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Minimize HTTP Requests

 Streamline the number of elements on your page.
 Use CSS instead of images whenever possible.
 Combine multiple style sheets into one.
 Reduce scripts and put them at the bottom of the page.

2. Reduce server response time

 Evaluate your site’s speed and get tips on how to improve performance.

3. Enable browser caching

 The elements on the page will be stored in the user’s hard drive in a cache, or
temporary storage, so the next time they visit the site, the browser can load the page
without having to send another HTTP request to the server
 This is will save the users page load time in the next visits
 We cache the following resources: JS and CSS files, image files, media files, PDFs, etc.
4. Minimise the resources
 Minify the HTML, CSS, JavaScript files
 Remove unnecessary piece of codes, eliminate extra spaces, line breaks, indentation
and make your page as lean as possible.
5. Optimize Images
 Remove image comments.
- Oversized images take longer to load, so if identify the images which are larger in
size and then minify the image sizes. This helps the page load faster and increase the
user experience on the site.
6. Reduce Redirects
- Redirects create additional HTTP requests and increase load time, so the idea is to keep it

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