Sanctuary Magazine Issue 10 Building Your Sustainable Dream Home Green Home Feature Article

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A guide to get you there
By Alan Strickland with Judy Celmins
Photography by Nettle Noise & Pictures

38 Sanctuary Sanctuary 39
“The more you learn before you start, the less
the likelihood of repeating the mistakes that
others have made before you”

Wanting to live sustainably is not a fringe occu- re-use all your wastewater? or more. Also make sure your roof is up to the
pation. Millions of Australians want to make a If you’re not connected to mains electricity, job and won’t be contaminating the water you
difference to their homes and lives. But as a mains water or a sewerage system you’ll avoid collect.
member of the Alternative Technology Associa- supply charges. If you are connected, no matter Factors you’ll need to consider include:
tion and an organiser of Sustainable House Day how much solar electricity you generate or rain- what you’ll be using the rainwater for; average
the question I am constantly asked is: “Where fall you catch, the suppliers will still charge you amounts you use; your roof area; and the
do I start?” for something you may never use. average rainfall for your area. Before you leap,
Many people come away from Sustain- If you’re buying an existing home, take care do your homework: Stuart McQuire’s Water:
able House Day fired with enthusiasm. They with orientation, making sure that the living not down the drain (
see homes that are warm in winter and cool areas where you’d need passive solar winter tions/water-not-down-the-drain) is a compre-
in summer, without the need for large heaters heating are north-facing and not shaded by hensive guide to rainwater (and greywater)
or airconditioning. They see water-wise homes adjacent structures. If north-facing bedrooms harvesting in Australia.
that gather rainfall and greywater and use could be better utilised as living areas, then
these to produce wonderful, food-producing changing the functions of rooms might be Step 2: Do your homeworK
gardens. They want that for their own home. worth considering. and learn from others
The problem is that visitors only see the Find out the usual direction of summer You probably know about Sustainable House
finished house. Time doesn’t usually allow breezes and check the potential for improved Day, an annual event where houses across
visitors to ask the owners about how they cross ventilation. Can you open windows on Australia are opened to show you how to live
went through the whole saga of planning and opposite sides of the house and is there a free more sustainably. In the weeks leading up to
creating a sustainable home. The wondering, path for cooling breezes to flow through? The the event the Sustainable House Day website,
the indecision, the frustration and dead ends, cooling value of cross ventilation is far greater contains profiles of the homes to be opened,
and the many stages of learning they had to go than you’d gain from an airconditioner. It’s also and for the rest of the year you can still check
through. free. their details.
This article aims to help fill that gap. The The Alternative Technology Association
more you learn before you start, the easier the Cooling breezes ( publishes Sanctuary and
process will be and the less the likelihood of In coastal areas, cooling summer breezes are ReNew magazines. ATA is a not-for-profit
repeating the mistakes that others have made usually from the direction of the sea. In moun- organisation which benefits from the knowledge
before you. tainous or hilly areas, cool breezes often flow and experience of 5000 members from across
down valleys in late evening and early morning. Australia. Joining ATA will give you access to
Step 1: Find a home for your house The direction of prevailing winds across a free advice service answering questions on
If you’re in the market for a house, think about Australia for each month can be sourced from home sustainability; discounts on products and
where you want to live. Remember that your the Bureau of Meteorology services from the ATA Shop; and an invitation
sustainable journey doesn’t stop at your front to participate in a local branch where you can
gate. Travelling is a component in overall network and exchange information with like-
sustainability. You might build your dream Make sure there’s sufficient unshaded north minded individuals.
energy efficient home in the country and pay or northwest-facing roof space for mounting Get hold of the Your Home Technical
little or nothing to heat and cool your home, solar panels. A rough guide for solar electricity Manual. It’s a comprehensive guide to all
only to spend the savings on travelling to work. is nine square metres per kilowatt for crystal- aspects of sustainable housing. Don’t be put
Consider the proximity to mains power, line panels. The Your Home Technical Manual off by the “technical manual” part. It suits Top left: Native and drought-
tolerant plantings prove that
water supply and sewerage. Do you want a ( has more information all levels of expertise from someone who’s water-efficient gardens can
be as serene and beautiful
solar power system that’s connected to the on optimising your photovoltaic system. looking for a starting point to those who want
as the traditional kind.
electrical grid? Or do you want a system that How about rainwater harvesting? Check the finer detail of window tinting. It’s particu-
Top right: Judy Celmins
stands alone? Do you want to be independent there is adequate roof area for substantial rain- larly inspirational with its walk-throughs of project managed the building
of the water supply main or remain connected water catchment, and space for storage tanks. sustainable homes. It’s available online via the of her sustainable home.
But it wasn’t always easy.
in case you run short? Do you want to be Tanks can be distributed around the building Your Home website (
Left: A kitchen island is the
connected to the sewerage system or treat and but you might want 20,000 litres of storage focus of the main living space.

