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The Bas-Lag Gazetteer

The World of New Crobuzon – D&D 3.5 Campaign Setting

A fan project inspired by the work of China Miéville

Compiled and adapted by Bryce Jones

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Compiled by Bryce Jones ( – liberal copy/pasting was done from the Dragon Magazine #352 article on the
world of Bas-Lag.

All Bas-Lag novels, and all the names and terms found within them are the property of China Miéville and his publishers, Macmillan
and/or Del Rey.

All D&D terms and rules are owned by Wizards of the Coast. All Pathfinder terms and rules are owned by Paizo.


Somaturge Class
CthulhuM is responsible for the creation of the wonderfully detailed somaturge class and is unaffiliated with me.

Government & Politics......77
Other Gods of Bas-Lag.........122
Military & Police ...............79
Introduction.................................3 Calandar & Dates ..............79
A Bas-Lag Campaign ...............3 Rivers & Waterways .........79
Rails & Industry.................80
Characters.....................................4 Districts & Boroughs.........81
Environs & Localities.........90
Races..........................................4 Khepri Pantheon.....................123
Human ..............................4 Geography of Bas-Lag...............94 Awesome Broodma.........123
Anophelii...........................5 Torque Zones....................94 Artspitter.........................123
Rohagi........................................96 Nurse...............................123
Cold Claw Sea....................96 The Tough Sisters............123
Ge-ain (The Tardy) ........8 Air Harvester...................123
The Gengris....................96
Mountain Cactacae........9 Elyctric Devil....................124
Corokanth..........................9 Insect Aspect...................124
Kar Torrer Kingdom........98
Cray..................................10 Wingsister........................124
Yanni Seckilli...................99
Cymek Desert...................100 Timeway Pantheon................124
Dreer Samher...............101 Sanshad...........................124
Shankell........................101 Others.............................124
Galaggi Veldt....................103
Maru’ahm.....................103 Manifold Horizon...................125
Llorgiss..............................17 Tesh Moments................125
Hinter...............................106 Corokanth Pantheon...............127
The Brothers.................106
Gharcheltist..................107 Trow Pantheon.......................128
Lubbock............................108 Atheism....................................128
Middling Sweeps.............108 Domains....................................129
Templates.................................25 Neovadan.....................109
Thanati.............................25 Vadaunk.......................109
Anophelii Female.............133
Torque-Touched...............26 Ragamoll..........................111
Classes.......................................27 Cobsea..........................111
Elementarii ......................28 Catoblepas.......................135
Metallo-thaumaturgist.....32 Chelona............................135
High Cromlech..............112
Somaturgist .....................42 Construct, Crowd.............136
Wormseye Scrub..............113
Prestige Classes........................47 Troglodopolis...............114
Construct, War.................136
Echinoid Rex....................137
Biothaumaturgist..............47 Yoraketche...................114
The Rohagi Coast....................115 Ghul.................................142
Geoempath........................55 The Swollen Ocean.................117 Glucliche..........................142
Shoteka.....................................118 Homegrub........................144
Subvocalturgist..................59 Bered Kai Nev.........................119 Inchman...........................145
Pangolin Rex....................146
Feats...........................................60 Elsewhere on Bas-Lag............119 Ptera-Bird........................146
Skills..........................................61 Deities..........................................120 Remade, Horse................147
Remade, Nashorn............147
Gear.............................................61 Major Gods of Bas-Lag...........120 Rooster, Giant..................148
Remade.......................................64 Crawfoot..........................120 Seawyrm..........................148
Slake Moth.......................149
Thaumaturgy................................65 Mother Limpid.................120 Throng-Bear.....................150
Languages......................................73 One True God ..................120
Palgolak ...........................121 Wake-Tree.......................151
History...........................................74 Salter................................121
New Crobuzon..............................75 St. Jabber.........................122 Zombie.............................153
The Bas-Lag trilogy of novels by China Miéville, beginning Bas-Lag is also a world rapidly embracing
with the brilliant Perdido Street Station, did not initially industrialization. Many cities in the world have come to
remind me of the kind of fantasy world that one would play depend upon steam engines, locomotives, gear-driven
Dungeons & Dragons in. The world within that novel, while mechanoids, cameras, printing presses, firearms, and
inspired, did not contain many of the typical themes or aerostats.
elements that one normally associates with D&D. “Magic” does not exist here, because “magic” implies
Then, in near the end of the story, the party of three something mystical, spiritual, fantastical, something unknown
rough-and-tumble adventures swooped in to save the day, and unknowable, beyond the reach of the common man. No,
and it became clear – Bas-Lag was exactly the kind of world in Bas-Lag, “thaumaturgy” is a respected science, and being a
I’d like to play D&D in. master thaumaturgist is no more remarkable than being a
master engineer or doctor – impressive, but my no means the
stuff of legend.

A Bas-Lag Campaign This isn’t to say, though, that Bas-Lag is lacking in

wonders. Quite the opposite – there are so many strange and
peculiar sights in Bas-Lag that they practically fade into the
This is not your grandpappy’s D&D world. There are no background due to sheer quantity. Let’s look at an example.
halflings, elves, dragons, knights, fair princesses, or gleaming Imagine a traditional D&D game: your party stumbles a across
castles here. Instead, you will find women with bugs for a small village where the inhabitants have all be turned to
heads, insane talking spiders, crooked police, and smog filled stone! Tally-ho, we must uncover the origins of this
cities full to brimming with all manner of disquieting sights perplexing mystery post-haste, for that is what adventurers
and sounds. do!
Bas-Lag is a world of gray areas. There are not really any Now let’s examine the same scenario in Bas-Lag. Is this
gleaming kingdoms of righteousness and purity, nor are there really such a big deal? Yesterday we passed through a forest
many evil empires of death and tyranny. Rather, in Bas-Lag, of frozen lightning and this morning we were attacked by a
just about everyone is out for themselves. Nobility doesn’t band of mutated machine-men. This is really pretty run-of-
pay the bills, and it’s pretty hard to build an evil domain of the-mill by comparison and we don’t really have time for this,
ultimate power when your sinister realm can easily be wiped let’s just loot their houses real quick and get the f*** out of
off the map by blimps dropping weapons of mass destruction. here before we’re attacked by giant brain-sucking moths or
As such, Bas-Lag lurks somewhere in the middle of the some s***.
spectrum, and is always looking out for Number One. So, I hope you enjoy adventuring in the dark, foreboding,
and incredibly unique world of Bas-Lag!

hair (for men) from sparse to thick. Members of this race are

Characters often ostentatious or unorthodox in their grooming and

dress, sporting unusual hairstyles, fanciful clothes, tattoos,
body piercings, and the like. Humans have short life spans,
reaching adulthood at about age 15 and rarely living even a

Character Races
The world of Bas-Lag is populated by great many strange
single century.
Interstate relations vary from nation to nation, but most
human-dominated lands are relatively insular and are at least
and peculiar races. From plants that walk and talk, to men a little wary of other lands. Direct warfare is uncommon in
who use their blood as a weapon, this list includes the most the modern era, ever since the invention of weapons of mass
notable and populous races of the Rohagi continent. destruction, such as colourbombs and torque bombs.
(Note: “LA” denotes “Level Adjustment,” a measurement Human Lands
of how much more powerful a race is inherently, compared to Many, although not all, of the major states of Bas-Lag are
humans. “DL” denotes “Difficulty Level,” a measure of how human dominated. The highest concentrations of humans are
challenging it would be to play a character of this race in a in the central latitudes of Rohagi.
typical setting due to story reasons – usually due to aberrant Human lands generally include relatively large numbers
cultural or physical qualities.) of nonhumans (compared, for instance, to the number of
non-vodyanoi who live in vodyanoi lands).
Races At A Glance Religion
Race Adjustments Favored Class LA DL Unlike members of some other races, humans do not
Human – Any 0 0 have a chief racial deity. Jabber, the patron saint of New
Anophelii (m) -2 Cha, Str; +4 Int Wizard 0 9
Borinatch -2 Cha; +2 Str Ranger 2 5
Crobuzon, is a very commonly worshiped deity in some
Cactacae -4 Dex; +2 Con; +4 Fighter 2 0 human lands, but his reverence is far from universal. Some
Str humans are the most ardent and zealous adherents of a given
Ge-ain -6 Dex; -2 Wis, Int; Barbarian 4 7 religion, while others are the most impious people around.
+6 Con; +8 Str
Mountain -4 Dex; +2 Con, Str Fighter 0 0
Corokanth -2 Cha; +2 Str Fighter 1 2 The most common language in human lands tends to be
Cray -2 Dex; +2 Cha Bard 0 3 Ragamoll. There are several dialects, but they are all fairly
Garuda -2 Cha; +2 Dex Ranger 1 1 similar. Humans also tend to be proficient in whichever
Gessin -4 Dex; -2 Int; +4 Barbarian 2 2 regional dialect they are nearest to, such as Galaggi or Fellid.
Str; +2 Con
Handlinger -4 Str; +4 Int Wizard 3-5 8 Thaumaturgy
Hotchi -2 Int; +2 Wis Druid 0 0 Humans are capable of becoming excellent
Khepri -2 Cha, Con; +2 Rogue 0 1 thaumaturgists. Most human communities claim some users
Dex, Wis of the arcane.
Llorgiss -2 Str; +2 Int Cleric 1 3
Manfish – Druid 0 6
Scabmettler -2 Cha; +2 Str Monk 2 4 Human adventurers are the most audacious, daring, and
Stiltspear -2 Int; +2 Dex Somaturge 1 6 ambitious members of an audacious, daring, and ambitious
Trow -2 Dex, Int; +4 Con Barbarian 0 6 race. A human can earn glory in the eyes of her fellows by
Vodyanoi -2 Wis; +2 Cha Sorcerer 0 0
amassing power, wealth, and fame.
Vu-murt -2 Str; +2 Dex Rogue 0 1


Humans  Medium: As Medium creatures, humans have no

special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
The most widespread race on Bas-Lag, humans can be  Human base land speed is 30 feet.
found from coast to coast and in every climate.  1 extra feat at 1st level, because humans are quick
Personality to master specialized tasks and are varied in their
Humans are the most adaptable, flexible, and ambitious talents.
people among the common races. They are diverse in their  4 extra skill points at 1st level and 1 extra skill point
tastes, morals, customs, and habits. Many humans are at each additional level, since humans are versatile
motivated primarily by self-interest. and capable.
Physical Description  Automatic Language: Ragamoll. Bonus Languages:
Humans typically stand from 5 feet to a little over 6 feet Any (other than secret languages, such as Druidic).
tall and weigh from 125 to 250 pounds, with men noticeably  Favored Class: Any.
taller and heavier than women. Thanks to their penchant for
migration and conquest, and to their short life spans, humans
are more physically diverse than other common races. Their
skin shades range from nearly black to very pale, their hair
from black to blond (curly, kinky, or straight), and their facial 4
Anophelii All anophelii, even the harmless males, would be killed
on sight if they ever left their isolated island. Even while being
The anophelii are a feared race of mosquito-folk who
contained, if knowledge of their existence leaked to the
once ruled a massive empire known as the Malarial
general public, it is likely that their remaining population
Queendom, a realm which spanned much of the known
would be overrun and hunted to extinction, out of fear of the
world. Today, society still shudders from the horrific memory
return of another bloodthirsty anophelii empire.
of this empire. Most believe the anophelii to be extinct, but a
At the moment, only two outside groups know of their
small population survives in secret on a remote island.
existence; the scholars of neighboring Gnurr Kett, who use
the males as intellectual slaves, and the cactacae merchants
There are tremendous differences between the anophelii
of Dreer Samher, who enforce the island’s secrecy and
Females are insatiably hungry for warm blood and are
Anophelii Lands
only rational for the brief period of time when their hunger is
Two thousand years ago, the Malarial Queendom
sated. They will mindlessly attack any warm-blooded creature
covered a significant portion of the known world. Today,
that they come into contact with, charging their target with
however, only a small population of anophelii remain, on a
their enormous proboscis, and draining it dry in a matter of
small unnamed island to the south of Gnurr Kett.
moments, leaving only a desiccated husk. Their bestial and
monstrous nature leaves them unsuitable for having contact
Any deities worshiped by the Anophelii during their
with other races, (except for the cactacae, who, having no
heyday have been lost to time, and the current intellectually-
true blood, are in no danger from the females.)
regulated society of the males has little knowledge of divine
The males, on the other hand, are excellent linguists,
beings. Any males who were made aware of such things,
engineers, theorists, and thaumaturgists, capable of
however, would likely be drawn to Palgolak, god of
deciphering ancient thaumaturgical texts and reconstructing
knowledge, or similar deities.
long-forgotten rituals. They have excellent memories, strong
mechano-thaumaturgical skills, and sharply
Anophelii males speak their own high-
inquisitive minds. The males avoid combat
pitched language, which sounds like a mixture of
whenever possible, preferring to flee rather than
squeaks and puffs of air. Their mouths are
fight. They lack the strength, bloodlust, and
incapable of speaking any of the normal tongues
ferocity of the females. They eat only vegetable
of Rohagi. They can, however, learn the written
matter, never blood, rendering them harmless to
forms of these languages with phenomenal ease.
other races.
As a method of controlling their intellectual
Unfortunately, this rarely makes a difference
output, their masters from the island of Gnurr
in the minds of the other races. Even though the
Kett have ensured that the only written language
males are harmless, (and have no intrinsic loyalty
known to the males is the obscure High Kettai.
or love for the females,) most individuals who
Females have no language to speak of.
would recognize a male anophelii would still kill it
on sight, terrified of the dreadful memory of the
Thanks in part to their superior intellects, the
ancient anophelii empire.
males are very capable of grasping the
In truth, the anophelii men and women can
complexities of many thaumaturgical
barely communicate with each other, and with
applications. However, they almost universally use this
the exception of procreation, have almost no contact with
knowledge for research and benign applications; aggressive
each other. The species is divided in two by their separate
use of thaumaturgy does not come naturally to them.
needs; females eke out a feral existence in the wild, whereas
males form villages and peaceful societies.
At present, the few who know of the existence of the
Physical Description
anophelii island would never allow any of the mosquito-folk
Female anophelii typically stand 5 feet tall despite their
to leave. However, it is conceivable – however unlikely – that
stooped and hunched posture. They have equally broad
a particularly gifted male might be brought away from the
insectile wings protruding from their backs. Their faces are
island in order to utilize his intellectual expertise.
almost human-looking when in their relaxed state, but
females are capable of unhinging their jaw and extending a
sharp three-foot proboscis from their mouths, which is  See female anophelii: page 133
capable of skewering and draining a victim dry.
Males are only about 4 feet in height, and weigh 90 MALE ANOPHELII RACIAL TRAITS:
pounds on average. Their faces are distinctively less than  -2 Strength, -2 Charisma, +4 Intelligence.
human-looking, having large round mouths resembling  Medium: As medium creatures, male anophelii have
sphincters and small, yet bug-like eyes. no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
 Male anophelii base land speed is 25 feet.
 Darkvision: Male anophelii can see in the dark up to The most distinctive aspect of a strider’s physiology is
60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but is how they only seem to be physically present for a portion of
otherwise like normal sight, and anophelii can the time. If one were to observe a borinatch, one would
function just fine with no light at all. notice parts of its body – most often the limbs – disappearing
 Male anophelii receive a +2 racial bonus on all and reappearing at random. In reality, striders appear to
Spellcraft, Decipher Script, Knowledge (Arcana), belong simultaneously to more than one physical dimension,
Knowledge (Dungeoneering), and Knowledge (likely the ethereal plane,) and are constantly undergoing a
(Nature) skill checks. partial phase between one and the other.
 Fast Linguist: Although they cannot verbally Relations
communicate, male anophelii can read and write Strider clans tend to be entirely self-sufficient, and steer
fluently, and are quick learners. Speak Language is clear of large cities and settlements. By default, they are
always a class skill for male anophelii. friendly towards fellow plains nomads and traveling parties,
 Iron Grip: With their oddly-jointed limbs, male although they are more than capable of protecting
anophelii grapple exceptionally well, using leverage themselves. They are not a talkative race, especially with
to overcome their lack of strength. They gain a +6 outsiders, but will communicate if necessary.
racial bonus on all grapple checks. Borinatch Lands
 Automatic Languages: Anophelii and High Kettai Borinatch live in small, nomadic family clans; they have
(written). Bonus Languages: Any (other than secret no villages or cities. The range occupied by the clans lies
languages, such as Druidic.) roughly in the region between New Crobuzon and the
 Favored Class: Wizard. Cacotopic Stain, which is mostly a mild steppe or forest.
 Level Adjustment: +0. A very few borinatch live a more urban
 Difficulty Level: 9 (of 9). The anophelii are feared and existence.
hated above all others, likely to be killed on sight. Religion
During important ceremonies, borinatch
pray to the spirits of their ancestors.
Borinatch Language
The borinatch have their own language, but
The borinatch – more commonly known as “striders” – most clans have some understanding of
are a proud centaurian race of nomads who only sporadically Ragamoll as well.
exist in the material world. Thaumaturgy
Personality Typical clans get by just fine without much
The tribal borinatch are a friendly race, unless they are thaumaturgy, but some individuals practice a
provoked. Their typical reaction to seeing a group of travelers druidic variety which focuses on nature and
would be to smile and wave as they go about their business. practical application.
Borinatch live in small family groups which are led by a Adventurers
Queen, the oldest and largest female among them. Females Few borinatch choose the adventuring
are called “sow,” and males “bulls.” When traveling, the life, as most are content in their nomadic
children are typically at the front of the pack, so that clans, and their bodies make it difficult to
they have first pick while foraging. adjust to life among humanoids, but the
Physical Description occasional strider who does adventure can
Striders superficially resemble large become a powerhouse on the battlefield.
centaurs, although the lower portions of
their body are more reminiscent of BORINATCH RACIAL TRAITS:
giraffes than they are of horses. Their  +2 Strength, -2 Charisma
hooved legs alone are the height of a  Large: -1 penalty to Armor Class, -1 penalty
full grown human, and they tend to on attack roles, -4 penalty on Hide checks, +4
move in a kind of tottering gallop. bonus to grapple checks, lifting and carrying
Their torsos are vaguely humanoid, with limits double those of Medium creatures.
two arms and a head, but unlike the upper  Borinatch base land speed is 40 feet.
body of a cray, the borinatch would never  Quadruped: As quadrupeds, borinatch have
be mistaken for human. Their chest and a +4 bonus on checks to resist bull rush and
backs are covered in the same short fur trip attempts. They have an increased
as the rest of their body. The head of the carrying capacity.
borinatch is especially bizarre, and has been described as a
 Low-Light Vision: A strider can see twice as
“bestial-baboon-woodcarving-insect face.” They can appear
far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight,
fearsome when they choose, but are more than capable of
and similar conditions of poor illumination. They
conveying happiness and gratitude with their facial retain the ability to distinguish color and
expressions as well. detail under these conditions.
 Dimensionally Disrespectful (Su): Striders are Cactacae heads sit flat on their shoulders, without necks.
constantly under the influence of a blink effect (as in This, as well as their barrel-like chests and thick trunk-like
the spell,) with the following exceptions: the effect limbs, means that cactacae have very poor flexibility, and
never negatively interferes with a borinatch’s own often appear to humans to be plodding or lumbering. Their
attacks or spells. A borinatch can suppress this ability fingers are thick and fairly clumsy, although their grip is
if he so chooses, although this becomes straining powerful enough to crush bones. Cactacae sleep standing up,
when prolonged. with their legs locked.
 Trample (Ex): As a standard action, a borinatch can An oily sap flows through their veins rather than blood,
trample creatures of Medium size or smaller. The and their bones are strangely shaped, unlike any vertebrate’s
strider merely has to move over the opponents. The skeleton. Furthermore, their bones closely resemble wooden
trample deals 2d6 (plus 1-1/2 times the borinatch’s branches in both structure and composition, complete with
Strength bonus) points of bludgeoning damage. A growth rings.
trampled opponent can make an attack of Cactacae are naturally comfortable without any clothing,
opportunity with a -4 penalty against the trampling but those who reside near humans often take to wearing
strider or attempt a reflex save for half damage (DC colored sashes, loincloths, and rich jewelry – anything
10 + ½ of the strider’s class level + the strider’s that won’t be easily ruined or impeded by their
Str modifier.) spiny skin. Those who wish to wear close-fitting
 Automatic Languages: Borinatch. Bonus garments or armor must pluck the spines
Languages: Ragamoll. from the region in question.
 Favored Class: Ranger Cactacae reproduce by planting
 Level Adjustment: +2 fertilized bulbs in the soil, which hatch
 Difficulty Level: 5 (of 9). Due to into cactacae children who dig their way
their size and relative scarcity, a up out of the ground.
borinatch would stick out like a Relations
sore thumb in most adventuring Cactacae inhabit many
parties. regions, but in general, they are
no more or less friendly than
human communities.
Cactacae Cactacae Lands
The cactacae are a wide-
This race of large, bulky cactus-folk is a ranging people. Communities of
common sight in the Rohagi continent, hailing cactacae are spread throughout the central
originally from the Cymek Desert. and southern portions of Rahagi, from the
Personality grasslands of the north, all the way through
Much like humans, cactacae exhibit a wide range the Cymek Desert in the south. Most of
of personality traits which differ greatly from the major cities in these regions, including
individual to individual, as well as from region to New Crobuzon, Cobsea, and Myrshock contain
region. In general, though, cactacae tend to be significant minorities of cactacae in their
slightly more straightforward and gruff than humans. populations.
Physical Description The largest concentration of cactacae lies in the Cymek
Most cactacae are noticeably larger than humans, Desert, the ancient homeland of the cactacae people. In
standing 7 to 8 feet tall, and possessing a considerable bulk, particular, the prosperous nations of Dreer Samher and
weighing as much as 500 to 700 pounds. In addition, their Shankell have populations which are predominately cactacae.
“skin” is exceptionally thick and fibrous, making them Religion
notoriously difficult to wound. These traits make the cactacae Most cactacae revere Sanshad, the sun god, although
natural-born fighters. some populations are not very devout. Others follow the
By far the most common skin colors for cactacae are Timeway faith.
shades of green, although yellows, browns, and even grays Language
are not unheard of. In springtime, many cactacae sprout Cactacae have no single language. Much like humans,
small red or yellow flowers along the ridges of their skin. they speak whichever language is prevalent in the region. The
More distinctive are the sharp spines which protrude from most common language in the region of the Cymek Desert is
every surface of a cactacae’s body, ranging in size from tiny Sunglari, and the most common in the north is Ragamoll.
thorns to finger-long needles. Even their faces and the palms Thaumaturgy
of their hands are studded with these spines, although most The cactacae are no strangers to thaumaturgy, although
cactacae pluck these regions, similar to how humans might their native crafts are mostly geared toward aiding survival in
shave. Some cactacae who are in continual, close contact the desert. Most cactacae prefer a profession more hands-on
with humans will even pluck their whole bodies, in order to and direct than thaumaturgy.
avoid accidentally harming others.
The tough and brawny nature of the cactacae make them
excellent adventurers, able to excel on the battlefield and
Cactacae, Ge-ain (The Tardy)
Using thaumaturgy, the cactacae tribes who dwell in the
easily intimidate others.
northern Galaggi Veldt keep some of their bulbs in a coma for
months after the others have long since crawled up from the
soil. These late bloomers are “the Tardy.” When they do grow
 +4 Strength, +2 Constitution, -4 Dexterity. to wakefulness, these cactacae are warped by the
 Medium: As Medium creatures, cactacae have no thaumaturgy that retarded their birth. They are enormous,
special bonuses or penalties due to their size. ranging from 10 to 14 feet in height, with bent wooden
 Cactacae base land speed is 30 feet. Cactacae can bones, fused fingers, and encrusted, thickened skin. Their
move at this speed even while wearing medium or misshapen tongues and lips make them slur and mangle their
heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy speech.
load (unlike other creatures, whose speed is reduced The average Tardy’s senses are very sharp, but they live
in such situations.) in constant pain from this over-stimulus, as well as their other
 Natural Armor: Cactacae gain a +1 natural armor deformities. The cactacae never give the Tardy names, but
bonus to their armor class. they both fear and worship these twisted forms of their own
 Plant Type: Cactacae are members of the Plant type kind.
and gain nearly all of the abilities and vulnerabilities The reason for the existence of the Tardy is so that they
of that type, including immunity to poison, sleep can serve as lookouts and defenders of the cactacae villages.
effects, polymorph, paralysis, and stunning. They Their size and strength make them unparalleled in physical
have low-light vision and are not subject to critical combat, and only the most determined aggressors would
hits. Unlike other members of their type, they do take on a village guarded by the Tardy.
require sleep and are not immune to mind-effects.
 Powerful Build: The physical stature of a cactacae TARDY RACIAL TRAITS:
lets them function in many ways as if they were one  +8 Strength, +6 Constitution, -2 Wisdom, -2
size category larger. Whenever a cactacae is subject Intelligence, -6 Dexterity.
to a size modifier or special size modifier for an  Large: -1 penalty to Armor Class, -1 penalty on attack
opposed check (such as during grapple checks, bull roles, -4 penalty on Hide checks, +4 bonus to grapple
rush attempts, and trip attempts,) the cactacae is checks, lifting and carrying limits double those of
treaded as one size larger, if doing so is Medium creatures.
advantageous. A cactacae can use weapons designed  Tardy base land speed is 30 feet. Tardy can move at
for a creature one size larger without penalty. this speed even while wearing medium or heavy
However, their space and reach remain those of a armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load
creature of their actual size. The benefits of this (unlike other creatures, whose speed is reduced in
racial trait stack with the effects of powers, abilities, such situations.)
and spells that change the subject’s size category.  Natural Armor: Tardy gain a +5 natural armor bonus
 Spines: Thousands of tough spines cover the to their armor class.
cactacae body. These protrusions allow them to deal  Deformed Skin: Tardy possess exceptionally thick
1d6 points of lethal damage (instead of 1d4 skin, granting them damage reduction of
nonlethal) when they choose to deal damage as part 10/bludgeoning or slashing.
of a successful grapple.  Enhanced Senses: The Tardy gain a +3 racial bonus
 Heat Endurance: +4 racial bonus on Fortitude saves on Spot and Listen checks.
made to resist the effects of hot weather.  Plant Type: Cactacae are members of the Plant type
 Weapon Familiarity: Cactacae may treat rivebows,
and gain all of the abilities and vulnerabilities of that
chakri, and greatcleavers as martial weapons, rather
type, including immunity to poison, sleep effects,
than exotic weapons.
polymorph, paralysis, and stunning. They have low-
 +2 racial bonus on Craft checks that are related to
wood and Profession checks related to plants. light vision and are not subject to critical hits. Unlike
 Automatic Languages: Ragamoll and Sunglari. Bonus other members of their type, they require sleep and
Languages: Any (other than secret languages, such are not immune to mind-affecting effects.
as Druidic.)  Large Spines: Thousands of tough spines cover the
 Favored Class: Fighter. cactacae body. These protrusions allow them to deal
 Level Adjustment: +2 1d10 points of lethal damage (instead of 1d4
 Difficulty Level: 0 (of 9). Cactacae are a common nonlethal) when they choose to deal damage as part
sight. of a successful grapple.
 Weapon Limitations: Due to their deformities, lack of
dexterity, and very large digits, Tardy are
reduced to using simple, oversized weapons,
favoring clubs. Bows, rivebows, and firearms are  Spines: Thousands of tough spines cover the
beyond their ability to operate. Greatcleavers are cactacae body. These protrusions allow them to deal
treated as martial weapons, rather than exotic. 1d4 points of lethal damage (instead of 1d4
 Slurred Speech: Very few Tardy would have the nonlethal) when they choose to deal damage as part
wherewithal to become a spellcaster, but even those of a successful grapple.
who might have the aptitude are hindered by their  Altitude Endurance: +4 racial bonus on Fortitude
deformed mouths and lips. The Tardy suffer a 15% saves made to resist the effects of high altitude.
arcane spell failure chance on any spell with a verbal  Weapon Familiarity: Cactacae may treat rivebows,
component. chakri, and greatcleavers as martial weapons, rather
 Automatic Language: Ragamoll. Bonus Languages: than exotic weapons.
Galaggi, Salt.  +2 racial bonus on Craft checks that are related to
 Favored Class: Barbarian. wood.
 Level Adjustment: +4  Automatic Language: Ragamoll. Bonus Languages:
 Difficulty Level: 7 (of 9). Their tremendous size and Any (other than secret languages, such as Druidic.)
dimwittedness make the Tardy not only terribly  Favored Class: Fighter.
conspicuous, but of limited use.  Level Adjustment: +0
 Difficulty Level: 0 (of 9). Cactacae are a common

Cactacae, Mountain

A slightly smaller sub-race of cactacae live in the

steppes and the Bezhak Peaks that lie northeast of Corokanth
New Crobuzon. These cactacae only stand 6 to 6- The corokanth are an oceanic
1/2 feet tall, and weigh in at 350-400 crustacean race. They have vast
pounds. Their smaller stature is an kingdoms deep in the Swollen
adaptation for living in the mountains, Ocean, as well as smaller
as opposed to the deserts. Skin settlements near and inside
colorations of grays and browns Rohagi. They rarely live out of the
are more common among this water, but can occasionally be
breed. Communities of mountain found in coastal towns and cities.
cactacae are noticeably more Personality
insular and territorial than the The corokanth, as a race,
cactacae of the Cymek, although tend to be distrustful and
they are not excessively isolationist, preferring the
aggressive. company of their own kind. They
have a calm and stoic outlook, with
MOUNTAIN CACTACAE RACIAL little concern or curiosity for what
TRAITS: occurs beyond their borders.
 +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -4 The social structure of the
Dexterity. corokanth varies from kingdom to
 Medium: As Medium creatures, kingdom, but a common thread is a respect for strength.
cactacae have no special bonuses or penalties due to Typically, the biggest and the strongest individuals – be they
their size. male or female – lead, regardless of other qualifications.
 Cactacae base land speed is 30 feet. Mountain Corokanth also value strength in other races, and usually
cactacae can move at this speed even while wearing respond better to outsiders who act bold, rather than
medium armor or carrying a medium load (unlike deferent or diplomatic.
other creatures, whose speed is reduced in such Physical Description
situations,) but suffer normal penalties with heavy Corokanth appear to be hunched, bipedal crab-men, with
armor or a heavy load. two legs and four arms. The largest set of arms end in
 Natural Armor: Cactacae gain a +1 natural armor enormous lobster-like claws. These claws are used for
bonus to their armor class. attacking, and lack the dexterity for fine manipulation. The
 Plant Type: Cactacae are members of the Plant type second, smaller set of arms end in small, dexterous grasping
and gain all of the abilities and vulnerabilities of that digits that are used for more delicate operations.
type, including immunity to poison, sleep effects, In order to see in the deep, dark waters that most
polymorph, paralysis, and stunning. They have low- corokanth prefer, they possess between four and six eyes,
light vision and are not subject to critical hits. Unlike each of which is acutely sensitive to movement.
other members of their type, they require sleep and Typical coloration for corokanth is brownish-red, but
are not immune to mind-affecting effects. blue, black, green, and even yellow corokanth are not
unknown. Their size can be deceptive, as they tend to 9
carry themselves in a hunched, scuttling posture, but at full  Amphibious: Corokanth are as comfortable in the
height the typical corokanth reaches 6 feet and weighs about water as they are on land, and can breathe in both
300 pounds. environments.
Corokanth can breathe air or water, including both  Darkvision: Corokanth can see in the dark up to 60
freshwater and saltwater. feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but is
Relations otherwise like normal sight, and corokanth can
Corokanth maintain tenuous relationships with other function just fine with no light at all.
undersea cultures, but mostly keep to themselves. The vast  +2 natural armor bonus.
kingdoms deep in the Swollen Ocean are among the most  Natural Weapons: The corokanth possess large
powerful of underwater nations, and very little could pincer claws which can deal 1d6+4 slashing damage
threaten them. Corokanth tend to be distrustful of outsiders. each. One may attack with a one-handed weapon
Corokanth Lands and then still make a claw attack as a secondary
Corokanth make their homes on the sea floors of the attack at a -5 penalty.
western Swollen Ocean, growing deep coral fields and  Improved Grab: To use this ability, the corokanth
sculpting stones into gentle arcs to create living spaces that must hit with a pincer attack.
are beautiful and natural looking.  Camouflage: While on the bottom of a stream, pond,
Many of these sites lie near great thermal vents, or sea, corokanth gain a +4 racial bonus to Hide
providing not only heat but also rich minerals and nutrients checks.
for the fish and other creatures that corokanth eat.  Multiple Eyes: Corokanth have a +2 racial bonus to
Corokanth settlements can be found anywhere from arctic to Spot checks. This increases to +4 if the corokanth is
tropical waters, but most are in temperate locations. underwater.
There is also a population of freshwater corokanth within  Deep Water Adaptation: Corokanth are immune to
the Cold Claw Sea. any penalties that would normally be imposed while
Religion deep underwater. In addition, corokanth possess 5
Just like humans and many races, the widespread cold resistance.
corokanth have diverse and varying pantheons. Some of their  Furious Revenge: Once per encounter, a corokanth
most popular deities are the Bearer, an oceanic mother who has taken at least one point of damage can
goddess, and Qxxtryx, vengeful god of heat and hydrothermal enter a brief state of rage-like fury beginning on his
vents. next turn. The corokanth gains +4 Strength and -2 to
Language Armor Class for the duration of one round. This
The corokanth have their own language which consists of ability stacks with similar effects, such as a
many clacking and warbling sounds. It is notoriously difficult barbarian’s rage.
for humans to learn, but not impossible. Each kingdom uses a
 Automatic Languages: Corokanth, Ragamoll. Bonus
slightly different dialect, but most are very similar. Corokanth
Languages: Any (except secret languages, such as
are capable of using the traditional tongues of the surface,
although they can never escape a thick and distinctive accent
 Favored Class: Fighter.
reminiscent of their own speech.
 Level Adjustment: +1.
The corokanth are not known for their thaumaturgical  Difficulty Level: 2 (of 9). While they would be an
unusual sight on land, corokanth are both physically
prowess, but the native corokanth thaumaturgical abilities
and socially suitable for an adventuring party.
focus on manipulation of sea life and oceanic environments.
Few corokanth choose an entirely land-based existence,
although such a thing is not unheard of. Under the sea, young Cray
corokanth occasionally strike out into unfamiliar waters to Cray are intelligent human-lobster centauriforms that
prove their own strength. occupy coastlines and ocean reefs, often interacting with
humans and other land-based races.
 +2 Strength, -2 Charisma. Part of the reason that the cray interact so well with
 Medium: As Medium creatures, corokanth have no humanoids is their similar disposition. Cray personalities
special bonuses or penalties due to their size. range across the same spectrum as human or vodyanoi.
 Corokanth base land speed is 30 feet. Their Having said that, due partially to the nature of the cray
swimming base speed is 40 feet. Corokanth have a language, they tend to be more literal and straightforward in
+8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some their personal interactions.
special action or avoid a hazard. They can always Physical Description
take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or Cray resemble human-lobster centaurians, with a
endangered. Corokanth can use the run action while humanoid torso attached to a large lobster body and tail,
swimming, provided they swim in a straight line. complete with six to eight crustacean legs. The legs
are capable of supporting the cray’s weight on land, and the CRAY RACIAL TRAITS:
large, powerful tail is used to swim through the water. The  +2 Charisma, -2 Dexterity.
cray’s humanoid upper bodies vary individually, but are  Large: -1 penalty to Armor Class, -1 penalty on attack
generally pale and muscular. All that distinguishes the upper roles, -4 penalty on Hide checks, +4 bonus to grapple
body from a human torso are the gills present on the neck, checks, lifting and carrying limits double those of
and the total lack of any hair. Medium creatures.
Cray don’t normally wear clothes, but often carry woven  Cray base land speed is 20 feet. Their swimming base
seaweed backpacks, belts, or bandoliers. They prefer not to speed is 30 feet. Cray have a +8 racial bonus on any
wear armor, though when they do, they prefer light, flexible Swim check to perform some special action or avoid
varieties. a hazard. They can always take 10 on a Swim check,
A cray has the ability to breathe air for prolonged periods even if distracted or endangered. Cray can use the
of time, but is still dependent on returning to the water on run action while swimming, provided they swim in a
occasion. The cray are native to the saltwater ocean, but can straight line.
tolerate freshwater as well.  Amphibious: While cray prefer the
Relations water to land, they can breathe
The cray are usually on friendly equally well in both environments.
terms with the other aquatic races of
 Tail Slap: Once per round, a cray
the Swollen Ocean, although their
can slap his enemies with his tail as a
ties to these races are not
natural attack, dealing 1d8+2
exceptionally strong. More so than
bludgeoning damage.
the other aquatic races, cray tend to
 Water Dependency: A cray must
interact with humans and other air-
immerse his entire body in water at
breathers, and some even live in
least once a week for the duration of
coastal towns, or upstream. In
one hour or suffer ill effects. After a
particular, the cray maintain a close
week has passed, a cray must make a
trade relationship with New
Constitution check every day
thereafter (DC 14 + 1 per additional
Cray Lands
day) or take one point of Constitution
The cray mainly occupy relatively
damage. Once a cray immerses
shallow, temperate waters. They are
himself in water, he regains 1d4
common up and down the eastern
points of Constitution per hour that
coast of Rohagi, as well as the
he remains in the water. Either
shallow waters between the
saltwater or freshwater may fulfill this
innumerable islands near the coast.
Perhaps their most well-known
 Sturdy Gait: Cray have a +4 racial
territory is Salkrikaltor, whose capital
bonus against bull rush and trip
city can house both cray (below the
waves,) and air-breathers (in
towering spires above.)  Heightened Senses: Able to detect minute vibrations
from their many legs, cray have Tremorsense while
on land. Immersed in the water, this increases to
There are a number of sea deities that have a place in
Blindsense. The range of these abilities is 30 feet.
cray society, but the god most often praised is Crawfoot, and
many cray know Crawfoot’s Chronicles by heart.  Automatic Languages: Cray. Bonus Languages:
Language Ragamoll, Salt.
The cray have their own language, but due to their  Favored Class: Bard
interactions with other races, many are familiar with the  Level Adjustment: +0.
more common human tongues. The cray language is less  Difficulty Level: 3 (of 9). Their unwieldy size could
colorful than Ragamoll, and as such, is interpreted as being make a cray cumbersome in a world dominated by
quite literal and to-the-point. humans.
Cray do not boast many talented thaumaturgists,
preferring hands-on activities.
A race of desert birdfolk, the garuda are proud and noble
The cray are about as likely to adventure as humans are, hunters, spending most of their time engaging in a hunt or
although understandably, they tend to favor aqueous performing other vital tasks for the survival of their tribe.
environments. Personality
The garuda are nomadic hunters who possess a
great love of freedom.
Their roaming tribal society is completely egalitarian and Adventurers
rarely has any need of city-made goods or customs; they do Most garuda would not leave their family units or clans
not use money or pray to deities or spirits. Some tribes serve to pursue adventuring, but this trait is less stringent among
very specific functions within the greater population; for the few garuda who have emigrated out of the wild. Urban
example, the librarian clan of the Cymek carries many garuda often have harsh lives, and will do whatever necessary
thousands of volumes with it whenever it migrates. All garuda for coin or escape. The few banished and wingless individuals
prefer the open sky, and find permanent buildings and have no choice but to scrounge out a living as best they can.
underground structures completely repellant.
Individual garuda tend to be more stern and no- GARUDA RACIAL TRAITS:
nonsense than the average human.  +2 Dexterity, -2 Charisma.
Garuda follow their own strange legal code, which is  Medium: As Medium creatures, garuda have no
often very confusing to outsiders. To them, denial of choice is special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
the moral compass that determines criminal action, and all  +2 natural armor bonus.
crimes are the same crime, called “choice-theft.” Any garuda  Garuda base land speed is 30 feet. They also have a
who murders, rapes, or enslaves another is guilty of the fly speed of 40 feet, with average maneuverability.
blackest crime and it typically exiled from the tribe after his  Natural Weapons: 2 claw attacks (1d4).
or her wings are cut off. Few survive the desert long in this  Vertical Strike: Garuda double the normal range
condition. increment when firing straight down from at least
Physical Description 30 feet overhead. If the attack roll is successful,
Garuda typically stand just over 6 feet tall and they also gain a +2 bonus on damage rolls.
weigh between 100 and 150 pounds. Although their  Chaos Resistance: Garuda are either the
skin color is most commonly a wash of tan, their products of chaos thaumaturgy, or have simply
feathers can vary wildly from gray and white to lived near it and with it long enough to build up
brown and tan. Their wings are very large, and a tolerance. Garuda gain a +2 racial bonus on
the typical wingspan is twice the height of the saves against spells, abilities, or other effects
individual. Their wings are separate with the Chaos descriptor.
appendages from their arms.  Hunters Eyes: Garuda gain a +8
Natural born hunters, garuda possess racial bonus on Spot checks while flying,
powerful claws, hollow bones, and excellent in daylight.
 Automatic Languages: Garuda
Relations (either Cymek or Shotek). Bonus
The clans of the Cymek go about Languages: Ragamoll, Sunglari, Galaggi.
their own business, usually causing no
 Favored Class: Ranger.
grief to their neighbors.
 Level Adjustment: +1.
Garuda Lands
 Difficulty Level: 1 (of 9). Generally
Most garuda clans live a nomadic
speaking, any garuda who has left his
existence in the Cymek desert, while
community would be readily accepted as
others dwell in the north of Shoteka and
an adventuring companion.
the west of Mordiga. Small groups of
garuda can be found in most of the
central and eastern cities of Rohagi,
although they are definitely a minority. Gessin
Religion The gessin are hulking, armored brutes, native to the
The garuda pray to no gods, although they do have a Wormseye Scrub.
nebulous devil-figure in their mythology, named Dahnesch. Personality
Language Gessin live in small defensive tribes which eke out a living
Garuda have their own language of piping, raucous from the harsh scrubland. Gessin are moderately territorial,
sounds, which cannot be spoken by human voices. They are and they organize into small bands, each group protecting
also capable of speaking standard human languages, despite their slice of territory. They squabble frequently with other
their lack of lips. nearby groups, (although this fighting has a bizarre religious
Thaumaturgy foundation.) For the most part, they leave the rural human
The thaumaturgical practices of the Cymek garuda are communities of Yoraketche in peace, fearing their shamans.
limited to minor ritualistic healings and divinations. Rumors Most gessin are gruff and tend towards violence.
exist that claim the far-off tribes of Shoteka have gained a Comfortable in the arid summers of the scrubland,
higher understanding of thaumaturgy, perhaps due in part to battle-hardened gessin rely on their natural shell armor to
their proximity to the Witchocracy. protect them in all situations. Most gessin prefer to wield
enormous cudgels or warhammers, weighted to crack even
the hardest enemy shells.
Although they have no manufacturing of their own, many bounty hunters, or thugs. The toughest can gain great
tribes have developed a near-obsession with modern goods renown for their combat abilities.
and gadgets. A sign of wealth and social status has become
how many odd bits of machinery or technology one has GESSIN RACIAL TRAITS:
randomly dumped around one’s domicile.  +4 Strength, -4 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence, +2
Physical Description Constitution.
Gessin are humanoids that sport broad, flat shells, like  Medium: As Medium creatures, gessin have no
desert crabs, encompassing their upper bodies in natural special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
protection. They decorate their shells with brightly colored  Gessin base speed is 20 feet. Gessin can move this
painted sigils, as well as deeply etched tallies of their personal speed even while carrying a medium or heavy load.
triumphs on the field of conflict. Their trunk-like legs and  Sure Footed: Gessin are remarkably strong on their
heavy weight make them very difficult to manhandle. feet, and gain a +4 racial bonus to resist bull rush
Relations and trip attempts.
In the Wormseye Scrub of the  Endurance: Gessin receive Endurance as a
Yoraketche Kingdom, most gessin bonus feat.
bands keep to themselves,  Armored Shell: The thick chitinous shell of
valuing their freedom, although the gessin grants a +8 natural armor bonus.
they are technically considered subjects of Due to this thick and cumbersome shell,
the kingdom. This usually has no effect on gessin are unable to wear traditional armor.
their lives whatsoever, but in times of  Powerful Build: The physical
conflict they are called upon by the stature of a gessin lets them function in
Yoraketche army, where they make very many ways as if they were one size
effective front-line troops. category larger. Whenever a gessin is
Gessin Lands subject to a size modifier or special size
The gessin primarily reside in the human-ruled modifier for an opposed check (such as
Yoraketche Kingdom, although they remain in mostly during grapple checks, bull rush
autonomous tribes in the Wormseye Scrub region. attempts, and trip attempts,) the
Religion gessin is treaded as one size larger, if
The in-fighting and squabbling nature of the gessin doing so is advantageous, A gessin can
can be explained by their bizarre religious beliefs. One might use weapons designed for a creature one
assume that a society which embraces physical conflict would size larger without penalty. However, their space
worship gods who revere fighting just for the sake of fighting, and reach remain those of a creature of their actual
or perhaps gods of anger and hate, but this is not the case size. The benefits of this racial trait stack with the
with the gessin. Rather, if you asked a gessin why his clan effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change
regularly tried to slaughter its neighbors, his response would the subject’s size category.
be, “because we love them.” In the religion of the gessin, an  Automatic Languages: Gessin, Ragamoll. Bonus
individual cannot and will not proceed to the heavenly Languages: Any (except secret languages, such as
afterlife unless they die in battle at the hands of a gessin. In Druidic.)
their view, their fighting ensures that all gessin will proceed
 Favored Class: Barbarian.
to the loving embrace of their gods.
 Level Adjustment: +2.
Gessin agree to participate in the large-scale wars of the
 Difficulty Level: 2 (of 9). The religion practiced by
Yoraketche Kingdom for much the same reason. They
most gessin might interfere with adventuring
gleefully accept the opportunity to bring the souls of other
business, but these brutes are fearsome fighters.
races to their own blissful heaven, believing that they are
saving them from a sub-par ultimate fate. On such
battlefields, gravely wounded gessin will commit suicide or
kill each other in order to ensure their own passage. Handlinger
Language Handlingers are a secretive, half-mythical race of mind-
The gessin have their own language, although many are controlling parasites. They live by infection, overwhelming
at least partially proficient with the Wormseye dialect of their hosts’ minds, controlling their bodies, and granting
Ragamoll. them eldritch powers. The process is irreversible, and is so
Thaumaturgy feared that handlingers live hidden lives, controlling their
The gessin are typically not of the proper mentality to hosts in secret, without anyone the wiser. When found out,
learn or develop thaumaturgical practices. they often flee into the shadows, always on the lookout for a
Adventurers new host to control. All other species hate and fear
Many gessin prefer to remain in their homeland, but handlingers, except for those New Crobuzon politicians who
those who venture out can make a healthy living as guards, shelter them in exchange for favors.

