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Getting started

Qu estions
I Read about cianDi. 5 Look at the letters of the alphabet.
a Work with a partner- Whar information do you Pracrise sayinq rh€ alDhabct.
fiink is missing from thr !ex!? A D CD E F G H IJ K L M N O P Q RSTU VW X Y Z
t' EE a2 Lisren, check and Rpear-
li. My n!hs'. Gi.ini. l'r 6 You will hen. a .onversation.
frdfr .^t a Look ai the lorm and answer lhese qu€stions.
l'm 26 V..r! old. I'lI t Who do you think is speaking?
rlur'ting Englirh ? What is th€ convcrsatlon about?
i€sd ii I What quesdons do you €xpect?


, too. But l'v. of

it. Ithinl lfiat ny bigg0ct probl.m vitl Englith

l[.'!'. B"t I lik. Eislir[. I

I a'! r'rd..rl.'ri ll'.

EE o.t l,irt." t" tt'. "oDveBarion and check

2 Can you remembe. Mary's questionr?
a wriie lhe queslions.
b Ef, o.r Li'ren and check.
c Think of two more quenions ftar Mary could ark.

3 Find ou! aboua sodeone in the class.

a Ark and answcr the quesrions Imm 2 wlrh your

Work in a group of four. Introduce your panner lo

the Broup, telling them what you fouod oul.
4 Wrik a paraSraph to introduce yoursclf, using
b E o.r Lhten and check your ideas.
Gianni's (ert in r as a model. Add extra c El o.J List€n asair and complete rhe lo.m-
i lormation it you want. 7 Interview your 0a.lncr and cornplere rhe form
scc Re{lc.riDg on Learning l: Your alms p120. with you. parrner's inlornration.
ides (n) /ai'dib/ i kiah apprspriaie (adj) ,7o'prouptiin hich hqp
rcmcniber(v) /n'menba/ nhd, nhd Ini male (D) /nciY nan Sini
information (n) /,infb'meiJnl th6nA tin female (n) /firmcil/ n'snti
renect (v) hi'nektt pluin dnh, pluin hii posrcode (n) fpotlstkoudl ndtht tit
dclctc (v) ldi'liftJ eq.hdi area code (n) /corio,koud/ md dEn thai onng
cxpecr (v) /iks'pck/ mang chit
ln yoLrr I fe 7

4 MJkc I'ue lenlcr.e\ rboul lhc lnothers, u\inB

Two Brothers
this information and the present pe.fect tedsc.
r Emilio's life/ changc/ a lot
2 Ee/ visit/ the capital cily several rimes
niLio and MaximiLian are brothers. Thcy are
I Emilio and Pilar/ be married/ over filty yea6
4 They/ lead/ a peacelul liie
borh old men now. Tl,ev \rew up r.'geth<r on a
irrn in Arsentina, but since then rhey have led 6 Eniiio/ work/ hard all his lile
very differenr lives. When Emilio left school at the 7 Emilio aDd Max/ meet/ a long lime
age offouneen, he starred work on rheir father s a Emilio/ read/ about Maximilian in rhe
farn.lle reaLly enpyed the simple village life and
when *ren father died, Emilio took over the farm.
9 Max/ do/ a lot oI intc.esd.g thinSs
AIL his tife Enltio has iived in rhe old farmhouse
r0 Ernilio/ !ce/ his brother on lelevision
where he was hom. 'l've neler wanted to live What do you think Max's life has bccn like?
anywhere elsc,' he says. 'This is my home. I feel a Hcre are som€ lhings that have played a part in his
that l1n part of it and it is part ofne.' life. work in groups and dc.ide Max's lile nory.

Qo ror ovcr 70 ycd6 EmrLot lrie has chmged

prison divo..e ship Wall Street
i-J"er|rnlc. Wh.n he was 22, he maried his int€rnational jet set model travel
car crdh businessnan the Bahamd
childhodd swcctheart, Pilar, fron the nexr village,
drug addld television millio.ake
and thcy havc bcen happily married ever since.
Two years ago they ceLebrated their golden
El z.s ristcn to ttrc story of Maxjmilian's lire
weddinp anniversary. It celebration.
w&s a big and check your ideas.
Everyboc.r lrorrr miles around was there, includnrg
6 Discuss the questio.s, comparinS the livcs of
Emilio and :ita.'s six children md theit lifreen
grandchildren. r How does each brolher lect about his life?
2 which brolher do you think has had lhe
En, io anJ nld' h.trc ncver been abroad. Un'il
Lh. wr,60, Fh,lio w(nr ro Buunos Aire, on.c a I Which brother do you think is happier?
yeai, but sincc his sixtieth bhrhday he h6nt lefr 4 Which way of lile would you preler? Why?
the village. 'Well, yes, I've had a sood life,' he says,
'but I haven't done very much. Now, look at ny
7 IhaEine rn unu(url litcsrylc. Here Jre \om(
brother, Maximilian. He left the village as sbon as
he harl the chmce. He hasnt visired us very much
in rhe l^r Menry ye"n, bur we ve rcal abour him
in the newspapen and we've seen him on TV, too. Work in a group of four. Each !,crson .akes a
Yes, Max hu had a very interesting life.' different role. Imagine your life sro.y.
Take it in rurns 1() be intcrviewed by rhe group. The
group asks questions to find out as much as possible the text and mark rhc scnrences rrre (,/),

Fake ll) or Don t k ote l?t. Haw loag hale you been a ...?
I Emilio hds |ved iD rhe rarDe pld(e dll hi\ Iire. d Wht rlitl yor becane a . -.?
2 II€ has become very rich. n How nuch nahe! hdrc you made at a . . .?
I He is 74 yea.s old. tr
4 He me! lilar when he was twenty years ol(l. I
5 He has been maoied dree times. tr a W.ite lhe rrory of life so lrr, u\ins this
6 nmilo and ?ila. have bcen marri€d for 'our
52 yeats. n Describe and Sive some details about
7 They went to Paris lor ih€ir honcymoon. n . whal you have done and when you did it.
8 iarme..
Maximilian is a D . where you have liv€d and when you iived rh€ie.
9 Emilio.
l{e js youn8er than tr . lhe main evenls in your personal lile.
t0 He has been on lelevision. n Commenl on your lile. What has it be€n like so far?
ll He was at the solden wcddin8. tl
l,rke over (v) /teik'ouvo/ tdn ti hj nQn
famhousc (n) /fb:mhauY goldeo weddins (n) lEo',lldbt'w.li4l &im ctJA udna
annivcNary 0, /,ani'vo:sori/ ld h! ni;rn
swcelhea4(r) /'swilho:V nEtui rAu chanc€ (n) /{o,ns/ cd h6i
honeymoon (n) /h nimu:n/ tudn trdns mAt
Getting started

lntrod uction
Match these quesalons and possible .eplies.
Som€ have more than one answ€r.

what does /ort l.p m€an? .alled a p.Eil shary.n t.

How do you s"y 4u4rio in Engiish? 't's
lr means fud th. word in a dietbnaty,
Whal's lhi5 called in EnSlish?
How do you spell ,flariird? I'm rorry. I don't know.
Can you lepeat tllal, please? It's spch M-A-doublc R-I.E-D.
How do you pronounce thls nord? Yes, o{ couBc. M-A-doublc R{-E-D.

2 Look at.he picaure.

a hbcl ae mdy &in8s as possiblc.
b Work in 8rcups. Comparc your idear using the cxprcssions ln l.
can you now labcl any morc thin8s?
3 rcst your munory,

b El o.< Lisren ana answ.r rhe queslions.

> See Reflecting on Learnlng 2: Recording vo€abulary p120.

look up (v) /luk Af,/ tinl hiin pcncil sharycncr (n) /pcnsl,,ro:pond/ ctii Egt blt chi
repear (v) /ti'p;ttl nhiic l4i comparc (v) /k6m'peo/ so sdn,l
pronouncc(v) /pro'nrunv phdt dm cxprcssion (n) /iks'prerr/ tit nat
1 Everyday life
The present simple tense
Grammar in use
I Read ahe t€x! and answer these quesiions. 2 Wo.k with a pa.tner, Discuss these questions
r why do wc hav€ routines? r How is your moming rouline diferent lrom Jo'
2 who d€scrib€s her roudne? 2 What other rouiines do you have in your i.1€?
l Are roullnes good or bad?
FSor.rtlrres I Look at the tablc.
Irlink about your daily life. Do you follow the rame rcute a complac abe second columA using srr.
to wdk every day? Do yd sit in rhe .am. pl.ce id .latt?
Wh€n you get dr€tsed, do you alwaF put the tame l€9
or am in tid? You probably do, be@u5ew€ allhave
I always do exacdy the same thiDgs.
I wake up ai sevcn o'clock.
Routinee rave time and I dont get up lil quancr part sev
enersy be(aure you do I switch on the radio.
them wirhout thinking-
Thar'r why they .re so
I 80 to th€ loo.
important in lh! morninq
I brush my teeft.
when yod brain kn, lery
active. Here'e lo talking
I dry my hair.
I choose my doth.s.
I get dressed.
'oh alwayt da exactty
yes, t I dont have any br.akfast.
the ene thingt. I wake up
at se@h o'.lo.k e@ry
mo.ning, but I don't get b E r-r usc.r and chcck.
up tiq qhtTet past teven. 2 Look at your table from 1.
I twit h on the hdio ah<!
a what normally happcns to rhe verb in the third
litten to the news. fhen I
go to the loo and I btush
p.rron singular?
ny teeth. I have a shower What happens
and dry hy haiL rhen t . whcn the verb endr in -s.. -sh, -.h,..e. h/Lth?
<h@ ny clotlles aad I How do we pronouncc thci€ wordr?
get dre$ecl. I do 'a eat . whcn ftc vdb cnds ln ,, c.8. ro?
anythins lo. brcakfast t . wher th. vdb ends in corlsonanl +, c.8. dr,?
jun have a eup ol.ollee. . wilh lhc verb rav.?
Then I go to wotk, Yet,
it, alwayt the tane,' How do we make ncSativ€s and questlons ln
lhe present simple lenoc
Routiner are very uief!1, but they ako mak€ you . lor the tlid person singular?
uncreative,50 sometimet it's a qood idea to break your . for all oiher sublecis?
routi.6- cet ost of bed on the oppoiiG 5ide. listen to a
different radio it
tion- Take a different .out€ to rc.k.
Ear bmething ditfer€nt lor breakfait change your
routine. You neve. lnow, it @uld dange your lite.

daily life (!hr) /'dcili laifl cu& lning thuitng ngd! energy (n) /'cnodti/ sttc t'/c
routinc (n) /ru:'ti:n/ cong uqc r,ang nEat brain (n) ,ibrcinr fi.'c
describe(v) /dis'kaib/ mitu td switch on (v) nQ blt @di)
follo* (v) /frlou/ thco, tluo dudi loo (n)
uncreative (adj) thitu stug tao
EverydaY life I
4 lrh'.n lr $o rsc rh. r,re\enr \impl{. rensc? 2 Thcsc questions are fronr an
rhcse rwo senrcoces illuslral€ th. two main uses of the presenr intcrview wi!h Ken,
a Only four quesrions are corlcct.
Iwak up at teven o'clock evcry norning. Corrcct the other questions,
Rauti et eav tine ahtl.n.ryy
r Have you a $ower every
b Complele rbe rule usinS two ol ftesc pbrases: 2 Do you lin€n to the radio in the
. rhinSs rhar are happening at lhe momenl
. thiDgs that happen rcgularly l what limc you go downstairs?
4 why do you likes lhe wcckend?
5 Whe. do your lalmatet gel up?
We use the presenl simple lense to des.ribe 6 Docs chrisline 8et up first ar thc

7 Do Sam listcn Io rhe radio?

> check rhe rules for thr plesenr simpl. tcnse in cranrmat 8 Wha! p.oSramme shc watches?
e llow does ColiD get to college?
r0 Does h€ oilen misses the bus?
Practice b Rolcplay ihe inrcrview with a panner.

1 Kcn \hares . llat wirh rhree fricDds. He desffibes thcir c Ask yoDr panner questons abour a

morDint routibe. rypical morninS jn hh/her home.

a Pui the verbs in fie box in the correct lom ro complete the lext. 3 How coh!atiblc are you with
Some are in the negativ.. Use some more than once.
a el
ilrn up lke come down miss watch stay have get uP
datch slay up . a kind oI rnisic fiat you like and
hurry listen to 9o wqke !p swlt h on run take start a k'nd llur yoL, don't lik.
your lavouritc iood ard solnethinS

chrls'ine I your favouritc drink and

somelhing rhal you dorrl dnnk.
a ga,ne or spofl rhar lou plat a.d
J d,trurnair5 one lhar you donl llay
a TV prcgrru)me that you always
ild I_ trrerl
warch and onc dlat yo! don'r
t".L (rrly. 1ir.3u\c shL

' roDelhing rhrr you aiwals do

ejshr o'.lo.k wh.D I in the nxrrDing and sotrrcdling
I r-._: rnd
rhr rrrln) , rlre llLar you donl Co.
__ ,
! . i!!rcrhi.E tha{ tou olre! reid and
Thrn I an,i ,, \h.1(', ,,--t-
somethirrg Ib!r )ou d.n'r read
downsrai, \ ir abour qr)arlr. pasr q\ cn S.m:, -_ir b Talk to o$er people in the clasr, using
a[)ul hali l]as! sevcrL shc r,- rl,r radit. ., jhc
,r. rL,c !clevr\i({rand ,., rir.l,,(ikia!: A I don t like jai tu ,-ot'
| ,'r1.r n' 'l e Jis '\ . '( rl.. v', B Yes. r do, but I lon t likc opett
",, .Jo 1o... Wllnl ibout rnu )
we lisualll r, rrr rrgumerl at'oul rhnl
A Na,I doh't lik opetu.ithl
coii,t r,r L.i (ollrSe r,nl hr'r .h!3!s hr: H.
who h.s lhe saF,c likes anc dlslikes
as you? Tell thc ciass.
l,$r'r-r,.. r 'l"\r rrr'r'/ dr..' -/ ,u rJ".r'r, d Tell the dass sornr of tbe olhcr $ings
Ir nr'| 'rri elr
',ud f --L
ni.v car ann l'ni irrc h lro'k. I JLLIbT ,!ffI:.nds
I'ceuse ev.r),one ,r J ir l)rl larc. llr I I lI Mano daetk t drirk nilk.
f. i! berl I ir iir,jrr:,d .rr _rD caid doesn't read the nP\aetapers.

look .t Rrfle(tiDE on Learrnrg l:

Pans of speech p120.
bE t.-z t.isrcu ar cucrh

illusrrale (v) flahalc (n) /ilrrt Drcil/

regularly (adv) /rcsjul6li/ miss (r) /mis/ nh6, lJ
sharc (v) conpa(ible (adj) /koulpatDbl/
tum up (v) d'h, tudt hiin
I Everyday iife

Vocabulary Reading
Collocations Naturets children
Here ar€ some verb phrases that I L@k at thc photoa.aphs from the arttcle.
80 with thc noun bed.
Read the fl$l paragnph and discuss th.!e quesdons.
Who arc thcs. p€opl€?
what kjnd of lilesryle do you rhink rhcy have?
What do rhcy do?
b Read the resr of lh. ani(le and chcck your ideas.
c IIow do€s $e wdter fe€l about th€sc pcoplc?
lie in

Wri.e down somc v€rb phrases for

each noun in this lisr. You caD use
diclionary to help you.
a Natureb childrel

b Comparc your phrases wilh the class.

2 Look al your llst of activities. Thc Ttrvellcrs dotr't have m*ca je*dlery and sels it
a Find thin8s tha! you iobs, b€causcthct dont stay
ir onc pl.ce long eough. Bodr Peul and Joicc cor
. only do .r wcelends. They erc thc childr€n of from normll middlc clz
naturc - modcm gyPsics' frmilic!. Thatt oqc tc.s
. do in thc €ecnings. Wh€n .utunn com€s, &ey why P.'ll prefers thc lift or
dislPp€rt 2nd wc don't scc Trrvclci As Paul .xplrit
. would llke to do. them on thc ncws any morc.
' prkr i d olfd i
. don't want to do, lln fact, drcy mov€ to ihe .ahh.!thuMt tai" to ec
.b Compar€ your ldcas wirh a panncr,
cities md look fot empty cwy fu. Hr nw honc
houses fot thc vint€r. 5.t0, A"d da" k b i,?
see Reflccting on Lea.ninA 4r Using Pdhapr 6c children go to paf tk ,, '*J
dicrion6ri6 p120. 8d9. or th ,rr
school for . fcw montlB. Btt tb.n ttzt d"-r b & it
Paul .nd Jroice 1rc f.. nn? H. ea.*J! I
Tnvcllcrs. f Thcy ercot &.rtetr! tb. tM, br dig'
manicd. Tbcy havc two gtardtn, t d h. wtb.! tb. .m
chil&cn cdlcd Moonstonc t i,'*r k! fu, bi kr Hl,i
and Saffron. Thcir Life is very a rbw. Wl, I dottt tant ta
simple. Duting the day they
sit end talk to their friends whar should we do ibc
whilc th€ children pl2y. Id th.Tr*€[.rs?The/t rcb
rhc cveriflgs thcy usualy eat Espectablc so.n
togcth€r with odrct fmilics
rnd tbcy dont cae whet'
around rbig 6re, and d'ink. But nhy should
sornebody usually plzys a dlcy do th& own thhS? A
guitd or switch€s on a CD sit hcr€ rt my desk afld thi
playct They live on social ebout my mortgagc, t
security bene6ts. If they insurrnce, and ta*s,
need extn mon€y, Jmice wondct who's riehr g -

collocation (n) /,krlo keitn/ s( siip dp theo tht t( live on (v) tdos bdra
naturc (n) fr.eitIol Mn tiah social (adj ) thu+ lii hnj
van (n) lva:el z tdi security (n) /si'kjuoroti/ s4 bao&im
sipsy (n) /dSipsi/ d'6n sipn O tn D6) bcncfir (n) trO cdp
niddle class (n) /,midl'clois/ tdnc W t,uns Ltu
Every..lay life t
2 Mnrk thrxe scntcnccs I/!e (,/), 3 Comparc Panl's and his faiher's lifestylcs.
Fdlse lll ot Don't I< nn'l?j. a Find expr€ssions in lhe lext tlEl desc.lbe .ach lllestyle and
I Nrw Ae€ r.avellcrs are onlv
." rr'.-..* rr'" -*"i. E
2 larm€.s don't'"likc lhe Travcllcrs. E
I They spcnd the wlnter in
4 New Age cbil&cn never 80 ro
t Janice is Paul's wile. [1 What doyou think about the New A8e TlavellcB? Which lifcsryle
6 Paul's la.her workalor an
do you 6nd more attracdve? Why?
insu.ance company- B
7 Paul admircs his faiher. tr
8 Janice doesn't eai meat. tr Language focusr should / sho u ldn' t
e Paul naks jewelkry. tr a th6e *ntenc6 fron the
l0 Ihe wnrer has gor a morr8aSe, ! Complete
Ihe ,otke itl

lhev otr then oI ln the omvl

Whol we do obout rhe Ttuve e/5?
But why -allow they do rhelr own thjhgT
b Whcn do w€ t6e shou/d/srlo!/d4?

> -
Oreck th€ rules for sl,ould/irouldn'l in Grannar Refere.ce 1.2
C -
Herc are some more opinions aboot the Tlavellers. Complete he
s€ntences wfth inoi/ld or srou/dn'r.
'Ihey.on do what they like. Ad why_l poy fot ir? lhen
sociot securitl beneiE cone out ol tuy tues. We_poy
'Moybe they donl do ony han But thots.ot tlE point. li' ny
tond 6ad they-be herc.
'It's tenible. Ihe n6ic is so loud ond they look so ditty- And the
.hild.enlThev be ot s.h6l
'People ohly conploia b*o!* they rc jeolous. Evety society heeds
its .ebelt. lve _leore then alone.
'We , 1 don t undestond it. tle .ones fron a good hohe. Wele
rcspectoble peaple. He-live like that.'
'We do^ t do dny why_we
ho.n. live the woy we w@t
'rteedon? Hrh. Theyle jvst totl they I. td get ob\.Aadt
ther dont. we DLt hem h Dn.M at in thc o,d'

d El ,., Lisren and ch(k

4 Look al the opinions above.

a who do you rhink might cxprcss each opinion?
b Which oplnions do you a8ree with?

5 Docs your country have groupr of people like thc Ncw A8.
T.av€llcrr? Wha. do lhey dor llow do you fcel abour rhem?

lat ding
/in'Juorons'k mponi/
Jcwellery (n) /dSurolri/ d6 nit trang
admir€ (v) /od'maio (r)/ ngLtitry m6
n$rtgagc (n) /nlr:gid3/
lifcsrylc (n) /laifslaiV
opinion (n)
complain (v)
jcdlous (adj) fdjelost shen tt
rcspectablc (adj) /ri'spcktobl/ &Lng k(nh trpns
1 E\€ryday iife

Listening and speaking

Telling the time o'cIock
1 How do we tell the time?
a Complctc thc diagram.
b w€ car also lcll rhe d'rc in digiral ten to


2 Look .r thcse clocks and watchcs. half .

a Say thc times.

b E i..r risren ana marcl rle
renleDces and dmes,

I Whafs lhe rime? tr

2 what rime ir our meeaing
) Whco do6 the proSrame
4 Excus€ me. What time does
' th€ ncxt train leave? n
5 You re listeDing to Radio
6 Good moming. This is your
walc-up cal. I
7 Could I r€seFe a rable Ior
this evcning, please? tre
E Could I makc an appohtm€nr
wilh Dr clark please? tr
9 Could I book a taxi to lhe
airpon, pleas€? tr

diagranr(n) /daisgrarm./ r€serve (v) In'z6tvl ddt trt&

digital fonn /didJitl fr:m/ dc"S appointment (n) /6'p5ir'tmel\tl cu& tun
wskc'up call (n) /weik Ap kril/ "6' thtc
cu& gai bda
Everyday lfe 1

3 Look at tap€script 1,4.

a Practise lhe .oDversations with a panner, P ro nu nciatio n
b Make more conversations to
. rescne a rcstau.ant tablc. The IPA
. Eive someone a wake-up call. The Intematiotral Phonetic Alphabet
. find our fte depanure and adival times oI a rrain. (lPA) consisls oI symbols rhal show
. make an appoinment at the dentisrs. so!r/J. Thcse can hclp you wilh
. ask wh€n a TV pro'lramme stans and finishes. pronunciation. Olten EnSlish spelling and
English pronunciation are nor ihe same.
This is why learning fie sound symbols
can be very uselul lor sluden$ o{ English.
Thcre is a .hart of rhe IPA symbols oll lhe

a say thcse words and look at the
spclliDg. What do you nodce?

rhese words have Crjtre,r rcwel

spellings bul the rdm. voweLsound.
Now say these words and look ar lhe

These words have the rdnr vo\ael

spelling but lrferent vowel sounds.
Look ar fte IPA cbart and sludy the

z Consonants
a Most of lhe phonetic symbols Ior
consonants are the same as the letters.
big /brg/

But some consonant sounds have

/J/ shoe /3/ measure

tq c}ra'l /6/ iust
/e/ tbing /d/ -wigr
trt so'lg tit yes

l6il,zJ httl tti:.1

/0,4t/ ti,t
/'plet, hnq
> Look at th€ IPA chan and sludy the
consonant symbols.
You will practis€ the IPA symbols in

'Re ikd ne - an l gettin! up ot ltoins ro bed?'

deparlure time /di'po:tro tairml xudt phdt consist (ol)(v) /kon'sis/ bu giin
aniYaltime /oraivbl iaim/ gidd€i
'id inside backcover /in'said blrjk k^vo/ phia trcnE bia sau cia sach
denrist(n) /'dentisr./ consonant(n) /'kJnsanont/

I Eveoday life

Extension: Reading and listening

Facts of life
1 How do we say larse numbers?

Nore rhat thcy do not end in 'r.

200 tM hyndtctl 5,0N six thoutand

15,OOO,OOO :.

Look at rhc text. what do you thlnk the misslnA

Pradi* saying ft6e numbcrs.

1a 50 100,ooo,ooo 22,soo,000 . 100

73,OOO,OOO,OOO 75 59t t:,e+O,AZj
1,OOO 1t 22 9,300 157 916.500
b Work with a panner. Complete the i€xt with lhe numbers in a.
c Dtscuss your ideas wirh the class.
Eil r.5 Lis(en and che(k. How nrany numbers did you

4 Read thc texi ngain. Mark .hcse s€ntenccs Tfllr (/) or

I Every hour about 5,700 people dic. tr

2 You spcnd abou! l0% oiyour lilc asleep. !
I You blink approximately rwo million times a y.*. il
4 McDonalds eell 9i6.500 hamburScrs iJl ooe hour. U
t Thcre are ninete€n countries wher€ people drink more
alcohol rhan Britain. !
6 Approximarely 500 planes take off every hour. fl 3
In the tcxt find capressions which mean the same as s
. approxi,matcly (lout possibilitiet). . to 8o !p. 3

6 which of rhe facts in the rexr do you think arc I
. the most $urprisinS? .
mosr pleasinS? ftc I
. rhe mosr inreresring? .
the lcasr inrerestinS?
. the most depressinC? .
fie most useful? t
> Sce Retlccting oD LcarninA 5: MakiDg mistakes pI20. I
largc numbcr (phr) /lo:d3 'n^mbo/ s6;tdn
gucss (v) /ges/ T
(adj) /frrls/ t
blink(v) ,ib:iTV chdp ndt 3
app.oximately (adv) /o'prrksomitli/ rdp i, hhuins .,
dcpress (v) /di'ptcs/ bm thAi vans I
ilvcrv hour ncarly 15,(X)o In one hour \blkswtlgcn
babits arc born.'I'h(: w)rldl'
makes 166 cars at irs factory in
PUIruhri,,n inLrcJ. . l')
/o 1 Wolfsburg, Gcrmany. In thc
'4 ..rnd rlr. rorl,l snme period of riore rhc Ilcro
st)ends ovcr s i' L,r /lr' on
Eiclcle Co'rlpany of lndia
produces i l bikcs
In onc hour rhc Norld dr;oks and thlr Revnold\ Tobacc.,

l Js!::: cans of cocd,c.Jla. Compadl in rhe Unjred Srares

McDonald's hamburAe. shops
scrvc ll tti cusromers.

I'ct)plc buy e.ounh BIC
In aliferime of6t years rhe ballpo;nr pcns ro draq, a l;ne
avcrage pc.son warches round the equaror 160 rimes.
!cl.r;sbn Io. $rclvc rcars, and
sleeps for alnrrlsr:L) ca.s.

l {pprcximrrcl) jl:f
rlmcs ir x orinuic. I'r rhar
iamc 60 scconds )(,u brcarh(
ln one year pcol)lc

Per herd
b.cad I'rd
,/ I t
drink ?i lill ,, c p. (Jf (ct..
ficr 6t

;n abour iiil ri
Iach person drinks 216 pints
)otr blink selcDrccr of rnirk, l,I borrles
riores. Y,u k,se berwccn
) t0 ./.? _ hai.j
ofwine and 207 pinrs ofbeer. Ir rrr huur urer
^nd Bur Britain is onll r*cnrieth
plines take offo. iand
litre af ss'eat daily. in rhc Ieague of alcohol soDewher€ in rl,e world, aod
<lrinking counrries.
th.rc n.e recoi(lcd



l popularion(n) /,prpju'leitn/
wcapon (n)
avemsc (adj)

l pint (n)
slvcat 0D
ballpoinr pcn (n) /btr:lprinl'pen/ bitbi
t {Jvbrittji

pdnh (.tat Di do ltrij/@ d Anh bdns A, 58 lit

l leasue (n)
caIthquakc (n)
llt gt hiip hii
trdn d1ng .Jai
The present continuous tense
Grammar in use
I Dcscrlbe lhe scene. whl.h tense mura you usc and why?



,l rr


ud $ ngoai
continuous tcnsc (n) thin tiip .li;n
sccnc (n) quang cd.nh

Appearances 2

2 E 2.r Read and listen to the text.

2 Choose someone in the picture.
Your partne. must ask Yes/No
a Aswer the questions, quesrions to find out who it is,
r lvho is speaking?
2 Who is he watching?
, who does he $ink they are? A At you thikking oljue one pe6on?
B yes.
Now discuss t}lese questions. A Is th. p.rso dL?
I why does the run susped them?
2 Why does he change his mind? A So, it's a wonan. ts sh. nantling up?
I what do you thinl ir rcally happenins?
a Ycs, the is.
A R the bulinq ton.thint?
I of6 Favcl to other counEies, so I spcnd l lot of time 1t airyoru. 3
To{hy I'fr tnvelling to ed ,t thc nom.nt I'm wiiin8 for a Put the verbs in brackets inro ihe
nf plan.. But I'm not wsting my timc. rwh.t.m I doirg? I'm cor.cct presenl te.s€.
plrying my favourirc - pcopl.-w.tching. whercv€r I thc
tifre, I w.t h othe. people.
I _ (worD for l conrtiucrion
T*e th1t couple, for .xnple. Thcy'lc buying m.g&ins at the compoy. Ive _ (build) roads,
ho&nt. tu. they going on holiday or e th.y tnv.Iin8 on dmq btidges and things liLc tI.L At
buinesr? Thcy .rcnt vedng busines.lorhes, blr he'3 c,riying r t}le momdt my company
biicfcs. Ev.F/ fcw seconds rhc look5 round. Is sonconc folowing rbroducc) a Dl,r for r nd
dem? P.rhaps they'E tlJdiDg aw,y .nd - . . Jat e minute, th.rel r notolwly. I usualy (work)
stoF/ in thn ncspipci. A bank clql stolc onc milion poun& last h tlc rods depantnent, but tlis
wect d with his wif..'3I pictsc ofthem herc. mooth I (woih in th.
Hlme, dEy look similai itl Thc hon.y'3 in rhc bri.fce. depaindt dut - (build)
bridges. So ny vhole working day is
Thcy'rc going ro the dep,nure lounSe now. Quick. oh, jlst a diffcrent -iust now. I norm.Iy
hinlte. Thcy'rc sayin8 goodbye ro o*8.. Th. womm lnt (spend)- a lot of time
goins irto thc depirtEe lounge. Shc's rra&ing rwy. Oh wc[, it outdoors, b.osc l- bo) to
lla3 dciting for. momeDt. Oh. what is sh. doing now? Shek thc cofftmction sitcs. But *1th this
tdling to uotho m.
Thcy'!. kising. Now, I wond€. ..., . .. - proicct I
nev (sF6d).lor
of timc in t}lc *orkshop. At thc
Rules moment we (test) r modcl
ofon ofth€ -new bridges.
I look at the srory again. I (€nioy) it z lot, b€cadsc
a Underline examples of rhe prerent conlinuour l€nse with I, thet, I - a lot of ftv dinss.
dd rl.. For €ach oI rhem, find
r a Psitive statemeDt. b - z.-z I-isten ana check.
. a ncSative statement-
c wnre about yourjob or studies. say
whar you normally do, and whal you
b How do we mke €a.h ol there forms? are doing at the momenL
2 Look at the first paraaraph again. d Work with a panner. Tell your
a Two dillerent present tenses are used. Underlin€ examptes of each. panner about yourjob or studies, and
b What is each tense? Why is each tensc used? answer your panners quesdons.
> Ch€ck the rules lor the present continuous tense in Grammar 4 ImaSine you are people-watching.
a choose one or rwo more peopl€ from
1 Test your partnert memory. Write a story about them, usinS this
a Wriie three truc and three false statemenis about the pictur€,
. What do they do?
using lhe preseDt continuous tenle.
. where do th€y live?
. why are they at the airpon?
mt Mna, at the ekrasdts it canrirs a bnefcate. . What evidence is ther€ lor your
n e en ar. nanCing ana blklng.
b Read out your sentences. Your partner must rell you if th€y ar€ see Reflecting on Lea.ning 6:
tue or false, withour looking at the picaure. Nouns p120.

happen (v)/h,Epor/ construclion conpany (n) /kon'str^l.Jn'k^mponi/ cnnC U ray d(ns

whenever (adv) /wenevo/ bdt ct l a nno positive statement (phr) /pczotiv 'slcitmont/
dan (n) ldat dA. p ng'dn ntdc negative slatement (phr) /negotiv 'steitmont/ cau phl A.nh
bridse (n) kti($/ arnns

2 Appearanaes

Physical appearance
'| Ldok at rhi$ lirt ot wordr lbr
,,1\',;. dcr.ribins appenr!ncc.
.1"'l '1'r thin tall fair short wara graen
lJat long young
dafi b/own good-loohing thick . 1
*tiaighr big blath bald
prctty blue clny slim grey .
small att€ctive old /-well-built
Work in pairs or Sroups. Or8anize the
words into lour diflerent cateSorics.
Som€ words can belonS ro mor€ $an

Compar€ your cate8orjes with

which of rhe words do we normally

only usc lor nrcn or for women?
2 Look at (h(' phorographs.
a Rcad this d(sc.iption and drcide who

She s quitc small and slim. She's got

fai. hak and blue ey6. He. hat is

Describe the other people, usin8

which ot thc words didn t you urc lor

any of thc phoros?

curry (adj) tk6:tt qudn, xodn bald (adj) 6rld/ h6i &iu
wcll'buih(ad.,) /wcl'bil/ auracri!" (adj) lo'trektivt quin rA
calcgory(n) /kErisDri/ dcscriprion (n) is'kripJnt s{ ntiiu tti
Appea.ances 2

Vocabulary filer Describing people

Reading Compete the tabLe wth al the words and phrases i. the
Lonely haerts ldvertlsements for descnb ng peope.
I Look at the adverts.
a Match the adverts and photos-
b Which p€rson would you most like to

2 What questions will the advertisers ask anyone who

NEED A LovrNc.AFINER.I can 6t,iron, and
wah up, I hdve ny osn hou* md my osn
busines. I'm 6 feer tall, s@d-lmtins anJ
a Work with a partner. Choose one or two of ihe advertisers and
lriendly, Surely therc\ an atrn(ivo, make 6 lisr of questions for each pe6on.
inieuiscnt aenale our thcre fdr ne/ If youte b Read out your questions. Can other studcnts Suess which
advenher is askins them?
UsinS your questions, roleplay fte phone converarions wirh

rHsrD I n borhg for s nr and good-looking

guy silh an excinq! M€slyld lE & livelv
Language focusi havelhove got
lbn8-haired 23_t€ar_old snd I love to hale I
good timo. My int resls dc lennjs hanS- a Look at these two sentences lrom the advertisements.
slidinC, and discos l'los€ send s pholqraph
I have my awn house.
I've got two children.
.,!t b with hove and hove got, how do we form

F€M{E.Trtto,shod.da .orratr.IdobtGrc,
br you mu hav.; sod scNc ufhuft r
. short answe€?

And you nut likc docs. I,v. c Wfen do we use hove and hove got? What are the differences
cor rht Csll

> Check the rules for hovelhove got in Grammar Refer€nce 2.3
a Hr, r'M traNNAH. I n dtvorcod sd
fvs 8ol d Wolk with a padner. Ask and answer abolt the list below Find
tvo cbildrrn. In in ny selv foruos vith out more infomat on, (Your answeE needn't be honestl)
blonds h0jr ed blus ovos. Aio vou ! quiet
respon6ihlo nd antur tho s@3 !Ae? Yo! nsr A Hove you gat o conputet? A Do you have a conputer?


sHY? Dolou sir at homc in thc eveninss wirh
rbrbins b dol h your b€s friend a compub.r a complte. a bo!,friend/9i/frierd a swimming-pool
P1e6. Mire ro ne. Id love ro hea. fiom you. a pet a mobib phone a house or a fiat
a bike job
an interesting any children
6 sisters
any brotheE or a fa( machine

. rs a
REs"ciABG *' .** *
"*" shtrro I e With a new padner, ask and trswer abolt your previous pa.iners.
d^6 oD. I m lookjng tor son€one to I

I lite to ksvel d Im slwsts

mv lrle. I
{ini!fl to lotrn rcw thitrss Ploaso
BriLo to
Hos Moia qot o conputet? y€s, she hos. /tl o . . .
Does Motio have o conputer? Yes, she d@9 lt's o . ..

3 Write your own advcrr,
Gooo JoB Aro tors oF MoNEy.I,nslin and a
pktty 25-yeapold ruR with dar! hair rnd
a look al thc languaSe that is used in the adve.ts lor describing
bom cy6. II yout€ youns and welt-off call
J^YNE for ar intcre$ins and affe.tion e
. rhe kind of panner you are tookin8 lor.
b Wdt€ an adven for yourelf or lomeone ehe.

lonely heart (phr) tin bqn sense of humor /seDs ov 'hju:mo/ iic ,lDi ,{../&
/'lounli'hols/ nhttnE nEtdi mu6h
hqp di hdt h6n
ddu j
non-smoker (n) /,nrn'smrkoG)/ nstdi hh6ng hft thu&
easy-going (adj) /'i:zi,CouiI/ ai tinn, tuo d.u"e widow (n)
hans-glidins (n) /'hcrlslaiditi,/ respectable (adj) /ri'spckl3bl/ ddns hinh
ollgoing(adi) /autgouin/ than m1t va tho,ii mdi well-off(adj) /'wel'r:fl
phong ltu
2 Appearances

Listening and speaking

Making arangements
El .2..r rwo people are trying
to anange a meetinS, Listen
and answ.r these questions.
I Who are the two peopl€?
2 What tcn* do they use lor
talking abour their arrlngements?
2 Look at the two diary pages.
a can you se€ any mistakes in the

E).a.: usten again and onen

$;;ri-i -'i:-_' Mnri4 {ith 'n4'r'
Language focus

I Tim. prepositions tr, or, df

a Complete these exprcssions with
lhc corect preposition,
-1O.@ -the Nning
-niddoy -Thug6y
-Tuesdoy -2,3Ononing
b Loot -ke
at bp6c.ipt 2.3 rtd dt€ck

c Compl.te the rules.

We use with times-

We use wifl prls of thc
W€ use - wih days.

2 -
Thc present .onti.uous with

W€ lsc tie present continuous

tens. to ialk about anangements in
the luture. How do wo know it

Are you doiog oDything on Tuesday?

t n ploying tennis at 7.@.
Look at the completcd diaries. Say
what cach peBon is doing this

Alan's keeting sane people fton

Poland on Mondoy nonlng.

arrangement (n) /o'reind3mouv su sdp dp, st chudn bi midday (n) /middei/ budi trda
diary (n) /'daiDrv nh't k! cxbibition (n) l,cYsi'biIil cu6c tri;n IAn
mistakc (n) /mis'tciv s4 nhdn I'tn rehearsal (r') /ri'ho:sY sttd.iin6. p
Appearances 2

Consonantsl intonation
Voiced and voiceless consonants
Sone con$.anrs arc voiced and some arc voicelcss. Wh.n you
say a voi.ed consonant thele is a vibration in your $roal. WheD
you say a voiceles consonanr, there is no vibration. The
voiced/voi.eless differe.ce can olten show lwo differen! words.
Pui your iin8c6 on your lhroar and say these soLrnds. Wrile vacrd
,nd vr,i?/.$ nexr ro rhe tulrctr lin. I
b. .dt s' tv. 1r./ ry . kt/ .tu w' \/" ! ' I
lpl lW ll
lst tw /l/ lq
E -z.a r-i,ren ana lct (/) ihe words lhat you hear.

8i.l Se
Con'.,ersation pieces: pic big pick pic
Making arrangements pull bull rapid

.Look at these erpressions. cum

a Which.Jthem can you find i.
2 Question intonation
As a Seneral rule inrcnadon rhes on . Yes/No question and lalls
Are you doihg onythiog ,. .?
Con we ...? ""'----7 --\
Would you like to ...?
Do yau g.t ry earlt? Yct,I .lo.

El 2.5 Lisren- Is it a sratemeDt or a qucsrion?

ls ... ony good fo. youT Tick s or Q in rhe table.
Yes, ... is fine lor ne.
Yes, ... is OK wik ne. 2 3 5 6 7 8
I con't noke ...
Na, I'n sory. ... is no goad ntr ne. a
b Work with a padmr. Try to arange
io meet. Use the expressions above b El z.,l Listen ro the senrences and check your answers.
c El 2.6 Lisien again and repea!.
t.i Sunday 11.oO Tu*day d El z.z tntonation onjy rises on YevNo qu€stions. lD w}i-
questions, lhe intonation lalh. Listco lo thcsc examples.
t, the afternoon this evening
Saturdayevening tomonow
Do yaa live neat herc? Were do to'l live?

*ii**l Mark lhe jntonarion curve above each question.

A Arc you frce on Sundoy?
B No, l'n sorry. Sundoy is no good I What's your name?
t'ot ne. Wat obdut Mgndoy? 2 Have you got a pen?
A Y,.s, Ma^doy's line tu ne. I whai do you do?
4 what are you doing?
3 Makc your own diaryp.8e. 5 Do you enjoy it?
a lill your diary wilh somc 6 Are you goirg out tonight?
arrangemens ldr.ext week. Leave

Work in a group oI four. Try to lind a

I EJ 2.s Ljsren, check and repeat.
s lvork vlnh a panner. Ask and answe..he quesUons.

/'v)isiis'krnsononl,/ bull(n) /bul/ bh dlc

vibrarion (n) sr/ runE dins rabbit (n) /'tebitl con thi
gum (n) inronation (n) / ,tnto'r'f,ci|n/ ngi
2 Appearances

Extension: Listening and speaking

Talking about your family
1 Look r( rhis p:roro of cloria and her (amily. b E .z.c Li$cn ro Cbna blkinS abotll $e lhoro
a Dis.uss ftcse qucslions. and ch€ck your id€as. Hcre are thc names sh€
I Whar is hnpp€nin8 in lhe photo?
2 wl)o do you think fte pcople are?
Oliver father Albon mothcr
I what reladon do you think lhey are ro Cloria?
Marion B€n R.bcc6 losh

c Whar can you rcm€mbcr abour each person?

d One peEon m.ntioned irn'r ir rhc photo, Who is it

2 3 4 F_--

6 Glgtia

extcnsion (n)

/iks't€nJr/ s( md r6nA

(v) /menjr/
rc'arion (n) lri'leiIn/ stt quan hC

Appearances 2

work with a partner. Tell your '

Vocabulary fjle: Families Partner about yo!r family, usinS
family photos, il possible.
Look ar tn4. wor& .nd G,(p.G$ioE for ralking about a
family. Check that you undcrstard thc manitrgs-
Writc a rhor. description of your
a Complete the merlalglalls list.
First read Gloria's description of h.r
b C-mplete the list ot family .elationships. Iamily.
c Can you add any morc lamily words or expressions?

a Ml
Morc family expr$sioni: O,)otk, fu.
n wife
6 cheunatfirn. Hzl e:atunat
a a^t nt,noth* t.\e.
l ; A l'y. totot.,irt.t, c,.,
O btutlut. l''. th. t..c,t.h;td;s
,.* to b€ expcting a baby
O th. f.^it,
O t M.tic,t,, th.
q cltut.'tt.,,
3tel nanict and het
Lutbail't r.ta. i, A,to,l
- fh.t''. lat.Ltu.hizan- teo

o M, b'oth,r r.^i.Ii ttill

o ttdyi\t uri,.ttitr'H"t
tirtL.t,h. ^on t t, b't k't
o .rt'!.t. ,ti, fi.n i." r.d' it
ttt ht.tti.A l.t, /..t to
o t|li*r.lh
o /.t,ten'tb,.t httt
o ll.ssi,tt to h$. tb*!
b wdre about your lamily, sivins
infomalion abour

. your bro6ers and sisters (if any)

aDd your position in the lamily.
. your marital starus.
. your paane! (ii any).
. your childrcn {iI any).

rnariral status (n) ti,th t:ang h()n nhAn

cngagc to (v) /in'Eeid3/
separate (v) ry thdn
fianci (n) /fi'o:nsei/
niece (n) cltdu edi (con cia anh, chi, em)

3 Life stories
The past simple tense
Grammar in use
t Look at this informatton. 2 Read ahc newspapcr articlc.
a Answcr lhcJc qucador*-
In England you c'l gat ryq!:cd wtrn yor arc 16, I who rr€ thc p.ople ln *lc piciur6?
bot yoo rccd tour parEnir' pctmisim until pQ arc 2 Whar did rh. rwo youlg pcopl. co?
18. ln S.ottand, h6stv€r, ]6u en gct menied at I llow did thc girl's morhcr fccl about this?
-16rdfo{uhii So yourg Englbh p.opL 'llo 4 whar did sb. do?
eatn to 8.t mffried *itho.n dlcir p.lcnt'' 5 what happcned inthc end?
pernlsrion oftcn nm asay (clope) ro Scodud.
Discuss rhcse qucsrloia, .
Thc trrditicnal plecc fot drcrc wcdding Ir Crcrna r what do you rhink aboi't thc p.opl€'s bchavlor
Grc.n, a vtllae. just over the Scoalrh border. 2 Wbo do you thlnk ia io blam€?

cdnp.It lI to your own (ountry.

What do you lhink is rhc righl agc !o 8cl marlicd?

?t a l,{r Lc<uttn !.n. C.nir ."1 edit t- .

Gretna scene
oot, ME Scbaft. rcpp.d 'Sl!d.o- ln .owr tod.y M6
h.r. sh. tLu!.d .r l'.r uii Sdb-d .pdosiad. !9180
pullcd hcr hi!. Wbcn th.y (M. out of €ouri,
MdB t.i.d to h.lp hi! M{n .d dd: I
motb.t, MB Schc.r.. tir hop. tb{ in tin. wr o.ll
EVEN for GrGr@ G(ecd, hifr io rh. 3.offih. Th.o
thit e.t . stnn8. ssry. ih. d6rc h.. d n M6 L-
M.rcu Lc€-Cultis, 2I. and
M.ri. S<h.Gr, 16, lren'r
ruBsF. Th. brjd.8(om 3
{d io r.c t*.nry odEr
gucn.. Bur .h. s
p.Rrrs *.ro r ih.i!. In
f.ct, thcr didn r kno* dcddd to 8cr fr&rid. But
byrhing .bor $c rcddin8 Mdic ss orly 16 lnd h.r
uotil lhc followinS w.ek, FEn$ didn t leEle!!. io
md rhcn Mr5 Schffi w$ thcy r6t to Gctm G...o.
ro roAly thlr 3hc .tr(k.d A r..k 1n.., Msric's
morhlr opcn.dth. locll
Mui. 6Bt met Mlrcu3 n.wrprF. rod tlw .
eh.. !h. w3 ooly I ,. Th.t phoroS.$h of !n. brid. md
f.ll in lovt .!d i,h.a l,{.ric gt@n. SIE ennt blrpy
t.t 16, sh. IGG hm. .nd .od .h. blo.d M..cur'
lird with l"(|rs $ his m.h6. Sh. nitd ou..i& !i|l. I!i., tE rlU L.!.fl| l..Ecr 21, 1 lr. s {r .ll tr
rnndmothcis h()E. nr.y rbc l!.c!rti. hor's , od roo.rh.r, .h. sid,

pe.mission(n) /po'mion/ s(cho pvp unEoyq(vl /o'pru:v/ tinthnnh

clopc (n) /i'loup/ tfth di theo tmi blamc (v) Alcirn/ dil6i
bridcgroon(n) /braidgurn/ ch'i rd spoloeizc (v) lo'prl}dS^izJ ti4l6i
artcck (v) lo'ttfkl tdn cang
Life stories 3
Rules 2 After abe ..ial. a reporter asked M.s Schearer
I Find exanrplcs of the past tcnse of thc verb
W.ite the questions, usin8 ftis inlormation.
to re (positive and neSativc) lD the lexi.
I Whcn/ Marie/ mecl/ Marcus
2 How do we form the past shnple tensc of 2 Whcn/ she/ leavc/ home
, th. w€dding
a Und€rline examples of reSular verbs in thc lext. 4 Why/ you/ not ther€
b Whar do you notice about thc spelli.g ol ahcsc
t How/ you/ find out/ about it
verbs iD th€ past simple tense?

t'riL ttoP ,ry 8

Anyon€/ kyl to stop you
> sec p29 for tn€ pronunciation of -rl endinSr. b What do you think Mrs Scheareis answeE were?
3 many common verbs arc irreSular and don't c B J.l Lisren and check.
follow the -.d rulc. 3 Here is another strange romance story fronr a
a Ut all rhe irrcSular verbs in the t€xt-
b Wrir€ rhe inffnitive for each v€rb. a Write th€ nory, using lhis inlormation.
b what do you think about the people?
m..t met fa ldl
4 complete these rwo sentenccs ftom ahe acxt.
Ii laet, th.y antthing about the *tdding
until the lolloteitlg fleek.
B Motie \/as o,1ly 16 and het parcn^
. How do -wc make th€ n€Sative form of thc past
simple tensc?
. whar pan ol the verb lollows didn'fl
. Is it fte same for regular and irregular ve$s?

