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Socamwert rwrcrl Extended essay cover pam Programme sutjectn wich is extended essay sepitored: EQUUS (Foran extended essay inthe area of languages state he language and whether tis group tar roup 2) Tite of the extended essay: “The Magy fuer Sui Weapon, Ao anakysss oF he em e " AsiSereny govnrs oF we. Candidate's declaration This declaration must be signed by the candidat; otherwise @ grade may not be Issued. ‘The extended essay | am submiting is my own work (apart from guidance allowed by the Intemational Baccalaureate, | nave acknowledged each use of the words, graphics or ideas of another person, whether writen, oral o| visual | am aware that the word limit for all extended essays fs 4000 words and that examiners are not required to read beyond this imi ‘This the final version of my extended essay. Fs report and declaration ‘supervisor must complete this report, sign the decleation and then give th final version ofthe extended ‘38807, with this cover attached, f the Diploma Programme coordinator. Name of supervisor (CAPITAL letters) Pease comment, as approprits, onthe candidate's performance, the contoxt in which the candidote undertook the research forthe extonded stay, any dfeuites encountred ad how tase Wore overcome (sae page 13 of the extended essay guide). The concluding infevew (viva vocs) may’ provide usful information. These canments can help te examiner svard a lvel fr cron K (hose judgment). C0 not comment on any Sscverse personal cumstances Wat may have aflecod the candidate. he amour of ne spent wth the Candidato was Zero, you must explain his, n particular how f was then posibe fo authenticate the essay athe Candidate's own werk. You may attach an adetonal shoot tors insutilnt space hire. Seem Seeatiost in SE aggnanIn® vasarding Wye HOC. SO Cock Se ore UA 8 EMSE so Se A ay eek EERAL AE ERAGE Madr Sa ad SS pears FEF RES UGE. He SLE coca mttelrs $ SAECO Ske nek SAN er aa I, Reragyeds Wee OF Ae Geass Vee kG, REF MEDAN TESS xcs TE Sea, eee dagde War AEC ogite NE Wo lade nt A eee Vea Fane LEER SINK aro \ saerend “LON ) Aree | SAR Vers OR Si oo ARaatie AG Wes eRe a Uuarea FHS AKER NE QA ee ee ee ee ern, een eens eee eee eet [eos eee neers Assessment form (for examiner tse only) Criteria ‘A research question 2B tnvocusion © investigation knowodge and understanding reasoned argument F analysis and evaation 6 use of subjectlanguage 1 condusion 1 formal presentation J abstract nose judgment Total out of 36 Achlaverent level canine mesmum Exanner2- maximum Gamers GJ: J 2 r] 2 2 a a || a) O C) im ‘ ] 4 J 1 4 e 4 OJ 4 ‘ fa 4 ] 4 1 = 2 £ ‘ el 2 2 ‘ ‘ [An analysis of the employment of the English language in order to shape diferent points of, stndent Name Cantidte# Date of 1B Exams: May 2014 Category: English Advisor's Name: Word Count: 2,222 Abtract ‘This essay examines how an English newspaper in Europe covered the U.S. debt ceiling ‘s how an English newspaper in the United States covered the US. debt cing. After being signed to the lish subject area I already had it in my ind that as not interested in ‘wstnga literary analysis, bu rather exploring new aspect ofthe English language that is reflected in numerous new articles, Through my research and extensive study of my topic T have been able to reach the conclusion tat, when journalists write articles from ditfrent perspectives, they often tailor their writing to appesl to specific audiences and clarify their ont of view using the power of the English language. ‘Additionally, while searching fr sources to support my thesis also encountered responses tothe United States Debt Ceiling that were not at ll what Iwas expecting. This required me to also consider how points of view would be diffrent nt only based upon the -wite's country of origin but also on ther political aliliation. This was especialy evident inthe several United Sates news soutes I chose fom in that there were a numberof articles written fom the perspective of president Obama supporters, while there were also numerous articles ‘wtiten from the pont of view of Tea-Party members and republicans Not to mention that financial afilation also played a major rol nthe wrtr’s standpoint; one suck example was an antic writen rom the viewpoin of Chief Executive officers from the United States, who were ‘most definitely in support of the U.S. Debt Ceiling because in their opinion it was beneficial for the global economy. Overall though on yeas's worth of esearch Iwas able to marow my topic and find sources that support and refute my general argument, ‘Word Count: 300 . Europeans Are Accustomed .. Table of Contents Abstract, ‘Table of Contents. Introduetion, ‘The United States Debt Ceiling Europeans Believe These Actions are Childish ‘The USS. from @ European Standpoint .. Objectivity .. Economic Turkey. Conclusion ‘Works Cited (Bibliography) ~2~ 10 velI-12 Introduction “The manner in which words are expressed i jus as important, i