Personality become powerful practitioners due to their intelligence and
Handlingers come in two forms: dextrier (or right- long life-spans.
handed) and sinistral (or left-handed.) Each type has its own Adventurers
purpose: the sinistrals are the nobles and rulers, clever in On the one hand, handlingers will do whatever is
strategy. The dextriers provide muscle – stronger in combat necessary to survive, which may well involve certain
and able to provide their host bodies with powerful abilities. components of adventuring. But on the other, they above all
When the two types meet, dextriers always defer to sinistrals else seek to hide themselves, which usually involves leading a
because of the sinistral’s ability to lock dextriers out of host tame life.
Handlingers have absolutely no concern for their hosts’ HANDLINGER RACIAL TRAITS:
wellbeing. Normally, a handlinger will find one particular host  Type: Aberration (symbiont)
and stay with it for as long as possible, even for decades,  -4 Strength, +4 Intelligence.
hiding its true nature from everyone else it comes into  Tiny: As Tiny creatures, handlingers gain a +2 size
contact with – handlingers, as a rule, are not wanton body- bonus to Armor Class, a +2 size bonus on attack rolls,
hoppers. The risk of discovery is too great for such and a +8 size bonus on Hide checks, but their lifting
behavior. However, when circumstances dictate, and carrying limits are one-half those of Medium
handlingers can and will use bodies in destructive creatures. Handlingers have a reach of zero feet,
ways, perhaps pushing their host to death from meaning they must enter an opponent’s square to
extreme physical exertion. attack in melee combat, and draw an attack of
The host of a handlinger need not be opportunity when doing so.
humanoid, or even sentient. Some  Handlinger base speed is 10 feet.
handlingers are content to possess dogs or  Damage Reduction: 5/silver (handlinger
other common animals in lieu of only, not host).
humanoids.  Blindsight (Ex): A handlinger is
Physical Description blind, but its entire body is a
Handlingers bear a striking heightened sensory organ that can
resemblance to a human hand and ascertain prey by scent and vibration. This
forearm. They have strong digits and a allows it to discern objects and creatures
powerful whip-like tail. They insert their tails within 60 feet. A handlinger attached to a host
into their hosts and override their nervous shares sensory input with the host, and also
systems. They weigh no more than 5 pounds. confers blindsight upon the host.
Relations  Limited Telepathy (Su): Handlingers can
Handlingers always hide their true nature communicate telepathically with their host
from others, because almost anyone would kill a bodies and other handlingers within 60 feet.
handlinger on sight – the threat of possession, Sinistral handlingers can also use this telepathy
obviously, instills a great fear in others. to override the link between dextrier handlingers
Handlinger Lands and their hosts, effectively locking the dextrier out
Handlingers have no central authority. of its host body.
They live as individuals or, uncommonly, in  Skills: Handlingers use their Dexterity bonus
very small communities. In fact, they are so rather than their Strength bonus for Climb and
uncommon that many people do not believe Jump checks (handlinger only, not host).
handlingers really exist, instead relating them to bogeymen.  Paralyzing Touch (Ex): A successful tail whip attack
Religion injects a powerful sedative that paralyzes its victim
There is no organized religion among the handlingers. for long enough for the handlinger to assume control
They are far too self-obsessed and selfish to offer praise or of the host. Unless the victim makes a successful DC
fealty to any god. 16 Fortitude save, it is paralyzed for 1d6 rounds.
 Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a handlinger
Handlingers speak the languages of their hosts, as well as
must hit an opponent up to Large size with a tail
a secret tactile language that requires them to touch another
whip attack. It can the attempt to start a grapple as a
of their species, but which allows them to share information
free action without provoking attacks of
completely, and without error. Failing this, handlingers can
opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it
also communicate telepathically with one another.
establishes a hold and can attempt to ride flesh. The
handlinger receives a +12 racial bonus to grappling.
Many handlingers do not pursue thaumaturgical studies,
 Ride Flesh (Su): A handlinger can dig into a living
either believing their own innate powers are more than
creature’s body, slipping its wormlike tail into flesh,
sufficient, or being too fearful of drawing unwanted
while the hand-shaped portion of its body remains
attention. Those who do study thaumaturgy, though, can
outside its host, often hidden in a purse,
pouch, or under a scarf or a fold of flesh, such 14
as a groin or underarm. This process requires a single as well. A symbiont uses the host’s saving throws if
round. The perspective host can make a Will save better than its own. A spell that the host body is able
(DC 15 + the handlinger’s Int modifier,) to avoid to cast on itself also affects the handlinger. A host
becoming a host. If successful, the handlinger may can also cast a spell with the target of “you” on the
not try to infest the same host for 24 hours. handlinger instead. The symbiont may do likewise.
Incorporeal creatures and creatures immune to They both can share spells even if the spell would
critical hits are immune to this ability; creatures who normally not effect creatures of a certain type. Spells
are immune to mind-altering effects are immune. targeted on the host by another spellcaster to not
The victim’s actions are completely controlled affect the symbiont.
by the handlinger. While attached, the handlinger  Automatic Languages: Handlinger, Ragamoll, host
uses the host’s physical ability scores instead of its telepathy. Bonus Languages: Any (other than secret
own. It can use any of the host’s skills, feats, spells, languages such as Druidic.)
and other abilities. The handlinger also has access to  Favored Class: Wizard
all of the host’s memories and knowledge. The host  Level Adjustment:
does not gain the handlinger’s damage reduction. A o Sinistral: +3. Blindsense, the ability to control
handlinger can remain attached indefinitely, and can other’s bodies, and a good chance of surviving
even leave the body and return to it. Leaving and what would be “death” for a typical character
returning requires the handlinger to spend no more make sinistrals very powerful.
than 1 hour apart from its host, after which time the o Dextrier: +5. The above abilities, plus a breath
host regains control of itself. Over time, (2d4 weeks,) attack and the ability to fly make dextriers a
the handlinger slowly ruins the host’s natural force to be reckoned with.
nervous system, and the host becomes unable to  Difficulty Level: 8 (of 9). Handlingers are rare, and
move or act if abandoned by the handlinger. despised by pretty much everyone. The best hope a
A handlinger can abandon a host body as a full- handlinger party member has is to hide his nature
round action that deals 1d8 points of damage to the from everyone, including his companions.
host. A handlinger can be forced to abandon the
body by a dispel evil spell (caster must succeed in a
DC 18 caster level check,) or a heal or limited wish
spell (which automatically succeeds and does no
damage to the host.) The death of the host body This race of hedgehog-folk tend to dwell in small forest
does not harm the handlinger, unless the effect communities, living off of the land.
utterly destroys the body, (such as a disintegration Personality
effect, or being overrun by lava,) although it is Most hotchi are relatively friendly and easy-going; yet,
automatically expelled from the host and stunned like any people who have what it takes to survive in the harsh
for 1d4 rounds. wilderness, they can be cold and pragmatic when the
situation calls for it. Their rural communities make do without
 Spitsear (Su): A dextrier handlinger can force its host
any modern technological amenities, although they are
to breathe acidic fire in a 30-foot cone for 3d6 points
usually more than willing to trade for any practical
of fire damage and 3d6 points of acid damage once
implements that could increase their chances of survival, such
every 1d4 rounds. A DC (10 + the handlinger’s host’s
as firearms.
Dex modifier) Reflex save results in half damage.
Physical Description
 Enhance Host (Su): A dextrier handlinger greatly
The hotchi resemble bipedal hedgehogs, complete with a
enhances the power of its host body, granting it a +6
coat of sharp spines. These spines are typically short, with a
enhancement bonus to Strength and the ability to fly
length of one to two inches, but some individuals possess
at a speed of 60 feet with good maneuverability.
spines which are considerably longer. The spines usually
 Symbiont Traits: While attached to a host, the
cover the back and flanks of hotchi, leaving their front, face,
symbiont is in complete control; the host does not
and limbs covered only in a short furry coat. Some individuals
get a separate turn. It is not flat-footed unless its
who live with humans take to filing their spines blunt.
host is. If the handlinger is clearly visible, opponents
Hotchi, much like humans, can have a wide range of body
can attack the symbiont instead of the host; this
types, from short and thick to tall and thin, although they are
works the same way as attacking an object. The
typically shorter than the average human.
handlinger gains the host’s Dex modifier for AC
instead of its own, as well as any deflection bonus to
Hotchi communities tend to keep to themselves,
AC. Its own size modifier and any natural armor
although they also typically welcome visitors who happen by.
bonus apply. Attacking the symbiont provokes an
The hotchi, as a whole, have no enemies.
attack of opportunity from the host.
Hotchi Lands
A handlinger never takes damage from attacks
The hotchi have no organized kingdoms or cities, and
directed at the host, unless such an attack would
only a handful of scattered communities, mostly in the
also damage any magic items the host was carrying
Rudewood south of New Crobuzon and the 15
surrounding grasslands. They live comfortably in nearly any  Favored Class: Druid.
climate, and their dwellings and villages blend in with the  Level Adjustment: +0.
natural world around them. A minority have moved to urban  Difficulty Level: 0 (of 9). While only common near
environments, living in New Crobuzon and Myrshock, while New Crobuzon, hotchi are unobtrusive anywhere.
still others have taken to coastal towns.
Hotchi villages get most of their food from gathering fruit
and hunting small game, although those who dwell in the
grasslands do plant some crops.
Religion The khepri are a race of women with
enormous beetles for heads, who must
A highly practical people, hotchi don’t
communicate with other races via sign
waste much time on lengthy religious
language. The males of the species are small
practices. Most follow the sensible, easy-
and animal-like.
going goddess Krinan-Flaherti.
Khepri are not native to the Rohagi
The hotchi language is described as continent. The first small band of khepri
arrived about seven hundred years ago, not
harsh sounding, featuring barks and deep
long after the first recorded human
sounds from the back of the throat. Hotchi
expedition was sent to the Bered Kai Nev
who learn Ragamoll often retain a strong
continent, far across the eastern sea. It
and distinctive accent.
Thaumaturgy wasn’t until one hundred years ago, though,
that a massive wave of khepri arrived on the
Many hotchi demonstrate a low-level
shores of Rohagi, an exodus consisting of
natural ability to commune with nature via
hundreds of ships known as the Tragic
thaumaturgical means, and those who seek
to deepen this bond expand their abilities Crossing.
An unknown catastrophe, referred to as
along similar avenues.
the Ravening, nearly wiped out the khepri
The hotchi’s intrinsic skill to survive in civilization on Bered Kai Nev, and the last
desperate survivors set sail across the ocean
the wild would make them excellent
to Rohagi. No khepri alive today knows the nature of this
adventurers, although few choose to leave their close-knit
disaster, as the original survivors refused to speak of it. In
fact, they went as far as to purposefully forget ten thousand
years of khepri history. The most popular theory is that
human explorers unwittingly introduced a disease to the
 +2 Wisdom, -2 Intelligence.
khepri, although in truth nobody knows the cause of the
 Medium: As Medium creatures, hotchi have no
Ravening for certain.
special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
 Hotchi base land speed is 30 feet.
As a society, khepri place less value on immediate family
 Low-Light Vision: A hotchi can see twice as far as a and more on clan and extended families. These large units
human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar are called hives and their subdivisions are called moieties.
conditions of poor illumination. They retain the Khepri society is also deeply sexist and matriarchal, because
ability to distinguish color and detail under these its males are far too stupid to contribute to civilization in any
way. Most khepri sisters treat male khepri with contempt,
 Damage reduction 2/bludgeoning. kicking them out of the way and regarding them as animals.
 +2 racial bonus on Survival and Listen checks; hotchi However, typical khepri have no opinion on the males of
have an innate link to the natural world. other species.
 Spines: Thousands of tough spines cover the hotchi Individually, khepri are capable of integrating with other
body. These protrusions allow them to deal 1d4 societies, but even then they prefer to live and interact with
points of lethal damage (instead of 1d4 nonlethal) their own kind. It is uncommon for an individual khepri to live
when they choose to deal damage as part of a with no other khepri in her life.
successful grapple. Female khepri brush their antennae in greeting to one
 Because of their thick coat of spines, hotchi have a another, much as humans shake hands. The leaders of khepri
difficult time wearing armor. The maximum communities are called broodmothers.
Dexterity bonus of the armor is reduced by 1, and Physical Description
the armor check penalty is worsened by 2. The males and females of the khepri race differ
 Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day – pass without trace, speak dramatically. The males are small, insectile animals,
with animals. essentially mindless 2-foot-long scuttling things unable to do
 Automatic Languages: Hotchi, Ragamoll. Bonus more than feed and reproduce.
Languages: Any (except secret languages, such as The females, on the other hand, are humanoid in
Druidic.) appearance. In fact, from the neck down, they are 16
nearly identical in appearance to a human female. Their than capable of studying thaumaturgy in general, if given the
heads, however, are different entirely. opportunity.
The female head consists of a 2-foot-long headscarab Adventurers
which resembles an enormous beetle, complete with wiggling Khepri tend to have a desire to stay with their hives, but
legs, vestigial wings beneath powerful casings, mandibles, those who venture out into the world tend to be versatile
antennae, and compound eyes. Their mouthparts cannot enough to handle themselves well.
communicate in Ragamoll or any other tongue, and khepri
are forced to communicate with other races via sign language KHEPRI FEMALE RACIAL TRAITS:
or written notes. Among themselves, the khepri converse by  +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Constitution, -2
scent and complex chemical gusts which other races can Charisma.
smell and taste, but cannot understand.  As Medium creatures, female khepri have no special
Uniquely, female khepri are capable of bonuses or penalties due to their size.
extruding a pliable, waxy substance from the back of  Khepri base land speed is 30 feet.
their headscarabs, (called “khepri-spit,”) which is used as  Darkvision: Khepri can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
a construction material. All khepri buildings and Darkvision is black and white only, but is otherwise
structures are comprised of this substance, giving khepri like normal sight, and khepri can function just fine
dwellings a distinctive hive-like appearance. Khepri are with no light at all.
even capable of altering the color and consistency of  +2 racial bonus on saving throws against
khepri-spit, depending on their diet, and use it to enchantment (mind-affecting) spells or abilities:
create striking pieces of sculpture artwork. Khepri minds are different enough from most
Relations creatures’ minds that their thoughts are difficult to
The khepri have no centralized government or control.
organization. Individual khepri communities often find  +4 racial bonus on saving throws to resist
life difficult, delegated practically to second-class citizens, gaze attacks: The insectoid eyes of the khepri
as their alien characteristics put off many other races. headscarab filter many harmful sight-based effects.
Khepri Lands  +2 racial bonus on Intimidate, Spot, and
As recent arrivals in Rohagi, khepri have not yet Craft (Sculpting) checks.
spread much further west than New Crobuzon, but they  Weapon Familiarity: Khepri may treat
already make up a sizable minority in all of the stingboxes as martial weapons, rather than
settlements of the region. New Crobuzon itself is exotic weapons.
home to several khepri ghetto communities.  Automatic Language: High Khepri. Bonus
Religion Languages: Common, Salt (written and sign-
Unsurprisingly, the khepri pantheon is language forms only.)
completely female. As the surviving
 Favored Class: Rogue.
immigrants of the Tragic Crossing tried their
 Level Adjustment: +0.
best to distance themselves from their past,
 Difficulty Level: 1 (of 9). The main difficulty for
many of the original khepri goddesses have
khepri lies in communication, namely being forced to
been forgotten and lost to time. A few have remained in their
communicate via written notes and sign language.
racial memory, however, including Awesome Broodma and
the Tough Sisters. Temples and shrines to these deities are
becoming common in khepri urban hives.
Unfortunately, the forgetting of their old deities has Llorgiss
caused a growing spiritual void, which is being filled with a The trifurcated llorgiss are perhaps the most physically
new generation of radical cult goddesses, including the Air distinctive race of Rohagi.
Harvester and the Insect Aspect. Personality
Language A common misconception is that llorgiss have three
The khepri language consists of scents and extruded brains and three personalities, but this is not the case. In
airborne chemicals. The written form of the language is actuality, the personality of an average llorgiss is much the
sometimes referred to as “High Khepri.” As khepri same as the personality of the average human. One exception
mouthparts cannot communicate in Ragamoll or any other is the natural tendency of the llorgiss to more willingly accept
tongue, and khepri are forced to communicate with other authority, compared to humans.
races via sign language or written notes. Physical Description
Thaumaturgy The llorgiss have a truly unique anatomy. As opposed to
It is known that the original khepri civilization on Bered the standard bilateral symmetry that humans possess, the
Kai Nev was ancient and successful, and it is difficult to llorgiss boast a radial trilateral symmetry. Their barrel-shaped
imagine such success without any thaumaturgical skill, yet bodies sprout three arms, three legs, and three faces. Llorgiss
any racial knowledge or abilities the khepri might have have no “back-side;” for them every direction is “forward.”
possessed was lost in the Tragic Crossing. Khepri are more Despite their multiple faces, llorgiss have a single
brain and a single personality. They have no “default” 17
or “primary” side. They do use all three faces to breathe, and  The unique leg configuration of the llorgiss give
their voices have been described as being “airy.” them a +2 racial bonus on Jump, Climb, and Balance
Relations checks.
Yanni Seckilli Island is quite insular, in the sense that it  Swift Brain: Controlling extra limbs and sense organs
does not have any trade or territory interests beyond its own requires great coordination and reflexes. Once per
borders, but it is on friendly relations with most of its round, a llorgiss can perform an additional
neighbors, except for the Gengris. immediate action or swift action.
Llorgiss Lands  Automatic Languages: Llorgiss, Ragamoll. Bonus
The llorgiss hail from Yanni Seckilli Island, inside the Cold Languages: Any (except secret languages, such as
Claw Sea. Most llorgiss never leave their realm, although they Druidic.)
are not xenophobes, and they typically welcome guests. The  Favored Class: Cleric
few llorgiss who live outside of Yanni Seckilli tend to form  Level Adjustment: +1.
small communities in large cities.  Difficulty Level: 3 (of 9).
Befitting their physical nature, the llorgiss of Yanni
Seckilli revere the Troikinity, a triumvirate god who
encompasses many attributes.
Language Menfish are a peaceful race of salamander-folk who are
The llorgiss of Yanni Seckilli speak a tongue that requires almost entirely bound to the salty oceans.
three mouths. Llorgiss hailing from elsewhere, though, have Personality
no trouble using one face at a time to speak typical Menfish are intelligent and contemplative, and often
languages. take longer than other races to weigh situations and assess
Thaumaturgy the possible outcomes before acting. This is because menfish
On average, llorgiss have less proclivity to become are deeply concerned with balance, seeking to maintain
thaumaturgists than humans, although the greatest of their ecological stability in their territorial waters.
kind can accomplish astounding feats of spell-weaving thanks Menfish hold community in the highest regard, never
to their additional mouths and hands. leaving a friend behind and often going to great lengths to
Adventurers retrieve a fallen companion. Menfish are social creatures who
Llorgiss not native to their ancestral homeland have live a very human-like, albeit simple, lifestyle. Menfish work
about the same propensity to adventure that humans do. with stone, coral, and bone to produce the crude implements
they use.
LLORGISS RACIAL TRAITS: Physical Description
 +2 Intelligence, -2 Strength. Menfish resemble humanoid salamanders.
 Medium: As Medium creatures, They have webbed hands and feet, bulging
llorgiss have no special bonuses or eyes, and broad mouths covered with
penalties due to their size. thickets of fleshy tendrils. Their skin is
slippery, and color varies wildly depending on
 Llorgiss base speed is 20 feet.
the climate and terrain, from drab greens and grays
 All-Around Vision: Due to the trilateral
to vibrant oranges and reds. Their long tails are
symmetry of the llorgiss, they are immune
instrumental in propelling them quickly
to flanking, and gain a +4 racial
through the water.
bonus to Search and Spot checks.
The gills and thin skin of menfish
 Third Arm: A llorgiss is capable
must be immersed in saltwater almost
of wielding three singled-
constantly, or else they will quickly dry
handed weapons, (although
out. Freshwater does not suffice for
standard penalties apply for
this purpose.
wielding weapons in the off-hands.) Due to
Menfish reproduce much like the average fish
the configuration of their arms,
or amphibian, with females laying a large
however, only two can be brought
clutch of eggs, and males fertilizing them.
to bear on an opponent at a time.
These clutches are laid in a defensible area, and
The llorgiss can, however, bring their third arm to
oftentimes the entire local community takes up the task of
attack a flanking opponent. Similarly, a shield on one
guarding them fiercely. Menfish take about 10 years to reach
of the arms can only provide cover from one
direction at a time. A llorgiss can only use two arms
to wield a two-handed weapon, not three. A llorgiss
Menfish communities are unobtrusive, and typically no
can also use his third arm in combat to perform
oceanic power holds a grudge with them.
other tasks, such as activating items or performing
Manfish Lands
somatic spell components.
Unlike most of the other peoples of the deep,
menfish do not form grand societies, but instead only 18
make up small to medium-sized communities in whichever racial bonus on Escape Artist checks, and checks to
shallow waters are not claimed by other races. counter grapple attempts.
Religion  Water Thaumaturgy: Menfish spellcasters add +1 to
Communities of menfish typically worship either general the DC of any spells with the Water descriptor.
nature spirits, Crawfoot, or other deities typically associated  Automatic Languages: Manfish. Bonus Languages:
with the craw or corokanth. Any (except secret languages, such as Druidic.)
Language  Favored Class: Druid
Menfish have their own bubbling tongue, which can only  Level Adjustment: +0.
be articulated properly while underwater.  Difficulty Level: 6 (of 9). Their dependence on water
Thaumaturgy makes land-based adventuring especially difficult for
Menfish settlements occasionally have a moderately menfish.
gifted shaman, but that is the typical extent of their abilities.
Even though menfish cannot operate effectively while
out of the water, some oceangoing vessels retain one or
more menfish for various tasks, such as underwater The scabmettlers are a stoic race of warriors who use
maintenance. Occasionally, a sort of underwater room will be their thaumaturgical blood to create armor and other tools.
grafted on to the outside of a large ship as quarters for a Personality
manfish. As a race, the scabmettlers are not unlike most other
Menfish care for the natural order and balance of the humanoids, prone to living together in
ocean, and some may become involved small families grouped with others of
in adventures to protect that balance. their kind. Most have a strong belief in
honor and the rule of law, but their
MANFISH RACIAL TRAITS: warrior natures leave many to be stern
 Medium: As Medium creatures, and rather cold-hearted.
menfish have no special bonuses or Scabmettlers enjoy both ritual
penalties due to their size. gladiatorial combat, and the rough-and-tumble
mob fighting of piracy. They fight best in groups
 Manfish base land speed is 20
of their own kind, and they cooperate among
feet. Their swimming base
themselves to take down dangerous foes. They
speed is 30 feet. Menfish have a
practice a form of fighting stance called mortu
+8 racial bonus on any Swim
crutt, or “stamp fighting,” which uses feints,
check to perform some special
sweeps, and strokes to knock down and
action or avoid a hazard. They
incapacitate a foe. The use of mortu crutt can be
can always take 10 on a Swim check,
ostentatious and elaborate during a gladiatorial
even if distracted or endangered.
contest, or quick and brutal during a boarding
Menfish can use the run action while
action. Perhaps the most celebrated day of
swimming, provided they swim in a
the scabmettler calendar is Blood Day,
straight line.
when ritual combat contests are held.
 Gills: Menfish can only survive
Physical Description
out of saltwater for a short
Scabmettler skin is a blanched gray,
period of time, 10 minutes per
and their bodies are slightly more squat
point of Constitution. After
and strong than those of humans. Ritual
that, refer to the suffocation
scarification marks their faces, arms,
chests, and legs; only the portion of their backs they cannot
 Surface Sensitivity: Menfish operating out of the
reach themselves is unmarked.
water suffer a -2 circumstance penalty on attack
When a scabmettler’s blood is exposed to air, it rapidly
rolls, saves, and checks.
solidifies into an incredibly tough scab-like substance.
 Low-Light Vision while submerged in saltwater: A
Scabmettlers have learned how to utilize this ability to create
manfish can see twice as far as a human in starlight,
impressive armor protection by ritually cutting their skin, and
moonlight, and similar conditions of poor
shaping the flow of blood on their skin as it solidifies.
illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish
When wearing their clot armor, scabmettlers are covered
color and detail under these conditions.
in protrusions of swiftly clotted blood up to several inches
 Water Awareness: Menfish have an almost sixth- long, of black and blue and blood-brown. The form of this
sense while in the water, granting them a +1 racial blood is crystalline and spiky. Each pattern of armor is unique
bonus on all saves while submersed. to the warrior who creates it; some prefer heavy armor while
 Slippery: Menfish secrete an oily film that makes others prefer the speed allowed by light armor. The art of
them difficult to grapple or snare. They gain a +2 finding the perfect pattern of cuts is a deeply spiritual
act which each warrior perfects meticulously. 19
This ability is not without its drawbacks, however. free with a successful grapple check (or a DC 15
Occasionally, a scabmettler’s blood will spontaneously solidify Strength check if the scabmettler is dead or willing.)
inside their bodies in a massive “all-clot” attack, which kills  Clot Armor: By carving their own flesh with skinning
the scabmettler immediately. To reduce the likelihood of this knives, after washing themselves with the blodfrey
occurrence, scabmettlers drink a concoction made from an infusion that slows the clotting, scabmettlers can
herb called Blodfrey. Blodfrey tonic is also crucial for shaping create clot armor. This requires a successful
the armor of a scabmettler – without it, their blood solidifies concentration roll (DC 10 + the AC bonus to be
too quickly to be molded. granted, maximum +8) and grants the scabmettler a
Relations natural armor bonus. Clot armor granting a +4 bonus
The scabmettlers have no known nation. or less acts as light armor, imposing a maximum
Scabmettler Lands Dexterity of +5. Armor granting a +6 or less acts as
The homeland of the scabmettlers is currently unknown, medium armor, imposing a maximum Dexterity of
with the most likely candidate being a far-off portion of +2. Armor granting a +8 or less acts as heavy armor,
Shoteka. The highest concentration of scabmettlers in imposing a maximum Dexterity of +0. This armor is
the known world is on the floating city Armada, whose always considered spiked (see page 124 of the
citizens were all originally press-ganged from captured Player’s Handbook) and scabmettlers are proficient
ships. A small number of scabmettlers have also in its use. The process of creating clot armor takes 2
found their way to the coasts of the Rohagi rounds and deals 1 point of damage per point of
mainland and the Witchocracy. natural armor created. The clot armor lasts for
Religion 3d6 hours. Clot armor reduces a scabmettler’s
The scabmettlers of Armada take the speed as armor of its type and imposes an
reverence of Croom, mythical founder of the city, arcane spell failure chance equal to 5% per point
more intensely than most humans do. of armor bonus. Scabmettlers cannot use this
Language ability while wearing armor or other heavy
Any original language of the scabmettlers has clothing.
been forgotten at this point, and most speak Salt.  Automatic Languages: Salt. Bonus
Thaumaturgy Languages: Ragamoll.
The only common thaumaturgy among the  Favored Class: Monk.
scabmettlers relates to healing injuries or to their  Level Adjustment: +2.
scab-arts.  Difficulty Level: 4 (of 9). Scabmettlers are
Adventurers not common, and the level adjustment is off-
The warrior-like nature of the scabmettlers putting.
lends naturally towards adventuring of almost
any type, although there are not many
scabmettlers to be found outside of Armada.
SCABMETTLER RACIAL TRAITS: The stiltspear are a strange, private race of quadrupeds
 +2 Strength, -2 Charisma. who are very in-tune with the natural world.
 Medium: As Medium creatures, scabmettlers have
no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. The stiltspear live very much in harmony with nature. In
the wilderness, it can be very difficult to tell where natural
 Scabmettler base land speed is 20 feet. Although
scenery ends and a stiltspear village begins. They live in small
they are nimble, their stocky stature does not allow
family groups, usually in forests or swamplands. They make
scabmettlers swift overland speed.
no use of industrial or manufactured technology, and use few
 Seal Wounds: Scabmettlers are very difficult to kill
tools or implements of any kind, relying instead on their
with piercing or slashing attacks, as their wounds
physical abilities and unique thaumaturgy.
seal instantly. Piercing weapons do half damage.
Being ambush hunters, stiltspears possess a great
Slashing attacks always deal the minimum damage
patience, and this trait dominates their personality.
Stiltspears speak very little, and small-talk is alien to them.
 Quickset Disarm: Whenever a scabmettler is cut by a
Stiltspears are very peaceful, and will only resort to
slashing or piercing weapon, his blood coagulates
fighting when all other measures have been exhausted.
around the weapon almost instantly, giving the
Under normal circumstances, they have completely neutral
scabmettler an attack of opportunity that can be
feelings about interacting with outsiders, neither encouraging
used to disarm the foe. This is a normal disarm
nor discouraging such actions. However, any who disrupt the
attempt; if it succeeds, the weapon is torn from its
natural balance of their environments might face the ire of
owner’s grasp and remains embedded in the
the stiltspears.
scabmettler’s armor. If the attempt fails, the target
Physical Description
may not attempt to disarm the scabmettler in
The most distinctive aspect of the quadrupedal
return. Weapons stuck this way can later be torn
stiltspears are their long, spear-like appendages. At 20
the end of each limb is a grasping appendage containing  Large: -1 penalty to Armor Class, -1 penalty on attack
between five and eight digits. Each digit is very long and roles, -4 penalty on Hide checks, +4 bonus to grapple
narrow, and arranged radially around the palm, so that when checks, lifting and carrying limits double those of
open, it resembles a star, or flower. When these digits are Medium creatures.
closed, the nails lock together, and the appendage becomes  Stiltspear base land speed is 30 feet.
much like a spearhead.  Quadruped: As quadrupeds, stiltspears have a +4
In nature, the stiltspear will use its masterful camouflage bonus on checks to resist bull rush and trip attempts.
to lie in wait, with its spear-hand poised, ready to skewer any They have an increased carrying capacity.
small prey animals that come near. When walking, the  Natural Attack: Stiltspears can use their forelimbs as
appendages remain closed, and the four spears serve as stilts. spears, dealing 2d6 piercing damage.
Stiltspear possess a natural grace, making their every  Masterful Camouflage (Su): Stiltspears can
movement seem fluid. thaumaturgically camouflage their bodies to appear
The head of the stiltspear sits atop a somewhat long, as trees and other foliage, gaining a +8 racial bonus
flexible neck. A stiltspear’s face is superficially human-like, on Move Silently and Hide checks while in forested
but is very plain and flat, and does not display any emotions. or swampy environments. In addition, they may hide
The body of the stiltspear is covered in a very fine coat of oily in plain sight, (as in the Ranger ability, using Hide
down. even while being observed.)
The stiltspear possess a thaumaturgical gland which  Trackless Path (Ex): The DC of any Survival check to
enables them to blend in with their natural environment with follow the trail of a Stiltspear is increased by 10,
exceptional skill. (or 15 if in a swampy or semi-aquatic
Relations environment.)
The stiltspear live off of the land and do not intrude upon  Innate Nondetection (Su): Stiltspears are
others. Stiltspear have no enemies, other than any who may difficult to detect by divination spells such as
try to take their land. clairvoyance/clairaudience, locate creature, detect
Some say the stiltspear and the borinatch share a spells, and items such as a crystal ball. If a divination
distant biological relationship. attempt is made on a stiltspear, the caster of the
Stiltspear Lands divination must success on a DC 20 caster
The stiltspear prefer wetlands but can also level check.
be found in forested regions and near rivers  Sonic Paralysis (Su): A stiltspear
and streams. They hail from the coastal has the ability to use a special series of
and inland areas between New resonant sounds to immobilize its prey. As a
Crobuzon and Myrshock. standard action, a stiltspear may target
Religion one creature within a 15 foot radius, who
The stiltspear worship no definite must make a Will save (DC 10 + half of
god, but rather revere in the hidden the stiltspear’s character level, round
patterns and energies inherent to all of up.) If the save is not successful, the target will
physical nature. become paralyzed until the effect ends. The target
Language does not get any further save attempts. The
The stiltspear language is direct, yet stiltspear may only make this form of attack if it can
complex. It is deep-structured with courtesy produce the required sounds continuously, without
- to be rude takes effortful and irregular declensions. Due to being interrupted – a stiltspear who is wounded
their isolationism, they rarely bother to learn languages of while producing the sounds, engaged in battle, or
outsiders. performing other strenuous activity cannot do this.
Thaumaturgy The effect will also fail if the target cannot hear
Stiltspears possess a natural thaumaturgic gland which sounds, if the stiltspear is incapable of producing
gives them extraordinary camouflage abilities, allowing them sounds, or if the target is immune to Sonic damage.
to appear as all manner of tree or vegetation.  Darkvision: Stiltspears can see in the dark up to 60
More directly, the brand of thaumaturgy which enables feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but is
them to paralyze their prey is a unique kind of somaturgy. otherwise like normal sight, and stiltspears can
With this innate power than can also create simple golems, function just fine with no light at all.
although this is usually considered to be a child’s game.
 Automatic Languages: Stiltspear. Bonus Languages:
The stiltspear people are deeply committed to their
 Favored Class: Somaturge
family units and their home territory, and do not saunter off
 Level Adjustment: +1
 Difficulty Level: 6 (of 9). Stiltspear society and
psychology make adventuring stiltspear rare, and
their unique physiology can be ill-suited for
 +2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence.
many situations and environments. 21
represents the savagery of the trow, is favored in some
Trow communities.
The subterranean trow, (also known as troglodytes,) are
The trow’s native tongue is harsh and throaty, described
a somewhat bestial race, and are mostly looked down upon
by humans as animalistic. Trow may learn languages like
by the rest of Rohagi.
Ragamoll, but their pronunciation will always be mangled by
their overlarge jaws and predatory teeth.
Many humans across Rohagi would describe the trow as
brutal, feral beasts with barely enough intelligence to form
The trow of individual villages may have a shaman of
speech. While there are kernels of truth to this viewpoint, the
some power, but there are few of any real strength outside of
reality is typically much more benign.
Troglodopolis, where their talents are required for the
The majority of trow are not vastly different from the
underground metropolis to prosper.
average human. They seek to live their lives and better their
communities, and do not seek senseless bloodshed. Having
Most trow stay with their communities in the Dancing
said that, the average trow is less intelligent than the average
Shoe Mountains. However, the occasional outcast
human, and quicker to anger. Combined with their
can be found out in the greater world. In
fearsome appearance, these traits have been
addition, certain towns and cities, such as
exaggerated by human rumor and
Shankell, have a minority of trow residents.
have borne a (mostly) unfair
Any of these trow would have what it takes to
stigma against the trow.
be an adventurer, although they would always
Physical Description
bear the stigma attached to their race.
The trow are humanoid
creatures with vaguely reptilian features.
Their eyes are large, as befitting
subterranean beings. They possess sharp  -2 Dexterity, +4 Constitution, -2
teeth and claws, as well as a long,
powerful tail. The skin of the trow  Medium: As Medium creatures,
is very pale, ranging from ghostly white to a trow have no special bonuses or
sickly gray, and resembles tough leather. penalties due to their size.
Relations  Troglodyte base speed is 30 feet.
The largest political body  Darkvision: Trow can see in the
of trow, the subterranean city of dark up to 90 feet. Darkvision is black
Troglodopolis, does not maintain and white only, but is otherwise like
many official diplomatic relations normal sight, and trow can function just
with other cities. Scattered villages and communities of trow fine with no light at all.
who live up and down the Dancing Shoe Mountains tend to  Trow possess a +4 natural armor bonus from their
keep to themselves and avoid humans. toughened skin.
Most humans who encounter a trow will react with some  Immunity to poison.
level of hatred, fear, or disgust. This reaction can range from  Natural Weapons: 2 claws (1d4) and bite (1d6).
the violent to the relatively mild. For example, a citizen of  +1 racial attack bonus against humans.
New Crobuzon who sees one of the sewer-dwelling trow  +2 racial bonus on Listen checks, and to Hide checks
might react with disgust, or alert the authorities, but will not in rocky or shadowy environments.
gather a pitchfork-wielding mob.  Automatic Languages: Trow. Bonus Languages: Any
This mindset, while common, is not universal, however. (except secret languages such as Druidic).
Some towns and cities, such as Shankell and Neovadan, have  Favored Class: Barbarian
troglodyte citizens who participate in society unmolested.  Level Adjustment: +0.
Trow Lands  Difficulty Level: 6 (of 9). Most cultures would not act
The trow primarily inhabit the Dancing Shoe Mountain kindly to a trow wandering in to town.
range. Subterranean villages can be found throughout the
range. The largest city of trow, Troglodopolis, is nestled deep
in the mountains, safely underground. Smaller populations
can be found sprinkled throughout Rohagi, including
The amphibian vodyanoi resemble hunched humanoid
communities in Shankell and Neovadan. Some trow live
frogs. They are excellent crafters of thaumaturgy and small
hidden in the New Crobuzon sewers, eking out a sad
sorceries. They are quite common in Rohagi, second only to
existence by scavenging from the world above.
humans in number.
The expansive trow pantheon currently favors Hugkhul,
Vodyanoi share many traits with humans. They tend to
god of stealth and speed, who protects the burrows of the
live in small family units, whose dwellings contain
trow from the surface dwellers. Zogald, the bestial god who 22
rooms both above and below water. Individually, their water energies. This natural affinity leads many vodyanoi
personalities range the same wide spectrum as humans, down the paths of more advanced thaumaturgical learning.
(although it is uncommon to encounter a jolly vodyanoi,) and Adventurers
vodyanoi can excel at any number of professions, especially The diversity of vodyanoi makes them the equal to
those involving swimming or water in some capacity. humans in adventuring capability.
Physical Description
The frog-like vodyanoi seem smaller than they truly are VODYANOI RACIAL TRAITS:
because of their hunched and squatting posture, and they  +2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom
rarely seem to stand much more than 4 feet high. Their true  Medium: Medium creatures, vodyanoi have no
size is apparent from their weight, however, as most tip the special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
scales at more than 170 pounds, and the fattest among them  Vodyanoi base land speed is 20 feet. Their swimming
weigh 300 pounds or more. Their hands and base speed is 40 feet. Vodyanoi have a +8 racial
feet are lightly webbed, but their fingers are bonus on any Swim check to perform some special
nimble. action or avoid a hazard. They can always take 10 on
Vodyanoi are completely amphibian, a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered.
capable of staying underwater without Vodyanoi can use the run action while swimming,
needing to breathe air, and able to stay on provided they swim in a straight line.
dry land for days or weeks, as long as they  Water Dependence: A vodyanoi
can wet down their skins with at least 1 must use at least 1 gallon of fresh water
gallon of fresh water per day. Failing to do per day to keep his skin moist. For every
so will lead to a swift decline in overall health. 24 hours that this does not occur, the
Saltwater and stagnant water are both unhealthy for vodyanoi will suffer a temporary -2
vodyanoi, and are unsuitable for this purpose. Constitution damage until such a time
Vodyanoi can survive in nearly any temperature, as as the vodyanoi can adequately wet his
long as water is present. Tribes can flourish in tropical skin. Additionally, after the first 24
lagoons as easily as in frozen lakes. hours without water, the vodyanoi will
Relations become fatigued; an additional 24
Vodyanoi are so common that in most regions they are hours will result in exhaustion.
not given a second glance. Even the anti-xenian racists of  Vodyanoi gain a +2 racial saving
New Crobuzon tend to tolerate the vodyanoi more than they throw bonus against illusion spells or
do the other races. effects.
Vodyanoi Lands  Low-Light Vision: Vodyanoi can see
Vodyanoi are nearly as numerous as humans twice as far as a human in starlight,
in mid-Rohagi. Most Rohagi cities have a sizable moonlight, and similar conditions of poor
vodyanoi population, and small tribes flourish along most illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish
waterways and lakes. color and detail under these conditions.
The largest concentration of vodyanoi is in and around  Watercraft: Vodyanoi have the incredible ability to
the Cold Claw Loch, which is home to the aquapolis city-state shape water to suit their needs. This ability allows a
of Gharcheltist. Further north is the loose vodyanoi kingdom vodyanoi to affect water as per either the spell
of Jangsach. control water or stone shape (but affecting water
Religion instead of stone,) cast as a sorcerer of a level equal
Many vodyanoi worship Palgolak, a god of knowledge to his class level. A vodyanoi can use this ability a
and learning, although there are plenty of vodyanoi who number of times per day equal to his Charisma
revere other deities. They are so widespread that their modifier. The duration of these spells changes to
religious beliefs vary almost as much as humans’ do. Concentration +3 rounds.
Language  All vodyanoi gain a +1 bonus to the DC of all spells in
Most vodyanoi who reside around humans speak either divination, illusion, conjuration (summoning),
Ragamoll, although they do possess their own language, or enchantment (charm). The school must be chosen
which has fractured into numerous distinctive regional when the character is created.
dialects, including Lubbock Vodyanoi (spoken in eastern
 +2 racial bonus on Concentration, Jump, and
Rohagi, including New Crobuzon,) Southern Vodyanoi, and Spellcraft checks.
Fellid Vodyanoi (spoken in western and northern Rohagi.)
 A vodyanoi who merely passes within 5 feet of a
water source or a permanent spell effect is entitled
All vodyanoi have some skill at watercraft, as they refer
to a Search check to notice it. This ability does not
to elemental water thaumaturgy. This thaumaturgy is not as
tell the vodyanoi any details, such as the school,
formal as human thaumaturgy, but rather is a sort of folkloric
strength, or nature of the spell.
thaumaturgy focused on shamanic channeling and shaping of
 Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day – speak with
animals (aquatic animals only, duration 1 23
minute.) A vodyanoi with a Charisma score of at Religion
least 12 also has the following spell-like abilities: The Galaggi vu-murt seem to have assigned a different
1/day – jump, longstrider, mending. Caster level 1st; mythology and personality to each species of tree
save DC 10 + vodyanoi’s Cha modifier + spell level. encountered in the Vumwood Forest.
 Automatic Languages: Ragamoll and Vodyanoi Language
(choose one dialect.) Bonus Languages: Any (except Vu-murt have their own language suitable for their
for secret languages such as Druidic.) unique mouthparts, much of which is of a high frequency
 Favored Class: Sorcerer. inaudible to humans. They are capable of speaking a high-
 Level Adjustment: +0 pitched, buzzing form of Ragamoll, but it requires them to
 Difficulty Level: 0 (of 9). Vodyanoi are the second use sounds and motions not present in their own language,
most populous race of Rohagi. and thus it is rare to find an individual who has taken the time
and effort necessary to learn it.
Vu-murt Beyond some shamans and practitioners of moss-magic,
the vu-murt do not boast many thaumaturges among
The vu-murt are a primitive, child-sized race native to the themselves.
Galaggi Veldt who resemble bipedal beetles. Adventurers
Personality Vu-murt are much more likely to tend to their own
The vu-murt are a peaceful people. As testament to this villages than they are to gallivant around the world.
nature, there have been no recorded battles between
organized vu-murt soldiers and any other race. The vu-murt VU-MURT RACIAL TRAITS:
do face many threats, however, and will defend themselves
 Monstrous Humanoid.
from them. Habitat loss from encroaching human settlements
 +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength
and an increasing number of travelers passing through the
 Small size. +1 bonus to Armor Class, +1 bonus on
Veldt are putting ever-increasing pressures on vu-murt
attack rolls, +4 bonus on Hide checks, –4
penalty on grapple checks, lifting and carrying
Vu-murt live in simple wooden tree
limits 3/4 those of Medium characters.
houses, which are constructed of foraged
 Vu-murt base land speed is 20 feet.
material, as opposed to cut lumber. They
live in small communities, although these  +2 racial bonus on Climb and Survival
communities are often in close proximity to checks.
each other, and can quickly band together  +2 natural armor.
when the need arises.  Extra Limbs: Vu-murt have four arms: two
Physical Description primary arms, and a weaker secondary set. Their
Apart from stature and size, there is very weaker limbs are poorly suited for carrying
little to physically distinguish a vu-murt from a weapons or shields, but they do an excellent job
common garden beetle. With iridescent of providing support for the upper limbs.
eyes, swiveling antennae, and a chitinous The vu-murt’s extra limbs allow it to
exoskeleton, the vu-murt are perfectly use weapons one size category larger than
adapted to an arboreal forest normal without penalty. The secondary
environment. They walk on their two rear arms must be free to gain this benefit.
appendages, using the upper four as arms. A vu-murt with at least one empty
Beneath an outer casing, they possess vestigial wings which hand can cast spells with a somatic component.
can allow them to glide down from treetops. At full height, a  Vestigial Wings: Vu-murt have a pair of stubby wings
vu-murt adult would only reach the waist of a typical human. under their chitin shell which, while too weak to
Relations provide them with flight, allows them to gently glide
The vu-murt have no quarrel with any group, and in to a soft landing while falling. If a vu-murt falls from
return, the world mostly leaves the vu-murt in peace. The a height, as long as it is capable of taking actions,
human settlements in and around the Veldt do their best not and it is not wearing any armor or garments that
to disturb the vu-murt, with whom they have little actual would restrict the opening of its wing casings, it can
contact with, but nevertheless, the inevitable expansion of float downwards and take no falling damage.
human populations has slowly been pushing the vu-murt  Automatic Languages: Vu-murt. Bonus Languages:
tribes into a smaller and smaller region in central Galaggi. Ragamoll, Galaggi.
As natural scavengers and foragers, the vu-murt have  Favored Class: Rogue
little of value to trade with humans.  Level Adjustment: +0
Vu-murt Lands  Difficulty Level: 1 (of 9)
The scattered tribes of vu-murt which inhabit the bulk of
the Galaggi Veldt are the only known communities of the
species. 24
No Aging (Ex): A thanati does not age.

Templates Resurrection (Ex): Not affected by raise dead and reincarnate

spells or abilities. Resurrection and true resurrection can

affect thanati. These spells turn thanati creatures back into
the living creatures they were before becoming thanati.
The thanati are the regal undead of High Cromlech.
Tongueless (Ex): Once a being has been a thanati for 25
These aristocrats make up the high society of the undead city.
years, the tissues of the face have become so desiccated that
Becoming a thanati is an extensive, expensive, and secret
one can no longer speak normal languages, and must resort
process only known to a select few within High Cromlech.
to quiesy (aka, deadish.)
A very specific and special kind of undead, thanati do not
Turn Immunity (Ex): A great benefit to the thanati process is
possess all of the classic undead traits, but rather the unique
that thanati are not subject to a cleric’s turning ability.
set of traits listed below.
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +2.
"Thanati" is a template that can be added to any nonundead, Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature +2.
nonconstruct, nonplant corporeal creature (referred to
hereafter as the base creature). The creature's type changes
to thanati. It retains all type modifiers and subtypes, if

Darkvision (Ex): A thanati gains darkvision with a range of 60

feet. If the base creature already had darkvision, use the
greater range.

Detection (Ex): Thanati register as undead creatures for the

purposes of spells and effects that detect undead (such as
detect undead). A thanati counts as half its HD for the
purposes of aura strength.

Fortification (Ex): When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored

on the thanati, there is a 50% chance that the critical hit or
sneak attack is negated, and damage is instead rolled
normally. If a half-undead wears magic armor with any form
of the fortification quality, use the better percentage value.

Frailty (Ex): A thanati’s body eventually will dry out and

mummify, making movement difficult. The dexterity score of
a thanati is reduced by -4 and its strength score is reduced by
-2. The thanati’s speed is reduced by 10 ft., and if the base
creature possessed the biological means to fly (such as
wings,) this ability will be lost.

Immunity (Ex): A thanati is immune to energy drain attacks,

poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, and death

Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability

drain, or energy drain. Immune to damage to its physical
ability scores (Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution), as well
as to fatigue and exhaustion effects.

Lifeless (Ex): Thanati do not breathe, eat, drink, or sleep.

Necrotic Life (Ex): Negative energy (such as an inflict spell)

can heal thanati creatures. Positive energy has the opposite
d48 Skin becomes cocoon, emerge as mindless animal
Torque Touched d49 Your poo now catches fire immediately upon air
The effects of Torque can be devastating, causing permanent,
d50 Your legs are invisible now
unpredicatbale, and often horrific mutations to any exposed
d51 Paraplegic
d52 Quadriplegic
See page 94 for more information.
d53 Genitals now cause wounds upon contact
d54 6 times a day, randomly vomit
d100 Mutation/Effect
d55 Leave a trail of slime wherever you go
d1 Fangs – bite does +1d4 damage
d56 Flesh begins to rot; incurable; die in a week
d2 Clothes, gear, and/or armor fuses permanently &
d57 Delicious – monsters attack you first
disgustingly to body
d58 Incomprehensible accent – can’t be understood
d3 Grow multiple large tumors
d59 Hibernating – require 3x normal sleep
d4 Legs face backwards, relearn to walk
d60 Multiple Personalities
d5 Gain Siamese identical twin
d61 Super-excessively flaking skin
d6 Become entirely different race, random choice
d62 Hunchback
d7 Increased Physical Attribute – roll 1d6, add 1d2
d63 Arms vanish
points to (1-2) STR, (3-4) DEX, or (5-6) CON
d64 Mute
d8 Decreased Physical Attribute – roll 1d6, subtract
d65 Arms become uncontrollable ravenous snakes
1d2 points from (1-2) STR, (3-4) DEX, or (5-6) CON
d66 One of your arms gains a homicidal mind of its own
d9 Tongue vanishes
d67 Extremely restless leg syndrome
d10 Gain a beard that grows 5 feet per day
d68 Grow or lose breasts, whichever is unusual
d11 Gills – cannot breathe air, only water
d69 A thick shell, gain DR 5/-, lose -4 Dex
d12 One side of your body is larger than the other
d70 Brittle bones – lose 50 HP permanently, to min 1
d13 Every hair becomes a mini tentacle.
d71 Thick extra tail that always gets in the way
d14 Fur coat – random length and color
d72 Cyclops – lose -2 to Spot
d15 Hairlessness
d73 Lobster claws for hands – lose all fine manipulation
d16 Claws – add 1d6 to unarmed damage
skills – gain 1d8 natural attacks
d17 Nose, ears, and mouth openings disappear
d74 Talon feet – cannot wear shoes, +4 Balance
d18 Ugly – due to extreme ugliness, -4 from Cha
d75 Neck elongates +3 feet
d19 Legs become a snake’s tail
d76 Elongated facial structure
d20 Aged – advance to “venerable” age category
d77 Lose all male or female characteristics
d21 Multiple Limbs – grow 2 stunted, useless arms
d78 Absolutaly must walk on all fours
d22 Sprout small animals from your body
d79 Continuous sensory overload, -2 Int, Wis, Cha
d23 Antlers – cannot wear helmets
d80 Begin aging rapidly in reverse until prebirth/death
d24 Lay 1d6 eggs a day at random intervals
d81 Gender swap
d25 Sprout beak and useless feathers
d82 Terrible constant body odor
d26 Altered Height – lose or gain 1d12+6 inches
d83 Fingers fuse into flippers
d27 Negative energy now heals you, positive harms
d84 Become inanimate statue
d28 Double anus.
d85 Shrinks to be 1 foot tall
d29 Suction Hands–gain climb speed, can’t wear gloves
d86 Grows to twice normal height
d30 Sprout uselss gears, springs, wheels, etc.
d87 Melts into a puddle of wax, dies
d31 Obesity – gain 200 lb, lose -10ft of speed, -2 Dex
d88 Must eat 3x as much as normal
d32 Random body part or organ disappears bloodlessly
d89 Is under permanent slowed effect
d33 Scales – gain +2 natural AC bonus
d90 All food tastes terrible and requires Concentration
d34 Body becomes covered in various orifices.
check DC 20 + character level to eat a meal
d35 Extra arm & leg joint, must wear exotic armor
d91 Slowly loses cohesion and drifts to nothingness
d36 Body becomes freakishly wide and flat.
d92 Can only see when your mouth is wide open
d37 Constant excruciating debilitating pain
d93 Loses all thaumaturgic ability. If you already have
d38 Crippling physical deformity - leg
none, reroll
d39 Crippling physical deformity - arm
d94 Skin solidifies and must be shed weekly like a crab
d40 Narcolepsy
d95 Become random nonsentient creature
d41 Glow, equivalent to a torch, continuously
d96 Gain a vodyanoi’s amphibious nature
d42 Spines – grow huge spines; cannot wear armor
d97 Gain a cactacae’s spines
d43 Covered in sores and boils, continuously
d98 Gain a confusing large mass of body parts
d44 Blindness – eyes vanish entirely
d99 Become a giant mindless amoeba
d45 Deafness – ears replaced with living slugs
d100 Roll twice
d46 Transparent Skin – fire/heat vulnerability & -1d6 Cha
d47 Become color blind 26
Classes Again, many small rural communities would produce
rangers in Bas-Lag.
This chapter contains new classes for the world of Bas-
Lag, as well as suggestions and guidelines which ensure that Rogue
the traditional classes function smoothly in this world. The rogue shines in Bas-Lag, where cities like New
Crobuzon open the door wide for seedy activities of all sorts.
Although most places of interest in Bas-Lag center on Sorcerer & Wizard
densely populated cities, there are also plenty of dirt-poor Words like “sorcerer” and “wizard” are not the terms of
homesteads and wilderness-folk whose warriors are perfectly choice in much of Bas-Lag. “Thaumaturgist” is much more
suited to the role of barbarian. applicable to the setting. Nevertheless, these core classes still
work well here. Sorcerers would not gain their powers from a
Bard supernatural bloodline, but would rather be just another
flavor of thaumaturgist. (See Thaumaturgy, page 65.)
Bas-Lag is not a place for fanciful bards to prance gaily
from town to town. However, every town as at least one
bawdy inn, and entertainers are in high demand in nearly all Artificer
of them. Big cities often have numerous individuals who make
thaumaturgic items and sell thaumaturgic services for a living.
The religions of Bas-Lag are numerous, although unlike Psionic Classes
many D&D settings, the gods here are not set-in-stone If you absolutely must play a gods-be-damned psion, it
figures, but rather are often viewed through a much more would be best for your particular brand of powers to come
real-world lens. As such, it does not fit well for divine beings from some unknown, far-off land. But seriously, don’t.
to send their followers discernable, quantifiable magical
energy. It would be best to consider the source of their
powers to lie in line with that of traditional thaumaturgy. (See Other Classes
Religion, page 120.) The multitude of classes presented in D&D supplemental
materials – from the ninja and knight to the swashbuckler
and shadowcaster – are almost all well-suited for Bas-Lag.
Druid The only exceptions would be those who deal extensively
The practitioners of the city have boiled “magic” down with extraplanar beings or dragons, as dragons do not exist in
into a dry science – thaumaturgy. However, many small Bas-Lag and the other planes are mainly unknown.
communities rely on traditional shamans, where the druid
class would shine.
Pathfinder Classes
The alchemist (known here as chymico-thaumaturge or
Fighter chymist,) and gunslinger in particular are very well suited to
As in any world, fighters have many opportunities in Bas- Bas-Lag! Please encourage their use in your campaign! The
Lag. other classes can also fit in with little to no work.

Monks also blend in well, whether they be solitary
figures guarding a remote religious shrine, or simply a rough-
and-tumble hand-to-hand combatant.

The lawful-good paladin has little place in Bas-Lag, a
world composed almost entirely of shades of gray. Many of
the variant paladins of other alignments featured in Dragon
#310 & #312 would be much more at home here. Lacking
those, your DM may consider simply allowing your paladin to
be of a different alignment.

at any time, assuming he has not yet used up his spells per

Elementarii day for that spell level.

Summon Elemental (Sp): An elementarii begins play with
the ability to call forth one type of Medium-sized elemental
Summoning forth and binding elemental creatures to their via the use of a gnoscourge.
will, elementarii boost and augment their charges. A gnoscourge is a specially crafted whip with the
Role: An elementarii’s main ability is to summon a variety thaumaturgical capability to open a rift between Bas-Lag and
of enhanced elementals onto the battlefield. He can the elemental planes. An elementarii begins with a
support his party further with a limited use of basic gnoscourge, and cannot summon an
offensive spells. elemental without it. (For the combat stats
Abilities: A high Charisma score is of a gnoscourge, see page 61.) In order to
necessary for the elementarii to cast his summon an elemental, the elementarii
spells, and a high Constitution score will must hold the gnoscourge and succeed
not only help keep him alive, but will in a Concentration check, with the DC
aid him in his ability to summon and depending on the particular elemental
control elementals. he is summoning. If he fails the
Alignment: Any nongood. summoning Concentration check, the
Hit Die: d4 summons fails, and he must attempt it
again. If he succeeds, the summoned
Class Skills elemental will immediately begin acting
Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), under the orders of the elementarii,
Decipher Script (Int), Intimidate (Cha), taking its turn in the same round. The
Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Knowledge act of summoning takes a full round,
(the Planes) (Int), Profession (Wis), (although this is reduced to a standard
Ride (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Use Magic action at level 6,) and provokes attacks of
Device (Cha). opportunity.
Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int Once summoned in this forceful manner,
modifier. however, elementals are not perfectly obedient
servants; to varying extents, they resent their summoning,
and must be strictly controlled. After every three rounds of
Class Features activity, the elementarii must make another Concentration
The following are the class features of the elementarii. check via the use of his gnoscourge, with a DC equal to the
Weapons and Armor: Elementarii are proficient with the initial summoning value +1. Success means that the
whip, gnoscourge, dagger, heavy crossbow, light crossbow, elemental remains and continues to act at the summoner’s
and quarterstaff, but not with any type of armor or shield. behest. Failure results in one of two outcomes. There is a 90%
Armor of any type interferes with an elementarii’s chance that the elemental will simply return to its home
movements, which can cause his summons and spells plane; however, there is a 10% chance that the elemental will
containing somatic components to fail. begin running amok, no longer distinguishing friend from foe.
Spells: An elementarii casts arcane spells (the same type (Roll a d10, with a result of 1 indicating rampage.) If this
of spells available to sorcerers and wizards), which are drawn occurs, the elementarii may try to regain control by using his
from the elementarii spell list given below. He can cast any gnoscourge to attempt another Concentration check as a
spell he knows without preparing it ahead of time the way a standard action, with a DC equal to the initial summoning DC
cleric or wizard has to do. When an elementarii gains access + 5. Success reels the elemental back under control. If control
to a new level of spells, he automatically knows all the spells is not reestablished, the creature will return to its home
for that level listed on the elementarii’s spell list. Essentially, plane after 4 rounds of rampage.
his spell list is the same as his spells-known list. An elementarii begins play with the ability to summon
To cast a spell, an elementarii must have a Charisma Medium sized elementals, although he can also summon
score of 10 + the spell’s level (Cha 10 for 0-level spells, Cha 11 Small or Tiny elementals if he so chooses. He learns to
for 1st level spells, and so forth). The Difficulty Class for a summon Large elementals at level 7, and Huge at level 14.
saving throw against an elementarii’s spell is 10 + the spell’s Initially, the elementarii can only summon one variety of
level + the elementarii’s Charisma modifier. Like other elemental, (fire, earth, water, etc.) He must choose this
spellcasters, an elementarii can cast only a certain number of variety, and his choice is unalterable. At levels 5, 12, & 18, he
spells of each spell level per day. His base daily spell can choose additional types of elementals that he is able to
allotment is given on Table 1–1: The Elementarii. In addition, summon. Each choice is permanent once made. A list of all
he receives bonus spells for a high Charisma score (see Table available elemental types can be found below.
1–1, page 8 of the Player’s Handbook). An elementarii may only summon one elemental in this
Unlike a cleric or a wizard, an elementarii need not manner at a time, until level 20, when he may summon two.
prepare his spells in advance. He can cast any spell he knows If he summons an elemental by other means, such as
Table 1–1 - Elementarii
Base Spells Per Day
Attack Fort Ref Will
Bonus Save Save Save Special 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Summon Elemental, 3 1 — — — — — — — —
Elemental Modification
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 — 3 2 — — — — — — — —
3 +1 +1 +1 +3 Gnoscourge Training 3 2 1 — — — — — — —
4th +2 +1 +1 +4 — 3 3 2 — — — — — — —
5th +2 +1 +1 +4 Summon Elemental (new 3 3 2 1 — — — — — —
6th +3 +2 +2 +5 Summon Elemental 3 3 3 2 — — — — — —
(standard action)
7th +3 +2 +2 +5 Summon Elemental 3 3 3 2 1 — — — — —
8 +4 +2 +2 +6 — 3 3 3 3 2 — — — — —
9th +4 +3 +3 +6 Energy Substitution 3 3 3 3 2 1 — — — —
10th +5 +3 +3 +7 Dispel Resistance 3 3 3 3 3 2 — — — —
11th +5 +3 +3 +7 — 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 — — —
12th +6/+1 +4 +4 +8 Summon Elemental (new 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 — — —
13 +6/+1 +4 +4 +8 — 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 — —
14th +7/+2 +4 +4 +9 Summon Elemental 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 — —
15th +7/+2 +5 +5 +9 — 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 —
16th +8/+3 +5 +5 +10 Blasting Summons 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 —
17th +8/+3 +5 +5 +10 — 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1
18 +9/+4 +6 +6 +11 Summon Elemental (new 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2
19th +9/+4 +6 +6 +11 — 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
20th +10/+5 +6 +6 +12 Summon Elemental (two 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
at once)
the summon monster spell, they gain no special bonuses and The following is a list of potential modifications. An
behave as they would for any other caster. elementarii can only perform modifications of his level or
Opening a rift to the elemental planes is taxing. An lower.
elementarii may only call forth a certain number of Damage: At 1st level, an elementarii can bolster the
elementals per day, equal to his Constitution modifier elemental’s damage by increasing the number of damage die
(minimum 1). on its slam attacks by one (i.e. from 2d8 to 3d8.) At 8th level,
Elementals summoned in this way are subject to the he can spend two points to add two die.
same rules regarding dispelling and antimagic fields as are the Armor: At 1st level, an elementarii can increase the
subjects of a summon monster spell. elemental’s defense by increasing its natural armor bonus by
An elementarii does not have one particular individual +2. At 11th level, he can spend two points to increase this to
elemental which he calls again and again; there is no personal +4.
connection between summoner and the summoned. Health: At 1st level, an elementarii may boost the health
Elemental Modifications (Su): At the start of each day, of the elemental by adding two Hit Die to its current HP. This
an elementarii gains a number of modification points equal to affects no other stats. At 8th level, he can spend two points to
his Charisma modifier, times two. He can spend the points at double this increase.
the time of a successful summoning in order to augment his Reduce Weakness: At 2nd level, an elementarii can
elemental, making it far more powerful than a standard decrease any of the elemental’s innate vulnerabilities. For
specimen. These points are refreshed at the start of each day, example, a fire elemental normally takes 50% extra damage
but can also be replenished during combat: for each creature from cold attacks. With this bonus, that vulnerability is cut in
killed by the summoned elemental, one point is returned to half, to 25%. This costs one point.
the elementarii’s pool. Ranged Attack: At 4th level, and elementarii can bestow
If the elementarii summons an elemental by other upon an elemental an additional ranged attack in addition to
means, such as the summon monster spell, they gain no its normally listed attacks. This ranged attack can be used
special bonuses and behave as they would for any other every 1d4 rounds. It functions as a fireball spell-like
caster. ability, but with a Medium range and only a 10-foot
radius, and instead of fire damage, it will do whatever check in order to continue holding his breath. The save must
damage type is associated with the elemental in question. For be repeated each round, with the DC increasing by +1 for
the purpose of calculating saves, treat the spell level as 3rd each previous success. When the enemy fails one of these
and use the elementarii’s Charisma modifier. At 13th level, the Constitution checks, he begins to suffocate. In the first round,
elementarii can spend two points to increase the radius to he falls unconscious (0 hit points). In the following round, he
20-feet and treat the spell level as 6th. drops to -1 hit points and is dying. In the third round, he
Physical Boost: At 4th level, and elementarii can improve suffocates.
the physical abilities of the summoned elemental, increasing The elemental can move and attack normally while
both its Strength and Dexterity by +2. At 15th level, he can enveloping a creature.
spend two points to raise this to +4. Quick Healing: At 13th level, an elementarii can grant the
Extra Attacks: At 8th level, the elementarii can further elemental fast healing 5. At 19th level, he can spend two
improve the battle prowess of his summons by granting it an points to bestow fast healing 10.
additional attack in a full-round attack. This is made with the Spell Resistance: At 15th level, an elementarii can bolster
same attack bonus as what would normally be the last attack. the elemental with a spell resistance of 15. At 19th level, he
At 15th level, he can spend 2 points to grant yet another can spend two points to bestow SR 20.
attack. Gnoscourge Training (Ex): The elementarii’s experience
Engulf Attack: At 11th level, an elementarii can spend two allows him to wield his gnoscourge with greater effect. When
points to grant the elemental a devastating engulf attack. As used for melee combat, the elementarii gains a bonus equal
a standard action, an elemental of size Small or larger may to his Constitution modifier on damage rolls.
attempt to envelop an opponent at least one size category
smaller than itself. It cannot make a slam attack on the round
it engulfs prey. The elemental merely has to move over the
opponents, affecting as many as it can cover. Opponents can
make opportunity attacks against the elemental, but if they
do, they are not entitled to a saving throw. Those who do not
attempt opportunity attacks must succeed at a Reflex save
(DC 10 + 1/2 elemental’s Hit Dice + elemental's Constitution
modifier) or be engulfed; on a success they are pushed back
or aside (opponents' choice) as the elemental moves forward.
Engulfed creatures are considered grappled and trapped
within the elemental’s body and automatically take crushing
damage each round, based on the elemental’s size, as set out
below. The elemental adds its Strength modifier to the
damage dealt.
Size Damage
Small 1d6
Medium 1d8
Large 2d6
Huge 2d8
Gargantuan 3d6
An engulfed creature can attempt to cut its way out of
the elemental’s body with either claws or a slashing or
piercing weapon. Dealing at least one-quarter of the
elemental's normal hit points (AC equal to its flat-footed AC)
in this way creates an opening large enough to permit escape.
Once a single swallowed creature exits, the elemental’s body
reshapes to close the hole; thus, another swallowed
opponent must cut its own way out. The engulfed creature Energy Substitution (Su): The elementarii’s skill with
can instead attempt an Escape Artist check (DC 15 + 1/2 elemental spells give him unique insight into their inner
elemental’s Hit Dice + elemental’s Constitution modifier) or workings. He may choose one type of energy: acid, cold,
Strength check (DC 20 + elemental’s Strength modifier). The electricity, fire, or sonic. This choice is permanent. When
elemental’s body can hold two creatures one size category employing a spell with the acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic
smaller than itself, or four of two or more size categories designator, he can modify the spell to use the chosen type of
smaller. energy instead. The altered spell uses a spell slot of the spell’s
While inside the elemental, suffocation is a possibility. normal level. The altered spell works normally in all respects
One engulfed, an enemy can hold his breath for 1 round per except the type of damage dealt.
point of Constitution (as opposed to the normal 2.) After this
period of time, the character must make a DC 10 Constitution
This functions as the standard Energy Substitution feat.
The elementarii is free to take the feat normally as well,
The possible elementals which may be summoned are
applying it to a different energy type.
the following. For full details on each of these elementals,
Dispel Resistance (Su): The elementarii retains a tight
please see their individual entries beginning on page 137.
hold over his summoned minions. Dispel checks made against
the summoned elemental treat the elementarii’s caster level
as if it were 5 levels higher than normal.  Ferrum (Metal)
Blasting Summons (Su): At the epicenter of a successful  Fulmen (Elyctric)
summons, a devastating explosion of energy accompanies an  Luceat (Sun)
elemental as it enters this world. This does not harm the
 Luftgeists (Air)
elemental being. This blast behaves in all respects like a
fireball spell as if it were cast by the elementarii, with the  Prena (Wood)
following exceptions:  Proasm (Flesh)*
 It has no verbal, material, or somatic components.  Salinae (Salt Water)
 The damage done by the spell is not necessarily of the  Shudners (Earth)
fire type, it will be of the type matching the elemental in
question, (potentially just physical damage.)  Tenebris (Darkness)
 For the purposes of calculating the saving throw, treat  Undine (Freshwater)
the spell’s level as being the highest level of spell that  Yag (Fire)
the elementarii can currently cast.
This ability san be suppressed if the elementarii so desires. *Much like creating a golem, flesh elementals require
appropriate raw materials, and cannot simply be called
SPELL LIST forth from nothingness.
0- acid splash, detect magic, electric jolt, light, ray of frost,
sonic snap
1- airbubble, blast of air, burning hands, corrosive grasp, hail
of stone, jet of steam, kelgore’s fire bolt, lesser orb of acid,
lesser orb of cold, lesser orb of electricity, lesser orb of fire,
lesser orb of sound, shocking grasp, stone missiles, water
2- electric loop, electric vengeance, fireburst, flaming sphere,
frost breath, geyser, ice slick, melf’s acid arrow, ray of ice,
scorch, scorching ray, snowball swarm
3- acid breath, fireball, gust of wind, ice storm, icelance,
lightning bolt, resonating bolt, scintillating sphere,
shockwave, sound lance, the sky is falling, wind wall
4- blast of flame, incendiary surge, mindfrost, orb of acid, orb
of cold, orb of electricity, orb of fire, orb of sound, rogue
wave, shout, wall of fire
5- arc of lightning, ball lightning, cacophonic burst, cone of
cold, cyclonic blast, flame strike, greater electric vengeance,
greater fireburst, sonic rumble, stone storm, vitriolic sphere
6- acid fog, acid storm, chain lightning, control water, control
winds, mudslide, otiluke’s freezing sphere, stone shape,
storm of fire and ice
7- delayed blast fireball, earthquake, electrical storm, fire
storm, glorious master of the elements, scalding touch,
stored lightning bolt, waterspout
8- depthsurge, field of icy razors, greater shout, incendiary
cloud, lava spikes, lightning ring, polar ray
9- burst of glacial wrath, elemental swarm, invulnerability to
elements, meteor swarm, tidal wave, transmute rock to
lava, whirlwind

heavy armor, or using a shield, incurs a chance of arcane spell

Metallo-Thaumaturge failure if the spell in question has a somatic component.

Spells: A metallo-thaumaturge casts arcane spells drawn
from the metallo-thaumaturge spell list (see page 34). He can
With New Crobuzon, (and Bas-Lag at large,) becoming cast any spell he knows without preparing it ahead of time,
ever more industrialized, practitioners are constantly assuming he has not yet used up his allotment of spells per
discovering new and innovative ways to apply thaumaturgy to day for the spell’s level.
commerce, production, and manufacture. One of the fastest To learn or cast a spell, a metallo-thaumaturge must have
growing branches of study is that of metallo-thaumaturgy – an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The
the arcane manipulation of metal. Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a metallo-
With extended study and a thaumaturge’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the metallo-
disciplined mind, the metallo- thaumaturge’s Intelligence modifier. A metallo-thaumaturge
thaumaturge has the ability to can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level
mold and manipulate raw metal each day. His base daily spell allotment is given on table 1–
to suit his needs. 2. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day
One facet of manufacture if he has a high Intelligence score (see
which the metallo-thaumaturge Player’s Handbook).
excels at is the creation of A metallo-thaumaturge’s selection
robotic constructs. Despite the of spells is extremely limited, but he
fact that constructs are non- knows all of the spells on the
magical entities which operate metallo-thaumaturge list of spells
on a system of gears, boilers, as soon as he is high enough
and logic-engines, the level to cast them.
unparalleled skill and precision Craft Construct: A metallo-
that the metallo-thaumaturge thaumaturge begins play
brings to the table makes them knowing the feat Craft Construct
ideally suited for the task of regardless of the feat’s typical prerequisites.
creating and maintaining these artificial servants. Construct Companion: A metallo-thaumaturge begins play
Role: The metallo-thaumaturge constantly tinkers with with a steam-driven, clockwork construct. This construct
and upgrades his construct companion, who is responsible for serves to protect the thaumaturge and to provide battlefield
most of the heavy-lifting in battle situations. In addition, he support. The form and stats of this companion are given in
can use his mastery of metal thaumaturgy to alter the armor the below section. Like the companions of other classes, the
and weapons of friend and foe alike. construct companion is effectively controlled by the player at
Abilities: A high Intelligence score is important for all times. See page 132 for details on how constructs work
determining saves against the metallo-thaumaturge’s spells. and operate in Bas-Lag.
Alignment: Any As the metallo-thaumaturge levels up, he can upgrade his
Hit Die: d8 companion with the various options listed below. In order to
perform an upgrade, the thaumaturge must be in possession
of the required parts, which can be purchased in most major
Class Skills cities. The price for each upgrade constitutes the price for the
Appraise (Int), Craft (Int), Disable Device (Int), Knowledge parts and is included in each listing.
(Arcana) (Int), Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) In addition, the metallo-thaumaturge must possess a set
(Int), Open Lock (Dex), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Spellcraft of construct crafting tools (price 200 GP) to perform any
(Int), Use Magic Device (Cha). maintenance or upgrades on his companion.
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier. Technical Knack: A metallo-thaumaturge begins play
having a +2 competence bonus on all Appraise, Craft, Disable
Class Features Device, Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering), Open
The following are the class features of the metallo- Lock, and Profession checks involving some sort of
thaumaturge. mechanical or technological item or topic. This bonus
Weapons and Armor: The metallo-thaumaturge is increases to a +4 bonus at 9th level, and +6 at 15th level.
proficient with all simple weapons, and is also proficient with Craft Reserve: A metallo-thaumaturge receives a pool of
light armor and medium armor. A metallo-thaumaturge can points he can spend in lieu of experience points (XP) when
cast his spells while wearing light armor without incurring the crafting a construct or construct-upgrade. Each time the
normal arcane spell failure chance. In addition, his unique metallo-thaumaturge gains a new level, he receives a new
ability to manipulate metal allows the metallo-thaumatuge to craft reserve; leftover points from the previous reserve carry
cast spells normally while wearing medium armor, as long as over. If the points are not spent, they remain in the pool. This
the armor is primarily composed of a metallic substance. Like reserve can also be used in combination with actual XP from
any other arcane spellcaster, a metallo-thaumaturge wearing the crafter, taking a portion of the XP cost from each.
Table 1–2 - Metallo-thaumaturge
Base Spells Per Day
Attack Fort Ref Will Augment Craft
Lvl Bonus Save Save Save Pool Reserve Special 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 0 1,200 Craft Construct, 3 1 — — — — —
Technical Knack +2
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 1 1,600 Augment (Fortify) 4 2 — — — — —
3rd +2 +1 +1 +3 1 2,000 Reconstruction 4 3 — — — — —
4th +3 +1 +1 +4 2 2,800 Augment (Hone) 4 3 1 — — — —
5th +3 +1 +1 +4 2 3,200 Shield Ally 5 4 2 — — — —
6th +4 +2 +2 +5 3 3,600 Augment 5 4 3 — — — —
7th +5 +2 +2 +5 3 4,000 Constructbane 5 4 3 1 — — —
8th +6/+1 +2 +2 +6 4 4,400 Augment (Toughen) 5 4 4 2 — — —
9th +6/+1 +3 +3 +6 4 5,200 Technical Knack +4 5 5 4 3 — — —
10th +7/+2 +3 +3 +7 5 5,600 Augment (Fortify +2) 5 5 4 3 1 — —
11th +8/+3 +3 +3 +7 5 6,000 Reconstruction 5 5 4 4 2 — —
12th +9/+4 +4 +4 +8 6 6,400 Augment (Overclock 5 5 5 4 3 — —
13th +9/+4 +4 +4 +8 6 6,800 Greater Shield Ally 5 5 5 4 3 1 —
14th +10/+5 +4 +4 +9 7 7,600 Augment (Spell 5 5 5 4 4 2 —
15th +11/+6/+1 +5 +5 +9 7 8,000 Technical Knack +6 5 5 5 5 4 3 —
16th +12/+7/+2 +5 +5 +10 8 8,400 Augment (Hone +2) 5 5 5 5 4 3 1
17th +12/+7/+2 +5 +5 +10 8 8,800 Greater 5 5 5 5 4 4 2
18th +13/+8/+3 +6 +6 +11 9 9,200 Augment 5 5 5 5 5 4 3
19th +14/+9/+4 +6 +6 +11 9 10,000 Reconstruction 5 5 5 5 5 5 4
20th +15/+10/+5 +6 +6 +12 10 10,400 Augment (Overclock 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Augment Pool: Beginning at 2nd level, a metallo- If an intelligent metallic object is the subject of an
thaumaturge’s skill at manipulating metal has grown to such Augment, it may make a Will save in order to avoid the effect.
an extent that he can do so at a moment’s notice. By The DC of the save is 10 + the metallo-thaumaturge’s Int
spending the points of his Augment Pool, he can, as a modifier + the highest spell level the thaumaturge is currently
standard action, perform any of the Augments listed below. capable of casting, (i.e. +3 at 7th level.) If the object being
At 2nd level, the thaumaturge has one point in the Augment Augmented has Spell Resistance, or if the object is in the
pool; this number increases by one every two levels possession of a being who does, the metallo-thaumaturge
thereafter. The points of the pool replenish every 24 hours. If must overcome the Spell Resistance the same way he would
the metallo-thaumaturge attempts to Augment an object if he were casting a spell, by making a caster level check.
which is non-metallic in nature, the attempt is wasted, and
the point from the Augment Pool is used up. Fortify: At 2nd level, the metallo-thaumaturge gains the
Unless otherwise noted, Augments last for the duration of ability to fortify any suit of armor which is comprised
combat +2 additional rounds. For instance, an Augment primarily of metal. As a standard action, the caster may raise
applied during combat will fade once two rounds of inactivity the AC of any single suit of armor within a 15-ft radius by a
have passed after hostilities; alternatively, an Augment value of +1, at the cost of one point from the Augment Pool.
applied two rounds before combat would dissipate At 10th level, the thaumaturge may spend two points in order
immediately after combat’s cessation. Augments do not to grant an AC bonus of +2.
stack; for example, if a suit of armor has received the fortify Conversely, the metallo-thaumaturge may choose to
augment once, it cannot benefit from being fortified again bestow a -1 AC penalty to an enemy’s suit of metallic armor
during the same battle. Many Augments must be cast onto a by spending one point from the Augment Pool, or a -2 AC
recipient that is within a certain range, typically 15-ft – if the penalty at 10th level by spending two points from the
recipient in question moves out of this range after the Augment Pool.
Augment has been put into place, it will remain for the Hone: At 4th level, the metallo-thaumaturge gains the
normal duration: it does not need to stay inside this radius. ability to hone any piercing or slashing weapon whose edge is
Augments are considered to be spell-like abilities, and comprised primarily of metal. As a standard action,
follow the standard rules for such abilities. the caster may grant a single weapon within a radius
of 15-ft an attack bonus of +1. This bonus does not affect the metallo-thaumaturge’s construct companion is reduced to 0
weapon’s damage; this bonus stacks with similar bonuses hit points, and thus destroyed, the thaumaturge may rebuild
already in place upon the weapon, such as magical the construct for only 25% of the typical cost, and in half the
enhancement. The use of hone uses up one point from the time typically required. (See Repairing Constructs, pg 132.)
Augment Pool. At 16th level, the thaumaturge may spend two This ability only applies to the metallo-thaumaturge’s
points in order to grant an attack bonus of +2. personal companion, and not any other constructs. Further,
Conversely, the metallo-thaumaturge may choose to this is only possible if there are sufficient original materials
bestow a -1 attack roll penalty to an enemy’s piercing or left from the broken construct to reuse; if the thaumaturge
slashing metallic weapon by spending one point from the does not have access to his construct’s remains, or if the
Augment Pool, or a -2 attack roll penalty at 16th level by construct were destroyed using a disintegration or similar
spending two points from the Augment Pool. effect, then the thaumaturge must follow the standard rules
Toughen: At 8th level, the metallo-thaumaturge gains the for construct repair.
ability to physically toughen objects that are metallic in At 11th level, the cost is reduced to 20%, and at 19th level
nature. As a standard action, the thaumaturge may spend to 15%.
one point from the Augment Pool to increase the hardness of Shield Ally: At 5th level, whenever the metallo-
any single metallic object within a 15-ft radius by 5 points. thaumaturge is within his construct’s reach, the metallo-
This ability can also be applied to constructs. thaumaturge receives a +2 shield bonus to his Armor Class
Conversely, the metallo-thaumaturge may choose to and a +2 circumstance bonus on his saving throws. This bonus
weaken a metallic object instead, causing the hardness value does not apply if the construct is grappled, helpless,
of the object to decrease by 5 points. paralyzed, stunned, or unconscious.
Overclock: At 12th level, the metallo-thaumaturge gains Constructbane: Because of his superior knowledge of
the ability to improve the physical performance of clockwork constructs, a metallo-thaumaturge gains a +2 competence
constructs, including his own companion. As a standard bonus to any attacks he makes against a construct, starting at
action, the thaumaturge may spend one point from the 7th level.
Augment Pool to add a +2 enhancement bonus to either the Greater Shield Ally: At 13th level, whenever any ally is
Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution of a construct within a 15- within the construct’s reach, the ally receives a +2 shield
ft radius. Unlike most Augments, the duration of this bonus to its Armor Class and a +2 circumstance bonus on his
modification is a number of rounds equal to half of the saving throws. If this ally is the metallo-thaumaturge, these
thaumaturge’s caster level, (round down.) Due to the bonuses increase to +4. This bonus does not apply if the
extreme strain this places upon the physical components of construct is grappled, helpless, paralyzed, stunned, or
the construct, upon the end of the overclock, the construct is unconscious.
considered staggered for a number of rounds equal to the Greater Constructbane: At 17th level, the metallo-
initial effect. thaumaturge can now combat a construct with weapons,
Upon 20th level, the thaumaturge may spend two points unarmed attacks, or spells as if were not immune to critical
from the Augment Pool to increase the enhancement bonus hits.
to +4.
Flexibility: At 14th level, SPELL LIST
the metallo-thaumaturge 0- cleaning, dry, detect magic, mage hand, mending,
gains the ability to open/close, read magic, repair minor damage, resistance,
improve the suppleness resize
and flexibility of metallic 1- armor lock, bristle, create trap, deflect, instant locksmith,
armor. As a standard mage burr, magic weapon, peacebond, repair light
action, the thaumaturge damage, shield, weapon shift
may spend one point from 2- brumal stiffening, chill metal, detect metal, enlarge
the Augment Pool to enhance weapon, fool’s gold, fortify metal, make whole, repair
a single suit of metallic armor moderate damage, shocking grasp
within a 15-ft radius. The 3- armor piercing missile, bands of steel, diamondsteel, heat
armor’s maximum dexterity metal, keen edge, malfunction, repair serious damage,
bonus is raised by one point, steeldance
and the arcane spell failure chance of the armor is decreased 4- magnetic pulse, metal melt, rapid repair, ray of
by 10% (to a minimum of 0%). deanimation, rebirth of iron, repair critical damage,
Conversely, the metallo-thaumaturge may choose to sarmar’s coin beacon
stiffen the metallic armor of an enemy, causing the reverse 5- disanimate, lesser ironguard, rusting grasp, shape metal,
effect. touch of adamantine
Reconstruction: Beginning at 3rd level, the metallo- 6- control construct, iron body, ironguard, magnetism, repel
thaumaturge has become so intimately familiar with his metal, wall of iron
construct companion that his ability to efficiently repair the
construct has increased dramatically. In the event that the
Table 1–3 - Construct Companion
Bonus HD Bad Save Good Save Skills Armor Bonus Str/Dex Bonus Max. Attacks
1st +1 1 +0 +2 4 +0 +0 3
2nd +2 2 +0 +3 8 +2 +1 3
3rd +3 3 +1 +3 12 +2 +1 3
4th +3 3 +1 +3 12 +2 +1 4
5th +4 4 +1 +4 16 +4 +2 4
6 +5 5 +1 +4 20 +4 +2 4
7th +6 6 +2 +5 24 +6 +3 4
8th +6 6 +2 +5 24 +6 +3 4
9th +7 7 +2 +5 28 +6 +3 5
10th +8 8 +2 +6 32 +8 +4 5
11th +9 9 +3 +6 36 +8 +4 5
12 +9 9 +3 +6 36 +10 +5 5
13th +10 10 +3 +7 40 +10 +5 5
14th +11 11 +3 +7 44 +10 +5 6
15th +12 12 +4 +8 48 +12 +6 6
16th +12 12 +4 +8 48 +12 +6 6
17 +13 13 +4 +8 52 +14 +7 6
18th +14 14 +4 +9 56 +14 +7 6
19th +15 15 +5 +9 60 +14 +7 7
20th +15 15 +5 +9 62 +16 +8 7
Construct Companion armor bonus and a natural armor bonus, as decided by the
summoner. This number is modified by the construct’s base
The details of the construct’s physical appearance are up
form and some options available through its upgrades. A
to the metallo-thaumaturge. This control is not fine enough
construct cannot wear armor of any kind.
to make the construct appear like a specific creature or
Str/Dex Bonus: Add this modifier to the construct’s
Strength and Dexterity scores, as determined by its base
The constructs of Bas-Lag differ from the constructs of
form. Some options available through the construct’s
other D&D worlds. They are gear-operated machines, using
upgrades might modify these scores.
logic-engines to dictate their actions and boilers to provide
Max. Attacks: This indicates the maximum number of
steam for power. See page 132 for all relevant details.
natural attacks that the construct is allowed to possess at the
Class Level: This is the character’s metallo-thaumaturge
given level. If the construct is at its maximum, it cannot take
upgrades that grant additional natural attacks. This does not
BAB: This is the construct’s base attack bonus. A
include attacks made with weapons.
construct’s base attack bonus is equal to its Hit Dice.
Constructs do not gain additional attacks using their natural
weapons for a high base attack bonus. Base Forms
HD: This is the total number of 12-sided (d12) Hit Dice Each construct has one of four base forms that
the construct possesses. determine its starting size, speed, AC, attacks, and ability
Good/Bad Saves: These are the construct’s base saving scores. All natural attacks are made using the construct’s full
throw bonuses. A construct possesses one good saving throw base attack bonus unless otherwise noted (such as in the case
and one bad saving throw, determined by the construct’s of secondary attacks). Construct attacks add the construct’s
base form. Constructs have no Will saves, as they are Strength modifier to the damage roll, unless it is its only
mindless. attack, in which case it adds 1-1/2 times its Strength modifier.
Skills: This lists the construct’s total skill ranks. A These base forms also note any free upgrades that the base
construct can assign skill ranks to any skill on the following form already possesses. The bonuses from these free
list. Constructs do not have an Intelligence score and gain no upgrades are already factored into the starting statistics.
bonus points. A construct cannot have more ranks in a skill Alternatively, any one of these base forms can be used to
than it has Hit Dice. Construct skill ranks are set once chosen. make a Small construct. If the construct is Small, it gains a +2
The following skills are available for constructs: Balance bonus to its Dexterity score. It also takes a –4 penalty to its
(Dex), Climb (Str), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Listen Strength and a –2 penalty to its Constitution. It also gains a +1
(Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Spot (Wis). In addition, certain size bonus to its AC and attack rolls, and a +4 bonus on its
other skills become available with upgrades. Hide skill checks. Reduce the damage of all of its attacks by
Armor Bonus: The number noted here is the construct’s one step (1d6 becomes 1d4, 1d4 becomes 1d3). If this
base total armor bonus. This bonus may be split between an choice is made, the construct can be made Medium 35
via upgrades (which causes it to lose these modifiers for ability. At 4th level, this spell can be cast four times per day
being Small). by spending an additional 3,000 gp and 800 XP. The caster
level for this ability is equal to the construct’s Hit Dice. The
Quadruped save DC for this spell is 10 + the construct’s Dexterity
Starting Statistics: Size Medium; Speed 40 ft.; AC +3 armor; modifier. This upgrade can be selected more than once. Each
Saves Fort (good), Ref (bad); Attack bite (1d6); Ability Scores time a construct selects this upgrade, it applies to a new spell.
Str 16, Dex 12, Con 10, Int –, Wis 10, Cha 10; Free Upgrades
bite, limbs (legs) (2). PRICE 1,000 GP
Bite XP COST 400 XP
Biped Bite (Ex): A construct’s maw is full of razor-sharp teeth, giving
Starting Statistics: Size Medium; Speed 30 ft.; AC +2 armor; it a bite attack. This attack is a primary attack. The bite deals
Saves Fort (bad), Ref (good); Attack 2 claws (1d4); Ability 1d6 points of damage (1d8 if Large, 2d6 if Huge). If the
Scores Str 14, Dex 14, Con 10, Int –, Wis 10, Cha 10; Free construct already has a bite attack, this upgrade allows it to
Upgrades claws, limbs (arms), limbs (legs). deal 1-1/2 times its Strength modifier on damage rolls made
with its bite.
Starting Statistics: Size Medium; Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft.; AC PRICE 1,000 GP
+2 armor; Saves Fort (bad), Ref (good); Attack bite (1d6), tail Claws XP COST 400 XP
slap (1d6); Ability Scores Str 12, Dex 16, Con 10, Int –, Wis 10, Claws (Ex): A construct has a pair of vicious claws at the end
Cha 10; Free Upgrades bite, climb, reach (bite), tail, tail slap. of its limbs, giving it two claw attacks. These attacks are
primary attacks. The claws deal 1d4 points of damage (1d6 if
Aquatic Large, 1d8 if Huge). The construct must have the limbs
Starting Statistics: Size Medium; Speed 10 ft., swim 40 ft.; AC upgrade to take this upgrade. This upgrade can only be
+4 armor; Saves Fort (good), Ref (bad); Attack bite (1d6); applied to the limbs (legs) upgrade once. This upgrade can be
Ability Scores Str 16, Dex 12, Con 10, Int –, Wis 10, Cha 10; selected more than once, but the construct must possess an
Free Upgrades bite, improved natural armor, rustless, swim equal number of the limbs upgrade.
PRICE 1,000 GP
Upgrades Climb XP COST 400 XP
Each base construct has the ability to receive upgrades Climb (Ex): A construct becomes a skilled climber, gaining a
which give the construct new abilities, powers, and other climb speed equal to its base speed. This upgrade can be
features. These upgrades can be changed whenever the selected more than once. Each additional time it is selected,
thaumaturge gains a new level, but they are otherwise set. increase the construct’s climb speed by 20 feet.
Some upgrades require that the construct have a specific
base form or that the thaumaturge be of a specific level PRICE 1,000 GP
before they can be chosen. A number of upgrades grant the
Hooves XP COST 400 XP
construct additional natural attacks. Natural attacks listed as Hooves (Ex): A construct has a pair of sharp hooves at the end
primary are made using the construct’s full base attack bonus of its limbs, giving it two hoof attacks. These attacks are
and add the construct’s Strength modifier on damage rolls. secondary attacks. The hooves deal 1d4 points of damage
Natural attacks listed as secondary are made using the (1d6 if Large, 1d8 if Huge). The construct must have the limbs
construct’s base attack bonus – 5, and add 1/2 the construct’s upgrade to take this upgrade. This upgrade can only be
Strength modifier on damage rolls (if positive). If the applied to the limbs (legs) upgrade once. Alternatively, the
construct only has a single natural attack, the attack is made construct can replace the claws upgrade from its base form
using its full base attack bonus and it adds 1-1/2 times its with these hoof attacks (this still costs gp & XP). This upgrade
Strength modifier on damage rolls made with that attack, can be selected more than once, but the construct must
regardless of the attack’s type. possess an equal number of limbs upgrades.
Upgrades are grouped by their cost. Unless otherwise
noted, each upgrade can only be selected once. PRICE 1,000 GP
Improved Damage XP COST 400 XP
Level-1 Upgrades Improved Damage (Ex): One of the construct’s natural attacks
is particularly deadly. Select one natural attack form and
PRICE 1,000 GP
Basic Thaumaturgy XP COST 400 XP
increase the damage die type by one step. This upgrade can
be selected more than once. Its effects do not stack. Each
Basic Thaumaturgy (Sp): A construct is integrated with a time a construct selects this upgrade, it applies to a different
wand-like item which it is capable of utilizing. Select one spell natural attack.
from the following list: acid splash, dancing lights, daze, flare,
ghost sound, light, mage hand, ray of frost, stabilize, or touch
of fatigue. This spell can be cast twice per day as a spell-like
PRICE 1,000* GP not stack. Each time a construct selects this upgrade, it
Improved Armor XP COST 400* XP applies to a different natural attack.
Improved Armor (Ex): A construct’s armor plating is increased,
giving it a +2 bonus to its AC. A metallo-thaumaturge can PRICE 1,000 GP
select this evolution once for levels 1—4, again for levels 5–9, Push XP COST 400 XP
a third time at levels 10–14, a fourth time at levels 15–19, Push (Ex): A construct gains the ability to push creatures away
and a fifth time at level 20. Price doubles with each step. with a successful attack. Select one type of natural attack.
Whenever the construct makes a successful attack of the
PRICE 1,000 GP selected type, it can attempt a free grapple check. If
Thaumaturgic Attacks XP COST 400 XP successful, the target of the attack is pushed 5 feet directly
Thaumaturgic Attacks (Su): A construct is infused with away from the construct. This ability only works on creatures
thaumaturgy, allowing it to treat all of its natural attacks as if of a size equal to or smaller than the construct. Creatures
they were thaumaturgic (magic) for the purpose of pushed in this way do not provoke attacks of opportunity.
overcoming damage reduction. If the thaumaturge is 10th This upgrade can be selected more than once. Its effects do
level or higher, all of the construct’s weapons are treated as not stack. Each time a construct selects this upgrade, it
the alignment of the thaumaturge for the purpose of applies to a different natural attack.
overcoming damage reduction.
PRICE 1,000 GP
PRICE 1,000 GP
Reach XP COST 400 XP
Mount XP COST 400 XP Reach (Ex): One of a construct’s attacks is capable of striking
Mount (Ex): A construct is properly programmed and formed at foes at a distance. Pick one attack. The construct’s reach
to serve as a combat-trained mount. The construct must be at with that attack increases by 5 feet.
least one size category larger than its rider. This upgrade is
not available to constructs of the biped base form. PRICE 1,000 GP
Resistance XP COST 400 XP
PRICE 1,000 GP Resistance (Ex): A construct’s form takes on a resiliency to
Pincers XP COST 400 XP one particular energy type. Pick one energy type (acid, cold,
Pincers (Ex): A construct gains large pincers at the end of one electricity, fire, or sonic). The construct gains resistance of 5
pair of its limbs, giving it two pincer attacks. These attacks are against that energy type. This resistance increases by 5 for
secondary attacks. The pincers deal 1d6 points of damage every 5 levels the thaumaturge possesses, to a maximum of
(1d8 if Large, 2d6 if Huge). Constructs with the grab upgrade 15 at 10th level. This upgrade can be selected more than
linked to pincers gain a +2 bonus on checks made to grapple. once. Its effects do not stack. Each time a construct selects
The construct must have the limbs (arms) upgrade to take this upgrade, it applies to a different energy type.
this upgrade. Alternatively, the construct can replace the
claws from its base form with pincers (this still costs gp & XP). PRICE 1,000 GP
This upgrade can be selected more than once, but the Scent XP COST 400 XP
construct must possess an equal number of the limbs Scent (Ex): A construct’s olfactory sensor becomes quite
upgrade. acute. The construct gains the scent special quality, allowing
it to detect opponents within 30 feet by sense of smell. If the
PRICE 1,000 GP opponent is upwind, the range increases to 60 feet; if
Pounce XP COST 400 XP downwind, it drops to 15 feet. Strong scents can be detected
Pounce (Ex): A construct gains quick reflexes, allowing it to at twice the normal range. Scent does not allow the construct
make a full attack after a charge. This upgrade is only to precisely locate the creature, only to detect its presence. It
available to constructs of the quadruped base form. can detect the direction with a move action. The construct
can pinpoint the creature’s location if it is within 5 feet. The
PRICE 1,000 GP construct can use scent to track creatures (see page 314 of
Pull XP COST 400 XP the Monster Manual for details).
Pull (Ex): A construct gains the ability to pull creatures closer
with a successful attack. Select one type of natural attack. PRICE 1,000 GP
Whenever the construct makes a successful attack of the
Slam XP COST 400 XP
selected type, it can attempt a free grapple check. If Slam (Ex): A construct can deliver a devastating slam attack.
successful, the target of the attack is pulled 5 feet closer to This attack is a primary attack. The slam deals 1d8 points of
the construct. This ability only works on creatures of a size damage (2d6 if Large, 2d8 if Huge). The construct must have
equal to or smaller than the construct. Creatures pulled in the limbs (arms) upgrade to take this upgrade. Alternatively,
this way do not provoke attacks of opportunity. The construct the construct can replace the claws from its base form with
must have a reach of 10 feet or more to select this upgrade. this slam attack (this still costs gp & XP). This upgrade can be
This upgrade can be selected more than once. Its effects do selected more than once, but the construct must
possess an equal number of the limbs upgrade. 37
PRICE 1,000 GP successfully grapples a foe using the grab upgrade, it deals
Sting XP COST 400 XP additional damage equal to the amount of damage dealt by
Sting (Ex): A construct possesses a long, barbed stinger at the the attack used by the grab upgrade. This upgrade is only
end of its tail, granting it a sting attack. This attack is a available to constructs of the serpentine base form.
primary attack. The sting deals 1d4 points of damage (1d6 if
Large, 1d8 if Huge). The construct must possess the tail PRICE 3,000 GP
upgrade to take this upgrade. This upgrade can be selected Energy Attacks XP COST 800 XP
more than once, but the construct must possess an equal Energy Attacks (Su): A construct’s attacks become charged
number of the tail upgrade. with energy. Pick one energy type: acid, cold, electricity,
sonic, or fire. All of the construct’s natural attacks deal 1d6
PRICE 1,000 GP points of energy damage of the chosen type on a successful
Swim XP COST 400 XP hit. The thaumaturge must be at least 5th level before
Swim (Ex): A construct gains webbed hands, feet, or powerful selecting this upgrade.
flippers, giving it a swim speed equal to its base speed. This
upgrade does not give the construct the ability to operate PRICE 3,000 GP
successfully underwater. This upgrade can be selected more Gore XP COST 800 XP
than once. Each additional time it is selected, increase the Gore (Ex): A construct grows a number of horns on its head,
construct’s swim speed by 20 feet. (The construct must giving it a gore attack. This attack is a primary attack. The
possess the rustless upgrade to take this upgrade.) gore deals 1d6 points of damage (1d8 if Large, 2d6 if Huge).