5 Look ar these questions from an intcrvlew

with Maric Schearer.
Wne Marcltt palentt at the wedding? Stewan McKay/ lall ln love wi&/ Jane
gct madied/ bur th.rcl be/ problem
Why w6 lob mothet an!ry?
Wh.n did you nc.t l4arclt? both/ have a do8/ andl dogs/ hale each other
Stewan and Jan€/ not wan get dd of the dogt
lau lie. togethet?
decidc/ liv€ apan/ i{hilc doSs/ alivc
a How do we mak€ pasl simplc quesnons with ,o ,r? live/ 40 miles apart/ three y€a$
b How do we make qu€stions with orher verbs? nol se€/ each othcr very oflen
> Ch€ck thc ruler lor tlle past simpie tense in lifc/ be/ v€ry expenrive
Crammar Rclcrcn.e l. r- spcnd/ a lot ol mon€y on phone calls and travel
last weck/ Jane's do8/ die
Practice Jan./ gol lo live wi$ Stewan
Jane/ said/ it/ nol be/ easy to liv. apan
1 Compleie these with tbc past simple I/ not love/ my dog more tiran Stcwart/ but/ l/
of the verbs in brackets. nor wanv Sive her up
I Maros, molher and arandmother-(be) ar
Ihe wcddinS, bur Mariet parenls
know) anything about it. Work with a pann€r. Write ten questions rha! a
repo(er might ask Stewart and Jan€.
2 Mrs Schcar€r fu ous when she
thc weddirlg Phoro in a newspaper. d Roleplay the inteNiew, using your quesrions.
l She-{write) lo thc ncwspaper-(nor
-(be) and 4 Choosc one of these topics.
(complair) about the pholo. . IIow did your parents mcet?
4 Mrs Schearer-(not -
speak) to hcr . How did you meet your panner?
dau8htcr when ftey-(appear) in coun. work in pai.s or smatl groups. Tell your Sroup
t Mari€_(say) thal sh€ _(not b€) about your ropic. and answcr their qucnions.
ansry with her morhcr, bccause she_ b Write about one of th€ topics.
(undcrstand) how her morh€r llecl ) .
Se€ Rcllecting on Lc.rning 7: Verbs pl2l.
bnckets (r) /'br€ki/ - dtn
ddu ngodc appear (v) /o'pio (rY ,udt hiin
furious (adj) /tuoriov etin dA rcnunce srory (n) /mu mens'str:ril oA,u chqen tinh Ens nan
court (n) /kr:i/ ba dn role-play(n) ftoul'plei/ v6c d6nE aai
3 Life stories

Vocabulary Reading
Money The Witch of Wall Street
I Look ai this list of words I Look at the titlc ofthe ar.icle and ahe photo8taPh.
assoclated with money. a What is Wall Slrc€t? Where ls it?
wealthy poor sell rich bry b What do you thlnk lhe story Ir aborit?
stoct qchange mean fodune
<heap generous td free pay
stocks and shares bank cost
millionake price work count
qp.nlive prope.ty diarnonds
job jewelle.y mortgag. lose fJc(ly Rol,irs"n ,1
IllcArnt all nbout
money whcn sbo was
we can organn€ lhc words into a
vcrJ young/As a child,
spidergram lik€ lhis:
shc r€nd th€ finrncial
p gos of the newspapcr to
her wcalthy fathcr- Ircr
fathrr died whon Hetty
wus 30 ycars old end
sht irherilcd S1
million. whcn shc
hersdf died in
1916, she left a

almost $10()
sell buy million to


--'- \
exP^:sive cheaP
complete the leSs oI lhe spid€r8ram
wilh words lrom the list. somc words Y0rk sbck r:rch{ ge.
may 80 on more ftan one leg. Shc lvas r
fina cial genius.
z Compare your spidergram witl'r sho nude nuruy so etNily
!hrl pooplc callod her the
can you add y mole words to your \{itll ot \Yali Slrcel. But
rlrhough sho wos one ol (irc
look at fie words again. choose
rntrosl womon ir thc world.
words drat best desqibe
. a millionaire's litc. sho was very nrr.[- Shc
counl€d {,very cenl and sho
sp{rnl. as lilllo os lossiblc./She ?
didn l own ! )rouso- bccauso
she didD'|, want (o pay
p.oterty rdosl So shc and hor
.hilCrcn liled in cheap holels.

w.ah'ty (adj) /welOi/ gi,nu cd generous (adj)

stc,ok exchange (n) /'sbk ik'deindr/ thittunne chtng khodn mongage (n) /'m)teid3/ st cdm cd
mean (adj) /mi:d heo hiat inheril (v) /in'h€ri/ thikl hc'
fortunc (n) ga' s'in
Lfe stories 3
2 Read the article quickly and answer th€se 3 Read the araicle agaiD. Mark these sentences
'Itue lll o. Falte (n- Corcct the falre sentences.
I who was the Witch of Wall Str€et?
2 wh€n did she live? she came from a poor falntly,
I who were Ned ard Edwad? she.lidn't eon I'od a pootla ilt. H.r paten\ w.t.
4 Whar war srarSe about her lile?
t How drd sh€ di€? I Sh€ hcw a lot about nnaDce when
she was youDg. g
2 She owncd a big house. tr
I She didn't have many clolhes. @
a She sent her dodes lo a laundry. E
Watl Street t
She rcnt€d m office in Wall StEer.
She had lun.h in restauraats.
she manied a rich man.
She sent her son !o the berl hospital
arhr \Fnr !lur^L nodnrs rr clothc5. dnd $orc in N.w York a
J,i, ,-''" ,'*^ l',* 0.i,, -*r' o"I,. tr," " 9 She di€d tn an a..ident. tr
l0 Iler son lnvested h.r money. tr
wish.d I'ersclf/bvl r' sav, sual' shc unly wi\ltcd
'l 4 Discuss.hcs€ questioN.
tb. h.rl,'m ,'l Lhd drr\s wlr:rr Lou.hed lh. I Giv€ (hrce reasons why H.!ty war .aiied lhe
ground. Olhor p.ople hrd tlnir orvn ofiices, but Witch of WalI Street.
/r' ut us"d tr d,5[ rh. bd,rk wlFre rl," lcpt lnr 2 What do you thint is
br.ausr ir Lli.ln r r,,sr MlLrrinS.Flitr sar in
t the worrt €xample ol Hetty's meaDners?
. the funnics. exampl€ of her meann6s?
$c bank lnd atc hcr sandwi{hes .'hilo shc boughl . ih. morl intcresting pan of the srory?
rnd n,l{lstocks and sharoJ. It th{i baDk . llle most iroDic pan of her Me?
co$plaircd. shejusL movod dlhcr money k) I why do you thint Heny was so mean?
4 Do you know any oth€r examples oI mean

LJcltys hmiiy paid thc pfl' e tor hcr n! Language focus: so ... thol ...
Ihvh.n sh( wff 33 5he marricda Fillionalr., I
F,lrdnrd Crccn ir tboy had-$!o childterr. Crcon, a Look at these two sentenc€sl

holvevor, Iosr his, so letrylcfi-hirn.

&11 Hetty becone oigty. She hod o stroke.

rvh€. hcr son, Ncd, injure(l his kncc, ilelty didn t The se.ond sentence is the resllt of the iirst
sanl a doctor, so sl,o tool' him rc a 1.""
ssteice. We can shw it lik€ dlis
Epryllll Hetty ber,ke e aogy thd she hod s shoke.
hospil lo. poo. people. LrDforl tr.loly ahe doctor
kn6v thal llelry was rich and he lskcd lor moncy. b join thasa scntences in lhe same way.

Hcily roli$cd end took thc boy away. Iris log didn t
1 Hetty was mein. She rcfused to pay for a
gel bctt€r and lwo ycars lalor doclors rcmolod it. 2 Ned's lnjury was bad, He losr his leg.
3 Hctty vr6 ddr 9E could buy antdting.
ul cvontually Ned gol. his revcnge. ,\l lhe age 4 She u/s clever. She madc millions of dollaG.

ol81 Helty had an argumc l with a shop

5 Hetty mad€ money €rsily. P€ople called h€r
th. Wtdr of Wall Street.
asshtnnl about the prico of o bol1lo ofnilk. Sho
hecame s0 angry that she I8d a stroke and diod.
5 Look at thls newspaper headliue.
So lleuvs,nrandcss fitrluv krlled her. Ncd
inlprilod tnlf his rnother's tortu'€, ddfhy'qpcnt it THE KINDEST MAN IN THE WORLD DIES
allon par es, holidays aud €xpcnsive je'v()llory. I lc
a work in groups and discuss ideas lor $e story.
even bought a chanbcr pol covcr€d with
b Wrire rh€ slory, using ihis format:
. The badc details of his lilc
. EEmpl.s of his kbdrcss

:l soap(n)
rmove (v)
ht1)!:a ttchot
/ri'nu:v/ &bd
ph.dn ncn
rcvenge (n)
stroke (n)
invcst (v)
How hG di.d

s( tA thn
srt d4t sut
tllu ut

3 Life stories

Listening and speaking

Telling your life story
I ls teuln8 SaUy about his life.
EE J.2 lirren. In column A, numbcr th( places wherc ccoll
liv€d in rhe .orre.r ordcr.
b Makh rhe photographs Io the places in cotumn A.
c M cb Ue placcs in colulrn A ro an il€m in columns B and C.
d lEi J.2 Listcn asain and

B scottana (,
! Manched., tr

! srne"po'. I q'
ceofi weni ro unive.siiy
E ro"ao" f
0 p.. father's company cLosed down

El canada c .ight y€ars i;

2 Discuss these questlons.

I Wh€re does the convcrsation tak€ place?
2 Why docs Geoft say: 'It's dilnflrlt to say.'?
I Whar posiriv€ and ncgative ellros do you lhink
this had on his lite?
4 What do you fiink of CcoIfS life? Does it sound
int€r$ting/borinS/dif fi cuh?
3 Writo a sumntlry ol cr,offs life, u5in8 the hblc in 1 .

Conversation piecesr Life events ile lat na.rh. b.aLnit) bfi.:aa

Look .t crprcasion3,
twsbomin... lbst ny job.
I grcw up in .. I wos unenptoyed.
I stoded sch@t in ... the foctotylforn close<t dom.
I Ltt school in ... Wc mov.d to ...
I t Wc stotNdllived the.. lor ...
I srortcd wotk jh ... I got thoii.dldieirc.d.
I got o job in . . . My grandlothet dicd.

1 Talk.boui your llf..

a Makc a list oI kcy €v.nrs in your lile w'lh tmes and placer.
b Work with a panner. Tell your panncr your lilc nory, usinS lhe
expr€ssions above. Answcr any quesrions rhar your pann.. asks.
Wrlt€ youi llfe saory.

srardfathcr (n) /'8.endibi0€,/ 6ng 69i' nEqi)

rakc flace (v) /rcik pleis/ diin,a
uocmploy€d (adj) l,An;m'plriu th'6it nghi4p
di\Jrcc {!, ,di\,:s/ lrd!rch6ns-u', )
closc down tv) 4^lot)s tJJuoJ dung db hdn tnAialA h&t d4a:)
Life stories 3

-ed endingl word stress
The past simple -ed ending
The regula! pas! simpl€ -rr'ending can b€
pronounced in rhrcc dilfercnt ways,lt, tdt andlA/,
Malch rhe cndines lo the correcl type of verb.
r when the verb €nds with a voiced consonant
e-a. nb - tobbtd, us. - 6.d.
2 Wh€n the v€rb .nds with a voiclcss conronant
e.B. ualk-walk d.Iaurh - laughed.
J When the v€rb €nds wilh /V or /d.,
e.E. want - vankd, n..d- n .ded.
t,;:.:,: ,,,1 Complele the tablc with lhes€ verbs.
?attacted blm.d i promised waited
.-*.,,, :::,,,,:t:'y' likcd A helped pushcd
counted st .ted I watch€d livcd
avoid€d talk.d : sam€d t!m.d

c E r.t urr.n. check and repeat.

Word stress with two syllables
ln words wiih more than one syllabl€ we usually
nr€ss only onc of lhe ryllables.

say $€se words. Which syllable has rh€ $

Ma* $e syuable with rh€ nrers.

slldy qu€stion aitack pidur.

money machin. headache 5pelling
t.nnis number extra
p,J-** p€oplc rddrers
child..n sorry colou. divorc.d
model fo€.| r€pdt hustnnd

b E l.-t Linen, ch€ck and r€pcar.

c whi.h syuable utually has th€ srr€ss?

count (v) /kauny' diin, tinh

avoid (v) lb'vri, trdnh, ngdn ngita
prornisc (v)
push (v) lpr.!/ n6 ddl
rurn (v) / toiol qt@!, ttu:l
spell (v) /spcl/ rttnh v'in
modcl (adj) /'mrdl/ niu mtc
3 Life stories

Extension: Reading and listening

Shark attack!
The illustration shows a scene from a true story.
a Whar do you think happened?
b wlat othei words do you expe.l to find in the article?

what do you thirrk Rodncy F

did after tbe attack?
The para8raphs of the magazine article are in the
Look at this list oI idear. what o
porsibilities can you think of?
a Number the paragraphs in the con€ct order. . Ee $aned a campaiSn to stop
b How did you decide on rhe order? what clues did you use? spear-ffshing.
c ElJ.5 usten and check your order. . He became a docior.
d which words in your lis! did you find in tle rext?
. E€ staned to srudy shark.
. He gave up spear-ffshing.
. He hunted the shark that atta
Language focus: Adverbs and adjectives him.
a Complete the o'ahple sentences ftom the text.
. He tried to kill as many shark
Adverbs describe a verb. . IIe staned a campaign lo pror
ExAMPLE rhe gr€at white shark.
Fot lbared to tht sutfcce. . He never went in the sea agai
Adjecrives descrlb€ a noon. Work with a partner and rnake I
choice. More than one may be cr
Hetuwa- tuh Discuss your choices with the da

b Find these words in the text. Are they advebs or adjectives? El 1.6 Listen to the resr of rh
story and check your ideas.
c Which verb or noun does each wod describe?
Discuss th€se qu€stioDr.
well long suddenly huge r Wllat did Roatney Fox do and
quickly tusl hard small 2 what do you thinl of xodne)
carefully despeately big great
dangerous large annual safe 4 write the ffnal para8raph to
complete the story of Rodnel
Check the rules for adverbs and adjectives ifl Grammar
S€e Relle.ting on Learning 8:
Conection pl2l.
article (n) /oIikY bd.i bdo annual (adj)
rope (n) h$pl dAr thirng bus€ (adj) /hjn:d3/
spearsun (n) /spia,g^Il./ d.pne cu dd pung dnn cd campaisn (n) lke,m'peinl cu.6c vin c
surrac€ (n) shark (n) fio:W cri r$p
desper!tely (adv) /rlcsporitii/ m6t turat wng

O lle thought that this was the end. He flOther spea.r-frshers heard hiln and
fought desperately, but the big shark hurtied to help hirn. They lift€d hiln
pulled hiln doY''n and down. Then carefully illto a boat and took htn to
suddenly the rope broke and fox the beach. The neatesl hospital was 60
,loated slolvty to lhe surface. rshark! kilorretres away and dutlng the long
Shatkl'he called. iourney one of the spear.fshers held
O Quickly he pushed his nngets into the fox's in6ides in place. trt the hospital
shalk's eyes. The shark opened its he needed 462 6titche6, but he
mouth and Fox escaped, switnning as 6utvlved,
last as possible to the 6urface. He D So he kicked the's rose hatal and
thought he was safe, but when he It turned away. But lhen lt attacked the
Iooked down he saw the 3hark'6 huge ish on the buoy. It swallowed llte
mouth just below hirn agaiD. buoy and the fish. It dived .lor'vr
O Near the end of the day, he looked and the rope on hiB belt nulled
dotYl and saw a large 6sh on lhe fox under the water again.
sand below hi.rn. He dived down Jl It was 1963 and nodney for
to get it. Suddenly sornethlng was in ihe sea oIi the coa6t of
hit hiln. It knocked the spear South Australia. It was the
gun from his hand and annual spea!-fi6hing
pushed hirn tlrough the cha.rnpionEhip. lor did well
wate!. He looked lound and
saw lhat he rYas in the
mouth of a shark. It was a
gteatwhite shark, one of xope ftorn lhe buoy lo his
the largeEt and hosl belt,
dangerous aharks in lhe

escape (v) /is'kcip/ tdii thaatt slitch (n) /stitJl ml.i hhnu
divc (v) ldaiy/ Ldn (ru6tE nrfic) surviv€ (v) /so'vaiv/ s6hg s6t
sp€arfish (n) /spiofiJ/ di cd Nh'6r &tn
buoy (n) tbrit 31
4The future
will; first conditional
Grammar in use
I Look at the titlc of thc arricle. Wha. ls i. altout?
2 Read thc tcxt and tick (/) wha. ahc prizewtnncrs will do.
I fl
! ,". ,how u, u w."t End thcaEc ' bavc dinner wiih th. sLrs oI ihe
go !o raxi
" t}le holcl in a u meet the $tars oI lhe show G danc€ at a nlehklub
-E have dinner ar rhe savoy Hotcl L/ llav€l in a limousine ! go back ro rh'e hotel aftcr thc rhor
E so ro auclingham Palacr Ll nay ar !h€ RluHor.l
lI you are our lucky winne., )
have the best night of your I
our ex<iting (apital cily. Your r

to aemembeJ will start when

affive in London. lf you arri!
train or but, orrr representativ.J
m€et you at the statioh.
Wegt End Shows

'Sunset Aoulovard

'Sta bht Exp.ess

Cambridq6 Theatre
'Fame - fhe Musical'
Orury lan€ Thsavo

New London Theaire

Whero will you stay?

Our limouline will rake you i
world famo6 Savoy Hotel. You'l
some time to rela)( betore din
you're ri.ed after the journey. I
will be a fi!.-.^,,-" meal
(hampagne in the hotel.
what will you do?
Ihen our limoutine willtake you
theatrc to lee a Wert End ehow.
have the best reatt in ihe hou
after the show you'll qo backst
meet the rtar5. And th.t won t
end of your night to remember
the iheatre you'll go to a top I
niqhr(lub, wh€re you lldanceth

prizcwinncr (n) nguni durr giAi exciting city (n) /irsaitirl titi/ thann p6'uio n
palacc (n) tp".list cuns dien rcprescntadvc (o) I $pr i' z.ntbtiv I
dqi dit n
li'nousinc (n) tive-couNe mcal (tr) /faiv krrs mi:Y bila dn ndn tutr
compcrition (n) /,krmpDliJrt cu&. thi backslase (n) /ba"ksreidJ/ hauhhnc
Rules Practice
The future 4
1 Look at thc lcxt atain. 1 Look at your answers for Gtammar in use 2 again. work
a Find these forms of the luture wlth a pa.lner and say what the prizewinners wlll do and
wirh w,ll: what thcy won't do.
. a poslrlv€ statement (a lonS and
E a !ho( form)
Thet ll s.e a thow ar a wen End Theate.
. a Degativc statemenr
Thq won t go to th. hokl ir a t6L
b How do wc make these forms? 2 rf you win thc competition, what will you do?
c Whcn do w. us€ wi[ {or the future? a Makc qucsdons using this infomation and qrl.
Comparc e/l !o thc Dse oI the present
contlnuous r,r,ith future meaning.
How will lou g.r to lbtukn?
2 W€ l,re eill in first condi.ionals. I How/ 8et to london 6 Which rhcarre/ go io
a Complcl€ th€sc scntcnes from 2 anyonc/ meet you ? which show/ see
I Wherc/ stay a have/ 8ood scats
4 What/ havc/ for dinn€r 9 meet/ anyon€ famous
t w -!!- out I'tctE winneL you 5 How/ s€t to thc theatre ro Whar/ do/ alrcr the show
-Jr!!-!L-the b,!'t nighr oj yout lile in
ow exciting .tpital city. Work with a panner. Look at the comperition information .gain
and ask and answer the quenions.
You )!!--son. nne b rclar belorc
jownet. 3 Herc ls some morc ilformation about the comperirion.
you'll dirk t iI you -d!!-tted alet the

life b complelc thc rulc: a Match a claurc in A and a clause in B. Make complete s€nrcnces
night i
uslng ih€ lkst €onditional. (.
In flr$ conditionals wc use the Ex^MDl-Es
l/e by I
t#i.IJ- Iens€ in thc ,/dase If tou aftiye by traia, ow t.prctentative n iU meet you at tht station.
FwiU and rhe main dause. W.' ullect ,ou fto tbut hone if rou liw i" London.
IT 1

€ Do the senrenes talk about the past,

prer.nt or thc future? What does rhe have time to go to the 3h.?.
t;, fid ondidonal dcrcdbc? collcct you from your hone
havc sone time to reld not wdt to
90 ro a nightctub
Chcd thc ruLs for l{a and rhe fiEt tiEd after
the journey
$ndftional in crammar References want to meet thc stars of ar@ge a nanny to look afi€r
4.1and 4.2.
our limousi.e/ take yo! r€ally enjoy the nightclub

Mrn, take yo! back to the hotel

give yoLi hvo fre€ tickers for
Ctu { Thtu S.q vith Cir ht Cbatu
tdtk,th Cani. Etu\r, want to do some shopping want to see London by night
L,Mt saa
-d, R*kd t w^ ^; a, a,^, our representative/ me€t you at

ten ht,n, Muhb ant stln

sth'o, dttt Taeh .\d
L,a, t4tuttu b E 4.1 Lirren and check.
PIL vtt Arrh s!@.
c.]Aa@ 4. CBr 4 What do you wana to krow about thc future?
a Wdrc llvc qu6tions wilh l,rla
AF, at ,tnat 16 sar
<Xn b work whh . pann€r. ArL your questions. your panncr wil mak€
D.n clr,r* rd prcdictions lor you.
5 Wrlae a competltion articlc.
'ou'll a Work in groupr. Think of a new prize lor a comp€tition. Hcrc are

. a weekcnd in Paris . a day ar rhe races

. balloon .
a fli8hr in a hoi air a vis;t ro a casino
L Write an ani(le to d€scribe your prize.
lenlil salad(n) /lcntiL'sarlDd/ n6n d1u ldns r€lax (v) kt'tarks/ sidi tri, nshi ngdi
calvados(n) /kt-lvodps/ loai ntou t"io 6 Normandy, lobsler (n) /ltrbst6/ tan irra
pork (n) /p.:w thit tAt
crouton (n) /kruilDd bdnh ni nLtdis dnnE udi ttp salmon (n) /'s:emon/ dt hii, tht c'i hdi
4 The future

Vocabulary Reading
Country adjectves The end of the melting pot?
wc use country ad.icctlves to show nationali[y lmmiSration is a potitical issue in some parts,

Discuss these questions.

I Why do people go ro live in ano.her counlry?
2 Whar benefits can immiSrants bring to a counrrl
'fhey tpeak, I What l6rge{calc immiSrarion caus
There arc revenl wlys ot lormint ounry adjectives. 4 Should immiSratrts confom lo rh.l@l.uhurc:
t Whar ihould governmcn$ do about immisrarior
Look quickly at lhe rcx! Choose the corrcct answei
ro lhese quesdonr accordinS to fte anicle.
I Whar is lhe anicle about?
fl emcrica's population is scuins roo large.
n Alrican Americans wrllsoon be in rhe
majority in the US .
! The usA is changing because of inmigrario
Complere the kble wirh rh€ countries from.hc box Why arc loday's itrnnigr.nls differenl frcm carlie
below. You can use a dicrionary to help you lind the immisrants?
Q rhcy inregrate easily inro culturc
Gcmany ltaly Turkey th€ Netherlands ! They come ro th€ usA forjobs.
lsraer Argentina lhail.nd Scotland LJ They k€ep d'eir own lan8uase and cuhur€.
keland Belgium l\4orocco Pakistan Why arc Atrican Amcricans very worned abour
Russia No.way€ Egypt Poldd
Portugal Aust.ia Denmark B'a2il C rhe immigrants compete wift them lor job:
China l4dico Korea Spaln
! Thc immigranrs don'l spcak English.
c El 4.2 Lisren and cherk your ideas.
d Add your own ountry if it isnl mentioned.
I Th€ immi8rants become poliricians and

2 The namcs of countries havc differenl stress R€ad th€ tcxt aSain and find
Paiaerns. . aI $c racial Sroups m€ntion€d.
. reasons why peopl€ are conc€med about th€

Egypt Japan kgertina

Thc stress pauern somedmes changes in the
Mark these s€nl€nces rrue (). Fabe (t) ot
r Amcric.'s population lvill b. 36, rnillion by
thc year 2050.
Hispanlci make up l0 !€r (tnt of lbc
Mark $e sylldbl€ wirh rhe slr€5r on cach word in populadon ar th€ momcnt.
ft. rable. Arric.n Altr.ri(ani arc (rEcndy rhc larg6t
ia.ial tninority in thc USA.
b El 4.2 Llsten again and check your answe$.
Today's imigrads ry !o inrearat! lnto
c Look .t the adjectives in lhe table and answcr
Th€ numb€r ol peoplc who donl spcak Englsh
I Which ar€ lan8ua86? ir increasin&
2 Which languages arc rpokcn in the other 6 Robert Byrd wants sarlcter immigratlo. controli.
7 Illesal idllniarabls or y cornp€te Ior jobs.
Sec Beftectint on LearninS 9: Dealing with 6 IIIcgal immigrants can't tind jobs in rhe USA,
unknown words pl2l.
Porrusal (n) /,prrtju'goV nu& Bd Ddo Nha deal wirh (v) /dirl wi6/ gilei qut6t
Grecce (o) /'gri:J nt/d: H! Iap bereiit (n) /benefit/ lti bh,lqi
Egypt (n) itdjiptl nt& Ai cQ.p immigraDt (n) liraigronv dAn nhip ct
Turkey (n) /'lDiki/ nte Thd Nhi Y;y laree-scale (adj) /lordJ skciY tftn fi.n4
Poland (n) . /poulond./ n&tc Ba Im govemment (n) chinh phi
The future 4
4 cortrtl.rc rhLs( \r'rrcn(c\ with rhe verbi in 5 Dis.uss these qu€stions, giving reasons for

- I llimmiararion r/!.r {.irel Hi\oani6 I why do you think the new immigrants don'I
'"3-,a-[s- (.';;;; aL i;,, Amerkan,. inlcgrate as earlic. immiSrants did?
t? 2 It you :i r8o, rnrolhe rupermarkel in 2 Do you think they will inrcgrate in lhe furure?
RockviUC you ---c4111(nor hear) .ny I Whar is the implication oI Senator Byrd's
EnBlish. expression'rhese p€ople'?
I Schonlsr!,'(lr,'. lrerch) rn According to the ani.le, what is rhe basic cause
hnsua8rs it parcn15 +Liscr) rhc'r oI rhc imrni8radon problem in the USA?
demands. What do you think the wrn€r lech about the
4 ll m,ore immiSrar)ls -.llrlL.(come), lhere siruation in the anicle?
[ry7 t"tJl-b- lbel iewer tuLs ror Alrcn How do you feelabout the situarion des$ibed in
5 rhe m'ddle (lJsr\
-Lll-j-4- (lo\c) rhcf
cheap scrvanls if immisralion (srop)
7 whal results do you thiDk lhat rhe langua8c

The end of the melting pot?

Ti p,r\rn' lrrrl\ i,i inrmisrari{'n you wool he{ my EnSlish. And rHs
1.,,.ti.,., br rl,t \crr 2050 laoguag€ problem wont Ber aoy b€nci
Ame.ica's popularioD s ill increasc Immigrant parcors are demanding
by50 percent ro 383 nillion. cducation for rhcir .hild.en h their
o*d ldguagc. If thjs happcns, it witt
More inponaodl rhc hcid baloc€ soon be possibie ro grow up ;n
wil chbge. Hispoics vill ovcrtzi<€ Ahedca od .ever spcak E glish.
Bhck (or Africm Amcricds, as they
rc now c.iled) to beconc fi€ Polti.ials
iskinr How far witi
mhor;ty rt 21 p( ccnt. Asjms hd this go? wlai
kind of counEy wilt it
Pacific Isla.ders will ircreasc fivc produce) Senator Roben Byrd, a
tibcs io m.r: thu 12 pe. c€o(. l'his Democni from WcsrVi.gjni, rcccndy
vilpush tlle 6olofhinontics to ovcr told thc Senare: \\'lcn photrc dr€I
50 par ccnt of $e population. loc2l gerage I clfi
undcst,.qd rhe pe.-
sod oo drc othei end ofthe lin. dd he
The USA b a countrt ofimmjgrant!,
cao't udentaad me. Thcse peoplc are
but todayt newcomca de drffecnt. aU ovcr thc lhce and thcy don'r speat<
Innig@ts io the nin tccnth dd ed- iln8lish- Do we wmr oo.c of rhis?,
ly tweatieth ce.tu.ies becde pan of
Both Democra$ md Republicms de
tlc ge( American melting pot. They demarding sr.icr immigr.don con
hitnt thc languaAe rd irtegtatcd into
t\c cuiturc of their nw bome. Bur
todryt imigrants keep their own cui Thc bigg€st poblcm is iXegil irnmi-
tu!e. Thcy have .heir owo TV chm glation. Afncar Ame.icos aft vc./
.els, d,rly ne*3pape6 ud magrzines. wohed .bour th;, becluse thc illeSil
nnm€rerts comFr€ wil\ theD lor
E T}re Eoslish lansuese has almost houscs, dd esp:cialty iobs.
disappeared in mMy places. Parrs of
! Flo.idr, Crlifomiard Tcxas ee oow
Wo.k rs the kcy to the problem. \virite
rhe whn. middle classes conrpltD,
Spojsh$peaking. The Hirpaic com- mhy of thcn (hcluding polirjcios
D nruniry is a bltlion dollar naker ud
,nd las7e6) enploy illeSal idmigtuts
companies produce adv.rts in c cheap ounes, hous€kcepe.s, gar
tr Sfoish. Io . husr supcmarke! in d.nds. chauffcuB dd malds. ,{rd if
Manland, .v&y cus(lncr is
there arc jobs, fie thniStuc wix con
! tlom e Far You'll hear 1bc Stttt. of Ukttt: ttiA tb. .shrrG
! hpmsq KoMn and Chincsc, bur

tr kar (v) /hio/ neliing-po! (n) /\neltin'prl/
parent (n)
dcnrarrd (n) /di'mo: d7 s( rau cdu hispaDic (adj) /his'p.riniV thu.jc L,i Td| Ban
nstiti sinp a4c Nha ud ltd Dd.o Nha
ovcrtdkc (v) biit hip, atQt (n)
chauffcur /.roufo/ ne&n Ltii rc
intesrate (v) /intigrci/ mlid (n) /mcid ngtin Mu sii
poliiician (n) /,DJli'tiJnl
4 The future

Listening and speaking Conversation pieces: Leaving messages

Messages a Completc the answerphone message.

'66 n"tu. Vntcnnn\ Ink k n,nl.llr l|dnnn

You will hear rhc nlessnge! on Jack _th(t(\ nt lp
watorman's off icc arswerphone. 'lxxlr
ot the n'one t,I'nt ifron _
El q.; usren ana match rhc people and p r none Lh.l r lldterntt tiU
bo.k k, to a3 k'u as I'osil,le. I'l4a'
T..esa [ftet th( tone. 'lha k r . tt
I goLng to the States
I return ..ll b -.lexpressids with these verbs.
Complele the
Pete, I no message
nn9 give
wife \ | lonq meetine
oennis \ p"^y
sa.ah Jon€s \ rraffc jam on th. l'125 I'tl back to you.
mother I iesulk of lhe Oul.h p/o,€ct I'n obout the Mul6,
I'll then in the post.
b Answcr these queslions.
I Whcrc is Mrs Waterman? I
ll lou o ring.
2 Wh€n will she phone her husband? ... in- cose you wont to ne bock
I When docs Sarah Jones think shc will anive? t'n just yow @1.
4 Why dolj' rhe lcave a lclcphone number? I'll - o chot whh then.
5 Where will Dennis b€ this aiternoon? I'll-tou
6 Whal doernl Jack3 molh€r lik€? -
o lioe.

7 What do€s Teresa wanl ro talk abolr!? I'll - in touch.

a How lon8 will shc b€ away? Im-i6t
9 What does Ja.kt son want? c FiE l..i Lsten aqair and check your aiswe6.
c E a.J Usren agah and chcck. -

ncssagc (n) /'mcsidJ/ Liti nluin prdcc. (n) /prdlSck/ dV dn

trailic jarn (n) /1ft'Jfik'dJ.!nV stt,ith tiic giro thang posl (n) /pousl,/ bttu di4n
rcsult (n) lri'?/.ltl hii qud drop (v) /drtrp/ nstnE sdp ai, cho ai fl
The future 4

Language focus: Pronunciation

wil/ for spontaneous decisions

We also use wil/ when we dake decisions as w.

hl, litl sentence stress
1 The sounds // and /i:/
a Look aL these sente.ces from the answerpho.e some vowcls are short, e.E. tDt \as i^ dos).
some voweh are lon8, c.E. l.:l las in doot).
Anwoy, I'll sive you o .al thjs eveninq. The shon/long diflerence is imporrant, becaxsc il can
As youre hot therc, l'l have o chdt wlh the
show two dilierent words.

cat /e] catt la:l

b Look at tapescripl 4.3 and under|ne more
examples w th wrl/ tor a spontaneous decision Ji.ltl fe.t lij
In this uni! yo\r will praoise one ol thcse short/long
Jilferencca:/r/ dnJ /i/. You wr.lprnaisc urhrr\ iI

2 Practise Sivins an.l ieavins mcssages. a Say there wordr.

a lYork wi$ a panner. Take it in turns to be the hill he'11 ir
secretary speakinS to Mr waterman, live diP
Use thc inlormation and expressions on pl6 and Sive will we'll his
Ir,tr warcrman the metsaSes. chip
rhtft erc softe netsag.t while yau werc o . tiu
Petet hat got the rctults ol th. Duxh ptojel. He'llpur theh
h t6t and tick (,/) the words you hQr
.1.., Ljstcn

va l. bo I be ba(\nll tanonow. Ha helihg . l-1 1.5 Lisr€n again and repear.

Take il in iurns to be fic caller and thc s€cretary. Sentence stress

Usc $ese situations 10 leave messages.
we saw in Unit I lh.r not all tbe syllablcs in a word
c.ller Phone ti! Warcnnan and leaye a mc5saSc are sr.est(d equally. This is rhc for sentcnei.
wirh rhe secrclary. Not all oi thc syllables are strcsscd cqually.
secrelary w.ite down the mesage. check il back
E a.6 Listen ro rhcsc scrtences. wbat kind oI
),ave the {r.s)
I You'.c Soing ro bc in London {or four days. 'vo(k
Youte staying al the Crear wcsrcr. Itorel, I ll se. lou tunono\|.
faddington. You rvao! !o mecl Mr Waterman,
2 You'vc gol a meetinS wilh Mr Walcrman al rhree
o'clock rhis aft€rnoon. bur you don r jeel wcll. I'n grin! to haw a drink.
I You are Mr WatcrnEn's son. whilc you werc at
your iriend's house, someone srole rhe car. El 4.7 Each sentencc in the convcsation has rwo
4 Mr Warerman phoDcd you yeslerday Io! sonc stresscd syllables. lhtcn and mark rhem.
inlDrmalion, You havcn't gor ir yer, bur you
A Where are you Boing?
rhink it will affive tomorow. B I'm Soing !o lbe shops.
ili{ 5 YoJ had an inrrri(riu8 meelnS this molring.
A Can I come with you?
&* You havc some (onlidential in{ormarion, bur you
I 6
doDl waDl to Sive ir over lhe phon€.
You're haviDg dinner wirh Mr wateman lhis
A Are you laking lhe car?
evening. You're phoning ro mak€ rhe
;'l aErngcmen$. Tell him wh€n and where you will A But ir's slaninS Io rain.

B That docsn'r maller.
Think oI rwo more messagcs ro wiD the A Oh, l'11 stay ar hon,e lhen.
B OK. Sec you laler.

Usea tapc rccorder, at home or at s.hool, io . 16l .1.7 Listen and check.

pra.tisc l(aving dessaSes on nn answcr )oDe. dE 4.7 Listen again and repcar
fl (n) /sprn'lcinios di'siln/ qulai dinh chip (n) tttipt
;l spontancous dccision
€qually (adv) /'i:kwoli/
conildentidl infomration (n) /kJnfi 'dcD.ll,infD'mciJ th1ne tin n4t
matler 0t /'mElo/
4The future

Extension: Reading and listening

South for the Winter
Herc is tbc fi6t parr of a s.ory

for tbe Winter

lrom One-WayT i.ket, a book ol
short storles in the oxPld Soutb
Look at thh list ot plac€s
Inever stay in one country for a lona rime. k g€ts boring. I li
Read the story quickly. Malch the move on, see new places, meet differenc people. It's a good
most ofthe cime. When I need money, I get a lob. I can do
rhiogs - horel and restaunnt work, building work, picking f
I tike to ao south in the winter - Cypru!, or perhaps I
Af.ica. Iife is casier in rhe sun, and northern Eumpe can aer
cold in the winter. Last year I s'as in V€oice for October I did
work in a hotel for three we€ks, rhen I began slowly co moves,
I always gqly rrain when I can. I like trains. You can walk a
Tom at the weke.d. on a crain, and you meet a lot ofpeople.
Zagrcb I left Venicc and went on ro Trieste. There I got a chmp t
for the slow train to Sofia, in Bulgaria. It tak€s a day and a hall
The girLs got off the rbe express wa3 too €xp€nsive.
The rrain left Trieste at nine o'clock on a Thursday mor
There wereot many people on it at first, b\tt b4rcb
hntel for three weeks.
people got on. Two girls w-eqljlqog-the corriCor, pa-st
compartmetrt They looledtbraqgh the door, t ut they didnt I
in. The rrain left Zasieb and $o.'kcd-d-iii sfrhe window ftr,
ren mioutes, then I went ro slep.
Vhen I opencd my eyes again, chc
Read rhe slory again and find thc
answers to thcse questlons. 'Hil rh€y said.
I what is Tomtjob? 'You're American,'I said. 'Or Canadian. RiSht?
z Why was he on 'he t.ain? 'American,'the tallergirl said. She smiled. And you'rc tw,
I How did the girls lind out Tom's rhree, your names Tom \flalsh, you'vc gpt blue eyes, and
mum lives in Burnhm-on-Sea, UK. Ri8ht7'
4 How old are Tom and lhe Sirls? 'How djd you know aU thar? I asked.
5 why wer€ the airls on the trtin? The second girl laughcd. 'She lmked at your paxporr. I
6 why didnl carol go to the
'Oh. Ri8ht.'My coat was on the seat next to me. I osl
7 why was Tom surprised when thc
passport out ofrnyaecket and put it in my bag io the lu88a8€
girls 8or olf the lrain?
'Who aft you, then?' I a!k€d,
I where and when arc the 8i s
meeting Tom again? They told m€. Melani. iod Carol from l.os Angeles, USA.
9 Where and when did ihe train liked Europe, they said. They knew a lot of places - Br
Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Hungary Bulgaria, Greece . .
They se€med like nic€ girls. They w€re older than m€, pe.
wha. do you .hink will happen in ti/cnty-sev€n or rw€nty-ei8ht, but I liked them. Vc talkec
rhe srory? Give rcasons {or your lauShed for hou$. I told them a lot of stories about my lif€ :
of rhe srori€s were true, some *erent. But the Sirlt lau
anyway, and said I was a grear guy. I asked them about Bul]

prcdiction (n) /pri'dikJn/ d,tr tiin do,in

€xprcrs (n) xz litatil: hanh
coddor (n) /'krridJ:/ hnnh lanc bhd, ttu ra hh)
cion, buing @hd, toa 'e lle- )
laueh (v) I'lo:fl
lussrgc (n) I't|Eid)l

The future 4
4 E 4.8 Listen. You will hcar lhe resr
37 of thc srory in three pans. After each

..-_.- kou. I didD'r koow the

counrry. They knew Sofia . whar will happen.
scU, lh€y sdd.
5 Discuss these questions.
'Hey, Carol,' Melanie said.
- I How can you explain fte girh'
Vele s(ayiog io Bela actons in the trai! now that you
talan-ka for a day or rwo. Bur know lhc end oI rh€ story?
lert go over to Sofia dris 2 Is the.e a moral to the story?
wakend and nre€r Tom
ile to the!€. !/e can meec him on
i life, Snurday nighr at the Hotel Vocabulary file: Transport
iuit. 'Glear!' I said. Irr! do a Find all the words in the story that
'lofth are asso.iated with Eil'{ays,

The rrain 8or ro BelSrade b l4ake a similar list for a.other fom
ar lix o ciock in rhe evening,
)urh. rnd a lot of people &ot-oll.
fiere wcre only me and the
girls in the carriage then. 6 Tom writos a lctter to his mother
The gurrd came, checked our from BulSaria to tcll ber what
dckets, and went away again. happened. Writc bis lettrr,
Grol looked ar Melanie. Hey, Mel,' she said. Why dont you SurI like thisi
ing ard Too go along to the resrauBft car? I'm not hunSry, and I want
to slee for an hour.
m\,1 'Er... !ood! very expensiv€ on thc train,'I said. 'I hayen't got
21st Novenber
much money iust now. I'm going to get a iob in Sofia.
'OhToml Melani€ sajd.'Why didn't you tell us? Look, you're e
oic€ guy, righti v/e'rc OK for mon€y rhis we€k. \flc can buy you a

l'd afraia lvc got 6of,c bad news

\qhrt could I say? I !,an hungry They had money, I didnt. So for you.
Melanic rnd I went m the restaumnt car and had a meal. \rh€n wc
crme brck, Grol was srill alone in the compartmcDt.
'Why arc you ecrtios-oEat D€la Palarka? I atked. 'I9'hat arc
you going to do there?'
Describe these thingsr
Mclanie smiled. 'Find a cheap hot€I, me€t people, tak€ a look . why were you on fie lrain?
arcund ... you know.
thc town . How did you meet the Sirls?
'Bu( rher€l oothirg rhere! . Eow do you lhink they rricked
'Oh wcll, you mver know,' Mflanie laughed. Shc put her feet on
ny th. sen and wcor to sl.cp. . whal did you arranS€ with thrm?
k. A fcw hours later the tmin came inro BeIa Palanka sradon and . What happened after th€ girls got
stoppd, fhc two girk got off and stood on thc plotform. They ofl the.rain?
ty snilcd r me rhrough thc window. . where are you now?
'Sc you in So6a, OK? The Hotel Marrnan cight o clock,'
- . what will you do?
CIol 'we ll trke you to (he bes! r€srau..nt in town.' Try to reassur€ your mothcr that you
Tlcn they picked up th€ir bags and wrlked away. Nice 8irls. are all ri8hl. Ask her to send you some
d Ve'llhave a sreat time in Sofia, I thought. things.

(^ hoi a nory hr haaikt 36|.,

cariage (n) /'ksrid3/

platform ($) /platfr:m/ san ga rz lla
moral (n) dao &tu
associate (v) l6n quan
rrick (v) /trild Lita
reassurc (v) Ldm rCn ldng ai


5 Cornparisons
Comparatives and superlatives
Grammar in use Rules
1 Look at tbe quiz. CoDpletc the sentences with I How do we make cohparative and superlatir

a compl€te th€ lules.

To make comparatives we normaly rdd

GENERAL ro make sup€rlatives we nomally add

Qr,rf 7. oln ouet t oUet

lead Sold iron

is hea\cer than
b Complete rhese rul€s wilh examples lrom $c quiz

but is the heaviest. r when .he adj€ctive ends iD -a we add -r o. -rr

Venur Mars the Earth

- is fun}ler from the sun
dEn- but is
wh€n rhe adjeaivc h.s a short vowel and
!h€ lunhcst, ods in onc consonant we double thc
.onsonant and add -.r or '€t.
-christianity Buddhism klam
- than
-,is an old€r religion
but is the
- when thc adjcdive eDds in a consonanr
and -/, wc rcmove the -/ and add -ir or -nrr
Rursia Canada china
4 -, - rhan
ir bigger
but is the bigScst.
when rhe adjediv€ has two or mor€ syllable!
a rock€t en8ine ajer cngine
(except whcn the second syltabl€ ends in -yi,
- we pu ndn or mrt in froDt oI thc 6djective.
- more powedul lhan
bur is the

t Some adjectivcs are omplelely in€8ular.

Rio d€ Janeiro singapo.c cairo
-, - to the equator
ir closer
dlan but is

-, - 2 wher do we u5. comparativB and sup€rlativ€

Check the rul6 for comparative od sup.rlativc
2 El i.l Listen and (heck your answers. adj.dives in Grammar Reference 5.1.

comparison (n) Islam (n) /'izlot'x,/

knowledse (n) tnrlidll hidn thiN rocket engine (n) /'r.)ki endlir/ a4og t}o tto
jct cnsinc (n) /'d3et,endjir/ d4ng
cd phdn Itu
lead (n) /ledl
Christianity (n) ds" Cd d6" cquator (n) /i'kwcito/ 64hg ,ith t/.it
Buddnism (n) dso PhOt

Practice 4 complete the text with r.he

comparative or ruperlatlve of the
1 write thc comparative and superlative of thesc adjectivcs. adjectives in brackets.
Adjec.lve Superlative
inr.resting Who are the
- lhick (good)
fftre driver s?



2 Here are somc mo.e general knowledS€ questions.

a conpl€te th.rll putting
rh€ adj.clivd ln bE&.rs in rh€
comparative or supcrlalive.
Antwer the quesuons with a parher.
whkh drivers are the
r which is (high) mounrai' in the world? Gafe)on lhe.oadr? According to a
2 which ir island in lhe world? fecenl 5urv€y, young and
I which.lephant has- (bi8) €a6, rhe Alrican or the
- the
lnexperienced d.iv€rs are
lndian elephant?
- _- (likely) to hdve an
4 which ounry (lar8€) populadon in the world? accident. {old) drive6 are
t which animal ir (faso, a chee6h or a lion? karet'rl). cender make! a
6 whidr it-- (ancieD0 monumenl in the world? difference, too. Young men haveihe
7 Which is- - {inlclligent) anlmal in the wo.ld? - (bad) .((ident re(o.d! ol
El t.2 ti'icn and- .heck your answ€rs. -all.Ihey are g€nerally
(agsretrive) than (old)

with a parrn.r, think of two people that you both know, -drivel9. They aiso choose
e.& farnous pcopl. or friends.
(fart) carr with- - (big)

wrile rcntenccs companog them, using lhese adjectives.

one of rhe -
old slim short fit fadi in the survey k that par5enge6
happy intelligent successlul goocl at sports have an elfect on lh€ driver. when
talkativ. strong nicc rela-red drivers have rh€ir lri€ndt
young male -(interening)
in the car, their driving becom€t
wrire a seniencc lor each oI th€ adjcctives in the rupcrladve, (bad). when their wite o.
about sommnc rhat you know-
girlfiiend is in the cdr, however, their
driving ir _ {good).8ut the
Kt it th. ol,1.5t p.non in ow elatt.
opposite t.ue lor women.
tty titt r b th. tlinnctt N6on I know. - ie Then
drivind i3 (danoerolrl
when thek hutband or boylri€nd is

a E 5..t Lirr.n and chc€k your ldcas.

b Do you a8rc. wnh the anicle?
elcphant (n) /elifont/ rnonumcdt(n) /mrnjumony d)iu4ns nEn
population (n) /,prpju'lei/d d.6n 66' inrelligcnt (adj) /in'telidSont/ thnng minh
animal (n) dinc uQt survey (n) /'sb:v€i/ htuio sttt, thdm db
chc.tah (n) loni uto sd'n
5 parisons

Eye to eye
I What do you know about eyes?
a Dimsr thcs. qudtions.
r why are bmwn eyes more common in hoti.r
pans ot rhc world?
2 why does our cy6iSht 8et wor5c as wc get older?
t why aft our cy6 so impoianr to us?
4 llow do someone's €yes show whcdcr lhey like
t why do p€ople rvear makc.up?
6 Peopl€ nornEly don'l lool at cach othcr in llfts

b Now r€ad .h. t€xt and comparc your ide.s.

