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Part 2:1995

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Part 2. Code of practice for wind loads

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BS6399:Part2: 1995

Committees responsible for this

British Standard

‘rhe preparation of this Britiih Standard was entrusted by ‘lbchnical

Committee B/525, Buildings and civil engineering structures, to Subcommittee
B/525/1, Actions (loadings) and basis of desigrr, upon which the following
bodies were represented:

British Constructional Steelwork Association Ltd.

British Iron arrd Steel Producem’ Association
British Masonry Society
Concrete Society
Department of the Environment (Building Research Establishment)
Department of the Environment (Property and Buifdings Directorate)
Department of Trarrsport (Highways Agency)
Institution of Structural En@reers
National House-building Council
Royal Institute of British Architects
Steel Construction Institute

This British Standard, having

bee” prepared under the
direction of the Building and
Chil Engineering %ctor Board,
was published tinder the
authority of the Standards
Bozwd and comes into effect on
15 Ausust 1995
0 BSI 1!295
Nmt published (as CP 4)
November 1944
First revision (as CP 3:
Amendments issued since publication
Chapter V) Ausust 1952
%rfitd second revision (as CP3:
Amd. No. Date Text affected
Chapter V : Part 1)
Becember 1967
Completion of second revision
(= CP 3: Chapter V : Part 2)
July 1970
Published as KS 6399: Fart 2:
Au@st 1995
The following 9S1 references
relate ro the work on this
sta”dati. I I
Committee reference 9/525/ 1
Draft for comment 91 I 16625 DC

ISBN06S0 23651 X


Committees responsible Inside front cover
Foreword iv
Section 1. General
1.1 Scope 1
1.2 Informative references 1
1.3 Definitions 1
1.4 Main symbols 2
1.5 Outline of proceducc for calculating wirrd loads 3
1.6 Dyrramic claasiiication 7
1.7 Site exposure 7
1.8 Choice of method 8
Section 2. Standard method
2.1 Standard wind loads 9
2.2 Standad wind speeds 12
2.3 Standard pressure coefficients 20
2.4 External pressure coefficients for walls 20
2.5 External pressure coefficients for roofs 25
2.6 Internal pressure coefficients 39
2.7 Pressure coefficients for elements 41
Section 3. Directional method
3.1 Dwectional wind loads 44
3.2 Directional wind speeds 46
3.3 Dnctional pressure coefficients 51
3.4 Hybrid combinations of standard arrd dkectional methods 72
A (normative) Necessary pruviaions for wind tunnel testing 73
B (irrfOmative) Derivation of extreme wind information 73
C (informative) Dynamic augmentation 75
D (nonnative) PmbabiIity factor and seasonaf factor 77
E (informative) ‘l&rain categories and effective height 79
F (informative) Gust peak factor 81
1 Buifding-type faCtOr & 7
2 Dynamic pressure g= [in Pa) 9
3 Valves of dwection factor S,j 17
4 Factor .%,for standard methud 20
L ExcemaA pressure cucfficients Cw for verticaI walk 21
6 Frictional drag coefficients 25
7 External pressure Cw coefficients for walls of circulm-plan buildhrgs 25
8 Extemaf pressure ceefficienta Cw for flat roofs of buiIdings 26
9 External presarrc coefficients Cw for monOpirch mOfs Of buildin@ 31
10 External pressure coefficients C& for duopitch roofs of build@s 31
11 External pressure coefficients Cw for hipped roofs of buildings 32
12 Reduction factor for multi-bay roofs 35