not more Jmportant, ste words themselves, Although itis common to study the English language by completing «thorough analysis of work of literature itis also appropriate to «examine several pins of view ona contemporary conflict Communication is th key 0 many different aspects ofl, thas it is important to examine how the English language is employed inorder to communicate opposing perspectives, Studying thee opposing perpectves allows sto penetrate the topic and reveal the essence of te issue a hand {nthisease it isthe United States debt ceiling. This eonce is extremely important in hat it affects msjoriy ofthe world’s citizens thas triggered very tong esponses fom ‘any countries around the world, and such reaetions are most evident inthe newspapers fom speci entries in Europe and North America, From the United Stats there have ‘been articles writen inthe Washington Post the Los Angeles Times, the Adan, and Forbes magazine, One the other hand, there ae also a numberof European nations that tad a ot of input with regards othe debt ceiling, Aman these European regions thee is the United Kingdom and several Balkan counties. Furthermore, when examining the cot points of view itis racial to identify factors tat wil sigifcely influence a ‘writer's ilzation of the English language. Such factors may include, ut are not ited to, one's politica fiiation, the economic stat ofthe country of counties that they are ting bout, th history ofthe relationship between two counties oregons and so on and 80 forth ‘The United States Debt Ceiling ‘To begin, a deb ceiling isthe upper limit seton the amount of money that a government ‘ay borrow. The United States recently experienced a brief shutdown of a percentage of the federal government. Ms. Christine Lagarde, Managing Directo ofthe International Monetary Fund (IMF), acknowledged this in a pres release where she stated “The U.S. Congress has taken an important and necessary step by ending the partial, shutdown of the federal government and liting the debt celling, which enables the government to continue its operations without clsruption forthe next few months ‘hile budget negotiations continue to unfold." * Lagarde is evidently in favor ofthe actions that congress has taken, ashe uses words such as important and necessary to describe the government induced event that occured, She also provides support by including reason as to why it was “necessery and important for the federal government to shut down, Inher address she goes on to say that “Looking forward, it wll be essential to reduce uncertainty surrounding the conduct of fiscal policy by raising the debt limit in a more durable manner. We also continue to encourage the U.S. to approve a budget for 2014 and replace the sequester with sradually phasecsin measures that would not harm the recovery, ard to adopt @ balanced and comprehensive medium-term fiscal plan." ? * Lagarde, Christine, "Statement by IMF Managing Director Christine Lagardeon U.S. Debt Cling Action + Lagarde, Chistne, "Statement by IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde on U.S. Debt Ceiling Action, \With his Lagarde stresses the importance of particular aston the government nd citizens will ced fo ake in oder to preven further crs. She includes word such as essential to do so, but she also “encourages” the United Stats to consider he specific at thatthe lis in order to achieve “balanced” and “comprehensive” acl plan. Those to adjectives assist Lagarde’s argument in that they convey a ikely postive outcome with epard to approving the 2014 budget Europeans Are Accustomed ‘The following three pies of evidence ate taken from “The US Debt Cling Stile from 1 European Perspective” This is crucial to keepin mind because the article refects a very ‘ongly opinionated perspective of Buropean people with regard tothe United States debt ceiling, which most of them view a a eisis. Vanis Varoufaki initiates his piece of weting with this segment: “Cooled down in the proverbial 11th hour, at east until it is brought beck on the boi ‘next January, the US debt ceiling lash puzzles Europeans and gives them an opportunity to re-asses their own leaders’ shenanigans. Europeans are used to political debacles resulting from economic crises Its, afer all what we have been doing in Europe over ‘the past 4 years with embarrassing regularity. ‘Varoufakis highlights the confsion that Europeans have encountered as he no only uses words like “puzaled” but he also mentions the fac that the debt ceiling has affected Faropean ina ‘manner that as cause them to revaluate the action oftheir own government leaders. He erates «sentiment of discomfort and disgust, i the las sentence ofthis selection, when he reveals the unfortunate reality thatthe European people are used to economic erses. This perspective, 2 Varo, Vai “The US Dest aig Sie fom Eucpen Parca” ~S~ surprisingly, eauses the reader to infer thatthe Europeans, specifically inthe Balkan region, are