2 Each paragrapb has a senlence missinS.

a $e mlrsing sent€nccs and writ. thc numbcr of
cach scntenct in lhe (orlecr plac.
4-l But whcn wc donl tike somethin& lhry b€comc
/ 2 Thb is why lov.A 8az. into each othc* ey6.
I Mrny pcople belieyc that blue eyes ar€ more
delicare lhan brolvn cy.s-
4 Pi(rures in thc plramids show lhat thc ancient
Eg]?dans - both mcn and womcn - us€d it-
t The lens loos€r the lighl onto the retina at fte
ba€k of lhe eyc.
b How you decide lh€ corrcct po$tions?
3 bbel rhe diaSran wirb thcse words. what is
each parI of rhe eye fo.?

eyelid eyel6h pupil tis retina optic n.rue

A few albino p€ople
f i::ii".liff :x:
have red
or pink eye!
lheie are very .a.ei ln lact they are just as tough
brown eyei. allhouqh ll|ey-ale Eotesensilive+e
e only 5eS part.oflhq€yeb€ll, although,rh
whole eye is ar big a5 a table tennis ball. L
enlers the eye through the pupiland passer thrc
the l€nr^The retind sends the s,gnal to the brain
lhe og!1nerve. the image on the relina it adu.
upside down, but the brain (orrecb it. As we 9e1
ou. eyesight be(omer wo6e. Thig happens be(aL
lens irn t as fls{ibl€ a5 when we a,e youns a.d t
-u'.r"' "'u *.ur".tr i,,tL.r
/-\ur eyet are the mo5t
of our five s
L.rWe .eceive S0% of our information about t
world throuqh our€yes. We alro send 5iqnabto
people with our ey€s. sgeBrye+tFals ar€
a!(g!!!ie! r. when we loo k ntrolrlething nice. (
pupilr dilate (get bigger). We cry when we are

ey€sight (n) /aisaiI/ lhi Inc Pyramid(n) /'pironrid/ Kim te hdp (cia utdi
wcar (v) mang, mdq dni, dao Ai Cip cd dei)
makc-up (n) di trong dii'n ancicnt (adj) /einJont/ ad aqi

sazc (v) /geizl lcns (n) Acttd "d,

(y hd fiirtinh tM
dclicarc (adj) /deliko/ rclina (n) h.tinb/
Comparisons 5
4 Look at the text ag6ln.
a FiDd as many cxamplcs as posriblc ot

. ways of chanSing the app€arance of cyes.

b Can you add aDy more eEmples?
5 Discuss theie queslions.
I Why do women generaUy wear eyc make-uD
rathcr lhan mcn?
2 In some cullures pcople cry in public. ln other
€uhur6 thcy don1. What about your cuhurc?
Wh€n is i! acceptable to cry in public?
I whar resujctions ar. rhcre in your culture oD

6 A lor ol exprc5sions hav€ .hc word ?, in .hcm.

a sere arc somc exanples in En8lish. Malch lneln
wirh th€i. me6nings.

to s€c cy€ 10 eye with

to kelp an cye on I
lo alta.t to .one't \
rcm€onc or somcrhing
to cakh romeone's cye i to agrc. u'ith san one 4

(straight) in dl€ eye f

to givc somcon€ thc €y€
to b. someone's blue-
( to shott that you arc \
eyed boy/8irl
to tum a bllnd ey€ to o
unhappy and som€timeJ when we ar€ very happy. 8ut
somcfiins , I to bc dit.d with son o,1.

we can ahomnrr.l some eye 9igna15, For example, we

on y]!t at someone or raisCan evebrow. Sunglars€t
b Do you havc.imilar expEsslons in your lansuage?
nake romeone aFpear mysterious or dangerou5,
becaJre tlg]Lhrdsthe eyes and ro we.cdn't_eee tbe
,iqnal5, Language focus: os ... os ...
We can compare lhings l6in9 os ... os ,.. .

t n f"OnO,"rn" anractive. Children have a t

V V tarqe eye: in"r"r.-e
ok at ihcsc sdnaiccs.
t proport;on to their heads. Cartoon
Blue eyes arc os tough os b,Dwn eyes-
h darade6 alwaF have large eyes, too. We (an't G!€n 4E otet'l os (!{|/nga eE Uue o( btwtD aes.
aclually chang€ our eyes, but we can make them look
bi99€rwilh make.up. Eye make-up itn't new. False
b Wdtc s€nt nc6 using this inlDrnation and

eyela5he5 can lnake eyelashes longer. Eye shadow on

i br@n eyes/ sensitire to iighr/ blue .y.s
$e eyeldr can make the eyes look bigg€r and more
2 in hot countries blue eyes/ common/ brcwi
dramitic. Glarser (an also make eyes look bigg€r.
3 whole ey€/ big/ table tennis ball
\ A re do not normally look into someone'i eyer for 4 srnalleyes/ atlraclive/ la€e eyes
V Vlong, especialty when rhey ar€ very (lose. Eye 5 women s eyebrows/ thick/ mens
(ontact(an be very threatening, so people only do it 6 ler5 in an old peson s eye/ flgrible/ a yoLnq
when they want to threaten romeone: lt it also very perons 'tlt'|t1
inlimate(lt3 abo why people don't look at ea(h other 7 eye make-up/ od/ hislory
in lift!.G) a oLir d.s/ important/ our ey€s

wink (v) /rvirfd ntuiy ruit cyclid(n) ldilidl ni niit

€yebrow (n) /sibrau/ kng mar dramatic (adj) gAr dn ttqt,g mqtLh
m]sr.riolls (adj) /mis'tionos/ btdt inlimatc (adj) thnn n At, hAn nnh
popotion (n) lpt6'pr:!('l sd cAn dni,iE .cstriction (n) ,/ri'strik rrl
ltllash (n) Iailult lntry ni
tu I
. I,' ''l i r' i-.,,:' t-
tl"n -
5 Comparisons

Language focus:
Vocabulary Clothes with plural names
Look at thrsc diffcrent kiods of t a Look at these two diaiogues.
do you notice about /edns?
A h you lke ahis shh?
A Y6, hat nudt ls it?
A Q's F25.

March fte words ro the pidures.

Chcck lhe meaning ol any new A Do you like thase jeons?
B Ya, hos nuch arc th.!?
shi^ socks juntper skirt The names of som€ clothe., lik€
€oat tie blous. cp bh jeors, are always plural cven
tracksuit vest shorts jacket
though ther€ is only onc ltcm.
trouseG j€ans shoesl dress
mor€ examplcs an thc llst of
tights hat traine6 T-shjrt
boots sandals stockings
knicke6 undcrpants swimsuit Work with a partncr. Choos. iter
from lhe list Malc dialogues lll
orSanire the words into th6e
To deibe a quantity ot ddhe
ThinSs that you wear with plulal nam€s, w€ us. lhc
exptessio o pit oflpat's af.
. above your wais.
. below your waist o shin fte shr',ls
o Nn jeons
of two Flrs of jn
o poh ol shc*s thrceNhsoll
> See Gr.mmar R.f.r6n.. 5.2.

Stand ba.k-to-back with a pa

and desrib€ wha. hc/shc is

\ You arc FoinS to Ncw York fc

lon8 weckend. Dccidc whar t
ofyear you arc golng, whar y'
will pack, and why,

\ t

junrpcr(n) /dr^rnpo/
chui cldu (c aphv nit) slockings (n) /slrkit/ ba6tdni
blouse (n) ,6rauz/ dochod E knickcrs (n) l'nikod quin I6t chin g6i (cttu phu
tracksuit(n) /trck'sju:/ qudn ud, d.o dm r6ns underpants (n) /'Andop;lnts/ qudn dni, qudn l6t cia da)
(n4c dz't4p luren tM thna) wai'st (n) /weisv eo' hnng
Cornparisons 5

Listening and speaking Conversation pieces: Shopping

ln a clothes shop a Complete $ese expressions.

Asking about aod saying what you

1 Look at thc convcrsation.
a Whar does rhe woman buy? Cah I voD?
b Number lhe lines in th€ correc!
c E r.z Lisren aod check. Cauld I
Have you qot ony ...?
! No. rhont\ nu. antv
Let ne know if you need ony
tr Just a minule, No, I'm -...?
sorry, we haven,!. what Woutd you like) _ etseT
about dre black one?
tr Can I help you? Asking about and saying prices;
tr Thank you. Thats €7.50 Haw
I is thishhot .-.?

tr Yes, how much are these

T-shlrs? Hove you got onything cheoper?
! No, ir's 1oo dark. I'd prefer
som€thing lighier-

! hars *'en, pleu...

I Yes, thafs nice. I l take it.
l',1o, I'll leove it. _ onyvoy.
! rhank you. coodbye.
b Decide which expressions the
! n*" you -.. customer sys and which
! I lke tfs one, but it isn't expressions the asslstant says.
big enough. Have you got c Look at iapescripts 5.4 and 5.5
it in a laryer size? and check your answers.

! They're €12.50 each.

! How atout this btue one?

! No, thars all, thank you. 3 Work with a partner and roleplay
the conversations, using tapescript

2 El r.S listen to ttre.onversaiions. What do the live

4 work with a partDer. Roleplay
cotrversatious for these situations

Language Iocus: loo/enough I You don'1kn0w whar you want ye!.

a Look at thes€ two sentences from the conveHtion.
2 You want a black T-shirt iD a large
It isn\ big enough. lt's too dotl<
I You wan. some jearo. You try on a
b Rewrit€ ihe sentences, lsing the words 5,r,o/ and /ight a.d pair but lhey'.e tco big.
keeplng the same meaning.
4 You wani to buy a jumper od some
C Rew te these sentences to keep the same meaning, using the
t You want to buy some shoes.
1 hey''€ too loose. (tbhr) 5 Yo!'re too short {tol0 The firsr on€s that you try on arenl
2 li isn't long enough. (shol4 6 h's too cold. (!rorn) dght.
3 They aren't dark enough. (ilghl) 7 lt isnt thick enough. (fb,.) 6 You want a ja&et and a black
a lhese are too small. (/oge) 8 fts too low (r,gh)

5 Comparisons

Pronunciation Extension:
/ol,/c:l; reduced Listening and speaking
vowels You've got what it takes
I The sounds lol and /J:l I
a I-ook ar thse words. some oI rhem a what is h about? what do you lhink rhe mhsin8 words are?
havc a shon /d vowel solrnd and b E! 5.s Li'ren and chcck your idca'.
some have: long /Jl vorkl sound.
c E! 5.s usrcn again and completc thc ron8.
Wrik the words in fic correc-t

sw jog . song . all .goi

6u9hr . wat cdst b6 n9
so<ks shorts bell stop
what four sport boughl

c@ t-6 U$en and.h..k.

dEl 5.6 Lhten aSain and repeat.

2 Reduced vowels
a In connectcd sp€ech th. vowels ln
some words arc reduccd !o the

whal klnds ol wor& do you thiDk

ai€ rcduccd in lhis way?
Look a. thcse sent€nc€s. circle lhc

I How much a?e rhcrc jeans?

z Ocis hc litc tlis shtnZ
I t necd a pai-l oJ sods.
4 Could I try lnam on?
5 conf lf. n3 tirne to 8o.
6 ftcrc's alsood flm on Tv.
7 I can play the piano.
8 were you 1't home yesterday?
9 No, I was out all d|y.
ro's a po6tc.rd frdm Janc.
c El 5.7 listen and chcck
d Practisc saying the sentcrces.
S€e Rcllcctina on r-carning ro:
Pair and group work pI2r.

conn€ct (v) nissing word (n) /misiYl w6:d/ rtrrli.r

rcducc (v) /ri dju:V nic g$n idea (n) tatdid ! hit"

2 lo rhc 5on& thc sinSer cotnPares a 3 What person altractivc to you? '-omparisons
n6kct. 5
rcal Dc6on to an ideal Person. a Work in Sroupt. Hcrc arc some charactcristiG Add ern' morc'
Ia What darad€riiic5 docs that idlal . a -!E ot humour . inlclllEcnt ' tood'loollnt
Flson hav€? How imponant arc . scn.rous . a good ff8urc ' .toodrob
lhcY? . ;road should€r . wcll'ducalcd ' alotolmon'Y
what charadtrlslict do you think thc Frcm your llsr choosc thc &n feitutcs thal ar. most impoti'nt to
rcal pc6on hrs 8ol? whai do Yotr you and rhcn put th.m lD ord€r ol imPotun<t'
rhink makd h.r altractiv. lo th€ c compar€ your ord.r h'llh thc €last.
4 W.iic a desctiption of Your ideal partner, $ying !vha'
cha.acacrislics are impor.ant and why'

(V, .t)
lcu lo*'t bitt
lon lor't look like
Atl ctlour tt). w,t't t.lfat
9ut baby,

You't, got what
it ttket :f r,itiliT
fou'n gotuhat it taket llL.-a lliil
lo tat ,nt toul
Whoa,ihoo, whoa, whoa, whoa Yeah
Yor''. lot whtt it ttk/t fv 6,,

(Vux 2)
Now yort lolt litc
Ai yr lox'l ;n th. b,rt of t"t,
Axl nat,i,e lill.'t liw lor t-t1

tblitg lcutt.

nh dAth fcrrurc (o) d4. didn tudi b4!

cbncl.rislic(n) /,k,trikto'rislilJ svp dd
(D /'brJrd'Jouldo/ uai 4ns tumble down (phr)
vdl-cducatcd (adj) /wcl'cdju:kcitid
6 People and place
The past continuous tense
Grammar in use
Look at th€ pictur$. what ts happenlnS in

2 The pictur€s are in the wrong ordet.

a Work wirh a panner and decide rhe corEcl oder.
b R€ad tI€ siory ald chcd(


An embarrassing incident Rules

One day last rummer I war walking through the
lo<al park. li was a hot day and lwas eat'ng an ice I Look at the tens€s in the story.
cream. A! I wat walking pan the boating lake, I saw complcte these s€ntences.
my friendt, Caroland Jim. They w€re taking thek
I J_ 4, ie cr.4ril.
dog for a walk. when we met, w€ stopp€d lor e
chat. whlle we were talking, the dog 3uddenly
thc pnr nan .4 any hon.
iumped up and tried to get my i<e ffeam. I pulled thcy- uit drs Iot a wak
my hand away and unfortunately the ice cr€am n y th2t,xen i hrttel
came out of the cone. Nowthere war. bald man 'Ihls is thc past continuour iensc. It d6cdb$ a
b€hind me. The poor man warn't doing any harm. aontinuour or unfnishcd aciion or .latc iD thc I
He wasjustsitting on a befth and reading.
End mor...'mtlcl in thc srory.
-j'4 -,
newcpaper. Well, when I pulled my hand.way, the
ice (eam tlewthrough the air and it landed on the c How do we ioal(e th€ past contlnuous t.nse?
man's h€ad. I didn't know wh€ther to laugh or cry, d gcrc are two questio8 in '-he prescnt (ontLnuo'
but Carol and Jim did. when I looked at them, th€y tense. Rewriic lhem in tha past conthuo$ lcn!
weren t just laughing, they were in hyneri6- But I WlEn it k tiditts?
was teribly emb.r.asted. Aft dkt buthiagz

embaftassing (adj) /im'berosiq/ gaf ling tinE bcnch (n) lbenul ghidni
incident (n) lir'sidontl st! via.c &A! rs in hystcrics (adj) ihi'sterik/ ani hhAng Ann leidt
Enh cn hax bdt ngit hrrm(n) lhou!.l diiu hsi
Pmple and places 6
compar€ tbc past continuous and ltre past 3 Here is anorrcr story of an embarassint

compl€te thes€ s€ntcncc lrom ft. story. Complere thc story. Put the vcrbs in ftc box ln ihc

ls At I
carul and.tin.
Datt th. lak, I nv fn.ndt, past conrinuous or rhe pa.t simple r€ns€. usc sonc
v.fts mor. than on.e.
Mik w. _, th. dog sudd.,tly _ up. hidc getinto expect apPcar
E why arc lhcrc tr4o dlflcrent past tens€s in these 90 putdown hear cl€an
help rinS fall off not Ect d..sscd
We .an show thc Iike this: look put on stand

lwas walking in thb palk. {rNloMpLErE AcroN)

lI I
lsaw (coMrrf,rED AcnoN)

Now look at ahir s€ntenc€. why arc aI the vc6s in
thc pasr simple tenre?
wh.n t pu d ny hand away the ice dead flew thtough
the ai and it land..l on the nan\ head. On€ afiemoon I upstain to have a

rul€s for thc past continuous tense iD

check rh€
bath, As t- th€ bath, ihc tcl€phone

crammar Refc.ence 6.1. ir the hall. I lnponant

cau, so I downstair, Thcre was
nobody els€ at home, so I-
1 Practice

I complcte these sentences to make true

llowever, while I
-anin thc ha.ll witll
il 5en@nccr about the saory. Put the verbs in
no$ing oI!
- I voic€s ounidc thc frod
d( or. It was my t€eEgc dau8ht€r and hcr fricnds,
brackets into the past conainuous tense. but I couldnt S€r ba& upstain iD rimc. I
I Carol and Jim-(walk) through rh€ park. -
lhe phom, _ into $e livins
2 Tte younS woman ----_________:(trke) h€r dog for
room and b€hind the c!r!ahs.
a walk.
UnJonuurelv- ihe window .leaner
r Carol and Jim-{eat) ice cIealns.
l}le living room windows. whcr I ruddenly
{ Thc bald man-(sit)
il t Hc,_(rcad) a book.
on a bcnch. the poor mu _
- his ladder.
Fonuately, wher my daugltcr and her friends
6 Carol and Jim-(lau8h).
7 Th! bald man-(lau8h).
th€ noise, they _ oursidc.
Wh€n I
-, _ oDt of the window, rhey
rhe window cleaner. So I
Make questions to ask the youDg woman in
upstairs and a dressing gown. Luckily

Witc thc qucslions, using tNs iDlormauon and the thc window deoe. wasn't hun. but it was all
pasr contirluous rensc.

2 WlEt/
Carol and Jlm/ do
r Wh.rc/ thc bald man/ sit b E o.r I-lsren and chrck.

t Jim/ €aV ic€

Carol and cred, roo 4 Des(ribe or invent an ircidcn(
6 Where/ you/ stand
7 lh. man/ read/ a book Ure this format. whar renses will you us€ lor cach
8 Caroland Jim/ hugh
Work partner. One of you plays the pan oI
with a . Scl rhc s(ere: What wele you doing? What was
lhe young woman. Ask dud an5wer rhe quesrinn!. happening around you?
. Wbat happened?
. wirat did you do?
Read yoLrr slory ro lhe clas.

ftllor(!) /b:l):t roi zunig ladder tn) /'lcdo/ ctii thanE

appear (v) /o'pio G)i audt hi4n drcssins sown (n) /'dresinsaud do hh.xic ngq'i
tceoage (adj) /ti:neidJ/ d tudi thdnh thdu nian (ndc trcns l",L)
cudain (n) /kold
{i People and p aces

The roof of the world
I Look at rhe ritlc and pi.tures.
a whar kind of rexl k ir?
Vocabulary frlel
b what do you know about this counlry?
Descriptive adjectives and
2 Look quickly thK\rgh !he text to Iind .his infotmarion. adverbs
I Wbere is the counlry?.
2 The wriler uses a ot ot adjectives ar
What is its cipital cily?
adverbs lo give yo! a vivid impressk
I How many days did fie rvriter spend in thc capital?
4 of the places and h s experiences
Where did he stay?
5 Approximarcly how much did the holiday cosl? a Undenine tre adve,bs:nd
adjecrives in the text ehich do
3 Rcad thc tcxt. whi(h ol thcse diJ the report wrilcr do?
. takc a s,ghlseciDg tour rouDd Ka!hmandu
. visit the Chilwan National Park b Choose advebs or adje.ti!
. go by boat through lhe Trkuli rapids that b€st describ€
. Bo on a lrck into {hc llimalayas
. have a ride on an elephanr
. spend srven days in lndia
. ' ih€ ho day in ge.eral.
uke a llighr in a hot air balloon
. lly over Mounl;vcresi C Yr'hal does lhe writer mean by
these expressons?
. lhe ro.f oi the word
. We e.tering a diflcreit
4 tlow do$ the hol'day in Nep.l tound to you?
a conrplcte rhc rable wi$ inlortr,arion lrom the lcxt. . rch in cullurc and naiura

. Don l etpecl luxu.ies.

b Compare your ideas wilh a parlner, and tbcn the clasr.

c What is your idea ol rh€ perfect holiday?
5 wrilc rb',ur r real nr dn irrr!i"arl holid,,).
a hagin€ you are thc lravel w.iter lor a ma8azine.
b Wrire a rcport on a holiday ftat you enjoyed, using lhis form.l:

. A day by day accounr of whai you did. Say how

you lch about cach experience.
. Your general feeling about rhe holiday
. Advice for oder travelkrs
. Some basic inlormalion about cor$ and lllghts 'I thoulht \|e cane herc to ftlax!'

the roofoflhe world / 6a rurfov 60 wo:ld,/ mdi nhd cia aspeci (n) /€spck/ md.t
tMsini expericnce (n) liks'pioriont kinh nehiCn
ballcon (n) lrek (n) /trcV chuyai du lich
souvcnk (n) dd ltu niim bins u bb

People and places 6

IVep al ^'*:v::1":i;:#{r#::;::i::

lhe ai(€nt buie! and (ri

lmlng r@dly, but rhe cowdrdnt
ere lt wa! 5leeprng peacefuily m the
mdd . ofthe.ond and everyonelun
had to go rolnd it On the gordcn
rmf or a teDplcsome monkeyr
playng. ln the ttrect P€ode were
rening trryrhing tuom tmr€s ro
w.]r &rthrnandu,
(olourful 5hi45 Th6
rhec:aralof Ncpa we we.e driv nq
ftom rhe anpon;rt the stan ofa
weel5 holrdny thcre, and we were
enrcling. diftcrenr world

8€tween lrda. to tho south ard'libet to

rhe ndrh, NePal i5 or€ oa rhe p@re9r
aorme{ in he wodd, hn it i5 rlch n
clhrre and natural b€auty, and rhere rs

a lot htre fo. the adventurols toLJrlst.

We ry€nt o'' tirsl day in (atr)nEndu

dE t@k a sgh6e?n9 tdrr arou.kj flir
tdnirrtrrg civ. I}'e Neparese peode \1/e begBna dramauc Jormry t'y
arc wy fiEndv and rlere drnost no boar droJgh trE liniirapdr r
'! wai hean stopping the mon
ffime h€re, eJt don t ex9ect an ex.itinq
niqft llie because 99 p.Y cent or tE o(iting elPcrierre ol my wrore
poplhtion are in bed by l0 life. Fo. miie afler mile tlE white
water tlYtu tur srnall boat lim
srdelo sde. Ihs ruddenly we
arrwlc in tlle cilm water of a whi!. @t . ralliax thwjh 4t. Trntli rapidt

Whiie we were reco'/ering ftom Orrr s€1€n da)s jn Nepalw€re

nrir amazing eip€nefte our Nep:rere wondertul, but dm t exp€cl l!.xuries. ln
guicles cahy prcpa.ed lunch lh€r a K.rthmandu re sray€d ir) the 3iar
rninitus took us to Pokhara for dlr Maashyangdi Hotel The rooars we.e
Iteenay d-e( imo d.le m€ur.inr. small, b{i they wse cle.n and had e,+
Eadr day of tr'e rck brqB.l at et suire badroon5 DJrng o|e tret we
otlocl. qJr guides carid all tr'€ iepr io ren6, zM the oilelwar ju$

v eqipmtrt and oi llggBge. prcp€red anoiher tent wth a holc in tt€ grolnd
all tre meais:nd Pur !p trle tma @dy Ihe lood was good. but s mple.
. night. We walked for abou 4 6 Ihcre are rc di.(t fir€h$ to
lx)u6 e.rch day brolgh lhe mon l(rlhrund!. 50 most toun ftiude rone
lP(tauhr !.sxry n rhe $qld. ttrie n lnd€. r"ve trad oree day5 n
On day 6 re arnved ba(k in l.dia b.tse ttE wel in Nepd and
Polohrar. Ior trl. ietufn ngn to arDthtr rdJr dO alieMrrds These
KahnrandLr. Ard we sp€nt our hoiida),s aren't cheap Pnce5 1t:ift at
nnal day if Kanrmnndu !44llq about E I 400 per pe.5on. *

(adj) /od'!cntJDros/
crnnc (n) /}Jann/ ei phen
ad' cnrurous
IiNcinating(adj) /,[t')sincirir]/
rrcparc (v) /?ti'pco/ chu,in bi
hdp ddn, hi cu6i stc.racular (adj) /spek'tckjul6/ ngoan m?c
6 People and places

Vocabulary Listening and speaking

Places and buildings Asking the way
'| Look ar rhis lisr of phces. 1 You will hcar lwo convcrsations.
a How many Gn you find on thc map? a E 6.2 usrcn. whcrc docs cach pcr5on wanr lo 8et to?
b rmd thc plac6 on lh. map.
church cathedlal
tcmple cd pa* 2 Can you .emember the inslructirrns?
cinclna bdk a Mark th. rout€s on rh€ map.
bus station
slation cloct towcr
b E8 6.2 Lincn asain .nd d€ck.
c6tl. Pa.t
pub 6la
post omce hosPiial
mart.r main squarc
town hall hot.l )
suplrmarket theatr€ \
library lcisure c.ntrc
nighlcllb poli<.stalion i(
5.hool garaq.
Arran8c rhe wordt in a spiderSr.m, 0
like this: \


' \..........--.._,-'-l 6?o|u?.r'
i ( arltort t;t
buying things

( \'U;-$'e j\IKe,{:,ffik
l.1Y- -' rl

'' i ;Yi,.r'.;i;:!_
museu l:1^ A
Can you add any morc words to your ,?tri'ffi.u
Thiik (ity .sfiet't ' r i ll
0f a village, torvn or
r',ap-:. -a-r.-Elur, i
Sletch a plan oI pan of it, putdnS in
*j'llJrr llElt;
Explain your plar lo a pannct. :r,lar@lll\
oooooe1@j q
Therc att lors oJ caltt in ttu c?nnc aI .
Llitf ^5't tcet
Thit it dy fawurit. ctli hctt.
th. bus lation h.t ...
t't oppotit
lemple (n) /rcmpl/ garagc (n) /g'!ro:r/ garc 6to
c.isrle (n) Mu dni rcligioo (n) /ri'lidJor/ t6n gido, tin nguA8
cathcdral (n) /.kd0i:drdl/ lcisure (n) /lcro/ I e rtnh rd,i
clock t(^vcr (n) /klrk.|au6(rY rMp ddng h6
Peopie and places 6
Language focus: Giving directions
a exprssions in tapescript 6.2 io match the diagEm'
-o-; word stress
I The vowel -o-
a The vowel be pronounced in

_ll I
several difierent ways.
Look at this lisr of words. Write them
t- in lhe couect .olDmnr.

"^ "1il catlei

again bald
6pidl I ancient
a.en't calm ? waterr sia.t
station sawj todayJ man
% park naturall hand
6sistant came I fat -

gl h
t-w-) r->). .%t
Wod< with a padner Roleplay the conveEations, !si.g r,'re

Work.with a partDer- Givc dircctions for these situations, b E 6.t Lislen and check
using the map and expressions from the conversations
c El rr.: riskn again ana repeat.
I You are in fie car park in Mill Slreer. Someone asks you the
2 Words with three syllables
2 You are at $e slarion, Somcone asks you the way ro rhe a Look ar $ese words wirh three
hospital. syllabler.
I You are in iron! of the school- Someone asks you fte way to
the Post Office. newspapel togethet understahd
4 You are in Carlton Square. Someone asks you lhe way to the
Say these words- Mark rhe syllable
Work with a partner. You are outsidc your pla.e of work or
\ludy. A\k fn' d',d sive dirdcrions ro pla(c\ i )urrr drer.




c EI 6.a Lisrer and check.

d which syllablc usually has the srress
'Jrst keep gaing nund ahd rcurd at the lighLt. and which syllable rarely has the

car pa* (,r) i'karpo:k/ ba; dnu li propcrty (n) /'prrpoti/ cda cii, tai sdt
!q',rc (n) /skwco/ qudne hd;hg lake(n) lt iW h,6
,rrrulnelrt an) /'o:sjuln.nt sd tranh cdi, st tranh IuAn inlLoduce (v) /,in'.ra'dj\:s/ Eidi thiiu
6 People and places

Extension: Reading and listening

It was a normal day ...
Here are the beginnings of three srories. Each Language focus: Participles as adjectiv
person is talkina about a normal day when
somethins unusual hnppened.
a Complete these sentences from the stoies, us

a Look at these words and phrases.

b Rrdd the storier and wrire rhe words rnd phrdse\ in interesting inte'ested boring bored
rh€ .orre.i.olufrns. |'n totollv with out tuaiooe
telephone newspaper rcol wife lr wos o nker neeting.
cardigan Sahh Harvey sofa windows le t t how wu ehenbet thee de
I wonted to tolk obout il but he wosn't _
break quiz show
tea radio meetlng
house husband bank The adjectives in the box are padiciples.
Aodng is the present padiclple of the velb bor
h dewibes something that bores you.

This prcgrcnne bores me. lt's bodng.

Bo.ed is the past participle. lt descibes how y
leel aboLt something.

fhis prcgrcnne borcs ne. I'm boted.

Wrlte the participle adjectives for each of ihes
vebs, Some of them are in the sto.ies. What (

worry shock stLn interest bore

excite fiighten thrill tire depres.

? what do you think happened? work iD groups d

and .omplete the storics. 1 l4ost meetings are boredlbonlg.
2 I feel very ttedltirlnq after that walk.
Now find out what happened. 3 I thought that Robin's story was ihe most
a El r.: tisten ro rhe complere stories in the radio inte r e sted / i nlet e sti ng.

': prog.ammc aDd .ompare your ideas. 4 Katherine felt very dep.esed/depressins aft
her husband left
.\ Add these words and phrases to the 6b1e in 1.
5 David's iamily were lrghtenedlftightehing b:
slitcase wife and children green jumper their experience.
DJ bag of tools clp of tea safe 6 Why a.e we so lrterestedlintetestinq in athe
peop e s lives?

4 Discuss these questioDs, 7 Ihat. was a shikedlsho&ing stoty.

I which rtory is the most interestinS? why? e Work with a partner. Talk about these lhings,
2 gow do you think .he lives of tbe people using the adjedives.
changcd allcrwards?
5 Re-rcll onc of the stories, usins the completc Honot frlns orc fngh@ninq.
I feelhghtened when I wstch one.
table oI words and phrases in l.
6 Write your own story (rcal or ima8inary) for horor films English globa warming
It wns a ortudl day, BinS this format: violence on television yourjob or studle
. Set fte scene. What was happeninS? the future the British Royal Famiy
. Then what happened?
. now did you feel? > See R€flecting on Lcarning ll: Ways oilear
. What did you (or o$er people) do? p l2l.
. Ilow did $e €vent change your lile?

tca break (n) /'ti:'breik/ sid nsht Eidi lao stun (v) lan s,lhg s61

cardigan(n) /'ko:digbt fiight€n (v) /'ft^itnl

real (adj) lriat/ dcprcss (v) /di'prcs/
imaeinary (adj) /i'mi!d3inori/ ttt}nE tddng larm nEA LhaE
format (n) /frim&V ndu slobal warmins (phr) /'slouhal'w..mi\/ st n6ns lin tnd
People and places 6

a a ail d

frobin s siory
Kalhe ne s story
ll$/a! llearty ten David's slory
ll l^rs t!,0years ago ro[]
yea$ ago so l
0 clucl tn tne cver rn0. We were
aUoul er0ht 0h yes I
ll]is about 22. I
srlrfo in remernber it as il
lh€ l/yiirg io0rn i.4y husbJnd rvas 5r
vas ryorkll0 as a rno rn /l was yesterday
rn ar n,hari He was reirnO rhe pape;as
luildsr al lhe
le al@ays d d I was tna on re sota I
lil]r and I was
s lhe lime - at the
ras lnr rng 0ur dauqhler w,rs p\peclino
dso lhe stnger a bank. j i was
lh a band if
bJby vo! see - or It sr qandchrd _ an; I having a meelrng
uas Lnrrtn0 , tr te caldrqaf t0r rl Vet ow. it
mY lrr0 lrme Anyt/ay
\ve were b!rtiJrnn \ir,rs There wrs
$ft hou5p5 near Farnham r Surrev. ll r qu;show of lhe TV lr were all stllnq arourd lhe brg tJbte
was Sttike it Lucky. tsni it irlersstjng how rn my
llisab0!lllaJpag|len n IJre mo Ifq and
ollce ll wa9 a ftther boflng nectrno, b rl
[]0sl0llhe other me0 u,ere havtno
thetr le,rl
mosl meel/ngs are I suppose Anvw;v
lhese detaits? Bul
bcrl They were thlellinq to the rad o. i wh le Sarah H,rr!ey the assrstdnt ,nanaoc;
!1,s ur0rlllg on lhe root ot ore ot tle vr'as speaktng, my secrelary caoe jn
walchiIg it We afd
h0!sr! Ih€rs vJrs ,nothef quy
near nte tie
sard Theres a phone tou Well -r
rnlerrupt ./t:
asj!llling lhe wndovr's n0rnrartV mV secrelary does t
oi the fext iusl having a
meelirgs tor phone ctts. Sle 13kes
i n0rmal evenin0 a /+,
messJqe So I v/as surplsed wnen
cJrne in lts your \,nls,slte sard
suddenly ... Shesav(
il s urOent I was ralher wOrned
dl lh6. ;v
wife doegn tpantc eas ty.

hrrlv) hrr don (ten,

h.Vccring(a brby) /b| rkspetln/ co,?kns
sctt...l rnrcrrupr (v) /lnt6'tl\pl ldn gidn (toan
srrlt(nl t/ su.prisc (v) /s6'pra;2./ Idn neac nhiin
Aro ,,ha^,;,, prnjc (v) /nrnik/ lAm h.ntg so
7ln your life
The present perfect tense
Grammar in use
I rook at the pbotoaraphs.
a Mat.h the names to the famous siShts.
b whcre is each one?
The EiffelTower The ryamids
The Taj Mahal Suga. Loaf I'lolntain
The Parthenon The Colo$eum
The Statle ofLiberty Sydney Opera Ho{se

m 7.I Read and listen to rhcse

A Hav€ you seen the Taj Mahal?

B No, I haven't but I've always want€d io.
A Hav€ you ever viriled rhe Panh€non?
B No, I havenl b€en to Grcecc.
A Hav€ ycu evcr been to New York?
a Yes, I It's a 8reat city.


ln your life 7
Rules Practice
1 The dialoSues use the prerehr pcrlccr tense. I Look at thc phoros.aphs asain.
a Find an example of lhcJe forms: a Work wilh a panner. Ask and anrw€r abour thc
. a positive statemeni placcs in the photographs, as in the erample
. a ncSarive statement dialogues.
IT b who in the class has been to rhe mos. plac?
. a shori answer
b We makc the pr€rnt perfrcr r€nse with th€ ve.b
2 Work with a partner. Choosc from thc verbs in
Rulcs 2 to ask and answer about these things.
& raw .nd d l,asi pa icipl.. ldenruy lhcse parls in
ThcD find out some more derails.
the djalogu€s. r an Indian restauranl . ice hockcy
2 How do wc nrake past parrlciplcs? . a nde on a camcl
a Tlrese are regular pasr paniciples. How do wc make . Be.liD
them? what other form otthc velb lollows the
. thc Tow€r ol Lordon
. the Yenus de Milo
play played try
. windsurlinS
live liwd ttop ttopp.d
A Have you (ew) b.en to an tndiaa ftrt4uftnQ
b A lor of conmon vcrbr bave an ineSular IEst
B No, I hawn'|, but t'w alwalt vankd to.
particlple. Find the pasr pafiiciples ol rhese verbs in
lhe iist of i rtaular verbs otr the insidc back cover. B Have rou (ever) b.en to aA lndian rcstaurcnt?
be come hear (o0 take 9o tell
I€ve drive r€d have eat
When did yau to? Wo did yor ro with?
wn w6 it? Did you cftjoy it?
3 when do wc use thc present pertr.t tensc? 3 Wc also use thc preseDt pcrf€ct rense to.alk
a Look al the dialoSucs in crahmrr in ure 2 agrrn about experienccs and resuhs in thc 16::,,
Do wc know what tim€ rhc people are lalkinS past- Again, we tlsc the pas. simplc tcnse. )
talk about the details.
b Non,look at rllir diatoSue. which renses are used? a Look al lhe questiomaire. Add lwo nore quesrions.
A Bavc you becn lo New York? Complel. the questionqaire about you$ell.
B Yer,Ihave, lt s a areat city. b Ask rwo suraenrs rhe qu€srions and fnd oul moft
A when did you 80? d€rails.
B We went !he.e two years ago.
A Did you see the Slarue of Libeny?
D Oh yes, we s:w all lhe lamous siShrs.
A Have yo bought anything
c Mat ll rhe renscs io rhe uv's:

pasr simplc I an a(,on ar an indefinile rimc

A Oh, what did you bt1y7
prcstlll pedc( i an a(iun ar a dclinrre Lime in
A I bousfu a CD ard a tw.atthitt.

sl s2 Detailt
rules for rhe prcscnt perlcct rensc in
Check rhe
Glammar Rcfcrencr 7.1.
n D !
D D I]
n n tl
D U !
tr ! tr
! ! !
tr ! !
! tr tl
Tell the class somc resuhs from your questionnaire.

Maia hat t borlhr ak)thing rece Ab th? tbeentothe

.in.nd. Sh.w lait triday with h.tIncnd. Thly w...

{a cl(n) /'k!Emol/ lac da ice-hockev(n) /iis'h)ki/ ma hfraat tan bdng

measlcs (n) lm;.zl2l &r& sdi loffy(o) /'trriJ le td.i
windsurfi ng (n) /'windsorfit/ nr6n h16t fin budm qu€stionnairc (n) /kw€suo'nco (r/ bdn odu h6i dd thdn d.' ! hid;t
7 ln your life

Vocabulary Reading
Homophones and Where are they now?
homonyms Rcad thc cxtract from a masazine and answer
Alot o{ .i,tlrl*iri.ren4! in EDalish
I whcrc i\ ir fruml
have the same sound as another
2 who i\ rhr mJsJTine fott. \ 'l '1^ I d
word but rdil+eeq tspeujlrg and t WhJri\lh5vlrionolrhemdEa/.nedbour.'., .' 3 "
FrfrinS: These are .alled 4 What docs rh€ cdiro! ol the masazine want?
c"k tv
Whete are they now?
a can you ftink ol any more? U/hat has happened tolqlocr siqEmls of Bri.dley CoLlege?
b Correa rhe spellinS mistakes in thh P g.ese si449!r!cv! !!!!tro I clsl[edomelluleds to
rh" Fd tor. TL'is \ed' re 5d,pl!-- .ed lne lor. 49 i.brndron

A I think I've just seen a bar€.

r l.- :.'
Chris Bowker and Sharon Wadnt
have got mared and ihey have
A Ove.lheir in the would. It was buy bought a house in York. Chr s is
that big tree on the wrire. siil at York lflversity, He has
B I can't sea anylhinS. Bu! weight a wo.led there ior live years now.
minure. I can here somelhing.
A You're write. But watt is ir?
l-esley Mlller has gone to work lor the
A Oh, Iook. I sore it that time.
Kangaroo Teevision Company in Sydney.
B lt's a dog. The paw thing has hurt
itself. Until last year she worked for 8YI Radio
A Yes, it's vely week. It's hun i$ in London, but she wanted to try
someth ng new. She has been i.
Australia for six months a.d she is
2 words which have the same sound enjoying every minute ol it.
and spellins but a different
meanins are called homonyms.
2 Look at the news about formcr saudents an,l answer the
whar ditferent m€anings can you find
lor these words? Use a dictionary to r Whar kind ol news do you think the magazine normally
help you. .epons aboul former srudenrs?
left iat country
2 What news do you think it doesnt publish?
pl.y fne lift present / 3 Read rhe two letters to the editor and answer thc

Make two s€ntences Ior each word 10 I who are they from?
illus.rate tbe dillerences in meaDing. 2 What is theil relationship with the editor?
I Who do tley contain inJormatioD about?
4 work in groupr. You dre the editors ot rhe mrgr?ine.
a Discuss these questions.
I What iDfomation do you have about the peopl€ ir the
2 which inlormation would you use for the maSazine? why2
Put the inJormation lhat you would us€ in the table.

homophonc(n) /hrmofoun/ il ci cnng cdch doc nhtng r€ceiv€ (v) hi'si:v/ nhan dlt tc
Didt vd nEhia hluic nhau publish (v) /'p^bli"i/ ruit bdn, c6ng bd
hc'nony']l(n) /'hrrnoninv tit dtjng nn cdiror (n) /'ediI6/ biin td3 viGn
section (n) i'sekJn/ coll€se (n) /'krttd:t tttirlg dai hac, cao danE

ln your life 7
rI 14
Language focus:
BrindLey Bufletln The present perfect with for and smce
a r ook at the senlences am answe lh. queslons,
Pttg 9g,r He's wfted therc fat five yeo6.
. Does he m*there nd?
Dea! 31! or uade He wwked therc lot lw yeo6.
.ri?i.,ff * . Do€s he wolk there row?
;t ilft #*l::jttr:tFil: .
She's been i, Ausiolio for six nonths.
ls shc there now?

Shc @s in Austtulio for si, nmth9
*Ttffi i*-_-:".6ffi ffi r:iil:; b
. ls shc therc now?
Complerc rhe rules the nanes of lhe renses.

. 1,y6 u'" 1r'u frrtn'f F,f6 ul( uuo,t

trtilffH#l'**"{:,,. an action which staftd in (he pasr and

continues in the present

:{ ;:":5,::1:,3' F".s""u b..r ro Mexico. she

I x
idpi !T*H tr*+""r.{"ffi.:
i" - 11^l"i nw she i:as qone back hdne. Look at these two sentences. Translate them
;;J*-,";",:rii:,, Lrrere, hu. r c6rnoL
I hove been in the flol tlnco Septenbet.
\ We've been nonied ,or eight weeks.

Find exampl€s ir the l€tteE with to. and sirce.
Complel€ the rule with lo. and s/Dce.

. We us€ -.fq- with a peiod of t me.
JokMeah . We use crv. with a ooint in time.

:_l 5N 5AM
Check the rules lor lor and slnce in Grammar

Complete the phrases with /br or slnce,

-Qu-- rggr
* | ho?a vao'ro
+ i$two o c/oc*

'firlh!^,. u" to* ""*

unnavr' ch?\tt'\1

........-lhrce ninutes E$- Wednadoy

'i*-n*i*i u.^, *^ -' to'vou'\t{h'ft a" thc! ro'/? nne L,tt< wk
tni - nasvtn*' kts lost
\!-) -' ' . , * "^ ^".ua i.b it'| ttuc ^1A wbd' rh' tcv
!^ii'i,,1"'"! *i", a'd t'm nsdtv in td' ttt\ ht4 -a
Write two sentences about yourself, lslng tor
^*t "'n n' aatntA t' *o't'
ir"^"*'* ii1i' "p'**"\awn\
d6tlv ln *c lhcttE.
,1"'"i r"-. o* - to wt,.t'l' n 6irca e\ a'v' ^nd
XTiiilJ,"i;"* 't8a6 5 Write the magazine ardcle. Usc the
'" ""$k 'a '(vara'6^4tlva informatlon chart fiom 4.
) a'*' w'tc\ ||aa andcr't''tt ?tv
"^i '-ii"*",
*ii' ur.","" *^ tot ctst& E c\e
- wtat a
6 vou are a former student of Brltldley colleSe.
hr nncl
wriae a lctter !o ahe editor with news about
H"; *"- .*" kMa and cottn J"\5ot'ha!'lu hadlll'tt21d yours.lf and I wo othcr lormer rludcnrr.
Y,,liii".i Ih'
"",* ^:" ^tepMa'r 'w^5'.cn'4'tw
"i" **"
i^i^7r'i-'" ot''v aL
ca"a o 'n

dBcA ro*n, 6a hc'1 b.a1 olt af watr 6lncc lrn', rcmporary(adj) /'temprori/
*, **" naPlcn'd to Jatol Sdsn H'6 i^ nusnificcnl vicw.heg'nifisnt vju:/ p/tons cd?*

: iiiii r-""aii,
""",n",; "'
*"y : gossip (n) I'sjsipl
tulet diqu

skunk (n) /sk^qld nguiti dlinE kinh

\ldl,l ftnbr closa now Ofc tat Ao|| gucss (v)
fraud (n)
lqes/ s( lila Aqt
period (n) /piariod Eiti dogn
?.5. HoP, You llkc ihc Plccyl
7 ln your life

Listening and speaking

Meeting visitors
Martin $,orks for a travel coDrpnny. llc is merting a for€ign
visiror ar thc airport.
look ar lhe photographs. whal questbns do you think he will

b Look ar this list ol names.

London l4an.hest€r
lnge trndst.or the C oslero-
th. Lak€ Oistrlct William Wordsworth
the Park lhe Bombay
Maria toma Windror C:sil€

c E zz r-incn ro lhe conveNtionr. Ick (/) lhe namcs you hcar.

d Why is each name mentioned in th€ conveBarions?
2 Marlr thcic senrcn(cs Ir!t. \/l ot l:uls. \l).
I Ma.lin is at ihe airpon when lnge arriv€s. !
2 Hc has comc to thc airpor. by car. n
I Be offeN io (arry tnge's suitcas€. n
4 lnge has o€wr bc€n to the nonh of England. tr
t she spenr a holiday ir london livc years a8o. !
6 Manin waitr at thc hotel lor hcr. !
7 Inle has ealen lrdia food before. !
8 Manin has ncvcr been ro rhe Bombay before. !
9 l 8e hasn't 5ccn the p.oSrammc for hcr visit y€r. tr
l0 They're Soins lo lhe Lake Distnd on Saturday, il
Crn you rcrncDrhr whnt rxpresrions Manin uses ro say
thcse things?
. was the aeroplane j ou r.ey all righl?
. I'li carry lhe luggaSe Io. you.
. Arc you hun8ry?
. 15 rhe hor€l room all right?
. Did you lik. lhe lood?
a Compare your ideas with a parher,
b El z2 Lisrcn asair and check.
4 Work wilh a parlncr. Rolepby the (onvcrsa.ions bcrween
Manin and h8e, usiD8 lapcscrlpt 7.2.
5 lmaAine a forcitD visitor is.omin8 to your town.
a Work wilh a panner. OD. ofyou ir the visilor, oDe is ftc host.
Thc visitor is coming lor a confercncc, but will hav€ sonc lrce
time ro see things. He/She is arriving by plane ar 7.00 prn.
Dccide fie lollowingl
Host whal a.rang€ments haye you made lor a hotel/a mcal^hc
@nfcren.c/lrec lime? what qu€rrions will you ask lo mak.
lhe visilor tccl welcome?
Vi\ilo. How do you leel when you arrive? What do you already
know aboLt thc town or counlrry? what would you like io do
in your iree time? Do you have any questions about your

b Roleplay rbe convcnation.

acroplane(n) /cor6plcir./ truiy bay confcrcncc (n) nonrDrons/ hAi n8hi, h6i tdo
joumey (n) / qd\il visiror (n) lvizi\o/
host (o) /hous/ chi nlld, chi tioc wclconre(adj) /wclkon/
ln your life 7

l0l, l6li auxiliary verbs
1 The sounds /0/ and /6/
/0/ and /d/ are common sounds in EnSlish. They are
botb mad€ with fte tip oI fie to.gue aga'nsr $e top

/0/ ii t n.
/a/ is voned. rra.
as iD
a circle rhe wolds wirh rhe /0/ sounds.

4 slnbathe { mouth lrhe t bath these .{

, something a three /t weather ihat ll lather 2?
/ Thursday d tenth l, brolher th€re t with 7i
I thousand r both riooth athrow ,/thideen
b El z.: I-isrcn, check ald rcpeat.

2 Alxiliary verbs: strong and weak forms

somc auxiliary verbs (ra", .a,, dd) ar€.ormally
unstrcssed and have a reduced vowel sound. These
a.e called weak lorms.

thrq k n/
llave you beetlo NN Yark? Canyou ein?
In shorl answers thc auxiliary verb is strcsscd with
the lull vowel sound. These are called nrong torms.

Look ar fte auxiljary verbs in ftese dialoSu€s. circle

lh€ auxiliary verbs wirh rhe strong forms.
Are you goiog to lhe cilcma?
C:in I sive you a haDd?
B No, ir's all ri8ht. I can do ir.
Do you like this proSramme?
Has Joho had lunch?
Were lhe Johnsons going ro the party?
How was your trip?

bEl 7.4 rislen and.h€ck-
cEl 7..1 Lislen ajqain and reDeat.

auxiliary verb
h:g'ziljori vo:b/ tnr d4ng ttj unstressed(adj) /,An'str€sv
sunbrthc(v) /'s^D'bcin/ tii,r dialoguc(n) /'d!iolrg/
(n) /t^n/ ",i"g moulh (n) /,nauo/
7 ln your life

Extension: Reading and listening

Two brothers
I Discuss thesc qucstions. 2 Look at !h€ story and answer the qu€stions,
I Have you ever moved house? I What are the two brorhe6' names?
2 HJve you ever lived in rnorhcr counlry? 2 Which b.othe/s lile do€r the text describe?
I lf not, r4,ould you like 1o do €i1her of lhes€ I whar does he lhink about his lile?
$ings? why/why nol? 4 whai des he think aboul his brcther's lilc?
t what do lhc phorcSraphs show?

ln yoLrr I fe 7

4 MJkc I'ue lenlcr.e\ rboul lhc lnothers, u\inB

Two Brothers
this information and the present pe.fect tedsc.
r Emilio's life/ changc/ a lot
2 Ee/ visit/ the capital cily several rimes
niLio and MaximiLian are brothers. Thcy are
I Emilio and Pilar/ be married/ over filty yea6
4 They/ lead/ a peacelul liie
borh old men now. Tl,ev \rew up r.'geth<r on a
irrn in Arsentina, but since then rhey have led 6 Eniiio/ work/ hard all his lile
very differenr lives. When Emilio left school at the 7 Emilio aDd Max/ meet/ a long lime
age offouneen, he starred work on rheir father s a Emilio/ read/ about Maximilian in rhe
farn.lle reaLly enpyed the simple village life and
when *ren father died, Emilio took over the farm.
9 Max/ do/ a lot oI intc.esd.g thinSs
AIL his tife Enltio has iived in rhe old farmhouse
r0 Ernilio/ !ce/ his brother on lelevision
where he was hom. 'l've neler wanted to live What do you think Max's life has bccn like?
anywhere elsc,' he says. 'This is my home. I feel a Hcre are som€ lhings that have played a part in his
that l1n part of it and it is part ofne.' life. work in groups and dc.ide Max's lile nory.

