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Centre for Modern Architecture Studies in Southeast Asia

Bachelor of Quantity Surveying (Honours)



Assignment Title: No.1 (Group Project)

% of Assessment: 25%
Assignment date: 1st September 2015
Submission date: 29th September 2015
Assessment brief


1.) To expose students to different types of software programs available in the construction market
2.) To improve the student’s knowledge on the features, function and limitations of the QS software in Construction

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the subject, students will be able to:

1.) Distinguish the different types of software programs available in the market and their limitations in usage.

Project 1

The aim of project is to expose students to different types of software programs available in the construction market
and their limitations in usage. Students are required to prepare a report on:-

A) Compare the functions and limitation of BIM QS computer software in the market. Summaries your information
and recommend the best BIM QS software with supporting reasons and data.

B) Compare benefits and constraints of Building Information Modelling (BIM), CAD Measurement and Manual
Measurement in:-

I. Preparation / Briefing Stage

II. Design Stage
III. Pre-construction Stage
IV. Construction Stage
V. Others

Assessment Criteria

Breakdown of marks:

A) Compare the functions and limitation of BIM QS computer software in the market. Summaries your information
and recommend the best BIM QS software with supporting reasons and data. – 15 marks

B) Compare benefits and constraints of Building Information Modelling (BIM), CAD Measurement and Manual
Measurement in: - 10 marks

I. Preparation / Briefing Stage

II. Design Stage
III. Pre-construction Stage
IV. Construction Stage
V. Others


1) Font: Times New Roman, 11

2) Spacing: 1.5
3) Maximum 25 Pages

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