Dcr 0.s33 : - z : 1330

13 Net pressure coefficients CP for free-standing monopitch canopy roofs 36
14 Net pre~um coefficients CP for free-standing duopitch canopy roofs 37
15 Reduction factors for free-standing multi-bay camopy roofs 37
16 Internal pressure coefficients CPi for enclosed build@s 39
17 Internal pressure coefficients Cpi for buildings with dominant
opmings 40
HI Internal pressure coefficients Cpi for open-sided buildings 40
19 Internal pressure coefficients Cpi for open-tOpped vertical ~lindem 40
20 Net pressure coefficients CP for long elements 41
21 Net pressure coefficients CP for free-standing W* 42
22 Factom .SCind $ 48
23 A@stment factors I“c and Tt for sites in town terrain 49
24 Gust peak factor gt 50
25 Values of L, and .Sh 51
26 External pressure coefficients Cp, for vertical walls of
rectangular-plan buildings 52
27 Reduction factom for zone A on verticaf walls of polygon&plan
buildings .52
28 External pressure coefficients CP, for vertical gable w~k adjacent tO
non-vertical walls and roofs 54
29 External pressure coefficients Cw for windward-facing nOn-vefiical
walls 55
30 ExtemaJ pressure coefficients Cw for flat roofs with sharp eaves 59
31 Reduction factor for zones A to D, H to J and Q to S of flat roofs
with parapets 60
32 External pressure coefficients Cm for flat roofs with curved eaves 60
33 External pressure coefficients Cw for flat roofs with mansard eaves 61
34 External pressure coefficients CP, for pitched roof zones A to J 63
35 Extemaf pressure coefficients CR for pitched roof zOnes K tO S 66
36 External pressure coefficients Cw for additional zones T to Y of
hipped roofs 70
37 Intemaf pressure coefficients Cpj for open-sided buildings 72
D. 1 Values of seasonal factor 78
1 Flowchart illustrating outline procedure 4
2 Basic deftitions of building dimensions 6
3 Dynamic augmentation factor C, 8
4 Size effect factor Ca of standard method 11
5 Definition of diagonal of loaded areas 12
6 Basic wind speed Vb (in rds) 13
7 Definition of significant topography 14
8 Definition of topographic dimensions 15
9 lbpogmphic location factors for hills and ridges 16
10 ‘f@ographic kxation factors for cliffs and escarpments 17
11 Division of buildings by parts for lateral loads 19
12 Key to wall pressure data 21
13 Typical examples of buildhygs with m-entrant comers and recessed
bays 22

14 Examples of flush irregular walls 23
15 Key for walls of inset storey 24
16 Key for flat roofs 26
17 Key to cave details for flat roofs 27
18 Key for inset stomy 28
19 Key for monopitch roofs 29
W Key for duopitch roofs 30
21 Key for hipped roofs 33
22 Key for mansard and multipitch roofs 34
22 Key for multi-bay roofs 35
24 Key for free-standing canopy roofs 38
25 Reduction factor for length of elements 41
26 Key for free-stamding walls 42
27 Shelter factor for fences 43
26 Key for signboards 43
29 Wind directions for a rectarrgulm-plan building 44
26 Key to overall load P 46
31 Key for vertical walls of builrlii 52
32 Key to vertical gable wrdls 54
23 Key for walls of buildings with m-entrant comers 56
24 Key for walls of buildings with recessed bays 57
35 Key to general method for flat rcofs 58
26 Examples of zones of flat roof of arbM’ary Plan shape 59
37 Additional zones around inset storey 62
28 Key for monopitch roofs 64
39 Synrmetries for pitched roofs 65
40 Key for duopitch roofs 67
41 Key for hipped roofs 69
42 Key to multi-bay roofs 71
E. 1 Effective heights br towns so
F. 1 Gust peak factor gt 82
L&t of references Inside back cover