Qo ror ovcr 70 ycd6 EmrLot lrie has chmged

prison divo..e ship Wall Street
i-J"er|rnlc. Wh.n he was 22, he maried his int€rnational jet set model travel
car crdh businessnan the Bahamd
childhodd swcctheart, Pilar, fron the nexr village,
drug addld television millio.ake
and thcy havc bcen happily married ever since.
Two years ago they ceLebrated their golden
El z.s ristcn to ttrc story of Maxjmilian's lire
weddinp anniversary. It celebration.
w&s a big and check your ideas.
Everyboc.r lrorrr miles around was there, includnrg
6 Discuss the questio.s, comparinS the livcs of
Emilio and :ita.'s six children md theit lifreen
grandchildren. r How does each brolher lect about his life?
2 which brolher do you think has had lhe
En, io anJ nld' h.trc ncver been abroad. Un'il
Lh. wr,60, Fh,lio w(nr ro Buunos Aire, on.c a I Which brother do you think is happier?
yeai, but sincc his sixtieth bhrhday he h6nt lefr 4 Which way of lile would you preler? Why?
the village. 'Well, yes, I've had a sood life,' he says,
'but I haven't done very much. Now, look at ny
7 IhaEine rn unu(url litcsrylc. Here Jre \om(
brother, Maximilian. He left the village as sbon as
he harl the chmce. He hasnt visired us very much
in rhe l^r Menry ye"n, bur we ve rcal abour him
in the newspapen and we've seen him on TV, too. Work in a group of four. Each !,crson .akes a
Yes, Max hu had a very interesting life.' different role. Imagine your life sro.y.
Take it in rurns 1() be intcrviewed by rhe group. The
group asks questions to find out as much as possible the text and mark rhc scnrences rrre (,/),

Fake ll) or Don t k ote l?t. Haw loag hale you been a ...?
I Emilio hds |ved iD rhe rarDe pld(e dll hi\ Iire. d Wht rlitl yor becane a . -.?
2 II€ has become very rich. n How nuch nahe! hdrc you made at a . . .?
I He is 74 yea.s old. tr
4 He me! lilar when he was twenty years ol(l. I
5 He has been maoied dree times. tr a W.ite lhe rrory of life so lrr, u\ins this
6 nmilo and ?ila. have bcen marri€d for 'our
52 yeats. n Describe and Sive some details about
7 They went to Paris lor ih€ir honcymoon. n . whal you have done and when you did it.
8 iarme..
Maximilian is a D . where you have liv€d and when you iived rh€ie.
9 Emilio.
l{e js youn8er than tr . lhe main evenls in your personal lile.
t0 He has been on lelevision. n Commenl on your lile. What has it be€n like so far?
ll He was at the solden wcddin8. tl
l,rke over (v) /teik'ouvo/ tdn ti hj nQn
famhousc (n) /fb:mhauY goldeo weddins (n) lEo',lldbt'w.li4l &im ctJA udna
annivcNary 0, /,ani'vo:sori/ ld h! ni;rn
swcelhea4(r) /'swilho:V nEtui rAu chanc€ (n) /{o,ns/ cd h6i
honeymoon (n) /h nimu:n/ tudn trdns mAt

n@,.d byrhc F bdo/ $y rloD.

tur'<. MrLoi(. r),burD., srov.nh),

6r). calbt,rc(r,i. (rr. rra),

\r. ,n4 cdtto1h D4q,hs tPnt

Internation.l Phon6tic Alphabet (lf

8 Food and health
Countables and uncountables;
some and any
Grammar in use Rules
t Look at the tcxt. I Look at the two t.oups of words.
a Ansr,v.r lhe queslloDs. a Answer the qutstions.
L What is il about? I which can w€ mak€ plural?
2 what is fie purpose ol thc dtet? 2 Which can we use 4 or a/| with?
t Who is il for?
4 Why is it callcd rhe Pyramid dict?
b Rcad the text and completc lhe diagram.
potato appl€ vitamin I bread pasta .alcrunr
2 Discuss these qucstions.
I Is the PyEmid diet sdlsiblc?
2 Is it appropriare for everyonc? b Wrirc rhe words lrr@@tabL alJld countabL at the top
I would it provide aD interesting diea? of the .orrect .olumns.
c lind more examples oI both tt?es oI noun in the texl.
Ch€ck the rul€s lor countablc and ucounbble
THE PYRAA{ID nouns in Grammar Reference 8.1.


(' srL

we ve lEd them all - the High Fibre shturd eat the boftom ol the viEmins and minerals as wellar tibre
dier, rhe Protein diet the llip and Mamid are^lcomplex .arborrydrates Above irlrit and vegetables are tlre
Thigh dier. And here's lhe latert - the llke bread, past? and potitoer. These proteiftrich foods like meat, iish.
4/rarid dier. Bur thii isnt a diet to pro\r'cte fibr€ a.|d €fErq/. Atrut 5096 be:ns and chees€. fte'€ alro provide
help p@ple lose \d€ight. lt'5 a diet ror of yo(r did should be co.nple( a lor of calcium, IIFF proteirHich
a hearthy rire. The Fyramid diet is !€ry caruohydrares. Ar rl,e serofid l€!€l are foods should be about 1896 ofyour
simple. Oifferent kindr of food are at frult and veg€tibles, such ar apples diet. At the top olthe p,rcmid arc fa!
different ievel5 of tte pyramid. The and carro6, Theie should be about oli and sugar. We lhould eat as litrle
hiqher up the pyrami4 the less you 3096 ofyour diet They provide ar po$jble ol thinqs at lhis l6/el.

puryose (n) /'p6rpDs/ complex (adj) /'krmpleks/

diel (n) /'dd6, cIE d4 dn hitne carbohydrate (n) /,ko:bouhridrei, (hai h@ hydra.t-cacbon
scnsiblc (adj) /'scnsobv hcp I! vcsctable(n) /vedJ(i)tobl/
fibre (n) tf^ibot prolcin-rich (adj) gidu prorein
Food and health 8

Wh€n do we use rorrd? Wbcn do wc usc rrl?

a E s.r Read and listen to rhis dialoSuc. Mak€ a rule Io.
Food and drink
A Hdw lou got ary man.y fot the patkin! na.hin.z 'I Look at these ditfcrent kiuds of
B Na, I'n sotry. I hav.n't got ahy cath on m. at all.
food and drink.
A Oh, ih OK I @n t t to . .hang. ar trLc tlap ovet there.
a Put c (countable) or U (uncounrable)
[E 8.2 Now read aod lisren ro these dialoSuei. b€sidc each one.
A At any appkt? b whcre doer each one so on thc
B Y4, but they arck't.tcly gootl. Sh411w 94 tom. atuqes intEad?
A wautd yau like tanc coll;e? I le iust nad. ton . yogh!rt
B 0hyet, pleate. Could I hale tane tryar i,
it, pl.atc?'thahk.

Find cxmples of rrtn. and arl. Ar€ lhcrc any thar dont follow

We norully lor porjove 5taremenb dDd--l:+ lor

negative statemcnts and quesdons, 8ut when a queslion ir an
oller, suggestion o! requcst, we usually use -!:j:, Doi

> Chcck the rules lor rorr. and arl in Gra m mar Reference a. I .

Pnctice cod . (.;l'r r '

'I look at this list of words.

meat tomato money envelope paint pencil

ham .. 1r.Jr'"!
ca paper apples information news equipment

a Wtid of thes€ ftings are uncourable in English?

Can you rhink of any morc rlDes ot
b ls this the same in your om laDguaSe?
Iood lo add to rhe py.amid?
2 Comple(e.hcsc seniences with sor.'or arr. 2 what do you eat in a rypical day?
I Can I have,lL more milk, please? a Make a llst ol what you eal and in
I fias Jane 8ot _L brorhers or sirrers? whal quan ries-
I I haven t 8ot _L work ro do.
4 Is there _l: ncws about the rcw projc(? b Compar€ your list io th€ pyramid.
t _!- news for you.
I ve go!
what differmces are ther.2
6 -lL_ infomation or rhe computcr
There isnl abour lhis.
7 woutd you lik€ _l:_ help?
6 Could you gcl me _!- sramps, please?
9 we wenl our with _4_ tuiends last night.
l0 h there L winc le ?
Make dialosu€s like .his, using rhe words in 1.
B IIo\) hudtlnany do tou ne.d?
A 0h, anlr a littlctew.
4 You have invited two friedds to dnxrer ronighr.
a Work with a lanrcr and plan a healthy thre€-cou e meal.

b Compa.e your dinncr wilh other srudenrs in fte class. Whole

dimcr is the h.althicsr?

chans€ (n) ltJcind)l tiAt IA spashc(i (n) /spb'Ecti/

cnvelopc(n) /in'velop/ phonA bi marsarinc (n) lmo:djotinJ tu thtrc lAt
project(n) /prodrckt/ dt dn prawn (n)
slamp (n) /stnnp/ tuna (n) nOt lqi c'i ngd
a Food and heallh

The Big Man
1 .t the pho(ographs and thr arti(lc.
Look 3 Ma.k thcsc lentencesTrue \/1, Fats \t) o
AEw€r thrsc quottions.
I who i3 ft. man? I walt€r har lcr ov.r ,1OO kilos ln ren monrl
2 wh€r€ do€s he liv.? 2 llls waist m*su!€m€nt is I19 inch€s.
t Whr: is hi5 probl.m? t h. didn
He us€d to cat a bis brc.kfast, but
4 whar is hc doinS aboul il?
usually .at lun.h,
t ls hc succ€ssful?
6 How does he wanl to h€lp oth€r peoplc? 4 wah€r uscd to spcnd almosl lhe wholc da'
in b€d.
2 Rcad the..ticle. wllat slgnificance docs each t waher beSan his diet lcn months a8o,
numl,cr havc in ihc story?
6 H€ only €ats orc m€al a dny now.
ro 630 za 25 43 250 7 waher is two m.trcs rall.
12-15 96 a a5 9 2 6 H€ slill watches TV mort ol lhe day.
9 Th€rc arc a lot ol adver$ Ior food o. Tv.

waher Hudron i5 big. ln {act,
he's enormour. He weighr over
Walter'r 5e.ret world finally hit
h€adljn€s ten monlhs ago. He f
250 ftilor. And yet waller is on a over on hi5 way ba(k th€
diet. Het losing weight dt an bathroom and became stuck in
incredible nine kiloi a w€ek. He doorw6y. lt tookgight poli(e 01
us€d ro w€iqh ov€r 530 kilos. and tiremen lo him.
That's more than hall a ton, and 8lrt that incident chang€d hh li
i(r h€aviei than a{ar o. a While h€ wat lying on the tloor
young elephanl. At hi5
h€ de<ided that enough wa! en
maximum iire Walter's waist The next day he narted his diet
war 119 inde3. His ne(k was ar didn't iust (ut down on food, h
thick as a woman's waisL His nopped eating compl€tely.
bi(epr were ar big as an
average man s (hest.
llir diet was jun a5 imprestive.
lie ured to eat enough toleed
thr€€ famllieJ- For breakfast he
ole two pounds oJ sautdget,
lwo poundt of bacon, twelve
eggr ;rouad of bkcuitr, six
Danish pa'triet, a pot of coll€e
and fqlit pint5 ot orange luice.
l-r,nch and dinner w€re €v€n
bigger. Then there were the
rnacks between mealr, During
the morning he ate twelve
Ea(h ahernoon he ate len larg€
packets of crisps and in the
eveninq a couple o{
fam,ly.s'red p,zrar. On J(
top of_allthat he ,)
. ,l

draak 96 (ant of roft

driEke. Th.t war one

cnornrous(adj) /i'nr:rnov doushnur (n) fdo].loAtJ hinh nin

incrcdibl€ (adj) /in'kedobV hltr'nl tM tn ddlc packct (n) /pr€ki, 96i nhi
(o) /baiseps/ &ip t"y cxhaustine (adj) lig'zristil]./ Iom hiit etc
Food and hea th I
Discuss th€se questions.
I How do you fecl abour Waher's Vocabulary file: Quantities
story? Do you {eel sorry lor him?
To give quantities of unco!ntable nouns we
2 Whar other kinds of catlng
disorders or addict'ons do you
.rpreisior of quadity.
a Mat.h the expressions to the picturcs.
I what do you dink of pcople wilh
a piecc of paper'\ two bottles of water i i tube oi g ue
) a bag of flour :r two canons of milk /. a loat of br6d t
U$ thete exprcssions ro help you: 'j a packer of rea a bar ol.hdolate . hxo pounds/ |
'tltt itfl't owh lark. 1' a cd" o' Core ' , a iar of earmalade / a kilo of oeel
It\ be&ut. they t. wAk/|reedl
shoul.l/n t try to hclp rh.n-
fl..d ned,cal att.ntion/
und.$ta di ng/ adiee/ pu h it h ne nt.
aO b cAq ,^- -gP-- €,

ft s rhe paftnts'lreleisioh c/taciery't

t the
b Find all the words in the text lhat describe size, quantity or
weight and compiete the table.



Inougl Afts: walet at 2so t;lot

!t, H€ Everymorning now he drinks a
he (ocktail of vitamins in a pint of Language focus: used fo
oranqe jui(e, and during the day a Look at these sentences- What does ,s.d ro mean?
h€ drioks a lot of water. And
thats it. He also tak€e more Wblet {fled to weigh ovet 630 kjk6, but row he weigl}s 25O kjbs.
exe(ke now. He dill has a long He used to eat enaugh lor o fonily, but naw he doesn't eot anythihg.
way to 90, because he wants to He didn't use to toke any exercise, but now he exercises everf day,
getdown to 85 kilos. Thafethe b low do yoJ 01,nl we hake questions wr , used ro?
qht weight for someone of hit
height. > Check the rules fofus€d ro in G.ammar Reference a.2.
'Food,'says Walter, 'is an c Whai did Walter's life use to be like? Write sentences using this
addiction. lt s worse than drugs infomation and lrsed ro.
or al(ohol. You can just stop
iaking them. But you need food. 119 inches 90 outside
And it3 everywhere.' Walter
t watch W stay in bed
doesn't witch television any
mcr'€, becau5e too many of the Ask olher students about their llfe when they were chlldren.
ddvertt are about lood. Ue hopes Us€ rhis infomation &d Dtd you use to ..-?
that hk exampLe will help other . have a hvourite toy
overweight people, especidlly . Where/ 90 on holiday .What sch&l subjecrs/ llke best
dridren. He encouraqes mothers .argue wth you parcnts
to plt photos of him on the
fiidge door. i want paren3 to
sayto iheir kids, "Do you want
to look that biq? lfyou keop Write down sx lh ngs that used to be true abolt your life. Tell
putting your hands in the fridge, a pa,tner about them and answer yolr paitner's quAtions-
then that s how you ll looii
That3 what Walter dkJ "'

dkordcr (n) /dis')dD/ sV t6i loqn alcohol (n) /f.lkohrll rLt J.u
addicrion (rt /o'dilutu sg nshia.r overwcight (adj) louvbvtcitl qwi Uo
gre€dy (adj) / gri:di/ tham dn encouragc (v) lin'kAtid)/ hhurai hhich
druc 0D ldr^st ma tui
I Food and health

Listening and speaking

ln a restaurant
'| You will hear (onversation( in a rer(auranr
a E s.l List@ rnd dck l/)what rh€y ordcr.
ttatt,tt D aoeriul
an tr wine
Ll suncr
a LJ aascn
tt/.t' r.,-.L.
D satad E coffec^ea
J njti? .
I a main coursc D branay
tt.6oru.'t El r.: mot at tle menu and lkten asaiD, wh
Maia quuct dld fie peoplc car? Tick 1/) each person3 compk
ordcr. whar did th€y havc ro drink?
l,ilht h'tt rnh .n,
.nL ifi nt t.rltrt nK
^tlittt ftt.t nL*
,itl 'irt ,n
t ,b t|rlt
t.^^, ,itt ttulth
(.U t ,, titl . t .t t.t.t n
t,n^ kt hrht..n,n ttnt, b\.t Irhtt)
tt inrtt ttt k ,r..,hrcx
t Jttit bttt
Lr'\ .rt'

balibur(n) /'hlt'libo/ mon cd. bdn halibut gammon (n) /gtman/

krragon (n) /'trrogon/ car nsdi E ttn garcau (n) lge-tarl bdnh gato
aperitif(n) /o'pcroti7 $orbcl (n) /$:bot hen laln bd,A ntb hii cny
Food and health I

Conversation Ordering a meal Pronunciation

a lYhat do the cuslomeB sy to Silent lettersl sentence stress
. ask for a table/ the bill/ a receipt?
. order more water?
. refuse dessert? I Silent letters
. ask about the meal? a Some oI the words in this lis. have a silcDr leter.
b What expressions do they use to ey these ifings? chcle lhe sileni l. ers
Do you wt o dn.k?
I hove o nine@l wotet. ca m wdll bald thumb bomb lamt
Da yau wont to udet dow? yrong rrite wlite _!iee _fnife lnow
l'd like ke soup, pl@se. yog-hlrt spaghetti halibut hotel hour
ke soup ond ken ke lomb
t'tt hove chaps.
Ionest kept recipt accept selmon
c Look at tapescript 4.3 and check your answers.
b m s.a Lislen, check and repear.

2 Sentence stress
wod( in g.oups of three. Roleplay the
English is a sfess-timed language. Unstresed
convcrsation, using tapescript 8.1.
syllables are rhde loDSer or shorter to fit belween
3 Make more conversations in a restaurant. rhe main stresses in a sentence.
a Wolk in Sroups oi three. One sludeDt is the &El s.i Lislen to rhis senrenc€.
waiter/waitress- two students are the .usromer.
I,lake conversalions using the m€nu.
when an I teeing tou lot lunch nen week?
\Vork wilh a panner. Take i1 in rurn! lo be the
water/wai$ess and the customer.
ln this sentenc€ ftereare lour main sress€s. Thc
Make conversa.ions lor ftese silualioDs:
inlerval b€rw€en each stress h rhe same. But how
many syllables are th€r€ be$-veen
. You canl d€cid€ what to hav€.
. The bill is too much. . slresses I and 2?
. The waiier brings lhe wrong ordcr. . stresses 2 and l?
. The waiter doesnl spcak v€ry Sood English. . stresscs I and 4?
. You order some d.inks but $e wailer lolgers
m 8.6 Usren b these dialogues.

I A Do you like these rousers?

B Yes, I do.
2 A Wherc's my peD?
B It s on ihe desk.
I A Whafs the rime?
A ltt quaner m elever.
4 A WheDt the meeung?
B I'll givc you a ring.
c Each senreD.e has two main srreses. Mark theln.
d E 8.6 Listen asain and chcck your ideas.
e EE r.r risrn agair and repeat.

'Wat te a r' t t he nitenl w aEt?'

dessed(n) ldi'zb:tl m6n tnins mi4nE accept (v) /oksepv chdp thu\n
mineralwaler(n) /'minorol'wrlo/ lhrmb (n) /o^m/ nE6n tal sii
yoghu( (n) /Jousor, kncc (n) lnil riiu gdl
rcc€ipt (Ir) /ri'sir/ bian lai
8 Food and health

Extension: Reading and listening

How long could you live?
I Look at the questionnaire. b Complet the qucarionnairc.
a Rcad rhe inrroduflion and antw.r thc qudtions. c Compare answcE wilh your pann.r Whar
r What is the questionnairc abour? dlff€r€ncs aft there?
2 what lhin8s depcnd on luck? d What clfeo do you think your answcF will have on
I What is the quesrionnaire baed on? your life exF.t ncy?

How lorrg could you live?

rvhat is your life cxpcctancy? A k,a d(lrrcnds on
luck - whothor you hnvc irn acciddrt urd who
vour grandp rcn$ arc. Bu( you clln lso con(rol
l)o y{)ll livo wilh a prLrlnrir (husDrr)(ywih,
sotlrc thnrgs in your lif{!styl!. So how lonr{ could
h ) a
you live? Ihni quostiorraire is brscd on lili) 'yfrnxrd/,{irlfricnd

I)o you or will you havo o univo\ity

Writ0 yorr nnsilcrs ir (hc spac.:s.

Do f.u or rv'llyou hrvc rL p('stgr Lratr:

I Aflr v' r rtr c or i!D^I.'l
d{:gn* or a similar proi,sskn'nl

2 ll'^v,,ld nr. ! 'iu?

Do you lilc in rn urbu rLr{ftr wilh {

poptllalion olmorc than 2 million poot,lo?

I)o you livc in I rurai llma wirh loss than

10.000 inhalrihDts?

to llow onen do you jt)g, swim. Dlay n spod o.

lrkc snnil{r .)i{,r':isr?

),! lt l)o you usuaLly slcor) lbr ruor(! l.h{n l0

lilc cxpcctancy (n) /laifiks'p€ktonsi/ tud the ttun! binh (adj) fo:bon|

dcpen'l (on) (v) /di'pcnd./ inftabilanl(n) /in'hebiton/ dln ct
conrrol (v) diukhidn.tdnchn sedentary job (n) /scdnlri dJrb/ canE ui4c ngiji n6t ch'
s+t bdo hidn qoalification (o) /,kwJlif;'kciJn/ tinh dt ehqtn n6't
Food and health B
You will hear how to .al.ulatc your life 3 complcre the table with rhe information
about your life exp€.tancy.
El s.7 Lisren and writ. down whar you musr
add or sublra.l in the boxer on rhe righr-hand ride. th. things thal in<rease the things that reduce

b El s.7 unen asain and check your scores.

c Calculale your life expeclancy-

4 Find words or expressions with rhe same

meaning from the ques.ionnai.e or rapesoipt.
t He loses hn bmpet eatily.
2 Too mnc\ v'ine ahd bee. is bad for you.
) I',ve aot a jab wherc I sit tto\|n host ol tht tifte.

Do.hri !.y lh.t il you g.r nrrisd. doi'l !mol., d0r'l

4 Subtad 2 yearc iI you'rc sothapry.

dri']{, doit..l loo much, doi't rt.y ot

t You'll live lonser iI yo!'te a renon who doetnl
l.l..rd doi'l snoke. b\r not il yor live with tMeone
iriy,. t,,l c.r, Jo0 rill liv. loig!r. 8{t thii irr't
llil.. Yo{ doi't reilly Iivs lorg!r. li ju3l !.eni liks it. 6 Do you live alan.?
7 You liv€ lonSer iI you'te awo an than iI
12 A.c you b.rppy?
Life in arrar a/rar is less healthy lhan life in
,Ve you gcncrally rclax i or do you losc
1I yotte oyeNeighL yon're rnor€ ljkely to s"r?r

n l0
Long |tle it hercaitury-
Thit town has a populatian of 10,000 p.ople.
llow many cignreltcs (il .rDy) do you snok
t2 llow well do you knoia, yott h sba d ot
ad v?

n 5 Discuss these questions wirh other mcmb€.s of

ll0w much alcohol (if ilny) do you drnrk
dav? I Do you agree with the calculations?
! 2 What aspects oI your lifesryle pur you al risk?
I whar can you do to reduce rhe risks?
l6 tuo you oveNeillht? Ifso, br, holv nruch?
4 Do you want to keep your lifertyl€ even if it
n increas.s tbe rhks?
llow old arc your graDdparonls, or how o ld Usc these expressions:
w0re thcy whr)n thcy died? Acctl.ling to the rape ...
n The tape lays that ...
I (doh't) asrce with thit, be@use ...
Does Myono iD your i u)ily sLrlTo ftonr I think that... nO'\ tood fot yau.
Iwi iamatc my lile tnectahE if t .. .

'Iotal lilc 0xp{r(tancyr . flole to the couktry

. take hore exercis.

. ttJ to be mare ftl$ed

righrlrand side (n) hair'b€nd said/ phia tar phai heart disease (n) lhottJi'z;:zJ benh tint
c&ulitc (v) /'knlkjulei, thir surcr (v) /'s^fo/ chiu, bi
remper(n) /\e p6l titfi Ahi, stbnth finh herc.litary (adj) lhl\edita:r'/ di tturin
sfindparenls (n) /'sr:udpeDrbrnsl itE ba (n'i, nEotri)
Possibil res
would; second conditional Grammar in use 2
I What is the questionnaire about
Grammar in use 1 2 Answer the quesitons.
1 Look at r.he spcech bubblcs- Are thc
real or an imaginary
what yon iAeal dat br llke?
what v,/ould you tlo? i:
whet wouldk r rou do? i
lill midday. ''\
2 Do you a8r€e wilh any of lhe ideas?

" Try our quiz.
Choote one answer for
I The verbs in.hc dialogues above are ln the condirional verb lorm.
a lind ftese forms:
. a positive statemcnr (long lorm)
. a posilive siatemcnr (short lorm)
. a treSative stalemenl wh.t would you do?
2l i
b What do you think rhe long folm of th€ ncSa ve is? b I'd take it to a police
> Check $e rules for arll ln crammar Referencc a.l.
F c l'd give it to chatity.
I Think abour your ideal day. Would you do thcse things?
lf somebody tried to sell you
Tell your partner.
a video re(ord€r (heaply,
and you thought it was
t d/wouldn't qet,p eatlt.
stolen, would you
get up early have a party go to work watch TV stay in bed a rcfuse to buy it?
visit lriends 90 to the thcave spend timc with your hmily b buy it if you wanted it?
< infotm the poliG?
what other things would/wouldnt you do? Taik about lhem with
your panner and the dass.
possibility(n) /,p)so'biloli/ Alui tudnE quiz (n) il:ltid
bubble (n) /'bAbV bong b6ne honcsr (adj) /rnis,
inraginary (adj) /i'm,€dJioori/ tulng aalng chadty (n) /'$t ritil Mi ti thqn
inronn (v) /in'fr:n/ thanq bdo
Possibllities 9
Rules Practice
1 The questionnaire uses the sccoDd 'I conrpare your answers to the qucstionnaire with a parrner.

a Complete lhis sentence from tbe A lVhat would you da if you loukd safte nona?
B I'd..
EI Ilyou nofley, what A So worLl I./I wouldn'Ll'd ...
do? 2 How would a psycholosist analyse your answers?
b what form ol the velb is used a Dhcuss yoDr ideas with your pann€r.
. in the ,/clause?
-ione b E l.l Ust.. ro psy.hologist analysing the posible
. in the
-you main clause? "
quesdonnaire results and check your answers. Were you righr?
2 when do we use the second C The psychologist says, 'For mosr people, a lor would depend on
lhe circumstanc€s.' Look again at your answers, lq what
a kok at thcse circumslances would you give a ditlerenr answer?
tfthe! olfel ne the job, I II take it. 3 What is the first thinS that you would do in rhese
If$neane oJlered e ajob, t'd take it. imaSinary situations?
0.1 which sentence is talkiDg about:
. a reai situalion? If I wat tuler oJ the wo d, t d ban nuclear weapont.
. an imaginary siruation? .
-ur b which renses are used? .
You are ruler ol the world.
Your house .atches fire.
,'{r:'::t > check the rulet lor the second . You see a car crash.
-r:),\!.i conditional in Grammar Referencc . You win fi€ nalional lott€ry.
m.;G 9.2 . You become head of your.ounrry.
,fll9 s. i
. You are the boss oI your company/coll€ge/school.
ff-ff].,{: otif . You're in a bank when a robbery happ€ns.
3 lf you saw your {riend trying : 4 Thiik ot more situations. Ask srudenrs
irl-:)a.l! to 5teaL something from a
., in tbe.lass whr! they would do.
you \
F*d shop,
Mat.h a .lnuse !! A and a clause in B.

I s3g Vj
b tell your friend to put
it back?
lf I fouDd a credit l'll be v€ry happy.
ria*fl :i:: < tell a shop assistantT
e J;! I'll play thc Suirar

s# .* 4 lfyou couldn't afford your

lf it's sunny tomorrow,
I ll rell hil]l your news iI you sin8.
she'd be very happy.
I d 8o lound fte world

:;4S I car insurance, what would rl sarah sot rejob,

you do?
6 Comple.c !he sentences with your own ideas.
a The car waulcl stay in the
iiEl,i garage until I had enough r lI I lound €1,000,
5d b t'd drive the car anyway. ) lf it .ains lhis weekend.


7 writt i qu.stionnaire.
iI I lvas Pnm. Mini{cr

ill s ttu stop u,,irtunt so'" yo,

a Work in groups. Think ol anolher ropic lor a Ltueslionnaic-
C0, too rnuch chdnge, wha!
Here are ron( idcas.
'iJ*:l . llorv sensidve are you?
a Id tay nathing and take . llor" hoi.limprrcd are you?
?u !{gl .
1-r 5ir{
l'd tel the shap assistant
if lthaught that helshe
Uow optnnistic/p.sirnistic are you?
b Wrire tome queslions and work oLr tbe queslioonajre.csut$.
c Try oui your queslionnajre on anothcr Broup.
21 .:ii ,
r/ would get Into trouble-
t'd give it back ta the . afford (v) c6 di *hd ndng
psychologist (fl) /sai'krl6dJis,
andlysc (v)

loitcry (n) /'l.tari/

robbcry (i)
9 Possibilities

Vocabulary Reading
Crime Would you get involved?
I Look at this list of crimes. I Look ar the title. What do you think the text is about?
a Use a dicrloDary to help you. Whi.h a Rcad th€ fint paraSraph what advicc would you expect $c
pollce to givc?
. crines acainst people? b R€ad rh€ resr ol thc tex! and answer rhc quesilons.
. crimes acainrt property? r What happened lo €arh of lhese peopte?
. Dave Johnson
murder as*ult robbery . Paulinc Castle
theft shoplifting blackmail . James BulSer
kidnapping bu.glary v dalism . Kitty G€nov6e
. Dave Crc€nwood
b wriri rhe crimcs in lhe ffIsl cohmn in
2 whar do the poltce advise?
c Use a dicrionary. Find the words for 2 Rcad rhc text atain.
rhe next r*o .olum.s a Find $ree reasons why peopl€ do not get involved.
b Which case tlhrstratcs each of the r€asons?
C Dircuss rh€sc quesdons.
I What do you fijnk aboui each ol the cas€s?
2 What would you do in each of th€se cases?
3 what do you thlnk of rh€ police advtce?
3 Work in grottps to discuss th€se qucstions. Th€n compr
your answers with the class.
I Would you get lnvolved if
. a ca. was on ffrc and there vreR p€ople irside?
. two p€ople were assaulting someone?
. a thiel Srabbed someone's bag?
. lwo young m€n wcre breakinS into a car?
2 Would n make any difference iI the vidim was
. a membcr of your family?
. a neighbour?
. a colleague?
. a srmnSer?
. a child?

d whi3h crimes would you associate f IIav€ you €v€r wilnes*d a crim€ or a daDSerous incident
What did you do?
4 Iiav€ you had an experience lhat made you think 'l wou
shoot break into thr€aten do it again'? What happened?
money toife hit gun 4 tlcre is an iD.klcnt .ha. happened to Peacr Moris.
grab smash stab a Dcscribc avhat happ€ncd, using thc intormation.
b Add an ending and say how rhe experience changed Pelert
auilude. What would he do nexr tlme?
P.kt Monil dtiw alolg road
Ionelr road/ ewhing
carl noppeA b! tide althe rcad
\9onrn/ lookihg at ergin.

naat appeat lron ca painttunatPaet

steal ealk t car/ dtive a||ay
take Petet

murder (n) /'mo:do/ uu ngin

siii kidnappins (n) tkidt\f'pir/ s(biitcdcddt'hs
assrult(n) /otr:lt/ hary
uu h,ilnh vandalism (n) l'vJendblizbrn/ st phtt hoai ctic
rhcft (n) lqefrJ uv tr1n c6trE tfinh Ddn ha
(n) l'!)p'liftiq/ sudnciipdcdc&ahdng
shoplifting snEsh (v) lsll,'.'I/ phd tan
blrckr il(') /'b\t".:flnetlt st hd.m daa.lE t6iq tiin
Po5sibilities 9

Would you €et involved?

I l rhrt wotrld rou do il vor

YY"u',,oru".r o,
assault? Would you htervene?
lh€ ll yolr nelehbour's holse ras
on |te, would you try to rescue
lh€ ,@ple lGid€? Whai .would
Yo! do lf somcon€ .e€ded yorrr
lrslp l. a dangoroo3 3itoation?
Would you get lnvolved?

lJwas warrrne

nolhr.g. sars l)nvr) I Sioke

Jorn th:.oor i rd rcnt In it
Nas einefrre y hol Dnd thcrc ir
tae sn!k. evdlshcre. But I
g0r l ie oi.l .Df .rr. T'?o
n.ules .ttr tlr! $hoic lrou5e
s,rs I lldn... rd do tre

Elui Pdr I ,f oJsrr,. ri Li

IJE.I r r! !(d )e rj"c, sr

'lrlc^.i;d l. lulp J .eBr,b.-r.r
.,1r.. slre hrr.d a no's3 iir ih..
slrecl. F,r! ifr crDlanrs,h-21
hnpterr.:d. lelo 8rs!.re
Ihror? rg sloncs nt nry
norghbouas rrc!sc. sIo!led .t 1l]-"nr Br I rh(rr lhey c.nrc
0\€r lo my holsr an! rlv€rtc.ed rnc. r was shorked and
rcalD lnghtencd. Tlrey were onry aDoul urnceo years otd. I
,ould.1do il a8rtrr. I iJJUsi
rt tn lact lnsi v?eek I ln tip'. forr. ,n 1964. a Drdr' srnbbcr K ry ccru!41p n,
s3w sorfc boys vandllrznrg an emDlt shop rn rlre nerr ln,- doJ tnLnl Morc lhda w,a,ouoriahad,oItr/s
sl(eet, rut L d iirr t rl! .f!4hrfa. I i!rst .rossed thc strect screanrs. bur noboay herpcd rier. They alt rhougrrr thar
No, I sou dn t get hlolrerr agai| tl s nor worlh ir.' sonreone else woutd calL rhe poLice. Nobody helped (itry
Ce.o!.se and slre dred. Boi when Ouve Greenwood rnad
,. - ",,.,.." , . .. J . rrr.oe I n.,.,
IDrorh,'ao'rru^,.j,,1n,J 'nene lc ue( au . . rre/ to help a young woman olrsrde a pob . waLes one n'ghl,
l)e became rhe vicl'nr. Tne wonra. s attncke.s knEd hnr.
a@ alrajd ltral trrey $o!ld rcok silrt ir ihcy \!ere wcrg tn He left a widow and lwo young
alamous case rn 199:l lwo r{er!,e.yearcrd bors nruidered
a llc boy.a red ia.xrs Buger, ovcr a hurdred wrtnesscs lrr bq--.e,r.u,c5..4.h'\rrr.rlt"r,po F .,r'{ronr
saw lan)es wnlr 1 ie rwo Doys Deiorc thc orudcr r're boys ll d - 10. Dd 999 a o r"d,p to r'e, oricr o LnL r.!
{e.e plshing hi.r .na htrrng him. aul a I tlre win :sses brigade.' Bul in tlle heat or the nronrenl, fsomeone(ns
lhoughr lh.t lre wri !! th h s rrorhers. !o thly d d not do n koub€, whal would y.u do?

inrcrvcne(v) /,irltrr'vi:,r/ naDrc (n) /ncil]l,l lla

g tiin rLgon
rcscue (v) /rc\kj u:/ gi.;i thodt, ctirr nEu!
frishreD (v) lftaitnl
shour (v) UauV
atlitude (n) /t!rilju:(y rhdi d0
cxlrcmely (adv) /iks,tri:nrti/ uA cntry nhAn uh!!n7
srab (v) dAtn bdng.loo
9 Possibilities

Listening and speaking

Checking into a hotel
1 Look al rhe photograph. A sue{t is checkinc a What words.nd cxpressions would you hear?
lnto a hotel. Imaglne the conversation with b What would lhey say to each orh€r?
the receptionist. c E 9,2 Uslen and.h€ck your id€as.

2 Look at the conversatlon. Rcceptlonisl And how Co you wanl ro s€ttl

a Work wllh a parmcr and complete rhe <onveFarion rh.
Gu€st Ay _ , if thafs all dghr.
Rcceprlonisa Ycs, of course. Could I jusr ial
wake-up @ll nlmber slitcase sign impint ol the card. sir?
rcgistration sjnglc lifl name nighb bill key
.€servation luggage .redit card stay minirt€
Glest-?Yes, her€ you are.
Rcceptioni5i thank you. Ard will you reqr
newspaps and 6 ln the mornh
Receptionist cood cvanin& si. -
Guest Y€r, l'd lik€ 7h, fir.r and a c.ll ar 7.:
Guest Cood cvening. Do you have a
in lhe _ ol Jones, please?
Receptionist --
7,30. Very 8ood, sir. Eere3 yc
Receptionisa Jurt a-, sir. Yer hcre wc
are. Mr Alan Jones. Would you like 6
Yotrr room _ ls 429
is over there. Do you nc€d an]
.mm or a doublc, Mr Jones?
Gucst I'd preler a double, iI you've got onc.
wirh vour 2
-.. No, thanl you. l've or y got a $nall
Receptionist And how many _ arc you
- -
Guest TbJee,
R€cepaionlst WcL cnioy your _
Gu€st Thank you.
Reccprionist Fin€. We[, could you just fill in rhc
torm and it at fte b E 9.2 Llsten and chcck your answcrr.
bottom, plcase? 3 Work with a panner. Roleplay rhc conversati(
Gu€st Y6. ccrtainly.

- (n) -
impnd /imprint ,16u ual, odt in rogist ation (n) l,rel'i'steiJnt stddng bj
credit card (n)/'keditko:d/ tha th dpnE require (v) /ti'k]'.aio/ cdn c6, y'u c
rcscrvation(n) /,rczo'veijr/ s\l ddt chA tr'.tdc lift (n) llit{ thans mdr
Possibilitles 9

Conversation pieces:
Polite requests
a Look at these expr*slons. -ou- I emphatic stress
Cauld you Aust) . . .7 'I The vowels -ot -
The vowels -or- can be pronounced in many dillerent ways.
/rst makes the rcquest $!nd
a Look ar this list of words. Put th€m into the coffecl column.
'Ihese expressions are 0sually
encourage ffolr thought pound our enough bought
foLlowed by p/eose. couple trouble double lought would voucher country
b Find the expressons in the out yoo sholld round could house your through
conversalion. How do the people
respond to the rcqusts?
c Woft with a partnei Take rt in tums
to male lhe following requests and


Could yau just sign ke fon ot the

b &l r.; r,isten, chect and rcpeat.

2 Emphatic stress
when we wanr to €mphasize certain inlomation in a sentence,
wc srress iha( pdr l,
. sign the form at the bottom. SEI e.4 List€n to this sentence. The stress can go on rhree
. excuse you, while you make a dilfer€nt parts.

. get your suitcases from your c:r. wc need to be at the een g at thlee o'clock.
. see if there are any messages for
Th€ dillerent stresses chanSe tlle m€aning.
. put your bag in t\e room. Match the meanings beiow !o th€ stress points I, 2, and L
. send a fax for you.
I rhe rneetue is.t thr.e, not tour.
! You and r have to be there at three, but th€ others don't-
n we need to te at the me€ting at thre€, so we must adve al
. see someone's passPort. the building earlier.

. make a phone call.

El 9.5 Listen ro *re firsr part of these senlences. Mark the
. leave your bass the.e,
. €anel your wakeup call. choose tlle coffect ending for ea€h sentence.
d Look at your rcquests. !!ho wolld I live al number I I Johrlon Rord,l nol my brother.
nak€ them, quest or receptionist?
I nor number 12.
tg? I not Johnson clore.
0, Aliron used lo be a ,inger,l nor a piano player.
I bur she isn'r now.
Work with a partner. Take it in
turns to be the 8uest and the
The receplioni!|. Mak€ new The news is on chaonel I now,l not latcr.
help conversations with this I Da at-
I nor channel r.
. single room/ one:rigbt/ vouch€t lr'Il be sunny romorrow alternoon.l not rainy.
tulakl Ttibunl 6-451 ooe suitase I no Lono,ow morning.
I nor Lhjs dfiemoon.
Your booLs dre on lhe rrble.l nor in the cupbodrd.
. double room/ a w€ek/ s€nd bil ro
company/ no n€wspaper/ 7.15/
I nor your pen.
| -i"".
effi "nr
9.6 Lislen to the rentences altd check your answers.
f6H 9.6 Lkren again and repeat.

politc (adj) /po'lai llNhs( voucher (n) I'ya Jo/ (Anh) phiau da tui idn,
respond (v) hl'sprrl4] dip lqi biin lai
excuse (v) liks'kj\:zl thtt l6i emphalic (adj) /im fEtiv nclns trone Am Gn tiai)
9 Possibilities

Extension: Reading and listening

Smart shopping
1 Look ar the pi(nrrc!. 2 Discuss these qucsrions.
a what do you lhink rhe anicle is about? I would you like to shop in a smarr store?
b whar is happ€nin8 in cach picture?
2 What do yotr lhink rhc ldvant.ges and
diradvamrScs of the 5man store would be
c &rr rhc piclurcs in the cote.1 ordc.-
d Read thc article and che.k your ordcr.
' lor thr .rrslomers?
3 Yo will hear somcone talking abou! thc

tnart arlvantagcs and disadvantaBcs of smar( stor.r

a EEI c.z I-isten a"u
down thc poinrs.

hopping b compdre them to your own idcas.


,14,,1R td


.Fhoppinq it the 5upernarlet woLrld the sm.rrl slore work? \n41en pen into the console and the
J..." . real .hore. And you ente.ed the sman suPcrmarket, computer ln the con9olewouid show
what do". shopper hate most youd collect a small eiedronic pen lhe totar cost. Ta pay, ya)d past a
abour it? - queue! ar the fro.n an assi{ant Then youd 90 c.edit ca.d through a 5lot on lhe
<hc.kort. aut they wouldn t rosnd ihe rtore as you nornrliry do coMre. Ihen ydr'd put yoir. hand
need ro queue it ruperdarkets and rake rhings Lom the s!g!gs. or finqer od a t anner. This .rould
You d /un lhe pen der trle bar .ode ide,nity yoLI so you couJdnt u5e
used lhe latetl idea in thoPPang.
on rhe gocdr bctore you put lhem in someone elter dedit card. Youd
_Tllis rdud i Lhc smart nore' Ihe your trolley, and the pen would leave rhe 5hop throLrgh a reo-rrity
L.uu t,o," wolrd reprrce record iaur purchrses. At
the arch |ke the ones ar atrport5. lf yorl
checkout asrisbnt! with comp!cr checkour, you wouldn'r meet a djdnt scrn every{hing in your lrolley.
rechnoiogy, and queLrcs a! rirc checkout asrisEnl insiead you'd find an arnrm wolld ring E
chcckouts would dilappcar r_low a ch€.korr console YoLr'd put the

c\orc (n) ttJi:(.Y collccr(v) /k6'lck,

qucue (n) tkjnl tliEc xab hdln8 consolc (n) /kon'soul/ b;ns diiu hhii]n cdi
chcckout (n) thiii b; diin tt
rcpl,'ec (v) /ri'plcis/ identify (v) /ai'dcniifai/
,.,r ,i {4i', ,..
Possibilities 9
4 Hcre is anorhcr idca for sma shopDins.
a Look cr the jntorma(ion dnd the pinures.
How 1nafi 6ho??ing lrom ho6c

Many pcal. aon't lika 6hoppln4 at

yo't wnld tun th. p.n cwt th. bat cod., .r?.ti,a.kat5, brl yot) wouhn t neca @ qo ta
on thc goo,k in
mdPr@rd ot )ndse. tha eup.tma*.| lf you D6ad lh. latcd Vca in
b whar do you rhink the advanraSes honr. qho?in,.You wouvn\.v.n t a!. your odn
drsadv.nLa8er ot honc- Ho* wuld lr wo*?
h would be?
C Conunu( rhc d.scriplion ot sma lhoppins Y@ d ned a6 chctronb ?.A frcm yo0.
from euryftna*ct Yo!'d go t4 your cupboatd ot
nome, uting thi5 formar:
fiaqc ad yo!'d Nn rhc p.n o\tc? thc bat coAcs
. How woutd ir work? ar th. thlnqb that yo'r wantua tu boy.ltra p.n
'. What woutd b€ rhe advanbcr{? would tcaata dat rar wantaa. 1\cn you d 4a ro
whar woujd b€ rhe disdva;a8es? yot)t t lcPhana. \ o,r' d ....



2 pen/ consoie on terepnone

4 telephone/ send/ ordcr/ elo.c 5 sto,e/ pack/ order
going to
Grammar in use Rules
I Discuss thtse questions. I Look at the cartoon asain.
I Do you ev€r make New Y€ar3 r€solulions? a Find these forms olrrirr ro:
2 Do you keep ft.m? . a positivc seniencc
I W\at do you thint ar. rh€ most common rcsolutions? . a [.gative r€ntence
4 why do peoplc mkc resolurions and then not k€cp !h€m?
2 Look ar rhe carloon. b Eow do w. make formi?
a R€ad th. story and decidc what the Ncw Yeart Resolution b
8oin8 to bc.
b Comparc your ideas wllh the class.
c EE tat Lisrcn to rhc story and chcck.

Its a]} ridht. we }{a?!y Near Ye.!. Mi'lc

won t have any oore Are you going t! lreat AnJ wLy is t}ls
you! Nev Y.a! 6 r..o:Iutton year di$e.ent?
adaib this y€a! ?

No, tlis yea'

A year lat.r

resolution (n) can LAi, quxii &m

cadoon (n) /ko:'ru:d
rouch (v) si', n6, dune
z When do we usc rrdlra lo ro talk about the luture? 2 The rest of your life slarts herel
a Look al these senrences from lhc story. Say which luture form is a Make three resoludoff to imprcve
your lile or to lulfil your ambilions.
Mike Thi! year. Karck, I' goih, togive up stuokiry. Work with a partner. Tell your
KNe Yau woklgiw up tnoking. partncr about your resolutioDs and
Jahn I ll !tu.e up, too. aDswer any questions that your

Usc the seotenteq to compleie the eramples for rhe mles

Change panDers. Tell your new
panrer abour you! fiBt parrner's
. ro mJle predidBns or r.ll aboul lhe lurure in gcncrdl.
3 Choose the €orrect Iuture form for

. when we decide to do somerhi g al lhe momenr oI t A Iofu\andIaft goiflg to / lttill

B Oh rhafs grear newsl

2 A I can't ffnd my wall€lt
R I'm soifls to / I' helq yonlook
Ior ir.
. 1() talk aboul somelhing lhat we havc already decided to do. I A Shall we go out lor a meal
rhis evenin,t?
B Ycs, OK.I'h goifig to / I'll
phone and book a table.
c lind on€ morc examplc oI each use in the story. Can you record that programme
lot me? I'n going to I I' haft
> Check the rules lor Jrrrr l, in Grammar Referen.e 10.1.

A lt's my birlhday on Saturday.

Practice B Ar. you going ro I Will tou

1 what are this family's resolutions? A I m going to 8er a cup of coflee.

a Make scntcnccs with gdtrr l, and rhis inlormalion. B Good idea. I'm goittg to / I'I

A tiere's lhat repon.