PRICE 1,000 GP PRICE 3,000 GP

Tail XP COST 400 XP Grab XP COST 800 XP
Tail (Ex): A construct gains a long, powerful tail. This grants it Grab (Ex): A construct becomes adept at grappling foes,
a +2 racial bonus on Balance checks. This upgrade can be gaining the grab ability. Pick bite, claw, slam, tail slap, or
selected more than once. tentacle attacks. Whenever the construct makes a successful
attack of the selected type, it can attempt a free combat
PRICE 1,000 GP maneuver check. If successful, the construct grapples the
Tail Slap XP COST 400 XP target. This ability only works on creatures of a size one
Tail Slap (Ex): A construct can use its tail to bash nearby foes, category smaller than the construct or smaller. Constructs
granting it a tail slap attack. This attack is a secondary attack. with this upgrade receive a +4 bonus on checks made to
The tail slap deals 1d6 points of damage (1d8 if Large, 2d6 if grapple.
Huge). The construct must possess the tail upgrade to take
this upgrade. This upgrade can be selected more than once, PRICE 3,000 GP
but the construct must possess an equal number of the tail Immunity XP COST 800 XP
upgrade. Immunity (Su): A construct’s body becomes extremely
resilient to one energy type, gaining immunity to that type.
PRICE 1,000 GP Pick one energy type: acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. The
Tentacle XP COST 400 XP construct gains immunity to that energy type. This upgrade
Tentacle (Ex): A construct possesses a long, sinuous tentacle, can be selected more than once. Its effects do not stack. Each
granting it a tentacle attack. This attack is a secondary attack. time it applies to a different energy type. The thaumaturge
The tentacle attack deals 1d4 points of damage (1d6 if Large, must be at least 7th level before selecting this upgrade.
1d8 if Huge). This upgrade can be selected more than once.
PRICE 3,000 GP
Limbs XP COST 800 XP
Level-2 Upgrades
Limbs (Ex): A construct adds an additional pair of limbs. These
PRICE 3,000 GP
Ability Increase XP COST 800 XP
limbs can take one of two forms. They can be made into legs,
complete with feet. Each pair of legs increases the construct’s
Ability Increase (Ex): A construct gains larger gears and
base speed by 10 feet. Alternatively, they can be made into
servos, or gains faster reflexes. Increase either Strength or
arms, complete with hands. The construct does not gain any
Dexterity by +2. This upgrade can be selected more than
additional natural attacks for an additional pair of arms, but it
once. It can only be applied once to an individual ability
can take other upgrades that add additional attacks (such as
score, plus 1 additional time for every 6 levels the
claws or a slam). Arms that have hands can be used to wield
thaumaturge possesses.
weapons, if the construct is proficient. This upgrade can be
selected more than once.
PRICE 3,000 GP
Constrict XP COST 800 XP
Constrict (Ex): A construct gains powerful servos that allow it
to crush those it grapples. Whenever the construct
PRICE 3,000 GP PRICE 3,000 GP
Minor Thaumaturgy XP COST 800 XP Rustless XP COST 800 XP
Minor Thaumaturgy (Sp): A construct is integrated with a Rustless (Ex): A construct’s steam engine becomes immune to
wand-like item which it is capable of utilizing. Select one spell the effects of water dousing and its physical components are
from the following list: burning hands, cure light wounds, upgraded to operate underwater. A construct may not be
detect chaos/evil/good/law, knock, magic missile, obscuring exposed to excessive or continuous water and still function
mist, or silent image. This spell can be cast twice per day as a without this upgrade.
spell-like ability. At 7th level, this spell can be cast four times
per day by spending an additional 3,000 gp and 800 XP. The PRICE 3,000 GP
caster level for this ability is equal to the construct’s Hit Dice Trample XP COST 800 XP
– 2. The save DC for this spell is 10 + 1/2 the construct’s HD + Trample (Ex): A construct gains the ability to crush its foes
the construct’s Dexterity modifier. The construct must underfoot, gaining the trample ability. As a full-round action,
possess the basic thaumaturgy evolution to take this upgrade. the construct can overrun any creature that is at least one
The metallo-thaumaturge must be at least 4th level size smaller than itself. This works by merely moving over
before selecting this upgrade. This upgrade can be selected opponents in its path. The creatures take 1d6 points of
more than once. Each time a construct selects this upgrade, it damage (1d8 if Large, 2d6 if Huge), plus 1-1/2 times the
applies to a new spell from the above list. construct’s Strength modifier. Targets of the trample can
make attacks of opportunity at a –4 penalty. If a target
PRICE 3,000 GP forgoes the attack of opportunity, it can make a Reflex save
Poison XP COST 800 XP for half damage. The DC of this save is 10 + 1/2 the
Poison (Ex): A construct secretes toxic venom, gaining a construct’s HD + the construct’s Strength modifier. A
poison attack. Pick one bite or sting attack. Whenever the trampling construct can only deal trampling damage to a
selected attack hits, the target is poisoned. Construct creature once per round. This upgrade is only available to
poison—type poison (injury); save Fort negates; frequency constructs of the biped or quadruped base forms.
1/round for 4 rounds; effect 1d4 Str damage; cure 1 save. The
save DC is equal to 10 + 1/2 the construct’s HD + the PRICE 3,000 GP
construct’s Strength modifier. For an additional cost of 3,000 Tremorsense XP COST 800 XP
gp and 800 XP, this poison deals Constitution damage Tremorsense (Ex): A construct becomes attuned to vibrations
instead. This poison can be used no more than once per in the ground, gaining tremorsense out to a range of 30 feet.
round. The thaumaturge must be at least 7th level before This works like the blindsense upgrade, but only if both the
selecting this upgrade. construct and the creature to be pinpointed are in contact
with the ground. The thaumaturge must be at least 7th level
PRICE 3,000 GP before selecting this upgrade.
Rake XP COST 800 XP
Rake (Ex): A construct grows dangerous claws on its feet, PRICE 3,000 GP
allowing it to make 2 rake attacks on foes it is grappling. Trip XP COST 800 XP
These attacks are primary attacks. The construct receives Trip (Ex): A construct becomes adept at knocking foes to the
these additional attacks each time it succeeds on a grapple ground with its bite, granting it a trip attack. Whenever the
check against the target. These rake attacks deal 1d4 points construct makes a successful bite attack of the selected type,
of damage (1d6 if Large, 1d8 if Huge). This upgrade is only it can attempt a trip attempt. If successful, the target is
available to constructs of the quadruped base form. The knocked prone. If the check fails, the construct is not tripped
thaumaturge must be at least 4th level before selecting this in return. This ability only works on creatures of a size equal
upgrade. to or smaller than the construct. The construct must possess
the bite upgrade to select this upgrade.
PRICE 3,000 GP
Rend XP COST 800 XP PRICE 3,000 GP
Rend (Ex): A construct learns to rip and tear the flesh of those Weapon Training XP COST 800 XP
it attacks with its claws, gaining the rend ability. Whenever Weapon Training (Ex): A construct learns to use a melee
the construct makes two successful claw attacks against the weapon, gaining Simple Weapon Proficiency as a bonus feat.
same target in 1 round, its claws latch onto the flesh and deal If an additional 6,000 gp & 1,600 XP are spent, it gains
extra damage. This damage is equal to the damage dealt by proficiency with all martial melee weapons as well. Must have
one claw attack plus 1-1/2 times the construct’s Strength an arm to utilize.
modifier. The construct must possess the claws upgrade to
select this upgrade. The thaumaturge must be at least 6th PRICE 3,000 GP
level before selecting this upgrade. Head XP COST 800 XP
Head (Ex): A construct installs an additional head. The
construct does not gain any additional natural attacks
for the additional head, but the additional head does 39
allow the construct to take other upgrades that add an darkness, daze monster, invisibility (self only), lesser
additional attack to a head (such as a bite, gore, or breath restoration, levitate, minor image, scorching ray, see
weapon). This upgrade can be selected more than once. invisibility, or spider climb. This spell can be cast twice per day
as a spell-like ability. At 10th level, this spell can be cast four
Level-3 Upgrades times per day by spending an additional 3,000 gp and 800 XP.
The caster level for this ability is equal to the construct’s Hit
PRICE 5,000 GP
Blindsense XP COST 1,200 XP
Dice – 2. The save DC for this spell is 10 + 1/2 the construct’s
HD + the construct’s Dexterity modifier. The construct must
Blindsense (Ex): A construct’s senses become incredibly acute,
possess the minor magic upgrade to take this upgrade. The
giving it blindsense out to a range of 30 feet. This ability
metallo-thaumaturge must be at least 7th level before
allows the construct to pinpoint the location of creatures that
selecting this upgrade. This upgrade can be selected more
it cannot see without having to make a Listen check, but such
than once. Each time a construct selects this upgrade, it
creatures still have total concealment from the construct.
applies to a new spell from the above list.
Visibility still affects the construct’s movement and it is still
denied its Dexterity bonus to Armor Class against attacks
PRICE 5,000 GP
from creatures it cannot see. The thaumaturge must be at See in Darkness XP COST 1,200 XP
least 9th level before selecting this upgrade.
See in Darkness (Su): A construct can see perfectly in darkness
of any kind, including that created by deeper darkness. The
PRICE 5,000 GP
Burrow XP COST 1,200 XP
metallo-thaumaturge must be at least 9th level before
selecting this upgrade.
Burrow (Ex): A construct grows thick and gnarled claws,
allowing it to move through the earth. The construct gains a
burrow speed equal to 1/2 its base speed. It can use this Level-4 Upgrades
speed to move through dirt, clay, sand, and earth. It does not PRICE 7,000 GP
leave a hole behind, nor is its passage marked on the surface. Blindsight XP COST 1,600 XP
The thaumaturge must be at least 9th level before selecting Blindsight (Ex): A construct’s senses sharpen even further,
this upgrade. granting it blindsight out to a range of 30 feet. The construct
can maneuver and attack as normal, ignoring darkness,
PRICE 5,000 GP invisibility, and most forms of concealment as long as it has
Damage Reduction XP COST 1,200 XP line of effect to the target. The construct must possess the
Damage Reduction (Su): A construct’s body becomes resistant blindsense upgrade to take this upgrade. The thaumaturge
to harm, granting it damage reduction. Choose one type: must be at least 11th level before selecting this upgrade.
slashing, piercing, or bludgeoning. The construct gains DR 5
that can be bypassed by weapons that possess the chosen PRICE 7,000 GP
damage type. The thaumaturge must be at least 9th level Breath Weapon XP COST 1,600 XP
before selecting this upgrade. At 12th level, this protection Breath Weapon (Ex): A construct gains the ability to exhale a
can be increased to DR 10 by spending an additional 3,000 gp cone or line of thauma-chymical spray, gaining a breath
and 800 XP. weapon. Select either acid, cold, electricity, or fire. The
construct can breathe a 30-foot cone (or 60-foot line) that
PRICE 5,000 GP deals 1d6 points of damage of the selected type per HD it
Frightful Presence XP COST 1,200 XP possesses. Those caught in the breath weapon can attempt a
Frightful Presence (Ex): A construct becomes unsettling to its Reflex save for half damage. The DC is equal to 10 + 1/2 the
foes, gaining the frightful presence ability. The construct can construct’s HD + the construct’s Dexterity modifier. The
activate this ability as part of an offensive action, such as a construct can use this ability once per day. The construct can
charge or attack. Opponents within 30 feet of the construct use this ability 1 additional time per day by spending an
must make a Will save or become shaken for 3d6 rounds. The additional 1,000 gp & 400 XP (maximum 3/day). The
DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the construct’s HD + the thaumaturge must be at least 9th level before selecting this
construct’s Strength modifier. If the construct has at least 4 upgrade.
more Hit Dice than an opponent, that opponent becomes
frightened instead. Foes with more HD than the construct are PRICE 7,000 GP
immune to this effect. The thaumaturge must be at least 11th Firearm Capability XP COST 1,600 XP
level before selecting this upgrade. Firearm Capability (Ex): A construct gains the skills and
manual dexterity needed to operate firearms. Standard rules
PRICE 5,000 GP and penalties apply just as they would to any normal person.
Major Thaumaturgy XP COST 1,200 XP The construct must possess the limbs (arms) upgrade to take
Major Thaumaturgy (Sp): A construct is integrated with a this upgrade, and the limbs must end in human-like hands,
wand-like item which it is capable of utilizing. Select one spell not claws or other appendages that lack the necessary
from the following list: acid arrow, cure moderate wounds, dexterity. You can use this upgrade to install such
hands if you wish, removing any appendages like claws and time a construct selects this upgrade, it applies to a new spell
the attacks that come with them. from the above list.

PRICE 7,000 GP PRICE 7,000 GP

Size Increase XP COST 1,600 XP Ammo Upgrade XP COST 1,600 XP
Size Increase (Ex): A construct grows in size, becoming Large. Ammo Upgrade (Ex): A construct with the “firearm capability”
The construct gains a +8 bonus to Strength, a +4 bonus to upgrade and subsequent “weapon integration” upgrade may
Constitution, and a +2 bonus to its natural armor. It takes a – double the ammunition capacity of the firearm by expanding
2 penalty to its Dexterity. This size change also gives the the internal magazine for such.
creature a –1 size penalty to its AC and on attack rolls, a -1
penalty to attack, and a –4 penalty on Hide skill checks. If the PRICE 7,000 GP
construct has the biped base form, it also gains 10- foot Weapon Integration XP COST 1,600 XP
reach. Any reach upgrades the construct possesses are added Weapon Integration (Ex): A weapon that the construct is
to this total. The construct must be Medium to take this capable of utilizing from either the “weapon training” or
upgrade. The thaumaturge must be at least 8th level before “firearm capability” upgrades is integrated into the arm or
selecting this upgrade. casing of the construct, as opposed to the construct having to
If the initial construct was Small, taking this upgrade hold the item. This prevents disarming.
makes it Medium.
If an additional 11,000 gp & 2,400 XP are spent, the
Level-5 Upgrades
construct instead becomes Huge. The construct gains a +16
PRICE 15,000 GP
bonus to Strength, a +8 bonus to Constitution, and a +5 Intelligence XP COST 3,000 XP
bonus to its natural armor. It takes a –4 penalty to its
Dexterity. This size change also give the creature a –2 size Intelligence (Ex): Constructs operate by using simple logic
penalty to its AC and attack rolls, -2 penalty to ayyack, 10- programs and do not possess intelligence or initiative.
foot reach, and a –8 penalty on Hide skill checks. If the However, by installing an experimental (and highly
construct has the biped base form, its reach increases to 15 illegal) consciousness program – a variant of the program
feet. Any reach upgrades the construct possesses are added which swept through New Crobuzon a few decades ago and
to this total. These bonuses and penalties replace, and do not caused the Construct Wars – a metallo-thaumaturge may
stack with, those gained from becoming Large. The grant intelligence to his companion.
thaumaturge must be at least 13th level before selecting this This gives the construct the communication abilities and
option. The ability increase upgrade costs twice as much as the intelligence of a typical human. The construct gains an
normal when adding to the Strength or Dexterity scores of a Intelligence score of 12.
Large or Huge construct.
At this point, the construct is no longer obligated to
remain as the companion of the metallo-thaumaturge, as it
PRICE 7,000 GP
Spell Resistance XP COST 1,600 XP
no possesses free will. And who knows the reprecussions of
unleashing this kind of being into the world...
Spell Resistance (Ex): A construct is protected against
thaumaturgy, gaining spell resistance. The construct’s spell
resistance is equal to 11 + the thaumaturge’s level. This spell
resistance does not apply to spells cast by the metallo-
thaumaturge. The thaumaturge must be at least 9th level
before selecting this upgrade.

PRICE 7,000 GP
Ultimate Thaumaturgy XP COST 1,600 XP
Ultimate Thaumaturgy (Sp): A construct is integrated with a
wand-like item which it is capable of utilizing. Select one spell
from the following list: arcane sight, create food and water,
cure serious wounds, daylight, fireball, fly, gaseous form,
lightning bolt, major image, or stinking cloud. This spell can
be cast once per day as a spell-like ability. The caster level for
this ability is equal to the construct’s Hit Dice – 2. The save DC
for this spell is 10 + 1/2 the construct’s HD + the construct’s
Dexterity modifier. The construct must possess the major
thaumaturgy upgrade to take this upgrade. The metallo-
thaumaturge must be at least 11th level before selecting this
upgrade. This upgrade can be selected more than once. Each
somaturge’s caster level for his imbuings is equal to his

Somaturge Credit: CthulhuM (see credits page)

somaturge level.
The DC for an imbuing (if it allows a save) is equal to 10 +
equivalent spell level + the somaturge’s Wisdom modifier.
The somaturge is a student of the potential within all The equivalent spell level of each imbuing is listed in the
matter, its dormant capability to become more than an imbuing’s description.
empty shell – to breathe, and come to life. By imbuing The four levels of imbuings, in order of their relative
nonliving matter with positive energy, a somaturge can power, are least, lesser, greater, and living. Somaturges start
animate and command the off knowing one imbuing (of
physical world around him. The least level) and learn more as
somaturge can accomplish many they progress. At 6th level and
different feats using this basic above, a somaturge may begin
principle, but perhaps the best taking lesser imbuings when he
known, and the centerpiece of learns a new one. At 11th level,
his power, is the ability to create he may choose greater
and maintain golems from spare imbuings, and at 16th level and
matter, and wield them to great up he may begin to choose living
effect in combat. imbuings. A complete list of
Role: Combat & support. imbuings and detailed
Abilities: A high Wisdom description of each can be found
score is important for below.
determining saves against the At any level at which a
somaturge’s imbuings. Other somaturge learns a new
than that, high Constitution and Dexterity scores are helpful imbuing, he may also replace a previously learned imbuing
for keeping the somaturge alive while his creations do their with one of equal or lesser grade.
work. A somaturge may end any imbuing with a listed duration
Alignment: Any prematurely as a standard action.
Hit Die: d6 A number of imbuings, called Vital Essence Imbuings or
Bas-Lag golems are not immune to magic.
Exotic Construction Imbuings, function by modifying a
somaturge’s golem (see below). These do not require a
Class Skills separate action to use, and instead are applied when the
Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Jump (Str), somaturge creates his golem. A somaturge may apply up to
Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Knowledge (Architecture and one vital essence imbuing and one exotic construction
Engineering) (Int), Knowledge (Geography) (Int), Knowledge imbuing to any golem he creates.
(Nature) (Int), Lifecraft* (Wis), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Golem (Su): The most obvious and perhaps most
Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str) important use of a somaturge’s abilities is the creation of a
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier. golem. A somaturge’s golem is not like the prefabricated
entities built by spellcasters, but is rather a collection of
Class Features available nonliving material gathered ad hoc into an
Weapons and Armor: Somaturges are proficient with all anthropoid servant. Creating a golem requires the availability
simple weapons and with light armor, but not with shields. A of a sufficient amount of material the somaturge can work
somaturge’s imbuings are not affected by arcane spell failure with. Initially, a somaturge can only create golems from loose
chance, but the somaturge must use small, sympathetic soil, mud or a similarly soft nonliving material, but as he
movements to direct the actions of his golems. If he is increases in power and experience he learns to build golems
wearing more than light armor, he suffers arcane spell failure of harder materials (see Golem creation, below).
chance each time he tries to command his golem. If he fails, Creating a golem is a full-round action that acts as a spell
the golem does nothing. for the purposes of attacks of opportunity and required
Imbuings (Sp): A somaturge does not prepare or cast Concentration checks. The effective spell level of a golem is
spells of any sort. Instead, he has a repertoire of possible whichever of the following is highest – the level of golem
applications for his life-bestowing powers that he can use at created, the level of any living essence or exotic construction
will. Imbuings are treated as spell-like abilities, and therefore imbuings applied to it, or the level of the non-exotic
take a standard action to use (unless stated otherwise in the construction method used (see Golem creation, below). The
imbuing’s description) and are subject to the normal chances golem can be created from desired materials anywhere
for distraction and interruption shared by all spell-like within a range of 25 feet plus 5 feet/2 class levels and
abilities. However, because all of a somaturge’s imbuings appears on the somaturge’s next turn, acting immediately on
affect nonliving matter rather than directly affecting a his initiative. Once a golem is created, it requires little effort
targeted creature, they are not subject to spell resistance. A to maintain, and it remains intact until the somaturge

Table 1–4 - Somaturge
Base Max
Attack Fort Ref Will Imbuings Golem
Bonus Save Save Save Special Known Level
1st +0 +2 +0 +2 Imbuings (least), Golem, Golem Creation (mud) 1 1st
2nd +1 +3 +0 +3 Detect Matter 2 1st
3 +1 +3 +1 +3 – 2 2nd
4 +2 +4 +1 +4 Golem Creation (corpse), Golem Enhancement +1 3 2nd
5 +2 +4 +1 +4 Damage Reduction 1/adamantine 3 3rd
6 +3 +5 +2 +5 Construct Mastery, Imbuings (lesser) 4 3rd
7 +3 +5 +2 +5 Damage Reduction 2/adamantine 4 4th
8th +4 +6 +2 +6 Golem Creation (wood, ice), Golem Enhancement +2 5 4th
9 +4 +6 +3 +6 Constitution Bonus 5 5th
10 +5 +7 +3 +7 Vital Surge 6 5th
11 +5 +7 +3 +7 Imbuings (greater), Damage Reduction 3/adamantine 7 6th
12 +6/+1 +8 +4 +8 Golem Creation (stone, soft metal), Golem Enhancement +3 7 6th
13th +6/+1 +8 +4 +8 – 8 7th
14 +7/+2 +9 +4 +9 Greater Golem 8 7th
15 +7/+2 +9 +5 +9 Damage Reduction 4/adamantine 9 8th
16 +8/+3 +10 +5 +10 Imbuings (living), Golem Creation (iron, hard metal) 10 8th
17 +8/+3 +10 +5 +10 Golem Enhancement +4 10 9th
18 +9/+4 +11 +6 +11 Constitution Bonus 11 9th
19th +9/+4 +11 +6 +11 Damage Reduction 5/adamantine 11 9th
20 +10/+5 +12 +6 +12 Golem Creation (adamantine), Golem Enhancement +5 12 9th
dismisses it (as an immediate action), falls unconscious, or made of. If the golem was not utterly destroyed (such as by a
moves more than 100 feet + 10 feet per somaturge level from disintegrate effect,) and the materials do not dissipate
the golem. A somaturge may only have one golem (not immediately (as most Exotic Construction materials would,)
including actual golems made with the Craft Construct feat or the materials may be used to create a new golem with no loss
purchased) at a time; he must dismiss his current golem (or of mass.
otherwise allow it to be destroyed) before he can create a A golem may not be created within an antimagic field or
new one. similar effect, but the somaturge may hold together a
A golem can follow simple commands (e.g. follow, turn previously constructed golem that enters an antimagic field
this crank, move that direction, attack that enemy, grab that by making a caster level check (DC 15 + effective golem level)
enemy, etc.) without any further input from the somaturge. at the beginning of every hour the golem spends within a
Changing a golem’s instructions (e.g. to change targets, given field.
directions, or modes of combat,) requires that the somaturge Unlike most constructs, somaturgic golems are powered
direct the golem with slight motions of his hands or body. not by magic or mechanisms, but by positive energy. As a
Directing a golem in this manner requires a swift action, and result, they can be healed by positive energy effects or
is subject to arcane spell failure chance from medium or harmed by negative energy effects just as a living creature
heavier armor or from shields. A physically helpless would be. However, they lack a true living anatomy, and as
somaturge (firmly tied up, paralyzed, etc.) may not direct his such retain all other construct immunities.
golem. A grappled somaturge must succeed on a grapple Golem Creation: At 1st level, a somaturge may construct
check (with a +10 bonus, since the movements required are his golems from mud, earth, soft dead plant matter, or any
small) in order to direct his golem. If the somaturge attempts similarly solid material. Golems made from these materials
to direct the golem and fails for any reason, it flails uselessly have no damage reduction.
and effectively does nothing until properly instructed. If your At 4th level, a somaturge may create a golem from the
golem has total concealment or total cover from you, any mass of a corpse or bone (note that only truly dead corpses
attempt you make to command it has a 50% chance of may be used this way, any sort of animated corpse is immune
failure. You must also be able to see any enemies you wish to to the effect). A corpse golem has damage reduction
designate as the golem’s target, though you may instruct it to 3/adamantine. Golems made using this construction method
attack a square you believe contains on unseen foe. For the are always at considered at least 2nd level for the purposes of
purposes of pursuing designated targets, the golem is abilities that rely on golem level.
considered to have human senses. At 8th level, a somaturge may create a golem from dead
The basic stats for any golem are given below (page 46). wood, ice, or a similarly hard material. Golems made from
A somaturge may create a golem of any level up the these materials have damage reduction 5/adamantine. Note
maximum he is able to as listed in the class table. When a that a golem made from ice loses 5 hit points from its
golem dies, it collapses in a pile of whatever substance it is maximum hp per hour per temperature band above 43
cold, unless additional ice is available to replace that which
melts. Golems made using this construction method are
always at considered at least 4th level for the purposes of
Advanced Rules
Extensive examples of golems exist in D&D and Pathfinder
abilities that rely on golem level. Monster Manuals and supplementals. Instead of the basic golem
At 12th level, a somaturge may create a golem from options listed here, almost any of these published golems would
stone, coral, silver (or other soft metal) or other similarly hard make great summons for a studious somaturge.
substance. Golems made from these materials have damage Rules:
reduction 8/adamantine. The attacks of golems made of  Golems from these published sources still obey the Bas-
silver (or incorporating at least 500 gp of it for medium, 2000 Lag restrictions and rules pertaining to golems, i.e., they
gp for large, 4500 gp for huge and 8000 gp for gargantuan are not immune to magic (thaumaturgy), etc.
constructs) overcome damage reduction as silver weapons.  Otherwise, they retain their extraordinary, spell-like, and
Golems made using this construction method are always at supernatural abilities as listed in the material, as well as
any special reactions to specific spells.
considered at least 6th level for the purposes of abilities that
 The specific material which makes up the golem must still
rely on golem level.
be present in sufficient quantities in order to create the
At 16th level, a somaturge may create a golem from iron, golem.
cold iron, or other similarly hard substance. Golems made  The challenge rating (CR) of the published golem limits at
from these materials have damage reduction 10/adamantine, what level the somaturge may create it. A somaturge can
and deal damage as if they were one size category larger than create a golem of CR equal to his own level -1. For
they are. The natural attacks of a golem containing 100 gp of example, a golem of CR 1 can be created by a level 2
cold iron for medium, 400 gp for large, 900 gp for huge or somaturge, and so on.
1600 gp for gargantuan overcome damage reduction as cold  The following golems would be most appropriate; golems
iron weapons. Golems made using this construction method of an extraplanar nature or made of specialty materials
would not be appropriate for Bas-Lag.
are always at considered at least 8th level for the purposes of
 DM discretion and oversight is advised.
abilities that rely on golem level.
At 20th level a somaturge may incorporate adamantine MMI: Clay, Flesh, Iron, Stone
into his golem, constructing a skin around the golem such MM II: Brass, Chain, Stained Glass
that, whatever type of material makes up the rest of it, the MM III: Alchemical, Hangman, Mud, Web.
golem has damage reduction 15/adamantine and its natural MM IV: Fang
attacks overcome damage reduction and hardness as MM V: Force, Magmacore
adamantine weapons and deal damage as if the golem were Cityscape: Siege
Frostburn: Ice
one size category larger than it is. This requires 2,000 gp of
Sandstorm: Sand
adamantine for a medium golem, 8,000 gp for a large golem, Stormwrack: Coral
18,000 gp for a huge golem, and 32,000 gp for a gargantuan Dragon #341: Fungus, Junk, Paper, Tin, Wax, Wood
golem. Golems made using this construction method are PF Bestiary: Clay, Flesh, Ice, Iron, Stone, Wood
always at considered at least 9th level for the purposes of PF Bestiary 2: Adamantine, Alchemical, Carrion, Clockwork,
abilities that rely on golem level. Glass, Mithral
Detect Matter (Sp): At 2nd level, a somaturge gains the PF Bestiary 3: Bone, Brass, Cannon, Fossil,
ability to, at will, detect the presence of any sort of inanimate PF Bestiary 4: Blood, Coral, Junk, Wax
matter he can construct a golem from (so this ability grows the inflexible and inert matter he works with. He gains
more versatile as he gains access to new golem materials). damage reduction 1/adamantine at 3rd level. This damage
This ability functions like detect magic, except that it locates reduction improves by 1 point at 7th, 11th, 15th and 19th levels.
matter rather than magic, and is not blocked by anything Unlike normal x/adamantine damage reduction, this is
short of an antimagic field or other magical means of blocking considered a supernatural quality.
divination. A somaturge who detects something with this Construct Mastery (Ex): From working with his created
ability can tell how much of it there is, roughly where it is and golems, a somaturge gains an insight into building and
what sort of material it is. He cannot tell anything about its animating "real" golems that few others can compete with. At
precise shape or any small movements it might be making. 6th level, a somaturge gains the Craft Construct feat as a
Golem Enhancement (Sp): At 4th level, a somaturge's bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites for it.
golem is sufficiently charged with positive energy that its Additionally, while the somaturge must purchase all the
attacks and defenses take on an innate magical quality. The material components normally needed to construct a golem,
somaturge's golems gain a +1 enhancement bonus to attack, as well as expending the normal XP and time required, he
damage and natural armor, and their natural attacks now need not cast any of the spells a given construct is listed as
count as magic. The value of this enhancement bonus requiring. Instead, he performs the final animation using only
increases by 1 at 4th, 8th, 12th, 17th, and 20th level. his accumulated skills as a somaturge.
Damage Reduction (Su): As he gains skill in the Constitution Increase (Ex): After a time, a somaturge’s
manipulation of lifeless material around him, a somaturge constant efforts to channel positive energy and imbue the
slowly learns to apply some of his techniques in reverse to his nonliving with life begin to saturate his own body with
own body, turning living flesh into something more akin to positive energy, increasing his health and vitality. At
9th level and 18th level, a somaturge gains a +2 bonus to Lightning Golem: Call down lighting from stormy skies, or a
Constitution. handy spellcaster, and give it life.
Vital Surge (Su): At 10th level, a somaturge learns to Greater
release the nascent positive energy that builds up in his body, Wind Golem: Create a flying, invisible golem out of thin air.
providing a sudden surge of healing power. Once per day, as Sound Golem: Create a golem made of sound that damages
a full round action, a somaturge may activate this ability, anything it touches.
gaining fast healing 5 for a number of rounds equal to his Living
class level. Light Golem: Create a golem from sunlight that can blind and
Greater Golem (Su): At 14th level, a somaturge learns to stun enemies.
expand his mastery over matter, bringing in and controlling Shadow Golem: Create a golem from shadow that can
incredible amounts of materials to create his golems. A frighten and weaken enemies.
somaturge of this level may choose to create a golem one Time Golem: Create a short-lived region of living time,
size category larger than it would normally be. In addition to slowing or speeding the area within it.
altering space, reach, and other normal size modifiers, this
changes the creatures’ stats and weapon damage as specified Other Imbuings
in the tables on page 291 of the Monster Manual and, as Least
constructs, gives them additional bonus hit points as specified Buffeting Winds: Enemies may be stopped, knocked prone or
in the table on page 307 of the Monster Manual. blown back by a strong gust of wind.
Clinging Earth: Hinder your enemy's movements or attacks
Somaturge Imbuings with a coating of earth.
Earthen Armor: Create armor of living earth to protect
Vital Essence Imbuings
Vital Essence Imbuings represent specialized talents for
Golem’s Eyes: Project your senses into your golem, wherever
certain areas of golem creation that somaturges may pick up,
it is.
increasing the golem’s power or versatility in various specific
Messenger Wind: A gust of wind carries a short message of
your choosing.
Opaque Air: A thick fog congeals where you command.
Extended Golem: Create a golem that can operate at a greatly
Self-Nourishment: Sustain yourself without food, drink or air.
increased distance from you.
Self-Destructive Urge: Cause object to destroy itself.
Clawed Golem: Replace your golem’s blunt fists with lethal
Treacherous Earth: Weaken and soften the earth, impeding
movement over it and possibly causing other ill effects.
Golem Trap: Prepare a golem in advance to be unleashed
Hardened Air: Create a bank of fog so thick it hampers the
when certain conditions are met.
movement of those within it.
Grappling Golem: Create a golem with grasping limbs and a
Hounding Winds: Solidified air performs combat maneuvers
painful grip.
on enemies at range.
Incite Weapon: Cause a weapon to struggle against whoever
Alacritous Golem: Golem gains an additional natural attack.
is using it.
Explosive Golem: Create a golem that can violently explode
Manipulate Earth: Perform small alterations on objects of
on command.
stone or earth.
Repair Golem: Cure your golem of 4d8 + 1/level damage.
Melded Golem: Create a golem that surrounds you and can
Spines of Earth: Shape earth or stone into sharp spikes that
be controlled with a thought.
slow and damage enemies.
Wind Wall: A wall of strong winds and thickened air blocks
Exotic Construction Imbuings projectiles and impedes creatures.
It does not take long for the average somaturge to figure out Greater
that there is more to golem creation than just rock and dirt. Animate Weapon: Cause a weapon to attack of its own
Almost anything can be forced into form and action with the volition.
careful application of a somaturge’s art, and Exotic Enliven Spell: Dispel or counter magical effects, but with
Construction Imbuings represent this ability. Each Imbuing unpredictable results.
allows a somaturge to create a golem from an unusual Lofting Winds: Gain fly speed with perfect maneuverability.
substance, granting it equally unusual abilities. Part the Earth: Gain burrow speed and 30 foot tremorsense.
Least Raging Earth: Cause earth to explode upward in a line,
Hardened Golem: Create a golem from harder materials than damaging opponents.
you can normally manage. Living
Wave Golem: Create a swimming golem from water. Command Earth: Reshape large amounts of stone with a high
Lesser degree of accuracy.
Flame Golem: Turn an open flame or fire spell into a golem
made of fire. 45
Devouring Winds: Create a powerful vortex of air, which can One with the Earth: Shifting earth slows your enemies and
suck up creatures and objects and send them flying. blocks their attacks.
One with the Winds: Powerful winds protect you and provide Repel Earth: Push metal or stone objects inexorably away
an additional pseudo-golem that can attack enemies near from you.
Table 1–5 - Basic Golem Stats
1st Level Golem 2nd Level Golem 3rd Level Golem
Size/Type Small Golem Medium Golem Medium Golem
Hit Die 1d10+10 (15 hp) 2d10+20 (31 hp) 3d10+20 (36 hp)
Initiative +2 +2 +2
Speed 30 ft. 40 ft. 40 ft.
AC 18 (+2 Dex, +5 natural, +1 size), 18 (+2 Dex, +6 natural), touch 12, 20 (+2 Dex, +8 natural), touch 12,
touch 13, flat-footed 16 flat-footed 16 flat-footed 18
Attack/ +0/-2 +1/+4 +2/+7
Attacks Slam +2 melee (1d4+3) Slam +4 melee (1d6+4) Slam +7 melee (1d6+7)
Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft. 5 ft./5 ft. 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Golem traits, darkvision 60 ft., Golem traits, darkvision 60 ft., Golem traits, darkvision 60 ft.,
Qualities low-light vision low-light vision low-light vision
Saves Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +0 Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +0 Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +1
Abilities Str 15, Dex 15, Con 0, Int 0, Wis Str 17, Dex 15, Con 0, Int 0, Wis Str 21, Dex 15, Con 0, Int 0, Wis
11, Cha 10 11, Cha 10 11, Cha 10

4th Level Golem 5th Level Golem 6th Level Golem

Size/Type Medium Golem Large Golem Large Golem
Hit Die 5d10+20 (47 hp) 7d10+30 (68 hp) 10d10+30 (85 hp)
Initiative +2 +1 +1
Speed 40 ft. 40 ft. 40 ft.
AC 22 (+2 Dex, +10 natural), touch 12, 23 (+1 Dex, +13 natural, -1 size), 25 (+1 Dex, +15 natural, -1 size),
flat-footed 20 touch 10, flat-footed 22 touch 10, flat-footed 24
Attack/ +3/+10 +5/+18 +7/+22
Attacks Slam +10 melee (1d6+10) 2 slams +13 melee (1d8+9) 2 slams +17 melee (1d8+11)
Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft. 10 ft./10 ft. 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Golem traits, darkvision 60 ft., Golem traits, darkvision 60 ft., DR Golem traits, darkvision 60 ft., DR
Qualities low-light vision 5/magic, low-light vision 10/magic, low-light vision
Saves Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +1 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +2 Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +3
Abilities Str 25, Dex 15, Con 0, Int 0, Wis Str 29, Dex 13, Con 0, Int 0, Wis Str 33, Dex 13, Con 0, Int 0, Wis
11, Cha 10 11, Cha 10 11, Cha 10

7th Level Golem 8th Level Golem 9th Level Golem

Size/Type Large Golem Large Golem Huge Golem
Hit Die 13d10+30 (101 hp) 16d10+30 (118 hp) 19d10+40 (144 hp)
Initiative +1 +1 +0
Speed 40 ft. 40 ft. 50 ft.
AC 27 (+1 Dex, +17 natural, -1 size), 29 (+1 Dex, +19 natural, -1 size), 33 (+25 natural, -2 size), touch 8,
touch 10, flat-footed 26 touch 10, flat-footed 28 flat-footed 33
Attack/ +9/+25 +12/+30 +14/+38
Attacks 2 slams +20 melee (1d8+12) 2 slams +25 melee (1d8+14) 2 slams +28 melee (2d6+16)
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft. 10 ft./10 ft. 15 ft./15 ft.
Special Golem traits, darkvision 60 ft., DR Golem traits, darkvision 60 ft., DR Golem traits, darkvision 60 ft., DR
Qualities 10/magic, low-light vision 15/magic, low-light vision 15/magic, low-light vision
Saves Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +4 Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +5 Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +6
Abilities Str 35, Dex 13, Con 0, Int 0, Wis Str 39, Dex 13, Con 0, Int 0, Wis Str 43, Dex 11, Con 0, Int 0, Wis
11, Cha 10 11, Cha 10 11, Cha 10
Class Features
Prestige Classes The following are the class features of the

Weapons and Armor: The biothaumaturge gains no extra
proficiencies in weapons or armor.
Spellcasting: At 1st, 3rd, and 5th levels, you gain new
spells per day and an increase in caster level (and spells
The biothaumaturge (sometimes called a chirugeon,) is a
known, if applicable) as if you had also gained a level in a
specialist capable of manipulating living flesh to an extent
spellcasting class to which you belonged before adding the
well beyond the capabilities of other practitioners. Most
prestige class level. You do not, however, gain any other
notably, the biothaumaturge is well versed in the art of
benefit a character of that class would have gained. If you
splicing and manipulating bodily appendages and forms – a
had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a
key component of Remaking.
biothaumaturge, you must decide to which class to add each
The most famous work of biothaumaturges are the
level for the purpose of determining spells per day, caster
Remade of New Crobuzon. Some Remade incorporate
level, and spells known.
machinery into their forms, but others resort only to living
Flesh Grafting Capability (Sp): Only the abilities of a
tissues. Many of these pitiable Remade have been deformed
biothaumaturge are sufficient for the task of grafting and
horribly for the sole purpose of torment. However,
melding flesh. Through the use of specialized
there exists and underground market for
clayflesh hexes, this ability allows body parts of
beneficial and combat-oriented Remakings as
various creatures to be spliced and
well. (See pg 64 for a complete understanding
reshaped. This process is complex, time-
of what it is to be Remade.)
consuming, and equipment-extensive.
Role: The biothaumaturge continues to
In order to perform any graft, a
function much like his base class on the
biothaumaturge first needs to purchase the
battlefield. Out of combat, the
equipment necessary to furnish a surgical
biothaumaturge has the ability to
suite. This includes all of the machines,
potentially enhance his allies or mutilate
thaumaturgic implements, and alchemical
his victims.
concoctions necessary to sedate patients, keep them
Abilities: A high Wisdom score is
alive through very long surgeries, keep disembodied
necessary to perform the Profession
parts alive, and splice them together again. This
(biothaumaturgy) checks needed for grafting.
equipment costs 5,000 gp and can be purchased in New
Hit Die: d4
Crobuzon, and in several more of Rohagi’s more
technologically advanced cities.
Entry Requirements Grafting requires materials. These materials
Skills: Heal 8 ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 8 ranks. cost 75% of the listed “price” in the options seen below. The
Special: Ability to cast 3rd level arcane spells. graft also, obviously, requires the body parts which are to be
Alignment: Any nongood grafted onto the subject - in order to graft claws onto a
subject, one must first be in possession of the claws. Finding
Class Skills these can be more of a challenge than the grafting procedure
itself. A very few specialty dealers carry these sorts of parts,
Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Heal (Wis), Knowledge
and the New Crobuzon Punishment Factories have their own
(Nature) (Int), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Spellcraft (Int),
private stock, but many times a biothaumaturge or the willing
Use Magic Device (Cha).
subject must track down the required body parts themselves.
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Grafting is never a fast procedure, often taking many
days to complete a single grafting. The time needed for each
graft is given in each listing.

Table 2–1 - Biothaumaturge

Attack Fort Ref Will
Bonus Save Save Save Special Spellcasting
1st +0 +2 +0 +0 Flesh Grafting Capability, Minor Grafting +1 level of existing spellcasting class
2 +1 +3 +0 +0 Size Altercation, Bodily Spells +1 —
3rd +1 +3 +1 +1 Moderate Grafting +1 level of existing spellcasting class
4th +2 +4 +1 +1 Rapid Grafting, Bodily Spells +2 —
5th +2 +4 +1 +1 Major Grafting, Healing Spells +1 level of existing spellcasting class
A great deal of skill is also necessary for these the procedure is being performed – if the roll fails, the graft
procedures. Each day, a Profession (biothaumaturgy) roll is will proceed, but the day’s work will amount to nothing, and
necessary for progress to be made. This roll must be made thus the time needed to complete the graft will be extended
once each day the procedure is being performed – if the roll by a day.
fails, the graft will proceed, but the day’s work will amount to These listed options are by no means all of the possible
nothing, and thus the time needed to complete the graft will grafts that a biothaumaturge is capable of. Your DM is
be extended by a day. encouraged to work with you to imagine many more
Minor Grafting (Sp): The biothaumaturge is capable of beneficial grafts for your game.
performing the simplest grafts, typically replacing or adding Note: Having said that, the subject of wings deserves a
small organs or bodily areas. special mention. The grafting of functional wings to a person
Size Altercation (Sp): Using his specialty equipment, the is infeasible in the extreme. Firstly, even if enlarged wings
biothaumaturge is now able to artificially grow body parts so could be obtained, a standard biped would still weigh too
that they match the size of the subject. For example, insect much to fly. Secondly, attaching working wing muscles and
parts can be severed, enlarged to human-sized, and then put joints to a creature not born with them is inordinately
onto a human. It takes a week to grow a small body part to difficult. And thirdly, even if those problems were overcome,
the proper size. Prior to having this ability, the flying involves motions and movements that are infinitely
biothaumaturge is incapable of performing any of the listed more nuanced than simple up-and-down flapping; without
grafts which require enlarged body parts. the innate instincts of a flying creature, a normal biped would
Bodily Spells (Su): With an intimate knowledge of the have almost no hope of mastering all of the precise motions
intricacies of bodily functions, the biothaumaturge has an required for true flight. So, when creating your own grafts,
increased ability to use his thaumaturgy to manipulate the leave flight off of the menu.
bodies of others. At 2nd level, any of his spells which involve
any of the following attributes receive a +1 bonus to their DC.
This bonus increases to +2 at 4th level.
 Nausea or fatigue
Minor Grafts
PRICE 10,000 GP
 Sleep Antennae GRAFT DC 15
 Ability drain or damage to Str, Dex, or Con
A pair of long antennae sprout from the subject’s head.
 Poison or venom These complex sensory organs grant tremorsense out to 20
 Paralysis feet. Medium-sized and larger insects exist, but the antennae
Moderate Grafting (Sp): The biothaumaturge is capable of a standard insect can be enlarged for this purpose. Donor
of performing the more complex grafts, typically replacing Creature: Medium insect. Time: 2 days
hands, feet, or limbs.
Rapid Grafting (Sp): The biothaumaturge’s experience PRICE 1,500 GP
allows him to cut the listed grafting time of an operation in Bioluminescence GRAFT DC 13
The subject’s neck and forearms are implanted with
Major Grafting (Sp): The biothaumaturge is capable of
patches of natural bioluminescence which are capable of
performing the most complicated grafts, able to replace large
providing light equivalent to a torch for 8 hours per day. The
portions of the body and manipulate the most delicate of
subject can suppress this ability. Donor Creature: Any
naturally bioluminescent creature of Small size or larger.
Healing Spells (Su): If he doesn’t have them already, the
Time: 2 days
following Cure Wounds spells are added to the
biothaumaturge’s list of potentially knowable spells: minor,
PRICE 2,000 GP
light, moderate, major, & critical. Blubber GRAFT DC 13
The insertion of a visually noticeable layer of thick
Grafts blubber under the skin makes it difficult for weapons to reach
There are infinite possibilities when it comes to the vital organs, giving the subject a damage reduction of
grafting of body parts. In theory, nearly any body part from 2/piercing, as well as a +4 circumstance bonus to Fortitude
any creature can be grafted onto a person, with many checks made to resist the effects of cold weather, although
possible permutations for each addition. this also results in a -4 penalty to checks to resist the effects
Grafts fall into two main categories, beneficial or of hot weather. Donor Creature: Whale or manatee. Time: 1
harmful. Since no player character would want a harmful day
graft, those can be left to your imagination. Some of the most
obvious beneficial grafts are listed below. The Price indicates PRICE 2,000 GP
what a prospective customer would pay for the graft, which Enlarged Kidneys GRAFT DC 15
includes materials. If a biothaumaturge wishes to gift a graft By increasing the bulk of the subject’s filtering organs,
to an ally, materials cost 75% that of the listed price. The the subject gains a +4 circumstance bonus against the
Graft DC indicates the Profession (biothaumaturgy) roll effects of poison. Donor Creature: N/A. Time: 3 days
necessary for the graft. This roll must be made once each day 48
Gruesome Grafts Fangs, Poisoned
PRICE 3,000 GP
The Punishment Factories of New Crobuzon exist for the sole
purpose of deforming individuals in humiliating and excruciating These long, sharp fangs allow the subject to deliver
ways. Here are just some of the horrendous things a poison (1d6 Con/1d6 Con, Fort DC 17 negates) with a bite. If
biothaumaturge is capable of: the grafted subject did not possess a bite attack, it can only
 Rerouting a victim’s intestinal tract, placing the anus at bite a grappled or helpless creature. Donor Creature: Any
the back of the throat. Medium or Large venomous reptile. Time: 2 days
 Placing a victim’s torso on the body of a horse, like a
centaur – but backwards, facing the horse’s rear. PRICE 1,000 GP
 Grafting a victim’s dead baby’s arms onto her forehead. Horns GRAFT DC 13
 Melding living creatures into a victim’s flesh, such as
replacing hands with living spiders, or grafting a The horns from a bull are grafted into the subject’s skull,
perpetually angry fox sticking out of a man’s chest, or giving it a gore attack. The gore deals 1d6 points of damage.
replacing a victim’s beard with a chicken. This renders the subject unable to wear unmodified
 Giving a victim a multitude of eyes, overwhelming the headgear. Donor Creature: Bull. Time: 1 day
brain’s capability to process, resulting in constant over-
stimulus. PRICE 3,000 GP
 Grafting a mass of useless limbs onto a victim, such as Jaws, Predatory GRAFT DC 15
giving him a wreath of giant cockroach legs around his
The upper and lower jaws of the subject are replaced
neck, or a score of human arms sprouting from his back,
or useless dead-weight tentacles hanging from his chest.
with the maw of a predatory animal, giving the subject a
 Melding a victim’s wrists permanently together. natural bite attack which deals 1d6 damage. This
 Moving the entire face onto the victim’s chest, instead of arrangement is not natural, and subjects can have difficulty
the head. speaking, resulting in a 10% spell failure chance for any spells
with a somatic component. Donor Creature: Any Medium or
Large predator with a suitable jaw, such as a wolf, big cat, or
bear. Time: 3 days
PRICE 10,000 GP
Eyes, Darkvision GRAFT DC 19 PRICE 7,000 GP
Eyes from a nocturnal beast replace the creature’s Scent GRAFT DC 17
normal eyes. They grant the subject the darkvision ability The subject’s nose and nasal cavity are excavated and
with a range of 60-ft. Donor Creature: Any Medium creature replaced with the donor’s, leaving the subject with a visibly
with darkvision. Time: 2 days different nose. The subject gains the Scent ability. Donor
Creature: Any creature with the Scent ability. Time: 3 days
PRICE 2,000 GP
Eyes, Fish GRAFT DC 17 PRICE 1,000 GP
Fish eyes replace the creature’s normal eyes. They grant Tail, Monkey GRAFT DC 13
the subject a +4 circumstance bonus to Spot and Search The addition of a thick simian tail gives the subject a +2
checks while underwater. Donor Creature: Medium fish. circumstance bonus on Balance, Climb, and Tumble checks as
Time: 2 days long as the tail is not restricted. Donor Creature: Medium
simian. Time: 2 days
PRICE 7,000 GP
Eyes, Hawk GRAFT DC 17 PRICE 2,000 GP
Hawk eyes replace the creature’s normal eyes. They Whiskers GRAFT DC 15
grant the subject a +4 circumstance bonus to Spot and Search The subject is grafted with the sensitive whiskers of a cat.
checks, as well as a +2 circumstance bonus to ranged attack These are not normal hairs, but instead are attached to
rolls. Donor Creature: Medium bird of prey. Time: 2 days especially sensitive nerves, allowing the individual to
subconsciously perceive the air currents of his nearby
PRICE 5,000 GP surroundings. The subject receives a +2 circumstance bonus
Eye, Rear GRAFT DC 19 to Reflex saves. Donor Creature: Any Medium or Large
The subject receives a complex graft, installing an eye in predatory cat. Time: 2 days
the back of his head. A normal human brain is not equipped
to receive complex visual stimuli from two separate sources,
so the vision in this eye is not perfect, however, it does grant
the subject a +2 circumstance bonus to Spot checks, and
Moderate Grafts
renders the subject immune from flanking by giving him all- PRICE 6,000 GP
around vision. No headgear can be worn for the eye to be
Arm, Mantis GRAFT DC 17
able to see. Donor Creature: Any Medium creature with a One of the subject’s arms is replaced by the giant
standard eyeball. Time: 4 days arm of a praying mantis. This grants the arm a natural
claw attack which deals 1d8 piercing damage per claw. The PRICE 12,000 GP
subject also gains Improved Grab as an extraordinary ability. Gills GRAFT DC 23
This arm obviously lacks a human hand. Donor Creature: The subject is grafted with gills on each side of his neck, a
Mantis. Time: 2 days complex procedure which requires integration with the
subject’s natural respiratory system. The subject becomes
PRICE 5,000 GP amphibious. Donor Creature: Any Medium or Large creature
Arms, Meaty GRAFT DC 19 with gills. Time: 5 days
The biceps and triceps of another creature are grafted to
supplement the subject’s. This gives the arms of the subject a PRICE 10,000 GP
grotesque bulging appearance. The subject gains a Inksac GRAFT DC 21
permanent +2 Strength bonus. Donor Creature: Any Medium Normally placed inside the subject’s abdomen, with
or Large vertebrate with arms. Time: 4 days openings above the hips, an inksac can be utilized once per
day. While in the water, released ink can obscure all sight,
PRICE 7,000 GP including darkvision; creatures within have total concealment
Eyes, Insect GRAFT DC 19 (50% miss chance, and the attacker cannot use sight to locate
This complex graft completely retools the subject’s skull, the target). The range of the cloud is twice the subject’s
giving him the eyes of an insect. These unblinking, natural reach, and its duration is one minute. Donor
multifaceted eyes give the subject a wider field of view, Creature: Any Medium or Large squid. Time: 2 days
resulting in a +2 circumstance bonus to Spot. In addition, they
provide a +4 circumstance bonus against any gaze attacks. PRICE 5,000 GP
Donor Creature: Any Medium insect or enlarged insect. Time: Legs, Meaty GRAFT DC 19
5 days The quadriceps of another creature are grafted to
supplement the subject’s. This gives the legs of the subject a
PRICE 5,000 GP grotesque bulging appearance. The subject’s land speed is
Foot, Clawed GRAFT DC 17 increased by 10 feet, they gain a +2 circumstance bonus to
Both of the subject’s feet are replaced by the splayed Jump checks, and their carrying capacity is increased as if the
talons of a large bird. This grants the feet a natural claw creature had a +2 Strength bonus. Donor Creature: Any
attack which deals 1d6 damage per claw. The subject also Medium or Large vertebrate with legs. Time: 4 days
gains a +2 circumstance bonus against bull rush and trip
attempts, and a +2 circumstance bonus on Balance checks. PRICE 6,000 GP
The subject can no longer wear footwear. Donor Creature: Tail, Crocodile GRAFT DC 21
Any Large bird. Time: 3 days A crocodile tail grants the subject a swim speed of 20
feet and bestows the typical abilities of having a swim speed,
PRICE 5,000 GP or increases the subject’s swim speed by 20 feet if it already
Hand, Clawed GRAFT DC 17 has such a speed and does not already possess a tail.
One of the subject’s hands has wicked claws grafted onto Creatures not born with such an appendage suffer a -5 foot
the ends of his fingers. This grants the hand a natural claw penalty to their land speed, as the musculature required for
attack which deals 1d6 damage. The subject takes a -4 such an appendage interferes with normal movement. Donor
penalty on any check involving fine manipulation. The subject Creature: Medium or Large Crocodile. Time: 4 days
can no longer wear unmodified hand-wear. Donor Creature:
Any animal with a claw attack. Time: 3 days PRICE 10,000 GP
Tail, Scorpion GRAFT DC 23
PRICE 7,000 GP A large segmented scorpion’s tail is grafted to the lower
Hands, Gecko GRAFT DC 17 back of the subject, granting him the scorpion’s sting and
Both of the hands are replaced by the sticky grasping poison attack. The sting deals 1d6 damage and the poison is
hands of an amphibian. These grant the subject a climb speed the same as the donating creature’s. Medium-sized and
of 15 feet. Donor Creature: Any Medium gecko, newt, or larger scorpions exist, but the tail of a standard scorpion can
frog. Time: 3 days be enlarged for this purpose. Donor Creature: Scorpion.
Time: 4 days
PRICE 5,000 GP
Hands, Webbed GRAFT DC 17 PRICE 8,000 GP
The subject gains a webbing between the digits of his Tendon Extension GRAFT DC 23
hands, granting him a +4 circumstance bonus on Swim A comprehensive operation to extend or replace the
checks. He becomes unable to wear traditional gloves. Donor subject’s major skeletal tendons results in a permanent +2
Creature: Any Small or larger creature with skin. Time: 1 days Dexterity bonus. Donor Creature: Any with tendons. Time: 5

PRICE 5,000 GP the subject’s nerves, he becomes slightly resistant to
Tentacle GRAFT DC 21 debilitating pain, resulting in a +2 circumstance bonus to
A tentacle typically replaces an arm or a forelimb, in Fortitude checks. Donor Creature: N/A. Time: 7 days
which case the creature gains a +4 circumstance bonus on
grapple checks. This now-handless limb loses the fine- PRICE 20,000 GP
manipulation skills of a human hand. Donor Creature: Scent, Superior GRAFT DC 30
Octopus or squid. Time: 4 days The subject’s nose and nasal cavity are excavated and
replaced with the donor’s, leaving the subject with a visibly
different nose. Furthermore, the olfactory portion of the
Major Grafts brain is artificially enlarged, to the point of giving the skull a
distended appearance, and the nostrils are similarly enlarged
PRICE 10,000 GP
Arm, Serpent GRAFT DC 25
and exaggerated. The subject gains the Scent ability, but with
a normal range of half a mile, as opposed to 30 feet. Any
The subject’s arm is replaced by a long-flexible snake, stench attack or similar scent-dependent action affects the
head included. The grafted creature can make a bite attack
subject fourfold. Donor Creature: Any creature with the
with his arm, dealing 1d4 points of damage plus poison 1d6
Scent ability. Time: 7 days
Con/1d6 Con, Fort DC 17 negates). The subject takes a -5
penalty on any check involving fine manipulation. The subject
PRICE 15,000 GP
can no longer wear unmodified hand-wear. Donor Creature: Skeletal Reinforcement GRAFT DC 27
Medium venomous snake. Time: 5 days
A thorough procedure adds mass and density to the
subject’s skeleton, resulting in a permanent +2 Constitution
PRICE 25,000 GP
Arms, Extra GRAFT DC 32
bonus, as well as adding 10lb to his weight. Donor Creature:
Bones from any Large creature, or two Medium creatures.
The dream of every combatant is to possess another set Time: 8 days
of arms. This is no easy task: spinal connections, socket joints,
and the required musculature involve very complex
PRICE 14,000 GP
manipulations. Skin, Amphibious GRAFT DC 25
A creature can only possess one extra set of limbs, and
This extensive and invasive graft replaces the subject’s
even that is pushing it. Two-armed bipeds have no instincts or
skin with an amphibious membrane, allowing the subject to
experience regarding the use of these limbs, therefore extra
breathe both air and water, gaining the amphibious subtype.
willpower is required for their effective use. In a situation
Donor Creature: One Medium amphibian or 30 normal frogs.
involving fine motor control (such as a skill check,) or a
Time: 6 days
stressful or demanding situation (such as combat,) the
subject must make a Will save (DC 19) for each action, or
PRICE 11,000 GP
suffer a –6 penalty on all attack rolls, saves, skill checks, and Skin, Bone-Plated GRAFT DC 23
ability checks until the action passes. Use of a shield using
one of these arms in combat requires the same check, and A gruesome procedure inserts flat bone fragments or
failure results in the negation of the shield’s AC value. Use of plates beneath a subject’s skin. The plates grant the subject a
a spell with somatic components using one of these arms +5 natural armor bonus. If the subject had natural armor
requires the same check, failure results in the failure of the already due to a hard shell or some other kind of physical
spell. Donor Creature: Same race as subject. Time: 10 days covering, this replaces that bonus. This lumpy insertion
interferes with the subject’s ability to wear normal armor and
is apparent unless clothing is very baggy or padded. The
PRICE 10,000 GP subject also suffers a -1 penalty to Dexterity. Donor Creature:
Mucus Sheathe GRAFT DC 25 Bones from any Large creature, or two Medium creatures.
A mucus sheathe actually involves extensive skin grafts, Time: 4 days
resulting in the subject being constantly coated in a thin layer
of mucus. This layer adds 10 feet to the creature’s swim PRICE 18,000 GP
speed and gives it a +10 circumstance bonus on Escape Artist Skin, Darkwood GRAFT DC 27
checks. It also reduces the subject’s ability to gain traction, The subject’s flesh is infused with a thin layer of hardy
and thus imposes a -6 penalty on grapple checks and a -1 darkwood. Whenever the subject is successfully hit with a
penalty to melee weapon attacks, as the subject must work critical hit or sneak attack, it has a 25% chance of negating
harder not to lose his grip on what he holds. Donor Creature: the extra damage. Due to the inflexible nature of darkwood,
A dozen slugs, snails, or mudfish. Time: 6 days the subject suffers a permanent -2 penalty to Dexterity.
Donor Creature: One full-grown darkwood tree. Time: 6 days
PRICE 12,000 GP
Pain Reduction GRAFT DC 27
It would be folly to remove one’s sense of pain, but it can
be useful to lessen the sensation. By carefully manipulating 51
PRICE 15,000 GP
Skin, Small-Plated GRAFT DC 25
A complex procedure to entirely replace a subject’s skin,
this graft inserts small armored plates onto the surface of the
body. The plates grant the subject a +2 natural armor bonus.
If the subject had natural armor already due to a hard shell or
some other kind of physical covering, this replaces that
bonus. This does not interfere with the subject’s ability to
wear clothing or armor. Donor Creature: Four pangolins.
Time: 7 days

PRICE 10,000 GP
Skin, Spiked GRAFT DC 23
The skin of the subject is implanted with small, spiky
protuberances. These enable the subject to deal 1d4 lethal
damage in a grapple, as opposed to nonlethal. These
interfere with clothing, and the maximum Dexterity of any
worn armor receives a -2 penalty. Donor Creature: Any
Medium spiky plant or vine, Medium porcupine, a hotchi, or a
cactacae. Time: 5 days

PRICE 10,000 GP
Skin, Spore-Filled GRAFT DC 27
The skin of the subject is imbued with that of a green-
blue fungus, giving the subject the appearance of some
terrible disease. Once per day, the subject can release a cloud
of poisonous spores which affect all living creatures within a
10-foot radius. They must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½
your HD + your Con modifier) or become fatigued. Donor
Creature: Bag of poisonous mushrooms. Time: 6days

PRICE 13,000 GP
Tail, Replacement GRAFT DC 25
This tail replaces the subject’s legs or rear limbs. The
subject’s land speed is reduced by 10 feet, but it can climb or
swim at half of its original land speed. The subject can
constrict creatures of an equal size or smaller; with a
successful grapple check, it deals 1d6 points of bludgeoning
damage plus 1-1/2 times the subject’s strength modifier.
Obviously, it can no longer use footwear. Donor Creature:
Large or Huge snake. Time: 8 days

If the chromathaumaturge already possessed low

Chromathaumaturge light vision as a racial or otherwise permanent ability,

the range of this ability is increased by 50%.

