services Policies and Procedures

Raven Esperanzas part

Acquiring and organizing all forms of Filipiniana materials in the library.
Preparing guides to facilitate easy access and retrieval.
Preserving the various forms of the collection to prolong its value and use.

To develop greater awareness and appreciation among Filipino people for Philippine publications.
To acquaint the people with the various types of Filipiniana resources available in the library.
To develop among users the skills on the use of Filipiniana guides and other related materials for
easy access to the collection.
To ensure that filipiniana resources are created, used, disposed of and preserved in a systematic
manner, compliant with relevant legislation;
To ensure that access is provided to records, including access to a person's own "personal
information" as well as records in the custody or control of a "public body" and records in
compliance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA); and
To define authorities, responsibilities, and accountabilities for Records Management of

Scope and Nature of the Filipiniana Collection

The library must have Wenceslao Retanas definition of Filipiniana as a foundation of criteria for
considering a material as a Filipiniana collection. It refers as:

1. Those that were printed in the Philippines irrespective of the subject they treat of
(social science, science and technology, philosophy etc.), because all of those are beneficial to the
researchers to the study the country;

2. Those that are about the Philippines, no matter in what language they were written or
the place where they were printed because they are more or less necessary for the study of the
country; and

3. Those that were written by Filipinos on any subject, regardless of their imprint, because
they are of great use to measure the intellectual capacity, laboriousness, taste, ambitious, etc. of

In contrary, some libraries devise their own criteria stated as:

Filipiniana collection consists of materials that are about the Philippines, whether it was
written by a Filipino or a foreigner in any language, and published in the Philippines or

Generally, works written by Filipinos except theses and dissertations of the institution treating with
universally accepted knowledge such as philosophy, psychology, chemistry etc.
Books written in Filipino and other Philippine languages and local dialects are considered in the
collection. Moreover, books that are about the Philippine languages and dialects are also considered
to be in the collection.
Publications containing substantial portions of chapters regarding the Philippines are not
considered Filipiniana most especially those publications with only small portion of chapter unless
the author provided a portion or chapter on it.
Philippine government publications are also a part of the collection. Evident periodical materials
should be a part of the circulation collection, rather in the periodicals section. Filipiniana periodical
materials should be integrated with the periodical section to prevent duplication of copies.
Publication by Philippine corporate bodies should not be in the collection since the subject matter
of which does not have anything to do with the Philippines.

Selection and Acquisition of Filipiniana Materials

There shall be a periodic and careful planned program of selecting and procuring Filipiniana
materials. The librarian and staff must have an active participation in the selection of print and non-print
materials especially in various area of discipline, and in developing procedures to facilitate and effectively
carry out the selection and acquisition activities. Collection development is the joint responsibility of the
subject experts (faculty, field experts etc.) and the librarian. The emphasis is on quality rather than quantity.

Library resources are acquired based on four tracts: (1) recommendation of the faculty chosen by
the college to be its representative in the University Library Development Committee, (2) recommendation
of the section head of the AEA as approved by the AEA Director; (3) recommended reading materials by
the President and Vice Chancellors; and (4) recommendation of faculty during book fairs

All types of recommendation pass through the acquisition librarian who recommends the order of
priority for acquisition based on future development collection plans, ibrary weakness, and availability of
Except for Filipiniana books (which automatically entail acquisition of at least two copies) only
one copy shall be purchased for every title. More than one copy (maximum of five) may be purchased if
the references are found in the syllabus.

Furthermore, the library shall define in writing policies for collection development that will guide
the selection and acquisition of materials. Such policies shall be developed by the library in consultation.
The library shall provide for a periodic review of its existing collection, for purposes of maintaining the
quality of the collection and its continued relevance to the needs of the library users, and of determining
collection strengths and weaknesses.

In addition to that, the selection shall also include an extensive Filipiniana collection to meet the
ever increasing demand of users for this type of materials. A comprehensive acquisition of current
Filipiniana titles relevant to the institution is strongly recommended.

Libraries have discretion when planning for having multiple copies of the same title. High demand
and constant use of a library item as shown through circulation statistics, periodical usage patterns,
reference statistics, inter-library loan requests for the item, and user inquiries.

Organization of Filipiniana Materials

The books should be cataloged and classified following the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules 2
(AACR2), and following the Dewey Decimal or Library of Congress classification schemes.

It is recommended that this Filipiniana collection must be separated from the general collection for
purposes of identity, preservation, and functionality of use. Hence it is a recommendation that the books
must have a prefix in the call number (e.g. FIL) for easy access and retrieval. Moreover, you can also use
color coding guide right above the call number label of the book e.g. Green for Filipiniana books, Orange
for Filipiniana references, Yellow for Foreign books etc.

Reference services to users and assistance on the use of OPAC, internet and other available
database, and the issuance of passes for room-use materials to be photocopied in research on
Filipino references.
Referral letters who would like to use other libraries.
Library orientation for the clients, most especially in the use of Filipiniana collection.
Lending/ Borrowing Policies (Faculty, Students. Alumni, Outside researchers); Fines and
Patron notification (overdue, penalties)
Bibliographical Service prepares bibliographic listings requested by the library user.
Information File Service prepares listings of specific significant topic valuable for research
studies gathered from various Filipiniana materials, is serve as additional source of information.
Current Awareness Services (CAS) informs the users about newly received publications and
displays current significant events on bulletin board.
Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI) selects materials on a particular topic and sends
the collection resources to some faculty members, or administrators who may have requested the
needed data.
Document Delivery Services a service that delivers articles on journals, newspapers, conference
proceeding or any other library materials for a specific user. We also do specialized topics
emailed to you upon registration on new articles straight to your inbox, just registers your favorite
Accommodation of outside researchers a service in return to our referral service, we also
accept outside researchers to conduct research on our library subject to our rules and regulations
upon payment of Php 100.00.
Current Awareness Services a service to keep up-to-date with the most recently published
information and developments. Bulleting board, social media and the website are some sources of
new updates. Listing of newly acquired books are also sent though letters to respective faculty for
their information.
Printing/Scanning a service based on the internet section. Users are able to print their research
after locating it in the internet for a fee.
Bibliographic Services a service by providing advice on bibliographic and citation styles. This
service includes compiling bibliographies upon request by the faculty members, students, and

Other Policies and Procedures

Library users shall have direct access to the Filipiniana collection.
Theses/ dissertations, rare books, and special collections that are considered as Filipiniana books
are for room use only.
Special Collections can be used on an hourly basis (just like the books on the Reserved Section).
Due to limited space, the rare materials are not placed together with the Special Collection.
Roll maps may be borrowed for classroom use only as visual aid. This material must be returned
to the library immediately after the class period.
The level of access required is determined by the person's job role.
Computer access is monitored and restricted to ensure that client confidentiality is maintained.
Documents need to remain private and confidential, and must always be stored in a securely locked
cabinet for access by authorized personnel only.
Documents are not to be left where members of the public may access them as the information
within them could be taken out of context or made public.

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