B Oh, thanks. I't 1 going to / I'll
read it lhis evening.
Il you see a black cat, yol?
My hurband3 goins to lr on a diet. qoit\t to / you ll haee Eood luck.
He isk'ttoiig to dtink so nuch b t.
4 Co round the class. lind out
about pcople's plans for

My son / have / haircut

' lhcir Dexi holiday.

what ate !a, goin! to do ... ?

ll you already hrve plans say:

ll you are noi sure, say:

My dauShlcr / tidy / bcdroom we / be nicer lo each olher

ot I don t know.Ilwll probably ...
She / talk / phone Ior irours we / aryue wifi each oficr

b H /o2 Listen and chcck.

prediction(d /pri'dikJn/ s( tiin dodtl, Idi dt <lodn wallet (n) l\v]1i

inprove (v) /im'prurv/ cdithi4n,lam6i lLdn give up (v) lsjv Lp/ &b6
aDbiiion(n) /rcm'biJ,r./ hoa'i bao, Ithdt vong at the noment of /art 0o'mounont Dvl udo &an diihL


Vocabulary Reading
Gerunds; activities The €349 housewift
1 Look at this list of a(tivilies. which do you likc dolng? Look at thc picturc and thc
headline of tbe article.
playing football shower sitti.g witing jo99in9
having a
a whar do you think thc anicle j5
sLFbdri nq the.oarden cvclinq shoppjng' s\dting
d qarnq
sk,pp,ng sleprng - shdving ln,ni.g getting d,essed
swimming doing housework dancing ddving washing up The filn paragraph mentions tl49
and 7l hours. what do you think
these numbe6 r€present?
2 The words in 1 are all gcruDds.
c Look at rhe ren and check your id(
a A Serund is e irg lorln of a verb. Itow do we make the gerunds
d Lok at the chan. Find rbejob title

play sleep qde shave skip knit

wdhing up preparing meals
b A gerund is a noun- wc usc it as th€ subjec or object ol a w6hin9 .lothes s@ing
senlcncc, and lollowinS a prcposirion. what rypcs olgerund arc looking atter children

2 Read the text- Mark lhcsc

sentences I'rue (/), t:dt!. (t), or
Sh. s wry g:ood at swintning-
Swinnlns n goad laryau.
I The average houselvile work
Look at thc chart. What does it drow? near)y 7r hours a week.
a El ro..r risr"" t" rorn" information abour rhe a.liraries above. 2 Sevenrypci cnr oI the
b Put rhe acrrvilies abov€ in the corcct category. working population carn
[l6,000 a ycar.
How many calories ca. you b!.n in one hour? I Train driveE eam thc samc as

4 Teachers eam abour €24,000

t r.ooking altcr children taket

6 \Yives wilhjobs I rrend morc
time on housewo.k lhaD oo
light activii es 100 ptoying the piano,
7 The avcragc molhe! wnh a
100,200 .hild undcr one woiis 9t

- Karen T\rdor-Ulliams $inks
thar dre gove.Dment should

He. husband hrlps with a lot

r0 Ann€ Neale thinks $at

c E ro. r r-rsr"n ag,in and chcck yuur anstcr(. husbands' (m!loy€rs should
4 Lool< at thcsc acriviti6.
a which caregory do you think they 80 in? Discuss your ideas. 3 Discuss.hese quesdons.
fshing tcning a c, weightlifting I How do you leel about fie
looking after child.en saiLing travelling by plane snu.rion in ihe r€xr?
.unnins cooking skiinq sinsinq Do you ihink.he siruaton is
breathios windsurfing s€wins similar ln your couDtry?
Do you agrec wirh Karen and
b How many encrgeti. or strenuous acdvities do you do? Atul€? what, if anyrhing, sho
Chcck the rules for Serunds in Grannnar Rcfcren.e 10.2 b. done abort rh.3iru.tio.?
gcrund (n) /dterc A danh dAng tu skaling (n) /skci!in/ ndn tnJdt bdng
jogsng (n) /d3rcin/ st lufntip
than tM shping (n) /shph/ utat: nluir dny
bdng airh cha1b6 knitti!,8 (n) /'niriq/
digsins (n) /di$rl/ slttdi, cudc s€wing (n)
Activitles lO

The f,349 Vocabulary

Find thes€
filet Work
$ings in lhe a^iclei
allthe nMes

of lobs
. five synonyms ro' wo.r {.) md (Y)
. t to syrcnyns fo( W , tlt.J
. anolher way of saylng these:

k takes o lat o( tine

. the word for € place whe.e

. the abbreviario. tor do iryo!6ef

I )
I low her week,y paystip
woutd.dd up.

l).9 h.s !5 50 4105,95

122 h6 a5 J5 t6521
122tus f535 f65.2t
fl fi.80 f35 3:l
t3 80 f24 32
5.t hrs t3.80 t2166
E 26lirs f4.50 ft1.70
t5.90 t8.26
D fJ.60 t612
f4.00 f5.20
tr 70.7hrs
As narurv, coot. cleancr- laun- w@kly, $e fisw druPt to 8c houff
7 dreis, shopper, rlishwashe+, dri-
By SEAN P0ULTER frcm one 10 fou tnd lo 66 hos
vqr- gardcrer, lnd scaarst€ss,
she has one of the most Bcsearg!!-rs Put a Pric. os each Mo$er of-four Karcn Tudor
FI demandiog jobs in Brilain chorc, $cn calculdcd how long lhe Williatu, riom Rcrdins, srid lasr
rodry. And prying sonreone averaSe person htcs doins them niShl 'Wages grcnl Pracrical, b!1
el\e Io do lhc chores which take TlEy found houscwives tpend e l!, goYesseat$ould !!.asqke{he
avcB8e ?0-? houn weck on doDes vdue of houlq\vo4, F.hups rhrc!8h
E lhe average housewife 71 hours a

a welk wouldrosl t349, it was tic duties with tooking !fte. tbe 6i ta RuMins a house
childred (17.9 hoo6) ud c@kilg lllcs a lor'yrt",n.
ofrime Md rDosr husbeds
tr rcvealed yesterday.
od cleoios (12.3 ho6 @h) the donl appMiaic this. Thcy say tn.y
Ar ovq 118,000 ! ycu $at s $orc do th€ DIY jobs, but my husb$d
mos! lime-consuming.
!a! rhurruirrs of 70+4r eenl ol rhc puls a sh.lf up noe dd a8&in.
A *ife with a pln'une job still
n potuidUon, irrcluding (aio drile6, h'
firllen, prison officlrs, d'd $xi.i works m average of 59 hous a *eek Hc neve. cl@s the bo - Uat s li'e
ar homc. 8,$. jrjurl=lj]r]€mproy'
h!4!Lu! i[lNSu ]06 at+oh. SiDgl€ pdcnl Annc Neale from
L@lin8 !t!er a youngster les lhan a said:
tLarlitrlbc aorltl@. Nonh'wes! London The
yw old utei . hou*wifc inro an e4ql.!1 sbould paraftn
evcn hiBhcr pay lcague. A$ording (o The gGrd ncvs ir thd th* hou.' Got
g3gei l! s $. husband's etrtploy..
asuryey, shc dlscnes !45? a wdk ' deline sharply as childrcn 8.t older-
who bencfils from thc work rnai
!t neuly !?4,txii] a yea, lhe sam€ as While the avciaec molher ,rilh a
Id Eachers, ensina6, ud cheDists. child undcr one puB in 90 bours

l$usewife (n) /'hluswlifl ngL.d trOi tC domcstic (Ndj) /nb'nicstikl (thu9d Eit dinh, fthu1c) vi4c nhil
dirl rshcr (n) /dit,wrto/ n dr har vrlit r&a b'it tnne-consumins (adj) /\ain kof'sju:Dir/ t6h nhiiu hin Srrn
rcamstress (n) /'sinrsrris/ c6 li./ rmv
pan-rinrcjob (o) /porrai0f dJrb/ ui* Iam Anm (bitt thai Eisn)
r c.r. \tl .r!i.l hto'n P1'.; ld rcta 'Jc.1in'
(\ t /di'klair/ 6hg giin
Lhrcns {\ I l& to \t ,lonq ltng.tdnq synonyn) (,')
iritrcvidt,on t.1) / !itionl thn uiai tdt a3
1O Activitles

Listening and speaking

Making suggestions
I You will hear threc conversatidrs. 2 Look ar this list ol a€tivities.
a Look ar ftc lis! ot possible aclivitics. Ti.k (/) Ihe aclivirics ut thc p€ople ar. goinS to do.
b El io.a Lisren and march €ach .onv..sarion evith n so to rhe b€ach
! hav€ a picnic by dre nv€r
n invrE some Iricndt lrom soain
U relephone Piane and eerci
going ro a rcstau.ant E car ar rhe Red Dra8on resrauranr

bookin8 a holiday
Ll rry rhe new lralian resraur,)nr
Tl book a bble ar Mario s
U so ro $e .incma
! hir. s video
spendinS a day in $c counrry
n have a bath
E phone the video shop
having a game of tennis ! gct some piz,as

EEI to.e I"i<ren aeoll and check your an'wers.


sugScsrion (t /s o'{:}cstJon/ sll Cqr i invire (v) /in'vaiL/ ndt

rclarive(n) /'rclotir/ hjrc (v) l')\ai6/ thua, tnLldn
Activities lo

Conversation pieces: Expressions with -ing forms

Some of the .xpressiqs in the conversaiions us€ the irv form of
the ve6. Some lsc the infininve without fti. /f/, /fl; suggestions
a Conplere thsc .xpres'siffi with lhc @r€ct form ot the wrb 9p.
b Look ar tapescipl IO.4 Md check yoJr answe6. I The sounds /f/ and /.1/
c Practise the conveetiorE with a pa.ln€r a El ro.s usren and rick (/) rhc
> You can go to the Pronunclallon section fllst icl placticc.
MaliDg iqggestions: shcep

chop shop which n'ish

clup ship

why dan't we l- Say ti€se sentences,

woutd you tiie rc l- Which watcll did the chaos.?
Wat h while I wath rhete .h.ap sha.t.
sqihnng' Sh. w3 .hdtting to lh. shy chiAt.n ar th.
r€rb l-
Eryr.ssing lik.s/dislikas/pr€
EA 10.6 Lisrcn, chcck and repea!.
to the cinmo
aont nina I-
2 Making suggestions
We cau usc questions or starcmcnrs for
e,ioy making suSgestions. They follow thc
t I
normal intonation parkms.
a Say these wiih the corr€ct intonation,

What shall w tk tonisht?
_t .ne shoos fot tr,e, pteose?
Do yau thlnk you could
Itt ------..*_2
Shall w. So to th. movi.!?

Look at thesc suggesrions for things to do.

a woft wilh a panner. Think of a pocribl€ objection ro rach.
LctI neal.
. 80 lo lhar new Indian resraurant . play tenni! So out tot a

. waldr the loolball on TV . So for a driDk

. do some gardening b El ro.z tisten, check and repcat.
. havc a pany ncxt w€ek c Mark therc suS8esrions with the
. ro'rnd
iny& sornc friend5 . so rwirruning
*ff6#"*.*"'h.{fr,s. using rr'e circsons abovc. t Do you faffy goin8 our lonighl?
A llake a suggestion. 2 Lefs 80 to th€ beach.
I objeo and nb}c anothcr sugg€$ion. I What about Settins a video?
.4 Ac.cpt lhe new sugSertion. AskB to do something.
4 Shall we book a table at thebisrro?
t Do you wanl to go ro dte party?
A Ho!r' about toing to that n w lndian ftttdutunt ronight? 6 Why don't we try ftat ncw pub?
8 Na, I dai't lan.r .eting tndian lood. v,rht don't *N So to the O6it?
A 0K. Do tau think you eould book a tabL?
? I fancy seeing a film tonight.
lliv. conversations abour these sirutions.
8 How about spending a wcck in Rio?
. anangiDc a day out d El ro.8 Listco, check a.d repeat.
. dccidin! what to do this evening e Pracrise sayins the s€nren(es.

fancy (v) n{n, thich nudn

/f.ensi/ chew (v) ttld nhai
barbccue (n) /'borbikju:/ l<n 6b, cia, tutne
(quay) cd an intonation (n) /,in\or' neiJnl nAt dEu
0isis (n) /ou eisis/ & dan, ntti nghi ngti thodi m6i bistro (r) /bistrou/ qudn ftrqu nh6,
'rim rnqu nh6
tO Activities

Extension: Listening and speaking 5 Look at rhe questionnai.e alroul

The pleasure principle a ch@s. rhe ten aflivilles which Jivc

yo! most pleasure. Put them in order
t H€re is the introduction to a radio interview. l-lo (l is the mosl pteasurabl€).
a El Io9 Read and listen to thc inlroductio'. Are lherc any things that you would
Iikc .o add lo the llst?
Work in a group. Compare your
and the €nd of living happily." €hoic€s. what diflerences and
"'Pleasure h the begirping
similarilics arc there?
Those are the words ofthe Grcek philosopher Epicrrus, who
us€ rhese expr€sions:
lived 2100 years ago. People have alwala Ei€d to 6nd
pleasure and today we hav€ many more plearures than the
Ancienc Greels had. And yet ive sdll don't tnou, a lot about
rhis inportant part of life. Here in th€ sfttdio is D Jorudun
I g.ta tot ofpt asur. ftun ...
Shmberc. Gocd ev€nins, Dr Shanberg.'
Li$ ihe rcn lhings lhat you sp€nd
most ol you! limc doing. How does
this lisr compare lo youranswcis !o
Discuss rhere questions.
thc qucstio.nairc? Have you 80! tho
r whar will the intervicw be aboul? recipc lor a happy life?
2 who will be inlcrviewed?
I What qu€nions do you lhink thc inrcreiew€r will ask? 6 Make a questionnairc to llnd oul
what pcople hai€ doiDg.
2 You will dre interview.
a work in g.oupr using rhe
a E lo.e Lisren and che.k your ideas. qu€slionnairc in 5 !s a model. t4akca
b Wha! questions does the inlerviewcr ask? lht ot about thiny thmgs tirar you
fiink pcoplc dislike doins.
(some mal
3 Dr 5hambe.8 uses activitics to illuslrale his ide.s.
bc the same as in lhe qucsionniircl)
a March the list oI ideas and thc list oI activities.
On a scparatc piece ol paper lht rhe
tcn thiDgs that you think will be mot

Pledure k iffponant for cive your questionnaire to another

getting on with each other
group and ark them to choosc their
ten Ieasr favourir€ things. compare
the resuhs to your ow! lredictions.
Happy peopl. enjoy the
everyday th ngs n ife.

Pl6()rc means diferent things

b @ to.g l.sten asain and check yo'Jr answcB.

4 Discuss [hese qucstions.

I what do you thlnk of Dr shamberg's ideas?
2 should everyonr be able to pursue th€ir own 'Pleasures'?
what about these?
. takinc drucs . drivins fast
. smoking . hunting

I The modern world can oller a v€ry wide range of pleasures.

Makc ?r list of somc things th3t were nor availabl€ a hundrcd
yean ago. Have these tbings improvcd lilc or made it worsc?

plcasure (n) /'plcro(r)/ niinL uui thbh tuui thi) Iunling (n) /'h^ntin/ s{sdn 6in
!irilosophcr (n) /fi'l)s6foG)/ t.i{t Eia didike (v) tdts'latlv hh6ns lkich, ghzt
human survival (n) stt s6itg ci]," cdtL Lan Loqi choice (n) /Lrris/ s\t l(a chq,I

pinciple (n) /'prinsopu nguyan Il)editatins (n) /' mediteiti\l nE6i thti,L
challcnSjng nature (n) /LInlinsJi']|'net:J6/ th(ih thrlc day.Jrcamrng rn, Jci.dtrntt nB"i nd
ci4 trt nhian msssaPe (n) m€so J', stt \ 4 bt;p n.;t to
/'dckorci, trune h@ing, musicdl insrrumenr (n) mju:,,rkdl 'in.rrumdnr ,rac.-
tranr! ti

11 The media
have tolcan: Past and future
Grammar in use 1 Rules

I Irna8ine you arc a politician talking to an

I The text uses th€ verb havt lo.
a complcte th6e s€ntences lrom rhc t€xt.
Work lyllh a pann€r- Which oI th€re laclo$ do you
rhink is the mon imponant? so ttott too mu.h abot t anteat.
Fot danpl?, politkia$
about tkir apryarant?
b R€rEirc cach ieqtenc€ ln rh€ third pcrson sinSular
b Clve a perccntaSc lor each fador' c How do we -makc thes€ torm3 wiih ndv. t ?
c Rcad rhe text and ched Your dswcrs. . -
a po6idvc itatemcnt

2 Di.iuss these questions.

. a n€gativc stagement -
I How imponant is imagc, do You thlnk?
2 Do you a8re€ with Mehrabian's r6car.h? Ch€ck thc rules for ,alr r, in Gramma! Ref€r€n
! can you think of any exampl€t lrom Your own ll_1.
€rpcnencc wbich .onflm hrs r.s€arch?

t \ :'';;tr'[i[''#ff:#:9, ;#'s1;
; *'H'"#' j#Hr *1
\, JT"*##J

b0 j-*'H'gEgttr
q di'fi, ch,lns thtb
audieoce(n) /'rrdjons/ thinh siA, gii confirm (v) htuing
^on'fo:tn/ d6ng ! tlin thinh
rcsearch (n) /ri'so:t/
ph,in tfin ^Eree(vl
contcnt (D) /krnlenr/ n6i dung
pcrcentagc (n) /po'sentidS/ ti E
Practice Rules
1 whar qualities do thes€ peoplc 1 Find examples in rapescrlpt ll.l to complete the table.
havc to hav€ ror.helr iobs?
a Look a! ahc lirt of porsible quali es.
b Work wit}l a panner and compl€t.
thc uble- Can you add ary mor.? (obligation)

Qualities (abitily)
b. good-looking b.
be fit
havc a ufliv€rsity d€grc. bc young
be maded iook honi:st bc tall
2 How do we makc questionr wilh ,r4re td and rd, in the past
have a nic. voice l@k athactive
Chcck thc rul6 for taw tr and czr i[ Grammar Referenc€s I l.l
5Dd 11.2,

I Make an irterview with Jason S.ul.
Put the words in rhc corecl ord€r to mak€ qucsrions.
I thc havc did photogEphs you tike ro?
2 hide did have where to you?
3 see you house clearly could the?
4 lonS wait did havc how you to?
5 photos bc to wil lcll you the able?
wbat do you have ro do in your 6 same you able bc the use to will lrcc?
? to whal you hav€ now will do?
a Mak€ a lirt ofthe rhinSs thar you have I Icnr buy b€ rou to n€w wil able a?
10 do aDd the qualities lhat you have Work with a panner. Use th€ questions to roleplay aD iDt€rviele
wllh Jaron Saul.
b Work wirh a panner. Aik quesrions lo 2 Think about you. childhood.
find out about your panner'sjob.
a Wrile down ftree things thar you had lo do and three ihin8s rhat
you didn't have to do.
Inyout job do you haw to wotkwith
I had to go to be.{ at ebht o clock.
Do lau h4e. to .hive? I .lidn1 har. to go to |ao.k.
what houn do lou hav. to wtk?
b Ark ofter pcople in rhe class iI their childhood was the sanc.
Grammar in use 2
lEl ll.t Lisren.o rhe inte.vtew. A Whtr ti . tlid lou haw 1o go to kd. iph.n tou w.t ti?
I Whar ir Jaron Saul'sjob? B I had to go ro b.d at .ight o'clock.
2 What has he recently done?
I llow did hc do it? Could you do rhese thingi when you w€.e six?
4 Why wonl he b€ nbk to do i! a8ain? . spcak a lorei8! laDguag€
2 Disruss these questions.
. play compuicr ganes
I How des JasoD Saul
Junjly his job? d Compare aniwels with a parurcr-
2 Do you agree with 3 !maSine lhat thcsc rhib8s havejusr h,rpper€d.
hiin? a Thi.t abou! how your lile wiU cbange
t Do you What witl/wor,t you have ro do?
!hil]k what witl/wonl yo be ablc ro do?
that . You've lost yourjob. . You've won lhe national loltery.
. You've 8ot nuded. . You and your parher blve had a bab].
should bc rule, . You've BoI a place !o sludy abroad.
b Compare answers with a pann:r, atrd then wilh thc .brs.
See Rellectint on LcarninS 12: The vcrb ro rtaw pl2l.

lvcrsiry dcgrce (n) /,JLr:ni'vo:soti

Ll,f di gri:/ bd A t6i nghi'tp
dqi hlc ability (n) Io'bilatit khd MnE
orrirsreader(n) /nju:z,ri:do/ n*litt dw &iL tAn ti
titL d priest (n) lpo,sl u.i hrh m\c
obligadon(n) l,rbli'sci/d nshia uv, bdn ph4n foorballcr (n) lfl)tbl]ot cAu thi &t

t 1 The media

Vocabulary Reading
The media Fionats new look
Who arc your favourite media I l-ok at the photo8raphs in the first newspaper article.
a Discr.rss these quesrions.
wrir. ftc nam€ ol your favouliic I How has th€ woman's app€aranc. d ged?
2 whi€h photograph do you prelcr and why?
Read th€ ffrst two paragraphs and answ.r the questions.
. DJ- I Who is lhe woman in th€ phob?
2 Whar i5 her newjob?
I what did she do before?
4 whar has sh€ had b chanSe lor h€r ne!,v lob?
2 Look quickly throuSh tbe whole text. Match thc peoplr

. 6lm direclor.
. Tv adverlisemenr.
. Oir€ctor of Proqrammes
w€arh€r prcsenrer,
b Tell your panner about your choices. 3 ttcad rhe wholc and answcr tbese questions.
2 Maach .he verbs wirh ah€ iaems.
I what chan8€s have the image conruhan6 made to
fionaj lma8e?
Ea(h iteh can have morc than one
2 why have they made the chang€s?
I why has Fiona accep(ed.hem?

i I' li0na Armskons has soi ! new Protl@hes, Liz How.ll say
L\: iob. The foinc. n.$a.cader rot ih! vi.*6 to 6ffy th
finn I IN is the co t.cs€n(.. of p!.senr.6- So wcv. ried to
(lNl]l's nes brclkfa$ out th. nic., frieodty !id. of
6d to mak. h.r *ne!. Sbe
'lhe brciHat 3bow {ill $aft at wcs brisht.r colouB.nd s
6.00 o omo.@w, but Fi@ h$ skilB. Hcr i{k tr d 5hon.
had to charc mo.e ths h to cmphaiz. her figurc. Sb.
qo*iot hous. Thc ncw FioM h.i
go. liShte. h.i., b.iaht .lip6ti.k lioa s co-p.snr.., Micha
3 Complctt these sentcncrs with ilt
and a s.xie! vddlobe. She vill Igilson, hld to cha'
.lso sil.. lot sd did enh ih. ima&. GMTY wo( Mida
I we were --#}- a photograph .-ll!- 8u.s6 otr rhe prc8ldh€. So *hy ipp€.1 to qohcn, but they
rhe newspap€r, v.n. hih ro did.r. drl. r
2 My dos was --.!I- an Thr p.odec6 wd. wo@n .ither. Borh pr$.nt€rs hzd
adv€rtis€rncn! --4ll- av. bctscn 20 sd 40 io ideqtiry atre to th. rew imrg. d !
I I've s€en that fflm J- video. wi.h FioE, sho 5 lt, tnd th.y
Clinr Easrw@dt jLir. we. FopL of all as.s ro 6nd h.r GMTV stan their oev bls
.ftracrive. So GMTY brcWht in PoglM@.oEor@ o@
4 I read aboul it -,rlt- an article
lsl But lor {c.r@. is rEppr.
ArDeri@ imgc coGutor,
a nla8&ine
-]iL- N MaSid ro aeate a wholc ncw do.to6 harc 8ot it v,
t He was a play --.o.i- rhe imr8. fo. Fiom. He s kden a .h. !.Jr. rl. Gw y.r t8o rl
-!:- 'the news docto! io the Sr.res s(ked Amdican rmrhed
*here im8. @nc{ t .r,.y k big John Colo.r, bcc.q5. ll.
buircss. Hc dccidcd rb:r FioE ! du[ After thour.odr of]er
!.do8 news€ad.r ih.8e hd to from rnsly vi€w.6, Col.n
so. GMTV! Diftd of

agazine (n) /,mllgo'zirn/ flirt (v) I fj,av dna, dna bAn

switch on (v) 64 nd consultanl(n) /kon's^ltont/ nsuin ,/ udn k6 va'n)
switch off(v) tit emphasize(v) /'emfosai/ Idn ndi bat
produce (v) /'prrdjurs/ sdn ndt alienare(v) /€iljDn€iv tom cho ai xa Anh, sut
The media I I
Discuss question5- 5 What happ.n.d to FioDa?
I whar do you rhink abour Lbe a Look quickly at lhis anicle and answer these questions.
altenpt lo .hangc FjoDa's irraSe? r Who was ii writienby?
2 What image do you rhink they 2 Was it wrilrcn befole or alter fie orher arlicle?
created for Wilson? I What happened? Choose lhe corect sraremenr.
] Do you thirk^4i.hael
Fiom will like ber
fJ rionat new image was a 8rea1 succcss.
4 Do you lhink lh€ir new images will n riona tefr the prosramrne.
D r rre p,oa"ctA cnanged Fiund,\ Indge d8din
b Were your ideas 4 corec!?
Language focus: 'n
Wont someone to .,,
a Complete this sentence iom
IAIell, t rd,r ro er. nla crilcised n] dpledtnte. It
YY do.r. wl'en I Ms l
ncwsrcad€r ry appeaian.e u,l,rt'pv @ Ihc+w
to watuen, but they dn't want Tw
wd n€ver disused. And I lpro3rr,,ne nshr rrum lhe
did l even thinL ahurmy stdt, alfiough I sbyed longer
b Use your answers to 3. What do vhich rerc alwaF
legs, thu my male cep.esenrr.
lhe progrmme prodlce6 wet bchnrd ! desk. Burvhen i W€ both ttlt unc.-r^.bbL:
wilh our ddfchl imaees.
appedan.e b€came rronr l heo linilly I couldnldo ir
Ihey wont he( b snile a \ot.
pase De*' suddent every oy norc, cide. tP6tssc!
neMPaper in the counry hrd beinsrDyse].eed irrhd{ed.
som€fting ro say abou! my, od none oa irwd ver/ T m shij^Fa,,s JUb,oun
-l.u r}e pr.rnter ur,

I Trruw tha n:8e mdkrs r

-t/ou re rn ,., r aubl,c c)e you
baieqlqoL:lqe4 ardjut.
Vicvc( donlwrro ke
prognmrne call€d aanbnt.
,ra4 and I i;el very go.d
about iL fll have 10 lDol{
8ood, of, bur I *or'r
untid)' clothe, aDd hair. hav€ to ${& k{y' clorh.s
t8 Inage njnr-t,q, ludr ald shile nii !ime.,flLlx
it! tr3ntltiry-In all the able to choo* Utlqnn
ncwspaper erjcles atDut rhe c&{h€s ud BFow. haiftrrle.
new brea}fat progranme, l-!!b.9ab1 o bdnrlelt r'hen
lhe ine Yiewcre {ill be able lo
plsglarumes rorleni or cuqellllale {4!he6rtenr{r.
n'fonr4tior Tlrcy dl ju$ tlr€ grd_q.amme, noi on ne

6 Read th( tcxt nrore.arcfull!_

Answer Ihese quesrions.
I what did thc newstrapers say abou! Pionat appearance?
( 2 why didnl she like it? (2 reasont
I whar happened ro Fionat co presenier?
4 Whar is Fionr 8oing ro do now?
t 'r'r'hy is she happy abour
b Wh6t do you think abour Fiona's ideas? Do you agree?
7 lt flre d \hurI \urn,harv ut ,he rro d ict.\., ,in!
. fiona's newjob as presenter oI GMTV s ncw breakJast

. her new imaSe and rhe reasons ror

. what happened and why '1
. whal fiona is goinS lo do now
. how liona leels abour lhe whole incidenr

flarhnns (v) tdviai (adj) /'trivioY tdm thuaJng

rurhrpublic eye /in do'p^blik ail tntdc con mijt cijng ching artifi cial (adj) /,oxi'fi,rbY tao rc m6t citch c6'i
qidcise (v) |kritisaiz/ phe binh, chi trith incidenl(r) /'i.sidon,
I I The media

Listening and speaking Conversation pieces:

Telephone expressions
Getting through a Conplete &. dp.cssidE wida th€sc wordr.

1 You will hear Ray Porter making a phone call. moment hold wrong cngaged
a El t Lz Usrcn ro rhc frBt pan and answ€r rcpt nEy dtasbn k.p t.y
message through heg speak
r Who is he 8oin8 to phonc?
z wherc do€s she work? Hod-lHptolJ?
I what do€r he wanl rq phone about? CouM I ...?
4 whar is thc nMber? Colld I hove _ 233, ,leose?
Coutd t hc.e o _ lor ...7
I'n ery, the
line's _ .

fllt,e's tb
I think yo!'ve qot the enensiol.
Wo'M wu lke to ?

l'll-ogain lotel
I'htub -
Just one pleose.
I'n j6t puttins tou now.
b Look at lapGcipt 1 1.2 and €heck }!Ur answels.
c Practis€ the
-, conv€rsations wilh a partn€r, using

b aick (r') lhe thinss thar happ.n.

i] He ges throueh ro rhe wronS .xrcBion.

D Kathy is in a m€eting.
I Hc c?ls back.
n r. hung, up.
I He gels throush !o Kaihy's seaerary.
! Th€ line ir en8aSed.
! He ai"ls a *ro"s nu-bcr.
I Kathy callr him back-
! rheret no reply.
fl He lcaves a messas€ lor Kathy.
n xathy n out.
! rcadry is goine to be away next week.
n n. t'ota' un.
2 @ t r.z Llsten ro the rest ofrhe conversalion
and nlmber the events in tbe correct orde.,

hang up (v) /hrn^P/ tlco iui @ien tho?i) hold on (v) /hould rrt sit ndy (d,.y n6,
dial (v) /daiol/ quar s6'6i4n exlension (n) /iks'lenrn/ nuir kl6nthosi) phu
reply (v) /ri'plai/ tni' liri, &ip Lqi (dian thoei) cnsagcd (adj) /in'g€idrd b1n @'J;rtE di.n thqL
The media I I

Work wiah a parh€.. Take ia

turnr to be the caller. Make
in Pronunciation
.dnv€rr?tlonr fo. these situari.tBr. Clusters; list intonation
I You leLphoneAnhur aordcr
{.nendon t674) to chanSc your 1 Consonant clusters
me€tiD8 next week trom Monday
to Tu.sday. His linc b enSagcd. EnSlish word5 oiien have mor. than oDe consomnt sound
You Ieavc a mesragc with hi3 to8crh€r. Wc call th6. colronant You normally hav. to
plolounce aU of the consonantr. This is very imporranr wh€n the
clustcr is at th€ end of the word and carri.r part oI th. meaninS,
2 You telcphone Doctol Sabatini such as a pa* or a plual.
lcxtenrion E74). is no rcply-
You a5k ro l.ave a m.sF8e wilh
her seqetary, asking her to call
eha,, /fcllqd/
you bact bcloc 4.00. l.Ur ttrldz/
ConsDant clusteB can also! ar !h€ b€Sinnin8 or io $€
I iou telephon€ Pietcr J€nscn mid{ e of a word.
lexcnsion 1276). Hls lirc it
asased. You hold on. You flnally ttrolg /strD0/
8et rhrcu8h. Tell hlm rhat your nea^l.add t'tjutzjin l
plaDe is late, but you should b.
therc by 1.10.
a Say th€s€ words.

{ You tdcphorc ccli. Appl€by lipsrick watd.obe chphaci..d <o6pcte

(01789 564162), but you 8ct lhc againsr rtraight subjecb shouldn,t
public chopp€d sho.ked wants

_ -j;#<_-_,
b E r r.: Lirrcn, ch€ck and Epcar.

@aio-Z -
2 List intonation
wh€n w€ say a list ol.hh8r i5c intonation rises on cach item in
th€ list and lhen falle on the last iiem.
E tr.< rsten ro rtris senr..ce.
They charsed ---2 -----'"
h.r cloth.t, h.t haidtr| a d

b Mark rhe intonadon, rhen $y thes€ sent(nccs.

Footballers have to be youD& rlrong and very fit.

Mchrabian studied thc cfLcls of appearance, voice and canlent,

'kLlo, thit is air trafv connol- Pleat. leaw
tout h.&tas. tf.t nt bL.p and #11...'
w€ ge. our news lrom TY, radio and n.wspapers.

lT- I wanr you to relax, bc friendly and rmil€.

For lhis recipe you need poraroet b€ t to@toes and oil.

c E rr.: Llrlen, che.k and repeat.

'Actually, Ma.lan, I don't know how

tot Mg..l it, btt you aE tp.aking
to ton body in authotitt.'

ai trafic control /eo tr€fik kon'lrouy ddi hi;n sdit hhong lLtu lipstick (n) /lipstiu son moi
blcep (n) klitpt tiihe bip bip (n thiA wardrobc (n) l*r:dtoubl ti qwindo
bi dtin tt phdt tu) compctc (v) /kom'pitl ga,h dua, catth trunh
authority(n) /r:'0rriti/ recipe (n) /'t sbp;/ .6ng thta ldnt m6n dn
1 I The media

Extension: Reading and listening

t ok ar ahe phoaosraphs- They arc from a C Disorss rhese qu.siions.
I h rher. a similar TV prograrrune in your counlry
Discuss thcsc questions-
2 The proSrame is d€scribed as 'a srue[ing
I what do you think the proSamne is abou!? competirion'. what do you think gd.lliry mcans
2 who are th. pcople in the pictur€t? I Why do you think people want 1o be corlendcrs
I whar do you thinl lhe peopl€ have lo do? 4 would you like to uy this game?
Rcad rhe rexr and check your id€as.


gladiator(n) /'gl€dieito/ bruise (n) krul uel hdn tim (rrin nEtiJi)
toush (adj) ltr''fl deo dai, msnh mc (ngtdi) eliminator (n) /i'limincit6/ eu.& ddu lqi
sru€lling (adj) /sruolil/
(fin dtu)
nhit ti/ contcnder (n) &sntetdo/ dti thr)
b.av€ (adj) /breiv/ ean da dnne sin obshcle (n) /DbstokY cludng nAai wt
The media I I
2 Read the text aaain. Mark the$e sentences rrrs {,/)
I cladriarrn is.hc most popular pro8rammc on TV. tr
2 Only youns people like thc prograrrmc. ,!
I The programme ir oD ar 5.40 ev€ry ev€nin8. !
Th. pro8ramme laslr lor an hour. !
All !h€ are men. D
6 Thcrc are six ev€nt5 in cach progEiDm€. u
7 The cladiaron don't take pan in the Eliminaror. tr
8 The Eliminator h th€ easiesi .venr. tr
3 t-oot< at rhe pt'orqraphs of somc of .he evcnts,
a bbcl the photographs wirh rh€re words.
plattorm ing wall stict rope

b Now look at the thr€c events on thir pag€. D€scribe what you
rhiDk the cortenCcrs aDd cladiarorr have lo do in each evenr.
thc photoSraphs and th€s€ vcrbs.
swing aooss hdg on pulloft clihb up
get to kn@k otr carch ch6e

4 You will hear threc contenders talkinS about thcir

experi€nccs on Cla../tdro6.
El lt.o urt.r and co-pl€rc the labl€. Ur€ rh€se namcs !o
help you.

Danger Zone Ou.l Saracen Scoryio let

the Wa l-lang Tough WaJr or Trojan Hawk

b E] rr.6 Listen again. what did cach comender have ro do?

c Comparc the d€s$iptions of rhe cv€nri 1t) you! own ideas from 3.
d If you had ro try an €vent, which one would you choose and why?
5 Devis€ anorhcr evcn! fo. cl..liaaots-
a Work in grouF and d€cide
whar fte €quipmenr is.
what lhc conrenders have ro do.
whai $e Cladiarors have lo do.
how fie conrendeF s.ore-
b Draw 6 plan oI lhe evcnt.
c Describe your evenr ro fte class.

platfonn (n) /'pl&tfrrrl/ nii 6pc, bC pull off(pbr) /pul r:fl th'dnh c6hg, thdne lAi
stick (n) /sticv chilc 8Ar (trcng mat bi4c gi)
rcpe (n) hodpt da.r thM carch (v) h& atp, un aup
ch&!e (v) /reis/ dudi theo, sdn dudi
l?Planet Earth
The passive
Grammar in use Rules

I Look ar the cartoon. 'I Thc texr shows many verbs in th,
a wll't do you dink t}}. rcxt will be about?
b can you identify any of thes thirSs on thek pa8€s? a Complcre ft6e s€nt.nces from lhe

tubbi6h dcbris sp&e satellite spacehfr orbit rcck.t

I on 4 o.robcf 1957 th. frst taklliE.
c R€?id the rcxr and che.k your ldeas.
2 sinc. th. , thowandt d tpac.oaf
2 ABwcr th6c quesrlons.
r what is ir aboul?
2 How has the situation been crearcd? ) E r'ery few week n w sar.llir.s
, Why i$ rhc sillEtion dangcrous?
4 what will happen ln the future? 4 ll, ma..

The rubbishJump in the sky

ot stu wat hit b a piee ol nbbL'h
6 somd or latd d sat llit

Th€ verbs in fte scnlences arc all ill

On 4 october 1957 the first tatellite, spotnl*, p.llarn(hed. I wha. iwo pans do€r a passive ver
5ince then, thousands of
tpa(e. tve,y {ew weeke new satell,tee are put ilqdbit. 2 what t.ns€ ii €adr s€ftcnce b?
urjonJlate y. space '!beLos polllt€d by 93hG lrom the\e I which pan ol lhc passiv. verb
rpace tliqht5. More than 70,000 objects have been le'ft in chanSes to show the t€nse?
rpa(e. ParE of rocke8 have been left. Old etellites have
been abandoned. Other it€mi, in€luding a qELe, a toanne'
Complete !h. rule.
and a (amera, have been lott by astronauts. The situation up we form rhe parsive wilb $e
rhere is be.oming dangerour. Eoth Sussaan and American o.r..i r.nsr of rh. verb
space(ah have been damaged. An wolld be
the pa$ panicipl€.
lilkd if he or rhe war hit by a piec€ of rubblrh. I W99kkq:t
billionr of dolla6 to .olled all the debri5. but if nothing is Find morc cxamplcs of th. passivc i
done the rituation will only get worte. Sooner or late. a thc tExt. whidr t ns. ar. th€y in?
satellite tdilLle destloled by a larqe pie<e of rubbish and
thouranbs mo.e pie(es of debrir willbe s(atte.ed.

what do you think should be done about the

dtuarion in rh€ terr?
plancr (n) /'pl.enit
rubbish (o) t't[bi|/ ftc ntAi
d€bris (n) /debri:/ mdnh va, mdnh wn
spacc (n) /'speis/ un hu, hhd:ns khans
sarellitc(n) /'sftolai,
spacecraft (n) /speis'ko:ftl tdu ui tttl
orbir (n) /'.,bitl qui dqo tnii ddt
pollutc (v) /po'lu:Y ldn 6 nhiin
Pl.rnet Earlh 12
2 whed do wc rsc rhe paseivc? 2 Look at this text about SlLyLr.
a Look aI rhese lwo senrences. Do lhey mean lhe a complete fie lext with lhese verbs in rhe pasr

Rusia launched the l6tsa? iE in 1957.

Ihef$t toe lre \aas larn.hed by Ruttia in 1957
Answer these qu€stions,
I iI we rentove.Rrrrrz rrom fte acrive senrence, we
get Laufl.he.! rhefd satellire /tr l9tz Does ir stili

2 iI wc remove ,y Rdric from dre passive semence,

we ger Th. f6t satellit was lauflehed in 1957.
Does ii sril make sense? ln l97l a 75-IoDne space stalion called Sb/d,
Comdele the r]d,e wirh Mrc or ks. bv the UsA. Three .rew! oi three

We use th€ pasiv€ wheo rhe actioD is ,]r-!z astronauts =_- Io _t&trla,, bur ar dre end

impoftanr !l'an who or what does lhe aclion nl l9)4 n ltv/,, {rared rn (n:.e
{ uodl 1979. Then it lell out ol irs orbir 6nd
O{ten we doD't even lnovv fie a8ent. look again a! headed towards the Earth. A lol of lhe space
fte sentences iD Rules 1, and find exa'nples with stalion burnr up when ir entered lhe
armosphere. Bur Dor all of ir lnrge
tum(rim(i $e .lo lnuw rhe aBenl Find exainple\ itr pieces acfoss rhe Indian Ocean.
$e senienccs in Rules 1- Horv is the agenr shown? --
ADnralia by sode tragmentr.
Check the rules for the pasive in Grammar
Fondnarelv noboLlv --. A l.L of rhr
n cces by Ausrralian ia!me6. Tbe
pi.ces very hish pdcer.
Plactice --Ior
1 Pur rhe vcrbs in brackrts into the present b El tz.t risten anit check.
ChaDge these from thc active in(o
Putting a satellire into orbit. the passive, keeping the same tcnse.
r The America astro&ut, Michael Collins,
I fte satellite __..- (build). dropped a.mera.
2 It (test). 2 Evrntually a pi.c. ol debris wili hit an aslronaul
I The---satellire _- (take) to the rocker I A rcmal space suil woDld Dot protect th€
4 rhe ro&et .- (pr€par€). 4 Rubbish is ddaginS cotrrrDunications satelliles.
5 rhe ro.ker aDd salellire (lauDch). t Today's sakllites will creale more rubbish-
6 rhe lower nan\ ot ibe rd.kei 6 A piece of debris crack.d one o1.h€ spa.e
(dump). shuttlet whdows.
? Th€ satellte (put inlo orbi!. 7 The rpace shurde has brou8lt samc ereilites
8 The sarellire3 own rockels - _-_----.(nre).

back ro Ealr\.
9 The satellite -.- (mc,v€) into the s Scientisti found 185 nrarl$ on one satellitc.
9 Space debrit caueed 156 af ih. marLs-
l0 The re\, nf rhc .o.h.' rled?e,
Rubbish is a problem on Eartll. too. Discuss

- I.hy is so mu.h rubbish Produced?

2 Whar is done with iodaY's rubbish?
3 Whal eliec$ is rhis havirrS?
4 llow will lh. silualion €hanse in lhe fulure?
launch (v) /lr:ndi plL6nc (Etlitit1, ue tuLlt
destroy (v) /di'strJi/ phd hui
abmdon (v) / o'bendon/ ra 66
ast.onaut (n) /
iaesfontrttl nhd.dulldnhunh!
atnrosphere (n) /a-lmosfio/ bau hh{ qu\ii
tiasnrent (n) I 'fra-gmo nrJ mdnh uA
scientist (n) /'saibnrist nhd hhaa lrcc
12 Planet Earth

Vocabulary Reading
The natural world Comet!
'I Do you normally associate these wo.ds with Read the nrst two pa.aaraphs and the last
space or wirh rhe Ear!h? paraaraph of th€ tcxl. Each paraE aph
des(ibes a similar cvent.
a write S or E nc,{t ro each on€.
Answe. rhes€ qu€stions.
planet / North Pq e contincnt t I what arc rhe thrc! cvcnrs?
desert 4 ' sland / 2 when do, or did, lhey happen?
peninsuh L co6t I lak. ,
@lcano L adhquakc ? .tmosphere ' Whar resuhs do you think thc imaSinary evcnt ir
star , th€ second pangraph will have?
mountain t satellate r
river t equalor solar system' 2 Read the whole texa qui(kly and answer
hemisphere .omet olbrt r
I which ot $c placct on rhe map are mentione(
look at the picture. Label as many of the rhinSs as 2 liow oany lragm.nts ot lhe comet hil lhe lan
possible, uring tbe words in ihe box. I where do they land? Mark the places on the n


peninsula (n) / po'ninsjulo/ &in &io earthquake(n) /'o:ekweil(/ cot d4ns ddt
volcano (d) i t,&a equalor (n) /i'kwci!o/ dtitns fiEh dqo
hen spherc (r) /'h€misfio/ come! (n) /'blniv sao chdi
coast (n) bit biln solar systcm (n) /soulo sistory' U n4tfin
Planet Earth 12
ll(ad paraSraphs ,-t more carefully. 5 lma8lne it ls awo wecks before thc fra8ments
M.rd rhc items in column A ind olumn B. ot ahc comct hlt the Ear.h. Thcre ar. plaDs ro
send misril.s lnto space to dcraroy lhe
Fi6t f69m€nt :_4 Work with a p.nner- OnG of you ls a rcponcr and
S.cond fraqment rlouds of dlst rnd watff on€ is an astronomer. Aik afld answer quertions
.ff{"grt.r Y "*o",
\'a.r *a"c6-1lr,t'* . whit ia gohS to h:fl,cn.
. lhe plans to d$troy th€ fra8mcDtr.
lrok at rhc cv€nb in column B. . wh.. will htppcn If rhc plan t:lls.
wh:i c.uics c.dr on.?
Whrt cfle(. docs hbv.?
b Compar. your idcas with rhc class.

Urc the ioformation lbove and writ€ scnlanc€s to 6 Im.tine another dlsaster, such rs a itorm,
summariz€ paraSraphr 3-5. an ea.thqlakc or a volcanac cruption.
Writ. a ncwsF,.pcr rcpon about it, uling rhh lbrmar: the ffDal par.araph and discusr these I Dcr<ribc thc s(tn..r lhc momcDr.
I Wh.t .vidcn<! Blvcn ftat th€ cyenls ol 2091
at P.rrg.aph 2 D6qibc whar h:pp.n d-
rp. could r€ally happcn? Paraaraph t Dcrcribc thc adual and probable
2 How do you feel about ihe posribiliry? eff!.ts.
I Whar could bc donc lo pr€vcDt tt?

v.pour (r) cscap€ (v) /is'kcip/ hdt thai

jupiler(n) /dru:pild sao MAc civilizadon (n) l,rivolat'z.Ut l
axplocion (n) /ik'plourr/ ov nd, titng nd collapsc (v) /ko1Ep6,/ tiau ttn, sVp 3d
chsos (n) /kcirs/ s4 h6n loen dinosaur(n) /'dainosr:/ hhinz lanc
drown (v) .M;t dhi
t2 Planet Earth

Listening and speaking

Oh, really?
Match the sentcn(es and photographs. How would you
relpond to ahe news?
r Pekr and I are getting ma$icd.
2 I'vcBoi inreryiew lor a job .oday.
I John can't pLay today. tt se€ru hc's had an acdd€nt.
d Did you tnow ]t)oy a-Ed Rosic hav. rplit up?
5 I rryon rh.8old [lcrld ill $. ract. dt'r
6 I'm .xD€cting a baby.
7 I'D alraid I lailed my dtiviDs rest.
8 Hav. you be&d? Sue had ber baby o! Satuday.
e Happy Binhday, Mumnyl
Planet Earth 12

P ron ciatio n
lal; word linking (1)
The /o/ sound
Mmy words in EnSlish.onlain rhe /./
lschwa) sound. A syllabte wirb rhis
sound is alwayr unlresed.
Look at rhis lisr of words. Circl€ rhe ,
syllables with fie /.r' sound. Nor all ot
the words .onrain the sound.

satellite Probab y
volcano explosion
rubbish disapp€ar
unfortlnateiy suNivc
z Look at these responses, spanner collapse
a Choose the most appropliate response lor each of the semences atmosphere million
i! 1. accident extlnd
Ah, rcall!?when did that happen? yesterday evacuate
Thankyou ve.J ftuch. How twe.tolyou. astronomer suddenly
That's vondeitl hNs! whe s Aue?
CaryHtulatia t! wh. ! the happy day? El rz.; risten md chect your
A d a Metry Chrittm$ toyou, tao.
OhdNar lt't hothins serious,I hope. El rz.-r usten agair and repear.
It\ju$what I ve alway! wanted.
Ah v/ondefrl! was ir o boy at a gitl?
2 Word linking (1)
fhat t a
right Dan't nlentio^ it. when w€ speak, we run words
\lrlldo s! I kh"ai tou @uA do it. lo8ether. Here is one way in which

0hwdl. k.let ind. BaEr l$k nen itue! when $ere is a consoDant sound al
caad Iuck! t LI keep,nt lkrery notsed far Jou. the end ol one word and the next
word stans wirh a vowei, we run lh€
b E t2.t Lisren and check.
fioal consonant on to lhe vowel.
c Some of th€ responses are not approprialc for lhe scnrences in 1.
She !r'at .ighken yest old.
when would you use them?
Ht had\j sovaftinr
Ei tz..z t-isten again aDd pay atrenrioD to rhe inlonation.
a Praaise saying the .esponses. Malk fie word linking in rhese
b Work wilh a paltoe! and roleplay th€ conv€rsarions.
c Choose two oI fte conversalions and contirue dren. I Ile's had ar accideDt.

4 Make more conversalions. 2 My birihday's b AuSust.

a Look at lhese situations. I 11 landed ir the South AriaDric.
. You've jus! pased your driving test. 4
. A nember oI you.lamily is in hospital. Their plane arrives at eleven.
. You've just wo! a free holiday in a compctition. 5 John and Ellen hav€ splir up.
. You've justlost yourjob. 6 I!'s what I'v€ always wanted.
. A lrieDd oI yours is Selring mauied.
. You're going to study abroad for rwo years. 7Imexpectingababy-
. Itt your lnendt blthday. You've got a pr€senr lor him/her. 6 I gei up at eight o'clock.
b work q;lh a panne! and male lhe (onve^drron5.
c Choose one ot the coDversadons aDd roleplay it in lront oi
b El r-a.+ usren and check.
c E tz..r Usten again ano repear.
spanncr (D) /spa:nb/ . chia odn dai &, cit li cothpsc (v) Ao'lepv rli, sQp, satp
artronomer (n) /ostrrnomo/ €xtinct(adj) /iks'tinkv turCt chtins
su ive (v) /so'vaiv/ s6hg s6t evacuale (v) /i'vekjueiv sdrdn

12 PIanet Earth

Extension: Reading and listening

Going for gold *.
'|Look at thc title and pi(tures.
a Whar words woold you cxpect ro find in an aniclc on this lopic?

b Undcrline rhe bpic words in thr anictc and compare lhem lo

you.list. Add any ncw wordi
2 Each p.raBraph has a sentence mir!ing.
a Rcad the aniclr carcfully and wrire rhc number of each sentencc
in the.onec! place.
I Abour 8l% ol ii is us€d forj€wellery.
2 Sailors, lor eramplc used to wc.r a gold earing.
J People have always b€cn lascinated by 8old.
4 The word .arat comer lrom rhe crcck word, teratior, which
means a carob seed.
t When gold is bought and sold, it isn't usually movcd.
b Ixplain how you dccided where lhe senl€D(os belong.
c Fl tz.: Llsten to the complete text and (heck your answe6.
3 Mark rhese senren(es Ine (/t o. Fal* (l).
I Twentyjour carat Sold i5 th€ moit €xp(nrive. n
2 Gold is wciBbed wilh carob seedr. !
3 Most sold is madr intojewellery.
4 Gold is Iound in Ausralia. lf!
5 Allthe gold in Fon Knox is owned by thc Amcrican
The firsl Sold coins were producd ove. 1.000 yea6 ago. tr
Military pilots wear gold earrings. D
8 The PhaEohs werc buried in ftc Pyranids. n
Iildora.lo was d€stroyed lor gold. I
l0 Cold was dn.ov(rcd in california in 1449. !
4 Dis(uss qocslions.
I Why is gold usually mixed with other n)etak?
2 why is guH uscd lor teedr?
I why n gold bought by Bovernm€nB and individuak?
4 why isnl gold usually moved from bank 1o bank?
5 cold is used as a sydrbol of value. Ir aho has some practical
uscs. How is ir uscd in your counlry?

5 ThL rnrpo'rJn, c (,1 $old i\ dft(n shown in (\t're\\ioI\

H(rr are some Engliih cramples. What do yotr rhink $ey mear?
Thit i a Solden owortunity

He't been at goad as gold

Shc t wonh hd weight in goLl.
W. ye st ckgold thi tihE.
whar rxpressions do you have in your laDguage that use rlre
word grid, Tranllal( thcrr iolo Englirh.
6 Are rhci. any legends o. slo.:es nbout told in lour
country's hinory? Tcll thc class.
article-(n) /'o:tikl/ bai
lasc atc (v) /'fesincit/
carat (n)
carob seed (n) /'kairob si:d/ hat.arob Gue d.nnA tha! cho sk'Ia)
bury (v)
Pyramid (n) /pn6mid/ Kim tLt thtip
nrct.rl (n)

Pure gold is rare. It has
Hun.lreds ot men died in
i?en used fot ove! 6,000 the jungles ofSoulh
Irirs. bur rhere are srill
-Arnerica as they searched
on)y dbout I10,000 tons in
fo! the gold€n city of
h. woxld. Il is usually
Erdorado.In 1849
srred wilh orhc! merals.
thousand6 otpeople tefi ,liliiqr
Ihe propoltion oI gold is ^
their home3 10 ioin rhe
iltown in carars. Pu!e gold
California Cold Rush.
slwehly"fou! carat and
Many were killed by
$e ch€apest is ninc calat.
Indians, outlaws .rd
Ihese seeds were used to
iqh qold and diamonds.