Light (Sp): At 1st level, the chromathaumaturge is able to

The chromathaumaturge is a specialist who delves spontaneously cast the spell light, replacing any other
deeply into the study of light and its thaumaturgical prepared spell. In addition, she is always free to apply the
applications. Heighten Spell feat to this ability, following the normal rules
Hit Die: d4 and limitations of this feat.
Light Spells (Su): At 2nd level, a chromathaumaturge has
Entry Requirements her potential spell list expanded. Any and all spells of the
Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 8 ranks, Spellcraft 8 ranks. [light] descriptor, as well as any prismatic spells are
Spells: Ability to cast daylight. automatically added to the chromathaumaturge’s spell list,
Alignment: Any nonevil. regardless of which classes are typically able to cast them.
In the case of classes which must choose the spells they
learn, like the sorcerer, these spells are only added to the
Class Skills spells that they can potentially learn.
Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Unimpeachable Light (Su): At 3rd level, a
Profession (Wis), Spot (Wis), Spellcraft (Int). chromathaumaturge’s light spells are particularly difficult to
Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier. defeat with spells or effects meant to dispel them. She can
add her chromathaumaturge class level to the DC needed to
Class Features dispel or suppress any [light] spell or effect she creates.
The following are the class features of the Radiant Light (Su): At 4th level, whenever a
chromathaumaturge. chromathaumaturge casts any spell with the [light]
Weapons and Armor: The chromathaumaturge gains no descriptor, the radius of illumination is doubled.
extra proficiencies in weapons or armor. Radiant Form (Su): At 5th level, the chromathaumaturge
Spellcasting: At all levels except 1st, you gain new spells can take on a radiant form. Once per day as a full-round
per day and an increase in caster level (and spells known, if action, she can cover her body in a mesmerizing spectacle of
applicable) as if you had also gained a level in a spellcasting shifting rainbow light that attracts the eye and bewilders
class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class onlookers. Any creature within 30-feet capable of seeing the
level. You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character chromathaumaturge must make a Will save (DC 10 + her
of that class would have gained. If you had more than one overall caster level) or else be fascinated. This fascination
spellcasting class before becoming a chromathaumaturge, effect lasts for one minute. Creatures may try to avert their
you must decide to which class to add each level for the gaze the same way they would against a standard gaze
purpose of determining spells per day, caster level, and spells attack.
Light Resistance (Ex): At 1st level, a chromathaumaturge
gains an immunity to blindness effects and cannot be dazzled.
She receives a +4 circumstance bonus on all saves made to
resist gaze attacks.
Low Light Vision (Su): At 1st level, a chromathaumaturge
gains low light vision if she did not already possess it. This
allows her to see twice as far as a normal in starlight,
moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of shadowy
illumination. She retains the ability to distinguish color and
detail under these conditions, and can read a scroll as long as
even the tiniest candle flame is next to her as a source of

Table 2–2 - Chromathaumaturge

Base Attack Fort Ref Will
Lvl Bonus Save Save Save Special Spellcasting
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Light Resistance, Low-Light Vision, Light —
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Light Spells +1 level of existing spellcasting class
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 Unimpeachable Light +1 level of existing spellcasting class
4th +2 +1 +1 +4 Radiant Light +1 level of existing spellcasting class
5th +2 +1 +1 +4 Radiant Form +1 level of existing spellcasting class
or used weapons may be used for this purpose. The

Communicatrix link may also be established with blood, hair, or other

biological components of the individual.
Establishing a connection using such an item requires

Practitioners of communication-based magic, these

one minute of interrupted concentration. Upon connection,
thaumaturgists are often employed by governments and
communication may happen one of two ways. Either the
organizations to spy on the unwary. New Crobuzon, in
particular, has teams of dedicated communicatrices communicatrix talks directly to the subject, or, alternatively,
continuously monitoring the populace for signs of dissidence the communicatrix may function as a verbal mouthpiece for
and unrest. Luckily for criminals and rebels, communicatrices the subject, allowing the subject to talk directly to a third
are monitors only, not diviners or psychics. party which is physically present with the communicatrix.
Technically speaking, male followers of this discipline are Either method requires the full attention of the
called “communicators,” while females are known as communicatrix, who becomes unaware of her physical
“communicatrices.” surroundings, and is thus potentially susceptible to physical
Hit Die: d4 danger.
When the subject is communicating, both he and the
Entry Requirements communicatrix must speak aloud. The connection only
Skills: Concentration 10 ranks, Listen 10 ranks, Decipher functions on sentient beings and is language-dependent. The
Script 10 ranks. connection also only works on willing recipients; if the
Spells: Must have at least 7 levels in a spellcasting class. communicatrix attempts to contact someone who does not
Special: Must be able to speak, read, and write at least wish to talk, the connection fails. The duration of
three languages not on the character’s racial list of bonus communication is 1 minute per caster level, and the
languages. communicatrix may establish one connection per day per 5
Alignment: Any.
caster levels (for a maximum of four connections at level 20.)
The connection grants communication only. It does not
Class Skills impart any other information, such as the location of the
Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Gather subject, the status if the subject, or the distance to the
Information (Cha), Search (Int), Listen (Wis), Sense Motive subject.
(Wis), Speak Language (none), Spellcraft (Int). Remote Listening (Sp): Three times a day, the
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier. communicatrix can utilize an ability similar to the spell
clairaudience (but not clairvoyance,) with the following
Class Features exceptions. There is no focus required; the range is increased
The following are the class features of the to two miles; the duration is “Concentration.”
Weapons and Armor: The communicatrix gains no extra
proficiencies in weapons or armor.
Spellcasting: At second level the communicatrix gains
spells from her base class.
Tongues (Sp): Twice per day, the communicatrix may
cast tongues as if it were cast by a 9th level sorcerer.
Remote Connection (Su): The communicatrix gains the
ability to communicate with an individual at any distance, or
act as a conduit of communication.
In order to communicate with an individual, the
communicatrix requires an item belonging to the individual
with which to establish a connection. This item must be a
close or long-term possession, something that has had the See pg 61 for communicatrix equipment.
chance to absorb the psychic aura of the person in question.
Things like well-worn clothing, keys, jewelry, journals, wallets,
Table 2–3 - Communicatrix
Lvl Attack Fort Ref Will
Bonus Save Save Save Special Spellcasting
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Tongues —
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Remote Connection +1 level of existing spellcasting class
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 Remote Listening —
body of water and sensing the ground directly

underneath. This sense does not function if the
geoempath is in the air or if something like concrete or steel
lies between him and the earth.
A geoempath is one who has gained the ability to read At 3rd level, the range of this ability increases to a mile.
the earth as easily as the pages of a book. Many backwoods Earth Spells (Su): At 1st level, a geoempath gains the
thaumaturgists have some degree of skill with geoempathy, ability to cast any spells with the [earth] descriptor at +1
but the skills of a geoempath are also valuable in the urban caster level.
setting, where they are utilized for construction planning and Furthermore, the spells stone metamorphosis, stone
resource-discovering purposes. shape, greater stone shape, fortify stone, transmute mud to
Hit Die: d6 rock, and transmute rock to mud are added to his potential
spell list (but, for classes like sorcerers, not their known spell
Entry Requirements list,) if they were not there already. These are available to be
Skills: Knowledge (nature) 6 ranks, Spellcraft 6 ranks. cast at the same spell level a wizard would cast them as.
Spells: Able to cast 2nd level spells. Lesser Tremorsense (Ex): Beginning at 2nd level, a
Special: Must have spent at least six months living close geoempath gains the tremorsense ability with a range of 10
to the land, away from major urban areas. feet.
Alignment: Any. Earth Sight (Su): A geoempath of 3rd level can see
through stone, dirt, or almost any other type of earth (except
metal) to a range of 30 feet as easily as if the substance were
Class Skills not there. The geoempath can still see the presence of the
Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Knowledge (dungeoneering) earth as a faint outline, so that he does not run into it, and
(Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Listen (Wis), Survival (Wis). can otherwise function normally. This does not give the
Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier. geoempath the ability to see into darkness or unlit areas.

Class Features
The following are the class features of the geoempath.
Weapons and Armor: The geoempath gains no extra
proficiencies in weapons or armor.
Spellcasting: At all levels except 3rd, you gain new spells
per day and an increase in caster level (and spells known, if
applicable) as if you had also gained a level in a spellcasting
class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class
level. You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character
of that class would have gained. If you had more than one
spellcasting class before becoming a geoempath, you must
decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of
determining spells per day, caster level, and spells known.
Earth Sense (Su): A geoempath is always in tune with the
surrounding earth. At 1st level, he can sense the presence of
major natural features in the earth for a distance of a half
mile. This includes things like detecting the presence and
general size of streams, hills, and other general surface
features, as well as underground deposits of water, minerals,
metals, coal, rockmilk, etc. This sense can detect tunnels or
burrows, but only in a general sense, and cannot detect any
living beings. More banal information, like determining a
certain type of mundane rock, or the general composition of
the soil, are also included in this sense.
This ability only functions when the geoempath is in
direct contact with the rock or soil, or when he is on a natural
Table 2–4 - Geoempath
Attack Fort Ref Will
Bonus Save Save Save Special Spellcasting
1st +0 +2 +0 +2 Earth Sense, Earth Spells +1 level of existing spellcasting class
2nd +1 +3 +0 +3 Lesser Tremorsense +1 level of existing spellcasting class
3rd +1 +3 +1 +3 Earth Sight —
of the normal –20) when moving at up to twice

Mossist normal speed while tracking.

Plant Affinity (Su): At 2nd level, the mossist becomes
magically attuned to plants. If you prepare your spells in

Deep in the interior of the Galaggi Veldt, far from any city advance and do not have the spontaneous casting ability (like
or port, the practice of thaumaturgy is much less structured a cleric or druid does,) you can now spontaneously trade
than it is in many areas of Rohagi. Instead of textbooks and prepared spells for spells of an equal or lower value from the
universities, knowledge is passed from master to apprentice, Plant domain. If you do have the spontaneous casting ability,
and only the most useful and practical abilities are practiced. you exchange the one that you have for the ability to cast
One such discipline is the moss-magic, a basic yet powerful spontaneously from the Plant domain. Once you make this
brand of thaumaturgy focused on the manipulation of plants. decision, it cannot be reversed. If you do not already have
Hit Die: d8 bonus domain spells, you now gain bonus domain spells from
the Plant domain as if you were a cleric with access to that
Entry Requirements domain. If you already have domain spells, you may swap one
Skills: Knowledge (nature) 8 ranks, Survival 6 ranks. of your domains for the Plant domain, if you do not already
Spells: Able to cast 3rd level divine spells. have it.
Special: Must have spent time in the Galaggi Veldt to Moss Revenge (Sp): Once per day, a mossist can unleash
learn moss-magic. the fury of the forest with a devastating moss attack as a full
Alignment: Any neutral. round action. This ability causes grasses, moss, weeds,
bushes, and even trees to sprout from the ground and then
wrap and twist around creatures in or entering the area (30
Class Skills ft. radius, cast within 100 ft.) for the duration of one minute.
Concentration (Con), Climb (Dex), Craft (Int), Handle Animal Creatures that make their save against this ability (Reflex
(Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Ride (Dex), DC 12 + mossist’s primary spellcasting stat modifier) are
Survival (Wis). unaffected other than having to move at half speed within
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier. the area of affect. If a creature fails its saving throw, it has
three options: stay perfectly still, attempt to break free from
Class Features the thorns, or continue to act normally.
The following are the class features of the mossist. A creature that fails its save but stands perfectly still is
Weapons and Armor: The mossist gains no extra entangled (–2 attack, –4 Dexterity), and takes 2d6
proficiencies in weapons or armor. bludgeoning damage from the constricting plants each round
Spellcasting: At all levels except 1st, you gain new spells that it is trapped. Anyone entangled in this way loses the
per day and an increase in caster level (and spells known, if entangled condition if they leave the area of the spell.
applicable) as if you had also gained a level in a spellcasting Each round in which a creature remains in the area, it
class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class may spend a full round action extricating themselves from
level. You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character the plants. Doing so allows for a new saving throw. If
of that class would have gained. If you had more than one successful, the creature is unaffected except that it may only
spellcasting class before becoming a mossist, you must decide move at half speed in the area of the spell. Successfully
to which class to add each level for the purpose of breaking free in this way is the only thing a character can do
determining spells per day, caster level, and spells known. that does not cause damage to the character.
Plant Spell Familiarity (Su): Beginning at 1st level, a A failed attempt to break free deals the normal 2d6
mossist has gained a deeper understanding of plant magic damage. Those that attempt actions (such as attack, cast a
and how it operates. A mossist may now modify any spell he spell with a somatic component, or move) take 4d6 points of
knows which has the [plant] descriptor with any metamagic bludgeoning damage from the constricting plants. A creature
feat he has learned without increasing the spell’s level or that tries to cast a spell must also make a Concentration
casting time. This ability can be used a number of times per check (DC 15 + spell level + damage taken) or lose the spell.
day equal to the character’s level in the mossist class The plants provide cover. A creature 5 feet away has
(maximum 3.) cover. Creatures separated by 20 or more feet of this growth
Swift Tracker (Ex): Beginning at 1st level, the mossist can have total cover.
move at normal speed while following tracks, without taking
the normal –5 penalty. He takes only a –10 penalty (instead
Table 2–5 - Mossist
Lvl Attack Fort Ref Will
Bonus Save Save Save Special Spellcasting
1st +0 +2 +0 +2 Plant Spell Familiarity, Swift Tracker —
2nd +1 +3 +0 +3 Plant Affinity +1 level of existing spellcasting class
3rd +1 +3 +1 +3 Moss Revenge +1 level of existing spellcasting class
Prosthetic Grafting Capability (Sp): Successfully

Physicothaumaturge melding man and machine is far from a crude science;

in fact, it requires extensive study of both the mechanical and
medical fields of thaumaturgy. The method of creating such

Whereas the biothaumaturge specializes in the meldings is complex, time-consuming, and equipment-
manipulation and addition of limbs and tissues, the extensive.
physicothaumaturge is the master of swapping organic In order to perform any graft, a physicothaumaturge first
tissues with mechanical replacements. Creators of the needs to purchase the equipment necessary to furnish a
industrial Remade, physicothaumaturges often work hand in combination surgical-mechanical suite. This includes all of the
hand with their biothaumaturge compatriots, but are machines, thaumaturgic implements, and alchemical
nonetheless a distinct discipline. concoctions necessary to sedate patients, keep them alive
Role: The physicothaumaturge continues to function through very long surgeries, and manufacture unique
much like his base class on the battlefield. Out of combat, the mechanical parts. This equipment costs 5,000 gp and can be
physicothaumaturge has the ability to potentially enhance his purchased in New Crobuzon, and in several more of Rohagi’s
allies or mutilate his victims. more technologically advanced cities.
Abilities: A high Wisdom score is necessary to perform Grafting requires materials. These materials cost
the Profession (physicothaumaturgy) checks needed for 75% of the listed “price” in the options seen below. This
grafting. usually involves raw materials only, leaving the
Hit Die: d4 physicothaumaturge to fabricate the unique parts
needed for any given operation.
Entry Requirements Grafting is never a fast procedure,
Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 8 ranks, Knowledge often taking many days to complete a
(architecture & engineering) 8 ranks. single grafting. The time needed for each
Special: Ability to cast 3rd level arcane graft is given in each listing.
spells. A great deal of skill is also necessary
Alignment: Any nongood. for these procedures. Each day, a
Profession (physicothaumaturgy) roll is
necessary for progress to be made.
Class Skills This roll must be made once each day
Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Heal the procedure is being performed – if
(Wis), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), the roll fails, the graft will proceed, but
Knowledge (architecture & engineering) the day’s work will amount to nothing,
(Int), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and thus the time needed to complete
Use Magic Device (Cha). the graft will be extended by a day.
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier. Lesser Grafting (Ex): The
physicothaumaturge is capable of
Class Features performing the simplest grafts, typically limited to
The following are the class features of the enhancements that do not require a boiler.
physicothaumaturge. Permanent Graft (Sp): Using unique hexes, the
Weapons and Armor: The physicothaumaturge gains no physicothaumaturge can make it so that any grafting he
extra proficiencies in weapons or armor. performs becomes permanent. Without these hexes, a
Spellcasting: At 1st and 3rd levels, you gain new spells per Remade prisoner could, in theory, replace their detrimental
day and an increase in caster level (and spells known, if remaking with something else; with a permanency hex,
applicable) as if you had also gained a level in a spellcasting however, the graft may never be entirely replaced or
class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class removed without causing the death of the subject, forcing
level. You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character them to live with their malformation.
of that class would have gained. If you had more than one Technical Expertise (Ex): The physicothaumaturge adds
spellcasting class before becoming a biothaumaturge, you his class level to any Craft, Disable Device, Knowledge
must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose (architecture & engineering), and Open Lock checks regarding
of determining spells per day, caster level, and spells known. technology, contraptions, or mechanical prosthetics.

Table 2–6 - Physicothaumaturge

Lvl Attack Fort Ref Will
Bonus Save Save Save Special Spellcasting
1st +0 +2 +0 +0 Prosthetic Grafting Capability, Lesser Grafting +1 level of existing spellcasting class
2nd +1 +3 +0 +0 Permanent Graft, Technical Expertise —
3rd +1 +3 +1 +1 Greater Grafting +1 level of existing spellcasting class
Greater Grafting (Ex): The physicothaumaturge is PRICE 5,000
capable of performing extensive grafts with masterful skill. Spring-Loaded GRAFT DC 17
Mechanical enhancements are added to the subject’s

Lesser Grafts
existing legs, granting the subject a +4 circumstance bonus on
any Balance or Jump checks. Time: 3 days
PRICE Varies
Armored Integument GRAFT DC Varies
Sheets of armored plating are inserted under the skin, Greater Grafts
giving the subject a natural armor bonus. This additional PRICE 5,000
material is bulky and immediately noticeable on the subject. Internal Compartment GRAFT DC 20
If the subject already has a natural armor bonus, this value The organs of a subject are rearranged to create an
stacks with the previous. This plating adds 10 pounds to the internal sealed cavity capable of concealing and smuggling
subject’s weight. Subjects which receive Mk. IV or Mk. V small items in the torso. The cavity is capable of holding items
armor are so bulky that they suffer a -2 Dexterity penalty. up to the size of a dagger. A Search of DC 22 or a Spot of 18
Plating Enhance. Time DC Price (without clothing) is required to notice the compartment.
Mk. I +1 2 days 22 4,000 Time: 2 days
Mk. II +2 4 days 24 16,000
PRICE 15,000
Mk. III +3 6 days 26 36,000 Meta-Clockwork GRAFT DC 24
Mk. IV +4 8 days 28 64,000
Mk. V +5 10 days 30 100,000 The subject receives a specialized meta-clockwork
component that performs a single thaumaturgic function
three times per day. Choose three 0-level spells which the
enhancement can replicate. Each function can be used
PRICE Varies
Hand, Clawed GRAFT DC Varies
multiple times per day, but each use counts against the daily
limit. Time: 4 days
One of the subject’s hands is replaced with mechanical
claws. This grants the hand a natural claw attack. The subject
PRICE Varies
takes a -4 penalty on any check involving fine manipulation. Musculature Augments GRAFT DC Varies
The subject can no longer wear unmodified hand-wear. If the
Not-so-subtle clockwork mechanisms are inserted into
subject is not of Medium size, adjust the damage up or down
the arms and legs of the subject, augmenting the subject’s
by the appropriate step. Time: 2 days
strength. These devices must be wound once per day in order
Damage (Med) Time DC Price to function, a task which the subject himself is capable of. The
1d4 2 days 20 4,000 augments add 10 pounds to the weight of the subject.
1d6 3 days 21 6,000
Augment Enhance. Time DC Price
1d8 4 days 22 10,000
Mk. I +2 Str 2 days 22 8,000
Mk. II +4 Str 4 days 28 32,000
Mk. III +6 Str 8 days 34 72,000
PRICE 10,000*
Implanted Weaponry GRAFT DC 24
A single light melee weapon or one-handed firearm can
be implanted into the arm of the subject. Melee weapons
extend or retract as a swift action via a spring-based
clockwork mechanism. The weapon in question must be
physically capable of being inside the subject’s forearm.
Ranged weapons fire through a port on the palm or back of
the wrist. Either type of weapon has statistics identical to its
normal form. Firearms reload through a breach in the arm,
increasing the reloading time of the weapon to a full-round
action, or doubling the reload time if it already takes a full-
round. Detecting an implanted weapon takes a Search or Spot
check of DC 25. Implanted weaponry can be damaged or
destroyed but cannot be disarmed.
The price and weight of the weapon to be implanted are
added to the mechanism’s cost and weight (1 pound.) Time: 2

spells in question; for example, a Cleric only capable of

Subvocalurgist casting 6th-level spells may not add 9th-level spells to

his daily list.
The selection of these spells is fixed and cannot be

With but a whisper, a master of subvocalurgy can

altered on a daily basis. Each time you level up, however, you
dominate minds and bend others to his will. This path is a
may decide to swap these spells out.
difficult one to master, however; most subvocalugists never
advance very far, but those few who master the discipline Improved Mind-Effects (Su): At 2nd level and 4th level, the
become a force to be reckoned with. strength of your mind-affecting spells is bolstered. Any time
Hit Die: d6 you cast a [Mind-Affecting] spell, you may add a +2 to the
save that would be necessary to overcome or resist your spell
at 2nd level; this increases to +4 at 4th level.
Entry Requirements In order to utilize this bonus, you must be capable of
Skills: Bluff, 13 ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 13 ranks,
Spellcraft 13 ranks. whispering command words along with your spell. This means
Spells: Able to cast dominate person, use dominate that you cannot be under any spell, magical effect, or
person as a spell-like ability, or equivalent. mundane effect that prevents you from speaking or being
Spells: Must have the ability to cast 5th-level spells. heard. You must speak even if the spell in question does not
Alignment: Any nongood. normally require a verbal component. This bolstered effect
also only functions on targets who can hear and understand
Class Skills you, (making this a [Language-Dependent] effect.) While
Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate utilizing this ability, your spells may not be subject to the
(Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), and Silent Spell feat, or similar effect.
Spellcraft (Int). Improved Message (Sp): At 3rd level, you gain the ability
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier. to use the spell message at will. This ability has the following
modifications: the range of the spell is now “Long;” you don’t
Class Features need to point at your targets; you do not require a focus; and
The following are the class features of the subvocalurgist. the duration is now “Concentration.” This spell cannot benefit
Weapons and Armor: The subvocalurgist gains no extra from the Silent Spell feat or similar effect.
proficiencies in weapons or armor. Mental Resistance (Su): At 5th level, you gain a +4 bonus
Spellcasting: At all class levels except third, you gain new to saves against mind-affecting abilities.
spells per day and an increase in caster level (and spells
known, if applicable) as if you had also gained a level in a
spellcasting class to which you belonged before adding the
prestige class level. You do not, however, gain any other
benefit a character of that class would have gained. If you
had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a
subvocalurgist, you must decide to which class to add each
level for the purpose of determining spells per day, caster
level, and spells known.
Expanded Spell List: At 1st level, you may add two spells
of the [Mind-Affecting] variety to your potential class spell list
that are not typically there. For example, a Cleric may add
two spells from the Wizard spell list. For classes like
Sorcerers, this only allows you the potential to learn these
spells – it does not add to your known spells. You must
already have access to the appropriate spell level for the
Table 2–7 - Subvocalurgist
Attack Fort Ref Will
Bonus Save Save Save Special Spellcasting
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Expanded Spell List +1 level of existing spellcasting class
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Improved Mind-Effects +2 +1 level of existing spellcasting class
3 +1 +1 +1 +3 Improved Message —
4th +2 +1 +1 +4 Improved Mind-Effects +4 +1 level of existing spellcasting class
5th +2 +2 +2 +4 Mental Resistance +1 level of existing spellcasting class
Boost Golem
Feats You know how to create golems with more advanced
anatomies and abilities than the norm.
Prerequisite: Ability to create 5th level golems, Augment
Basic Feats Golem
Benefit: Golems you create may have one additional vital
Undine Familiar essence imbuing applied to them.
You gain the ability to bind a tiny freshwater elemental as
your familiar. Extra Imbuing
Prerequisite: Familiar class ability, vodyanoi race. You learn an additional imbuing.
Benefit: You take on as your familiar an undine, a tiny Prerequisite: Ability to use lesser imbuings.
freshwater elemental. As its special ability, the familiar can Benefit: You learn an additional imbuing from the list
wet your skin, eliminating your need to fully immerse yourself available to you, choosing an imbuing of power grade up to
in freshwater. (See page 139 for statistics.) one level lower than the highest grade available to you.
Special: You must take this feat as soon as you gain the class Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time you
ability to obtain a familiar. learn a new imbuing of power grade up to one level below
the highest grade available to you at the time you take the
Placid Elemental feat.
Your summoned elementals are easier to control.
Prerequisite: Elementarii class. Positive Energy Absorption
Benefit: Instead of 3 rounds, your summoned elementals Your imbuings heal you.
wait 4 rounds between rampage checks. Prerequisite: Ability to use lesser imbuings.
Benefit: You learn to reach out and claim for yourself a bit of
the positive energy that flows through you whenever you
Golem Proxy Feats channel it. Whenever you use an imbuing or create a golem,
you heal 2 points of damage. Alternatively, you may spend a
Somaturges may choose from a new category of feats
standard action at will to heal yourself 4 points of damage.
known as Golem Proxy feats. A Golem Proxy feat allows a
somaturge to enhance his golem in any one of a wide variety
of ways by providing the benefit of a combat-related feat to a Rapid Construction
somaturge’s golem rather than himself. The proxy versions of You can create your golem more quickly than normal.
feats with prerequisites must still have those prerequisites Prerequisite: Ability to create 5th level golems
met, with some changes. Prerequisite feats required are Benefit: Creating your golem is a standard action rather than
replaced with their corresponding proxy feat (so Cleave a full-round action. Readying an action to create a golem via
(Proxy) requires Power Attack (Proxy) rather than Power energy absorption is a standard action instead of a full round
Attack). Physical form or stat prerequisites must be met by action.
the somaturge’s golem. The somaturge may take proxy feats
for which his golems (or some of them, at least) do not meet
the physical prerequisites, but any golem he creates that
does not meet the prerequisites for a given proxy feat does
not gain the benefits of that feat. Any mental stat or skill rank
prerequisites for proxy feats must be met by the somaturge.
Proxy feats exist for all fighter bonus feats, and possibly
others at DM discretion.
Special: All somaturges are considered to have the
Improved Unarmed Strike (Proxy) feat for the purposes of
qualifying for other proxy feats.

Somaturgic Feats
Augment Golem
Your golems are tougher and stronger than the norm.
Prerequisite: Ability to create 3rd level golems, at least two
golem proxy feats.
Benefit: Golems you create have +4 Strength, and additional
hit points equal to twice their hit dice.

Skills Gear
Lifecraft (Wis; Trained Only) Communicatrix Booster
This skill is a special one available only to somaturges or Useless to anyone but a communicatrix, this
those who study their craft intensively. The feat is always thaumaturgic device can be used to boost a communicatrix’s
cross-class for any non-somaturge class, regardless of any abilities. The device is a large box, just small enough to be
feats, class features, or racial abilities that might cause it to carried in the arms of one person, with wired attachments
be otherwise. No feat may cause a character to be considered that can affix to the head of the communicatrix. Such devices
trained in this skill without him putting any ranks into it. usually require hand-cranking by a second individual in order
Lifecraft represents a character’s ability to sense the to operate.
intricate flows of positive energy within all living, once-living, While affixed to the communicatrix, her remote
and pseudo-living things, and to identify and work with them. connection ability has its duration doubled and can make
The usage and DCs for the various uses of this skill are contact in half the time. Additionally, this device can be used
described below. to communicate with individuals who would normally be
shielded from such effects.
Usage DC Price: 1,500 GP
Identify an imbuing being 15 + effective spell level
used (you must see the
imbuing’s effects or caster).
Simple firearms are a common sight throughout Rohagi.
Identify the level and abilities 15 + golem level or level
See Pathfinder – Ultimate Combat for great items and
of a somaturge’s golem or any imbuings used in
pertinent rules.
the golem’s creation
(whichever is higher)
Identify an ongoing imbuing 25 + effective spell level Mirrored Helmet
or detect the presence (within For those who need to
30 feet) of an ongoing but tackle catoblepas – or worse,
unseen imbuing slake moths – the mirrored
Identify the abilities and any 10 + construct’s hit die helmet is the simplest way to
weaknesses of a construct keep your sanity and/or life.
Perform any task the Heal skill 5 + task’s normal heal DC Price: 50 GP
can be used for

Profession, Biothaumaturgy (Wis; Trained Only) Special Weapons

This skill is necessary for biothaumaturgists to perform Gnoscourge
their craft. It represents a character’s ability to meld and The gnoscourge is a specialized thaumaturgic whip
reshape flesh. required by elementarii in order to summon and bind
elemental creatures. It can only be effectively used by
Profession, Physicothaumaturgy (Wis; Trained someone with extensive elementarii training.
A basic gnoscourge functions much like a standard whip
Only) in melee combat, except that it deals lethal damage, as
This skill is necessary for physicothaumaturgists to opposed to nonlethal, and armor offers no additional
perform their craft. It represents a character’s ability to fuse protection from a gnoscourge.
man and machine into one. Additionally, due to the inherent thaumaturgical nature
of the gnoscourge, it can always be enhanced, enchanted,
and bespelled for half of the normal cost.

Cactacae Weapons
The cactacae race uses many exotic weapons of its own
design, too large and powerful to be used by many others.
The best known are the rivebow, the chakri, and the
 The rivebow is the best known of the cactacae
weapons. It is an enormous crossbow that fires 61
Exotic Weapons Cost Dmg (S) Dmg (M) Critical Rang Inc. Weight Type.
One-Handed Melee Weapons
Gnoscourge 400 GP 1d4 1d6 x2 – 3 lb. Slashing
Two-Handed Melee Weapons
Greatcleaver 40 GP 2d6 2d8 x3 – 15 lb. Slashing
Stingbox 300 GP 1+1d6 1d3+1d8 x2 – 4 lb. Slashing
electrical electrical
Ranged Weapons
Chakri 10 GP 1d4 1d6 x2 20 ft. 1 lb. Slashing
Rivebow 200 GP 1d10 2d6 19-20/x3 40 ft. 14 lb. Slashing

large spinning buzz blades. Because the cactacae lavish by khepri merchants to those they trust, and cost 10 gp per
such attention and resources on the weapon, masterwork box charge.
rivebows are actually relatively easy to find.
 The chakri are disc-
bladed throwing
weapons that can
Artifacts are unique or extraordinarily rare items. Their
also serve as
legendary status makes them worthy plot devices or end-
ammunition for a campaign rewards.
 A greatcleaver is a
slashing, two- The Possible Sword
handed melee The possible sword is an incredibly powerful artifact
weapon with a 10- allowing its wielder to make every possible strike
foot reach. Lore: Dating from the days of the Ghosthead Empire, this
3,000 year old sword has faded in and out of legend. Most
famously wielded by Uther Doul, a renowned pirate from
Khepri Weapons Armada, the sword is an artifact from a time when anything
was possible – literally. The Ghosthead “mined possibilities,”
The metalwork device known as the stingbox is only
found among the khepri, who use it to electrocute or stun in order to benefit from a situation’s best possible outcomes.
their targets. Description: The possible sword is a very sharp ceramic
The stingbox resembles a squared-off box with a handle longsword of ancient make. Attached to the pommel of the
at one end and two whiplike flails at the other; the flails have sword are a series of wires that attach to a special battery,
a reach of twenty feet. These ends are extendable and are typically worn at the waist.
whipped out to catch the Activation: While anyone can wield the possible sword
enemy, and then a and gain its basic bonuses, its true powers are much more
powerful electrical charge is difficult to activate. The sword requires possible-energy to
sent through the line. While work, and the bearer must be physically altered by expert
the base damage is biothaumaturgical surgery to use the weapon at its full
minimal, each strike also potential (this surgery requires a DC 23 Profession
deals electrical damage. [biothaumaturgy] check and a DC 20 Heal check). In addition,
Creatures struck by a due to the imprecise nature of the weapon, only those who
stingbox must make an are not proficient in its use can unlock its power. Characters
immediate DC 13 Fortitude who are proficient in longsword use must take Exotic
save or be stunned for 1d3 Weapon Proficiency (possible sword) to learn how to
rounds. improperly wield the sword (the wielder must take the -4
Using a stingbox without penalty requires an Exotic nonproficiency penalty.) This is because the sword mines all
Weapon Proficiency; in addition to the usual non-proficiency possible strikes that it could potentially make with each swing
penalties, any untrained user of a stingbox who rolls a 1 on an of the blade; an expert will more often than not hit his
attack roll shocks himself for normal damage and must save intended target, and thus out of all his possible strikes, most
or be stunned. are in the same spot. The point of the possible blade is to
Stingboxes are charged items and must be recharges inflict many strikes at once – a wild, novice swing could
after twelve successful attacks. Stingbox charges are sold only potentially land in a much greater number of possible
A wielder who statue, the user's body will start to mutate into a more
meets these aquatic form.
requirements must Aura/Caster Level: Overwhelming illusion; CL 23rd
turn on the word, a Weight: 1 lb.
free action, to gain its
Effects: The Helm of Toro
possible sword is a +2 The mechanical helm of the late vigilante of New
sword of wounding in Crobuzon, Toro, this unique device is as iconic as it is useful.
the hands of most Lore: Created by parties unknown, this bull-shaped
wielders. When the helmet was worn by the infamous vigilante of New Crobuzon
sword is powered on named Toro. Few ever saw the legendary Toro, and fewer still
(and used by a wielder
had any inkling that the social-hero’s helmet had any sort of
who meets all the
special power.
prerequisites,) the
sword’s true potential Description: The Helm of Toro is a large, heavy, metal
becomes apparent. For helmet in the shape of a bull’s head, complete with
each attack made, the longhorns.
wielder makes a single Activation: The powers of the helm are activated by
attack roll and resolves thought alone.
it normally. In addition, the sword also makes 19 additional Effects: The helm allows the wearer to cast the spell
attacks, with each one resolved as if the die rolled had teleportation as a spell-like ability 3 times per day. As any sort
naturally rolled on each number on the die (1 through 20, of teleportation ability is extremely rare in the world of Bas-
leaving out the actual roll made by the wielder.) Each of these Lag, the helm can present unique opportunities to those who
phantom attacks that hit deal half damage, while all the possess it.
attacks that miss deal 1 point of damage. Unless the wielder
Aura/Caster Level: Overwhelming conjuration; CL 20th
rolls a natural 20, none of these attacks results in a critical hit
Weight: 10 lb
and none of the attacks, except the one made by the wielder,
activates the sword’s wounding property. Attacking with the
sword in this way is a full-round action and consumes one
battery charge (which typically has 20-120 charges when
found.) If the wielder rolls a natural 1 on his attack roll, all of
the attacks miss and one charge is consumed. When the
possible sword is turned off, the wielder takes 1d4 points of
Constitution damage and is fatigued for 1d4 hours +1 hour
per round used.
Aura/Caster Level: Overwhelming transmutation; CL 30th
Weight: 6 lb.

Grindylow Magnus Fin

This small, handheld statue grants the user special
powers – at a price.
Lore: Created by grindylow shamans using their unique
thaumaturgy, this semi-sentient totem is as repulsive as it is
Description: The item appears as an obsidian statue of a
fish-like being with an open mouth, sized to fit in the palm.
Activation: To use the device, one must insert one’s
tongue into the statue’s mouth, and allow the object to bite
and draw blood.
Effects: The statue places its user under ethereal jaunt,
gives increased strength (+2), and increased speed (+10 ft.).
One use of the statue lasts for 5 minutes. The artifact has 100
total charges at creation. Usage of the statue will result in a
gradual addiction to it properties. With continued use of the
The remade are not a true race, but rather a creation of
the punishment factories of New Crobuzon. The flesh of
criminals and political offenders is reshaped to suit one of
two purposes: eternal humiliation, or hard manual labor.
In the city of New Crobuzon, almost all crimes are
felonies, and almost all crimes carry the same punishment:
remaking. Some individuals are sentenced to a remaking that
supposedly holds some poetic justice, such as a thief
receiving grotesquely mutilated hands. Other remakings are
for the benefit of the state alone, such as melding an inmate
with construction equipment for the purpose of hard manual
labor. The victims of this process must often relearn basic
activities like walking, speaking, and other simple physical
acts in their new bodies.
Uncommonly, some remade come not from the
punishment factories but from independent chirugeons who
cater to gladiators, pit-fighters, bodyguards, and others who
seek to enhance their natural gifts.
Remade are almost always human, although some xenian
remade are known to exist. These are rare and attract a
certain amount of curiosity just by their appearance; some of
these xenian remade support themselves by staging carnival
sideshows and exhibition fights.
Any remade character in New Crobuzon is at the bottom
of the social order, a pariah who is both legally and politically
oppressed. No upright citizen of the middle class loves a
criminal, and the default assumption of most New
Crobuzoners is that a remade is a political dissident, a violent
criminal, and possibly a traitor to the city. Even among the
city’s less fortunate, the Remade are often viewed with
Outside of the city, small bands of fReemade have
escaped from captivity and servitude in New Crobuzon and
live as bandits, free from this stigma. Even there, the taboo
against the remade means that few of the fReemade add to
their remakings.
Adding to one’s remaking requires the help of dissident
fReemade or biothaumaturges, so adding to one’s remakings
is very difficult and rare (and requires a Knowledge (local) and
Gather Information checks just to make the right
It is not an easy life, being Remade.

See pages 47 and 57 to learn more about remaking

options and those that perform them.

Somaturgy Imbuings
Thaumaturgy is the “magic” of Bas-Lag.
The specific art of somaturgy deals with imbuing
nonliving materials with living energy. The following are the
“imbuing” spell-like abilities available to the Somaturge class.

The term “magic” is not used in this campaign setting Alacritous Golem
because it implies something fundamentally supernatural and Greater, 5th, Vital Essence
mysterious. For most spellcasters in Bas-Lag, this is not the A golem created with this vital essence imbuing gains an
case at all. Thaumaturgy is considered a science, just like additional natural attack of the same type as its existing
physics or biology, and is treated as such. primary natural attacks at its full base attack bonus. In
In a traditional campaign setting, a wizard may walk into addition, any movement speeds it has increase by 10 feet.
a tavern and be treated as a god by the simple townsfolk. In
Bas-Lag, though, a thaumaturge who walks into a bar trying Animate Weapon
to impress people would probably have no more luck than a Greater, 5th
stage magician, engineer, or dock worker. You bring a manufactured weapon within close range to
Most Dungeons & Dragons and Pathfinder spells will fit in life and command it to attack a chosen target. The weapon
just fine in Bas-Lag. Some, of course, are not to be found in flies into the air and moves unerringly toward the target. You
the actual source material, such as spells dealing with other must have both the target and the weapon in sight when you
planes of existence, as well as teleportation, summon activate this imbuing, though afterward it continues so long
monster, and resurrection spells, but don’t sweat it too much. as either you or the weapon have line of sight. You may
animate a weapon up to one size smaller than the size of the
The following are just some examples of the various largest golem you can create. If the chosen weapon is held by
branches of thaumaturgy studied and practiced throughout an opponent, that opponent is allowed a reflex save to retain
Bas-Lag: his hold on the weapon – if he succeeds, the imbuing fails.
Abyssothaumaturgy – the science of communicating This imbuing lasts for 1 round/level. When it ends,
with and traveling to other planes of existence. This field is in animated weapons simply fall to the ground.
its infancy. An “abyssonaut” explores these planes.
Biothaumaturgy – the science of applying thaumaturgy An animated weapon behaves as follows:
to living flesh, typically the physical alteration of flesh.  Animated weapons are treated as constructs, similar to
Crisis-thaumaturgy – a ridiculed idea that no one takes normal animated objects, with "hit die" (irrespective of
seriously, having to do with fundamental energy of reality hp) equal to you caster level.
Chemico-thaumaturgy – the science of producing
 Animated weapons have a fly speed of 60 feet (perfect)
thaumaturgic substances, chemicals, and potions.
 Animated weapons have hardness and hp as a normal
Chromathaumaturgy – the science of manipulating light
weapon of its type and size (see table on page 166 of
using thaumaturgy.
Communicaturgy – the science of communicating via
 Animated weapons have size bonuses/penalties to AC
according to their size (2 sizes below intended wielder's
Elementurgy – summoning and studying elemental
size for light, 1 for one-handed, 0 for two-handed)
 Animated weapons receive a natural armor bonus to AC
Elyctro-thaumaturgy – the science of using elyctricity
equal to your wisdom modifier, and a deflection bonus
with thaumaturgy.
equal to their enhancement bonus (if any).
Geothaumaturgy – the science of manipulating the earth
using thaumaturgy.  Animated weapons attack with a base attack equal to
Karciology – summoning and studying non-elemental your caster level (allowing iterative attacks on a full
extraplanar beings. This field is in its infancy. A “karcist” is a attack) and strength equal to your wisdom. They deal
demon summoner or one who communicates with them. damage and crit normally as a weapon of their size and
Metallo-thaumaturgy – the science of bending type, and gain the full benefit of any magical
machinery to thaumaturgical purpose. enhancements on them that were active when they
became animated.
Metereomancy – the science of manipulating weather
using thaumaturgy. To be used on a large scale, this currently  Animated weapons’ saving throws are equal to 2 + half
requires very large machinery. your caster level.
Physicothaumaturgy – the science of melding flesh with
machinery via thaumaturgy. You may only have one animated weapon active at any
Somaturgy – imbuing nonliving materials with living given time. Animated a new weapon while one is already
energy. animated causes the imbuing on the first weapon to end
Subvocalurgy – using quiet vocalizations to control the immediately.
actions of others. 65
Buffeting Winds Compendium pg. 239), except that you may only have one
Least, 2nd active at any given time.
You fill the air in front of you with positive energy, and
imbue it with a desire to surge forward, causing a strong blast Earthen Armor
of wind to emanate from your hands. This imbuing functions Least, 1st
identically to the gust of wind spell, except that it functions in You imbue a patch of earth with life and an
a 60 foot cone rather than a 60 foot line. overwhelming desire to protect you from harm, causing it to
sweep over you and cover your body in an ever-shifting coat
Clawed Golem of living armor that reacts to incoming blows, reshaping and
Least, 2nd; Vital Essence hardening itself to meet them. This imbuing lasts 24 hours
You shape your golem’s club-like arms into deadly claws. and grants you an armor bonus equal to 4 + one third your
Your golem’s slam attacks are replaced with claw attacks and caster level, rounded down. This imbuing may only be used in
your golem gains the Improved Natural Attack (claw) feat. an area containing loose earth or clay (though afterwards it
Additionally, if the golem hits with two or more of its claw continues to function regardless of surroundings).
attacks, it rends its opponent, dealing an amount of
additional damage equal to its base claw damage plus 1-1/2 Enliven Spell
times its Strength modifier. Greater, 6th
You fill the weave of magic itself with positive energy,
Clinging Earth granting it a short lived life and will of its own. Spells effected
Least, 2nd in this way buck and writhe, distorting and reforming into
You command dust and earth around you to cling to your unpredictable forms, with unpredictable effects.
enemy, impeding his movements. Your target takes a penalty This imbuing functions as greater dispel magic, except
to dexterity equal to 1d6+1 per two caster levels and his that only the targeted dispel and counterspell options may be
movement speed is halved. A successful reflex save halves used. Additionally, any spell that is successfully countered or
the Dexterity penalty and negates the slowing effect. dispelled by this imbuing is replaced by a Rod of Wonder
Alternatively, you may target this ability on a weapon, effect. The "wielder" is the somaturge and the target or point
causing dirt and mud to cover it. An affected weapon deals origin of non-targeted effects is the dispelled creature (for
half its normal damage. An attended or magical weapon gets targeted dispel) or countered spellcaster (for counterspell).
a reflex save to negate the affect, and someone wielding an Unlike in an actual Rod of Wonder effect, a result of 98-100
affected weapon can attempt another reflex save to clean it on the d100 now causes the spell in question to immediately
off as a full round action that provokes attacks of manifest near the target as a Living Spell (MM3 pp. 91), which
opportunity. Even natural weapons may be affected by this attacks everyone around it indiscriminately. Also, any save
imbuing, though they are considered attended by their DCs against the resulting effects are equal to the save DC of
owners and receive saves as normal. the dispelled spell, even if the spell did not allow a save.
This imbuing lasts 1 round/level.
Explosive Golem
Command Earth Greater, 6th, Vital Essence
Living, 7th A golem created with this vital essence imbuing can
You infuse massive amounts of stone with positive explode violently either when commanded to (as a standard
energy, and order it to reform into almost any shape you action) or when it dies. The golem only explodes upon death
desire with a great deal of precision. This imbuing functions if you set it to do so. Setting an explosive golem to explode or
identically to the wall of stone spell, except that it can only be not explode is a free action and may be done as often as the
used in an earthy or stony area, and has two different modes casting somaturge desires, but only on his turn.
of usage. The first summons forth a given amount of stone (as When a golem explodes, it deals d6 damage per hit die to
described in the wall of stone spell) and the second removes all creatures within a distance from it determined by its size:
an equal amount of stone, allowing you to instantly remove small – 5 feet, large – 10 feet, huge – 15 feet, gargantuan – 20
castle or dungeon walls, collapse bridges, or trip opponents feet. A successful reflex save versus this imbuing halves the
(all in area succeed on a reflex save or fall prone). You may damage.
choose only one mode of usage each time you activate this If the golem has a special ability from an exotic
imbuing. construction imbuing that deals non-physical damage (either
energy or untyped) then an explosive version of that golem
Devouring Winds deals that type of damage when it explodes. If the golem has
Living, 9th abilities that deal different types of damage, then the
You create a rising spiral of enlivened air, which grows in explosion damage is split evenly among those different types.
strength and quickly develops into a full-blown tornado. This If the golem has no such abilities, the explosive damage is
spell functions as the greater whirlwind spell (Spell fire.

Extended Golem disable device check of the same DC (with the chance of
Least, 2nd; Vital Essence triggering it on a failure, as with any trap). The casting
You imbue a bit more of yourself in your golem than is somaturge knows immediately when the trap is triggered or
normal, allowing you to maintain and control it at much removed.
greater distances. The distance at which you can command Once the trap is triggered, the readied golem (with any
and hold together the golem is multiplied by ten. Note that exotic construction feats or other abilities applied to it as
you must still be able to see your golem in order to issue new normal) appears immediately, and, barring extraordinary
commands to it (though the Golem’s eyes ability functions circumstances, receives a surprise round. The golem may be
perfectly well for this purpose). given one simple command when the trap is created, most
often to attack the triggering creature (creatures other than
Flame Golem the triggering creature cannot be specified in this command)
Lesser, 4th, Exotic Construction that it begins following as soon as it is triggered. If the casting
somaturge wishes to issue further commands, he must be
Energy Absorption: Fire, 2nd level or higher
You bring fire to life, and form it into a golem to do your within line of sight and normal golem range and issue them
bidding. A flame golem may be constructed from an existing normally (or use the Golem’s Eyes imbuing to command the
flame up to two sizes smaller than the golem is to be. golem from a distance). Once triggered, a golem trap only
lasts for one round per caster level before collapsing into the
Flame golems act as normal except as follows: materials it is made from.
If a golem trap is triggered but the material that was to
 Flame golems have damage reduction X/magic, where X
be used to construct the golem is not available, the trap
is the highest damage reduction the casting somaturge
dissipates harmlessly.
could attain by building his golem from the materials
listed under the Golem Creation ability.
 A flame golem has the fire subtype, granting it immunity Golem’s Eyes
to fire damage and vulnerability to cold. Least, 2nd
 Targets struck by the attack of a flame golem or striking You project your mind into your golem, allowing you to
the golem with a natural weapon take fire damage perceive the world through its senses while your body
determined by the golem’s size: small – 1d4, medium – remains in place. All of the somaturge’s senses – any forms of
1d6, large – 1d8, Huge – 2d6, Gargantuan – 3d6. This fire sight, hearing, scent and touch, including blindsight,
damage is also dealt once per round on the fire golem’s blindsense, tremorsense and any other extraordinary sense –
turn to any creatures grappling it. are active (but not enhanced) when this ability is in use, but
 Anyone who takes fire damage from a flame golem must are centered on the golem’s position rather than his own.
succeed on a reflex save verses this imbuing or catch fire. While this ability is active, the somaturge can take no actions
The fire deals 1d6 damage per round and lasts for 1d4 other than to direct his golem (as normal, a swift action) or
rounds. Creatures may take a move action to put out the end the imbuing. The imbuing continues until the somaturge
fire. dismisses it as a standard action or falls unconscious. Your
golem is always considered to be in line of sight so long as
 Flame golems are immune to harmful fire-based effects
this imbuing remains active.
such as spells with the fire descriptor.

Golem Trap Grappling Golem

Lesser, 3rd; Vital Essence Lesser, 4th; Vital Essence
You fill an object or area with positive energy, as if You create your golem with unusually flexible limbs that
creating a golem from it, but you leave the golem dormant, can reshape themselves and flow around opponents in an
ready to be triggered to final waking when a trigger condition instant. The golem gains the benefits of the improved grab
ability on its melee attacks and the extraordinary ability to
you set is fulfilled.
constrict, dealing the same damage as the golem's slams.
A golem trap requires a one round action to prepare, as
any golem, and while active counts as your golem. Unlike
normal golems, however, golem traps do not fade if the Hardened Air
casting somaturge falls unconscious or moves out of range Lesser, 4th
(though they may still be dismissed as a standard action). You gather moisture in the air into a thick fog, and then
You may set the conditions of the golem trap, with further empower it to resist the progress of anything
simple triggers such as a creature entering a given area (up to attempting to move through it. This imbuing functions
a 10 foot radius sphere) or a door being opened. You may identically to the solid fog spell, except that you may only
additionally key the trap to physical characteristics such as have one instance of it per 4 caster levels active at any given
height or weight, or specific creature types, subtypes or time. Further usage of this imbuing immediately dispels the
species. Invisible creatures trigger a golem trap normally, oldest instance to make way for the new one.
though ethereal or incorporeal creatures do not. A golem
trap may be detected with a DC 30 + golem or imbuing level
(whichever is higher) search check and removed with a 67
Hardened Golem Light Golem
Least, 2nd, Exotic Construction Living, 8th; Exotic Construction
You focus intensely on the deepest internal structure of Energy Absorption: Light, 3rd level or higher
your golem, allowing you to form it from harder, more You weave together a net of positive energy to catch and
stubborn materials than you are normally able to. A golem trap the light of the sun. A pinpoint of light grows to a small
created using this exotic construction imbuing may be of a orb, then a large one, thickening and brightening and finally
material up to 1 level harder than your golem creation class reshaping itself into a blinding humanoid figure – a golem
feature currently allows (so bone at 1st level, wood at 4th, made of pure sunlight. You may use this imbuing only in an
stone at 8th, iron at 12th, and adamantine at 16th). area lit by direct sunlight.
An adamantine golem made using this imbuing has its DR
increased by 5. Light golems act as normal golems except as follows:
 Light golems have damage reduction X/magic, where X is
Hounding Winds the highest damage reduction the casting somaturge
Lesser, 4th could attain by building his golem from the materials
This imbuing enlivens the air around an opponent, listed under the Golem Creation ability.
allowing you to direct it against them in a variety of ways.  Light golems provide light if brought into dark areas. A 60
Each time you use this imbuing, you may perform one foot radius around the light golem is considered brightly
combat maneuver (grapple (pins and damage), bull rush, trip lit, and a 60 foot radius beyond that is filled with
or disarm) against an opponent anywhere within line of sight shadowy illumination. This illumination counts as
and Long range (400 ft + 40 ft. per caster level). Resolve these sunlight for the purpose of any effects that are triggered
attempts as normal, except that you do not provoke attacks by it.
of opportunity (and disarmed weapons are always knocked to  Light golems have a gaze attack with a range of 15 feet.
the floor). You may use your imbuing caster level in place of Anyone who is struck by the gaze attack must succeed on
your base attack bonus, and your wisdom modifier in place of a fortitude save against this imbuing or be blinded for
your strength or dexterity modifier, and opponents may not 1d4 hours.
make retributive attempts against you if you fail yours. Bull  Targets struck by the attack of a light golem, striking the
rushes, trips and disarm attempts all last one round before golem with a natural weapon or an unarmed strike have
the imbuing must be used again. their entire body flooded with burning light, causing
Grapples may last up to a number of rounds equal to them to take damage determined by the golem’s size
your caster level before the imbuing must be used again, (small – 1d6, medium – 1d8, large – 2d6, huge – 3d6,
though concentration must be maintained or the imbuing gargantuan – 4d6) and be stunned for 1 round. A
ends immediately. While using this ability to grapple, you still successful fortitude save halves the damage and negates
threaten nearby squares, do not lose your dexterity bonus to the stunning. This effect also afflicts creatures grappling
AC and can move freely (though a standard action must be the light golem once per round on the golem’s turn.
used to maintain concentration). The "unarmed strike" Undead, constructs and objects are immune to the
damage dealt in grapples performed with this imbuing is 1d6 stunning but not the damage, and light-vulnerable
+ Wis. creatures such as vampires take double damage and
automatically fail the save.
Incite Weapon  As a full round action, a light golem may emit a burst of
Lesser, 3rd searing light in a 30 foot radius around it. This burst deals
You fill a weapon with hatred for its wielder, causing it to 1d8 damage per 2 hit die of the golem to all creatures
subtly shift against him, disrupting his attacks and even and objects caught within it (reflex save half). Creatures
possibly injuring him. While this imbuing is active, any attack damaged by the blast must make an additional fort save
rolls made with the imbued weapon must be rolled twice, or be stunned for 1d4 rounds. Undead, constructs and
and the lower of those two rolls taken. On a roll of 1, the objects are immune to the stunning but not the damage,
weapon strikes and deals damage to the wielder instead of and light-vulnerable creatures such as vampires take
his target. If one roll is a 1, and the other 5 or less, the double damage and automatically fail the saves.
weapon scores a critical on the wielder. This imbuing lasts for  Light golems are immune to harmful light-based effects
1 round per caster level. (such as spells with the light descriptor.
When you activate this imbuing, the wielder of an
attended weapon may make a will save to negate the effect. Lightning Golem
Unattended weapons (even magical weapons) do not get Lesser, 4th, Exotic Construction
saves, though this imbuing will have no effect on them unless Energy Absorption: Electricity, 2nd level or higher
someone picks the weapon up shortly after the imbuing is You bring free electrical energy to life, forming it into a
used on it. golem both quick and deadly, but more tenuous than most.
You may collect static energy from the skies above you so
long as they are cloudy - outright lightning storms are
not necessary. 68
Lightning golems act as normal except as follows: Messenger Wind
 Lightning golems have damage reduction X/magic, where Least, 2nd
X is the highest damage reduction the casting somaturge This imbuing functions exactly as the whispering wind
could attain by building his golem from the materials spell. You may have a number of messenger winds active at
listed under the Golem Creation ability one time equal to your wisdom modifier.
 Lightning golems have +4 dexterity per size category
above small compared to unmodified golems. One with the Winds
 Lightning golems move 20 feet faster than an unmodified Living, 9th
golem. You saturate the air around your body with positive
 Flickers of electrical energy constantly strike outward energy to such an extent that it becomes almost an extension
from a lightning golem. Each round, anyone who comes of your body, flowing with incredible power around you and
within 10 feet of a lightning golem takes 1d4/2 golem hit granting you several benefits and abilities:
die electrical damage (reflex save versus this imbuing for  You gain a deflection bonus to AC equal to one third your
half). caster level
 Lightning golems are inherently unstable, and each round  The air around you acts almost as a second golem. The
at the beginning of its turn there is a 10% +10%/round air is treated as a golem built at your highest golem level
since its creation chance a lightning golem will collapse in with the Wind Golem exotic construction imbuing
a burst of harmless static. applied to it (and the greater golem ability, if you want),
 Lightning golems are immune to harmful electricity- with the exceptions that it cannot move on its own, does
based effects, such as spells with the electricity not actually occupy space (though space should be kept
descriptor. track of for the purposes of reach), does not have hit
points, does not benefit from proxy feats, cannot grapple
Lofting Winds or be grappled, and may be directed as a free purely
Greater, 5th mental action. The golem may take attacks of
You charge the air around your body, hardening it and opportunity, but only against enemies who enter its
empowering it to lift you from the ground. You gain a fly space. It is considered to have the Combat Reflexes feat.
speed equal to 30 feet plus 5 feet per caster level, with The golem remains active as long as the imbuing is up,
perfect maneuverability. This ability lasts for 24 hours. and you are alive and conscious.
 You are able to feel any change in the air around you,
Manipulate Earth granting you blindsight out to a range of 15 feet. This
Lesser, 3rd blindsight does not apply to creatures beneath the
You bring small amounts of stone to life, and urge it to ground.
reshape itself as you desire. This imbuing functions identically  You are immune to the effects of wind, natural or
to the stone shape spell. otherwise.
 Once per round on your turn, you may activate any other
Melded Golem imbuing of Least or Lesser grade that involves the
Living, 8th; Vital Essence manipulation of air (not including exotic construction or
A golem created with this ability is perfectly melded to vital essence imbuings) as a free action.
you, body, mind and soul. The golem forms around your body
and equipment, forming an amalgamated creature with you. This imbuing lasts for 24 hours. You may only know one
Both of you are invisible if the golem is invisible, and imbuing beginning with "One with" and in order to learn this
incorporeal if the golem is incorporeal. Any special attacks imbuing you must know the Wind Golem imbuing and one
possessed by the golem do not affect you, even though you other imbuing involving the manipulation of air.
are within its area and touching it. All of your senses function
normally from the perspective of the golem. The golem now One with the Earth
moves for the somaturge, using the best movement speeds Living, 9th
possessed by either of you. You may give the golem orders as Positive energy flows into the earth beneath your feet,
often as you like as a free action, and are allowed a full round linking it to you and allowing you to control its movements
action regardless of what the golem does. So long as the with barely a thought. While this imbuing is active, you gain a
golem remains alive, you are not considered to be within line number of benefits and abilities:
of effect for abilities used by anyone other than yourself, or  Once per round as an immediate action you may cause a
others within the golem (e.g. a familiar hiding in your wall of stone 5 feet wide, 10 feet tall and 6 inches thick
backpack). (hardness 8, 90 hp) to rise from the floor or wall
anywhere within 20 feet of you. This wall of stone can be
After a melded golem is destroyed, you may not create used to block spells and other supernatural abilities such
another melded golem for 2d4 rounds. as breath weapons after they have been used but before
they strike you, and if used to block an
opponent’s attacks it automatically deflects one 69
attack, and may provide cover after that. The wall Repair Golem
recedes into the surface it rose from after 1 round. Lesser, 4th
 The terrain around you bucks and weaves when your You channel additional positive energy into your
opponents attempt to move over it, while clearing the damaged golem, restoring its functionality and form. This
way for your allies. Any square within 20 feet of you is ability has a range of close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels) and
considered difficult terrain for your opponents, requiring heals your golem of 4d8 + caster level damage each time it is
10 feet of movement to enter, preventing enemies from used.
running or charging, and increasing balance and tumble
DCs by 5. On the other hand, these squares are Repel Earth
considered unimpeded terrain for your allies, even if they Living, 8th
normally would not be (due to natural conditions or a You fill objects made of metal or stone with what can
lower-level magical effect). only be described as terror, causing them to flee from you,
 You gain tremorsense out to a range of 60 feet (90 feet if and carry anything they happen to be attached to with them.
the Part the Earth imbuing is active). This imbuing functions identically to the repel metal or stone
 You are immune to the negative effects of spells and spell.
abilities that involve the manipulation of the ground
below you.
Self-Destructive Urge
 Once per round on your turn, you may activate any other Least, 2nd
imbuing of Least or Lesser grade that involves the
You fill an object with an overwhelming desire to tear
manipulation of earth or stone (not including exotic
itself apart. This imbuing functions identically to the shatter
construction or vital essence imbuings) as a free action.
spell, except that the object sends fragments flying in all
directions if it is destroyed, dealing 1d4 + 1d4/2 caster levels
This imbuing lasts for 24 hours, but only functions in
above 1st (max 5d4 at 9th level) slashing/piercing damage to
areas containing walls or floors made of earth or stone. You any creature holding the object (reflex save half).
may only know one imbuing beginning with "One with" and in
order to learn this imbuing you must know at least 2 other
imbuings involving the manipulation of earth or stone. Self-Nourishment
Least, 1st
You learn to store up reserves of positive energy the way
Opaque Air most people store energy from eating and drinking, and
Least, 2nd
subsist entirely off of this reserve of power. For one hour
You gather moisture in the air into a thick fog, greatly
after using this imbuing, you do not need to eat, drink or
obscuring the vision of anyone in it or looking through it. This
breathe. However, you may only use this imbuing when in a
imbuing functions identically to the fog cloud spell, except place that contains positive energy (virtually any place that
that you may only have one instance of it per 4 caster levels does not possess the minor or major negative dominant
active at any given time. Further usage of this imbuing
planar traits).
immediately dispels the oldest instance to make way for the
new one.
Shadow Golem
Living, 8th; Exotic Construction
Part the Earth Energy Absorption: Darkness or Shadow, 3rd level or higher
Greater, 5th
You animate the shadows within an area, drawing
You awaken the earth around you, impelling it to offer
together a hundred tiny tendrils of darkness into a wavering
you passage, while relaying awareness of the slightest shift pitch-black humanoid figure that seems to radiate an inky
back to you. You gain an earth glide speed equal to 15 feet
haze. You must create the golem in an area of shadowy or no
plus 5 feet/2 caster levels, as well as 30 foot tremorsense.
illumination (by human standards) at least as large as the
Your earth glide allows you to move freely through earth,
golem’s space. If you create the golem in this way, all
clay, stone or other similar materials in any direction. You
shadows are ripped away from the chosen space, leaving it
may move through worked stone, but not through brickwork
brightly lit regardless of presence or lack of illumination until
or masonry. You leave no hole or other sign of your passing. the golem is destroyed. Any creatures within the chosen
This imbuing lasts for 24 hours. space when the golem is created must succeed on a will save
or themselves become temporarily stripped of all shadow and
Raging Earth unable to gain the benefits of concealment due to dark or
Greater, 5th shadowy illumination as long as the golem persists.
You launch a concentrated bolt of positive energy
through the earth beneath your opponents’ feet, moving it to Shadow golems act as normal golems except as follows:
violent upheaval. This imbuing functions identically to the  Shadow golems have damage reduction X/magic, where
earthbolt spell (Complete Arcane pg. 104). X is the highest damage reduction the casting somaturge

could attain by building his golem from the materials  Sound golems have no damage reduction
listed under the Golem Creation ability.  Sound golems have no attacks, but anything entering a
 Shadow golems can see clearly out to any distance in sound golem’s space takes d4 sonic damage per golem
either mundane or magical darkness. hit die. A given target is only subject to this effect once
 Shadow golems shed magical darkness everywhere they per round. A successful fortitude save halves this
go. All spaces within 15 feet of the golem become one damage.
degree darker. Dimly illuminated spaces (as determined  Living creatures that take sonic damage from a sound
by a given observer’s senses) become non-illuminated golem must succeed on a fortitude save versus this
spaces, and all brightly illuminated spaces become dimly imbuing or be deafened for 1d4 hours.
lit.  Listen checks made by creatures within the area of a
 The roiling darkness that makes up a shadow golem is sound golem automatically fail (effectively deafening
uniquely disturbing to look upon, as half-seen shapes and them as long as they remain within the golem), and
images bubble up out of nothing, flicker, and are gone checks made within 10 feet of them are at a -10. This
just as fast as they appeared. Shadow golems thus have a penalty decreases by 1 for every 10 feet of distance
gaze attack with a range of 15 feet. between the listener and the golem (so someone 60 feet
 Any creature struck by the gaze must make a will save or away would have a -4).
be frightened for 2d4 rounds. This is a mind-affecting  Sound golems cannot exist within the area of a silence
fear affect. spell or similar effect, and are immediately destroyed if
 The attacks of shadow golems snake and ooze around they enter one.
defenses raised against them. All of a shadow golem’s  Sound golems are immune to harmful sound-based
natural attacks ignore armor and shield bonuses to AC. effects, such as spells with the sonic descriptor.
 Every touch of a shadow golem’s body leaves behind a
thin residue of darkness that seeps into its victim’s body, Spines of Earth
chilling and weakening them. Creatures struck by the Lesser, 4th
attack of a shadow golem or striking the golem with a You shape the earth into sharp protrusions which blend
natural weapon take cold damage determined by the with the surrounding environment and tear into any
golem’s size (small – 1d4, medium – 1d6, large – 1d8, creatures passing over them. This imbuing functions
huge – 2d6, gargantuan – 3d6) as well as 2 strength identically to the spike stones spell, except that you may only
damage. A successful fortitude save halves the cold and have one instance of this imbuing active at any given time.
strength damage. This effect also afflicts creatures Using this imbuing again while another instance of it is active
grappling a shadow golem once per round on the golem’s immediately dispels the older instance.
turn. Undead and constructs are immune to the ability
damage but not the cold damage. Time Golem
 As a full round action, a shadow golem may project a 60 Living, 9th, Exotic Construction
foot cone of shadow. All creatures in the cone’s area take You give life to time itself, and bend it to your whims.
5d6 cold damage and 2 strength damage, and are Unlike other golems, a time golem requires only a full round
frightened for 2d4 rounds (as a mind-affecting fear action to create. Once created, a time golem does not act,
affect). A successful will save negates the fear and a and persists for 1d4+1 rounds (in the somaturge’s time
successful fortitude save halves the cold and strength frame). A time golem has two modes of usage. The first mode
damage. freezes all those within its area in time, preventing them from
 Shadow golems are immune to harmful shadow-based taking any action until the golem dissipates. The second
effects such as spells with the shadow descriptor. mode vastly speeds up time within the golem’s space (which
must include the somaturge), allowing anyone within the
Sound Golem space to act for 1d4+1 rounds while the outside world stands
Greater, 6th; Exotic Construction apparently unmoving.
Energy Absorption: Sonic, 2nd level or higher No object or effect may pass through the borders of a
When you create a sound golem, you let out a shout, time golem. Anyone within a time-slowing time golem is
which, instead of dying down as it leaves your throat, grows completely immune to any outside effect as long as the
in volume and begins to shift and oscillate, eventually golem persists, as is anyone outside of a time-speeding time
coalescing into a golem of pure sonic energy. golem. Supernatural abilities directed at a time golem simply
dissipate harmlessly, and physical attacks slide off of its
Sound golems act as normal golems except as follows: surface. Spell durations and other timed effects do not count
 Sound golems are invisible and incorporeal (with the down inside a slowing golem or outside a speeding one.
incorporeal subtype) with a move speed equivalent to Creating a time golem is an incredibly disruptive process,
their normal move. Most significantly, this means they and after it is completed the local timestream is filled with
lose their natural armor bonus and gain a +1 deflection ripples and contortions. Because of this, creating a time
bonus to AC. Unlike other incorporeal creatures, sound golem within 200 feet of where a time golem was
golems are always easily audible. created in the past 10 minutes requires a DC 31 caster 71
level check. The DC of the check increases by 5 for each time Wind Wall
golem beyond the first that was created within 200 feet and Lesser, 4th
10 minutes. This imbuing allows you to animate the air in a thick
curtain in front of or around you. It functions as the wind wall
Treacherous Earth spell, except that moving through it requires 5 additional feet
Least, 2nd of movement and a DC 10 strength check. Creatures that fail
You soften and weaken the earth, either under your the strength check lose the remainder of that move or full
enemy’s feet or over their heads. This imbuing functions round action (in the case of charges, run actions or attempts
identically to the soften earth and stone spell. to disengage) and are knocked prone. Flying creatures take a
-5 on the strength check, and stall if they fail the check (see
Wave Golem movement rules). Additionally, any melee attacks made
Least, 1st; Exotic Construction through the wall suffer a -2 circumstance penalty.
Energy Absorption: Water, 1st level or higher
This exotic construction imbuing allows you to create a
golem from water, or similarly viscous liquids (note: not lava).