This Part of this British Standard has been prepared by Subcommittee B/525/1,
Actions (loadings) and basis of design, and supersedes CP3 : Chapter V : Part 2:
‘Rds part of BS 6399 is a technical revision of CP3 : Chapter V : Part 2 and
incorporates the considerable advances made and experience gained in wind
engineering since that time. CP3 : Chapter V : M 2 will not be withdrawn
immediately so as to allow an overlap period with this Part of BS 6399.
The b=ic wind speed in thk British Standard is given as an hourly mean value;
this differs from CP3 : Chapter V : Part 2 in which it was based on a 3 s gust
value. However, the hourly mean basic wind speed is subsequently converted
into a gust wind speed for use in design (by a gust peak factor wh]ch takes
account of gust duration time, height of structure above ground and the size of
the structure). The adoption of the hourly mean value for the basic wind speed is
for technical reasons. Primarily it allows a more accumte treatment of
topography, but it alao provides the starting pohrt for serviceability calculations
involving fatigue or dynamic response of the stmcture. Its use is akw a move
towards harmonization as mean values (sometimes 10 min means) are often the
basis for wind loading calculations in European and international standards.
Structure factors are used to check whether the response of the structure can be
considered to be static, in which caae the use of the calculation methods in thk
standard is appropriate. If the response is found to be mildly dynamic the
methods can still be used but the resulting loads will need to be augmented.
Structures which are dynamic will alsu be identified but their assessment is
outside the scope of the standard.
TWO alternative methods are given:
a) a standard method, which uses a simplified procedure;
b) a directional method, from which the simplified method was derived.
The standard method gives a conservative result within its range of applicability.
Calibration haa shown that loads on typicaf buildings obtained by the standard
method are around 14 % larger than obtained from the directional method. The
degee of conservatism can be much larger close to the ground and in towns, but
decreaaes to zero around 100 m above the gruund.
In addition to reduced conservatism, the directional method assesses the loadhg
in more detail, but with the penalty of increaaed complexity and compukitional
effort. Because of this it is anticipated that the standard method will be used for
most hand-baaed calculations and that the directional method wifl be
implemented principally by computer
Procedures are alao given to enable the standard effective wind speed to be used
with the directional pressure coefficients and for the directional effective wind
speeds to be used with the standard pressure coefficients.
CP3 : Chapter V : Part 2 allowed for the effect of ground roughness, building
size and height above gound by a single factor. This required the calculation of
separate wind speeds for every combination of reference height above gruund
and the size of the loaded area. However, a simp~] cation has been introduced in
the standard method which involves the calculation of only a single wind speed
for each reference height. The effect of size is allowed for by a separate
factor, Cc
BS 6399: Part 2 also gives values for external pressure coefficients for a greater
mnge of building configurations than did CP3 : Chapter V : Part 2.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itseff confer immunity from
legaf obligations.

BS6399:Part 2:1995

Section 1. General

1.1 Scope 1.3 Defiitionx

‘lidsRut of BS 6399 gives methods for determining For the purposes of this British Standard the
the gust peak wind loads on buildings and following definitions apply.
components thereof that should be taken into
1.3.1 Wind speed
account in design using equivalent static
procedures. basic wind speed
Two alternative methods are given: The hourly mean wind speed with an annual risk Q
a) a standard method which uses a sirnpliiled of being exceeded of 0.02, irrespective of wind
pnxedure to obtain a standard effective wind direction, at a height of 10 m over completely flat
speed which ix uacd with standard pressure terrain at sea Ievei that would occur if the
coefficients to determine the wind loads for ruughneas of the terrabr w uniform everywhere
orthogonal design cases. (inclu~l:g urban areas, inland lakes and the sea)
NOTE 1. This procedure is virtually the same win CP3 :
and equwalent to typical open country in the
Chapter V : Parr 2. United Kingdom.
b) a directional method in which effective wind site wind speed
s~ds ~d Preasurc coefficients arc determined The basic wind speed modtiled to account for the
to derive the wind loads for each wind dtiction. altitude of the site arrd the direction of the wind
Other methods may be used in place of the two being considered (arrd the aeaaon of exposure, if
methcds given in thix standard, provided that they required).
can be shown to be equivalent. Such methods NUlll, In the standard metbcd only, effectsof topographic
include wind tunnel tests which should be taken as featuresare includedin tbe sitewind speed.
equivalent only if they meet the conditions defined effective wind speed
in armex A.
NUTE2. Wind tunnel tests are recommended when the form of The site wind speed modfied to a gust speed by
the building is not covered by the data i“ this standard, when taking account of the effective height, size of the
the form of the b.ifdimg cm be changed in response to the test building or structural element Ming considered and
resulf.? in order to give an optimized design, or when loading of permanent obstmctions upwind,
data are required in more derail than is awe” in this standard.
NCII’E. 1“ the direcriomd method only: the effects of
Specialist advice should be sought for building topographic featwes are omitted from the site wind s~ed.
shapes and site locations that are not covered by
this standard. 1.3.2 Pressure

