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Read the passage and choose the BEST answers to fit the blanks.


Human beings .............................. food to grow, reproduce, and maintain good health. Without
food, our bodies could not stay warm, .............................. or repair tissue, or maintain a heartbeat.
Therefore, eating the right foods can help us .............................. certain diseases or recover
faster during illness. These and other important functions are fueled .............................. chemical
substances in our food called .............................. .
Nutrients are classified as essential or non-essential. Non-essential nutrients are
.............................. in the body and do not need to be obtained from food. Examples include
cholesterol, a fatlike .............................. present in all animal cells. However, essential nutrients
must be obtained from food .............................. since the body either does not produce them
(9) (10)
.............................. produces them in amounts too small to .............................. growth and health.
Essential nutrients include water, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals.

1. A. require B. requires 6. A. manufacture B. manufactures

C. required C. manufactured D. manufacturing

2. A. make B. build 7. A. stuff B. matter

C. create C. material D. substance

3. A. contract B. detect 8. A. stocks B. sources

C. prevent C. supplies D. reserves

4. A. by B. with 9. A. or B. nor
C. from C. but D. and

5. A. nutrition B. nutrients 10. A. retain B. sustain

C. nutritional D. nutritionist C. maintain D. preserve

English for Science and Technology Form 4 and 5

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