partially responsible forthe economic predicaments frequently find themselves in. The United ‘States cannot solely be at fault because crises similar to it have occurred before, Europeans Believe These Actions are Childish Furthermore, there is additional reference tothe shocked rection tothe United States debt ceiling with regard to ations that many people have peresived as immate and ‘unnecessary, This is opposite to the argument that Lagarde provided ever, where she elaimed {bat is was obligatory and imperative thatthe government “What Europeans find hard o wrap their minds around i the opposite chain of causality: Economic erses resulting ffom political chicken games of seemingly astonishing chidishness He explains the difficulty peopl have; grasping the concepts that Lagarde attempt illuminate ‘The dispute that continues to occur in the American government andthe politeal intimidation is ‘quite frankly iresponsible and very unnecessary ftom the perspective of Eurorean. An idea thet justifies this uses af English ta shape his point of view isthe fact that the actions ofthe United ‘States government, regardless of whether or not they ae childish, ae jeopardizing the stability of other countries’ economies. Varouakis is sucessful in persuading his readers with his direst and blunt language because he make it clear thatthe bottom line is that many Europeans are suffering ‘economically. The above text selection and the press release from the International Monetary und (page 5) are perfect examples of proponents and contrarians tt the United States debt “Var, Yai “Th US Batt alg St fom Eee Parga” ee ceiling. In addition they reveal how crucial i so read a variety of points of view to truly ‘understand the core ofthe issue being studied. ‘The U.S. from a European Standpoint Lal, there is one more excerpt fom the same article “The US Debt Ceiling Strife from & European Perspective, that i actully some-what different from the others inthat it further laborates onthe hin thatthe economic crises that pats of Europe is curently experiencing, is not oly the fault of the United States ofthe dbs ceiling that has been enacted, OF cous it crs nto tevalie what is going om in the ited States. ‘Once we look litle more closely atthe pottial economy of ke Land ofthe Fee, ital begins to make sense. This impasse snot about debt. When America's dsbt to GDP rato went up by 40% to bailout Wall Steet, the Republicans didnot even squeak, Theircurent squealing about hose who donot eed social security and affordable health care not wanting to share nto the costs of those ‘who do ned social scety and affordable beat car, So, whenever Europeans ‘west kicking and seeaming about the US deb “beng to high’, it beps to recall thatthe cacophony is a mere tat for stopping tax dolla rom being commited othe weak; t those who never benefited from the lous that shod the debt tits current evel of over 100% of GDP." ‘This arte takes a tum and after Varoufakis has captivated and convince his readers he gradually presents the bigger picture or a broader perspective. There is more focus on the acts situation that is happening inthe United States and how politics and greed are playing a silent but major role as well Although a good majority of writen pieces are altered to representa restricted perspective, there are also sources that present a journalist effort to remain neuta. The reality i that most people tend to gravitate foward more opinionated and subjective ‘works, because itis more satisfying when one an identify with what they are reading. In * rate, Yai The US Bet Coleg Ste fom a Euapen Pepsin” ~T~ ‘uddition, when attempting to remain objective writers tend to enumerate fact and! or events and occasionally there willbe some incorporation of quotes ftom different ends of the spectrum. Overall itis quite dificult for meaning tobe applied tothe facts whilst, remaining objective. Objectivity Anexample ofthis attempt to remain objective is presented inthis section of an article fom. Forbes magazine written by Cedric Muhammad, who asserts that: “Evenually however, as was the cas in Europe, wealthy and powerful baking families influenced members of government to reso a cen hank that they ‘would conto, supplanting the authority given to Congress by the Constitution. “These efforts culminated with a central bank known as the Fedesl Reserve being ven the power to issue currency and control its value while regulating America's entire banking system.” * ‘Throughout his artiste, Muhammad keeps neutral point of view by not including any persussve language and simply reporting what is actualy happening. This objet ean also te observed because of is ack of stong adjectives, Neutral points of view are important in dro evaluate the issue ofthe United Stats debt cling from abroad perspective and comprehend the general idea bind sid issue, But is also necessary to examine the standpoints of the conrarins andthe proponents and what arguments