The methods given in this Part of BS 6399 do not dynamic pressure
apply tO bufldkgs which, by virtue of the ‘f’he potential pressure available from the kinetic
structural properties, e .g, maas, stiffness, natural energy of the effective wind speed.
frequency or damping, are particularly susceptible
to dynamic excitation. These should be asaeased pressrrre coefficient
using established dynamic methods or wind tunnel The ratio of the pressure acting on a surface to the
tests. dy-c pKS.SUP2.
NOTE 3. See references [1] to 14] for examples of established exterfud pressrrre
dynamic methcds.
NUI’E 4. If a building is susceptible to excitaticm by vortex The pressure acting on a.frexternal surface of a
shedding or other aemelastic instability, tie maximum dynamic building caused by the dmct action of the wind.
respome may occur at wind speeds lower than the maximum. intemaf pressure
The preasffrc acting on an internal surface of a
1.2 Informative references
buildbrg caused by the action of the external
Thii British Standard refers to other publications pressures through porosity and openings in the
that provide information or guidance. Editions of external surfaces of the buildlng.
thexe publications current at the time of issue of
this standard am listed on the inaide back cover, net pressure
but reference should be made to the latest The pressure dtiference between opposite faces of
editions. a surface.

BS63Y9:Part2:lYY5 Section 1

1.3.3 Height 1.3.5 Distance altitude fetch

a) when topography is not si@lcant: the height The distance from the site to the upwind edge of
above mean sea level of the ground level of the each category of terrain, used to determine the
site; effect of termirr roughness changes.
b) when topography is significant: the height
above mean sea level of the base of the 1.4 Main symbols
topographic feature,
For the purposes of this Rut of BS 6399 the building height following symbols apply.
The height of a building or part of a building above
its base. A Area
a Largest diagonal dimension of the loaded area reference height
envelope (figure 5)
The reference height for a part of a structure is the
datum height above Wound for the pressure B Crosswind breadth of building (figure 2b)
coefficients and is defined with the pressure b Scaling length used to define loaded areas for
coefficients for that part. pressure coefficients (, 2.5. 1.2) obstruction height c. Size effect factor of standard method (
The average height above ground of buildings, Cp Net pressure coefficient (2. 1.3.3)
structures or other permanent obstmctions to the c External prewure coefficient (2. 1.3.1)
wind immediately upwind of the site.
c: Internal pressure coefficient (2. 1.3.2) effective height
c, Dynamic augmentation factor (1.6. 1)
The height used in the calculations of the effective
D Inwind depth of buifding (figure 2b)
wind speed determined from the reference height
with slfowance for the obstmction height. d Disnreter of circular cylinders
1.3.4 Length G gap across recessed bay or weU (figure 34)
9t gust peak factor buifding length
The longer horizontal dimension of a buildhrg or H Buildhrg height (fw 2), eaves height or
part of a building. 1, height of inset or lower storey
He Effective height (1.7.3) building width
H, Reference height (1. 7.3)
The shorter horizontal dimension of a building or
part of a building.’) Ho Obstruction height (1. 7.3, figure 2), or
average height of roof tops upwind of the crosswind breadth building
The horizontal extent of a buiIding or part of a
h Pa.rspet height (, f~re 17),
building norrmd to the direction of the wind. l]
free-standhrg waif height (, figure 23), inwind depth or signboard height (2.7.6, figure 24)
The horizontal extent of a building or part of a Kb Building-type factor (1.6. 1)
building paralfel to the direction of the wind. 11 L Building length (figure 2) or length of element diagonrd dirnenaion between free ends (2.7.3)
The largest diagonal dimension of a loaded area, LD Length of downwind slope of topogmphic
i.e. the dimension between the most distant points feature (, figure 8)
on the periphery of the area. L, Effective slope length of topographic feature scaling length (
A reference length determined from the Lu Length of upwind slope of topographic feature
proportions of the building used to define zones (, figure 8)
over which the pressure coefficient is Sas”med to P Net load (
be constant.
P Net pressure (2. 1.3.3)
P, Pressure on external surface (2. 1.3.1)

l) For COmPIeX pla shaWs, these lengths may be detemined from the Smalleat enclming rectangle or circle