Thc largest reserves of

qold are held ih rhe USA in
the Federal Resene BanL
and Port $not. rhe second
biggeEt 3tores are held by
the Eank ofErgland and
the Bank of Ftance. Not alt
of !his gold belotrgs to the
govehmenls of rhese
counllies. A lot of ir is
owned by companies,
' irifra*iirr.t!*a!ffi, other governments, and
l,hsr gold loday is found indtviduals. Only rhe
rlourh Africa (6l2 tons a rames on a Piece of Paper
)and Nonh Arnedca are changed. The gold
riig rons a year). Of th€ itself s(ays in ihe bank.
rilabout 9% is used by
[duslry, about 6% ts tsed
Tho frrst qold coins were
coins and 2% is made
used in Turkey in 6?0 BC.
gold teeth. Gold is
But gold has ntways been
accePred a5 money
lpieces o! 'nuggers'
anywhere in the wolld. If
Iatgest nuqqet, the
lhey wcre shipwrecked,
rmann Nugget! was
they could pay to get home
in l8?2 in llustralia.
again. Cold is still siven
reighed 214 Lilograms.
to rrrili{ary pilots for lhe

How hany crimes

have been commitled
and how tnany lives
have bcen lost for it?
The gold of the .,"ta,a
Pharaohs was stoletr
flom their toInbs in rhc ^.: --da
Pylarrlids. The Inca 1-a
and Azlec empires
wer€ d€stroyed for gold.

ingold(n) /piuo EodA udng Au!€n ch,A't shipwreck (v) llipreu n4n,uint tau
:Jprrion (r) lpto'pr lnJ 0li lornb (n)
88cl(n) t'ntgil qudng udng enrpire (n) /'err,paia G)l dlqu6
(n) hi'zot\/ ltOns dU trl
The past perfect tense
Grammaa in use
I Look ar the headline and photographs. 2 otscuss these'quesrtons.
a Discuss these questibns.
t How has the wodd ch gcd sirce l97l?
2 what problems do you rhitk Sarah's amnesia
r What does 4rr.'li. meu?
2 whar ir rhe @nnedion b€tvreen the phoroprapbs?
I whar do you lhink happen€d to the p€oplc? . her lamily?
b R€ad lhe artid€ and check your ideas.

The forgotten years

It wur l97l add Sriah Sinms sls a childr€n- Alexsd€r, 1i. dd Linda, difiicult since rhc accldenr,' he sys.
hlplly l9-yeaLold. She had r nicc 9. The worLd had rlso changed 'Thines hlve charued a loi. lr\ hard
job h a 6lm laboratoir, anJ in the druaticalLy. What, for *mplc, ** whcn a wrfc ald nother thinla shel
e$ninss she went out with hcr a wold pG6$or, a miclw.v. d .
boyfricnd. she loved dan.ins, compacr dircl Thos. thines had dot
especially tt, her favourite pap tcen invenred id 1973. Had Britain had a wof,d Fdme ministeri
trk !p in a hcpit l
And {tve had all her favountc pop
Th.n 3h. b€d.
A ne wd trt<ins to her. Hc said
rhat he ws her hubad, but she Do.roE say rhat SaFh's aoftsia is
didnt eosnhe him. I. hct, she ruc, but they hope thar her rnemory
didn! lile him vcry nuch. She *ill slowly reru'n. Her husband
thooght he l@l(ed very old- Some Michael hope! $, tm. Life ha bee!
orhcr vistoG wcr. stmding {oed
her bed, r@. She didn\ recosnre my
of thcn except her riscr, Sally, od
€v€n sh. looled t*.nF/ les old.r.
But rhaCs b€au. S.LIy @ rwen.y
yed$ older, md s wa3 Salah.
'I wo days earlier Sanh bad been in a
or cruh The accident trad cras€d
twenry rean of hc memo.l. lt wu
now 199.1, but for S$h ir was l97l
ud she wm still a teeuger. She'd
lorcorren the rwenry tea$ in

ln rl$s. $enty yq* Salah had sot

nEnied. (ln 19?l sl,e hadn\ mct her
husband.) And she'd had two sefth anl Mdtd k )974, tu ttc bdn. thtit atdNl

annesia(n) aum'ni:zjDl cluthE quen drarrali(,ilr trdv) /&b'tn&tikbl;i d ngAt

rccognisc(v) /tekosnaiz/ /'rDa;krbweiv/ ldutJ?€
erasc (v) /i'tciz./ /'!iincidj6/ tl-anh rhii:u ni:t
Tlme 13
Ru les Practice
1 the tcxt uses the pasr pc.fcct teffe. I Look aa .his list.
a Complete th€se senknces from the rexr. a say whelher these rhings had or hadn'! happened
to Sar.h l. 1973
stan wo.k hav. a lawuite pop
sh. th. twnry y.4B i. biw..n sec th.8€atl6 group
lse a peEonal computer hal/ tum grcy
finlsh school have a bo),friend
How do we lorm lhe past perf.d rense? Complele hear of Margaret Thatcher l€av. hone

We make positjv€ sratemenrs wirh

_(shon lorm:_) + b E Lr.r Lincn ro sa.ah and check your answcr.
W€ make neSativc slatements with
lorrn:- 2 Complete these sentences. Put the verbs in
)+ brackets iato the pai[ rense or rhe pasr perlect
Iind nore exampl€s oI rhe past perfecl tense in the
slory. r Sarah-(no! recogDt2e) her husband,
Look at the two quertions- How do we make becaus. in t97l rhe _(nor neel) hlm.
qucstioDs in th€ pa* perfed lensc? 2 Hcrhair-(tum) grey and she

z when do we usc lhc past perfect tense? lik€) that.

a Look at fiis sentenc€.
I She-(not know) hoev to use a
microwav€ oven, b€cause they-(nor be
Sarah ditln't ftcotnizc hcr hutban.l, th. had IosI inv.nred) itr 1971.
4 -(not
sh.-(cry) when shc lound our lhar
The s€nFnce describer l'ao €ven$: (die).
her farher
Sateh didn t recogniz, het hutbtnd. 5 Clolhc$ very ikange, because
Sarah lott he tunory. fa$hionr a lot.
Answ€r thes€ qucgaions. 6 shc knw) ihat ihe cold war
t Whicb ev€nl happened ffrst? -
_(end). -(lookl
2 Which rense is us€d for each event? 7 TV prosraDmes _(become ) mor€
Complete rhe rulc with ,etr. or aj?.r- -(chansc)
violcnr so sh. wanr) ro warch
Thc past p€rled lcrs describd cvents that ftcm.
happcned _ an evenr in lhe pasr renre. 8 She sad, becaussthe sing€r of
T. Rcx_(b€ killed) in a ca! c.ash.
Cbe.k &e rules for lh€ pan p€rlccl t€nse in 3 Think of a poinr in your life when you! lile
Grammar Rctcrcnce lt.l -(leel)
. you b.came a Eenatet
. you wet eithtem
. you tunedLf school
. yau sot nanie.!
. 1990

. Iour lhings rhar you hadnt done belore rh€n.

. four rhinSs rhar you had doDe b€fo.e !hcn.
b tel your patnec and answ€r any queslons that
your parhcr asks.

Mot I was.ghE n, I hadn't b.. to college, atut I

hadn't livea on ny ow. I had alwayt liwd ||ith ny

accided (n)
invent (v) pMt minh, sltng chd
slranse (adj) /streindr/ hj h,la. hnc
Cold War
violerr (adj)

13 Time

Vocabulary Reading
Time expressions Body clock
Put thesc words in th. co.rect ordcr rhc shonest ro Look at the pi(turc5 and rhe ritle

Discnss these quenions.

hour century second year
I what is the woman doiDg in the
day minllte decade month week

2 what do you thint she has done?

. fie days oi rhe week. I why did she do n?

. lhe monfis of 1he year. Rcad the frst two paraSraphs and

3 wc say years like this: 2 What do you think the rcsulls ol

the expcrimcnt were?
1973 nihet.en scwntylhrc.
1600 ti/..n hun.lted Work in sroups and consjder these
1592 llE? oh two
. d€eping . enodons
work wirh a pan €r. llaclise saying these years

1772 l9l2 1066 t909 1800 r980 l8l2 t700 1802 Read fte ren olrh€ ani.le and check

b wri!€ down rome more y€an. Dictar lhem b your panDer-

3 Look at this list with r partDe..
4 which prcposirions do we use wirh time exprcssions? a which dirss did lhe hav€ in fie cave?
a Pur rhese words and phrares in fte corred columns. Why did or didnr she havr !hem?

the w€ekefld tomorrow aftemoon ten o clo.k Easter

a tape recorder a dog a clock
a CO playe. a. Englisrr
cou6€ lood
two days ago my birthday Tlesday ihe afte'noon
playing cards a.omputer books
7 15 Wednesday morning 192? Wednesday 9 lvlay
two nice a window a telephone
tonight th€ s€lenteenth century nert wcek lst year a watch lights atelevsion a rcdio
this evening Christmas Oay oidnight
Sepiember night 1O ianuary th. 196Os Rcad the article again and chcck

4 Answcr thcse quesr,Jns.

I What happened to SrclaniaS body

2 Whal djd &e! show?

I In whar way do individLral body
5 Discuss thesc qucstions.
I Would you like to do whar SLclan'a
Which kinds of time cx!lesions are used wiih d, o, and rl? did? Why/why nor?
Wnte down your ideas. 2{ you di4 how would you sleod
your lim(? whar would you
Che.k in craninur Retcrence IJ.2.
5 Ask and anrwer thcie quesdons- t Whal panems docs your body
I which yea wcre you born in? clock work to? (e.8- when do you
2 Whcn's your birlhday? naturally wake up/eaVIeel
I what limc do you usrally ger llp?
4 wher do you normally so on holiday? 4 Whar €xremal a.d intemal srimLrli
5 When did you last go io th€ cinema? d€t€rminc thcse panems?
6 When did you last write a leucr? t Do your panems difi$ from ftosc
7 Wh€n did you la$ a phore call? oI oth€rpeople that you live with?
8 When are you soiq{ lo rhe hajrdrcsse!'e? Whar problems does fijs €ause?

dccadc (n) /'dekcid./ t6p kj s€nse oftime /sens ov lain/ cAtn gilic G thni gr'n
Ean€r (n) /'i:sl!'/ Ii Ph4c sinh rhylhn (n) /'ribbn/ nhip diCu (tnng nhq,c, ldi n6i)
nidlighr (n) /'midiait nta din cxlemal (adj) /cks'lb:nl/ A ng&i, ban nsce;
cmotion (n) /i'nrodn/ slimuli(n) /stimjulai/ tic nhan hich hhich
r. L"
Time 13

I'l \rot'

Language focus: Nouns used as adjectives

a Find expressions in the text that mff the sme

Stefonio is o d@rctat ond she s 27 yeaE old.

Her doy underyrcund ws not 24 hou6 long.
b What do you notlce about the words y@.s and
ho!6 in the expressions?
c What would you call these thinqs?
I a ma who is 67 yea6 old
2 : worklng day that lats eight hou.s
3 a programme that lasts 30 minutes
4 a computer that costs 59O dollalE
5 a bag that weighs three pounds
6 a bott e that hoLds bdo litres

0r llst 2:J l9t!{, Srrhnir
nnln,i rnrrgLJ liotr' I r!rc
!r Ca.lil,a(|. \i,* ltLxn 0. Shr
h!,1 'r n1a, thr rrn li,r
.is!r.a[ anil a lklf sc.ks.
Sn.faxir r$ a rolunt..r i,' {n
It iu l,rogrrn nr.
n{l rl'. s.irnrisrr in lhr
udersound for over four,.erd books snd list€ned
I'rogr xnr lrr. Jlultnlg norths,lut she thousht shc to nusic. She'd llso learnt
bn,lr rhlthrns. L! rhii
had been tbere fot only two.
.xt.rirnclr Srt luir, ! 27-
Bc. boily clock bad cbsnsed.
)taRntl!ror, hld st,rtrr Sbd badnl Lept to a z+hour
Th€ experimenr showed rhar
l:io (l!ys nr a,:rrr:l0lcrl &y,6he had stsyed aw*e fo.
our body clocks are affected by
lieht and tenperature. For
20 25 houm and theD had slept
exanph, rhe pattern of day her lime in the cave, for l0 houn. Shehad dten dsLt n*es
and u6 wlke up
Stefania had been compleFly feBer deaL (snd had lo8t r7 ib3
ad sleet. However,
go to
llone except for two wlnte in weight as a resuhl). She had
people a.e arectcd h dificrenr
mice. H6. lilibg .Iuarter3 haal alxo becone.ath€r dep.€ssed.
ways. SonD people wakc up
bccn v€ry cotdo.hble, but How had she 3pent her time in nlturally at 5.00 rm, but
therc Lad been nothiig to tel
the csYe? As part ofthe othcrs stsrt ro wak€ up
h€r th€ tine. She'd hsd Do
experinent she'd done aomc
'lon\10.00,m. Thii
rill 9.00.r
clocks orvatch6, no televi6io!
phyeical and mrntal tosta. cflecrs dr. vhole daily rhyrhb.
or radio. There had Lcen no
Sh€'d recorded he. daily As a result the early ri6ers are
trstur.l lsht and the
activitics and the reaults ofrhc ar thei.6est in rlrc late
rcnp€.rture had been !t s
r€dts on s conlutc.. (This momins. Thc lat€ rir€re, on rhe
constant 2l ds8rees Celsius.
conputcr had ben hcr only oth€r hand, lre tired during
The results we.e v€ry link to the outride world.) Ior the day and only com€ ro life in
int€reEtins- Stefstri! had be.n rnt.rrsitrment she'd playcd the aflernoon or €veningl

dccorator (n) /dekoreiio/ n$inldnnsui dcprcssed(ad.j) /di'pr€st

tang tri (nhd cta...) m€ntal lest (n) /meDtl test/ hidn tra tt i ndo
constant (adj) /ktrnstont hhang thtr ddi enlcdainm€nt (n) /,cnlo'leinmonl/ sV sidi tri, str tzu kh'in I
l3 Time

Listening and speaking

Arranging a time
t wc wrire and ray date$ in difiereni ways. 2 You will hed conversations
a rlow do we say these dates? a Look at rhe photoSraphs. what do
you ftink ir happening in each one?
22/11 th. tw.aty-s.@"d of No||nb.t
N.l,8b.t th. twtly-s.@na E r-r.2 Linen and check your

3O/t 417 2Zl4 2/5 1/A 23t9

El Ir.2 Lisleo again and wrire
12t11 5/12 1a/3 3/6 21/2 26/1O

whar were imponan! dates for you in the past yrar? Tell a panne!
. the darer menlioncd.
about them, and answer any quesuons thai your panner asks.
. th€ darcs accepled,
In the conversations you hear all rhe
. a iational holida! mo h5 of the ycar€rcepr drec.
. yourwd.lias annie.6ary . yaut tun et hol lay
. bi hdayt ofoth e b.n al the lanity See cradmar Reieren.c I l.l

weddins anniversary (n) /'wcdin ,nni'vo:sori/ lj

ni4n ngdx ctdi arang€ (v) /b'teindS/ b6tri
nltronal holiday (n) /'na:/nol 'hJ loda/ncdy nshi I nedy t6 accept (v) /oksep/ chab nhAn
dqc nhd nt& q r d.inh $umm€r holiday /s^mo'h)l6di/ hi nghi hi

Time l3

Conversation pieces: Arranging a time

a L@k al thes€ erpressions lrorn the coive6atio.6.
CouH you qve ne lone ihfo?rctb. obout . . .? -u-; word linking (2)
CouA I noke on oppthtn ntwith...?
Con I chonge ny oppinuneat @ .,, to -.,?
The vowel -u-
I wt ro tede d ... ohd atum @ ...
We usually pronounce the vowel .!- wirh one ol
Hove you qot ony seoB ovoiloble on . . .?
t'n ofrcid ... is tutt b@td.
fherc's o flight otlon . . .
El rl.t Look ar rhe tablc and lisren ro ihc

We hove sone seog ovoiloble on

l'n olroid tt e.e's .othing left hhi[
Con you .Tne oh ...?
b who woold say .ach o(pression?
R<onstruct rrra conversalions wilh a panner. Use
the expresions at ovc and your answers to 2.
Look ar tapesc.ipt 13.2 and ch€ch yof answc6.

With your pnrtn(,r makc new conversatioDs b wrir€ lhes. wordi in rhc corrrct column.
wirh thi. informatio .
; bus full museum slrn stldy .ut
A Ask for flishr rirncs !o Toronro. Give daL{*.
under husi. push !p pull brush huge
A Give times.
bush university use lune lust bull pub
A Acepl on€ of rhe imes.
2 A rhonc ro make ar appoinh€nt with Dr Clark. a El u..r usrcn and check your
B Oftrr a timc and date. d E l:..r risten agaln and rcpeat.
A You can,l make rhar. Ark for an ah€rnativc.
B Oficr rwo ahcrnaivc dates.
A Acccpr one dar..
2 Word linking (2)
ln Unit 12 wc raw fial wc run a ffnal contonant
I A You booked eom€ dcke6 tor a show, bur you
sound onro a wo.d beSinnin8 wnh ! vowel. son€
wanl to chan8e rhcm. civc lh€ date. wo.dt have a til€nr @nsonant at thc end, esp€cinly
a offcr rwo tlrernarivc dares. words €nding in -r .w, and -y.
A Choogc one altemarive,
4 A You want to arranSc a meedng with a eu tkot(ty few tljn:lwlt ny tlJ,at(ty
colleague. SuBaesr a dare,
B You can',r make it. 5u88€sr a later date. whcn one ol lhese words €om(s b€fore a vow€I. we
A Tha(s no Sood lor you. You're goiDg abroad pronouncc rhe &nsolrant that is normally silenl and
ft€n. Give th! datcs-
B 5u88crt a ncw dal.. i! blue. /na*o:rEbluJ
a lew appks lal]u.vapa

tslna a wher€ will rh€ exrra consonan( be pronoun(d in

I ,1- .

(a Jj-\ I Shc slept lor eiShi hours.

f":;"-t)J 2
How old are you?
We spenr our holiday in Spain.
'# --,;i',,,;i,:
This is our own house.
co and play outside.
/L! 6 Now it's my rum.
7 lr's ai rhc other end.

Ttut. t d m.tsat .o in! thtough - it eys,

'Sor4, h. t al a mc.ting .
b El tl.r usten and ctreck.
c El ,l.i Lisrer again and repear.

appinhenl(n) /o'printmonv bush (n) tb|lJt bvicnx, b4 ran

collcague (n) /kr'litg d6ns nsh,tp bull (n) ,bLil/ bb dt/c
sussesr (v) hr'dics, huse (adj) /hju:d3/ hhdns k;

l3 Time

Extension: Reading and listening

The strange story of Martin Guerre {s
Thc t)araSraphs below rellrhe lirst partot rh.
true srory ol Martin Guerre,
Iok quickly at the paraSraphs and aoswer thcse

I When did the story lake place?

2 wh€re d'd ir happen?
I who are lhc'c people?
. MarIiD . SanBxi
. Benrandc . lierre
b Thc para8raphr are in lhc wronS order. Numbcr
th€m in lhe corrcct o.der.

2 E u.a I-isten ro the fi.s. pa ot lhe sroiy

and (he.k your order.
Answcr these qucstions.
| 'why did Manin and Bertrande 8ct marricd?
2 Why did Manin leave the villagc?
I ltow long was he away?
4 why did some people bclieve that Manin was
nor rhe real Ma.ain2
t Why did Picrre go ro coun?
6 What was the result oI rhe trial?
4 Discuss thcsc quesrnlns. I

t What do you ihinl Manin did whil€ he

2 Do you think this n€w Manjn was lhe same
Manin $at had left thc villaSe?
I what do you think happened in the end?
5 El tJ,7 Listen. You will hear rhe end of

Tick (/) the thinss you hear.

! man wIh a wooden lcc
D ut,"a *"-""
D wounded
fl Ia eD in lov€
I Arnaud du T'lh
fl muraercd
! d<,.to'
D soldier
E similar
! tutu
n ha;sed

b How did thc story end?

6 lmagire you arc Martin or Bcrrrande. Alter
dr€ arial you st'll your story to a newspapcr-

rcsult (n) /n'z^ltl hel qud

trial (n) oiie iti
wooden leg (n) /wudn leg/ chdn 96
soldicr (n) /souldJa/ ngtiri linh
coun (n)


Iq frurg st*q*f lfinrttn fir*{'rr

1'ffre maniage wts not a 6apry o e. ?[r,nin was E At 6c trial wnc pupb tircludng oran\ four
a n[[ and. strong young man, but fic was lazy titkts) said lhat th. new ?{aftin was 6e ru[
and bad-tenpered, and fre teuted Bertrande uery -Manin, but otler peoph said tfrat frc was t.
badty. taan frad half of tfre
funulys farm. 'tinally, tfre judy detided tfrat frc rea[y *at
$tngns bmtlier, .Picrre, fiad tie otier 6all. ?.ut 2lanin..BuI IloI wat not tfrc rnd of tlc
w6ile ,Pbrre worfud 6ard on fiis pan ol tie "tory.

farm, anin spent a fris tinc wirt frs lriznds D 'Ificn ntanin suddenty
eigfit years later,
n tfrc villagc. rnmed. J{c fiad changedo lot wfiiL ic had
been away.ln fart, 6e was Efu a ncw mon. e
J lPicne rcceiwd somc strangc
'ffrar one day nas plasant and frelpful, and treakd Botntnde
inlorllnolinn. Someonc sail tfrat 6c frod seen well. Jle abo worfud 6oon the fum.
l{anin $uerrc in'Flandcrs . ,ffre villagc B.ttrand. and adin now liwd'1apptly
sfroemo(.crwas also sure tfrat ?hnin\ sfrocs ogafrt and tf,E soon 6od a daugfter.
nere now tfrree sizcs smallzr tfran b$re fre frad
hf.. was rfizrre's cfrance . J{a went te .ou
'Tfris D'tieir happy ltJe did not last long, 6owewt.
and c[aimed tiat tfis new ntartin wa not tfie 'Wfrile ?todrlr had bea owty, Sonqli, hdd did,
rea[ a ia $wrre . and bemuse ?lonin had rlisappeored, Ien,:
6ad uieited everytfriag. J,toto tfrat .ltorti't lill
n wos t5 j6 and in tfiz vilhgc ol nfuat in rdumed,.Pbrre would 6aw to
ELrc fri'ltr liut) ol
touth .west .Franca th.fta pcddiaq . ,I6c
vros lh. inh.itan.. - t?,ooo..Pizfte and -Mafti
bride was Btmandc dc Q,ob and tfrcLrid,qnon orgued about tfre money lor tfrnc yars.
was artin $uene.Ifiey didnl low cac6'afu.
Ifrc moniage fnd bem anang.d hy
trtina l) One day Sangti caugfrt fris son in tie bam. Jle
latfrer Sangn, in odet b unilt tfr. two ricfest was stnling sont of.Pierres produu. Sargi
lanitus in tfie village. was luious, tie nei day Startin stcmly IeJt
tfre uiltage. lanily waitd lor news, but none
camt. ?Iatlin Jtenc fiad sinply dinppcared.
Onty Sanqi F.aew wfry.

bad-tcmpered (adj) /bad'tcmpod /m/ cd4

dA n;i
shoemakcr (n) llu ,meiko/ thdhng'uins
inherit (v) /in'hcrid thita ki claim (v) /klcinr,/ air nhdn
/'silkitli/ bi mAt bridecroom (n) /'hrai,ltrn,n/ r'
Tense revision
Do you rhlDk you arc ellicient or
do you wasre aimc?
Read lhe tcxt and aDswcr $ese

I What is rhc lexr about? 'vasti g tnne is likc $rsrnig rclcphone oumbcB, looki.g lor
monc!,'Tus is drc slosln o{ pi.c.s ot pzp.r on ihci! dcsk, md
2 Who Sam Flow€rs? Tinrc M.Digtm€rt Syettms- wdking from ooc oi I build,rg
I whar 'sis the resDlt of wanin8 time? to dothcL Th6c cr !*r. hou6
4 whar do you do wirh a ume log? of you day- Thcn you h2v61 sor
5 why do peopte use lhcm? tim. for thc imptut rhirss. Txjs
.p!li$ to both you! profc$ionil
Think about your own llfe. Do you
agree with sam !1ow€rs? Thc tust st.p towds ndigid8
2 lmagine a typical day in you timc ir kcping ! tin
log. Ir r tim. log you ccdrd
a Make a tim. log for il. (See 3b for an tld you do dui'g !h.
d1y.Th.d you crlcuhG bow much
Discuss your time lo8 with a panner.
titu you spcnt on thing
Wba! diflcrences and simila.ities are
tr.v.lli!g, iclcphoning, €2tjng,
clatrr'& Mshin& wriug let.R,
clc. 'rrho dEy do . dhc loe', s.F
3 Where did the morning go?
'ltt6t p.oplc,'sF Sd n@.6 of Sd Flovd, 'o6t Fopl. r.
TMS, \,rt t@ much tim. o! rfu.d .t hos much tine tnq
a Look at t}le pholographr. what is doing rrivi.l thl'lg3 like finding
Kate doing in each one?

slogan (n) /'slougon/ calculatc (v) /kltlkjulcil/

rivial (adj) /'Lriviol hhong dnnA kd, it qwn trcng chai (v) l{ n6i chufn phidm, tdn gdu
lime log fn) hain bg/ nhAt ki thin sian bm uEc amaze (v) lb'mcizl
Work 14
Look at Kare3 time log. March rh€ 4 Analys€ Kare's tioe log.
dmes ro the piciuEs, a Itow much timc did (ate spend doing each thing?

TIMELOG b Eow much time did sh€ actually spend workins?

ftME ACf tvtT\ 5 A consultant ftom TMS is commcnting on Kate's time log.
7.oO Wake up: s rch an.a|io: a Completc his analysis of Kare's morning, using Katet time log and
th6e ten*s: thc past simple, the past continuoui, rhe pre*nr
stay in bea. perfect, the past p€rfect,
7.15 cetvpi.howertatean
'OK, lefs rakc a look at Kate3 time log. What djd she do in her
7.45 mominS? Sh€ at work ar 9.0O. While th€
Havc bteakfas._
a cup of coffee, John . They
LOO Get dt6.ea. about a Tv proganm€ that thry ihc ni8hl beforc-
b.zo fot '9otk.
Leave Al 9-15 Kate - !o have a word with Fred abou! fie
9.OO Adivc ar wo'ili; cup of meetinS l]le ncxt day, but Fred there, so -she
-- -
co+feei John .orn6 ihj latk
After ib€
rh. mominct m{ \he
about tV p.og.antne that
$an work. Bur Amanda - She was back lrom her
we both watched tast
holiddy Thev ril lO.tO. After rh. colle bre&
Kale- work, but lhe compuler _ , so she
9.15 Go ro have a wo with rhe ensinftr Th€n sh€
Ftea abaut tanorto||,s labo.alory, bur all the computers so she
fteet:ing. He ish r rhere. io thc olfie. Thc @mputer enSmecr
Watk back to offrce. Hc the p.oblem.
ktc typin8 a leller a. !2.00. AI 12.10 dr€
So what has Kat€ achieved in her momjnS's work? h fou.
g.3O RezA motnirc't Potr' -
houB rhe har r.dUy only don€ two hirgs: shc
IO.OO Oeciae b statr wotk' lhe morniq's post and she a l€tler. Not a lor lor
ghe s
1O,t5 Al"Lada Phanee
j!5r o,ot b a'l t'otA he' -
hotiaa!6i .ha"'
b E i.t.l risr€n and cbeck. -
6 You hav€ de.idcd to manaSe your rimr bctaer.
1O.?O Conee vreak
b^'r a What are you going to do? Wrile down 6v€ ideas. How wil each
O5A Srait work: codPute'
wotki64 ?hane et'qineer to b Ask other people in lhe class what they are going 1() do.
exPlai^ taslt' c compare your idcas.
11.20 Vldk to rhe .on?ulet 7 lf you .ould save one extra hour ea.h day l,y managing
labotalory \n the netr you. tim{., bettcr, what would you do wirh the cxrra hou.?
brMinl a El r+.: t ira.r to iou, people ralkins abour B.hai ihcy would do.
\1.35 All the comPutets in rhe b Tick (/) lhe thin8s they menlion.
lab a.e being EeA' n go ro work larer I sray in bed longer
:l L-l spend more lime wlLh rh€ family LJ learn a new tanguage
11.45 ?.erutn ro ott'ce ConPutet
e qineet hao anver'' He ! stan playins solr D rare morc exercsc
er?lain' the Woblem'
! reaa more n reux

12,oO gtar't lY?iil lettet c El ra.2 Usren a8aln. whar reasoDs do the people siv€?
H d wbal would you do wift an extra hour a day? Comparc your
12.30 Lunch tilne ideas with a Partner.

fauh (n) /bltl sVhing I6i Gia n.iy) r€lax (v) ti'lrks/ nahi nqdi, tht giAn
labomtory(n) /lo'b)rolori/ phnna thi nsh'in extra hour (n) /eksrro'auo/ na@i Eiit
aohieve (v) /6'tJitY/ dq.t ddd
14 Work

Vocabulary Reading
Adjectives and nouns l-leroic, brave or just crazy? 16rm.bstYr.t nouns lrom Look at the title and photoaraphs- Dis.uss these question
mady adjectives. This .ablc shows I Why do war codespondents do rhei.job?
somc of rhc.ommon noun eDdines- 2 Is j! a necesFry job? Why are people interesled in Far news?
I what docs the Utle say about them aDd th€ir job?
.r would you tike to do it? why/why nor?
a Which corresponden$ de memioned?
b These stakmens are similar to whar the correspondents say in I
arri€le. Wrile the .orespoDdenfs initials nexr ro each statemenl
I war rcporteB are a very exclusive group ol people.
2 Sornetimes wheD itt rcally dan,ierous I wonde! why I do
You can't really lhow whafs happening iI you don't take

4 Evcry reponer walrs ro be a loreig! cortspondent.
AII wrr reooddB are a btr daa.
_ I often promik that nop, bur I know lhat I won1.
+th I always ca!ry a sood luck metsage lrom my wile.
8 The danger ol wa is €xciting.
- I leel very prcud that I c 34 imponant world eveors as

they happen.
c Explain how you matched the siateD.Dls and corespotdetrs.
d Find dl the words in the texr asso.iat d with wa. a d the nedia.
3 Answer these questions.
I Which war is used !o illustrate fte dangers oi thc job?
2 Which othe. wa6 are mentioncd?
I Look at this list of adjcclives. I Which oI the correspondents do you lhink is the otdest_1 wh
4 Whar happened 10 Manin Bell?
hapPy inPortanl honest warm 5 Which two news orSaDiations are m€nlioned?
carefur long lucky different 6 Whal do none oI the onespond€nts believe?
dilnclt safe selfish respected Do ex.itement and danS€r always 80 ro8erher? caD you
thrilling private successful mad think of otherjobs that are exciting but not dangerous, o
dang.rous but not excitint?
Use a dictionary. Complere the chan
wtto rhe adje€tives and their nouos. work in Sroups. Write an arlicle about dother job and
why peopie do jt. Th|: articie can be serious or humorous
Wirii nouns have a spellin8 chmge,
about a real or an imaginary job.
or add an exira lclter?
2 choose nouns from the cha.t to
.omplete these sentences, Discuss . a rypical activiry in the job.
your.hoi(es with a parnrer. . the problems or ditficuhi€s of the job.
. why people do it.
. what quaiities people need to do it.
b wfte your article, using lhir format:
Paratraph I You te ... You'r. going lo ... (set the scene of
someone about to do thejob-)
in a job. That's all i a day s wotklor 4 ... (say what rhe j(
is and sive rhe problems and ditficulties oI it.)
4 A thins rhat I dislike in p€ople is
so why do people do it? \Gj,ve quoles lrom people
about why they do L\e job.)
5 Important qualilies in a person are
CouA yor b. a -.. ? \Cive tlre qu3lities you need I

btave (adj) 6reiv/ ean da, can d'im illustrat€ (v) /'ilosteit/ ninhhaq ;,
respe€! (v)/ri'speki/ hinh tryng, kbam phvc humorous (adj) /'hju:moros/ hhoi hdi, hd hu&
privarc(adj) /'Praivit/ riinE tt, cd n6n conespondenr (o) /,k iJo]rldb l ph6ng uian

Work t4

ba(lc (n) chah t4iiq, mdt tAn conflicl (n) I'krnfliktl xunE d6t
$ell(n) /Iel/ qud dqn ptuio macho (adj) lm,el.Jou! co tinh ddn 6nE
14 Work

Listening and speaking

Small talk
I Rrad abour the woman in the pho.oSraphs.
Annette Van der Alst liv6 in a small town ncar in Aelgium. she is on a two-day business
tip to Offord. she h6 got a reseNation at the
Carling Hotel. This is het third visft to Oxlord.

a Look at the conversation.

b som€ oI Anner.e's part of the conversation is
missinS. Whar do you think she sayr? Look at
ConvcrsarioD pieces lor tome ideas.
Taxi drivcr where to. miss?
Annctte lhe Carlirg tlotel, pl.arc.
T.xi drivcr Cenainly. Have you gor any lu8Aage?
Ann$te Ycs, l've gor this suitcas€.
Taxi driver Right. I'lljust se€ !o rhat. Now where
arc You slaying a8aiD, miss?

Taxi drivcr Right. A bit Srey today, isn't ir?

Taxt driv€r lt's a bii grey today, $e we.ther. Ir's

nol v€ry nie. You know. Dull.

Srill, ar leasr t isn't raininS.

Is rhis vour first rihe h.R?

Are you here on business or on


Taxi diiver How loDg are you staylng?

Taxi drivcr Well, I hope you areD't in a huny

Taxidriver Wcll the tralficj teniblc. This ir orly

my second run today.

Taxi drivc! There arejust too many vchicles on

Taxi Where are you lrom, rhen?

Taxi d.ivcr Oh, yes. Wh€reabouts?

Taxi drivcr Oh righl. well, her€ we are. Thafs

€6.2t, pltase, mirs.
Annette H€rc you afe- Keep rhe change.
driver ThaDks a loL mist.
2 H tt.t You wiu bear the.omplere
conversatiob. Listcn and .heck your ldeas.

Conversation pieces: Small talk
a Two common small talk themes in B{itain are the wea$er and
tralficl What do sttangers talk to ech other about in your Revision
b Look at these common exprcssions. I rn some oI rhese aroups, oh. of
Talking about the weather:
the words does not have the s.rnc
vowel sound as the othc. rwo
words in the 8roup.
a Circle the words rhai have a differenl

I rhumb home

2 brave day

I done
Talking 4 put book door
5 push rush pull
6 climb siSn tjme
7 watm
I suryose yau re ight a .an1 whar
e walk lall sh6ll
Asking tor.larificationi l0 so do to
tl cheap feel hjr
12 bouShl pound
I'n erry. I didnl get that.
Look at tapesc pt 1 4.3 and practise the conveHi on with a b El r+.,1 Listen and.heck
panner. Add your own ideas for extendinq the conveEation.
2 Look at rhese sentences.
a Mark the stressed syllables and draw
the inionalion curves-

r wha! shall wc do thjs ev€ning?

An EnSlisb-spcakinA visitor bas arrivcd in your country.
Work with a partner. One ot you is rhe visitor and one is a 2 Why is yourjacker on {he floo.?
laxi driver. Make the.odver\ation,
I I'm going ro see my friend.
ill r :'1.,. 4 Do you want a cup ol colfee?
n 5 Is it windy roday?
6 I suppose you're right.

7 h thai a good idea?

8 Where would you ljke ro live?

El ia.5 Listrn and check.

3 Wha( does rhis say?

/juv ri:ft 6a jend ev 6e buk/

/sud l^k w6 ja nekst jr.r .v ]rslrl/

t 4 Work

Reading and listening 2-gotn4 reise a fuss, l'rr
Summertirne Blues raise a holler,
About working sll rumrner just lo try
a Arswer thc questions.
Every time I my baby
r How old do you tbinl the singer
end t.y to maka a dale,
2 Why has he got rhe blues? My boss says, 'No dice, son. You gotl'
I rick (/i which people he la le
! r'i' uo" Somelimes I r,rhel l'm
E his sirllri€nd's mo.her a-gonna do,
I the n€ighbours But lhsro sin "f n0 core for lhe
! rris sister B luas -
I tts parents
E his sirttiend Woll, my mom aod poppa told no,'So
fl his co"c'.*-un you gotla rneke some
D the president
lf you vant lo uea ihe
what do you think the missing words lo go driving next Sunday.
Woll I go io work, I
El 14.6 Listen and check your
lold iho boss I was sick-
Find American EdSlish 'Now you use lha car,
expressions in lhe song that mcan 'eoe you did n 't vJo.k s lick.'
the same as rhese:
Sornstiaaes I worde r
e-gonna do.
Bdl the rs no curs fot
tho Summertino Bluos.

l'm gonne lako trro Nrssks, I'm gonna

Me,nber ol PatLiament
a f,i ns vacaliolt"
Answer tbese qucsrions. I'm gonna tako my problon to lhe
t wha! is the singer Soing to mk€ a united
Well I ny congressmer
2 How does his boss make his lile
difncult? and he said,
l what does h€ want to do? I'd like lo rl, son.
4 wha! does he have ro do?
5 why caa't hc use the Gr?
but you'ro too young lo vols,'
whal is he Boing to do Ior two I *ondsr vrhet I'm a-
gon ra do,
why won t his (ongressman help
him? Bol lhere a in'l no
4 what thinSs aive you the blues? ihs Bl{ee.
What wouid you.omplain about

cotrgressman (n) /'krngrcsmoi/ nshi si holler (n) I'h.lo(t)/ nstiti Ia, hdt
(n) t ki\to (t)/ sV chita tri
presidcnt(n) /'Prezidont/ tdng thdna cwc
luss (n) tr{s/ sV 6n dLo, s( on sbm vacation (n) /'vokeiJd ti ns,U

Refle€ting on Leaming

Reflecting on Learning 1 Reflecting on Learning 4

Your aims Using dictionaries
whal do you wart to achiev€ in this cours€? A good dictionary is a great hclp in studying a lan
a Thlnk about these things. €specially outsidc thc das. h.lp you wirh
. Why arc you sludying English? meaning, speujng, grammar and proDuciarioD. A
. What things do ne€d or wanr to do ir EnSiish? im€medlate lcv.l you can usc a biltngual didioni
b Look at fiis list. 'ou an Engtish-EnSlish dictionaq,like rhe Orlo Blen
. Lisrcning
. Speaking Look at this exrract from thc O4otd Pocket Spanih
. Reading

whal do you think you can do well in English? proDunciation pan oI spe.cb rranslatj
(r=nouD. !z/u:verb,
What do you find difficull?
Discuss with your panner, and then with lhc cl6ss.

Reflecting on Learning 2 ho!r. /haos./ . r (rl -. / b.o2tJ) I .ze 2 lrtar) sal

etpectd.uld: Irr. e6 4 F/l ,,6.. Sc lle!6 al coopl
Recording vocabulary l-oc on lhe houre concsia dNa ae vn b Man . lhl
A uletul way to record vocabulary ir lo mak. your own
expftssions and phras€s
a look at lhe exampL from a Geman srudent's
notebook. whar kind ol hlormation docs he includ€? ll is a sood idea to Drc a dictionary which has this
inlo.maiion. and which uFs the IPA ro sbow
Unltl zoih 9eptembet

,upboard (n) / krb.di: Schrank Reflecting on Learning 5

Making mistakes
atdchai (nJ t o:mtraar 9ee3ct - ek b an Mistatct are a narual pan of leaming a language-
ataLha t We make mistakes lor several reasons. Here arc sc
to chat lv) t{t \it ptabetn . It's diilerent from your ]anguage.
a chat (h) - ro he!9 a .har . Ir3 rimilar to your leguage but not cxacdy thr
. You don'i undersland the rule.
. Ii! an exccption lo &e rule.
b You can organize your vocabulary r@rds in differeni o You dor,. know, so you 8uess.
ways. which of des€ do you rhink are uselul? why? Look at your work in $is unir. lind five mistakes
. by pans of speech {nouns, verbr etc.) you madc. why did you inake ft€m? Disct$ yor.r
with olh€r memberr of the dass.
. in word families
. ia.he order thar th€y are in rhe book Reflecting on Learning 6
. by siNaiioD (€.s. at the shopsi Nouns
. by ropic (e.s. clorbcs, money) a ?his is the normal parem of a rentenc< in Enr

Reflecting on Learning 3
Parts of speech
Ir cao be uselul to know the pans oI tpeech. They can
hclp you to use a diclionary and a grarnnar book mo.e
easily. Thc aubject and object are norrnally nouns or
a ther are rhe maln pa.ts of spe€ch.
Nouns olt€n havc an anicle. Ther€ are two ki
c@iunction verb adjective p.onoutr
\/\/ Definite artide thc
wh.n Jah4 tib in hr! n. cat, ht sniks happily.
preposition nbln adv.6
Indefinite article
Nouns have two foms
a/an, tone/a^y
- singular and ptural.
mke plurals we usually add 't.
b Find examples of each of the* pans of spe€ch in tllt
doe dogs
Sall! t young son ai his hand badly, so th. took him to
Reffecting on Lcarning

aul rh€re ar€ some erc€pdons. l^/bat arc the plural5 I . Try not to ur. a didionary imedialely.
of lhese words, and how arc lhey pronounced? 2 Try b get l}lc g.rcral mcaning ol rbe rcxr first.
ly, wakh, hif., ronato,foo, kq, nan,qktt, \|onan, I Try one oI there strateSics.
&ild, nouse. btush . IgDore the word. Somc words aren'r
> Check in Gramma( Refc.ence 2.2 imponant to ihe meaning.
d Nouns can be rcplaced by pronols. ChaDa€ the . Tly to work our lhr meanirg of lhc word
repeared Doun in the second senlence inro a from $e coDrex!
. .
cuess th€ meaniDs and conrinue r€adin8.
14h./. t th. cat2I eah'tlnl th. tat. b At the end of rhc readin& look ba.k ar the unknown
Unlik. nounr rome pronouns chanS< rhcir fom words and.h€ck rbem in a diclionary. Did rhe
depending on wh€th€r rhey ar. a subjed or an
objccr- Complctc this list.
Reflecting on Learning 10
Pair and group work
I In this coursc you oft€n lvork in pai$ or groups. Whar
do you thirl about workinS in this way?
Make a list of th€ advantaSes and disadvanraSes of pair
li DiJots your ideas wirh oth€r m€mb€ri of rbe class.

Reflecting on Learning 11
Ways of learning
You havc worked in rEny dillcr€nr ways e lar in the
Reflecting on Learning 7 counc. Which wayr do you prcfer?
Verbs a Look at rlis list.
A senlence must have a verb. Ail verbs must have a . grammir exerclses . r.adinS comprehen\ion
Jubjc( .xcept for imperatives. . roleplays . pronunciarion pracrice
a ThGr. sent€nces illustratc diff€rcnt typ€5 ol verb iD . discusions . writinS exercis.t
EnSlish. Matdr thc reorcncts to the corect . dlclionary worl . Sroup work
. learning wor& . lhr€ning
. pairwork . gam€s
I sL.p lot .isht hou6 a ki|hr. I a modilv.rb b Compl€lc th. lablc, itcms in ead colulm.
c,oto h..l! | an au{liary vetb
Do pa.lla?
lou litu laphrasalvcrb
Itaw hct I a tnnridvc verb
W.shouAso. I an inrransiliv€ verb
hhn pi*cd up th. b@k. lanimprrafivc
b Cive one more cxample of cach item.
c How are the grammaiical rcrms writaen in the

on Learning I c Discuss your idcar with thc dass. What do your
choiccs tell you about your l€aming style?
Diso$ thesc quertlons.
I Do you likc il when your teachcr (o!recr5 your Reflecting on Learning 12
minakes The verb to hqve
. wh.n you are talkins? The verb loirw has difler€Di uses.
. in your wrirten work? a March th. ures ro the correcr cxamples,
2 Doc5 correction help you? Why/Why not?
What do you do with thc corr€dio!5?
a What kjnd of corecrion do you 6nd main v..b
" W. haw lu .h at I 0O
wllh dr to show possessioD
Reflecting on Learning g
Dealing with unknown words b For cach. how w€ do {on
a As you read, you wil often mcer an untnown word. . porilivesratemcDts? . quenionr?
Whrt should you do? . ncgative statemcnrs? . shon answ€rs?

Grammar Reference

O.1 lhere islthere are


we us. ,rru it wilh sirgul,ar Doutu dd

Noiq Thrrc is no shon lorm lor rl.r..r..

Ihe.e I I lontherable

Norc ln nqarivc5 ard

tlc !* rhe nirnniv€ nnr oi

NOT sr.d@T lildriG

NOT B.e*.tWlM&P
w. uF rhe pleFor rieplc reo* lo
. deKib. r.8uL. osl!.
I set up at wn a'.lock (.yar dny)
w. BMII| tu4 dli wtL
1,1 The present simple t€nse . d.sib.8en .al EldE dd slaks.
Form ftu Eenh goa ro$.1 th. Sun.
E .tctu hclpt torr,

Th.! liw in r.

1 .2 should lshouldn't

c€neral rul€: b thc third rEen siDsula! w. add -r to the

Ex.eptions: wh.n th. ver!.nds B -s,ah, .h, z q-o, watch so nuch televsion

Whc! rh. errb ends in .omonant +,, wc .hanse rhe
hrlt/hati.s nentln nid
cencral rul€: We !bnou(. rhc 6n.l -r.s /z/,
@a.t l\el !6 tg{2t
Err€ptions: AIter /t/, h/, /l/, and /k/, w€ lronounc€ rh€

utt tl^ut tttpt tnoFt @ught llDfsl lets llulsl Use

whcn the verb cnd5 itr -16,, s.t, -t t, -26 otah6, w. !s. thorldtthorldn tto
we p.onounce the 6tral syllable /E/, . say wrrat w. think n rh. right ding lor p.od. ro do.
ch4nt6 t{cnqEl puh.s tpolet tol thotdd\ dnw tu IaL n\ da,

If yo/'t. ilt, ,ou thotu go to th. da1ot
whet do ttu hink I tlptu do?

Grammar Reference

Presenr sihple and presenr .ontinuout

2.1 The present continuous tense
rook at these s€, tn each lair one is nghi
we trEI. rhe presert continuous r€nse wi& fie verb ,r ,€ ad r rn
lhe -,r, Iotu ol the v€rb.
going io rhe cin€m lomorow eveniDB- /
I'm going to the cinec every day. r
2 sh€ gers up at 6.00 flery day, /
Shej Seriirg up ar 6,00 every day. ,
B fie's llayinS rennjs. r'
4 r'm st.yilg wirh my parena ris week. /
I nay with mt parelrs fiis week.)(
5 Vesehnaro don't €at meat. /
Vegeland e.l earinS mear. ,
5 -4.Whatdoyoudo? a rn! ar€acher. /
A whar do you do? B I wat.h a ttn.,
Look ar rhe U* *.1ionr for rhe present simple
(sedio! L.l ) and rhc pr€s€nt contnuou and

2.2 Plurals
a To make mosl plurals we add j to th. noun.

Notc Th. shon lir is ttrtlsft. s/h tlb. tThry ft ot arc a]ti b wirh woldr rlEr end in -.1, .sr, {l or.o, we add,er.

wh€n rhe plural ends in -rlrrr ast, j6, anet ot -g4, 'qc
pronounce lhe sr endinS /z/.

t wilh wo.ds that end i! a consondr r/, we.ltrse rhe ,r,

zbaby thre. babi.t

Bur wilh words that .d tu a vowel + , w€ add {.
d wilh some word. rh,r erd in tor ']?, rh. plual .nding is -6.

e Some words thar onrain -ro-.hanse to -.g-

f Some plurali arc iregular.

awoman rhre.w d
adti,ld lotr chitdtcn
Nor.:11r. shon form rvo, /rs'sbhe\/it\ not afud No, w te/yot ft/ we use ,l,i/rrdr wift ringular nour aDd r/r.r./rror. wiih
*4? r,r are rlio posriblc.
. Spelling t i, b@k rr.r. b@ks dcr dnd rror. childrer
For lh€ sp€Uiq rules lor present Da.ticipl.s re cerundt

2.3 havelhave got
ld. us. fie p.esdr coD.inuous lenre io
I sy wbar is bappednS at rhe moment,
w?t vctchia!7:1,ot the non t. I
'whq{tJan ? She t hain! d bath '
r deGibe a temporaly nare,
I 6 nating wirh lridb lot the w.knd.
I a lieing vith ny porea! lrtil t lad d htu..
. d.Kibe a tuture anaDgedent.
I k 9ain9 to lordo, totuftow. lr
skl nenns tu boyfti.^d thit af.wL
Grammar Reference

I . W. (a ur. t4E 9or or ,dw ro ralk aboul Fo$.$ion, rD
a.irirb EDBlsh we ot.D us lav r,r in .onv.rsliod rtj
inlomrl. tjllgr L ody ur.d u !h. prc*n!
h4v got a da3,
. lJak .an b. do.c todal, atrd w. olr.n use it io w.irjrg.
is rhe lorm don oh.n u*d tn rndish. r4er n

Mt IaLhn haa buc btoth.6. tpatr)

wrd I'd ,id IA h.v ttu,tu,. lwi t ttt )
. To rbour.aiv ics we cd only ur. tar.
t h4t tunch et 12 t4.
NCII rra.tMtdjBa
Joh^'t a !hM.,
NaJt ,'.ii+,1+t ii.t:'dt+.hw

3.1 The past simple tense

The verb to be


hove got



Regular and irregula. verbs

c.ncr.l n ci Ao hak rh. pas sinpl. t.os. ot rc8ul.r e.i

we add dro the inffnidve,Il ls the same lo! all pe.sons.
I wkh.,l kldition l6t nilht.

You l@k tt ott of Ih. ein.low-

. Spelling
Wh.n rh. v..b.(15 in -a w< a.ld .d
lilc Itt.d use 6.d
Grammar Reference

lvhd th. wrl, crd5 in . 5hon voftl .nd. slngl.

onrnani w. doubl. rh. ronsnanr rnd .dd ..r'.
lq t!.9*d &zA drugrql 3.2 Adverbs and adjectives
$!.n th. Elb .o& L .del6t +r wr d.nsc $. ', to - trrd.