Wave golems act as normal except as follows:

 Wave golems receive a swim speed of 50 ft.
 Wave golems gain the water mastery extraordinary
ability (-4 attack and damage if it or its target are out of
water, +1 to attack and damage if neither is)
 Wave golems have damage reduction X/magic, where X
is the highest damage reduction the casting somaturge
could attain by building his golem from the materials
listed under the Golem Creation ability
 Wave golems gain partial concealment when completely
submerged in water.
 If you somehow manage to make a wave golem out of
acid (Author’s note: ridiculous, yes, but bound to come
up eventually) its natural attacks deal additional acid
damage determined by its size: small – 1d4, medium –
1d6, large – 1d8, Huge – 2d6, Gargantuan – 3d6.
Additionally, it is immune to harmful acid-based effects.
 Wave golems are immune to harmful water-based
effects, such as spells with the water descriptor.

Wind Golem
Greater, 5th; Exotic Construction
Energy Absorption: Air, 3rd level or higher
This exotic construction imbuing allows you to form a
golem out of nothing more than the air around you.

Wind golems act as normal golems except as follows:

 Wind golems’ land movement speed is replaced with a
fly speed of 100 ft. (perfect)
 Wind golems have damage reduction X/magic, where X is
the highest damage reduction the casting somaturge
could attain by building his golem from the materials
listed under the Golem Creation ability
 Wind golems are invisible
 Wind golems have 4 less strength than normal.
 Wind golems receive +4 dexterity per size category above
small compared to unmodified golems.
 Wind golems are immune to harmful air-based effects,
such as spells with the air descriptor.

whose residents use it to publish scholarly and intellectual

Bas-Lag is a world of many languages. In New Crobuzon
work in Gnurr Kett.
Khadohi: The language of the island nation of Khadoh
uses a pictographic moonscript alphabet.
Low Cymek: A language common throughout the Cymek
region, this tribal tongue is sometimes considered a trade
and the other human settlements of eastern and central
Rohagi, the most common is Ragamoll, but the babble of
Llorgiss: Language of the llorgiss people, practiced
dozens of others is common in many areas.
primarily on Yanni Seckilli Island.
Manfish: The true name of this language is only
Anophelii: It is physically impossible for those without an
pronounceable underwater. Used by the menfish race.
anophelii’s mouthparts to speak this language.
Perrickish: The language of the Mandrake Islands and
Borinatch: Very few individuals besides the borinatch
neighboring Perrick Nigh.
themselves speak this tongue.
Quiesy (Deadish): The language of High Cromlech, more
Corokanth: This racial language of the corokanth has
often called Deadish, sounds nothing like most tongues. Most
many dialects, and can only be pronounced properly while
of its sounds are made in the back of the throat or are
underwater. When spoken above water, it is still
barked, as many Quiesy speakers have little fine motor
understandable, but loses much of its subtle nuance.
control over their lips and tongues, or have lost those parts
Cray: The common language of the cray people. There
entirely. Its silences are as important as some of its sounds,
are many versions of this language.
and there are modes of the language that are suitable for
Fellid: The language of Fellid shares a distant root with
thanati nobles with mouths sewn shut, or with rotted voice
Ragamoll, although a speaker of one would have a very
boxes. Some modes of the language are spoken with eyes and
difficult time understanding the other. It is most commonly
hands rather than with the mouth.
spoken by human settlements near the Fellid Forest,
Ragamoll: The most common tongue of humans is
including the Brothers and Maru’ahm.
spoken throughout Rohagi, although it is less popular in the
Galaggi: Galaggi shares much with the Fellid tongue, but
west, where Fellid and Galaggi tend to dominate. This is the
it nonetheless a distinct language. It is spoken mostly by
official language of New Crobuzon.
human settlements in the Galaggi Veldt.
Salt: The language of sailors on every ocean (and
Garuda, Cymek: The language of the garuda who hail
especially on the pirate city of Armada,) Salt is a patois and
from the Cymek Desert. There are a dozen dialects, but most
polyglot mess that linguists have yet to untangle, made up of
are similar.
words taken from Ragamoll, Sunglari, and others. Despite the
Garuda, Shotek: The language of the garuda who hail
mess, native Ragamoll speakers usually find it fairly easy to
from the continent of Shoteka. It is similar to Cymek Garuda.
pick up. It is rarely written down except in its Armada
Gessin: The language of the gessin people is spoken
incarnation, as many of its speakers are illiterate.
primarily by the gessin themselves. Many humans in the
Sign Language: The method through which khepri are
Wormseye region can at least partially understand this
forced to communicate with other races.
Stiltspear: The complex language of the stiltspear people
Grindylow: No one knows whether the grindylow have a
is nearly unknown to other races.
single language or many, but their speech is both arcane and
Sunglari: The language of the cactacae, used in Dreer
powerful. Some scholars speculate that their liquid language
Samher and Shankell. A soft language with whistling
contains an especially harmonic or arcanophilic grammar, or
elements, it carries well over winds and rain.
that their phonemes are thaumaturgically resonant.
Tesh: Sometimes called “Teshi,” this language is almost
Khepri, High: The religious written language of the khepri
exclusively spoken by those who hail from the city of Tesh.
women used in New Crobuzon. It is the most common
Trow: The language of the trow, spoken by most
written language of the khepri.
individuals, especially in the Dancing Shoe Mountains and
Handlinger: The secret dialect of the handlingers is
known only to them.
Vodyanoi, Fellid: The dialect of the vodyanoi language
Hotchi: The tongue of the hedgehog-folk of the
which is spoken in Gharcheltist and Jangsach and the
Rudewood is harsh sounding to most human ears.
surrounding regions.
Jheshul: The language spoken throughout Jheshull, (also
Vodyanoi, Lubbock: The dialect of the vodyanoi language
known as the Pirate Islands.) The language shares a few
which is spoken in New Crobuzon and eastern Rohagi.
words in common with Ragamoll, but not many.
Vodyanoi, Southern: The dialect of the vodyanoi
Kettai, Base: The everyday language of Gnurr Kett; a
language which is spoken in southern Rohagi.
much simpler form of High Kettai.
Vu-Murt: The high-pitched sound of the vu-murt people
Kettai, High: A scholarly, elevated tongue used on Gnurr
is restricted to their home region of the Galaggi Veldt.
Kett only for ritual and traditional occasions. It uses the
Ragamoll script but is derived from a very different root. The
written form of the language is used on the anophelii island,
operations, while other cities seem to have learned how to

History of Bas-Lag kill or drive away Ghosthead occupiers without ever raising
At some point during the Sloughing Off, the cactacae
race first appeared. Whether they were born naturally or
created is a debated point. The records describe a Ghosthead
The ancient past of Bas-Lag witnessed at least two great
retreat during this period but no one knows how to contact
empires, one mythic and extraplanar, one bloody and brief. their distant plane or guard against their return. After the
Sloughing Off, the Ghosthead Empire disappeared as
The Ghosthead Empire mysteriously as it came, and the allegiances between groups,
tribes, and races that helped the rebellion succeed collapsed.
This long-vanished empire is a great source for ancient The politics of Rohagi splintered into infighting and cultural
instruments of power, obscure lore, and possibility-based degeneration, and the First Umbric Age began.
thaumaturgy – but it is also very poorly understood.
Its rulers arrived from beyond the bounds of Bas-Lag
around 2000 BNC, apparently fleeing the destruction of their
own homeland. Their arrival was violent enough to smash
The Malarial Queendom
open the world-reality itself, birthing the Fractured Land. On Also sometimes known as the Anophelii Empire, the
Bas-Lag, they established a surreal, violent, and impossibly Queendom was a brutal feudal monarchy ruled by
strange empire. The Ghosthead themselves were clearly bloodthirsty anophelii females who needed warm avian or
extraplanar, and few records of the time seem to be able to mammalian blood to feed their incredible intelligence, speed,
describe them or their technologies; Bas-Lag was far too and thaumaturgical insight. It expanded rapidly to feed their
primitive to understand what the Ghosthead brought, and hunger, and all its subject races worked and bled until they
the Ghosthead were in no mood to explain. Instead, they died.
conquered all of Rohagi and most of Shoteka, at least. Stories The Queendom existed around 750 BNC, more than
about the Ghosthead don’t make much sense, as they seem 2,500 years before the present day. It was short-lived, lasting
to have existed along dimensional axes that human and not much more than 50 years, but it left a deep impact. Its
xenians alike don’t comprehend. The two most reliable heart was in Shoteka, the continent south of Rohagi.
accounts claim they were “human, with ghostlike heads, However, the anophelii queens had outposts in southern
occasionally tentacular,” and “invisible but clearly Rohagi, and also in the Shards, a huge archipelago a long way
cephalopodish, with insectile heads and mechanical east, and in some islands in between – any place with a warm
ovipositors.” Neither description seems helpful to current climate and fresh water. The whole thing collapsed when
scholars; neither description seems entirely sane, either, but there were no more easy conquests, the blood sacrifices ran
this is a recurrent problem with the Ghosthead. out, and the female anophelii turned from smart, powerful
In any case, the Ghosthead fought with the khepri insect killers to mindless, powerful killers.
empires of Bered Kai Nev, the huge eastern continent. That Their lost treasures include powerful tomes of
fight seems to have been a draw, largely based on the khepri summoning and conjurations, technothaumaturgical fusions,
ability to throw vast numbers at the problem, but records are and geared engines for harnessing elementals. Any explorer
very sparse. fool enough to risk unleashing the anophelii females on the
These days, the empire is considered half-mythic. Bizarre world again might find these lost caches quite lucrative. The
histories claim that the Ghosthead Empire reached the cactacae claim to have plundered all of the hoards of the
moons, built metal fish to swim the stars, and practiced the Queendom, since they are immune to the wrath of the
lost art of possibility-mining along the Scar. Artifacts from this mosquito-folk, possessing no blood for them.
time are uncovered every decade or so, often in new shapes.
The Ghosthead rulers and their precise form of
government are hard to establish because of the weird mix of Flesh-Eater Wars
secrets, myths, and archaeology surrounding them. They In the year 798, (roughly 1000 years ago,) a decades-
ruled firmly for about 600 years or so, then a slow-building long, on-again-off-again series of conflicts began, the purpose
rebellion grew among the Rohagi subject races. During this of which was to wipe High Cromlech off of the map. The city
first stage, this revolt was called the Contumancy and seems of the undead, viewed my most people as an unholy affront
to have been largely a matter of attacking Ghosthead to nature, was never popular, but a religious movement for
institutions, representatives, and devices. The surviving its eradication gained traction in several major cities.
records speak of “possibility fraud” and “demonstration As this movement soon found out, though, it is very
devices” and other strange (or at least untranslatable) forms difficult to defeat an enemy who can raise your own fallen
of rebellion – it may be that not all of it was violent. soldiers as zombies and send them back at you. Eventually,
Later, around 1350 BNC, it exploded into an outright the gruesome “Flesh-Eater Wars” lost momentum, and High
rebellion, known as the Sloughing Off – a century-long Cromlech went back to being an unobtrusive, isolated city.
process of revolt. Attacks and reprisals were fierce; many
cities and towns simply vanished in “thought cleansing” 74
The inhabitants pulled up stakes and moved inland to

New Crobuzon
The world of Bas-Lag boasts a multitude of populous
where the River Tar meets with the Canker, just a few miles
upriver from its meeting with the sea. Although the people
renamed it New Crobuzon, the dating system from the first
settlement’s founding on Iron Bay was retained, (meaning,
for example, that New Crobuzon was founded around the
cities, distinctive townships, and overall bizarre environs. But
year 100.)
through the centuries, one city has stood above the rest in
The most prominent historical figure from this early era
numerous ways: politically, militarily, technologically, and –
was a cleric of Darioch named Jabber. Jabber would become
above all – economically. This is the city of New Crobuzon.
known as the founding father of New Crobuzon, being
Over time, its hard-working citizens (and hard-scheming
credited with creating parliament, writing the city’s legal
politicians) have made this powerful city-state a true force to
code, establishing the trade policies crucial to the city’s
be reckoned with. Its manufactories are a vast, sprawling,
prosperity, and dozens of other feats. His influence became
industrial mess, producing enough goods to extend New
so vast that at some point he was deified, and the worship of
Crobuzon’s reach thousands of miles in every direction. The
“St. Jabber” would grow into the most prominent of the city’s
city has created great art and advanced sciences, funded rail
travel and gliding aerostats, utterly destroyed one of its rival
cities, and brought others to heel – all while making its
merchants and politicians very, very wealthy indeed.
Pirate Wars
New Crobuzon now suffers the inevitable diseases of a New Crobuzon continued to prosper as it became an
proud industrial metropolis: alchemical wastes flow into the ever-larger trading and manufacturing center. Unfortunately,
Gross Tar through the Brock Marsh, the crowds strain its whenever wealth congregates in the world, there will be
streets and rails, and while its newer buildings tower ten and those who wish to usurp it. Pirates and other maritime
even twenty stories high, every mass of concrete, tar, and powers continuously harassed New Crobuzon (and each
brick is rotting at the base. Many of its districts are slums, other,) but this antagonism reached its peak around the year
rebels and unions threaten the wealth of the overlords, and 1,100, and thus began the Pirate Wars.
its citizens are barely held in check by the brutal militia. Fought in two rounds, the first Pirate War lumbered
Welcome to New Crobuzon, the greatest city-state of the along for about four hundred years. It was fought among New
world. Crobuzon, Jheshull, Gnurr Kett, Suroch, and many other
island and maritime powers. Allegiances shifted all the time.
Major Metropolis (conventional); AL LE The Pirate Wars were also called the Slow Wars, or the
Government Mayoral/Parliamentary; Tech Level 5 False Wars, as the fighting was desultory and trade and
Gold Guinea Limit ₲ 7,000,000; Assets ₲ 2,450,000,000 interaction continued between the “enemies” at the same
time. Its effects were more industrial and economic than
DEMOGRAPHICS military – although there were real military face-offs – and
Population 3,510,000 New Crobuzon came out of it quite well. During the Battle of
Type mixed (74% human, 11% vodyanoi, 9% khepri, 3% the Torpid Coast in 1352, New Crobuzon soundly beat
cactacae, 3% other races) – does not include wyrmen or Khadoh, a northern island nation. This boosted New
Remade Crobuzon’s economy and made it the top dog during the
Religions many, principally St. Jabber; Languages many, Pirate Wars, ushering in the Full Years, which was a bit of a
principally Ragamoll golden age for technology and the economy that lasted a
AUTHORITY FIGURES couple of centuries.
For the first four centuries, these conflicts weren’t so
Mayor Triesti, Lord Mayor, leader of the Fat Sun party; Alessa
much a real war, but more of an intense rivalry. When most
Handsome, leader of the New Quill party; Jorge Sebash,
people refer to the Pirate Wars, they mean the Second Pirate
Lord Captain of the militia; Lucia der Belsevere, Chancellor
Wars, the sudden flaring up of the conflict again around 1510,
of the University of New Crobuzon; Khoinesheril,
when it turned into a real and bloody military conflict. In
1544, New Crobuzon deployed a secret weapon on their
worst enemy, the northern coastal city of Suroch – the

Torque bomb, which harnessed the same chaotic madness as
the Cacotopic Stain (see pg 94). This created a new, smaller
torque zone, with all of the horrible chaos that entails,
The original city of Crobuzon was founded roughly 1,800 including reality itself coming undone. The result was so
years ago as a small village near the coast of Iron Bay at the heinous that New Crobuzon tried to keep its victory a secret,
outflow of the Gross Tar River, near to the present location of dropping a series of colourbombs on the remains of Suroch in
Tarmuth. It quickly flourished as a trading settlement, and 1545 in an attempt to destroy the madness. Official public
thus became a favorite target of pirate attacks. A mere 100 records made no mention of torque bombs, and insisted that
years after its founding, one such raid burned Crobuzon to it was the colourbombs that ended the war, (although
the ground. only a quarter of those bombs actually worked.)
With this thorough victory, the number of countries and Half-a-Prayer, and illegal underground newspapers like the
city-states seeking negotiated resolutions in favor of military Runagate Rampart.
solutions rose dramatically, and New Crobuzon has been
home to a multitude of embassies ever since. Recent Years
Unrest Spreads About thirty years ago, in the year 1779, New Crobuzon
faced a mysterious and terrifying season. Now called the
A century later, New Crobuzon finally mounted a Midsummer Nightmare, (or the Dream Curse, or Nocturne
scientific expedition to examine the new Cacotopic Stain of Syndrome,) it was a period of time when the entire city was
Suroch, which included a heliotypist named Sacramundi. plagued by nightmares. Every man, woman, and child
Seeing the horror of the stain firsthand, upon his return he experienced dreadful dreams on a nightly basis, dreams so
defied the government’s orders for secrecy by publically disturbing that sleep became something to dread.
distributing “Sacramundi’s report,” which informed the Concurrently, each night would reveal several victims who
masses about the dreadful reality unleashed by New remained in a coma-like stupor, never to rise again. Then, just
Crobuzon. This sparked the Sacramundi Riots in 1689, which as suddenly as it had appeared, the problem vanished. The
came very close to bringing the entire government down. public never knew the source of the Midsummer Nightmare,
Almost concurrently with the riots, the Khepri exodus but the government knew the true cause: a group of
began arriving on the shores of the city, escaping the terrible otherworldly slake moths had escaped confinement, and had
Ravening of their homeland. Many found work and refuge in been feasting on the thoughts of the city.
the city, and their population began to rapidly swell. For many centuries, the militia of New Crobuzon prided
The city’s government held on by a thread for a decade, themselves on remaining largely unseen – a kind of invisible
and had only just begun to make headway in restoring its threat, made all the more insidious by remaining out of sight.
former power when a terrible drought occurred which But the situation was forced to change in 1793 during the
threatened the entire city’s food supply. In 1701, a social brief but furious Construct Wars. Somehow, some of the
bandit calling himself Bridling became the mouthpiece for the city’s clockwork-driven construct servants spontaneously
discontent of the populace. Almost single-handedly, Bridling gained sentience. A viral consciousness began to spread
churned the city’s agitation to a broil, a time which would among the servitors, who began to think, feel, and value self-
become known as the Week of Dust. preservation. The fear of a machine revolt was so strong that
Driven to desperation, Parliament approved a violent the militia made their presence publically felt for the first
retaliation on the city’s malcontents. All protests were met time in decades, and gave every citizen in the city the same
with lethal force and extreme prejudice. Remarkably, this mandate: find and eradicate all constructs. The mechanical
show of strength did not come back to bite the government, servants were eradicated before much true damage was
and actually succeeded in scaring the city’s populace into line. caused. Today, the possession and creation of constructs
From that point on, only a tiny percentage of the city dared to remains tightly controlled, and thus thaumaturgic
openly oppose official policies, like “hero of the people” Jack golems are far more prevalent.
Around this time, civil unrest reached an all-time high,
The Tesh War with massive open rebellion on the streets. Entire districts of
the city sealed themselves off from the government, forming
It was somewhere around this time, close to the turn of
the century, that the war with Tesh began. No one is exactly “the Collective” of free citizens. They put up a good fight, but
certain when war was declared, or for what reason, but the in the end, the newly appointed Mayor Triesti used the militia
war with Tesh would prove costly, both monetarily and in to ground down all resistance and crush the movement,
terms of lives lost. killing thousands.
A recession was already building as the turn of the According to the New Crobuzon government, the war
century approached, when one day Teshi merchant ships was officially declared over after this, with the Teshi
suddenly stopped arriving at New Crobuzon’s harbor. emerging on the losing side. The full reality of the situation,
Simultaneously, all of New Crobuzon’s merchant ships sailing however, is still murky. Trade and mercantilism have picked
in the vicinity of Tesh and the Firewater Straits were up, and the recession has itself nearly receded, but many
brutalized and destroyed. New Crobuzon was at a loss until intelligent citizens have lingering doubts and fears about the
Tesh’s secretive, hidden ambassador to the city informed nature of the conflict and further fallout from the war. The
them that the two states were at war. What’s more, the Tarmuth shipyards are busily rebuilding New Crobuzon’s
Witchocracy emerged as a strong supporter of Tesh against fleet, and ships from the Witchocracy still have not visited the
New Crobuzon. city’s ports.

Government & Politics

Obviously, Tesh initiated the blatant hostilities of the
conflict, but it is entirely possible that New Crobuzon was
conducting underhanded practices which led to Tesh’s
aggression. In any case, it’s highly doubtful that the true Historically, New Crobuzon has always been in a state of
cause of the war will ever be made public. flux between political parties, creating an uneasy truce
As tales spread of sunken ships and ruined profits, New between exploited workers and the crass overlords who beat
Crobuzon launched a very public series of counterattacks, in rebellions back into the gutter. The instruments of state
order to prove the city’s strength to its worried citizens. Navy control are well-developed and tilt the balance of power in
recruitment was intensified, both by legitimate means and by the interest of merchants, industrial and shipping industries,
press-ganged “booze-recruiting.” and landowners.
For a time, the war had little effect on the average The mayor is effectively the head of state in New
citizen, but the economic strain of disrupted trade and a Crobuzon, although Parliament controls the purse strings,
floundering military complex soon began to take its toll. and the home secretary controls much of the civil service.
Factories and harbors were shut down due to lack of
business, and the recession intensified.
When wounded veterans began to return to the city,
The Lord Mayor
To vote in the New Crobuzon mayoral election, one must
many were tossed out on the street by the government, their be either a property-owning citizen, or the lucky winner of an
bodies ruined in strange and horrifying ways by Tesh’s foreign electoral lottery, (i.e., the “suffrage lottery.”) The lottery’s
and unnatural thaumaturgy. Any who began to sow purpose is to add the voice of “ordinary people” to the
dissention by ranting about the horrors of war were rounded “expertise” of the wealthy. In practice, though, many of those
up by the now-highly-visible militia and were never seen who win such a lottery sell their voting tickets to vote-
again. Similarly, any citizens who dared to voice opposition to shapers, who use them as proxies for their own interests.
the war were also punished severely, especially news outlets What’s surprising about the oligarchy is not its
who dared to run unfavorable headlines. The city’s stranglehold on most real power, but rather, how often it
government put out a constant stream of propaganda, does offer some concessions to the poor to avoid strikes or
declaring that the war was progressing smoothly, and that other disruptions around election time. It’s a testament to
victory was assured, despite blatant contradictory evidence. the city’s political classes that everyone does have some
The news clamp-down only slowed the spread of voice, no matter how weak – or as others say, a testament to
information, rather than halting it. Many citizens were the people who stood up and demanded to be heard.
exposed to a flood of half-truths about the war that were The mayor influences foreign and domestic policy
probably more damaging than factual accounts would have through his control of the militia, and he has the powers of
been. Conflicts like the Battle of Bad Earth and the Fight in arrest, torture, and Remaking. To ensure the city prospers, he
the Sun became horror stories. operates primarily through wheedling, deal-making,
Finally, in 1806, after years of mysterious and far-off threatening to use the militia, and enforcement of
conflict, the war reached New Crobuzon itself, and Tesh Parliament’s edicts. He shares responsibility with Parliament
nearly achieved victory. The hidden ambassador in New for foreign policy, overseas trade, and conducting wars.
Crobuzon performed a complex and lengthy ritual which While Parliament is responsible for taxation and
nearly called forth the Phasma Urbomach (also called the proposing legislation, it is primarily a check on mayoral
murderspirit, or citykiller,) a powerful entity which would power. In good times, the two operate in a sort of symbiotic
destroy the entire city. This effort, however, was countered harmony. In bad times, nothing is too outrageous: fiscal
at the last minute, and Tesh’s plans were ruined.
threats, petty vengeances, blackmail, and outright Remakings
are sometimes part of the political game in New Crobuzon.
A cabinet of six to seventeen lords and ministers –
appointed by the mayor – reports to him and none other.
Notable Mayors
Mayor Turgisadi: Mayor roughly 100 years after the Suroch
Although the precise configuration varies, most cabinets Torque bombing, Turgisadi kept his grip on power after the
include a Lord Privy Seal, Minister of Commerce and Industry, Torque photographs were published through a series of street
Chancellor of the Exchequer, Minister of Justice (including the massacres he ordered to control the riots. He greatly expanded
Junior Minister for Remaking,) Lord Captain of the Militia, the size and power of the militia afterword, and was elected six
Minister of State, and a Minister Without Portfolio. consecutive terms.
At the moment, the Urban Unity government is Mayor Bentham Rudgutter: A member of the Fat Sun party,
somewhat unusual and most political observers consider it Rudgutter was extremely well-connected and wealthy. He was
able to summon a Weaver and lick the boots of the ambassador
something of a “special period.” What constitutes
of the Czar of Hell, but he lost some of his power when and
“normality” is now unclear. experiment using extraplanar drugs went awry. He died in 1796

Parliament and was succeeded by Emily Stem-Fulcher.

Mayor Emily Stem-Fulcher: This white-maned pipe-smoker
Parliament is a body of roughly 500 of the richest and had few good qualities but much political cunning. Once in
most venial public servants in New Crobuzon, and consists power she moved quickly and soon gained notoriety for
ordering the Paradox Massacre in response to a labor strike, for
entirely of propertied men and women, plus a few vodyanoi
her backroom deals with the New Quill party, for programs
and cactacae. The very few xenians who are represented are
against xenian inhabitation of the city, and for Remaking many
usually elevated by special mechanisms to ensure “reputable of her political opponents. Partially in response to her harsh
representation,” although they could technically be elected crackdowns on civil liberties, Stem-Fulcher was shot dead in
simply on the usual system. 1805.
Legend claims that the Parliament was founded on Mayor Triesti: After Stem-Fulcher’s death, a “special election”
Jabber’s orders to rule after his disappearance. Parliament by Parliament confirmed Triesti’s appointment, due to the
diligently looks after its own interests during each yearly enormous civil unrest at the time. Triesti is the most dictatorial
session. The interests of the working man or woman of New mayor of recent memory, which causes some unease even
among the wealthy. He rose to prominence by crushing the
Crobuzon are, for the most part, only worth considering near
rebels of the Collective, sending perhaps tens of thousands to
election time.
mass graves.
The parliament complex is housed on the secluded Strack His abrogation of “special executive powers” to expand
Island. internal controls and searches has led to a few run-ins with

Political Parties Parliament, but he was recently elected to a second term. He is

the leader of the Fat Sun party, but talks constantly about his
devotion to all parties and the citizens in the Urban Unity
Parliament is divided into at least a dozen political
parties at any given time, although the ruling party is usually
either the Fat Sun or (rarely) Finally We Can See. Recently, Diverse Tendency: A small party of xenians and a few
new parties have formed based on their view of the Tesh humans, Diverse Tendency attempts to exploit legitimate
War, including the Victorians (hard-line hawks,) the xenian fears at the ballot box for its own ends (namely a
Concessionists, and the Suitors (pursuing peace at any cost.) share of the spoils of government.) While it preaches
These factions can cross over to some extent with the tolerance, it does little to encourage it. The party sometimes
traditional parties. After the truce was signed, all of these holds the balance of power, but is too small to rule.
new parties lost a good deal of support and the traditional Thoroughly corrupt, it is nonetheless popular in the xenian
parties reasserted themselves, although under new banners ghettos. Xenian radicals view party members as sell-outs.
and spouting new slogans. Fat Sun: The party of mercantile policy and monied
interests, the thoroughly corrupt Fat Sun party reached its
height during the government of Mayor Rudgutter. It has
Notable Politicians & Officials continued in one form or another since then and is always
supremely well-funded, slick, and predictable.
Alessa Handsome: Leader of the New Quill party (LE female Finally We Can See: A corrupt, weaselly party best
human fighter 10) known for joining the government coalition – regardless of
Jorge Sebash: Lord Captain of the Militia (LN male human the coalition’s makeup. Finally We Can See traditionally
fighter 15) makes liberal noises and claims to represent “the honest
Mayor Triesti: Leader of the Fat Sun party (LE male human everyday citizen” but it has rarely been a majority party.
aristocrat 14) New Quill: A fascist party built on the remains of the
Byron Standington: Minister of Commerce & Industry (LN
Three Quills party, the New Quill appeals to the nativism and
male human expert 12)
Julia Flum-Wulmp: Minister of Justice (LN female human jingoist reaction against all xenians. It’s known for proposing
expert 13) pogroms to kill or exile the khepri, cactacae, vodyanoi, and all
Sharm: Leader of the Diverse Tendency party (CN male other non-humans from the city. Although not
cactacae fighter 13) corrupt, the New Quill party is morally bankrupt. 78
Military & Police
For many years, the New Crobuzon militia operated as a
Rivers & Waterways
The rivers of New Crobuzon are not just a part of the
secret police force, unwilling to show their faces or mark city’s character – they are absolutely integral to the history
themselves with badges and uniforms. The citizenry was quite and identity of the city.
aware of their existence, and always knew that the waiter
serving your dinner or the man behind the newsstand could,
in fact, be a secret member of the militia.
River Canker
The Canker is cleaner and colder than the Tar, originating
Under Mayor Stem-Fulcher, that policy ended during the in the Bezhek Peaks only a short distance from the city itself.
Construct War, and the militia now parade the streets openly, As it enters the northern boundary of New Crobuzon the
intimidating those who might protest the city’s increasing water of the Canker is quite clean, and the affluent
oppression. They act as an army as well as secret police. neighborhoods here reflect the river’s pristine condition.

Militia Towers Here, one is much more likely to encounter luxurious

pleasure-craft as opposed to dingy cargo haulers.
Sticking up from the city like spikes, the 250-foot-tall
militia towers contain the iron fist of the city-state’s
government; in a sense, they are vertical barracks. Most
River Tar
The Tar, which enters the city from the northwest, is
towers are linked by the seven sky-rails to the Spike, the itself fed by several large tributaries before it enters the city.
westernmost tower at Perdido Street Station and the militia Some originate in the Bezheks, just as the River Canker, but
headquarters. All towers have aerostats and dirigibles ready the primary source of the Tar is actually Sully Swamp, a large
to deploy at a moment’s notice to put down a rioting crowd wetland some miles west. As a result, the waters of the Tar
or a strike that the bosses can no longer tolerate. are already brackish as they enter New Crobuzon, and
The primary towers stand in ten locations throughout the become steadily worse as industrial waste and the runoff of
city, excluding the central Spike and Strack Island. Each is countless ships enter into the mix. Yet another tributary of
manned by at least 50 and as many as 500 militia members, the Tar flows from the Mendican Foothills to the south.
all equipped with studded leather armor, tower shields, clubs,
and goggled helmets. The top of each tower is an observation
platform where telescopes and optics are mounted to spy on
River Gross Tar
When the Tar and the Canker meet in the heart of New
the citizenry. The towers are also equipped with the latest in
Crobuzon, they merge into the mighty Gross Tar. This river
mounted firearms and artillery pieces.
carries with it all of the muck of the Tar, only slightly diluted
There are also a handful of smaller towers (sometimes
by the Canker’s contribution. On its short fifteen mile journey
called “militia struts,”) which are not connected to the sky-rail
eastward towards the sea, a significant portion is diverted
network. The towers in Kelltree and Syriac are such
south into the Grain Spiral to be used to irrigate the vast
fields which feed the city. At the river’s mouth lies the town
Crime & Punishment of Tarmuth, which sits on the western shore of Iron Bay.

Troublemakers are brought to the Spike for judgment in

secret courts which are presided over by the faceless
Naturally, there are many bridges in New Crobuzon to
Magisters, judges who hide their faces and operate using
allow easy passage over the mighty rivers. Some are simple
false names. Sentencing is harsh and quick, and is usually
and utilitarian, some are built as ancient defenses, and still
followed by a whipping, fines, or transportation to the
others are ornate and made to impress. From west to east:
punishment factories for Remaking. These days, just about
River Tar: Odner’s Bridge, Hadrach Bridge, Drud
any infraction is excuse is enough to land a citizen in court.
Crossing, Stentorus Bridge, Mandrake Bridge, Barrow Bridge,

Calendar & Dates

Nabob Bridge, Pigment Bridge, Cockscomb Bridge, Sheer
River Canker: Khadoh Bridge, Coin’s End Crossing,
New Crobuzon’s dating system is Anno Urbis, dating from Barguest Bridge, Danechi’s Bridge.
the founding of the original city of Crobuzon. It is currently River Gross Tar: Rust Bridge, Barley Bridge, Grand Calibre
the year 1812. Before the founding, dates are measured Bridge (broken).
backwards in BNC, Before New Crobuzon. Only dates before
the founding are noted as such.
The months of the calendar are as follows: Chet,
The sprawling sewer system of the city is the home of the
Melluary, Alember, Tajla, Sprampt, Jane, Septuary, Octuary, lowliest of the low. Those who dwell near the entrances form
Tathis, Kalsay, Lunn, and Sinn. the Undergangs, but some have lived so far underground for
The days of the week are Chainday, Dustday, Steelday, so long, they’re barely human anymore. All manner of
Bridgeday, Trackday, Smokeday, and Skullday. castoffs, like trow and vampirs also inhabit the sewers. 79
a daily basis also attract all manner of shops and

Rails & Industry

Just as must as the waterways, the railways of New
entertainment locations.
Between the eleventh and fourteenth floors of the
Mandragorae Wing lies the highly secure Diplomatic Zone.
Crobuzon are an integral component of the soul of the city. After the destruction of Suroch, a wave of mutual
Logistics aside, New Crobuzon just wouldn’t be the same understanding swept over Rohagi, and governments agreed
without the constant rattle of steam engines roaring by, that diplomacy was now greatly preferred to war. Most,
belching out clouds of soot as they transport thousands of (although not all,) of the foreign embassies in New Crobuzon
citizens to and fro on a daily basis. are housed here. Each embassy is a multi-level suite of self-
contained rooms; some see extensive use, such as those of
Perdido Street Station Myrshock and Vadaunk, while others exist as mere
formalities, such as the Tesh embassy. The Cray embassy of
The edifice towering above the city’s heart, Perdido Salkrikaltor is aqueous, fed fresh brine from Iron Bay fifteen
Street Station is the defining monument of New Crobuzon. miles away.
The center of the city’s railways and its skyrails, the station is The most prominent tower of the station is known as the
a hub connecting the militia towers, the major city districts, Spike, and it is the central headquarters of the militia. All of
and the seats of power. Its five enormous openings swallow the city’s skyrails converge on the Spike and lead to the
the five main rail lines, and the vast station includes various various military towers in New Crobuzon.
militia towers and turrets, workshops, torture chambers,
shops, taverns, and even a small museum.
Perdido Street itself is a long, narrow passageway that
juts perpendicularly from BilSantum Street and winds The railways are single-track affairs which typically
sinuously east towards Gidd. No one knows why it had once service a single train which bounces back and forth along its
been important enough to give the station its name. route for the duration of the workday. Each train typically has
No maps of the station ever cover all of its detail. Its a steam locomotive drawing between two and five passenger
primary architect is said to have gone mad from the strain of cars. Sometimes a freight car is added to the mix, but more
keeping the building stable and functional. Others claim he often freight and goods are moved throughout the city by
was incarcerated by the militia to preserve state secrets, such other means.
as secret tunnels and defenses known only to a few. Still The city’s five main lines are the Dexter, Head, Sink, Sud,
others say that the station itself was his attempt to build his and Verso lines, which together service the city’s more than
own god to worship. two dozen stations. These railway lines do not typically lie at
The lower levels are mostly open to the public. Their ground level, but rather are elevated above the level of most
primary function is, of course, a concourse for the railway buildings. As such, railway obstructions are almost never a
lines, but the crowds that pass into and out of these areas on problem.
The train stations of New Crobuzon are, generally
speaking, elegant and well-maintained in the city’s 80
center, and grow progressively shabby as they near the city’s of town are well lit by elyctric streetlights and are frequently
edge. In fact, the Dog Fenn Station’s doors are rusted open patrolled by militia and private guards.
and ticket takers rarely show up for work. The station has While every rich district flaunts its wealth in its own
been abandoned to poverty, although trains still stop there. special way, poorer districts tend to show the same signs of
poverty everywhere – although they are still quite
Skyrails distinguishable for natives. The slums are everywhere in the
city, from the rotting bricks of Badside to the wreckage of
Radiating out from the Spike are the narrow skyrails
which tower above the rest of the city. Little more than thin Dog Fenn. Many of these districts have no redeeming
guiderails, these aloof corridors allow swift and private qualities to recommend them.
transport between the city’s militia towers.
Abrogate Green
Other Transportation Middle Class
Abrogate Green lies roughly on the border between the
Handcarts and animal-drawn cabs are common in many
districts, taking people to and from place to place. These can well-off neighborhoods to the northeast, and the poorer
also be pulled by ptera-birds and squat golems. Despite the districts further south. It is largely residential, and boasts one
vast rivers which run through the city, most of the craft which of the largest cactacae neighborhoods outside of the
travel the waterways are devoted to freight, not intercity Glasshouse. As an outer district of the city, it borders on a
passenger transport. rough scrubland.

Grande Tramway Aspic

Near the turn of the century, Weather Wrightby founded Poor
the Transcontinental Railroad Trust, a company with an Although the main thoroughfares of Aspic are kept
extraordinary aim: to build a vast railway between the cities mostly tidy and lined with pleasing banyan trees, the majority
of New Crobuzon, Myrshock, and Cobsea. This highly of the district is shabby and destitute. The homeless
ambitious dream was meant to open a new era of prosperity, population here is high, which wasn’t helped any when the
but was ironically dealt a deathblow by the drying up of funds poor residents of Flag Hill were expelled from their own
due to the recent recession. In 1806, with almost all of the district and forced to immigrate to Aspic.
foundational track already laid out, TRT finally went belly-up, Aspic Hole
and the project nearly died. The distinguishing feature of Aspic is the Aspic Hole, also
In the last couple of years, however, as New Crobuzon called the Aspic Bazaar, a vast open-air market that sells
clawed its way out of both the Tesh War and the associated everything from trinkets, drugs, pets, clothes, and fortune-
economic downturn, a coalition of companies seized the tellings. The rows upon rows of merchandise converge upon
opportunity to finally complete Wrightby’s vision. Redubbed Aspic Hole like the spokes of a vast wheel. Scams and
the Grande Tramway, this intercity thoroughfare has just pickpockets run rampant in Aspic Hole: let the buyer beware.
begun operation as of 1812. Time will tell if it will prove to be Just about anything – literally anything – can be found for
the goldmine its investors hope it to be. sale if one looks hard enough in Aspic Hole.
The Grande Tramway meets New Crobuzon at the
previously-derelict Rudewod Station, which has been entirely
refurbished into a concourse capable of storing and
transferring the large quantities of goods brought in from
Badside is little more than a crime-riddled slum. A
Cobsea and Myrshock.
multitude of gangs claim territory in Badside, but few hold
any sway beyond the bounds of the district. As a riverside

Districts, Boroughs, &

district, there was once an attempt to install massive
commercial docks here, but all that now remains are a series
of stagnant canals.

New Crobuzon suffers from a remarkable lack of city
Middle Class
Despite the overall tendency for south New Crobuzon to
planning. Open sewers flow through slums, houses are built be penniless and dirty, Barrackham stands as a beacon of
rather at random, and roads, street lighting, and transport well-living, although the beacon has been slowly fading for
vary widely in both quality and quantity from place to place. many decades. Barrackham was once home to very wealthy
Wealthy districts show off their fortune in many ways. families, but most have since left the district, leaving the
Money, power, knowledge, and influence can be found on middle-class behind. The old grand estates are in a state of
proud display in the richer parts of town, which tend to disrepair, their current residents unable to maintain their
cluster near the center and northeast of the city. These parts long-ago splendor. Towards the north of the district lie some
poor neighborhoods and a handful of underused factories. 81
more obscure form of knowledge, Brock Marsh is the place to
Bonetown find its practitioners. Its businesses include private libraries,
book binders, herbalists, renting libraries, makers of
Named after the Ribs that arch over it so prominently, glassware and copper tubing, scale and balance makers, and
Bonetown is a shabby place where nothing good lives. Often other artisans who cater to the scientific trade. Small hordes
called “the Thieves’ District,” it is a syncretic mesh of of badgers scamper through the streets, familiars by tradition
industrialism and cross-bred architecture, urban scrubland, to the learned, and waddle through special flaps in the store-
shantytowns, and abandoned docklands which line the river fronts and doors of these shops.
shore, littered with thick-stemmed weeds. The crime lord Mr. The favored locales of the scientific class are pubs. The
Motley keeps his base of operations in Bonetown. Danechi’s Dying Child on Umber Promenade is particularly popular and
Bridge joins Bonetown to Brock Marsh across the Canker. is run by Silchristcheck, a vodyanoi who rarely leaves his bath.
Another favorite is the Moon’s Daughters, an inn near
The Ribs Danechi’s Bridge, which links Brock Marsh with Bonetown.
Ivory shards of a leviathan, these arching ribs of a fallen
giant almost meet about two hundred feet above the ground.
The land around them is unlucky; tools break, projects run
Canker Wedge
away into the dust and dirt, and nothing prospers. For this
One of the most prosperous districts, Canker Wedge is
reason, the center of the vast chest cavity remains devoid of
home the affluent and the posh. The residents here live the
buildings; plans to fill in the hole somehow always come to
easy life, many inhabiting mansions and pursuing decadent
nothing. Fifty feet down, archaeologists had found vertebrae
leisure activities. Being where the Canker first enters the city,
the size of houses, but after a series of accidents, exploration
the waters here have not yet been polluted by runoff, and
stopped. No other skeletal parts have ever turned up, and no
pleasure craft which row the water for fun and sport are
one is certain what the original creature looked like, although
common. The district is also home to the Canker Wedge Zoo,
it has been dubiously named Gigantes Crobuzon.
which houses strange beasts from far and wide. One of the
Despite all that, the Ribs make a useful landmark to
city’s long-disused aeromorphic weather-controlling engines
visitors; just look up, and if you see the Ribs, you can orient
is also in the Wedge.
yourself. The Ribs themselves are a bit of a draw for gawkers,
One of the city’s best known “secret” enterprises is also
so most residents here are hawkers, buskers, sales-people,
in Canker Wedge. Cadnebar’s Soaps and Tallow was once a
and street acrobats.
respectable shop, but now is officially listed as a warehouse.
Brock Marsh Unofficially, it is home to spectacular (and illegal) ring fights
and gladiatorial matches. Despite the illegality of these
Scientific Quarter activities, the establishment is consistently ignored by
Brock Marsh is a triangular slice of the Old City low authorities, because many of the fights’ top sponsors are
ground, wedged between the city’s two rivers as they meet; parliamentarians, wealthy industrialists, and eminent
its location near Strack Island makes it important enough to bankers. Cadnebar’s attracts large crowds on a nightly basis.
rate a militia tower which anchors a short skyrail over to
Strack Island.
Brock Marsh is known as the Scientific Quarter. Some of
Industrial Slum
its denizens are scientists and thinkers, including physicists,
Chimer is comprised primarily of smog-spewing factories
chimerists, biophilosophers and teratologists, chymists,
and the dilapidated homes of their poor employees. Most of
necrochymists, mathematicians, karcists and metallurgists,
and vodyanoi shaman. If it’s an obscure branch of an even 82
the factories spew out common mechanical and household
items, and many employees are trapped in unfavorable long-
term contracts.
The Crow

Chnum This fashionable commercial and shopping district is

spread out around Perdido Street Station in a mix of broad
Wealthy streets and tangled alleys. Three main shopping streets –
A district of merchants and factory-owners who LeTissof Street, Concubek Pass, and Boulevard Dos Ghérou –
command redstone manors full of servants and sleep on radiate out from the station and BilSantum Plaza, at the heart
featherbeds, Chnum is a dull but very pleasant place. Its wide of the district. During the day and early evening, they are
avenues and large houses are always watched both by the always packed with carts, street vendors, buskers, and
militia and by private guards, who protect their employers pedestrians. Many of them simply take in the sights along the
from everything from kidnapping to beggars. thoroughfares, for all the world seems to bring its wares to
the elegant shops to sell: fine tailoring, tropical produce,
Creekside inlaid snuffboxes, children’s golems, gas-light lamps, and
feathery lace.
Khepri Ghetto
The khepri slum, Creekside does not make the overt Old noble families that once lived here have long since
displays of khepri history as its more affluent cousin Kinken fled for quieter districts, their homes converted to two- and
does. Some residents of Creekside feel that Kinken has no three-story shops. In the side streets and alleys stand the
real claim on true khepri culture, and simply flaunts a offices of lawyers and doctors, the dining halls of exclusive
recycled version of what little was preserved when the khepri gentleman’s clubs, actuaries, geothaumaturges, apothecaries,
made their exodus to New Crobuzon. The residents of and well-heeled gambling halls. The people here are wealthy
Creekside have, to at least some extent, let go of the past and and know it, and the only pockets of poverty are those
embraced more of the New Crobuzon way of life. Many of inhabited by the parasites of the rich: pickpockets, expensive
Creekside’s inhabitants work in local industrial facilities. escorts, fortunetellers, and palmists.
Dog Fenn Flag Hill
Poor Wealthy
A place of markets with stolen goods, tired whores, and A fine hill district with excellent views and enormous
(its only real distinction) the last operating station on the rail houses that back onto shared, gated gardens, Flag Hill has
line – which is dilapidated. Dog Fenn is a hotbed of rebellions long been home to bankers and captains of industry. Until
and illegal pamphleteering. Many believe the Runagate recently, its lower slopes included a number of “undesirable”
Rampart, an uncensored newspaper and continuous thorn in sections, but that has changed under Mayor Triesti.
the side of the state, might be printed here. Pamphleteers In recent decades, its luxury housing has expanded as
press papers into the hands of every passerby in many builders have bought out or driven away the small pockets of
sections of Dog Fenn, and it is a frequent location of civic the poor and “unpleasantness” that once filled in sections of
unrest of the shouting and rock-throwing variety. Rich Flag Hill, and many older row homes were torn down to make
landlords visit at their peril; poor folk are rarely molested. way for edifices clad in stone, rather than brick, on the hill’s
By the time the rivers have flowed through New lower slopes. Although it still lacks a bit of polish, it is a posh
Crobuzon, their confluence – the Gross Tar – is thick with place of rising status for new money. Some snobs have taken
garbage, sewage, and refuse of all kinds. As a result, a few to distinguishing “Old Flag Hill” near the top from “New Flag
Dog Fenn river-fishers use nets, weirs, and even dredges to Hill” around the flanks.
eke a living from this flotsam.

Notable Mercantile Individuals Flyside shares much in common with its neighbor,
Riverskin. Full of cramped and cheap housing, Flyside is still
several steps above the city’s slums in terms of living
Splits Rib: Guildmaster of the Swole Solar Merchant guild (CN
conditions, (although one or two blocks are nearly as bad.) It
male cactacae expert 10)
Khoinesheril: Harbormaster and Customs Collector (LN male
has also managed to keep out most gangs and violent
vodyanoi aristocrat 2/rogue 7) activities, making it one of the best possible choices for poor
Feshejheltis: President of the Vodyanoi Stevedores’ Guild. (N workers who want to raise a family in a safe environment.
female vodyanoi rogue 4/sorcerer 3) The population here has a higher than average percentage of
Bartol Sedner: Head of Sedner’s Bank of Commerce (LG male xenians.
human expert 5)
Mashek Ghrashietnichs: Head of Paradox Concerns (LN male
vodyanoi expert 7)
Dhrachshachet: Financier, founder of the Drach Bank (LE Middle Class
male vodyanoi expert 2/somaturge 5) A fairly unremarkable middle class suburb, Gallmarch has
few distinguishing characteristics, aside from a thin strip of

Dryside luxury apartments on the outer edge of the city, which bill
themselves as having an impressive view of the Rudewood
Wealthy forest. Gallmarch also holds an annual fair, complete with
Caught between the marginally more wealthy districts of rides and carnival attractions of all kinds, including rare
Canker Wedge and Flag Hill, Dryside gets little opportunity to exhibits and foreign delicacies.
shine. Mostly a residential district of large manors, Dryside
also features a healthy smattering of the upper-middle-class,
and some impressive shopping centers to cater to them.
Middle Class

Echomire This old, noble district is split between East Gidd and
West Gidd, divided by the Canker River. It’s characterized by
Industrial wide streets, and a distinctive style of elegant, baroque
This savage industrial zone features extensive docks and architecture.
the many industries that come along with them. Canals, One of West Gidd’s primary attractions is the Gidd
warehouses, massive storage tanks, and dark alleys exemplify Library, more commonly known as Palgolak’s Library. Priests
this district. Residents are poor, and are mostly involved with and disciples of the god of knowledge operate the library,
the docks in some capacity. The docks of Echomire merge which does not lend out books, but is open day and night.
with neighboring Kelltree to create a truly massive complex. The library is one of the best in Bas-Lag, rivaling the
The few New Crobuzon Perrickish immigrants live mostly University’s own library, and featuring the world’s best
in Echomire. collection of religious manuscripts.
Whereas most foreign embassies lie within Perdido
Street Station, a small few reside in the heart of East Gidd.
Some upscale factories, mainly for high quality textiles, also
reside in the district.

Glasshouse Griss Fell

Cactacae District Industrial/Poor
Built in the middle of the Riverskin district, this enormous The eastern, riverside portion of Griss Fell is dominated
hothouse is home to a large fraction of the city’s cactacae. by the industrial production machine, and the western half is
Technically an independent country, the Glasshouse has its occupied by the laborers who work the plants. Homes are
own rules, laws, and culture. No entry is allowed for anyone small and shabby, often covered with soot blown from the
without permission, including militia, (although this factories. A large soup kitchen feeds many homeless, which is
restriction means little in practice.) typically funded by charities from Kinken.
As its name suggests, it is an entirely enclosed glasshouse
covering several city blocks which were originally designed
for human habitation. The glasshouse was built around the
Griss Twist
already existing streets, so they run right up to the wall, For every industry, here must be dumping grounds. Griss
although they do not enter. The glass itself is usually opaque Twist enjoyed a short-lived boom of small machinofacture
with steam and dirt. The air inside is much warmer and drier decades ago – all noise, smells, and profit. But it also became
than outside, like the southern deserts that many cactacae the site of massive riverside dumping – at first clandestine,
favor. Dune eagles and other desert birds live entirely within then open – creating a new landscape of rubble, garbage, and
the glass dome. In essence, they’ve recreated a slice of the industrial offal, cartloads and bargeloads in steady
Cymek Dessert within New Crobuzon. successions. Today the Griss Twist landscape is one of fenced-
The Glasshouse has powerful fans for temperature in mounds of broken machines, rotting paper, mining slag,
regulation, a light source that heats and brightens the organic offal, and chymical detritus. Hills, valleys, and piles
interior, and many buildings constructed in the traditional sorted by type, and lagoons of chymical liquid waste all have
cactacae style. The most imposing is a large red-stone step their place. Most of the factories are long gone, but the
pyramid that serves a religious function known only to the dumps are eternal, and the winds from Iron Bay sometimes
cactacae, although some sort of sun worship seems likely. send a choking stench over the Tar into Petty Coil across the
The pyramid terraces are overflowing with desert plants, and river.
it is topped with a lensed heliochymical device that generates A few factories still work at half or quarter-time, sorting,
powerful rays of sunlight, called a sunspear. Many of the smelting, and sifting through the landscape of trash. The
original buildings, designed for humans, have been expanded region is most famous now for the Militia’s siege of the place,
and altered for cactacae habitation. Sand gardens are which is said to have destroyed a rogue golem or construct in
common, and many rooftops are connected by swaying rope the Construct Wars. The details are vague, and few dare to
bridges. poke about in the dumps to look for answers.
The Glasshouse entrances are always tightly guarded by
strong, steady cactacae armed with rivebows and sharp eyes.
It is strictly off-limits to non-cactacae. Those cactacae who
Gross Coil
live outside and resent the Glasshouse often refer to it by an
This district of soot and fumes is home to booming
older, obsolete name, “the Nursery.”
industry such as the Bleckly Refinery and many other
firms. Factory workers crowd it every day, and in fact 85
it and Skulkford are sitting on layers of older buildings. For
hundreds of years these districts sunk into the mire, with new
buildings appearing atop old layers. The sewers here float
Ketch Heath
through old houses, streets, and warehouses. New Much of Ketch Heath is the result of a less-than-
manufactories and workshops spring up constantly, and successful, state-run project to provide cheap and plentiful
workers arrive on the Sink Line each day to fill them. The housing for the city’s growing population. Vast swaths of
riverbank features shabby amphibious housing blocks for twenty-story high-rises were constructed in Ketch Heath, by
vodyanoi workers. far the largest collection of tall buildings in the city.

Howl Barrow Unfortunately, these monoliths have become overcrowded

and under-maintenanced, and the entire district has become
Poor shabby right along with them. Some areas are not too bad,
This small slum is mostly known for its homosexual, featuring avenues decorated with conifer trees, while others
transvestite, and theatre community. These unlikely soldiers are downright slums.
formed the Pretty Brigade during the Collective conflict, and
fought bravely and effectively, although they were eventually
put down with the rest of the Collective. Since that time, Notable Intellectuals
filthy but cheap Howl Barrow has continued to attract artists,
writers, and radicals pushed out of Salacus Fields by ongoing Isaac Dan der Grimnebulin: Scientist in exile, crisis engine
gentrification. Many live destitute in their garrets or in tiny inventor (NG male human expert 18)
Lucia der Belsevere: Chancellor of the University of New
studios at the back of a hopeful gallery.
Crobuzon (LN female human sorcerer 7/loremaster 6)

Kelltree Jonnal Nitsqueeger: Dean of the Science Faculty (CN male

human wizard 16)
Mercantile Rolanda Shmegeg: Proprietor of Rolanda’s Thaumaturgic
Between Rust Bridge and Barley Bridge and served by its Supplies (LG female llorgiss metallo-thaumaturge 13)
own rail spur from the Dexter Line, Kelltree is dominated by Thadius Stoke: Head of the New Crobuzon Inventors &
Researchers Guild (CG male human chymico-thaumaturge
its large square docks. The channels are carved deep into the
12/rogue 2)
clay here to make new passageways for ships of all varieties.
The district is an important workplace for many of the city’s
vodyanoi stevedores, who live nearby along the water in
Lichford and Gross Coil, and along the Tar in general. Both
Khepri District
vodyanoi and human laborers load and unload the cargos
The khepri have lived in Kinken for 700 years, since the
that arrive daily. first contact with the Bered Kai Nev continent, but they were
The true terrain of Kelltree is not its land at all, but the
very few in number until the Tragic Crossing. These days, all
undulating forest of hundreds of ships that anchor here in
of the district’s houses ooze the white mucus of home-grubs.
slips, basins, reservoirs, and canals built into the docklands.
Although called grubs, they are actually beetles larger than
Cranes and stevedores never stop moving, the masts of tall
rhinos and they reshape architecture with phlegm-cement to
ships smudge the skyline, and its warehouses are full to
suit khepri standards, their little legs pushing them forward as
bursting. Barges and tugs often take the goods further upriver
they eat their way through interiors. Home-grubs obey
to Smog Bend and Gross Coil, or rails carry them throughout
khepri handlers who tug and guide them to make the right
the city. renovations, using scent glands and special bridles.
The khepri, rather than the mayor, run Kinken semi-
autonomously, although no one admits to this state of affairs
Notable Religious Leaders openly. The khepri institutions are normally just mutual aid
societies, each of them answerable to a moiety chief and a
hive queen. In actuality, these societies are just facades for
Thumbs Listing: Leader of the Glasshouse elders, high priest
of Sanshad-in-Crobuzon (LN male cactacae cleric 9) the moieties or family clans themselves, some of which date
Ged: Priest of Palgolak, Chief of Palgolak’s Library (LG male back to the earliest days of the khepri diaspora. The hive
vodyanoi cleric 7) queens control the streets, arrest and punish wrongdoers,
Johnson Jangford: Grand Leader of the Church of St. Jabber protect shopkeepers from xenian assault, and even levy
(LG male human favored soul 14) tributes paid directly to them in addition to city taxes. The
Queen Mother Janquin: Keeper of the Faith of Awesome militia only visits when it must; lawbreakers harbored in the
Broodma (NG female khepri cleric 13) ghetto are sometimes turned over to the militia after a back-
Ebenezer Flumbolt: Imposing Poobah of the Followers of channel request or kept under house arrest within Kinken
Limpid (NE male human expert 12)
Note that Kinken is a step up from the poorer khepri
homes in Creekside.


The students are overwhelmingly male and human, but

Lichford some xenians and women also attend. The university is
considered very prestigious, and although it mirrors many of
One of the most varied districts of New Crobuzon, the city’s prejudices and shortcomings, an education from
Lichford features industrial zones, low-income housing, and this institution is still something to be coveted.
classy neighborhoods. Along the Tar River is an industrial
fringe, and shabby vodyanoi housing. Further inland, a band Mafaton
of typical residential neighborhoods dominate, and further Wealthy
still, a narrow stripe of expensive townhouses borders on Mafaton is a rich district with little to recommend it to
Vaudois Hill. the non-wealthy. Mafaton is the location of the Arrowhead
mansion, home to the Penton family which controls the
Ludmead Arrowhead mines. A popular rumor is that the mansion is a
veritable fortress, and contains a secret underground rail line
Although not quite as posh as some of the northern to a secure boathouse on the Canker. No proof of this exists,
districts, Ludmead is undoubtedly a classy neighborhood. but the story is widely believed.
Elegant architecture and the old money that goes with it,
though, are only half the story of Ludmead. The other half is Mog Hill
the University of New Crobuzon. This landmark of the city is a Wealthy
sprawling complex of lecture halls and laboratories which Wealthy but otherwise uninteresting, a few houses of
occupies several blocks. the larger manors have dedicated mooring posts for aerostats
Ludmead is also home of the Ludmead Station, a well- or dirigibles. Security patrols here are quite frequent – all the
kept, neatly-tiled station on the Dexter line. A ring of noisy better to keep out the riffraff from neighboring Badside.
and cheap student taverns surrounds the university, and a
good system of streetlights illuminates Ludmead. Walking
there at night is quite safe.
University of New Crobuzon A fairly backwater district, Murkside is a typical riverside
Sporting old brickwork and large halls surrounding a tree- community, with a smattering of docks and factories near the
lined green quadrangle in the heart of the old campus, the shore and poorer housing neighborhoods further inland. A
university sits between Ludmead, Mafaton, and Saltbur. The few lower-rung gangs run in Murkside.
Science Faculty, (which includes the study of thaumaturgy,)
the Arts Faculty, the Language Faculty, the Engineering Nigh Sump
Faculty, and the Commerce Faculty all have their own Wealthy
buildings, each with a porter who makes sure that vagrants Quite old and prosperous, Nigh Sump features wide
and others stay out of the classrooms and laboratories. The streets and well-kept old buildings, some of which
University Library is also famous in its own right. feature the old Os Tumulus style, with embedded 87
fossils in the walls. The famous glasheim, a facade of intricate crevice and clogs the alleyways. Disease outbreaks here are
stained glass, is considered one of city's prettiest places, and common.
its beauty is well protected from vandals or accidents by
dedicated guards. It is located near the Piazza della Settimana
di Polvere (Place of the Week of Dust,) a trimmed garden of
Middle Class
fox-rose and tall stones. Part of Old Town, this sweeping district near Perdido
Street Station has wide streets and stuccoed houses,
exhibiting its prosperity to the world. There is old money
Notable Crime Lords here, but even so, Rim is still far from being the most elegant
or decadent district in New Crobuzon. Beneath the clean
Mr. Motley: The gangster lord of Bonetown, Mr. Motley is surface, parts of Rim are crumbling and losing their austerity.
almost never seen in person. This is because his body has
somehow been horrendously transformed by Torque into a
jumbled collection of body parts. He seems oddly proud of this.
(CE male chaos-touched Remade human rogue 14) Riverskin has distinct northern and southern regions. The
Francine 2: The gangster queen of Kinken, daughter of the
southern half of Riverskin is much like its neighbor, Flyside. It
legendary (and assassinated) Ma Francine. (CN female khepri
is cheap and not too violent, crowded, and mostly good-
fighter 6/rogue 5)
Savage Peter: Based out of the Spatters slum, this gang-lord is natured. It is a racially mixed area, with a large human
not so much respected as he is outright feared. He’s fond of majority beside small colonies of vodyanoi by the quiet canal,
impaling his foes and letting them rot in the sun; his name and even a little two-street khepri hive, (a rare traditional
conjures fear well beyond the district’s borders. The garuda community outside of Kinken and Creekside.) Southern
circling over the district are said to be his eyes; indeed, it is true Riverskin is also home to some of the city’s small number of
that little escapes his attention. (NE human male fighter 5/rogue more exotic races.
3/blackguard 2) But northern Riverskin is a very different story. It is
quieter, more sullen, verging on qualifying as a slum in some
Pelorus Fields locations. It is the preserve of a large community of the
cactacae underclass – those who might enter the Glasshouse
Middle Class
to shop and worship, but are forced to live in the city proper.
This respectable district is, while not as extreme as
Sheck, still fairly antagonistic towards xenians, and even more
toward Remade. Humans are fairly well-off here, and Pelorus Salacus Fields
Fields boasts many offices, gardens, fountains, churches, Wealthy
markets, and tea dens. A place of fashion and the fashionable, poets and
pamphleteers, as well as the latest breed of junkies, the
Petty Coil residents of Salacus Fields delight in the scandalous and the
outré. The district is crowded with tea-houses and bars,
Middle Class
clothes here are bright and artistic, and it is a fine place for
Petty Coil is part of Old Town. Previously an elite district
with wide streets and great mansions, it was abandoned by
The plentiful artists vary from the wealthiest, with their
its rich inhabitants who were disturbed by the smog and
patrons and lucrative city contracts, to the conventionally
noise from industries of Griss Twist across the river. Many of
successful. Many of the artists are xenians working with
the mansions were rebuilt and became homes for craftsmen.
golem-thaumaturgy (common among the vodyanoi) or
Some houses in Petty Coil are almost a thousand years old;
sculptural gland-artists (best known among the khepri.) The
Cockscomb Bridge is said to be one of city's oldest buildings.
district’s reputation for dissidence and radical artistry is
Pincod mostly just that at this point, however, as it draws in rich
students and younger sons; the truly radical artists and
Poor pamphleteers have decamped to Howl Barrow. Salacus Fields
Despite its proximity to its wealthy neighbors, Pincod has retains some weekender-chic and is slowly gentrifying, much
seen better days. Many of the buildings here have not to the horror of its older residents.
received regular maintenance for decades, and will likely
collapse into full blown slums in the not-too-distant future.
Many junkies and gang members take refuge not on the
Middle Class
streets, but in hastily-made rooftop shanties.
Serpolet is a middle class suburb with few distinctive
Raven’s Gate features. It borders the outer bounds of New Crobuzon, the
horrid slum of Spatters, and the vast Rudewood forest,
Slum meaning that the communities of Serpolet tend to be rather
This brutalized warren of rotting buildings is encased in insular.
an ever-present layer of slime and oppressive moisture. The
houses seem to dribble a pale ooze that seeps into every 88
Saltbur Sobek Croix
Middle Class Poor
The majority of Saltbur consists of respectable Sobek Croix is an odd mixture of collapsing slums and
communities, especially near the University, although the pastoral treescapes. Public maintenance is infrequent, and
neighborhoods grow rougher near the border of Pincod, the street lighting is faint, where it exists at all. Many groves
where several ten- and fifteen-story towerblocks sit. Saltbur of trees and gardens dot the landscape. The district
is home to the Magpie Cathedral. occasionally houses traveling carnivals and outdoor shows,
like Mr. Bombadrezil’s Unique and Wonderful Fair.
Sangwine Sobek Park
Middle Class The district borders the largest park in the city, Sobek
Although Sangwine is nearly a mile from the River Tar, Park, and untamed area of greenery as large as some city
some canals reach this far inland for easy access to the districts. Most of the outer edges are cultivated, and some
notable upper-scale factories in the district. Bustling market- even feature playgrounds and shabby picnic areas, but the
places and decent housing can easily be found in Sangwine. interior regions are notoriously unsafe, especially at night.