40 Sanctuary Sanctuary 41
“Even the best designed house will perform
poorly if not managed correctly”

For existing homes there are trained Communication Breakdown Design salvage
auditors who you can engage to conduct a When it comes to house design, it’s vital to ensure After discovering that her idea for a sustainable
home energy audit. They will produce a written you are on the same wavelength as your archi- house was very different from her architect’s,
report on your building’s performance, identi- tect, as Judy Celmins discovered to her cost. Judy literally went back to the drawing board
fying areas where it could be improved and “We selected an architect who appeared and came up with her own design.
suggesting practical methods for doing so. in tune with our philosophy. However budget “Our initial experience with an architect had
Check out the Association of Building Sustain- was the undoing of the relationship. The archi- been a disaster. The positive was that we had
ability Assessors website at tect convinced us the design could be built on learnt an enormous amount. Having talked
Research the available rebates and finan- budget. But as final costs came in, clearly that to others and seen many other houses, we
cial incentives for solar systems, water-saving was never going to happen. After 18 months of sketched out the basic plan.
measures and so on. Two good web resources planning and a substantial financial outlay, the “Now, to find a builder. The trades had
are the Australian government’s environmental project came in at nearly double the cost. We recommended a local builder who worked
portal,, and the were devastated. quickly and to a high standard. I met with them
ATA’s rebates page, “As a post-mortem, I queried the trades on and the process began.
Also check out the article in Sanctuary issue why was it so expensive to build. The consensus “The best part of the relationship was that
9, “Everything you ever wanted to know about was that the plan was just too complex.” they worked very closely with an architect who
sustainability rebates” (search for it at www. Architect and building designer peak bodies could draw up our ideas. The meetings were, although be with searchable databases of members include: such a contrast to the previous experience. I
warned – things change fast in this space! Australian Institute of Architects (www.architec- would say what I wanted, the architect would, Building Designers Association of get excited, and the builder would bring us
Step 3: Find a designer Australia (, and Archicentre back to earth. But the end result was a well
A sustainable architect or designer’s profes- ( designed home, with interesting elements that
sional reputation depends on how well their Some designers are noted for their afford- met our dreams. On budget!”
designs perform. A good designer won’t able designs, others for their individualistic
compromise effective passive solar design just styles, and their website and examples should Step 5: Manage the project
because the owner insists on a certain orienta- indicate this. Ask for a cost guideline for design Managing a project means converting design
tion or the wrong kind of windows. and building. This is usually expressed as into reality. This includes obtaining approvals,
Of crucial importance is your working rela- dollars per unit of area. engaging the different trades, coordinating their
tionship with the designer. You need a nego- activities and paying them as work progresses,
tiated working relationship that’s manageable Step 4: Find a builder nagging them if it doesn’t. It also involves
and trusting. Before engaging a designer: Does your builder know the difference between solving problems, checking compliance with
a sustainable and a traditional home? codes and standards and a host of other things
– decide your budget Each time a builder encounters an obstacle, through to practical completion.
– outline your needs there’s a delay to evaluate the alternatives and You can engage a builder who will manage
– do your homework discuss with the designer and homeowner. the project or do it yourself. Doing it yourself
If your builder has had prior experience with can save money or it can get you into trouble
Ask around. Check the names of designers eco-friendly methods and materials, it will make and cost more money.
and architects listed in Sustainable House Day the process a lot easier. So find a builder via Several Sustainable House Day owners
entries or in Sanctuary and other publications. personal recommendation if possible. Your report having managed the project themselves
Look at their websites. Ask to see examples of architect or designer may help in this regard. Or – presumably successfully as the houses were
their work – plans, photos, descriptions, speci- you can check the Master Builders’ Associa- safely opened on the day. None of these people
fications, performance data. Talk to them about tion ( for a register had managed building projects before but they
their special interests and recommendations. of trained “eco builders” and the Master all had gone into it in an organised, pre-planned
An introduction to a satisfied owner and a tour Plumbers’ Association (www.masterplumber. manner. They were also capable of doing some
of their home would be ideal. for “eco plumbers” unskilled hands-on work themselves, prepared
for some give and take, and they weren’t in a
rush to meet deadlines.

42 Sanctuary Sanctuary 43
“A good designer won’t compromise effective passive
solar design just because the owner insists on a certain
orientation or the wrong kind of windows”

Be hands on and be prepared Step 6: Manage the home Further information

Judy says: “My number one tip is the planning Even the best designed house will perform This article is the combination of two online
stage. When the builder presents the schedule, poorly if not managed correctly. Conversely, posts at “I’d like a sustainable
make sure you spend the time needed to a poorly designed home can be made more home but where do I start?” by Alan Strickland
review it in detail. Most of the stress with our liveable by better management to control heat and “Building the self-sufficient dream” by Judy
builder was caused by off-schedule items. flow. Celmins.
“My second tip is to be on site as much as Managing the home to maintain a comfort- Alan Strickland is the Alternative Technology
possible. I was able to get things done my way, able inside temperature involves making Association’s South Australia Branch Treasurer.
especially with several ‘green’ products unfa- changes between seasons and making minor Judy Celmins is a director and co-founder of
miliar to the contractors. adjustments over the day. If the house was
“In most cases being on site made their job designed by a professional they should provide invites people to exchange
easier. I made decisions quickly, and they could instructions for managing the house. If you their ideas, stories and experience on sustain-
see me doing things around the site, cleaning did the design, managing it should be second able living choices. shmeco are managers of
up, and even working in the paddock. It showed nature. Sustainable House Day.
that I was hands-on and there to make their life It’s worth repeating the words of architect
easier. Steffen Welsch (p32): “To achieve a sustainable
“Their feedback was they really enjoyed design the home requires active occupants,
working with me because I didn’t change my because it needs to be occupant operated. If
mind constantly. Again, that comes from being you want to shade your house you need to pull
organised and doing your homework.” down the blinds. If you want to help cool your
home, you need to purge heat trapped in the
house at night.”
Finally, if you’ve yet to build your dream
home and your current house is not as ther-
mally efficient as it might be, you might want to
try the layered approach: ie, take off or put on
an extra layer of clothes!

44 Sanctuary

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