M6l adkrD. cnd in -t

Ccngal .!1.: w. tronourc. th. fin.l -d.s /d,,
llLl lpold,l, .pptostl l.g :\ldt^t. An t /p1, tA. t!'1, /f/ dd /t/ F. 9rolounc

@tuItlnLtt tttpr..l t.twtt et h.d li:ttll ai&A tnetl th. vcrb .d& h n or .d ft rh.
tFl 3ylLbl. /d/-
vonkC lvo r|dl n .d.d lni.dldl Som€ ar. lftcgular.
r4xy (.l!r@n v.rbr h.K .n iRSuLr 0.rl lom,
{3c rb. lLr oI iRsulrr !.ft. or rh. lDri.L b.d over.)
t Ir th. t.m lom tor.l pc@E
Y.rb p$t 3lmPl.
b I.lU it td4y, Adj€ctives
r. w. u* hin btt w€ pu! adj..rlvcr tr Iront ol l!. nouD.
sh. .4r. t4 th. t .didriv€

9M .ptld
$r Adjecrivcs do not cb.D8..

W. !* .r in lronr oI.D adj.<rlv. rhrt bc3lll wi$ .

I Y4. lr
0d I *-lL
l:;, .
Adeerbs d.s.rib.
Ytu lE i, d.eib6 dr.l
.L ttt @dt ..!ntr.
a adlcdivd dddib. !oG-
ln" Thit it at .6t .uEie. lEas, d.sib.r .a!c.)

lG l, D.Ftirrr d qu6rios
rios w.
"".th. lnfnirivc
I u$ ol rh(
ntlik tht fitn. Not St a;d*jlk++h. fu-
S}'J#] 4,1 The future with m//
ygblaloa? Nat hl1* E'aAd-**tM
li .9nv.t qu6rjoor, .nd ibon
ib( ar.F .E rh. eDc lor
t noi,.!d borh rcsuhr $d iF I 1t

| !r h! Dast slrnpl. rc!r. !o d.s It
r ftnpkl.d a.ion rn $. Fn-
tl w. Pl4rC
Pl4r.C l@tb|llt$taday.
t I
Ita I
romP[kd siru.tioD io $. pas
I Yss, I I

n P.ti' toa test

| lhwd
Ll.--+- it
Ir npla rcr:on in rtrc pasL

-X--t# Use
w. u* tb.l!r!( nirL uill
. to BLc pr.didioc or g.leral tbtcm.nts about lb. Iulurc-
l'.dioD 6.1) aDd rb. pr6.nt t' th. dt6r'rytu w dilld, toloil
Tht n.di.i er't dt ta" aq wd,
Grammar Reterence

ro exples 6 declion @de ar the moEenr o! rpe.kin8. A @mp.rativc .dj€clve n ollen lolowcd by rrd,.
ATh. Elditiu'tvtt lou.l. A bP.t rtoittt tkpenlz &ai. it biwtd ttw Cadada.
B OK. t lltud , dM. B , tloll ktN t ll giw hin a rine .r... d... @nbc used to @ke compansons.
in rh. min daur ol a 6In @ndidonal. Il.t hovt it 6 big at iiE.
IJtDU dri"k thlt, rot ll lal b.i.i {Sce 3ectiod 4.2) silffi itn t6.qznlv a 9olA.
In the n.sadv. e...4... it also tossibl€.
wifl and ihe prescn! @ntinuous for rhe fu.ur. SiMt isnl e .xp.Biv 6 arld
Iel a! &.* stdes, h each pair o.e i5 dglrt

I A whit ar. you doing thji ev.drg? 5.2 Clothes

B lm Soing 10 a pany. / The n.66 of sm. <lothd arc pluFl.
A Wbar wiLl you do lhii eening? jr.6 now6
B I'U 80 ro . pany. .{ 'hot\
Thcse words take llural .nides and plural verbs.
2 A I! s cold it here- T,6. ttoM 4rc t o thon.
B rU d@ rb. wirdow. /
A Itt (old u herc-
D I'o closiDs rhe window. I
I S@tr cvcrybody willhav. a compurer. / when wc t
lk about a quamitl o!.lotber we musr ure
Soon evcrybody is havinr a codputer. f ,dirfr r/wnh words that ar€ aLeadyplural.
4 You ll lel b.ner il lou ralc an aspiril / thtd T.thilB. tw pai6 ol jcaB. . pair ol n@. tuo
you're leeling b€ner {
you l,ke an asp't!. tr 'ki4s.
t A fiale you gor.nI lot rhc welend?
B Yer, r'm visidng my brother in S@tland. /
B Yet rU visit my lrotbcr iD Scoddd, f
6.1 The past continuous tense
Look ar rhr Use recnoro ior eI @d lh€ pr.senl
@ntinuou! (re.!on 2.1) d ched lhe dlcs.

4.2 First conditionals (if clauses) She

W€ use dre p.esenr simple lense in $e tclaus€ and thc Iuturf

wirb u1t in rh. @i! dauk-
w hin,I Ut I hia.
If I
sh.' b. hu,ry iI'h. ito6nl e.t brethi,t.
We us! rhe s.he onstncltoD wirh tim. dauses.
w. I wait h.t antil h. @iB
YouA h,v naE intonation qha Satuh g.E hn .

I u ban belot n stit$ to /di'.

Firtt codirioeb prcdict rle efied5 ol a re.l o! probable aclon

I to, lk in th, tu, t@ lons. lat'I get tarbent.

w. Mn1 lo out if n tui6.

5.1 Comparatives and superlatives

the @orinuour r@. dsaib.r a c,ntinuour.r Dnirirhd
I w %t hin9 Tv d a.N W nitht.
Grammar Reference

We lEt the Dlrsat Fd.(t r.e wi.h rbc wrb irzsrri dd

P.rr simple and pdt coniinuoui ihe pis-l p.nniDh oI $. v.rb- We lom ft8ular Dafli.ip16 in
W. ofir! uk the pa$ oltiluour Fnre wiu rhe pait the eh. w.y ar.he regular past sinll. t.M Gee section ].1),
5impl€ t.nse. Th€ dauses e usualy joined by vrtid, 6
watt wited tuy tttted
A tot ol common v€ts hav€ an in€guld past paniciple-
whik h. @ hain! e b4tr, ttu t Lphd. tung.
I gi,9 tt th. tho?t, I tuu nr l,iaA.
At t
(Sa tb. lin of iregular vrtu oo tbe iDnd. bacl .lftr.)
w n dni"g to rh. zirpon th. .eidat happd..l, Use
'|hen p!8e't.
w. v/. dnif,s to th. ai|o/t The prcserl pedecr link rh. pa$ wirh rhe

wrc, th. 4(4dt happ@d.

Compare th€f rrc srnrencer,
whib h. v6 hains a bah, k t Lphor. ftna. . whcn wc are relering ro a time ftam. rar comes u! ro thc
wh.n h. hr.d th. phon , h. tot ott oIth. barh,
ft. 6!sl i.mence has a part (onlhuour l.nse !o ser th. I'd bM to Egwt tht . na4. (Up ril now I'v. been *er.
s!. ed a past simpl. len* b sy whar h.Dpeoed-
th. s€codd re era ha rwo pan siDplc l.Bi Haw tot haa d W tut today'iwc ar. 3ull n thF be
onc actiotr happ€ned alt€r lh€ orhcr.
a when we are inleresl.d i! tLe prerenr .csulr 01 a pasl

Elizibah\ bottht a lshe has a new .a. now.)

7.1 The present perfect tense W'E haa ot tun L. lw.'rc uol hugry now.)
Form a whcD a druation o. adiviry sdcd in rhc pasr and '
ondnuet in lh€ !.e*Dr
w.'9. liwl hde lot t\|o lAnd we sriu Uvc hele now.)

B. and ,o hav. a laniolar o.aing in thc ar.ient p.rld
sh. t gtu ro Lrndh. (she ls rlill in bndoD, Sh. lE n'r om.
sh. t b.d ro bndon. l'bc h.s .om. bac\.)
Norer Atcr words eldins h /y,|d, tq, ry, td! wc do rot we use r. wbrtr wc a. lalling.bour our.ry€nrn(r!
mrMly !r! rhc shon lorm ol /la. wc u* &. lul lom. r! EM to. et bc.n to t"tlil?
Scdr lh! le ponoutrcd / (h).2)/. w.'w b.4 to Sdlaatl thrc. ti6.

Pres$t perfe.t and pa3t rimple

h." f '" l', Compar. lhc pr.s.nt wih .h.

t.ns.. We use th. palt slrrplc
pa simple

o wh.n w. d. inl..6r.d in tb. ..rioo or rh. dmc of th.

I'S{rt'1" .cdod mt rh. .lL.r-
S,?\ boryht a nN sr. sh. begtu n lat w.k.
W. w tutl ow lun h. lt/. wnt lt that nN @Ia in tM.
o wh€n the aajoo nnish.d in thc pet.
W.n twl hd. tine l%a. ttat I Uqt! ii lrndn.

B.ha thrt I hwd k Lo"ltn

a wben ft rc rcLEina ro a lim ftd. tlDr cnded in

1 9. b.d to Fgt?t thE rin6 lasr.erlwid Cano

I E4r lou had a t/, day todat? y6, brt
!.tt.rdar v6
Notc: when .herc ir a pan rimc rcLi.n.. (h r93Z rw
dttt ago. yt!.n!4r\. yot 6net e th. F t timpL r.r,
not th. pr.knr !erl.<r,

-, dmmar Reference

7.2 forlsince 8-2 used to

w. oit.n us. &r and Jt a w,rh $c presenr perl€d r€G.
W. usc /or wth a pcriod ol tide. Wc usc ffd wirh a poinr in

rw t aa h.t. I lo' tuo t'att

I ritu tt'el

Pr.s€nr perfcci, prerent rimple.nd pr6ent

rool ar senrctr..s- Som€ arc .ight dnd $m. arc

1 How lons hav. you lived in nrde? /

How long do you liv. in fro..? f
How long a.e you livilg in Freaz,{ he
2 l' r.&h.r rinc 19a3. /
I'm slnc. 1933. f
a r€acher
I i. : b.nt
fo. rd y<aB. il
H..l mrt.d /
He work tn a bank lor tcn,
,t tlow long hzvc yoq had your 6l? /
IIo* long do you hare your c.r? tr
IIo* long ac y@ hrvinS you. d? I Use
rnot at (h. U* r.crioar lor rh. prcsnt p€d€<! ib!
pr.senr simpl. lsecrion L r) rld the pr.s.Et conliououi o ro expres a habl in rh. pa3t (which ir no lon8.r ro. in
(s.dion 2.1, .od chcd lh. ru|.r.
I ue.l to pla, E"nk.v.ty dat. b4l non t aN
a to etp6t a n r. ir th. pair
8.1 Expressing quantity b tt2 w tiil ir

ar. th. indeaDire .nicl.r lor plur.l rount

,ln,n. and czy
.nd un@sr.bL oouE 1*. b.low). Not : Tb. pasr simpl. @ alio be u(d to .xpG$ h.bits hd
wc us. ror. widr loiirive srat€(elrs. rl;t6 in rhc p.n. Only rh. D.l b€ used lor
irdividul acliod in rb. p.5t.
we us. 4"y wilh besarive 3tateneols md quesdont. Lat nitht w wt to rh. rinr d,
w. ham't gor f bo.k.
Noae lr.r' r, .an o! y b. us.d to tall abour thr pan. To r.ll
Eav. teu tot 4n, h .r7
abour habirt.nd sllt s u rbc w. usc the p!.serr
Countable and uncountable nouns
som. nouns ac ounkble. lh.y hav. a tingular and .

Pq. at.tu ! f@tds lot t.r.


Ined. t14dp tot hn k t. 9.1 would

Ea*to, lot.rt st dps?
son. nou$ a.. un.ountabL. Th.y hav. no plural
lo@. lh.! cn1 rat. rhc aiDaul.r.rdcl. a/.r. lh.y u* I

I v. sot o^. inlofutiotlor ro!. It

Ea'. lou tot @y @n y?
th.* rhiDts d. usELly unsuDhbl.:
\|in.. edEt, @f.., nitk
dLi^ks: ka, ba..
lood whch you orny ..r p.n ot fah, tftad. dt..t. ha .wat
rhiner which you oily usc parl ol: bothpast , ioep, thcnp@
rn ti.k: dpa. wd. wl, rlatX
son. 8en.!ar words: ifltndiar, nai4 on4 he I liketo livealon€? lr'"1
Usc H@ rczt? wirh ounrabl. Dounr .nd t d rcr? wnh

Eo|' nany taddwi.ha do w ,..d? you lslealkomalnend? ---t ffi

I EN dkh des haw w tot Ll? r'. "",,
l l i*"

Grammar Reference


. r.lkabour improbahte o.jmD6ribk

I.t hk b tN alh. tBut rhyc wnh rix orher pcopt(
tn.d b. a !o,d potuki.n. \Brtsh. works m a b,"i I
a mke polite o,Ln.
woukl rou lik 4.Lp dbUe.z
wtuU lou |ik. ta ro b th.

9.2 Second conditionals (;f clauses)

It ftcond ondnionab we Lr thc @nd oDl torm rlh.rhdm . bll( abour plans..d irtcorjonr.
drur.rnd rbe ra$ rek D rhe /daus. I' goirg to tu, a w ut tun w.k_
tltw t rh6t. t d tahr
td trt o bkutilut iouk iI r hatl .noarh honey.
t'm going to peint !h. titinrrw ,hn wck n.t.
. rdil,Jbour rhins> rh we <nn rrr or lcctair
rr rhe ,ut_!c.
Uso t tt(r r.tnok_t thtnt |nllins
tob. \.k.
xcond,ondiluub d.scnbe unrc.t. iDDrobdb,e
lturioh , ..,,ur tdr
Loak at thae.lauL,t h, goids io
Nherwuldr ilyot taw ae ahiddt,
do ,oi,, ,o dd *tr
for llrc tutur
tlw wn a h al hod.t w a, it at!.
tllhadntttk alaid. twoutdn tonk at thcre rnEnc.j.In faci patr onc
t n.k th.,an. hnhk, and on. h hronC.
is riuhr
Lbr.nd se(ond cond iondh botir rcter rr th< prc,enr
orM@' rmdllcrencc s how probabt. I he .diun or r Oh not te s tosr cunrrotl He,s SoinE lo c.anr! /
or un not He,i lon.onrrctt Hc,[aashl,
trInnttu nhpetirto".I lt bu! a
2 A I vr gor a rerribtc headache
a Oh dcnr. I ttSrr you eome aioirn. /
1l'hlnk r tr pusrble thar ! $.ill win,t
lll\bnh npa Dn. t.d buy a h&.at. a oh dear. I m sorns ro,cr \.; ..-"..",.,,, ,
I A Why havc ydu got.ll Lt.r monev?
B I h gornS ro buy nI Chnr,^ o,.**. .,
rv.n.".,u* or @;/r' in,be,rchuk B l'll buy hy chnrhar prsenrr. i
I.t k n kI hn
hid uti t1 t ntt* ni*.
r)rlch. ddr 1 d hctp tou Loot ar rh< Ur. s€cliuns to. j othg to,rd|/tt!
NOr lflndta,E tr rD.. (sc(tron 4.l).nd.hcct the rut.(

10,1 The future with going to

Forn lO.2 Gerunds
o Sp€lli.g
Basi. rul.r we add -t r ro rhe innnnivc. @,hih,
read k.din9
hurry htrt rhg
Prceprjoht: Ior verbj that chd in ., he rjnuvr Lrc {,nd
dnr. drivitg nt aing
F!' lrrbj wnh d shon rcw(t dnd onty onr onanJnr,
oouo'e lnr conion,nt and add r,,r.
swm t ahirr sit si i g
A ,erund is $. rnr lom of a v.rrr
wc u*
s€.unds as subj.ds o. obieds
Skiing Mn b. ddhltous.
I lik. ttr.lidt
bt tjdne.
Ccira'n r.rLil crt..$ron(, scrund.
would tot nnd goins to ttu bant tot n ?
l do4 t nhd aoin! that.
Da lou la".! ||atchinq a ent.a?
C rpaE llris ro olhu cxprcsstorr whi.h rakc ltrc

Do tbu thtkL ,.t @utd 9o t. ,h. benk tot h.?

Ididl wa to do that
would yoa hk to e.kt a vidto?
Grammar Reference

11.1 have to I

Crr only has a prescnt lod and a tastkondidonal fom (@rld),

For all o$er tt'e we u* rhc Ion k abL
P.stt I @tU play
th. piona wh.fl t wds En lat I s6 dble to pta,
Present pe.fet: J'e. ,.d zblz to play th, piaha lat bro y,efi
Ptctent: I an pla! th. piano (o. I'n abL to pldy th. piano )
Fvtnrc, l' b. abk tt plat th. pinho,
condit lonzlt I @/Ll pla! th. pia,o (ot l'd b. abL to pley th.


I an ptdt th. piano btt t anl tinr

Cat I ot n thr windo\|?

ColU I har. a wtd wih !au?

can ror b,y n. a n $pap.. phele2

couwloa ak f,. a.of..?

12.1 The passive

we mak€ thc pasrve wkh the verb !, ,s and a pa$ paniciplc
The ra6 aa na4. in t/au..
Enttith is tpokef in aht"t carnti.s
Wc can ui€ tbe passiv. in any rens€. 1o mal. dittcrenl rcni6
wc.hanse rhe vcrb lo r..
Past: M! bag v6 sral.n
P.e*atp'e.'s., Ttk p..rk,aa b..n ia|uEd
Use Present: rh. i famatian i' slnt to ou nai alfue
w€ urc r,r l, ro crpres3 sendal obligarion. Fttu..: Th. watha will bc .Jlea.a by !h. wkant.
L67o.t tut' t haiaEnap tfl ,rg. To matc d:r n€sarivr of rhe pa$ivc we use thc negarivc ollhe
Sh. h6 toeattMtk at 3.00.
Wc rsc dotlhtw ta to.xpresi no obligarion.
yau dot't ha!. ro wat a u.. \ IL i5n1n€cr$ary.) 7h. p.opL h4vdl bdd t4 dttl
H. d@rt't htr. 10 w* on Salttdat\ Cold it^'t dov.dfton bank to b k
Th. bas. woa't b. ftop.a.a
To makd qucnioor w. u* thc oom.i qucsrion iom ol ihr
11 .2 can lcan't v$b ro rd i! each tensc.

Hae. the peaple b..n ft!tuea r.t?

ts lold notd lrtu bank to bank?
\1/ill tht b8. b. t optnea?
He lran I nldy quiar

shc I I
Thc passiv. ir vcry.oddon i. En8[sh. we ur jr hb.o lvcar
nore inrercsted in thc a.lion thrn in who or what did it
Yor Iranr LsEcdr Fre (h
Th. *id e is d
If we wanr to show who or whal do€s rhe acion, we ur rl.
Ca.ob k dt @n ukA br tud.a
The .ridene it eranin.d by loansi. t.ieatklt.
Grammar Reference

13,1 Th€ past perfect tense 13.2 in, on

'ot .in 1994
eoturica i" h. ninaanth entuty
pans oi $. day ., in th. homin!
d.cad.s , in th. I96Ot
in nnq
nonrbs in Narrsbet

lh.d norl I ooln i.d. holidayj

no Preposilion h uscd wirl

I I been ln an a.. denr?

tonanow. tokomv aredaan. ac.


y.ndna!,wu a!M int..tL
explcssioru wirh ?6r or n J'

lhey lseenhimbeloret
'I 3.3 Dates
Wc wrile dat€s like lhl3:
25 kpt nb.r lot kpknht 251
lei Ir
he wc s.y darei lilc thlsl
ttu twnq-fth ol*pknb.t tot s.r'r@b$ h. t*nt-ffhl
--J' h. third of arch lor Marh th. thirdl

ft. Dtr p.dea deqibtt an cvcnr .hat occuFcd bcloE
idorhs rveor in rhe past.

I St wtaknt hotpitel.
. Eltt \|6 ttk,k to hatpital beau. th. had had an .ccid,nt,

EkrM ltkd 10 haspital b..auk tL had hcA an aeid.nt

I Wria tp.nt 18 @k tEd.ryreurd.

sftlnie @n at ol th, .a!, af! th. h,d tp.nt t6 w.kt

Pt prrkr sidplc
and part
Compac lhcs rrc *nr$ccs.
wha I wd. the kIt Firsr r arriv.d. $cn lhe lelt.
|,]h.n I.dittl. th. a bf. sh. Lt b€rorc I aFived.


lI 0.1
lO Ir rhd a phnr d tr. cupbdd?
3A Wh.n dG lh. p'ogrMm.5dr?
}ld t{ry, d I inbde y.! b Gi'n? H. r
nudyi€ Engrilh hd. t' EouEno'ih. ll HN ff*6 & dPc in dE @ 6 A You tnd, tu @ ri6 abqi pr..b tr
Itlrrt H. o a.c.d b med you.
GlMnl Pl6.d !o hcet you 16. l2 Arcr thr now.6lfi. B on y.r jut r m nur. Er At kn! pEi n m

rr..t whqc r. y@ tr@ GAmi? t ! ls rh r tE? ft.rc r. !hr.. mkc bt ts A wc L w. ihould r.r ih. r md rh!^.
crn,l |m rrcm h|ly 3.b98 ra wns. r. dE <nrrd6 dhins? b*reKrc9.1^9d.4
x.ry Ad*hy a.Fr 'E. e.dt g Er€ish hd.? it H@Enyt 96&$d6tr'*? a l frce ma wh id d€ rrE En hin
Gl.n^l I i..d it h. dit j.b. 1a wn t it rra. l. nE br9. pict$?
fi.rt Raily? 50. *rBr d. You da?
Grd rmr 'n. brr - dddird brtL ll wn.r etc 6 o dE d-D?
r.rt Oi\ I G. Od yd k-n 9'9I5n n !dEl7 19 b rh. . t'yrhi,E o fi. Gliig? I rEr.rmc niMd pd h
Gie.l Y6. .rd a hisity, 6 3d l v. fcqd 20 lto* iEV arrts -! $e rE rdn?
5l r iciig b tr.!E wd d 96 9 R'r
I r.r
sh. rHy. do6 .r-q r,' sm. rhin3r
t'r ra hiM6 ra dfa d hit lv.dn6dn Y6,ol@ l€ io.qd6. ht ot a 9E *.t6 ds ock l!
14, bi99d F.6kn k ristd*lg P.opb !r !-y 9i. do.$t 'rsa @ dl el/& ra ffi
I Oh, I @n 9. lh. ba6 9€ - lsry pd
qlicrdy i.d r 6t u,idrnd dEn
rtt 3u d. y@ ril. nudying E^glBh? - ! G@d lhir i3 )orx !.raup.rt. n!
qun 'Mi.g
rlo.igil H.v. . ni.. dry.
cl..n{ oh y... h! iii.'.'ing legu!. ud
ir't vsy ustu lanb&rop€c.nmal os
,'. cld and r an rddlald 6r,. ol t A G@d.n.'lM Glrc3
''c A Oh. h.llo Courd I r.5.ft. bbL ror rhis

Mrry w€Lr, th.r'i r v.ry good

Gi.nnl Bur wl$t.b.d '.sn.
youT whar do you do? A ccenly, wh rlnr dadamT
H.rt l n . {!d..n. l'n studyiig rhdisiry n $. B 8. I p6l s.v.^ p .e.
9'. dce t h:E 8y bialdd A rr*,rMy p.oph ie it ls?
ll o.3
a r.2
Cntutn. q.ts up trBr at about *v.n o:trk Sh.
C.rol G6d mohhg M lnsur.Ec. My nm.t 9*r dM^eE B .Dd h$ brcakrdt ..ny, b.ausc
C.El. H* 6 I hclp y&? !h. dr d .{h l r.d. tcLphon. tumb.i pr.&?
lll A ld!k .qdrblaz-seq
H.lkr. rha'6I hr. up, I sid' o ln. r.dio .'n [4n lo
Crol C.ei^ly, sk Crlat ft&dlt rE Ti*n I w !i h:€. trw'. I 9.
l lll.r* y@, M. 8.rd W.l *. Yor r 7 ro
pi6e? wrB. r r$r a@n.? 'H. & .bqn9aq(d6
*FEd€ pa s. t r di.g c6odbr
5.f Crc doM r $d harl p-t sM. 5h. a A Codd I tuk i.pt6ied *inl ft crrk
c.rol C@k you sllthn, ol.e?
rdtis, tn rrdE rE b..rrhe rr.gtrd. I Y4oF)@.lMd,'m^9d
c..ol A,rd rhds fd ,l4 e 9E !*.F to6 l' n* dl,E r.. rdd, $ d
'!q ^lgs? 6udry h*, N l r,ro, r'F sdry To@e: m good hr rc,
Coll^ 96 b .orLg. rnd h. t .rs'6 H. 8e Fu 9d a thin9 d
M. A NiJ. ii! d]. oi\n 5pd n9. G-€-kubl. de{t Errt h.!. b.eltr sr H. m dol€.c
d cE Li m'di ti hllc o'x io qd d'. b!s, I ln. I r*dy1t€ pa.ts6 t
c..ol nEk Ain ktdl you aJdq tlt '1@r
6!r ,E @rt 66G ( e $a I rtc ltm !, n,
A Y6, h.r! fi.. IrF*yd.
11. A hr 95 Srd& Sre{ That t 9|-R-D-A-R dr. w..k ndr, b.6us. .very.i. tur6 n bed
I llN. B tlhd [, pr.E.?
lac. 8ur lddl rby h brd. I 9d up n:1&d h.E
A So tl* 11.25 on lhu6day, M6lv:ed
cnol Hd do to spclr HrbpT
rkA [3 N A-dolbe F4P ,rsd thars ii rcnt E 1.3
C.r.l And wh.f! the p61cod. ple6e? Th.y cD do whai $.y ik . tur why 3hould L p.y I Could bFk . lul to nr anpon, p.e?
I nr h? lrk *in
reu.ity $ndG .ft d ol my A Cein y. Whrdr d.t?
b6 lfc arE &hl p.y dEd b do ..d-9€ rhc, donr do ry hrn ar$arl rdt'c l And wh.r riE do F! d rn. 6'?
c.rol AnJ rh. l.l.rhone numb.' w th th. !.. Pod r'3 my bnd $d rh.y snouHn\ b. here g Ar r.n F re.rv. d.e.
(r tdrbh Tnc ouslc ls s loud a.d $ry lo.l s A Fn. WEfe $..id45t pl.e?
r'r.l lrc -d c.d. i5
-d rJE.drltd 6
0ra59 d'nt Ld tE .llr,ldr th.y slE rd b. a s.h@l A hr r 26 Czton !re.r . di, .mpr.!^ bde tEy € idida
C.d ft-r ,tu. r* ord r. y.{, k r!,r.n$? a€y cty F.,tr w. shqra he E r.5
E€y ho, F.rty I 5!6 b5.! a h&.. lh.

C.rol ,xd *irr. Fu F"p.{q7 Vvl{, I don\ (.c ft@ . good

uid.drd -. H. €ldt FFllrid i@ by 9,3oo, lld *r
M.A Im a 3hor &ts!d h'n'lt.'.Bp<.bl.papl.,H.rbrdl'llE Bt rF4 G tro nilo. d dp..E
h. fliniE d 55 yq! tE F.9. rdq r5-
!ehtd.? wll.t rd.Edd rr it? wc.h.r.b 8y hrh vhY shq*hr c rw t'. td.6d t' r2 F
,ll. h
. vdr6q.9s G.d Gri. nd rc ,. w.y *. d bT lrl.lrE @unty.
' L..&n? Ruh lh.y?. jrd h2y. rn r sh@rd 9.r
Ydr hd b.* 75 tim.! ,, a
al o.a
tob: ,l.d ir $., dol. E r\drd Fr []d . d M. h dl.r m 60 qa1ds }s b4}E n
1 ld run' peJc 4 in tE p€!,.? .bd. r 3 tE rld ya bl.k 17 dd Y@ re
'[1. b6rs 9]orn r@ h!6 nd
3 rs tri s lru. or hEe? The,c .r. Mo n6.:r rh. l! r.4 'B!ne.rftd
ln * hou. lh. Kdd di.k 22,s0o,0o0 C@
cor!. Mcoodd! hDbo'ld 3hopr s. ! r 6,5m
wh:l is 1h..6 d]. Udd 9n? 2 l whlnm.6 @ md,ns rF{lry? Gbl|B ft.91c b!, d!{9i 3r bdFd pd6 b
*& . kE @)d trc .aa r @ [n6
n on. F, p.opr. rn tuE n ddnk 73 b oi ogso/
l s rhe'e inyo^c i the trhch.n? B rlrlsth.v. a 6k n mydi.ry rler. w. e. to. tff h..d rh.y .d 65 rdv6 0l brld sd r t
No lts * Gn odak n Dy oit .. cq$ Ei.h Fs *1.lki 216 oir or tul( so
How mry p.qE * ddc 5 dE Phdd o b.in6 or lG rd 2o7 p,iE or b 3d &itr is


6ry knd i. rE r..e4 of ffvig ta.! 5 O,, iir E !h.t? Ar*.r, € l@d b*t b Bdb n, b.a* my
6l,.ri. lal amM I}d 3 ry hu!b..A Olrvd. hts 9.r . loh l^ S.adrd. bn ..
h 4 rDu vols*€6 Nr.. !65 6. G Itl[ i rnd {is k Frr f.ts r tE .rn? S.tlr H. did.tnr. n Rgtn?
46ry in worfibul9 G.r'My, ln rh. s. p.iod Glori. Y6i &d thrrs my tuhd rdhg in d! G.aif Figln, lt wc re fr mnh - loo srd, you
dl ljc
l}E Hdo 8qd. Cdput ol hd. AodG *. 50 ar6 $od .ll trdtn ft nd.d d*n
591 bik r Md tE R.y^ordi lobGo ComFny n lih S ls thB you. sldlr b6id. you num? io s.udi Londoi ws .b.!r lln by th s rim..
d. Ur.! SrrB rod8 13,5,{0,672 dqr.G Cod. Y6, tiu'. rt brg ar6, M1d. s.It c.od r.d htr bE did F! sy
6!,yrsur@. t,O@ ph6 br. olr d Erd l,ld S Md . sh. roors ir. y4
srgr.d h$.d€ zntE 4 rr Jlgd.n Cbri. Y6, I sitt6.3rE dd Thr r hq er.dt Oh, tt E tr L5l nop. I fi.d
h6b.nd ]\tr h.l'-'d hs srxbry !del, Fr G $ m.r.r.d b@
i4.! ! Alitearr(dika.Ilffi
lz L2
rirr r hlr rdEr
-d Ft t d6rliy a! '6
CdL Y6, tw rc my h mprrr1 &n m rtrr dE! rt prdB movld.
IB[ r.. . .qturon .6prv. W. blird Edg
,E bn ,'d Jch d tE dghl' .,n mr b..drd 3dt Yvrs. drd rE 90 o6ft,.?
drc brd96 -d dr€3 ft. n* a lh. L hdd.g trry itd. dc. R.bftq G.olt Wdl ny rlnd got ,Ei.d ain *d b
d, .@pr4y l! Fodu.lig . pre td : .* 'lffi
il6 S Mnm. 5h. s vy 3*d. A.d xl'd.bdn in A!.tnli !. rr pr6b bnqrd t ts ot
ndioy. I utu.lry Er h $. o& &rr@nr yqt b.oftr? ldl @ *on hf,.
bd mc hoi$ Ih in tr d.rrm.i! $at Gbn. w.ll, h. e nirr s igr., bor h.t 9.t . s.ur Ahd wh@ r. rh.y rcw?
buiB| t idq.!. So 6y wh.r. rdxng day it gnrrt Uq ltr! Ais. w.l, rhc! hi. C.dn On. !h.)/ro dn !l4
dirl6.d ju* now I @mrly rp.nd a lot or tin. iMca.'!./d y b€6c i\.y.. ..q|q.d, blt S.rly And qho d ! you @m. lo GEda?
torder b.auF I 90 |! dr. co&u.lid 3 16. ltt G nd in -t hu'r! !o 9d trs*d F G.dr Or .aoul r*. Fn .se, r{ra r 9.r I
en rdt fiii lw proi..r fm .pdrjig i rd o{ rift
liE S r*e w.t, dr.yr. nr youig. wrt do$ pr* d tE u^jy.inty 3!r. syw.y, !r.r t my
h $. ,sllhop Ar th. mndt kr. rdjng r I'i. rdr $u .hd, Fr? vthe lm?
trEd.r oi d or dE E* bod96. r,rn .,io)li.g n . dqi. H.! : ra/6lF L. a d6io/ im. - Fi
S.rr W.ll ny lit larorbibqing.ftdtar
td b@e I n kmiig r ld oi filBs n.5 On aiy? Wha. rt 6lrEf Ih..
E 2.3
E 3.1 f 3.5
rbrt tll'd d ft gd r.g.t' b rrd. i.w i.rsrr li6 sd*, Rt' rar p lcE li 6 1 953 w h rE q on s.
rid Fbd*y Fq
r,lr. rd. tu'r., Ll m.9.r my df,ry. njg
co& ol Sdrh a4rr.r.r. 6 tt rmd 3p6', h
ii*9 dEFdEhip For dd cI tla d., H.
n.pc^.r w].n did ilar. no.l Meu.? qushr . l, ot ll+ ad h. !.d dr.n ro . harr buoy.
lrry OX. W! n..d.bour o or we. hov'3 rir 5 lit'6 ih. s-ot 13y*ord, fta s! r lo9. nm nE b€y b h; ta{. bdiy? Ar. tq l'.. riis horningT n.p.n.r Wh.i did sh. r..v. hoD.?
Alu No, rorry. Som. p.op. n h Polnd r.
N*ln..nd ot th. y, h.lercd dtr. Dd sw I
nr5 $n6 dE E 16 b'9. fi$ 6 nE s'd bcbw nm. H. 6cd dou'r to
@rE lo E !r. &I ttEy E levillq a tudd.y, t ponr wlft ra dr. r.ddi^!? 9.t it Soid'nly bh.tiig h( tim, h k'-Ld d].
h4 I c itrRFd,g id
!r.' 9!n id rk rvd .,n p,r'.a him wqh
$0, r ndq td W. i.FLr why Ear tor thd.? rh. rdd. t . lod.d rc6d rd sw md h. 6 in
i,Lr S 3<.@ * ddlt t w rtnvtg :!on r nr du,l or . rhtc n 6 r 9d il$. JEi ft
{.. Ar yo do'! -ttr.g - T!6dly? i.r't- Bd did yd ind d .Dd, i? ol !E bg.d ,n rlod dr,!'@ $rrs h h.
r.D w.r, r'D 9'vi^9. Lru..r 1O.(D rn rn ran 3 I a . plegnch o, $. *ddne h
9r! io rrE &d i. dE :h.@ Hd .!od qJddy h. plrh.d h! fti9.R ktu i.. s\s*3.t6,
ll:i |rl .tr.rd. Im hdi'rg ru'dr iin
n to.t.. ltd did yd h.l? 'Ih. sErl oFn d k nEdl rd fq
goo<t I m
t{r S I E 6y..9y rid !p54, .l c6.l *imi^g 6 Ld a PorlbL !o 6.3uf:.. H.
P.r!r h wcdn.sdrt rft.moon any 9@d ld
drclgn h! ra et , bu sh.n h. roor.d ddn h.
l.!7ln oolng io .xribdio i. th. @.[9, i.r.tur vnddid p do? * dr $at3 h!9€ mlt jusr b.low hrf, rgi tr
l,lnS i rhout d .r Mrcu! mtldad pu cd S. h. kldala d'. r.ft(! h.,n .^d ir tumd
r4't M, rE rdy. lh.ft rc ged t r ro 16
My. &r t6 r &-icd 'm ItE Gh m rn buoy. n
mi'E IE dl!@ { 2.3O. r.p.n' Did arrln. r? b nop yoe? e.ll4rd !r bloy {d fE fth I dv.d dof -3
l, l{|r r'n drird td r rlar*!*.k$a ttr a l.r4u d4 bi r hir hi6, b. rrE o ri! b.l pdl€d Fq uns dE er.r
rb Fi! b lror.rld 6 rhdd.y 'rp.
rbt O' rs e FU re. Wu a 'Mi'E. you @d,,9 E 3.2 lk nu4,t tla d* E rE ald Fh ro4h wE .. Fr I'd, d6p6r.rt Mrh.b9 lhrr pul'd hi'dq -d
rII lndry. bd Id..'l9d rr(tot b-r €-t w.n. ir't dididl b s.'-..Jy. b@ E (b!rd nd i<d.!rtr ae t.!r. -d Fd frod.n
n t Lt *'ng -y go.d ro. rq? n@d rtu?n. ll' *a l *a r ud 3b$1ye dE '!9.sha,i h. ol.d
surfle she{
i.ry No,lD @h.a ng ld ny rc* play .4ry orr'' !p.r-ncE h.rd lnn -d hwnd b herp
di'g tt! ,..r G..ll WcI, bGidjly b<.e q Drar. h m. n.y
llhld hin o.tury idro. bFr db.l
,vd W.l, I rook! likc n.rl rc.k rh.n. Bur couldnt rg'.c wh.r. io li€l My hthc/ w.^l.n
riyry, I nut 90 lw Br., drlille.
hrn io tt b..dr. IrE &{.< h6pi, B 60
to liE.b.o.d Hc ljrcdrm.rimG, ra I'jL'l.B .*:y &d dudig 6. s9 joumey on. ol
l,lrt 3y! ooi t fdg.r you r. bk n9 i\. chrldr.n *. Bul my mdh.r pr.l.rcd Ar l... dr rr.z-lll*B hdd For'e lntd6 h p{a Ai dE
Llt or', I 3el l^he w. yd bdn $a? hotpibl h. Gd.d 452 *,tdE hn h.sudiwd
lli $fi ? &n lfr ptryhg td^6 d 7 oo. C&l G..t I G bm r.s.dh An./o, i^, bur r

9d ''p nFdt i' EigrJd w. brr Pd,rEn r I 3,6
t$, rdd yw. r'n Eh.r:i'q rtC €6jng. € $olr br y.5 old, My idd Adui. rs n'@ nEil''s lrE For we b{r,n th. qr6 H.
n Or d.m^ ,{o{ s'r r ff.n ll,v'g .9r\ r.d dri rin rE h.y hrtd
I 2.9 s.rt why dd y.u b.E? shrrr H. Fned..sn9.. ad h. !d] no9p.d,
G.dr vkl. ny gnr&tF 6 rd dy turhr ri orbd b srtt da rd cegapn tum
Itt! H*FJ gdrt bn E ri.G C,r..i.? didrr *gl t b. s rar.*.y tm 'n
h'6. 5. f id..d 8...:lt.d n tr.y d. nol drg.'oc
d.rL Y:i !.9d. ! nr and . brc$.l
EnbMdhcts.hEigrrt erDli Eroga h.e.nd *n F9. kil @.
6q. No,lm numbor two rryisrdM&io^. I b.r m6 w-!t tr* lns sh.rll do. 6ur lhr(s r. ii d.ise. trom Y6, 'wbur w didn r sy d*r. €ry b.9, E pr.pL.^d tr. iu d ot 9r.r tnir. st*rs k
U. dd6r, ,ld Dai.r i3 l}E youn96r. grnf:r'a d;ed ad * rhr io lh. Fe €$r hrling hll S. R.dncy For rM.n r 6mpa on Io

Ocn w.[ rr L. Erc Ei.d, b,

pdd d' whil. rh. ( Iod:y h. bt.s
odd ist. HGI n'n n hm wrm my pr..E
s.rt hd ro.4 did y.! .!ry dF.? *idi*.\t ehdo96ph6 lo d !'rfl
C.of ^rd
Oh, qu i. a o.9rm.tor!3-.dyhE
rady t'.r rE 9d r pld.sEpn d 4
,d trr t&lt w@ld F) lik b : d
ye. &n dB h/ drr b.t h. lo., b€4 hk ll{r ,.
lI rq &ivq .r h., d r.FElard,E ,d
o..i ss Ii *. r'E 9d c eE tba Y6 tr E. b€K m rI [r.d i rhd. wbi .dr.d yor tom your hoft ir Fu li€ h
Y4 h )or e lnis ir . phob or hy wrrdhg


You ha!. em. lme 1o rchi I you r. u..d .nd ShE rodav rd *..l( $ $ dr.p Fu. rirc Ard r l*r 9d dwr b cyFG d Nd$ Atka lnd
bcld. I 9o. And' ll bc ln bfh wtr.n I qd win(d. Oh w.ll youlve d em. rsnotm6y
rr you .nioy dr. !rEw, frn 9'( ylu rrc ir4 rih h Fid ad I s wam h Bid* dld 1r. food s
mi b.d. And Im m.dn! em. Larcrding xopr.
rr yo wd b ea t'. s6 ol dF goiia to . panr rmight so I dorr ljw 6en
Ill b. b.d. (H.y, dop ir, ro.k ln rrkins ro ny coh6 1tM . pre. by tE E*r s... H.! : stdr
Ourrmcusne w bk you lbractburilyou d.d herc.) sdry .bd,
drat O.d. Anrn.y, 6k, guy wh€n ac ad out of hca, hc dd ee going
w&i to *. Londd by.qhL rm jun dnging ro ey, kl il b. ngfiitI*. ddY.bA6b.lE&j$JEFn.'6'gsydrcy
Gctitoboi.shp sdaislir., de rlt
It you ill da n9, you l Eally .nloy lhe nlshelub E 4,a
( yN rav. childrcn, w. r .@9! a nsny ro 1@r P.rt 1 El s.1
Ih. hin cs.d itu Bdgrir n k o'crdk in dE i L..d E he':r dln ns, blr gord,s $.
lr yo! w.^r b
do some shopping you LL have um€ noh'ng. ften it tupp.d d suddenly turc RE a
ro @ ro rh. shoPs on s.rurday. It o{ pdidhcn d $. tM
'whatt h.pp€ning? l e'd n rrlle b i\. dd @
El a.2 3 Chlndiry s d ordd rulision rhe ls!.n bur

Th.n tu po 4n { tur arbs. a ri ,r Canadr is blgs..lh Ch na, bur Rusr. s $e

tii qt rd . shrt fa fr r.., rookn .r
d.ryb.dy detu y. Md $.n dr.y l@r& d ft 5 A jd.^ginc i5 frore po*c+ rdran a dr.sel
.ngim, bui a r*kd eng .e is th. most
foft 'in 6 pk&, fi. hr pdi.€M sid .
6 8io d.le o is cio*r b rh. .,iuad $d
1./rr? M.z r ed. My? whd r trE M6? c.i.!, b r srng.pd. i, $e .ro*sL
k rhis ylw bag? tr ralr poreM srcd
I &qr to .sr . qdi.., bd ms lib
El 5.2
qudid. nm ytuns h.n. so I rh}€d quid .1d
r ridr 6 dE h'gh.d lfubh ii dE tr.rd?

h nE dion b![d'.g dF. €. , k llu! 2 Whrdr ts fE b'ggcst reLnd n6.word7

polk ft., and $m. frm d,. tr in Th.y
€..1 yME pepr€, I ef sdne rd. .tad, 3 Whidr clcphad h6 b 99er er's, the Afti@ or
eft ec bo/.d Th. p.r @ l6*ed n asrbody! t'.lndi, €LrrMt? rhrm
{sc.ndingt d ti.n t'. Fop. wd back to t'e b,ji
/r Which .oudry h5 d,c rg€n popu ar on r
r.p,.l.P{E* f4y k p.licm.h bok ft b. btiL. "r@r
Padusal Ponusud. hhd paPo4 ph& tr lat po LcM ed .nd ot n

rh.y lmk.d ai ny pas'pofr db.gdbl@k 5 widl a tr ld 4nd rdumed $.


o\. bn pdi..M ed edd6v 4rny diiy 7 which i3 d'. nsq ht.lrigst ri,ral n L\€
sbiG rld crollEs wd. d s $. rdl.
,ad? A{zr lnn htmn benss, th.
thin\hde, but whot6, d.tphlE odd aahg
utur @ oEo v.l trtelige.t
El 4.3 The p.lic.lH picked up my b.9 dd &med it dd lE s.3
Oio dE ubG, d or my b.9. irn p{rd aft6
who r. fr. b6r drv6? whi.h dnv.6 J. rh.
'h an'rld $er. r mb.dy in t'c office .t t'. llhs! p&rd of Aidkr s dol Nlc., new dolh6. Firiy
er.n 6 tr rdds? Accdd n9 !o a rc..d s!ry.,
bd ir,!u ha€ }! lw and numba, Mlwdm dollJ d6 h lt p..r.6 h or hdEy.
^ op.n. you€ and cd d/t@ rc trc mo5r I'l.t
w Ll 9d back ro ye a lls d pcsrbh. He& ify nFldl op.n d, Md sy.d
ecid.nt oldd dv.6 r. mor. GGtu
io m
sp€r ahd dr tw. fh.nk ro 5o,ooo, i{looo... tldet G.rns r$.s r ditld*., b YMs ro h.€
I P.rd Oh h , laci ThE is P.ter h.r. tek, I m 2aro,ooo dolh^ h.c, !r. b
phon,ie .bour t'. Gu a ol d,ai Du'ch pojd. d d€E tins brs Ml TM Walih.'
rh.16 &cid€nr rccsds olal They a. g.Edr
Th.y l@k inr.r6rn9 An'*.y, r'rl put b.m '3d ir! d ny ba/ I lrsrd fre a99r6iv. di4 ordd d'iv$. Thcy abo
i 'n Ihei. w6 a big happy s l. oi hat pdcnd!
do€ rafu @ 'irh bigqer .ngii.s on. ot b.
non ider.srins ld in rhe suBay s rhat
lvit, d.t69. rn an'd rm n'l in F, a h.e 'w.rr, h€ s.j4 ir: sd rls l6c 6 tr L@rl p.s.n9.6 ha€ s dk d d. did. wMi
My mediig is b,king oigs $' exp<r.d S. lokod, d or ouE $.E wE ny ,Mq d y&nq Nr. div.6 hav. }t. r lr ends rh. @
p.ob:bly wo.t b. b:ck Ii rodrM Aur rfr y6, ot car ii w5 mY b4 sohsdid 2ooooo '^
su,. yourrb. oK knhod n. to l6i on. mtr Am.riadolk,.9di.(onyb.9? gidni.nd 3 ii dr. @, h@eve. rhetr dt iq k
nthr A.p.y, Ill 9 w ,!u a dns d s .vening You dior ting Us dole inro $e .ounty, d,c
bcner Bu $. opp.s te is tuc lor wod.n. rk r
w rcu b. ii? lll lry ahod b.drid.. Sy.
Sa':h lon6 Hello, Ml watcrm^ Trr s ls S:rah lqd quicny. Theyr. d
3ui I d'dn t bnng dEm,
dnv'ng is 9des *i.i *En tusb.m o
rools. rm ahrd rh scr( 3 rafiic jah on dr hy dout: I l*
e, ,len i. hy ll|, rd
M25 $ I pEbably
t b. {n rI
I hope ud won t b. ra laL
h.( eur
n6e ta a kt ol rci* m d'. ebdd rlmk n od
ot dr wLndd sd ew my !rln. SlMt tbt9nb
E s..r 9lv. l$irhrl cr lhelp you?
you u€ nuhb..otmy nobl. nGe you wd
ro .rll oe back ts0a@639270 Ihrk you Heyl lsrELned, dit! my !'riF A$Lt d lr'cy?e f1? 50
cl].i,d I l*.,is d, b{t ir ier b,q !@+ lac(? Denn s m jusi rctum n9 you a . 'Oh no, h. ed
You'E g.tng b{k on nut ru qd ir ii . kq.r tz.7
l m wondng athm? ihis an€rnM, e cM you w$ us, in sr baubtul
taln. Y@ E sny,.g h.a ^cd A.i'bd lutt a minuc No,Lfrs'., k. halot
phoi. m. lhere? Thar! 577 9a9s
Moth.r oh, t lack, dEr Oh. t s your morher, c&ffi No, iis r@ d.n( Ld pcler $mur t
5o Imvq gd re sotu S.uday.Iwd very
wded i! h.c a riul. brk
A.irbd How.bod hs bl!. ore?, l:d! This c r.rd rjd ld.d ro
irk io you abod rh. new ad*G As yout not
tn.e'l1hl.ach'tw$dE.q.ncyd]3 qu.dions, Fr kr&. 9u, /d
Yor'P o n,a S.€
c{aonr No, rlErt arr, ttrl rlu
id...{ b @ h rt4d<? rot pbtPbdtut,]
noh,ng shourd b. n9. r'6 on rh€ rhrl ! 2.5O os, da*