Section 1 BSS399:Part 2:1995

Pi Pressure on intemaf surface ( Reduction factor for length of elements

Q Annual risk (pmbabi!lty) of the baaic wind
speed being exceeded (, 2.2.2. 5,) Average slope of the gmmnd
9 Dynamic pressure Effective slope of topographic feature
9. Dynamic pressure of directional method for
external pressures (3. 1.2.2) ‘fhngent of downwind slope of topographic
feature (figure 7)
9i Dynamic presxure of dkectional method for
internal pressures (3. 1.2.2) lkrrgent of upwind slope of topographic
feature (figure 7,
9s Dynamic pressure of standard method (2.1.2)
Whfd direction in degrees eaat of north
r Radius (figure 17)
s, Altitude factor (
Solidity ratio of walls or frames (2.7.5) or
s~ Terrain and building factor (2.2.3. 1) blockage ratio of canopies (2.5.9, figure 24)
s= Fetch factor ( Wind direction of degrees from normal to
s~ Dnction factor ( building faces (figure 2) or angle around
periphery of circular-plan buildhrg (2.4.6)
s~ lbpogmphic increment (

Probability factor (2.2.2. 5)
s, Seasonal factor (
1.5 Outline of procedure for calculating
wind loads
st Turbulence factor (
s lbpographic location factor ( 1.5.1 The outline of procedure is illustrated in the
flow chart given in figfmc 1. This shorn the stages
T, Fetch adjustment factor (3. 2.3.2) of the standard method, together with the relevant
Tt ‘fhrbulence adjustment factor ( clause numbem, as the boxes outlined and
v~ NIC wind speed (2.2.1, figure 6) connected by thick lines. The stages of the
directional method are shown as boxes outlined
v, Effective wind speed (2.2.3, 3.2.3) with double lines and are directly equivalent to the
v, Site wind speed (2.2.2) stages of the standard method. Various input data
are shown in boxes outlined with singfe lines.
w Buildlng width (figure 2)
w width of wedge in re-entnmt comers 1.5.2 The wind loads should be calculated for each
(figure 33) of the loaded areas under consideration, depending
on the dimensions of the building, defined in
x D~tance of site from crest of topographic figure 2. These may be:
feature (, figure 8) or distance in
wind direction for buifding spacing ( a) the structure ax a whole;
b) parts of the structure, such as walls and roofs
z Height of crest of topographic feature above
the upwind baae altitude (figure 8)
c) individual stmctural components, including
a Pitch angfe (from horizontal) of roof (2.5) or
cladding urrits arrd their ftinga.
non-vertical W* (
Nc71Z. Wind load on a partially completed structure may he
b comer angle of walls ( critical and will be dependent on the method and sequence of
AS .%te altitude in metres above mean sea level
AT Altitude of upwind baae of topographic
feature in metres above mean sea level

Wstww:rartz:lxm CSSULIU1l 1

Stage 1: Dynamic augmentation Input building height H, input

factor C, (1 .6.1) building type factor K, (table 1 )

Stage 2: Check limits of Building is dynamic. This Pert

applicability C, < 0.25, does not apply (see references
H <300 m (1.6.2) [1] to [41)

Basic wind speed map [Figure 6)

Stage 3: Basic wind speed V,

Stage 4: Site wind speed V. Altitude factor S,, directional factor

S~, seaaonal factor S,

Stage 5: Terrain categories,

Site terrain type, level of upwind I
rooftops Ho, separation of buildings
effective height H. (1.7.3)

