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Production Capacity
Sr. Name of product Quantity (MT/month)
No. Existing Proposed Total
1. PNTOSA (Para nitro toluene 0.00 250 400
ortho sulphonic acid)
2. DASDA (4-4 Diamino Stilbene 10
2-2 diSulphonic Acid )
3. DNSDA (4-4 Dinitro stilbene 0.00 140
2-2 disulphonic acid)
4. NASDA (4-amino 4-nitro 0.00
stilbene 2-2 disulphonic acid)
Total 10 390 400

List of Raw Materials

Sr. Name of Raw Materials Quantity
PNT 0.65
Oleum 23% 1.53
DNSDA 2.12
Iron Powder 1.50
Acetic Acid 0.01
Spent sulfuric acid 0.75
PNTSA 1.80
Soda Ash 0.10
C.S. Lye(48.3%) 1.73
Spent Sulphuric acid 0.75
DNS (67%) 1.87
NaSH(30%) 2.00
HCl 0.20
NaCl 4.00

M/s. Pranav Chemicals 1

Annexure - II
Manufacturing Process
1. P.N.T.O.S.A.

Manufacturing Process
In closed vessel P.N.T. and Oleum 23% with water is taken, under no
pressure after stirring of these materials, it is transferred in open vessel
called dumping. Then it is taken in notch for filtration of the above materials.
The material now called P.N.T.O.S.A. output of spent acid comes out during
this process.
Chemical Reaction

Mass Balance

Mass balance of PNTOSA

Input KG KG Output

PNT 653
Sulphonation of PNT
Oleum 23% 1525
Water 1250 Drowing of
sulphonated mass
2147 Spent acid (50‐52%)

1281 PNTOSA wat cake

Finished product
(1000 KG 100% PNTOSA)

Total 3428 3428

M/s. Pranav Chemicals 2

2. D.A.S.D.A.

Manufacturing Process
In reduction process, water and D.N.S.D.A. is taken into open reduction
vessel then it is heated up to certain temperature. Iron Powder is added as
per requirement. Then the material is filtered in Filter press and the whole
solution is now called isolation solution.
In this process, isolation solution is taken in open vessel and then Hydro
Chloric Acid (HCl) is added gradually as per requirement and spent acid is
added as per requirement and transferred to open notch. After this process
vacuum is given to the material. Then the material is centrifuged in
centrifuge. The material ready is called D.A.S.D.A. (cake form).
Chemical Reaction

Mass Balance

M/s. Pranav Chemicals 3

Mass balance of DASDA

Input KG KG Output

DNSDA 2120
Water 7500
Iron Powder 1500 2125 Iron slude for Disposal
Acetic Acid 5
Spent sulfuric acid 750 Acidification
Filltration 7750 Effluent

1000 Drying loss

DASDA Drying
1000 DASDA

Total 11875 11875

3. D.N.S.D.A.

Manufacturing Process
In this process, first water is taken into open vessel then P.N.T.O.S.A. and
caustic soda lye is added gradually as per requirement at the same time,
Oxygen is also added gradually as per requirement spent acid charged then
this solution is transferred to MEE process to removal of water. After
removing water material is transferred to ANF1 & ANF2 to obtain Di nitro
The recovered water from MEE again recycle back to use in process
Chemical Reaction

M/s. Pranav Chemicals 4

Mass Balance
Mass balance of DNSDA

Input KG KG Output

PNTSA 1795
Water 7460
Soda Ash 75 Oxidation
C.S. Lye(48.3%) 1725
Spent Sulphuric acid 750
Concentration by 6000 Cond.water Back to Process
Soda Ash 25 Crystallization
Filltration 4340 Effluent

DNSDA Wet 1490 DNSDA wet cake

Cake(1000 KG 100% (1000 KG 100% DNSDA)

Total 11830 11830

4. N.A.S.D.A.

Manufacturing Process
Partial Reduction
In partial reduction process, DNSDA is taken into open reduction vessel then
it is heated up to certain temperature. NaSH is added as per requirement.
Then the material is filtered in centrifuge and filtered material is called
Chemical Reaction

M/s. Pranav Chemicals 5


O2 N CH C NO 2

C14H10S2N2O 10 56.06

430 SO 3H

NaCl SO2
58.44 64 HO3 S


Mass Balance
Mass balance of NASDA

Input KG KG Output

DNSDA (67%) 1865

NaSH(30%) 2000
Water 2800
HCl 200 Reation
NaCl 4000
Catalyst ‐1 10
Catalyst ‐2 10
Filltration 8885 Efflunet

2000 NASDA Wet cake

(1000 kg 100% bases)

Total 10885 10885

M/s. Pranav Chemicals 6

Water Consumption
Sr. Description Water Requirement KLD
Existing Proposed Total After
addition Expansion
I Domestic Use 1.0 4.0 5.0
II Green belt 2.0 3.0 5.0
III Industrial:
1 Process 3.5 51.5 55
2 Cooling 5.0 45.0 50
3 Boiler 5.0 35.0 40
4 Washing 10.0 10.0 20
Total Industrial 23.5 141.5 165
Total (I+II+III) 26.5 148.5 175
Less recycle - -- 42
Fresh water requirement 26.5 -- 133

Waste Water Generation

Sr. Description Waste Water Generation KLD
Existing Proposed Total After
addition Expansion
I Domestic 1.0 3.0 4.0
II Green belt - - -
III Industrial:
1 Process 3.0 42.0 45.0
2 Cooling 1.0 9.0 10.0
3 Boiler 1.0 3.0 4.0
4 Washing 10.0 10.0 20.0
Total Industrial 15.0 64.0 79.0
Total (I+II+III) 16.0 67.0 83.0