Sheck Spatters
Poor Slum
So well-known for anti-xenian unrest that it has its own At the edge of Rudewood, this slum of desperate shacks
militia tower, Sheck is technically a step above the slums. It is is the garuda ghetto, the worst of the worst. Unlike the other
separated from Kinken by a couple of small parks, and for slums, it isn’t a collapsed section of city buildings, but a pure
many it is the first step out of poverty and into the petty shanty town, built shack by shack from refuse and cast-offs. It
bourgeois. Despite this, Sheck is an area that often supplies is the home of Savage Peter, a gang lord who is not so much
funds to the rebellions elsewhere, and many union respected as he is feared. The garuda circling over the alleys
organizers, journalists, and others who disturb the rich and and byways of Spatters are said to be part of his gang.
powerful live here, close to their contacts. As such, right-wing Spatters is such an eyesore that the city uses the
reactionaries from Gross Coil, the Crow, and the Glasshouse, buildings of Vaudois Hill to deliberately block its view of the
as well as Brock Marsh’s bully-boys and organizers for the decrepit landscape.
New Quill, all seem to have friends in Sheck. Xenians rarely
visit Sheck any longer than they absolutely must. Spit Hearth
Skulkford Middle Class
Part of Old Town, Spit Hearth is built of many old stone
Industrial houses and has a lively industry in the form of restaurants,
Skulkford shares much in common with its neighbor, specialty workshops, and clothing boutiques. Many churches
Gross Coil. This old part of the city is built on layer upon layer also dot the district, which has historically been a haven for
of buildings which have sunk into the muck. Currently, the those with dissenting religious philosophies. However, there
district is best known for its cramped sweatshops – a dubious are also two less savory aspects to this district.
claim to fame, to be sure. One of these are the punishment factories. These

Smog Bend subterranean warrens are where the city’s Remade are
created. Although mostly hidden, the terrible screams of the
Industrial tormented can occasionally be heard on the streets. Most
Ages ago, these neighborhoods bore the name “Didacai residents choose to stoically ignore this hidden economy.
Village,” but this term is antiquated, stemming from a time The second is perhaps the city’s worst-kept secret: the
when the district was but a small collection of buildings red-light zone. This brothel quarter does not cater to the
outside the gates of the city proper. To this day, the two great poor, but rather is a center of organized and relatively upper-
pillars which comprised the gates of the Old City still stand, scale prostitution. The outer edges of the zone cater to
although their ruined surfaces are hardly inspiring, being traditional human and xenian tastes, but in the dark corridors
largely vandalized by graffiti. of the interior, the most bizarre and devious fetishes are
In modern times, most of Smog Bend has been given to catered to. There are even illicitly created Remade, who exist
industry. Warehouses and factories dominate much of the for the sole purpose of catering to those with the most
riverside landscape, which have given the district its modern outlandish of sexual desires.
St. Jabber’s Mound
10 brass sheckles to the mark; 10 copper marks to the stiver;
The slumping hillside shanties of St. Jabber’s Mound
constantly threaten to slide into the next district
10 silver stivers to the gold guinea. whenever a storm washes out the slopes. This state of 89
affairs is especially sad, since this is where (according to
legend,) Jabber made his proclamations which would shape
the future of New Crobuzon.

Stoneshell The arcades of Sunter are devoted almost entirely to

shipping and the production of various goods. Neither shabby
Slum nor shiny, Sunter is a run of the mill riverside quarter.
Stoneshell is a dump – literally. Only the lowliest of the
paupers stoop to calling Stoneshell home. Consisting mainly
of huge rubbish heaps, the homeless and destitute often
comb through the trash piles, desperately searching out any Set into a large depression in the underlying clay, Syriac
valuable scrap. boasts one of the largest cactacae neighborhoods outside of
the Glasshouse. This is likely because the buildings here tend
to be set further apart than normal, providing adequate
elbow room.

Syriac Well
The series of slums that make up Syriac Well spread
outward from Tincture Prom, the main thoroughfare linking
Syriac, Pelorus Fields, and Syriac Well. One location of note
within Syriac Well is the city’s largest charity medical facility,
the Veruline Hospital, maintained and operated by the
Veruline Monks. It is not a top-of-the-line facility, but for

Strack Island many of the city’s sick and injured, it’s the best they could
hope for.
Parliament is a dark edifice, a set of smoky black walls
that jut from Strack Island like a shark’s tooth or a stingray’s
Tar Wedge
Middle Class
jag, some monstrous organic weapon rending the sky. The As one walks westward across Tar Wedge, one would
Parliament building at the confluence of the Canker and the slowly leave behind the affluence of Canker Wedge and
Tar is actually a sprawling complex of government offices, emerge into the squalor of Raven’s Gate. In general, this
laboratories, holding cells for high-level political prisoners, averages out into a middle-of-the-road district. There are
and archives of all city records. The living quarters of the Lord several prominent towers in Tar Wedge, both of temples and
Mayor and his ministers are also here, for use in times of residential complexes.
unrest or civic disturbance. Although the weather manipulating cloudtowers no
The primary section of Parliament is the legislative longer serve their primary function, the city’s primary tower
building itself, home to the constant deliberations, bribery, is located in Tar Wedge, and from there the city’s
and brinksmanship that make up New Crobuzoner political meteoromancers still monitor and predict the weather.
life. Numbers of politicians vary from session to session, as
new rules of order are adopted by each Parliament to govern
the size of the succeeding one, but generally between 300
Vaudois Hill
and 500 members of Parliament work and live on Strack
Built on a long, narrow hill on the outskirts of Lichford,
Island during the height of the sessions.
Vaudois Hill performs one important function: blocking the
The mayor’s office in Parliament is the Lemquist Room, a
city’s sight of the ugly Spatters squalor. The classier sections
veritable mini-fortress, with soundproof walls and exquisite
of Lichford like to pretend that Vaudois Hill marks the city
decorating. If he so chose, the mayor could govern from this
limits, so that they needn’t worry at all about the festering
room alone, using a multitude of speaking tubes to
sore which is Spatters. The apartments of Vaudois are mostly
communicate with sections of the city.
The island is not open to the public. The waters
surrounding the island are patrolled by vodyanoi militia. The

Environs & Localities

skies above are watched by aerostats and well-trained
garuda. The grounds themselves don’t appear heavily armed
to the untrained eye, but are protected by well-placed sniper
towers and a series of underground tunnels for moving New Crobuzon is no mere town – it is a powerful city-
troops quickly around the island out of sight. state. Its direct influence spreads over hundreds of miles,
Just southeast of the island proper is an uninhabited and encompassing all of the resources needed for the metropolis
undeveloped smaller islet known as Little Strack. to thrive. The following places are either directly
controlled by the city, or deeply embedded within its on to his son, also named Jesiah Penton. The mines produce
influence. primarily iron and coal, but a small amount of other materials
as well.
The Pentons were deeply involved in the creation of the
Arrowhead Mines torque bombs that destroyed Suroch during the Pirate Wars.
It is rumored that secret research facilities exist deep within
Owned by the Penton family, the Arrowhead mines are
miles outside the city proper, but their ore comes to the city’s the hollowed out tunnels of Arrowhead Mines.
smelters every day by rail. A private line, carefully defended,
runs from the mines to the city’s edges, and the whole
complex is part of a large commercial cartel – rather shadowy Dead Claw
and shifty – with connections and holdings in heavy industry, The rocky crags that make up this tip of the peninsula are
thickets of front-men and hollowed-out chartered firms. unsuitable for growing crops. This area’s only claim to fame is
At its heart, Arrowhead is a very large and powerful firm, for its dangerous outcroppings that have wrecked
run by the elder Jesiah Penton for forty years until it passed many a vessel. 91
Thousands of farmers and support staff live scattered
Drilling Platforms along the countryside of the Grain Spiral. These people have
just as great a need for community and supplies as the people
Hidden in a remote stretch of ocean somewhere within
the Hebdomad, New Crobuzon has stationed several top- of the city, so dozens of small towns also dot the landscape.
secret technological marvels – aquatic drilling platforms. Much of the Spiral is supplied with water thanks to one
These stationary platforms are a marvel of modern of the most advanced irrigation systems in the known world.
ingenuity unlike anything else. Guided by the intuition of a A great portion of the mighty Gross Tar River is diverted from
geoempath, they drill deep into the ocean floor, where they its natural course, forced a lengthy distance inland, where it
extract oil, mercus, and even rockmilk. These resources are a feeds the irrigation canals. The fact that the Gross Tar is
boon to the economy and the research capabilities of New heavily saturated with swamp algae, sewage, and refuse
Crobuzon. actually works to the Spiral’s advantage, acting as a fertilizer
The platforms operate within the cray territory of for the crops.
Salkrikaltor, thanks to a treaty between the Commonwealth
and New Crobuzon. Several years ago, an experimental Iron Bay
mobile platform, the Sorghum, was burgled out from under As the receiving area for the immense merchant fleets
the cray’s noses, a huge embarrassment for both parties. visiting New Crobuzon, Iron Bay is closely guarded, and
entirely under the control of the city. Patrols of naval
ironclads are a common sight in these waters. Several New
Rockmilk Crobuzon state shipyards are scattered along the rim of the
bay, as are docking stations which are used to ship out the
Rockmilk, or more formally lactus saxi, is a highly viscous food produced by the Grain Spiral.
liquid as heavy as magma, but bone cold to the touch. It is dense
with thaumaturgons, charged particles which can alter or
enhance thaumaturgical effects. It is typically only found at
Lubbock Scrub
North of Iron Bay, skirting the coastline to the east of the
great depths underground, and is worth several times its
Bezhek Peaks lies the harsh Lubbock Scrub. This semiarid
considerable weight in gold or diamonds.
scrubland is dotted with a handful of small fishing villages, as
Effect: Using one ounce of rockmilk as an optional material well as a few more substantial ruins – cities left largely
component when a spell is cast will allow the caster to apply any devastated in the ancient Pirate Wars.

Mendican Foothills
two metamagic effects to the spell without raising the level of
the spell, or any other penalty. The caster does not need to
know the metamagic feats in question. The component is
These leftovers of the Dancing Shoe Mountains are by
destroyed upon use.
and large utilized for farmland and the rearing of livestock. In
Price: 1,500 gp per ounce
a sense, the Mendican Foothills are the little brother of the
Grain Spiral; just like the Spiral, the food and goods produced
Ghost Wood in the Hills go almost entirely toward feeding New Crobuzon.
Unlike the Spiral, though, which has a deeply ingrained and
On the northern shore of the lake deep within Rudewood
is an area where nothing new seems to grow. The landscape closely monitored relationship with the city, the farmers of
is dotted with ancient dry tree husks and little else. Local the Hills are much more like free agents. (They also tend to
legends persist that the cause of this stagnation is tied to dark be poorly educated and bigoted.)
magic and strange, terrible beasts. A team of researchers Bandits are a fairly frequent sight for travelers in these
from the University of New Crobuzon, however, theorize that parts, especially just at the feet of the mountains, an area
the lake periodically belches poisonous fumes originating known as the Cold Dust.
from algal blooms, which kill anything in the immediate area.
Whatever the cause… the place sure is spooky. Pig-Town
This ramshackle collection of buildings is less of a town
Grain Spiral (pigs and goats outnumber people at least 5 to 1,) and more
of a rural communal trading post. Although, to its credit, it is
The millions of residents of New Crobuzon consume vast
quantities of food. This necessitates a huge expenditure of actually a fairly decent trading post. Pig-Town acts as a hub of
time, logistics, and resources. At the foundation of this effort: communication and transportation, offering the scattered
vast swaths farmland. farmers of the Mendican Foothills a way to sell their goods
That’s where the Grain Spiral comes in. Sprawling over and get them to New Crobuzon. There are even a few
the majority of the peninsula, this breadbasket of the city is passenger aerostats available for rent.
full to bursting with farmland, cattle pastures, milk dairies,
and all manner of food production facilities. It is here that Rudewood
practically all of the food which graces the plates of the city’s Although one of the smaller forests of Rohagi, the
masses originates. Rudewood has nevertheless earned its reputation for
being a bastion of nature in an increasingly urban world. medicinal value of some rare bog plants are an attractive
The Rudewood is notorious for being difficult to tame. enough prospect for some humans to make a living in the
The verdant trees of the forest tend to grow back with a wetlands. Many of these individuals congregate in Skugford,
vengeance when felled, making it a challenge to claim the largest settlement in the region. Deeper in the swamp,
farmland or real estate from the woodlands. As such, there though, a hearty breed of vodyanoi have their own
are relatively few humans who call the Rudewood home, and underwater communities.
only a few outsider villages exist within its confines – and
those tend to be on the outskirts of the forest.
The forest is far from deserted, though. As the ancestral
home of the hotchi, a great many hedgehog-folk dwell within
If one followed the Gross Tar River from New Crobuzon
the Rudewood, primarily living in small, close-knit to where it meets the Iron Bay fifteen miles later, one would
communities. As a rule, hotchi are very tolerant of outsiders, run right into Tarmuth, the city’s principle satellite town.
but are usually more than happy to remain at home. A fair
few stiltspear have also colonized the forest’s southern Large Town (conventional); AL LE
regions. Government Extension of New Crobuzon; Tech Level 3
The northern reaches of the Rudewood abut New Gold Guinea Limit ₲ 19,000; Assets ₲ 3,650,000
Crobuzon itself. This stretch of the forest went untouched for DEMOGRAPHICS
years, but the new Grande Tramway cuts through the edges
Population 3,215 permanent, (6,230 with day-workforce)
of the forest as it leaves the city. One might imagine that the
Type mixed (74% human, 9% cray, 7% cactacae, 7% khepri,
unclaimed woods near the city would be rife with vagrants,
2% menfish, 1% other races).
but wild predators and a scarcity of edible plants temper this
Jornelius Ramsdun, Alderman of Tarmuth; Jeoffry Stine,

Dockmaster; Ronaldo Tynz, Sheriff

Perched on the edge of Sully Swamp, this small In many ways, Tarmuth is not a separate city, but a direct
backwater community lives off the land – or, muck, as it extension of New Crobuzon. Under the watchful eye of the
were. Alderman, (a post appointed directly by the Lord Mayor of
New Crobuzon,) the people of Tarmuth dutifully play their
Small Town (conventional); AL CN role in the great economic machine of the city.
Government Mayoral; Tech Level 2 The town itself is long and narrow, following the shore a
Gold Guinea Limit ₲ 1,000; Assets ₲ 250,000 mile or so north and south of the estuary, split in two by the
DEMOGRAPHICS river. A few thousand individuals reside in the town, but
Population 937 (scattered) many more make the daily journey from New Crobuzon by
Type human dominant (92% human, 4% vodyanoi, 2% boat and cart to work – not to mention the multitude of
cactacae, 1% stiltspear, 1% other races). visitors and sailors who visit this bustling port.
Tarmuth’s main role is that of ship building. As a coastal
AUTHORITY FIGURES mercantile city-state, New Crobuzon obviously requires a vast
Runnshin Lark, Mayor; Jessup Abersnatch, Sheriff fleet of both trading vessels and warships, and almost
universally, these are born in Tarmuth. The coastline is dotted
A fairly ramshackle collection of buildings, (only some of with scores of shipyards, ceaselessly churning out both
which are on dry land,) the village of Skugford is home to wooden trade ships and ironclad naval vessels. Each yard is
those rugged individuals who make a living off of Sully serviced by tangled networks of private railways which
Swamp. deliver raw materials.
Skugford proper has a small town square with amenities The town’s secondary function is to serve as a receiving
common to minor rural communities and a few scattered dock for goods being shipped to New Crobuzon. In the distant
homes, although most town “residents” have stilt-bound past, New Crobuzon did not have enough docks or
homes a great distance away from the town’s center. infrastructure to handle all of the required shipping traffic
The animal skins, rare plants, and exotic meats produced itself. In modern times this has been rectified, and most
by the residents of Skugford are sent down the Tar River, reputable ships sail past Tarmuth in order to dock at the city
(which is nearby,) departing from Skugford’s very own directly. As a consequence, Tarmuth’s trade docks rarely
docking facility. reach past half capacity. However, tramp traders and
independent captains who do not wish to pay the high fees
required to do business with the city directly instead opt to
Sully Swamp unload their goods in Tarmuth, where they will eventually
make their way to New Crobuzon.
With the dubious claim to fame of being Rohagi’s largest
swamp, Sully is an area generally avoided by most folk.
However, the tough leathery skins of its natural fauna and the
Bas-Lag is a world whose enormity is only now being
Torque: Game Rules
Entering Cacotopoi: Even being near a Torque Zone brings the
risk of becoming chaos-touched, aka contracting Torque
sickness. Every creature within the bounds of the “outskirts” of
glimpsed by the races detailed within this volume. a cacotopoi has a chance of becoming afflicted.
Every 24 hours, any living creature within these bounds is
Planetary Matters subject to the DM rolling a d10 for each being. A roll of 10
The seasons and rotation of Bas-Lag conform to the results in the creature becoming chaos-touched (see page 26).
normal standards of most worlds. Of distinction are Bas-Lag’s Thaumaturgy: The laws that govern the use of thaumaturgy
moons: they consist of one large primary body, which in turn break down in these areas. Any time a spell is cast or other
is orbited by two smaller “daughters.” This arrangement similar thaumaturgic effect (i.e. magic item) is utilized within
crops up in myths and religious texts all across Rohagi. these boundaries, a caster must make a successful caster level
check (1d20 + spellcaster level) against a DC of 15 + the level of
Continents the attempted spell or effect. A failed check means the spell is
subject to the following table of random Torque effects:
The continent on which New Crobuzon resides is called
Rohagi, and it is the best explored landmass of Bas-Lag. Torque Thaumaturgic Effects
Shoteka to the south and Bered Kai Nev to the east have d% Effect
been only lightly explored, and plentiful islands dot the 1-10 The spell simply fails.
oceans. Rumors persist of other far-off and hidden lands. 11-25 The spell rebounds on the caster with normal effect. If
the spell cannot affect the caster, it simply fails.
Oceans 26-35 The spell fails, dealing 2d6 damage to the caster.
The best-charted ocean lies on the eastern shores of 36-45 The spell affects a random target or area. The DM
should randomly choose a different target from among
Rohagi, and is called the Swollen Ocean. It is home to several those in range of the spell or center the spell at a
aquatic races and civilizations. To the north of the continent random place within range of the spell. To generate
lies the icy Rime Ocean. Other oceans of the world include direction randomly, roll 1d8 and count around the
the Boxash, the Vassilly, the Tarribor, the Teuchor, the Clock, compass, starting with north. To generate range
the Hidden, and the Muted, in addition to the Gentleman’s randomly, roll 3d6. Multiply the result by 5 feet for
close range spells, 20 feet for medium range spells, or
Sea, the Black Sandbar Sea, and the Spiral Sea.
80 feet for long range spells.
Torque & Cacotopoi 46-55 The spell functions normally, but any material
components are not consumed. The spell is not
Torque is the name given to a naturally occurring miasma expended from the caster’s mind (a spell slot or
of unknown origin which brings about random chaos in all prepared spell can be used again). An item does not
that it touches. It has a nature that is fundamentally lose charges, and the effect does not count against an
unknowable and unpredictable. item’s or spell-like ability’s use limit.
Bas-Lag and New Crobuzon in particular had some scant 56-65 The spell does not function. Instead, everyone (friend
or foe) within 30 feet of the caster receives 2d6 chaotic
knowledge of Torque prior to 500 years ago, but all of Rohagi
became very well acquainted with the phenomenon at that 66-70 The spell does not function. Instead, a reverse gravity
time, when a massive eruption of Torque sprung into effect covers a 30-foot radius around the caster for 1
existence which covered thousands of square miles of round.
western Ragamoll. It was quickly dubbed the Cacotopic Stain 71-80 The spell does not function, but shimmering colors swirl
(from “cacotopos,” literally, “bad place.”) Some scholars still around the caster for 1d4 rounds. Consider this a
glitterdust effect with a save DC of 10 + the level of the
take exception to this name, as Torque is not inherently spell that generated this result.
“bad,” but mindless and motiveless in the most random way. 81-85 The spell functions strongly. Saving throws against the
(The plural form is “cacotopoi.”) spell suffer a –2 penalty. The spell has the maximum
The effects of Torque are less frequent on the outskirts possible effect, as if it were cast with the Maximize
of the Stain – the same goes for any Torque Zone – and grow Spell feat. If the spell is already maximized with the
feat, there is no further effect.
progressively worse further in. Passing through the edges can
86-91 The spell works, but the geometry of the ground itself
have disastrous consequences, as the nature of reality is reacts, randomly buckling. Every creature in a 20 ft.
fundamentally warped. Random, bloodless holes may appear radius will trip and fall prone, Reflex saving throw DC 15
in the body; extra, alien appendages may sprout; body parts + the level of the spell than generated the result.
or machinery may gain minds of their own – almost anything 92-96 The spell fails, and the caster is affected as though by a
one can imagine is a possible consequence of Torque targeted dispel magic, using the caster’s own caster
level for the dispel check.
exposure (also known as Torque sickness.) 97-99 The spell works, & randomly select a chaos-touched
Natural beasts that have been warped by Torque, as well effect (see page ) to affect the caster for 1 hour.
as alien beings spawned entirely from Torque itself often 100 Roll two above effects.
emerge into the countryside, and settlements of the region
have adapted in order to handle these confounding threats.
The inner regions of any Torque Zone are impassible, as To the south sprawls the human kingdom of Kar Torrer,
the chaotic effects of Torque grow worse and more frequent while in the east festers the Gengris, lair of the murderous
further in. Hopeful observers peering inwards often see grindylow. In the center of the Cold Claw lies the isolated
objects and events that defy comprehension – some have Yanni Seckilli Island, the strange home of the llorgiss.
even gone mad from the sights. Beneath the waves, corokanth and a few cray have
Based on experience and observations, it seems that longstanding communities, although none of these societies
these zones have a set lifetime. They emerge suddenly, slowly comes close to rivaling the vast undersea empires of the
decay, and eventually evaporate. However, it would seem Swollen Ocean.
their lifespans are exceptionally long, at least 1,000 years,
and perhaps even longer.
There are three known Torque Zones in Rohagi. One
small, old zone lies far to the northwest; the Cacotopic Stain
The Gengris
The homeland of the terrifying grindylow (see pg) is an
itself lies in the heart of the continent, posing an impassible
amphibious badland, about which the civilized world knows
barrier; and the man-made zone over the ruins of Suroch (see
next to nothing. It stretches across the southeastern reaches
page 108) sits in the northeast.
of the Cold Claw Sea, from the muddy lake bottom all the way
Torque Storms
up to Flint Ridge.
Occasionally, a Torque storm will sweep across the land,
The Gengris is something between an island, a half-sunk
bringing a small taste of Cacotopic chaos to far-flung lands.
city, and a myth. Imagine a festering bog as far as the eye can
These storms may originate within a known zone, or may be
see – in places, the water is shallow enough to wade through,
random manifestations. Around New Crobuzon, these
while in others, vast murky depths lie in wait. A few islands of
phenomena were most common after the Cacotopic Stain
dry land are scattered here and there, upon which are built
first appeared, about 500 years ago, and have steadily grown
imposing structures of dark stone.
more infrequent, today being quite rare. From this data, it
It has no near neighbors, which is just as well, given the
would seem that the phenomena are some sort of side effect
grindylows’ paranoia and their horrible treatment of those
from a new zone that naturally forms.
who fall into their hands. Rumors tell of “limb-farms” and
The effects of Torque storms are mild compared to a true
forced labor “bile workshops” where the grindylow grind up
Cacotopic Zone, but are still quite disturbing. Monstrous
any creature unfortunate enough to cross their path.
births, spontaneous mutations, and buildings with suddenly
altered geometry are the most common effects.
No outsider has the faintest clue as to how the grindylow
govern themselves. Their way of doing things is so alien that

no easy parallels can be drawn between their culture and the
rest of the world. It does appear, however, that the grindylow
function as a completely harmonious entity – those rare
Rohagi is the home continent to the city-state of New individuals who have dealt with them and lived to tell the tale
Crobuzon. It also contains vast inner seas, long stretches of say that the concept of secrecy is almost foreign to the
mountains, and the impassable Cacotopic Stain which makes grindylow, as it almost never occurs to them that a fellow
overland travel from the east to the west difficult or grindylow could misuse information or inflict harm upon a
impossible. For this reason, New Crobuzon and many other brother.
powers have a great dependency on the coastal waters for Economy
transport and defense. The vast majority of Rohagi
Most of the influential powers in Rohagi consist of (those who have even heard of the
powerful city-states which hold sway over vast tracks of Gengris, that is,) believe the region
sparsely populated territory. In the modern era, traditional to be 100% insular, but this is not
warfare is rare, and most nations maintain diplomatic ties to entirely the case. Like every
one another – although most of them would still likely rejoice advanced culture, the
from the destruction of their neighbors. grindylow need materials that
they themselves cannot

Cold Claw Sea

produce, and for this they
rely upon outsider traders,
who they pay in pure gold.
The frigid Cold Claw Sea is an inland body of water so Only the bravest or most
vast that it could even be described as an ocean unto itself. foolish merchants attempt to
The immensity of the sea is home to a great many deal with the grindylow,
civilizations, both above and below the surface. As a however. Not only are their trade requests bizarre and
freshwater sea, the Cold Claw is a hospitable environment for tedious, but their social rules and etiquette are utterly
vodyanoi; the vodyanoi territory of Jangsach expands over incomprehensible. There’s always an outside chance that, no
the iciest regions of the northern Cold Claw. matter how one conducts himself, he’ll be brutally
slaughtered upon completion of the transaction. 96
 The salp vats grow tons of green murky goop as a
favored food source.
 Sweltering bile workshops can be found in numerous
locations, site where human slaves are bred for alien
rites or worked to the bone.
Adventure Seeds
 Desperate and destitute, your party is forced to make a
trade deal with the grindylow. Things go south, and your
party is left on the run in the middle of this alien
 A rich party has hired your group to infiltrate the Gengris
and retrieve a powerful and mysterious grindylow

Jangsach is a large but decentralized vodyanoi country
made up of independent fiefdoms, each ruled by a vodyanoi
baron or chieftain.

Large City (nation capital); AL CN

Government Tribal Chiefdom; Tech Level 2
Ingot Limit 200,000 ingots; Assets 325,000,000 ingots
Population 123,500
Type vodyanoi-dominant (97% vodyanoi, 2% corokanth, 1%
Religions Palgolak; Languages Fellid Vodyanoi
Flodyinach, Chief of Chiefs; John Salnict, Trade Minister

The frigid vodyanoi nation of Jangsach is largely

submarine. Most of its territory lies beneath the waves of the
Cold Claw Sea, and although Jangsach does control the
associated shoreline, this control does not reach very far
inland. The only dry territory of any size within the nation is
the de facto capital city, which also carries the name
Map of the Western Cold Claw Sea Jangsach.
The city of Jangsach consists mainly of low wooden
Military buildings, constructed from the vast reaches of evergreen
The exact strength of grindylow might is unknown, but timber found in the region. Many of the vodyanoi here are
it’s certainly powerful enough that no one in recent memory not permanent residents, but rather are those who are
has dared to test it. For the most part, the grindylow are performing tribal duties that can only be done on dry land,
isolationists and do not wage outward war, but hunting such as securing trade deals or embarking on hunting parties.
parties have been known to savagely pursue fugitives literally The few human citizens of Jangsach mostly live in the capital,
across the globe. and work as long-distance traders.
Religion Government
Gengris religion is as opaque to outsiders as the rest of The vodyanoi of Jangsach, unlike their cousins in
their culture – scholars believe they worship a variety of Gharcheltist, do not possess a true central government.
godlings and ancestor-spirits, with which their magi Rather, the nation consists of a moderately coherent union of
commune. They are known to build malachite chapels, numerous tribal fiefdoms. Tribes gather along family lines,
forbidden to all outsiders, where dark and mysterious rites and are usually led by the most powerful warrior (or in some
are performed. cases, shaman,) among them. Upon a leader’s death, tribes
Gazetteer choose a new leader, seek to merge with another tribe, or
 The skin library resides in a daunting town on the slopes break apart into smaller tribes.
of Flint Ridge. Traditionally, the most powerful and wealthy tribe
is considered the greatest among equals, and the 97
leader of this tribe is, in effect,
the leader of the nation – Kar Tunza
although in most cases, this is The capital city of the Kar Torrer Kingdom, the city of Kar
mainly symbolic. Only in times of Tunza is the largest in the kingdom and is home to the
crisis will the various groups Marred King.
willingly form a united
assembly which will follow the Metropolis (nation capital); AL LN
orders of the Chief of Chiefs. Government Monarchy; Tech Level 3
Economy Rupees Limit 4,210,000 rp; Assets 1,250,000,000 rp
Jangsach is highly self- DEMOGRAPHICS
sufficient, with a pragmatic Population 1,217,000
barter economy. They do Type human-dominant (91% human, 5% vodyanoi, 2%
possess a recognized corokanth, 1% gessin, 1% other races).
currency, simply called Religions Darioch, Solenton; Languages Fellid Vodyanoi,
“ingots,” which are used in Ragamoll
their infrequent trades with
other nations and entities.
Due in part to their remote Sar Kentzlheim, Marred King; Vorr Renshak, Supreme
General; Pirrar Frong, Torque Master
location, Jangsach is not
exactly beating trading partners off with sticks. Their largest
regular trade partner is the Kar Torrer Kingdom. Kar Torrer is an old country, and unlike most of the
Military political powerhouses of Rohagi, it is not a single city-state,
Each vodyanoi tribe is capable of defending itself. If it but a traditional kingdom consisting of many cities. With
were not, then it would not exist. Jangsach has little call to effective natural boundaries along most of its borders, Kar
Torrer is both isolated and quite defensible.
defend itself from outside entities, but if the occasion arises,
the front of a united Jangsach can overrun all but the largest One of the most remarkable aspects of the kingdom is
of enemy hosts. The vodyanoi, as masterful swimmers, have the appearance of its citizens. As Kar Torrer is ruled by the
few ships. Marred King, (an individual twisted by Torque mutations,)
Religion many of the citizens ritually disfigure themselves as a sign of
The vodyanoi of Jangsach worship a small pantheon patriotism and solidarity. For most, this does not go beyond
the removal of an ear or a few strategically placed scars, but
which is unique to the region. Palgolak is a member of this
some individuals willingly accumulate a plethora of
mutilations over their lifetimes.
 The Conclave, though seldom used, is an imposing
Leadership of the kingdom rests on the shoulders of the
meeting hall where clan chiefs gather.
Marred King, a mutated individual who has been twisted by
 Numerous underwater villages lie scattered along the
the power of Torque and lived through the experience.
seafloor of the Cold Claw Sea.
The royal families of Kar Torrer produce as many heirs as
 The totem circle on the outskirts of the city contains one
possible, as few will survive the dangerous ritual necessary to
outrageously tall totem pole for each deity of the local
ascend to the throne. When the current king’s health begins
to fade, heirs make their lonesome pilgrimage across the Cold
Adventure Seeds
Claw Sound to the Northern Stain, an ancient Torque zone,
 One Jangsach tribe suffering from mysterious grindylow where they willingly subject themselves to its chaotic effects.
raids hires your party for defense.
Many die from their transformations, and most of the rest
 An unnatural blizzard is ravaging the region – there is talk emerge too alien or bestial to return to civilization. But for
of a torque storm on the way. the lucky heir who is able (both in body and mind) to return
 The Chief of Chiefs has been assassinated; uncover the to the kingdom, his reward will be leadership of Kar Torrer.
sinister plot permeating Jangsach. This peculiar rite of ascension was instituted to ensure
 The lone survivor of a hunting party has returned from that only those willing to risk everything – their lives, their
the depths of the Sash Rek tundra with a terrible omen. health, and their beauty – would be King.
Beneath the king is a council consisting of nine

Kar Torrer Kingdom governors.

Kar Torrer tries to be as self-sufficient as possible, but the
Ancient and isolated, the kingdom of Kar Torrer minds its
own business and would thank you to do the same. Ruled by kingdom does not boast much in the way of fertile farmland,
the Marred King, the subjects of Kar Torrer spend most of and does import foodstuffs, mainly from Jangsach and
their time scraping a living off of the unhospitable land. independent merchants.

The mounted cavalry and armored legions of Kar Torrer
have not been tested in a full-scale war for many generations,
but the occasional grindylow raiding group is enough to keep
the armed forces on their toes. The nation’s navy is similar.
Traditional human deities, such as Darioch and Solenton,
are favored in Kar Torrer.
 Palace Cicatrix is home to the Marred King, a castle of
exquisite construction but purposefully hodgepodge
design. It stands as a luminary in a city mainly comprised
of grey, square buildings.
 The Hall of Humility is an open-air public monument
featuring enormous statues of each Marred King in the
kingdom’s history.
Adventure Seeds
 Royal heirs are being killed off; unsure who to trust, the
Marred King hires a group of outsiders to get to the
bottom of this mystery.
 Long thought uninhabited, devilish beasts have begun
attacking from the Gibbing Water. What could be behind
this turn of events?

Yanni Seckilli Island Map of the Eastern Cold Claw Sea

Home to the peaceful llorgiss, Yanni Seckilli Island is the
only sizable landmass within the Cold Claw. Economy
As the original homeland of the llorgiss, Yanni Seckilli
Yanni Seckilli (City) provides for most of the needs of the inhabitants, as long as
the size of the population remains under control.
The only large settlement on the island witch features Military
accommodations designed for non-llorgiss, the capital city Besides preventing the occasional grindylow incursion,
includes above-ground buildings and foreign embassies in Yanni Seckilli’s defenses have rarely faced much opposition.
addition to traditional cavernous warrens. The island’s isolated location and unconventional biome
make it a poor target for invaders.
Large City (nation capital, partially underground); AL LN Religion
Government Monarchy; Tech Level 3 The llorgiss of Yanni Seckilli worship Troikinity, the tri-
Yondl Limit ¥ 450,000; Assets ¥ 437,000,000 facetted god.
Population 56,270  Yanni Seckilli (the city,) is a unique place, featuring
Type llorgiss-dominant (99% llorgiss, 1% other races). square stone structures alongside organic-looking towers
Religions Troikinity; Languages Llorgiss and warrens of tunnels.
AUTHORITY FIGURES  The tunnel system of Yanni Seckilli is extremely
extensive, literally honeycombing the entire island.
Ffranndl, Queen; Ddassk, Prime Regulator; Rrayllu,
Innumerable secret passageways and grand caverns lie
Principal of Defense.
beneath the surface.
Adventure Seeds
The llorgiss of Yanni Seckilli have formed what is likely
 A divine servant of Troikinity has manifested, and is
the most peaceful and benevolent society in Rohagi. They’ve
subtley taking control of Yanni Seckilli. But is this
managed to attain this because very few invaders would find
messenger legitamate, or a devious ruse?
their home suitable; the llorgiss live primarily underground in
warm, welcoming burrows and caverns, as the surface of
Yanni Seckilli is mostly hard, windswept rock.
Government Other Sights of the Cold Claw
Llorgiss have an instinctive hierarchal structure similar
(although not identical to,) that of some insects. They are led Abandoned Canal Project
by a queen, whose word is law. Just a few years ago, New Crobuzon tried to
expand its already vast trade Empire to the Cold Claw. 99
Since the land route between the two
makes for an incredibly difficult journey,
this canal would have opened the Cold
Claw to maritime entry. Unfortunately
for the city, the ambitious project has
stalled indefinitely.
Aki’s Spire
Most of the Cold Claw’s corokanth
population resides in and around Aki’s
Spire. The imposing formation, visible
for miles around, is honeycombed with
corokanth communities both above and
below the waterline.
Burning Sands
Hot springs, geysers, and quicksand
pits are common along this
northwestern shore of the Gibbing
Gibbing Water
Unlike the Cold Claw, nothing good
lives in the Gibbing Water. Some
theories say that the ancient remnants
of a fading cacotopos lies in the lake’s
depths, cursing and mutating anything
which calls these waters home.
Jorn’s Cove
This ramshackle fishing community
of a few thousand residents is the only
sizable human settlement anywhere near the Vacant Wastes.
Kal Bok
The ancient fortress city of the Kar Torrer Kingdom, this
bastion hasn’t faced an all-out attack in centuries.
Cymek Desert
Scorching sun, baked-clay hills, and merciless sandstorms
Kan Roksa – this is the Cymek Desert, one of the harshest and least
As the host of Kar Torrer’s principle shipyards, Kan Roksa forgiving regions of Rohagi.
is a wealthy city. Most of the peninsula is covered in cream-colored sand
The Rips as far as the eye can see. Although much of the terrain is
navigable, pitfalls and sandtraps wait to snare the unwary.
The arrangement of this series of canyons has led to wild Outside of the lush riverbanks, the only scraps of plantlife to
speculation that they are unnatural in origin. A small but be found are dust-colored marram, spikey cacti, and the
persistent group of trow inhabit the depths of the canyons occasional hard, brown tree.
and insist that their god rent the shafts asunder with his The Cymek is the native home of the cactacae people,
claws. and these cactusfolk make up the majority of the peninsula’s
Sash Rek Tundra population. The bulk of these cactacae live in small desert
Stretching far to the northernmost reaches of the world, tribes and villages scattered throughout the region; there are
the perilous Sash Rek tundra is only sparsely populated, very few cities in the Cymek. The obvious exceptions are
mostly by small bands of humans and trow. Shankell and Dreer Samher, two powerful city-states which
influence the entire region through their mercantile might.
The Timberscreech The garuda people also call the Cymek home, although
This dangerous stretch of evergreen forest derives its whether or not they originate from the desert is unknown. As
name from the ghastly sounds which can occassionally be nomads, the birdfolk have no permanent settlements, and
heard from deep within it. There is no concensus as to the their tribes migrate periodically in order to find sustenance.
source of these sounds.

Dreer Samher The sheer power of a boarding party using rivebows and
carrying enormous boarding axes able to sever a ship’s mast
This tough cactacae city lies in the very southern tip of
makes the Samheri feared pirates; most vessels surrender
the Cymek Desert, and it has given birth to a strong and
without a fight once their ships are caught.
pragmatic sailing culture.
Historically, Dreer Samher is in a perpetual low-level war
Metropolis (city-state); AL CE with Perrick Nigh and the Mandrake Islands.
Government Dictatorship; Tech Level 4 Religion
Sandnote Limit 4,000,000 sn; Assets 1,625,000,000 sn Dreer Samher is not particularly pious. As in the rest of
the Cymek, worship of Sanshad and the Timeway pantheon
DEMOGRAPHICS are common practices, especially Hytlal, god of ocean
Population 1,216,000 voyages. Many sailors simply offer praise to the sea itself –
Type cactacae-dominant (81% cactacae, 11% human, 3% more of a strong superstition than an actual religion.
garuda, 2% cray, 2% corokanth, 1% other races). Gazetteer
Religions Sanshad; Languages Sunglari, Ragamoll  While every major city has a bustling black market, few
AUTHORITY FIGURES are as open and accessible as Chiarosc Plaza.
Spiky Pete, Leader of Dreer Samher; Passes Under Sun,  The sprawling docks of Dreer Samher are legendary for
Minister of Foreign Affairs; Long Toe, Head of the their taverns and chimpanzee-fighting arenas.
Department of Recruitment & Mercenary Affairs Adventure Seeds
 Your fledgling crew of raucous adventurers has decided
The sprawling city of Dreer Samher may appear chaotic that the surest path to riches is enlisting in the Samheri
to the untrained eye, but the structures and residents within navy.
the city itself are not why the world knows Dreer Samher.  A maritime misunderstanding has embroiled you in a plot
Rather, it is the Samheri fleet which is responsible for the between the Samheri and the forces of Perrick Nigh.
fame, respect – and fear – that the city enjoys.  Official agents of New Crobuzon, your mercenary team
The Samheri fleet is part mercantile, part police force, has come to retrieve a valuable item pirated by the
and more than a little piratical. The bulk of the fleet is made Samheri.
up of wooden vessels which are equal parts freighter and
fighter. These ships sail far and wide, ferrying and distributing
cargo, and earning piles of gold in the process.
On their journeys, Samheri vessels have a policy of
A sprawling cactacae-run trade city on the north shore of
stopping any other ship they come across. If the ship belongs the Cymek Desert, Shankell is the home of both brutal
to a foreign power which has made a trade pact with Dreer gladiatorial bouts, and the worship of Sanshad, the sun god.
Samher – such as New Crobuzon, or Tesh – the vessel is free
to go, since its government has “prepaid” its safe passage. Metropolis (city-state); AL CN
Other vessels have the choice of giving the Samheri a hefty Government Oligarchy; Tech Level 4
bribe, or else have their entire cargo and vessel seized by Squarepence Limit 5,000,000 sp; Assets 1,975,000,000 sp
But the reputation of the Samheri sailors is not entirely DEMOGRAPHICS
bleak. Dreer Samher’s cactacae sailors are among the most Population 2,103,000
gifted of storytellers. Known as fablers, these cactusfolk can Type cactacae-dominant (83% cactacae, 10% human, 4%
make their voices hypnagogic, lulling their audiences into an garuda, 2% corokanth, 1% other races).
almost dreamlike state. Religions Sanshad, Timeway; Languages Low Cymek, Sunglari,
Government Ragamoll
The ruler of Dreer Samher is whoever has the strength to AUTHORITY FIGURES
seize power. The wealthiest captain with the largest and most Lakmar of Shankell, Prime Minister; Blessed Blossom,
powerful fleet usually leads the Samheri, and takes a cut of High Priestess of Sanshad; Roaring Smitty, Proprietor of
the other captain’s profits. Jingnar’s Gladiator Dome
The state has trade pacts with many of the world’s
maritime powers, so that their vessels may pass unmolested Shankell – also known as Borridor, the Salt-Hole, the Sun-
through Samheri waters. The elite vessels of Dreer Samher’s Jewel, and numerous other titles – is a city with as many
navy are also sometimes rented to foreign powers as muscle. facets as it has names.
Economy Principally, Shankell is a trading port. Although New
Dreer Samher’s economy is both mercantile and piratical Crobuzon is the king of the merchant game, Shankell is a
without too much division between the two. Its ships are strong contender for second place. Outside of the hustle and
crewed partially by trained chimpanzees, obeying the bustle of the docks, markets, and bazars, though, Shankell
whistled and shouted commands of their masters, because possesses both a lighter and a darker nature.
the cactacae sailors are too heavy to climb the rigging.
On the one hand, Shankell is the holy city of Sanshad, the city. On top of this, the city is
primary god of the Cymek region and the cactacae people in very tolerant about other
particular. On the other, the brutal gladiatorial arenas of religions.
Shankell are known throughout all of Rohagi. Gazetteer
The residents of Shankell – known as  The Solarium is the
Shankellites – are predominately temple which houses the leaders
cactacae. As the Cymek is the ancestral of the faith of Sanshad. It is a popular
home of the cactusfolk, this is only pilgrimage destination. Graceful arched
natural. Humans have spread to doorways are surrounded by flowing stained-
Shankell as well, just as they have glass patterns and glittering windows.
nearly every corner of the known  The punishment pits at the center of the trade
world. district are purposefully conspicuous. Pickpockets,
While Shankell’s reach is felt throughout cheats, and thieves receive brutal punishments here in
the region (and beyond,) it technically only claims full view of the public.
a relatively small slice of territory – about a  The Corkscrew Citadel is the city’s tallest structure, home
hundred miles in every direction, and the few paltry to the Shankellite government facilities.
islands of the Meagre Sea.  Jingnar’s is the most lucrative and brutal of the
Government established gladiatorial arenas. Its fleshpits and hookwire
The governmental structure of Shankell is cages draw many onlookers.
relatively straightforward. Every three years the residents of Adventure Seeds
the city’s fifteen districts vote to elect a representative to the  Your adventure group meets for the first time as lowly
city’s council. This council then votes to appoint a separate gladiators, who must rise up through the unforgiving
individual – usually one of the city’s most prominent underbelly of Shankell to become legendary champions.
businessmen – to the position of Prime Minister.  Unknown ships have been slipping past the city’s
Economy defenses and plaguing merchant fleets. Your group has
Shankell is a wealthy nation, thanks to the mountains of been hired to uncover the mysterious fleet’s origins.
goods which pass into and out of its many ports on a daily  A priceless artifact of Sanshad has been burgled by
basis. Like any large city, much of Shankell’s freight is parties unknown. Uncover the foes behind the
legitimate, and a fair amount is less so, destined for the city’s conspiracy.
thriving black market.
The Shankellite merchants travel far and wide. The
majority of ships, though, run ferries and supplies across the
Meagre Sea to Myrshock, and ultimately to New Crobuzon.
Other Sights of the Cymek Desert
Shankell also sees a substantial influx of funds related to
the gladiatorial business. The city is celebrated far and wide
Forbidden Lees
Very strange things have been known to occur in this
for its thriving gladiatorial scene; anything from classic
swampy river delta. Settlements that attempt to tame the
matches to exotic showdowns in hookwire cages and
area invariably fail, and strange beasts seem to appear from
fleshpits take place on a daily basis. Large amounts of money
nowhere during the night. Common wisdom holds that the
are won and lost on just about every fight.
source of this misfortune is the set of incredibly ancient,
Thanks to the city’s laws, many convicted criminals are
scattered ruins which dot the landscape - ruins which are
forced to participate in these brutal fights.
attributed to the mythic Ghosthead Empire. These relics are
not towering, tempting edifices, but rather are squat, barely
While only moderate in size, Sanshad’s naval fleet has a
recognizable structures, half buried in the muck. Few who try
reputation for ruthlessly enforcing order in the Meagre Sea.
to explore these ruins ever return.
Unlike the fleets of neighboring Dreer Samher, most
Shankellite vessels are crewed by non-cactacae. The Fraln
The police force of Shankell has a similarly brutal This broad, slow river is the widest and deepest in
reputation, although their primary concern is keeping the Rohagi. In some locations, the bottom of the river has never
wheels of commerce moving; justice is a secondary matter. even been reached. In some of the deepest explored regions
Religion of the Fraln lie enormous submerged statues, possibly of
The worship of the sun god Sanshad is the official religion Ghosthead origin.
of the city. Moreover, Shankell is considered the holy city of Originating in the Cobberfall Mountains, the mighty Fraln
the faith, and it is the central location for all of Sanshad splits several times on its journey towards the sea, (which is
worship. The Solarium is a giant, picturesque glasshouse highly unusual for a river – perhaps this can be attributed to
church devoted to Sanshad, and it is a major tourist draw. Ghosthead manipulation.) To the east, it eventually becomes
The Timeway faith, which also features Sanshad and is the Swashallam and the Te, and to the south it spreads into
popular throughout the Cymek, has a large following in the the Forbidden Lees. The banks of each of these rivers

is lush and fertile compared to the bleak sands of the greater In general terms, the veldt is the region contained within
Cymek. the Fellid Forest, the Fraln River, and the mid-continental
mountain ranges. The northern veldt, which contains few
Ehlarn large settlements and consists mostly of prairie-like
Unusual for a coastal settlement, the small city of Ehlarn grasslands, is separated from the southern veldt by the
is not a trading post or a shipping port. Rather, it is a religious Vumwood. The southern veldt receives more rainfall, and is
holy land. Devoted to the Timeway faith, Ehlarn is centered sprinkled with small woodlands and vineyards. Some
on the Path of Temples – a large, circular boulevard of residents of the southern veldt take exception to applying the
churches, each one devoted to a different Timeway deity. name “Galaggi” to the northern reaches of the territory.
Many practitioners of the faith make the pilgrimage to Ehlarn The region is predominately occupied by humans,
each year. including the two large powers of the region, Maru’ahm and
Draka Tesh. Communities of cactacae extend westward from the
Cymek into Galaggi, although these tend to be small rural
The small city of Draka, at the mouth of the Swashallam
River, might seem to be in an ideal location for a shipping settlements. Within the Vumwood live the diminutive vu-
port, but unfortunately for this perpetually-struggling city, murt, who rarely venture beyond the borders of their forest,
other factors are at play. Harsh ocean currents and jagged and tribes of borinatch and stiltspear are not an uncommon
reefs make the sea in this area difficult to navigate, and most sight in the southern veldt.
ships give Draka a wide berth.
Cymek Library
One of the greatest libraries in existence won’t be found
Welcome to Maru’ahm, home of the Casino Parliament,
on any map. Like all garuda clans, the librarian clan is where laws and bills are but stakes in the roulette game of
nomadic. Each time they travel, they carry with them life. Enjoy your stay.
thousands of volumes, packed neatly into trunks. An
enormous tent village is erected where they land. Metropolis (city-state); AL CN
Government Parliamentary; Tech Level 4
Dollar Limit $4,500,000; Assets $2,355,000,000
Population 2,348,000
Type human-dominant (92% human, 6% vodyanoi, 1%
scabmettler, 1% other races).
Religions Salter, Darioch, Solenton; Languages Ragamoll,
Rosbertta Chalvon III, Queen; Tralson Jambini, House
Speaker; Sir Leonard Ralsburry, Proprietor of Lady Luck’s Bitch

The city of Maru’ahm lies on a small island approximately

100 miles off the western coats of Rohagi. It is connected to
the mainland by the Grandbridge, one of the world’s most
impressive engineering marvels.
Maru’ahm controls vast swaths of the Galaggi Veldt,
more so than their neighbor Tesh. Maru’ahm’s influence
reaches several hundred miles inland. For the most part, this
territory is only loosely governed, and consists mainly of
The city proper is built mainly of steel and concrete.
Many tall and lavish towers rise above the Maru’ahm
cityscape, a testament to both the city’s exceptional
architects and posh citizenry. Indeed, much of the city

Galaggi Veldt
The Galaggi Veldt boasts some of the most picturesque
appears to be a huge summer playground for the wealthiest
people of western Rohagi.
The governmental system of Maru’ahm is by far its most
scenery in all of Rohagi. Here, gently sweeping hills and vast
defining attribute.
rolling grasslands are interrupted only by verdant deciduous
When painted in broad strokes, not much would
make Maru’ahm’s government stand out; it is ruled
by a hereditary monarch, who, in actuality, holds little direct  The royal palace, outrageously lavish, draws hundreds of
power. The primary functions of government are decided by tourists per day.
the parliament. This all seems fairly straightforward… but the  Grandbridge is an engineering marvel connecting the city
devil is in the details. to the mainland. It features multiple lanes and levels,
Once a year, the parliament begins its session, and the including a railway.
laws of the land are brought into review. However, when Adventure Seeds
members of Maru’ahm’s parliament wish to make a change  According to legend, in the distant past Maru’ahm
to the legal code, there is no debate, no appointment funded many exploratory expeditions into
of committees, nor even any voting. No, in the the western seas, only to suddenly
Casino Parliament, everything hangs on halt in their aspirations. What lies out
the threads of fate. beyond that horizon? Your crew might
Laws, regulations, and be crazy enough to break into the
legislation are decided purely government’s high security records
by games of chance. Senators vault in order to find out.
wager bills and proposals over  Your party has been hired to
games like quincehand, black provide extra security for a special
sevens, roulette, and grandbridge. event at a luxurious resort.
Winners get their laws enacted; losers  The queen has hired your talented
get nothing. band to represent her during this year’s
Appointment to the parliament is done session of parliament. Try not to get
on a year-by-year basis, and powerful political embroiled in too many shady political
factions often hire the best gamblers around to dealings.
be their chosen senators. It is considered quite the
honor to be hired to represent the Queen herself.
High-rollers can also buy their way into parliament
independently (although the price tag for this is staggering,)
passing their own wild laws. Tesh, the City of the Crawling Liquid, is just about as alien
Cheating in these games in strictly prohibited, but it is a place as you’re likely to find on Rohagi. And remember, this
still a wildly common practice. Accusations of cheating are is a continent with a floating frog metropolis and a city of
usually followed by a challenge to a duel – typically of the zombie aristocrats, so, that’s really saying something.
“ten paces then turn” variety.
Economy Metropolis (city-state); AL LE
Maru’ahm has relatively few large trading partners, as Government Kingdom; Tech Level 5
the long and perilous voyage to eastern Rohagi prevents the Ducat Limit Đ 6,200,000; Assets Đ 2,245,000,000
city from doing much business with New Crobuzon or DEMOGRAPHICS
Myrshock. Nevertheless, its economy is robust, thanks mainly Population 3,209,000
to the vast territories that the city commands. A small but Type human-dominant (89% human, 5% scabmettler, 3%
significant portion of the nation’s overall income comes from vodyanoi, 3% other races).
foreign high-rollers who travel vast distances to partake in Religions Manifold Horizon*; Languages Tesh
the city’s legendary casinos.
Eric Valdae, Crying Prince; Partrov Ginghall, Minister of
While the city maintains enough of both ground troops
Armed Forces; Zalraka Pitrov, Tear Master
and naval vessels to patrol and secure its territory, it is far
from the greatest military power in Rohagi. Maru’ahm’s first
Tesh is odd. Its government is backwards, its people are
line of defense is keeping its neighbors in a good mood with
peculiar, its customs are bizarre, and its thaumaturgy is alien.
chorus girls and raucous good time.
Even though cities like New Crobuzon, Sanshad, and
Maru’ahm are all very different places with unique laws and
Many of the old human gods popular in New Crobuzon,
like Darioch and Solenton, have their own followings in customs, if one were to travel to any of those locations, one
would still instinctively know the basic lay of the land. Take
Maru’ahm. Some call Maru’ahm the unofficial holy city of
the same individual, though, and place him in Tesh, and he
likely wouldn’t know whether he was coming or going. Things
are just that different.
 Grand casinos and luxury resorts are found all
This confusing quality is made doubly impenetrable by
throughout the city. The most famous of these
Tesh’s self-imposed isolation. While the city regularly trades
establishments is Lady Luck’s Bitch.
with other nations and isn’t strictly closed to outsiders, it
 Of the many high-rise apartment buildings, Olondo’s
certainly does not do anything to encourage casual visitors or
Tower has achieved legendary status as being the crem
cultural exchange. Reaching the city by land is
de la crem.
extremely difficult, due to harsh terrain, vicious beasts, and a  Is Tesh restarting its war effort? New Crobuzon hires
series of legendary moats. your mercenaries for a secret black-ops mission.
The city itself is among the most visually impressive in
Rohagi. Visitors report gleaming crystal towers, glass statues,
and exquisitely clean streets.
Other Sights of the Galaggi Veldt
Government The Chelona
The exact details of Tesh’s governmental structure are In and around the Vumwood reside the legendary
unknown. It is known that Tesh has a king, but by tradition or chelona, enormous tortoises more than a hundred yards in
law, he is a recluse. The individual who seems to actually lead length. These creatures would be an inspiring sight on their
the nation in daily concerns is known as the Crying Prince. own, but even more impressively, many of these beasts have
Foreign embassies are not in Tesh proper, but in a different actually been transformed into mobile villages. By building
location outside of the city, and Tesh’s own scarce houses and towers on the backs of these behemoths, entire
ambassadors to foreign lands live as homeless vagrants. communities are able to share a symbiotic existence with
Economy these peaceful titans.
As a relatively small nation, Tesh depends heavily on its
trading partners. These are primarily the Brothers, the Cobberfall Mountains
Witchocracy, and Maru’ahm, although it sends its fleet of This short range is the second highest in Rohagi, behind
merchants to all of the coastal cities of Rohagi. Tesh imports only the Shatterjacks. Its tremendous melt waters feed many
mainly mundane goods, such as foodstuffs, and exports rivers, including the Fraln’s.
primarily high-dollar items like unique artwork and
thaumaturgical devices.
Darl’s Pass
This break between the Incient Peaks and the Cobberfall
Mts. is the only overland route that leads from eastern to
Tesh’s military was strong enough to give New Crobuzon
a serious challenge in the recent conflict between the two western Rohagi. Unfortunately, the close presence of the
Cacotopic Stain makes this a perilous route, and best avoided.
city-states. Both its naval fleet and its armies of foot soldiers,
although smaller in number than New Crobuzon’s, are armed Fellid Forest
with strange and unique Tesh technologies and tactics that Denser and slightly larger than the Ragamoll, the Fellid
make up for their small numbers. The city’s thaumaturgists, Forest is the largest forest on the Rohagi continent. The
as well, bring a number of devastating and unique techniques forest is primarily deciduous but melds into evergreen in its
to the battlefield. northern reaches. The Fellid is so dense that it makes an
It’s widely believed that the Tesh war machine has been effective land barrier between the Brothers and Galaggi.
dealt a severe blow by the conflict with New Crobuzon, but as Some regions of the Fellid are tame, inhabited by small
with everything involving Tesh, the accuracy of these claims is communities of many races, primarily human and vodyanoi.
difficult or impossible to verify. The northwestern regions are claimed by the Brothers. The
Religion deepest reaches of the forest, however, are entered only by
The citizenry of Tesh appear to be particularly impious. the foolhardy. Tales of torque-beasts and ancient ruins are
This is not to say that they are atheists – rather, the Tesh popular and draw the attention of adventuring bands the
“religion” (if such a term can actually be applied to it,) is world over.
simply a thing unsuited to common folk, and it is overseen
exclusively by dedicated monks in remote monasteries. This Rontsville
odd “Manifold Horizon” (see pg 125,) is quite unlike any other A small city with very little wealth, Rontsville prides itself
known belief system. on its independence, which it maintains mainly by virtue of
Gazetteer being in the middle of nowhere. Although the city-state of
 One reason for Tesh’s security and isolation are the Maru’ahm is considered to be a benevolent master by the
Catoblepas Plains which encircle the city. This region is multitude of subjects that dwell within its vast territories, the
filled with herds of catoblepas, (see pg 135,) which can residents of Rontsville take an almost religious pleasure in
kill with a single look. rejecting the city’s lordship, standing just outside of
 An imposing series of moats encircle the city which are as Maru’ahm’s territories.
beautiful as they are effective. Likewise, the city is
riddled with artful creeks and waterfalls, some of which
Tashek Rek Hai
The dangerous ruins of Tashek Rek Hai are perhaps the
flow up – giving the city its colorful sobriquet.
most fabled ruins in the known world. Hard facts about these
 Along the boulevard leading to the royal palace lies a
ancient remnants are few and far between, but a few things
double row of enormous glass statues – of cats.
are known for certain. It is known that Tashek Rek Hai was, in
Adventure Seeds
the distant past, occupied heavily by trow, and many trow
 It is no secret that the weapons, devices, and
relics and treasures have been removed from the ruins.
thaumaturgical techniques of Tesh are as effective as
Today, common wisdom holds that the ruins have been
they are exotic. A powerful party has hired your group to
throughout picked clean.
infiltrate Tesh and receive such a powerful item.
Less certain are the origins of the ruins. No one has been
able to determine their exact age, and a popular theory holds
that they were not built by the trow at all, but rather, are
originally of Ghosthead origin. Every so often, adventurers
still claim to have struck it rich in the deserted catacombs.
Vineyard Country
The temperate climate of southern Galaggi is ideal for
growing many crops, and vineyards are especially plentiful in
the region. Specialty wines made from the vinhog can only be
cultivated here.
This forest is the home of the vu-murt (see pg 24),
primitive tree-dwelling beetlefolk. It is also frequented by the
giant chelona.
A moderately large city, Wallsborough gets its name from
the city’s past life as a fortress town. Today it is the primary
satellite city of Maru’ahm, and is something of a trade hub for
Galaggi’s many farms and communities.
settlements sprang up along its slopes that today are bustling
neighborhoods on the mountain-spanning city of Snakehorn.

The region loosely known as Hinter consists primarily of
The coal from Snakehorn is shared with Great Heap, the
peak approximately 80 miles to the southeast, which in turn
shares its greater deposits of metals. Rather than being
perched on the mountain’s slopes, like its brother, the city of
semiarid fields and grasslands. It lies between the Fellid
Pilsington is clustered around the Great Heap’s expansive
Forest in the south and the Shatterjack Mountains to the
north. The portion near the Fellid is green and lush, but the
Together, these cities are the Brothers. They stand
terrain quickly dries as one proceeds north.
together in all things as an inseparable entity. This kinship is
In this region, the Brothers control a sizable chunk of the
so deep that residents of one of the cities do not think of
western Hinter, whereas the vodyanoi nation of Gharcheltist
themselves as “Snakeborns” or “Pilsingters,” but always as
dominates the Cold Claw Loch.

The Brothers The Brothers are ruled as a single unit by a ruling council.
Members are not elected; rather, any resident who has the
Two mountain-bound cities whose histories are power or wealth to appoint himself, (and defend his
inexorably intertwined, the Brothers are for all practical appointment,) sits on the council.
purposes a singular entity. Economy
The economy of Great Heap is deeply linked to the
Metropolis (double-city-state); AL N economy of Snakehorn, and vice versa. The Brothers main
Government Plutocracy; Tech Level 4 exports are metals, mostly copper and iron.
Ruble Limit ₴ 4,500,000; Assets ₴ 1,950,000,000 While the Brothers have no greater or fewer traders than
most nations, somewhere along the line the merchants from
the Brothers gained a widespread reputation for their shrewd
Population 2,621,000 (total)
deals, which is why the Brothers are sometimes called the
Type human-dominant (90% human, 6% vodyanoi, 4% other).
Religions Sobki; Languages Fellid, Ragamoll
In order to exchange their respective natural resources,
AUTHORITY FIGURES there are many routes of expedited travel between the cities.
Lord Jim Hongsin, Lord of Snakehorn; Sir Linn Dransma, In times past, enormous crocodilian species native to the
Head of Pilsington region were used as beasts of labor to haul vast loads,
(leading to another of the city’s monikers, the Crocodile City.)
Near Rohagi’s western coast sit two lone mountains. Not This mode is still used today, but is heavily supplemented
part of any chain, these impressive solitary peaks each boast with railways, dirigibles, and even a fast-travel skyrail.
a wealth of natural resources just below the surface, Military
including gold, copper, coal, and occasionally, even rockmilk. In order to maintain order within the city’s reach, (which
To the northwest, Snakehorn Mountain sits atop a large extends hundreds of miles,) the Brothers maintain a
coal deposit. As the mountain was gradually mined, respectable ground force; although the region’s 106
natural barriers (the Fellid Forest to the south, and the open Rohagi. Most governmental offices are
expansive grasslands to the north) mean that this force is located in the city proper.
smaller than it would be otherwise. The Brothers do not Economy
boast much of a navy. Gharcheltist is on good terms
Religion with just about every other nation of
As in most cities, a large number of religions are followed Rohagi and has the trade
in the Brothers. One of the most popular is the following of agreements to prove it.
Sobki. Military
Gazetteer Although it has been some
 Stretching from high up the slopes of each mountain, the time since the defenses of
80-mile skyrail is supported by hundreds of massive Gharcheltist have been called
pillars, and is the most expedient (and expensive) way to upon, it is said that the
travel between the cities. waters of the Cold Claw Loch
 After centuries of mining, much of the mountains’ are very well defended.
interiors are massive hollow caverns and honeycombed Supposedly, the waters
passages. themselves can be called upon
Adventure Seeds thaumaturgically to repel invading
 The favorite tall-tale to be heard in the local taverns forces.
involves finding hidden treasure in the vast networks of Religion
mining tunnels within the mountains. Who knows what’s Practitioners of many
really down there? faiths live in Gharcheltist,
although the reverence of Palgolak is perhaps
the most common.
Gharcheltist 
Gharcheltist University is a leading institute in any and all
Rising high above the waters of the loch, the gleaming
hydrological fields, including hyrdothaumaturgy.
silver towers of Gharcheltist – the vodyanoi aquapolis – are a
 The primary governmental building, known colloquially
sight to behold.
as the Bright Belfry, is the highest and most ornate tower
in the city.
Metropolis (aquapolis); AL LN
Adventure Seeds
Government Democracy; Tech Level 5
 Disgruntled corokanth dissidents have committed
Noble Limit ₦ 5,340,000; Assets ₦ 2,100,500,000
terrorist attacks in the city, clamoring for greater
DEMOGRAPHICS representation. Uncover the plot’s orchestrators.
Population 1,249,000  A thanati vodyanoi from High Cromlech has decided to
Type vodyanoi-dominant (89% vodyanoi, 5% menfish, 3% return to his original home in Gharcheltist, which has
corokanth, 3% cray). caused quite a stir. You’ve been hired to find out his
Religions Palgolak; Languages Fellid Vodyanoi ulterior motives.
Glarflechl, Prime Chancellor; Bremarlsh, Minister of
Foreign Affairs; Shelllwhep, Premier of Gharcheltist Other Sights of the Hinter
Cold Claw Loch
As the most influential and wealthy of the two large This southern extension of the Cold Claw Sea, home to
vodyanoi nations, Gharcheltist enjoys a high degree of the vodyanoi nation of Gharcheltist, is not as frigid as the
prosperity. areas around Jangsach. It is a freshwater body primarily
The crown jewel of Gharcheltist is the shining city itself. inhabited by vodyanoi, but with a smattering of other aquatic
Rising from the lake’s surface, gleaming silvery towers stretch races as well.
up to twenty stories into the air, and extend downwards to
the lake bottom, to which they are attached.
In addition to the city proper, small vodyanoi
Cold Claw Sound
This long, relatively narrow waterway connects the
communities, (both submarine and floating varieties,)
northern Cold Claw Sea to the southern Cold Claw Loch.
dominate most of the Cold Claw Loch.
Gharcheltist is a more organized vodyanoi nation Julara River
compared to Jangsach. United under a central administration, Boasting the fastest currents in Rohagi, long portions of
the governmental structure of Gharcheltist is both efficient the Julara are treacherous whitewater areas what plow
and modern. Impartial experts have said that the current through deep, beautiful canyons.
Gharcheltist government is among the least corrupt in 107
Ruin Crater Adventure Seeds
This large crater is home to a variety of excessively large  Not all of the experimental colourbombs dropped on
rodents. Expeditions to the crater’s interior typically return Suroch went off. Deep in the insanely dangerous torque
empty handed, although some evidence suggests that those zone, these weapons of mass destruction lie in wait for
who come back from such journeys exhibit greater than anyone foolhardy enough to try and claim them.
average misfortune.

Other Sights of Lubbock

The Lubbock region, though small, was once prosperous,
Bezhek Peaks
Although it is neither the highest nor longest mountain
due primarily to the wealth that flowed through the city of
range of Rohagi, the Bezhek Peaks are still impressive.
Suroch. Today, however, this area between the Bezhek Peaks
Running along the eastern coast to the north of New
and the sea is haunted and desolate.
Crobuzon, the Bezheks are the source of the River Canker and
numerous other streams and rivers.

Suroch Although few humans live on these peaks, they are far
from uninhabited. A hearty breed of cactacae populate the
The city of Suroch was once a thriving trade city on par chain, their smaller stature better suited for the thinner
with New Crobuzon. Now, it lies in ruins, thanks to the atmosphere and steeper terrain. There are also persistent
ferocity of the Pirate Wars. It was hit by a New Crobuzon tall-tales of mysterious “stone men” of the mountains.
torque bomb in 1544, creating a new cacotopic area – a place
where chaos rules and the laws of reality go out the window. Drench Hold
The last somewhat-official expedition to the ruins of Suroch This dour town huddles in the shadow of the Suroch
was made in 1688, during which it was discovered that the Stain. Its storm-lashed buildings are built of waterlogged
effects of the bomb (even after a century) could still affect, driftwood and flotsam from wrecked ships. An infamous
mutate, and even kill – which happened to several of the tavern called the Flattened Frog stands at Drench Hold’s edge
crew. and is known for its remarkably high murder rate.
Cockroach trees, fifty-horned carapace-covered goats,
living gear-machines descended from train engines, and
Lubbock Scrub
Far south of Suroch, this dry scrubland is only sparsely
herds of things that might once have been human but have
populated. A few human villages dot the area, but these are
clearly devolved into apelike bestiality, all haunt the region.
outnumbered by vodyanoi villages which surround the many
Most people steer well clear of Suroch these days, as
streams that flow from the Bazhek Peaks.
those who get too near can contract torque sickness (see pg
26), becoming deformed themselves. Visitors risk psychic Suroch Stain
assault, thaumaturgical mutation, cancer, and madness. This is the general term for the cacotopic area that now
Suroch is now a name used to frighten children and warn surrounds the ruined city.
of the dangers of meddling with Torque.
Torpid Coast
The waters surrounding Suroch are contaminated with
Torque Bomb the same torque that doomed the city. Ocean currents sweep
these waters north, spreading the cacotopic effect through
Torque, the monstrously foul substance responsible for the the region known as the Torpid Coast.
Cacotopic Stain, is the stuff of nightmares. Most experts are

Middling Sweeps
under the impression that torque is a natural phenomenon only,
and has never been created by man. This, however, is untrue. In
1544, New Crobuzon secretly developed and deployed torque
bombs on its hated enemy, Suroch. The results were so The region at the center of Rohagi is known as the
horrendous that even power-mad New Crobuzon banned their Middling Sweeps. This dry, not-quite-barren region is
creation and covered up the whole incident. As a ruse, they later
inhabited by the tough, the exiled, and the desperate. It
dropped colourbombs on Suroch in an attempt to cover up their
war crimes.
encompasses the feared Cacotopic Stain, as well as the cities
of Vadaunk and Neovadan, and all of the land within the
Colourbomb mountainous boundaries of the Incient, the Splitter, and the
Dancing Shoe Mountains, terminating near the edge of the
Colourbombs are fiendishly destructive creations of New Ragamoll Forest.
Crobuzon, designed to level very large areas. While horrendous,
they pale in comparison to torque bombs. Each bomb is created
using top secret processes and a significant expenditure of
resources. Tesh is rumored to possess an equivalent weapon. 108
Neovadan is ruled by an elected council. The city’s
government maintains loose ties to far-off nations but mainly
focuses on the city’s direct needs.
As the poorest major city in Rohagi, Neovadan has little
to offer in trade. Luxuries are rare in the city.
All citizens serve time in the city’s defense force, which is
constantly tested by raiders from Vadaunk. This constant
experience makes the Neovadan defenders surprisingly
Although the residents of Neovadan often have to fight
in order to defend themselves, they revere Darioch, hoping
that one day his power will lead them to a place where they
no longer have to depend on violence.
 The city’s layers of walls and defense towers are an
impressive sight and make attacking Neovadan a
daunting task.