Stage 6: Choica of method (1 .8) Directional and topographic


Stage 7: Standard effective wind Directional effective wind speed


Directional pressure coefficients

Stage 10: Wtnd Ioada P (2.1 .3) Directional wind loads P (3.1)
[ 1

Figure L Flowchart illustrating outline procedure

Section 1 BS63YY:MZ:1YY6

Notes to figure 1
Stage 1 Determines the dynamic augmentation factor Stage k Having assessed the exposure of the site, this
fmm the basic geometric and stnctuml pmpenies of the St&3e offers the choice between the standard nwtbcd a“d
building, the directional method. The standard method @ves
conservative values for standard orthogonal load czses,
Stage 2 Depending on this value, a check is p+?rformed
and a simplified method for buildin@ up to 1C4 m in
on the level of dynamic excitatim to determine:
height and for signirlcant to fmgmphy. The directional
a) whether the methods given in this k%rt of ss 6399 methcd gives a more precise value for any given wind
aPPIY and the a%ew.ment may proceed; or direction, particularly for sites in towns, and where
b) whether the methcds given in this ~ of ss 6399 topography is significant. A simple rule for assessing the
do not apply and the building should be assessed by significance of to fmsraphy is provided.
one of the methwls for dynmnic buildings (see Stage 7 Determines the effective wind W&&S required
references [1] to [4]) or by wind tunnel tesfs by either method. The effective wind speed is a gust
(see annex A). wind sp+ed appropriate to the site exposure and the
SW, % Determines the basic hourly mean wind speed height of the building. h! the scmdard method this
from the map for the UK. correspmds to a datum size of loaded area, while in the
directional method this cm’resfmnds to the size of the
Sfage 4 Determines a site wind speed, still
loaded area under consideration.
corresponding to the hourly mean wind speeds at a
height of 10 m above ground in the standard exposure, s~e 8 Converts the effective wind speed into an
from the basic wind speed by applying corrections for the equwalent dynamic pressure.
site altitude, wind dbwmion and season. Up to this point, Stage 9 Selects pressurecoefficients corresponding to
no allowance for the exposure of the particular site has the form of the building. In the standard method these
been made and the procedure is common (except in ifs coeffkienb correspond to a number (usually two or
treafment of the effectsof topography) to both the three) of orthogonal load cases, while in the directional
sti”dard and dkectional metbd. methcd they correspond to the wind directions being
NCflE The derivations of the b~ic wind speed map, the considered (usually twelve).
adjustments for site altitude, wind direction and season St-x. 10 Determines the wind loads from the dynamic
are given in annex B. pressure,pressurecoefficients, dynamic augmentation
Stage 6 the exposure of the site in term of the factor and, in the standard method, by the size effect
terrain mugtmes and the effective height. llu?e factor, to gtve the characteristic wind load for static
categories of terrain roughness are used to define the site design.
exposure. The effective height depends cm the degee of
shelfer provided by neighbo”ri”g buildings or other
permanent obstmcfiom.