they off, * Muhammad, Cedi. "Debt Ceiling Memo to Tea Party, Federal Reserve Debt Monetization Far ‘More Dangerous than Obamacare." Forbes ~8~ Economie Turkey ‘To continue, another example of an article that refered to the United States debt ceiling when addressing the conition of the global economy was inthe Washington Post, witen by Stephen ‘Kaplan, He too seems to stempt to remain objective throughout the article and below ise small faction of the information he provided “Despite these economic efoms,ashor-exm refinancing horizon leaves counties ‘vulnerable to rapid changes in investor sentiment, As governments from East Asia to Latin America know all to well, sudden capital withdrawals can prodoce dramatically higher interest rates and leave economies in shambles. Argentina, Brel, Mexico, South Korea, Tailand and more resently much of Southem Europe, have sfered such fate, turing fom economic tigers ito economic turkeys seemingly overnight”? “The above selection fom the Washington pest article, offers one more neutral perspective. Ik is also a clearer example of facts being enumerated without much additional mesning. However, some may argue that certain words included in the section present hints of subjectivity. Such ‘words include “dramatically” “suffered” “rap and “venerable” * Kaplan, Stephen "How the Debt Ceiling Threatens to Turn the US. into an Eeonomie Turkey.” Washington Post ~o~ Conclusion ‘Through rescarch and extensive study ofthe United States Debt eiling ope, the thesis that has ben determined i, when a reporter presents their peife perepostive they often alter their language to appeal to specific audiences and laity the point of view they are representing ‘There also exist responses tothe Unite States Debt Ceiling tha are beyond expectation. This required the taking into account of the reality that, points of view would be diferent not only Decause ofthe writer's country of origin but also on their political afin ard a variey of other factors. This was most evident in the several United States news sourcesin that there were ‘numberof articles written from the perspective of president Obama supports, while there Were also numerous articles written from the point of view of Tea-Party members and republicans. Moreover, financial status and relationships also played a major ecle inthe writer's standpoint, On example being, an article frm the standpoint of chief executive officers (CEOs) fom the United States who were most definitely in support ofthe U.S, Debt Ceiling because in ‘ther opinion it was beneficial forthe global economy. Overall, through one year's worth of research the opie at hand was narrowed down and soures ftom different counties were incorporated into the essay that supported and rfited my general argument. Lenguage is one of the most powerful tools we have at our disposal and it ean also be a weapon of mass destruction, “The English language is often used to illustrate a particular opinion and view point and that is exactly why itis necessary to review numerous pies of work, in order to grasp the entire seope ‘ofthe topic being debated. “When a man wants to murder a tiger he calls it sport; when a tiger ‘wants to murder him he ell it ferocity.” (George Bernard Shaw) ~10~ ‘Works Cited Associated Press "Survey Finds CEOs More Confident on Global Eeonomy* Washington Post [Washington, D.C] 21 an. 2014: pag. Pin. Chan, Seu Ping. "Eurozone Sleepwalking into « Decades-Long Deflation Tap." Balkan (Chronicle (2013): n. pag. The Balkan Chronicle, Web, 2 Jen. 2014 hap: balkanchroiel com/index phpfeconomy/economy-newsinance314- eurozone sleepwalking into-a-decads-lng-deflaionstap> Georaiopouos, Gorge, and Letters Papadimas. "reace Sesks Lower Bank Capital Target to Help Plug Country's Funding Gap." Rewer Ed, Thomson Reuters, Thomas Reuters, 21 Jan. 2014, Web. 26 Jan, 2014, tpuk reuters comarticl/201 4/0121 greoce- ‘banks-idUKBREAOKOVN20140121 ?fedTyp SStefoedName~businessNews>, Debt C Guardian News, ed." 1g: Reweoch Warfare." The Guardian, BA. The Guardian, Guardian (Aiphe), 11 Oct. 2013, Web. 27 Jen. 2014 hp: theguardianconvcommentise!201 3/0 asdebt-cling-retench- warfae-eitorab Kaplan, Stephen “How the Debt Ceiling Thretens to Tum the US. into an Economic Turkey.” Washington Pout (Washington, DC} 21 Oct. 2013: mpg. Print. Lagarde, Christin, "Statement by IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde cn US. Debt Ceiling Asin.” International Monetary Fund. Ed ntrational Moscary Pond. Intemational Monetary Fund, 16 Ost. 2013. Web. 24 Jan, 2014, -. (OBrien, Matthew. "Not Raising the Debt Ceiling: A Crisis, IF Wet Lucky, Historie Calamity If Were Not tonic 29 Sept. 2013: mpg. Pint, ‘Varoufkis, Yanis. “The US Debt Ceiling Suite from a European Perspective” Yanls Varoufis YYanis Varoufais, 17 Oct 2013, Web, 22 Jan, 2014 hp yanisvaroufakis.cu2013/10/ 7the-usdebtciing-stife-from--european- perspective ~12~

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