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Documentsl Analysis

Documents Analysis for Athletics Championship System

Activity Diagram : Registration

Get Registration Information

[Data Already Exists] [New Data]

[Cancel] [Overwrite Old Data]

Delete Old Data

Import Data


Athletics Championship System

Documentsl Analysis

Use Case Name : Registration ID : 1 Importance Level : High

Primary Actor : Participate Team Use Case Type : Detail, essential
Stakeholders and Interests :
Participate Team: wants to register their athletes in the certain events using the data taken
from the Registration System
Secretariat: wants to ensure participation team can register their athletes.
Brief Description: This use case describes how the import process was made. Registration
System contains data of the team and data for every athlete in a team and the events that each
athlete takes in the championship.

Trigger: Participate team send a diskette containing data from Registration System.
Type: External

Association: Team, Athlete, Athlete Event
Include: Delete Old Data
Extend: Insert Team, Athlete, Athlete Event

Normal Flow of Events:

1. The team sent the diskette containing data from the Registration System to the
2. The secretariat executes the use case. The use case verify weather the team have been
registered or not.
3. The secretariat executes the Insert Team use case.
4. The secretariat executes the Insert Athlete use case.
5. The secretariat executes the Insert Athlete Event use case.


Alternate/Exceptional Flows:
2a: The secretariat executes th Delete Old Data use case

Athletics Championship System

Documentsl Analysis

Use Case Diagram : Registration

* *
Send Registration Team

* * Verify Registration
Secretariat Information


Delete Old
Import Registration


Insert Athlete
Insert Team

Insert Athlete

Athletics Championship System

Documentsl Analysis

Activity Diagram : Generate Arrangement of Athlete by Events

Select Event

Select Stage

[Semi Final] [Final]

Set Semi Final Number

Put Athlete in Semi Final Stage Set Lane/Turn Randomly

Set Lane Randomly



Athletics Championship System

Documentsl Analysis

Use Case Name : Generate Arrangement of Athletes by ID : 2 Importance Level : High

Primary Actor : Athletes Use Case Type : Detail, essential
Stakeholders and Interests :
Athlete: Wants to know his lane / turn in all the events.
Secretariat: Set the arrangement of the all athlete accordingly.
Brief Description: This use case describes how to arrange all the athletes accordingly to their
events. There is two stage that will be arrange, that is semi final or final.

Trigger: Secretariat wants to arrange all the athletes according to the events and stage.
Type: External

Association: Arrangement
Include: Set Semi Final Number, Set Athlete in Semi Final
Extend: Set Athlete Lane / Turn

Normal Flow of Events:

1. The secretariat selects the event to arrange.
2. The secretariat selects the stage of the event.
3. The secretariat executes the Set Athlete Lane / Turn use case.
4. The secretariat provides report of arrangement to the Athlete.


Alternate/Exceptional Flows:
3a: The secretariat executes the Set Semi Final Number
3b: secretariat executes the Set Athlete in Semi Final

Athletics Championship System

Documentsl Analysis

Use Case Diagram : Generate Arrangement of Athlete by Events

* * Select Event

Secretariat <<include>>

Select Stage
Set Semi Final


Set Athlete in
Semi Final

* * Set Athlete
Lane / Turn

Athletics Championship System

Documentsl Analysis

Activity Diagram : Confirmation of Athlete

Select Event

Select Type of Confirmation

[Insert] [Delete]


Insert Athlete Change the Athlete Delete Athlete



Athletics Championship System

Documentsl Analysis

Use Case Name : Confirmation of Athlete ID : 2 Importance Level : High

Primary Actor : Teams, Athletes Use Case Type : Detail, essential
Stakeholders and Interests :
Team: Wants to make some changes to their athletes events.
Athlete: Wants to change, insert or delete their events.
Secretariat: Set the changes request by the athletes.
Brief Description: This use case describes how to change, insert or delete the arrangement of
athlete after the teams confirm the event of athletes.