Bsw99:Partz:lYY5 Section 1

a) Fixed dimensions length, width, height



Wind D
General caae Orthogonal caaas

h) Variable dimemiom: crosswind breadth, imvind depth, wind angle

c) Obstruction height and upwind $paci”g

Figure 2. Basic definitions of building dimensions

Section 1 BS 6299: Part 2:1995

1.6 Dynamic classtilcation 1.7 Site exposure

1.6.1 Dynamic augmentation factor 1.7.1 Genersf
The methods of this standard employ equivalent The site wind speed V, refers to a standard open
static loads to represent the effect of fluctuating country exposure at a height of 10 m above
loads which is applicable only to buildings which ground. ‘lb obtain the effective wind speed the
are not susceptible to dynamic excitation. effects of varying gruund roughness, the height
The standard permits equivalent static loads to be and d~tance of obstructions upwind of the site and
used for the design of mildly dynamic structures by the effects of topography should be taken into
the introduction of a dynamic augmentation factor. account.
The value of this factor depends upon the actual 1.7.2 Ground roughness categories
height H of the building above ground and on a
Three categories of terrain are considered:
building-type factor ~b obtained from table 1, for
the form of construction of the buildlng. a) sea the sea, and inland areas of water
extending more than 1 km in the wind direction
The dynamic augmentation factor C, is given for
when closer than 1 km upwind of the site;
typical buildings in figure 3.
b) country: all terrain which is not defined as sea
or town;
‘fhble 1. Building-type fsctor ~b
c) bum: built up aress with an average level of
&p-e of buUdf@ f& mof tops at least Ho = 5 m above ground level.
Welded steel unclad frames ?3 NOTE 1. Permanent forest and woodland may be treated 8..s
town categmy.
Bolted steel and reinforced concrete 4
NUIT 2. ‘l&rain Categories are explained i“ more detail in
unclad frames
annex E.
Fort-d sheds and similar light structures 2
1.7.3 Reference height and effective height
with few internal walls
Framed buildings with structural walls 1 L 7.3.1 The reference height H, is defined for the
around M- and staim only (e.g. office building form in the appropriate pressure
coefficient tables and deftition figures, but can
build~ of open plan or with
conservatively be taken as the maximum height of
the building above ground level.
Framed buildmf@ with structural walk 0.5
around lifts and stairs with additional For buifdings in country terrain, or
masonry subdivision walls (e. g. conservatively for buildings in town terrain, the
aptiment buildings), buildings of effective height Ife should be taken as the
ma.?arry construction and reference height HP
timber-framed housing For buildings in town terrain, the effective
height & depends on the shelter affofied by the
NOTE. The valuesof the facfarsKb and C, have been derived
for typical building structures with typical frequency and
avemge level of the height Ho of the roof tops of
damping chamcfe!tstics, under typical UK wind speeds, without the buildings, or of the height of other permanent
accounting for topogmphyor roughness effects. More obstructions, upwind of the site and their upwind
accurate values of these factam may be derived using annex C spacing X. These dimensions are defined in
when tbe buifding characteristics am “ot typical, or when the figure 2. The effective height He should be
effectsof topographyand terrain mugtmessneed tobe taken
into account. determined as follows.
a) Ifxs2Ho
1.6.2 Lfndts of applicability
then He is the greater of
This Part of Ef3 6399 does not apply when the
value of dynamic augmentation factor exceeds the He = Hr – 0.8H0 or He = 0.4H,;
limits shown in figure 3. Buildin@ faffing outside b) If X > 6H0
these !imk? should be assmsed using established tiien He is given by He = Hr;
dynamic methods.
c) fn the range 2Jfo < X c 6H0
NCllll See referemes[1] to [4] for f“rtber information o“
analysis of dynamic structures. He is the greater of
He = H, - 1.2H0 + 0.2X or He = 0.4HP
NOTE. 1. the absence of more accurate information, the
obstmction bwgbt Ho may be estimated from the average
number of storeys of .pwi”d buildings by raking the typical
storey height as 3 m. Furrher guidance is given i“ annex E.

BsfxfYY: I’artz:lYY5 section 1


Limits of applicability
Shaded region outaidescope of this Part





1 10 100 1000

Building height, H (m)

Figure 3. Dynamic augmentation factor C,

1.8 Choice of method L 8.4 However, m the standard method gives

conservative values of both effective wind speed
1.8.1 For alf structures less than 100 m in height (below 100 m) and pressure coefficient, it may
and where the wind loading can be represented by sometimes be appropriate to use a hybrid
equivalent static loads (see 1.6), the wind loading combination of both methods, either
can be otained either by the standard method
a) standard effective wind speeds with
described in section 2 or by the directional method
directional pressure coefficients; or
given in section 3,
b) directional effective wind speeds with
1.8.2 The standard method provides values of standard pressure coefficients.
effective wind speed to be used with the standard
Combination a) k aurxouriate when the form of
pressure coefficient (clauses 2.3 to 2.5) to
the building is ‘well ‘defied, but the site is not; the
determine orthogonal load cases, corresponding to
caaes of relocatable buildings or standard
the wind direction notionally normal or parallel to
mass- pruduced designs are typical examples.
the faces of the buifding. The standard method
Combination b) is appropriate when only the
uses a simplilled allowance for signiilcant
standmd orthogonal load cases are required, but a
topography, as defined in figure 7.
better allowance for site exposure is desired
1.8.3 The directional method gives values of the because topogmphy is signifkant and/or the site is
effective wind s~ed for different wind directions, in a town. Such hybrid combinations should be
taking into account the appropriate to the app~ed only in accordance with 3.4.
wind dnction behrg considered, to be used with
the directional pressure coefficients. It gives better
estimates of effective wind speeds in towns and for
sites affected by topography.

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