Thdk ,o. Thatt !7 50.h..9.. E a"r i.hi. rw F t 6 F], a rsa lban

22. I wd wdkng a . build.. at $. tim. d l
orr .heM rsdnr up3bi6 b h.rc. badr, A3 I
E 9&lg -b di bdr tE br.rlft d€ h tr E *. nE tngd sd' a b/'d h ny n6 ljr
E 5.5
rwa crp-i€
hall. impddcll, s ld Anrray, w. w.E buildiig $n. houies n..r
dorMr: T'EE 6 nobody .b. i hdE, e I Fdhd h sufty. h 6 abqn hjr pas 14 i
dd r 9d d6*n .gan. N']@, whi. Iw6 lh. mming ed ld .l $. orhd h.n r.rc
tuding h ft witr dh,ns a r r@d rct6^s thtr ts Th€y dc li.Ldng lo
Ldd*,Y6heyouJ.. lhc Edio. I w6 wdring on lh. r@f or oE or
Y6, yes irar lo.ks 6rc,lllbk€ ir @id. t'. fod dd. h *s my hnrg€ daughi.'
dd ha fria*, bur rourdnl s.r b..r u@i6 in
dme. I put tE phon. tu do u. ving r@m
rtoM wa painti.g ,r;d6E ot n! n.xt hou*
w.ll 6 .id,Irns wt'. b dinnyfr..
& hld bd nd dr..odtru unrdwLt nE
oh no, Ih.nk you. Im only re*ins winds d.4r16 cre ln! drc living lM
windo*. wE. I {ddsry,prs.d, $. p6 |k fk . ol $rc drrs quys ai @ kd aboLn r
OK L.r mr know I you ne.d ey An,Ey.hGrust'.adiorh.mpl,dmg
Gllo{ his Ldd.r tuuBtdy th.n my d.ushr.r
cudcn.rlhJkyou' hdd t'. noi* t'.y 6n dBld.
.r'd hd ucid,
d ol tt }indd'
wEn l b.r.d rft ndPiog fufus' it des't rc.dl nq'tbd ft' l'll .d
I A5.i'Ed c, I h.lp ,fl? 'E, rd pLn m a hy pad bto3h. I toh v.ry.KIi.d wh€n h. eid
cud.m.r lik ty rh€* shc tr r.!@ .€@i 5. I w..l up6ra6
Ban lhd *.n b.
Yes,Id to ln a thar. balt I did'l ey
denng gm rld,ly rh. wi.dd d.'u *snt anyrhing
hu4 bur ws all v.ry emb{aing rsrd l5.ish.d rh. Oi cft s md ed, Therc
,rs/6.t Yes,ju$a nomcnl m 5fy 't bdr d'. d6 fii. @r d tu'llbd I I
bli w\t mly Sd rh.m in . fd. -d . halt lI 6.2
0. you w t b ry th.d on? ?'!.la A.d *rbi dd ya do?
ctu.r em, y€s,:ll tghl No,lm rlraid Tari'r Ercu* n.. cord you rcr mhowtogd iobin w.r, dul wE .iough tor m.. I . hb.d
doM tE r.ddd. r 9& hy b.g or r@r! b rir
r5ld wturd Fr rit! b ty r'rrhins.r-? P.grht fh. sfiion. 1.1 m * Oh y6. Go orh.r guF sd sid, Hd., you @ hare
clnon.r No llllav. r Thdrs.nrryay d.m this Ed T*. rt s€o^n, m, $. n\nd l6 ofi. And I Lh TK wek Eis q Kdd
dming on drc rll! Ind! Can n9 5@.
a crdonrr &cu* me celdrtyt'6.lrds
P...rbr Y6 G. rrong C-ni^g SGi and .art P'ud.r So a m.turd.y be.m. $. sn ot
rairt'n Cdainry Ih. .lunsing rcoms e oiu.lil,'n.ko^ddelta'fic d.r.riig nes Roh,n Fd x.rheni. h
rishE.Tm dshr$m d yw!l*.bidg. in
fd ol you. Dont go uidd $. bndg.. Ih. xr$.rln. oh yes, I wa a no ar d:y - a v..y
rsird A,e ih.y.rL n9hl7
sjo^ is 6 $. l.h jun b.rd. ir ndnEld.y'Iha*6'EpDb|.mll,6No
Touri.t 5o h*s dfrn h.E d bk rh. d d
H.!. yo0 gd lh€m in. Jg.l siz.?
Y6 hd. you &. P.gFbr Yet trn 6rry on .long $s. .. Penl.i What w./. you do dq?
^sim i.6.rh. w. w. t(iig ii rE tvin9.@m ry\
rsrbd A' f'.y b.t.r?
ld'tt nl(ftbgEhlfi.ligh6
aiy hcb d w6 sinn9 in:n anchair. N. wd
fin. I bk To rh€ se^d sa ot Fafii. ghrs I s I
C'dod.r Y6, lEy rc t'€m.
. big dsotds .nd th.a s . BP 9.r4. o *E tn pafd ch.aky3dd.rtE
i^g on th. $h lwdknitnq Oddaughler
Iouirl So b tle s6d * ol hJfic lishts. ra s. crFdjng a barrr. F0 < o(tu
3 cdod celd I hac tis jumpd, p1.6.? grad.hild - Md I w6 knin ng a linl. andge
Aiirir ceein y A.drlng d-? PsAr YB, tufr dgl'r J'd r'. dus. b t'. lditY.llo*.nG,Ih4Ea@'.sh@on
c!tud Y6, hav. you sd dy g,.y ri9h6? sbiio^ s jo* beior. rh. b.ids. be@ei the dr. W I w$ srr*e,r Lu.*y rril I nGreni^s
AJd.d ,{e OK? t'dg. .rd ltE 9-d9q in h.l rb{ }o! cns$.r tE* d4nB? &n E
C6'.fur No, $.y r{ t dtl trcush. Touri* And hM ri. is h? rer.^\ E y wath n9 il
A'rl,t d what abour rhcs? oil iG r gp.d tn dhd.a war[ Pr.rn' rd *rd hapFmd?
cllfur oh yB, they I b. inc bth.rr w.rr, a rsd, m 4rcjun havn9 a
tunEl ev.^ing d h.ft. rtr.n sudd.dy my
ctur Y6 $art rqr h6b.nd pur dowi h6 n.*papd and e d lh
A"ied werr, 6ar s 422.e0 anosedr.. rh€n Telrid tud* ft. c:n you rell n. whae d'. sqry, btr I 6t 3@d ihis ry lor9.r. m rorrly L

bd.d widr ou. M89.. I don r rwe you rd I

Fld peFby No 'm erry. lov€. Ih a slrs.r
E 5.3
lout gDl *tdt ii to*.t tr&.l.' Hw drd you rr.1?
Tcu, EK!* m. Oo rou lnow wncrc lh€ w.ll t6 Etunn.d didit rrcw what
Y doit d'iw a bg fd@
SGond pG..Fbt llre Georgc? Yes df couce PMt r what d'd you do?
ld d yoq noEy we woir 9d iar. h Clnln sqE orgcib dE docl llxa.
li s Xrd*id r did^1 do arld'ing. rr's hn^y bur r 16r
Tou'itt How do 9.r $.G7 @ied s wirh ih. @dqan BLn my hGband
S€nd psFb, 0h, it3 quh. 6yb find. Tum *dup*j6'npa.*da'uit.&'wneni.
.fr h.r. jun p.n th. zeta cro$'n3 n€n qo ff. denstalE I w6 .t kn/r n9 lln @uldn r
iajght d ls hudrcd yard5 i'd you lr
abqn . b€li* rtEr wa happ6hg H.e'd In
com. ro Gdt6 sqle on yod nqhi lvh.n you avi^g, Md sid wourd you lk8 a cup or ica
[4q whq wh6, wh€ wh€ yc$ tun dt tE rqd., r@ ll c b.',
rork 9d \td i br.t ld m nd? rdonr kw vhy rsid d*r h jd(fk
ed ln. G@'9. qo!.r s on$.ngft n?tro d'. od rtomric.l y AnFay, he pn sd, oh my
o* yo! don\ live i a b.aditur praa.
G.dl Ir rBi .ll y@ d eyz I *rd ro bli
ft dui. d dil qive pu .ucn a b.:ut tul fac.
Tou.ii Inek you Ery mudr. .bod i, but h. wa^t .dcd Ne lun p€led
S...nd ,qrby Oh, nd ar all lbi.t tE tut.l
wF'ii5b.nindtn.ho'.]'byfuway Pl-nbr Fim y wc coh. !o Odld s nory
lll 6.5 O.vld Oh y6, I an r.n.nber r5 t rwa
t1y lt.d get rtund and rc@d PfuhlErek.s.dibornco y*d.y'L15{wqrat'.!ft'.ltI
b,nk haviig . h..t i9 *r. my srafi w.
Mdl dal r. hd srq'6 lrom Fobln, '6 rourkl trE bis @E in ny ol6c..
K.nm Ji Daid lhcy tll u3.bod [ @ r adi., bdj^g
.n6 bd mon
It hc bmbr'^g dow^ which b.d. very u^6u, d.F. 'n.dng,


Hdcy, rh. d5 sbt mdaqd *a .p.:r ng, my M.r0n Hav. you h.rd ol tr. Ur. oistd? c!.t 6.1 2 Nd ior n., trdks. Blt Id rik. a cup
3e(.rary c ! n.ndeid, TheGsapho#d 1.9. oh ycs Ivc alway' wdi.d ro 90 ther.. W.
rs you. we , nomally my r<'.lry dcnt 3rudlcd Will M WddsMfth s 9orn. ai sch@l clltoEr 1 and fl hr€ a c!. pLsa
i dtupr ft&gF rq phom orle sh blcs. ndin Righ! *ll w.llty th. r*.s on satord:y wrn r 5o tEl r on. cotr . Md oi.16
ms9. S. lw{ su'p,i*d wn . e\. cad. 'n. o&r' t Y6. rd drd r har tr bii ,r.&7
It! yor wtre sh. *id. 'Sh. eys itt u,q. i r w.n . Oid you .njoy you. n.al7
wd r{h.r wo.,icd a! dis. My w tl doesnt pan c E 7.5 Clnen.r 1 Y!! b kyou llw6v.,yncc.
Cou d I hav. . rcrcipr io. di. b pre6e7
dE tdiry hn. a!! h. gn b@. bced. Ctu^ty l'.it-of.dEH@}€{arc
rih r&t Lr hin A.d e.r s..!r ot Ja h. l.h
pi.k d up dre phon.. r'fy w r. rnewered, b(n t'. v LLag.. He s oi y ban bri rh... times sin.e
rh... Nc rcd b asios A res md nrer. h. got a E s.7
sid, w. v. 9d ,ou, wlL ad .rild.n hsc
job on ! ship tEi wB e n9 blh. usA onh. whd do yor mew.6 ro rh. qu.sidna h67
s6b h.d a ndt bGlelr Hc rk d 'e
Un.i .nd lorror nr@dt ud rh.y'lr br ^/Eid
, nghi '.y
war shtrk.d, but *.n.d b r^c iad nrs od ofid.d hin r lob Mdlmri r.rnr i rr ,ou?. a nr subvd I y.ft ed t you'r. .
instudions.'n r.i m nuiet timc, h. std, a
qukhy ed in thc i! b ye* h. mrde a Lol of
m.^ ln:sreenpmpd w lc.m. nroyou, bant
mo^.y on wrl St d Hcbe@af, ionan 2 lt r!ul. b€ec.^ 30 dd 39 y.d ord add 2
G'v. him:llrh. lM./ ton ln. sa.. wre. h.
rh.n h. w6 only 25 58. d,cn h. ha b..n pan y.rd ir yo! b.twdn 40 d 59 |dd 3 yeEi
ot i\. id.ffiiiml ;d 5a Het h.d d€ wr€ b.tud 50 'e
rld 69 dd a y.4
rel.ohon:s m€. wcrl/el.a. yoq rm t And
rh.n h. put rh. phoic down
wh.n h. *E 30 h. mmi.d r b.&ttu nod€, bd 3/aTwnsrd cil.s r. unh..rlhy pla.* ryou
veF a Elge low^ or ciq €k. otr 2 y*6 bur I
Pr.r. .r What dC you do?
o.vjd we l. r lue d d .' he e d. I h.d no choi.. a^d $nd m divsc. Fn $'.
69.s bdh e.ded n you ve a vi a9. or in d'. .ouitt, add z ycau
lgryi.g dn, bd *ryo4 hsr to twe h. hs riv.d r.*
[rury vi/b h in h]s ^ psrr. iiv. rong{ T*. on tlle
5/C M-i3d
t wa very ar me
wd rlliqhtin th..nd. h. po[.. round 3n. i\. e.f 5 H3lniy ii. h- mr bcn h.opt
Two y.6 ago hk s.n wcni 10 pr s6. oi. or hk yqE I y.u liv. wllh a pdn.r
ot th. iro.ey bul lhey iever aught tE m.n
o d.ughieB ha a dtug rddid H.'s bc€n 7/a Eduation t q.od ror you. Add I ya io, .
4 i.z un'v.Eit deg... Dd aot'.. 2 y.s to' ! H.!rr lng€ L'ft,srm?
hs ld.d b raver. n. s vielt d . msr d.ry 9 It you 5 t down mosr ol d,. d.y, slbrd 3
M.din lm lrdh
Clay r m !o.,y m a L b r rare colnry in rh. wodd. Y.s, \€ madr a rd o{ non.y lOAdd 2 ye$ il rou.:.rci* tor ar @i 2Gl0
Hiv. you bee^ h.E lon97 '€ b..i a.rywhcrc and I v. donc .v.rytr n9 Bur
lns. No. rst a l* tutG Th. phn. w5 dry h- n nRn€ ft h.ppy? Nlt rdry Nd look{ my r l rr you sp€nd md. tha ro ho6 a day dre!
trrdii Oid &w .gcd I thrT b'orhd. Emirio Flr !e.ry h& ril. hsnr
l.s. Ycs, t '.u
rd llnc, rhanks. 's Y.s Emirio 6 a
.hanq.d at al' But h.'s h4py. r2 t you G h+py add a y.r. rt rlu rc unhalpy
Hrdt. w. , ve prded ii thc mu i sto,.y so w.

nc.d'olal.$'.]'|.rekrm.ukc 13 I you E r a.d add thrc. ,s subtad rlrf,e

E a-3 y.s n you ,. qudr.n a.d xd
14 osnr snok. ir tlo wd a loig ,. subtrd l
M.rd^ llave yo! cw be.i b M
drener b€|o,.?
cuile. r Hec,$ 9d a bb. rtr o pk&? ye$ for !p to r€ cisr.n.r a day, 4 yea6lor r0
rng. No. iv. b..n ie Londof,, bur dris s ny i6t \o zo, € y.6lorup ro 40 and 3 Fs ro mor.
;si st\
ro rrc oa Endand n'an 40. r{your. r noanok r. butyou lv.!$a
iL7rj. c.
50 you h:vlnr tn...arEdghd )tt?
ln9. 'lhe.erltughnd? Oh no, jrst W.h.r I5e eup ot tr day s ..k ad pobro.
1 5 Thre. 9is6 ol wim o, b..r r day ar. 0( ro,
Wo! d you lik. .^ ap.r tiJ whl . you?c d(iding?
M.nii Whenwcr. you in^?'Ah'^.rclw.tdlorn.
r.s. Al,od t... t€6 ago lx' r 5 ovftigrrT rl y.{ E up ro t s 1016 r@ hory w6 ihat m husin.ssT Cu(.h.r I Sp.*linq, pre4. tuord 2 ys, 16-25 tolo5 bk on,r y. !
cudonGr 2 And I I haw a gi^ &d roni., pl6. 1? Lon9 re ruE n rdiries ,\dd 2 y.m rq alh^ Oh,1s... Now, have you.aten? gEndpaied dq 30 y.s ol'j now o, when lh?r
lng. I h:d *nerling tr ii. pkn.. bd ir *ae r a mln .a w.tcr and a 9 n rnd tonic a.e di.d
v..y g.od, e I d'dnt d h4h. rr sorc di*r 4'b.y, b rar. oi
H.di. O( @ I lv. btut€d you inio th. Prk Clen.r 2 Y.! Could Lhav. rh. rcroi.nd ur. thr.. yd ir a^y6. ii ydr cr6.lnly (blorhss
Hor.l So I drop you lherc 'lh.n I I @mr 4.k slsr.s, gaodpr.nb) h6.r had h.r'l
n rbout Mlr d hor md w. d 90 hr a mc.r.
w .r Would yo! ik *hd or vegeilbles, toubLc Iak ofi so$6 ya i, riyone n
h9. Ihd sd frc. lrBrlk y@. F.rdr ti6 r : r&r.r p&ro lirh d'. halrbti? lrhiy di.d rrdd d ag. ol 50 'ou
cen{ . s.hd.nd a j{r. p.m, pr.&. Io akurat rour, sti with 4
r,lr^in s eve.j{hlng OK wrh yeu. rcom? Cu.t.n.. I A.d I ll hav. th. lovp ro ow.d by .€rag..9. or 72 ya6 Th.^ add or subta.t $(
It. lamb chops And I d llkd tld ! di elad add
N.rtlr OK wll, io* whar rbour smethiig ro ft.rch h.r rr.6e.
.d? H.€ yor ftr ui.d lnd'd lood? rY.iL. ItEr* Fu wdld you ftc win. drh d,c lE 9.r
M.ltli wc L ir s vcry hor, you know, sp cy. Oo you cln.hri t Y.r .ould we hJV. r borr. ol 1: whar wourd you do il you tou^d $.
l.g. Imndsu...b{r 119'. i. ry .. mod;y? G vc you&rl so pdtu rd b: / d toh r b
H.dl. 6dd Ih.'.'3 a lw lndh' o ,o[e $ti,, ..d m p.rn tlr c.
nar h.d I t.d ir a oup c ol w.eis .oo Md C!n.m.r 2 Y.r Thats ld h., dee avdi6.2: rr toh.body r.d bsL yoursoh
i!3 vcry qmd. lt'r carled rhc Sohbay r A.d Ih. rmb chops Enjoy yod ! dft r*sd.r, would you buy ir? Giy! youscl$o
ponB r.r c d d.point tor r
t6* wa
rh. md?
fricrn trd b sret en.s.!
Ing. O.riciM sd ytu we ngte h wd Ey hd Q!-dd 3: ll
a!n.d.r 2 F,i.. wh.r abouryo( rdb? 'oorwourd you do? -rm po t rd .
fiom r 5hop, wh:t
M:(l^ well, nor rs ho!.1hop.. FJm Mv. you
5..n the p, ror your v sii?
ln!. Ygs rr.
v.d a .opy r.n wcek. bd r'y. .ft
wit.r k .v.Ddlng .ll r 9hr7 4: I you eu dit slird you c{
C&nu 1 Y6, m.d you Could w€ h.v. o inturft., yhal eu d yo! do? G v. ydq6. r t&
M.grassca or midal r.Gr, d.*? p@B id - rh. @ ern s&t .t. 9,,n9. w!
n.dln That s OK lv. got an.ft.. on. h.E I C.d nly, dghr away '
ha,t m!9h nah.r A^tl a .ponttat. t *.!bil
h.vcn t phnrcd &r{ri^g rd rh. week nd y.l,
whar would you lil. ro do? I'lou d you lik any d*s.d? dlLN n e'Fpt iD m a?quct
Le. I ha€nr rcrt ftolehr abod L

,. \' t36

&.rbh 5: rr. shop eiebL grv. you b hlch B Oh, y6,lhatllb. nic. A.d
.Fng., rtd sljla you &2 I@ p..ns rd Fnlt, ird .!o{ sityT rh. cG bdi4 o'r helrlg O'* id P&r?
'o.. S€ sit rdE @]n nop *Ep IttF. 0d hw A Surc Do ,!u lhinl ,!u.ould 9Lv. rh.n a
H.r dU td &r? s.En b *'. po@ rlw3 : d! rrt peds ltd .bd, rrE .dE? ll Fi i6 n97 fll F * d'iE '..dy.
rrYrrd Fs Fqro ir p(nb 6 oK - Fl lvgd bs sLtt1''9 h d* r.Lr, tE &h
r.$on.€.{c. tsostu106 El, krd rtb )w ld ,rd4, t! adr
rir'9 2 A td'.9o qJl iv r nP:l histt
)s,r. d €y d'..r {. ro7 rlld ir Kdcd EgF.E h rE r4 s! bd( r tor. rbrdnr
bFiu F hd b. iokry. Ytu obvdElY 'ou
ir6t e ,'it q)iz rE€.ql Sd sh.Prig sr'.. E tn*, bd @ld ir I Mnn. rb rnr rhs. rrsr rim. I d db rt
s. rolrrt, d'oJgh, rd nd prcpl. . lot wolrd
d€n 6 dE dltlll16lre Fr .:'pL,.ld 6l A wd, rh{ rbod tFg t\* nd hili$ de.
Dsol. iol,id k..p noey thar ih.y tou^d li !h. E ro.r
dr.t I ir sanl vdy hudr &n I ih.y r@nd. ror Holud Thii yd, Xra l h so,ro b 9iw a n-ios 16, p.opk sy n s pdty good sndr
ol6oRy rn . wil4, $ey rcu d 1*. i to rhc rf,ordnq lt won r b. sy. sd l m tul ooinq'rt
r0 bek a Lb . lor nr^e o .iftk?
A d9h( ldon\ hnd doi.g n. Could you
ard h. Nlld buy *den oNds if rh.y
p.opl. rrih Ya You irr. r rc5orur e
wm r qiE !p psr nr. phom b@k?
m nm r !ho9 s hbry, bn d'.y @rdn r but .wry yed, lt.6 1.., n
bur you

idi ir d*y hw oEY re $d.n nm tu.} FrL.d r kla, lI 9ia !p, b rhd E tr k..P
3 A wald F! lik to 9o b rE cii.G M19 ?
3 No, r ddr\ rrry d h . br ftd
9ei.t9 r

I 9.2 A Orr O( W.{ 6, (k.r * nic I vidk? G.od €iE, s e Y6 o( bd *Jrd you ni^d qoins r.9d ir?
Gr- G.od.6xl9 Oo you haE: ltE!..d ns J f,ighr W. st h.€: tu. r'h jun 9o;n9 to h.?.. b$.
. tE rn. ol ,sEs, pr.&? 'tsre y
Fn..rd Mh, m. k 61 A No, r d6r mind I iioy ci.g rhd h.l/{
fu..e.ldidlun.nifuk.yYc''h.rcEY.' goi- wh.t do yd hEy?
X' r,j. Jonlr w@ld yo a oh iythng blr mrh,ng roo rqiout. a.d
sir. HlPpy N.* Y.r M h. A.. you 9o'^9 ro why ds\ yoo b' h9 a .oup € af p .24 back
cld ld pdd a d.!b|., ir ytu E 9ot on.. b'ek N4 Yg 5 E'ol'nd .e8 yd?
is?d*ft A^d hd m'^y ni9hc r. yo! Hu.b..d'n0,No, rh s l?n qo nq to r..p'Br. A Ged id.r oK 30. you alcr
v'r. A.d tny Ls oB td drhr.d?
Hrb.nd 3<Nse fiis y., 'm 9oin9 io rtop II 1o.t
isp .dn flE Wcll, could you ivll fllli. rh. n kng N Ya s cs.ruricl hr.ri.rr 'F.du. 'r
nE b.Fning rld rhe
.dJiMrar lsn id si9 k { s. bd@, .nd of Ivin9 r'rppty Th... v. th. wo.ds or
E ro.2 tn. G...r lnirdds EFcliur, rh. liv.d
My N$-d 5 gotE b 90 d r di.. 2,300 )qs.9. P..9r. i.v. d.F r*d s
larddh. An i@ do you wd b rdr. r'. H. Mr ges ro dn'* e mucn b.d fi,'d pL5!r. rd bd., E h.E i$y tu.
lh 9..8 o 6r. F. a.'@ d.ry5 b- tE a'.Fd &4rs h.d d rlr
qd Br ordi dd. ir .! lndgoigbw.',.Fhzd, * ii. ddl i@. tor.b.d m6 r'wrrr
r.od..-t Y6 oI de c&b 'ighj6r b*. a Myoeg.iEbh.*rhr.d Fl or Ib. rL( 'n nE d,)dto is or lqin .
H. i51gds ro dd' 5 mu.h lv. Sneb.'g God lwni.g Dl Shris,q
My.A!!hd! 9e9 b ridy h6 b.tun o. lin Go.d !@9. t s : pr.s'. ro b.
t td.dr rhrii(,fl. Ad, will yo Equn! i 9E i$\ gd^g b hk 6 rh. phorc ior hou6. '!5f,s
4*i.@ xd r r.k€{r c.ll ii lr. Mi^q? wc E 9oii9 ro b. nicd ro .a+ oth.r. l.idi*r. Y6.
w.l, *hd liE
(ld Y6 rd rt. Th. tt*r dran{7to rry. 161 9dn9 n aig!. vtr .&h orhcr

E 10.3 Dr st r6.rt w.dd, d.iloynEmlhinst

r.4d6d 7.3o v.ry 9d, r Hd! Frr HB my caldi.r tr bvn m hourT w.
PhsuG mearu d (.rc'n $li9e to d fi.r.ft
ktYou nuJnbcr i5 429 ntltr15ov.r ir:ird.Fr6 o or dvq 'i p..d.. s@ p..oi. ,a pLau. 116 j6rn9
'ooh 'ou
ta *rr sd' Fd ru9!.9c2
0o Fr a.d rYy
You u* didff tl t' !m., .v.n *n i ylv d
or ol -rcpr.n6 or ddv'ng.l 20o kph. Fo,
Ld rtro, b.nk you. I E dry 9d . 3drl rd!9 R.:&'s. 3r..9iis. 3ilr'g rn qb.Gq i d6 pr4r. @ to EuM9 h . d
b.dl r trriE *'s' dird.6. Cri.o I d6Fd
@ .bdn al eldi6 - hqr.
hFdd w.ll, ajoy ydr sy. vdy righ e1i6 e 75 arqi6 E!n9{- r. d,.p.n"g dr d 9'* dtd p@pb ph4&
dng rdq rdu'g, rrwn$ .ri,ng ri wch,ng ltuim r$r't dE pcpoc ol pr.dE?
a 9.t or srIib..t ir.[, ir pr&rc didnr .ii. M
t$ $oPCag wdx i b. . 9&d ,i'97 l|dl h3 ugh di'r6 inif, 1oo aid6 &
i'riud. phy.9 tr. pi.rc, 9i!in9 rd w&ld.'r d !. fk6uc i! imro@ rs hl]lM
di!.r s. or h. adviEF rd dieda!46 h@r
s@id nclMbtu'!m,*h:ktodo
! rFiur6 hink H it Kjd b. . god tt... rh nss ai h.v..hiid/.n, .^d 9d of
nl4 wld b. tro
slrd b. qui.ld rd t'c.c und4r dod.f.E d'vri.r which !- b.M..i 100
,ld c&.6 d r.6 pd sin dh cdEr. r u,e lhin$ 9E pr6(e
@ddr d.d6(6 rrqJs rh.k d{ Cr5 2oo hod warkino, domq
w. wadt to do rhcm, So w. eury ve l}]ars wlry
Nld rcm! dotr bdru- ,Py mu dnt icd hous4dr. shopp n9 ad .kar l'9
d$td ur i@ or{i.r.Ih* m 9d $ frJdr pk sc tom r6d, b.hg in
id.'n&'* 56 iry Ndd s iuE ol erEsdic 2oo
lEod. hoe cy.lhg .wrdding, sripp no
'iding, hkid Bj whd ir ptv.?
Or Sn.n5.rl is .
&btdt idB r:lt rc.d i.w ptot ? TlEy FiBrt dr?c r. !!.Mo! div'16 vh'ch d up b in
I nE b6in wEn E do $d.d'i^9 r,{'.d'on
E di'l
d 6 d..rdr a#d'ri bi dr.y d n cd €6 c.idi6 hdr. Ih< &iB .'do.p6ft .nd dadrdrim r. plodE d
cli ttns sd joggig,dslinq t'. 9rd€n
I rdE$ b r..r .hd -d €9.* i\. dEdri6. rh* nnnubE dh6 ir e bri
r,ardris M d. ndEy tE d'cdc, lturie' And ir Prerc good tv rou?
F!nEeEF@ld@Edlr dny E ro.r Dr srh&5.rr Cr, ya nr hes rcu 4 dre
)8 ia tEyd i..d etu b tlp dffi r A }lrH 3. * id{d Fe ,ir [v. 6{ it i$t rh. grdr
9or9 b do rod.r?
a I doir r.M. Do you hn.-y ooinq ro dr. mohdE ot p.aur rh{ i. ii'ptuL N.pPy
ud Sout d* srxpp€E 7 rvrE qdld h.pp.i rt ro! pdpr. F,oy tr do'uy ery€.y rh,ng. oa rife
rrfrd^g b.:i 6 s. 3hdc? wrd 6rd A @ly rdon\ dl nk r, Mm .norgh
No nor rik. .mk ns a m.rr, 9o.9 ror I w.rk or ch:ft,nq
srdi I r dr rd put exta r'n93 Ln h. to l.y or d' *. @!rd eo ir. pEnc in 0E @
i Fd hng! o^
16 srErcs? w@rc
or N 'y.
B Yca, ${t. q6d d... wh.r. rhrrr w. 9oT l.t.did.. i *a wgl/i l.r e blk eon. no'.
ftrpr 4 y t6r
rh. compureE? Yor a^ d Why dnt * 90 p@ by rh. ryd? .bdFU.@hhlod&1.
@ie Fr r3G q}' a a buI asr-r You tu'd, w. E^( rhcrc w(h your ti edd
l!]urvih a.onplrer and wnai murd happ.n


LLrhor iftl{ d.x. rd sy. r,E up F (.d...d tE .irF!rtg.. &r d c

E toro olE
liE! dE 9.d w@ld y$ rik b hord? -T der.d Lrg. piK6 re @.d .
,Lt ton . Y.r oK.I lh.ns o^ $. r^dir oc.f Authli! wa h[ by en.
T.r.efi.rlt n e"t to l..p ya 1n.iEd$. lramn6. Fod8ct n aody *a hud k't
tE p..G r4 iard by l@r.. rr'ffi ^ r
i.t ?.d w.l 6 r ld a rEga. hjs? ri.s d r.ld h. cy tq, /G.
I.r.06dr ldd Im,6
pd"tg yd, 'EEr. Ph&
!0 hd d.wy.
E tz.? rr. g.nhg Mt d
ta' n ro,916 D.r.d
'lo'4h Fe .r'd
i.t lsL h.5 Cord I Le a nB!.g. to I CdrdvldrEl lvrs! ft h.rot d.y7
c ad i .cw* b. t ir. r.d.t

G.od r*jll lt k@ ry iica ored l'

M.r I n sry l il nr ydr'€ g.t dE ,dlg rob or d.y rod.r I H. h.k h.d
w.r, I 9d doN!. 6 my k6 8.r.. S-n rtb.zd I O, c.t. i3 dni,g eet lhope
r.r . c4 d reu ti!!!o tnis Gx ro &!rt sar6 Od you r,w ldy rd n6. h:E +f
oh, E IyT Yrh.i did t h+P.i?
&ghl I n ,!sr pdng Je mRrgh
Is o'. g.ld dEd.r i1 t'..&
a Wd (berr kH ye @dd do iL
H.ll .n*i6 2rr xriy sdd!
F.r ?.n r H. o. My 5 tuy Portd Could I
B ftrr! woid.d! m$ wh.^ s t du.?
l€4. Ge.s. ld l(.ihy, Ih Jr.jd Ifl l.d hy divl^g t si
cth *rl, rc€ mind B.n, rudrn.n6
s€a'r Cddnrt, r* Pdc H.* yo! h{d? 5!. h.d hd 6
tut Fctu. Could you k her thar lh goins ro
b. n Ldlon n. Tucsday? cr * 9d W! il r b.Y or r e'd7
0 Oh wo^d.rtul!

S€a" O\ r'n sry, rL Poi6, hr ME

Th-k Fu w'y llow ed ro
b glw rq b r. tsq J 4rr Ei
S.a6 'irn
E 11,r w Pod.l? Ml Po4.r? srdE.. H. e iuns up I12.5
F'd'rh..ldpdu6olamfrbdolli. E 1r.6 Pur 9dd b d. [, b.qrE!4rq * 6,0d
orat hflt h.E srdkd nFt pcopL rnc rw ft.n@dnbr.:db.ft* ydr. M ta & &l!t $or i lo@ t
cErqaprs r- llsm s{1. th! . @mbq or wr s. Mbltr 6ishc'.! h't@ ro' h. wrd I a sdr, m'i.d dt dE cuB
dE P.P'ar ald h.! qih m.-tur !- dJr *- 'qt tn , * *o6(u t.l'.t( p,oedr6 ol g.ld bt94i . c.e h* 9*
yd 9!!!9* P!9'e"ad57 . L / rt I '
- 10 Kqlds k ol tn @dtu lr{d.d c 'l9 2.d r! tr dE6 ir 9 o{ lrE w(
i!.n S.rl h *anl63t I
*r nrthadbryrnF,.6odtud @ fi@ nr o.rt wd rafu, $d' '
d: rE@, e rh.d b e .6y rdg kd I u) *ro. * qo.. *,op :lqe* ao's z.b rdd l}e t ns €. u3.a b Krgh !
w- bitbg in. !c. r&llld * t'. *noL d rld rd ws (N€ dE dd dd!.r I ./ id diEld3 / 'r''
hou- ftm 6s. bd i trr v.r, con/si.b'. &oe gtd di.y!-q,n r' sqltt (6i2
brd nFrf dol b.r dM. I k,ew d€t if I ;
,dr*-rcrc,bF;8Cl..La bdcd ddn d e' sdFd, ilq ldH bc $d ys) rn ikr'l rEu (,!59 ^tEF4
Pr*nbr'1or]F€-ds1i@-b..! lorl? qn s. r h3d b cl'nb rd d nb 3d ln6{v 3!* ol i-iri!.dJql"idb, '6. ^l
Ol tu rd rbo

) on s.!l Onry 'coupl. ol diF F( olhd, 'glrE

Bdrdditl'*Hlh. J is L4.a bt fiduerr, rboi 6* s urd ft' .oi!
Grad ld b.h nd m.
r,, ' l" phoG l'v. h.d b w.n io. s.v€ra bL, Ir ed ,d pors rs,hai rh.i
2* s nBtr. inbgdq r€d1 GoLd e usurry 6r
dh.i gid s idey rd a9ht lr.r &1d- I \ wryK$ Pi66 o ru!9.6 Th.lt9eni!9
P..gnb Son. pcope iy thd Fr slord^ldo 'el tE Hdr.jrllo Nu90d, ra ldrdrLlar:{
l'2"'\ r.E. rhis, be66. sn1taarg$. rcy.l hdily. liLn I mcnbr h$q Ioust nr bd lwa \ ]\$v.rL. t €EEd 21. hlo9l.m
s.ul lt'! rl or publ'. le li pu .nloy rh. agrinsl Smcen, f. s rcdly gdd ar dr s dent n
'Ihe ar96l r*N.s ol qod e h.ld in rhcrJS

q@d tiosr, you !|v! b qqc-s84. p'ob.hs HrA Toush Ihdz r r Prr{m 4h td. ol dr. rE R&M a.d ed k KEr. $. l
Anddyddj6lldprd6i'k.|h'9'ndI triggd d66 rc hcrd by d! 3{k or F,€r.4
i "'rl-L nag' n.s, you hav. to bc hor. a.tul lrt.y .u.r d'.^ ui $cr€ w.r. si{y nn93 h Et* ol Fl"e tJd .ll ol dxr g.rd bdog
.ou&6 A or ol I
d'dn i have 1. do t by thc w ndow .boci i 2 orl th. gatnd Arj.way I had io dr 9d6m.i6 ol
Pr.r.dd lqqxw glresdty b sd m . $ing &6s rh. reB ,1d ger ro Stnen s Nmd by 6mnsr.t'lci
ots, Md
pr{iod H. had b dt ri n P n w.{, I r- indird!3 Rra gdil E b.oghi Id sdd i i!
,.s s:!r, rynhb.rd. r...* tn. !.m .d blr*ay z]6 $lF rE e4t E H. p! @t ont b |rc 6. p@ olr
rr h.{ 'q.d.DE g.rd
e crsg.d, sy! n tE b.d
n.. as.r Th.y've .hopP.d dowtr 50 hs 6uid m, bd h. d'dn t p\il ft do$ '!.t
ro hnd lmFh.,. er* oj-et* rl u3. ulo hu€ on tor ln. sior. nrt. td b I <d.d t! eag.rd dB*!t-.d_ a llr!ry itr6l
mo*y lrcn u€* pidor to blr. us.l#r 'r
tu odc id -a nr k"'qd tu ol .y Ai gold rs .,hd.F b.a r<..t* { i?et
ftd rr b. r5t b e! p6{F ftd nitE rh.€li'.-!dlfrsqft@kxlg ,t@ n t: Krd S.JtY!. k .:'ra c
.r4 d , €lr tu* 6ltl' n u{6'qbbr. d . scd dn{ i !'.t €. iig!@!4
ag.d s.letr /bd *la tsr (.rrt
o,dF b qEr hdE.4.i.. cdb . eir !F
3 ,$ Fr o!.r Tie 6 sE ifr
E r1.2 '.s
dft lE6aprrrdhrdl'qr'an Per. h.€ r,rF b.6 hd.d br gdd
n:v P'tr Ch. r rrqib@t edry s.rd -d rldrd edldn Nc rrci- k bis rd I nrd
rr hd du, r's 6ine to b. 'n London tn b{ !l!i r cast.r 3 \n.i, k bdh had a rig nrd lE h.s b.6 Ld rd i7 !t 9.&.1'..f,i
- crkd. Fal ed rnrchtbl,'.d(..d,
d rdltto6 l&r l@!.h llE PF@
odEoll,uDeignqsrds.plad'f,1!. ri- .,'a a,s a'p,c w s-y"r tu q
i ld.?hh cnd n1m"'9 Nqih.rd €kdn6 60 cmd. 6.) sd'd. I ddrt hsr sr {cdt6
H6dcd9 or @ dEn tE i'EE or sad
My ,l . r Ttu) Ho* 6.y rherprou? Aftno e n€y sdr.d 'n
id dE 9. d.i .it
rm,s 3wuns tu nKr md *id'y' I *6 dt.
R.t Potur Oh, 9md mo6 ng could hdv! L l^ 1Aa 9 n6lgdt oI Fopr.l.trt
cransm 2r3, Ce*? s roE b Fr, or c.rlsti. c-rd tu5^ nrit
Ll.ph4.t OE mnEni. Pk* h3d'Y E 12.? l'jlkdbyllldi.6'ddei'\dd@
ri 1973 . 75ron^. 3p&. $rm.rrkld styh
tuy Po*.r Oh oK L i.y a9ain .te' ws h/ich.d by rhc !5A Ihrc. c'c* ot dire ll i!.1
sr44t k,e 3$l tD sklrab, bul d t[. .id or W.ll, lit! s... n 1973,1d inish.d<ho
tuy P@. W.ll. hB!y x ryagrii h:dnl r.ft h@ thd. I d t..n d'. Bq&
1974, ir s abrdoed sr.r{ob sr.d in sFc.
t.hrhorkr tu the'@ Nurfi.rd Eldq'i6 .od4 @,E W md i. cft.4 tm r|lla
My Mc! TdL? Fow nry h.rPYorT
u.rl 1979 lh.n i 6n od otil5 o,b( d
rowrdr rh. Edrh A ld or rh. sFC. skiio^ bud hrl w$ rtL ov.ryodrir rhadirdm.d
tuy Pon.r Could lspsk to xa0,y sdroi pca?

d hd. s.d io 90 dfting, Id

boyfti.n!, too. W. h. rG Lil.. rw l]h H. ,a pl€dr -i a A^ .e hdi? r'd rEy in b.d 1fl9F. lnd.
hd *r. rn6 - in r nh hbd.r..y. r h.a.r
by lEYul, ti bbd 8shrd. w.r H..r'.o nlcd
ierd of Mrg-a ftnEhd ol ctu6., I wG so B ld av. wor* r hour einrs ...h dry ud rd
s'r,t d r. hs $.rt a woi pnd.ninsrcr,I h.ppily bg.d,s Md fty sn had a d&ghig m. r'ft wirh hy tu lly. Kds Ee
rr&1 b..n *.d4 .rdE r h.dr ba uylnad rrEi hppy lib did ld ltrg, rlw. lll'ib $ qi#y rd ir Fr lbr F( ois 'fa,
rd h.d r hvMn p.p gEup rncy EE cdr.d T Mdin h.d b€6.r.y,'Ft Saryri h.d di.d, sd b€d ,!!'€ mrking a dE t m.
R.x. l w* $ sd ro hs $rt h.1., Cngr hd b.cus rar{]. had dispps.d, Pin. h$ C l d 9d d. udj*. I di.l d Ep.^d s h.u l.
d.n I hrtrl
. pasC (ffp@r, ol @. 5adi.d @ynfi9 Ne od lrLdi. had dm.d tE g)m .d' d.y, r 5.imi€ nEyb.. r" *. ro
frq. ,4ld haE to 9i€ hid hir or 0E i.hdil.e b. find, btjl I ,t€ 6.d dr. irc !o do i.
- r7,0oo, PEft d Mdn gls3 .h.d dr€ O ld d .!r. u y. I h.k |d rcld md. I dmt
E rs.z od $ft ro rad .rr dE dtrq. rha r sholrd
r ai.r.-r H.ra ceu Fr sir cg* lha c d., Fa lEt€d @ tu9.
iiLrdjd.bor,t iight ums b kt nhur, lqlGdi.r', som* rid diat h. h:d *.n Mr'1. E 14,3
G{.tr !r Fr.nd.6. n* vi[.g. ap*rcr rL
cr,r rE4qp!r48l9Fd? !r td Mdn3 *€ @ @ nE 5i!6 '6 l.i &id wl€ b, nis?
ca.t G* r rxt b !t!9 m r2 Nryemb- .Ers s.n b.ror. h. had ch IrswE P.r.! lnne l1l. caniig Ne pbs.
rd c[@ on Dc.emb.t 3 chsc. H. krt ro coe^ d.ltmed drr rhis ns T.n c.inr C.din y. Havc y.u got ay ug9a9.?
O.r w.I,6 rtr 22d tE.'i r xi9h d -F MdinEdd'.E.lMdjnGlJ€m. Y* lv.9or lhb {i.e
12 25 nfl 9!g_!o rsE Jr { 16.o (f 'lld.lrid Riqrt llliud 5.. to lnat Now yrherc
Ar tr. ri, bme p*pr. I'ncrudr^g Md,n! rou.
C@n.r Nhm. Thar . . bit rar.. 3ste6) eld ll'at rh. is r1anii wa $. rc,j e you iliy n9 aga n, mi$?
Clxt ld.lL, tEr. s r .Fir{ flight s 0k t lria hu ds FeL !t l rh.l h. wMt Fidly,
A,'l& tlE caniig Horr in w6r srcd.
zrs d taos. lt ri6 i. lhb'l a 22.30. t'r jude. d&idcd tsi h. rcaily H5 Mdi^ sd tin Ln fi* Fsr* . A bit sr., bday, i$l it?
cde.r r sc. llE 4e!i $€ Erum fliqhl? w6 mt $. .^d .t drc srory
O.rt Yes. *n* wa sE dar. .9 i? TUI &iYr ['s a bil 9Ey r.d.t, tE @*E h!
E r3.t
o|lt here\ rughrai 3.3o i^ $. mohL^g, |dc.d trt 6 id nr. dd or 0l. siory Whcn $c Ah.ft Oh l-e No, n sntvcrync.
iudg. at $. tal had Fialry dKld.d t8r trk w6 Tul d*.r Sli[ r Ldt it i5i1'.Ldng.
adon. ol! rv.[ 6 I bod( $. fi'grc 6 oE ul !hin, . tu widr r veodd' h9 d itu
,r.zrird$.3rc$.^ de&? 6. @un. I w$ $i t6] Md n And trren Trn dd.r B rhrs yos 66t rih. he,e?
o.A Gturiy. Whd s ( pl6.? Annft. No. Ins smyrhdvrlrooifod.
r 1L10 r€ !4 ultr i!.nln had hh b@r a
rh ,ia!., h. had t rl r' ydrhd.6blsjlBson
a,lrH.6 M'dr 12 ol 5? .ld€r in tE SBish eqy. H. iE. *d1! h.d
ch.I Ld n. ed.. No m ^gil
alra'd l2 M&dr i5 frgh in FrMd6. Thcn he had nrd a M aned bntu On busirat ln arEi3
tly b&rc4 ed 5 Apd tuiy b@ked, r@ A/hn d! th IIE k lE r@*d Ert dih'. Jd &irr Hd 1169 r. ye synq?
'r th.y had Lff.lriFds d i.nin had iold crt' j6 w.hys
ATEud ar NM bh riL n A^g.i. lhen ii r b:ila ^...i.dd.r wer. rhopc yoN ar.n t f a hu,ry
Mry or 1 7 M.y. oihd !. ir s lu.e d lurt Mdin Gdd. d be^ *ou.d.d in b. 1.9. Anau.l 4.n 6. o, rm d. W'yz
o&'*10M.y'soK h:d nuqhl ${ h. wflld die e he had ddd.d Ijn d,is w€n, h.lnrfi.! :di1,re lris onty
odr .{o_!-@&y 5eab do you nc.c? !o iar. Mdlnt p e. sd gei h s mon.y. ad then 's
T.rl drir lrEar.rdbrt y v.h{r6 M
r oit H.fiJ cntr I herp you? Mdin hMvcr ha,lit dl.d and ad h. h.d head
cltohd Yei f$_j9r..i 4!oi^r^.nt wth .bod $. ! . and 30 Mdin io hls hone,lln]ikhonci!6'
ig 'erumed t!${d
odoi o'r on 26 ugun, bd Id alrad r 8d'ld. 9d Lzy ad l.rjdirwH.'.y!J'lm,lhen?
dl o!i. ir. c.n I chr.le it 1o ifodr.l-4'!c, r.i6. lm toh Bclgium
N. w6 hsg.d i'i tont ol Mdin Gued. s house. Ln drivd Oh, yes Wh.,eab.uE?
ftrl Hm. W.ll, $d.! Mrhing rd in
g r4.1 Tdl dtd On ighr 14en h.r. we.r th:rs
.ight.lls only ror a oK ld! brc a !@k .r r?:re s t m. 09 wiar d d s]r.
d. in hcr momiig? She di€d ar wo.{ ar 9 0o
A.nd. Hd. y* aft, rcp
onr C y0ftdaS.p&,e{3.3o? Uhih {r s h.vng:.up ol.!fie, Jol$ 6re in.
odon.r Yca rhars iin.. D.y br[.d $. ,wp,oE nhcIhdln.yhad
odl what nan. is t. d6e? ,cr.h.d d,. nisri b.tore Ai I 15 xr. b E 14.6
h.E. dd wi6 F€d .hqr 0. th. d
E 13.6 d.y bd R.Ll *&dr trd. e sh.'<inq wark.d 53.k ro lh ajonB cle a tuss. I h a{on.r c se a ho d
11..1r.n9. nory of M.rtin Gurro About wor.'jng tl summ.r jJsr lo t / ro Dlc a
[ *6 r t]e /]d UE vir.g. ol Mi96r i. eud] anu slE h.d ,.ad dE llEnn9! pod $. d(rr.d
ro sh$d{ B'i ,\nld. prded snr ra back tu'y rirc | crr my b$y sd ry ro hilc ! d.c,
&6d. .nd the bl !.rren wd Md
de RoLs i trom hd holdat I[./ chrncd l]ll Ane. he Nry b65 iy- No dci e^ You qoe wdk are.
cr. nFy didnr o€ €,cn ot'.r. rh. ccfi..bc.k.Xlbsdl.dwgl.bultf.o@d3 so@bc r Nndd wh.r I m 19oG d0
rd t .i rds.d '1Mi,9c
t{di. t 6dl6. sr$ri. in 61wting. - drc phored dr. .rEi6 Ihen Bd dr@.tit tu cu..ld tE s!nn.rm: m!6
did,h site 6. orhdhh 6nfievillag-. wel ny hm ind p.ppa tord mc Sor yo! qoe
]'bq.warcl.|4oYs.M'niw6aEll .odpuG6 w.r: be rq u*d, so she rdurud io trr.
r'i *d'9 Fugd, bd h. ,a hu, {'d bad 016r.. rhc cdqiG alilE rtd riEd H. [ )d rd b E 6. d b 9o dMdJ rj Sui.y
tr0d!d.dh.'.4edE.fusdevelybadjy .xprrned ri. probren. lor. 5o^.d qpng r .ns wd lddnt9c ro..o rL.rrr'.hcss
|!ii rtd hall ot rh.lam ry! t T t ar tj^€r€ o dxk ar 12 30 sh. rnt b Jn(h. 'Now y.u ont r5. ir. c4 cos 'asscf
Sargr )ou did,t woA a
!nbd, Pve ha3 rhc odrd h.r. Bd d'r. Fd. sF NtEi B Kn€ -h'eEd in hs wsk?
nrcd had on hb pd or ir,. hn. Mdn spsr ,r 'Ming.
r^ lfrr houa rtr. h6 rary on y dft ko h,ngsl sd\.r mes I K'dd wial rm a{oina dr,
i ! l,h. r S' h 5 fti.nds ,n $c vll aqe sh.t r6d d,e mdniig s pcn .nd sr'e s typed a
{r d.r s.19i eughr his 3d in tu bor. H. 4 Hr!r. Nor a ktr ir iJu tr6l r'm gond bN. k R.t!, r n goh h:{ . nf,
*rr9 s! .t P6.t p@4.. sdvJri wG
i,a6 !o lhe ien day Mdii *c,ci y 1.11 he lll 14.2 'm gonE brd ny prob d' ro rre ihren NJions
ilgc n. hnllt w.tdi i]-i.s, b',r ron. ff. Tr.l5 @Nuhrd .a t*t I 16! ue our
Now I be
W.I I .al€d dry@ns'.s rn h. sid, r.lo.
e:s aart bd smdy dsaerdcd. l}iy srg! rid lllz4dd r.dhi*r yd o * Fx*x t d ft. b h.rp r!!, -n. bd ylu c b yd"T b
.r ld onc ho( a d.Y Bdthd.stu p.iitii
lhi Jgrrryd ar.. Mdi^ luddenry r.rumed Nc eving a^ hour, ir you h.i w6t i s. *h.l wou d satu['E r s!r/.r *iui r m a3m do,
dd\.i9.d r a *ile hc had bcn twly ln rd, &r oEe .n 1 0 dE tor lh. s{mm!*R Bru6


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