Trigger: The teams want to change, insert or delete the event of the athletes after the
confirmation meeting.
Type: External

Association: Arrangement
Include: Insert Athlete, Change Athlete, Delete Athlete

Normal Flow of Events:

1. The team wants to change, insert or delete the events of the athletes.
2. Secretariat selects the event.
3. Secretariat selects the events
If it is change
the S-1: change one athlete with another athlete is performed.
If it is insert
the S-2: insert the athlete is performed.
If it is delete
the S-3: delete the athlete is performed.
3. The changes is stored in files.

S-1: 1. Secretariat enter the number athlete to be insert and delete.
2. Secretariat check the number of events that the inserted athlete has been
If the number of events = 3, the process is cancel
3. The change process is delivered.

S-2: 1. Secretariat enter the number athlete to be insert.

2. Secretariat check the number of events that the inserted athlete has been
If the number of events = 3, the process is cancel
3. The insert process is delivered.

S-3: 1. Secretariat enter the number athlete to be delete.

2. The delete process is delivered.

Athletics Championship System

Documentsl Analysis

Alternate/Exceptional Flows:

Use Case Diagram : Confirmation of Athlete

* *
Request Changes

* * Select Event


Select Stage


Select Athlete



Delete Athlete
Insert Athlete

* *
Change Athlete * *

* Athlete

Athletics Championship System

Documentsl Analysis

Activity Diagram : Input Result

Select Event

[New Result] [Result Already Entered]

Enter the Result

[Final] [Semi Final]

Put Point/Medal to Teams Set Final Lane Cancel


Result School

Athletics Championship System

Documentsl Analysis

Use Case Name : Input Result ID : 2 Importance Level : High

Primary Actor : Secretariat Use Case Type : Detail, essential
Stakeholders and Interests :
Judge: Send the result of the event to process.
Secretariat: Wants to process the official result of the championship
Team: Point will be added to respective team according to their athlete position in events.
Brief Description: This use case describes how the result is entered and the process after it.

Trigger: The judges send the official result the secretariat.

Type: External

Association: Team, Result
Include: Set Final Lane
Extend: Add Team Point

Normal Flow of Events:

1. The judges send the official result from various events to the secretariat.
2. Secretariat selects the event.
3. Secretariat enter the result of the event
4. If event is at semi final
The secretariat executes Generate Athlete Events use case (for final stage)
If event is final stage
the S-1: put point to respective teams
3. The result is stored in files.

S-1: 1. Secretariat determine the points for each athlete.
First place: 5 points
Second place: 3 points
Third place: 2 points
Fourth place: 1 point

2. The points is added to the athlete teams respectively.

Alternate/Exceptional Flows:

Athletics Championship System

Documentsl Analysis

Use Case Diagram : Input Result

* *
Send Event Result

* * Select Event


Select Stage

Check Result
Input Already
Input Result


<<include >>

* *
Set Final Lane
* * Add Team Athlete

Athletics Championship System

Documentsl Analysis

Activity Diagram : Report

Select Report Type

Select Event

[Athlete Inspector Form] [Medal Ceremony Form]

[Official Result Form] [Official Result]


Print Report Print Report Print Report Print Report Print Report

Arrange Result

Athletics Championship System

Documentsl Analysis

Use Case Name : Report ID : 2 Importance Level : High

Primary Actor : Secretariat Use Case Type : Detail, essential
Stakeholders and Interests :
Team: Wants the official result/arrangementof theit athletes
Judge: Wants the Official Result Form.
Athlete Inspector: Wants the Athlete Inspector Form
Secretariat: Wants to print the requested report.
Brief Description: This use case describes how the report is being produce.

Trigger: The judge wants the Official Result Form, the athlete inspector wants the Athlete
Inspector Form, the teams wants the athletes arrangement and competition result and the
Medal Official wants list of medal winners.
Type: External

Association: Arrangement, Result
Extend: PrintReport

Normal Flow of Events:

1. The secretariat is needed to produce several types of reports from various parties.
2. Secretariat selects the type of report needed.
3. The secretariat prints the selected report.
4. The report is handed to the parties.


Alternate/Exceptional Flows:

Athletics Championship System

Documentsl Analysis

Use Case Diagram : Report

Request Athlete Request Official * *
* *
Arrangement Result Form
Report Judge
* Request Official Request Athlete * *
Result Report Inspector Form
* * * Request Medal
Winner List

* * Select Report


Select Event


Print Report

Athletics Championship System

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