M/s. Pranav Chemicals 7

Water Balance Diagram
Total water consumption= All units are in KLD
175 KLD (133 Fresh water +
42 recycle)

Domestic Process Washing Utilities Greenbelt

5.0 55 20 90 5.0

17 Acid
from RM
4.0 to
soak pit
Spent Volume
H SO4 51
21 Cooling Boiler
50 40
13.0 Acid for 6
sale Drying Bleed off Blow
Loss 10.0 down
8.0 Acid For 4.0
captive use
Primary ETP
Total Effluent (20 + 10 + 4) = 34

1.5 MT salt MEE 1.5 system loss


42 condensate -

M/s. Pranav Chemicals 8

Wastewater Treatment Process
Process Description of ETP (Low COD Effluent)
Raw effluent from plant is collected into Collection Tank cum neutralization
tank by gravity. The acid / alkali solution is being dosed into this tank to
neutralize the effluent. The neutralized effluent is transferred to Primary
Settling Tank by effluent transfer pumps, where polyelectrolyte is added as a
coagulation aid. The clarified effluent from Primary Settling Tank is transferred
to Anaerobic Reactor, where complex organic matter will be digested and
converted into CH4 in absence of Oxygen. Over flow of this reactor will be sent
to Aeration Tank for further COD and BOD reduction. In Aeration tank
Microorganism (Bacteria) will decompose organic waste and convert into CO2
and H2O. This process needs Air from outside, so Blower will be provided for
sufficient Oxygen requirement. Overflow of this tank will be sent to secondary
clarifier for Active sludge separation. Here microbes will be settled at bottom of
tank and again charged into Aeration tank. Overflow of this tank is collected
into Holding Tank by gravity. The effluent from Holding Tank is transferred to
Sand Filter to remove TSS and is passed to Activated Carbon Filter, to remove
the color and polish the effluent. The outlet of Activated Carbon Filter is
pumped into underground NEPL drainage by means of HDPE pipe laid from
Pranav Chemicals to NEPL Chamber.
The sludge collected at bottom of primary settling tank is sent to Sludge
drying beds. Filtered water from Sludge Drying Beds percolates to Collection
tank from where it is again treated in Neutralization Tank for further treatment.
List of units of ETP with their size are given in below table.
Process Description of ETP (High COD Effluent)
Raw effluent coming from process is collected separately into Collection
Tank cum neutralization tank by gravity. Alkali solution is being dosed into this
tank to neutralize the effluent. The neutralized effluent either settled in settling
tank of filter out from filter press. The clear neutral effluent is transferred to
Multiple effect evaporator (MEE), followed by agitated thin film dryer to
separate the water and solid present in effluent.

M/s. Pranav Chemicals 9

Recovered water and condensate coming from MEE will be collected in
specified tanks and recovered water will be used for consecutive batch of
oxidation and reduction. In the same way collected steam condensate will be
used back in boiler.
Solid separated from effluent will be sent to M/ s Saurastra Enviro Project
for land filling.

M/s. Pranav Chemicals 10

Flow Diagram of ETP


13 Filter press

M/s. Pranav Chemicals 11

Hazardous waste detail
Sr. Type of Category of Quantity Disposal facility
No. Waste waste as Existing Total after
per expansion
HWM Rules MT/month
1. Process waste 26.1 25 300 Collection, Storage,
(Iron sludge) Transportation &
Disposal at TSDF
approved by the board.
2. ETP Sludge 35.3 1.5 22.5 Collection, Storage,
Transportation &
Disposal at TSDF
approved by the board.
3. Used Oil 5.1 50 Lit/Year 200 Collection, Storage,
Lit/Year Transportation &
Disposal by selling to
Registered Reprocesses
or Reuse at lubricant.
4. Discarded 33.1 45 2.25 Collection, Storage,
container/Liner Nos/month 1.5 Decontamination
5. Spent Acid 36.3 62.5 325 Sale to
1) sunflex chemical Ind.
2)Gayatri Chemicals Ind.
6. Evaporation 35.3 20 57.5 Collection, Storage,
Residue Transportation &
Disposal at TSDF
approved by the board.

M/s. Pranav Chemicals 12

Details of Stacks
Sr. Stack Stack Fuel Fuel APC Probable
No. attached to Height consumpt measures emission
(m) ion rate
Flue Gas Stack
1. Steam Boiler 12 Coal 2.44* Cyclone PM<150 mg/NM3
(1.5 tonne) MT/day Separator + SO2<100 ppm
Multi cyclone NOx<50 ppm
2. Hot Air 12 Coal --
Generator for
Spin Flash
3. Steam Boiler 30 Coal Dust Collector
for MEE (4 & Bag Filter
2. D.G. set 11 Diesel 35 Lit/hr - PM<150 mg/NM3
SO2<100 ppm
NOx<50 ppm
Process Gas Stack
1. Spin Flash 11 - - In built PM<150 mg/NM3
Dryer Cyclone
followed by
bag filter
1. Spin Flash 11 - - In built PM<150 mg/NM3
Dryer (4 nos.) Cyclone
followed by
bag filter
* Fuel will be increased from 2.44 TPD to 22.0 TPD because working
hours will be increased in the same boiler.

M/s. Pranav Chemicals 13

Noise level of existing plant
Sr. Location Noise level
No. dB(A)
1. Near Security Gate (Main Gate) 54
2. Administration Building Inside 50
3. Administration Building Outside 55
4. Administration Building Terrace 56
5. Nr Production Area 69
6. Nr Storage Area 64
7. ETP Area 65

M/s. Pranav Chemicals 14

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