Neovadan Adventure Seeds

 Your party has the unenviable task of tracking and
retrieving a disgraced exile currently hiding out in
Caught in the nook of two mountain ranges, the poor city
of Neovadan receives little rainfall and barely produces Neovadan.
enough food to feed itself. It’s only saving grace is its  Well protected from Vadaunk’s barbarian hordes,
defensibility – which, as it happens, is the quality most Neovadan is susceptible to small lightning raids, which
important to its citizens. you’ve been hired to guard against.

Metropolis (conventional); AL LN
Government Democracy; Tech Level 2
Chip Limit ₡ 1,140,000; Assets ₡ 427,000,000 The “mercenary kingdom” of Vadaunk is historically one
DEMOGRAPHICS of the most martial nations of Rohagi. Here, might makes
Population 741,000 right, as brigands and bandits plague caravan routes and
Type human-dominant (86% human, 5% trow, 4% vodyanoi, warlords hold office.
3% cactacae, 1% gessin, 1% other races).
Religions Darioch; Languages Ragamoll, Fellid Vodyanoi Metropolis (conventional); AL CE
Government Military Junta; Tech Level 3
Grunall Limit ₪ 1,910,000; Assets ₪ 1,839,000,000
Lynda Turnbell, Council Leader; Ronstad Wornstrom,
Captain of Defense; Trid Ramfer, Farmer’s Guild Leader DEMOGRAPHICS
Population 1,008,000
Neovadan was founded centuries ago by outcasts from Type human-dominant (85% human, 11% vodyanoi, 2%
Vadaunk, mainly those who dared to dream of a life not cactacae, 2% other races).
driven by violence and warfare. It exists as a kind of safe Religions Solenton; Languages Ragamoll, Fellid, Fellid
haven, although the neighboring mercenary kingdom and the Vodyanoi
desolate climate conspire to ensure that prosperity never AUTHORITY FIGURES
blesses Neovadan. Grabthar the Thick, Warlord; Jhonn Stabbington, Leader
As a poor city in an isolated region, Neovadan would be of the Swordblades; Lord Raddson von Lundin, High Priest of
forgotten by the world at large if it weren’t for two factors. the Disciples of Gloom
First, the city’s walls, although crude, have been built up over
time to the point of being nearly impenetrable. This fortress- Vadaunk is the city of warriors. Yet these warriors are not
like nature is impressive enough to fuel many a legend and like the well-trained shock troops of Tesh, or the modern
tavern tale. Secondly, although it is not a luxurious place to soldiers of New Crobuzon. No, Vadaunk is home to barbarian
live, Neovadan has a reputation of welcoming any and all hordes, mercenary armies, and savage thugs.
outcasts and exiles. It is one of the few major settlements in The people of Vadaunk are a rugged and surly
Rohagi where humans and trow live and work side by side. lot, fiercely territorial and independent. There are 109
many different groups – gangs, cabals, even religious sects,
which only stand united by their perceived enemies and the
ways of the warrior. They present a unified front when
Cacotopic Stain
Warped by the vastly uncontrollable thaumaturgic force
dealing with foreign powers, but in truth, theirs is a very
called Torque, the Cacotopic Stain is the largest of several
loose alliance.
known cacotopoi. It first appeared about 560 years ago.
The presence of this roiling tear in reality effectively
The leader of Vadaunk – the Warlord – is the man whose
divides the Rohagi continent into two halves, blocking most
military might is the greatest. He rules the kingdom through
overland routes from east to west. Those who are desperate
brute force, but he does not command unfaltering obedience;
enough may skirt its edges and still survive, although this
the leaders of the many Vadaunk factions would love to see
often leads to bizarre and random thaumaturgical effects
his head on a platter, so that they might take his place.
(such as people turning into giant cytoplasms, or growing
tentacles for eyes.)
Traditionally, the economy of Vadaunk has largely been
The edges of the stain are frequented by terrible and
fueled by the plunder of its brigands and the bounties earned
otherworldly beasts who have been warped by the chaos of
by its mercenaries. In recent decades, however, this has been
torque, like the insatiable inchmen (see pg 145.) The deeper
greatly supplemented by more legitimate means. The
regions of the stain, however, are utterly incomprehensible.
discovery of a rich vein of precious metals has allowed
(See pg 94 for information about cacotopoi and their
Vadaunk to begin exporting genuine trade goods, which New
effects; see pg 26 for the Torque-Touched template.)
Crobuzon has taken a great interest in. In fact, the diplomatic
ties between the two nations have never been stronger.
Many different fighting hosts make up the mercenary
Other Sights of the Middling Sweeps
kingdom. As often as not, these groups squabble among
themselves as much as they do outsiders. Most of these
One of the region’s most spectacular sights is the forest
armies are available for hire to anyone with enough funds. of luminous lightning trees, the blitzbaums. These forking
Vadaunk itself is something of a fortress, constantly miles-high “trees” seem to be lightning that has become
being built and rebuilt. The city is laid out in a rough diamond
perpetually frozen in place.
pattern, with layered partitioning walls built to slow the
progress of invaders. Dozens of watchtowers mount the
Barbarians and mercenaries tend to not be the most
pious of individuals, and so the citizens of Vadaunk rarely pay
heed to any god. A few groups do revere some of the more
warlike deities, but overall they make up only a small
percentage of the populace.
Residents of Vadaunk are, however, surprisingly
superstitious, although this behavior is more cultural than
religious. Citizens often practice a number of superstitious
rituals both large and small, including important and intricate
seasonal ceremonies that are supposed to provide good luck
on the battlefield.
 Defense towers and raiding outposts dot the nearby
 The mine of precious metals and its refineries are among
the best defended compounds in the region.
Splitter Peaks
This short mountain range extends from the Gibbing
Adventure Seeds Water to Cold Claw Loch, creating an effective barrier
 New recruits in one of Vadaunk’s mercenary armies, your between the Middling Sweeps and the Kar Torrer Kingdom.
party forms a pact, and vows to rise through the ranks
together to achieve glory.
 Your party impersonates a famous mercenary band in a
bid to get close to the Warlord, and steal his power for
Wailing Ridge
your own. Named for the terrible sounds occasionally heard in the
 Fearing a disastrous war, Neovadan has hired you to region, these steep hills are avoided by those who can, and
infiltrate and sow discord amongst Vadaunk’s forces. are traversed rather quickly by those who cannot.

Con games are common, as is smuggling. Not everyone

The region dominated by the ancient Ragamoll Forest
who wears a weapon has a right to do so. Forgery is a
booming business, but difficult to prosecute.
features the large cities of Cobsea and Myrshock, extending The city is thoroughly walled and guarded, in order to
from the east coast all the way to the Cobberfall Mountains. protect form both raiders and wild beasts warped by Torque,
which regular wander the region. The walls are thick stone,
with wooden fortifications atop and behind them.
Cobsea Religion
The mix of religions found in Cobsea closely mimic those
The dusty inland city of Cobsea is one of New Crobuzon’s
of New Crobuzon, with the exception of St. Jabber followers.
primary trading partners, and the two cities have just been
connected via a vast railway.
 The newly completed Grande Tramway has spurred the
development of many industries on the eastern side of
Metropolis (city-state); AL CN
Government Plutocracy/Anocracy; Tech Level 4
Togra Limit ₮ 3,500,000; Assets ₮ 1,100,000,000  Flargsan’s Zoo of Wonders is an establishment which,
uniquely, attempts to hold and display creatures twisted
DEMOGRAPHICS by Torque. They are only marginally successful.
Population 1,425,000  Cobsea’s open-air market features colorful tents and
Type mixed (83% human, 10% cactacae, 4% vodyanoi, 3% stalls, featuring goods from many far-off lands.
other races). Adventure Seeds
Religions Darioch, Solenton; Languages Ragamoll  A greater than average number of twisted Torque-beasts
AUTHORITY FIGURES have attacked the region lately. Is something sinister
Zedshyl Remsfort, Supreme Chairman; Flargsan II, afoot?
Proprietor of Flargsan’s Zoo of Wonders; Wendelle Jones,  You’ve been hired to accompany and protect a
Chief Guard combination freight/passenger train departing on the
new and exciting Grande Tramway.
On the boundary between the fertile Ragamoll Forest

and the drier regions near the coast, Cobsea endures harsh
summers and winters alike. Although the city is more than
one hundred miles from the Cacotopic Stain proper, strange Myrshock is a small, ugly city, which in many ways is like
chaotic phenomena dot the region, and as such, the residents New Crobuzon in miniature: racially mixed with a lot of
of Cobsea are used to defending themselves from Torque- vodyanoi who live in a canal ghetto, a few freebooting garuda
touched beasts. from the Cymek, and a smattering of cactacae.
Cobsea is remarkable for two main reasons. First, it’s
mercantile success; most of Rohagi’s truly prosperous cities Metropolis (city-state); AL CN
are wealthy in large part due to their coastal location, which Government Parliamentary; Tech Level 4
grants them access to the world’s best means of trade. The Ahn Limit ₳ 3,890,000; Assets ₳ 1,840,900,000
fact that Cobsea has managed to flourish so far inland is truly
noteworthy. DEMOGRAPHICS
Secondly, Cobsea is renowned – many would say Population 1,071,000
infamous – for its disgracefully unstable government, which Type mixed (82% human, 8% cactacae, 6% vodyanoi, 2%
undergoes vast political changes on a regular basis. khepri, 2% other races).
Government Religions Salter; Languages Ragamoll, Sunglari
Cobsea is run by an unstable city council which is AUTHORITY FIGURES
dominated by mercantile interests. The city government is so Jimhelm IV, City Mayor; Wanchertlkin, Harbormaster;
notoriously variable that it is considered business as usual Stephen Kornlson, High Cantor of Salter; Ludwig Himmens,
when one authority stages a coup and sweeps aside another. Trainmaster of the Grande Tramway
With few governments lasting more than several months,
their regular collapse is accepted as the way of things in Life in Myrshock is centered on trade and commerce,
Cobsea. which in turn is centered on the docks. A bustling port city,
Economy Myrshock has made a name for itself for being open to all
Cobsea’s mercantile sector is quite prosperous, although ships and for being a place to find any service imaginable.
the city lacks the heavy industry of New Crobuzon. The city’s Myrshock was not built to follow a coherent path or
weavings and its wines are both prized, and business seems pattern, and it certainly shows. Streets rarely meet at right
to get done without the help of either parliament or angles, and picturesque palaces lie next-door to factories and
merchant subsidies. hovels. Its temples feature somewhat elegant
minarets, but these are obscured by the city’s 111
many dirigible mooring posts. Overall, the architecture of the
city appears hodgepodge, with no cohesion or purpose. This Smokestone Fields
general ugliness has become one of the city’s most defining Southeast of Cobsea lies a dangerous and otherworldly
characteristics. area, the smokestone fields. At first, this place may seem like
Government nothing more than a collection of odd stone formations, but
Myrshock is governed by a city parliament, led by a make no mistake. These stone columns form from geysers of
mayor. Parliamentarians are elected on a regular basis, and dust which unpredictably erupt from the ground, turning
the elections are even mostly fair. quickly to stone and trapping forever anything unlucky
Economy enough to be caught in the blast.
Myrshock has an industrial, port-based economy, but it is

built around a saltwater harbor rather than an estuarine one.
This has advantages and drawbacks. While the vodyanoi
cannot serve as stevedores here, ships pulled by bridled
seawyrms can enter directly into the harbor rather than being North of the dry Hinter grasslands lie the Shatterjack
unloaded offshore. Mountains, some of the most imposing peaks on Rohagi.
A fair amount of traffic passes directly between Between a nasty Torque zone and the fearsome city of the
Myrshock and Shankell, offering travelers a speedy undead, few travel this land without a very good reason.
alternative to traversing the long coastline.
The newly opened Grande Tramway, connecting
Myrshock to New Crobuzon and Cobsea, has caused a recent
boom in the market.
High Cromlech
On the western side of the foreboding Shatterjack
Military Mountains lies High Cromlech, the city-state of the abdead,
Myrshock’s home defense force contains enough troops (i.e. undead,) where the living are second-class citizens – or
and vessels to protect the port and police the streets, but worse.
little else.
Religion Metropolis (city-state); AL LE
Salter, Darioch, Solenton, and many other deities have Government Aristocracy; Tech Level 4
temples within Myrshock. Arcane Bawbee Limit 5,617,000 ab; Assets 2,690,000,000 ab
 Dozens of floating factories inhabit the harbor area,
churning out smog and goods in equal quantities. Population 439,000
 The ramshackle Myrshock port is ugly but impressive in Type abdead-dominant (82% thanati, 14% human (living), 2%
both scale and efficiency. vampir, 2% other abdead) - (does not include zombies).
 Many dirigibles offer anything from local tours to long- Religions Khyriad; Languages Quiesy
haul passenger transport. AUTHORITY FIGURES
Adventure Seeds Deadman Reginald, Executive of the Housing Comittee;
 Rumor has is a greedy merchant summoned a Deadwife Mushi, Administrator of the Zombie
Weaver which has now gone on a killing spree. Factories
You’ve been hired to put a stop to this…
somehow. The streets of High Cromlech seem dead.
There is little movement, no throngs of
pedestrians going about their business, and
Other Sights of Ragamoll most distinctive of all, absolutely no noise.
There is a good reason for this pervading quiet.
Dusttown In High Cromlech, the dead rule. The highest
Rather than dying when the mine ran dry, this social class consists of a particular variety of
old town has become something of a rural trading abdead known as thanati. These lich-like gentry
settlement with an open-secret of renting out old are, in most senses, literally dead corpses which
mining tunnels to outlaws and other groups who wish have been animated, and retain their consciousness.
to remain hidden. As the years wear on, the bodies of thanati practically
mummify, becoming dry and leathery. They move and
Ragamoll Forest go about their day with great care, as not to damage
The second largest forest in Rohagi, the their frail bodies. Most lose the ability to speak
Ragamoll Forest is a region rich in history, traditional languages as their tongues and vocal
industry, and culture. The forest is not chords vitrify, and have their mouths sewn
especially dense, and many large clearings dot shut. Socially, thanati carry the title
its interior; as such, a great many small and “deadman” or “deadwife.”
medium-sized communities can be found within its borders.
The living inhabitants of High Cromlech – called “the
quick” – are lesser citizens who live in Liveside, a ghetto on
the southern edge of the city. Some few are respectable
working class and small businesspeople, carrying the title of Becoming a thanati is both an expensive process, and a
“liveman” or “livewife.” These citizens are allowed to inhabit nearly sacred one. See the thanati template on page 25 for
the city because there are certain jobs that the slow and details.
brittle thanati cannot themselves perform, and jobs too
delicate to trust to mindless zombies. Price: 25,500 GP
The wealthiest of livemen aspire to buy their way into  The Bonestrasse, High Cromlech’s grandest boulevard,
the upper echelons of thanati culture, affording the specific features great houses looming to either side on ornate
treatments necessary to rise as an abdead. catafalques.
The rest of the city’s living citizens, though, are slum-  The zombie factories and human farms occupy many
dwelling underclass. They are not oppressed, but they are large, rectangular structures.
less socially powerful than the dead and the living gentry.  Liveside, the ghetto of the living, is shabby and cramped
Most of the living souls in High Cromlech, though, are not in comparison to the posh neighborhoods of the thanati.
free citizens – they are farm-bred human cattle, raised in Adventure Seeds
cages, whose only lot in life is to be killed and risen as a  High Cromlech has never before sold zombie armies to
mindless zombie slave. These “zombie factories” are famous outsiders, but you employer has sent you to attain this
throughout Rohagi, usually spoken of only in fearful whispers. goal.
Thanati are not the only abdead inhabitants of High
 An old enemy of yours, long thought dead, may in fact
Cromlech. Other, less savory and less common varieties of
have fled to High Cromlech in order to become a thanati.
abdead also call the city home. Vampirs, for example, are
allowed to live in High Cromlech because they are abdead,
but they are not rulers. Quite the reverse – vampirs are
considered rather pathetic junkies who are kept alive on the Other Sights of Shatterjack
whim and sufferance of the High Cromlech living.
Little other information about High Cromlech is available
The Northern Torque
This cacotopic area was most likely as large as the
to most scholars, although it is known that the abdead gentry
Cacotopic Stain in the distant past, but like all naturally
of Armada emigrated from High Cromlech.
occurring torque zones, it has gradually shrunk in size over
many centuries. Today, it is less than half the size of the
Unlike the mortals of the living world, the abdead
famous Stain, and its remote location ensures that it is easily
aristocracy has little need for enforced order. High society
creates its own structure, and the nobility govern themselves
There is evidence that at least two large ancient cities
as such.
once existed in the area, but these were annihilated centuries
The city, isolated both culturally and geographically,
ago when the Northern Torque first burst into Bas-Lag. Their
keeps only the slightest of diplomatic channels open to the
ruins are very gradually becoming accessible as the Torque
outside world.
In High Cromlech, currency is much more of a standard Shatterjack Mines
symbol than anything else. Only the quick of Liveside use On the eastern side of the Shatterjack Mountains lies the
currency in the traditional sense. What little raw materials entrance to the famous Shatterjack Mines. These mines are
required by the city are produced in the nearby Shatterjack owned and operated by High Cromlech and produce many
Mines. metals. Extensive freight railway lines snake their way
Military through the mountains, both above and below ground,
The zombie factories have, in times of conflict, produced between the mines and the city.
more than enough cannon fodder to ensure High Cromlech’s
safety, such as during the Flesh-Eater Wars. Shatterjack Mountains
There have always been rumors that High Cromlech These mountains are the highest in Rohagi. Their great
possesses giant floating vessels, moonships, but such reports height alters weather patterns and is responsible for the dry
are unconfirmed. condition of most of the Hinter. Many strange and foul beasts
Religion are known to live in the mountains.
Those thanati with pious leanings favor Khyriad, the deity

Wormseye Scrub
credited with creating the first abdead upon Bas-Lag. Living
humans of High Cromlech tend not to be religious, but often
invoke Khyriad’s name as a figure of speech.
Gazetteer Surrounded by the Bezhek Peaks and the Dancing Shoe
 A busy funicular railway transfers materials between the Mountains, the Wormseye Scrub is a vast swath of grasslands
city and the Shatterjack Mines. and grain fields.
Troglodopolis Yoraketche
The underground center of trow civilization, Yoraketche is a weak, warlike country northwest of New
Troglodopolis is a testament to the spirit of the trow people. Crobuzon.

Metropolis (subterranean); AL CN Large City (capitol); AL CN

Government Monarchy; Tech Level 4 Government Kingdom; Tech Level 3
Gold Piece Limit 2,293,000 GP; Assets 1,704,500,000 GP Swajay Limit Ԅ 1,522,000; Assets Ԅ 1,000,500,000
Population 1,317,600 Population 378,000
Type trow-dominant (93% trow, 3% gessin, 2% human, 2% Type human-dominant (78% human, 19% gessin, 2%
other races). cactacae, 1% other races)
Religions Hugkhul, Zogald; Languages Trow, Ragamoll Religions Darioch, Gessin Pantheon; Languages Ragamoll,
Supreme Claw Rzzlathak, Ruler of Troglodopolis; AUTHORITY FIGURES
Speakmaster Garrt, Head of Foreign Relations; Stakkzar the Ranth Konalthorp, King; Shan Yonaldi, Horsemaster
First, Warmaster
Yorakatche is home to a breed of brave but rather stupid
Given most people’s stigma against the trow, they warrior-riders, skilled in the bow and in raiding for slaves
might assume Troglodopolis to be a barbaric, and livestock, but it has few other points to
chthonic burrow, with blood running down the recommend it. It very loosely controls a
streets. This is not the case. True, the trow large region of grassland steppes, the
can be a harsh and violent people, and Wormseye Scrub, and is mostly
certain independent tribes are quite concerned with continuing ancient
bloodthirsty, but the trow of the city have tribal feuds. It has little political power
a great deal of culture and order. They’d but produces mercenaries who are
have to, in order to a city of a million frequently hired thousands of miles away for their
individuals to not dissolve into chaos. fierceness, competence, and ignorances.
Government Government
The ruler of Troglodopolis is Yoraketche is ruled by a king, whose word is
selected through various criteria, law.
including personal might, family Economy
lineage, and blessings of the most Yoraketche is largely self-sufficient and has an
prominent elders. agrarian based economy.
Economy Military
As an underground city, mining is The majority of Yoraketche’s armed forces
a large part of the city’s way of life. consist of human warriors on horseback,
Military usually with nothing more than leather armor
Every able-bodied trow is and simple iron weapons, supported by gessin
expected to defend the city in times of heavy infantry.
need. Religion
Religion The gessin of the kingdom worship their own odd
The trow believe in a number of deities, including pantheon, while the humans stick to traditional human
Hugkhul and Zogald. deities.
Gazetteer Gazetteer
 The enormous mining shafts that extend into the bowels  The vast fields of warhorses, making up the bulk of
of the mountains are so vast that they’ve been known to Yoraketche’s military, are a sight to see.
play tricks on the minds of some who look into their Adventure Seeds
depths for too long.  A remote tribe of gessin is riled up, and seems to be
 The city itself is a wonder of engineering and causing more trouble than they should be able to. Go see
eprserverance. what’s what. If you want.
Adventure Seeds
 Long scornful of Troglodopolis, New Crobuzon has sent
your party to guard a mysterious group of diplomats to
the city.

a kind of singing scholar. The island is also home to an
Other Sights of Wormseye important publishing industry of theoretical tracts.
Its capital is Kohnid, a small but important center of
Dancing Shoe Mountains scholarship. For a few scholars, Kohnid is an intellectual
This is the longest uninterrupted mountain range in paradise, as High Kettai theory is important and relatively
Rohagi, extending from the southernmost point of the rare. Gnurr Kett keeps a secret colony of anophelii as sort of
Gibbing Water all the way to New Crobuzon. Spine Peak is pet scholars, using the (safely bloodless) cactacae of Dreer
one of the tallest mountains in the range, and lies at the Samher their wardens, through a three-way trading loop.
southern tip of the range. Their knowledge finds its way to Kohnid, but many crucial
The trow city of Troglodopolis lies within these primary works published there never leave the islands.

The Rohagi Coast
The Hebdomad is the name used to refer to a collection
of small islands not too far from New Crobuzon. While it
contains innumerable unnamed and uninhabitable islets
The eastern and southern coasts of the Rohagi continent which are home only to birds and the wildlife that flies or
are home to a large number of islands. Big and small, swims between them, many of the islands are large enough
powerful and inconsequential, lands of all types dot this to support multiple small fishing and whaling villages, and
region of the Swollen Ocean. even some full-fledged agricultural communities.
Gnurr Kett This small island has an awe-inspiring, mountainous
landscape, featuring thick forests and windswept gullies. Its
Gnurr Kett is an island nearly 2,000 miles south of New interior is not populated but its coasts hold many small
Crobuzon, 500 miles east of the Cymek Desert. Its inhabitants fishing villages.
don’t trade much with New Crobuzon, mainly dealing with
the cactacae of Dreer Samher. Gnurr Kett and Dreer Samher Basilisk Channel
are independent, but have a close working and trading This is the primary route taken by vessels leaving New
relationship. Gnurr Kett’s population is primarily human, with Crobuzon for Jheshull, Khadoh, and Bered Kai Nev.
a cactacae coming in a healthy second place.
Gnurr Kett possesses a mercantile culture with a mostly
Cancir holds no permanent residents, but is remarkable
peaceful tradition of quiet scholarship and competence. Its
for certain rare medicinal plants that can occasionally be
economy includes indigenous farming, fishing, sea-trade, and
found hiding in the cracks of the dry earth here.
an important stratum of intellectuals and a cadre of cantors –
still plays host to a large number of less-than-legal maritime
Chet ventures.
Chet has only a small population, most of which work a Individuals from Jheshull are called “Jheshul.” The
number of small mines that cross the island. It is a poor land, spelling difference is intentional.
ironically famous for just how poor many of its residents are.
The well-known Chet stone-riddle originates here.
Cyrhussine Khadoh
Cyrhussine boasts an engineering marvel, the 25-mile- A largely self-sufficient nation, Khadoh has somewhat
long Cyrhussine Bridge. This footbridge was constructed by distanced itself in recent times from the world at large. The
the Order of Cyranaline, an order of monks who devote their spiritual culture of Khadoh is focused on the moon, and their
lives to meditation and contemplating the balance of the written language is in the form of lunar pictograms, known as
cosmos. It connects the city of Sibala with the Order’s moonscript.
monastery on a neighboring island which, by the traditions of
the monks, bears no name.
Dancing Bird Mandrake Islands
Mainly composed of brick-red volcanic rock, Dancing Bird A collection of six main islands and many small islets, the
Island features sheer cliffs and hunched peaks. The poor, ugly Mandrake Islands form a nation which is mostly left alone by
fishing port of Qé Banssa would be negligible, if it weren’t for its neighbors, chiefly because invading the Mandrake Islands
its single claim to fame - the New Crobuzon embassy wouldn’t be worth the time or the effort. The channels
responsible for relations with all of the Hebdomad. between the islands are notoriously dangerous and are
The Finns perilous to sail without detailed knowledge of the strong
currents and submarine reefs found there.
Little more than jagged cliffs jutting from the sea, the
Finns are small and uninhabitable. Most of the islands in this The Mandrake Islands have traditionally been allies with
chain have no flat surface, consisting solely of serrated rock. Perrick Nigh and enemies with Dreer Samher.
Rumors persist of hidden caves and pirate coves.
Gnomon Tor
Lush and green, Gnomon Tor is a small island only a few
Perrick Nigh
Perrick Nigh is a fairly wealthy island nation roughly 600
miles distant from the cray city of Salkrikaltor. It is not
miles east of Myrshock. Most of its wealth originated in the
actually a part of the commonwealth, as no cray live on the
island’s diamond mines, and Perrick Nigh also came out on
land here, but the cray do favor Gnomon Tor as a hunting
top of the old Pirate Wars.
ground; just as humans enjoy a good fish for dinner, so do
The stereotype for Perrickish is that they are all rich,
cray enjoy a nice coney. noble-blooded, violin-playing, parasol-twirling heiresses. This
Isadóre image holds some measure of truth, as the average family on
Volcanic and foreboding, this island exports obsidian and Perrick Nigh is far above the poverty line, but like all
pumice. stereotypes, it is an exaggerated image of reality.
In order to defend their wealth, Perrick Nigh’s naval
North Morin forces are fairly ruthless. In recent years, a militant culture
This dark, mountainous island is home to a primitive tribe has gradually become more and more prevalent, and
that is known to despise outsiders. Perrickish privateers are known to have very powerful ships.
Pliny The island’s lavish capital city is Figh Vadiso. Perrick Nigh
has traditionally been allies with the Mandrake Islands and
The flattest of the large Hebdomad islands, Pliny is home enemies with Dreer Samher.
to several tropical fruit plantations and orchards.
South Morin
This island would not be worth mentioning, if it weren’t The Shards
for the fact that its name seems to imply that there is some This large archipelago is said to lie far to the east.
sort of meaningful connection with North Morin. There is not.

Jheshull (The Pirate Islands) The Anophelii Island

A secret colony of anophelii, this tiny island southeast of
The Jheshull islands are a loose group of three islands a Gnurr Kett is kept by that nation as a clandestine
few hundred miles from the coast north of New Crobuzon. protectorate. This is so that the male anophelii can be kept as
Famously known as the “Pirate Islands,” Jheshull was a a sort of pet scholar, having their superior intellects bled dry
primary instigator of the ancient Pirate Wars, and to this day for academic gain. Gnurr Kett hires the (safely
bloodless) cactacae of Dreer Samher as their 116
wardens, through a three-way trading loop. Any unlucky Armada is divided into semi-feudal districts known as
sailors who stumble past the Samheri wardens are likely to be ridings, each centered on a major hull or vessel, and each
quickly devoured by the female anophelii. features its own form of government, ranging from semi-
This colony must remain a secret due to the fearful feudal to democratic to naïve laissez-faire experiments. These
nature of the anophelii. See page 5 and 74 for details. change and shift over time, but here are the most recent
 Bask Riding, centered on the Tailor’s Moan, has a fairly

Swollen Ocean
The Swollen Ocean is the name most often given to the
standard council-based government. Most of Armada’s
menfish live here.
 Booktown, centered on the Psire, holds most of the city’s
vast body of water off the eastern and southern coasts of khepri population, and is ruled by a khepri triumvirate. It
Rohagi, although there are dozens of different monikers for also houses Armada’s vast library.
various regions of the sea.  Curhouse Riding, centered on the Gentleman’s Caller, is
Aquatic races are plentiful on Bas-Lag, and there are the most democratic riding. It holds several publishing
many kingdoms under the seas. These typically have little houses.
interaction with the land-based nations of Rohagi, but this is  Dry Fall Riding, centered on the moonship Uroc, is a
not always the case. “protectorate” ruled by a benevolent vampir called the
Brucolac. Citizens pay a “goretax” of donated blood.
 Garwater Riding, centered on the impractically large
Armada Grand Easterly, was, until recently, the most powerful
riding in Armada. Its future is now uncertain.
The wildest pirate city in existence is a mobile
 Jhour Riding, centered on the Saskital, is ruled by a
constellation of ships, rafts, barges, and hulks that serves as a
"solar kingdom" with the cactacae Dynish on its throne.
floating base for a powerful pirate fleet – and its existence
An important airship manufactory is based here.
has been one of the world’s best-kept secrets for centuries.
 Shaddler Riding, centered on the Therianthropus, is the
Armada is an ancient city, with its earliest incarnations
scabmettler riding, and is ruled by a strict general.
dating back hundreds of years. It is believed that Armada has
 Three-and-Thine Riding, centered on the Salt Godling, is
been all but destroyed at least twice, (once during the Pirate
led by the trader-king Friedrich. It is regarded as a
Wars, and a second time fairly recently,) but it still survives to
somewhat lawless neighborhood where everything is for
this day. Its core is a set of ships built and outfitted for war by
New Crobuzon and other combatants of maritime wars.
 The Haunted Quarter is not an actual riding, but an
As Armada is a secret, a large portion of its residents are
abandoned and feared area of Armada. A mere dozen or
actually conscripts. In order to grow, Armada sends out
so ships tucked away at the fore-port corner of the city, it
raiding ships which capture and bring back vessels and crews
borders Thee-and-Thine and Dry Fall. Strange sounds are
which are absorbed by the main mass of the city. As many of
heard at times, birds refuse to land on its masts, and
these captured individuals were slaves, prisoners, or poverty-
anyone crossing over to investigate returns either pale
stricken deckhands, a life on Armada is a significant step up
and silent – or not at all.
for them. Those who do not acclimate, however, are
imprisoned and eventually executed.
More than 100,000 beings are crammed into this floating
city, and practically all races of Bas-Lag are represented here,
even undead. There are religious temples to many gods,
A corokanth empire south of Salkrikaltor’s territory,
though chiefly to Croom and to lunar and sea gods. The
Thkanth has a history of being much more militaristic than
language of Salt is overwhelmingly preferred on Armada.
Kronssk. It is ruled by a hereditary emperor who supposedly
has the blessings of the gods.

Cray Commonwealth of Salkrikaltor

The great aquatic metropolis of the cray, Salkrikaltor, is
the leading city and capitol of the Cray Commonwealth of
Salkrikaltor, comprised of almost twenty cray cities. The
The continent of Shoteka (alternatively known as
Salkrikaltor commonwealth is an entire undersea country in Shotek,) lies to the southwest of Rohagi. Common knowledge
the Swollen Ocean, and the city itself lies between the islands holds that Shoteka does not boast nearly as many kingdoms
of Bartoll and Gnomon Tor. The city has a population of or civilizations as Rohagi does, but in truth, knowledge of
roughly 200,000, primarily cray, with a minority of other Shoteka is sparse. It is a land ripe for exploration.
aquatic races.
The city itself is the largest of the cray cities, with docks
at sea level, towers jutting above the waves, and buildings
below. The buildings are complete with airlocks, pumping Shud Zar Myrion Zar Koni (The
stations, air-breather’s buildings, and aquatic buildings.
The cray are a civilized species whose main interests are Witchocracy)
control of schools of fish, beds of kelp, and other oceanic The Witchocracy of Shud Zar Myrion Zar Koni is the only
treasures. nation of the Shoteka continent that has major dealings with
Salkrikaltor is a valued trading partner for New Crobuzon. the nations of Rohagi, but even then, these relations are
All other cray settlements trade underwater-produced strained and meagre.
luxuries, foods, and a few bits of arcane technology. A small number of trading ships from the Witchocracy (as
Salkrikaltor also trades with other underwater politics, a it is called in New Crobuzon,) can be found routinely in the
process of which New Crobuzon knows next to nothing. shipping ports of Rohagi’s coastal cities, but apart from this,
diplomatic channels remain largely closed to the far off
nation, and little is known of the country’s politics or culture.
Kronssk The Witchocracy’s only true partner in Rohagi seems to
be Tesh. In the recent conflict between Tesh and New
Unlike the cray nation of Salkrikaltor, the corokanth Crobuzon, the Witchocracy was an open ally to the Teshi.
nations of the Swollen Ocean typically want nothing at all to The climate of Shud Zar Myrion Zar Koni is mostly desert
do with the land-based states like New Crobuzon. and arid lands. The capital of the Witchocracy is the city of
Kronssk is a mostly democratic nation of corokanth north Ratjinn, also known as the Hive of the Jet Sorrow. The
of Salkrikaltor’s territory. They keep mainly to themselves, Witchocracy also has unofficial claim over the
even amongst aquatic nations. Firewater Straits. 118
recruited, but only the most desperate of citizens will now
The Firewater Straits willingly set forth for Nova Esperium. Anyone who does
almost never returns to New Crobuzon.
The small collection of volcanic islands in this relatively
narrow channel between the Rohagi and Shoteka continents

Elsewhere on Bas-Lag
are officially independent, but in reality, they are effectively
owned by the Witchocracy. One such island is Geshen.

The world of Bas-Lag is vast, featuring uncounted exotic

Bered Kai Nev locales.

Thousands of miles east of Rohagi, across the vast

Swollen Ocean, lies the continent of Bered Kai Nev, the Gironella’s Dead Sea
forgotten ancestral home of the khepri people. Exploration of This legendary body of water, somewhere far to the
this strange land has only just begun. northeast of the Swollen Ocean, is a place where the water
has completely ossified, preserving the waves and entombing

Nova Esperium all life within.

The farthest of New Crobuzon’s varied interests, the

struggling colony of Nova Esperium seeks to find and claim
the riches of the Bered Kai Nev continent.
Empty Ocean / Fractured Land /
Small city (colony); AL LE Broken Country / Hidden Ocean /
Government Mayoral; Tech Level 2
Gold Guinea Limit ₲ 10,000; Assets ₲ 12,000,000 The Scar
Population 7,450 According to legend, this is the exact spot where the
Type human-dominant (92% human [60% of which are ancient rulers of the Ghosthead Empire first burst forth into
Remade inmates], 5% cactacae, 3% other races). our reality.
Religions Darioch, St. Jabber; Languages Ragamoll Few have been close enough to this area to know of it,
AUTHORITY FIGURES and fewer still have returned to tell of it. What is known is
that this is an area that, somewhat like a Torque zone, bends
Kelson McSmithy, Representative Mayor; Punches with
reality and can make the impossible come to light.
Spikes, Head of Security; Rongald Glinwinter, Chief of
The outskirts of this area – the Empty Ocean, or the
Prisoner Processing; Tolla Clearsy, Resource Manager
Hidden Ocean – seem to actively keep ships out. The waters
and winds here flow continuously outwards, pushing all but
With no convenient or profitable lands left to colonize in
the most powerful of vessels away.
Rohagi, New Crobuzon decided to put forth a bold initiative
At the heart of the area is the Scar – a vast, literal scar in
to colonize far-flung Bered Kai Nev. The eastern continent
the earth itself, the landing site of the Ghosthead. Imagine a
had been known of for centuries, but the long and
static canyon, made of unmoving water in the middle of the
treacherous ocean voyage made expeditions rare and costly.
ocean; impossibly deep, defying all laws of nature. This rip in
The hope for the Nova Esperium colony was that exotic foods
reality has never healed, and likely never will.
and goods would begin to flow with regularity, and become a
Somewhere near here is a body of land of unknown size,
tremendous source of income. The initial propaganda was
possibly an entire continent – the Fractured Land, or the
boisterous in the extreme, attracting many potential
Broken Country. This is a torque-infused land where there are
colonists, and for a time, the population of New Crobuzon
no rules, and nightmares such as slake moths, dreadcurs, and
believed that the grand venture was well on its way to being
lightfungus roam free.
a thriving community.
To find these places, head north from the Swollen Ocean.
Over time, however, even the government’s notorious
But exploring these lands would serve no purpose; they
propaganda machine couldn’t hide the disappointing results
would only lead to madness, or more likely, death.
of the colonial effort. Few trade goods sailed into port, and
what scant news came home with the ships was never good.
Currently, New Crobuzon’s colony is failing due to its
small population, foreign diseases, monsters, and aggressive
natives. In a last-ditch effort to salvage the situation, New
Crobuzon has, in effect, converted Nova Esperium into a
massive penal colony in order to bolster the venture’s
workforce. Large quantities of Remade inmates are now
shipped out on a regular basis. Normal colonists are still 119
Some of the gods of Bas-Lag are worshipped by a single
One of the eldest human gods, Darioch has carried many
titles throughout recorded history, including “Glory of the
Righteous,” and “Bringer of Peace.” According to religious
scholars, Darioch was the prime deity of several human
pantheons favored by primitive peoples many centuries ago,
race, or even by the populace of a single city, whereas others and is one of the few still well-known today. He classically
are known far and wide. promotes peace over warfare and is considered a champion
of goodness.

Major Gods of Bas-Lag

In the melting pot of races and cultures common to much
In modern times, Darioch’s clergy is actually on the small
side, with relatively few priests and nuns. Those who live
outside of the cities, scraping a living off of the hard land,
of the Rohagi continent, the gods of many different peoples prefer to worship agrarian or naturalistic gods, whereas those
have entered into a sort of common theology. The following who live in the dark shadows of cities like New Crobuzon
is a list of the generally prominent deities one might hear of often find the world entirely too bleak to put much stock into
in New Crobuzon, Myrshock, or Shankell, who are all Darioch’s messages of peace and justice. Others, though,
worshipped by any number of races, despite the fact that cling to these virtues with a desperate hope, and churches
their original roots may lie with only a single race or culture. devoted to Darioch still have a healthy following in many
Even more competition comes from the popularity of the
Crawfoot worship of St. Jabber. While Darioch is technically the patron
of St. Jabber, he has been eclipsed in popularity by the former
Intermediate Deity mortal.
Alignment: Neutral Good The organized church of Darioch does what it can to
Domains: Blackwater, Competition, Good, Luck, Temperance spread peace and goodwill, often sending missionaries and
Favored Weapon: Trident nuns on lengthy pilgrimages to remote parts of the world.

The origins of the legends regarding Crawfoot can easily

be traced back to the cray, whose mythos places him
foremost among the cray deities of old. As cray culture began
Mother Limpid
mingling with the land-dwelling races, however, cray theology Lesser Deity
became evermore simplified until the rest of the cray deities Alignment: Neutral Evil
were relegated to antiquity, leaving only Crawfoot remaining. Domains: Evil, Herald, War, Wrath
In modern times, many cray pay some homage to Crawfoot. Favored Weapon: Flail
Conversely, Crawfoot also managed to insinuate himself
into the legends of other religions, and is now well-known to The racist group known as the Codling Brood revere the
many races. A relatively recent religious tome, the Crawfoot teachings of Mother Limpid, a deity who supposedly teaches
Chronicles, depicts Crawfoot in a number of tales involving a the superiority of the human race above all others. Mother
slew of other deities, including Salter and Darioch. Classic Limpid’s origins are ancient and rather unclear, as she shows
examples include “Crawfoot and the Conch Assassins,” and up in the texts of several ancient human pantheons in one
“Crawfoot’s Batskin Burglary.” In modern times, Crawfoot form or another.
counts many humans, vodyanoi, and others as his followers, The Codling Brood is most active in New Crobuzon,
in addition to the cray. where it affiliates itself with the anti-xenian New Quill
Somewhat uniquely, Crawfoot is not always depicted as a political party. (Most members of the party are not religious
perfect being in these tales, but rather as a figure who can in nature; those who claim that their racism is a divine edict
(and does) make mistakes. The key sentiment is that are in the minority.)
Crawfoot then does whatever he can to make things right,
teaching the lesson that as long as one tried his best, that’s all
that is required. This less-than-strict philosophy makes One True God
Crawfoot a very popular religious icon for many individuals. Lesser Deity
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Domains: Law, Metal, Protection, War
Favored Weapon: Spiked Gauntlet
Greater Deity
Alignment: Lawful Good A relatively new religious group known as the Godmech
Domains: Creation, Destiny, Good, Inquisition, Law, Nobility, Cogs worship an entity that they call the One True God. They
Protection believe that the cosmos itself is mechanized, and that it was
Favored Weapon: Heavy Spiked Shield designed and created by the One True God. They
revere the use of machines and contraptions, and 120
their general goal is to see all aspects of life and society Salter is known as the Secret Taker, but he’s also known
mechanized. (and feared) for telling those secrets to those who aren’t
The Godmech Cogs are a peaceful egalitarian group, meant to hear them. He’s said to do this in order to teach the
although their members tend to be quite assertive in their lesson that keeping secrets is immoral; just as a salted garden
beliefs, with many younger members gaining a reputation for will never grow again, a person who sees his secrets and lies
starting heated theological debates. Members of the unravel before his eye is supposedly deprived of the ability to
Godmech congregation mark their forearms and other body hoard another secret. The name “Salter” is actually a
parts with tattoos of interlocking gears. bastardization of his ancient name, “Salziér,” based on this
It’s generally held that Salter doesn’t care whose secrets
Palgolak he’s stolen or who he leaks them to. This is
mostly true, but Salter isn’t fond of causing
Intermediate Deity
massive disasters, and is believed to have
Alignment: Lawful Good
actually prevented certain catastrophes by
Domains: Good, Humility, Knowledge, Law, Magic
sharing his hoarded knowledge.
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff
Salter doesn’t have a very large
following. His few clerics are not
Palgolak is a popular deity who
proselytizers, but rather are proficient spies.
champions the causes of knowledge and
learning. He is an amiable, pleasant deity, a
sage whose existence is entirely devoted to
the collection, categorization, and Solenton
dissemination of information. Originally a Greater Deity
vodyanoi god, worshippers of Palgolak Alignment: Chaotic Good
(known as Palgolaki,) are now spread far Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Good, Pleasure,
and wide, and include many humans. Protection, Strength, War
The Palgolaki are proselytizers, holding Favored Weapon: Longsword
that everything known by a worshipper is
immediately known by Palgolak, which is Solenton is the twin brother of Darioch,
why they are religiously charged to read and the philosophies of the two gods are
voraciously. But their mission is only very similar, with one major difference –
secondarily for the glory of Palgolak, and whereas Darioch promotes prosperity
primarily for the glory of knowledge itself, through peace, Solenton promotes the
which is why they are sworn to admit all who same via strength of arms. Both are
wished to enter into their vast libraries. Rather classically considered to be deities of
than traditional churches, libraries are the humans, and are said to care for and protect
favored place of worship for Palgolak, although mankind, but where Darioch would find a
some of these structures blend the aspects of bloodless solution to conflict, Solenton
both. The largest of these libraries is in New would gleefully charge forth into glorious
Crobuzon, and it is one of the most extensive libraries in the battle. He does not wantonly slaughter, nor does he
known world. champion unjust causes, but he is always ready to solve any
Palgolak is depicted either as a fat, squat human reading problem with his legendary Sword of Righteousness.
in a bath, or a svelte vodyanoi doing the same, or, mystically, The church of Solenton is slightly more popular than that
both at once. of Darioch, although both pale in comparison to the
popularity of St. Jabber. The name of Solenton is often
invoked by those who find themselves in danger and in need
Salter of protection.
Intermediate Deity
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Domains: Chaos, Greed, Illusion, Knowledge, Trade
Favored Weapon: Dagger

Given Bas-Lag’s tenuous connection with the Outer Planes, it’s quite possible that some of this world’s deities are actually representations of
beings known by other names on other worlds. Palgolak shares many traits with Delleb, and the One True God has a great many similarities
with Primus, of the plane Mechanus. It’s entirely possible that his image has just been slightly warped by incomplete information, just recently
obtained by Bas-Lag’s fledgling planar explorers.
St. Jabber Dahnesch
Lesser Deity Lesser Deity
Alignment: Lawful Good Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Domains: City, Courage, Glory, Good, Healing, Law, Mysticism Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Domination, Evil, Greed
Favored Weapon: Light Crossbow Favored Weapon: Scythe

The story of St. Jabber is complex, confusing, and often Although the garuda do not worship any gods or follow
contradictory. What is unmistakable, though, is that he is by any religious doctrine, their legends and mythology do
far the most worshipped idol in and around New Crobuzon. feature a sort of devil-figure, Dahnesch. Dahnesch typically
Religious scholars agree that St. Jabber began life as just stands for the principles which the garuda abhor. Religious
an ordinary cleric of Darioch who lived around the time of the scholars debate as to whether Dahnesch is a real eidolon, or a
founding of New Crobuzon. He is said to have been purely fictitious character.
instrumental in many key events in the city’s early history;
various stories credit Jabber with creating parliament, writing
the city’s legal code, establishing the trade policies crucial to
the city’s prosperity, and dozens of other feats. Scholars
Intermediate Deity
debate how much truth lies in these tales, but regardless of
Alignment: Lawful Evil
their factual accuracy they soon became the stuff of legend.
Domains: Death, Deathbound, Evil, Law, Pestilence, Vile
It is said that Jabber “disappeared,” leaving the city after
a nasty series of Torque storms in search of their source, for
Favored Weapon: Morningstar
the purpose of putting an end to their chaotic effects. While
it is true that the frequency and severity of the Torque storms
The abdead of High Cromlech pay homage to Khyriad,
has lessened since the city’s early history, whether or not
the god who they say bestowed the gift of abdeath to Bas-
Jabber had anything to do with this is unknown. To this day,
Lag. Legends say that at the dawn of creation, he saw how
though, many individuals still refer to Torque as “Jabber’s
terribly wasteful it was for mortals to only live for a brief
time, and thus gave his faithful the means with which they
The stories and legends of Jabber steadily grew until he
could worship him indefinitely. He is credited with the
was officially deified by the church of Darioch. Little did they
creation of vampires, zombies, and all manner of similar
know at the time that Jabber’s influence would grow to
surpass even that of his patron. Today, St. Jabber is the god of
As long as his worshippers among the abdead pay the
choice (and the curse of choice,) in New Crobuzon and its
occasional homage to him, Khyriad is regarded as a fairly
hands-off deity.

Other Gods of Bas-Lag

Some deities are less widespread in their worship. The
Lesser Deity
Alignment: Chaotic Good
following are some of the more localized, although still
Domains: Chaos, Competition, Good, Trade
prominent, gods of Rohagi.
Favored Weapon: Shortspear

Croom Chief deity of the hotchi of Rudewood, Krinan-Flaherti is

a laid-back goddess whose credo is summarized by most
Demigod hotchi as, “do your best, and you’ll be fine.”
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Domains: Chaos, Corruption, Greed
Favored Weapon: Sickle Sobki
Lesser Deity
Croom was a mortal pirate of great renown who was
Alignment: Neutral Evil
instrumental in the founding of Armada, the floating city. His
Domains: Animal, Evil, Scalykind, Water
existence is largely unknown to the greater world, and many
Favored Weapon: Light Mace
Armada citizens view him as a historical figure only, but a
substantial minority have deified his memory.
Worshippers of the crocodile god Sobki are typically
restricted to the region of the Hinter around the Brothers.
Sobki espouses a doctrine of forcefulness and boldness. His
followers strive to carve out their own place in a
world that is hostile. 122
subsequent strains placed on khepri society. As such, the
Troikinity matron goddess of art has also thrived in modern khepri
society. Known as the Artspitter, she is heavily praised in
Intermediate Deity
khepri society, from the greatest of sculptors to the lowliest
Alignment: Neutral
construction workers.
Domains: Balance, Evil, Good, Hope
Favored Weapon: Any

The three-faced god of the llorgiss embodies, uniquely, Nurse

the aspects of good and evil, and all in between. This Intermediate Deity
triumvirate deity represents the entire range of the human Alignment: Lawful Good
condition (or, in this case, the llorgiss condition.) Domains: Healing, Purification, Charity, Generosity
Favored Weapon: Longspear

Khepri Pantheon
After the events of the Ravening and the Tragic
The goddess known as the Nurse is said to watch
over and heal any injured or sick khepri. Her presence
is particularly felt in hospitals and other locations
Crossing, the surviving khepri attempted to devoted to healing the sick, and her most devout
eradicate all cultural knowledge from their worshippers are healers by trade, although nearly all
collective memory, but religion is a tenacious faithful khepri recognize her importance and revere
subject. While most of the khepri pantheon has her accordingly. Her only form of worship is the act
indeed been lost to time, there are some ancient of caring for those who physically cannot care for
deities who remain with the khepri to this day, themselves.
including Awesome Broodma, the Artspitter, the Nurse,
and the Tough Sisters.
The spiritual void that was left surrounding these The Tough Sisters
lone goddesses cried out to be filled, however, and a Intermediate Deity
number of radical and less savory goddesses have Alignment: Neutral Good
spawned strange cults that are slowly gaining in Domains: Protection, Strength, Pride, Endurance
popularity. Favored Weapon: Stingbox

The Tough Sisters are a trio of inseparable sister

Awesome Broodma goddesses whose sacred duty is to guard and
protect the faithful. In almost every aspect, they are
Greater Deity
Alignment: Neutral Good treated as a single entity – they do not even have
Domains: Magic, Protection, Community, Family individual names. They are traditionally depicted bearing
Favored Weapon: Shortsword specific arms: one with a hooknet and spear, one with a
crossbow and flintlock, and one with a khepri stingbox.
Awesome Broodma is the central deity of the khepri Actual khepri guardswomen often model themselves
pantheon. In short, she is seen as the guide and guardian of off of the Sisters, working in groups of three and using the
the khepri race as a whole, and as the mother of all khepri same traditional weapons. Any khepri who are guards,
and all other goddesses. She is perceived as the ultimate fighters, or warriors are likely to revere the Sisters.
mother figure – always kind and loving to her daughters, but
capable of terrible wrath as well. She is credited with
ensuring the survival of the khepri after the Ravening. Statues Air Harvester
and temples devoted to her worship are very common sights Demigod
in all khepri communities. Alignment: Neutral Evil
Domains: Death, Night, Repose
Favored Weapon: Bastard Sword
Artspitter One gaping hole left in the theology of the khepri is the
Intermediate Deity
Alignment: Chaotic Good absence of a goddess dedicated to death and the prospect of
Domains: Humility, Lust, Charm, Joy an afterlife. Whispers of one such deity, the Air Harvester,
Favored Weapon: Light Hammer have begun to circulate in certain khepri neighborhoods. It is
said that when one’s time has come, the Air Harvester slips
The act of manipulating khepri-spit to create works of art in, riding the breeze, and steals the unfortunate soul’s final
is one of the most deeply ingrained aspects of khepri society, breath. Those who directly worship the Air Harvester
and has survived the Tragic Crossing and all of the 123
are obsessed with the process of death and must hide their
fledgling faith.
Timeway Gods
Elyctric Devil The Timeway faith has been popular in the region near
Shankell for some centuries, although it has a decent
Demigod following in the lower Cymek as well. As such, it has many
Alignment: Chaotic Evil quirks that mark it as the faith of dessert-dwellers. Only in the
Domains: Trickery, Storm, Zeal last several decades has the religion made headway north of
Favored Weapon: Lance the Meagre Sea, including a small but growing presence in
New Crobuzon.
Just because a natural phenomenon can be explained by The deities associated with the Timeway pantheon come
thaumaturgy and the physical sciences doesn’t mean that the from a number of different ancient traditions, making the
mysticism surrounding it vanishes from thought. Some Timeway a sort of hodgepodge of faiths. The majority of its
individuals believe that the elyctric currents that power many gods can be traced back to the cactacae, although some
modern contraptions, such as the khepri stingbox, are originate from tribal human and vodyanoi faiths.
fragments of a divine being. They worship in secret, often The central symbol and icon of the religion is the clock.
using machinery to induce small elyctric shocks. On each timepiece, every hour is intertwined with the
symbols of an associated god. Upon the striking of each hour,
the associated deity is worshipped in his or her own temples.
Insect Aspect Most followers of the Timeway tradition follow one god in
particular, and merely play lip service to the others.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Domains: Bestial, Chaos, Evil, Madness, Tyranny, Wrath
Favored Weapon: Club Sanshad
Greater Deity
In short, those few khepri who revere the Insect Aspect Alignment: Neutral
believe that their own female natures are fundamentally Domains: Fire, Protection, Summer, Sun, Balance
flawed and inferior, and that the male khepri are actually the Favored Weapon: Rivebow
superior beings.
Practitioners of this cult think that the simple, insectile The mighty sun god Sanshad is the chief deity in the
nature of the male khepri represents divine perfection. They Timeway tradition. He is seen neither as a helpful nor an evil
believe that their human-like bodies are slow and deity, but simply as the provider of sunlight, (which is crucial
cumbersome; that their minds are clouded and clogged with for life, but can, after all, be deadly in its own right.) All things
burdensome rational thought; that they have lost the simple related to the sun, such as warmth, summer, and even fire
purity of the insect. fall under his purview.
The practice of worship to the Insect Aspect involves Unlike the other deities of the pantheon, Sanshad is also
being completely subservient to the mindless male khepri, revered as a singular deity in his own right by the Cymek
seeing to their every comfort and acting as literal slaves to cactacae, with his own unique faith and traditions. He has
the males. always been the primary deity of the dessert cactacae, many
of whom worship him and him alone. The cactacae of New
Crobuzon practice this faith, which they dub “Sanshad-in-
Wingsister Crobuzon.”
Alignment: Lawful Evil Alzaln In the arid Cymek region, rain is a precious
Domains: Fate, Envy, Sky, resource, and the prayers and thanks for its blessings go to
Favored Weapon: Javelin Alzaln, the mistress of storms.

The cult of the Wingsister believe that in the most Freyn Wind is a constant force in the desert. Whether it
ancient past of the khepri, they had been blessed with the gift will be a minor annoyance or a deadly obstacle is decided by
of flight. This gift was supposedly stripped from the khepri as Freyn. He is also seen as the god of wanderers and travelers.
a punishment for some ancient misdeed, resulting in the
useless beetle-wings that all khepri now possess tucked inside
Hytlal Ocean-based commerce is vital to much of the
Cymek peninsula, and many sailors pray to Hytlal the sea god
their head-scarabs. Those who pray to the Wingsister “sing” for favorable voyages.
hymns into the night sky, praying for flight.
Zarth The few crops that grow in the region are said to
be a gift from Zarth, god of earth and agriculture.
Each Moment of the Horizon has a devoted order of
Luurn As Sanshad rules the sweltering day, Luurn specialized monks, each of which has its own unique internal
presides over the bitterly cold nights. structure. These monks have the power to beg boons from
Srelalen Most every religion has a devil figure, in this their respective Moments, although there is usually a hefty
cost involved.
case Srelalen, god of misfortune and, in particular, drought.
Prayers to him are meant to appease his ill will. The Moments described below are a sampling, and do
not make up the entirety of the Manifold Horizon.
Te The region’s few rivers are a crucial means of travel
and are relied upon for water supplies. The goddess Te is said * Indicates a new domain which MUST be selected as one
to watch over the streams and annual floods. of the cleric’s options.

Brynth Thaumaturgy is the dominion of Brynth, the All-

Tegab Tegab is believed to be the shepherd of all herds,
wildlife, and livestock. Moment of Calculation
Intermediate Deity
Graij The few cities in the Cymek region are vital Alignment: Lawful Neutral
sources of manufactured trade goods, and Graij is believed to Domains: Calculation*, Knowledge, Luck, Mind, Pact
watch over these cities and the merchants who travel to Favored Weapon: Longbow
Emebb Oases are said to be a gift from Emebb, the The Moment which claims the fewest monks is Cadmer.
This is because of the steep price paid by those who choose
goddess who is also credited with gifting the faithful with all
to be enfolded within this particular Moment.
manner of positive happenstance and good fortune.
In order to be accepted by Cadmer, the recipient must
relinquish all human emotion. Joy, sorrow, humor, confusion,
Timeway Gods At A Glance
frustration, and all other sensations become forever lost to
Clock Name Domains Ali. Rank the monks of Cadmer at the moment of enfolding. As a result,
Position human contact becomes extremely difficult, as the monk
1 Sanshad Fire, Protection, Summer, Sun, N Great.
forever becomes something unsettling and alien.
2 Alzaln Chaos, Good, Water, Thirst, CG Inter. The reward for this sacrifice is a tremendously boosted
Weather, Storm intellect. The ability to calculate, plan, and solve problems is
3 Freyn Air, Chaos, Travel, Windstorm CN Inter. as child’s play to those who embrace the Moment of
4 Hytlal Chaos, Water, Ocean, Seafolk CN Inter.
5 Zarth Earth, Good, Plant, Strength NG Inter.
6 Luurn Balance, Cold, Night, Spite N Great.

7 Srelalen Chaos, Death, Destruction, CE Inter.
Evil, Trickery, Sand
8 Te Good, Travel, Water, Celerity LG Less.
9 Brynth Balance, Rune, Knowledge,
Magic, Spell
N Great.
Moment of Desiccation
10 Tegab Animal, Good, Protection, NG Inter. Intermediate Deity
Summoner, Hunt
11 Graij Evil, Force, Avarice, City, LE Less.
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Community, Law Domains: Desiccation*, Suffering, Sand, Thirst, Wrath
12 Emebb Healing, Protection, Good, NG Less. Favored Weapon: Heavy Mace
Hyronn stands to the right of Teshara within the
Manifold Horizon, and shares a close connection with both

The Manifold Horizon

The Manifold Horizon is a puzzlingly unique religion
Teshara and Pharru.
The Moment of Desiccation is imbued with the attribute
of aggression. Monks of Hyronn advocate preemptive
practiced in Tesh – although, “religion” may not even be an defense and are typically well-trained in martial arts. They
accurate descriptive term for what the Manifold Horizon have the ability to rile the emotions of others, and can
encompasses. Although most Teshi citizens are cognizant of evaporate water with ease.
the Manifold Horizon, you will not find any temples or statues Being enfolded into the Moment of Desiccation requires
devoted to the “deities,” (known as “Moments,”) for the undergoing a severe period of dehydration, ingesting no
public to use or enjoy. Instead, only a select few devoted liquids for the period of a week, and receiving no aid of any
monks dedicate their lives to the Moments of the Horizon, kind. In order to utilize the abilities of Hyronn, the monk pays
which they do for the benefit of all Teshi. They tend to live the price of punishing heat – this raising of the body
apart from the main populace in remote monasteries. temperature can severely harm the monk in
question. 125
escape or to experience the world in the way it was meant to
Pharru be.

Moment of Forgotten Snow

Intermediate Deity Tekke Shesim
Alignment: Neutral Good
Domains: Beguilement, Cold, Snow*, Windstorm, Winter Moment of Memory
Favored Weapon: Shortbow Intermediate Deity
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Pharru stands to the left of Teshara within the Manifold Domains: Dream, Chastity, Emotion, Knowledge, Memory*
Horizon, and shares a close connection with both Teshara and Favored Weapon: Heavy Crossbow
The Moment of Forgotten Snow concerns itself with the Tekke Shesin presides over the realm of what has
attribute of caution; many parables are told by the monks of transpired. The monks enveloped within the Moment of
Pharru where the beautiful and placid nature of snow hides a Memory have the ability to peer into the past and to see
great many dangers, and therefore should always be treated events which have already come to pass. Elder monks can
with care. Monks of Pharru have the ability to call upon show these visions to others, and the most powerful of their
others for calm, as well as a control of frozen water. number are rumored to even create semi-tangible phantasms
The initiation into the Moment of Forgotten of past events.
Snow involves surviving be embedded in a To first gain the ability to call upon this
snow bank for the period of one week, knowledge, the price is to accept a
with no aid of any kind. In order to decreased ability for the monk to
call upon the powers of Pharru, the create and maintain his own
monk pays the price of extreme memories. Monks of Tekke
cold – this lowering of the body Shesim are very forgetful, and
temperature can severely are poor problem solvers. Each
harm the monk in question. time a monk views into the
past, this foggy-mindedness
becomes especially
Takka Reshi pronounced for a period of
Moment of Doves
Intermediate Deity
Alignment: Neutral Tekke Vogu
Domains: Air, Animal, Doves*,
Knowledge, Oracle Moment of Lost
Favored Weapon: Halberd
The Moment of Doves grants its Greater Deity
enfolded monks the ability to control the Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
minds and bodies of mundane avian creatures. Domains: Celerity, Inquisition, Knowledge, Lost*,
This ability can be of great strategic use when utilized Oracle, Time
properly – for example, the monks can use their ability to see Favored Weapon: Greatsword
through the eyes of their birds, and use them as efficient
scouts. Most monks are limited in their range, but the eldest Also known as the Moment of the Hidden, Tekke Vogu is
can command fowl from vast distances. among the most powerful and demanding aspects of the
In order to become enfolded with Takka Reshi, one must Manifold Horizon. Monks who are enfolded within this
partake in a ritual designed to bring one in tune with the Moment have the power to learn of all things hidden, as well
harshness of nature. Initiates must survive alone in the wild, as the ability to hide themselves, but these gifts come at a
naked, for a full week during the deepest part of winter. great cost.
The price required each time they use their avian scouts When one makes the choice to devote himself to Tekke
is bizarre; as they inhabit the minds and bodies of their birds, Vogu and gain his favor, the price is for something to be
their own minds begin to become contaminated by the “hidden” from the monk. Perhaps the monk will forget his
thoughts and instincts of the avians themselves. This own name, and be forbidden from ever knowing another.
manifests itself as an extremely disquieting sensation that Perhaps the monk will lose all knowledge of his or her gender
prays upon the monk after he has broken his mental identity, doomed to go through life incapable of learning or
connection to the bird – the sensation has been likened to comprehending his or her own sex. The price might
feeling as if one is trapped inside an alien body, unable to even be a physical one; the ability to see, feel, smell, 126
or taste could be veiled from the devotee, or even one’s own of visions may cause a headache, while the greatest may
limbs. cause incapacitation or even death.
After this initial cost, at any point when the monk wishes
to call upon Tekke Vogu, another cost must be extracted.
Fortunately, these secondary costs are proportional to that
which is asked for. For example, wishing to learn the identity
of a stranger might require the monk to lose a single, specific
Corokanth Pantheon
The underwater territories of the corokanth are almost
memory of his own, whereas wishing to know a much greater as widespread and diverse as those of humans, meaning that
secret would exact a much greater price. It’s entirely possible, religious views and doctrines among the corokanth are
although quite rare, for a monk who asks too much of Tekke equally varied. Here are a few of the most prominent deities
Vogu to eventually fade from existence entirely. of various corokanth faiths.
Devotees of the Moment of the Hidden can also learn of
“hidden passages” through space, creating one-time
shortcuts for themselves in order to travel very quickly.
The Bearer
Greater Deity
Teshara Alignment: Neutral Good
Domains: Creation, Generosity, Good, Liberation
Moment of Placid Tears Favored Weapon: Glaive
Greater Deity
The mother goddess known as the Bearer can be viewed
Alignment: Neutral
as a “primary deity” only in vague terms – in reality, the place
Domains: Balance, Ocean, Protection, Tears*, Trade, Water
she holds within corokanth society is much more nuanced. In
Favored Weapon: Whip
many ways she is treated more like a nebulous nature spirit
than as a concrete entity. Having said that, her influence in
Although the Manifold Horizon has little in the way of
many corokanth societies is both strong and undeniable.
structured hierarchy, there can be little doubt that Teshara is
The Bearer is credited with the formation of the oceans.
informally held to be first among equals. Having a historical
It is said that she looked upon the desolate dry waste of Bas-
connection to Tesh, the City of Crawling Liquid, Teshara is the
Lag, and in her compassion, she created a haven for her
only Moment that one might actually see reference to
chosen – namely, all ocean life. Those devoted to her cause
outside of the remote Monasteries of the Horizon.
champion the protection of the natural order and the
Teshara is considered the central balancing figure which
attributes of compassion and serenity.
stands between Pharru and Hyronn. The subjects of flowing
water and internal balance fall within the purview of the
Moment of Placid Tears – monks have the ability to maintain
their composure, as well as an ability to create and Qxxtryx
manipulate flowing water. Intermediate Deity
To become enfolded within this Moment, a potential Alignment: Chaotic Evil
monk must survive a trail of initiation, surviving afloat at sea Domains: Chaos, Domination, Evil, Pride
for a week’s time, with no external or thaumaturgical aid of Favored Weapon: Warhammer
any kind. Once this is achieved, Teshara uniquely requires no
additional price to utilize the powers of the Moment. Hydrothermal regions along the ocean floor are crucial to
many aquatic societies, as they spew forth many materials
and nutrients needed for both manufacture and food
Zaori production. The god credited with the creation and
maintenance of these boiling vents is Qxxtryx. He is well
Moment of Magic Wine known to be stern, moody, and fickle. Those who gravitate
towards his congregation are usually of similar mentality.
Intermediate Deity
Alignment: Neutral Good
Domains: Knowledge, Liberation, Magic, Sloth, Wine* Krontt of the Current God of ocean currents and
Favored Weapon: Punching Dagger surface storms

To become enfolded within the Moment of Zaori, the Tellzr Goddess of fish, sharks, and rays.
devote monk partakes of the sacred wine, and falls deathly ill
for an entire fortnight. The experience is said to be beyond Yrn God of death and the afterlife.
excruciating. After this price has been paid, any time hence
that the monk drinks wine, he will receive a vision of the
future from Zaori. Its usefulness and relevance are measured
against the price paid, which in this case is illness. The tiniest 127
strange realms can be inhabited by beings whose powers

Trow Pantheon
The trow pantheon, like most, is expansive. Here are
would dwarf even those of the mightiest thaumaturge. But
taking the leap to calling these beings “gods” who are worthy
of worship and devotion rubs many individuals the wrong
some prominent trow deities. way.

Intermediate Deity
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Domains: Chaos, Death, Destruction, Evil, Madness
Favored Weapon: Scimitar

This ancient god of the trow represents their bestial

nature. Most trow do not let him influence their lives
overmuch; they are smart enough to realize that too much
antagonism, as a race, would lead to their destruction.

Greater Deity
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Domains: Celerity, Chaos, Travel, Trickery
Favored Weapon: Spiked Chain

Hugkhul teaches the benefits of stealth and misdirection,

traits most trow take to heart, as they live hidden and safe

Ikeke God of protection and bravery.

Ptang Goddess of prey animals. Sanshad
Shookal God of death.

Given the preceding passages, one would be forgiven for
believing Bas-Lag to be a deeply theological world. In truth,
this is often far from the case.
Modern scholars are especially impious. It is true that
many believe wholeheartedly in the existence of other planes
of existence – they can, after all, be communicated with, and
even visited, at times – and they acknowledge that these

Published Domains
Book of Exalted Deeds: Community, Endurance, Glory, Herald, Joy, Pleasure, Wrath – Book of Vile Darkness: Bestial, Greed
Complete Devine: Celerity, Cold, Community, Competition, Creation, Domination, Dream, Force, Glory, Inquisition, Liberation, Madness, Mind,
Mysticism, Oracle, Pact, Pestilence, Purification, Summer, Weather – Complete Warrior: Courage, Fate, Nobility, Planning, Tyranny
Dragon Magazine #290: Winter – DM #312: Beguilement – DM #323: Avarice, Envy, Gluttony, Lust, Pride, Sloth, Wrath
DM #340: Emotion, Hope – DM #342: Hunt, Night – DM #355: Charity, Chastity, Generosity, Humility, Patience, Temperance, Zeal
Draconomicon: Greed – Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk: Suffering – Heroes of Horror: Spite – Lords of Madness: Vile Darkness
Races of Destiny: City, Destiny – Races of the Wild: Sky – Sandstorm: Repose, Rune, Sand, Summer, Thirst
Spell Compendium: Balance, Charm, Deathbound, Family, Illusion, Metal, Scalykind, Spell, Time, Trade, Windstorm
Stormwrack: Blackwater, Ocean, Seafolk, Storm 128
2 Desiccate Sand: Deals 1d6 desiccation damage per

The Moments of the Manifold Horizon, due to their

two levels
Rage KK-VD: Target enters a barbarian rage and is
forced to attack the nearest opponent
Desiccating Bubble SpCo: Deal desiccation damage in
a sphere
unique nature, have new domains. Every cleric follower of 5 Ferocity of Sanguine Rage DM: Gain a bonus on
one of the Moments must have chosen that Moment’s weapon damage
unique domain as one of his two available domains. 6 Desiccation, Mass Sand: As desiccation, multiple
Unearthly Heat Sand: Deal lethal and nonlethal heat
Deity: Cadmer 8 Blood Sirocco SpCo: Summon a dehydrating
Granted Powers: You gain +4 Intelligence on top of your windstorm
existing ability scores, but lose -4 Charisma as a result (to a 9 Deadly Sunstroke CM: Deal massive heat damage to a
minimum of 1 Charisma.) In addition, all Charisma-based skills target
suffer a further -4 penalty upon each skill check.

Calculation Domain Spells DOVES DOMAIN

1 RoD
Scholar’s Touch : Read books in seconds Deity: Takka Reshi
2 Fox’s Cunning PHB: Subject gains +4 Int Granted Powers: You can project your mind into the
3 Wall of Thought KK-PG: Invisible wall must be passed bodies of birds and utterly control them. In addition, you can
through with an Intelligence check. receive sensory information from these creatures, using them
4 Ray of Stupidity SpCo: Ray does 1d4+1 Int damage as your eyes and ears. During this time, your actual body
5 Investiture of the Amnizu FC II: Gain 1d4 Int damage remains under your complete control as well. This ability
touch attack; become immune to Int damage works for mundane, non-magical creatures only. You may
6 Feeblemind PHB: Cause enemy’s Int & Cha to drop to occupy a maximum of one large bird, or, two medium, four
1 small, eight tiny, or sixteen diminutive or fine birds. You must
7 Fox’s Cunning, Mass PHB: As fox’s cunning; multiple be within Close-range to initiate this effect, but the physical
recipients range afterwards has no limit. This effect can be maintained
8 Otto’s Irresistible Dance PHB: The subject feels an for one hour per caster level each day, and can be broken up
undeniable urge to dance into multiple sittings. Your link can be broken if you are
9 Unbinding SpCo: Undo all lingering magic effects rendered unconscious or if either you or the birds are subject
to a dispel effect, antimagic field, or similar.
Utilizing this power causes you to become both
DESICCATION DOMAIN staggered and fatigued afterwards for a duration equal to the
amount of time spent using the power, as your brain
Deity: Hyronn becomes used to only inhabiting a human body again.
Granted Powers: Once per day, you can cause enemies
to enter a state of berserker rage that forces them to attack
the nearest combatant, be it friend or foe. This causes the
Doves Domain Spells
targets to temporarily enter a state identical to a barbarian’s 1 Bird’s Eye View KK-VD: Gain a bird’s eye view
rage except where stated below. In addition, targets are 2 Earthbind SpCo: Hinder target’s ability to fly
incapable of any but the most rudimentary decision-making 3 Clairvoyance/Clairaudience PHB: Create a magical
or planning. sensor
Treat this as a mind-affecting supernatural ability, with a 4 Revelation Fr-DoF: As true seeing, in a radius for all to
range of Close, a duration of 1 round per level +1, and a see
casting time of 1 action. This ability may affect 2 enemies at 5 Prying Eyes PHB: Create 1d4+lvl magic floating
1st level, 3 at 5th, 4 at 10th, 5 at 15th, and 6 at 20th. There is no scouting eyes
save, but mindless creatures, or creatures immune to magic 6 Eye of Stone RoS: Create invisible magic sensor that
or mind-affecting abilities cannot be effected. can move through stone
Using this ability inflicts 1d4 heat damage per caster level 7 Brain Spider SpCo: Eavesdrop on thoughts of up to
upon the caster. eight others
8 Prying Eyes, Greater PHB: As prying eyes, with true

Desiccation Domain Spells 9

Adamantine Wings CM: Fly quickly with a culminating
1 Burning Rage PHB II: Bolster one’s attack, damage, and attack
damage reduction at the expense of HP
3 Vision of Fear DM333: Know target's greatest or most
recent fear
Tongues PHB: Speak and understand any language
Deity: Tekke Vogu
5 Watchware FR-UE: Create magic bond with object; you
Granted Powers: Monks of Tekke Vogu have the ability
know when it's touched
to learn hidden secrets and dimensional passageways,
6 River Watch DL-LotT: Detect any time-spells, time-
although the cost is quite steep. Read the “Tekke Vogu” entry
items, general time shenanigans
above for complete information.
7 Displace Memory DL-ToH: Remove and transplant
Note: This ability requires considerable roleplaying ability
10min/lvl of memory
and DM creativity. Your DM is encouraged to extract creative
8 River's Ravages DL-LotT: Age/de-age 2 years/lvl; can't
and meaningful prices in exchange for using your ability.
kill or go back past Adult; no XP/memory loss

Lost Domain Spells 9 Hindsight SpCo: See into the past for a given location

1 Comprehend Languages PHB: Understand (but cannot

speak) all languages
Glimpse of Truth BoVD: Get a usually-correct answer
Deity: Pharru
to a yes or no question
Granted Powers: You may utilize, at will, the spell spread
3 Vision of Fear DM333: Know target's greatest or most
of contentment (Book of Exalted Deeds).
recent fear
Using this ability comes with a price. The first use of this
4 Know Vulnerabilities SpCo: Determine subject’s
ability in a given day lowers your maximum HP by 1d6 per
vulnerabilities and resistances
caster level. This cannot be blocked, circumvented, or
5 Find the Path PHB: Shows most direct way to location
restored by any means until one day has passed, upon which
6 Shadow Form SpCo: +4 Escape Artist, Move Silently,
time your HP returns to normal. Subsequent uses of this
Hide; concealment; etc.
power in a given day will take 1d8, 1d12, and then 1d20 HP.
7 Discern Location PHB: Learn exact location of creature
Thus, each use of this ability brings you closer to death. It is
or item
possible to die using this ability.
8 Invisibility, Superior SpCo: As greater invisibility but

including scent and sound alike
Hide the Path WotC: Defeats find the path Snow Domain Spells
1 Ice Slick Frost: Creates a 20-ft. square of slippery ice
2 Blood Snow Frost: Snow patch, 1d2 Con damage on
touch + nauseated
Binding Snow Frost: Half speed in snow
Deity: Tekke Shesim
4 Ice Shape Frost: Sculpts ice into any shape
Granted Powers: You can see and hear into the past of a
5 Hibernal Healing Frost: Absorb snow, etc., heal self
specific object or creature (but not a general location,) that
10/lvl (max 150)
you are currently touching, to a maximum of one week into
6 Heartfreeze Frost: Target is exhausted and dies in
the past per caster level. The caster can view and hear the
1d3+2 rounds, else 5d8 cold damage
target and surrounding environment (approximately 10 ft.
7 Aura of Cold, Greater Frost: As aura of cold, lesser
radius), and the vision continues for a period of time up to
except 2d6 damage/round
one minute per caster level. Only the caster experiences the
8 Freeze KK-PG: Target freezes solid; after duration,
visions, which include both sight and sound but no other
second failure means 5d8 damage
senses. Treat this as a supernatural ability with a one-minute
9 Frostfell Frost: Lower temp. by 3 bands; creatures turn
casting time.
to ice, else 1d6/lvl
This ability can be used once per day. At level 10, you can
share your vision with one other recipient.
As a price for this ability, your Intelligence and Wisdom
scores suffer a permanent -2 penalty upon selection of this TEARS DOMAIN
domain, and you become rather forgetful and absent- Deity: Teshara
minded. Further, whenever you make use of this special Granted Powers: You may become immune to Mind-
ability, your Intelligence will suffer an additional -2 penalty Affecting abilities for one minute per day per caster level. You
for one hour. may activate this ability as an immediate action. The time
must be spent in one go, and not divided.
Memory Domain Spells Additionally, you gain the use of the create water spell,
which you can utilize once per caster level per day.
1 Identify PHB: Determine all properties of a magical

Confluence DL-LotT: See if a known person/object has Tears Domain Spells
ever been at this location 1 Animate Water SpCo: Create a small water
elemental that must stay close to the source 130
2 Shape Water KK-Sea: Shape water or make ice that
won't naturally melt for duration
3 Water Breathing PHB: Targets can breathe
4 Rushing Waters SpCo: Wave bull-rushes and moves
5 Control Currents Storm: You alter the flow of water
6 Wave Stride KK-Sea: Move from one body of water to
7 Curse of Spilt Water DM334: Transform subject into
8 Spread of Contentment BoED: Calms hostile creatures
within 10ft/lvl
9 Flashflood Sand: Wave of water smashes & damages
everything, and floods

Deity: Zaori
Granted Powers: Once per week, you may receive a
vision of the future from Zaori by drinking wine. Its usefulness
and relevance are measured against the price paid, which in
this case is illness. The tiniest of visions may cause a
headache, while the greatest may cause incapacitation or
even death. You may not control the content of these visions
– they may be relevant, or not.
Note: This ability requires considerable DM creativity.
Your DM is encouraged to extract creative and meaningful
prices in exchange for using your ability.

Wine Domain Spells

1 Omen of Peril SpCo: You know how dangerous the
future will be
2 Temporal Shield DL-LotT: Summon tower-shield of
time; passing through causes slow; grants +6 AC
3 Divination PHB: Provides useful advice for actions
4 Scrying PHB: Spies on target from a distance
5 Glimpse of the Future KK-PG: Take a +20 (announce
beforehand) on an attack, save, or check
6 Temporal Sphere DL-LotT: Be invulnerable & can't
attack; can only act every other round
7 Scrying, Greater PHB: Spies on target from a distance
8 Visions of the Future PHB II: +2 on saves, +2 dodge to
AC; discharge for bonus + half of character level
Foresight PHB: Receive warnings of impending danger
Spell Sources
BoED: Book of Exalted Deeds – BoVD: Book of Vile Deeds
CM: Complete Mage – DM: Dragon Magic
DL-LotT: Dragonlance, Legends of the Twins
DL-ToH: Dragonlance, Towers of High Sorcery
DM###: Dragon Magazine – FC II: Fiendish Codex II
FR-DoF: Forgotten Realms, Dragons of Faerun
Frost: Frostfell – FR-UE: Unapproachable East
KK-PG: Kingdoms of Kalamar Player’s Guide
KK-Sea: Salt & Sea Dogs – KK-VD: Villain Design Handbook
PHB: Player’s Handbook – PHB II: Player’s Handbook II
RoD: Races of Destiny – RoS: Races of Stone
SpCo: Spell Compendium – Storm: Stormwrack
WotC: Wizards of the Coast website 131
Constructs may be programmed for for basic logic and the

Bestiary ability to accept instructions. They may also be programmed

to use simple forms of communication, typically just “yes” or
“no” responses.

Constructs require a power source. Very small constructs may

Construct Type utilize manual-winding clockwork mechanisms, but constructs

of any real size most commonly run on steam power. This
A typical construct has the following features. means that a boiler or furnace of some kind must be present
within the body of the construct. The coal power source of a
 d12 Hit Die. construct must be refilled several times a day or the construct
 Base attack bonus equal to total Hit Dice (fast will cease to function. These mechanisms typically are not
progression). built to operate underwater, although specialty upgrades can
 No good saving throws. No Will save. grant this – otherwise, immersion in water would stifle the
 Skill points equal to 2 + Int modifier (minimum 1) per Hit construct’s furnace.
Die. However, most constructs are mindless and gain no
skill points or feats. Constructs do not have any class
skills, regardless of their Intelligence scores.

Traits: A construct possesses the following traits (unless

otherwise noted in a creature's entry).

 No Intelligence score. Any DCs or other Statistics that rely

on an Intelligence score treat a construct as having a
score of 10 (no bonus or penalty).
 A Wisdom score of 10, but no Will Save, as the construct
is immune to any effect which would require one.
 Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms,
compulsions, morale effects, patterns, and phantasms).
 Immunity to bleed, disease, death effects, necromancy
effects, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and stunning.
 Cannot heal damage on its own, but often can be
repaired via exposure to a certain kind of effect (see the
creature's description for details) or through the use of
the Craft Construct feat. Constructs can also be healed
through spells such as make whole or repair damage. A
construct with the fast healing special quality still
benefits from that quality.
 Not subject to ability damage, ability drain, fatigue,
exhaustion, energy drain, or nonlethal damage.
 Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save
(unless the effect also works on objects, or is harmless).
 Not at risk of death from massive damage. Immediately
destroyed when reduced to 0 hit points or less.
 A construct cannot be raised or resurrected.
 A construct is hard to destroy, and gains bonus hit points
based on size, as shown on the following table.
 Proficient with its natural weapons only, unless generally
humanoid in form, in which case proficient with any
weapon mentioned in its entry.
 Proficient with no armor.
 Constructs do not breathe, eat, or sleep.

Constructs operate by utilizing simple logic programming.

These programs are prepared on large reusable punch-cards
and fed into the construct upon installation. This means that
constructs only react to that which they are programmed for,
and do no possess any initiative or the ability to reason. 132
Anophelii Female CR 7 The female anophelii are perpetually hungry and attack
any warm-blooded creature that enters their territory. They
Medium Monstrous Humanoid - Usually CN
charge any source of food, drain it dry as quickly as possible,
Initiative: +5; Senses: darkvision 60 ft; Listen +5, Spot +4
and leave to digest their meals. The remnants they leave
Languages: Anophelii
behind are often so dried and desiccated that they appear
Armor Class: 19 (+5 Dex, +4 natural), touch 15, flat-footed 14 mummified or even imploded. Female anophelii much prefer
hp: 78 (12 HD)
to charge from ambush, using treelines or other cover to
Fort +6, Ref +13, Will +6 approach their prey.
Speed: 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (average) Female anophelii typically stand 5 feet tall despite their
Melee: bite +13 (2d8+1 plus blood drain/19-20) stooped and hunched posture. They have equally broad
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. insectile wings protruding from their backs. Their faces are
Base Attack +12; Grapple +21 almost human-looking when in their relaxed state, but
Attack Options: Combat Reflexes, Flyby Attack, Improved females are capable of unhinging their jaw and extending a
Overrun, Power Attack, blood drain, improved grab three-foot, sharp proboscis from their mouths, which is
Special Actions: berserk capable of skewering and draining a victim dry.
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 21, Con 14, Int 7, Wis 7, Cha 8 See male anophelii: page 5
Special Qualities: iron grip See Anophelii Empire: page 74
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Flyby Attack, Improved Critical (bite),
Improved Overrun, Power Attack
Skills: Hide +6, Listen +5, Move Silently +6, Spot +11
Advancement: 13-20 HD (medium); 21-20 HD (large)
Blood Drain (Ex): A female anophelii drains blood, dealing
1d4 points of Constitution damage in any round it begins its
turn grappling a victim. For every point of Constitution
drained in this way, the female anophelii gains 5 temporary
hit points. For every 4 points of drain, the female anophelii
reduces her base speed by 5 feet and her flying speed by 10
feet. A female can drain no more than 16 points of
Constitution in this way before becoming full. The
temporary hit points are lost at a rate of 5 per hour.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a female anophelii
must hit an opponent with her bite attack. She can then
attempt to start a grapple as a free action without
provoking attacks of opportunity. If she wins the grapple
check, she establishes a hold and can drain blood.
Berserk (Ex): Female anophelii are often so starved for blood
that they become unthinking and bloodthirsty. Whenever a
female anophelii has less than 20 temporary hit points
gained from her blood drain ability, she can fly into a rage
as a free action. In a rage, she temporarily gains a +4 bonus
to Strength and Constitution and a +2 morale bonus to Will
saves, but she takes a -2 penalty to Armor Class. The
increase in Constitution increases her hit points by 2 points
per Hit Die, but these hit points go away at the end of the
rage when her score drops back to normal. These extra hit
points are not lost first the way temporary hit points are.
While in a rage, an anophelii cannot use any skills or any
abilities that require patience or concentration, nor can she
cast spells or activate magic items what require a command
word, a spell trigger (like a wand), or a spell completion
(like a scroll.) A fit of rage lasts for 5 rounds. An anophelii
may prematurely end her rage as a standard action. If she
does, the anophelii loses the modifiers and becomes
fatigued for the duration of the current encounter.
Iron Grip (Ex): With their oddly-jointed limbs, anophelii
grapple exceptionally well, and gain a +8 racial bonus on all
grapple checks.
Avanc CR 22 Bonefish CR 6
Colossal Magical Beast (aquatic) – Always N Huge Animal (aquatic) - Always N
Initiative: +0; Senses: darkvision 120 ft; Keen Scent; Listen Initiative: +6; Senses: low-light vision 60 ft; Listen +15, Spot
+28, Spot +24 +15
Armor Class: 40 (+20 natural, -8 size), touch 8, flat-footed 40 Armor Class: 19 (+2 Dex, +9 natural, -2 size), touch 10, flat-
hp: 568 (40 HD); DR 10/adamantine footed 17
Fort +46, Ref +0, Will +20 hp: 75 (10 HD)
Immune cold, electricity, poison Fort +10, Ref +9, Will +4
SR 32 Speed: swim 60 ft.
Speed: swim 40 ft. Melee: bite +16 (3d8+15/19–20 plus grab)
Melee: bite +29 (6d8+18 plus grab), 2 fins +28 (4d8+16 plus Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft.
grab), tail slap +23 (4d8+6 plus grab) Base Attack +7; Grapple +23
Space/Reach: 30 ft./20 ft. Attack Options: Siphoning bite, swallow whole (1d10 acid
Base Attack +28; Grapple +36 damage, AC 10, 6 hp)
Attack Options: Capsize, fast swallow, swallow whole (6d10 Abilities: Str 30, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 6
bludgeoning damage) Feats: Improved Critical (bite), Improved Initiative, Skill Focus
Abilities: Str 42, Dex 10, Con 34, Int 5, Wis 6, Cha 6 (Perception), Skill Focus (Swim), Weapon Focus (bite)
Special Qualities: iron grip Skills: Listen +6, Spot +15, Swim +30
Feats: Awesome Blow, Critical Focus, Improved Bull Rush, Advancement: 11-15 HD (gargantuan)
Improved Critical (bite) Siphoning Bite (Ex): A bonefish can open its giant mouth in a
Skills: Listen +28, Spot +24, Swim +32
fraction of a second, creating a vortex that draws a target
Capsize (Ex): A creature with this special quality can attempt in. When underwater, a bonefish gains an additional 5 feet
to capsize a boat or a ship by ramming it as a charge attack of reach with its bite attack and a +2 bonus on combat
and making a combat maneuver check. The DC of this
maneuver checks when grappling.
check is 25, or the result of the captain’s Profession (sailor)
check, whichever is higher. For each size category the ship
is larger than the creature attempting to capsize it, the The bonefish is a terrifying oceangoing predator. Instead
creature attempting to capsize the ship takes a cumulative of teeth, the bonefish possesses two pairs of sharp bony
–10 penalty on its combat maneuver check. plates which form a beak-like structure. It gets its name from
Fast Swallow (Ex): The creature can use its swallow whole its heavily armored exterior, which makes the bonefish a
ability as a free action at any time during its turn, not just relatively slow but powerful swimmer.
at the start of its turn. When hunting, the bonefish will rapidly open its jaws,
creating a powerful vacuum which sucks in any nearby prey.
The legendary avanc is an otherworldly goliath, Thankfully, these carnivores are solitary hunters, and are
thousands of feet in length, native to the elemental Plane of relatively uncommon.
Water. Ordinarily, avanc do not grace the oceans of Bas-Lag,
but extremely rare phenomena or dangerously powerful
summoning rituals may bring one into the world for a time.
Despite their terrifying size, avanc are tranquil unless
provoked, and are primarily filter-feeders.

Catoblepas CR 14 Chelona CR 9

Large Magical Beast - Usually N Gargantuan Animal - Always N

Initiative: -1; Senses: darkvision 60 ft; low-light vision; Listen Initiative: +2; Senses: low-light vision; scent; Listen +18, Spot
+20, Spot +25 +20
Armor Class: 27 (-1 Dex, +19 natural, -1 size), touch 8, flat- Armor Class: 23 (-2 Dex, +19 natural, -4 size), touch 4, flat-
footed 27 footed 23
hp: 165 (14 HD) hp: 175 (11 HD)
Fort +15, Ref +8, Will +8 Fort +12, Ref +5, Will +6
SR 23 Speed: 15 ft.
Speed: 40 ft., swim 20 ft. Melee: bite +16 (6d6+16 plus grab)
Melee: bite +18 (3d6+9), gore +18 (2d8+7/19–20), 2 hooves Space/Reach: 20 ft./15 ft.
+16 (2d8+2) Base Attack +8; Grapple +27
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft. Attack Options: swallow whole (2d8+16 bludgeoning, AC 23,
Base Attack +14; Grapple +20 22 hp)
Attack Options: breath weapon (60-ft. cone, poison, Abilities: Str 32, Dex 6, Con 21, Int 1, Wis 13, Cha 6
Fortitude DC 23, usable every 1d4 rounds), petrifying gaze, Special Qualities: armored stomach, hold breath, shell
trample (4d6+7, DC 22) Feats: Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lunge, Skill Focus
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 8, Con 22, Int 3, Wis 15, Cha 10 (Perception), Toughness, Weapon Focus (bite)
Feats: Diehard, Endurance, Improved Critical (gore), Skills: Listen +18, Spot +20
Improved Iron Will, Iron Will, Multiattack, Skill Focus Armored Stomach (Ex): A giant turtle’s body is difficult to cut
(Perception) through—its stomach gains a +4 bonus to its AC and has
Skills: Listen +20, Spot +25, Swim +13 double the normal hit points when determining the success
Advancement: 15-19 HD (huge) of a creature attempting to cut its way free.
Poison Breath (Ex): A catoblepas’s horrid, stinking breath is Shell (Ex): As a move action, a chelona can pull its extremities
60-foot cone of poison gas. The save DC is Constitution- and head into its shell. It cannot move or attack as long as
based. it remains in this state, but its armor bonus from natural
Breath—contact; save Fort DC 23; frequency 1/round for 6 armor increases by +4 as long as it does.
rounds; effect 1d6 Con damage; cure 3 consecutive saves.
Petrifying Gaze (Su): Turn to stone permanently, 30 feet, These placid giants are native to the Galaggi Veldt. Their
Fortitude DC 19 negates. The save DC is Charisma-based. tough shells naturally accumulate material, and most
specimens have entire ecosystems growing atop their backs.
The dreaded catoblepas are a menace not lightly tackled. Many chelona are home to mobile villages, settlements
They are most famous for their fatal gaze – a single look into which have built their homes on the shell of the beast and, in
the eyes of a catoblepas can instantly turn an unfortunate
turn, care for it.
onlooker into a statue. In addition, their putrid breath,
armored hide, and deadly tusks make the catoblepas a
creature best left alone.
Herds of catoblepas roam the region around the city of
Tesh. This is a fine defensive arrangement, as far as the
isolationist Teshi are concerned.

Construct, Crowd Suppression CR 7 Construct, War CR 14

Large Construct - Always N Large Construct - Always N

Initiative: -2; Senses: darkvision 60 ft; low-light vision Initiative: +2; Senses: darkvision 60 ft; low-light vision; Listen
Armor Class: 22 (-2 Dex, +15 natural, -1 size), touch 7, flat- +10, Spot +10
footed 22 Armor Class: 27 (-1 Dex, +19 natural, -1 size), touch 8, flat-
hp: 92 (10 HD) footed 27
Fort +4, Ref -2, Will — hp: 173 (14 HD)
DR 5/adamantine; Immune: construct traits Fort +8, Ref +0, Will —
Speed: 20 ft. DR 5/adamantine; Immune: construct traits
Melee: 2 slams +17 (2d10+4) Speed: 30 ft.
Ranged: Water Cannon Melee: kick +18 (3d8+6)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. Ranged: 2 belt-fed mounted rifles +16 (2d8)
Base Attack +14; Grapple +10 Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Abilities: Str 26, Dex 6, Con 20, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 1 Base Attack +19; Grapple +0
Water Cannon (Ex): A nonlethal weapon requiring a ranged Abilities: Str 28, Dex 14, Con 22, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 1
touch attack, this cannon can be fired at one 10x10ft square Skills: Listen +10, Spot +10
each round and deals (2d6+14) nonlethal bludgeoning Intractable (Ex): The weight and sturdiness of its form grants
damage. this construct a +10 bonus on rolls versus bull rush and trip
Intractable (Ex): The weight and sturdiness of its form grants attempts.
this construct a +8 bonus on rolls versus bull rush and trip Protected Boiler (Ex): This construct’s boiler engine is
attempts. resistant to attempts to douse it.
Protected Boiler (Ex): This construct’s boiler engine is
resistant to attempts to douse it. A terror of the battlefield, this high-tech construct uses
the latest advances in firearm technology to devastate New
Employed by the New Crobuzon militia during times of Crobuzon’s enemies.
extreme civil disobedience, this crowd-control construct is
designed to disperse large gatherings.

Echinoid Rex CR 5 Elementals
Medium Vermin (aquatic) - Always N
Initiative: -4; Senses: all-around vision, low-light vision, scent, True elementals are simple creatures, thriving spirits
tremorsense 30 ft; Listen +1, Spot +1 animating bodies of pure elemental matter. Elementals are
Armor Class: 20 (-4 Dex, +14 natural), touch 6, flat-footed 20 fairly uncommon in the material plane, but certain
hp: 57 (6 HD) summoners, such as the elementarii (see pg 28), specialize in
Fort +10, Ref -2, Will +3 calling and binding all manner of elemental beings.
Defensive Abilities stability; Immune mind-affecting effects
Speed: 10 ft. An elemental has the following features:
Melee: 3 spines +9 (1d8+5 plus poison)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.  Immunity to bleed, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and
Base Attack +4; Grapple +9 stunning.
Attack Options: spines  Not subject to critical hits or flanking. Does not take
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 3, Con 20, Int —, Wis 13, Cha 2 additional damage from precision-based attacks, such as
Special Qualities: amphibious sneak attack.
Skills: Listen +1, Move Silently +7, Spot +1  Proficient with natural weapons only, unless generally
Advancement: 7-10 HD (large); 11-13 HD (huge)
humanoid in form, in which case proficient with all
Poison (Ex): Echinoid rex venom is shockingly painful and simple weapons and any weapons mentioned in its entry.
feels acidic at the moment of contact—though the worst of
 Proficient with whatever type of armor (light, medium, or
the pain fades after a moment. The save DC is Constitution-
heavy) it is described as wearing, as well as all lighter
types. Elementals not indicated as wearing armor are not
Spines—injury; save Fort DC 18; frequency 1/round for 6
proficient with armor. Elementals are proficient with
rounds; effect 1d2 Con and stunned for 1 round; cure 1
shields if they are proficient with any form of armor.
 Elementals do not breathe, eat, or sleep.
Spines (Ex): An echinoid rex’s spines can swivel to face any
approaching creature. Any creature that attacks a great
diadem urchin with an unarmed strike or a natural attack, or
any Large or smaller creature that attacks with a one-handed
weapon or light weapon, is automatically attacked by the
echinoid's spines as an immediate action. If the spines hit,
they can poison the target as well.

Found commonly in the coastal shallows near the

Meagre Sea, the echinoid rex is a giant poisonous sea urchin.
These vermin are not above ambushing victims, trapping
them mercilessly within their tangle of spines.

specialized whip – rather, a dedicated magical device akin to
Elemental, Fegkarion CR 17 a large cannon is used for the initial summoning, and the
cooperation of several elementarii simultaneously is required
Gargantuan Outsider (elemental, extraplanar) - Always N
Initiative: +14; Senses: darkvision 60 ft; Listen +41, Spot +41 to complete the lengthy ritual.
Armor Class: 30 (+10 Dex, +14 natural, -4 size), touch 16, flat-
footed 20
hp: 378 (36 HD); Immune: Fire, Mind-Effects; DR: 15/-
Fort +20, Ref +33, Will +14
Speed: Fly 60 ft. (perfect)
Melee: Slam +34 (6d6+11/19-20 x2)
Ranged: Beam +34 ranged touch
Full Attack: 2 Slams +34 (6d6+11/19-20 x2) or 2 beams +32
ranged touch
Space/Reach: 20 ft./20 ft.
Base Attack +27; Grapple +50
Special Actions: Beams, Blinding
Abilities: Str 32, Dex 30, Con 22, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 17
Special Qualities: elemental traits, immunity to fire,
vulnerability to [darkness] damage
Feats: Alertness, Blind Fight, Dodge, Great Fortitude,
Improved Critical (Slam), Improved Initiative, Improved
Natural Attack (Slam), Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Precise
Shot, Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse [B], Weapon Focus
(Ray), Rapid Shot
Skills: Balance +13, Diplomacy +5, Intimidate +16, Jump +41,
Listen +41, Sense Motive +15, Spot +41, Tumble +24
Beams (Su): Once per round, a fegkarion can project a beam
Elemental, Ferrum
of concentrated moonlight to damage an opponent. The Elementals of metal are known as ferrum.
effective range of the beam is 300 ft. The beam deals 8d8
damage with a save Fort DC of 34 for half damage View the stats of ferrum of various size categories here.
(Constitution based).
Blinding (Ex): Once per minute as a full round action, a
fegkarion can increase the intensity of the light it produces
by spinning very quickly. Any creature within 100 ft. that
views the fegkarion must make a Fortitude save or be
blinded for 24 hours. Treat this as a gaze attack. The DC of
the save is Fort DC of 34 (Constitution based).

“And then there was something of the bear to it, and

something of the rat, and it had horns, and a great weight,
and it shone as if its guts and skin, its bones were phosphorus.
As if it were all cold and bright rock. A firefly, a death mask, a
wooden skull.”

The fegkarion is the most legendary of the elementals.

Their mythical nature is such that most individuals do not
even believe that the fegkarion exist – that is, if they’ve heard
of them at all.
The fegkarion are moonlight elementals, and as such,
they can only manifest under the light of a full moon; the sun
can also be out, all that is required is a full moon. Their might
is tremendous, and once called forth, a fegkarion is nearly
Calling a moonlight elemental, though, is an incredibly
difficult process. It requires more than just an elementarii’s
Elemental, Fulmen Elemental, Luftgeists
Elementals of elyctricity are known as fulmen. Elementals of air are known as luftgeists.

View the stats of fulmen of various size categories here. View the stats of luftgeists of various size categories

Elemental, Luceat Elemental, Prena

Elementals of wood are known as prena.
Elementals of the sun are known as luceat.
Treat prena identically to elementals of earth (shudners,)
Treat luceat identically to elementals of fire (yags,) with with the following exceptions:
the following exceptions:
 Add vulnerability to fire
 Remove vulnerability to cold, replace with
 Remove Earth Glide & Earth Mastery
vulnerability to darkness.
 Add Splintering (Su): As a free action once every
 Double the range of darkvision.
1d4+1 rounds, a prena can launch a barrage of razor-
 Remove the burn ability. sharp wooden splinters from its body in a 20-foot-
 Spell-Like Abilities: 8/day-Daylight. radius burst. All creatures caught within this area
 For elementals of size “Large” or larger: 2/day- take 6d6 points of slashing damage (Reflex DC of
Sunbeam. 1/day-Sunburst. (Caster level is same twice the creature’s challenge rating halves the
as creature’s challenge rating.) damage). The save DC is Constitution-based.

Elemental, Proasm CR 10 Elemental, Salinae
Large Outsider (elemental, extraplanar) - Always N Elementals of salt water are known as salinae.
Initiative: +1; Senses: darkvision 60 ft; low-light vision, Listen
+2, Spot +2 View the stats of salinae of various size categories here.
Armor Class: 26 (+1 Dex, +16 natural, -1 size), touch 10, flat-
footed 25
hp: 89 (10 HD); DR: 5/adamantine
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +5
Speed: 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
Melee: 4 claws +15 (1d10+7 plus rend)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Base Attack +9; Grapple +17
Special Actions: berserk, rend (4 claws, 1d4+10)
Abilities: Str 24, Dex 13, Con 22, Int 120, Wis 15, Cha 5
Special Qualities: elemental traits
Feats: Great Fortitude, Mobility
Skills: Climb +15, Listen +2, Spot +2
Berserk (Ex): When a proasm enters combat, it may
choose to enter a state identical to a barbarian’s rage ability.

An elemental of flesh is known as a proasm (plural,

proasme.) These odd and disconcerting beings are different
from many elementals; while most elementals can be
summoned even in the absence of their given material, (such
as elementals of fire,) a proasm must be called forth from an
appropriate amount of raw material, in much the same way
Elemental, Shudner
that a golem would be. A typical strategy for summoning a Elementals of earth and stone are known as shudners.
flesh elemental is to slaughter a horse or cow, and call forth
the proasm from the fresh carcass. View the stats of shudners of various size categories

Elemental, Tenebris Elemental, Yag
Elementals of darkness are known as tenebris. Elementals of fire are known as yags.

View the stats of tenebris of various size categories View the stats of yags of various size categories here.
under the “Shadow Elemental” entry of Dungeons & Dragons
- Tome of Magic, page 164.

Elemental, Undine
Elementals of freshwater are known as undine.

View the stats of undine of various size categories here.

Ghul CR 1 Glucliche CR 3
Medium Undead - Always CE Medium Magical Beast - Always N
Initiative: +2; Senses: darkvision 60 ft; Listen +7, Spot +2 Initiative: +2; Senses: low-light vision; scent; Listen +8, Spot
Languages: Ragamoll +6
Armor Class: 14 (+2 Dex, +2 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 12 Armor Class: 16 (+2 Dex, +4 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 13
hp: 13 (2 HD); Immunities: undead traits hp: 32 (4 HD)
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +5 Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +2
Speed: 30 ft. Speed: 40 ft., fly 30 ft. (average)
Melee: bite +3 (1d6+1 plus disease and paralysis) and 2 claws Melee: bite +13 (2d6+6 plus trip), gore +8 (2d6+2/19–20)
+3 (1d6+1 plus paralysis) Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Base Attack +3; Grapple +8
Base Attack +12; Grapple +21 Attack Options: bite, gore, trip
Special Actions: paralysis (1d4+1 rounds, DC 13, elves are Abilities: Str 18, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 6
immune to this effect) Feats: Feats Skill Focus (Listen, Move Silently)
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 15, Con —, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 14 Skills: Hide +5, Listen +8, Move Silently +7 (+11 in tall grass or
Special Qualities: undead traits heavy undergrowth), Spot +6
Feats: Weapon Finesse Advancement: 5-9 HD (large); 10-15 HD (huge)
Skills: Climb +6, Jump +4, Listen +7, Move Silently +7, Spot +2,
Swim +3
Advancement: 3-9 HD (large) Found near Shankell, the glucliche is a predatory animal
Disease (Su): Ghoul Fever: Bite—injury; save Fort DC 13; resembling a bony hyena with bat wings. Glucliche are
onset 1 day; frequency 1/day; effect 1d3 Con and 1d3 Dex nocturnal, and tend to travel together in small bands. They
damage; cure 2 consecutive saves. The save DC is prefer to scavenge, but will actively hunt when the
Charisma-based. opportunity presents itself.
Small villages in the Shankell region are often plagued by
Ghuls are scavenging beasts which feast on both glucliche packs that prey on their livestock.
decaying corpses and living victims alike.
These foul creatures lurk at the edges of civilization,
often infesting graveyards and sewers. Congregations of ghuls
must be frequently hunted and eradicated from these

Little is known about grindylow society, as few outsiders
Grindylow CR 6 ever return from their lands. It is generally agreed upon that
powerful grindylow sorcerers (who call themselves magi) rule
Large Aberration (aquatic, amphibious) - Usually NE
their society. These magi are said to construct figurines of
Initiative: +0; Senses: darkvision 60 ft; Listen +11, Spot +11
wondrous power to hold a portion of their Thaumaturgy.
Languages: Grindylow, Ragamoll
When outside their native lands, the grindylow often function
Armor Class: 17 (-1 size, +8 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 17 as part of a raiding party, bent upon achieving some greater
hp: 65 (10 HD)
goal. This party is always led by a magi who makes most of
Immune: cold the decisions.
SR 16 Grindylow range in length from 9 to 12 feet long, most of
Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +9 which is taken up by their powerful tail. When out of water,
Speed: 30 ft., fly 10 ft. (perfect), swim 50 ft. grindylow “swim” through the air by levitating their bulky
Melee: tail slam +11 (1d8+7) and 2 claws +9 (2d4+5) bodies and using their long eel-like tails to wriggle. The typical
Ranged: trident +6 (2d6+5) adult weighs approximately 600 pounds, the bulk of which is
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. their long tail. In comparison their torsos are tiny, but they
Base Attack +7; Grapple +16 possess powerful claws and a set of long wicked teeth
Attack Options: Combat Expertise resembling steak knives.
Spells Known (CL 5th)
2nd (5/day) – darkness, detect thoughts (DC 14)
1st (7/day) – chill touch (DC 13), hypnotism (DC 13), mage
armor, Thaumaturgy missile
0 (6/day) – detect Thaumaturgy, mage hand, ghost sound,
prestidigitation, ray of frost, read Thaumaturgy
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 14
Special Qualities: amphibious, levitation
Feats: Alertness, Combat Expertise, Improves Natural Attack
(claw), Multiattack
Skills: Concentration +11, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (arcana)
+7, Listen +11, Sense Motive +5, Spot +11, Swim +13
Advancement: by character class
Favored Class: Sorcerer _____________________________
Spellcasting (Sp): A standard grindylow casts spells as a 5th-
level sorcerer.
Amphibious (Ex): Grindylow can survive indefinitely on land.
Levitation (Su): When out of water, grindylow “swim”
through the air by levitating their bulky bodies and using their
long eel-like tails to wriggle horizontally. This ability grants
them a fly speed of 10 ft.

The grindylow are an amphibious race of sorcerers and

thaumaturges who pay obeisance to ancient gods forgotten
by the rest of the world. They rule the Gengris, in the
southeast of the Cold Claw Sea, and rarely allow visitors of
any kind to pass through their territories. Their paranoia
means their borders are well-defended by traps,
thaumaturgic currents, and land-based fortifications. Within
their domain, they treat other species as chattel, using them
for their own demented purposes.
The grindylow are euryhalinic, able to live and breathe in
either fresh water or salt. They speak Ragamoll and their own
liquid language. They rarely initiate combat unless they are
defending their territory. There, they often attack ships and
travelers, trying to capture slaves and experimental subjects.
To get unmarked and uninjured victims, they try to intimidate
their targets into surrender rather than attacking straight out.
In many cases, their fearsome reputation is enough to make
some humans and others surrender without a fight or offer
up a few of their number in order to spare the rest.
Homegrub CR 4
Large Vermin - Usually N
Initiative: +0; Senses: darkvision 60 ft; Listen +0, Spot +0
Armor Class: 17 (+8 natural, -1 size), touch 9, flat-footed 17
hp: 46 (7 HD); DR 2/slashing
Fort +7, Ref +2, Will +2
Immune mind-affecting effects
Speed: 20 ft.
Melee: gore +8 (2d8+6)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Base Attack +5; Grapple +10
Special Actions: trample (1d6+6, DC 17)
Abilities: Str 19, Dex 10, Con 15, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 9
Special Qualities: iron grip
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Flyby Attack, Improved Critical (bite),
Improved Overrun, Power Attack
Skills: Climb +4
Advancement: 8-15 HD (huge)

The homegrub is an insectile livestock bred exclusively by

the khepri. One of the few aspects of their way of live to
survive the Tragic Crossing, homegrubs are used primarily to
build and modify khepri homes and buildings.
Much like the khepri’s ability to create “khepri spit,” (a
hard, gooey substance with which the khepri can create
works of art,) the homegrub also creates a similar substance,
and in much greater quantities. The homegrub uses this
substance to create entire dwellings, giving the khepri
districts of New Crobuzon a very organic, hive-like
The homegrub can also dissolve its own building
material, allowing it to modify and renovate structures as
Homegrubs are too slow to be used for transportation
and their meat is not palatable to most civilized beings, so
their primary function is restricted to construction. They can
survive off of a diet of fungus and refuse.

inchman’s hands are rough and knobby, with long talon-like
Inchman CR 5 nails.
The teeth of an inchman are long and sharp, like steak
Large Monstrous Humanoid - Always CN
knives, and are as black as obsidian. The eyes are small and
Initiative: +3; Senses: Scent; darkvision 30 ft.; Listen +9, Spot
entirely black, and recessed so far into the creature’s skull
that at first glance, it might appear to have no eyes at all.
Languages: None
Indeed, the inchman’s sense of vision is poor; it relies much
Armor Class: 18 (-1 size, -1 Dex, +10 natural), touch 8, flat-
more on its senses of hearing and smell to track down prey.
footed 18 The distinctive hindquarters are what give the inchman
hp: 51 (7 HD); DR 3/bludgeoning its name. The colossal caterpillar body which makes up the
Immune: acid, chaos
majority of the creature is studded with tufts of hair, and
Resistance: 5 fire small breathing holes which constantly open and close. It has
Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +5 a clutch of little pulsing legs at its front, below its pale torso,
Speed: 20 ft.; burrow 10 ft. and one or two stubby pairs of prolegs at the very rear.
Melee: 2 claws +11 (1d8+6), bite +10 (1d8+6) To move, and inchman pulls its stern up in a great arch,
Special Attacks: Rend (2 claws, 1d8+9) vises its rear legs into the earth for traction, takes the weight
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.10 of its forebody, and lifts it off the ground in its entirety,
Base Attack +6; Grapple +11 straightening the tube to propel the humanoid torso forward.
Abilities: Str 22, Dex 9, Con 17, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 6
Special Qualities: rapid burrow, mighty shriek
Feats: Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative
Skills: Climb +10, Listen +9, Move Silently +6, Spot +3
Advancement: 8-12 HD (large), 13-16 HD (huge)
__________________________ ___

Rapid Burrow (Ex): Once per day for a duration of one

minute, an inchman can exert itself and increase its
burrowing speed to 20 ft.
Mighty Shriek (Ex): Once per day, an inchman can unleash a
bone-rattling shriek. All opponents within a 30 ft. radius
must make a Will save (DC 13) to negate the effect. Failure
means that the target becomes shaken for 1d6 rounds
(taking a –2 morale penalty on attack rolls, checks, and
saving throws.)
Chaos Immunity (Su): Inchmen are immune to the effects of
Torque, as well as any spell, spell-like ability, etc., with the
[chaos] descriptor, or any damage of the [chaos] type.

Inchmen are one of the few constants of the Cacotopic

Stain. Most of the horrors of the outer Stain are unique in
nature, random mutations which result in singular
monstrosities. But the inchmen are a perpetual danger,
seemingly immune to the chaos of the Stain. They infest the
southern stretches of the border region, hunting down
anyone brave or foolish enough to stray too close to the
Torque-stained land.
Inchmen are known by many names: spangrub;
kohramit; homo raptor geometridae. They have no known
language or means of communication, but nonetheless are
almost always found in packs. Packs attack their prey as a
mob, not as a coherent unit. They are fond of surprising their
victims by silently burrowing beneath the ground, and then
popping upwards to ambush them. They are usually
nocturnal, and it is most common for them to attack in the
middle of the night.
The proportions of their torsos are larger than that of a
human’s, and their heads can be as much as twice as large as
a man’s. While in a normal posture, an inchman is typically
about 8 feet tall. The long arms are scrawny in appearance,
but exhibit a truly astonishing degree of strength. An
Pangolin Rex CR 8 Ptera-Bird CR 4
Large Animal - Always N Large Animal - Always N
Initiative: +5; Senses: low-light vision; Listen +12, Spot +9 Initiative: +3; Senses: low-light vision; Listen +4, Spot +11
Armor Class: 21 (+1 Dex, +11 natural, -1 size), touch 10, flat- Armor Class: 14 (+3 Dex, +2 natural, -1 size), touch 12, flat-
footed 20 footed 11
hp: 95 (10 HD) hp: 37 (5 HD)
Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +4 Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +1
Defensive Abilities: defensive ball Speed: 50 ft.
Speed: 30 ft. Melee: bite +7 (1d8+4/19-20), 2 talons +7 (1d4+6)
Melee: 4 claws +13 (2d6+7 plus grab) Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft. Base Attack +3; Grapple +8
Base Attack +7; Grapple +19 Attack Options: sudden charge
Attack Options: poison tongue Abilities: Str 18, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 10
Abilities: Str 25, Dex 13, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10 Feats: Improved Critical (bite)B, Run, Skill Focus (Spot)
Feats: Endurance, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Run, Skill Skills: Listen +4, Spot +11
Focus (Listen) Advancement: 6-12 HD (huge)
Skills: Climb +4, Listen +12, Spot +9, Swim +19 Sudden Charge (Ex): When making a charge attack, an axe
Advancement: 11-18 HD (huge) beak makes a single bite attack. If successful, it may also
Defensive Ball (Ex): By curling into a ball, the pangolin rex attempt to trip its opponent as a free action without
gains an additional +10 natural armor bonus, while being provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the
able to take no movements or actions. axe beak cannot be tripped in return.
Poison Tongue (Ex): Injury; save Fort DC 17; frequency
1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Dexterity damage; cure 1 These flightless, predatory birds can live alone or in small
save. The save DC is Constitutuion-based and includes a +2 groups. They are formidable creatures, with strong talons and
racial bonus. sharp, powerful beaks. Even in a group, though, they will not
hunt animals much larger than a small deer, unless driven to
While the pangolin rex is an insectivore, it is nonetheless desperation.
a notoriously aggressive animal, and is responsible for a great When raised in captivity, these creatures can be trained
many deaths annually in the Ragamoll regions. As if its sheer to pull small carts or wagons, and although they can be used
bulk and long claws weren’t formidable enough, it also as personal mounts, doing so is notoriously difficult.
possesses a poisoned tongue capable of lightning-fast strikes.

Remade, Horse CR 3 Remade, Nashorn CR 14
Large Animal (remade) - Always N Huge Animal (remade) - Always N
Initiative: +4; Senses: low-light vision; scent; Listen +9, Spot Initiative: +4; Senses: scent; Listen +11, Spot +2
+8 Armor Class: 25 (+15 natural, -1 size), touch 9, flat-footed 25
Armor Class: 17 (+4 Dex, +4 natural, -1 size), touch 13, flat- hp: 109 (5 HD)
footed 13 Fort +15, Ref +4, Will +3
hp: 36 (5 HD) Speed: 20 ft.
Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +3 Melee: gore +16 (3d8+13)
Speed: 55 ft. Ranged: cannon +8 (2d6+1)
Melee: bite +5 (1d4+5), 2 hooves +2 (1d8+3) Space/Reach: 15 ft./5 ft.
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft. Base Attack +6; Grapple +16
Base Attack +1; Grapple +7 Abilities: Str 28, Dex 10, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 3
Abilities: Str 22, Dex 18, Con 22, Int 2, Wis 17, Cha 11 Special Abilities: Trample (Ex)
Feats: Endurance, Run Feats: Diehard, Endurance, Great Fortitude
Skills: Jump +8, Listen +9, Spot +8 Skills: Listen +11, Spot +2
Carrying Capacity: A light load for a remade horse is up to Small Arms Immunity (Ex): Small arms fire immunity.
300 pounds; a medium load, 301-500 pounds; and a heavy
load, 501-800 pounds. It can drag 4,000 pounds.
Cost: A trained remade horse typically costs about 3000 gp. A heavily modified rhinoceros, this two-story-tall tank
features a drill-bit horn and a rear gunnery turret, as well as
Created in New Crobuzon and used extensively by the bulletproof ironclad armor. These behemoths are developed
military, remade horses have increased strength and stamina and used exclusively by the New Crobuzon militia.
compared to the mundane variety.

Rooster, Giant CR 2 Seawyrm CR 12
Large Animal - Always N Gargantuan Magical Beast (aquatic) - Usually N
Initiative: +2; Senses: low-light vision; scent; Listen +8, Spot Initiative: +6; Senses: darkvision 120 ft; low-light vision;
+9 Listen +8, Spot +10
Armor Class: 14 (+2 Dex, +3 natural, -1 size), touch 12, flat- Armor Class: 25 (+2 Dex, +17 natural, -4 size), touch 8, flat-
footed 12 footed 23
hp: 26 (4 HD) hp: 187 (15 HD)
Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +4 Fort +16, Ref +13, Will +7
Speed: 50 ft. Defensive Abilities elusive; Immune cold; Resist fire 30
Melee: bite +6 (1d8+4), claw +1 (1d6+2) Speed: 20 ft., swim 60 ft.
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft. Melee: bite +23 (4d8+22/19-20 plus grab), tail slap +18
Base Attack +2; Grapple +10 (3d6+6 plus grab)
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 21, Con 14, Int 7, Wis 7, Cha 8 Space/Reach: 20 ft./20 ft.
Feats: Endurance, Run, Sure-Footed Base Attack +15; Grapple +35
Skills: Jump +18, Listen +8, Spot +9 Attack Options: capsize, constrict (3d6+18), swallow whole
Advancement: 5-6 HD (huge) (4d8+18 bludgeoning damage, AC 18, hp 18)
Carrying Capacity: A light load for a giant rooster is up to 200 Abilities: Str 34, Dex 14, Con 25, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 11
pounds; a medium load, 201-400 pounds; and a heavy load, Feats: Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (bite), Improved
401-600 pounds. It can drag 3,000 pounds. Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Skill
Cost: A trained riding rooster typically costs about 400 gp. Focus (Stealth), Stealthy
Skills: Hide +13, Listen +8, Move Silently +11, Spot +10, Swim
Utilized primarily by the hotchi of Rudewood, giant
Advancement: 16-20 HD (gargantuan)
roosters make excellent mounts for traveling on uneven
Capsize (Ex): A seawyrm can attempt to capsize a boat or ship
terrain. Slightly temperamental, these flightless birds are
of its size or smaller by ramming it as a charge attack and
prized by the relatively primitive hotchi.
making a combat maneuver check. The DC of this check is
25 or the result of the boat captain's Profession (sailor)
check, whichever is higher.
Elusive (Su): As a full-round action while in water, a sea
serpent can use pass without trace. In addition, except
when in combat, a seawyrm is considered to be under the
effects of a nondetection spell. Both of these spell effects
are at caster level 20th and cannot be dispelled.

In the wild, the seawyrm is a vicious and solitary alpha

predator. When raised from birth in captivity, though, they
may be trained to pull sea ferries and cargo ships alike.

Slake Moth CR 16
Large Aberration - Always NE
Initiative: +6; Senses: darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +17, Spot +17
Languages: Slake Moth psychic communication
Armor Class: 25 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +12 natural), touch 12, flat-
footed 19
hp: 255 (16 HD)
Immune: psionics
Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +10
Speed: 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (average)
Melee: 2 claws +18 (3d8+7) and tongue +17 (3d8+7/19-
20/mind rot)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Base Attack +14; Grapple +22
Attack Options: Flyby Attack, power Attack, mind rot
Abilities: Str 26, Dex 16, Con 21, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 14
Special Qualities: hypnotic wings, impossible bulk, induce
Feats: Ability Focus (hypnotic wings), Flyby Attack, Improved
Initiative, Iron Will, Power Attack
Skills: Listen +17, Spot +17
Advancement: 17-22 HD (large), 23-39 HD (huge)
__________________________ ___

Mindrot (Su): On a successful critical hit with its tongue nightmare of ruined dreams and comatose victims in a matter
attack, a slake moth’s prehensile tongue slithers into its of weeks, as New Crobuzon woefully discovered a few years
victim’s brain and begins sucking out the consciousness. ago.
This deals 1d4 points of Wisdom and Charisma drain per Slake moths prefer to hunt rich territories full of sentient
round. creatures. Cities are their natural hunting grounds, but to
Hypnotic Wings (Su): Any creature viewing the unfurled avoid being burnt out or hunted themselves, they prefer to
wings of a slake moth is paralyzed for 1d6 rounds unless he disguise their presence, attacking only solitary individuals or
makes a successful DC 22 Will save. Creatures can avoid (if multiple slake moths are hunting together,) small groups.
viewing the wings as they could a gaze attack (Dungeon They are strictly nocturnal. A slake moth’s only desire is to
master’s Guide 294), but due to the shimmering colors, the feed and the expense of all other sentient creatures nearby.
chance of not having to make a saving throw is only 30% After hatching from small, brightly colored eggs, slake
rather than 50%. Viewing the wings through mirrors avoids moths live in a larval form, eating a special narcotic extruded
their hypnotic powers. The save DC is Charisma-based. by the elders, and other solidified forms of dream-matter.
Impossible Bulk (Su): A slake moth can fold its enormous bulk Their eggs are extremely rare. When the larvae grow as large
through spaces that seem much too small for it. It can pass as cats, they spin cocoons and soon assume their adult forms.
through spaces as small as 2 feet by 2 feet, folding its This form is unlike any real moth – the size of a horse with a
wings, bones, skull, and sheer bulk through the tiny prehensile tongue, slab-teeth, deep sunken hollows that are
opening. This move requires a standard action. anchors for antennae that serve in the place of eyes, and two
Induce Nightmare (Su): The presence of slake moths within ½ wings patterned with ever-shifting but perfectly reflected
mile of a sleeping creature resonates on the level of patterns. They have six legs, a varying number of clawed
dreams and desires, inducing a fitful sleep full of elaborate arms, and many smaller, dark appendages along their sides,
fantasies and lurid imagery. Victims of a single night of such like whips or enormous cilia. An adult typically stands 8 to 9
agitated sleep must make a DC 19 Will save or become feet tall and weighs nearly 800 pounds.
fatigued. This DC increased by 1 each night of continuous Some savants suggest their origins are on a plane of
exposure. Failing a second saving throw results in dream; others believe they are a species vomited forth by the
exhaustion. The save DC is Charisma-based. Cacotopic Stain.
They do not speak aloud, and typically have no interest in
Slake moths are not native to Rohagi, or any known land, the languages of other races.
and as such they are exceedingly rare to encounter. They
come from the chaos-strewn realm of the Fractured Land.
Slake moths are creatures with strange nutritional needs;
they feed on sentience in the form of dreams, guilt, lists, and
worries. Consummate hunters and stealthy assassins, a small
group of slake moths can turn an entire metropolis into a
Throng-Bear (Swarm Form) CR 8 Throng-Bear (Bear Form) CR 8
Tiny Magical Beast (swarm) - Always N Large Magical Beast - Always N
Initiative: +5; Senses: blindsense 20 ft.; low-light vision; Initiative: +5; Senses: low-light vision; Scent; Listen +10, Spot
Listen +15, Spot +15 +12
Armor Class: 18 (+5 Dex, +3 size), touch 18, flat-footed 13 Armor Class: 19 (+1 Dex, +9 natural, -1 size), touch 11, flat-
hp: 68 (10 HD) footed 18
Immune: weapon damage hp: 95 (10 HD)
Fort +5, Ref +12, Will +6 Fort +13, Ref +8, Will +6
Speed: 5 ft., fly 40 ft. (good) Speed: 40 ft.
Melee: swarm (4d4) Melee: 2 claws +14 (2d6+7 plus grab), bite +14 (1d8+9)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./0 ft. Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Base Attack +2; Grapple — Base Attack +8; Grapple +19
Attack Options: Flyby Attack Special Actions: transform
Special Actions: distraction (DC 13), transform Abilities: Str 26, Dex 13, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 10
Abilities: Str 4, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 4 Special Qualities: iron grip
Special Qualities: swarm traits Feats: Endurance, Improved Initiative, Run, Skill Focus (Spot)
Feats: Flyby Attack, Lightning Reflexes, Skill Focus (Spot) Skills: Listen +10, Spot +12
Skills: Listen +15, Spot +15 Transform (Su): At will, as a standard action, a throng-bear
Distraction (Ex): A creature with this ability can nauseate the may switch between swarm and bear forms.
creatures that it damages. Any living creature that takes
damage from a creature with the distraction ability is
nauseated for 1 round; a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 In its second form, the swarming mass of small creatures
creature's HD + creature's Con modifier) negates the effect. coalesce into the form of a great bear. This bear does not
Transform (Su): At will, as a standard action, a throng-bear resemble a black bear or a grizzly – rather, the bear retains
may switch between swarm and bear forms. the shifting, seething appearance of a swarm of small
creatures, yet somehow simultaneously acts like a solid
The throng-bear is a beautiful, yet deadly creature, able being.
to shift its physical body between two different forms. This form is typically the one a throng-bear will assume
In one form, the throng-bear exists as a coherent flying while on the hunt, or when physically threatened.
swarm of creatures, primarily butterflies and songbirds, but Throng-bears can be found in the Ragamoll region and
also a significant number of other kinds of insects and birds, the wilds to the west and south of New Crobuzon.
as well as bats. In this form, the throng-bear is majestic to
view, appearing to shift and sway the same way a school of
fish in the ocean would.
A swarming throng-bear can be dangerous, as it overruns
and pummels its prey with its component parts.

Vinhog CR 1/3 Wake-Tree CR 11
Medium animal - Always N Huge Plant - Usually CE
Initiative: +1; Senses: low-light vision; Listen +5, Spot +3 Initiative: +3; Senses: tremorsense 60 ft; Listen +19
Armor Class: 13 (+1 Dex, +2 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 12 Armor Class: 21 (-1 Dex, +14 natural, -2 size), touch 7, flat-
hp: 7 (1 HD) footed 21
Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +1 hp: 115 (11 HD)
Speed: 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (average) Fort +13, Ref +4, Will +6
Melee: bite +1 (1d4) DR 10/magic; Immune plant traits; Resist electricity 10, fire
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. 10; SR 22
Abilities: Str 11, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 4 Speed: 5 ft.
Feats: Great Fortitude Melee: 4 branches +16 (2d6+9 plus grab)
Skills: Listen +5, Spot +3 Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft.
Advancement: 2-4 HD (large) Base Attack +8; Grapple +19
Attack Options: constrict (2d6+9)
Spell-like Abilities (CL 16th):
A common breed of livestock in the Galaggi Veldt, the 5/day--charm person (DC 18)
vinhog is essentially a large pig that has grapevines naturally 2/day--dominate person (DC 19)
growing out of its body. These animals are usually cultivated Abilities: Str 28, Dex 9, Con 23, Int 3, Wis 13, Cha 18
for their vines, not their flesh, as the flavor of the unique Feats: Alertness, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning
grapes can be used to create the colorful wines unique to the Reflexes, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (branch)
region. Skills: Hide +6, Listen +19
Advancement: 12-16 HD (huge)

In the northern Galaggi, seeking shelter in the shade of a

tree could potentially turn deadly. Appearing at first glance
like any other tree, a wake-tree is actually a carnivorous
ambush hunter. Thankfully, it is very easy to outrun, and a
careful eye will spot the bones and clothing which sometimes
become stuck in the tree’s hanging branches after digestion.

become dazed for 1d4 rounds. The save DC is Charisma-
Weaver CR 15 based.
Chain of Consequences (Su): A weaver can see the future
Large Outsider (chaotic) - Always CN
effects of particular actions more clearly than most,
Initiative: +4; Senses: darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +15, Spot +18
although this is not exactly prophecy and a weaver rarely
Aura: Fear (10 ft., DC 21)
tells anyone of these visions. Weavers can often force a
Languages: Ragamoll, telepathy 60 ft.
particular vision to come to pass by pulling on the strings
Armor Class: 28 (-1 size, +4 Dex, +15 natural), touch 13, flat-
and levers behind the visible, everyday existence. This work
footed 24; Dodge, Mobility requires 2d4 hours and is equivalent to a limited wish spell
hp: 153 (18 HD); DR 10/lawful cast by an 18th-level wizard. Note that very small effects,
Fort +15, Ref +15, Will +14 such as duplicating a spell of 2nd-level r lower, require only
Speed: 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (perfect) 1 round.
Melee: 4 claws +24 (2d10+6/18-20/x3) Unfettered (Su): Weavers are only partially on our plan of
Space/Reach: 10 ft./15 ft. existence and can move about without regard for gravity or
Base Attack +18; Grapple +28 other impediments. As such, they can fly with perfect
Attack Options: Combat Reflexes, Power Attack, Spring maneuverability and are never slowed by terrain, webs,
Attack, augmented critical, decapitate, impale walls, or slick surface.
Special Actions: chaos chatter
Spell-like Abilities: (CL 18th) Weavers are outsiders with an overdeveloped sense of
3/day – cloak of chaos, quickened dimensional door, word aesthetics. They see the world as a spider’s web, and each
of chaos (DC 24) action, event, or thing as a thread. This alone might not be so
At will – blink, dimension door, plane shift (DC 22) strange, but weavers have opinions about what might make
the web prettier and the power to rearrange the world to fit
Abilities: Str 22, Dex 19, Con 19, Int 23, Wis 17, Cha 24
their vision. With a mystical understanding of the
Special Qualities: chain of consequences, unfettered
consequences, they can weave the world to their liking.
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Mobility, Multiattack, Power
Weavers rarely speak to humanoids unless bribed. The
Attack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (dimension door), Spring
forms these bribes take vary from weaver to weaver, and
their tastes change over time. One month they might rabidly
Skills: Balance +19, Climb +16, Concentration +25, Disable
collect chess sets, the next month they lust for scissors made
Device +19, Escape Artist +22, Hide +23, Intimidate +25, Jump
of paper, or the perfectly polished shells of vineyard snails.
+25, Knowledge (arcana) +27, Knowledge (history) +27,
Offering the wrong gift or forgetting to bring one is often
Knowledge (the planes) +27, Listen +15, Move Silently +22,
fatal. The human study of weavers is called textorology, and
Sense Motive +24, Sleight of Hand +15, Spellcraft +27, Spot
their unique brand of thaumaturgy has been dubbed
Advancement: 19-30 HD (large), 31-54 HD (huge)
__________________________ ___ Weavers speak Ragamoll and many other languages, but
Fear Aura (Su): A creature in the area must succeed on a DC they speak in such a babbling stream of consciousness that it
21 Will save or be affected as though by a fear spell (caster is difficult to divine their meaning.
level 15th). The weaver can suppress or resume this aura as Weavers resemble enormous spiders with sharp clawed
a free action. legs ending in 18-insh-long talons, eight red eyes (two of
Augmented Critical (Ex): A weaver’s claws are incredibly them much larger than the others,) and small black hands
sharp. They threaten a critical hit on a natural attack roll of resembling those of human children. They stand about 9 feet
18-20, dealing triple damage on a critical. The claws are not tall and weigh up to 1,200 pounds, but since they are not
subject to keen edge or any similar ability. bound by gravity, can exert as little weight as they like.
Decapitate (Ex): A weaver’s bladed claws can decapitate a Weavers move precisely and delicately; no move is wasted.
foe. Upon a successful critical hit, the claw severs the Their mouthparts are enormous and wicked. Weavers enjoy
opponents head (if it had one) from tis body. Creatures combat; they seem to see their enemies coming, and often
with no heads or central nervous systems are not affected pop through various dimensions in a fight.
by this.
Impale (Ex): If the weaver strikes successfully with two or
more of its claws, it may automatically make a grapple
check to grip and hold the creature in its claws. If the
grapple succeeds, the weaver can deal 4d10+6 points of
damage the following round with a successful grapple
Chaos Chatter (Su): The speech of a weaver is disorienting
and maddening. As a standard action, the weaver can spout
its madness to all within the range of its telepathy. Those
who hear it must make a DC 26 Will saving throw or
Wyrman CR 1/3 Zombie CR 1/2
Small Monstrous Humanoid - Often CN Medium Undead - Often NE
Initiative: +0; Senses: Listen -2, Spot -2 Initiative: +0; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft.
Languages: Ragamoll Armor Class: 12 (+2 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 12; Dodge
Armor Class: 14 (+1 size, +3 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 14; hp: 12 (2 HD); DR: 5/slashing; Immune: Undead traits
Dodge Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +3
hp: 5 (1 HD) Speed: 30 ft.
Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +0 Melee: slam +4 (1d6+4)
Speed: 10 ft., fly 30 ft. (poor) Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Melee: bite +2 (1d3) Base Attack +1; Grapple +4
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Abilities: Str 17, Dex 10, Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Attack +1; Grapple -3 Special Qualities: Staggered
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 6, Wis 7, Cha 9 Feats: Toughness
__________________________ ___

Special Qualities: Aerial Tumble Staggered (Ex): Zombies have poor reflexes and can only
Feats: Dodge perform a single move action or standard action each
Skills: Perform (comedy) +1, Tumble +6 round (it has the staggered condition.) A zombie can move
Advancement: by character class up to its speed and attack in the same round as a charge
Favored Class: Rogue action.
__________________________ ___

Aerial Tumble (Ex): Wyrmen may be clumsy in the air, but

their erratic flight allows them to avoid blows and other Zombies can occasionally be found throughout Rohagi,
dangers. Wyrmen are not slowed when using the Tumble but are most often associated with the city of High Cromlech.
skill while flying. (Wyrmen receive a +4 racial bonus to In times of war, the zombie factories of the undead city can
Tumble checks.) produce thousands of zombies at a time, creating fearsome
armies in a hurry. Individually, zombies are shambling easy
Wyrmen are aerial clowns and messengers in the skies of targets, but a horde of zombies is another story altogether.
Bas-Lag. They are a stupid but genial race, happy to serve,
happy to fart, and happy to frown and laugh as the mood
takes them. In new Crobuzon, they are typically messengers,
couriers, and spies for scientists and thaumaturges. Some
believe that can serve as familiars, but if so, no one can prove
Wyrmen are not especially tough combatants and prefer
to harass, tease, and annoy rather than engage in serious
bloodletting. They tend to flee as soon as they are wounded.
They congregate with others of their kind for protection,
entertainment, and general play through the skies. Wyrmen
nest under eaves and on rooftops near the warmth of
chimneys, or in abandoned tenements and warehouses with
easy access to the sky. Wyrmen speak
Ragamoll badly, but they know all the
choice curse words. They
are especially crude and
quite insulting.
Physically, wyrmen
are red-skinned, four-
limbed creatures with
two wings and two feet.
Their feet function as
hands and they rarely
walk anywhere. They
stand about 3 feet tall at
most (although they
frequently slouch,) and
weigh no more than 60

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